#⤷  *   ic. ҉      main //. pull my devil trigger.
owlixx · 9 months
CoD Notes: BO1 Finished
I had been worried that Black Ops 1 would unfairly feel like a step backwards for me since I decided to do MW1/2/3 back to back and MW3 came out a year later. This was not the case. Black Ops feels like such a revelation to the franchise. The story isn’t high art, but it feels so much more involved than anything else in the franchise up to this point. The voice cast is far more stacked than ever before. Alex Mason as a protagonist is far more interesting than any previous protagonist. I think his largest competition is Soap, who only gets to be more than silent player avatar in MW2/3 and even then isn’t as interesting as Mason.
I mean, this one game has so many more memorable characters than any other Call of Duty. Ed Harris’s Hudson, Ice Cube’s Bowman, Gary Oldman’s Reznov, Woods all stand out but even Weaver, Dragovich, Steiner, that one scientist guy in Kowloon, are all so much more vivid than the tryhard wannabe NPC’s of something like Ghosts (oops, I beat many games in a row without taking notes).
The plot twist alone elevates this game from “stupid annual release” to video game hall of fame. I’d argue that video games are the best medium for plot twists. It’s no Bioshock, but the Reznov twist is so fun and so well executed. I remember it blowing my mind as a kid and it was a ton of fun to see all the little hints as I went through this time. But I’ve already talked about the game at large twice. Let’s get into the last few missions.
Crashed plane assault mission was fine. I noticed the radio shout out a “Sergeant Blundell” which I recognized as Jason Blundell, the main Black Ops guy, this time. Also very funny and on the nose to have a section set to Sympathy for the Devil.
Snowy mountain assault was just okay. The top-down tactical part was clearly a stepping stone to the Strike Team missions of Black Ops 2. Didn’t love that section. But it was kind of funny to get to play as Hudson. This series seems to have some sort of quota to meet on having multiple playable characters. I did struggle really hard on one checkpoint in this level.
Then is the Vietnam mission where you get to fly a helicopter. I remember liking that part as a kid and it’s fine now. I’ll admit that these ‘Nam levels blend together for me.
But then we’ve got the Rebirth Island assault where you sneak around as Mason and do a gas-mask armored strike as Hudson. It’s pretty cool to get to see the same moment from two perspectives, a rare good use for having multiple playable characters. I will admit that Hudson’s breakable gas mask ended my life many times though.
Then the big plot twist as a cutscene mission, which is very fun.
Then finally the big boat assault and underwater base. Nothing too special gameplay wise, but generally a nice capper on the game.
And I love the implication that Mason killed JFK. I mean, it’s a very strong implication, but I suppose they never outright confirm it was him who pulled the trigger. I half expected the final scene of zooming in on Mason photoshopped into the background of a JFK pic to turn into a “JFK assassination simulator” for a second, but instead it transitions directly into the opening cutscene for Five, which is such a treat.
I did manage to get to round, like, 9, I wanna say, on Five. Sadly died right I before I could PaP because I forgot how the weapon thief mechanic worked and ended up double buying a gun. The voice lines in this map are even funnier to me as an adult who has more context on this era.
Overall, I think this game is peak CoD as far as campaigns go. First, set out to tell a story that would work even outside of this series, then drench it in a particular era and add a bunch of fun weapons and setpieces.
In the rankings so far, I think this is going at the top.
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deviliscry-blog · 6 years
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“guys please stop calling my dad hot...”
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rednightraider · 2 years
I haven't seen something like this on Tumblr anywhere so i figured i'd do it.
Seol "Luna Snow" Hee X Son of Dante.
Y/N Sparda, the first born son of the infamous devil hunter, Dante. Born with his father's white hair his mother's red eye's and his father's demonic power he was the clear successor of, Sparda's blood.
Y/N's always been intrested in different type's of music [Metal. Rock. Rap. Pop. Jazz. Heavy Metal. Hard Rock. Death Metal. K-Pop. Ect] so it was only a matter of time before he met a musical star.
Durring one of him, and Dante's trip's to Seoul South Korea, Y/N went to a group's concert while his father went to look for info on the whereabout's of Hydra. The group was called "4L1T" and he managed to get a pretty nice seat at the concert.
Directly after the concert, Y/N saw several Hydra agent's enter the building armed and dangerous. So, he wasted no time in pulling his handgun's Donner and Schlag and started fighting them.
"What's wrong? Not fast enough to hit me?" He mocked the member's of Hydra but before he could summon his sword six or seven of the Hydra agent's were frozen solid by the main singer of the band
"Well hot d*mn." The singer used some form of ice magic to assist him fighting the Hydra agent's. "Thank's for the help. Name's Y/N, what's your's?" "Seol Hee, but you can call me Luna Snow."
Dante had heard the comotion but by the time he arrived the Hydra agent's were defeated and some dead. Dante, and Y/N decied to stay in South Korea for a little while to inspect for more Hydra agent's. That only gave, Y/N, and Seol time to get closer and closer.
It didn't take them long to become good friend's and for him to get her phone number. They would talk on the phone for hour's and hour's on end, and whenever, 4L1T would travel close to Redgrave City, Y/N would go to visit them and bring thing's like snack's for the band and flower's.
After knowing her for around eight to nine month's they both realized they had feeling's for each other. Y/N was the one to confess to her and was pleasently surprised when she accepted his confession.
They would sometime's be seen back stage cuddling after a concert so, Seol could relax a little. It took the media month's to catch on that the two were dating and he swore to keep them from hounding them.
Seol liked to cuddle early in the morning before they get up. Her kisses were soft and gentle while, Y/N's could be a little rough and passionate. She didn't mind it of course but she would be caught off guard by it sometime's.
Seol use's pet name's often like "Darling" or "My Love". Y/N use's pet name's as well like "Babe" "Bae" and "Sweetheart". She prefer's to use them in private while, Y/N will use them in public without any shame.
Y/N often used his Devil Trigger to fly around with, Seol on his back.
Y/N always has a front row seat at her concert's. And after the performance he goes back stage to cuddle her.
Dante was happy that his son found someone specal to him and he approved of them getting married before they even considered it.
But in the end they were close lover's and never considered splitting up.
Hope everyone liked it, see ya later adios.
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sethrine-writes · 4 years
Daughter of a Devil, Ch. 30
Main Characters:  Father!Dante & Daughter!Reader
Words:  1254
Warnings:  Shenanigans, Dante being Dante
Story Summary:  Being a parent wasn’t easy, nor was there such thing as being perfect at it. Good news for Dante, seeing as how he doesn’t have the slightest idea in hell what to do with a child. Sometimes, he was certain that fighting off a horde of demons was a far better match than keeping up with his own daughter. Well, at least he wasn’t going down without a fight.
A/N:  And thus, we come to an end. It has been absolutely wonderful revisiting a fic I wrote literally a decade ago, editing it and making it even better than before and seeing just how much of a better writer I have become over the years. And the response from all of you has been beyond this world. So thank you, dear readers, for sticking with me this far and for continuing to support me in something that I love doing. I hope you guys enjoy this final chapter!
Chapter 30 - Only The Beginning (21 yrs.)
You stopped at the bottom of the stairs, hair a mess and pajamas still on your barely awake form, damn near stupefied at the three you saw before you.
Lady, Trish, and even your father were all adorned in triangular top hats with colorful streamers coming out of the top. The shop around you was decorated in shiny, metallic ribbons, paper chains, and other decorations in your favorite colors all speckled with flecks of gold and silver. Balloons filled with helium were floating on strings wound around several surfaces. To top it all off, a big two-tiered cake sat atop your father’s desk which had been moved to the middle of the room in a rather comical but endearing display.
“Uh…what happened to the shop?”
“Why, a magical unicorn decided he would make this his home, so he threw up glittery streamers to make the place lively - oomph!”
Lady quickly jabbed her elbow into Dante’s side, a deep chuckle escaping his lips as he looked back up at you. You weren’t quite as amused by his attempt at being funny as he seemed.
“Right…well, I’m going back to bed, now.”
“Wait, squirt! It’s your birthday!”
“At least, that’s what he keeps telling us,” Trish piped in, giving your father a narrowed side-eye. Lady was no better in her treatment, huffing while crossing her arms and turning her stern gaze on him.
“Honestly, if this is some stupid prank on your daughter, I swear, Dante-“
“No, he’s right, it’s my birthday,” you assured, choosing to step out into the open area to look around a little more closely now that your eyes had adjusted to being open. “I’m just…I’m actually surprised. I don’t think I’ve had a party since I was, like, twelve.”
“Well, it isn’t every day you turn twenty-one,” Trish suggested, stepping forward and wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “It's the first official step into complete adulthood, so I've been told. So, if you ever need help moving some things into your new place, or just feel like going out without your father, Lady and I would be more than happy to tag along.”
“Alright, Trish, don’t give her any ideas,” Dante warned teasingly, though his eyes were much more serious with the threat.
Trish gave a light chuckle before leading you to the desk where the cake resided, giving you a moment to inspect it up close.
Both tiers were covered in what looked to be rich buttercream icing in a multitude of darker colors. If you had to guess what flavor the cake was beneath, it would be the same kind you had always asked for when you were younger.
“You guys really didn’t have to do all this. I mean, this place looks ridiculous, and this cake-“
“Will feed you for the next two weeks,” Lady noted as her eyes cut over to Dante’s smiling form. “Your father really wanted to go all-out this year.”
“Anything for Daddy’s Little Devil!”
“Dad," you groaned in embarrassment, physically recoiling at the old nickname, "come on, you haven’t called me that in literal years."
“Well, this old man never forgets such an important thing. You used to love when I called you that; you’d smile all big and strut around like you were such a bad-ass little kid. And now…now you’re a bad-ass little woman.”
You bristled unexpectedly at the taunt.
“Excuse you? I am not little!”
“Of course you are, squirt! It’s like you skipped your last growing spurt, or something.”
“Are you just trying to piss me off?!”
“Also seems you’ve got a short temper, too.”
“That one came from you, I’m afraid,” Trish stated nonchalantly, swiping a bit of icing from the edge of the bottom tier with her index finger and bringing it to her lips, of which caught your attention.
From what you could tell, it was the kind of icing that was mixed all the way through, and with how dark the colors had come out, it would most certainly stain anything and everything it lingered on.
A wicked glimmer shot through your eyes as you reached forward and swiped some of the icing yourself, letting the sweet buttercream flavor take over your taste buds momentarily before smiling.
“You know what? I’m suddenly feeling the spirit of things,” you said with a small smile, looking to Dante almost expectantly. “Why don’t you cut me a piece of cake like you always used to do, old man? After all, it is tradition.”
Dante seemed mildly shocked at your words, but a wide smile overcame him nonetheless as he reached for the knife and paper plates that had been placed just to the side of the sweet treat.
“Of course, squirt. Anything for my little girl!”
You couldn’t help the roll of your eyes at his egging, but you held your tongue and moved to the side to allow your father the space he needed to cut the cake.
“I want a big piece. Might as well consider this breakfast, considering the time."
Dante nodded as you took a small step backward and reached out over Dante’s head with one hand. Trish and Lady both slowly moved off to each side to stay clear of the messy catastrophe ahead. They were all too aware of what you were planning to do.
“This big enough, squirt?” Dante asked as he cut into the bottom tier a second time, shimmying the piece of cake onto the knife and pulling it from its place.
“Perfect,” you stated with a wide smirk, pushing forward with your hand and connecting with your father’s head. You had expected to hear the slight squish of icing against skin as well as cake to go flying. What you hadn’t expected was to feel the cool substance against your own face.
The room was dead quiet for a moment as you collected your bearings, wiping the icing from your eyes in order to see the clean, smirking face of your father staring at you.
“You're right, it was the perfect size to cover that pretty face of yours. Just look at all those nice, dark colors! Brings out your eyes.”
Dante busted out laughing then, unable to keep his amusement under control. Trish and Lady joined in as well, and as you stuck an icing coated finger in your mouth, you also began giggling. You may have thought you were pretty fast, but your father was still faster than you.
It wasn’t until a moment later that you remembered the icing would stain your face a mixture of those very colors your father had talked of for at least a few hours.
If you could devil trigger, you were sure you would have done so at that very moment.
The following few minutes consisted of you chasing your father around the shop with the same knife he had used to cut the cake, Lady and Trish standing by and watching the chaos unfold as they enjoyed their own slices.
“I’m going to kill you, old man! You are so dead!”
“And hear I thought this would be the end of your anger towards your dear ol’ dad!”
Dante twisted to the side quickly, barely avoiding the whirling knife aimed at his head and instead embedding itself in the wooden wall next to him. He smirked as you pulled your gun, Rein, from seemingly out of nowhere, angry amusement apparent in your gaze.
“The end? Hell no! I’m only twenty-one, after all; this is only the beginning!”
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hi, i was just wondering if you think that history4 is worth watching? the main couple seem very cute and i wanted to check it out for them. but then i heard that some not so great things happen with the side couple so i've been wary about watching it. please let me know what you think. thank you!
Hi there anon!
Well, let me be honest, I'm still halfway watching the drama, so rn I don't think I'm the most suitable one to judge if it is worth watching or not (spoiler I still do it) but I can tell you what I think about the show.
The good things
First of all, I'm in love with the main couple, the total himbo with the ice prince indeed stolen my heart, and, you're right, they're so cute. They both value and take care of each other on a whole new level. They're a bickering-in-love old married couple, their deep bond is lovely and actually they talk to each other or at least try to.
The representation of how it feels to realize that you're in love with your friend is pretty accurate to me and cute
Muren is my son ❤️ his straightforwardness is everything, his vibe is everything.
The friendship of Li Cheng, Muren, and Xingsi is amazing. The communication and trust just👌👌also they are idiots and share one brain cell but still being adults which I appreciate
The homoerotism is good tho
Li Cheng at first was just OK, but I don't even know how, now he owns my heart
It's ridiculous and hilarious
The plot is well developed, and the photography is beautiful
This will sound repetitive but really. Communication is honestly one of the most impressive points to me. People actually talking about their problems and then solving or trying to do it together is one of the things that I thank God for
In summary: the main couple, the characters, the trust, their friendship, the communication, and the straightforwardness, are what I love about this show.characterscharacters
The bad things
There are some triggering aspects (r*pe and sexual harassment). If you watch it be careful with the first episodes. If it is a delicate theme for you I recommend skipping the scenes. There is more than one. Note: there's also a triggering scene with the main couple but more than between them, around them.
The second lead couple. Yes, they are half brothers, know each other at a young age, and lived together. But the younger brother is in love with his brother, his whole world turns around his brother which leads to some crazy things.
What the second couple could have been. This may sound contradicting but even that I don't like them, for a few seconds they can transmit me the cuteness and the chemistry, and I drove crazy, what if they were instead childhood friends, what if Yongching were less sick, what if there were no r*pe at all. idk why the writers decided to portrait them like this...
Yong Jie, that little devil needs professional help, he entirely is rotten. And let me say, I like evil characters, I like villains, my problem is that he's not even seem as a bad person, especially by his brother. And ughhh I'm afraid that he will not realize that all that he did was wrong, he won't see that has some psychological problems and also end together with Xingsi.
In summary: that freaking kiddo, Yong Jie, and sexual harassment.
In conclusion
Soooo. Do am I enjoying it? Yes. Did they pull the triggers and made me uncomfortable? Yes. But yet I still think that the main characters (except you Yongching) have all my heart, the romance is loveable, the show is ridiculous, cute, and interesting. Since you are interested in the main couple you should watch it :D but yes, bad things happen. So even with all the bad points, right now I think that it is worth watching.
I'm sorry for not having the whole picture, but I hope this helps xoxo
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slyther-bi · 3 years
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Chapter 6
⚠️Trigger warning, mention of abuse and death⚠️
Chapter Characters: Severus Snape, Lily Evans, Evan Rosier, & Female oc
"This place sucks!!" Evan shouted out in the middle of the mall.
Lily smacked Evan on the head "Language!"
"Shut up!" Severus shouted out "You guys are causing a scene" He added his breathing becoming a bit uneven and his body slightly shaking. Clair let go of Severus's hand and walked towards Lily and Evan. She took hold of their hands and quickly bit the both of them as hard as she could before making her way back to Severus. Both Lily and Evan let out a scream and quickly pulled their hands away from clair. "What on earth was that for!?" Lily asked in a annoyed tone.
Clair hugged Severus tightly and stuck her tongue out at Lily. "Alright that's enough" Sev said and gently ruffled Clair's hair "Let's just keep shopping" he added softly. "Yeah the quicker the better, I really hate this place" Evan stated as he began to walk off in a random direction. Lily, Severus, and Clair quickly followed suit to insure Evan couldn't be able to ditch them.
"Can we get ice cream?" Clair asked softly while shyly looking up at the three adults. Lily and Severus fawned and almost teared up at the way Clair was. Evan sighed and simply picked up the little girl "Let's go feed you ice cream while they weep" He said and walked off.
Severus shook his head and grabbed hold of Lily's hand before following Evan. Clair wrapped her arms around Evan's neck and hid her face as people made quick glances in her direction. "I wanna go home" Clair said quietly "Great me too" Evan said before making his way to the entrance "Wait a minute we haven't finished shopping" Lily said a bit loudly. "Too late" Evan said before walking into the crowd to hide from Lily and Severus.
"Now hang on!" Severus shouted out and attempted to follow Evan but the attempt failed since he couldn't see Evan or Clair anymore. "Great they're gone" Lily said in annoyed tone. "I'm gonna kill Evan, I'm gonna kill him and people we believe he was a child snatcher" Severus said as his body began to shake slightly.
"Ok now hang on, let's not kill Evan. Chances are he went back to the car" Lily said softly hoping it would calm down her brother. She didn't want him to kill Evan mostly cause Evan buys them things whenever they ask. Plus he helps supplies her with poisons and doesn't ask why even tho he wants to.
"I'll think about it" Severus said through gritted teeth. "If you kill him we won't have someone to buy us food whenever we get drunk" Lily said "Plus he also slashes the tires to cars of the people we don't like when we don't have the time to do it ourselves" She added while smiling
Severus began to chuckle and was soon full on laughing which caused a few heads to turn and face them with questioning looks. "And we're off!!" Severus shouted out as he grabbed hold of Lily's arm and ran off towards the main entrance. Lily giggled as she ran alongside her brother happily.
The pair ran out of the mall and quickly looked around "So uh do you remember where we parked?" Severus asked while clinging to Lily's arm. "Pfft of course I do...." She said "...we parked somewhere" she added while laughing nervously.
Before Severus could say anything a dark blue 67' Chevy Impala pulled up in front of them and the drive window rolled down. "Excuse me ma'am, mister can you point me in the direction of the ice cream shop?" Evan asked in a joking matter. Clair sat in the backseat and began to giggle uncontrollably.
"Give us a ride and we'll show you were to go" Lily said while trying not to giggle herself. Severus on the hand was trying to stifle his laughter. "But of course" Evan said while smiling, both Lily and Severus chuckled and quickly got into the car.
"And we're off!!" Clair shouted out happily as Evan drove off.
~Small Time skip~
Back in the Prince resident the three adults and small child sat in the backyard admiring the garden that Severus spent his time creating. Clair happily ran around in the backyard trying to catch a few butterflies that had taken a liking to the beautiful garden. Lily was following Clair and pointed where the butterflies where whenever Clair lost sight of them. The two girls where giggling as more butterflies began to appear.
Severus was watching his sister and his little girl play in the garden his lips forming into a soft smile. He was so busy at watching both Lily and Clair that he had failed to nothing the concern look that Evan was giving him. Eventually Evan decided to speak what was on his mind, clearly still curious as to where Clair came from.
"How did you get her?" Evan asked with curiosity and kept his voice low to keep Lily or Clair from hearing. Severus turned to face Evan and gave him a confused look but then looked away "It doesn't matter She's here now and she's mine. I won't let you or anyone else take her from me" He spoke in a cold hushed tone that sent a shiver down his own spine.
Evan continued to stare at Severus unsure of what to make of his answer but he wasn't going to let this topic be brushed off so quickly. "She had bruises on her, What happened?" Severus turned to face Evan his eyes showing no type of emotion "If I told you then you'd have to meet the same fate as Clair's parents did" Severus said his voice sounding dark.
Despite the dark aura Evan felt coming off of Severus his curiosity continued to grow "What did you do?" Evan asked as he stared deeply into Severus cold dark eyes. After several seconds Severus's eyes filled up with pure excitement and his next words left Evan shocked and speechless "I made them go away, they hurt Clair so I made them go away" He said happily and grabbed hold of Evan's shoulders "I made sure they won't come looking for her, I made them pay for their sins. I sent them to hell" He added while smiling like a bloody maniac.
It took Evan a moment to realize what Severus was saying to him and he wasn't sure what to say but before he could speak Severus continued "They'll be all over the news soon, people will see what I did to them and maybe then people will learn a lesson from all this. They aren't my first victims and I'm certain they won't be my last~" He spoke that last sentence in a teasing tone right in his ear. Severus moved back and looked into Evan's eyes once more.
"You're my friend and I hate to see you go but I don't need people knowing I'm the one playing god" Severus said his smile fading and the dark aura seemed to only intensify. "I promise I won't tell" Evan said which simply made Severus smile. The dark aura that surrounded Severus seemed to vanish almost completely the minute he had promised to keep quiet.
Evan always wondered what it felt like making a deal with the devil well now he had gotten his answer. He watched his friend stand up from his seat and walk over to the two girl who were still chasing butterflies completely oblivious to the words he and Severus exchanged. Despite hearing the voice in his head telling him to run or call the police, he stayed seated watching both Lily and Severus play with Clair.
He remembered the state Clair was in when he first saw her, she was covered in bruises and her nails where chipped with dried blood on them as well as a few pieces of wood in between them. Lily had managed to bandage Clair up and cover most of the bruises with makeup to avoid people thinking they were the ones to hurt the little girl. 'They hurt Clair, so I made them go away' those words echoed through his mind and he smiled.
Evan's mind pictured Severus killing the girls parents and he couldn't help but laugh. If those people were capable of hurting a little girl who was their own flesh and blood then they didn't deserve to live. Evan wanted to ask Severus about the other people he had confessed to killing but he knew that later on tonight he would get his answers. He slowly stood up and walked over to the trio, he quickly picked up Clair and spun her in circles.
She began to laugh uncontrollably all while Lily and Severus picked a few flowers and tossed them up in air around them. Evan laughed softly still holding Clair in his arms. Just moments ago he had learned that his best friend was a killer but given his friend's life history it wasn't shocking. Now Evan was making plans in his mind to help better protect his friend and his new child. He'd also have to better protect Lily cause if he was right then he was sure that she knew what Severus did.
'I promise I won't tell' echoed in his mind and that was a promise he planned to keep for the sake of his two friends and for the safety of the little girl who was happily putting flowers in his hair that were given to her by Severus.
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monchikyun · 4 years
06. Dancing (with) devils
(Sorry, my dyslexic brain wasn’t able to read the title correctly, I’m not even surprised xD)
trigger warning: attempted rape
He knows staring at someone this long is highly inappropriate, still, Connor just can’t help himself. Every day there is some new damage to detective Reed’s body, but this time he doesn’t have to scan him to locate it. The bruise on his cheek is impossible to overlook.
They don’t talk enough for Connor to ask him about it, and he doesn’t want to spoil the neutral equilibrium they managed to build between them by crossing some unspoken boundaries. So he observes him instead, unable to take his eyes off him. As if he could get his answers this way.
Reed is probably well aware that the “terminator”, as he often calls Connor, is watching him, but he’s either too scared to confront the android or he just doesn’t care.
It’s strange how easily he can get distracted. Could be the heavy feeling in the pit of his stomach influencing him to do so. He doesn’t know where to place that sensation, whether it’s just a casual concern or something more. Not that it matters. Someone is hurting his colleague and he’s going to find out why. And then he’ll have a nice chat with the assailant.
“Really, Connor?” Oh, he hasn’t even noticed Hank coming in.
“I don’t know what exactly you’re thinking, but it’s definitely not that.”
“Whatever you say,” the lieutenant chuckles mirthlessly, “Still, seems like the kid can’t keep out of trouble. You don’t want to get involved in that, trust me.”
But Connor very much does want to get involved and more. He needs to put a stop to it.
This case is going to drive him mad before it kills him. He can’t even catch a break at the office, not with the terminator surveying his every move. Maybe he should go and confront him about it, but to be honest, it’s not all that unpleasant. It feels like someone cares and that is just the thing that is messing up with his mind. In all reality, Gavin is probably just an interesting specimen of human stupidity and Connor is just naturally curious.
Besides, he has more important things on his plate now. Like the red ice supplier he’s desperately trying to identify. He can’t afford to muck this up, not again. And not only because there are innocent lives at potential risk. His own job is at stake, the one reason why he still gets up in the morning. Losing it would destroy him and that would be most unfortunate, especially since through it he gets to meet the android that gives him sleepless nights in person, no matter how it makes his heart ache. Ultimately, it’s worth it.
So he took it upon himself to gather the intel, the cost of which not being an issue. He has some connections on the streets and due to his ragged appearance, he fits in seamlessly. Disguising himself as a junkhead wasn’t at all complicated, but the integration in the seedy society of Detroit left him with scars he doesn’t deserve to regret.
There is this sick fuck who has the highest chance of knowing the name of the main supplier. But no information comes for free, and among the broken and the twisted the price is a tad too personal. Luckily, it’s just plain and simple aggression release he has to offer in order to get what he needs. Every time he presents his body there is a piece of the puzzle for him to claim, but the more he receives the more expensive it gets. And it’s hard to ignore the unsavoury look he was treated to last time, the one that lets him know that things might get slightly more heated during their next business exchange.
If he wasn’t sure he’d have the name today, he wouldn’t bother coming. Now, when he’s so close he can almost see the perp in handcuffs, there is no chance of stopping. No sacrifice is enough to make him imagine life without his current job.
The dark alley is almost comically suited for this kind of encounter. There is no one but like-minded individuals in sight, ready to get their daily fix. No one to rescue him if things get too much. Not that he would want to go on after failing this mission anyway.
He watches his guy handing the ice like candy to starving kids. He’s seen this scene so many times it hardly fazes him anymore. What does concern him though is how the old sleaze licks his lips when he heads out towards him. This couldn’t be over soon enough.
“Hey, finally got what I want?” Gavin wills himself to radiate his now fading confidence. He makes himself believe that it’s him who has the upper hand in this scenario, even though it’s nothing but a pile of bullshit.
The guy is going to hurt him, with or without his consent. Suddenly he wishes he had his weapon on him. Dying doesn’t sound all that inviting, not today at least.
There is a greasy hand on his throat before he can discard this string of thoughts. It’s squeezing it unrelentlessly, stealing the breath from his lungs. He expects a fist in his face or a knee below his waist, but the other vile hand is unzipping his jeans, slowly reaching down.
He wants to scream, shove him away, but his only defence is the tears being spilled from behind his closed eyelids. Maybe death isn’t such a bad proposition if it takes him out of this moment. He thinks of two brown eyes always watching him, wishing they’d see him now. In the end, he’s just that pathetic.
 Now he’ll never be able to…
“Put your hands up where I can see them and step away.”
Gavin must be on the verge of losing consciousness because he swears he can hear…
… Connor’s voice.
He’s been saved. Everything happens in a blur after that, he remembers being dragged in a car together with his attacker and then it’s all blank. He must have fainted like a little bitch. What a fucking disaster. Now he’ll definitely get fired, there’s no running away from his failures anymore.
When he’s pulled away from his dreams of misery, he’s still in the same car, spread over the backseat. There’s someone with him, someone who doesn’t smell like crime and sewage.
“You’re awake.” His dirty feet are in Connor’s lap and he can’t move fast enough to put them down. The world spins around him a bit and he’s consumed by guilt, but it’s okay because someone rescued him before he was…
No, he won’t think about it, now or never.
The fact that he now owes Connor is quite enough of a burden.
“How did you-“
“You’re an absolute idiot, Gavin.” Well, that’s nothing new, unlike his first name being spoken in that perfect voice. It makes his heart skip which he tries his best to ignore. 
He lets the android continue for he can’t think of a single sentence that would make this situation better.
“Do you have a death wish or something?” Not after seeing that distressed expression on Connor’s face.“
“Allonzo talked. It didn’t take much to make him spill the name you needed to close the case, you know.”
Okay, that is one more thing he didn’t expect to happen. It should make him furious, but the only thing he feels now is a relief. And gratitude.
“H.. how did you find me?” He can’t stop shaking, even though the car is kept warm.
“I.. I think I was worried about you, with all the frequent injuries and such… so I.. I’ve been following you.” There is a pause he doesn’t know what to do with before the android resumes.
Gavin should have fucking known. He’s been stalked by the resident terminator and all it makes him want to do is to reach out to Connor and show him how grateful he is for it.
“Please don’t be. I… I should thank you instead.”  He inconspicuously moves his hand closer to the where the android sits next to him, leaving it to his mercy.
He never realised how cold his body’s been before his freezing fingers are carefully intertwined with Connor’s toasty ones. The only thing preventing him from sobbing uncontrollably is the remainders of his self-respect. 
“I can raise my internal temperature to provide more heating. If you’d like me to…”
Gavin nods and the red in his face is swallowed by the warmth and comfort that is Connor, together with the rest of him. There is no way he’ll ever let him forget this.
@convinseptember  “What does dance with the devil mean mean? To dance with the devil is to engage in risky, reckless, or potentially immoral behaviour.” that’s how interpreted it, sorry :D
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lonelypond · 4 years
Parent Trap, Ch. 2
NicoMaki, Love Live, 3.4K, 2/3
Nico and Maki and Dia: The First Date
Dia had mostly slept through date prep. Maki had her in the car seat in the walk-in closet while Maki went through an amount of outfit and coat choices she was very glad Dia was not old enough to count or comment on. Nico arrived on exactly on time, wearing a very sportif short coat and leggings, her hat and scarf hand knitted. The SUV wasn’t new, but was well kept up.
“Hi Dia.” Nico leaned over the carseat, waving, as Maki locked the door, “I’m Yazawa Nico, here to take you and your mom to one of my favorite places. Nico baked those cookies your mom told you about.”
Dia had woken up, her eyes bright and interested. She was making cooing noises at Nico.
Nico raised both hands to her temples, “Nico Nico Ni.”
Dia giggled.
“Don’t worry, Nico will have you Nico Ni’ing in no time.”
No baby talk. Points for that. Maki buckled Dia into the backseat and slid into the front. Nico pulled out, her handling of the car as smooth as Maki remembered. She relaxed.
“So, what’s Dia’s favorite Disney movie? My siblings used to love them and Cocoa says her students still talk about all of them, not just the new ones?”
What an odd question, Maki thought. Dia’s favorite Disney movies seemed to be Maki’s. “Lilo and Stitch, Mulan, Cinderella. Why?”
Nico chuckled, “Interesting mix. My little brother loved Lilo and Stitch. He was never very verbal.”
“Dia is. She says Mama and Lunch and We go now and a bunch of words.”
Nico nodded, “So smart like her…” Nico paused, “Mama.”
Maki was probably blushing, but Nico was staring at the road.
“What’s your favorite Disney movie?”
“Well, Nico likes them all, but Frozen’s the best. Sisters are important. None of this evil step sibling stuff.”
As an only child, and the mother of a probable only child, Maki had nothing to say. Plus, Cinderella had evil step siblings in it and was an awesome movie.
“Radio?” Maki asked, eager to fill the silence. “Doesn’t have to be jazz.”
“Nah.” Nico put her hand over Maki’s, briefly, holding it until Maki pulled back, “Nico has a different plan.”
And then Nico started to sing, “Stuck On You,” then swung into the “Devil In Disguise” with a much deeper voice than expected and a very Elvis like flair. Maki checked over her shoulder, Dia seemed very calm, listening, and then when Nico broke into Stitch like growly, gaggy noises, Dia started to laugh.
“Sing with me,” Nico urged.
“You ain't nothing but a hound dog Crying all the time”
Nico kept pushing, “C’mon, you can do it. Dia, don’t you want your Mama to sing?”
Maki was surprised at Dia’s immediate response, “Mama...sing”
Two votes against Maki’s undecided.
“All right.” Maki inhaled, “Start again.”
“You got it, cutie,” Nico winked, and rolled out her Elvis voice again.
“You ain't nothing but a hound dog Crying all the time You ain't nothing but a hound dog Crying all the time Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit And you ain't no friend of mine”
Maki glanced at Nico, bouncing a little in her seat, grin huge as she delivered a note perfect take on an Elvis Presley classic. So far this was the silliest date Maki had ever been on.
And now it was breathtaking. Maggie Daley Park in the center of the city. A Skating Ribbon, which Maki might have heard about when it opened, but had never been to. She hadn’t been on skates in years. Dia was spinning, wide eyed, fascinated by the contrast between the snow coating the pine trees, the climbing walls that looked like modern art, and the Chicago skyline.
“It’s gorgeous at night.” Nico had come back with skates for all of them.
“I can imagine.”
“Here, if you sit and hold Dia, I’ll help you get into your skates after you put hers on.”
Dia was being surprisingly compliant, spending most of her time watching Nico, who would notice and grin and do the Nico Ni gesture which would have Dia giggling. Maki shook her head at the silly. The skates were a little big, but Maki was planning to keep a good grip on Dia. Nico had a sleek pink slingpack that she promised was full of perfect foods for hot chocolate after skating.
Nico knelt and slid the skate onto Maki’s foot, winking up at Maki, “There you go, Makirella, just like the fairytale.”
Maki felt her stomach flip. This was ridiculous. How could someone slipping your wool socked foot into a skate trigger nerves?
“I don’t see a pumpkin carriage.”
“Oops,” Nico giggled as she laced up Maki’s skates, “Had to chop that up for muffins.”
“And the horses?”
“Happily chomping through leftover oats from cookies.” Nico stood and stomped around, tossing her head and making a neighing noise until Maki started laughing, then she offered her hand and helped Maki stand. Dia took a hesitant step forward.
Maki knelt down to hug her child, “Are you ready for this, bun?”
Dia pointed to the ice trail, where a couple of people drifted by holding hands, “We go.”
Maki nodded at Nico, “We go.”
“You betcha.” Nico stepped to the ice, zipped off, did a pretty spin, arms out, and then zipped back.
“I haven’t skated in years.” Maki muttered nervously.
“Dia, you want to hold Nico’s hand while your Mama gets her wheels back?”
Nico held out a hand. Having just seen Nico zip around with the confidence of an Olympic hockey winger, Maki didn’t object when Dia took a hesitant slide forward.
“And it’s as easy as that.” Nico announced, then offered her other hand to Maki, “Next?”
Maki shook off the hand, pushing off the railing. She remembered the gliding sensation and the joy of the chill against your face as the motion warmed you up and now there was also the full glory of Chicago, posing on a late February afternoon, sun warm as it glinted off architectural wonders.
Why yes, hot chocolate at the rink with cookies dipped in it had been excellent after a half an hour of skating, but now they were in Nico’s office, just five minutes from the rink. It was stunning, a renovated warehouse. Walking into the main space with dark floors and an efficient layout of desks, there was a glass wall and double doors that led to Nico’s office. Two shots of Nico’s first album cover were blown up and framed inside the office, clear glass allowing them to dominate the view from the first step into the office.
“Follow Nico.” Nico zipped down the hall into a small room with a huge window and a divan seat attached to the wall with angled rods. A clothing rack took up two walls. Nico took off her coat and tossed it on an armchair, “Nico’s going to make a quick lunch.” She pressed a button and blinds closed off the room. “Nico thought it might be fun to have an afternoon pajama party brunch so I got a bunch of outfits that I think will fit the two of you and you can pick your favorites.”
Dia was fascinated by the blinds that had come down over the window and toddled over to poke her fingers through.
“Good sense of curiosity.” Nico smiled. Maki nodded, arms wrapped around her chest, watching Dia try to bend the wooden blind slats.
“Too much?” Nico asked.
Maki shrugged.
Nico flopped back on the divan, pulling up her legs and propping her chin on her knees, looking contrite. “I was really just worried we’d all be too cold and wet. And this would be more fun than driving you back home.”
Maki decided to take a look at some of the clothes and pulled off a white hoodie with rabbit ears. She turned to Nico, “Really?”
“That’s for Nico. But you have good taste.” Nico winked. Dia had gotten bored with the blinds and wandered to the divan. She had her arms on it and futilely attempted to get her legs up. Nico reached over and easily pulled her up. Dia immediately sat next to Nico, ramrod straight, staring at Maki.
“Mama dress.” Dia waved at the clothes.
Nico leaned over to whisper, “Your mama’s clothes are very sharp.”
Dia showed Nico both hands.
“Is Dia trying to tell me you already tried on a bunch of outfits before our date?”
“No.” Maki blushed.
Maki had been talked into pajama pants with hearts scattered all over them and fuzzy red slippers, but she kept her gray turtleneck, Dia had chosen a navy blue romper with white piping, very sleep over with the Queen’s great grandchildren. Nico had opted for the rabbit hoodie and pink pajama pants with white spots. To wait while she cooked, Nico had led Maki and Dia to a large room with a couple of large sofas, another divan seat bolted to the wall, pillows scattered, and a large screen on the far wall.
“This is where we debut music videos.” Nico announced on her return. Maki and Dia had been flipping through an international fashion magazine.
“Is this your label’s office?”
“This is Nico’s office, no label.”
Maki was impressed.
“Nico’s been working since middle school on building this.” Nico swept her arms dramatically after she put a tray carefully on a low table. “Nico Ni is her own label now, with a K-pop influenced group we’re currently promoting.” Maki inhaled, everything smelled amazing, soup and gooey grilled cheese sandwiches. Dia reached forward for one as Nico put sandwiches next to soup bowls, but Nico managed to block the gesture “These are hot, Dia. Let Nico split it in half for you.” And Nico, after a look to check with Maki, handed Dia half of a half sandwich.
“Cookie.” Dia frowned as she examined the melty cheese.
“Cookies later.” Maki said, sliding forward to pull a bowl of soup near, ready to dip a whole half a sandwich in it.
“Listen to your Mama.”
And Dia settled. It was nice to have someone to support her, Maki thought, another adult voice in the room, not that Dia was terribly fussy. But Dia was stubborn. Nico seemed to be having a soothing effect...no, that wasn’t the right word, Maki thought. But Dia was watching every thing Nico did, even mimicking some of her gestures.
“So what are we watching.” Nico picked up the remote.
“Stitch.” Dia growled.
“Sounds good, if your Mama doesn’t mind.”
“S’okay.” Maki muttered as she finished another half sandwich dripping with tomato soup.
“You don’t just seem to be enjoying Lilo and Stitch in parent mode.” Nico teased, bumping Maki on the cushion they were sharing in front of the couch Dia was sleeping on.
“Parent mode?”
“Doing things because your kid likes them.”
“That’s dumb.” Maki twirled a curl of hair, glancing back over her shoulder at the sleeping Dia, “Dia would be able to tell if I didn’t like something so it would be a waste of time.”
Maki’s nose was too close to Nico and too perfect, but at least it distracted Nico from Maki’s lips. Nico wasn’t sure what the protocol was on first kisses with one year olds present.
“Do you want your daughter to only like the things you do?”
“No. But why not share things with her that I do like?” Now it was Maki’s eyes that had caught Nico, with their honest challenge.
“So you watched Lilo and Stitch before you were a Mom™️”
“Mom™️.” Maki snorted and shoved back at Nico with her shoulder, “You make it sound like I opened a box, added myself and some water, and became some kind of alien machine.”
Nico frantically pinballed through thoughts. Had she gone too far, was Maki annoyed, should she have gone in for the kiss, oh no, she was going to start talking now and Maki was giving off this prickly energy, but Nico had never been good at not talking through stress, “Nico didn’t mean that in a bad way, you seem super competent, and probably have so much good doctor info, Eli and Nozomi just…”
Maki sighed, “It was a lot more complicated.”
Maki changed the subject. “I wonder if Dia’s going to think I’m silly for talking to her all the time, once she’s older.”
“I’m sure she loves the sound of your voice. It’s lovely.” Nico noticed the blush.
“All the parenting books say just talking to your child helps build their verbal skills. And paying attention to their gestures.” Maki stretched her hand out, staring at her fingers. “I get that.” She dropped her hand over Nico’s. “My parents are always...concerned about developmental stages.”
“They’re really involved grandparents, huh, At least you have some support.”
Maki wasn’t looking at Nico anymore, but her hand was squeezing Nico’s, “They want to make sure the next generation of Nishikinos continues the family’s tradition of excellence.”
Nico glanced back at the sleeping child, “She’s continuing the family tradition of cute in pajamas.”
Maki smiled. “Sometimes I feel like the narrator in an documentary on single parenting.”
“Not a sitcom? Rin seems like a sitcom BFF.”
Maki shook her head, and dropped her voice, “Nope. Serious doctor voice.”
“So what would serious doctor voice be saying now?”
Maki frowned, her nose crinkling in what Nico realized was the most adorable way ever, “ Doctor Nishikino continued to hope that her date would remember an early promise of a milkshake for dessert.” Maki sighed, turning to Nico, eyelashes fluttering in luxurious slow motion over luminous pools of mischief. “I want to dip things in it.”
Nico didn’t register that she needed to stop staring and start speaking until Maki quirked a perfectly arched eyebrow, waiting for a reaction. Nico grabbed a recent word. “Things?”
“Cookies, brownies, strawberries, french fries.”
Nico bounced to her feet, “I’m going to break out the Air Fryer, ice cream and a blender faster than you can say “Nico Nico Ni.”
Maki leaned back, her arms stretched out along the couch, and started, “Nico Ni…”
Nico swivelled and faster than Maki could blink, pecked an interrupting kiss on Maki’s lips, skipping off with a wink over her shoulder, “Just stay put, Princess.”
Maki, hand raised to tingling lips, nodded, “Okay.”
Nico was cleaning up and Maki was watching Dia pull herself along the sofa when she heard Nico call out, “Bring Dia, Maki.”
Maki scooped up her daughter, heading to where Nico had stopped in front of the window. Snow had started, flakes drifting against a bold winter blue.
“Snow.” Dia pointed.
“Pretty.” Maki said.
They stood, watching as the fluffy, sparkling flakes began to fall faster. Nico had sneaked an arm around Maki’s waist and smiled when Maki had leaned in instead of pulling away. Maki lost track of the minutes, enjoying the Dia’s fascination with car windows being covered by white. As clouds scrunched together, gray and darkening, Nico got practical.
“I’d better get you both home or you’ll get snowed in.”
Dia looked at Maki, who smiled, “It’ll be fine, bun.”
“Snow.” Dia pressed a hand against the window.
“It won’t be like the cars, Dia. Snow won’t stick on here. It’s not sloped, like car windshields. It’s flat.” Nico demonstrated, one hand the window, one hand the car. Dia patted the car hand.
Maki sighed, “I wouldn’t mind being snowed in. This is a great space..”
“Maybe when Nico gets back, we can try a dinner date. Nico will cook. You can check out the architecture in my apartment. It's a different kind of great, cozier.”
“Cookies. Cookies.” Dia decided.
“Nico always has cookies.”
“Now cookies.”
“We can take some for the drive.” Maki smiled at Nico, “When are you leaving?”
“Tomorrow. Tonight, I pack. And do a magazine interview. And whatever else Cocoro set up since I demanded half a day off.”
“I’m glad you did. We had fun. Right Dia?” Maki put Dia down.
Dia nodded seriously.
“Let’s find your coat.”
Dia toddled away from the window. Maki didn’t immediately follow, but reached for Nico’s arm, “Text me when you’re done for the night. I’d…” Maki blushed, “love to talk about a dinner date.”
Nico practically bounced halfway to the ceiling as she kissed Maki’s cheek. But then they both rushed after Dia, who’d taken a turn into a room with breakable things.
“Try to take a tiger from his daddy's side That's how love is going to keep us tied Uh-uh-uh Oh yeah, uh, uh I'm gonna stick like glue Stick, because I'm Stuck on you”
Maki had to restrain a giggle. By the final verse of Nico’s over the top Elvis rendition of “Stuck on You” Dia had fallen asleep and Maki didn’t want to disturb her. So she left her favorite seat and moved the conversation to her bedroom, sprawling out along the bed while she let Nico keep singing in her ear. After Nico finished with “Burning Love,” Maki interrupted.
“Stuck on You” is not the lullaby I imagined my daughter would love.”
“She fell asleep. Good.” Nico chuckled. “Did Maki get a bonus song?”
“You were so deep in Stitch mode, I didn’t want to interrupt.”
“Elvis mode. Heartthrob mode. Girls screaming mode. Can’t give enough autographs mode…”
Maki was ready for a new topic. “Sounds exhausting.”
“Um no, it’s exciting. Nico on top of the world. It’s such a rush, connecting with an audience, feeling them get riled up, dancing, singing...I love it.”
Maki could hear the thrill in Nico’s voice. She felt suddenly tired.
“You’re probably leaving early tomorrow. I won’t keep you up.”
“I like talking past my bedtime with you.” A honest warmth in Nico’s tone softened Maki.
“I’m glad. Maybe we can talk again soon.”
“Yeah, it’s too bad my concerts are in Philly and Brooklyn. Nico would love to give you a backstage tour.”
“I’d love it too.”
“Well, call Nico, if you’re in town.”
Hmmmm...could that actually be possible? Her parents were always willing to watch Dia.
Distracted by the thought, Maki’s tone was perfunctory. “Good night, Nico.”
“Oh.” Nico sounded disappointed, “Good night. Maki. Dream about Nico.
“Sure.” Maki cut the call, trying to remember where Nico had said she’d be in a couple of days. Philly? Maki had never really spent any time in Philadelphia. Maybe it was time for some historical sightseeing. She could tell Dia all about the First Continental Congress and the Liberty Bell when she got back.
Nico stared at the phone. Maki had gotten distant at the backstage tour suggestion. DId Maki not want to see Nico in concert? Obviously, it wasn’t an objection to Nico’s voice, sneaky Maki had gotten Nico to sing an extra song. Maybe it was too early to suggest travel? Maybe Maki thought Nico had groupies? The fan-Idol relationship was a chaste thing; Nico was there to bring joy, comfort, and smiles to her audience. What brought joy to Nico offstage was private. Maybe she should tell Maki that? Nico picked up her phone and hesitated. Maybe Maki had just been tired? Nico knew single momming made for long days. Nico decided a good night selfie would be the perfect nightcap for the tired, gorgeous doctor Nico wanted to dream of her.
A text from Nico. A snap. Nico in a camisole and pink flannel pajama pants, wrapped up in a fluffy pink and white blanket. Maki smiled. Today had been one of her favorite days. No time inside a hospital, skating and flirting with a charming beauty, someone to help with Dia, and Nico had been practical help, not feeling sorry for Maki or fussing too extravagantly over Dia, just there with a quick hand and a smile. It had seemed so natural. And Maki found herself wanting more time with Nico, alone time with Nico, a quiet dinner at Nico’s apartment, no Disney movie blaring in the background, to hear how Nico had pursued her dream, designed her office, what Nico listened to while travelling, what Nico’s favorite movies were, taste Nico’s favorite snack...
Maki typed a quick message.
M: You owe me a midnight snack.
N: ?!?!?!?!
M: For this.
And before she talked herself out of it, Maki snapped a selfie of herself blowing a kiss, unaware that her zip up hoodie had slid down her left arm, leaving her shoulder bare. Instant response.
N: Do that anywhere near Nico and you can have any kind of snack you want.
M: : )
Then Maki took a look at the snap she’d sent and blushed, falling on the bed, silent screaming into her pillow.
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buns-with-a-book · 5 years
The Maiden of the Blue Cloak
Inspired by @beyond-the-mirror​‘s Dante/LittleRed!Reader series. Fic is spicy.
Fandom: Devil May Cry Characters: Devil Trigger!Vergil/OC, mentioned Devil Trigger!Dante Tags: @nimnox​ @furyeclipse​ @synchronmurmurs​ @harlot-of-oblivion​ @queenmuzz​
Summary: The Tale of Little Red Riding Hood is iconic indeed...but have you heard the tale of the Maiden of the Blue Cloak? 
Cassandra Sagefire rode through the snowy forest, her horse visibly nervous as they rode through. Across her chest was a satchel full of food and elixirs, to be delivered to the leader of the village on the other side of Red Grave Forest. The forest was known for being full of demons, with the main path being laiden with protective charms to keep the demons at bay. Cassandra wondered why no effort was made to seek a way to eradicate the demons but, given the charms that surrounding the road, perhaps the demons were too numerous to try. 
She threw the thought out of her head, keeping the reigns of the horse tight in her hand. She had a task at hand and that was delivering the goods that had been bequeathed to her. 
The horse stopped and whinnied out it’s distress. Cassandra looked up, seeing a pile of trees between her and the rest of the path. The horse paced unhappily at the blockade, earning a sigh from Cassandra. She turned the horse around and got off. After adjusting the bag across her chest, she reached up and slapped the hind of the horse. Startled, it ran off down the path. She watched the horse disappear into the faint snowfall, back to her village. She turned back around, towards the village she was meant to be at, and began to walk into the forest proper to find a different path. 
As she strode bravely through the snow-covered woods, she faintly saw her breath float upward from her, a sign of the chill that gripped the forest in the dead of winter. She could feel the demonic presence surrounding her. She didn’t dare let her fear be known, the anxiety of wondering if what she was doing was the right thing. Demons could sense fear, after all, and fear made one a walking target for demons to devour. Cassandra closed her eyes, thinking of the ways she could employ to keep herself calm as she walked through the snow-draped forest. 
Well, her mind went right to song. It was a way, after all, and if she was soft enough she wouldn’t attract demons. She took a deep breath and began to murmur-sing under her breath. 
I am a queen’s daughter Bravery is in my blood I will not fear the dark woods Nor blackened hearts of man Hì rì hoireann hó Hì rì hoireann hó
“Are you now?” 
She snapped up, looking around. Her eyes met a demon, a powerful one if she had to guess. His scales were a deep azure blue, covering every part of him. His head was, from appearances, armored in demon metal. At his side was an elegant but unusual weapon, a weapon not normally found in the frozen forest, but she never questioned how demons got their strange weaponry. What caught her eye were his own eyes, glowing ice blue and completely focused on her. 
“Who are you?”
“I should ask the same for you.” He growled, circling her. She did the same, the two carefully studying the other. “Why are you here?”
“The road was blocked and the bundles I bear must reach the village on the other side of this forest.”
“And yet, you are above the role of messenger.” He lowered his head, just slightly, giving off the impression of narrowed eyes. “Unless you speak in riddles.” That was something she couldn’t answer. Her father had been strangely insistent on taking the bundle to the village as if no other runner could hold its contents. 
“What do you want? Me gone? Or a fight?” She asked, tensing up in preparation for a scuffle. It was a deflection tactic, that much was obvious, but the demon reached over to the handle of his weapon. Cassandra let out a sharp inhale, a silver and deep blue rapier snapping into existence by her own will, the divine rapier Astra. She kept her gaze on the demon, letting out a soft exhale as she watched the demon slid into a battle stance. 
She took in a breath, just moments before the demon shot forward. She parried the thrust, spinning the blade away from her. The demon slashed forward, meeting the rapier again. Cassandra groaned as she held the blade in place, meeting the demon’s gaze. It was intense, like the conflict between his weapon and Astra. Cassandra growled as she kept her hand steady, arms aching from the battle between demonic and divine steel. Finally, she pushed back. Her eyes followed the movements of the demon of the snowy forest. He charged forward. Cassandra deftly undid her dark blue cloak, throwing it at it. He collided into the cloth and yelped, giving Cassandra the perfect opportunity to pin him down into the snow. Her rapier pressed into the demon’s neck, Cassandra straddling him, with the two heaving as they caught their breath. His sword was sticking out in the snow next to him, just out of reach. She pulled back the hood of the cloak, letting their eyes meet. 
“Clever…” He whispered, equal parts amused and irritated at his loss.
“Heh...you’re the best fight I’ve had in awhile.” She panted. She rested her head against his, catching her breath. “...now may I...have your name?” A quiet fell between her and the demon, the demon seeming to mull over her question. 
“Vergil.” The demon finally said, his voice as soft as the snow that fell around them. The rapier disappeared from his neck, Cassandra pulling off him. She held out her hand, to which Vergil hesitantly took. She pulled him out of the snow, her blue cloak fluttering to the ground. She reached down to take it, shaking the snow off before reclasping it around her neck.
“My name is Cassandra.” She said at last. “Would you like to accompany me to the forest’s edge?” 
“It’s only fitting, since you bested me.” The demon snorted, moving to retake his blade and sheath it back into its scabbard. Cassandra smiled softly. 
“Why don’t you tell me a bit about yourself, Vergil.” The demon let out a hum at her question. “I can only presume you’re the most powerful demon in the forest.”
“Because I am.” Vergil huffed. Cassandra noticed his horns flared with blue fire, perhaps to prove his point. It certainly made the area around them briefly warmer, along with scorching the nearby trees. Cassandra shrugged at the display. 
“Does that mean I’m the most powerful person in the forest because I bested you?” A quiet fell between them, she could feel Vergil seethe at the thought.
“By technicality.” He growled. Cassandra closed her eyes at the sound. She wouldn’t dare admit that her body shivered at the growl. She opened her eyes and leaned a little closer to the warmth-radiating devil. 
“What about your sword? It’s certainly unique, not something that one would find around here.” Cassandra asked, glancing at the blade at his hip. The demon’s eyes followed her gaze down to the blade. 
“It was my father’s. When he was slain, it was left in my care.” He said, his voice soft as if he was remembering one last fond moment with his father. Cassandra sighed and looked out into the snowy forest.
“I wish I had a strong bond with my father. He’s been distant lately, ever since my mother died.” Cassandra murmured. “It makes one wonder…”
“We are here.” Cassandra stopped, seeing the village in question just beyond the trees. She looked up to Vergil.
“Will you escort me home? I’m quite fond of your company. It’s better than talking to a horse.” Vergil snorted at that.
“Perhaps. I’ll think about it.” Cassandra smiled.
“I hope you do.” She turned to him. “Goodbye for now, Vergil.” With that, she walked to the village. She could feel Vergil watch her leave the forest and hoped that he would meet her again.
Cassandra held the clasp of her blue cloak tight as she ran through the wintry forests. Behind her, she could faintly hear the shouting of the men that pursued her. It had all been a ruse, she had been sent to marry the leader of that village. Cassandra would rather be demon food than be married to a man that she didn’t know. Even then, she would rather be married for love than be married for reputation.  
She felt a demonic presence and ducked, barely missing a blur of purple and black. There was a scream behind her but she ignored it in favor of running. The blue cloak fluttered in the wind as she ran, leaping over rotted logs and dashing across ice-cold streams. After what felt like miles of running, she hid behind a large birch tree, her heart hammering in her head. She closed her eyes, shaking and heaving from the running. 
“Vergil…” She panted out, sliding down the birch tree into the snow. Everything hurt from her mad dash to freedom. A hand suddenly grabbed her arm and she snapped up, seeing one of the village guards next to her.
“I found her!” He yelled back into the cold. Cassandra tried to pull away from him.
“Let go of me! I said no!” Cassandra snarled, digging her heels in the snow. The village guard was about to snap at her when a scarlet-stained katana shot out from his chest. It retracted, causing the guard to fall to the ground dead. She stared at the owner of the blade, a bloodied devil that she knew as Vergil. His eyes regarded her, the bloodlust of demonkind replaced with concern, before he held out his hand. She took it without hesitation, allowing him to help her up. “Thank you, Vergil.”
“Those men, why were they pursuing you.” He asked coldly. Cassandra looked to the guard. 
“Because my father sent me to the village to marry me to their ruler. I ran away from that. I didn’t want to marry a man I had never met before.” Vergil stared down at their hands. “I can’t go back now...and I can’t go to my own village.” 
“Then I will take you in.” Cassandra blinked at his words.
“You would?” She asked, watching as he expertly flicked the blood off his katana before sheathing it again.
“I would.” He picked her up bridal style, earning a surprised yelp from her. She wrapped his arms around his neck, watching as his wings flared out. He shot up into the sky and took flight, the forest below nothing more than a sea of black with white peppered throughout. He soared across the midnight sky, Cassandra staring down in awe at Red Grave Forest. She felt his face rub against her collarbone, making her squeak. 
“What was that for!?”
“You’ll see soon enough.” He mumbled, flying downward towards a cave. He landed with grace, carrying her into the cave. Cassandra noticed the glow that filled it, perhaps with the aid of some demonic magic. He turned into a cavern, Cassandra quickly noticing it was quite home-like. He set her down in a bed of pelts, Cassandra could tell they were made from the local fauna. She unclasped her cloak, letting it fall upon the pelts.
“Thank you, Vergil.” Cassandra smiled at him. Vergil let out a soft hum.
“My brother lives here with me, the cavern across this one. I’ll let him know of your arrival, that you are…” He trailed off, as if he didn’t know what word he wanted to use. 
“I didn’t know you had a brother.” Cassandra said with a soft smile on her face. 
“He’s a nuisance. He’s my nuisance.” Cassandra chuckled at his words. “Just...rest.” 
“Alright. Thank you.” She curled up on the nest of pelts, using the cloak as a blanket. Vergil watched her quietly for a few more moments before leaving the cavern.
It had been a few months since that daring rescue, those months going by swiftly but peacefully. Cassandra had devoted herself to learning new skills and learning how exactly Red Grave Forest operated, from hunting for her own to gathering herbs for consumption to trying her hand at making her own clothes (to varying degrees of success...but she tried). Compared to her old life, this was far simpler and happier. It also helped that she not only had Vergil, who she thought of quite fondly, but she had Dante as well. 
Dante, being of course, Vergil’s nuisance of a little brother. Vergil regarded him as a nuisance but Cassandra found him endearing. When Vergil was off making the rounds of Red Grave Forest, Cassandra was busy entertaining the younger of the devil twins. She found his antics entertaining, which passed the time during the hours Vergil was gone. With Dante’s help, the shed demon scales of her demonic roommates became protective armor and insulated clothing for herself. Demons may not have a need for such things but she, certifiably not demonic, did. 
Over the past few days, Vergil had become more protective of her in regards to his brother, even snarling in demonic tongue at the red-hued devil. Cassandra noticed this change in behavior and wasn’t pleased by his sudden possessiveness. Vergil may have saved her life all those months ago but she wasn’t going to let him hoard her time like a dragon. 
“Vergil.” Cassandra said with a huff, arms crossed. She wore a demonscale tunic and skirt, covered by reindeer fur. The spring night was cool with a nip of chill. Dante was out, taking over Vergil’s duty of scouting Red Grave Forest. The demon in question glared at her. “We need to talk.”
“About what?” 
“Your behavior. I’ve noticed you’re getting far more possessive of me lately.” She crossed her arms. “At your own brother no less.” 
“And!? You dingus, that’s your brother. Why would he try to steal me from you?” 
“You’ve been spending time with him.” Vergil hissed. “You reek of him.” 
“Because you’re off patrolling the forest during the day. He’s teaching me skills while you’re gone, such as what’s edible and what’s not and how to make clothes because I need things to wear to protect myself from the weather.” Cassandra pointed out, striding closer to him. “What’s the matter Vergil. You need to tell me.” There was a silence that fell between them, the two staring at each other and daring the other to step down. Finally, Vergil let out a sigh.
“Demons...go through a week of intense need for their mates. It is known amongst us as heat week. My instincts consider you as my mate. It makes me hunger for you…” He held her arms loosely. “I...I need you.” He pressed his head against hers, letting out a deep rumble. “I want you. Now.” 
“...because of heat week?”
“Yes.” He looked away, almost ashamed of himself.
“Well, if you just said that earlier, I wouldn’t have to yell at you.” She pulled him down to their nest. The demon let out an audible noise of approval, hands moving to hold her hips. 
“I will ravish you, as you deserve.” He growled, his hand moving to cup her face. His claws dug into her skin a little, not enough to break skin. His other hand moved under her tunic. “And then I will apologize to my brother, if it makes you happy.” 
“It would. Dante’s been nothing but helpful to me.” She leaned up to press kisses against his fangs, tasting ash against her lips. 
“Enough about him.” The demon groaned softly before pulling back, pulling her tunic off her body. Throwing it aside, he took quick care of her skirt to have her fully nude before him. He grinned at the sight. “You will be crying out my name soon enough.” He leaned down, pressing kisses and nibbles on her neck and collarbone. His hands groped her body hungrily, sucking hard on the skin. Cassandra gripped his horns as he kissed and sucked, she could feel his teeth dig into her skin and leave purple-black bruises of claiming in their wake. His lips moved downward, nuzzling the soft skin as he went. He settled herself between her thighs, holding her legs apart to gain access to the slick forbidden fruit of her cunt. He dove in, his tongue swirling around inside her entrance. He let her rest her legs around his shoulder, relishing the sounds of her moans and his name on her lips. She grinded her cunt against his mouth, moaning out. He relished the sound and her movement, continuing to happily eat her out. He pulled back a little, his tongue moving to circle her clit. His hand let go of her hip to allow a finger to carefully push into her entrance. She let out a cry of pleasure, legs trembling on his shoulders. He carefully thrust his finger into her, mindful of his claws. As he moved his finger, he glanced up to the trembling form of his mate. He relished the sight of her, nude before him with a thin sheet of sweat on her body. He let out an almost-silent purr before pushing a second finger inside. He stretched her out with his two fingers, looking up to her occasionally to make sure she was still ok. 
“I-I’m close…!” She whimpered. He pulled back his fingers, earning a rather upset whine from her.  
“And I am not, my mate.” He growled, sitting up and letting her legs fall limp on the nest of pelts and cloth. She glanced down, seeing his cock peer out from his armored slit. It was a deep azure hue, lengthy and ridged with a single drop of hot precum dripping onto her leg. She shivered when it landed on her bare skin. He leaned over her, rubbing the tip of his cock against her entrance. She reached up to rest her hand on his shoulder, the other clinging onto the pelts that made their nest. 
“Vergil…” She whispered. He leaned forward, resting his forehead against hers. 
“Tell me when it becomes too much.” He murmured, slowly pushing into her. Cassandra gasped as each inch slowly pushed into her. He paused when her whining became more pained, patiently waiting for her to get used to his girth half-way inside her. Despite the burning hunger to mate coiled in his core, he couldn’t hurt her. He would never forgive himself if he did. He leaned down, gently pressing kisses to the dark purple bites he left upon her skin. Cassandra glanced down and wiggled downward, pushing more of his cock into her. He hissed at the movement, continuing the slow push until he was sheathed inside her. They stayed there, joined together and panting. Cassandra leaned forward, kissing him slowly and earning a low pleased rumble from him. The demon hummed at the soft almost reverent murmurs of his name between breaths and kisses, pride and heat roiling within him. He felt her hips roll experimentally against him, testing the waters before she pulled back.
“I’m ready, Vergil.” She whispered. The demon let out a hungry purr, slowly pulling back until the tip was sheathed inside her before thrusting forward. She gasped out, arching her back, her chest pressing against his. He hissed from the contact, rolling his hips against her. He groaned and growled as he thrust into her, relishing the warmth around his cock. As he continued to thrust into her, his chest rumbled with demonic purring, the purr to deter any nearby demons from bursting in. He kept thrusting, clinging onto his new mate. 
“Mine…” Vergil growled as his pace increased, the thrusts now harsh and short as demon instinct took over. A hand clung to her hip, claws digging into the skin. She gasped at the grab, shivering at the slight pain from his claws. She let go of the pelts, moving her hand down to rub her clit. Vergil moved his hand to cup hers, feeling the hint of slickness against the bundle of nerves. The sounds he received from her only made his thrusts intensify, his control fraying from the woman underneath him. 
“Vergil!” Cassandra gasped, shaking as she came with him. He growled as he filled her with his cum, keeping her close. His wings had flared out as he came, trembling as he kept her close. After a few minutes, accented by their labored breaths as they came down from their high. He slowly pulled out of her, growling softly. He looked down, seeing his seed seep out of her entrance. Instinctively, he reached down to push it back into her, ever mindful of his claws. She whimpered at the touch. 
“Shh…” He murmured, sliding into their nest. He wrapped his arms around her, pressing her against his chest. He covered her with his wing, pressing his forehead against hers. “Rest.” 
“Jeez, not much for pillow talk.” Cassandra mumbled, too tired to be playful. Vergil let out a snort. 
“Rest.” He repeated, a little more insistent. “You know how insatiable demons can be…” 
“Alright alright, you big baby.” She chuckled and curled up against him. “I love you.” The demon gasped softly before sighing. 
“I...I love you too.”
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When Love Walks In - Chpt 1
Chapter One - The Accident
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(Hi there.  This is my first fanfiction and writing of any kind really.  I’ve been inspired by those writers who have gone before me.  Thank you for your incredible efforts, talent and bravery.   This will be a multi-chapter love story and work of pure fiction using Auston Matthews as the inspiration for the main character of the same name and Dr Quinn Tolpa as a character I created myself. I’ve purposely refrained from describing the appearance of the female lead character, Dr Quinn, as I want you to imagine her as you see her in your mind. Also, please keep in mind that I am in no way knowledgable about the medical profession and have based any medical references on my own minor research.  So please forgive any inaccuracies. Potential triggers:  Life-threatening hockey accident involving the throat.  Coma.  Surgery.  Ventilator.  Some swear words.  I will mark when Sex/Smut Scenes are coming up.  I hope you enjoy the ride.  It’s going to be a good one and worth getting past the setup chapters.)  3389 words
Chapter One - The Accident 
It is late in the third period of a tied Game 7 of the 2024/25 Stanley Cup finals between the Toronto Maple Leafs, and the New Jersey Devils when 27-year-old Auston Matthews of the Leafs, takes a puck, from the Devils’ defence, squarely to his throat.
The Toronto home crowd falls eerily silent and holds a collective, horrified breath.  You can tell that the Leaf players on the ice are not aware that the puck hit Auston directly in the throat.  As the whistle blows, the Leafs’ trainers and medical staff rush to help Auston, who is thrashing in pain on the ice.  Everyone now has a chance to look up at the replay on the JumboTron.  The mouths of Auston’s teammates and coaches drop in unison along with the crowd, followed by audible gasps of, “My God!”
As soon as the trainers can get to Auston, he manages to stand up but then immediately collapses into unconsciousness.  The capacity crowd’s screams echo throughout the arena at the drama of it all.  As everyone watches, four of Auston’s teammates rush to pick up their friend and get him to the Leafs’ medical room as quickly as possible.  
What is sure at this point, is that Auston’s airway has been cut off from the impact of the shot to his Larynx.  He is unconscious and not breathing as he lays on the treatment table in the dressing room.  An emergency Tracheotomy is performed on-site by the team’s medical doctor, to get Auston breathing again.  
Auston is still unconscious, but breathing with the help of the Thrach, oxygen supply and EMS, as he is rushed by ambulance to Mount Sinai Hospital for life-saving surgery.
Auston’s parents, Brian and Ema and his two sisters, Alexandria (older) and Breyana (younger), manage to get down to the Leafs’ dressing room within minutes of the accident and are ushered straightaway to a police car which escorts them to join up with Auston at the hospital.  Upon their arrival, Auston’s parents are signing releases and authorizations on behalf of their son, for the hospital medical staff. 
A still unconscious Auston arrives at the Emergency Department of Mount Sinai Hospital, with Leafs’ medical staff in tow, to a team of surgeons and medical staff awaiting his arrival.  They immediately usher Auston, via stretcher, into an exam room where what remains of his hockey equipment is cut off.  They first ensure that Auston’s airway is maintained.  The staff take Auston’s vitals along with scans and a full body assessment.  Since it is immediately clear that Auston is suffering from a crushed Larynx and likely vocal cord damage, the doctors on duty, without hesitation, summon Dr Quinn Tolpa.  
Dr Quinn, as she prefers to be called, lives in a high rise condo located within 10 minutes of the hospital.  It’s around 10 pm, and she has just returned home from a late Pilate’s class and subsequent shower.  As she thinks to go turn on the TV to see if the City is going to erupt any time soon by the Leafs winning the Stanley Cup for the first time in over 50 years, her pager goes off.   The message reads, Paging Dr Quinn Tolpa, Medical Emergency, Laryngeal Trauma, etc., Theatre 3, M.S.H, time 10:03.  She replies, texting her ETA and hurries to change her clothes, feeling relieved that she already showered at the gym.  She rushes to her car in the parking garage and begins to wonder about road conditions. If the Leafs have already won the Cup, then she will be in trouble as the traffic will be insane.  As she drives out of the garage, she sees it is quiet on the streets, almost eerily quiet.  
In little time, Dr Quinn arrives on-site and starts getting into her scrubs in the room attached to Theatre 3.  The other doctors and medical staff greet her and thank her for coming so quickly.
“We have ourselves a VIP of sorts in there, Dr Quinn, so no pressure”, an attending doctor jokes nervously to ease the tension.
“I’m sorry, Doctor, what?” Quinn replies, confused as she starts to prep.
Realizing there is no time to get into who the patient is, the attending physician replies, “Not important, Dr Quinn.  NHL hockey player is all.”  He begins briefing her on what transpired and his assessment.
Dr Quinn has just finished scrubbing up when the doctor completes his briefing. She has a few questions for the doctor and medical staff about Auston’s vitals and how he is responding to treatments already given, which they answer to her satisfaction.
She takes a look at Auston’s scan results as well as the results from his standard tests and then moves over to where he lays on the operating table. She quickly runs her own physical evaluation.  All indications are that Auston’s Larynx has been severely crushed and will need intricate repair before the bleeding stops.  She will address his airway, breathing and collapsed lung to get him stabilized.   
The attending doctor notes, “We understand he was about 4 feet from the player who fired the puck.”
Dr Quinn is shocked by the image that races across her mind. “Four feet away! Dear Lord!”  She draws in a deep breath and exhales.  
All the medical support staff have eyes on Dr Quinn as they assume their positions.  Taking command of the room, she rallies, “Okay, everyone, let’s save this young man’s life.”
After 2 hours of her expert, delicate and intricate surgery, Auston is in stable condition.  It is time for her to speak with his family.  But before Dr Quinn can find them, the other doctor pulls her aside to explain who, precisely, this patient is that she just finished operating on.
“Auston Matthews?” She repeats as a question.  She has heard the name before but had never paid much attention as she had been focused intensely on her career over the last number of years.  But, having been born and raised in the City of Toronto, she, of course, knows who the Leafs are and how important they are to the City.  She also knows that the Leafs were playing in the final game of the Stanley Cup playoffs because, unless you live under a rock, no one in the City could be unaware of that fact.  
Dr Quinn is a bit embarrassed to be a Torontonian at this moment; not knowing much about the City’s esteemed hockey superstar who she has just helped. She has to remind herself that during the past nine years of her life, she did not have the luxury of dividing her time and energy to much outside of her education and career.  Becoming a Medical Doctor, surgeon and then rising through the ranks at breakneck speed to become Canada’s youngest specialist in the field of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery as well as an internationally recognised leader in the field of vocal cord reconstruction had been her focus and a huge one at that.
Dr Quinn walks towards the ‘family quiet room’ where she’s told Auston’s family are waiting.  She taps on the door, and it is opened by a tall, broad-shouldered man who Dr Quinn assumes to be Auston’s father.  There are three women in the room whom she believes to be Auston’s mother and sisters, as well as a few men wearing Leafs’ jackets whom she guesses are from the Leafs’ organization. There is no escaping that they are all torn apart by Auston’s accident. Their wet, swollen eyes and red faces reflect their intense pain and fear.  Dr Quinn’s heart sinks to see them all in such distress.  She wants desperately to reassure them.
“Hello, my name is Dr Quinn Tolpa, please call me Dr Quinn.  I just performed surgery on Auston”, she announces as she reaches her hand out to shake hands with and learn the names of the loved ones of her newest patient.
“He’s in stable condition right now, and staff are currently transferring him to the Intensive Care Unit on the 4th floor.  The 2-hour surgery included completing a Tracheostomy and hooking him up to a Ventilator.  A cuffed tube was inserted and inflated to make sure that the only air in his throat is coming from the Ventilator, which will allow Auston’s throat and Larynx to heal without interference.  I repaired Auston’s Larynx.  I also drained blood from his lungs as it had caused one of his lungs to collapse.”
There is a burst of relief, followed by a lot of ‘thanks to God’.  They hug each other and sob in relief.  
Dr Quinn continues, “I understand how scary this all must be for you.  Please know that Auston is in the best possible place given his type of injury and that we will do everything within our power to help Auston make as full a recovery as possible.  I can tell you that the surgery was successful in repairing his damaged Larynx and in doing so, we removed the obstruction from his airway and stopped the bleeding.  While Auston is in a stable state right now, that is not of his own doing.  We have him on a Ventilator and have placed him in a medically induced Coma, which is giving him a chance to heal his Larynx and vocal cords as well as to stave off any brain damage.  We can’t rule out brain damage or a concussion since he stopped receiving oxygen for a time at the arena and he hit his head on the ice after he passed out.  He is going to stay in the induced Coma for at least five days, and at such time we will be able to assess his progress and alleviate any further issues he may present.”
“I know I’m overloading you with information right now but want you to know where things stand at the moment and what to expect in the next little while where Auston’s concerned. Since I will be Auston’s attending medical specialist, please know that you can consult with me on his condition at any time.  I am perfectly happy to repeat any of this information back to you, so don’t hesitate to ask me any questions you may have.   Here is my card with my contact information.  Day or night, please know that I am here for you all.”  Dr Quinn reassures them as she hands each of them her card.
Dr Quinn continues, “Okay, so specifically, we diagnosed Auston with Laryngeal Trauma, which means a crushed Larynx, which I understand was caused by a puck hitting his throat at high speed and close range.  The priority was to secure his airway, which was done by the Leafs’ medical staff at the arena by performing a crude Tracheotomy.  By accounts, it appears that this procedure was done within the time limits to avoid brain damage, but we will not know for certain until Auston regains consciousness.  When Auston arrived here, we ran scans, X-rays, tests and assessments to determine the extent of the damage to his Larynx.  His Larynx was so badly crushed it was by far the most challenging surgical repair of fractured and internal lacerations I have ever had to make, but I’m pleased with how well it went.”
“Also, in 5 days, I expect to perform what is called a Microlaryngoscopy and Bronchoscopy, in order to re-assess the healing process and attend to any issues that may present themselves by that time.  If all goes well then, Auston should be cleared to be woken from his Coma.  At that time, we will have him on complete voice rest until he can breathe on his own and his airway heals.  Also, we should be able to evaluate any brain damage, concussion symptoms, how well or not his vocal cords are mending and whether he has any diminished breathing abilities or difficulties swallowing”, she explains.
Now she has to tell them what they need to know but will scare the hell out of them.    “Since vocal cords are next to the Larynx and Auston’s are severely crushed, there is a chance that they will not be able to join together as they heal, which will cause Auston to have trouble speaking. But, I want you to know that I have been heading a team that has been pioneering research in the area of vocal cord rejuvenation and there is a new technique that we have developed that is providing a chance where there was none previously.  If it comes down to that, I want you to know there is some hope. Results of applying this new technique have proven to be highly successful in trials.  It is ground-breaking, and I want you to know about it as it has been my primary objective to find a way to bring hope to patients who previously had none in such cases.  Oh, and last thing, Auston’s collapsed lung should recover in a couple of days and is common when there is bleeding from trauma to the Larynx. We will, of course, monitor Auston for everything”, Dr Quinn draws in a deep breath and waits a moment for a response.
“Can we see him now?” They plead in unison.
Relieved that they seem to have accepted what she just told them, she answers, “Yes, I’ll take you up in a moment.  You can stay in the room with Auston, day and night.  You can sleep in the reclining chairs in the room.  Unfortunately, there are only two reclining chairs that will fit in the space, but they are more comfy and supportive than you might expect.   I believe it is of great importance that family be able to stay with their loved ones overnight and get as good a sleep as possible.  Families provide love and support, which is essential in speeding up the healing process. Being close to the patient also gives families some measure of control in an often uncontrollable situation.  We have pillows and blankets, so please ask the nurse.”
“Doctor?  When my son is in Coma, can he hear me?”  Auston’s mother asks hopefully in her broken English.
“Mrs Matthews, I am sorry that he will not be able to understand what you say since a medically induced coma is a deep state of unconsciousness, leaving the sounds with no consciousness to reach.  However, please do not let that deter you from talking, singing or reading to Auston. There have been claims that other senses are at work that pick up on vibrations, energy etc. and may subconsciously bring peace and comfort to your boy.  It can also be comforting to you as well”, Dr Quinn explains with compassion that the family can feel.
“If you would like to follow me, I can take you upstairs to Intensive Care now.” Dr Quinn leads the group to the elevator and up to the 4th floor. Everyone is silent as they all try to process the information they have just received.
“Please stay in the waiting room for one moment while I confirm that things are ready”, She asks the group as she heads into the Intensive Care Unit.  
Auston’s family is too worked up to sit down, so they stand there while the team staff members take a seat as they plan to give the family privacy to visit Auston and make their update calls to Leafs’ management.
“Hi, Angels?  How’s it going with our patient, Mr Matthews?” Dr Quinn asks the two attending nurses, Nicole and Kelly.
“He’s all set up Dr Quinn,” Nicole informs.
“Doctor, are you aware that this is Auston Matthews?  You know, the superstar hockey player that plays for the Leafs?” Kelly asks.
“Yeah, that’s what they tell me.  Auston was playing in the Stanley Cup final game and got a puck to the throat”, Dr Quinn shivers as she reacts to her own words.   “Poor guy, eh?  Hey, do you know if the Leafs ended up winning?” She asks.
“No, we haven’t heard anything.  It’s been pretty busy in here tonight”, both nurses chime in.
Dr Quinn adds, “Well, I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough.  I don’t know what to hope for because if the team won, then Auston missed out and if the team lost, then he’ll be devastated and so will the City. What a no-win situation.  In any event, I’m going to get Auston’s family now.  They are lovely people.  Afterwards, I will get the attending doctor up to speed and fill out some paperwork. Any questions before I go?”
“No, we read the file and know what to do.  Should be fine Dr Quinn”, the nurses confirm with confidence.
“Okay, good.  I’ll go get the family”, Dr Quinn announces.
“Thanks, Doctor”, the nurses replied.
“Thank you, Angels!” Quinn adds, as she always does, to show her appreciation for all they do. “Ha, so I guess you’re Auston’s Angels now ladies”, she jokes to lighten the mood, and they chuckle.
Dr Quinn returns to Auston’s waiting family and announces that the room and Auston are ready for them.
“I just want to give you a heads up that Auston is hooked up to some large machines to help him breathe, monitor his vitals, give him his fluids and administer his medications.  Please don’t be alarmed as this is all normal procedure in such cases”, Dr Quinn informs them.
“Thank you, Dr Quinn, from the bottom of our hearts for everything you have done and will do for our boy”, Auston’s father says as his voice drips with emotion.  The rest of the family mumble the same, sniffling as they each take turns hugging Quinn tight, trying to convey their appreciation.
“Please call us by our first names, Dr Quinn.  We are family now”, Ema insists.
“Sure.  I’m happy to be able to help.  Please follow me”, Dr Quinn instructs as she leads them towards Auston’s room.  
The family pass in front of Dr Quinn to get to Auston’s bed.  Quiet gasps and sobs from the group mingle with the pulse and hiss of the breathing machine keeping Auston alive.  Ema hugs and kisses her son, crying she tells him in Spanish that she doesn’t know what she’ll do if he doesn’t pull through.  Brian, standing behind Ema with his hand on her back has tears pouring down his devastated, hand covered face.  Alex and Bre approach Auston from the other side of the bed, youngest wrapped in the arm of the oldest.  Standing next to their brother, they take hold of his hand and wipe tears from their red cheeks.  As they gasp for air, they tell Auston they love him, know he will triumph over this like he does everything and that he is the best brother ever.
Dr Quinn tries to remain stoic.  After making sure everyone is okay and settled, she excuses herself from the room and heads over to the Intensive Care station to speak to the attending doctor, finish up some paperwork and make some calls.  Then she hears it.
“They lost!” one of the nurses announces loudly.  
Dr Quinn rushes over to the nurse standing about 5 feet from her, to explain the situation and ask her to please keep the news to herself.  
Although the news crushes Dr Quinn, she also has a strong feeling wash over her that it will all be okay in the end.  She has no idea why she feels this way, but it calms her entire being.  
Dr Quinn informs Auston’s family that she is going home to get some sleep as she has worked 13 hours in the last 24 hour period.  She introduces them to the attending Doctor, Dr Higgins and reassures them that she is merely a phone call away if they need to speak to her before her 9 am return.
Dr Quinn returns to her condo.  She knows this upcoming week will be a trying one for her, Auston’s family and the City of Toronto.  Tired, Dr Quinn rests in the knowledge that her hard work and studies might be able to turn this tragic situation into a positive outcome.  She resolves that she is determined to do that for Auston, his family and the City of Toronto.  She will be the Superstar that everyone needs right now.  This is her chance to do what she has been training for her whole life. This is her Cup moment, so to speak.
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spirit-of-the-void · 5 years
Hello my sweet dove! I’ve got another flower shop idea! This time I’ve decided to crank the angst up. Could I have a scenario where s/o gets kidnapped by a demon to be used against Dante, gets hurt badly before Dante can save her (but he still sees her get hurt), but wrap it up with a sweet and fluffy ending? I hope you’re doing well, and as always you have my gratitude! 🌸
Absolutely! Sorry this took me so long, had stuff going on. Stayed up really late on this one
- Of all the things Dante feared, this was at the top of his “worst case scenarios” list.
- He thought he had been careful, enough so that you both got into a cycle he felt comfortable enough with to let his guard down. A mistake on his part, and a terrible one at that.
- You usually worked during the day, tending to the flowers and growing new ones until you closed shop in the afternoon. At that point either he or one of his “coworkers” would pick you up and escort you to Devil May Cry where you would either spend the night, or be escorted home by Dante. Who would stay at your place.
- He thought you would be safe in the daytime, in the public with humans steadily coming into your shop. It made no sense that a demon would choose to attack.
- But then again, he forgot demons rarely did what was expected of them
- With the number of enemies he had, it made sense that someone who get wind of you at some point.
- You, however, never had the thought of this. Your mind was only on his safety, knowing full well his job was dangerous and that he may one day get hurt from doing it. You never thought anyone was to come after you, a part of your naive ignorance.
- It didn’t click until demons burst into your shop, in broad daylight.
- The customers panicked and scattered, some making it out of the shop to find help while others did not. Blood was spilled onto floor and flower petals, horror filling you to the deepest part of your being as you tried to summon vines to protect those who couldn’t escape.
- But these demons were after you.
- You were overwhelmed immediately, dragged kicking and screaming from the shop. There wasn’t even any time to grab your phone and call Dante, the device left smashed on the floor as they took you.
- It wasn’t long before he found out what happened.
- He found it worrying when he didn’t get your text at noon asking how he was doing, but it was the following call that made his blood run completely cold.
- Morrison saw on the news about the shop attack, telling Dante immediately and notifying all other demon hunters in the area. A few humans had died, but you weren’t one of them. Witnesses saw demons dragging you away, through a portal and out of sight.
- To say Dante was angry was an understatement. Devastated didn’t cover it either.
- He was broken.
- Fear, horror, rage, regret, pain. He felt so many things at once he couldn’t stand it, breaking his desk in half with a firmly planted kick. You were taken. His love, his sunshine. He was out for blood, ready to kill anyone who dared touch what was so precious to him.
- Trish, Lady, Nero, Nico, and shockingly Vergil were all within Devil May Cry HQ by ten minutes, rushing to meet Dante and find out what the game plan was.
- Dante, for once, couldn’t get his head on straight. Panicking, knowing that every minute wasted was another you could be dead. How could they find you? You could have been dragged anywhere, hell or otherwise. With your phone left behind, all that remained was your scent, which ran stale after being taken away.
- “We will find her, Dante,” Lady promised, watching as the demon hunter paced back and forth, hair messed up from steeping his hands through it, “Then won’t kill her, not yet. This is about sending a message–they want you to see it.”
- He was not soothed.
- “I want them dead,” He growled, a cloud of steam coming from his lips. He was growing too hot, unable to control his devil trigger form and on the verge of transforming, “They took my girl, Lady. I want them dead. I want her back.”
- But someone had, luckily, thought ahead.
- Nico cleared her throat loudly, drawing all the attention in the room as she fumbled for her bag
- “You dumb fucks better be grateful I’m the smartest of the bunch,” Nico huffed, pulling something out of her backpack and tossing it to Dante, “Remember that hair clip I gave to your little lady a month ago? Made it myself, it’s a tracker I designed on the off chance this shit happened. If she’s wearin’ it, we can find her.”
- Dante could have fucking kissed her.
- He looked at the tracker in his hand, everyone crowding around him to see where your location was. He was half expecting to see the dot on your house, signalling you hadn’t worn the clip that day.
- But it wasn’t there.
- It was on the coast, where the ferry usually took boats to Fortuna. Dante recognized the location, an abandoned warehouse that was half under water from when the Qliphoth tree was still standing.
- He didn’t hesitate, grabbing his guns and starting for the door. The others followed, ready to follow Dante into hell if need be.
- You found yourself tied up in a half-submerged basement, the water licking at your feet as the demons crowded around you.
- To say you were afraid was an understatement–you were terrified, eyes wide and breaths coming in short, unsteady gulps. You had cried already, but doing so only caused one to hit you.
- Your cheek was red, head spinning a bit from the blow. They weren’t gentle, that was for certain. Several parts of your body had claw marks, hair having been pulled more times than you could count. You were scared, you just wanted to go home to Dante and feel safe again.
- You knew he would come for you. You knew that, but the fear was still there.
- “What the fuck are we waiting for?” One of the demons hissed, scraping his claws on the concrete floor and sloshing his tail in the stagnant water, “Let’s skin her and hang her out to dry on the front of her shop…!”
- “No,” Growled another, her voice like ice and blades as it whipped out at him, “I want him to fucking watch me rip her apart. He will come here.”
- You blanched at either possibility, cowering in fear and fighting back more tears. They wanted to use you to hurt Dante, and that wasn’t acceptable. There had to be some way to escape, to get away.
- Doing so would be a risk, but you didn’t want to lie down and lie in front of Dante’s eyes. You didn’t want him hurt by this too.
-The demons were all bickering now, arguing on what to do and discussing mauling and maiming you like it was nothing. You didn’t want to listen to it, you couldn’t focus. Your eyes darted over to the doorway, hair covering your face with your head down as it was.
- You were going to run, it was all you had left. There were seeds hidden in your pocket–if you used enough magic, they would burst into vines to protect you. It was your last chance.
- You waited until their fighting raised in tempo, like they were about to go at each other’s throats. Your fingers reached into your back pocket, pulling out the seeds and gripping them in your palm. When one of them raised their voice again, you sent the magic through, causing a burst of plant life in the room just as you sprinted for the exit.
- Screams of rage erupted behind you, the sound of claws scraping on concrete and teeth snapping through plant flesh loud and foreboding as you dead-sprinted up the stairs. Your heart was pounding, panic filling you as you leapt over as many as you could.
- You had to get outside, if you could get outside you could use more plants. It wouldn’t take them long to rip apart such weak seedlings.
- It wasn’t enough time.
- You could hear them drawing closer, clearing the stairs in a single bound and feet pounding on the floor behind you. Now in the main part of the warehouse, the room large with shattered windows and abandoned cargo containers. You weren’t fast enough.
- A scream left your lips when one slammed into you, pressing your face to the floor and scraping you heavily. It hurt, your face exploded in a stinging agony. He was panting in rage , the pressure of his body weight making it impossible to breath, cracking a couple of your ribs.
- “I’m not fucking waiting anymore…!” The demon hissed as the others caught up, rearing his tail back and slamming its sharp end right through your shoulder.
- Another scream left you, a wail of pain as you thrashed and kicked under his hands. Plant magic flaring, trying to find anything close by to help you, but there was nothing.  Blood was pooling around you, growing in intensity when the creature stabbed you again.
- It was hard to breath, head swimming and vision fading due to pain and blood loss. You were going to die, on the floor of an abandoned warehouse. Alone.
- You were so scared.
- As your consciousness faded, you heard the all too familiar sound of Dante screaming your name.
- The moment he saw you there, pinned down and being impaled by a demon, he saw red.
- Dante exploded into his Sin Devil Trigger form, throwing his sword and nailing the demon right in the chest. It let out a choked gurgle, pinned to the back wall as the other two started to panic, seeing every person who had come to your aid.
- Dante couldn’t stop himself. Seeing you, lying in a pool of blood, eyes closed and pale…he thought you were dead.
- Rage clouded his vision, he fell upon your captors in a frenzy of teeth and claws. He was going to rip them apart, and no one was going to be able to stop him. And honestly? They were smart enough not to try.
- Vergil and Lady crouched down by your body, the brother stone-faced as he felt for your pulse. It was there, thudding weakly but you were still alive.
- “Bloodthirsty fool,” He muttered as he scowled at Dante’s fighting form, shrugging off his coat and wrapping you in it, “She’s still breathing. One of you need to call someone, now.”
- Lady didn’t argue despite Vergil’s rude tone, whipping out her phone and dialing for an ambulance to help you. Explaining the location, circumstances, and how damaged you were.
- Trish and Nico got a first aid kit, stopping the bleeding as best they could while forced to wait. It didn’t take long for Dante to finish off your captors, his chest heaving and shoulders shaking with the force of his rage.
- He couldn’t take it, couldn’t handle what he was feeling. The pain, guilt, grief, and anger. It was too much, threatening to rip him apart and leave nothing in its wake. You were his everything, his sunshine, his life. To see you in that state…was crushing.
- He needed more blood, needed to get the grief out of his body.
- But before he could move, he felt Vergil grab him by the horn, snarling loudly in his ear, “Get your head out of your ass and listen for once. She’s still alive, Dante–get over there before I personally knock some sense into you.”
- Alive?
- He felt the fight snap out of his body in an instant, head turning to see you held in Trish’s arms, bandages wrapped around your chest and Vergil’s coat around your shoulders. You were messed up, cuts lining your arms and legs and cheek ripped up from the concrete floor.
- Dante bolted back to you, falling to his knees just as he took human form again, Trish surrendering you as gingerly as she could while he pressed his fingers to your pulse.
- Alive. Alive alive alive. You were alive. And that was all that mattered.
- He felt like his heart was being split in fucking two, eyes burning and dangerously close to tears as he held your damaged body. You went through something so terrible, and it was his fault. He should have been there to protect you, should have known better.
- Everyone stayed with him as the ambulance arrived, the paramedics allowing him to place you on the stretcher and travel with you to the hospital. The others opted on going back to Devil May Cry to wait, just as worried as Dante was.
- When you came to, a full two days had passed.
- You awoke in a hospital room, eyes opening to see a white ceiling. The room smelled like sterilizer and…flowers?
- You blinked, wincing at the pain it caused in your body as you looked to the side.
- Wow. There were so many flowers in the room. On a ledge by the window, on each bed side tables. , in a hanging basket by your bed. So many beautiful, blooming flowers, each one different and unique.
- You sucked in a breath, sitting up a bit and whimpering quietly at the pain it caused. To be honest, you were shocked that you could move at all–there was significantly less pain than you thought. The wounds on your chest hurt, but they felt…partially healed already.
- Upon sitting up, you saw Dante in the room, slumped over in a chair. The sight of him made your breath catch, tears filling your eyes at the state of him.
- He looked like hell, hair messed up from his fingers running through it. Blood looked like it had been hastily rubbed from his cheek, and his shirt was a bit ripped. It seemed like he had slung his coat on the back of the chair. Had he even moved from that spot?
- He seemed to sense you staring at him, his eyes slowly blinking open and head lifting up. As soon as he saw you awake, he jolted out of his chair, suddenly wide awake as he rushed to your side.
- “You’re awake…!” He breathed, voice incredibly raw and filled with relief. He cupped your uninjured cheek, looking you over anxiously as he added, “You shouldn’t move, you aren’t fully healed yet, sunshine.”
- You leaned into his touch, sighing softly in relief as you mumbled, “I’m okay…I feel better than I did.” Why was that the case?
- Dante seemed to sense what you were thinking, kneeling down by the bed and leaning his head on your lap. You immediately threaded your fingers through his hair, heart squeezing at his actions. He looked and sounded so strung out, absolutely exhausted.
- “Everybody kept bringing flowers in for you,” He mumbled, closing his eyes and letting out a slow breath, “Flowers from your shop. As soon as they brought them in, they started glowing and shit…it was effecting you, and healing you faster.”
- That made sense…you helped the plants, kept them happy and healthy. They were connected to you, full of your healing energy, so it only made sense that they’d return the favor.
- “I’m healing fast,” You murmured in reply, letting out a soft breath, “I’m glad for that at least.”
- Dante didn’t reply, incredibly quiet from his spot on your lap. You blinked, stroking back his hair and trying to coax up his face.
- “Dante?”
- Seeing the tears in his eyes could have broken you in two, so incredibly heartbreaking that you felt your chest ache. You had never seen him cry before, not in all the time you were together. Seeing it now was startling, and it made you ache in a way you never experienced.
- “I’m so sorry,” Dante whispered, tone raw as you brushed the tears away, “I never meant for you to get hurt. Never, darling. Seeing you there on the floor, covered in blood…I just…”
- Your own eyes burned with tears, tugging him up so you could wrap your arms around his neck.
- “Careful, you’re still–” Dante began to protest, but your sniffling cut him off.
- “It’s not your fault,” You hiccuped, squeezing him as much as you were able and squeezing your eyes shut, “I’m okay…I’ll be okay…We will learn from this and do better next time.”
- You were afraid of him getting scared and putting distance between you both. You were afraid of him leaving.
- But he put his arms around you too, holding you like you were made of glass and pressing his lips to your hair.
- “I don’t deserve you,” He mumbled, nuzzling his face to your locks and inhaling the scent of flower petals, “Never did. But I love you so fucking much that I can’t let you go.”
- Hearing him say it like that…wow, your stomach was filled with butterflies.
- He tilted your head, kissing your forehead before pressing his lips to yours. He felt so warm, but he smelled a bit considering how long he sat there. You didn’t mind.
- “We will work on it,” He breathed, kissing you again and again before giving that treatment to your hands. Each word between another kiss, “No one will hurt you like that again. Never. “
- You flushed at his actions, peeking at him from behind the curtain of your hair as you whispered, “That’s all I ask…and…well…”
- “Yes, Sunshine?”
- “…Can I move in with you?”
- Funny you should ask, that was exactly what Dante had planned.
- In the coming week, you were discharged from the hospital and allowed to return home. You were well enough to walk out on your own, wounds healed save for some scars and heavy bruising. You were lucky the marks on your face were fading steadily, there would be no scarring there.
- You and Dante worked out a plan for your shop, deciding to move it closer to town where Devil May Cry was. Morrison had an empty lot he was more than willing to give up, since it hadn’t been sold in years.
- Everyone was happy to see you were okay, welcoming you home with open arms and relief. Even Vergil, who you didn’t expect to see at all, was sitting at the office couch, arms folded and watching you reunite with everyone. You heard he gave up his coat to wrap you in it, the article of clothing drenched in your blood. You reminded yourself to thank him for it.
- A couple months passed before anything felt normal again. Dante rarely left your side for anything, and when forced to he assigned someone to be with you at all times. A bit overwhelming at first, but you didn’t complain. It gave you more time to spend with everyone, including Nero and Kyrie.
- They helped you set up your new shop, which was bigger and better than the last one. The wide, open windows made better for your flowers growing, and the location allowed for more customers than the little corner shop you had.
- And as for moving in…you found a home in the Devil May Cry HQ, finally sharing a room with Dante. Which was…an adjustment, one you enjoyed heavily. Being able to wake up and fall asleep to him every night was wonderful.
- You half expected Vergil to complain about it, but according to Nero when he asked the man about it in regards to the situation, Vergil gave a simple answer.
- “Since Dante became romantic with her things have vastly improved quality wise,” Vergil had scoffed, wearing a small frown and reading a leather-bound book, “While she’s here the office is clean, civilized, with flowers and plant-life growing. Dante is far more behaved and entertained, so he bothers me less.”
- That was good enough for you, at least. You still wanted to be civil, and went out of your way to grow things in the house he would like. Lavender and chamomile, mint leaves and things he could use for his teas. He never commented on it, but you saw him using them often.
- You moved on from the vicious attack, much faster than Dante did. You still felt awful when he jolted awake at nightmare, remembering what happened and checking to make sure you were still alive.
- Things grew peaceful, living together with him. You ran your shop, you came home to his arms and grew closer to everyone in the process.
- In time, the only thing that would show of such terrible memories would be the scars on your chest.
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msjr0119 · 5 years
Hold On
Part 3- Last Hurrah
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Nobody got injured at the Homecoming ball, they all get separated into different safe houses- for safety.
Riley and Drake had confirmed that they had feelings for each other, however Drake believed Riley should be with Liam. Heartbroken, she moves back to New York. Only keeping in touch with Hana, Maxwell and Olivia.
Riley meets lawyer, Nate Cooper and begins a relationship with him. In Cordonia, Drake begins to court Kiara.
Nine months after Riley had left Cordonia- there is a reunion, but not the reunion the friends had hoped for.
*Characters belong to Pixelberry*
If you are under 18 please do not read this series. If you do you are consenting that you are over the age.
Series warnings: Suicide, domestic abuse, swearing, stabbing. If any of these triggers affect you do not read!
Tags- @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @butindeed @drakesensworld @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @pedudley @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @dangerouseggseagleartisan @gnatbrain @walker7519
**Riley’s POV part 2 and present time**
Riley arrived at the “safe” accommodation, not knowing what to do with herself. Did she regret, reporting Nate to the police? No. But also yes. Yes because she felt if she continued to run would he find her? Take it out on her again? But again no, because she thought it would help prevent any more harm to other woman.
Feeling alone, she sat on the edge of her bed twirling her hair, staring at the same spot on the wall in a tranced gaze. Talking about her miscarriage to the detective, made her think about Cordonia. The only ones who knew that she was pregnant , were Hana and Max. They had convinced her to tell Drake the truth. She was close to contacting him- that was until Max ‘accidentally slipped’ that Drake was now in a relationship with Kiara. Slowly she pulled out the scan of her unborn baby- I’m so sorry, I’ll always love you. What was the point she thought? She had lost everything, other than some friends- she felt that they could live without her and her constant fuck ups. After a while, she came to the conclusion of regretting ever going to Cordonia in the first place.
She decided to attempt to drink the pain away- reaching for a bottle of white wine. One bottle turned into two easily- in an instant. The pain was still there- it was unbearable. In her drunk state of mind, she realised one person needed an overdue apology- Leo.
“Hi, Leo. I just want to apologise for what has happened in the last few months. I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve it. And I’m sorry for any pain it caused you. You and Beth meant the world to me and I hope you both have a lovely future together. I’ll miss you both. I’ll love each and everyone of you- tell the rest of them that I’m sorry too, you’ll know who I’m referring to. Ri x”
That was the last text she sent to any of her closest friends, she turned her phone off. She didn’t want to read the response. Slowly, she drifted off to sleep, still grasping onto the wine glass- the liquid spilling down her.
Riley later woke up at 4am the following morning- due to the nightmares involving everything that had happened; the social season, Drake, Liam and Nate. Her head was spinning, her body shaking, uncontrollable sweating.
Getting dressed, she decided to go for a walk to clear her head. It would be quiet- as it was only early hours. The only people that could and would be around would be dog walkers, she believed.
Arriving near the river, she heard the birds tweet awaking the city, the water flowing creating a tranquil atmosphere. Thoughts running through her head- the distant memories. Riley had lost the spunk she once had; now feeling hopeless, tearful and overwhelmed by all negative thoughts. All the men she had given her heart to, failed her- making her lose trust and feel unwanted. Since the abuse from Nate she neglected her personal appearance- I am not the woman people know anymore.
I walked towards the river bank, not really knowing why I was here? It was calling me- like a magnet. This was my last hurrah as Bebe Rexha would sing, some of the lyrics of the song related to my life.
“I’m done with the drinking” - no matter how much i drink there is still the pain lingering, stabbing my body constantly, as if I’m a voodoo doll.
“ I’m done with the smoking” -smoking apparently calms stress, not for me. I’d have to have a cigarette one after the other and there would still be stress and pain in between.
“I’m done with the heartache”- I can’t take anymore heartache, I am fully broken and are not fixable now.
“I’m done with the demons”- the demons in my head that are telling me I’m worthless, all the mistakes I’ve made. Seems like the devil has been encouraging my life to fuck up.
“Can’t wait to be normal right after this weekend”- I hoped everything would get better, but no the shitstorm continued. I would never be my normal self again.
“I’m done with the drama I’m fixing my karma”-I tried, nothing was fixing it, I need out.
“Maybe tomorrow I won’t feel this pain, last hurrah”- only one way to stop this all continuous pain, I’m a coward, I’m selfish, I won’t feel any pain anymore.
I took my shoes off, and sat on the edge of the muddy riverbank, taking in the last memory of the beautiful scenery surrounding me. Pulling my purse out of my bag, I stared longingly at the black and white picture- my baby. Raising the picture to my mouth, I kissed it- mommy is coming to be with you angel, I’m sorry, I’ll see you soon and protect you and love you like I should have loved you in this world.
Leaving all my possessions on the side of the riverbank as if they were lost property, I timidly walked over to the water. Dipping my toes into the ice cold flowing water, sent a shock through my body. Could I do this, I thought? Having second doubts, I looked up to the beautiful sunrise, looking around making sure no one was there. I had to jump- no more second chances, no more time to doubt. It was no or never. My heart jumped out of my skin as I entered the water. I gave up. I’m sorry.
Olivia was still sat with her friend, she didn’t know long she had been there. Time seemed to disappear in a flash. Thoughts ran through the duchess’s head. Riley always spoke on the phone as if her life was good- no drama now she was back in her city. There was a knock at the door, she let go of her friends cold hand and kissed her forehead expecting it to be the others. As she turned around, Leo pulled her in for a tight hug- he knew Olivia didn’t ‘do hugs’ and was shocked when she returned it.
“Liv, she’s going to be okay. I’m sorry. I should have contacted you all right away. I... I think I was the last one she text. It was a goodbye text to us all.”
Olivia raised her eyebrows, Leo showed her the text, looking at Riley then back at Liv with sorrow in his eyes.
“What has gone off Leo? Why is she apologising to you?”
“Liv, did you read all the article?”
“No! Why would I? I read the important bits, we all packed and came straight away behind your brothers back!”
“Olivia, you missed out the important part by the sounds of it. Look...”
No foul play is suspected at this time, however Detective David McDonald has requested if any other witnesses could come forward. The previous day before this tragic incident, Miss Brooks had reported her ex partner to NYPD for domestic abuse. It is known that the well spoke about Lawyer, Nate Cooper had abused the victim for months, including hospitalising her on more than one occasion. Leo Rhys, a friend of Miss Brooks also became a victim to Mr Cooper’s violent outbursts. The man is currently in custody with the Boston Police Force.
“No one messes with Olivia Nevrakis or her friends and gets away with it! I’m going to fucking kill him! Leo, stay with Riley and the others. I’m going to Boston!”
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deviliscry-blog · 6 years
@necrogal continued from - Discord
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"How about a faerie then ?  that's more suiting to someone like you."  charming.  he offered her a nod of the head, in lieu of a theatrical bow.  he wasn't the best with words, his strengths laid in his fists, and the woman seemed adept enough with sidestepping any sly remarks he threw her way.   her expertise seemed to amplify her confidence,  despite her small stature she gave off a vibe that she could take on the world; it was interesting to say the least.
“you’re right, i’m not just a hunter.”  he scanned the map, taking note of the hot spots as she marked them out; “i’m just a really good one.”  he cracked a sly grin, proud of himself clearly, and sat himself down on the desk, looking cute & acting coy.  his curiosity was peaked at the offhanded mention of necromancy, it stood out to him, but not enough for him to act on it.  he didn’t have any strong feelings about those who played doctor with corpses, but he knew more often than not they were the source of a lot of his smaller jobs.  “i ran into one or two dead things on the walk here, are there already people on this job ?  is this a regular gig around these parts ?”
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wndamaximov · 5 years
The New Recruit
Part 5
Pairing - Bucky x Reader(platonic)
Summary - Y/n finally gets to live out her dream
Warnings - A butt-ton of Bucky!fluff, angst, suicide bombing/bombers
Words - 1,150
A/N - Sorry guys, Peter and Shuri aren’t the main focus of this one... I gave you a lot of Bucky to make up for it though!
<< prev chapter
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Y/n sat on her bed, fidgeting with the loose strings on the edge of her blanket. Ever since the failed mission with Peter and Shuri, she’d been wondering why she’d blacked out when she entered the room where she heard Peter scream.
“You need to learn how to control it. You cannot let your emotions get the best of you.”
“You are a soldier. Emotions will only serve to hinder you. They are your weakness.”
Earlier that day, y/n had become one with her flames, eating her way through an entire forest. She was lucky that there were no casualties. But even then, she hadn’t blacked out.
She reached over to her bedside table and grabbed the phone that Stark had given her, and scrolled through her very short list of contacts until she landed on the one named ‘SPIDEY-BOY’.
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Y/n set the phone back on the table, suddenly feeling extremely tired. She needed to take her mind off of things for a while.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Bucky lay on his bed, his face up towards the ceiling, twirling his hair around his metal hand. He was worried that y/n hated him, especially after the part he played in grounding her. It didn’t help that she hadn’t come out of her room for a whole day, not even for meals.
Finally, he decided he’d pay her a visit. Maybe she wasn’t as mad at him as she seemed.
Just as he was about to open the door, someone knocked on it. He pulled it open, and smiled warmly at his visitor.
“Speak of the devil.”
“What devil?” Bucky chuckled at y/n’s confusion.
“No devil. It’s just an expression. I was just thinking of going to your room when you knocked on my door,” he explained.
“Oh. May I come in?”
“Of course, sweetheart.” He stepped aside to let y/n through. “What’s up?”
Y/n sat down on the chair next to Bucky’s bed, looking at the old war photographs of Bucky and Steve on his desk.
“Shiva was my Steve- my best friend.” Bucky sat on the space on his bed closest to y/n, waiting for her to continue.
She picked up one of the photos, running her thumb over the frame. “We always used to dream of coming here, to America.” She leaned back in the chair, and continued. “We used to talk of seeing a picture, while eating popped corn kernels and drinks that explode in your mouth.”
Bucky immediately understood where she was going. “Do you want to see a movie with me?”
Y/n’s face immediately lit up. “If it’s not to much trouble…”
“Of course it isn’t.” Bucky stood up, holding out his hand to her. “It’ll be fun, you’ll see.”
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Y/n had never been in such a crowded place before. Bucky told her it was a mall, a place where people sold and bought a variety of things. It was kind of like the bazaar back in-
Y/n pushed her way past the men and women haggling for a cheaper price on the goods they wished to buy. These people, the normal, innocent people, who didn’t deserve to get hurt.
“I don’t think I can do this,” she whispered to the person speaking through her earpiece.
“You must,” he barked, “lest you want your friend to get it.” Translation: detonate the bomb or Shiva dies. And y/n would never do anything that would hurt her friend. She pressed the trigger.
“It’s a lot more… quiet than I’m used to. Less bargaining.”
“Yeah? You ever bargained for ice-cream?”
She shook her head. “I didn’t go to the ‘mall’ to buy anything.”
Bucky understood what that was like. He remembered only bits and pieces of being The Winter Soldier, and he never went to malls to buy anything either- only to take out his assigned targets. “You want to try some?”
“Ice-cream?” He nodded. “Yes, please.”
Bucky lead her across the pathway to Baskin Robbins. “C’mon, I’ll show you my favorite flavor.”
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
As they walked out of the ice-cream store and towards the movie-theater, Bucky asked, “You think you still have room for pop-corn and soda?”
“Of course!” y/n replied, “I wouldn’t want to miss out.”
“Course not, kiddo” Bucky ruffled her hair.
As they approached the ticket booth, Bucky asked, “What movie do you want to see?”
“I don’t know any of these. Why don’t you pick?”
He looked up at all the choices and settled on the one thing he knew- Disney.
The bored looking man behind the glass asked, “What’ll it be?”
“Two tickets for Aladdin, please.”
“Coming right up.”
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Y/n burst out of the theater the happiest she’d ever been, singing A Whole New World. Bucky trailed behind, laughing so hard that he thought the soda would come bubbling back up his nose.
That’s when y/n saw a little boy, standing in the middle of the stream of people, none of them looking at him for more than a second. She recognized the same fearful look, and saw him look up at an unseen window, a red dot looking back down on him.
Bucky followed her gaze, and was about to yell for everyone to run for cover when he noticed y/n was gone. And so was the boy.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
“What is your name?” she asked the boy, carefully detaching his vest. She’d pulled them into a secluded bathroom once she saw the boy was in a blind-spot of the sniper.
“Hassan.” After pulling free the last buckle, she threw the vest to the ground. Then, she turned on the tap, carefully turning the water into steam. She couldn’t lose control. Hassan’s life depended on it.
Y/n lifted her hand a little, guiding the steam towards the bomb. Slowly but surely, it melted until it was just a hunk of cooling metal.
“Well, Hassan,” she turned to smile at the boy, “you’re safe now.”
Just then, Bucky busted in. “Oh thank God, there you are. I was looking all over for you.” He pulled her into a hug, scared to let go.
“It’s okay, I diffused the bomb.”
Bucky looked at the puddle of steel and laughed. “I can see that. Who’s your friend?
“We’ll need to take him with us.” Whoever said that had just come into the bathroom. Tony, with Steve right behind him. “It seems that none of us here are safe.”
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
After Tony filled them in, they all piled into an inconspicuous “soccer-mom” car, as Tony’d said
She now knew that Steve’s gym, the Party Tony was at, the coffee shop where Nat and Loki where were all hit. She stopped listening after the third one. All she knew was that no one she knew was safe.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
>> next chapter
Feedback and Comments are appreciated- you don’t have to, but I will shower you with love if you do😊
Bonus Points if you try to guess what Bucky’s favorite ice-cream flavor is here!
If you want to be tagged in The New Recruit/all my Marvel fics/all my fics, just ask!
The New Recruit: @jim-the-fallen-fan  @ms-mischief221b @someonebeatmeatthisname@spidergirl2017 @marvel-is-a-mood @rideandwritethings  @loveloonx
Bucky Barnes: @marvelgirl7
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pastelgrungewrecker · 5 years
Please don’t take               My sunshine                             Away
“What’s it gonna be? You? Or them?”
They had been healing. Recovering. Getting back to what they called normal.
Mimi’s doctor’s appointments were down to every three weeks. Chrona had slowly come back out of her angry silence, and Quickdraw’s fists no longer creaked whenever his fingers curled.
Kiki and Dani no longer burst into tears when the lights went dim.
Their fathers had slowly been able to breathe again...
And then it all went wrong once more.
Mimi was at the hospital; attending her physical therapy session, which left Quickdraw to walk the others to and from school. He laughed as Dani and Kiki ran ahead of him and Chrona followed the younger two with a shout of, “C’mon stay close! You know the rules!”
And then Chrona kicked on a burst of speed, and the hairs on the back of Quickdraw’s neck rose like bristles.
His walk quickened to a jog, then to a sprint as hands reached out from behind the corner of a familiar building missing a front window and snatched at Chrona’s braid and hauled her out of sight.
Dani and Kiki shrieked in fear as their backpack straps were grabbed and pulled.
Quickdraw’s shoes slid on still glittering and stained concrete as he stopped on the service alley and bolted down it after the screams and wails of his younger sisters- his chest burned again as he breathed smoke and suffering from days once dim until the crackle of gravel under his feet warned him to slow down.
A bandaged face met him, surrounded once again by allies- his sisters held tight. Dani and Kiki’s faces were streaking in tears already as they held each other, and Chrona tugged and spat and snarled to be let go.
“Think you’re some kinda badass huh?!”
Quickdraw stood tall, walking slowly forward, “Let them go, man. The two little ones aren’t even out of elementary- the neighborhood would riot and you’d get worse than what you got before.”
A bitter laugh, “Yeah, yeah- They’re better stock than the rest of you anyway, pitbrat.”
Quickdraw flinched at the name as Dani and Kiki were shoved forward; Kiki stumbled, scraping her forearms on gravel and wailing in pain. Chrona surged forward, barely restrained until an arm snaked around her throat and pulled tight.
“Let her go too, she’s never done anything.”
“She almost GOUGED OUT a motherfucker’s EYE Quickdraw.”
“You all tried to kill her big sister, so its a reasonable reaction.”, he fired back, deadpan and sarcastic, “Consequences exist y’know.”
“Yeah, they do. And today you get yours.”
Quickdraw’s golden eyes grew wide when he heard the click of a blade locking open.
“Let’s see how tough you are now, huh? Conspawn’s not here to protect you, Quickie; And there’s more of us than there are of you.”
“Dani, get behind me with Kiki.”, said Quickdraw, low and quiet and calm before once more addressing a self-made enemy, “Let her go, dude. If you’ve got problems with me that’s FINE but leave my other sisters out of this. You already put Mimi in the hospital, what more do you want.”
“You’re all TRAITORS. My pops DIED tryin’ to get rid of Cons and now all these halfbreeds are running around? Fucking CRIMINALS crossbreeding with decent people and YOU’RE PROTECTING THEM.”
“Buddy everyone suffered during the Wars, think about what you’re doing. You’re threatening a bunch of KIDS because of your ego.”
“Yeah, a bunch of kids who run after the heels of a DECEPTICON HALFBREED.”
“A faction isn’t a species you fucking idiot; now let my sister GO.”
Quickdraw’s stomach went cold when he saw the flash; a steel blade, an old military grade flickknife pressed against his sister’s twitching temple. Dani wailed softly, holding tight to Kiki as Quickdraw’s fists creaked like they had once upon a time.
Chrona bit hard on her lip as the knifetip traced beside her eye- leaving a thin red line from the end of her eyebrow down to her cheekbone.
“You want us to let her GO? Alright, then we wanna make a deal. You won’t let us erase the Conspawn? You want us to leave your bastard sisters alone? Then you gotta pay up Quickdraw.”
Quickdraw swallowed hard at the grins on the faces aimed at him as Chrona’s face went pale in realization.
“...If I agree, you’ll let them leave safely, right. You’ll leave them alone forever.”
“Eyup. You pay the piper and the kiddies go home free.”
Quickdraw worried the inside of his cheek with his teeth- his head was screaming for him to run, to get help, to do something other than make a deal with the Devil; but he looked down at Kiki and Dani, he looked over to the weakly struggling Chrona...
“What’s it gonna be? You? Or them?”
“...Fine. Let them go.”, said Quickdraw quietly, feeling his body tense up for a fight, “Let them go, I’ll take their place.”
A wicked smile, and Chrona was released. She stumbled, wobbled, and coughed hoarsely as she rubbed at her throat-
And then the two youngest shrieked aloud.
Quickdraw looked over his shoulder, seeing a vehicle suddenly rumble to life and he grabbed the two youngest, “CHRONA, GO!”
They ran. The service alleyway was blocked off, forcing Chrona and Quickdraw to veer off towards the old industrial sheds; the main gate was open and unlocked, but their head start was closing fast.
She skidded to a stop, turning only to squawk as Kiki was shoved into her arms. Quickdraw’s eyes were molten gold and heating with his newfound temper.
“Get them home. Get Dad. Get EVERYONE. I’ll hold them off so you can lose them- but get safe!”
“Qd, I can’t just-”
Chrona jolted, shocked at the barked swear from her normally so softspoken sibling; but she nodded. She whispered to Dani to follow, and led them off in a zigzagging path out of the industrial yard.
Quickdraw turned and launched himself at the first victim he saw, his blows falling indiscriminantly as he kept their pursuers away from following Chrona and the two youngest. He knew it was futile- It was him against at least ten others. He knew he’d pay for it; they were armed and he was not.
But this time, they wouldn’t take another light. He refused to see Chrona’s eyes go dim and cloudy in repressed fear. He refused to see Dani or Kiki flinch when they heard the ground scuff too hard underfoot.
He’d be damned if he saw another ray of his home’s sunshine dimmed down into a hospital bed with the lights forever stuck at half.
And so he swung and kicked, he bit and gouged. He felt bones crack and felt blood smear and he fought with everything he had until his legs shook from holding up his weight and his hands went numb.
And when they overpowered him, he spat in their faces. When his hands were held outstretched to either side like Jesus on the cross he glared in defiance.
When they kicked his legs and made him kneel he tugged and snarled and sank too-sharp teeth into whatever he could until he tasted wet pennies and old nickels.
“Fucking REALLY.”
“You broke the fucking rules FIRST asswipe.”
Quickdraw’s chin and head were suddenly grabbed, held steady- The flash of a blade in his vision and a scowl built on bruised ego reflected by his golden eyes.
“I don’t like how you look at me, traitor.”
Quickdraw spat in the face in front of him. He barked a bitter laugh at the sound of disgust, blinking the beginnings of pained tears out of his sunshine eyes when his head was forcibly tilted slightly up.
“Just for that, you’re going to fucking PAY.”
The scream was heard all the way back at the main road, where a pair of twins looked at each other as they followed their massive father down the dim path.
Ahead of him ran a girl in green, her face twisted in a snarl and a pistol in her hands as she was followed by a voice begging her to think before she acted.
Quickdraw sobbed, his left eye a red and gold and gory mess as it dribbled down his cheek. Laughter assaulted his ears as his remaining eye blurred, and then he screeched in pain as colors danced in front of it before going dark- it felt like electricity buzzed under his nosebridge, his head swam as his cheeks felt bright life leak down over them-
Gunfire. Gunfire and howling and sobs of “WHAT THE FUCK MAN WHAT THE FUCK SHE’S BACK SHE’S GOT A GUN-”
The sound of Magnus bellowing “GET DOWN, ON THE GROUND, NOW-”
Chaos, and his head hung as his hearing went tinny and dull. He slumped forward when his arms were released and his forearms crashed down onto unforgiving gravel as his legs shook before he tilted and tilted and the world came up to catch him.
Magnus stared out at the line of twelve people on their knees, some bleeding and some wobbling as they clutched stomachs and chests. Mimi’s chest heaved, her green eyes wide as she stared at the dropped knife, the hands in the air, the fear on a too-self-absorbed torturer’s face. She raised her father’s pistol as ice bloomed over her expression and pulled the trigger.
“Damn.”, she hissed, tossing it to the side as her target’s shoulders relaxed. She cracked her knuckles, looked once at Magnus, and then set to work.
Dominus, the youngest of the twins, was at Quickdraw’s side first. Coaxing him up, letting him claw his way into a sitting position as Forge pulled his t-shirt off and balled it up.
“Ch-Chrona, KikiDaniwhere-”
“They’re safe man, they’re safe they called Dad, Magnus is here it’s safe- oh god... oh Primus, oh god DAD, DAD CALL THE MEDICS, CALL THEM NOW!”
Forge stared in horror at the empty socket, at the broken and dim remaining gold as eyelids blinked crooked over vicious wounds. And he unballed his shirt, rolling it into a strip and held it carefully over Quickdraw’s eyes.
“M-My, my eyes, he had a- I can’t- can’t see he-”
“I know man, I know- DAD, HURRY!”
The howl of sirens, the sound of vehicles. Quickdraw sat limp in the twin’s hold as a door slammed and Quickdraw heard boots running over concrete and heard it-
“QUICKDRAW, QUI- Quickdraw, oh... Oh god kiddo, no... nononono-”
Whirl knelt, feeling his throat close as he saw the red lines down smooth cheeks and took over Forge’s hold. He let the strip of saturate shirt fabric fall away, and coughed a soft cry of mourning.
Quickdraw looked at him without looking at him, and coughed weakly.
“I-I kept ‘em safe Dad.”, he said, “I kept ‘em safe this time, I didn’t let them hurt ‘em like they did to Mimi did... Did I do alright? Did I do it right?”
Whirl’s sob as he put his arms around his son made Mimi turn; one hand curled in a shirt collar and the other with knuckles split and bruised. Enforcers were swarming the area, the jingle of cuffs was loud and then she stared down at her victim.
“You took my legs. You took their smiles... You took my baby bro’s eyes.”, she said, her voice rough as the gravel she stood on as she hauled the would-be villain to his feet, “I’m gonna take something from you that you’re NEVER gonna get back.”
The sickening snap of bone made Magnus and Whirl turn their heads sharply. 
Mimi had dropped her brother’s tormentor, put a booted prosthetic on his hand, and stomped down with the ferocity of the Decepticon she was born of. She ground her heel down, stomping again and again until her target tried to yank his hand back a final time and the fingers splayed at all the wrong angles.
“Good luck ever using that hand again.”, she said coldly, “Now, put out your other one.”
“YOU TOOK TWO EYES, SHITSTAIN!”, she roared as another car swerved into the growing crime scene, “SO I WANT TWO FUCKING HANDS, BOY!”
She turned, rage painted on her face, to see Drift lit up by an arriving ambulance. She growled in her throat, and stepped away. Instead, she moved to where Whirl knelt and held his injured son and put her hand on the ex-Wrecker’s shoulder.
The sun began to set, night creeping in on the edges of everyone’s vision as more sirens, more lights flashed and screeched into the evening.
An evening that came early for the boy with sunshine eyes.
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Devil’s Temptation pt13
Warnings: Mob Styling Warlords, strong language
Chapter 13 – Unlawful Attraction
The repetitive sounds of machines beeping filled the private side room of the main city hospital. Small tubes and wires almost seemed to drip from every exposed inch of the old man laying on the bed. His skin was slightly ashen but nothing near what it was like when he was first brought in.
After a whirlwind surgical procedure to pull out the bullet lodged in his chest cavity. It was deemed advisable given his already poor health to keep him sedated until he was stronger to cope with everything. The suggested medical coma worked well for this impromptu plan. If you had just waited. If you hadn’t said that… this might never have happened. Although I should thank you old man. This should do perfectly.
Takahiro signed the papers and paid the bills. It was the least he could do for his bait. He sat with a serene look on his face as he watched the breathing machine puff up and down. It is so peaceful here. I wonder what it must be like to just lay there in dreamless sleep. The door to the room opened and Shin entered carrying a bottle of water that he must have brought with him from home given that it was not a brand stocked in the vending machines outside. I don’t know if you are seriously organised or just a little too OCD at times.
“He’s alive?” Shin looked over at the bed his face had a look of concern on it.
“Naturally. He still has a use after all.” Takahiro stood up and took the bottle of water from Shin’s unprotesting hand. Don’t worry so much and just trust me. I got this.
“You know you can be a real Shinigami?” Shin turned to him. His expressionless mask was back but only just. The worry was still behind his eyes. Small fleeting glimpses of it, but it was there.
“Does that repulse you?” Takahiro’s voice seemed to become thick like molasses as he spoke. His dark grey eyes moved closer. That hooded, heated gaze both thrilled Shin but at the same time, he was registering this situation to be distasteful.
Before he could protest the soft warm impact of Takahiro’s lips connecting to his had him rooted to the spot, his eyes fluttering shut. After a few seconds, cool air circulated over his lips telling him it was over and he opened his eyes to see Takahiro standing there a look of impish joy on his face, like a child that just got away with a prank. Takahiro cracked open the water bottle and drained half of it in one go.
“What do you want to do now?” Shin asked his voice a little shaken. Shin knew the consequences if this gamble didn’t work. He knew that this was not a well-constructed plan. He knew… he knew he would follow Takahiro into hell if that was where he was going. 
“Trying to tempt me? Oh, don’t make that face.” Takahiro chuckled at the glare Shin shot him. It wasn’t often he got to see a look with daggers to it. “Make a call. I’d say it’s time to go fishing.”
What was that? The gentle impact into his chest felt warm, and a faint smell of jasmine caught his attention. I know this smell.
“Mitsuhide?” A voice he never thought he’d hear emanated from near his chest causing him to look down to see with his own eyes that this was not some trick. There she was just as he remembered. Well perhaps not. Was she always this small? She’s been crying. He resisted the urge he had to bring his hand up to her cheek to get a better look at her face. I don’t deserve to touch you.
“[Name]? Whatever would a little mouse like you be doing here?” Mitsuhide quickly threw up a wall and backed away from her before he could wrap his arms around her.
“I wanted to see you.” She gave a faint nervous smile and his foolish heart thumped loud in his chest despite him telling it not too. Seriously? You, my dear, are extremely good at triggering responses. I don’t know what is worse. That you are able too or that I seem so ill-prepared with ways in which to stop you.
“You foolish girl. Haven’t you learnt that all I do is hurt people around me? Or maybe you like that?” Mitsuhide plastered his best condescending look on his face. His voice sounded mocking as if he was talking to something beneath him. It hurts. I’m sorry… I… you deserve better than this. Better than me.
“Stop it! I know you’re trying to push me away.” Her suddenly loud proclamation made his thoughts stall in wonder. “Mitsuhide I don’t think that that is all you do and I also don’t think you are being fair.” Her voice held such strong conviction it was for a moment as if he was looking into the eyes of some timeless oracle. She sees more than people think she does. Well played little mouse.
“Fairness is a luxury best saved for those pure-hearted little innocent things like you my dear. I am neither pure-hearted or innocent.” His face twisted at his own self-mockery. He was never one to host his own pity party. But that did not mean he was totally devoid of feelings. You really shouldn’t be near me.
“You don’t have to be.”
“What?” Her faint words sent him into a tailspin of emotions. What do you mean?
“Mitsuhide I…. I can’t forgive you.” [Name] stumbled clumsily through the words she wished to say. It was endearing in a way to watch the struggle she was having. Of course, you can’t how the hell would you?
“I never asked for you too.” His voice softened. Every part of his body was wanting to pull her to him and comfort her. The look on her face as she processed her thoughts, the fact she had so clearly been crying. The knowledge that some, if not all of that was caused by him. I just want to hold you and make it all go away. I know I have no right, it’s so very selfish of me to wish for it but… I do. And if I was given the chance to do just that… would I be able to let you go again?
“No, I know but…” [Name] took a step closer to him as if drawn by an invisible force to do so. “I can’t forgive you, but I can’t forget you either.” She turned her large deep blue eyes on him. They were sparkling with all of those trapped tears floating on the surface of that ever-swirling sea of emotion she kept within her. Gods… she’s beautiful. “Logically I know I shouldn’t care and I should leave and not look back. I know that. But I still can’t.”
“[Name]…” Mitsuhide felt the strength leave him as she reached out with her small, delicate hand and lightly touched his arm. I think my dear you might very well be the most dangerous thing I’ve ever seen.
“Please let me finish.” She retracted her fingers and returned her hand to her side. Fidgeting a little on the spot like a nervous child. Her eyes remained trained on him. “What you did I didn’t like, and I still don’t, but I also cannot say for sure if it was totally the wrong thing to do.”
“What?” Her words struck him to his core. She doesn’t think it was completely wrong? Why in all that is good in this world do you not blame me more? Scream, shout, hate me I’m used to that, all of it. Why? Why are you…
“We all have a past Mitsuhide. Ones we don’t talk about but they changed us at some point. I don’t think you are a bad man. I think what you did was out of concern for me and that is something a really bad guy would never consider when doing things right?” She was softness, warmth and light. So much light it was blinding in that instant he felt whatever hunger he had in him disappear. If it was possible to survive purely on how he felt in that moment right there he would gladly try. For her, he would try anything. This is dangerous…
“You give me too much credit my dear. I did what I did because it was the only option that would allow me to move on with my life without the hindrance of having to concern myself with…” He attempted again to steel himself. To put an edge to his tone and make himself as cold as ice.
“Stop!” [Name] grabbed his arm again without hesitation. “You’re lying.”
“Mm?!” He almost recoiled. But her small hand had such a tight grip on him that he couldn’t. She is so strong... after everything, she is still pushing forward. She took in a deep breath before exhaling. Her eyes danced over the hallway for a few moments before she closed them and continued speaking more calmly.
“You are lying Mitsuhide. Your smile is not reaching your eyes, your body language is set to mimic but it is not enough. I can’t forgive and forget but I’m wanting… No… I’m asking.” She paused, opening her eyes again she returned to looking directly into the eyes as if trying to read his soul. “Mitsuhide I want to try to understand you. I… I really…” She was drawing closer, or maybe he was. She felt so warm, just that one patch on his arm where she was gripping to him felt like he should suffer a burn. This is seriously a bad idea. And I am a total fool for not being able to push her away.
Standing there locked in a trance that was neither uncomfortable or painful it felt like the sands of time were falling slower. Every detail in that second was enhanced. The way her skin flushed by the faintest degree, her blonde eyelashes fluttering to cover and reveal those deep pools of blue. Her breath pushing its way out of her slightly gapped lips and brushing over him. She was so close…
“Mitsuhide!” The spell was broken and [Name] quickly backed up to put some space between them.
“To what do I owe this unexpected, poorly timed display of desperation?” Mitsuhide’s smile had a dangerous edge to it as he looked in the direction of their rapidly approaching interruption.
“I’m sorry, was I interrupting something?” Mitsunari almost skidded to a halt in front of them, looking between them with concern.
“No. whatever gave you that impression?” Mitsuhide maintained the smile whilst suppressing the desire to roll his eyes. [Name] gave him a light tap to his arm from beside him preventing continued teasing.
“Oh? Well if that is the case then I’m glad.” Mitsunari relaxed a little and smiled brightly. Oblivious to Mitsuhide’s mood. Ieyasu is right sarcasm is completely lost on you, isn’t it?
“What is it Mitsunari?” Mitsuhide asked after taking the offered note from the silver-haired bookworm and noticing the young man’s reluctance to leave whilst staring at [Name] with his violet eyes.
“I… I was just going to say that it’s nice to see you out of your room now Princess.” Mitsunari spoke with such honesty it was almost winding. If anyone in the group was an innocent it was him and damn if it didn’t show at times like this. I suppose some women might go for that type. Wait… would she?
“Thank you Mitsunari. I’m sorry about…” [Name] gave a small nervous laugh as she attempted to reply. No, that is a completely different reaction to an attraction. She’s trying too hard to be considerate. Mitsuhide remained quiet watching the two interact, analysing each twitch they made.
“No, no need to apologise. You were upset and I understand that. Your reaction was completely valid all things considered so please Princess there is no need to apologise to me.” Mitsunari smiled happily. I swear if you burst out and start singing a love ballad, I will take this note and hit you with it.
“You are as sweet as I remember Mitsunari. Thank you.”
“Not at all. Oh! Please excuse me I still have to give a report to Hideyoshi.” Mitsunari gave an awkward little bow as he quickly excused himself and left.
Mitsuhide opened the note and read the message. “Movement from the North has turned South – Main City Hospital.”
“Movement from the North?” [Name] had come close to him again leaning near his arm reading the same note.
“Esshu Industries my dear, I suppose something happened.” Mitsuhide spoke ignoring how his blood pressure spiked once more with her proximity.
“If I knew that my dear, I would have no need for a network.” He chuckled as he glanced to his side at the inquisitive woman. “I’ll be stepping out for a while to check this.”
“I’m going too.” She spoke up as he went to move away.
“No!” He exclaimed as he spun on his heel and stared at her. Do you have any idea how reckless that would be?
“Why not? Why must I stay behind again?” She pushed and stepped towards him again. This was becoming a dance and dammit if it wasn’t one that he enjoyed on any other day but right now? No now was not the time.
“It is dangerous my dear.” He adjusted his tone to something softer that you might use to attempt to explain something rather difficult to a small child.
“I thought you said you had no idea what it was about.” She retorted petulantly.
“I don’t. Which is want makes this even more dangerous. I could be walking into something or nothing. To be completely honest with everything that is going on at present the former is much more likely and I cannot put you in that.” Mitsuhide was on the verge of considering pleading with her. The only thing preventing him was the idea that even if he did it would have no effect.
“Mitsuhide.” She took his hand in hers. She’s so warm. “I am sick and tired of being kept out of things I am involved in and not knowing anything of what is going on. I understand your concern and thank you for it.” Her eyes were searching him, it was like having someone running their fingers over the wrong side of your skin. Maybe this is how cats feel when you brush them the wrong way.
“If you wish to thank me you will stay here like a good girl while I go to work.” He spoke softly, almost in a seductively leading tone and placed his hand over hers, lowering his face towards her exposed neck.
“Excuse me?” Her rejection made him loosen his grip on her hand and pull back. He began looking at her once more she was still the same still exactly as he remembered and yet. She’s learnt to play. And who taught you that move, my dear? I can’t say I mind it makes things more interesting after all but playtime is for much later.
“I am going. It’s dangerous no matter where I am. You can decide if I am going with or without you but I will be going Mitsuhide.” She removed her hand from him and began walking away towards the main entrance to the building. She really was going to leave with or without me? How very amusing. I had forgotten how stubborn you could be little one. How beautifully, frustrating…  
Mitsuhide smirked at the sight before stalking off in pursuit. Ok, my girl, you want to play? Let’s play….
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