#⟨    H. SHAW  ━  travel.    ⟩
angelfirstclass · 3 months
Rogue's Rooftop Rumble
Here is my submission for today's Rogue/Gambit Week 2024! Today's prompt is Rooftop/Steampunk so it's got a bit of both. Hope you Romy shippers read and like it!
Anna Marie was walking around the Lensherr manor late at night.  She had commissions from her mother to take a package from Erik Lensherr and transport it to her uncle Charles Xavier.  Anna Marie had traveled from her farm in Virginia to the Lensherr manor in Washington, D.C.  
At the moment, Anna Marie could not sleep.  She knew it was late from all the clocks that Mr. Lensherr had around the manor.  They were the most beautiful and interesting clocks that Anna Marie had ever seen.  A large clock in the living room took up a whole wall and it was telling her that it was almost half past two in the morning.  
Maybe because of sleeping in the carriage or because of her mission from her mother she was not tired at all.  She walked around the upstairs of the manor and was thinking about reading a book in the library when she heard a sound.  
Maybe it was a creak or a thud, but it sparked Anna Marie’s curiosity.  She scurried closer to the sound which she thinks she heard coming from the roof.  Maybe it was Mr. Lensherr experimenting in the attic, she didn’t know.
Anna Marie was close to the door leading out to the roof when she was shoved aside by a tall man.  
“Mon dieu!  What the hell?”  A cajun tinged accented man.  
Anna Marie was so shocked that she did not even react or scream.  She was hurt and all she could do was quickly take in the man and what he held in his right hand.  He tried to conceal a package quickly, but Anna Marie spotted him putting it into his breast pocket.  
“Give me that package!  It’s my mother’s.”  She gasped, a little afraid and nervous.
The man gave her another shove and ran out of the door up to the roof.
Anna Marie was no coward and wasted no time following the man up to the roof.  He had seconds on her and was nowhere to be seen at first, but then she spotted him.  The roof here was curious and extremely tall.  Somewhere else or in New York City, the man could have easily jumped to the next building already, but Mr. Lensherr had put curious wire and fences all around the building as if he was expecting intruders.  
The man had tried to explode the fences, but was blasted by a steampowered ray machine for his troubles.  He felt the sting on his arms, but powered through.  This man was Gambit, thief for hire.  A mutant from the deep South who was traveling up and down America picking pockets and doing high stakes burglaries.  This mission was important because he had been hired by a man named Sebastian Shaw.  
What this package was Gambit didn’t know, but knew that it must be important or Mr. Shaw would not want it.  Mr. Shaw was a slippery character that had all sorts of political dealings and so it wouldn’t be surprising if this object was dangerous at all.  
Gambit was so distracted by the ray machine and all the wiring that he did not notice Anna Marie at first.  She saw him and stood between him and the door back downstairs.  She knew from her conversation at dinner with Mr. Lensherr that his manor was like a fortress and guarded by all sorts of machines and gadgets.  
She didn’t really have a plan, but acted on pure adrenaline and instinct.  “Give me back that package!  You have no way of escape!”
Remy cursed.  He was trying to figure a way out and now had to contend with this girl.  He squinted at her and laughed.  She was a young debutante without any weapons, this was going to be too easy.
“Just calm down, mademoiselle.  I don’t know what you saw or thought you saw, but Remy just came in for a stroll and look around and now he would like to leave.”  He started slowly approaching her ready to use his psionic charm powers on her.  
“No.  You stay where you are.”  Anna Marie called out, but he approached nonetheless and she didn’t have anything on her.  She slowly started taking off a glove as he approached.
He started coming closer and closer to her and suddenly realized how beautiful she was.  She had auburn hair with a curious white streak in it and dazzling green eyes.  Her cheeks were flushed due to all the excitement and Remy admired her spunkiness for even daring to follow him.  Usually his experiences with debutantes were that they were all spoiled, boring girls.  
His plan was to go back down the way he came, but there was one obstacle in the way- her.  He was now close enough to look directly in the eye and so leaned forward and caught her gaze.  
“Hello, cher.  I admire your spunk and attitude, but I think we got off on the wrong foot tonight.  I would like to just move past you and leave, so if you would be so kind…”  He looked her right in the eye and did his best to convince her to be appeased and move aside.  
“Not until you give me back the package.”  Anna Marie said with her arms crossed over her chest and a defiant expression on her face.  This man had some nerve coming in and stealing her mother’s package and then sweet talking her.  She could see that he had a good figure and was handsome, but had one thing on her mind.  Recovering the package.
The psionic charm was failing.  Damn.  Remy was shocked and a little caught off guard at first, but soon recovered.  This was just a girl after all and he was a trained burglar and assassin.  He was ready to shove her aside again when she surprised him by stepping closer to him.  
“What were you doing with your eyes anyway?  They turned all red.  It was quite the sight.”  
Remy did not know what to think now.  This girl seemed aware of mutants and unafraid, another point to her.  He probably should have assumed this girl was aware of mutants being in the Lensherr manor, but it was still refreshing nonetheless.  
“Uh- I was just trying to convince you that this is all pointless, we’re in a lot of danger being up here and it’s best we all just go downstairs.  What’s your name by the way?”  
As if on cue, a security system on the roof apparently was aware that there were people on the roof and had started scanning and letting off steam cannons at them.  
Anna Marie took this opportunity to run towards the door, but also reached forward to grab his hand.  Remy instinctively took the pretty girl’s hand and immediately regretted it.  He felt energy draining out of him and he looked shocked at Anna Marie’s face.  
She let go of his hand and let him slip to the floor unconscious.  “My name is Rogue” she whispered and recovered the package.  
She dragged his body down the stairs using his strength and got glimpses of his dealings with a man named Sebastian Shaw.  She saw his life story and the fact that he was raised an orphan on the streets of Louisiana.  
Soon Erik Lensherr was up and went to go check up on his guest.  When he discovered what happened and the body of Remy LeBeau he was furious, but was convinced by Anna Marie to talk to him and only lock him up.  That he was a wayward youth and had only known thieving as a way to live.  
So Erik Lensherr took in Remy LeBeau and added him to his many acolytes in the Brotherhood of Mutants.  Rogue got her package back and went on her way to New York with it.  She later found out that the package was an important part for a steam powered way to identify mutants that her uncle and Hank McCoy was working on. 
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alarrytale · 1 month
I don't understand why a man walking around his city on his own is seen as him being "miserable" and having lost his spark? That kind of gentle exercise is much better for him than hiding in a taxi cab or car because he's too worried about being mobbed to travel any other way. As for him being "friendless", he was with young friends in the park in the latest set of pics. We didn't know who most of them were and that's great.
Hi, anon!
You're pulling things out of context. H has been walking around the city for half a year, acting pissy when people take pics of him on his bike, having his airpods in and refusing pics with fans. The fake smile he pulled while with Cord*n seemed like a cry for help. He is distancing himself from fans and fandom, is less approachable, less amenable and amiable than fans are used to. Some people see that as a sign that he's sad, miserable or tired of fame, some see it as a sign he's "off work" and don't want to be bothered, and some see it as a sign he's become too good for fan service, and has lost touch with the ground and the people who got him where he is.
I think you and i have a very different definition of what a friend is. Harry has got thousands of aquaintances, industry collegues, work collegues, employees, and crew. If H is seen it's intentional, if H is seen with some of his celebrity aquaintances, it's planned. It's sort of funny that in 2012/2013 all H did was hang out with Nick Gri*shaw and his celebrity London crew. Constantly. We haven't seen H with any of them publicly since. So are they friends or not friends?
It looks like H is jumping from friend to friend, depending on their current popularity. Now he's hanging out with fellow Grammy winner Fr*d ag*n. Last week it was brit nominee and 2024 glasto act OD. Please understand why this is happening. H doesn’t need to show of his real friendship publicly. He gets more attention when he's with a gf or with a fellow celebrity. It makes the pap pics worth more and it makes him look like he's in and accepted in industry circles. He's also giving the lesser celebrity exposure and is maybe doing it as a favour (like he does with Cor*en) or he's getting paid/getting something out of it himself.
Nothing is a coincidence, there is an agenda and almost everything is planned. I know it's harsh to hear, but it's the way the industry works.
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abhayam-dada · 7 months
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About Consort in Karma Mudra
Aside from the sexual aspect of Buddhist ethics and discipline though, a Buddhist teacher (I refer to teachers here because they are supposed to have more developed inner qualities than that of a student), and especially a lama who gives Vajrayana empowerments and teachings, is also supposed to maintain three sets of other Buddhist vows: the Individual Liberation Vows (or Pratimoksha vows), the Bodhisattva Vows and the Vajrayana Vows (or root downfalls). None of these are that easy to maintain and if they are breached, must be purified correctly and genuinely. Turning to the subject of women though, how, if at all, do these three types of vows have a particular reference, or application, to women?...
"The secondary Vajrayana root vows mention the downfalls about women in the context of consort (or Karmamudra ) practice. In the last few decades, there has been more written recently in the English language (by women) about women and consort practice, such as Passionate Enlightenment by Miranda Shaw, "Travellers in Space" by June Campbell, the "Love and Liberation" Autobiographical Writings of Sera Khandro by Sarah H. Jacoby and a recent academic article by Holly Gayley, Revisiting the Secret Consort ( gsang yum ) in Tibetan Buddhism . Shaw, in particular, effectively claims that a genuine consort lama relation would be mutually fulfilling and equal. However, judging by recent sex scandals of male Buddhist lamas ‘abusing’ and ‘using’ female students (including nuns) for casual sexual encounters and pleasure, it is clear that the ‘consort’ relation (and even the term itself) is still too often misunderstood and misused. Even though I have not read his new book about the tantric sexual union practice, Karmamudra : "The Yoga of Bliss: Sexuality in Tibetan Buddhism and Medicine", the author Dr Nida Chenagtsang states that the reason he wrote it was to educate and inform people about what an actual Karmamudra practice is and is not, in order to protect people from such worldly and abusive relations. As it stated in the article ‘ Monastic Abuse: The Tragic Case of Kalu Rinpoche’, consort practise is a very particular kind of physical (and/or energetic union) that is undertaken for the sake of enlightenment and not for sexual pleasure only. It is also an activity that involves a high level of yogic competency and expertise on the part of the lama, and in addition, the female consort is supposed to have certain qualities, such as vows, an understanding of emptiness and empowerments.
Qualifications and consent
The secondary root Vajrayana downfalls state that the vajrayana master or teacher, should not pick UNQUALIFIED consorts and also must not FORCE a consort. These terms are not so clear either, but generally speaking the texts and tantras refer to the woman (or consort) having a certain minimum level of attributes, for example, someone that has no vows, no stable practice, or has wrong views or not much understanding of emptiness etc would not be suitable. But what is meant by ‘force’ here? Certainly, physical rape and coercion or blackmail would be examples of forcing someone. But what about when a lama uses visualisations and mantras, and their own tantric yogic tsa-lung practice to literally overpower and intoxicate a woman to feel very sexual and thus do sexual things towards and with that lama they might not normally do? This kind of experience happens more often than people might know or be aware of. For example, some deity practices like Kurukulle, if done by a practitioner with certain skills, would allow them to gain access to a woman in this way, like putting a drug in her drink, so that they lose all ability to think clearly and become totally overwhelmed with sexual desire and arousal. Yet, as one article says about Kurukulle: ”Despite depictions of her magnetizing powers as “magical,” they are not for the corrupted purpose of attracting a mate, or money, or luxuries. Like other emanations of Tara, she is about the “activities” of compassion, in this case attracting and enchanting.” Source : Text of Tsering Wangmo.
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alexwilliams7654 · 4 months
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sylvia-forest · 2 years
[CN] Shaw's Floating Sea Date
⚡ This post contains detailed spoiler's for content which hasn't released in EN yet!⚡
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[Released Date: 3 August 2022]
[This was translated with the help of Google Translate and by my lovely friend!]
[Part 1]
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The dark night covered the room, and there was a slight and continuous shaking from the soft bed below, which was a signal that the Clematis was traveling at a constant speed.
[Trivia]: Clematis is Shaw's ships name! In flower language clematis symbolize the beauty of ingenuity or the trait of artifice! Another name for clematis is “traveler's joy”. So overall this flower truly suit Shaw's unique personality :)
A ray of night light fell through the half-open porthole on the smooth floor made of fine wood, and everything seemed as peaceful as usual.
My eyes passed through the tulle blown by the wind at the end of the bed, and stared at the uninvited guest who was stealing the treasure in secret not far away.
They seemed to be scavenging all the gold and silver jewelry they could see into the sacks.
After a while, greedy footsteps gradually approached the bedside, and the air became more and more stagnant. I slowed down my breathing and clenched the lamp stand at hand.
Suddenly, a corner of the bed canopy was lifted and the smell of sweat that was mixed with the salty smell of the sea penetrated my nose.
I quickly picked up the lamp stand and smashed it down towards the two figures in front of me.
With the muffled sound, they fell down and laid motionless. I quickly took out the prepared ropes from the bottom of the bed and tied them up to the end of the bed.
Then I turned on the lamp and looked at the two men in the light. They were wrapped in scarlet turbans, and their linen clothes were painted with upside-down skulls.
Looking at their outfits, they must be the pirates of the Black Skull Ship who aren’t on good terms with Shaw.
I curled my lips, grabbed a bucket of water and poured it on top of their heads. They were awakened by the stimulation, and their eyes widened instantly when they saw me in front of them.
Pirate A: Ahhhhh ghost! It turned out that the ghost brought out of the sea by Shaw was really hiding in his bedroom!
Pirate B: The rumors were true!
It's this set again.
I couldn’t help but secretly wanted to humiliate them about the things that made me annoyed. I sat and crossed my legs and pretended to be gloomy.
MC: Since you know that I am a “ghost”, then you must have known the consequences of provoking me.
Pirate A: Lord Sea Ghost, we swear we will never again dare to covet the treasure of the Clematis!! Please spare us, we will get out of here immediately!
MC: Spare you? It's too late. Don't you know Shaw's rules?
MC: A Clematis rule, there’s an in but not an out.
I sullenly used Shaw's name to scare them, and they turned pale, and I changed the conversation with satisfaction.
MC: Unless you tell me what the rumors about "ghosts" are out there right now.
MC: If I'm satisfied, I'll secretly let you go, how about that?
They looked at each other and nodded, as if they were more afraid of being discovered by Shaw rather than me.
Pirate A: There's a rumor going on saying that the captain of the Clematis brought back a sea ghost which possesses special abilities from the bottom of the sea.
Pirate B: H-he hid the ghost in a bedroom full of treasures where the tables are made of gold and the floor made out of silver. 
Pirate B: It was said... if you get her, you will get all the treasures buried under the sea.
These words were similar to what the other pirates said before. I was disappointed when I suddenly heard the door of the room open with a creak.
A pair of footsteps can be heard, sounding unconcerned and relaxed, stepping on the smooth floor.
Pirate A: Sha- Shaw! It's over... !
Someone walked towards me, and that special hair color was like the color of a thunderstorm on the sea that I had seen before.
His eyes are long and narrow, the bridge of his nose was high, he was wearing silk clothes, and his wrists were tied with golden threads.
He doesn't look like a notorious explorer, but more like a little earl from a noble family.
His eyes swept across the pirate who was tied up by me, his slender fingers resting on my shoulders, and he raised his eyebrows lightly.
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Shaw: Not bad, your technique of tying people up is improving.
MC: Of course, the captain taught me well.
I returned a calm smile, thinking that Shaw probably hadn't heard what I just tortured.
Shaw didn’t look any different, he waved his hand casually and his crew came over to drag the pirates out.
Hearing their wailing, I knew they would never see the tomorrow sunrise.
Although it hasn't been long since I was ”salvaged" from Clematis, I've seen similar scenes too many times.
Shaw was the most famous explorer in this sea area. It was said that there are treasures hidden in his bedroom that can buy a kingdom.
But all those who want to steal the treasure will suffer from Shaw wrath without any exception.
Not only did this scare the pirates but it also scared me who had a guilty conscience. The room returned to its silence, and I spoke to break the silence.
MC: Captain, there are so many treasures in your room, aren't you afraid of those treasures being stolen one day?
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Shaw: That’s nothing, I can always steal it back once it’s stolen.
MC: But the ocean is so vast, what if there’s someone who’s experienced in escaping…
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Shaw: What, you are questioning my ability?
Shaw: I can catch you from the bottom of the sea, what else is there in this ocean that I can't reach?
He looked at me half-smiling, playing with the snuff bottle on the table in his hand. The green gemstone embedded on it was said to come from some deep-sea ruins, and it was priceless.
I have lived on Clematis for my whole life as far as I can remember. The man in front of me told me that I was a treasure he picked up from the bottom of the sea.
No one knows why a "person" appears on the seabed. Shaw also said that there have never been records or rumors before.
When he said this, there was a bright interest in his eyes, as if he was curious about what kind of existence I was.
Perhaps this curiosity and my special ability to discover reefs on the seabed are the reasons why Shaw took me in and protected me.
[Trivia]: Reef is a ridge of material at or near the surface of the ocean . These are made of rocks or the skeleton of small animals!
And I also became the famous "ghost" brought by Shaw from the depths of the sea.
Shaw suddenly yawned lazily, fell carelessly on the other side of the bed separated by the curtain, and closed his eyes.
MC: …….
I turned off the light and climbed back onto the bed. The sound of the waves kept rising, accompanied by Shaw's breathing not far away.
I still couldn't sleep after a while, and gathered my courage to speak.
MC: Captain, are you asleep?
Shaw hummed lazily, which was an answer.
MC: In the past few days, there are more and more reefs under the sea, and I can feel that the sea road is getting worse and worse.
MC: Are we about to arrive at Robbie Island? After getting there. . . Do you have any follow-up plans?
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Shaw: I never make plans, the ocean will give me directions.
Shaw: Also, captain, I’m really sleepy now. Let’s talk about those issues tomorrow.
After a while, I heard his gradually even breathing.
Making sure he was fast asleep, I quietly got out of bed and skillfully took the atlas from the table beside him and unfolded it under the moonlight.
During this time, the clematis has been driving smoothly towards the destination set by Shaw.
As Robbie Island approached, all the crew began to look forward to unknown treasures, but I couldn't feel the same.
I don't have any memory before being salvaged by Shaw on the ship. I don't know where I belong to and why I exist.
Thinking of this, I secretly made up my mind, and turned my eyes to the map in front of me, looking for all the places that might be familiar.
I must find clues about me in this sea area and find my reason for existence.
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[Part 2]
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The sea waves were drawn out of rows of white foam by the bow of the ship, and all the scenery on the endless sea was retreating rapidly.
Clematis was sailing at full speed towards Robbie Island.
I stood at the bow of the ship and looked at the sea, keenly feeling the undercurrents and stagnant reefs in the depths of the sea.
MC: There's a reef under the sea 20 nautical miles on the right!
MC: Be careful! There are also 50 nautical miles ahead!
I held my breath and commanded, the helmsman spun around abruptly, the bow deftly avoided the reef and sailed towards the left side of the sea.
I felt that there were a lot less reefs in the sea in front of me, and the ship could sail safely for at least one morning, so I was ready to leave for a rest.
As I passed by the helmsman, I gave him a friendly smile.
MC: Great work, its all thanks to you for turning around in time.
But the helmsman quickly avoided my gaze and moved to the other side.
MC: …….
I couldn't help sighing, and consciously moved away from him and walked to the railing on the side.
Because of my "ghost" status, the crew on the ship avoided me, and no one wanted to have too much contact with me.
Except for the captain of the ship.
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I was leaning against the railing when a hand suddenly wrapped around my waist and pulled my whole body in its direction.
The sea breeze blew the hair of the young man in front of him, he lightly pinched my chin, looked left and right, and then let go of me.
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Shaw: Your dark eye circles are pretty dark, were you beaten up last night?
MC: No!
I hurriedly retorted and looked away with a little guilty conscience.
MC: I just wanted to remember the time when I was “fished” up from the sea by you, s-so I didn’t sleep well.
My words are not false, but they cover up another part.
During this time, I would secretly check the atlas in Shaw’s bedroom every night, trying to find places that I felt familiar.
But I always found nothing, but fortunately, Shaw didn't notice anything.
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Shaw: Simply forget about it and start over.
His tone was relaxed and casual, and I could only see the reflection of the sea in his eyes.
MC: No, this is very important to me. I want to know what I exist for.
MC: Even if that forgotten memory is not important, it is part of my life.
Shaw: You never thought about it, what if you don't have that memory at all?
MC: ….Then I have to know why!  Captain, don't you have any attachments?
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Shaw: Of course I do…if not, why am I called Ex-plo-rer?
Shaw raised his eyebrows and smiled, I saw a small wave appearing in his eyes.
Shaw: Aren't you also the rare treasure I found?
MC: Is that why I was left on the ship by you?
Shaw narrowed his eyes slightly and ignored the question.
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Shaw: Did you have a bad time on the Clematis?
MC: Of course not, although everyone is a little afraid of me, but you are not afraid, Captain.
MC: Not only that, but you also let me live in your bedroom, which is said to be full of treasures, and that random intruders will suffer.
MC: The velvet quilt was comfy, and the captain's special beef jerky was delicious, and I wasn’t unhappy anymore.
Shaw looked at me with burning eyes, obviously not believing what I said.
Shaw: Since you are happy, why do you toss and turn until you can't fall asleep?
His eyes made me a little guilty, and I hurriedly made an excuse that I wanted to say for a long time.
MC: Actually...I want to apply for a separate room!
Shaw raised his eyebrows and leaned against the railing in a different position.
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Shaw: Reason?
MC: I read the collection of books in your room, it says that in the human world men and women should not live in the same room unless...  
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Shaw: Unless what?
He raised his eyebrows with an expression of clearly knowing the answer
MC: Unless they’re in those intimate human relationships.
I said with a blushing face, Shaw gave a long "Oh" and nodded solemnly.
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Shaw: OK. The ship has five rooms in total, the captain's bedroom and three crew bedrooms, as well as a storage room.
Shaw: Do you want to huddle with a dozen big men, or huddle with sea fish and shrimp?
Shaw: Or... continue to sleep on the soft velvet bed?
MC: .....But I'm a ghost, in the human world, ghosts are always captured.
MC: According to the eastern saying, people of different clans may not have the same hearts, wouldn’t you mind?
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Shaw: Why should I mind?
Shaw: The rules of the human world can't bind me. You were brought up from the bottom of the sea, so they can't bind you either.
He gently flicked my forehead, my heartbeat suddenly quickened for a moment, when suddenly the sailors called out to Shaw.
Sailor: Captain! We just found that there are broken pieces of wood floating in this sea area, and it's very likely that there are shipwrecks on the bottom of the sea!
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Shaw: There is even a treasure delivered to the door?
Shaw: Of course, the clematis would not let it go.
Shaw: Get ready to dive.
The crew immediately began to prepare the tools needed for the dive. Shaw took the diving bell and rope and pulled me into his arms.
MC: Captain, what are you doing?
He wrapped the rope around my waist and breathed on my face and the tip of my nose felt itchy. I don't know why, but my heart also seemed to be feeling itchy.
After a while, he looked up at me, the corners of his mouth curved.
Shaw: Since you care so much about your past memories, let me take you to revisit the hometown of the sea.
As soon as he finished speaking, the arms around my waist tightened, and my face was forced into his chest.
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The next moment, he suddenly hugged me and fell backwards into the sea where all the scenery was backwards. I could only see Shaw's splendid eyes.
MC: Ah!
The icy, turbulent waters came all at once, turning my screams into a series of dull murmurs.
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I instinctively hugged the man in front of me, he looked down at me, the corners of his mouth were extremely brilliant.
Suddenly, an image flashed across my mind.
The sky light reflected the swimming fish in twists and turns through the sea water, and the silver swimming fish was suddenly washed away by the figure of a young man.
He hugged me tightly and swam to the shimmering skylight, his hair brushing against my eyelashes like the color of a thunderstorm at sea.
This scene that made me feel inexplicably familiar was fleeting, and before I could think about it, a dazzling white light shone around, which was a signal that the crew had found the wreck.
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Shaw took me to swim to the sunken ship, and my eyes inadvertently fell on the outer wall of the sunken ship.
A snow-white creature with two black horns on top of its head was perched on the rusted outer wall of the ship.
I feel like I've seen it somewhere... With that in mind, I reached out and took it off.
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Shaw: What did you catch?
On the deck, everyone was taking stock of the salvaged treasures, including glittering gold and silverware, and bottles filled with various creatures...  
Only I hold the creature I just saw in my arms.
MC: I don't know what it is either…
Shaw took a closer look.
Shaw: This is called the sea hare, a parasitic creature present on the seafloor.
[Trivia]: Sea hare, the name derives from their rounded shape and from the two long rhinophores that project upward from their heads and that somewhat resemble the ears of a hare!
MC: Sea hare? Is that the same as a rabbit on land?
Shaw raised his brows with a bright mockery in his eyes.
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Shaw: One is jumping and jumping, the other is parasitic on other people, how can it be the same?
I curled my lips and looked carefully at the sea hare in my palm.
MC: I've only seen rabbits in the paintings in your bedroom.  ...I don't know what a real rabbit looks like.
Shaw clicked his tongue, he went to the treasure pile next to him and searched around, he then threw a gilt fish tank over.
Shaw: Since you like it, keep it.
I looked up in surprise and saw Shaw looking at me with his arms folded, with a relaxed attitude.
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Shaw: Any idea where we're going next?
MC: Robbie Island, I heard that there are many strange creatures on it, that is why you are going.
Shaw: Then did you know that there is a special kind of long-legged rabbit on Robbie Island, which is said to run faster than all rabbits.
Shaw: It’s definitely more fun than this sea hare here.
MC: In other words, when I get there, can I see a real rabbit?!
My eyes widened in excitement, Shaw looked down at me, and for some reason the corners of his mouth twitched into a smile.
Shaw: This is not just some amusement for you, it will be your task.
At this time, suddenly a crew member came to report in a hurry.
Crew: Captain! It seems that several ships have been making holes in our stern! Our ship is leaking!
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[Part 3]
Crew: There was fog on the sea before, but now the fog has cleared, and we found it at once.
Crew: They clung to the tail of the Clematis, avoiding all the positions that the ship's guns could attack.
Shaw put down the telescope and sneered.
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Shaw: They’re pretty good at finding places to hide.
I picked up the binoculars to see the situation, and saw a familiar logo on their clothes from a distance, an upside-down skull!
MC: They’re the pirates of the Black Skull Ship, they’re from the same group as the people who came over to steal. They definitely aren’t giving up and are planning to take revenge this time!
Shaw: What are you afraid of?
Shaw didn't seem to care at all, I couldn't help but ask.
MC: ...what are you going to do, they're hiding under the ship, and the bow cannons can't hit them.
He didn't answer me, just rolled up his sleeves, and the dagger that was close to him showed a faint cold glow.
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Shaw: If everything depended on cannons, I would have already died 800 times.
Shaw: You stay here, don't run around, do you hear me?
He uttered an exhortation, made a gesture to the crew members behind him, then jumped up on the railing and jumped down.
MC: !
I quickly grabbed the railing and looked down, and saw that Shaw had landed on the ship of the Black Skull.
He approached the opponent close to the hull of the ship, and before they could react, he had already quietly resolved the person on guard.
MC: He truly is a sea monster…
The crew of the Black Skull Ship suddenly parried, but reacted very quickly, and quickly rushed forward with their knives to mingle.
I hid behind a wooden barrel on the deck and watched nervously. Fortunately, Shaw and his crew cooperated perfectly and spread in every dead corner of the ship.
His skills were fast and accurate, his shots were sharp, and a streak of blood splattered on his collar, making him look like a ghost.
I involuntarily clenched my fists and followed Shaw's every move. It seems that before I know it, I can't help but look at him and worry about him.
Soon, Shaw had the absolute upper hand. Just when I was relieved, a hook was thrown from nowhere and caught the corner of my skirt.
I hurriedly dodged to the left, but the ship swayed violently because of the water, and I was thrown out of the ship in an instant.
MC: cough cough......
The sea water suddenly entered my mouth and nose, and I struggled desperately. My ankles seemed to have been tangled up with the floating seaweed, dragging me under.
MC: Captain! Shaw!
The sea water poured into my nose and I couldn't breathe, my vision gradually blurred, and suddenly someone broke through the hazy sky and came towards me.
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Shaw: [shouts] Hold on tight!
I could hardly open my eyes, I could only feel someone hugging my waist tightly, a cold light flashed past, and the feeling of being pulled at my ankles disappeared.
There seems to be a burning gaze falling on my face in the drowsiness.
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Shaw: Don't fall asleep, I'll take you to a safe place.
His voice reached my ears through the sea, but it made me feel very familiar, as if I had heard it somewhere before.
But I didn't have any strength to think. When my consciousness almost dissipated, a voice sounded in my mind.
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?.?: I thought this trip was unlucky, except for a bunch of sea hares, I didn't find anything.
?.?: Unexpectedly, there’s really a “strange” baby.
In the dark and quiet seabed, a loud voice broke through the silence, splitting the darkness like a rolling thunder.
The voice fell straight to my ears, and with a strange lure, I opened my eyes for the first time.
The sky light on the bottom of the sea was tortuous and obscure. It seemed that a "creature" I had never seen was cutting off the seaweed wrapped around me, and the dagger shone with a cold light.
Looking up, I bumped into a pair of eyes that were like broken gold, and there was undisguised arrogance and possession in those eyes.
Catching my gaze, he raised his eyebrows, and an unexpected smile crossed his eyes.
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Shaw: Hello there, interesting “lady”.
Shaw: From now on, you belong to me.
The embrace in the memory gradually overlapped with reality and it seems that there is a strange yet some sensation on my lips in the haziness.
I opened my eyes laboriously and found myself lying on a reef.
Shaw hugged me, his whole body was wet, his lips were a little too bright red. He leaned over to stare at me, seemed relieved to see my eyes open, and rubbed my head.
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Shaw: How are you able to fall off when you’re on a ship?
Shaw: Fortunately, I was fast.
I haven't recovered from the memory just now, I just looked at Shaw.
It turns out that the starting point of my memory that I've been looking for is right in front of me.
Shaw: No way, are you scared?
Seeing my dazed look, he raised his hand to touch my forehead, and I couldn't help but blurt out.
MC: Captain, why did you fetch me up at that time?
Shaw was stunned for a moment, and his gaze stayed on my face for a moment.
Shaw: What, do you want to stay on the seafloor surrounded by seagrass all the time and be neighbors with big clam shells?
MC: I just.......
The chaotic thoughts made me a little hesitant. Shaw looked at me with scrutiny, the original casual attitude suddenly disappeared, and the hand on my forehead was retracted.
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Shaw: Wherever the storm is, the Clematis will sail.
Shaw: It's never calm here. If you don’t wish to stay, you still have the chance to leave.
His words sounded like thunder in my heart. I've always wanted to find the starting point of my memory and go back to where I belong.
But now I find that what I've been looking for is always close in proximity.
Maybe I was thinking too much. The next second, Shaw raised his hand and flicked my forehead.
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Shaw: Do you really want to go back?
MC: Didn't you say…?
Shaw: I just lied to you.
Shaw: Tsk, how could there be such an unqualified crew member who delusionally "abandoned" her captain and returned to the bottom of the sea.
Shaw said these words and left me as he turned back to the little boat to deal with the pirates of Black Skull who were all tied up.
Shaw: Do you remember that those who dare touch her seek death?
My heart was suddenly taken aback. It turned out that these people were all coming for me?
Shaw didn't want to hand me over to them, was he protecting me?
Immediately, I felt a little inexplicable and remembered that he never answered my question.
Is he trying so hard to protect me because I was a treasure salvaged by him?
After the pirates were all dragged down, he glanced at me as if he had inadvertently turned his head sideways.
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When he met my gaze, he raised his eyebrows and stretched out his hand towards me from a distance.
Shaw: [shouts] Hey, that unqualified crew member, do you want to go back with me?
Looking at his flamboyant expression, the memories of the past suddenly flooded in my mind.
On the deck where there was a bonfire, the wine jar was getting empty one after another. Shaw looked at me in the noisy laughter.
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Shaw: Why is your face so red from just a few sips of wine? That’s too weak.
MC: Ahem....something that chokes your throat like this........those who like this drink are the weird ones!
Shaw: It's a celebration wine, everyone should drink it. Give it to me and I'll drink it for you on your behalf.
In the dark night, there was a small noise in the bedroom. I was about to turn on the light, but Shaw silently covered my eyes.
MC: ….. Why blindfold me?
Shaw: A "little mouse" has come in and needs to be dealt with. You're so timid, I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep when you see it.
On the swaying ship, lightning struck down one after another, illuminating the bedroom in the porthole.
MC: .....The ship was shaking so badly. Did it encounter a thunderstorm? Will we be hit!
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Shaw: Are you afraid of this? When I went out to sea before, the thunderstorms were much worse than this.
Shaw: Go to sleep if you are afraid, don't be shocked and disturb my sleep.
My mind was surging, and finally settled into a firm answer. I paused and walked towards Shaw.
MC: But Captain, why do you look so happy?
Shaw looked at me, at this moment the moon wheel rose from behind him, reflecting the expression on his face, with a flying smile.
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Shaw: I am very happy.
Shaw: Because I didn’t lose any of my crewmates.
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[Part 4]
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Back in the bedroom, Shaw pulled out a silk dress and threw it to me. Seeing my puzzled expression, he silently reached out and picked up a tattered piece of clothing on my shoulder.
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Shaw: You are too slow. Did you not notice that your clothes were torn?
There was a strange shivering sensation on the shoulder where his fingertips ran across. I looked down in a panic, only to realize that the scratch on my shoulder must have been cut by an iron hook just now.
MC: I, I'm going to change it.
I hurriedly took my clothes and hid behind the curtain and changed my clothes. When I came out again, I saw Shaw leaning against the window and looking at the map.
The moonlight fell on the bridge of his tall nose, concealing his condescending appearance, showing a bit of seriousness.
This made him seem a little approachable, the usual Shaw either disappeared or frightened me by pretending to be a ghost.
Shaw raised his head when he heard the movement, his eyes wandered up and down my body a few times, and raised his eyebrows.
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Shaw: Yes, oriental silk is quite suitable for you.
Shaw: Very beautiful.
I couldn't help but blush to hear the compliments coming out of this mean captain's mouth.
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Shaw: Come on, you were in the sea just now, why didn't you run?
Shaw: Haven't you planned this for a long time?
Hearing him say that, I looked up at him in a panic, trying to cover it up.
MC: You, what are you talking about, I don't know.
He put down the map in his hand and looked up at me with a lazy smile on the corner of his mouth.
Shaw: What, do you need me to tell you before you admit it?
Shaw approached me step by step, his forceful gaze landed on my cheek without any scruples.
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Shaw: Shortly after arriving on the Clematis, you sneaked to the deck while I was asleep.
Shaw: You lied about wanting to enjoy the moon, in fact, you were drawing out the layout of Clematis.
Shaw: It’s not unlikely for pirates who steal things to be tortured for information of the outside world.
Shaw: Peeking at the map in the captain's room and look for escape tools in the storage room;
Shaw: There was also a smell of sea fish when I slept at night. . . . . . It's so obvious that a fool can even see it.
MC: You know all about it? Then why are you...  
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Shaw: Of course it was fun.
Shaw: A "sea ghost" who doesn't understand anything was spinning around in the human world, and doing a good job...how interesting.
MC: So...you keep me on board just because you think I was funny?
MC: You say I am a rare treasure, but there are so many interesting things in the sea, Chinese porcelain pieces, and different ambergris present on the bottom of the sea are also very interesting.
MC: But when the merchants came to buy it, you also sold it to them, so what about me, can I also be traded?
The question that had been hidden in my heart for a long time blurted out at this moment. I stared straight at Shaw, and my heart beat faster involuntarily.
Shaw's original teasing look was taken aback, as if he didn't expect to be given an example by me, and he choked.
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Shaw: After staying on the ship for so long, you learned very quickly about sweeping and working, but how can you still be so stupid?
Shaw: Is this something that can be compared together?
MC: How do I know if this can be compared…………
MC: Since I am so stupid, the captain should directly tell me, what is the difference between me and these treasures?
I looked up at Shaw and hid my thoughts in my words.
He smiled and suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me in front of him.
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Shaw: Chinese porcelain pieces and ambergris wouldn’t spout nonsense.
Shaw: Don't you just want to know, why did I keep you?
He saw through my thoughts immediately. Feeling embarrassed, I shrunk my neck backwards.
MC: The pirates who came to rob me wanted to get the underwater treasures from me, but you were never curious about these.
Shaw: Only people with no brains believe this nonsense.
Shaw: I'm just curious why there was a "girl" present under the sea, and what is the difference between her and a real person.
MC: So did you find the answer?
Shaw: Certainly -
Shaw prolonged his tone and looked at me with a half-smile.
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Shaw: The difference is that you are easy to satisfy, you can be excited for the whole day by a sea hare.
Shaw: You still have to find a memory that may not exist at all. Do you think this is stupid?
MC: …….
MC: How does it sound, I don't have any better qualities in your eyes.
I was speechless but Shaw was calm.
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Shaw: These are all what I wanted to say.
Shaw: In this ocean, there is too much struggle and blood, and it is meaningless.
Shaw: You want to learn from humans just like cats and tigers, but you don't know that humans are the most cunning.
Shaw: I know you let go of the pirates who came to steal things before. I guess it’s because they promised that they wouldn’t share whatever happened on the ship and you believed it.
Shaw: The "ghost" who could find the treasure under the sea was hiding in my bedroom. Who spread the news?
I was taken aback by Shaw's words, and I looked at him with round eyes and he sneered.  
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Shaw: The word “ghost” doesn't suit you .
Shaw: A simple and kind-hearted person like you, if it weren't for me to cover you, you would have already been eaten by others that not even bones are left…
Wait, is this person scolding me or praising me…
Shaw: Hey, why are your ears red?
MC: You didn't tell me this before.
I muttered softly, suddenly thought of something, and looked up at him.
MC: In fact, when I was in the sea just now, I regained my memory.
MC: I seem to have been sleeping on the bottom of the sea for a long, long time, until...you found me.
MC: You are the one who started my life.
Surprise flashed across Shaw's eyes, and the next moment his words showed no hidden intentions.
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Shaw: Since I am so important to you, you should stay by my side even more.
MC: ...Captain, I think the most important thing I should learn is your confidence.
MC: But if you want me to stay, that means I'm quite important to you, right?
Shaw: You learn from me pretty quickly.
MC: After all, I was awakened by you, and it is normal for me to learn from you!
I imitated Shaw's tone and spoke in a serious manner.
MC: Since you’ve said so much, then I’ll think about it “mercifully”.
Seeing how hard headed I was being, Shaw suddenly returned back to his usual self, smiled wickedly, and casually pulled a ribbon from the table.
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He slowly wrapped the ribbon around my arm, he whispered to me in a calm tone.
Shaw: Not similar enough, I'll teach you.
The ribbon went round and round my arm, creating many tiny ripples.
Shaw: You should say that I am the worst pirate on this ocean. No one can go against my will.
The ribbon tightened suddenly at my wrist.
Shaw: So I want you to stay, and you're going to stay.
Shaw: If you run, I will catch you.
Shaw: Even if you escape to the bottom of the sea, I can bring you up again.
Looking at his eyes close at hand, I swallowed nervously.
MC: So...isn't that kidnapping?
Shaw answered nonchalantly and picked up the map on the table beside him, and slowly spread it out on my chest.
The rough touch of the parchment rolled on my chest, his fingers brushed against my collarbone, and I couldn't help but shudder.
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Shaw: It's not me who wants to see the rabbit.
Shaw: I just agreed to your request and mercifully took you with me.
He picked up the quill and swiped across the map. It didn't stop even when it got to the edge, it slid across my chest and stopped ambiguously on my heart.
The tip of the pen seemed to touch my pounding heartbeat.
Shaw seemed to feel it. He curled the corners of his lips and drew a bright red mark on my chest with the quil.
Shaw: I promise to take you to see a real rabbit, I will not go back on my word, and I will also not let you go back either.
His tone seemed to be the most magical voice in the world, and his eyes were like the most desirable ocean.
I couldn't help but twitch the corners of my mouth.
MC: Judging from the current situation, even if I want to go back, I am powerless.
MC: Captain, I give up, so can you let me go now?
I brewed up a pitiful look and looked at Shaw, he looked down at me with an arrogant, successful smile in his eyes.
Shaw: Now that you admit defeat, you have to keep sailing with me
Shaw: Robbie Island is just the next stop, there will be another stop, and another stop...you have to be prepared.
⚡ Calls 
⚡ Moments 
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heleneplays · 2 years
this or that | tropes n stuff
tagged as blorbo in their notes by @pimenita on my main, @h-doodles but i like to answer them here on my side blog which has. a semblance of a tag system 🤡 so mrrp thank <3
slow burn or love at first sight (BARK BARK BARK BARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!) // fake dating or secret dating (I would honestly like either but secret dating tops far than fake dating because bruh. being rather private individuals and running around the friend group my beloved) // ENEMIES TO LOVERS or best friends to lovers (PLEASEEEEE. LITERALLY I AM OUT HERE WITH A DEEP LOVE OF ENEMIES ESP IF THEY'RE UNREPENTANT, REDHEADS WOMEN WHO CAN KICK MY ASS 🤡) // oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance correspondence (BARKING SOOOOO BAD FOR THIS HONESTLY) // hurt-comfort or amnesia (IT'S ABOUT THE TRAGEDY TO MEEEEEEE I WANT A DEEP GOOD CRY AND GET THEM BLORBOS TOGETHER) // fantasy au or modern au (I AM PERSONALLY BITING BC YES. I DO LOVE ME MY AUs) // mutual pining or domestic bliss (ENEMIES TO LOVERS ACTUAL PINING IDIOTS TO CLUMSY GETTING TOGETHERS TO DOMESTIC BLISS SLOW BURN ALWAYS. ALWAYS!!!!!!!!) // smut or fluff (watch me read smut with a stone cold expression on MY face and blush like a bitch reading fluff the next <3) // canon-compliant or fix-it (fanfic exists as a love letter to canon but at this point the fandoms i've been in. THEY ARE A HATE LETTER to the creators who frequently sidelined chemically stable potential wlw and other lgbt ships and rep. which is honestly a very very different experience with James Shaw. anything I create for the Relics Trilogy is a love letter of thanks not only to him but to my beloved fictional group of blorbos <3) // reincarnation or character death (pls character death???? i LOVE it when done properly!!!! NOT TO MENTION THE ANGST....... MMMMM YES THE ANGST,,,,,, but REINCARNATION... LITERALLY TRANSCENDING TIME AND SPACE WITH A LOVE THAT LASTS... AND FINDING THEM BECAUSE ONE LIFETIME IS NOT ENOUGH-- I AM SO EMO ABOUT IT!!!!!!!) // one-shot or multi-chapter (writing wise i WISH i could keep my ideas as oneshots but as a reader PLS. LONGER THE BETTER and this is why i am die whenever i find a long fic that is both compelling AND finished bc. good godddd you cannot imagine the pain of seeing the date of the last update. yes i will comment completely about the fic gushing with praise but thats just abt it) // kid fic or road trip fic (PLEASE DOMESTIC BLISS WITH THEIR KIDS,,,,,,,,,,,, SCREAMING SHAKING CRYING) // arranged marriage or accidental marriage (listen i could wax poetic all day abt these two in fics but AUGHHHHHH mawwiage 🥺) // high school romance or middle aged romance (I COULD GO WITH EITHER but rn i am sooooo emo abt María so am going with this one) // time travel or isolated together (covid fucked me up about being isolated and i think i would have so many problems so catch me whip and naenae) // neighbours or roommates (oh my god.... and they were roomamates!!!) // sci-fi au or magic au (once again i am out here with AUs and honestly at this point idc i am just hoarding all the AUs and thats the tea) // Body swap or Gender bend (but only provisionally)  // ANGST or crack (AW YISSSSSSS GIMME THE SPICY ANGST I NEED TO SCREAM AND SHAKE AND CRY AND THROW UP ABOUT IT OR BUST,,, but honestly i also LOVE crack actually <3 wish fulfillment of OP and BAMF MC) // apocalyptic or mundane (rn?? looking for peace and i am out here)
tagging the blorbo in my notes (if thats okay and you too, would like to answer): @jamesshawgames @haniiebeedraws @mira-shard @twins-born-in-a-new-moon @sylencr @slytherincursebreaker @sateenkaari-dragon @catohphm
the blank template:
slow burn or love at first sight // fake dating or secret dating // enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers // oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance correspondence // hurt-comfort or amnesia // fantasy au or modern au // mutual pining or domestic bliss // smut or fluff // canon-compliant or fix-it // reincarnation or character death // one-shot or multi-chapter // kid fic or road trip fic // arranged marriage or accidental marriage // high school romance or middle aged romance // time travel or isolated together // neighbours or roommates // sci-fi au or magic au // body swap or gender bend  // angst or crack // apocalyptic or mundane
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op-peccatori · 3 years
Blue Jeans | MLQC Shaw (M)
Fandom: Mr Love Queen’s Choice
Pairing: Shaw/Reader
Rating: Explicit/18+/NSFW
Word Count: 831
Summary: One day, you’re going to find out how easily you can get him to beg, with just a flex of your wrist, and then it’s over for him.
Obviously, he can’t wait.
(tags under the cut)
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Warnings/Tags: explicit language, blowjob, short & sweet
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There’s a new band playing at Live House tonight, one Shaw had picked out himself. They’re decent, the lead singer’s hoarse voice accompanied the swell of the music, echoing off the walls of the building. He hopes he’ll remember more about their performance later.
The screaming cheers of the audience drowns out any sounds in the small bathroom; there’s an incredulous sort of laugh building in his throat, and his head falls back against the tiled wall with a low thump as a soft groan comes out instead. They’re going to ask for feedback on the music later, and he’s going to lie through his teeth. Fan-fucking-tastic, he’ll say, and agree to a gig next week. 
He will forever deny the tremble in his fingers as they come to rest on your head, stroking once before sliding down to cup your cheek. He’s certain you make quite the filthy image together; a small, dark bathroom with neon lighting and graffiti on the wall. Him, with his blue jeans pushed hastily down to the middle of his shaky thighs and you–
You look up at him through your lashes, eyes still glazed over as you blink once, twice. Heat sears through his gut, spine aching with pleasure. You swallow around his cock, humming at the bone-deep shudder that travels through his limbs. His hips jerk, helpless, and your eyes flutter shut as you take him deeper, just a little bit more. His mouth falls open as he tries to say something, anything, that won’t give away his ruined state. 
There’s a loud knock at the door, more of a banging really, that precedes annoyed yelling.
“You gonna take forever in there? There’s a line out here!” 
“Fuck off,” Shaw snaps back, swallowing back a frustrated curse as you pull back, letting his slick length slip out of your mouth. He swears anyway, when your deft fingers glide along the curve of his balls. Sparks come to life on the tips of his fingers, and he clenches them shut.
The sight of your shiny swollen lips, messy hair, and that ridiculous grin has ruined him and he can never let you find out. He can’t deal with how smug you’re sure to be. 
“W-well?” you say, hoarsely, struggling to get the words out, which is sort of devastating. He wants to hear it again. He stares dumbly for a moment before it clicks, the reason why you're in here in the first place. It sounds stupid when he thinks about it. He hadn’t meant to challenge you; he says mean things, sometimes because he can be an asshole, and sometimes because he just loves riling you up. 
He had meant to flirt with you, because his self-control gets shot around you. That's just one of the facts of his life: Shaw comes from a fucked up family, he’s got a lethal evol, and he wants to–very badly–fuck you until you’re both stupid, shaking messes.
And then, just a few drinks in, you had sucked on his fingers, gaze molten, and turned his world upside down.
He can’t really tell if it backfired this time. After all, it’s got your hands wrapped around him, pumping him steadily, damning you both. He wants to do this again, and again, his cock in your mouth and inside you if you let him. He barely got to kiss you for more than a few minutes before you pushed him up against the wall and dropped to your knees. He wants to run his hands all over you, scrape his teeth over the delicate skin of your throat, grind against the centre of you with the desperate lust sparking through his blood. He wants to fuck every moment he gets, wants to see you shake as he strokes you to completion. 
He can’t help coveting when it comes to you, and he’s sick with it.
Shaw wracks his brain, trying to think of something to say. All he manages is a breathy moan, clutching at your head when you drag the flat of your tongue up the side of his flushed cock, an encouraging warning. 
“Yeah. I was wrong,” he murmurs. This is not a battle he can or even wants to win. Your lips quirk up, parting to take him in again. “So fucking wrong. You gonna let me come, kitten?” 
Please, he thinks. Please. I will give you anything you want, I’ll beg–
“Mm, maybe,” you laugh, eyes sliding shut as the wet heat of your mouth closes around his length. You’re no less, he thinks right before the ability to form thoughts slips through his grasp again. He knows, just as you do, that neither of you are going anywhere until you get a mouthful of his come and doom him to a life of craving you. One day, you’re going to find out how easily you can get him to beg, with just a flex of your wrist, and then it’s over for him. 
Obviously, he can’t wait. 
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so it's been h*rny for Shaw hours over here, fun times. also wrote this very quickly so it's not quite...edited lol
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] 520 Texts - Kiro, Lucien, Victor
Trivia: 520 stands for 20 May, a day celebrated by the Chinese as another Valentine’s Day. This is because 我爱你 (“wo ai ni” - “I love you”) sounds like the numbers 5, 2, and 0 (“wu er ling”) when said aloud!
520 Moments: Gavin l Kiro l Lucien l Victor l Shaw
More texts: Gavin l Shaw
⭐️ KIRO ⭐️
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[ You’re a Treasure ]
You’re the best teammate when going on adventures, and the biggest treasure I’ve found.
[ Version One ]
Kiro: Miss Chips, do you know about “treasure hunters”?
MC: I heard they’re a group of travellers who search for treasures?
Kiro: That’s right, Their mission in life is to search for the mysterious and tempting “treasure”.
Kiro: So is Miss Chips ready?
Kiro: The adventure with Kiro in search of treasure is about to begin!
MC: Huh? Don’t treasure hunters prefer working solo?
Kiro: There are times when they work together too!
Kiro: Also, I have a feeling that MC is my best partner.
Kiro: The treasure map, clues, and everything else have been prepared!
MC: Seems like this adventure plan is related to today...
Kiro: Miss Chips is so sharp! Since you’ve already found out, I’ll tell you a secret...
Kiro: Actually, what I want to convey is hidden in the treasure chest.
Kiro: If you want to know what it is, set out with me!
[ Version Two ]
Kiro: Miss Chips, do you know about “treasure hunters”?
MC: I don’t, but they sound really cool!
Kiro: Mmhmm, it’s enough to know that they’re really cool.
Kiro: So are you ready?
Kiro: The adventure with Kiro in search of treasure is about to begin!
MC: Right now? That’s too sudden!
Kiro: It might seem that way to MC, but I spent a really long time preparing for this day.
Kiro: Right now, the treasure map and clues are already in my hands.
Kiro: We just have to set out together, solve riddles, and explore!
MC: What if we don’t find the treasure?
Kiro: We’ll look around first. I believe Miss Chips can definitely do it!
Kiro: Also... your Kiro will always be by your side.
Kiro: When we’re together, we always have very good luck.
[ Version Three ]
Kiro: Miss Chips, do you know about “treasure hunters”?
MC: I do! This must be one of Kiro’s specially designed activities, right?
Kiro: Bingo!
Kiro: As expected of MC, the one who knows me best.
Kiro: You’re probably ready for the adventure with Kiro in search of treasure~
MC: H-hang on, where are we searching for the treasure?
Kiro: That isn’t something you have to worry about. I’ve already done my research.
Kiro: I’ve got a treasure map and clues.
Kiro: All MC has to do is set out with me to solve riddles, and explore!
MC: I seem to detect a pleasant surprise?
Kiro: As expected, you sensed it so soon!
Kiro: But that’s fine. I’m very confident in the contents of this surprise.
Kiro: I believe Miss Chips will reveal a gigantic smile after knowing the meaning of this treasure.
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[ Festival Habits ]
I seem to have gotten used to spending this day with you every year. I’m very happy that you’re in all of my beautiful memories.
[ Version One ]
Lucien: There’s a ticket to the aquarium on my office desk. Did you leave it there?
MC: That’s right. I finally decided on where to go today!
Lucien: I’ll have to congratulate the aquarium for being the winning selection then.
Lucien: What made you choose it as the final decision?
MC: There are many interesting creatures there! Belugas, jellyfishes, devil fishes... so many species!
Lucien: Mm, there are various special and beautiful creatures in the aquarium, and they draw one to study them.
Lucien: Based on your texts, I’m already able to imagine your look of anticipation.
MC: But there will probably be many people in the aquarium today...
Lucien: Mm. After all, today’s a very special day.
Lucien: So I’m afraid we’d have to set out earlier if we want to observe the sea creatures up close.
Lucien: I’ll pick you up after half an hour. How does that sound?
Lucien: The weather is pretty good today, and we might be able to see a beautiful sunset along the way.
[ Version Two ]
Lucien: There’s a ticket to the aquarium on my office desk. Did you leave it there?
MC: How did you guess so quickly?
Lucien: Because I recall you mentioning wanting to go to the aquarium a few days ago.
Lucien: Is there a special reason?
MC: I think the atmosphere of the aquarium suits you. Both give off a mysterious feeling, yet somehow draw others close to them.
Lucien: You used to say that frequently in the past.
Lucien: On the other hand, I think what suits you would be an unfettered place filled with imagination.
MC: I can hardly wait to visit the aquarium just by talking to you about it! 
Lucien: I feel the same way.
Lucien: Since it’s still early, why don’t we pick a restaurant first?
Lucien: On such a special day, we definitely need to wrap it up with an exquisite and unforgettable feast. What do you think?
[ Version Three ]
Lucien: There’s a ticket to the aquarium on my office desk. Did you leave it there?
MC: Yup. If I had left later, I could have given it to you personally.
Lucien: But there’s a sense of surprise this way.
Lucien: Could you tell me why you chose the aquarium?
MC: I feel that it has a really romantic atmosphere~
Lucien: I see.
Lucien: Watching the schools of fish and luminescent sea creatures does conjure a romantic feeling.
Lucien: Especially when with the person one likes.
MC: Also, I heard there’s a lucky draw event. If we’re lucky, we could get limited festival merchandise~
Lucien: Based on my memory, your luck has always been pretty good. I trust that it’d be the same today.
Lucien: I’ve also prepared a special gift for you.
Lucien: So no matter what, may today be a day of extraordinary surprises.
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[ Travelling Plan ]
The destination of the trip isn’t important. As long as the person I’m travelling with is a certain dummy, it’s enough.
[ Version One ]
Victor: A reminder before you head out - this time, don’t bring along a pile of impractical things.
MC: I’ve brought along impractical things in the past?
Victor: I should ask when you haven’t.
Victor: We’re just viewing the scenery in the countryside, so bringing yourself will suffice.
MC: I heard that the billowing wheat fields in the countryside during summer are especially beautiful. So I brought my camera to take photographs.
Victor: Not bad. Looks like your newly bought camera is finally useful.
Victor: It’d no longer be used to simply take pictures of Pudding every day.
MC: Come to think of it, has it been a long time since you admired the countryside scenery?
Victor: Mm, it’s been a while.
Victor: The last time was at a holiday village with a certain someone.
Victor: During this festival, there won’t be many people in the countryside.
Victor: Looks like we’ll be able to relieve the idle and carefree time in the countryside that a certain someone has been anticipating.
[ Version Two ]
Victor: A reminder before you head out - this time, don’t bring a pile of impractical things.
MC: Aren’t we going on a self drive tour? There shouldn’t be a problem bringing more things~
Victor: There isn’t a problem.
Victor: But it can reduce unnecessary burdens.
MC: I’ve prepared some bentos and we can have a picnic in the countryside!
Victor: No wonder you’ve been occupying the kitchen recently.
Victor: That’s good. I can see if your culinary skills have improved as much as you claimed.
MC: We can finally free ourselves from our busy city life. Don’t you feel happy?
Victor: I do.
Victor: But that isn’t the reason.
Victor: Hasn’t a certain person been saying that we’ve been too busy and don’t have alone time?
Victor: Now, we can use this festival to make up for it.
[ Version Three ]
Victor: A reminder before you head out - this time, don’t bring a pile of impractical things.
MC: It’s too late. I’ve already packed my luggage!
Victor: ...you’re pretty fast.
Victor: What did you bring?
MC: I heard there’s a fruit garden in town, so I brought a basket to store fruits~
Victor: ...did you forget that a watermelon and a box of strawberries were put into the fridge yesterday?
Victor: If you can’t finish them, don’t count on me to help you.
MC: Actually, the reason why I picked the countryside was because there’d be fewer people there during the festival~
Victor: Mm, that’s a thorough consideration.
Victor: During the festival, there will be much fewer people as compared to the city.
Victor: The surroundings are exquisite, and the atmosphere isn’t bad.
Victor: Looks like a certain person’s wish to have a leisurely vacation can be fulfilled.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Friday 19 April 1839
6 10/..
12 25/..
rain in the night – fair at 6 but wild windy morning and rain and hail between 7 and 8 F45 ¾° inside and 39 ½° outside at 7 ¾ am Had A- with me writing copies of letters and talking breakfast at 9 and came upstairs about 9 50/.. – Had A- with me – wrote to Mrs. Hawkins – much obliged for the trouble she has taken – Mrs. Des Voeux’s letter so satisfactory do not hesitate to engage Mr. and Mrs. Gross – It may be the 22nd or 23rd of next month before we can be in London on our way to the continent – hope Mrs. Hawkins will have a corner to spare for us at that time – will write again – wrote also to Mrs. Gross that the character so satisfactory, I engaged her and husband from the tenth of May, as travelling servant and Ladys’ maid, on the usual terms, and will give the wages mentioned i.e. 40 guineas or one thousand and fifty francs per annum to Mr. Gross, and 20 guineas or five hundred and twenty five from to Mrs. Gross, and 4fr. a day to each en route, and two from a week to her for her washing – expect them to meet me in London – and if it should be ten or twelve days after the 10th of next, I will allow 3/. a day to each person of the 2 from the 10th to the time of my arrival in Dover street – sent off these 2 letters by George at 11 20/.. to ‘Mrs. Hawkins, 26 Dover street, London post paid’ and to ‘Mrs. C. Gross at Mr. Bamfords’ , 6 Dorset street, Manchester square, London post paid’ gave A- her Brodie medicine at 11 25/.. – and wrote but the 1st line and a ½ of today till now 11 ¾ am then had Booth – going to H-x to let Water-lane mill – probably to Wilson – to be bound down to time in £5 penalty per week for every week beyond the time of contract – to be done as soon as possible – ditto Mallinsons’ barn and water got to Hatters street all for A- for me to see about blocking the little window at Northgate and making the drain against Mr. Abbotts’ cottages – to get the bill for the bricks used last for the engine flue – Shaws’ man to come on Monday to finish do the plastering in the hall and Culpan to come next Monday week to wall off the shop against the old farm stable – wrote the last 7 lines and went down with A- to her luncheon at 12 35/.. for about 10 minutes she had sago and a glass of old sherry in it – then came upstairs to turn out the imperials 1st time since our return – began with A-‘s and this led to tidying her armoire – putting away elsewhere several things that had no business there – in the midst of all this between 1 and 2 Mr. Jubb came for about 20 minutes – said the sarsaparilla was so disagreeable to A- she really could not take it – to send tonight for some pills and a lavement apparatus – then at our siding again till A- rode off to Cliff hill at 3 ¼ - then wrote the last 6 lines then busy dawdling over 1 thing or other a thorough washing after cousin changing my boots etc. A- seemed better for her confiding in Mr. Jubb the pith of her   Cliff hill aunt potherations and the hurry of getting off rouses and does her good  I have enough to do and think of  wrote the last 3 lines at 4 10/.. – went out at 4 ¼ - to the meer – the water within 6 or 7 inch of running out at the meer drift to the water wheel – nobody there – to Listerwick at 5 ¾ at which moment the pumps just set going 1 of the Low moor men there and Holt – he said it was better – said I did not think it would quite answer – took too much force to stop the corves – Holt to get Hirds’ bill – his men should do more at the thing – I would send for Garforth if required – then with Robert Mann (he and his men walling at Listerwick along the road today and Joseph and co. at righting up John Oates’s garden) to give orders about skew bank at the head of the near, and getting water (to cost £5) into the paddock – home at 7 10/.. – dressed etc. dinner at 7 25/.. A- sent back Mr. Jubb’s Mr. Pickwick, 1 thick 8vo not one page of which have we read – ordered horses for Leeds at 1am [pm] tomorrow – A- read French – I asleep on the sofa – till coffee at 9 ¾ - then siding A- and I till 11 ¼ at which hour F47 ½° inside and 38° outside – tolerable day – windyish and rain threatening every now and then, and a few occasional drops – cold westerly wind this afternoon instead of the easterly winds we have had so long –
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crystalsenergy · 4 years
quotes to inspire and empower each sign in 2021 🎆
Venus is the ruling planet in 2021. we have to learn to put our efforts into practice and focus on build a great sense of self-worth.
here's quotes to inspire each sign to think more about what they have to work on this year.
Aries: “Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
“For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Taurus: “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” Confucius
“Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” Joshua J. Marine
Gemini: “Happiness is a way of travel. Not a destination.” Roy Goodman
“A day without laughter is a day wasted.” Charlie Chaplin
Cancer: “Keep your goals away from the trolls.” Unknown
“You don't have to live your life the way other people expect you to.” Chris Guillebeau
Leo: “Self-esteem is the ability to see yourself as a flawed individual and still hold yourself in regard.” Esther Perel
“If you find yourself constantly trying to prove your worth to someone, you have already forgotten your value.” Unknown
Virgo: “You have power over your mind — not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” Marcus Aurelius
“You cannot change the circumstances but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of.” Jim Rohn
Libra: “How many success stories do you need to hear before you make your own?” Unknown
“Fear leads to self-doubt which is the worst enemy of creativity.” David Ogilvy
Scorpio: “The past has no power over the present moment.” Eckhart Tolle
“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” George Bernard Shaw
Sagittarius: “Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“Optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive, good things and good people will be drawn to you.” Mary Lou Retton
Capricorn: “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” Les Brown
“The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” Stephen Covey
Aquarius: “If people aren't laughing at your dreams, your dreams aren't big enough.” Grayson Marshall
“Change is the essence of life; be willing to surrender what you are for what you could become.” Reinhold Niebuhr
Pisces: “Turn your wounds into wisdom.” Oprah Winfrey
“Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future.” Robert H. Schuller
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Souls Among Stars - Chapter 12
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A/N: I use a deleted scene in this chapter which was the conversation with the Engineer. This is the second to last chapter. I’m going to try to finish the first two chapters of the next part before I finish this one that way I can immediately post the next part for people to follow/bookmark on AO3 if they want. 
(Also wanted to mention about the tag list, I don’t want to just assume those who are tagged for this fic want to be tagged for the next, so please let me know if you would also like to be tagged for the next part in the series. Thank you.)
Warnings: Uhh... well... I think you all know what warnings go here for this chapter based on the gif.
(Previous Chapter)
Words: 2595
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David pressed the symbols beside the large door he and Rory had found the day before. It lifted to reveal the plethora of vases lining the walls, stacked to the ceiling of the room.
“The bridge is just up ahead,” David said.
“What is this?” Weyland asked as he looked up at a wall of vases.
“It’s a cargo hold,” David answered as he turned to face him briefly. The others continued while Shaw lingered, pointing her light up at one of the large columns of vases.
“Janek, are you seeing this?” Shaw said into her radio. “Thousands.” She turned to Rory who was looking up as she walked by. “You knew all of this was here?” she asked.
“I-I mean for like a day.” Rory shrugged sheepishly. 
“You didn’t touch any-”
“Of course not,” Rory said quickly as she shook her head. Shaw nodded. They followed after the others as David led them all into the main room.
“A superior species, no doubt,” he said as he walked up the ramp and across to the control chair. “Their hyper-sleep chambers will impress, I trust." He hopped down off the platform and sat in the large chair. When the chair pulled in he picked up and played the flute as he had seen the hologram play it. The controls lit up with green waves the way they did the day before.
"So they were traveling somewhere?” Shaw asked.
"I have managed to work out the broad strokes,” David said as he pressed various button. “It's fairly evident they were in the process of leaving... before things went to pot.” He stood in the seat and used it to step back up onto the main platform.
“Leaving to go where?” Shaw asked.
“Earth,” David said.
“Why?” He turned to look at her.
“Sometimes to create, one must first destroy.” He noticed the apprehensive look on Rory’s face and frowned slightly.
“Where is he, David?” Weyland asked, stopping David midstep on his way to Rory’s side. He hesitated for a brief moment.
“This way sir.” David walked to the pod where the Engineer slept, motioning towards it. Shaw groaned in pain and fell to her knees. Rory was quick to help ease her down. 
“H-Help me take this off,” Shaw said with a wince of pain as her hands went to her helmet. Rory nodded and helped her.
“You sure he's alive?” Weyland asked.
“Absolutely,” David said.
“And you can speak to him?”
“I believe I can.”
“Miss Stevens, make sure you get everything,” Weyland said. Rory jumped up to stand, hesitating until Shaw nodded to her, then aimed her camera.
“Y-Yes, sir.” Rory moved back, motioning for Ford and Jackson to move more to the left, as she made sure everyone would be in frame but with a clear shot of the pod. She took a breath. “Ready when you are.” David glanced back at her, a small hint of a grin pulled at his lips, before he crouched and started pressing symbols on the pod. It split down the middle as the sides pulled open. The sound of slow, filtered breathing filled the room. Shaw slowly stood and Rory turned to her but she held up a hand before Rory could offer her assistance. Weyland slowly approached as Jackson, pointing his weapon, backed away. David remained crouched beside the pod as the Engineer slowly lifted his head and sat up. The Engineer pulled off the breathing mask and leaned the side of the pod over to cough. 
“Speak to him, David, tell him we came like he asked,” Weyland said. David spoke and the Engineer looked at him. His breath was low as he looked at each person in the room briefly. He stood tall inside the pod and let out a breath as he looked down over everyone again. Rory could hear Ford’s shaky breath beside her. As the Engineer stepped out with a groan and fell to his knees, Weyland stumbled backwards. Ford and Jackson rushed forward to catch him as he took a few steps back. 
“I'm alright! I’m alright,” Weyland said even though they had stopped him from falling backwards.The Engineer had his head down, likely feeling nauseous after such a long sleep, his voice was commanding, deep, and felt strange to actually hear as he spoke with a questioning tone at first. “What did he say?”
“He asked to know why you’re here,” David translated.
“Ask him where they're from,” Shaw said. The Engineer lifted his head and looked at her as Weyland turned slightly.
“What are you doing?” he asked her.
“Ask him what's in his cargo, it killed his people.”
“Shaw, that’s enough. David…” Weyland motioned for David to speak.
“You made it here, and it was meant for us, why?” Shaw continued.
“Shaw enough! For God's sake shut her up.”
“Why?! Was it-?!” Jackson turned and hit her in the stomach with his gun. As Shaw screamed out in pain, Rory was quick to move to catch her and help lower her down when her legs gave out. “I need to know why, what did we do wrong?! Why do you hate us?!” The Engineer stood to his full height, nine feet tall, and tilted his head as he looked at her.
“If she opens her mouth again, shoot her!” Weyland ordered. Jackson cocked his gun and pointed it at her; the Engineer’s gaze snapped to the weapon. Shaw hung her head as she panted through her pain. Rory moved around behind Shaw to put herself between the two, even though Jackson was still aiming his weapon, and she looked back at the Engineer in time to see him look back at her and Shaw, meeting her eyes. As the only one who had kept her helmet on, the sound of her own breathing seemed deafening as she watched his expression and as his gaze moved from her to Shaw and back. 
“David, continue, tell him why I came,” Weyland said. David hesitated slightly, seeing Rory selflessly shielding the woman, before he spoke again. The Engineer looked from him to Weyland and frowned. As he spoke, his voice was loud and deep with anger clear in his tone, he gestured up and down at Weyland. “What did he say? Wha-what did he say?” Weyland asked.
“I told him you wanted to live forever…” David slowly looked from the Engineer to Weyland. “He asked why?”
“Do you… do you see this man?” Weyland asked as he pointed to David. “My company built him from nothing.” The Engineer tilted his head as he looked down at Weyland. “I made him.” Weyland started to gesture with a finger pointed up. “And I made him in my own image so that he- he would be perfect. So that he would never fail. I deserve this… cause you…” The Engineer slowly reached a hand towards the finger Wayland was pointing at him with but didn’t touch. “...you and I. We are superior. We are creators. We are gods. And gods never die.” The Engineer looked to David and gently placed his hand on his head. David smiled up at him. 
There was no fear of his 'death' as the Engineer suddenly raised him by his neck; the fear came when he heard Rory scream. The sound of her fear for him would have made his heart stop if he had one. She was defenseless and there was nothing he could do about it. All his senses had cut out as his head was ripped from his body and he was used to knock Weyland down. He couldn't see her, even as he hit the ground and his vision faded in from pure white. He couldn’t hear her even as the sounds around him faded back into existence. He wanted to scream for her to run, but his mouth wouldn't move. His systems were desperately trying to process everything.
She hadn’t even realized she had screamed, even as the sound bounced around her helmet and made her ears ring. As soon as the Engineer had lifted David up Shaw had grabbed her helmet and Rory’s arm. The piercing sound followed the sickening crunch as the Engineer twisted his neck. Shaw had started to pull her back towards the exit as David was used to knock Weyland down. Rory was on autopilot as she and Shaw ran down the corridor. Shaw had to stop, gasping in pain, and Rory took that time to reattach Shaw’s helmet for her. Once she had caught her breath the two were running again, Rory’s camera bouncing harshly against her side as they went. The two women kept a hold of each other’s arms and whenever Shaw would stumble Rory was there to pull her back up.
 They had made it out of the ship and part way through the long tunnel when Shaw had to stop. A loud humming filled the air and they looked back as lights shined from behind them.
“We need to keep moving!” Rory shouted as she pulled Shaw up by her arm just as a huge plume of dust and dirt shot towards them through the tunnel.
“Oh no!” They tried but they couldn’t outrun it and it soon pushed them with enough force to send them screaming and sliding across the ground towards daylight through a hole made by the force of the air. As the winds from the tunnels continued to blow they struggled to climb up to the surface using squares of stone that protruded from the angled wall they had been pushed to. Rory was able to get up all the way before helping to pull Shaw up and out. As they stood they could see the Prometheus in the distance and many other columns of dust formed by the pressure below.
“Run!” Rory shouted when Shaw seemed to stand there a moment as the ground shook. They started running towards the ship when suddenly the ground seemed to crack open in front of them. Shaw pulled Rory back and they fell to the ground.
“Go go go!” Shaw shouted as they struggled to stand back up before she pushed Rory forwards. They jumped the quickly forming gap and continued running. Rory was slightly ahead of Shaw and was able to easily clear the second jump, falling and sliding on her knees before she looked back in time to see Shaw jumping, just short of the edge.
“Elizabeth!” Rory scrambled to get back to the edge as Shaw just barely held on and helped her up. They stopped running and Rory spun around trying to find a direction to run in. She saw that the section they were on was slowly making its way to solid ground; they could take a moment to catch their breath as it would bring them over by itself.
“Prometheus, come in!” Shaw shouted.
“Shaw, is that you, copy?” Janek’s voice came over the radio.
“Janek, listen to me!” Shaw shouted. “This ship is taking off!”
“What the hell is she talking about?” Vickers could be heard in the background.
“You can't let it leave! You have to stop it!”
“We're not stopping anything Shaw, we're going home,” Vickers said.
“Janek if you don't stop it, there won't be any home to go back to,” Shaw pleaded. “It's… it’s carrying death and it's headed for Earth.”
“Shaw, this is not a warship,” Janek said.
“I know,” she said. “I know that. But you must do it.”
“Captain, let's go!” Vickers shouted, her voice growing distant.
“Janek please believe me, please!” Rory looked around as the ground continued to shift. The part they were on was slowly reaching the edge of the large circle.
“Elizabeth, we have to move! Now!” Rory grabbed her arm and the two ran off onto solid ground. Looking back as they ran they could see the ship starting to lift out of the ground. Shaw stopped at a large rock and had to lean against it. Rory stopped, hands coming to rest on her knees as she bent over to catch her breath, before she looked back. The ship was almost fully up, turning and facing the Prometheus which was also slowly lifting. 
Shaw and Rory stared as the ship grew higher then looked to the Prometheus as it slowly started to head towards the Engineer’s ship. Something detached from the back of the Prometheus and Rory pointed.
“Look!” Shaw turned and saw Vicker’s module crash to the ground. Not long after a single escape pod shot off the side as the ship flew over their heads before crashing not too far from them. Vickers soon stumbled out of it. The three women watched as the ships collided, a bright light flashing at the impact. As the Engineer’s ship started to descend Rory was grabbing and pulling at Shaw’s arm. “El! Elizabeth, we need to move!” Shaw, still staring as it grew closer to the ground, stumbled back a few steps as Rory pulled her. “Shaw! It’s round! Round things roll!” Rory screamed. 
“Oh god…” The ship hitting the ground is what finally got the woman to snap out of it and start running with her. 
“Vickers!” The blonde had already started to back away and soon sprinted after them. 
Debris crashed down around them, flaming parts of both ships crashing and making small craters, the only path clear of the flying, burning refuse was the deadliest: directly in front of the ship’s path. The rocky terrain hadn’t been easy without rocks and bits of metal flying in from either direction. Pieces from higher up did fall into their path, but by the time the three reached them it was easy to avoid the patches of fire and hunks of metal.
As the shadow seemed to grow closer, and her lungs felt like they were going to burst, a scream from Shaw made Rory look back. Seeing Shaw on the ground, Rory skid on the ground to stop herself, almost falling over, catching herself on one hand as she called back to Shaw. Shaw rolled out of the way of the rolling ship as Rory scrambled to dive-crawl in the same direction. Both, once out of harm’s way, looked to Vickers who was still running in the direct path of the ship. Rory looked away when Vickers fell and screamed but saw the look of pure shock on Shaw’s face as she watched.
The ship finally stopped rolling and Rory took only a second or two to catch her breath before she looked up as she heard the creaking from above. She scrambled to get up and start running.
“Shit! We need to move! Eliz-?" Rory could only glance back to see Shaw take a few steps back before falling and crawling backwards. When she got clear of the ship’s path, Rory turned and fell as the ship shook the ground upon impact. “Elizabeth! Fuck!” Her screams left her ears ringing again, this time tears accompanying them. “Fuck!” As the dust and smoke cleared, Rory’s cries seemed to only come harder. “Oh thank fuck.” Rory let herself collapse upon seeing Shaw under, but not crushed by, the ship in a small gap between the rocks. 
“Warning. You have two minutes of oxygen remaining.”
“Rory?” Shaw shouted. “Rory?!”
“I’m here!” Rory did her best to crawl over as Shaw crawled out. She knelt beside the crying girl as she held onto her, staring in shock at the ship. Both panting, trying to catch their breaths as their lungs burned.
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(Next Chapter)
A/N:  Last chapter is next. I won’t be posting it until I have at least a few of the chapters for the next part in the series done (or at least the first 2) which really shouldn’t take too long (they’re almost done). Sorry this one took so long. I’m so excited to start posting the next part.
Also running in a straight path and not just running to the side, in the moment with the adrenaline and fear your instincts just tell your brain to just RUN. You don’t think, so you don’t realize going to either side is safer BUT even knowing that I tried to justify them running just straight with the fact that things were falling from the ship on either side… which they were.
Tag list:  @profoundtyrantharmony​   @zerocanonlywriteshit  @aportal-inthedeep
Hey if you wanna be added to the tag list for this fic (or removed, don’t feel bad about asking to be removed from the list for any reason.) please just reply on any chapter or send me an ask ^_^
I wanted to mention, I don’t want to just assume those who are tagged for this fic want to be tagged for the next, so please let me know if you would also like to be tagged for the next part in the series. Thank you.)
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herinterface · 3 years
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repost,   don’t  reblog.  
root’s scent is characterised by ever changing perfumes,    a new one each time one sees her,      all belonging to whomever she is pretending to be that day of the week or month.      otherwise,     she often smells of gunpowder   &    smoke    &   something sweet. 
she showers pretty regularly,    but on some weeks depending on how busy she is with The Machine,,  hoping from mission to mission,      she might not get to shower every day.        she’s probably a fan of showers/bathing for this reason,     it’s a chance to unwind a little,       &      occasionally she’d indulge in a bath for fun   (   would be a little extra about it,    dim the lights,    maybe a candle   )      &    spend time quality time talking with The Machine in the bathroom amongst the bubbles.        she would also be happy for shaw to join her sometime,     &    might try   &  convince her,    especially since it’s also good for sore muscles from their activities.  
she has her ears pierced,   a couple holes in each ear but that’s really it,     &   no tattoos,   h   however she definitely treats some of the scars on her body as such------ namely the gunshot wound shaw gave her when she shot her.    
root tends to spread herself out   &    portray   &   exert her powder/confidence physically by taking up a lot of space.     she often also does things like flicking her hair from her face or licking her lips as well in thought.       she has a very graceful demeanour/movements in general though,    despite the pure chaos   &   sadism she’s capable of,     her movements are very calm   &    poised,   eerily collected.  
root is on the move constantly   &   doesn’t like being in the same place for very long,     she doesn’t really bring around changes of clothes unless they’re super necessary,   or even own a wardrobe of clothes.      for this reason most of the time she sleeps in what she’s wearing because it’s most convenient   (    jeans   &   a shirt   ),    &   she’ll sleep in a ‘ borrowed’ apartment,    hotel room,    train,     train station or airport.       if she’s at shaw’s,     she might have some old clothes lying around there if shaw’s kept them around,     so she might just sleep in a shirt   &   underwear/no underwear.        she’s also prone to just sleeping in her underwear    &    bra at shaw’s place as she’s comfortable    &   safe.     
her black leather jackets for sure.    she doesn’t have just the one that’s her favourite,    as they often get left behind,   lost or destroyed,     but she pairs almost all of her usual outfits with a leather jacket. 
root doesn’t have a bed time or a set ‘morning’/wake up time so it really varies.       she’s quite used to sleeping for varying amounts of time at very different times in the day,    she has no sleep schedule.      when she can pick her bedtime,    it would probably be sleeping around five am and waking after midday,    or if she’s super exhausted from travelling the country   &   doing some crazy mission without more than a few hours sleep a week,      she might sleep most of the day away,     well into the evening.  
when she wakes up,    usually it’s because The Machine wakes her up   &   She’s directing root somewhere else to be or something to do.      if The Machine doesn’t wake her up,    she’d wake up eventually    &    talk to The Machine first of all,      &    then she’d bug shaw with whatever she’s doing at the apartment or out in town over the comms.      on occasion she might be accidentally woken up by shaw,     but she’s quite a heavy sleeper so this doesn’t happen too often.      root doesn’t really get free time ok,     she lives to serve The Machine   &   always has tons of projects   &    schemes going on at once even for Her.
depends where,     since she sleeps in odd places she might curl up a little in a chair----- she’s not concerned about being open to attack or anything due to having The Machine in her ear.    she’s pretty used to curling up since she’s tall     &    finds that comfortable despite it often being uncomfortable when she wakes up. 
in bed,    she’d usually sleep on her back while talking to The Machine or on her side,    &    when she’s on her side she’d sleep with her right ear against the bed so that she can still hear the outside world due to her being deaf in her right ear.       on the other hand,    if she wants to block the world out a bit    &   just focus on Her voice,     she’d sleep with her left ear on the bed so she can only hear Her.   
 when she’s in bed with shaw,      she prefers to be shaw’s right side so that she can hear her better when she’s on her side.          she also gives shaw a lot of space when they share a bed,    she’s not too used to sharing one herself so she’s usually off on the other end,   curled up on her side or on her back.    she doesn’t ever have an issue with putting her back to shaw.    
they feel delicate but quite firm   &   practised.     They aren’t really calloused or anything like that,    but her hands   &   fingers are very precise     &    agile from all that typing.     
sometimes she tastes sweet since she has a proclivity for a lot of sweeter foods,   sugary sweet things like lollies or energy drinks,       &   sometimes like coffee     (   &   even then it might be sugary coffee   )
tagged by:  stole it from the dash tagging: anyone who would like to ! but also @itsasset​ @pryceism​ @wickedlehane​​ must do it
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justforbooks · 4 years
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The New Yorker is an American weekly magazine featuring journalism, commentary, criticism, essays, fiction, satire, cartoons, and poetry. Started as a weekly in 1925, the magazine is now published 47 times annually, with five of these issues covering two-week spans. Although its reviews and events listings often focus on the cultural life of New York City, The New Yorker has a wide audience outside New York and is read internationally. It is well known for its illustrated and often topical covers, its commentaries on popular culture and eccentric Americana, its attention to modern fiction by the inclusion of short stories and literary reviews, its rigorous fact checking and copy editing, its journalism on politics and social issues, and its single-panel cartoons sprinkled throughout each issue.
The New Yorker was founded by Harold Ross and his wife Jane Grant, a New York Times reporter, and debuted on February 21, 1925. Ross wanted to create a sophisticated humor magazine that would be different from perceivably "corny" humor publications such as Judge, where he had worked, or the old Life. Ross partnered with entrepreneur Raoul H. Fleischmann (who founded the General Baking Company) to establish the F-R Publishing Company. The magazine's first offices were at 25 West 45th Street in Manhattan. Ross edited the magazine until his death in 1951. During the early, occasionally precarious years of its existence, the magazine prided itself on its cosmopolitan sophistication. Ross famously declared in a 1925 prospectus for the magazine: "It has announced that it is not edited for the old lady in Dubuque."
Although the magazine never lost its touches of humor, it soon established itself as a pre-eminent forum for serious fiction, essays and journalism. Shortly after the end of World War II, John Hersey's essay Hiroshima filled an entire issue. In subsequent decades the magazine published short stories by many of the most respected writers of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, including Ann Beattie, Sally Benson, Truman Capote, John Cheever, Roald Dahl, Mavis Gallant, Geoffrey Hellman, Ruth McKenney, John McNulty, Joseph Mitchell, Alice Munro, Haruki Murakami, Vladimir Nabokov, John O'Hara, Dorothy Parker, S.J. Perelman, Philip Roth, George Saunders, J. D. Salinger, Irwin Shaw, James Thurber, John Updike, Eudora Welty, Stephen King, and E. B. White. Publication of Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery" drew more mail than any other story in the magazine's history.
The New Yorker's signature display typeface, used for its nameplate and headlines and the masthead above The Talk of the Town section, is Irvin, named after its creator, the designer-illustrator Rea Irvin. The body text of all articles in The New Yorker is set in Adobe Caslon.
One uncommonly formal feature of the magazine's in-house style is the placement of diaeresis marks in words with repeating vowels—such as reëlected, preëminent, and coöperate—in which the two vowel letters indicate separate vowel sounds. The magazine also continues to use a few spellings that are otherwise little used in American English, such as fuelled, focussed, venders, teen-ager, traveller, marvellous, carrousel, and cannister.
The magazine also spells out the names of numerical amounts, such as "two million three hundred thousand dollars" instead of "$2.3 million", even for very large figures.
Despite its title, The New Yorker is read nationwide, with 53 percent of its circulation in the top 10 U.S. metropolitan areas. According to Mediamark Research Inc., the average age of The New Yorker reader in 2009 was 47 (compared to 43 in 1980 and 46 in 1990). The average household income of The New Yorker readers in 2009 was $109,877 (the average income in 1980 was $62,788 and the average income in 1990 was $70,233).
According to Pew Research, 77 percent of The New Yorker's audience hold left-of-center political values, while 52 percent of those readers hold "consistently liberal" political values.
The magazine's first cover illustration, a dandy peering at a butterfly through a monocle, was drawn by Rea Irvin, the magazine's first art editor, based on an 1834 caricature of the then Count d'Orsay which appeared as an illustration in the 11th edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica. The gentleman on the original cover, now referred to as "Eustace Tilley", is a character created by Corey Ford (1902–1969) for The New Yorker. The hero of a series entitled "The Making of a Magazine", which began on the inside front cover of the August 8 issue that first summer, Tilley was a younger man than the figure on the original cover. His top hat was of a newer style, without the curved brim. He wore a morning coat and striped formal trousers. Ford borrowed Eustace Tilley's last name from an aunt—he had always found it vaguely humorous. "Eustace" was selected by Ford for euphony.
The character has become a kind of mascot for The New Yorker, frequently appearing in its pages and on promotional materials. Traditionally, Rea Irvin's original Tilley cover illustration is used every year on the issue closest to the anniversary date of February 21, though on several occasions a newly drawn variation has been substituted.
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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omnivorousshipper · 3 years
Hey Omni!
Can you carry on with the de aged Owen fic?
Oh sure friend! I wasn't getting a lot of feedback on it, so I wasn't sure what people thought of it and lost track of it
Part 3
De-aged Fic Part 4
Shoulders hunched, Owen sneaked past crowds of adults and easily slipped through the turnstile of the train station. From there, he was able to find a train map and knew how to get home
But the whole time, Owen walked through a daze
Why did people look so different?
Why were there more lights everywhere?
Where did all these new electronic stuff come from?
And why did the date say it was about thirty years in the future?
Sitting quietly on the train, Owen felt his stomach lurch
Did he time travel? Did Letty and the other adults bring him here? Were they going to do something to him?
But Letty had been so nice!
Conflicting emotions raged inside him and Owen felt tears prick at the edges of his vision. It was all too much and he couldn't understand any of it
Sniffling, Owen brought out the small device he had stolen and stared down at it. How had Tej started it?
Curiosity fully engaged, Owen started to experiment with it. Not long after, he had the phone open and was revealed all of its secrets
The whole train ride and transfer ride, Owen played with the phone and couldn't believe it. The future was amazing!
Feeling much more energized by his discovery, Owen sped through the train station when they finally made it to his stop. He couldn't wait to show Deck and Hatts his new device!
But the thought stopped him right in his tracks
Standing in the middle of the sidewalk, Owen felt as if he was going to be sick
Where were Deckard and Hattie? Did they come with him from the past?
Panic raced through Owen's veins when he realized the possibility that they didn't
If they're adults now, would they want to play with him? Would they still love him?
Conflicted once again, Owen straightened his back and walked forward again. There was no way in knowing until he found them himself
After a short walk, Owen finally arrived home. The building still looked the same, the trees outside it bigger and the bricks dingier, but overall the same. Walking around to the back, Owen was pleased to see his secret key still in place
Stepping inside, it was deathly silent
"Deck? Hatts?" Owen called out hesitantly, but received no answer. Gulping, he tried again. "Da?"
His parents hadn't even crossed his mind when he thought about being in the future. But now, he was faced with the idea of meeting an older, and possibly angrier, version of his father
Closing the door, Owen snuck through the house, searching for anyone. But there was nobody. It was as if nobody had lived there for years. It was eery and set Owen's teeth on edge. The house had always been so lively and inviting, but now felt like ghosts lived there
Finding nothing, Owen went to his mother's study and hoped to find clues there. The room was the only one not covered in a fine layer of dust. Investigating further, Owen found several documents on the desk
Climbing into the plush chair, Owen looked through the papers, but didn't find anything too interesting. Until he found a list with his and his siblings' names
There were phone numbers next to their names, along with places
Pulling out the phone, Owen immediately dialed the five phone numbers next to Deckard's name
Deckard didn't pick up once
Tears welling up in his eyes, Owen took a shaky breath and dialed one of the numbers for Hattie
After several rings, a woman's voice sounded through the speaker
"H-Hatts?" Owen choked out, tears rolling down his cheeks
I hope you enjoyed friend!
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invisibleraven · 3 years
Have you got any angsty pre-canon sunset curve head canons? 🥺
Ooof nonny, you asked for it, this got super angsty and long, so h/c under the cut
Alex was the golden boy all his life, someone you would be proud to call your son. "Why can't you be more like Alex?" is something his church friends often heard. He knew he was lucky and loved, and thought nothing could change that. Then he came out, and he lost everything. People steered away from him at church, the sermons revolved around hellfire until he couldn't bear to be there anymore. Until he didn't believe any more. His parents, who he thought would love him forever, no matter what, turned frosty. They turned his sisters away from him, telling them he was a sinner, and God would punish them as well for condoning his choices. They started talking about sending him away to get 'fixed'. Suddenly things they used to praise him for weren't good enough ("How come you only got an 90% as opposed to 100%?"), or the reason behind his 'illness' (drumming, spending time with the band). They started using his anxiety against him, they refused to pay for his meds anymore, to give him anything aside from a roof over his head and food on his plate, even though he wasn't welcome to eat with the family any longer. He spent his last summer alive living with Luke in Bobby's garage, and his parents claimed that he was visiting relatives to change his ways. They never claimed his body, and between Bobby and Luke's parents, they paid for his burial.
Bobby was the last of the guys to join the band, having met Luke in detention and getting railroaded into auditioning and then giving up his grandparents garage as a studio space. Bobby was a bit of a loner, afraid to form relationships, after his parents all but dumped him on his lola's doorstep so they could travel and work without him as a millstone around their necks. He was terrified of being abandoned, of being left behind. But these guys wormed their ways into his heart and refused to let him shut them out. They made him feel safe and connected, and unafraid to live for once. He never told them how much they brought him back to life, but paid them back by offering an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on, a fist to defend them. He let Alex and Luke live in the garage after they left home, and always let Reggie know there was a space there for him too. So when the guys went and died on him, Bobby essentially died too, having been left again yet again. No friends pestering him, no one making him live. So he used their music to make sure the guys got to live, in some capacity, even if bad decisions left their names off of it. Bobby Shaw didn't survive that night, even if his body was still breathing. He died with his boys, and didn't live again until Carrie was placed in his arms.
Luke didn't get why his parents refused to accept his passions, but he always felt like he could do no right with them. His mom always claimed she was 'just worried' but maybe she was worried about appearances, how others would judge her. Luke wanted to be a rock star, he lived and breathed music, so he didn't care about classes or grades, and no amount of drag out fights with his mom would change that. He dropped out of school right before Christmas, that was the source of the fight we got to see, with Emily livid that he would be so foolish. Luke claimed that she would never understand, and she sighed, telling him he sounded like a child, with childish dreams. If he could give up the band and get his life back on track he would realize that. But Luke also knew that as much as he loved the band, the boys needed it more. They needed it as an escape or distraction from their turbulent home lives. As a way to feel like they were worthy of love, of respect, of being treated as a person. He could never give that up, not when his boys needed that lifeline just as much as he did. So he ran away, determined to show his mom that he could and would make it. And if they made it, well then she'd finally see him for who he was over who she wanted him to be. Emily never forgave herself for not trying harder to find him before he died, and she understands why Bobby-Trevor glares at her all through the funerals.
Reggie lives at home until he dies, refusing to leave his parents, even if all they do is fight, because they still love him, right? Even if any of his friends would tell him that people who love you never talk down to a person like they do, or argue over whose fault it is that he turned out 'like that', whatever that's supposed to mean. Reggie knows all this, deep down, but he thinks it will get so much worse if he leaves. They hurt each other through words, but if he's not there, the fights get physical, an it's better that he stops them early rather than let them hurt one another. A few times they were too far into it, and he got caught in the middle. Nothing bandages and alcohol wipes can't solve right? Reggie learns to live with the sound of breaking glass, the scent of booze, the constant yelling. He learns to keep his friends away and a smile on his face, because the last time the neighbours showed up to help, it almost ended in a fist fight. Best not to tell anyone anything other than they were still fighting, no, he didn't need to stay but thanks for asking. Eventually he learns to live in layers, the jacket good at keeping his arms and back safe from flying dishes and covering the marks left if he wasn't quick enough to avoid getting them. He adapts to sleeping where and when he can, and shoplifts concealer to disguise his dark circles. Yet he still loves his parents, hoping that one day he can be enough so they stop fighting, even if he blames himself when he's the cause. His parents don't even look at each other at his funeral, and the divorce papers are signed before his headstone is erected.
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snarkwrites · 4 years
-- masterlist -- archived, 2020
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[18+ advised ] This is going to be long af. I’m going to do my best to put everything - all my writing on this blog, in one goddamn place, but I make no promises, so forgive me in advance. Below the cut is everything I’ve written and posted, for every single fandom I’ve written for so far. If [mature] or [suggestive] is present in the title/post, 18+ only. If you’re looin for y/n here, you won’t really  find it. I prefer to use oc’s in writing most of the time because it’s easier for me.
** the titles in bold and not linked I either haven’t written or I’ve lost the link for. jsyk. I do that so that when/if I get around to writing something, it’s already got a place. It’s weird, I’m weird.**
If you want to be on the taglist for my writing, you can find that [here]. If you want to know what I write / how often I write and stuff like that, my faq/about post is [here]
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--𝔸𝕞𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕟 ℍ𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕠𝕣 𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕪
[ 1984 ]
 xavier plympton - cherry popped | spring | mature.
[ Miami ]
eric delko - tba | fall/winter | mature.
tim speedle - perfect | spring | mature.
[ Vegas ]
greg sanders - tba | fall/winter | mature.
-- 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕧𝕖𝕝 ℂ𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕔 𝕌𝕟𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕖
[ Avengers ]
bucky barnes - slippery when wet | winter | mature.
captain america - choke me | winter | suggestive.
pietro maximoff - faster, baby | spring | mature.
[ Guardians Of The Galaxy ] 
starlord - eat me | spring | mature.
[ Venom ]
eddie brock - milf isn’t a bad word | spring | mature.
-- ℝ𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕕𝕒𝕝𝕖
archie andrews - tba | summer/fall | mature.
jughead jones - tba | summer/fall | mature.
reggie mantle - yours  | summer | mature.
sweet pea - selfish | summer | mature.
--𝕊𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕆𝕗 𝔸𝕟𝕒𝕣𝕔𝕙𝕪
juice ortiz - needed me | spring | mature.
--𝕊𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤
billy hargrove - tba | summer/fall | mature.
jonathan byers - surrender | summer | mature.
steve harrington - wet | summer | mature.
steve harrington - disaster | summer | mature.
dean winchester - tba | summer/fall | mature.
kevin tran - tba | fall / winter | suggestive.
sam winchester - tba | summer/fall | mature.
-- 𝕋𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥
embry call - tba | summer/fall | mature.
jacob black - found you | spring | mature.
paul lahote - tba | summer/fall | mature.
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-- 𝔽𝕣𝕚𝕕𝕒𝕪 ℕ𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕃𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕤
matt saracen, remember you young by thomas rhett | angst & fluff / reunion
-- 𝕊𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤
jonathan byers, i think i love you | fluff. two best friends admitting their feelings for each other. an au take on my oc pairing with Steve Harrington, so an au of an au oops rip.
steve harrington, blindsided | fluff and awkward cute first kisses,ftw.
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-- 𝟙𝟚 ℝ𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕𝕤 𝟛: 𝕃𝕠𝕔𝕜𝕕𝕠𝕨𝕟
jon shaw - galentines / be my valentine - ex lovers, drinking tw, intense fluff.
-- 𝔸𝕞𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕟 ℍ𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕠𝕣 𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕪
[ Apocalypse ]
michael langdon - moon dance - a witch and her dance under the moon captivates Michael Langdon. sexual tension, ftw.
-- 𝔸𝕣𝕣𝕠𝕨𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕖
[ Legends Of Tomorrow ]
ray palmer - back where you came from - time travel, mutual crushes
ray palmer - bachlorette party gone wrong or right - flirty first meeting at a bachelor party
ray palmer - villainesses want heroes - a good guy with a bad girl? more likely than you think. 
-- ℂ𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕝𝕖 ℝ𝕠𝕔𝕜
 dennis zalewski - photo booth montage - angst / hurt comfort, major character death & mourning, ghosts.
the kid / henry deaver - you were different - alternate universe personas reunite, intense makeout ensues.
--𝔻ℂ ℂ𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕔
[ Suicide Squad ] 
captain boomerang - expecting someone taller - first date / blind date.
-- 𝔽𝕣𝕚𝕕𝕒𝕪 ℕ𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕃𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕤
 landry clarke - if i only had a brain | someday my prince will come - tutor turned friend turned crush. kissing and stuff.
tim riggins - wedding bell blues | so this is love - a wedding brings two people closer and the end result is Riggins, settling down.
tim riggins - voice like honey - tim flirting with a new girl in Dillon? the chances are more likely than you think.
-- 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕧𝕖𝕝 ℂ𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕔
[ Avengers ] 
bucky barnes - girls,girls,girls - bucky’s omega likes to dance. and to offer herself up as bait. bucky doesn’t like this... intense heated conversation ensues.
captain america - no selfies in the bathroom please? - oh, nothing but Steve Rogers and an OC flirting over the phone. Innuendo towards the end if you squint.
[ Punisher]
 frank castle - patient of the week - patching up Frank isn’t the only thing she longs to do. A kiss is shared.
-- 𝕊𝕙𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕤𝕤
lip gallagher - wedding crasher | the nanny and the professor - lip and his girl and their ups and downs. They go from him crashing her wedding drunk to the two having a night of domestic bliss.. and a kid. mildly suggestive the second part is.
-- 𝕊𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕆𝕗 𝔸𝕟𝕒𝕣𝕔𝕙𝕪
juice ortiz - crow flies | rough rider | treat you as good as my leather - snippets from the relationship between juice and my OC, Hazel Teller.
juice ortiz - glass houses | throwing stones - more from relationship between Juice Ortiz and Hazel Teller, tbh. 
-- 𝕊𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤
billy hargrove - let the days go by - flashbacks to a first meeting as an OC mourns Billy’s supposed death post S3.
jonathan byers - should’ve been a better shot - Tommy H’s girlfriend (not Carol, an oc) is getting more than a little sick of being Tommy’s property. Kissing Jonathan Byers seems like a good way to end that and to let jonathan know that she likes him a lot. Fluff/humor, warnings of Tommy H being his usual asshole douchenozzle self.
steve harrington - glass houses | throwing stones, this is set in the now main au timeline I have for Steve Harrington and my original character Charlotte Granger.
-- 𝕊𝕦𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕒𝕝
crowley - the witching hour - just a father/daughter heart to heart with Poppy. family bonding ftw. [ goes with pop goes my heart tangentially]
dean winchester - pop goes my heart - poppy gets under his skin in all the wrong ways AND all the right ones. 
dean winchester - gingerbread family - the boys find themselves waking up to Christmas as a totally normal family. How will they react to the things they find themselves able to do at last?
sam winchester - heaven knows - his guardian angel only wanted to protect him. now she’s been banished to earth and she’s mortal. and they wind up flirting / getting closer.
sam winchester - candy apple kisses | gingerbread family - sam never forgot about her. maybe that’s why as a result of a wish he and dean may or may not have both made, he wakes up to find himself married to her.
-- 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕎𝕒𝕝𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝔻𝕖𝕒𝕕
[ The following ones are all part of this huuuuge everchanging universe/storyline that I have with BOTH men, for my OC Evie. In some, she’s with Daryl, in others, Shane. They’re all wildly canon divergent and all over the place, lmao.]
daryl dixon - watch the world burn [married au] | a vision from a sugarplum fairy | garden by the sea  - a series of alternate takes / twists and moments between my OC Evie Grimes and Daryl Dixon.
shane walsh - scream queen [reunited lovers au] | sweet morning rose | you and your high horse - a series of alternate takes/twists and moments between my OC Evie Grimes and Shane Walsh.
-- 𝕋𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥
jacob black, one day more, angst | 
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-- ℂ𝕣𝕚𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕝 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕤
derek morgan x -being roommates with | 
-- 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕧𝕖𝕝 ℂ𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕔 𝕌𝕟𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕖
sam wilson / falcon x - dating falcon | 
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tim speedle [ d m y ] | [ b o u ] | [ c e k ] | j w x | l f | 
kylo ren [ k l r ] | 
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CSI: Las Vegas;
t r o u b l e | greg sanders x Sidle!Sibling OFC, Belle | genres : suspense/action, romance / fluff, hurt comfort, angst, slow burn | chapters : [ one | two | three pt1| three pt2 | four | five | soundtrack: here | warnings: slow burn, attempted murder tw, murder mentions / crime mentions tw, eventual smut/sexual content tw, [ discontinued to be rewritten ]
m i n e | tim speedle x former lover!OFC, Sylvie | genres : suspense/action, romance/fluff, hurt comfort, angst, slow burn | chapters : [ one two pt 1 two pt 2 three three pt 2 ] | soundtrack: here | warnings: slow burn, crime / stalker tw, other themes and eventual smut/sexual content tw, [discontinued to be rewritten]
gangsta | sweetpea x Andrews!SiblingOFC, Alyssa | genres: teen angst - drama, suspense, hurt comfort, romance, slow burn | chapters: one - two - three - four - five - six - seven - eight - nine - ten- eleven - twelve - thirteen - fourteen - | soundtrack: here | warnings: fighting / swearing, sexual tension, awkward situations & eventual smut.. your typical high school overdramatic bs. Bit of an au because I only plan to loosely follow the series. | [ discontinued to be rewritten ]
Sons Of Anarchy;
home | juice ortiz x Teller!OFC, Hazelynn | genres: action / suspense, hurt/comfort, angst, slow burn, romance, smut | chapters: one - two - three - | soundtrack: here | warnings: slow burn, heavy sexual tension, violence and other adult themes, alcohol / drugs / illegal activities, sex worker ofc tw, sexual content eventually | [ being rewritten to be reposted soonish ]
Stranger Things;
upside down | steve harrington x OFC, Jenny | genres: teen angst - drama, suspense, hurt comfort, friendship, fluff, action, | chapters: one - two - three - four - five - six - seven - | soundtrack: here | warnings: fighting / swearing, sexual tension, awkward situations & eventual smut... your typical high school drama + science fiction-y type misadventures,lmaoo. | [discontinued to be rewritten]
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