sylvia-forest · 2 years
[CN] Shaw's Floating Sea Date
⚡ This post contains detailed spoiler's for content which hasn't released in EN yet!⚡
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[Released Date: 3 August 2022]
[This was translated with the help of Google Translate and by my lovely friend!]
[Part 1]
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The dark night covered the room, and there was a slight and continuous shaking from the soft bed below, which was a signal that the Clematis was traveling at a constant speed.
[Trivia]: Clematis is Shaw's ships name! In flower language clematis symbolize the beauty of ingenuity or the trait of artifice! Another name for clematis is “traveler's joy”. So overall this flower truly suit Shaw's unique personality :)
A ray of night light fell through the half-open porthole on the smooth floor made of fine wood, and everything seemed as peaceful as usual.
My eyes passed through the tulle blown by the wind at the end of the bed, and stared at the uninvited guest who was stealing the treasure in secret not far away.
They seemed to be scavenging all the gold and silver jewelry they could see into the sacks.
After a while, greedy footsteps gradually approached the bedside, and the air became more and more stagnant. I slowed down my breathing and clenched the lamp stand at hand.
Suddenly, a corner of the bed canopy was lifted and the smell of sweat that was mixed with the salty smell of the sea penetrated my nose.
I quickly picked up the lamp stand and smashed it down towards the two figures in front of me.
With the muffled sound, they fell down and laid motionless. I quickly took out the prepared ropes from the bottom of the bed and tied them up to the end of the bed.
Then I turned on the lamp and looked at the two men in the light. They were wrapped in scarlet turbans, and their linen clothes were painted with upside-down skulls.
Looking at their outfits, they must be the pirates of the Black Skull Ship who aren’t on good terms with Shaw.
I curled my lips, grabbed a bucket of water and poured it on top of their heads. They were awakened by the stimulation, and their eyes widened instantly when they saw me in front of them.
Pirate A: Ahhhhh ghost! It turned out that the ghost brought out of the sea by Shaw was really hiding in his bedroom!
Pirate B: The rumors were true!
It's this set again.
I couldn’t help but secretly wanted to humiliate them about the things that made me annoyed. I sat and crossed my legs and pretended to be gloomy.
MC: Since you know that I am a “ghost”, then you must have known the consequences of provoking me.
Pirate A: Lord Sea Ghost, we swear we will never again dare to covet the treasure of the Clematis!! Please spare us, we will get out of here immediately!
MC: Spare you? It's too late. Don't you know Shaw's rules?
MC: A Clematis rule, there’s an in but not an out.
I sullenly used Shaw's name to scare them, and they turned pale, and I changed the conversation with satisfaction.
MC: Unless you tell me what the rumors about "ghosts" are out there right now.
MC: If I'm satisfied, I'll secretly let you go, how about that?
They looked at each other and nodded, as if they were more afraid of being discovered by Shaw rather than me.
Pirate A: There's a rumor going on saying that the captain of the Clematis brought back a sea ghost which possesses special abilities from the bottom of the sea.
Pirate B: H-he hid the ghost in a bedroom full of treasures where the tables are made of gold and the floor made out of silver. 
Pirate B: It was said... if you get her, you will get all the treasures buried under the sea.
These words were similar to what the other pirates said before. I was disappointed when I suddenly heard the door of the room open with a creak.
A pair of footsteps can be heard, sounding unconcerned and relaxed, stepping on the smooth floor.
Pirate A: Sha- Shaw! It's over... !
Someone walked towards me, and that special hair color was like the color of a thunderstorm on the sea that I had seen before.
His eyes are long and narrow, the bridge of his nose was high, he was wearing silk clothes, and his wrists were tied with golden threads.
He doesn't look like a notorious explorer, but more like a little earl from a noble family.
His eyes swept across the pirate who was tied up by me, his slender fingers resting on my shoulders, and he raised his eyebrows lightly.
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Shaw: Not bad, your technique of tying people up is improving.
MC: Of course, the captain taught me well.
I returned a calm smile, thinking that Shaw probably hadn't heard what I just tortured.
Shaw didn’t look any different, he waved his hand casually and his crew came over to drag the pirates out.
Hearing their wailing, I knew they would never see the tomorrow sunrise.
Although it hasn't been long since I was ”salvaged" from Clematis, I've seen similar scenes too many times.
Shaw was the most famous explorer in this sea area. It was said that there are treasures hidden in his bedroom that can buy a kingdom.
But all those who want to steal the treasure will suffer from Shaw wrath without any exception.
Not only did this scare the pirates but it also scared me who had a guilty conscience. The room returned to its silence, and I spoke to break the silence.
MC: Captain, there are so many treasures in your room, aren't you afraid of those treasures being stolen one day?
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Shaw: That’s nothing, I can always steal it back once it’s stolen.
MC: But the ocean is so vast, what if there’s someone who’s experienced in escaping…
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Shaw: What, you are questioning my ability?
Shaw: I can catch you from the bottom of the sea, what else is there in this ocean that I can't reach?
He looked at me half-smiling, playing with the snuff bottle on the table in his hand. The green gemstone embedded on it was said to come from some deep-sea ruins, and it was priceless.
I have lived on Clematis for my whole life as far as I can remember. The man in front of me told me that I was a treasure he picked up from the bottom of the sea.
No one knows why a "person" appears on the seabed. Shaw also said that there have never been records or rumors before.
When he said this, there was a bright interest in his eyes, as if he was curious about what kind of existence I was.
Perhaps this curiosity and my special ability to discover reefs on the seabed are the reasons why Shaw took me in and protected me.
[Trivia]: Reef is a ridge of material at or near the surface of the ocean . These are made of rocks or the skeleton of small animals!
And I also became the famous "ghost" brought by Shaw from the depths of the sea.
Shaw suddenly yawned lazily, fell carelessly on the other side of the bed separated by the curtain, and closed his eyes.
MC: …….
I turned off the light and climbed back onto the bed. The sound of the waves kept rising, accompanied by Shaw's breathing not far away.
I still couldn't sleep after a while, and gathered my courage to speak.
MC: Captain, are you asleep?
Shaw hummed lazily, which was an answer.
MC: In the past few days, there are more and more reefs under the sea, and I can feel that the sea road is getting worse and worse.
MC: Are we about to arrive at Robbie Island? After getting there. . . Do you have any follow-up plans?
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Shaw: I never make plans, the ocean will give me directions.
Shaw: Also, captain, I’m really sleepy now. Let’s talk about those issues tomorrow.
After a while, I heard his gradually even breathing.
Making sure he was fast asleep, I quietly got out of bed and skillfully took the atlas from the table beside him and unfolded it under the moonlight.
During this time, the clematis has been driving smoothly towards the destination set by Shaw.
As Robbie Island approached, all the crew began to look forward to unknown treasures, but I couldn't feel the same.
I don't have any memory before being salvaged by Shaw on the ship. I don't know where I belong to and why I exist.
Thinking of this, I secretly made up my mind, and turned my eyes to the map in front of me, looking for all the places that might be familiar.
I must find clues about me in this sea area and find my reason for existence.
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[Part 2]
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The sea waves were drawn out of rows of white foam by the bow of the ship, and all the scenery on the endless sea was retreating rapidly.
Clematis was sailing at full speed towards Robbie Island.
I stood at the bow of the ship and looked at the sea, keenly feeling the undercurrents and stagnant reefs in the depths of the sea.
MC: There's a reef under the sea 20 nautical miles on the right!
MC: Be careful! There are also 50 nautical miles ahead!
I held my breath and commanded, the helmsman spun around abruptly, the bow deftly avoided the reef and sailed towards the left side of the sea.
I felt that there were a lot less reefs in the sea in front of me, and the ship could sail safely for at least one morning, so I was ready to leave for a rest.
As I passed by the helmsman, I gave him a friendly smile.
MC: Great work, its all thanks to you for turning around in time.
But the helmsman quickly avoided my gaze and moved to the other side.
MC: …….
I couldn't help sighing, and consciously moved away from him and walked to the railing on the side.
Because of my "ghost" status, the crew on the ship avoided me, and no one wanted to have too much contact with me.
Except for the captain of the ship.
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I was leaning against the railing when a hand suddenly wrapped around my waist and pulled my whole body in its direction.
The sea breeze blew the hair of the young man in front of him, he lightly pinched my chin, looked left and right, and then let go of me.
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Shaw: Your dark eye circles are pretty dark, were you beaten up last night?
MC: No!
I hurriedly retorted and looked away with a little guilty conscience.
MC: I just wanted to remember the time when I was “fished” up from the sea by you, s-so I didn’t sleep well.
My words are not false, but they cover up another part.
During this time, I would secretly check the atlas in Shaw’s bedroom every night, trying to find places that I felt familiar.
But I always found nothing, but fortunately, Shaw didn't notice anything.
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Shaw: Simply forget about it and start over.
His tone was relaxed and casual, and I could only see the reflection of the sea in his eyes.
MC: No, this is very important to me. I want to know what I exist for.
MC: Even if that forgotten memory is not important, it is part of my life.
Shaw: You never thought about it, what if you don't have that memory at all?
MC: ….Then I have to know why!  Captain, don't you have any attachments?
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Shaw: Of course I do…if not, why am I called Ex-plo-rer?
Shaw raised his eyebrows and smiled, I saw a small wave appearing in his eyes.
Shaw: Aren't you also the rare treasure I found?
MC: Is that why I was left on the ship by you?
Shaw narrowed his eyes slightly and ignored the question.
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Shaw: Did you have a bad time on the Clematis?
MC: Of course not, although everyone is a little afraid of me, but you are not afraid, Captain.
MC: Not only that, but you also let me live in your bedroom, which is said to be full of treasures, and that random intruders will suffer.
MC: The velvet quilt was comfy, and the captain's special beef jerky was delicious, and I wasn’t unhappy anymore.
Shaw looked at me with burning eyes, obviously not believing what I said.
Shaw: Since you are happy, why do you toss and turn until you can't fall asleep?
His eyes made me a little guilty, and I hurriedly made an excuse that I wanted to say for a long time.
MC: Actually...I want to apply for a separate room!
Shaw raised his eyebrows and leaned against the railing in a different position.
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Shaw: Reason?
MC: I read the collection of books in your room, it says that in the human world men and women should not live in the same room unless...  
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Shaw: Unless what?
He raised his eyebrows with an expression of clearly knowing the answer
MC: Unless they’re in those intimate human relationships.
I said with a blushing face, Shaw gave a long "Oh" and nodded solemnly.
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Shaw: OK. The ship has five rooms in total, the captain's bedroom and three crew bedrooms, as well as a storage room.
Shaw: Do you want to huddle with a dozen big men, or huddle with sea fish and shrimp?
Shaw: Or... continue to sleep on the soft velvet bed?
MC: .....But I'm a ghost, in the human world, ghosts are always captured.
MC: According to the eastern saying, people of different clans may not have the same hearts, wouldn’t you mind?
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Shaw: Why should I mind?
Shaw: The rules of the human world can't bind me. You were brought up from the bottom of the sea, so they can't bind you either.
He gently flicked my forehead, my heartbeat suddenly quickened for a moment, when suddenly the sailors called out to Shaw.
Sailor: Captain! We just found that there are broken pieces of wood floating in this sea area, and it's very likely that there are shipwrecks on the bottom of the sea!
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Shaw: There is even a treasure delivered to the door?
Shaw: Of course, the clematis would not let it go.
Shaw: Get ready to dive.
The crew immediately began to prepare the tools needed for the dive. Shaw took the diving bell and rope and pulled me into his arms.
MC: Captain, what are you doing?
He wrapped the rope around my waist and breathed on my face and the tip of my nose felt itchy. I don't know why, but my heart also seemed to be feeling itchy.
After a while, he looked up at me, the corners of his mouth curved.
Shaw: Since you care so much about your past memories, let me take you to revisit the hometown of the sea.
As soon as he finished speaking, the arms around my waist tightened, and my face was forced into his chest.
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The next moment, he suddenly hugged me and fell backwards into the sea where all the scenery was backwards. I could only see Shaw's splendid eyes.
MC: Ah!
The icy, turbulent waters came all at once, turning my screams into a series of dull murmurs.
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I instinctively hugged the man in front of me, he looked down at me, the corners of his mouth were extremely brilliant.
Suddenly, an image flashed across my mind.
The sky light reflected the swimming fish in twists and turns through the sea water, and the silver swimming fish was suddenly washed away by the figure of a young man.
He hugged me tightly and swam to the shimmering skylight, his hair brushing against my eyelashes like the color of a thunderstorm at sea.
This scene that made me feel inexplicably familiar was fleeting, and before I could think about it, a dazzling white light shone around, which was a signal that the crew had found the wreck.
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Shaw took me to swim to the sunken ship, and my eyes inadvertently fell on the outer wall of the sunken ship.
A snow-white creature with two black horns on top of its head was perched on the rusted outer wall of the ship.
I feel like I've seen it somewhere... With that in mind, I reached out and took it off.
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Shaw: What did you catch?
On the deck, everyone was taking stock of the salvaged treasures, including glittering gold and silverware, and bottles filled with various creatures...  
Only I hold the creature I just saw in my arms.
MC: I don't know what it is either…
Shaw took a closer look.
Shaw: This is called the sea hare, a parasitic creature present on the seafloor.
[Trivia]: Sea hare, the name derives from their rounded shape and from the two long rhinophores that project upward from their heads and that somewhat resemble the ears of a hare!
MC: Sea hare? Is that the same as a rabbit on land?
Shaw raised his brows with a bright mockery in his eyes.
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Shaw: One is jumping and jumping, the other is parasitic on other people, how can it be the same?
I curled my lips and looked carefully at the sea hare in my palm.
MC: I've only seen rabbits in the paintings in your bedroom.  ...I don't know what a real rabbit looks like.
Shaw clicked his tongue, he went to the treasure pile next to him and searched around, he then threw a gilt fish tank over.
Shaw: Since you like it, keep it.
I looked up in surprise and saw Shaw looking at me with his arms folded, with a relaxed attitude.
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Shaw: Any idea where we're going next?
MC: Robbie Island, I heard that there are many strange creatures on it, that is why you are going.
Shaw: Then did you know that there is a special kind of long-legged rabbit on Robbie Island, which is said to run faster than all rabbits.
Shaw: It’s definitely more fun than this sea hare here.
MC: In other words, when I get there, can I see a real rabbit?!
My eyes widened in excitement, Shaw looked down at me, and for some reason the corners of his mouth twitched into a smile.
Shaw: This is not just some amusement for you, it will be your task.
At this time, suddenly a crew member came to report in a hurry.
Crew: Captain! It seems that several ships have been making holes in our stern! Our ship is leaking!
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[Part 3]
Crew: There was fog on the sea before, but now the fog has cleared, and we found it at once.
Crew: They clung to the tail of the Clematis, avoiding all the positions that the ship's guns could attack.
Shaw put down the telescope and sneered.
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Shaw: They’re pretty good at finding places to hide.
I picked up the binoculars to see the situation, and saw a familiar logo on their clothes from a distance, an upside-down skull!
MC: They’re the pirates of the Black Skull Ship, they’re from the same group as the people who came over to steal. They definitely aren’t giving up and are planning to take revenge this time!
Shaw: What are you afraid of?
Shaw didn't seem to care at all, I couldn't help but ask.
MC: ...what are you going to do, they're hiding under the ship, and the bow cannons can't hit them.
He didn't answer me, just rolled up his sleeves, and the dagger that was close to him showed a faint cold glow.
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Shaw: If everything depended on cannons, I would have already died 800 times.
Shaw: You stay here, don't run around, do you hear me?
He uttered an exhortation, made a gesture to the crew members behind him, then jumped up on the railing and jumped down.
MC: !
I quickly grabbed the railing and looked down, and saw that Shaw had landed on the ship of the Black Skull.
He approached the opponent close to the hull of the ship, and before they could react, he had already quietly resolved the person on guard.
MC: He truly is a sea monster…
The crew of the Black Skull Ship suddenly parried, but reacted very quickly, and quickly rushed forward with their knives to mingle.
I hid behind a wooden barrel on the deck and watched nervously. Fortunately, Shaw and his crew cooperated perfectly and spread in every dead corner of the ship.
His skills were fast and accurate, his shots were sharp, and a streak of blood splattered on his collar, making him look like a ghost.
I involuntarily clenched my fists and followed Shaw's every move. It seems that before I know it, I can't help but look at him and worry about him.
Soon, Shaw had the absolute upper hand. Just when I was relieved, a hook was thrown from nowhere and caught the corner of my skirt.
I hurriedly dodged to the left, but the ship swayed violently because of the water, and I was thrown out of the ship in an instant.
MC: cough cough......
The sea water suddenly entered my mouth and nose, and I struggled desperately. My ankles seemed to have been tangled up with the floating seaweed, dragging me under.
MC: Captain! Shaw!
The sea water poured into my nose and I couldn't breathe, my vision gradually blurred, and suddenly someone broke through the hazy sky and came towards me.
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Shaw: [shouts] Hold on tight!
I could hardly open my eyes, I could only feel someone hugging my waist tightly, a cold light flashed past, and the feeling of being pulled at my ankles disappeared.
There seems to be a burning gaze falling on my face in the drowsiness.
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Shaw: Don't fall asleep, I'll take you to a safe place.
His voice reached my ears through the sea, but it made me feel very familiar, as if I had heard it somewhere before.
But I didn't have any strength to think. When my consciousness almost dissipated, a voice sounded in my mind.
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?.?: I thought this trip was unlucky, except for a bunch of sea hares, I didn't find anything.
?.?: Unexpectedly, there’s really a “strange” baby.
In the dark and quiet seabed, a loud voice broke through the silence, splitting the darkness like a rolling thunder.
The voice fell straight to my ears, and with a strange lure, I opened my eyes for the first time.
The sky light on the bottom of the sea was tortuous and obscure. It seemed that a "creature" I had never seen was cutting off the seaweed wrapped around me, and the dagger shone with a cold light.
Looking up, I bumped into a pair of eyes that were like broken gold, and there was undisguised arrogance and possession in those eyes.
Catching my gaze, he raised his eyebrows, and an unexpected smile crossed his eyes.
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Shaw: Hello there, interesting “lady”.
Shaw: From now on, you belong to me.
The embrace in the memory gradually overlapped with reality and it seems that there is a strange yet some sensation on my lips in the haziness.
I opened my eyes laboriously and found myself lying on a reef.
Shaw hugged me, his whole body was wet, his lips were a little too bright red. He leaned over to stare at me, seemed relieved to see my eyes open, and rubbed my head.
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Shaw: How are you able to fall off when you’re on a ship?
Shaw: Fortunately, I was fast.
I haven't recovered from the memory just now, I just looked at Shaw.
It turns out that the starting point of my memory that I've been looking for is right in front of me.
Shaw: No way, are you scared?
Seeing my dazed look, he raised his hand to touch my forehead, and I couldn't help but blurt out.
MC: Captain, why did you fetch me up at that time?
Shaw was stunned for a moment, and his gaze stayed on my face for a moment.
Shaw: What, do you want to stay on the seafloor surrounded by seagrass all the time and be neighbors with big clam shells?
MC: I just.......
The chaotic thoughts made me a little hesitant. Shaw looked at me with scrutiny, the original casual attitude suddenly disappeared, and the hand on my forehead was retracted.
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Shaw: Wherever the storm is, the Clematis will sail.
Shaw: It's never calm here. If you don’t wish to stay, you still have the chance to leave.
His words sounded like thunder in my heart. I've always wanted to find the starting point of my memory and go back to where I belong.
But now I find that what I've been looking for is always close in proximity.
Maybe I was thinking too much. The next second, Shaw raised his hand and flicked my forehead.
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Shaw: Do you really want to go back?
MC: Didn't you say…?
Shaw: I just lied to you.
Shaw: Tsk, how could there be such an unqualified crew member who delusionally "abandoned" her captain and returned to the bottom of the sea.
Shaw said these words and left me as he turned back to the little boat to deal with the pirates of Black Skull who were all tied up.
Shaw: Do you remember that those who dare touch her seek death?
My heart was suddenly taken aback. It turned out that these people were all coming for me?
Shaw didn't want to hand me over to them, was he protecting me?
Immediately, I felt a little inexplicable and remembered that he never answered my question.
Is he trying so hard to protect me because I was a treasure salvaged by him?
After the pirates were all dragged down, he glanced at me as if he had inadvertently turned his head sideways.
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When he met my gaze, he raised his eyebrows and stretched out his hand towards me from a distance.
Shaw: [shouts] Hey, that unqualified crew member, do you want to go back with me?
Looking at his flamboyant expression, the memories of the past suddenly flooded in my mind.
On the deck where there was a bonfire, the wine jar was getting empty one after another. Shaw looked at me in the noisy laughter.
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Shaw: Why is your face so red from just a few sips of wine? That’s too weak.
MC: Ahem....something that chokes your throat like this........those who like this drink are the weird ones!
Shaw: It's a celebration wine, everyone should drink it. Give it to me and I'll drink it for you on your behalf.
In the dark night, there was a small noise in the bedroom. I was about to turn on the light, but Shaw silently covered my eyes.
MC: ….. Why blindfold me?
Shaw: A "little mouse" has come in and needs to be dealt with. You're so timid, I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep when you see it.
On the swaying ship, lightning struck down one after another, illuminating the bedroom in the porthole.
MC: .....The ship was shaking so badly. Did it encounter a thunderstorm? Will we be hit!
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Shaw: Are you afraid of this? When I went out to sea before, the thunderstorms were much worse than this.
Shaw: Go to sleep if you are afraid, don't be shocked and disturb my sleep.
My mind was surging, and finally settled into a firm answer. I paused and walked towards Shaw.
MC: But Captain, why do you look so happy?
Shaw looked at me, at this moment the moon wheel rose from behind him, reflecting the expression on his face, with a flying smile.
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Shaw: I am very happy.
Shaw: Because I didn’t lose any of my crewmates.
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[Part 4]
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Back in the bedroom, Shaw pulled out a silk dress and threw it to me. Seeing my puzzled expression, he silently reached out and picked up a tattered piece of clothing on my shoulder.
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Shaw: You are too slow. Did you not notice that your clothes were torn?
There was a strange shivering sensation on the shoulder where his fingertips ran across. I looked down in a panic, only to realize that the scratch on my shoulder must have been cut by an iron hook just now.
MC: I, I'm going to change it.
I hurriedly took my clothes and hid behind the curtain and changed my clothes. When I came out again, I saw Shaw leaning against the window and looking at the map.
The moonlight fell on the bridge of his tall nose, concealing his condescending appearance, showing a bit of seriousness.
This made him seem a little approachable, the usual Shaw either disappeared or frightened me by pretending to be a ghost.
Shaw raised his head when he heard the movement, his eyes wandered up and down my body a few times, and raised his eyebrows.
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Shaw: Yes, oriental silk is quite suitable for you.
Shaw: Very beautiful.
I couldn't help but blush to hear the compliments coming out of this mean captain's mouth.
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Shaw: Come on, you were in the sea just now, why didn't you run?
Shaw: Haven't you planned this for a long time?
Hearing him say that, I looked up at him in a panic, trying to cover it up.
MC: You, what are you talking about, I don't know.
He put down the map in his hand and looked up at me with a lazy smile on the corner of his mouth.
Shaw: What, do you need me to tell you before you admit it?
Shaw approached me step by step, his forceful gaze landed on my cheek without any scruples.
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Shaw: Shortly after arriving on the Clematis, you sneaked to the deck while I was asleep.
Shaw: You lied about wanting to enjoy the moon, in fact, you were drawing out the layout of Clematis.
Shaw: It’s not unlikely for pirates who steal things to be tortured for information of the outside world.
Shaw: Peeking at the map in the captain's room and look for escape tools in the storage room;
Shaw: There was also a smell of sea fish when I slept at night. . . . . . It's so obvious that a fool can even see it.
MC: You know all about it? Then why are you...  
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Shaw: Of course it was fun.
Shaw: A "sea ghost" who doesn't understand anything was spinning around in the human world, and doing a good job...how interesting.
MC: So...you keep me on board just because you think I was funny?
MC: You say I am a rare treasure, but there are so many interesting things in the sea, Chinese porcelain pieces, and different ambergris present on the bottom of the sea are also very interesting.
MC: But when the merchants came to buy it, you also sold it to them, so what about me, can I also be traded?
The question that had been hidden in my heart for a long time blurted out at this moment. I stared straight at Shaw, and my heart beat faster involuntarily.
Shaw's original teasing look was taken aback, as if he didn't expect to be given an example by me, and he choked.
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Shaw: After staying on the ship for so long, you learned very quickly about sweeping and working, but how can you still be so stupid?
Shaw: Is this something that can be compared together?
MC: How do I know if this can be compared…………
MC: Since I am so stupid, the captain should directly tell me, what is the difference between me and these treasures?
I looked up at Shaw and hid my thoughts in my words.
He smiled and suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me in front of him.
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Shaw: Chinese porcelain pieces and ambergris wouldn’t spout nonsense.
Shaw: Don't you just want to know, why did I keep you?
He saw through my thoughts immediately. Feeling embarrassed, I shrunk my neck backwards.
MC: The pirates who came to rob me wanted to get the underwater treasures from me, but you were never curious about these.
Shaw: Only people with no brains believe this nonsense.
Shaw: I'm just curious why there was a "girl" present under the sea, and what is the difference between her and a real person.
MC: So did you find the answer?
Shaw: Certainly -
Shaw prolonged his tone and looked at me with a half-smile.
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Shaw: The difference is that you are easy to satisfy, you can be excited for the whole day by a sea hare.
Shaw: You still have to find a memory that may not exist at all. Do you think this is stupid?
MC: …….
MC: How does it sound, I don't have any better qualities in your eyes.
I was speechless but Shaw was calm.
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Shaw: These are all what I wanted to say.
Shaw: In this ocean, there is too much struggle and blood, and it is meaningless.
Shaw: You want to learn from humans just like cats and tigers, but you don't know that humans are the most cunning.
Shaw: I know you let go of the pirates who came to steal things before. I guess it’s because they promised that they wouldn’t share whatever happened on the ship and you believed it.
Shaw: The "ghost" who could find the treasure under the sea was hiding in my bedroom. Who spread the news?
I was taken aback by Shaw's words, and I looked at him with round eyes and he sneered.  
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Shaw: The word “ghost” doesn't suit you .
Shaw: A simple and kind-hearted person like you, if it weren't for me to cover you, you would have already been eaten by others that not even bones are left…
Wait, is this person scolding me or praising me…
Shaw: Hey, why are your ears red?
MC: You didn't tell me this before.
I muttered softly, suddenly thought of something, and looked up at him.
MC: In fact, when I was in the sea just now, I regained my memory.
MC: I seem to have been sleeping on the bottom of the sea for a long, long time, until...you found me.
MC: You are the one who started my life.
Surprise flashed across Shaw's eyes, and the next moment his words showed no hidden intentions.
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Shaw: Since I am so important to you, you should stay by my side even more.
MC: ...Captain, I think the most important thing I should learn is your confidence.
MC: But if you want me to stay, that means I'm quite important to you, right?
Shaw: You learn from me pretty quickly.
MC: After all, I was awakened by you, and it is normal for me to learn from you!
I imitated Shaw's tone and spoke in a serious manner.
MC: Since you’ve said so much, then I’ll think about it “mercifully”.
Seeing how hard headed I was being, Shaw suddenly returned back to his usual self, smiled wickedly, and casually pulled a ribbon from the table.
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He slowly wrapped the ribbon around my arm, he whispered to me in a calm tone.
Shaw: Not similar enough, I'll teach you.
The ribbon went round and round my arm, creating many tiny ripples.
Shaw: You should say that I am the worst pirate on this ocean. No one can go against my will.
The ribbon tightened suddenly at my wrist.
Shaw: So I want you to stay, and you're going to stay.
Shaw: If you run, I will catch you.
Shaw: Even if you escape to the bottom of the sea, I can bring you up again.
Looking at his eyes close at hand, I swallowed nervously.
MC: So...isn't that kidnapping?
Shaw answered nonchalantly and picked up the map on the table beside him, and slowly spread it out on my chest.
The rough touch of the parchment rolled on my chest, his fingers brushed against my collarbone, and I couldn't help but shudder.
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Shaw: It's not me who wants to see the rabbit.
Shaw: I just agreed to your request and mercifully took you with me.
He picked up the quill and swiped across the map. It didn't stop even when it got to the edge, it slid across my chest and stopped ambiguously on my heart.
The tip of the pen seemed to touch my pounding heartbeat.
Shaw seemed to feel it. He curled the corners of his lips and drew a bright red mark on my chest with the quil.
Shaw: I promise to take you to see a real rabbit, I will not go back on my word, and I will also not let you go back either.
His tone seemed to be the most magical voice in the world, and his eyes were like the most desirable ocean.
I couldn't help but twitch the corners of my mouth.
MC: Judging from the current situation, even if I want to go back, I am powerless.
MC: Captain, I give up, so can you let me go now?
I brewed up a pitiful look and looked at Shaw, he looked down at me with an arrogant, successful smile in his eyes.
Shaw: Now that you admit defeat, you have to keep sailing with me
Shaw: Robbie Island is just the next stop, there will be another stop, and another stop...you have to be prepared.
⚡ Calls 
⚡ Moments 
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