twinflamediaries · 6 years
Channel 12/1/19
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Channel 12/1/19
Do you see him? Your counterpart, your love, your true self.. in his mystery and mastery and all things in between.
Unbeknown to you, you parade without him but he is there in essence. Your underlying love holds his foundations floating above the parchment and his presence enmeshed with yours support your flow and splendour.
You are together as one and together as two in comic parody... intertwining in each moment whilst dancing within a masked choreography, actors who have become lost in their game yet stepping each step in perfect synchrony and with precision.
He is your past, your present, your future, your always and forever in every direction and in every moment. Yet you see him not as you see yourself not.. just glimpses of magnificence and flashes of light.... becoming gradually more visible, more present and more permanent.. bright you are and right you are... exactly, perfectly aligned in each moment as you can be nothing other.
Blessed forever you two are one.
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twinflamediaries · 6 years
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Twinflames: it is during my sleep that I am not separate from him. None of the laws of physics hold for the place your consciousness travels. We are together in an unconditional love, free of any of the considerations of reality or modern life.. and there are times.... many times... where when I wake, the feeling of his heart and soul still linger in my feeling body... and my light body... I can feel where he has touched me... I can feel the way it feels to be in his presence and the connectedness... and as I notice and explore this feeling... I gradually begin to remember.. just like remembering a dream.. but much more exquisite. #twinflameseparation #twinflamedreaming #twinflames #twinflameunion #twinflamesunite #twinflame #soulconnection #soulvisitor #soullove #rememberyou #oceanblanket #oceandreams
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twinflamediaries · 6 years
Twinflame Peace
It is often difficult to reconcile the gap between the soul connection which is blissful and loving and the harsh reality of personalities/cultural/familial influences and all the things that make up our human ego and human experience.
Through many years this sublime divine connection comes in your sleep and for those perceptive enough in our waking moments as well. When you can hold one foot in the spiritual connectivity and one in the real world this divine connection can transmute your traumas and lower vibrational emotions (this life and other lifetimes) ...
At a human level our twin triggers these things in all their humanity and complete perfection. And it is up to us to enable the soul connection to permeate through.. to hold it in our heart and soul and allow the high vibrational frequency of this to move these lower traumatic feeling to release and abate.
A very tangible way I have noticed this show up is when the feelings have been triggered and they feel overwhelming, to really allow the feeling.. these feelings don't make perfect sense to your mind as they have subconscious roots and may be karmic, therefore you need to trust the wisdom of their appearance right now.. in this moment.
In healing practices you would follow the feeling to its root to make the unconscious conscious which enables it to release. If you have a twinflame, you can bypass this and connect to their higher self. This happens spontaneously for me. When I am speaking to him, through my heart, I feel him in several ways and as I express what I feel his energy combines with mine and raises me to a frequency of peace.
This is always a shock to the human ego as it continues to be aware of the trigger and does not understand why the emotional association is not there. I have found when the same feeling is triggered again, it is replaced by peace, like a permanent antidote...
There are many ways you can connect to your twin through your heart. For me it has been to commence writing to him or thinking about what I am going to say about the situation, when his presence hears me and responds in frequency. #twinflame #twinflames #twinflameunion #peace #antidote #twinflamesunite
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twinflamediaries · 6 years
Feeling Him
There is an almost continuos “feeling” of him, like he is always there and we are always connected.. the “alwaysness” or infinite nature of our unity is very tangible.
Within that there are layers of presence where the lucidity of these layers wax and wane through different moments in my life.
The Waxing and waning have little to do with my physical life, the feelings I am moving through or the thoughts I am having but are more a soul driven vibration I am holding.
There have been so many experiences of one- ness. And different flavours of that are present in different times. The one I want to describe today is the one I experienced last night and which has still been with me on and off all day today.
It comes over me... his energy... and my body feels a subtle tingling feeling. The feeling is that his energy is inside me... he is part of me... we are not separate... yet at the same time I can feel the “quality” of my own presence.
When I am aware of my own presence, I feel more me than ever, like the real me, like the one underneath the way I have been moulded by the external world... the one underneath the gender, race, culture, circumstances of this life or learnt experiences.
I feel fresh and strong, happy and peaceful and very feminine. I find myself plaiting my hair and wearing flowy clothes...not something I would normal do unless in the right mood.
And I am sure... of everything. ... of myself and who I am.. that I am in the right place doing the right thing... of him... of our unity... that everything is fine... not just fine.. but wonderful.. that there is nothing to understand, nothing to question... it all just is...
And we are one... even though we are not together in our physical lives.
Diagram: if I am the whole suit of hearts and he is all the kings, it’s when I am consciously aware of the king of hearts which we both are that I feel our one-ness.
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twinflamediaries · 6 years
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twinflamediaries · 6 years
The shock
My journey into the twinflame phenomenon was not a gentle process at all.. it was a shock of earthquake proportions vibrating through my soul, shocking me to the core and starting a process of deep change.. it was nothing like a romance novel. I would say it was the opposite.
It wasn't the instant mutual recognition that I was later told it should have been by all the twinflame writers and as was well documented in the stages of the twinflame process.
As if the initial shock and turmoil was not enough, I felt so very alone.. the experience of complete oneness and unity in divine love highlighted the immense contrast of separation and aloneness we experience in a human body. As a person who is independent and enjoys her own company it was unfamiliar and uncomfortable to feel this way....like part of me had been ripped away and flung to the other side of the universe. I did not just feel separate from him, but separate or alienated from others in another way...like the biggest thing that could happen to a soul had happened ....and nobody would possibly understand it, even if I somehow managed to formulate words that may come close to explaining a concept to the human mind that can only be felt by the spirit and can not really be conceptualised.
It seemed the only person who could alleviate this feeling of difference and separation would be him because he was the same.. in some inexplicable and very tangible way...
However, I was petrified, not just of what I had experienced, but of him! I hardly knew this man. How could I possibly tell him about it. What if he didn't feel it? He is not a healer like me, he doesn't feel energy.. but how could he not feel...
The earth quake? The universe crack open ?How could anybody not feel that?
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twinflamediaries · 6 years
The Journey
Ive been going to write a book about the amazing experiences I have had on the twin flame journey.  Every experience I have had that has been mind-blowing or extremely painful, I have thought: “nobody in the world could have possibly experienced this kind of heaven or this kind of hell that I have been through”.  I feel like i have been singing with the angels and then plunged into the fires of transformation, over and over again. I have read articles about this phenomena and watched videos and they just do not align to the kind of experiences I have been having.  Perhaps those experiencing these incredible experiences are not talking about them either?
So today is an important day, because today I am beginning to write about something publicly that has been so sacred, so scary, and something I really did not think was believable enough to write about.  This is not a book, a book has a beginning and an end. 
This is a journey, a continuing story, with high highs and low lows and everything in between, that just keeps coming.
So lets start.  Not at the beginning, but somewhere along the windy road of adventure that is the twin flame story. 
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