#➤ a e s t h e t i c┊ ❛ it's tragic that the world's not ready for your magic yet ❜
i think i take rocky horror picture show much more seriously than i’m supposed to
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shougancid · 8 months
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POV, you said something before Mari had her morning mocha and now she's judging you. By the super talented DairyTart!
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itsanaestheticthing · 7 months
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rainybubbles · 10 months
What are COD men and women missions as your guardian angel ?
Ghost, Price, Soap, Gaz, Laswell, Farah, Valeria, Alejandro, König, Roach, Nikolai
(Sorry in advance for my mistakes, English is not my mother tongue. So sorry if it's badly written or if they're OOC.)
G H O S T :
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-He was sent to prevent you from accepting a job opportunity that would lead to your death. 
-The prospective boss was destined to be tyrannical, pushing you to overwork, neglect your health, sever ties with loved ones, and gradually spiral into a state of despair. 
-Ultimately, exhaustion would compel you to cross a road, only to be struck by a truck. 
-Simon's purpose was to avert this tragic fate.
-Simon exerted considerable effort attempting to erase all traces of the job offers and announcements from your computer, eager to fulfill his mission swiftly. 
-However, you persisted in pursuing your dream job, repeatedly defying his interventions. 
-”Fucking hell” he whispered one night after passing hours on Indeed to delete everything.
-He realized he had to convince you. But it means getting to know you. 
-He sighed and moved in, thanks to his power, the flat next to yours was magically free.
-Despite his strategic move, Simon struggled with social interactions. 
- He tried the “have you any sugar ?” but it was 1AM, so it scared you.
-God, Simon and his social skills.
- One day, you, alarmed by a peculiar noise, knocked on his door, convinced that an intruder had breached your home. 
-Trusting Simon's intimidating presence to scare off anyone, you spent the night at his flat for reassurance. 
-This incident marked the beginning of a gradual acquaintance.
-As Simon got to know you, a mutual exchange of pastries became a regular occurrence. You started it to thank him for that night, and he offered you ones, and it has became a regular thing.
- Friday nights turned into joint activities like watching matches or cooking together. 
-During these moments, you opened up about your dream job, and Simon, in turn, disclosed the harsh realities about the company.
-The realization dawned upon him as he witnessed the trust you placed in him.
- When you decided not to pursue the ominous job, he felt a sense of joy until the weight of the truth settled in—his mission was complete. 
-Simon waited in anticipation for the next assignment.
-He waited.
-For another name, another mission.
-Nothing came.
-And he saw Laswell.
-He knew what it meant.
-“Simon, they decide you can either continue as an angel or stay with her and become human”Laswell says.
-Being with you.
-Waking up with you, living a life with you…
-It sounded perfect.
-He didn’t deserve that. Not after all what he had done, not…him with you, you deserved better.
-The following morning, you knocked on his door, only to find the flat deserted.
- Frantically searching for Simon Riley on social media, you discovered an unsettling absence—like a ghost, he had vanished, leaving you with a broken heart.
-“He fucking ghost me”, you cried on the floor of your flat, not knowing the truth.
P R I C E :
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-He had not been sent for you, but for a boy named Clark. 
-Clark was on the verge of homelessness, and John's mission was to help him develop an idea to secure some much-needed money.
-As John succeeded in his task, he couldn't help but notice the negative transformation in Clark.
- The influx of money had turned Clark into a selfish person, threatening his friends if they considered leaving him. And that's how he encountered you—a kind soul who had been there for Clark since the beginning.
-You, always supportive, witnessed how toxic Clark had become towards you.
- Slowly, you began to believe you deserved such treatment, unable to find better friends. 
-John, disturbed by this realization, hoped for another mission to rescue Clark's friend from the clutches of his destructive behavior.
-But nothing changed.
-Frustrated, John couldn't stand idly by while people suffered for the sake of his mission. 
-His purpose was to rectify injustice, not allow someone to turn into a despicable person.
-During a party, he found you outside and couldn't help but express his thoughts
- "I'm glad you're in his life. He's so much better now. He was really broke, and I was scared he'd end up alone on the streets. He lived at my house for a long time." you said.
-"He should have end up in the streets," Price asserted without regret.
-Your eyes widened, but a chuckle escaped you. "You shouldn't say that."
-"But you agree.
-”Money got to his head, but he's a good guy."
-"He's not, and you know it, love."
-"I don't want to lose him. I love him." you admitted.
-And then it clicked. You loved Clark before he became the person he was now.
-"You loved him before all of this." he realized.
-"I know. And it hurts because I still hold onto the hope that he'll realize and suddenly become better."
-"I'm sorry." Price said.
-"It's not your fault."
-It was, but you couldn't know.
-"Maybe in another life, I'll be as happy as he seems to be?"
-Price could have read your life with his power and gotten to know your future. But he didn’t.
-"I hope you deserve it." he answered.
-"Hey John, if I'm not happy, could I count on you? You're always here for me."
-"I promise, love."
-You smiled.
-Later, when John received his new mission, he decided to peek into your future to protect you one last time—only to realize there was no future.
-He rushed to your flat.
-The police were there.
-Clark had been arrested.
-And a body was being taken to the morgue.
-Maybe he should have looked at your future earlier.
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-He had been dispatched to safeguard your moral values from crumbling into ruin. 
-The situation was straightforward; you were shattered, and a friend of yours suggested a lucrative opportunity to intimidate someone for a hefty sum. 
-In simpler terms, you were on the verge of joining a gang for the sake of money. 
-Broke, homeless, unwilling to burden your family, and unable to afford food, you were desperate enough to consider anything that paid, given the absence of job offers.
-Soap's mission was to avert this downward spiral, to prevent you from evolving into a heartless figure with bloodstained hands, a potential mafia leader. 
-Naturally, he couldn't just hand you money; you wouldn't accept it from a stranger. So, he devised a plan to hire you at his bakery.
-Initially taken aback, because hell you couldn’t even say or bake croissant. 
-Nevertheless, your role was strictly to sell, not to bake. 
-Moreover, your boss, Soap, emanated a comforting presence. 
-He treated you kindly, just as he did with everyone on his missions
-But to him, your smile was more than just a pleasant sight; it stirred something within him.
-Your laughter, dry and infrequent, motivated him to ensure you laughed more often, even if it meant he made a fool of himself with sugar or butter.
-When your friend said you couldn’t stay at their place, Soap went a step further and provided you with one.
- As you began accumulating enough funds to secure a flat, you encountered difficulties in finding one. 
-Leveraging his magical abilities, Soap helped locate a suitable residence for you. 
-Once settled, he taught you the art of baking, gradually helping you to take charge of the bakery.
-A year later, you had become a skilled baker, and Soap realized his mission was accomplished. 
-Independent and content, you were ready to take over the bakery. 
-Craftily, he fabricated a story about relocating to another country and passing the bakery on to you. 
-Initially hesitant, you eventually agreed after lengthy discussions.
-As Soap sensed the emergence of a new name and mission on the paper, he looked at you and sighed, "I'll miss you, love."
-"Me too, Johnny," you replied.
-Little did you know it was the final time you would see him, but Soap was acutely aware.
- So, for the first time, he allowed himself to act on impulse and kissed you. In that fleeting moment, he wished he could relinquish his wings and live with you indefinitely.
G A Z :
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-TW : social anxiety :) !
-He was sent to help you with your health.
-You grappled with social anxiety, a condition so severe that the fact of being in a crowded bus could make you faint
- Asking for a bag at the cashier's counter filled you with fear, and even a simple "hello" caused three weeks of overthinking
- You existed in a state of solitude, ensnared within a relentless cycle of anxiety.
- Your mental health had plummeted, yet the luxury of a therapist was beyond your means.
-Social anxiety, insidiously, severs connections, making it difficult to seek help, leaving you trapped in an endless loop of overthinking. 
-The act of breathing itself became a struggle
-Walking in the streets became a nightmare, convinced that every passerby scrutinized your every move. Life, for you, felt burdensome, your very existence a weight upon others.
-Enter Gaz, sent to prevent you from venturing too close to the precipice. 
-He initiated contact through social media, engaging you in conversation within a fandom you both shared.
- He witnessed the genuine joy in your smiles as you responded to his messages, the relief emanating from having notifications from a real person rather than an automated system.
- Talking to him felt right, providing a respite from the isolation.
-Gradually, your interactions with Gaz progressed beyond the digital realm.
- Attempts to meet in person were met with reluctance or last-minute cancellations, fueled by fears of judgment, rejection, or even the possibility of an elaborate prank. 
-However, perseverance prevailed, and one day, he succeeded in meeting you face-to-face.
-The anxiety lingered, but Gaz's warmth created a sanctuary, a safe space for you.
- Together, you confronted the formidable adversary that was social anxiety.
-Gaz became your anchor during the lows, comforting you when crowds induced panic or tears flowed at the thought of being among people.
-Of course there were downs, where you couldn’t go out, where you would cry just by the idea of being in a crowd. But he was here for you.
-Every Monday, he accompanied you through bustling streets, holding your hand as you breathed through the anxiety. 
-Small victories were celebrated, such as summoning the courage to ask for water from a waiter. 
-To some, these achievements may seem ridiculous, but Gaz understood the immense courage they required.
-He cherished the moments you shared, the progress you made—ordering food by phone, making a call—each step a triumph on the arduous road of overcoming social anxiety.
- In these moments, Gaz recognized that this was more than a mere mission; it was a lifelong commitment. 
-Social anxiety was not a battle with a finite resolution; rather, it was a continuous struggle.
-A knowing chuckle escaped him. 
-Captain Price, knowingly, had bestowed upon Gaz a life mission. 
-In a quiet moment, Gaz whispered his gratitude, acknowledging that if his mission was to love and support you, there was no doubt he would embrace it for eternity.
V A L E R I A :
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-She was sent to save your marriage.
- Angels, renowned for their influence on matters of the heart, and Valeria, in particular, was on a divine mission to salvage the threads that held your union together. 
-However, as of late, doubt began to creep into her convictions as a guardian angel.
-In numerous assignments, she found herself helping individuals of questionable character.
- Then, she met you—a person ensnared in a wretched marriage. 
- Your wife treated you poorly, arguing with you for trivial matters, asserting your worthlessness without her, forgetting your birthday and engaging in infidelity with others.
-Valeria questioned the purpose of preserving such a toxic bond.
- Was she supposed to save this tormented marriage?
- Was the sanctity of matrimony so sacred that it should endure despite the evident misery it caused?
-No, she had enough..
- She reached a breaking point, disenchanted with being the obedient savior in every situation. 
-She wasn't Rudy or Alejandro—she wouldn't blindly adhere to a mission that clashed with her newfound convictions. 
-Instead, she took a daring step and seduced you, believing you deserved better, deserving her.
-You, with your kindness and generosity, deserved someone who would treat you with the respect and love you lacked in your current relationship. 
-Valeria refused to surrender you to the shackles of your miserable marriage.
- She cared not for the rules of her celestial role; she wasn't a guardian angel any longer. 
-That night, driven by an irrepressible desire for change, she made a drastic choice—she cut off her wings. 
-The pain was excruciating, but amidst the agony, she found relief and liberation.
- She knew this act condemned her to damnation, but the prospect of being with you made it inconsequential.
- Morality blurred into shades of gray as she willingly became a fallen angel, abandoning her celestial duties for the ecstasy of earthly love.
- The sensation of your lips against hers eclipsed any impending punishment, and in that moment, she embraced the fall from grace for the happiness she found in your arms.
N I K O L A I :
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-He was the one training guardian angels. 
-Nikolai wasn't a guardian angel, but a fallen one. 
-In the past, he had fallen in love with the one he was supposed to guard.
- As a consequence, they severed one of his wings and stripped him of his celestial status. 
-To prove his devotion, Nik decided to assist in the formation of guardian angels.
- Laswell and Price supported him, and they agreed.
-So, he began training new guardian angels, and you happened to be one of them.
- He admired how you struggled to fly, resembling a fawn. 
-"Солнце (=sun), use your back muscles, not your arms," he teased as you tumbled to the ground once again. 
-"How could you know?" you snapped back, frustrated.
-He stopped, his lone wing retracting. 
-You realized the impact of your words.
- "Shit, Nik, sorry, that's not what I meant."
-"It's okay, but I used to fly in the past, you know. Don't doubt my abilities again."
-"Of course, I... It's just frustrating to see everyone else succeeding."
"-It's okay. Ghost took six months to fly; Soap burned his wing three times," Nikolai said. "So, don't doubt, Солнце."
-"Really?" you laughed.
-"Yes, so don't doubt, Солнце."
-"Isn't it difficult to watch all those angels and not feel free like them?" you asked, a question no one had posed to him before.
-"It is, but I deserved it."
-"You just loved someone. I don't think it was worth the punishment," you whispered.
-"Maybe, but I betrayed my mission."
-"I still think you did it for good reasons. The world isn't black and white. Sometimes we have to be gray. Loving them, it's not a crime."
-He stayed silent. "Maybe."
-"Sorry, I overstepped, but I think it's unfair they treat you like this. Graves is keeping his wings when he had killed people to succeed in his missions, not very guardian angel of him."
-"You're right, but we can't do anything."
-"I will. I'll fight for you. Use my wings to give yours back," you said, determined.
-That day, Nik felt a spark—the same one that had cost him his wings. 
-The one who was back with you. 
-He ignored it. 
-"If you say so, I'll watch you doing it," he chuckled.
-Little did he know, you would succeed and restore his wings. 
-Perhaps, one day, Nikolai would fly again with his wings and not a helicopter.
A L E J A N D R O :
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-He was sent to protect you, to help you to expose the truth.
-You, a journalist delving into a precarious story surrounding the cartel's sway
-. Alejandro understood the gravity of this mission; his entire previous life had been defined by this relentless fight against the cartel.
- With unwavering dedication, he vowed to shield you with all his heart.
-Thus, he concealed himself, surveilling your residence, neutralizing all dangers, confronting cartel members seeking to harm you under the cover of darkness.
- His magic thwarted explosive threats, and he meticulously tarnished the reputations of those aiming to intimidate you after your initial article.
- He stood watch, silently guarding you.
-His cover was blown one day. In your apartment, a cartel member lay unconscious at his feet.
-"So it was you?" you inquired.
-"I can explain," he stammered.
-"You were the one protecting me, weren't you? I've never felt threatened since my colleagues shared their ordeals. Only words, never physical harm or bombs. My family is unharmed. Someone protected me. It's you, isn't it?"
-Your perceptiveness impressed him.
-"Yes," he admitted.
-"You should have said something. I can pay you if needed. Being a bodyguard for someone who challenges cartels must be challenging."
-"Not as challenging as being a colonel fighting the cartel in my previous life," he thought but refrained from saying.
-"It's okay. I don't need a salary."
-"Then live with me. Let me repay you, in a way. This way, you can keep an eye on me 24/7 but still have a place to stay."
-It was tempting, avoiding the need to surveil you from across the street, being able to follow you closely to prevent traps.
-"Okay," he accepted.
-Gradually, he became a fixture in your life. You shared your findings, and he assisted during investigations, often necessitating clandestine break-ins to gather information. 
-He marveled at how you managed to stay alive with your audacious pursuits.
-But with each cartel member arrested due to your articles, he felt satisfaction and pride. You were making a difference.
-Until one day, the absence of the familiar sound of typing alarmed him. 
-Racing to your room, he found you lifeless, a bullet wound in your head. 
-How was this possible? He had used his magic for protective measures, installed cameras.
- Then he noticed it—a black wing on the floor, a fallen angel turned malevolent.
-He knew who was responsible—Valeria. Of course, she would be entangled in the sinister web of cartels. Mierda...
L A S S W E L L :
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--She was sent to ensure peace.
-You, a fledgling diplomat, had just entered the scene.
-In a matter of months, a critical meeting loomed on the horizon. 
-Unfortunately, one of the other ambassadors harbored nefarious plans. 
-Their aim? To ensnare you, hold your country responsible for an attack, derail any alliance, shatter hopes of peace, and plunge nations into war.
-Laswell, tasked with preventing this diplomatic catastrophe, sought to guide you through the treacherous world of international relations.
-Gaining your trust, however, proved to be a formidable challenge.
-You toiled in isolation, reluctant to confide even in an assistant. 
-Acutely aware of the sordid nature of politics, you had no intention of succumbing to manipulation or falling prey to powerful lobby interests.
-To demonstrate her capabilities, Laswell embarked on a mission to help you confront a corrupt mayor. 
-When she successfully ousted him and exposed the truth, despite the mayor's pervasive connections, you were compelled to extend a job offer.
-"Thanks for this. I couldn't have done it without you. He had connections everywhere," you expressed your gratitude.
-"I have connections too, but I guess mine are just better than his," she replied with a hint of confidence.
-A chuckle escaped your lips.
-It was evident that Laswell, fueled by a genuine commitment to peace, would prevail. 
-Witnessing the purity of your heart, she found solace.
- She had observed how the hearts of political figures often tarnished when power came into play, but you remained an exception.
-"You're a remarkable diplomat, never doubt that," she reassured.
-"Maybe, but niceties don't seal alliances or foster peace," you sighed. "Money does, and we don't have it."
-Together, you delved into the intricacies of contracts and gathered information about other nations.
- Nights were spent in your office, surrounded by take-out containers, punctuated by jokes that lightened the mood while maintaining a serious focus on work.
-Gradually, Laswell began to open up to you. 
-Of course, she concealed her past as a CIA agent, weaving a narrative that shielded her secrets. Yet, you felt a sense of security in her presence.
-One evening during a break, you asked,
-"Do you have someone, Kate? You're always here with me, and I wouldn't want your significant other to worry."
-"I had someone," she admitted.
-"Sorry to hear that," you responded.
-"It's okay. It was a long time ago, like a previous life," she joked, though the truth lingered beneath the surface.
-"How were they?" you inquired.
-"She, and she was wonderful. My wife. I could have given everything to her, except I didn't. I didn't give her my time. I was working too hard."
-"Did you divorce?" you asked.
-"No, but I quitted my job for her."
-"It was the right thing to do. She deserved it," she smiled.
-"And you never met anyone after?"
-Because after that, she died old and happy with her wife, before becoming a guardian angel.
-She never looked for love.
-"No, but maybe someday." Laswell said
-"I don't doubt it," you chuckled.
-"And you?"
-"I'm too busy with my work. They say I'm mostly married to it," you attempted to joke, but Kate sensed the underlying sadness.
-"You'll meet someone. You're a great person."
-"Thanks," you replied, returning to your work. 
-After weeks of collaboration, Kate unearthed a drug affair involving the other diplomat and dealt with it discreetly.
-On the day of the crucial meeting, the peace offer was accepted without hesitation, thanks to the covert threat.
- The treaties were signed, and a sigh of relief echoed through the diplomatic corridors.
-However, when Laswell awaited her next mission, she discovered a surprise.
-Your name resurfaced, but the mission had taken an unexpected turn.
-"Marry them."
-Confused, Laswell pondered the note. Guardian angels can't love humans. Then, she noticed a message on the back.
-"You deserve a retreat, Kate. And they're your type. Enjoy it. - John."
-She chuckled. John, always meddling where he wasn't needed.
- However, she didn’t know if she would marry you or not but this life as a diplomat, reshaping the world for the better, was the love she had found."
F A R A H :
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-She had been sent to infuse you with the strength to confront adversity with courage and resilience.
- Once a firefighter, you had walked away from the profession after a tragic incident where a child lost his life in a fire. 
-Your attempts to alert your boss about the suspicious nature of the recent fires fell on deaf ears, and disillusioned, you resigned. 
-The question lingered: Why be a firefighter if you couldn't save lives?
-Farah had been dispatched to restore your inner fortitude because, deep down, you were right
-Those recent fires were no accidents. 
-Only you had the power to uncover the truth, having been the sole observer of the pattern.
- Fate placed her as your neighbor, but your demeanor was reticent, a mere husk of your former self.
-Observing your silent suffering, Farah chose a bold approach. 
-She ignited a fire in her own apartment using a toaster, triggering your instincts. 
-Without hesitation, you rushed to her aid with a fire extinguisher, quelling the flames.
-"Thanks, I don't know what happened," she lied, keenly observing the adrenaline coursing through your veins and the relief in your eyes.
-"It's okay; toasters can be tricky, many of them catch fire," you reassured her.
-"Do you often see that?" she inquired.
-"I'm a firefighter," you paused, correcting yourself, "was, sorry."
-She smiled, finding solace in your continued identification with the role.
-"You quit? Injuries?" she probed.
-"No, I... it just wasn't for me."
-"It doesn't seem that way," she said, nodding towards the fire extinguisher still in your grasp.
-"It was just a reflex."
-"Hmm, if you say so. You know, just because there are some bad firefighters doesn't mean you have to quit," she remarked.
-"True, but sometimes it's hard to... fight when you're alone."
-She understood. Without the support of people in her past as Karim, Farah would never have succeeded. 
-"But without brave people like you, the bad ones win," she emphasized.
-"Maybe," you conceded, "but... why am I discussing this with you? I don't even know you," you whispered.
-"It's easier to confess to a stranger, especially one with a burnt toaster," she joked.
-You chuckled, finding an unexpected comfort in her presence.
-"Maybe you're right. I just... I felt useless. I knew something was wrong with those fires, that we should have saved those kids, but... no one believed me. Maybe they're right."
-"Or maybe not. Now we'll never know since you quit," she countered.
"-Maybe..." you sighed.
-"I can help you," she offered.
-"How?" you inquired.
-"I'm a journalist," she lied, "if those fires are really peculiar, then I have a great article, and you could regain your job."
-"…But it means investigating my own brigade."
-"Betrayal often comes from those close to us," she said, recalling what did Hadir.
-"You're right, okay," you agreed.
-And so, the investigation began. Farah watched as the embers of your internal fire reignited. You didn't give up. 
-Gathering evidence, taking photographs, you uncovered a shocking revelation: a colleague was a pyromaniac, deliberately setting fires to play the role of a savior, to feel godlike.
-Presenting the proof to journalists, your chief could no longer cover for the rogue colleague. Farah felt a surge of pride for you.
-"You fought well," she commended.
-"I'll continue, thanks, Farah," you said, embracing her, the lingering scent of burnt still on your clothes after your mission.
-"Never give up, even when I'm gone," she whispered.
-"Never," you smiled.
-When her mission changed, she left you a collar. Months later, Farah noticed how you kept it as a talisman.
- She smiled, realizing that although she couldn't stay, your strength and hers would forever be intertwined.
K Ö N I G :
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-He had been sent to rekindle your passion, to bring happiness back into your life. 
-Once a talented dancer, you had abandoned your love for dance in favor of a more practical career, burdened by financial responsibilities. 
-Your parents, disapproving of a dancing career, further added to the weight on your shoulders.
-König, however, was on a mission to reignite your love for your hobby and give your heart what it truly desired.
- So, in your building, he discreetly posted a classified ad seeking a dance teacher for the waltz.
-When you stumbled upon the ad, you thought, "Why not?"
-A little extra income wouldn't hurt, and you missed the joy of dancing. Intrigued, you decided to respond to his ad, accepting his offer.
-Little did König anticipate that it would work. 
-Now, with his towering 2-meter frame, he found himself awkwardly attempting to move like a swan without crushing your feet. The stress was palpable.
-“Breathe and focus on me, not on yourself,” you instructed, guiding his hands to rest on your waist. 
-Slowly, with the accompaniment of a piano, you led him through the graceful movements of the waltz.
-Suddenly, it felt like home. Memories flooded back – the aroma of onions and Zwiebelrostbraten cooking, the cramped kitchen adorned with peculiar pictures, his mother's gentle dance, and him on her feet as she attempted to teach him how to dance. 
-Dancing, he thought, could be so beautiful, and those who tried to prevent such feelings were truly awful.
-You noticed the sparkle in König's eyes, a reflection of the passion you had years ago.
- “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” you remarked.
-“Yes, it’s like we’re floating,” he responded.
-“Waltz is beautiful. I…I wanted to compete when I was younger – waltz, salsa, and more.”
-“What stopped you?”
-“My parents. They said I would never be good enough to make a living from it. And they're right; only a few dancers can sustain themselves.”
-“But you could still live through it in a different way.”
-“Teaching it. Many dancers become teachers.”
-“I don’t have connections, König. Studios prefer people with a reputation.”
-“Then I’ll spread the word. You’re a great teacher. I mean, you made me dance the waltz, and I'm a giant,” he joked.
-You smiled. “Because you’re a great student.”
-“Nein, believe me, I can’t dance without you.”
-And so, König set his plans into motion, praising your classes to everyone. 
-Soon, a married couple sought your expertise, and as their marriage flourished, the word spread. 
-Requests poured in, and slowly you amassed a following.
-König, with his mysterious charm, helped you secure a studio.
- Although you maintained your part-time job, you now knew you could live from dance.
-“I’ll quit,” you whispered, nervous. “I need to quit to have more classes and finally be happy.”
-“Good, you deserve it,” he smiled.
-“Thanks. Without you, I probably would never have been brave enough to do it.”
-“I’m here to support you,” he assured, even though he missed holding you in his arms and waltzing with you.
-He asked for one last dance to celebrate. Unbeknownst to you, he would soon leave.
-As you danced, he felt your heart beating fast, resonating with happiness. 
-When a paper appeared in his pocket with another name and another mission, he looked back at you. 
-Perhaps now, when alone, König would practice the waltz for the day he would meet you again.
R O A C H :
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TW : death (not of Roach or you though) + (i kinda create a past for him, I know it's not canon)
-He was sent to help you to protect Orion.
-The problem was, he had no clue who Orion was.
- Despite attempting to tap into his powers, all he could extract were names: Orion and yours. 
-Thus, he met you out and forged a close friendship, yet Orion remained elusive.
- Not in your familial ties, not as a romantic interest or enemies—nowhere. 
-Until one day, after returning from work, you shared an anecdote about Orion.
- A four-year-old boy. 
-Suddenly, it dawned on him; he comprehended his purpose
-. Roach, with his own history in foster care, knew he was selected because he understood the flaws in the system and how one could make a difference by adopting a child.
- However, Orion had loving parents, leaving Roach perplexed.
-"He's a sweet boy," you smiled.
-He reciprocated with a smile, albeit tinged with fear. 
-Did this mean Orion would lose his parents? 
-Or was he expected to kill them? 
-Roach was uncertain, prompting him to shadow Orion's residence, using his expertise in navigating air ducts, he was not called  Roach for nothing, air ducts were his things.
-As he observed, nothing seemed amiss until he spotted it: a crack in the wall. 
- Regrettably, before he could extricate himself from the air duct, the building collapsed. 
-The landlords had ignored warnings about the need for renovations, leading to the tragedy. 
-Roach barely escaped the ruins, coughing and trying to find his way out.
-Then, he heard Orion's voice. 
-Under a table, the little boy clutched his deceased mother's hand. 
-Roach froze; there was no doubt, Orion's parents were gone. 
-Why was he sent to manage this? 
- Why wasn't he tasked with preventing the tragedy or saving them?
- Why did Orion have to endure such a harrowing experience?
-He crawled to Orion, embracing him as the boy cried and screamed. 
-He waited with him at ER, refusing to leave despite your attempts to reach him. He only sent you a text “at ER”
-You joined him and he…he could only express his pain through a silent hug.
-You and Roach became determined to ensure Orion wouldn't be left in the system after such trauma.
- Despite the challenges, you visited every day, dealing with bureaucracy and, with Roach's magical assistance, eventually adopting Orion
-. Roach didn't leave; he remained a steadfast companion in your collective journey.
-It wasn't easy—Orion was confused, lost, and traumatized. 
-Yet, through your unwavering support, he slowly began to open up to both you and Roach.
- A family emerged, something Roach had only discovered in his twenties during his time in the military.
- He was grateful that Orion could experience it now, but he couldn't bring himself to leave.
-Each day brought the fear of a new mission, a new departure. Until one day, Ghost appeared in your flat.
-"What are you doing here?" Roach questioned.
-"Cutting your wings," Ghost responded.
-Roach recoiled. "I never kissed them." he said, yes he loved you, but he never tried…
-"You can't take them away from me, please L.T. I don't want to lose everyone like I lost you and the unit."
-"I’ll cut your wings so you can become human, Roach, not to punish you."
-Roach halted. "You—"
-"You deserve it."
-"Thanks, L.T."
-"You're welcome," Ghost whispered, cutting his wings.
-Roach felt pain but also a strange sense of freedom. He smiled at Ghost and let him leave. Finally, he had found a family.
_If you want more : my COD masterlist
_My masterlist
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Based on the following info, what is the plot of your generic action movie?
For your background, if your first name starts with…
A - you’re an ex-CIA spy
B - you’re an ex-SAS operative
C - you’re an ex-hitman/hitwoman
D - you’re an ex-Green Beret
E - you’re an ex-ROK Special Forces operative
F - you’re an ex-DEA agent
G - you’re an ex-MI6 spy
H - you’re an ex-FBI agent
I - you’re an ex-US Army Ranger
J - you’re an ex-GAFE commando
K - you’re an ex U.S. Coast Guard officer
L - you’re an ex-U.S. Air Force pilot
M - you’re an ex-Secret Service agent
N - you’re a mercenary who is unaffiliated with any nation
O - you’re an ex-NYPD officer / NYPD SWAT
P - you’re an ex-LAPD officer / LAPD SWAT
Q - you’re an ex-ATF agent
R - you’re an ex-U.S. Marine
S - you’re an ex-Delta Force operative
T - you’re an ex-Navy SEAL
U - you’re an ex-MARCOS operative/commando
V - you’re a biker gang member
W - you’re a death row inmate in for some type of heinous crime
X - you’re a survivalist living in the woods
Y - you’re an ex-Joint Task Force 2 operative
Z - you’re an ex-bomb disposal unit operative (EOD)
For your tragic backstory, if your last name starts with…
A - lost your wife/husband
B - lost your son
C - lost your daughter
D - lost your brother
E - lost your sister
F - lost your mother
G - lost your father
H - lost your best friend
I - lost your fiancé/fiancee
J - lost your favorite uncle
K - lost your favorite auntie
L - lost your entire team
M - lost your mentor
N - failed to save a civilian in your last mission
O - lost your protégée
P - lost your partner (non-romantic, work relationship only)
Q - just got out of prison after being falsely accused of a crime
R - dishonorably discharged for disobeying orders
S - betrayed and left for dead by your inner circle
T - lost your ENTIRE family
U - shot and went into a coma that lasted several years
V - quit your profession because of the rampant corruption you were witnessing
W - divorced from your lover
X - shot an innocent, although you had reliable information that they were a bad person
Y - spiritual reawakening that made you leave your life of violence and death
Z - developed PTSD after single-handedly saving your team from a dangerous situation
For your movie’s antagonists, if your birth month is…
January - the cartel
February - foreign terrorists
March - domestic terrorists
April - corrupt government forces trying to eliminate loose ends
May - a hostile country that hates your country
June - an elite team of thieves/bank robbers
July - a doomsday cult
August - a powerful corporation
September - the mafia
October - far-right militia / white supremacist gang
November - a private military company
December - a gang led by your nemesis from the past
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You know what Aegon's character at the end of the dance of the dragons is so goddamn tragic.
This is a man who has lost everything. I mean everything. Every single one of his siblings is dead, two of his children were murdered, the dragon he was so deeply bonded with died, both his grandfather and Criston Cole had been killed, AND he's lost his fucking legs.
At this point Aegon is a dead man walking, and he knows it. I mean he's in constant excruciating pain, and he can't walk so he has to be carried everywhere. He's only 24 for fucks sake.
All he has is the throne (that he didn't want in the first place) and his mother (who forced him onto it), and a daughter who's probably traumatised for life. He is absolutely drowning in his grief for everyone's he's lost.
From the very beginning, everyone around him knew Aegon was going to be a terrible king. Realistically, he didn't give a shit about anything to do with kingdom, and he most definitely didn't care about the smallfolk.
And now his useless council is telling him, as the king, to compromise with the incoming army that wants to kill him? As if he cares about making peace and salvaging the remainder of his kingdom?
And they're telling him to marry his daughter to Aegon the Younger?
Like m o t h e r f u c k e r s are you fr. He just fed this kids mother to his own dragon IN FRONT OF HIM.
His daughter, alongside his mother, is the last thing he has, and they want him to marry her off to the son of Rhaenyra and Daemon????
Like please remind me what the whole point of the war was?? And now, what, the council are proposing some shit about joining the two families together???? THE WHOLE POINT WAS THAT ONE OF THE FAMILIES HAD TO DIE FOR THE OTHER TO LIVE IT WAS FUCKING INEVITABLE!!!! At least fucking commit to it oh my god.
Aegon sacrificed so much for this damn throne -that he didn't give a shit about in the first place- and now the council is telling him to basically give up?? I don't think so.
So I get it. I understand why Aegon wanted the head of every man who opposed him. Because there is nothing else for him to want. What is the point of peace, when the war will never truly leave you anyway?
I think he made a choice when he was crowned king, and it was that he wasn't ever going to settle for half. It was either all or nothing - risk everything he had, or just give up.
Hell you can see the canonical change too. He went from not wanting to steal Rhaenyra's throne to wanting her and her entire family dead in the span of like three days.
In the end, Aegon did risk everything, but he lost it all, anyway.
I think that towards the end, his pendulum just swung to the other extreme. Instead of going all in, perhaps he decided that he was done with it all.
Maybe the pointlessness that got to him, maybe it was the pain, or the grief, or maybe it was a mix of them all. Who knows.
On the day he died, Aegon supposedly seemed "unusually fatigued" and he himself asked to be taken to the sept. Other characters even speculated that he sensed his death was near.
Most likely Aegon knew his wine was poisoned, and that he was dying, but didn't tell anyone because he just wanted it to be over.
tldr witnessing Aegon's arc on the series might just fucking kill me
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op-sys-chaos · 2 months
Excerpts from Sunny and I’s DMs about The Drakes Spoiled Brat, in no particular order
Sunny = @batfambrainrotbeloved
Bryn = me
Sunny: “Yes pretty!! And Deadly-“
Sunny: “Quick opinion question-“
*About 30 messages of me talking about interior design follow*
Sunny: “Because I need the VIBE-“
Sunny: “I keep trying to find reference images of "giant ass creepy painting on a wall" BUT Pinterest keeps giving me live laugh love style shit”
😂 apparently I can’t spell today lmao”
Sunny: "The pie deserved better"
Sunny: “And I shall, after I finish this fucking pie chapter”
Bryn: “Okay but odds on on the Wayne’s actually looking out a window in the right direction in that massive ass house”
Sunny: “Plot convinence odds”
Bryn: “Fair, fair”
Sunny: “True- I underestimated Tims utter need to throw hands”
Sunny: “ALSO ALSO- another debate scne
jesus okay 
s c e n e”
Sunny: “Okay ignore the fact its mlp- BUT this vibe basically
...Its still mlp”
Bryn: “Oh noooooooooo”
Sunny: “I can see the memes already <333”
Bryn: “[redacted] not doing his fuckin research: this is fine”
Sunny: “it just fucking DIED- thats not important”
Bryn: “[redacted]: I wish I could be happy 
The universe: you won’t be happy unless you’re dead bitch”
Sunny: “huh... so THATS what happened”
Bryn: “[redacted]: “I wish to be remembered as great” Tim: “yeah a great PAIN IN THE ASS-“”
Bryn: “I can and will contribute ideas”
Bryn: “D O  I T”
Bryn: “Some much needed humor before you break Tim again”
Sunny: “DO TELL???”
Bryn: “Oh noooooo I’m too good at angst ideas sometimes…”
Sunny: “No no you gotta share now”
Bryn: *shares an idea, idea redacted for your sanity*
Sunny: “FUCKO 
Shock factor is THERE”
Sunny: “If not that's totally fine- I'll just do some FBI flagged list worthy research”
Bryn: “I love that, I hope we can see the instant regret in the actual story :)”
Bonus: a comment from the Google doc for Chapter 11!
Bryn: “Jason, having found one of Tim's broken birds, running into the batcave with it in his hand: THE BIRDS WORK FOR THE BOURGEOISIE GUYS”
An unredacted version will be posted when we eventually get to the point in the story where the redacted stuff no longer spoils anything!
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celestialcrowley · 10 months
I’m alive! Fashionably late, but alive! I’ve been an exceptionally busy murder hornet bee lately.
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Thank you for the tag @katspause 💚
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Pick a song for each letter of your URL, and then tag that many people!
All of these were pulled from my disaster playlist!
C — can you believe it - ultra sunn
e — everybody (backstreet’s back) - backstreet boys
l — luck - american authors
e — every teardrop is a waterfall - coldplay
s — spell it out - embrace
t — the way you make me feel - michael jackson
i — i miss you - blink-182
a — a little’s enough - angels & airwaves
l — lost - linkin park
c — crazy train - ozzy osbourne
r — rock and roll never forgets - bob sever
o — one more for love - five for fighting
w — what is love - haddaway
l — love song - right said fred
e — enter sandman - ghost
y — yeah - usher
and raven @raven-the-nephilim just because
r — revenga - system of a down
a — anna sun - walk the moon
v — viva la vida - coldplay
e — everywhere i go - hollywood undead
n — night is mine - ultra sunn
t — take a walk - judah & the lion
h — here we go - kb, pkoneday
e — electric avenue - eddy grant
n — no one lives forever - oingo boingo
e — everybody hurts - r.e.m
p — preacher - onerepublic
h — human - the killers
i — it’s time - imagine dragons
l — letters to god pt 2 - angels and airwaves
i — i want to break free - queen
m — moving on (so long) - blue october
Zero obligation tags: @sad-chaos-goblin @ineffabildaddy @tragic-cosmic-magic @peachworthy @argylepiratewd @belladonna413 @crowleysgoat @eevee436 @goldenirishpotato @ineffable-piracy @janeway-lover @justtofollowgaiman @makemyshipscanon @oliiiiiiiiive @paperclipbean @rainbowpopeworld
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ubejamjar · 5 months
Nahri Sohl (Non-WoL)
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"It is not my preference to see to matters personally, but I will see them done." [Overwatch, Moira O'Deorain]
Name Nahri Sohl Nicknames Nahri does not suffer nicknames, you will address her properly or you will not address her at all. Age Somewhere in her 40s, maybe 44 or 45. Nameday I haven't decided, but she is most certainly a summer child Race Hellsguard Roegadyn (As far as she is aware) Gender Genderfluid Orientation Lesbian Profession Proprietress of the White Alyssum entertainment hall; aspiring member of the Syndicate; Teledji Adeledji’s personal demon; blackmail (it's a very lucrative business)
P H Y S I C A L   A S P E C T S
Hair Black as coal and always kept short, always mussed like she just rolled out of someone's bed. Eyes Pale blue Skin: Deep bronze Tattoos/Scars: Nahri has horrible slashing scars covering up a tattoo on one of her wrists. The image is indiscernible beneath the gnarled flesh. She does not speak of it, everyone knows better than to ask.
Parents Shining Sapphire A wealthy Ala Mhigan merchant and otherworldly beauty. She was ruthless and over-ambitious, and she drew attention from the wrong people, which got her killed. Ambiguously Important Father A Roe or maybe Hyur who might've had a very distant claim to the Ala Mhigan throne. He was killed in one of King Theodoric's purges. Nahri never knew him. She's probably looking into it though, just in case she has claim to Ala Mhigo herself. Siblings: Elle de Marinterre - Older half-sister Nahri knows of Elle but has never met her. Allegedly Elle "stinks of human decency". Elle would try to build a relationship with her sister, but Nahri would never cooperate. She is a botanist. Grandparents: Dead, most definitely dead. In-laws and Other: Miray: An Ul’dah woman with dark hair, bronze skin, a voice like summer rain. She drinks her coffee hot without cream because she says it tastes like sunlight in the desert. She left Nahri after finding out how she was making her fortune (spoiler: it was very illegal). Ajisai Kawanami : Nahri is only nice to her because the Warrior of Light is a capable tool and tools must be maintained else they lose their edge. Pets: I have a hard time imagining this woman having a pet. She's just too busy.
Abilities: Thaumaturgy To survive in this world, one needs a competitive edge and a fireball seems like a very good place to start. She joined up with the Thaumaturge's Guild when she first arrived in Ul'dah, because if the Ul'dahns would not lift a finger to help her, then she would help herself. Nahri just loves to play with fire, it makes things so much more interesting.
Sleight of Hand Good fortune comes to those who know how to pluck it from well-off pockets. Nahri understands that one cannot make something of nothing and sometimes ‘something’ needs to be borrowed from those with too much. She is also good at card tricks and cutesy street magic that she is very proud of. In another life, she might’ve been an entertainer.
Business Sense Some people might call Nahri’s tactics theft or underhanded, but those people are beggars at the table.
Hobbies: Blackmail, drinking top shelf liquor, falling in love with every woman who reminds her even vaguely of Miray, reading cheesy romance novels, fencing, gambling, making new problems to avoid her personal problems
Most Positive Trait: Altruism is something people would not associate with Nahri Sohl, but she does see to it that one's basic human needs are met. She does not care about your tragic backstory. She does care that you are starving and nobody is lifting a finger to help. She's very "give a man a fish, teach him to fish, and then leave him to sink or swim." Most Negative Trait: Ambition rolls off this woman like waves of heat in the desert air. She knows exactly what she wants and how she's going to get it. That's not inherently bad thing. It's just she's willing to "do away" with anyone who gets in her path. She'll find all your dirty secrets and she'll use them against you however she pleases. She’ll put you in the ground if that’s where you suit her.
Colors: Gold [the way it looked in Miray's hair], turquoise, deep brown, amber sunshine, red like desert rocks, white Smells: Fresh flatbread, sunshine on linen, hot coffee, the coconut sweetness of Miray’s perfume Textures: Silk, fur Drinks: Bitter coffee with a bite of lokum, fresh spring water, the licorice taste of arak
Smokes: Yes absolutely Drinks: If it's outrageously expensive, it's on the table Drugs: I want to say no, but honestly I feel like Nahri probably does lines of something in her office. If anyone wants to school me on Eorzean drugs, please do. Mount Issuance: She seldom leaves Ul'dah but when she does, she hires carriages, takes airships, and uses aetherytes. She doesn't usually go on journeys long enough to warrant having a mount. Been Arrested: A few times when she was first learning the dance of taking without permission.
tagged by the dear @ishgard ! Thank you!! :D
tagging (with much affection, trying to tag some friends I didn't tag in the last one. If you already been tagged then consider yourself double, triple, quadruple tagged and you get a smiley face sticker from me): @elliewiltarwyn @sailor-artemis @eorzeanflowers @lilbittymonster @flusteredracoons @laladventures @hinganskies @magitekbun @icehearts
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stalkersdiary · 1 year
~I found you~
My dearest angel. My last hope. My shining light in the dark. I. FOUND. YOU. You have no idea how happy I am. For so long I wrote about you. I sang about you. I prayed to God thinking about you. My Dearest. My Darling. You don't know me, yet. You don't know about me, yet, but you will. You will know very, very, VERY soon. <3
It took me so long to update my diary, but I'm happy I waited. No one out there needs to know that I found you, but me. No one in this world needs to know what I did to find you. What if THEY look for you? That would be... tragic in every way possible.
Seeing the VERY PERSON I've been thinking about made my heart flutter, dive, and SINK into a pool of admiration. Now... I wait. I wait to see if they- no ... I wait to see if YOU love me back! I w i l l c a r v e y o u r n a m e i n t o m y f l e s h! I think my next plan is to get a special boxcutter. One that represents you. One that I can use to- Oh... No. No no no... That shouldn't be talked about juuuust yet. <3 You'll have to wait to see that message when I'm ready. I love you.
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daylightburn · 5 months
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                     deep  in  the  night  the  fight  lasts  for  h o u r s you  can  be  h u r t  or  you  can  beat  her                      wouldn't  you  like  to  have  some  of  the  m a g i c ? wouldn't  you  like  your  outcome  preferred?                      deep  in  the  night  the  fight  can  be  tragic i'll  help  you  conquer  h  e  r 
independant  jim  lake  jr  from  tales  of  arcadia;  as  penned  by  spica  /  cadence. follows  back  from  skathehruined.
gdoc.   promo  by  icarusrph.
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shougancid · 8 months
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Another Mari by the super talented mudfruits on Reddit. It's lowkey super important to me that Mari's got a softer stomach no matter how many sit ups she does.
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The Etheirycrumb OCs...
A is for A'vett, baking quality bread, B is for Briar, in his forest homestead, C is for Chisai, who was tamed by her wife, D is for Drac, in the prime of his life, E is for Eisha, in love with a Scion, F is for Fennie, a qualified Archon, G is for Goldthorne, the well-travelled bard, H is for Hali, finding love in Ishgard, I is for Inxli, pink-clad and mighty, J is for Juri, flirtatious and flighty, K is for Kuro, the accomplished cook, L is for Leo, putting thoughts in a book, M is for Meeps, with a soul fused by magic, N is for Naru, lost in romance most tragic, O is for Otto, whose wife has a fluffy tail, P is for Phoebe, the deadliest nightingale, Q is for Quail, romanced by a gleaner, R is for Raer, with a patient demeanour, S is for Shio, who studies traditions, T is for Talion, with enchanted munitions, U is for Umari, so beautifully pale, V is for Vincent, who’s unwilling to fail, W is for Wrath, consumed by his rage, X is for Xanthia, an accomplished Red Mage, Y is for Yloise, enamoured of plants, Z is for Zoisite, who was skilled with the lance.
By Mrs. Dale Bulking-Pimped.
(With apologies to Edward Gorey)
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I hope nobody minds me borrowing their OCs for silly purposes!
How many OCs did you recognise? Why not follow their creators and find out more about their stories!
@avettabendrot @briar-ffxiv @sunny-jade @draculas-husband @umbralaether @scholarlostintime @goldthornxiv @firelightmuse @pinxli @cinnabun-faerie @kurokuznetzov @writer-of-histories @meepsthemiqo @blucifer08 @superiorthaumaturge @phoebe-of-ivalice @actualanxiousswampwitch @azure-dragonsinger @the-littlest-kojin @talion-graves @umari-xiv @lizarddiary @under-the-blood-moonlight @xanthiaxiv @yloiseconeillants @loldragoon-ffxiv
Apologies to those amazing OCs I missed out due to alphabetical limitations - there are apparently a great many OCs starting with N and L etc.!
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pinkbrries · 1 year
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— A–Z with Hannah —
inspired by learn the alphabet with elena and a-z juliet’s quotes so u should def check them out too!! 
[find hannah’s main masterlist here] | [find june’s version here] | [find izabella’s version here]
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➤ A is for… *showing her dorm during the relay cam* and this is my bedroom, also known as my Isolation Station.
➤ B is for… but did you know that you can start screaming like, basically anywhere? it’s not illegal or anything.
➤ C is for… capricorns? *frowns* the only capricorn allowed in this house is qian kun. 
➤ D is for… doyoung always call me ‘spoiled’ like it was some mysterious invisible witch that spoiled me and not him.
➤ E is for… every guy here thinks im overdramatic when im upset, but when an octopus gets stressed out, it eats itself. now THAT’S being overdramatic.
➤ F is for… febreze, baby. you need to spray febreze over your awful attitude.
➤ G is for… good morning to the gals, non-binary pals and to the disappointments.
➤ H is for… how am i supposed to make big decisions when i still have to sing the alphabet in my head to get the right letter?
➤ I is for… it’s okay if you disagree with me, i can’t force you to be right.
➤ J is for… just do a face mask and move on.
➤ K is for… *kisses camera’s phone before turning off the live* kisses for you~ goodnight czennies! goodnight mr fbi man!
➤ L is for… ‘living well is the best revenge’, yeah sure, but obviously im not gonna do that, so what’s the second best? cutting their brakes. 
➤ M is for… maybe i should stop flirting, i already owe like.. seven people a relationship.
➤ N is for… *looking at baekhyun* not today, satan.
➤ O is for… of course i have a lot of pent-up rage, you fool! I’ve been the same height since i was 12.
➤ P is for… please, imagine NOT liking me back… me… a whole beautiful, smart, hilarious, phenomenal, pretty woman… tragic.
➤ Q is for… question here: why does the grape juice doesn’t taste like grapes but instead tastes like purple? and why does the strawberry scent exists if strawberries smell like nothing? 
➤ R is for… remember when ‘a series of unfortunate events’ was a book and not your life?
➤ S is for… sorry i roasted you, i was trying to flirt.
➤ T is for… that’s so sad bestie– anyways, stan shinee for a better life and clear skin!
➤ U is for… *reading a comment* ‘unnie, can you please recommend a book that made you cry?’ sure! it’s called ‘new general mathematics.’
➤ V is for… vampires are always like ‘i could kill you if i wanted’ like? yeah, so could hendery, so could a dog, so could a dedicated goose. you aren’t special, dude.
➤ W is for… why is the climate tryna change? just be yourself~ *proceeds to do a finger heart*
➤ X is for… xiaojun is talking, everyone shut up!
➤ Y is for… you made this personal when you told me you didn’t like one direction. 
➤ Z is for… zookeepers concept? more like, zookeepers sub unit and that’s wayv; they own two cats, one dog and a whole wild yangyang there. 
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R O B I N • S T E V I E • C H R I S T I N E
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I looooove the polaroids!! So many candid shot‘s but still not enough. [credit always goes to the owner of the pics, it goes without saying I own nothing!!]
Chris and Stevie w/ Stevie‘s best friend Robin Snyder Anderson, another tragic framework plot within the story of Fleetwood Mac.
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warystares · 10 months
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FULL NAME angel amadis cardona NICKNAME(S) angelbaby GENDER / PRONOUNS genderfluid / any pronouns AGE/ BIRTHDAY thirty-one / october 23rd OCCUPATION dancer + dealer AFFILIATION / ROLE jade tribe / soldier ORIENTATION / STATUS pansexual / single STRENGTHS charismatic + amorous + resourceful WEAKNESSES narcissistic + incendiary + entitled
tw vaguely implied homophobia + drug use !
let there be no mistake ― angel cardona is a STAR ; fiery, compelling, easily the FIERCEST force of the universe to be reckoned with. ALL-CONSUMING. from the moment they're born, angel craves ― nay, DEMANDS ― the attention & affections of every stranger BLESSED enough to experience them. if their presence alone is not enough to catch at least a DOZEN curious gazes, then they'll ensure their personality COMMANDS it. as a child, angel hungers for PRAISE ; they're s t a r v e d for it, really ! and not for any real LACK, either. the cardona family is LARGE and while angel might be CURSED middle child of SEVEN, it couldn't be said they weren't close growing up. ( being POOR AS FUCK tends to force your hand in that respect ; privacy is a foreign concept when there are four of you to a bedroom. ) she always had someone to whine to, someone to hold a CAPTIVE AUDIENCE for yet another midnight improv performance. it's only that angel is INSATIABLE. she could have all eyes in the room on her and still want MORE.
and to angel's credit, the big happy family FACADE ― that hallmark movie shit, ❛ we may not have a lot but we have e a c h o t h e r and that's ENOUGH ❜ type deal ― it doesn't last forever. NOTHING LASTS FOREVER. trust when angel says he's lived long enough to learn that the HARD way. ( why the fuck can't they get anyone to love them forever, huh ? the way they want to be loved ? TRAGIC. ) he's fifteen when he lands on the STREETS with little more than a duffel bag & A DREAM. if you think that's CORNY, keep it to yourself ― do you know how LONG it took him to be able to romanticize this ? getting KICKED OUT before he can even drive ! losing everything ! and anyway, whether he recalls it as a GORGEOUS CROSSROADS or the CRUEL BETRAYAL OF BLOOD that it is, it's fine. truly, it is. because the cardinal rule of any IT GIRL is the same : beauty is suffering. it's PAIN. and honey, angel know what it is to SUFFER.
no matter how many friends angel might claim in HIGH PLACES, let it be said that there is nothing glamorous about COUCH-SURFING. a few years are lost to a CRISIS OF IDENTITY ― so neatly hidden behind an air of UNWAVERING CONFIDENCE, the same they've always CLUNG to. they'll insist that they're OKAY, that this is little more than an adventure. AN OPPORTUNITY. at first, it proves little more than an opportunity to S P I R A L ; every night a chance for a new SUBSTANCE, a new STRANGER, a new way to reach true, blissful DISTRACTION. from what ? the parents, the siblings that still live on on WITHOUT them ? the countless classes & auditions ― WASTED for not a single callback ? it doesn't take long for such an ERRATIC path to lead angel straight to DANGER ; it's almost as if they have a TASTE for it. they're DRAWN to it.
it's no surprise, then when angel finds herself swiftly lured into the arms of THE JADE TRIBE, is it ? rock bottom is WELL within sight and she's SCARED ; ALONE, even for all the faces she surrounds herself with day & night. ( it seems an IMPOSSIBLE thought ! ) she yearns for the familiar SECURITY ( and attention... and comfort... and... and... !! ) of a FAMILY. and for some reason, she's gotten it into her PRETTY LITTLE HEAD that she can find that in a world of CRIME. ( she thinks she's UNTOUCHABLE is what it is ― MAIN CHARACTER SYNDROME, maybe. but deservedly so ! angel IS the main character, and GOOD LUCK trying to convince her otherwise. ) when she starts DANCING to try and save enough for a place of her OWN, she quickly discovers how incredibly EASY it is to use her a l l u r e at the club to convince guests & strangers to sample the jade tribe's products.
and the best part ? all of these PILLS & POTIONS angel puts on offer keep them a HOT COMMODITY ; they're IN D E M A N D ! sleazes & scoundrels alike ― whether they come for the DRUGS and become m e s m e r i z e d by the undulation of hips under the PULSE of a strobe light, or VICE VERSA ― are drawn to angel like a flurry of moths to a perfectly-manicured FLAME. they use their wiles to line their pockets, maxing out withdrawals on the DEEPEST of wallets with dark d o e eyes and a PROVOCATIVE grin. she does WELL for herself, too, learned over the years what keeps ATTENTION on her. what the people want to see. and no, it may not be BROADWAY or THE SILVER SCREEN, but angel's still got an audience of adoring fans five nights out of the week. and in the grand scheme of things ? that's not the WORST she could do.
( she just knows in her heart, even now : she is destined for BETTER. )
to be added soon !
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