#❪ ⋅ ◆ ⋆ — ❛ queue ❜┊when your hopes on fire ❫
rinnstars · 19 hours
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being yours!
let him be useful to you
itoshi rin x reader: yandere ish?, angst on rin’s part, not proofread + likes n reblogs are really appreciated!
he’s used to be being left behind - its a common occurrence for someone that’s used to being silenced to fit in, from being left out of class discussions, to being left behind by friends and eventually even his own brother that swore to be with him until the end of time. and sometimes, despite your reassurance and love that he doesn’t once doubt, he thinks you’ll be better off without him - you’re much more talkative and extroverted, youre friends with everyone else that he has probably never talked to, youre much brighter than he is. and sometimes, he thinks youre truly better off without him - you’ll get to have lunches with all your friends rather than sit around beside him in the empty classroom eating, you’ll get to go home early without waiting for his football practice to end, you’ll no longer have to deal with a bother like him that rather dulls the mood.
so he’ll make up for his subpar personality he feels, make up for the way he self-destructs and leaves you on read on hard days, make up for the way he can’t be the picture-perfect boyfriend that he knows you adore from your collection of love mangas in your room or from korean and chinese dramas you talk to him about. he’ll settle for being useful to you, after all people wont throw away things that are useful to them right? he knows you wont - you keep our digicam despite its battery issues simply because its still usable to take photos of you and him, you keep your old and flat heat pads because you can still use them when your stomach hurts a little too much, you keep your old water bottle despite the few times it leaks. and sometimes he wonders if you keep him around because you like the sentimentality of your relationship, after all you’ve been with him since you two were kids the same way you keep your old photo albums and toys and textbooks because you can’t bear to throw away because of the memories. he hopes you keep him around because he’s useful - he’ll carry your heavy bag to and from school, even in between classes, he’ll help you queue up for lunch letting you rest about and talk to your friends in the meantime, he’ll pick off the ingredients you don’t like off your food with his hands carefully without any flaws. he hopes he’ll be useful to you - he’ll be the tissue to wipe away your tears either with his lips or with his hands, he’ll be the heat warmer that recently stopped working whenever your hand or legs grow cold by embracing you with his warm self, he’ll be the sweet treat for you, transferring candies hidden in his mouth in yours as he merges yours and his lips into one. he wants all of him to be useful to you - his hands will carry and hold any burden that’s too much for you, whether emotional or physical, he wants his legs to carry you without a single stumble to not make you doubt yourself as he carries you as though youre a royalty in a horse carriage to wherever you want to, he wants his eyes to help you find items you keep dropping and missing whether that be pieces of papers, hair ties, or even house keys.
and he’ll work hard to be your pride and joy - be the best striker in the world, be better than anyone else, be the best infatuation you’ve ever had. he wants your attention on him no matter what - please don’t look away from him, not even for a second. he thinks you just might be the sun to his chloroplast-like body, his sole reason that he’s still breathing if only for you. and maybe its stupid, its childish to want you to look at him, even if its simply because he’s helping you out - he craves it. so use him, milk him for all he’s worth and keep your eyes on him - he wont ask for anything more. because that means even if you fall out of love one day, even if the look in your eyes is becoming less and less infatuated, even if you no longer feel this same burning fire that will consume him, you’ll stay with him - the same way you still keep pens that no longer have inks, notebooks that have run out of empty pages, earphones that no longer connect properly to your phone for the memories.
but for now, when that school bell rings, he’ll without fail walk up to your desk, pack your things with you and carry your bag for you just to see you beam at him like an angel with that look full of love he knows he’s already addicted to.
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faaun · 2 years
you are all wrong!!!
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ragesin · 1 year
tags !
⁺✧⠀⠀`⠀ooc⠀﹕⠀❪ let's share the perfect time. ❫ ⁺✧⠀⠀`⠀ic⠀﹕⠀❪ and yet、you kept going. ❫ ⁺✧⠀⠀`⠀prompt⠀﹕⠀❪ you'll commit a sin if you have to. ❫ ⁺✧⠀⠀`⠀reply⠀﹕⠀❪ wrath claws at your chest. ❫ ⁺✧⠀⠀`⠀queue⠀﹕⠀❪ the end comes again and again. ❫
⁺✧⠀⠀`⠀visage⠀﹕⠀❪ but you're an unholy tragedy. ❫ ⁺✧⠀⠀`⠀aesthetic⠀﹕⠀❪ a monster wearing a man’s mask. ❫ ⁺✧⠀⠀`⠀study⠀﹕⠀❪ you turn cruel when empty. ❫ ⁺✧⠀⠀`⠀mindset⠀﹕⠀❪ hope was your greatest sin. ❫
⁺✧⠀⠀`⠀headcanon⠀﹕⠀❪ both rage and tenderness. ❫ ⁺✧⠀⠀`⠀portrayal notes⠀﹕⠀❪ the blade becomes you. ❫ ⁺✧⠀⠀`⠀britannia⠀﹕⠀❪ home is the first grave. ❫ ⁺✧⠀⠀`⠀world - building⠀﹕⠀❪ the breath between deaths. ❫
⁺✧⠀⠀`⠀tune⠀﹕⠀❪ all the words you've swallowed. ❫ ⁺✧⠀⠀`⠀dash⠀﹕⠀❪ nothing can stop your sin. ❫ ⁺✧⠀⠀`⠀art⠀﹕⠀❪ ichor spilling over surfaces. ❫ ⁺✧⠀⠀`⠀psa⠀﹕⠀❪ like a divine comedy. ❫ ⁺✧⠀⠀`⠀save⠀﹕⠀❪ an emotion suspended in time. ❫ ⁺✧⠀⠀`⠀promo⠀﹕⠀❪ a burnt child loves the fire. ❫
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thekissofaphrodite · 9 months
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(I accidentally added the OG post on Queue and can't get it out, but thankfully, I took a picture of it)
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Luke Castellan X Daughter of Apollo!Reader
Summary: The only thing that Luke Castellan loves in this world is his girlfriend and her angelic voice.
Warnings: Kissing, Cursing, Kinda toxic relationship??!
Author's Note: Hello guys! Another request for the day, I'm typing this on my phone since I forgot my laptop, Oh well, please forgive me for any grammatical mistakes and typos! My keyboard hates me 😍
The Camp Fire singalong ended an hour ago, but that didn't stop You and Luke, He had his head on your lap, breathing in and out as you ran your hands through his soft curls. The bonfire had little to no embers, but it still kept you two warm.
"Can you sing for me?" Luke whispered, His Hazel eyes met your brown ones. Apollo's children were always the lead singers from singalongs, Especially you, You had an angelic voice and campers liked it, so did Luke.
Not caring that your throat was a little sore, You nodded and started singing.
Boys, workin' on empty
Is that the kinda way to face the burning heat?
I just think about my baby
I'm so full of love I could barely eat
There's nothing sweeter than my baby
I'd never want once from the cherry tree
'Cause my baby's sweet as can be
She give me toothaches just from kissin' me
Luke sat in the mess hall, His palm gingerly nursing the side of his cheeks, He had a rough day, Apparently, a new armour that like commissioned from one of the children in the hephaestus cabin still wasn't ready, and he wasn't able to use it. But it was Capture the Flag day, so he used his old and cranky armour, which displeased him.
You noticed from afar, Your halfsiblings chatting loudly, So you had enough, Grabbing your tray, you walked towards Luke, sitting on an empty Hermes table (Since his halfsiblings left, It's better to leave than to mess with an angry luke), The Hermes boy barely touched his food, he was rather poking it.
"Hey" He was greeted with your soft, melodic voice from behind, His mood changed from annoyed to cheerful. His eyes softening as he watched you sit beside him.
"Hm, how's your day?" He hummed whilst brushing a strand of hair away from your face, tucking it behind your ear.
"I should be the one asking you that—" Then, He felt something touch his lips, It was your fork, with a slice of blueberry pie, He tasted some of the cream, He tried to fight the urge to open his mouth since he didn't feel like eating.
"C'mon, it's bad if you don't eat, You don't wanna end up in the infirmary with one of my halfsiblings ranting about your presence." He looked at your eyes, there was a glint of hope that he'll actually take a bite.
He can't resist your eyes, Those eyes with much hope looking at him.
So he did, He opened his mouth and let the flavours sink In.
He did eat that night, with you feeding him like a baby.
When my time comes around
Lay me gently in the cold, dark earth
No grave can hold my body down
I'll crawl home to her
Luke was injured, You don't know how or why. He just appeared infront of the Apollo cabin, There was a deep gash in his forearm, One of the archers from your cabin accidentally shot him an arrow, You assumed that He and Chris were probably not paying attention while they walked pass by the archery area.
"I got you something." He breathed, waiting for your reaction.
But still, He managed to appear in front of you, despite your protests that he must be brought to the infirmary, He kept a brave face, holding a messily made bouquet of flowers.
"Oh Luke..." You threw yourself onto his arms, making him stumble a little, He chuckled.
"Now let's get you into the infirmary!"
Boys, when my baby found me
I was three days on a drunken sin
I woke with her walls around me
Nothin' in her room but an empty crib
And I was burnin' up a fever
I didn't care much how long I lived
But I swear I thought I dreamed her
She never asked me once about the wrong I did
"Luke? Luke!" The dark-haired boy jolted awake, His eyes meeting the stormy skies whilst the raindrops hit his face.
"Hey baby," He groaned, His orange CHB shirt stained with mud, He slept on it after all. Then you remembered... The party in the Dionysus might have gotten a little wild...
"Luke, you smell like— Booze." You tried not to gagged at his scent, But he just brushed it off, Tumbling as he tried to got up.
"Let's get you inside, Some of my halfsiblings are away, so it's fine taking a fellow camper" You muttered while giving all your strength to carry him. You felt kinda embarrassed, Luke, Your boyfriend had carried you multiple times effortlessly, but now, you can't even take steps.
After what felt like an internity, you reached your bunk and flopped luke on it, His eyes sleepily drifting off again, but this time, your face was the one he's dreaming about.
When my time comes around
Lay me gently in the cold, dark earth
No grave can hold my body down
I'll crawl home to her
Luke was now in the infirmary, sitting lazily on a stool while your half siblings rushed to get medical supplies to heal him.
"Y'know, this is just a small scratch baby, you're making this a big deal." You turned your head to his direction so fast, you could've sworn you almost gave yourself a whiplash.
"Luke, Your forearm is literally dripping with blood, caused by an arrow. AN ARROW!" You bellowed, Everyone in the infirmary looked at you like a lunatic, some patients even muttering curses at you for interrupting their sleep.
"Still, I got you flowers, didn't I?" His grin made you melt, but the sight of his injury made you frown.
But you can't be mad at his handsome face.
"Yes yes, You did I love you for that, now Where's Ella? We need to give you an injection"
My babe would never fret none
About what my hands and my body done
If the Lord don't forgive me
I'd still have my baby and my babe would have me
When I was kissing on my baby
And she put her love down soft and sweet
In the low lamplight I was free
Heaven and hell were words to me
" I can't believe you'll do that!" You screamed, tears streaming down your face. Your red dress, once nicely ironed, was now crumpled. It wasn't even midnight, and you two were fighting again. Over a boy.
"Because that pathetic excuse of a bastard deserved it!" He Yelled, His voice booming inside your cabin.
"He's just having a normal conversation with me! you're the one who's deranged!" You cried, Luke couldn't stand the sight of you crying, so he kissed you, it wasn't a passionate one, it was a possessive one, with his strong arms gripping your wrists, pinning you into the wall.
you pulled away for a second, His lips still near yours.
"I hate you" You whispered, His lips touched yours again, smudging your lipstick.
"Show me how much you hate me"
You could've sworn you saw him smirk before kissing you roughly again.
When my time comes around
Lay me gently in the cold, dark earth
No grave can hold my body down
I'll crawl home to her
"I'm sorry baby, please let me in" Luke whispered as he peaked through the small crack on your door.
"You can't come and go as you please," you said, your voice cracking, You tried not to cry, You love him , but you can't just keep supporting him after all the things he'd done.
Now, he was carrying a duffle bag, full of stolen artefacts from the Gods. You were God fearing. That's when you realize it when your father, Apollo, had punished your mother, blinding her using his powerful Ray of sunlight.
"You'd do this for me, honey.." He whispered desperately, but you just shook your head.
"I'm sorry..."
"No no no! Y/n! Y/N!" He screamed as he watched you walk away.
When my time comes around
Lay me gently in the cold, dark earth
No grave can hold my body down
I'll crawl home to her
You sat in the edge of your bed, still sobbing silently, Your halfsiblings gave you pathetic and sorry looks, but none of their pity could make you the same.
The God you admired the most, Your own father had taken your voice as a punishment, or that's what oracle said. Apparently, you had offended him by your blasphemous acts using his sacred song. Now you were voiceless.
"Baby?" Luke's voice greeted you.
You looked up at him, Your eyes glistening with tear as you ran into his arms sobbing violently.
"Shh...I know sweetheart.." He rubbed his hands behind your back, Kissing your temple at the same time.
As the dark haired boy comforted you, He smirked secretly, You were so easy to manipulate, with your doe eyes and your sweet smile, As you slowly fell asleep in Luke's arms, A rose necklace sat inside his pocket, Ever so beautiful, with your own voice trapped inside it.
A/N: HEY, GUYS! So this is a request! I used the 'Work Song' by Hozier, Every lyrics has an indication of the reader and Luke's past, I kinda wanna give them a toxic relationship, so....🫢🫢 I do hope you liked this!!
I apologise once again for any grammatical errors since my keyboard hates me ❤️
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the-s1lly-corner · 3 months
I have a request for a Toby x reader who was friends with him before everything happened and moved before the murder stuff and they ran into each other again (romantic? Sure)
Reuniting w/ Ticci Toby
I know this is going to be in the queue for a while so things are very likely to be different by the time this goes up but i swear if i have metal splinters in my fingers again like last year im going to be so mad because theyre so deeply imbedded, if they are splinters. hoping its like last year and they just bind into my hand and the infection heals notes: reader is GN CWs: canon typical violence
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you were his only friend asides from his sister, you were the only one who didnt pick on him for things that were out of his control and the two of you would find yourselves hanging out a lot
you were devastated when you found out what happened in his neighborhood- the fire, the murders... you didnt want to believe that it was him who did it
i dont think he would approach you for a few months, between being busy with his new obligations to slenderman as well as wanting the talk of everything around that night to die down...
it may even take a year or two depending on how active the discussion remains
he doesnt know how to approach you so he simply
throws pebbles at your window in the night like he used to do
cue him accidentally doinking you in the face with one of the pebbles
its so so awkward at first because so much has changed since the two of you last talked and he cant really tell you everything; would you even believe him if he told you about the 10 foot tall forest monster that basically took him in to work under it?
he doubts it
slowly things fit back into place but it takes a lot of time and trust
a lot of it is built through the two of you hanging out inside your home away from prying eyes and just doing what you both used to do together
movies, games, just talking
you almost feel like nothing ever changed
hes not very subtle about hiding his crush on you, even if its not anything new youre going to catch on quick
a night in the woods turns into an unofficial first date with the two of you shooting some jokes at each other that slowly become more flirty as the conversation progresses
nothing happens, no kisses no cuddling nothing like that but theres something different about your relationship now
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Going Up
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Steven Grant x F!Reader • Rating: 18+ pals •Masterlist• ao3• want to be tagged? | request info • MK Bingo 2024 Masterlist • ko-fi •
Summary: The elevator is packed.
🌛For @moonknight-events MK Bingo Spring 2024 Event🌜
A/N: So this is what happened in the elevator before the spice in What A View. Really, I should have written this first? Why didn't I? I have no answers.
Warnings: swearing, Steven kinda having an exhibition kink, and thinking about and being like oh no, also some negative thoughts about being into it because self-doubt, PUBLIC BONER, overuse of italics, typos, not beta read, railroad sentences, please let me know if I've missed a warning!
Word Count: 559
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The queue to check your tickets and wait for the elevator wasn’t too bad, but the lift itself was surprisingly busy when you and Steven stepped inside. You were two of the first people in, so as more and more walked on the space seemed to grow smaller and smaller.
You shuffled back a little and Steven instinctively put his hands on your side as he took a step and rested against the elevator wall. 
You moved closer to him as more people got on, pressing your back up against his chest. Sheepishly you glance over your shoulder and smile, “this okay?”
He nods and beams back at you, “of course love.” He gives your hip a little squeeze. “It won’t be for long.” He kisses the top of your head as the doors close. 
The first few floors are uneventful, but then there’s a little jolt. Nothing major, just the mechanisms working together, but you stumble back a little, brushing your backside against Steven’s crotch. 
He swallows, heat flushing downwards, cursing internally. 
You move back to your previous position practically a second later, barely having contact with him. But that’s all it took.
Being in public made it so much worse. Made the blood rush so much quicker. 
Other people being around shouldn’t make his dick jump to attention practically instantaneously, should it? That wasn’t ‘normal’, was it? 
Marc and Jake weren’t into this. They didn’t get hard the second there was a chance of an audience. Though… well, he’d never really asked to check. What if they did too? What if he asked and they didn’t?
Steven bit the inside of his cheek, trying to focus intently on unsexy things. But you were standing so close, barely an inch away. Your scent wafting around him and pulling him close, soaking the fire that was already ablaze. 
He could nudge you back against him, grind into your ass until he came in his boxers. 
He bites back a moan at the thought, his cock now painfully hard. 
He’d have to be quiet, move slowly so he wouldn’t be noticed, muffle his mouth against your neck and…
He swallowed. He should not be thinking about that. 
Steven shifted his weight, foolishly thinking that it would do something to help the ache. Of course it didn’t. 
Was it the thought of getting caught that turned him on? Or was it that he wanted others to watch? He scowled as he thought hard, trying to tackle the problem like a puzzle. There must be some straight forward answer as to why this happened. And it certainly wasn’t the first time he’d got a bonker in public. 
But he just couldn’t think straight, as, well, most of his blood was a little preoccupied somewhere else. 
He couldn’t deal with this. He needed to come. There was no way he could walk around and hope for this to calm down. 
Maybe he could sneak to the bathroom and jerk off.
Maybe he could drag you there with him. 
The thought of your body pressed up against his made him lightheaded. 
The elevator dinged as it reached the viewing floor. Steven grabbed your hand and practically ran out. 
“Steven?” You say, a little surprised as he pulls you, having to jog a little to keep pace. 
He must really want to see the view. 
Thank you for reading!
@pleasurebuttonwrites @raven-rk @campingwiththecharmings @alexxavicry @mystinky-butt @cocodiem @oscarisaacsspit @whatthefishh @mbakubabe @romanarose @saturn-rings-writes @boredzillenial @lonelyisamyw-0love @queerponcho @pimosworld @melodygatesauthor @steven-grants-world  @eyelessfaces @angel-of-the-moons @minigirl87@lunar-ghoulie @dumdaradumdaradum @plastichearts @silvernight-m @autismsupermusicalassassin @apesarecuul @reallyrallyauthor @basicalyrandom @spxctorsslxt
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Girl On Fire 2
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as cheating, neglect, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: neglected, you find comfort in another home.
Characters: Jonathan Pine, Loki
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself
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You don’t know why you’re trying. Why you’ve marked the day on the calendar. Loki’s coming home but nothing’s going to change. Still, there’s a glimmer of hope inside of you that wants him to prove you wrong. 
So it is that you wake up early with a list of to-dos and to-gets. You have a plan. That makes the days a bit easier. When you have something to do, you don’t have time to think. 
You think maybe if your husband comes home to a nice dinner and a tidy home, he might have some epiphany. He might realise he likes it better there then on the road. He might just see what’s been right in front of this the whole time. He might even remember the vows he spoke a decade ago. 
What happened? When did he forget? When did you become an afterthought? 
No, you won’t be. Not forever. He’s just overworked. He’s busy. He has a lot going on. He can’t pay for your lifestyle sitting at home. Get over it. Get over yourself. 
You grab your purse and head out. You have a list. You’re going to make his favourite dish; sesame crusted salmon. You’re no Michelan start chef but you know a few tricks. It feels good to have a purpose, to have something ahead of you. And it will be nice to eat more than the microwave noodle bowls you’ve been living off of. 
You ignore the dirt littered across your walk as you clutch the reusable bags in your fist. You’ll fix that before he gets back. He won’t know the difference. Hell, if you dug up the whole strip, he might not even notice. 
You try not to fixate on it. That’s your problem. You latch onto things and they just build and build until they boil over. You’re a mess. It’s like he always said, you hold onto stuff. You just can’t let anything go. 
The grocery store is busy. The cramped aisles add to your impatience as you search out each ingredient. Why does that woman need to have her cart right there? Why does that man keep inching closer as you’re searching the spice shelf? Back off! 
You join the queue to check out, feeling worse for having made the trip. All the people have you amped up and anxious. People are always so stressful. Why is that customer bitching at the cashier about an expired coupon? They don’t care, they make minimum wage. 
You make sure to offer a smile to the overworked staff. You were once one of them. Loki likes to remind you of that when he remembers you exist. Nope, don’t do that. This isn’t about the past. You’re going to have a lovely dinner and talk and laugh and... try. 
Yeah, you thought the same thing last month. And the month before. 
Your optimism is waning as you come out with your bags over overpriced ingredients. Every time you go shopping, you swear it’s more expensive than the last. You tuck the bags behind the seat and brace yourself for the drive home. The clogged parking lot gives you little hope for a smooth ride. 
The traffic mellows as you reach the suburbs and you slow down and take each speed bump with caution. Children run after each other or walk with parents. You don’t know if you want any but Loki’s not really offering up the chance. His fleeting touches don’t offer much more than his own satisfaction. 
You turn into your drive and rub your lower back as you lift the bags out of the car. You push the door shut with your hip and turn, stutter stepping in place. Something’s different. Your flowers! 
The white and pink tulips are still lost to the squirrel’s mischief but in their place are new stems. Blue petals standing tall. You glance across the street then back again. You’ll have to go over and thank Jonathan. He really didn’t have to do that. 
You’re almost teary-eyed as you get inside. It’s just something small. It’s not that big but it feels like the world. He thought of you. Someone thought of you. 
Were you that pathetic? To go to that effort just to replace some flowers, you must’ve made quite the tragic scene. Suddenly, you’re not so eager to show your gratitude. 
You put everything away and make your way through your list. You check the clock between chores. Scrub the stove, clean the dishes, mop the floors; do everything you neglected in your husband’s absence for your bouts of tears and lazy nights of reading romance novels until you pass out. 
As the hours pass, you feel your stomach fluttering. You’re almost excited to see him. Loki’s coming home and you’re going to make it special for him. And you’re going to ask him that big question. Do you think you could stay home for a bit? 
It’s fear as much as it is excitement. It’s not like you haven’t thought to ask it before. The answer is clear. Each time he leaves, it’s for a little longer. He always tells you the same thing; he has to pay his dues, he has to show that he can do the job. 
Not this time. If he’s not going to change, then you have to. If he won’t stay home, then you’re going to start looking for a job so he can. If you bring in money, then he can’t hold his wallet over your head. Worse comes to worse, it’s a way out. 
Makeup done, hair too, your best dress on, the food is cooking, the house is fragrant with savoury aromas, and you’ve timed it all perfect. It’s almost five. His flight was supposed to get in half and hour ago. 
Your phone vibrates.  You grab your cell from the table by the front door where you left it to charge. It’s him! 
A text. Not a call, just a text. You tap the screen and read it eagerly. Your shoulders drop and you drop your phone. 
‘Won’t be home til ten. Business dinner in town. Big client.’ 
Worse than the disappointment is what he doesn’t say. No ‘love you’, no heart emoji, not even an apology. Just the facts. Just another excuse. 
You don’t respond. What’s the point? You don’t even know why he messaged. You should be flattered that he even bothered. 
You shake your head and drop the phone on the screen. You should’ve expected this. Maybe you did. Maybe you get some sort of thrill out of the rejection. 
The oven beeps. Just in time. You go and take the pan out, silencing the alarm with your thumb. You toss the fish onto the stove and spin away. You want to scream but you just don’t have the energy. You march back to the doorway and stop yourself. 
You take a deep breath and push it all down. The rice is done. You turn it off and the veggies are glistening perfectly. You might not be a professional but damn it looks good. 
You take a glass container from the cupboard and carefully begin to transfer the portions. You make up two full meals. You were precise in your measurements, sure not waste a morsel. You seal the lids and the walls fog up. You stack them and carry them down the hall. 
You steel yourself as you pass through the front door and keep your chin high. The tulips sway gently in the early evening breeze. You get to the curb and muster a smile. You cross and march up to Hattie’s house. The old woman has been reclusive of late but by her nephew’s report, you can assume why. 
You go to the front door and ring the bell. Your stomach is churning again, in a much different way. You wait, doubt rising with each second. You’re about to turn away when Jonathan answers the door. He’s just as you remember; strangely familiar but refreshingly not. 
You swallow and stamp your smile in place, “I just wanted to say thanks for the flowers. They’re lovely.” 
You hold out the containers and his brows rise, “oh, you didn’t need to do all this.” He takes them, his warm fingers brushing against yours, “that’s so nice. And it wasn’t any trouble. It was getting crowded in the garden.” 
“The least I can do,” you insist. 
“Don’t you look wonderful? Special occasion?” He looks you up and down. When’s the last time a man did that? 
“Oh, uh, no... not anymore,” you look away, “anyway, I hope you enjoy. Salmon, jasmine rice, and some roasted veg. Nothing very special.” 
“Ah, but it is,” he says, “unfortunately, my aunt’s already abed and she has a very strict diet,” he intones, “so... would you like to join me? I’m afraid it’s all too much for just me.” 
He raises the containers and examines them. You’re too embarrassed to admit what’s happened. It would also be insulting to admit the food isn’t even meant for him. 
“I’ve some wine that would pair nicely with fish,” he continues, “and good company.” 
You consider his offer as you peek over your shoulder. Your house looks ominous like a horror movie. Empty and dark. There's nothing for you there. You face him again. 
“I’d love to.” 
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ssahotchnerr · 1 year
Ok - Season11 Hotch in “the storm” 🤤😵‍💫 – where you are there with him and Jack when SWAT arrives and you spend the day with Jack, in Hotch’s office, with no updates and just worrying, but not obviously because you have to remain strong for Jack (you/Hotch son, Haley never existed 😊). Hotch is questioned and dragged through the mud and is emotionally exhausted by the end of it. At the end of the day, you finally see him walking through the BAU doors and jump on him in excitement (queue make-out sesh in the battle cage), Jack comes running up shortly after. The team just watches, joyfully. Happy to see Hotchner happy and reunited with his family.
You guys go home and enjoy a nice night as a family. Dinner, with a discussion about the mixup today, and a movie on the couch etc.
You guys get Jack off to bed, and continue some NSFW stuff on the couch. Just happy to have your man back home, all to yourself.
after the storm
🥺 this <333 i got a bit carried away and made it a bit angsty so i hope you don't mind cw; angst, brief suggestiveness (sub!aaron?🤭), references to 11x22, jack's younger in this and isn't pissed like in the episode LOL
the longest day.
you're sat on the couch in aaron's office, jack's fast asleep. his head is on your lap and you're running your fingers gently through his hair, still internalizing the day.
one second you were starting breakfast, the next the door is being knocked down.
instead of sending aaron off with a kiss as usual, he's being guided away in handcuffs.
the worried expressions of the team are still prominent in your mind, as you stood in the roundtable room as they updated you on the situation, the one update you've practically received all day. he's been framed, accused of horrific claims, and it looks bad.
and while you insisted they take you to wherever it was he was being held to knock some goddamn sense into somebody, insisting you could give his alibi or somehow prove he did not make that spoofed call - you've been with him all morning - you knew it was in your best interest to stay put. not only in terms of protocol or whatever they needed to do, but for jack.
and so the two of you have spent the day in aaron's office, finding ways to pass the time.
and besides, aaron was innocent. sooner or later, this nightmare would be over.
by now, they've told you aaron's been released. they've told you he was headed to the prison to help the others. but you refused to believe it until he was standing right in front of you, not until he's locked strictly in your arms.
the sigh exiting your mouth was halted by movement from your peripheral vision, your head whipping to your right. will has been sitting at jj's desk, waiting just as you've been, and jj had just walked through the doors, embracing him upon her arrival.
so that could only mean...
you're already on your feet (after very gently moving jack aside) as aaron walks through the double glassed doors, and everything blurs.
you don't recall exiting his office. you don't recall stepping down those few short steps. just suddenly, your face is being pressed into his shoulder as your arms find home around his middle, breathing in the scent you only knew as aaron. your grip on him only tightens as it all sinks into you further - it's him. he's right here.
likewise he's pressing you firmly against himself, his hands roaming up and down your back soothingly. "hey-"
you pull back and your lips are on his, not letting a single word out of him. you're kissing him vigorously and desperately, as if he's about to disappear from you once more. your fingers find purchase on his suit jacket, gripping onto the coarse fabric and not only is it grounding you, but him.
if you've had a hard day, you can only imagine what aaron's gone through. that only alights you to kiss him deeper, as his day must've been filled with people questioning him, belittling him in terms of who he is, despite everything he's sacrificed and done for the bureau. it flames a fire in you, and you just want more than anything to relieve the tension in his shoulders.
aaron's kissing you back just as hard, no concern for who may be watching present. he does hold himself back from some regard, if the two of you were alone in your bedroom, he'd let you have your way with him, if your current dominance is anything to go from. and he's confident that'll be in order once jack is tucked into bed later.
and in fairness, everyone's watching, but they don't dare interrupt the reunion. the two of you haven't seen each other for roughly fourteen hours, but it feels like a year has gone by. it's been a heavy, complicated day, so a heartfelt moment is more than appropriate. and again, after everything aaron has gone through the past years, they've always been glad he's found someone like you.
finally you pull away to breathe, lips swollen and a bit hazy, placing both your hands on aaron's flushed cheeks as you come back to earth.
"are you okay?" you search his face, your expression changing into one of worry and tears threatening your eyes.
aaron nods, covering both your hands with his and kissing you once more, "i'm okay."
you aren't convinced, but jack comes running down the stairs before you can do or say anything else, throwing himself into his aaron's arms. he clings onto his dad for dear life, his small arms going around aaron's neck.
you quickly join their embrace, your face burrowing into the crook of aaron's neck. peace finally fills you; you're with your boys, aaron's been cleared, the nightmare is finally over.
as if aaron can read your mind, supporting jack with one arm and his free hand finds yours, a sigh escapes him, accompanying the small glint in his eyes. "let's go home. please."
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crazykitsch · 8 months
Heyyy can you please write Hector x Reader were reader is a team mates little sister and her and Hector hate each other but then he gets a little hurt (like in the match against athletic club. He doesn’t get injured just a little hurt.) and then she’s all worried about him and then they confess their feelings to each other??
Hector Fort: playing with fire
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pairing: hector fort x reader
warnings: none
❝My mom told me everyday to be careful of men. Because love is like playing with fire, it can get you hurt. My mom might be right, because when I see you my heart burns.❞
I’m sitting here alone and bored while my brother Joao Felix is training with the rest of the team. I’m assuming they’re done now since I see Joao, Lamine, Hector and Marc walk over. ‘Hi y/n.’ my brother says and I smile at him. I see Hector standing next to me and my smile fades.
‘No need for you to be so bratty about it.’ He says and I roll my eyes. He’s.. quite attractive- but then again so annoying. I don’t get how one person can always get on my nerves.
‘Roll your eyes further, hope they get stuck.’ He says and Marc says ‘If you want to see her roll her eyes you might need to do it in a less public place.’ Before I can even say anything I hear Joao say ‘Okay, this is our queue to go.. let’s go Y/n.’ and he walks away so I follow him.
We arrived at our families house and I sit on the couch. ‘You two would be cute together, you know.’ Joao jokingly says. I roll my eyes and say ‘You would look very cute in a casket, you know.’ and I can hear him laugh.
‘Are you still coming to the match tonight?’ Joao asks me and I nod yes. Whenever they have a home game I come with him to support him. We really like to annoy eachother but we’re also very supportive of eachother.
big time skip
It’s now saturday night, match time. The match started 1 minute ago and Guruzeta scored..
About 25 minutes later Lewandowski luckily scored and 10 minutes later Lamine scored!
Just when i’m having faith in today’s match I see Sancet scoring in the 49th minute making it 2-2.
5 minutes later I see Hector with the ball and Williams running towards him. Williams lightly tackels Hector but I can still see he’s a bit hurt. I feel a sense of worry grow inside of me. I know i’m supposed to hate him.. but I can’t help but like him.
Now its the end of the match, Barcelona lost 4-2.
I finally see Joao and the rest but I can’t help but walk towards Hector as I see he’s still a little hurt. ‘Are you okay? Did it hurt a lot? Are you still hurt?’ I say worriedly. He looks at me, smiles and says ‘Are you worried about me?’. I roll my eyes and say ‘Just answer my question.’
‘Im fine, don’t worry about it. Why do you care though?’ He says. I don’t know what to say so as usual, I just decide to roll my eyes. After we did that I accidentally make eye contact. I expected him to look away yet he didn’t.
We kept holding eye contact and there grew a certain tension. ‘Y/n? Why were you worried.’ he asks me and I can feel myself getting stressed. ‘I… ehm. Well I guess I sort of- maybe- have like.. well I think you are a tiny bit sweet and attractive.’ I accidentally say. I need to learn how to think before I act.
He smiles and says ‘Think? Or know? Because if you know then I might have to say something to you.’ i’m a bit confused now, so I say ‘Then tell me what it is.’ He replies ‘I think you are sweet and attractive too.’ Okay now im reaally confused.. but also a bit happy I guess? I can’t help but smile at his words and then I hear him say ‘Would you like to maybe go on a date with me?’ okay now my smile grew a bit bigger and I say ‘Yes.’ to him!
I can see Joao walking over to us and he says ‘What happened? Thought you two hated eachother.’ Now me and Hector look at eachother and smile.
A/n: William Shakespeare would be so upset if he read this..
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newtthetranswriter · 3 months
I wanted to request a Tokyo Revengers fic for Mikey. Platonic. Reader, although not very flashy, has been in the gang since the beginning. Serving in the first division.
It's reader's birthday, but they never made it a big deal, so no one else realized. That is until Mikey tosses them a messily wrapped box at a gang meeting saying, "Happy Birthday" and giving them a headpat.
I thought it was cute <3<3
The gift can be up to you, as well as the time frame this takes place.
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Word count: 615
Pairing: Mikey x Reader Platonic
A/n: Hi, thank you for the request. I’m not super happy with how it turned out, but I did love the idea. I hope you at least enjoy it. Anyways, enjoy, have a great day and as always remember to hydrate or diedrate.
    It was time for the weekly Toman meeting. All of the divisions were gathered waiting for Mikey and Draken to show up, and of course they were running late for whatever reason. Anyways, while waiting I just sat back and watched as the guys got in their usual playful arguments about random shit. Watching as Baji and Kazutora teamed up to pick on a few of the younger members, I was reminded of where it all started.
   I had grown up not only a few houses away from Mikey and so I ended up spending a lot of time around the blonde. We have always been extremely close so it was no surprise to me when he came to me asking me to join his gang when he and his other friends started it. Since that day, I’ve been part of Toman’s first division acting as a kind of babysitter for the more impulsive group. Evidently, I was the only one able to stop Baji from setting a car on fire when he was hungry, so Mikey and Draken thought it would be best for me to keep him in check.
   Other than making sure Baji doesn’t ruin Toman’s reputation, I’m a pretty good fighter when it comes down to it. I may not be the one everyone is watching when a brawl breaks out but I can definitely hold my own. Which is another reason I was put in the first division. I had everyone’s back even if some of them didn’t realize it.
   “Hey Mikey’s finally here.” I heard someone shout from the crowd. As if it were a queue to behave, everyone stopped fighting and stood up straight as we waited for Mikey and Draken to start the meeting.
    I had taken my usual spot next to Baji, not expecting much of anything to happen. “Hey Y/n, catch.” I turned at the sound of Mikey shouting at me. Once I made eye contact he threw what looked like a poorly wrapped box at me. Quickly catching it, I looked at it confused for a second but before I could ask about it, Mikey cut me off. “Happy Birthday.” He flashed a bright close eyed smile, patting the top of my head.
    My eyes went wide. I totally forgot it was my birthday, it was never really a big deal to me and Mikey was the first one to mention it today. “Thanks Mikey, I honestly totally forgot about it.” I said looking back at the present. “But you didn’t have to get me anything.”
   “Nonsense, of course I had to get you something. You’re my friend and it would be rude of me to not get you anything.” He said, taking his hand off the top of my head.
   Before I could respond, Baji spoke up from behind me. “Wait, it's your birthday and you forgot about it?” Baji asked me.
   I just shrugged. “Yeah, I guess. And how sad it looks like my only friend is Mikey, after all he’s the only one who remembered.” I answered with mock sadness.
   Mikey laughed at our interaction as Baji decided the best response to my sarcasm was to shove me. “Ok, Ok, enough fighting we have a meeting to take care of.” Draken said, cutting off the shoving match that started between the two of us. With that he and Mikey went up to the front of the group commencing the meeting.
   It warmed my heart for Mikey to get me a gift even if I never made a big deal about my birthday. He was like a brother to me and he remembered it even when I didn’t, which means a lot.
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stargirlrchive · 1 year
like real people do ✩ jake sully
masterlist ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
summary: jake sully x afab!reader, smut - minors DNI, fluffy soft smut, jake being dumb fr, jealousy (are we surprised); p in v, oral fem!recieving, using spit as lube brrrrr, wc - 5,149
tawtute - sky-people ; uniltaron - dream hunt
kuru - queue ; tsaheylu - bond
comments: tbh i just started writing and got a lil excited like, anywho she was so fun to write, i missed writing for jake <333 i hope you enjoy kk bye <3
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You weren’t sure when this even started, when the frustration you had with Jake turned into longing desire. One that consumed you from the inside out and left you buzzing anytime his tail swished in frustration, or a snarky comment fell from his mouth. When he tried over and over to prove himself to you. When this strange sort of friendship the two of you had, grew into something entirely different for you.
And at first it left you feeling shameful, harboring feelings for a dreamwalker. You were sure it was not Mo’at’s intention when encouraging you to show him the ways of the Omatikaya that you would grow affections for him. When you began to reject the advances for courting from several clan members, you knew this terrible affliction was no longer fleeting. 
Jake Sully had found a way into your heart, consuming you like ivy, and as much as you tried you were unable to pluck him out. And many moon rotations had passed since the war with the tawtute, since Jake had passed through the eye of Eywa, and completed his Uniltaron, and he still had not chosen a mate. 
The clan had finally finished settling into the new encampment, a sense of normalcy finally was felt throughout your people, and unfortunately for you the talk of mates began spreading like wildfire. Heavily encouraged by the Elders, large celebrations were being held frequently, and it seemed that every other day you were being approached by one of your friends, informing you that they had mated with someone before Eywa.
It was getting harder and less acceptable for you to continuously reject suitors, and the men your age were becoming scarce. You had kept holding onto a sliver of hope that the Toruk Makto held affections for you too, because despite the way the two of you seemed to get under each other's skin, you were pulled to each other. You had lost count how many times the two of you ended up in the same place at the same time, spending hours together as you teased one another. 
Over time your annoyance melted away into one of desire, and your respect mingled with that of adoration. But you had no idea how he felt, for all you know he could only see you as a mentor who then became a friend. At best, that is probably what he considered you. 
So with the constant pressure of everyone around you and the flicker of fire that Jake had lit inside of you slowly dwindling as time went on, you began to accept the courting advances of a few of the Na’vi males your age.
That was how you found yourself in this predicament, with Jake lingering behind you as Zut’e had called for you. You knew that it wasn’t necessarily a requirement to harbor strong feelings for a mate, they were encouraged of course, but you also knew they came with time. With Tsaheylu most bonds flowed smoothly. 
And Zut’e was sweet to you, and had been expressing his interest since before the war with the tawtute. But it did not stop the way your heart twinged in sadness that it was not Jake expressing his interest for you. 
He had rummaged quickly through the small pouch attached to his loincloth, pulling out an intricately handcrafted bracelet. His hand reached out to show it to you better and your face burned darkly as you realized they matched the beads he had braided into his hair and that decorated his arm piece. A clear and obvious sign of his intentions.
“I have made you a gift.” His voice wavered lightly with nerves, and it caused a small laugh to leave your mouth. “It is very beautiful Zut’e, thank you.”
He beamed at the compliment, and it caused you to send him a smile. Your ears fluttered lightly when he grabbed your wrist cautiously. “Do you mind if I place it on you?”
You would be lying if you said the attention didn't cause your heart to flutter. It was welcomed after spending so long not receiving it from the one person you wanted. At that your mind lingered to Jake behind you, you could feel his eyes on the two of you. Stupidly you felt guilty, so you only nodded your head in the direction of Zut’e, fearing your voice would come out with uncertainty. 
Zut’e let out a quiet breath, slipping the bracelet onto your wrist before tying. Your eyes lingered onto the piece of jewelry as his fingers brushed over the beads. When he pulled away his face was burning darkly, “Well, I will let you go now.”
His eyes flicked behind you, gesturing goodbye as a sign of respect to Jake before he looked back to you. He leaned in quickly and pressed a quick kiss to your cheek, your tail swished nervously behind you as he pulled away, sending you one last look before he backed away. 
You let out a nervous breath, the kiss was unexpected and you weren't sure why but you were nervous to resume your conversation with Jake.
“He couldn't wait to give you that?”
There was an edge in his tone and it caused a shiver to run down your spine, finally turning back to look at him. “I think it was sweet.”
An awkward tension was settling between the two of you quickly, and the stretch of silence was causing nerves to clamp around your throat. “I did not know he was courting you?”
His face was scrunched up with confusion and again, the guilt was consuming you, “He has been trying, for a long time now.”
Jake's tail swished lightly at the information, only giving you a curt nod as he turned from you. “Where are you going?”
“I have to train with Tsu’tey.”
You followed after him in confusion, your steps increasing as he walked faster, “But you and I always train together.”
He had continued walking until he spotted Tsu’tey, along with Takuk and Neytiri, “Not today.”
The trio were armed with weapons and your brows furrowed together even more. They were all going to train without you? They greeted the two of you, but instantly picked up on the growing tension as neither of you greeted them back. “If everyone is going, so will I.”
“You cannot tell me what to do.”
“As Olo’eyktan, I think I can. And I do not want you to go today.”
Your arms crossed over your chest as he finally turned to look at you again. The both of you refused to back down as you exchanged a heated gaze. “You are not welcome.”
Your three friends exchanged confused glances, normally when you were not around Jake was unable to shut up about you. So to witness him excluding you from the group put them all on edge.
Frustration consumed you, and angry tears rushed to your eyes, embarrassment flooding your system at the rejection. Jake’s resolve flickered for a brief moment at the site of your watery eyes. He was about to trek back, apologize for being so rude when you blinked the tears away. Your anger intensified as you hissed out your words to him, “You are an asshole!”
Jake’s ears pinned back to hear you hurl an insult towards him, and an English one at that. You turned swiftly, walking away from the four of them despite Neytiri calling out for you to stop.
Takuk was the first to break the silence that had settled after your departure, “What was that about?”
Jake’s tail swished lazily in annoyance, “Zut’e has made his intentions clear. He even had a gift ready.”
He shrugged as if to try and play it off, but the hurt was evident in how tense his voice was, and how his tail had started to move behind him almost erratically, “And it was accepted.”
Tsu’tey snorted and it caused Jake’s brows to furrow together in annoyance. “Brother, you cannot be serious.”
Neytiri called out in warning, “Tsu’tey-”
“What do you mean?”
Tsu’tey decided against speaking out against Neytiri, a smart man. Takuk groaned quietly, “There is no way you do not see it? Both of you have been so obvious with your feelings for one another.”
Neytiri shrieked, “Takuk!”
She had always been so protective over you, and she felt that the confessions should’ve been shared between the two of you, not spoiled by your friends. 
Jake felt his heart thump wildly, guilt webbing into his chest at how he spoke to you. “Should-should I go after her? Fuck!”
He was about to turn around before Neytiri hissed at him in annoyance, “You have done enough! We will train, give you time to think clearly on how you will make up for it.”
She swatted his head quickly, turning around to make her way towards the forest. Tsu’tey and Takuk snickered quietly, “It is best, you do not want to be at the receiving end of a female Na’vi’s rage.”
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
Jake’s body ached from the rigorous training he had gone through, and he had been distracted the whole time, which meant he was sloppy in his execution and Tsu’tey had made him reap the consequences. He was almost positive he heard Neytiri whisper to Tsu’tey to be extra hard on him today. He knew it was due to the fact that he had upset you. 
With every step he made deeper into the encampment his muscles throbbed, and all he wanted was for the two of you to slip away into the forest, as you did every night, and talk for hours about your day. He felt a twinge of uneasiness as he remembered your altercation from earlier.
He wasn't sure if you'd even want to talk to him anymore, and he deserved it. He was being an asshole. It was not your fault you had captured the attention of someone else, and it was also not your fault that he had not acted on his feelings.
After setting everything down in his pod, he was on the search for you. If he was being completely honest, he was scared. Nerves slowly consumed him as searched high and low for you and was still unsuccessful. Much to his horror he saw you emerging from the forest, Zut’e trailing close behind.
Jake's ears flattened roughly against his head as he made his way towards the two of you. He heard a small laugh fall from your mouth at something Zut’e said and he swallowed roughly. When he was close enough to the both of you, he cleared his throat, calling out your name gently.
You paused your conversation, turning stiffly towards Jake, “Yes, Olo’eyktan Sully?”
He winced at the name, “Does that greeting not suffice? Would you like me to bow next time?”
He whined your name quietly, his face lightly coloring in embarrassment, “Stop, please.”
You only huffed quietly, turning to Zut’e, “Thank you for training with me today. I will see you later?”
Jake did not like the idea of the two of you alone in the forest, and he disliked even more so that you intended to spend more time with him. “Of course.”
The warrior bid the two of you goodbye, and thankfully opted on not kissing you goodbye. Jake doesn’t think he could handle it.
With your lips pursed, you turned back to look at him. “What do you want?”
“I wanted to see you.”
Your eyes narrowed in on him, annoyance radiating off of you as you grumbled out quietly, “Well you’ve seen me.”
You turned away and began making way towards your pod, Jake trailing behind you like a lost puppy. “Wait-”
You ignored him.
He called your name again, “Wait-god!” 
He followed you into your pod, ignoring how you scoffed as he just marched into your home. “You have no manners!”
Your nose scrunched up in annoyance as he just stood there, stupidly trying to come up with what to say, “If you are just going to stand there, please leave. I am exhausted.”
“I want to apologize.”
You rolled your eyes, not wanting to hear it. Your ego was still bruised, and it hurt more than it should. You felt like he squeezed your heart too tightly and the ache continued to linger. “What for? You make the rules around here, I am no one to go against your wishes.”
Your shoulders shrugged but the way your tail coiled around your leg let him know you were upset. 
Jake had forgotten just how stubborn you could be, and he felt like he was floundering, this was not at all how he expected for your conversation to go.
Desperately he made his way closer to you, reaching for your hands to keep you still. His eyes flickered to your wrist, and was pleasantly surprised to see you were no longer wearing the bracelet you had received from
someone else.
“Where is the bracelet?”
“I don’t know why that is any of your concern.”
His thumb lightly grazed the skin of your wrist before looking up at you. Your eyes softened as you noticed the guilt swirling in his. His eyes were always so expressive and it wore you down, you were never able to stay mad at him for long. With the way you huffed and avoided his eyes, he could tell too. “I gave it back to him.”
Jake's tail seemed to have a mind of its own as it thumped softly in excitement, “Why?” 
With the way his fingers were rubbing gently into your skin, and the close proximity to him you couldn’t think straight. The impulsive thought to spill your feelings out to him was becoming so strong, and the warmth that was radiating off of him was making you dizzy.
You wiggled your wrist out of his hold, stepping back from him as you sighed, “I just-it is not fair to string him along.”
Jake only hummed, watching you closely and it made you squirm. Nervously fidgeting as his eyes darkened to a warm honey like yellow. The tension rising in your home was so different to one you had ever felt. 
It felt hot, and made excited nerves bubble in your stomach as your eyes slowly looked over Jake, his muscles flexing lightly everywhere your eyes glazed over. Your face burned as you locked eyes with him again, and your heart began to thump nervously as he began to slowly make his way towards you. With each step he made to you, you took one back.
He slowly caged you in as your back hit against the woven wall of your home. The way he towered over you should not have excited you as much as it did. But he was so close his breath was fanning over your face, “Why would you be stringing him along?”
The amusement dripping from his tone just let you know he already knew. It was him. And in a breathless whisper, you mumbled out, “I think you already know.”
He hummed quietly, “Wanna hear you say it.”
You huffed quietly, cheeks coloring in embarrassment when his hand fell to your waist. You were crumbling under his touch, your lips parting as his fingers lightly dug into the flesh of your hip. “Since you don’t want to speak, I’ll go. I for one, am glad you rejected him.”
Not once did he break eye contact with you, “I don’t like the idea of anyone thinking they have a chance with you.”
“Why?” His eyes briefly fell down to your lips before they flicked back to your eyes, a cocky smile making its way onto his face, “Because they don’t. Because I’ve made it pretty clear to everyone but you, that you’re mine.”
A warm feeling began to pool between your legs, your tail trashed excitedly as Jake nuzzled his head between your neck. 
His teeth gently biting into the junction of your neck and a surprised cry fell from your mouth. His tongue swiped right over the skin to soothe the ache. He continued with his ministrations and the words tumbled out of your mouth as you pulled him closer, “I want you, only you.”
Jake purred against your skin and your thighs squeezed together at the feeling, eyes fluttering shut as he sucked softly against your skin. Marking the azure skin with deep purple.
A quiet whine fell from your mouth as he moved his lips from your neck, but he didn't have you waiting for long. His mouth covered yours quickly and your fingers tangled into his braids, pulling him even closer as his tongue pried your mouth open. His tongue lazily tangled with yours, and the need for oxygen was becoming less important. Now that you felt his lips against yours, you didn't think you could go without it. Your eyes nearly rolled to the back of your head as he grunted into your mouth. His hips had started to lightly grind into you, the growing bulge digging into your lower abdomen. You fluttered around nothing, the excitement that had bloomed in your lower belly was slowly starting to consume your whole body. 
You both broke apart momentarily, taking shallow breaths to fill your lungs with air. “You sure about this?”
You bit down on your lip, nodding your head as you pressed another quick kiss to his lips. You felt him smile against you and it caused a small laugh to fall from your mouth. 
You weren’t entirely sure what you expected to happen, but it was certainly not for Jake to be kneeling in front of you. His eyes flickered up to you once again, and when you gave him a quick nod he untied your loincloth. With a nervous laugh you let him slip it off of you, parting your legs gently as he moved closer to you. He placed kisses from your hips, down to your thighs and you squirmed. Your legs instinctively tried to close anytime he sucked onto the skin of your thighs. He hummed quietly, pulling one of your legs over his shoulder and you shrieked lightly, face heating up as he locked eyes with you once more. 
His honey colored irises were barely visible at how dilated his eyes were and you felt yourself clench around nothing. “Jake-please.”
You weren’t even sure what you were begging for, but you knew the need would be satiated by his mouth. And you were correct, your head fell against the wall of your home as he reached forward and sucked on the small bud. Whimpers left your mouth as his tongue and mouth continued to slowly tether you closer to the edge, he mumbled quietly against your cunt and a loud whine of his name was punched out of you. 
He pulled his mouth away, two of his rough fingers sliding through your folds and your hips bucked, “Please-Jake please.” Your fingers dug into his scalp as one of his fingers teased at your entrance.
His finger entered you with ease and Jake smiled happily at his work, a clear sign that he was doing what he should. He was knuckle deep before he gently curled his finger inside of you and your hips stuttered. Incoherent moans falling from your mouth as he attached his mouth to the soft bud once again. Alternating between sucking softly or running his tongue through your puffy folds.
He felt you clench around his finger as he slowly eased into you a second one. You were so snug around him, sucking his fingers in every time and Jake's free hand fell to his clothed cock. Palming himself to ease the ache as he felt you slowly lose your composure.
With a final cry of his name, your muscles tightened around Jake's fingers and your release hit you so quickly. Your legs felt heavy and numb as it overtook your entire body. A blissed out laugh fell from your mouth as Jake continued slowly grinding his fingers into you through your orgasm. He pulled out gently, placing a hand to your hips to steady you as he stood up.
You felt shy under his gaze and your face flushed as he popped his two fingers into his mouth to clean off your release. Once he was satisfied he mumbled out softly, “Taste so good, Yawne.”
The affectionate name caused a smile to bloom onto your face, nuzzling into his hold as he pulled you into him. Jake was glad your face pressed into his chest as he was unsure he could ask you if you were facing him. Despite it being so obvious, there was still a small twinge of insecurity that had settled inside of him as he had not courted you in the customs of your people. “Do-do you-”
“Tsaheylu?” Finishing his sentence as you pressed a kiss to his chest and the muscle flexed gently, “Yes.”
You pulled yourself from him and pressed kisses all along his jaw, nipping gently, “Wanted to for so long, Jake.”
A breathy laugh fell from his mouth as he placed a kiss to your hair, pulling the two of you down onto the floor as you kneeled in front of each other. There was no trepidation creeping inside of you as you reached for your kuru, only excitement and giddiness as Jake reached for his own. The weight of your next coming actions made you dizzy, your queue feeling heavy in your hand as you buzzed in excitement.
Jake couldn’t fight the smile on his face as he watched you, he was squirming with excitement and happy nerves as he inched his queue closer to yours. He had been longing for this for so long, he couldn’t believe it was real. 
The soft pink tendrils fizzled at the close proximity before they tangled together. Your heart stuttered for a few seconds before a warm sensation overtook your entire body. Jake and yourself became one and you felt him infiltrate every part of you that he hadn’t. Your thoughts flowed as one, hearts beating together, he was yours, just as you were his. 
Jake blinked rapidly, he had never felt that immense and overwhelming sense of pleasure rush through him. Jake couldn’t help how rampid his thoughts were running, you looked so pretty, he was so overwhelmed by you. 
Your face flushed and a quiet laugh fell from your mouth as you heard his thoughts, and watched his tail swish lazily. 
Jake cleared his throat roughly, his face coloring in embarrassment as he realized what was happening, but nothing could top the feeling of serenity that washed over the two of you. You inched closer to him, wanting to be as close as possible.
In a swift movement Jake pulled you toward him and you clumsily fell flush against him, your breathing a little jagged at all the overwhelming feelings rushing through you, a quiet, “Hi.” fell from his mouth as you locked eyes once again. 
You pressed a quick kiss to his lips before you whispered back, “Hello, Ma’Jake.”
And that was all it took before his mouth was all over yours, wrapping you up so tightly in his arms as your body’s moved together, fitting together perfectly as he laid you down. 
His body caged yours in as he kissed you dizzy, your hands roamed his toned body and your legs fell open to grant him access to be closer. Your hands fell down to his loincloth, lightly gripping at Jake clothed cock and a moan ripped from his mouth, you swallowed the noises falling from his mouth eagerly and his hips bucked into your hand. 
The desire pooling between your legs was intensifying to have Jake falling apart by your doing. His tongue lazily tangled with yours and you pushed your palm harder onto his cock. “Yawne-fuck.”
A soft giggle left your mouth as you pulled your lips away from him, your hand moved to the knot that tied his loincloth together, making a quick movement to untie it. He helped you remove it, and assisted you as he leaned forward to untie your top. 
Your eyes fell down to his cock, your eyes widening slightly at the size and your cheeks burned. “We’ll go slow okay?”
You only nodded, not trusting your voice. He sat back on his legs, his eyes lingering on your chest before he continued to take all of you in. Your body felt hot under his stare as he gripped at your thighs, parting them even more as he pulled you closer by your legs. His fingers tentatively pressed into your clit again, lightly ghosting between your slit as he gathered some of the wetness that had settled between your legs. 
Your hips stuttered lightly, whimpering quietly before he removed his fingers and spit into his hand. Using your slick and his spit as he gripped his cock. Stroking a few times and your fingers itched to reach out and help him.
His hand continued to stroke rapidly as he leaned forward, letting his mouth wrap around your breast as he sucked gently. 
Your chest pushed into his mouth at the foreign feeling, enjoying the way he marked you all over, and the way his tongue messily swiped at your chest. He paid equal attention to the other one, shifting his hips so he rested against you. His hips rutted into you, the tip knocking into your clit and you cried out his name. Gripping at his braids to keep him on your chest. Your hips stuttered upwards, “Please Ma’Jake-”
“Mawey Syulang.”
Jake’s Na’vi was still choppy but it caused you to flutter, your cunt throbbing to hear him use your native tongue. He gripped at his cock once more, slapping it a few times against your clit before running it one last time against your slit before he gently began to push into you. 
Your mouth parted at the intrusion, squirm slightly in discomfort as he slowly pushed into you. 
Jake was so sweet about it, gently caressing your body to try and ease the ache that had settled between your legs. “Doin’ s’good for me baby.”
You let out a deep breath, letting his voice and hands soothe you. Jake grunted quietly as he felt your muscles contract and tighten against him as he finally finished sinking into you. 
You were stuffed, your breathing ragged as he stayed still to let you adjust to his size. His hands never stopped rubbing comfortably into your skin, and when you sent him a hazy smile he began to slowly pull out, pushing back in as he tried to find a pace that worked for the both of you. 
His head was dipped down as he watched where he entered you, his chest swelled with pride to see you take him so well. With every thrust your cries got louder and louder, the way his cock dragged along inside of you, pressing tightly against your cervix everything was so intense., But what made your mind go blank with pleasure was when he pushed into you to just grind his hips.
“Please-feels s’good Jake.”
You reached for him to pull him flush against you, letting your tongue fight against his as he increased the speed of his thrust. The way grunts and small whines of your name fell from his mouth only spurred you on, your cunt tightening around him as you cried out his name.
You were too dazed in the feeling of pleasure to care about how loud the two of you were being, the sound of slapping skin all melted away as his thumb pressed into your clit. Your hips rose from the floor and your lips parted as your second orgasm hit, much harder than the first and your body lightly convulsed against Jake. 
“Did so good for me, Yawne.”
He gave a few more harsh thrusts before you felt the ropes of his release coat your insides, “S’good.”
His hips stuttered lightly as you tightened around him once again, pulling out as gently as he could. Your body was spent, the ache that had settled all over you was happily welcomed. He pressed a quick kiss to your mouth before removing your kurus from each other, looking around your home. 
You were too tired to question what he was doing, so much so you hadn’t even noticed he had gotten up to retrieve a cloth. Your hips jumped lightly when he began cleaning you up with a damp cloth, “How ya’ feeling?”
With a lazy smile you nodded your head to him, “Really good.”
He laughed before cleaning himself up, scooping you into his arms as the two of you tangled together. Your ear was pressed tight against his chest and the sound of his heartbeat was slowly luling you to sleep. Jake's fingers continued to run down the expanse of your back, tracing stripes and following the tahni that littered all over you like stars.
He pressed a kiss to your temple as he pulled you in even closer, he could feel the fluttering of your eyelashes against his chest as the two of you soaked up each other's presence. Spent and happy, and with each other. He swore nothing else mattered in that moment.
He was ready to spill his heart out in a confession, though he was sure you knew how he felt after you had formed Tsaheylu, when someone cleared their throat from the outside of your pod. 
“Um-If the two of you are finished, it is time for supper.”
Tsu’tey’s voice awkwardly called out and you felt your face drop. Embarrassment flooded your system as you scrambled to sit up, “Yes-yes we will be out shortly.”
Your words were jumbled together and Jake couldn’t help but laugh as he watched you dress quickly. 
He sat back lazily, stretching his aching limbs but made no move to get up. You turned to look at him, confused when all you received back was a lazy smile.
“Come on, Jake. They will question why we are late.”
He corrected you, “Ma’Jake.”
Your face flushed softly, cupping his face as you pressed a kiss to his lips, “Ma’Jake-has a nice ring to it.”
“Only when it’s coming from you.”
Your tail shyly coiled around his leg, pressing a final kiss to his lips before you stood up, “I will leave you here.”
And he didn’t doubt it, he saw you nearing your entrance and then it was his turn to scramble for his clothes. You stifled a laugh as he clumsily dressed himself.
His fingers tangled with yours before he pulled you along, ignoring your friends as they stood not far from your home, it was no use as Tsu'tey and Takuk followed behind the two of you, snickering quietly.
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blue-slxt · 1 year
Kinktober 23
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🔞Minors Do Not Interact🔞
Kinktober Masterlist
A/N: Another continuation! This one is sort of a part 2 for my Toxic request that I did. Toxic ex-boyfriend Neteyam lights a fire in me. He's such an ass, but I love it lol. Plus, it's a lot of fun to write. I hope you guys like it. All characters are aged up.
Pairing: Neteyam x Fem!Metkayina!Reader
Warnings: P in V, Jealous Reader, Low Key Toxic Neteyam, Low Key Toxic-Loving Reader, Biting, Creampie
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There was no one that you had loved like Neteyam. But in that same vain, there was no one who knew how to get under your skin like Neteyam. Ever since the night of the party when he left you high and dry in the forest, it was like he was hell bent on driving you crazy. He got this twisted sense of satisfaction keeping your attention on him even though he had dumped you. Despite dropping you, he still wanted you to only belong to him. And you had a terrible habit of playing right into what he wanted.
You feel out of your mind these days. The way your face still gets frustratingly hot when you look at him and how the tip of your tail flicks, against your will, from side to side when he watches you. The logical part of your mind is scolding you for being still interested in him in any way. But you’d be lying if you said that the other part of you didn’t enjoy the power he still held over you. Maybe you were just as sick as him, after all.
Things finally came to a head when Neteyam made sure to make a big display of himself flirting with another girl in front of you. He’d lean in close to her and whisper something in her ear to make her giggle sweetly at him and she’d run her fingers along his muscles where they’d linger for a little longer than was really necessary. It made you sick to your stomach. Your chest felt hot with anger and…jealousy. Which was ridiculous. He’s your ex and he has the right to do whatever he wants with whomever. But when you see his fingers ghost over her face and start to trace her lower lip, logic gets immediately evicted from your mind.
All you see is red coming up behind Neteyam and it feels like your body moves on its own when you grab the base of his queue and tug hard on it pulling him away from his “conversation”.
“Ah! What the f—”
“Who’s your friend, love?” you ask dripping venom in your words.
Neteyam’s annoyance is quickly replaced by amusement at your actions while the girl looks at you in shock.
“Just a friend that I was—”
You cut him off again, “So nice to meet you! You won’t mind if I steal him away for a while, right? Great.” You fake smile at her as you drag Neteyam away through the trees.
Once you’re far away enough that you’re sure no one else can see or hear you, you release your hold on him. “What the hell is your problem?” you snap at him.
“My problem? I was moving on and talking to someone else. That’s what you wanted, isn’t it?” He has the most annoying, smug grin on his face knowing that he was purposefully pushing your buttons and you were dancing right in the palm of his hand.
“Don’t bullshit me, Neteyam. You know what I’m talking about. You just had that girl all over you when you know—”
“Know what?” he tilts his head teasingly at you.
Your mouth clamps shut in embarrassment and you let out a groan of frustration.
He steps closer to you and uses a finger under your chin to tilt your face up to his.
“If there’s something you want, sweetheart, I’ll let you have it.”
Fuck, you hate the way that the low tone of his voice makes you clench around nothing.
‘Fuck it.’ You think before practically throwing yourself into him and smashing your lips onto his. Instantly Neteyam’s hands are on every inch of your exposed skin. The kiss is feverish and messy, but full of so much want. He easily lifts you up and wraps your legs around his waist walking over to a tree and pinning you against it.
He finally releases your mouth so that he can kiss and lick on your neck while he tried to undo the bothersome tie on your tewng.
“You’re—ah!...You’re still an asshole…” you pant out.
“Mhm” he hums still amused by your petulance.
“And I-I hate you…mmf!” it’s mortifying how it comes out in a whine.
“Yes, yes, I know.” He continues his mission of littering you in kisses and licks. Finally, he manages to get both of your tewngs undone and let them fall to the ground. He holds your hips in place for him to position himself just right so that he can slide you down onto him.
Neteyam wastes no time thrusting up into you and using his hands on your hips to move you in perfect time with his.
“Ahn…f-fuck! Neteyam! Haah…”
“Aw, what’s the matter, baby? Nothing to say now that you’re filled with my cock?” there’s that smug look again. He knows that your English isn’t great, but you loved the sound of him speaking it with his thick accent decorating the foreign words.
You feel yourself getting lightheaded from how you’re panting and your eyes are starting to cross getting lost in the sensation of his thick tip grinding against the spongey part of your walls.
And even though he’s completely buried himself inside of you right now, your mind is still sending you flashes of that other girl talking to him, smiling at him, touching him…touching what’s yours. It sends you into a spiral where a bone-deep urge scratches at the inside of your skull to reclaim what belongs to you.
There’s not a solid, coherent thought behind your actions. It’s purely instinct-driven when you sink your teeth into Neteyam’s neck. And when you bite him, you bite hard. Enough to draw small dribbles of blood from where your fangs had punctured his skin. He sucks in a sharp breath and lets it go in a stuttering sigh.
“Ah! That’s right, baby. Take it.” He says speeding up.
You still have no real idea what he’s saying, but Eywa, if he didn’t make it sound so sexy.
‘More. More. More!’ your body chants to you. It’s not enough. One bite won’t do it. You need to mark him more. Make sure that it’s obvious to everyone that he already belongs to someone. To imbed your scent into his skin so that all other females will steer clear.
You lick the small holes just enough to stop the bleeding and immediately find a new spot to mutilate. And another. And another, still. At this point, he’s starting to look like a chew toy, but neither of you could care less. You don’t stop until you’re satisfied.
When your head finally falls back against the tree, you’re trying your best to still the unsteady spinning in your mind.
“Look at me.” Neteyam growls out grabbing your face and making you look him in the eye.
“You love me, baby?” he asks in that unknown tongue again as he ruts into your clenching walls.
You nod your head with a whimper. You couldn’t care less whatever he’s asking you right now. He could be saying absolute nonsense in your ear right now, but as long as he kept fucking you like this, you would say yes to anything.
“You still mine?”
“Yes! Yes! Neteyam! Oh, Great Mother, I’m going to cum!”
“Go ahead, give it to me. Cum on my dick while I fill you up.” His thrusts become long and deep and your legs tremble in his hold. Your back arches off of the tree while your eyes roll and your toes curl when your release hits you full force.
The constant flutter of your walls hugging his cock like this make him finally spill and paint your insides white.
Neteyam holds you both still for a minute while you both catch your breaths.
“Vonvä'” you mutter to him. He just cracks a smile and kisses your cheek.
“Whatever you say, yawne.”
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Kinktober Taglist: @pandoraslxna @ashlatano7567 @sincerelykaib @jamies-wh0re @quaritchsluts @jakescumdump @delacruzyari @onlyloaksgf @skywonder @taintedlovesworld @myloveforyouisforever @angie-1306 @moodays @childofgod-05 @hadesbabygurl @daddysmurfslefttoenail @loaksulluyswife @y4sm1nsstuff @thewhiltedpeony @lovefrommeelise @neteyamssyulang @rosyjn @imintoomanyfandomscuzihaveadhd @anaclaudiasugar @xxwelshqueenxx @hania11 @xylianasblog @idkanymoregirl @eyrina-avatar @biscuitsaredelish @quinn-sadilla @the_mourning_moon @eyweveng @puddleswimmingnerd-blog @xaxsir @jakesullyfatjuicypeen @navilover24 @sulieykte @iameatingmyhair @leaveitbythewave @ntymavtr @fifilynn16 @kiri-tuk @mstocky78 @neteyamyawne @randumfanfics @sliqeramx @bluewonder @the-morning-moon @nerdfacesposts @vip-btxch @neteyamsyawntu @teyamsatan @narwhal-swimmingintheocean @dixonjunkie @neteyamswillow
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thimbledoll · 2 months
A Doll's Defenses
Her armor was spellcraft the likes of which no mundane blade could hope to pierce. Her porcelain shell was fired in the Magicked blaze of her Witch’s kiln, imparting it with steel-like durability. Her core was pure diamond; ancient matter placed under impossible pressures for literal eons. Her Witch’s enemies would find no chink, crack, nor breach in her defenses. She was as impregnable as her begifted name implied. She was Inviolet.
Arrows clattered to the floor upon striking her. Swords shattered against her wards. Spells left the land more damaged than their target. All offense they could muster against her was rendered inert. Still, they broke upon her like waves upon a cliff.
“Your tenacity is admirable,” Inviolet declared to the gathered hunters. Under the clash and clang of their weapons striking her impervious form, her small voice barely carried to those who dared engage her in melee. “But this one must ask that you leave, otherwise she fears she will have to remove you from the premises.”
Her request was answered with a gout of spellflame direct to the face. When at last the flames subsided, the caster was met with the doll’s cold, steely, and unblemished gaze. “Very well. Then you have made your choice known.”
Belladon hummed happily to themself as they rummaged through the cupboards. The sounds of battle that had been ringing out from the courtyard had since died down, meaning their doll was likely going to be walking through the door shortly. Eschewing traditional roles (as they were wont to do), they went about preparing kettle, leaf, and china. “After what she’s had to deal with today, I’m sure she’d appreciate a pot of tea to… unwind when she gets in,” the Witch thought to themself, giggling at their unheard jest.
As if on queue, the porcelain clink of Inviolet’s hand upon the doorknob alerted the Witch to their doll’s return. If not for that, they likely wouldn’t have heard her enter at all. “I’m in the kitchen, dear. Spot of tea? I was thinking the hibiscus,” they called out in greeting.
“Hibiscus sounds lovely. Thank you, Miss,” Inviolet answered from the kitchen doorway, her movements about the house as silent as her entry. She carried such an unnatural ease for one who had just come from battle, the Witch thought. Her demeanor was as impregnable as the body they’d crafted for her. It never ceased to amaze them.
“Perfect. I’ll have it ready in just a few minutes,” Belladon declared, turning away from the cupboard, letting the momentum of the movement swing the door closed with a small bang.
Belladon froze as they realized their mistake, the sound of the slamming door echoing throughout their conscience.
Inch by inch, crack after crack after crack spidered out across Inviolet’s body. What a thousand blades couldn’t manage, Belladon had accomplished completely without intention. It took only mere moments before the doll crumbled to nothing but a pile of porcelain shards on the floor. Her weathered, beaten, and overly chipped diamond core laid atop.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Belladon cried out, as they began carefully picking their doll up, shard by individual shard. “I should know better by now. I’ll-I’ll do better… I swear. We’ll have you back together in no time.”
Though she had no voice with which to say so, Inviolet knew the truth of her Witch’s words.
(I've been hesitating to post this one for a while... It was originally supposed to be part of the second volume of Emptied Spaces, but it seems like that endeavor has sputtered out. It's unfortunate, but completely understandable. Still, I felt bad leaving this one languishing in drafts for forever, so here it is. We'll see if anything else ever manages to leave the drafts... heh)
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heeeeyy i saw that u write for steven…?
if you wanna- could u write a flustered/ blushing steven with a forward/ teasing reader. could be that they work together at the museum and are a couple on the dl cuz if donna found out she would fire one of you. but the reader keeps teasing steven and making it really hard for him to focus on his costumers. could end in him losing his patience and dragging the reader to the bathroom orr a broom closet? or maybe the reader corners him??👀 idk you can obvs decide how far this could go (fluff/ lime/ lemon) whatevs- entirely up to you👹✨
thanks so muuuuuch ur a really great writer💗💗
hiii!! I absolutely love this!? and anything like this tbh🤭 and omg stop it, thank you sm!! <33 🥹 thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
interrupted break
steven grant x fem!reader
wc || 655
warnings || a little suggestive, but no ‘vulgar’ words used, just making out
・₊✧ masterlist + taglist
You and Steven were in the early stages of your relationship, so things were still very new and exciting. As you worked together at the museum, you had to be wary and careful around one another. Donna had a strict 'no dating policy', so if she were to catch you together during a moment, one of you would be reprimanded or even fired.
Recently, you couldn't keep your hands off Steven. You found any possible opportunity to touch or stroke him. You'd always be sly when engaging in contact- a light brush on his arm as you walk by, lingering touches, eye contact from across the room, just anything you can do without being caught. 
Steven knew the game behind your constant teasing and flirting, and he was determined not to give in to your ways. He loves his job, as you do yours, so he had to carry the strength for both of you and resist the temptation, even though it was hard.
You were stocking shelves while Steven was on tills and attending to customers. You peek up at him, gazing at him over the stuffed hippos with a devilish glimmer in your eye. You place down the box of keyrings and pick up the new stock of pens and pencils before making your way to Steven. 
"Oh hey," you subtly smirk, pulling out a fistful of stationery. "Fancy seeing you here,"
"Yup," he nods, avoiding your gaze as he knows that he wouldn't be able to refuse your allure. "Gotta get back to my customers now," he says quietly, gesturing to the non-existent queue. 
"Oh really? It seems like you're avoiding me," you smile, furtively leaning over the counter to allow him a sneak peek down your top, inconspicuously showing him your cleavage. His eye line focuses on your breasts sitting perfectly in your bra, and you see his failed attempts to conceal a reaction.
"Yeah, nice try," Steven sighs, covering his crotch with his hands. "Good one,"
"Hm, seems like you're lying, Steven," you grin, resting your chin in your palm.
"Nope. I know your silly games,"
"Mhm," he nods, making himself look busy as he flicks through items by the cash register. "I'm not a teenage boy anymore,"
"Okay, I'll drop it," you shrug, playing with a stray strand of hair. "What time do you get off?" you whisper, stroking his forearm, battering your lashes up at him.
"God," he exhales, visibly frustrated. "Come with me,"
You follow him towards the staff bathroom, leaving an unsuspicious gap as you walk after him. Steven checks the surroundings before yanking you into the stall, closing the door behind you, and immediately pushing you up against it. His lips brush over yours, and you instantly feel his pent-up frustrations melt away. 
His lips hungrily work over yours as his hands cup and guide you, holding your jaw to manoeuvre you in the way he wants, like he's desperately trying to regain control after all your teasing. A soft moan slips past your lips as he deepens the kiss, working over your mouth more urgently, pushing you back into the door behind. 
A harsh knock interrupts. "Stevie, what you doing in there?" Donna snaps, pounding on the door. "Taking forever— you have customers waiting,"
Steven pulls away, clearing his throat. "Yeah— yep, I know. Just a minute," he says with a slightly raised voice.
"What's taking so long? Having a poo or something?"
Your eyes instantly snap up to Steven's as you conceal a cackle, muffling your mouth with your palm.
"... yeah," he says reluctantly, an unamused expression on his face.
"Distugting, hurry up— and wash your hands,"
"Alright, yep— okay," he whispers, dropping his forehead into the crook of your neck. "That was so embarrassing,"
"For you, yeah— very," you snicker. 
"We'll finish this at mine," Steven smiles, adjusting himself. "... for payback." he merely brushes your lips before walking out.
— — — — — — — — — — ☆ — — — — — — — — — —
steven taglist: @thewinterv @bubblezuku @idontknowwhattohaveasmyuser @queerponcho @selfryed @ugh09876554444
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eleanor-bradstreet · 1 year
Take Me Instead (Anthony Bridgerton x Reader)
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Anthony Bridgerton x gn!Reader Modern AU Rated/warnings: T - language, robbery, gun use, blood Word count: 3k
Summary: You and Anthony find yourselves in the middle of a bank robbery on an ill-fated day.
Author's Note: This is a belated birthday gift prompted by the fabulous and talented @broooookiecrisp and a game of prompt roulette that gave me: sad, Anthony, "take me instead". I hope you enjoy my dear 💙 Kudos also to @sorryallonsy who found the perfect header image!
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This wasn’t supposed to happen. This was something you saw in movies, not something that happened in real life, and certainly not to you. When the doors to the bank were pulled shut by three men who then dropped to their knees and started opening their duffel bags, your immediate thought was that they must be maintenance workers of some kind. Then when the sound of a gunshot tore through the marble lobby you froze with panic, unable to react at all. But you didn’t need to because Anthony instantly wrapped himself around you and pulled you to the floor as other patrons started to scream.
“Stay down,” he urged, his voice the only steady thing within the chaos. Though he was curled over you, you could both look around to see what was happening. The men at the door had risen wearing ski masks and holding assault rifles. A fourth man, the source of the fired shot, held a pistol in the air at the teller window. There were ten or so people in the lobby, all of them instinctively cowering. All the staff of the bank seemed to have disappeared and you guessed were hidden in their own corners. Directly across from you a woman huddled under a counter clutching a boy who looked about nine years old. He was still but his eyes darted wildly.
At the shouted insistence from the four imposing men everyone fell into an ominous silence. You realized you were trembling with fear and adrenaline only when your husband squeezed you tighter. The warm weight of him against your back felt like the only thing keeping you from flailing with panic. 
“It’s going to be alright,” he whispered into your hair, his voice tight. You gave some semblance of a nod. You needed to stay focused in the moment, to do what he told you, to think of a way out, to at least get descriptions of the criminals. But all your mind would do was berate you for ending up in this situation. What were the odds that you would be in this bank at this precise moment? You and Anthony had been downtown, due to meet his brother for lunch at the cafe across the street when you remembered you still had money in your bag from your recent trip abroad. You were just there for a quick exchange, likely the first time Anthony had ever set foot in a bank for a purpose other than closing a multimillion dollar transaction. But he had tagged along, playfully pawing at you while you waited in the queue. Then hell broke loose and now that chance errand may have rerouted the course of your lives. It lit a spark of anger within your fear.
“Where’s the manager?” barked the man at the window. Unlike his companions he wasn’t compelled to hide his face. Red-haired with a scarred and stubbled face and broad build, he seemed to be the leader. 
Everyone stayed silent. No one moved.
He seethed as he surveyed everyone lying on the floor. Then in a few brisk steps he was hauling the little boy out of the woman’s arms as they both screamed. He brandished the gun to make her let go, then held the boy in front of him with the weapon angled to make his intentions clear. “Where’s the fucking manager?”
Before you could react, Anthony pulled away and started to rise to his feet, moving toward them. “Hey, hey! Let him go.”
“Shut the fuck up!” So focused on the scene in front of you, neither of you had noticed one of the other men moving up behind, but he suddenly appeared beside your husband, flipped his gun and cracked him in the jaw with the butt of it. You bit your tongue to keep from screaming as Anthony staggered and fell back to one knee. “Stay down!” The man struck him again on the shoulder so that Anthony pitched to the floor, lying perpendicular between you and the robbers, just out of your reach.
You watched him spit a patch of blood onto the marble then wipe the crimson from his split lip with a swipe of his thumb. Your brain was static, a roar of furious and terrified cries that you were just managing to keep at bay. He turned to you, his deep eyes reading yours and you knew he could tell. He gave the barest hint of a nod. Reassurance. Strength. Insistence. You needed to stay quiet. You treasured the fact that you were able to read each other’s thoughts through your eyes alone, but you could never imagine that facet of your love would prove so vital. 
The leader chuckled then continued to wave his pistol threateningly toward the boy who had gone pale, looking desperately back at his mother. “I’m going to need someone to help us into the vault or else things are going to go poorly. Do you understand?”
Across from you the mother crouched, looking ready to pounce at a moment’s notice but emitting a stream of quiet whimpers. She never blinked as she watched her son. 
Footsteps broke the horrible silence and all eyes turned to a small middle-aged woman who appeared in the doorway of a side office. She walked forward slowly, hands raised in the air and shaking, but she spoke clearly. 
“I’m the manager. I’ll take you to the vault. What…what do you want?”
She halted feet away from the men and the leader lowered his gun but never let go of the child. “We want access to the deposit box for one Jack Featherington.”
Your blood ran cold. Featherington? You knew the family. Longtime neighbors and friends of the Bridgertons. But you didn’t know a Jack. The chances of multiple unrelated Featherington families seemed slim. Who was he and what could he have that they wanted? 
“You can’t…you can’t open it without his key. That’s how it’s designed.” The manager explained, tremulous. 
The leader smirked. “Oh, we are well aware of that. Jackie boy has been evading us and we need some leverage to rat him out.” 
Just then the wail of sirens could be heard narrowing in around the building and you felt a fraction of relief. Someone had managed to ring a silent alarm, or make a call, or someone outside had heard the commotion. Help was just beyond the doors.
“Right on schedule.” The leader smiled, dragging the boy to walk with him as he moved to the center of the lobby, explaining his plans with all the fanfare of a carnival barker. “Alright ladies and gents, here’s the good news. We aren’t interested in hurting anyone.” You heard Anthony snicker as he licked his lip. “We’re going to let you go.” A low murmur of surprise rippled across the floor. “All you need to do is tell all the news cameras and the good officers of the law outside that we need their help finding the lying Lord Jack Featherington and his keyring. Understood?”
You were breathing fast, trying to process what he said. You would be let go. This was just a spectacle, a bargaining chip in some grander criminal scheme. You weren’t targets, you were useful collateral. Maybe you could even help the police by contacting the Featheringtons. It would be over soon.
The leader moved back to the manager. “Okay, you’re staying to let us in and…” He paused, thinking as he looked across the lobby once more. “Well, we need an insurance policy so I think you’ll stay too.” He wrapped an arm around the boy’s neck, grabbed the manager with his other hand and began to pull them both toward the back hall. For the first time the boy screamed, kicking his feet as he struggled against his captor. His mother wailed.
“Let the boy go!” Anthony roared, rising to his knees. 
The second man snapped to face him. “What did I tell you?” You barely saw the slight tilt of his weapon, barely heard the high pitched pop, but then Anthony fell back clutching his side and your lungs knew before your brain did that he had been shot. You screamed and the sentiment was echoed by the other hostages. As you crawled to your husband’s side you were deaf to the fact that the leader was shouting furiously at his colleague. All you could see was the stunned look on Anthony’s face as he sat up and pressed a hand just above his left hip, bringing it away bloody. 
Your heart beat double time, every sense heightened as you took his hand in yours and saw the light reflecting off the wet smear on his palm the same way it glinted off your wedding rings. You sat next to him, hands roving aimlessly, clueless as to what you should do. “Oh my god, Anthony… no…”
“It’s alright,” he said quietly. “It just grazed me, I’ll be alright.” He tried to flash you a winning smile but you saw the grimace underneath it. You weren’t a doctor but judging by how fast the dark stain was spreading across his shirt, you knew he was lying about being grazed. 
Seeing him wounded somehow organized the panic in your brain. You were still frantic but you were going to make a plan. You were going to get him out alive. “We have to leave,” you whispered urgently. “They’ll let us go. We have to get you to a hospital. I won’t let you die…”
His brows darted up with concern and he leveled his eyes on you. “Hey, hey, look at me. I’m not going to die. We’re going to get out of this and it will be the maddest story we ever tell. You understand?”
You saw how the love still overcame the pain in his features and hot tears started to mount in your eyes. You would find a way out together. Of course you would. You nodded, chin trembling. 
The felons seemed to resolve their spat and the leader turned back to address the room again. “Now that we’ve got that settled, you lot stay down. We’re headed to the vault and taking these two with us. They get released when we get Featherington’s keys. You tell them that, yeah?” Once again he started to drag the manager and the boy down the hall.
“Stop!” Anthony shouted, pressing a hand tight to his wound.
The man who had shot him rounded on him for the final time, growling. “You motherf…”
“Take me instead.”
His words hung in the air for a moment. So simple. Spoken so calmly. Everything within you sank. “Anthony, what?! No…” You whispered frantically, gripping his arm.
“Oh, fuck off.” the man scoffed, moving to tower over you both with the gleaming metal of his weapon hanging inches above your head.
Anthony looked up at him with steely resolve, undaunted. “Take me. I’m worth more than every other person in this building combined.” His eyes flicked to the side then he added quietly, “No offense.”
The thug snorted. “What are you, Duke of Sussex?”
“Viscount. And I run a company. A large company. Look.” Hissing in pain as he moved, he reached into his blazer and produced his card, handing it up with bloodied fingers.
At the back of the room the leader had paused, watching curiously. “What’s it say?”
“Anthony Bridgerton. CEO, Bridgerton House Enterprises.”
The way the leader’s eyebrows raised, you knew he recognized the family name and the pit of dread burrowed deeper into your stomach. “Fucking hell, looks like we bagged a silver tuna.” A smile broke out across his face to rival a cheshire cat. 
Now Anthony was removing his watch, gasping as he struggled with even the smallest movements. He held it out to his attacker, further incentive to accept his offer. It was his Omega De Ville, an obscene six-figure wedding gift from his friend Simon. “Here, take this,” he rasped. “You could buy a bloody house with that. Take me and let everyone else go safely.”
“No!” You pleaded aloud, holding tight to his arm. You didn’t care anymore if you upset the man floating a rifle over you both. You’d rather be killed or dragged away with your husband than have him do this. Even though you knew he was right. Even though you knew he was doing this to save an innocent child, to save you, to save everyone. Your heart wouldn’t accept it.
“Yes.” Anthony affirmed, not even looking back at you. He still addressed the criminals. “I won’t struggle. I can’t struggle now that you’ve fucking shot me. And if you wanted national attention…  Taking me will get you global. All the bargaining power you could ask for. Whatever you’re getting out of Featherington, you could double it with the ransom my company will pay.” He was using that tone, that suave confidence that wooed all his business partners and had wooed you. You of all people knew how irresistible it was. You loved and hated him equally in that moment.
The gunman stared, dumbstruck. He turned the watch over in his hand, seemingly impressed, then called over his shoulder. “Boss?”
It didn’t matter how many prayers raced silently through your heart, you already knew how this was going to play out.
“Grab him.”
You sprang forward, flinging your arms around him and finally allowing yourself to weep. “Anthony…no…” He had only been yours for a year. One year as your husband. One year of a life he filled with bliss. It was not enough. You couldn’t let it end now, and not in this way. You would offer yourself in his place except no one had the leverage he did and that was precisely why he was doing this.
He pulled back and brought a hand to your cheek. You could feel the warmth of his blood streaking your skin. “I will see you again, do you understand?” His voice was low and you could hear the slightest tremor in it, a fear he would expose only to you. “This is just temporary. The police know what to do and we’ll both be alright.”
“I can’t leave you,” you insisted, tears running down your face. But you knew you were overruled so you tried to memorize everything about him in that moment. The precise shade of his brown eyes, the callused tips of his fingers as they brushed your skin, the warmth of his breath, the flecks of grey in his beard. An enduring memory that would be replaced when you held him again.
“Stay with my family,” he choked. “I will see you again. I love you.”
“Alright, alright…” The robber rolled his eyes then clapped a hand on Anthony’s shoulder, gripping into his clothes and starting to drag him back toward the leader. He gasped and fumbled to stand as he was pulled along but always ended up falling back, clutching at his side. The red-headed man shoved the boy toward his mother who threw herself around him and sobbed. It was as if the ability to cry was predicated on having your loved one in your arms because as soon as Anthony left your grasp you went silent, keeping your eyes on him as steadfastly as his were on you. The leader seemed pleased with the trade off and ushered the quivering bank manager to walk in front of him down the hall, keeping his gun pointed at her back while his cohort dragged Anthony at the rear. A parade of fear headed toward an uncertain end.
They rounded a corner and were out of sight, leaving a trail of blood behind them. You were frozen, blank, your body refusing to leave even though your mind knew you should. But once again someone came to your aid. The mother, one arm locked around her son, wrapped the other around you and dragged you to your feet. You knew she was whispering gratitude and reassurances but you had fallen deaf. The remaining two men with guns herded your band of hostages out the front doors and quickly locked them behind you. You vaguely registered the crowd gathered around the building - a police barricade, ambulances, news vans, a sea of onlookers. After stumbling down the steps with the woman and her son you were swarmed by people in uniform. Someone draped a blanket over your shoulders while an EMT began wiping the blood from your hands and face. 
“It’s not my blood,” you insisted, finding your voice again as your senses slowly returned. “They shot him. They shot my husband.” You grabbed the nearest police officer and turned them to face you. “Please, he’s in there now. You have to help him! At the very least ask if you can send in medical help. He’s bleeding and…”
Then you heard someone shouting your name. Frantically, repeatedly, growing closer. You spun to see a man struggling and held back by a pair of officers. Benedict. He had been waiting for you both across the street and had no doubt seen the chaos erupt. You ran to them, hastily explaining he was your brother-in-law. The officers relented and you rushed into his arms, the two of you clinging together so tightly it was hard to breathe. He felt like an anchor to your sanity, a reminder that not everything in the world had gone unrecognizably sideways. Anthony’s words echoed in your mind, “stay with my family”, and you knew it was the only way you would have the strength to face this trial - together. 
You leaned against Benedict as officers and EMTs circled you, taking your story, bombarding you with questions and confirming the details over and over. They promised they would get Anthony back. They promised he would be alright. They promised they would work to end this soon. But their promises held little weight next to the one that would haunt your every moment until it was fulfilled. If Anthony had promised you would see each other again, you were going to hold him to his word. He had kept every promise he had ever made to you. All you could do was trust he would keep this one too.
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No tags for prompt roulette, just for dedications and co-conspirators 😜
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zeus-favorite-child · 2 months
Trying to clear some of my drafts and found this, still thinking if I should continue so here's a sort of Sokkla fic.
As the others at their table excused themselves to mingle and dance, the music grew louder, the bass thumping a rhythm that seemed to echo the racing of her heart. They were left in relative solitude, the din of the party a backdrop to their tense conversation. The candles on the table flickered, casting a warm glow across their faces. Sokka's hand rested on the table, his thumb idly stroking the condensation on his wine glass.
"Looks like you're in demand as always," Azula said, her voice a smoky whisper that seemed to resonate in the quiet space between them. She nodded towards the trio of young women who had approached, only to be dismissed with a polite smile and a wave of his hand.
"It's the tuxedo," Sokka said with a self-deprecating grin. "Makes me look like a gentleman."
"Or maybe it's the reputation," Azula shot back, a smirk playing on her lips. "They're probably hoping to be the next conquest of the great Southern playboy."
Sokka chuckled, his eyes gleaming with mirth. "Conquest is a strong word. I prefer 'charming company'."
Azula rolled her eyes, but the corner of her mouth twitched upwards. "Sure you do," she said, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "But let's not forget the rumors about you and your 'charming company'."
Sokka shrugged, his grin widening. "It's all in good fun," he said, waving a hand dismissively. "But, speaking of rumors, I'm surprised none of these vultures have approached you yet. Thought you had them all scared off with your 'taken' status."
Azula's smirk grew, her eyes dancing with amusement. "Ah, the perks of being the Fire Lord's sister," she said, her voice a sweet mockery. "But it seems the news of my singlehood has yet to spread."
Sokka leaned closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Give it time," he said, his eyes glinting with mischief. "Once word gets out, I suspect you'll have a line of suitors longer than the queue for Zuko's autograph."
The words had barely left his mouth when a figure approached, a young nobleman's daughter named Dina, her eyes sparkling with interest as she swayed closer. She had always had a soft spot for the famous war hero, and now that the opportunity presented itself, she was eager to make her move.
"Sokka!" she exclaimed, her voice a delightful trill that was music to his ears. "How utterly charming to see you here!"
Dina swayed closer, her eyes wide with excitement as she placed a delicate hand on his shoulder. She was a vision in a flowing gown of emerald silk that matched the vibrancy of her eyes, her hair piled in an elaborate updo adorned with precious gems. Her smile was genuine, her intentions clear as day. Sokka offered her a polite nod, his own smile tightening slightly as he felt Azula's gaze on him.
"Dina," he said, his voice smooth as velvet. "It's always a pleasure to see you."
Dina's gaze darted to Azula before returning to Sokka, her smile faltering for a moment. She couldn't help but feel a stab of jealousy as she took in the other woman's outfit, the dress that clung to her like a second skin, revealing just enough to make every man in the room take notice. And yet, despite the obvious allure, Azula wore it with an air of detachment, as if daring anyone to approach. And the way she's seem at ease to be in a close proximity with guy, such as Sokka, it was infuriating, really.
"Councilwoman Azula," Dina said sweetly, her voice a hair too bright. "You're looking… radiant tonight."
The tension around the table thickened as Azula's eyes narrowed slightly, she can smell the jealousy from the woman miles away. She can't help but laugh inwardly. "Thank you, Miss Dina," she replied, her tone polite but laced with the barest hint of a challenge. "I see you've become quite friendly with our Southern ambassador."
Dina's smile was forced as she replied, "Oh, we've had the pleasure of crossing paths before. But I had no idea you two were so… close."
Sokka felt the weight of Azula's gaze on him, her amusement palpable as she took another sip of her wine, the liquid leaving a shimmering trail on her upper lip. He cleared his throat, his eyes never leaving Song's. "We're just colleagues," he said, his voice casual. "Councilwoman Azula and I have had our share of… interesting negotiations."
The air grew thick with unspoken words, the tension coiling tighter as Song's hand slid down his arm, her eyes flicking to Azula and back. "I was hoping to steal Sokka for a dance," she said, her voice light. "If you don't mind, of course."
Azula's smile was a cat playing with a mouse. "Not at all," she purred, her hand reaching out to toy with a lock of Sokka's hair. "After all, it's not like I have any authority over him."
The girl's eyes widened slightly at Azula's action, and Sokka felt the hair on the back of his neck stand on end as Azula's fingers lingered, the touch intimate and deliberate. He knew she was baiting the other woman, the same way she had baited him so many times before. He couldn't help but feel a thrill at the power play, a reminder of the old days when their rivalry had been as fiery as their battles.
With a slow, deliberate movement, Azula withdrew her hand, her smile never wavering. "By all means," she said, her voice like honeyed venom. "Take him for a dance. He does enjoy the company of a pretty face."
Song's eyes flashed, and she opened her mouth to protest, but Sokka was quick to interject. "Umm Dina, I'm afraid I must decline," he said, his tone firm but polite. "As you can see Councilwoman here, has had quite a bit drink tonight. I feel it's my duty to ensure she doesn't overindulge."
The room seemed to hold its breath as Dina's gaze darted from Sokka to Azula and back again. The unspoken challenge in Azula's eyes was clear, and with a huff, Dina turned on her heel and walked away, the train of her gown whispering against the marble floor. Sokka watched her go, his jaw tightening slightly before he turned back to Azula.
"What was that about?" he asked, his voice low.
"Just wanted to see her reaction," Azula said with a smug chuckle, setting her glass down with a delicate clink. "It's always entertaining to watch the little fish try to swim with the sharks."
Sokka raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "And you're the shark in this scenario?"
"Always," Azula replied, her voice a purr.
Her hand trembled slightly as she raised her wine glass to her lips again, the plunging neckline of her dress revealing the smooth column of her throat as she swallowed. Sokka's gaze followed the movement, his own pulse quickening. The dress had been a deliberate choice, his eyes tracing the line of her neck, the exposed swell of her breasts, and the curve of her leg revealed by the high slit. She's being dangerously tempting all night and he's a minute away from giving in.
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