#❪ ⋅ ◆ ⋆ — ┊❛ oh swear not by te moon — chats  ❜ ❫
tarjapearce · 9 months
I wonder what mama would be like when she was pregnant with benji? Was she more active?? Anyways, have a good day/night!
Benjamin's Pregnancy
Suggestive, fluff and little angst. No proofread ~ c:
After the little stunt in the lookout spot and the police officers calling out your hornytis, you returned home.
But that only had you climbing Miguel like a tree as soon as he closed the door behind you. Not that he complained in the slightest.
"W-Wait" He was mumbling through kisses as you struggled to get his damned shirt out. Hormones running in a brazen flurry all over your body. A single purpose engraved in your grey matter. Make a baby.
"Te juro que si no me haces un bebé-" (I swear that if you don't make me a baby right now)
Miguel only carried your hormone crazed body over his shoulder and gave a low whistle.
"Espérate tantito, mi reina."(Wait a minute).
He tittered as his ears turned pink, like his cheeks, "Let me get the water first."
Cause in truth, you wouldn't give him a rest. Not until your body knew that it was enough. It both amazed yet low key terrified him. He'd awake sore and stiff, spent and completely drained while the overall glow oozed from every pore of your body. Both sex's drive were high, but when ovulating, he had to acknowledge your stamina undoubtedly outmatched him. But the goofy and spent smile you'd awake with later was the perfect reward.
With a roll of his shoulders and a water pitcher on hand and some glasses, he closed the master bedroom's door and begun his work.
Your grip only tightened on his waist as tears flowed down your cheeks. He showered your face in soft kisses and loving praises upon watching the positive outcome in the pregnancy test.
"We're having a baby!"
God, he loved the excitement in your voice, the way your tears were out of joy, and the fact you were gonna make him a father, again. It was impossible to not feel the same amount of excitement you were experiencing.
His big hands wiped your eyes and cupped your cheeks while kissing your forehead.
"Can't wait to tell Gabi. She'll be over the moon!"
Now that the first step on his husband duty was completed, the second was just starting. Spoiling you until you were ready to pop his child.
To your surprise MJ gave her own news on the girl's chat group. It was a good distraction for a freshly broken hearted Jessica. A celebration ensued.
Peter was asking Miguel for guidance as you gushed with MJ the future changes her body would take.
Miguel's lips turned into a fond smile upon watching you. Your married ring fit perfectly in your hand, and shone brighter, like your smile whenever you rubbed your belly.
Never once the doubt of you being a bad mother crossed his mind, despite your inexperience and both being young, you had done a pretty good job with Gabriella. And this new stage in your lives would only polish some skills that needed a bit more refining.
His heart nearly stopped when the doctor said it was a boy. So far, as long as his kid was healthy, the rest was just a bonus. But now that he'd have a boy it both worried and excited him.
It worried him cause he had no paternal figure to grow with, but like you had told him once.
"You're not your father. You're way much better than him. Look at the wonderful child you've raised, without his help. Be proud of yourself, Mi amor."
He adored your reassurance, and now he'd teach his baby boy everything he had to learn on his own. He'd be a good father.
The tidal craving waves made you scourge the fridge at random times thorough the night.
The first crave was simple, jalapeños smeared in peanut butter. You didn't know how, but the flavor was way too good for you to just eat one.
Miguel would find you guzzling his own can of jalapeños while scooping up a spoonful of peanut butter.
"You'll get sick if you eat that much spiciness"
"No, Miguel, wait!"
"Uh-uh. You'll get cramps and-"
Oh shit.
Your eyes turned glossy as he placed the can above the fridge. A spot you certainly didn't reach.
"You're so mean."
A hiccup echoed between you two, followed by a sniff.
"Mi reina" His tinge amazed and full of disbelief, "I don't want you to get an upset belly, that's all."
"But I am hungry! They're not even that spicy!"
You sobbed and half yelled. Miguel could only sigh and take the can back
"I don't want it anymore."
You took another spoonful of the butter and walked back to your room.
He rubbed his face in defeat. Now he felt like an idiot for not giving you the canned spicy goods. And definitely that night you didn't cuddle him.
Hormones were surely making a mess out of your emotions, and it took him a bit to adapt at the quickening pace they often changed. Exercise and long walks helped you to keep relaxed and active.
The next day you were crying while apologizing, only for him to hold you and offer you a couple of jalapeños in return. He even tried the odd mix with you to try and understand why you loved that specific combo. Neither good, neither bad, like something he tried before. But glad you were no longer at odds with him.
But soon they stopped being your obsession, instead strawberries and tuna came up. And just like Gabi, you'd wake him up in the middle of the night at the devil's hours to get him to fetch you strawberries cause you had ran out of them. Or called him when he was a few blocks away from your home to let him know and God forbid if he returned with empty hands.
The dangerous months had been long gone, and seeing your baby bump growing with each passing day, made his phone to be filled with a daily picture of you, holding it. Gabi occasionally appearing it them with a goofy grin.
One particular rough day at work, had his energies and emotional reserves drained. But changed immediately when he saw you laughing as Gabi painted over your belly.
"Papa! The baby is kicking!!"
Gabriella gasped and pulled him to place his hand over the clean parts devoid of paint in your belly to feel his baby boy kick.
"Look at that." Miguel huffed in child like wonder as he felt every powerful little kick. He then kissed your belly and your forehead with new energies.
You and Gabi were the reason he'd wake up and work. You'd help him with paperwork at home whenever he needed it.
Hormones kicked in harder in the last trimester, everything was a trigger for tears to fall down.
You couldn't reach your toes? You'd cry. The cream cheese was too perfect for digging a spoon in it? You'd cry. Gabriella existing around you and being a happy kid? You'd definitely cry. And if Miguel couldn't find his sock in the washing machine, you'd cry harder.
It was low key funny for him, even had some compilations of you crying over the littlest things in his phone. He'd watch them over and over whenever stress was rampant on his office.
But also, would stare both in awe and hungry when he saw your body bouncing ontop of an exercise ball.
"It brings back memories." He muttered while your cheeks flushed. It was the exact way you rode him while making your baby boy.
When hormones hit between your legs, you wouldn't let him go until he came out of the room, drenched in sweat and breathless. That's where he discovered his lactation kink.
But all horny and sexual thoughts were sapped out his body when he saw you curled in bed, crying and wiping your eyes with tissues. A couple of them used and gathered before you.
"'Tas bien?" (You alright?)
Another muffled sob.
This wasn't the usual hormone craze that made you cry over dappy things, but true and unadulterated sadness. His brows creased as he sat before you.
"Wanna share what's wrong?"
"I feel so useless, Miguel."
You nodded while sobbing a couple of fresh tears and covered your face with your hands, ashamed.
"I can't even put my shoes on my own. And-" A sniffle, "I feel like I'm leaving all the load to you. It's not fair."
Even in your condition, you still worried about him and his stress. It humbled him.
"Mi reina." With a gentle, yet firm voice he sat next to you and wiped your eyes with utmost care, "You're growing my child. Do you know how important that is?"
You hiccuped and shook your head.
"I wanna do more. Help you around. Not just being a housewife that leeches off-"
"No, no. Stop. Stop." the last word said with a warning tone.
How could you think of yourself such way?
"Pinguinita, mi amor, look." His shoulders slumped with a deep sigh, "For how long have we been together? Ten, twelve years now?"
You refused to look his way, but his hands gently pulled your chin towards him. Makin your gaze meet his.
"In all those years, I've worked for us cause I wanted to. And I don't want you to work because you already do more than enough here."
His lips were warm, conveying all his love in another kiss.
"You're growing my child, Mi reina. Pregnancies are hard. And look at you, doing your best. Cause that's all I could ask from you."
He cradled your shoulders and kissed the side of your head with a gentle smile.
"You've taught me how to be a good parent, even now, you are teaching me things I didn't believe myself capable of doing. I'm a better man thanks to you."
His hands rubbed your lower back in soothing yet shapeless patterns.
"And now, I'll be an even better father. All thanks to you."
His words were like a soothing balm from your doubtful and insecure heart.
"You'd still love me if I was another ten pounds heavier, right?"
"The question is offensive in itself. But yes, I would. Come here."
You basked in his affection, all you could do was let him love and pamper you.
The footrubs and backrubs were a staple on your pregnancy, like the hammock in the porch. The cotton nightgown he gave you while pregnant with Gabi had been such a wonderful gift that came in handy when the last trimester's hot flashes appeared.
You'd sit in the tub with him, Miguel rubbed and caressed your shoulders, eased the tenderness in your breasts and helped with the sore points in your. lower back.
"What about Miguel Junior?"
He snorted while lathering your back in the lavender scented shower gel.
"No. I don't want a traditional name for my boy."
"Me neither, I mean, Max doesn't sound bad-"
"That's a dog's name, mi amor"
Your laugh was like music to his ears. He rinsed off your back with the tepid temperature water.
"Short for Maximilian."
"Junior doesn't sound that bad now that I think-"
"Wait! I know! I know. Benjamin."
"Benjamin" He tried as the name rolled off his tongue, "I like it."
He kissed your neck. Fresh lavender scent etched to your skin.
"Benjamin it is."
Little Benjamin "Benji" O'Hara was born at 3 pm. Nearly putting you under a c section. Miguel had been there, cheering you on as soon as complications arrived. But thanks to yours and the doctor's efforts, his baby boy wailed healthily as soon as he came out of your womb and the touch of the nurses alarmed him. They weren't you. Benjamin needed his mama.
Miguel showered you in kisses and praises while the nurses cleansed him and dressed him up with the clothes you had provided them.
And finally, you could hold your baby boy in your arms, immediately feeding him and silencing his acute cries.
"Míralo nomas. Mi campeón. No parece que casi lo hicimos en el auto." (Look at him, my champ. He doesn't look like we almost made him in the car)
Miguel fixed the tiny hat ontop of his head, some lovely and dark chocolates curls twisted ontop and around his forehead as you tittered, exhausted.
" Stop, oh my god."
"He's definitely have your curls."
Gabi was allowed to enter a bit later and her lips pursed
"I wanted a sister."
"I know, Solecito. But we did our best"
"Still... I was prettier, right?"
Jesus. Like Father, like daughter.
"Of course you were, Gabibi."
Miguel was ready to start his lessons as a father. With a baby boy on hands, he'd be the dad he never had.
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moonchild-jet · 4 years
❝— Ei, queria saber se posso me esconder atrás de você, sabe, se tudo der errado hoje.❞ Jet falou em tom de brincadeira, tentando mascarar um pouquinho sua preocupação, não tendo muito sucesso nisso. ❝— Seria legal ser protegido por alguém que saiba segurar numa espada direito.❞
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karma-jinx · 5 years
ML Chat Blac BreakDown *Spoilers*
HOLY SHIT!!! That episode was a fucking rollercoaster I swear! I didn’t have a moments rest. I just need to breakdown what I just watched so bare with me. This isn’t gonna be like my usual ML Babbles.
Reminder: I DO NOT KNOW FRENCH! I understood things to the best of my abilities.
OK! First things first! We see Gabe talking to Emilie about how he’ll get the miraculous and what not. After that we have the girls all hanging out with what looks like a friend picnic sorta thing.
Apparently Alix and Rose has some sorta bet on whether or not Marinette was going to give Adrien the gift she made him. Alix said she wouldn’t while Rose said she would.
Alix wins the bet and a stuffed unicorn, which cause Rose to become aggressive. Seemed like she was being aggressively supportive in telling Marinette to try again. Hyping up our girl. Which works and Marinette goes back to his place to try again.
Except she gets turned down at the door. But Marinette is still determined to leave the gift. Tells Tikki she’s gonna go in through the window, which Tikki HEAVILY disagrees with for very good and obvious reasons. But Marinette goes through with it anyways and sneaks into his room.
But does our girl simply leave her gift and go? NOPE! Despite being in his room before she’s still in total awe that it’s his room she’s in. (To be fair this is the first time she’s in his room with out a some sort of akuma involved. Or party since this comes after Party Crasher.)
So she’s gawking and swooning. Smelling his pillow and shiz. (You do you sweetie. I not gonna judge) Finally she snaps too when she hears Adrien come home from his fencing match. (Which seems like he won AND wanted to tell his no good father about it but was told not to disturb him.)
Quickly Marinette leaves the gift and runs off. Only to remember that she forgot to sigh her name and quickly does so. As she leaves through Adrien walks in and sees her. The finds the gift she left that’s signed by Marinette. And FINALLY puts two and two together and figures out Marinette is ladybug. We see flashbacks of when she tells him she’s in love with someone else. That HE’S the someone else. And he couldn’t be happier!!!
Poor Plagg tried to detour his thoughts and say it wasn’t her but failed. So he reminds Adrien that their identities are suppose to be a secret. He isn’t suppose to know. But Adrien is too happy to care. He goes to where the girls are hanging out.
Here we see Marinette talking to them about how she left the gift sorta. Basically a vague excuse of some sort to say she left it but not how she left it. But then suddenly Adrien is there and she’s shoved in his direction. We see him with soft but love struck eyes as he most likely gushes to her. And she assumed it was about the gift. But he says he loves her and leans in for a kiss. And so at long last our dumb kids are happily together!
We see small flash backs of them at school. (Chloe’s jealous af but who cares. Wish I say Lila’s reaction to this but oh well.) A slow dance on what looks like Juleka’s boat. Luka appears in this flash back but he seems unbothered that their together. Kagami doesn’t seem to appear in any of the flashbacks though. In on of the flash backs is Nadia making a public statement of how Adrien is now dating Marinette hooray right?
For you see this is where it gets complicated.
That is all in an Alternate Timeline
Pre-Chat Blanc’s timeline.
Back to when ladybug leaves Adrien’s room. Bunnix comes to get her. Bringing ladybug into the “Rabbit Hole” So to speak. A place in between times. Ladybug can see all sorts of time periods. Which Bunnix covers her eyes with a bowl, since I guess she’s not suppose to see them?
Anyways, Bunnix takes her to Chat Blanc’s timeline. Bunnix doesn’t seem to know how or what happened to cause this reality. Simply telling Ladybug that she’s going to face her toughest akuma yet. Chat Noir (Blanc)
Bunnix goes back into the “Rabbit Hole” where all the other times are. She and her powers are fading. And it’s up to ladybug to save everyone. In Chat Blanc’s timeline we see a destroyed moon as well as Paris. Ladybug is utterly shocked to see the world in such a state. When she’s sees CB he’s sitting alone humming/singing to himself. She calls out to him, happily he turns around to see his lady there. Excitedly he goes over to her, seemingly unthreating, which causes Ladybug to trust him enough to let him get close enough to her to try and snatch her miraculous. But she kicks him back and goes on the defensive. Again he tries something else to get her close. This time being sad, crying even. She falls for the bait and goes up to wipe his tear. Again he tries to take her earrings. And again she knocks him over and runs off the building. Giving way to a chase. CB follows suit and calls Ladybug by her real name. Causing her to fumble her landing. She hastily denies she’s Marinette. But CB knows it’s her. And again a chase ensues.
Then we’re brought back to Bunnix who’s watching this go down. We she her move to another rabbit whole to see how thing became like this. She goes to the day Adrien and Marinette kissed. SOMETHING must have happened from that moment on. So she goes through to see what. This is where the flash backs stated earlier came from. Bunnix goes through the timeline and stops on a day where Marinette is visited by Nathalie, who’s holding and tablet where Gabe is on. Not sure what he says but it’s clearly a threat of some sort. Essentially it’s seems his telling Marinette she can’t be with his son or to break up with Adrien. He’s telling her all this in FRONT OF HER PARENTS! Sabine looks shocked and goes to comfort Marinette. Tom is furious and tells them to leave as he does the same. (Papa wolf mode! How dare they come into his business and break their daughter’s heart!)
Fast forward to Marinette outside Adrien’s house. The gate is open but she doesn’t go through. Instead she talks to Adrien from there. The Gorilla has the front door open but blocks Adrien from going out. Here and exchange of words happen. Then we she a heart broken Marinette running away. As well as a heart broken Adrien wanting to go after her. He begs the Gorilla to let him go, and the gorilla does. This is where we see Adrien running towards Marinette, then spots and akuma going for her. One apparently plotted by hawk moth. Natalie watches from a window to let hawkmoth know that Marinette is ready for the akuma. But Adrien’s seeing the akuma go after her, he didn’t care about transforming out in the open for others to see.
And others did. Marinette, the gorilla, and Natalie saw. Shocked Natalie tells his dad that Adrien is Chat Noir.
Marinette is shocked as well. Apparently Adrien kept it a secret that he knew she was Ladybug. Seeing as how she didn’t know he was CN. He smiles and seems to say something along the lines of, “he could let his lady get akumatized.” Or “he always has his lady’s back.” Either way Marinette crawls in to his lap and is comforted by his hug.
Hawkmoth on the other hand was upset to find out his son was CN. But it was short lived as now he feels that he has half of the miraculous he needs now.
Back to LB and CB fighting. We see ladybug trying to figure out where his akuma is. But it’s hard. His a difficult opponent. But she manages to get his staff but the akuma wasn’t there. Soon she’s cornered again and offers him her earrings. When he approaches though she swiftly maneuvers herself to snatch his tail while avoiding capture. But the akuma wasn’t there. CB threatens her with a blast but she refuses to give up her earrings. So he makes the platform beneath her break. Causing her to fall into the water. Here we see just how much damaged was caused by CB. Citizens are petrified in what looks like stone. Ladybug sees herself and goes to touch it but is disintegrates after being touched.
Again we’re brought to Bunnix. We see what happens after Chat Noir’s ID is exposed. He and Ladybug fight Hawkmoth. Sending him crashing to where his Emilie is being kept. HM shows them his reason for the miraculous. And CN/Adrien is 🤯
He has no idea what to think. When he does react he attacks. He’s hurt and rightfully so. He goes to use a cataclysm, one that seems extra powerful due to his emotions, on his dad but stops just before he does. Asking him why.
This man just whoops his ass like it’s nothing! NOTHING. He and ladybug go to Chat Noir. But HM arrives first and advances on CN. Who’s scrambling back in FEAR from his DAD. Ladybug arrives, now she and Hawkmoth try to convinces Adrien what the right thing to do is. But he’s torn. Not wanting for a decision to be made HM releases an akuma on his own fucking son! Forcing him to obey. Chat Noir struggles so much to not listen. To not cave in, but he can’t do it. And so he becomes akumatized. His first order is to attack ladybug. Force to give up her miraculous. Chat Blanc points a concentrated form of his cataclysm at her. Looking ever so hurt of what he’s doing. Ladybug tried to talk to him. But again is asshole dad orders him to obey. So Chat Blanc’s goes back and forth with his cataclysm until he can’t take it anymore and aims it upwards. A large beam shoots up and out. Cracking the moon and causing the timeline we saw Bunnix bring past ladybug too.
And here we see Chat Blanc growing tired of this game of chase. He threatens to release a cataclysm so powerful it’ll destroy the motherfucking galaxy! So she gives up. Her lucky charm gave her an eraser but she couldn’t use it. So she goes up to him, telling him that even though he’s like this she still loves him? She leans up to kiss him, but snatches his bell. Finally finding the akuma and getting rid of it.
When he comes too Chat Noir isnot sure what happened. And asks Marinette for context, but she tells him he shouldn’t know who she is. It’s here she realizes how to use her lucky charm.
Which this part is also a bit complicated. But basically she goes back and erases her name from the gift. Undoing the Chat Blanc future. Everything goes back to normal and apparently she doesn’t remember anything about the future or what happened? Bunnix seems to ask to see if she remembers too but Ladybug doesn’t recall. This part was hard for me to understand. It seemed pretty complicated.
Anyways, when Adrien sees Ladybug in his room. She comes up with some sort of excuse as to why she’s leaving a gift before she goes. She goes back to the group and tells them something too. At the end we see Chat Noir watching a sunset as he sings. He’s soon joined by Ladybug who rests her head on his shoulder. The two just enjoy the sunset together.
Sorry this one long. I just really needed to break down what I just watched since it wasn’t in a language I know. Maybe I’ll post one up about my thoughts once the English dub comes out. But who knows. 🤷‍♀️
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damn-behzinga · 5 years
Brother's Best Friend
Stephen Lawson x Reader
Summary- You are Will's twin sister and Stephen might be developing an itsy bitsy, small crush on you.
Warnings- Swearing, My terrible writing, Minor violence, drinking
Gaff=Party (it's English slang)
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Stephen doesn't remember when the two of you became close friends. It just, kind of, happened really. You were only there for a weekend but, after exchanging Instagram usernames, you really started to get to know each other.
The chats between the two of you eventually turned to calls which went on for hours at a time. Despite this growing relationship, Stephen never mentioned it to Will. Maybe it was the fear of getting beaten up by Will and telling you that you weren't allowed to talk to him anymore.
Either way, Stephen never brought you up in conversation first.
However, one weekend he was chilling on Will's sofa when Will groaned.
"What's up?" Stephen asked, his attention now on Will rather then the TV.
"My sister is coming up to stay." Will groaned out.
"What's the problem with that?" Stephen raised an eyebrow. How could Will be upset that you were staying? You was one of the nicest and funniest people he's ever met.
"Nothin'. Not expecting it, 'S all." Will mumbled, shrugging his shoulders. "Might throw a gaff whilst she's here, she's been looking forward to go to London parties."
"Oh yeah, that'd be fun. When's she coming down?" Stephen asked.
"Next week. You gonna come?" Will asked.
"Yeah, I'll have to double check though." Stephen said before looking at the time. "Oh shit, I've got to go!"
"Alright mate, it was nice seeing you!" Will smiled and stood up. He led Stephen out the door and waved.
"See you whenever."
Will shut the door after the exchanged goodbyes. Stephen took a second to breathe, he was so fucked.
The party was in full swing when Stephen arrived. He didn't like them and probably should've arrived earlier so he could get used to the loud music and room full of drunk people grinding on one and other.
You were talking to Mia at the time, discussing how fun it was to be back in London. You were sipping some cocktail that George had made and nodding along to whatever Mia was saying. Stephen made his way over to you, awkwardly apologising to all the people he kept bumping into. You saw him come into view and you beamed excitedly.
"Stephen!" You pulled him into a hug as Mia watched the scene play out. You held on for a bit longer then anyone else you had hugged. "I missed you, we have to catch up tomorrow!"
"I missed you too!" Stephen chuckled. "You look amazing by the way!" He took your appearence. You was wearing a tight white dress that showed off your figure and a pair of heels. You hair was straightened and your make up was flawless, similar to you.
"Thank you. You don't clean up to bad either." You winked jokingly and sipped your drink.
"I need to talk to Will quickly." Mia cut in before walking off into the crowd.
"Should we go some where quieter?" You asked him. Stephen shrugged and you grabbed his hand and pulled him to Will's room.
Stephen shut the door behind him and the music was now quieter. You sat on Will's bed as Stephen sat beside you.
"I did miss you." Stephen almost whispered. "Although we called everyday, you were so far away and now your here in person I- I don't know what to do with myself."
"I'm the same. I haven't told Will anything because I thought he'd get bitchy about me having a crush on one of his mates."
"You have a crush on me?" Stephen joked.
"Oh fuck off, I won't in a minute if you speak like that!" You joked back before gasping. "I love this song, let's dance." You stood up and pulled Stephen off the bed with you so you were slow dancing to the upbeat song. The two of you were off key with the fast song but neither of you cared. You both wanted to hold each since you last left. You rested your head against Stephen's chest and sighed contently as you swayed.
Once the song ended you heard footsteps and quickly shoved Stephen into a closet.
"Y/n there you are!" Will walked in. "Have you seen Stephen anywhere? Mia says she saw him come in but I can't see him anywhere."
"No I haven't seen him since he got in." You lied.
Will raised an eyebrow. "So why he's hiding in my wardrobe? And why did you lie to me?"
Stephen sighed and came out the wardrobe. "Sorry mate."
"Seriously? Are the two of you dating?" Will asked and a frown appeared on his face. "Why didn't you te me?"
"We've been talking for a few months and we have only just seen each other and we do want to be together." You explained.
Will grabbed Stephen by the collar of his shirt. "If you hurt her in any shape or form, you are dead, understand?"
Stephen nodded as you pushed Will's chest.
"Stop being so over dramatic, you wanker." You chuckled. Will let go and hugged you.
"I love you." Will whispered.
"I love you too asshole."
"And I love both of you!" Stephen smiled and stepped towards the two of you.
"Watch it, mate!" Will warned and you laughed.
You were hopelessly infatuated with Stephen and the thought of Will accepting your relationship sent you over the moon.
This was shit but I was feeling hella soft for Stephen xoxoxo
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ckm-writes · 6 years
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moonchild-jet · 4 years
A coisa mais comum na vida de Kritsanapong era dormir durante a tarde e acordar quando a lua já estava no céu. Naquela noite, entretanto, acordou de mais um pesadelo que o deixava um tanto quanto assustado e se sentindo mal. Tomou a decisão, então, que a primeira coisa que faria era um ritual de banimento, pouco se importando que talvez chegasse ainda mais atrasado na fogueira que estava acontecendo. Precisava fazer isso primeiro. Separou tudo o que precisava, então, e foi para o lado de fora do chalé, pronto para começar o feitiço, mas se interrompeu quando percebeu que não estava sozinho. Sorriu para a garota, então, acenando. ❝— Ei, Poly!❞ Cumprimentou, juntando as mãos e inclinando a cabeça até elas, num sinal comum de cumprimento na Tailândia. Alguns hábitos nunca mudaram. ❝— Estava prestes a começar um feitiço de banimento para coisas ruins. Quer se juntar?❞
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