#❥✦threads ┊ft. hayley williams
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The cold as fuck weather sounds absolutely lovely to me right about now. But that's probably just because I'm over the heat and summer as a whole at this point. Though I imagine performing in that cold weather really makes you appreciate the warmth of summer right about now, huh? You wait until the first week of October? Beginning of September at the latest, for me. There's just too many activities to do and movies to watch that it's impossible to fit it all into the span of a month. Starting off in September makes it a bit easier and lets you spread the big activities out a little more.
For me, summer decided it wanted to come late. I guess that's what I get for going to Europe at the beginning of summer where it was still cold as fuck. At least it's finally decided to show up a little bit so I'm going to ask for it to stay around for a little while longer. You're thinking of Halloween already? I love that holiday as much as the next person, but dang. It's only August. Maybe like, the first week of October?
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Happy belated birthday, my love! I know I'm a few days late, but it's the thought that counts. Did you do anything special for your big day? @hayleyheat
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I saw those Instagram stories you posted and I'm going to need to know all the information on what's happening there. Plus I miss you and it would be amazing to hang out with you for a bit. @hayleyglamour
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Thankfully I’ve managed to finally finish my Christmas shopping. Next step is to wrap everything, which may take a minute because I went a little crazy this year with gift buying for everyone. I can’t believe we’re just about a week away at this point. I love being your honorary member of Gen Z to keep you up to date on all the cool trends. I never thought he would run away or anything. I guess I just thought there would be a lot more freaking out on his end than there was. I was freaking out enough for the both of us. Definitely will be making sure to take my birth control every single day and not missing the occasional one or two. But you know, a box of condoms will never go to waste in our household. You’re going to be the best and the coolest aunt.
What ideas have you got? Maybe I can help you narrow it down, and then the thing that you don't go with - I might take inspo from it. Only a few weeks until Christmas - you better get to it, babe. Why do I need to keep up with the trends when I've got my own gen z person to do that for me. If he had of got scared away from you because of that then he's not the man for you. Although now you both know to take more precautions. Maybe I'll get you both a box of condoms for Christmas. Or maybe two or three. Just to be safe. When the timing is right you'll be amazing parents. And I'll get to be the cool aunt.
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He understands how important they are, so he's serious about his work. That's so cute that he's done your skin care routine for you. Couple goals, honestly. Edward was my first love, so on one hand I'm with you. But Luke is my current love and I may be biased when it comes to him, but he embodies the sparkle aesthetic. There's no way I'm getting married before you, Hayls.
The sparkles are the most important part. So I'm glad that he's taking that role very seriously. He's gotten pretty good at it - you'd hope after many years of practice he would be. Sometimes he even does my skin care for me when I'm feeling too tired or not exactly up to it. I'm going to stick with the fact that Edward can't be touched with the sparkles, after all it's the skin of a killer. Baby, at this point I think you're going to be married before I am.
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I think regardless how you would have gotten engaged, it would have been precious and adorable—simply because it's you guys. You're the kind of couple that everyone knows is going to be together forever and you're the definition of couple goals. I love my parents so much. Don't worry, my calendar is marked and I've passed the news along to Luke.
Timing is everything - although he could have asked me while we were cooking dinner or something and I would have said yes. He's my person. The one that I'm going to be with for the rest of my life. Even when we're old and grey, yelling at each other over the TV because we forgot to put our hearing aids in. Consider this your save the date - make sure that Luke has his calendar clear, too.
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Okay, you've got me there. Does it make you feel better to know that once we start talking about wedding plans, I definitely plan on making you part of the wedding party? Because obviously I need you by my side when I marry my dream guy. Hayley Starkey has a pretty cool ring to it honestly. I'm also back in LA and I have all the time in the world for you, babe.
But I told you - not through social media. I would say that's slightly less shocking. Hey, professionally it's Hayley Williams but in my personal life - I've dropped the Williams. Just a Starkey now. Well, I'm back in LA for a few days if you're still here -we'll have to find the time. I've got you a belated birthday gift, too.
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I guarantee you'll love more of her music the more you listen. She's just amazing. Well, the band yeah. But mostly you. You've just always been the super cool and gorgeous leading woman on stage whenever you perform. Just your stage presence and how you pour your entire soul into every performance is just beyond inspiring. I don't hold it against you, babe. I never have and never will.
I have to admit that I haven't listened to much of Chappells music, yet. Just the songs that come on the radio but I do enjoy what I hear. The band has? That's really sweet of you, honestly. I'm glad that we're out there inspiring younger people. Especially women. Honestly Josh... is a piece of work. I'm sorry that he did that to you, really. Tearing down other people, especially women in music is never something I want to do.
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Why are men so hard to shop for? I have a few ideas for things to get for Luke, but still have yet to get started on shopping. You are special, babe! I respect the stubbornness, I have to say. But life would be much easier and you'd be able to stay on top of all the trends if you just caved and downloaded it. I knew he would be supportive regardless. I guess I was just terrified of him not being ready and the news just scaring him away. I'm just glad that wasn't the case. There will no little Olivias or Lukes running around in the world anytime soon. One day, I'm sure. But not anytime soon. Thank you, babe.
My little girl - all grown up. I've slowly started my Christmas shopping - the people I'm struggling to buy things for is Drew and my dad. Why is it always the men that's hard to buy for? Damn - you got me feeling all special there, now. It is - I send things to my friends and they say 'Hayley, I sent you this weeks ago. Get Tiktok.' Now I feel like I shouldn't just on principal. I told you that he would be supportive - I couldn't imagine a world where he wasn't. So there's going to be no little Olivias running around? You must feel so relieved. I'm glad that you're feeling better, Liv.
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See? I'm capable of problem solving on my own—sometimes. I haven't even started to think about what I'm getting anyone for Christmas, let alone an amazing gift for Luke. Obviously you'd be the first person the video got sent to, even before it hit the internet. I don't pay attention to Instagram reels, but from what I can tell it's a slow process for the trends from TikTok to catch on over there. Honestly, I expected Luke to freak out but he was actually surprisingly calm and just supportive. The doctor however, gave us the good news that I'm in fact not pregnant. Actually got my period a few days after the fact. I guess it was just a mixture of some food poisoning and my late period coming at me at full force with a vengeance. I'm feeling much better now, thankfully.
You figured out a solution without me - I'm feeling like a proud mom right now. You're going to have to get him a real good gift to make up for it. Hopefully you send me the video or it quickly comes to Instagram because I don't use TikTok. I've stopped looking for a while so - who knows what the future holds. Until then - I've got someone who gives me good orgasms and when he's not around - I've got my own ways. We love a little bit of a drama queen moment. You've told me many times, babe. You know that I'm always here for you, no matter what. If I was in that situation - I would probably be freaking out, too. It's why I've got the tests on hand. What did Luke say? Or I guess more importantly, what did the doctors say?
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The only downside to that is that the gift would then be covered in glitter. Unless I wrapped in a protective layer or something to keep it safe and glitter free. If I end up doing it, I’ll be sure to record it and post it online. I can already see him becoming TikTok famous from it, it will be amazing. They always say that the right person comes into your life once you stop looking. So you never know, someone may pop into your life unexpectedly and sweep you off your feet. Girl, you’re talking to the drama queen of pity parties over here. It’s perfectly normal and even healthy to have them every once in a while. Have I told you again how thankful I am for you and everything you did for me, by the way? Seriously. I really don’t know what I would have done without you in that kind of situation.
Just make sure you put a real good gift in there to make up for it and I'm sure that he's going to have the most mixed emotions, ha. You're going to have to record him opening that gift and put it all over the internet. Absolutely - I've been single for a few years now. It's just something that I've accepted. Not that I'd be opposed to dating - just no one really shown interest in all that with me. Little bit of a self-pity party there, but hey. We all need that sometimes. Of course, baby. I'll make you some soup and tea - that usually helps when I'm not feeling the best.
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Maybe I should make some sort of glitter bomb for him to open on Christmas. Like when you pull the lid off of the box, it causes glitter to spew everywhere. I can already see the look on his face and all the side eye he'd be giving me. There's nothing wrong with being single at all! I'm not asking for all the details of your sex life, because I don't need to know that. Better late than never! Can I drop by tonight? I haven't been feeling well for the past few days and could use Hayley and also Alf cuddles in my life.
That just means that I'm going to get you glitter for a Christmas gift - not all that exciting - but he has to know you can't take it away from someone. I'm okay with being single - I've got a good thing going with Drew. We go and do our own thing and when we're together, well - I don't wanna know the details of your sex life so I'm not going to share the details of mine. The guy I went to the premiere with? That's Drew - everything is casual between us. You've been in Nashville and you're only just telling me now? Damn. I fully believe that Alfie has a twin out there - he's a cute dog so I can see why people want golden doodles. Although they're a lot of work. I'm home - feel free to stop by whenever, babe.
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Just think about how long we’re going to be finding glitter then. Pretty soon I swear Luke is going to just hide all the glitter from me and ban me from using it again. When you meet the right person, you just know. I know you’ll get your happily ever after one day, babe. What happened to the guy you went to the Netflix premiere with? Are things just casual or is there something there? I can compromise with that! Speaking of Alf, I’m with Luke in Nashville as he’s working on some 5SOS things and someone had a dog that looked just like Alf. I had to do a double take, because I literally thought he walked right into the studio. Just thought you needed to know, Alf has a twin. Also are you home in Nashville? Because if so, I need to drop by for some Hayley time.
I fear that I am still finding glitter in some of my clothes even though it's been months since we've wrapped tour. And I don't use glitter in my every day life. I believed you when you said things were serious but I didn't know it was that serious. My daughter having a better romantic life than me. I'll just have to live through you. Well, Petunia can be the cutest girl dog and Alf can be the cutest boy dog. How does that sound?
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I feel like I didn’t use that much. But you know how glitter multiplies and lingers. Ohh a custom made body suit of sparkles sounds like a pretty good idea. May have to look into that as a compromise because I think it may make him more willing to do it again. I told you things were serious! We haven’t had an official discussion about it, but I did bring up the idea of a vacation home in Sydney to him. All I needed was some time to decompress and feel like a human again. I would agree, but I’m now a dog mom to Petunia. So I have to say that my child is the cutest dog in my eyes, because she is.
Still? It's been like, two weeks. That's crazy. How much glitter did you use on that boy? Going to have to find another way to make him sparkle. Maybe a custom made body suit or something. That sounds a lot safer. Holy shit, Liv. That's serious. Have you had the discussion about making it official and moving in together permanently? I feel like you should probably do that, if not. Would make your life a lot easier, it seems. I'm glad that you're feeling better. And taking proper care of yourself again. Alfie to me, is the cutest dog ever. He's my baby boy and I adore him so much.
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Trust me, I'm soaking up all the downtime while I can. It's been a whole big cuddle puddle on our couch between me, Luke, and Petunia, so I'm not complaining a bit. I'm so fucking excited for these festivals. I can't wait to get back out on that stage and live my best life. Once his album is out, I'll most definitely be streaming it so I can show all the love and support because he definitely deserves it.
PRIVATE: You're truly the best, babe. I don't know what I'd do without you. Holy shit Hayley, that's huge news! I have so many questions though. Who is this brother-in-law of mine? And how did this wedding happen? And most importantly, why was I not in attendance?
Enjoy the slow moments cause I know that you're going to be back on the road soon. All those festivals that you've got lined up. Are you looking forward to them? Here's me not so secretly hoping you release some new music before then. Please do. I know he'd love that - the reception around it has been so amazing. His album releases on Valentines Day and I couldn't be more excited for him. I'm Rusty Williams number one fan. He's already been in one of my songs, kind of. But I'd love do something with him if he wanted.
private: Just glad that I could be there for you, Liv. You know if you ever need me for something that I'll be there in any way that I can. Yes, a brother-in-law. I kind of, well, there's no kind of about it cause you know, legal and stuff. But I got married on New Years.
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The timing just wasn't right before, but now it is. It definitely is something for us to bond over. It's cute how serious and focused he gets when it comes to applying the sparkles. That's cute that he'll sometimes paint your nails. Has he gotten good at it or can he still use some more practice? It is very hard to beat Edward when it comes to sparkles. But if anyone can do it, it's Luke Hemmings. You definitely don't need the piece of paper to prove anything. Whenever that moment does come though, I can't wait to be by your side.
At least I've come to my senses and know what's good for me, now. Sometimes life gives you shit you've got to deal with before coming to realizations. At least you have something more to bond over within your relationship and that's adorable. I wouldn't let T touch me with a ten foot pole for make up. Maybe he paints my nails from time to time but that's about it. It's pretty hard to pull off sparkles like Edward but I'll believe you. Basically married is good enough for me at the moment. We don't need a bit of paper to prove our love.
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