#❤️ [ victor aesthetic ]
amomentsescape · 8 months
Bro, I love your writing so much and it’s so cool to see some new Gotham stuff pop up on my feed s🥹❤️❤️🥹❤️🥹 if it’s alright, could I please have some fluffy and slightly suggestive headcanons of some Gotham boys, including but not limited to the J squad, with a punk or alt s/o? If you don’t want to do anything suggestive, tho, I totally understand
Please and thank you in advance if you decide to do this ❤️
J Squad + Oswald, Victor, & Bruce with Punk! Reader
Includes: Jerome, Jonathan, Jervis, Oswald, Victor, Bruce
A/N: I hope you enjoy! I wasn't able to make every character suggestive, but I tried my best to make the HC's fit your request!
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Jerome Valeska
He loves your aesthetic
Has asked you time and time again to help him get dressed before a heist
Thinks your outfits would not only look badass while murdering people, but they would also help you blend in at night
"Practical and sexy, doll"
Loves when you place your tall, leather combat boot on his leg, asking him sweetly to help you lace it up
He likes to trace his fingers along your leg at this, sometimes going a little too high which earns him a swift smack to the hand
He just lets out a chuckle at this
"I'll get you back later..."
If you're out and about and he notices people looking at you, he immediately helps you embrace it
Will twirl you around in the middle of the street and place a big kiss to your lips
Whispers in your ear how gorgeous and sexy you are whenever he gets the chance
If he's out on a heist and he sees something he thinks you'll like, he'll take it
Even if it steers him off his current mission a bit
Starts having you paint his nails religiously as "good luck"
But in reality, he just likes how his pretty fingertips look wrapped around your neck
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Jonathan Crane
This sweet boy is in awe of you
Your edgy looks, your interests, everything
He's never been introduced into this genre before, but you've opened a whole new world for him
Absolutely falls in love with the music you listen to
He just connects to it so well
He also adores being a dress up doll for you
Want to try out a new makeup look on him? Go for it.
You want to see what he'd look like in an edgier outfit? He's ready.
You want to dye his hair a crazy, experimental color? Let's do it!
Seeing him dressed similar to you empowers him in a way
He's used to being hidden in the background, so you pulling him away from that insecurity is like a completely different life to him
Gets extra touchy when you have chokers on
Will softly give you little kisses just above and below the accessory
He's ashamed of it, but he lets his eyes wander for just a little too long when you get all dressed up
He tries to hide it but will turn into a huge blushing and stuttering mess if you catch him in the act
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Jervis Tetch
He's definitely intrigued by you
He's used to his world being full of chaotic color and fantasy
But you have this certain edge and uniqueness about you that he hasn't come across before
They say opposites attract for a reason
He feels like you balance him out
You actually help him feel his emotions and openly discuss the things floating around in his head
But of course, being opposites still come with a few disagreements
He finds your taste in music and makeup a little... much
His taste is a little softer and more elegant, but he's not one to judge what you enjoy
He's just tried listening to a couple of your favorite songs and found them scary
He's also not very knowledgeable in this particular genre
So if you bring up something, he'll simply look at you like you've grown a third head
But besides that, he's overall supportive on whatever you want to wear or do
Loves when you both get dressed up together for a night out
It gives him a deep sense of thrill when people look at you both while out
You two may have opposite styles, but your aesthetics are similar in the fact that they don't "fit in" with the public eye
And Jervis honestly loves that
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Oswald Cobblepot
You caught Oswald's eye almost immediately when he first encountered you
Something about the way you held yourself drew him in
And when he got to know you?
He was so interested
He wanted to learn more about your clothing choices, the music and art styles you liked, what made you interested in the aesthetic, etc.
He might not share the same exact passion for the things you do, but he will always be very respectful on supporting your interests
He also just finds your look to be super attractive
He doesn't mean to, but he finds himself becoming a little more submissive around you
He's used to throwing out orders and making decisions in his normal day-to-day life
But coming home to you immediately allows him let go of those reigns
You just tell him what to do, and he'll do it
You've accidentally gotten him to whimper a couple times just by complimenting him or giving him words of praise
When you kiss him, you can feel his whole body fall into you
He literally turns into Jello
But he's still an emotional man too, so give him lots of love and attention, and he'll be fully content
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Victor Zsasz
Well, obviously he adores how you look
I mean, he wouldn't consider his own look to be punk, but he's aware that he's taken inspiration from the genre in the past
Honestly thinks you two make a badass duo
Even the Zsaszettes admire you whenever you're around
He also likes how easy it is to spot you in a crowd
Not that he stalks you while he's out "working" or anything
He loves your normal outfits of course, but if you wear anything that shows a little skin?
Oh boy, does that dark gleam shine in his eye
He just about sinks his teeth into you (literally)
Victor is known to keep his cool no matter what, but you are able to tell when he really likes a particular outfit that day
A hand on your lower back, a lingering glance, and a teasing smile are all signs
But he also will not hesitate to pinch your butt at the most random times too, public or not
Makes you hold his weapons sometimes because he thinks they make you look even edgier
He also has a thing for any piercings you have too
He's not sure what it is, but he's fascinated with how the cool metal sinks into your skin
He'll play with them too if you let him
He's careful not to hurt you
Unless that's what you want, of course...
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Bruce Wayne
He honestly doesn't really think anything of it or notice it much
Which isn't a bad thing by any means
Bruce doesn't judge based on looks, so however you decide to present yourself is just who you are in his eyes
But he also cares a lot about your interests
He'll happily sit beside you and listen to your music, shop with you for new clothes, and come with you for your latest piercing or tattoo
You name it, he's there
If it means a lot to you, then it means a lot to him
But he does think it's pretty cool to have such a badass partner
Has helped you dye your hair a handful of times
He kind of gets a slight thrill from knowing that he's the only one that gets to see all sides to you
People may see you one way when you're out in public, but he also gets to see you when you're at home sleeping in his bed or cuddled up on his couch watching some crazy show he's never heard of
He just likes knowing that he gets all of you
He finds it pretty romantic
Really likes any leather pieces you own
You may have persuaded him to buy a couple jackets based on ones that you already had in your closet
But he especially loves the leather on you
Becomes a bit touchier when you have it on, tracing his hands along the material
He thinks it looks great on you and will definitely let his gaze linger a little longer than usual
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honesttoblogjuno · 10 months
I absolutely loved your take on a hunger games AU!! I know it is a once shot, so my question is this. What are some headcannons you have about Wednesday and Enid in this particular AU?? ❤️❤️ just any that you think would be accurate?
Thank you so much for reading it, and for the ask and kind words! I spent about an hour thinking about the background before I wrote the little fic, and here is what I came up with!
For this AU, I was thinking 60th Hunger Games, or something in that ballpark. I put Enid in District 2 not just because it seems sort of close to where she is from in canon, but also because I felt like her overall aesthetic and demeanour would put her somewhere a little more proximal to the capitol, and I liked the idea of her being an unorthodox career tribute. I played around with the idea of Wednesday volunteering as well, but I thought she would ultimately be more ethically opposed to the Hunger Games than intrigued by the gore and violence.
I didn’t explicitly mention this in the oneshot, but I pictured her in District 6, with the Addams family being sort of upper-class in the district like how Madge’s family was in the original series, to track with her privileged upbringing from the movies and show’s canon. Fencing lessons felt appropriate for a macabre kid who was a little bit better-resourced than most. I feel like she would have a distain for the capitol but would take the route of using their tools to play her own game rather than outright trying to start a Revolution or something— she always struck me as a bit of a reluctant hero who found her way into saving the world out of her own fixations, (initial/put-on) self-centeredness, and moral code. So, if she won the games, she would make her impact once she was a Victor rather than trying to blow the games apart as a tribute.
They are both 16 in the AU I wrote (hinted at that but didn’t directly say), and Enid’s family sent her off to the academy to train pretty young, whereas Wednesday was always very into school and by nature is entering the arena without formal training but with quite the encyclopaedia of knowledge and without being afraid to get her hands a bit dirty.
No powers in this AU, of course, but Wednesday has good instincts for guessing outcomes based on meticulous analysis and gut instinct, and Enid has modded her canine teeth into fangs á la Enobaria. I think her show-stopper move in the arena would be eviscerating other tributes with her nails but without fanfare or claiming the kills outright. Silent but deadly, and the polish hides the blood underneath her nails. Wednesday grabs a sword at the cornucopia and kills a tribute in the process, but she doesn’t see Enid make any attempt at grabbing a weapon or allying herself with the other careers, which she makes note of.
Wednesday gets a high score for her training test because she was able to demonstrate a exceptional degree of competency in pretty much every area, but especially because she was able to predict other tribute’s scores and the game makers were kind of weirded out and impressed (in my mind, she has a near-photographic knowledge of all the prior games because she is a Weird Kid™️, and uses that as well as her observations during training and readings). Enid got an 11 for dissecting the model dummy with a surgical precision using only her nails.
I’m open to the idea that either one of them dies in my short AU, or that they both do. My MO, which is consistent throughout all my fics, is to show that my core belief is that they are evenly matched. I don’t think Wednesday has the upper hand on Enid, and I think Enid can be a victim of fandom character flattening— I like to call back to the fact that, in canon, she’s not only very popular amongst her peers (a skillset Wednesday lacks), but extracurricularly engaged and being called on by the headmistress to give tours of the campus, which tells me she is probably a high achiever. And, Bianca sees her as a threat to some degree, and she’s the reigning popular AND smart girl. Maybe her grammar and spelling could use some work, but she’s not inherently less smart than Wednesday, and the “this kitty has claws” scene in the pilot deliberately set her up to be Wednesday’s equally balanced foil. So, for this AU, I didn’t want Wednesday to just sweep the games because she’s Wednesday, I wanted Enid to be real competition to her.
The following part of the story would be Enid starting an alliance with Wednesday where their tension and bond continues to grow and eventually they have to decide to kill each other or separate and let other people kill them. I think Wednesday would kill Enid and come out of the games extremely resentful of the Capitol for constructing that situation, or they would separate but she would kill a tribute making a shot at Enid to save her, just further complicating their mutually assured destruction. Enid, however, I see preferring to just separate. Is there room for a situation where they are fighting together and, after they vanquish the final enemy, the camera pans to show that one of them has fatally stabbed the other accidentally? If Enid wins, she gets her scars during the games.
I also considered an AU where Wednesday was a mentor who freshly won the previous year’s games and Enid was the new tribute she had to train, but thought it might strike a bit close to home since the Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes has a mentor/tribute dynamic going on. In that case, though, I see Wednesday winning her games through mostly tactical moves and a fair amount of well-timed and executed (pardon the pun) kills, possibly starting to get a bit creative with them which won her some points with the capitol. I imagine Enid wanting to take a more charismatic approach to win over the sponsors and form alliances, which she butts heads with Wednesday “I work alone” Addams about.
Anyway, that’s sort of what I was thinking for this particular AU! I feel like there must be an awesome collection of fics with the Hunger Games AU prompt out there, and although I haven’t read those, I bet there are tons of cool directions to take the lore.
Thanks so much for the question and for reading the fic!!! 💕
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graceshouldwrite · 1 year
How to Edit Your Novel (Pt. 1)
If you haven't finished writing your first draft yet, feel free to save this for future use :) If you HAVE finished first drafting (BIG CONGRATS! That's a massive accomplishment, and I hope you're super proud of yourself ❤️ ), I really hope this helps you!
There's a lot to get into regarding editing, so this post will focus on more macro edits while part 2 will focus on micro edits.
In my opinion, one of the MOST IMPORTANT parts of editing is rereading your own book.
I highly recommend printing out your book into a physical copy. Generally, you can print out hundreds of pages at the copy or stationery shop (e.g. Staples), and then put them in a 3-ring binder.
For presets, I highly recommend at least 12 pt. font and DOUBLE-SPACED!!! This is so you can annotate easily DIRECTLY between lines on the paper while you're rereading. For me, I annotate with a red pen. The biggest things to focus on for a first reread are:
Plot + subplots! Example questions:
What things don't make sense?
What things don't you like?
(Spec fiction specific, mostly) Any worldbuilding issues, like no introduction to the cool fantasy gadgets, lore not matching up, or no logistical possibilities (e.g. how do gladiators in your book use modern flush toilets when the world is based on Ancient Rome?)?
Is anything too confusing?
Unnecessary scenes?
Issues with important plot beats (e.g. inciting incident too late, climax too early, etc. depending on how you want your story to flow)?
Characters! Example questions:
Is the development clear?
Are their personalities, motivations, and backstories fleshed out?
Do they have distinct voices that can be relatively easily distinguished in dialogue?
Are their names/appearances/personalities too similar, causing confusion?
Do you have too many or too few characters?
Are the character/group dynamics organic, significant to the plot, and enjoyable to read?
Other things to get picky with include:
tone, mood, voices, general atmosphere
prose issues like dialogue, description, etc.
plot discontinuities (e.g. John has blue eyes in Chapter 4, but in Chapter 6, he has green eyes)
Go in with your red pen and do whatever you want, as long as you can clearly read what you scribble. Let yourself go wild with *circle* "GRAMMAR ERROR!" or *underline* "STRANGE CHARACTER INTERACTION" or *large bracket spanning paragraph* "BAD SCENE!" Don't worry about making it look "aesthetic," just go for it in whichever way is most efficient for you.
However, for your first reread, or just an earlier one, focusing on the big picture things should be your first priority! Imagine tweaking the prose in one chapter for it to read like the love child of Victor Hugo and Charles Dickens, but then you realize the chapter doesn't serve the plot at all and needs to be cut...
After rereading, it's time to revise. Revision is the BIG PICTURE, GENERAL edit! Remember those issues that you found? Now, you're actively brainstorming how to fix them. This is not the REWRITING stage yet—that comes after!
Refer back to the list of questions above, and find solutions. I like to do this in a systematic method where I make a table (in this case, using Notion):
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You can make this in any spreadsheet software, or even just create columns in a doc or on paper. I sort it by the ISSUE, SOLUTION IDEAS, TYPE OF ISSUE (e.g. character development, worldbuilding), and STATUS (done?).
Of course, doing this in a linear fashion is also fine, where you directly go down the chronological plot order. However, I would suggest separately brainstorming for each issue before you begin this step.
For example:
ISSUE: Heist is too easy and underwhelming
Increased number of trained security personnel + improved tech (e.g. city hired guards who were former thieves themselves, security cameras, classic laser beams protruding from walls, a door with more locks and a very hard constitution)
In the thief group, more tension between each other -> harder for them to all cooperate and coordinate, leading to some things going wrong
Decreased competence of certain thieves, or just careless mistakes (e.g. tripping, coughing because of dust and attracting attention, not scaling a wall properly, etc.)
After you comb through all the issues like this (or however much effort each issue warrants), you'll find yourself at the REWRITING step! We'll cover that next time :)
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instagram: @ grace_should_write
I used to dread revising, especially after I'd finished the first draft of my first novel, but now, I quite like the process :) Yesterday, I just finished re-plotting an improved version of my story after LOTS of revising through 4 drafts! I can 100% say that no matter how difficult it is, a thorough revision is totally worth it!!!
OH! Also, goes without saying, but that spreadsheet revision example is NOT a real project hahaha
Hope this was helpful, and let me know if you have any questions by commenting, re-blogging, or DMing me on IG. Any and all engagement is appreciated :)
Happy writing, and have a great day!
- grace <3
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fluentmoviequoter · 9 months
Hanna, Hanna, Hanna! 🩷🫶🏻 happiest birthday to you, my dear! i wish you all the best with lots of hugs and love, ❤️ i’m really sorry about seeing it late, 🥺🫂 i saw your birthday party and i really want to come if you what i meant. So, here’s the thing:
from our guest list, i am choosing obviously sir Victor Vale, ♡ who is sending you these birthday wishes — “your eyes are really pretty up close” with these candles — “when the other (reader) holds onto their (Vic’s) waist briefly as they're (reader) passing by and it just sends chills down their (Vic’s) spine”.
i actually made some connection in my head among those, BUT you are the magician here, so it’s up to you! 🫶🏻✨ and, if you struggle with this, i also picked out a birthday song number 93 as you said to pick between 1-100. i also have a one song which is my fav song of all time, — always connect Victor with that — “dancing with our hands tied” by taylor swift, if you are up to that song for writing, i would be over the sky honestly. BUT, still if you won’t, i’ll love you regardless, 🫶🏻💗 anyways, i think that’s it! happy birthday again, love! ✨💗 love you to the moon and back, with sending you lots of love and hugsss!!!
This is the most aesthetically pleasing ask I've ever gotten, oh my gosh. Also, pretty sure you're the only person who calls me by my name here.🫶🏼
Thank you so so much for the birthday wishes (and you weren't late)!! I'm excited to have you at my party and you have amazing ideas! So, I decided to write all three!! I hope you enjoy them and that they're along the lines of what you envisioned!
💌 birthday wishes and candles (These go together incredibly well! Thanks for making the connection!)
💌 song 93
💌 Dancing With Our Hands Tied (Full transparency, I'm not a Taylor Swift fan and I've only heard this song once. But! I read the lyrics and used them and what I think the meaning is to write this. Hope it's okay!)
Thank you for the kind words, too! I don't feel like a magician but I think I found some connection between them! Lots and lots of love and hugs back to you!!🤍
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otome0heart · 2 years
Thank you for tagging me, @mugoki! ♡⃛ヾ(๑❛ ▿ ◠๑ ) I love these types of games.
Nickname: Megumi  🥰 
Sign: Gemini ♊ 
Height: 1,59m
Last thing googled: IKEA 🤭  I'm buying the last pieces of furniture I need for my flat tomorrow and I've been compulsively checking all types of bookshelves, chests of drawers and organising items they have.
Song stuck in my head: "I guess I just lost my husband, I don't know where he went..." 🤣🤣🤣 I guess they're playing Pink too much on music TV channels.
Number of followers: 240 (and grateful for/to every single one of them ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ )
Amount of sleep: Less that I should have 💤 
Dream job: Being a writer. I love stories since I was a little child and I started writing fanfiction at 13/14 yo, though I didn't even know it was called that. In the last years I started writing originals and though I'm a really slow writer (work and things in my personal life prevent me from writing as much as I'd love to), nothing makes me happier than a computer/a pen and a notebook (well, except books).
Lucky number: 5
Movies/books that summarize you: OMG, so difficult, I had never thought about this... I think Gone with the Wind + The Young Victoria with a BIG pinch of warm moving Christmas books/films and an ever BIGGER one of Jane Austen's novels
Favorite song: It's impossible to choose just one! I love too many, of all genres and times...
Aesthetic: Definitely Victorian and romantic (bustles, crinolines, lace, flowers...).
Favorite instrument: The violin and the piano. I started learning the first as an adult and it made me realise that music is really for everyone. It changed my ideas and my world. And I'd love to resume learning. And once I have more free time, I'll start with the piano.
Favorite authors: Jane Austen, she's my all-time favourite writer. Besides, I love a bunch of romance authors, such as Sarah M. Eden, Ali Hazelwood or Carla Kelly. In the non-romance department, Preston&Child, Robert L. Stevenson, Edgar Allan Poe and Becquer among others. Favourites manga authors include Arakawa Hiromu, Toboso Yana, Enjouji Maki and Adachi Mitsuru ✨
Favorite animal noises: Another one I had never thought about but, maybe the steps of a dog as they are coming to see/greet you (I love dogs 🐶💕)
Random: Today is rainy, winter is coming and I want to hybernate till spring. Can it be summer all year round? ☀️ ☀️ ☀️ 
Tagging these people (no pressure): @darling-dummy-blogs, @otonymous, @victors-only-dummy, @lizzy011389, @winster6
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i realized people make introduction posts so here we go i wanna summon the other chaotic neurodivergent trans gremlin bois who like the same shit as me i know you're out there and i will find you.
my name is Charlie and my artist personas name is Chalk so that can be used as a nickname for me. my pronouns are he/they and i'm a 20 year old artist from Sweden studying animation. I'm a transmasc and feel like the label boyflux describes my gender the best. i'm an adhd autistic who obsesses over the most obscure things and then tries to find people on tumblr who also obsess over them to feel better about it.
(still waiting for an autism diagnosis :') but my like 10 autistic friends and my allistic ones all agree i am and that's all i have to come with rn. to quote my dear friends: "you're literally the definition of autism")
here's some stuff i like or find interesting:
☆ character art, design and development🤖
☆ drawing both traditionally and digitally🖍
☆ my oc's❤️
☆ sketchbook drawing and decoration📒
☆ animation and animatics🎞
☆ crows and similar birds in the corvid family🖤
☆ my favorite aesthetics: own aesthetics i don't know how to name📻, sciencecore🧪, scenecore⚡️, y2k💎, gremlincore🌲, fairygrunge/similar aesthetics🕸, cryptidcore🔦, crowcore🖤
☆ exploring in the forest🌲
☆ Lemon Demon☎️
☆ Oingo Boingo☠️
☆ Pseudo Echo🌆
☆ Minecraft⛏️
☆ 80s, 90s and 2000s stuff📼
☆ my favorite types of characters are fun villains who know they are villains and that they are the shit/pos, mad scientists because chemistry and machines and robots and stuff are cool and we love the unhingedness, and odd/chaotic but chill characters who i just really vibe with😎
☆ Undertale and Deltarune (fav characters: Sans, Papyrus, Spamton, Mettaton, Lancer, Susie)❤️
☆ Arcane (Fav characters: Victor, Jinx, Silco)🔫
☆ Frankenstein and it's fandom🔩
☆ Youtubers/streamers i like: Jschlatt, Ted Nivison, Slimesicle, Strange Eons, Internet Historian, Nilered, Milomumbles, Jackscepticeye, Markiplier, Daz Games, Philza and wow there is probably so many more i forgot.🐏
☆ maybe getting into the Re Animator fandom cuz i love Herbert and the Danbert ship🧪
☆ monster energy (i collect the cans but don't drink it that much since it doesn't go well with my anxiety sometimes)⚡️
☆ old technology (old computers, computer games, old internet, cassette tapes, vhs, cd's and more)📻
☆ game development (dunno how to make games myself but wanna learn)🎮
☆ chemistry is interesting and cool, i wanna learn it but i struggle with math and remembering all the words and little facts about things. :( ⚗️
wow this got really long and i dunno what more to write. :P
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acourtcfmuses · 3 years
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yandere--stuck · 2 years
I can’t stop thinkin bout yandere Mr. Freeze n Nora fawning over a darling with a woodland fairy, cottagecore aesthetic. Their little fawn, all theirs to keep safe n warm during the frigid winter ☺️❤️ Awww their poor darling is shivering from the cold!! Definitely not because they’re being held captive by one of gothams most dangerous and powerful rogues. Mr. Freeze just has a few more… “obstacles” to deal with before going home to the 2 loves of his life ❤️❤️❤️ I love ur blog btw!!
This doesn't completely stick to the prompt, but I hope you enjoy it! ^^
Colder Than The Snowman's Heart
Hugo Strange would pay. He would pay for his deceit, for sticking him in this hellhole, for taking his Nora from him and putting her in the hands of the likes of The Joker. He would pay. Victor would start by freezing his fingers to the bone, watch as they turn black at the tips, and then make the man watch as he breaks them off one by one. And then once those were gone, he'd move to his arms and legs…
Ah, but that would come later. Right now, he needed to focus on continuing to find a cure for his wife, as well as manufacturers whatever serum the Good Doctor wanted from him.
The only "good" thing the doctor had done for him, though, had been bringing you to him. A "sign of good faith," in Strange's words. He had plucked you from your little cottage on the outskirts of Bludhaven and brought you into Arkham City and into Freeze's arms without much trouble - not that trouble even existed for someone who had gained as much power and influence as Strange.
And despite Nora's capture, despite all of Victor's rage and fear and suffering, seeing you again made it all… Melt away.
He can barely feel you under his suit, but it's enough. More than enough just to hold you in his arms. Warm, yes, but never warm enough to hurt him. He sighs in relief as he begins rocking the two of you from side to side in a slow dance. You shiver in his grasp and he rubs your back and pulls you even closer.
You'd always been sensitive to the cold. Before he'd been betrayed and transformed and Nora had been well, the three of you would go everywhere together - with two exceptions. You couldn't stand the Cryogenics Lab. Whenever you'd dare to go in for a tour or spend time with the couple, you'd shiver and shake so hard your teeth would chatter and eventually have to, begrudgingly, leave in order to warm yourself up. And whenever he and Nora would go ice-skating, you'd have to wait by the sidelines and watch. Even when they'd insist you just wear a jacket to join them, you'd be adamant it was still too chilly. Victor and Nora would tease you, saying you were just too scared to try, too worried about looking like a baby deer taking its first steps to try stepping foot on the rink.
It was all in good fun, of course, and there were plenty of other things they loved doing with you, instead. Going to Nora's recitals and performances together (Victor reaching an arm to wrap around the back of your chair, moving just a smidge closer to you), making cups of hot cocoa on especially chilly days to help warm you up (Nora sitting snug against you, smile so bright it'd put the sun to shame, waiting until her hands were especially warm and holding your own to chase away the cold.) Going on walks together, talking about everything and anything. Nora insisting that you and Victor dance together as 'practice' for upcoming shows, only to end up with you and Victor trading her as she leads the two of you in a waltz. Going on outings whenever Victor got a day off just to spend the day together - picnics, trips to the amusement park, eating out at restaurants. Even sleepovers.
The three of you were inseparable.
And he and Nora were so in-sync, clicked so well, it only made sense that they'd both fall for you. And they couldn't wait. Couldn't wait to tell you how much you meant to them. How much they loved you. How much they wanted you in their lives not just as a friend, but as a partner. They were so happy, so excited to tell you.
And then Nora got sick. She got sick and that's what Victor had to focus on. And Nora promised that as soon as she got better, they'd tell you and spend happily ever after together.
But, Nora's illness had no cure. And Fries had to pour everything into finding a cure. All his time, his money, his energy. You were by his side one-hundred percent of the way, and he was so grateful, but… It only became more complicated.
Eventually, Victor decided putting her in cryostasis was the only way to buy enough time to formulate a cure. And when he asked for the help of the CEO of the corporation he worked for, he was betrayed. Turned into the man he is now.
He wasn't angry at you for leaving. No, not you. Never you. You were scared. Scared of what had happened to him. Scared of what would happen to Nora. Even scared of Victor, because of what was done to him. He could understand. Of course, he'd understand.
So, you fled Gotham out of fear. You had spoken about it to him and Nora beforehand, wanting to move away from the hustle and bustle of the city and find a nice cottage in a more rural area. He'd be lying if he and Nora hadn't hoped to come along. After all, the city had been getting more dangerous as of late.
But, as much as he understood, it broke Victor's heart. He had nothing. Not Nora, not you, not even his humanity. The only thing that allowed him to keep going was the hope of one day finding a cure for Nora. Perhaps himself, too, but Nora was his top priority. And then, they'd find you again and everything would go back to normal and you'd live out your happily ever after, together, finally.
But, here you are. In his arms once more. Safe and sound. Victor felt himself choke up, tears escaping him before freezing and sticking to his cheeks. There was so much he wanted to tell you. How much he and Nora love you, how he was so happy to see you again, how badly he missed you, how… How sorry he was. For everything.
But, he couldn't. He couldn't speak, his throat closing in on itself and the words unable to come out. But, actions are louder than words, after all.
For just a moment, Victor allows the glass of his helmet to slide back. Slowly, carefully, Victor leans in to press a soft kiss to your forehead. As the glass slid back of his face to shield him, the man let out a content sight. For once, since the Asylum and losing Nora, Victor felt at peace.
In his arms, Victor can just barely feel you shake in his hold, teeth chattering as you begin to hyperventilate.
Surely, it's just from the cold.
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hooned · 4 years
Victor, for the aesthetic thingy uwu 💞💞💞
hello, victor my loves!!! 🥰❤️ my heart goes extra UWU whenever i think about youuu as well 🥺✨
old bookstores hidden in the alleys of big cities
watching fireworks in someone else's eyes
freshly brewed coffee ; fragrant, relaxing
send me your names & i’ll write aesthetic blurbs of how it makes me feel ; ✨
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alvadee · 5 years
As a child I was always told that I had time to grow out of my fat and not look like my mom. It was bullshit, my mom is beautiful! And fat! I am also beautiful!! And fat!! Being told that so much as a child was traumatizing as fuck and only now have I been able to chink away at that low self esteem enough to combat it!! Victor was a handsome man, you're gorgeous, like just UGJHHHHH IS IT NOT ENOUGH FOR ME TO BE FERAL MUST I ALSO BEND TO CONVENTIONAL BEAUTY JUST BECAUSE I AM FAT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
How incredibly fucked up to tell you to not get fat so you don’t look like your mother. How fucking vile…
Thank you! ❤️ And yes, growing up fat is in many cases a pretty traumatizing experience. 
You know what has been an eye opening realization to me, that the majority of people really do see fat people as thin people gone wrong, the true self hidden under fat, too weak willed to get rid of the disgusting fat we accumulated. I only realized that at my last big weight loss stint in 2015 when I looked at hundreds of before and after pictures as motivation. 
I guess I was lucky in a way that I always thought fat people were beautiful. Even looking at the before and after photos I thought several times that some people did look better, simply aesthetically, when they were heavier. I personally don’t find every fat person beautiful as I don’t find every thin person beautiful either, but a person being fat never inherently made them ugly or unattractive in my eyes. There were and are so many fat people I find incredibly beautiful and it has always completely startled and shocked me when people said they were ugly or pretty if they lost weight. I always thought that makes no sense, if you think they’d be pretty if they lost weight, aren’t they pretty now too? Why would shrinking their body change their overall looks? And I also always thought there’s beauty in being fat, full cheeks, the curves of the body and folds, the presence, the softness, even the jiggle. Idk, there was no time in my life I felt it was revolting, though I did think it was numerous times because it was taught to me and I’m still unlearning it. I guess I just take fat people for who they are and not as a tragedy or before photo and never understood why so many around me didn’t.
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maya-matlin · 6 years
Show ask meme: Gossip Girl and Degrassi Next Class. 💓💓💓💓
Gossip Girl:
Top 5 Episodes? (I’m going to answer the episode questions with only season 1 and the beginning of season 2 in mind since it’s been so many years since I’ve rewatched anything else) Pilot, The Wild Brunch, Bad News Blair, The Handmaiden’s Tale & Blair Waldorf Must Pie
Bottom 5 Episodes? Victor/Victrola, The Thin Line Between Chuck and Nate, All About My Brother, The Dark Night & The Ex Files
Top 5 Characters? Nate, Jenny, Blair, Eric & Serena or Dan (depending on the episode)
Bottom 5 Characters? Chuck, Catherine, Asher, Nate’s parents (I’m counting them as one) & Chuck again since I can’t think of a fifth character
Top 5 Romantic Ships? Dair, Serenate, Nate/Jenny, Nair & Eric/Jonathan
Bottom 5 Romantic Ships? Chair, Derena, Asher/Eric & Jenny, Chuck/anyone & Nate/Catherine
Top 5 Platonic Ships? Blair/Serena, Dan/Nate, Jenny/Eric, Jenny/Dan/Rufus & Serena/Eric
Bottom 5 Platonic Ships? Chuck/Serena, Chuck/Nate, Nate/his parents, Chuck/Bart (more for Bart’s sake and resenting a so far decent character being used as an explanation and a way to justify Chuck being a shitty human being) & Nate/Blair/Serena/Chuck (not the first three, just Chuck’s inclusion) 
Season Ranking? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (I’ve only seen parts of 4 and 5)
Character You Relate To The Most? Vanessa or Eric
Character That Inspires You? Jenny
Character You Can’t Understand? Chuck
Best Written Character? I’m not prepared to say any of the characters are well written since I remember how badly all of them were screwed over in later seasons. But Eric seemed to be the most consistent. 
Worst Written Character? I guess Chuck? He’s my go-to for some of these questions because everything about him takes me out of the show and makes me feel the need to go off on countless rants. He never had to be a serial date rapist. He never had to force himself on two main characters in the first episode of the show. He never had to  be creepy and possessive over his love interest. And that’s barely scratching the surface. From what I remember, there was never any attempt to truly have this character express remorse for any of his worst actions. The only time he seemed to care is when something or someone cost him Blair. The fact he was supposed to be rootable and one half of the OTP of the show makes it even worse. I understand. 2008 was a different time and back then television had different standards. But knowing everything I know now about rape culture, consent, boundaries, etc, it’s not possible for me to stomach the character. 
Most Cliched Character? All of them to an extent, but Serena or Blair
Most Unusual Character? N/A
Most Inspired Storyline? Dan and Blair growing closer and eventually dating. Maybe it wasn’t the most unique thing to ever happen but it definitely breathed life into the show during later seasons. 
Favorite Hero? Nate
Favorite Villain? Georgina
Best Person? Eric
Most Influential Character? N/A
Most Manipulative Character? Chuck, with Blair as a really distant second
Best Performance in an Episode? Blake Lively in Woman on the Verge
Most Visually Stunning Episode? None of them stand out because basically every episode is well lit and has a nice setting 
Most Impressive Special Effects? N/A
Character with the Best Aesthetics? Blair
Favorite Song? New York City - Among Savages
Best Writer? Joshua Safran
Favorite Theme? N/A
5 Words You Associate _____ With? Problematic, fashionable, backstabbing, drama & disappointing
Degrassi Next Class:
Top 5 Episodes? #ImSleep, #IRegretNothing, #KThxBye, #BreakTheInternet & #Fire
Bottom 5 Episodes? #ThisCouldBeUsButYouPlayin, #ToMyFutureSelf, #TheseAreMyConfessions, #SquadGoals & #ILookLikeA
Top 5 Characters? Zig, Maya, Zoe, Tiny & Grace
Bottom 5 Characters? Hunter, Vijay, Winston, Baaz & Jonah
Top 5 Romantic Ships? Zaya, Triles, Gracevas, Zasha & Shiny
Bottom 5 Romantic Ships? Yunter, Mola, Fronah, Tristan/Vijay & Zig/Esme/Frankie 
Top 5 Platonic Ships? Zig/Maya/Tiny/Grace, Zoe/Tristan, Lola/Yael, Goldi/Rasha & Miles/Zoe
Bottom 5 Platonic Ships? Miles/Winston, Hunter/Baaz/Vijay/Yael/Lola, Maya/Zoe (Their dynamic had tons of potential and the rivalry should have ended after season 13. But Next Class ruined all that and there was never anything done to repair their friendship), Shay/Lola (depending on the season) & Zoe/her mother
Season Ranking? 3, 4, 1, 2
Character You Relate To The Most? Maya
Character That Inspires You? Maya
Character You Can’t Understand? Vijay & Winston
Best Written Character? Maya
Worst Written Character? Grace during Next Class seasons 1 and 2
Most Cliched Character? Vijay
Most Unusual Character? Esme
Most Inspired Storyline? Maya’s arc throughout seasons 3 and 4
Favorite Hero? Maya
Favorite Villain? Esme. She’s obviously much more than a villain, but she was much more compelling to watch than Hunter or any of his friends. 
Best Person? Maya
Most Influential Character? Zoe
Most Manipulative Character? Esme
Best Performance in an Episode? Olivia Scriven in #ImSleep
Most Visually Stunning Episode? #Obsessed
Most Impressive Special Effects? N/A
Character with the Best Aesthetics? Maya. I loved her look in every season.
Favorite Song? Last Exit
Best Writer? Matt Huether & Sarah Glinski 
Favorite Theme? There was only one theme song, but NC seasons 1 and 2. 
5 Words You Associate _____ With? Intense, dramatic, inclusive, wonderful & gonetoosoon
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