#❝ from the throne room — ❞ (mun's here)
sovereignxfae · 2 months
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I love this! Can you write something after this maybe for the Devil nobles please? :3
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((Hello again but sure, I can write something else after this one. Glad to see you liked it. :3 But here ya go dear anon.))
((Oh and once more, The DBT and some others of the devils mentioned in this, along with the Devil Nobles au belong to @demon-blood-youths ))
Silver butterfly mun/peahen mom
The DBT was in the other throne room on the west side while looking at their leader panic over the whole situation regarding getting married. Hellmare along with the other girls were trying to calm her down.
"There there, Ink. I'm sure it won't be bad.." Hellmare said but Ink was crying to pout.
"How are we even sure!? I thought he told us we had more time but now he's worried about it. Second, who are we even going to find as our suitors!? I can't go through doing this!" she said grabbing some of her black hair.
"Ink, calm down. I'm sure we will figure this out. Don't forget, this affects all of us and our friends. We don't know who we would see to marry but..I rather do that then getting someone picked for me." Shdwkyz sits on the couch to look ahead but he didn't understand this. Even his Devil Goa explained and she did sound serious. All of the devils did that their friends have been told the same.
"Even so..it's such a pain. Having to find a husband or wife to get engaged to. I mean, how in the world are we going to do that?" Rust said but the others thinks about it.
"I don't know. I guess we will have to see how it goes. I hear everyone else is going through what we are going through. Even if we are learning to take over the human world, they are learning just as much as we are." Ophelia pushes her glasses up but she sighed to see Oblivion still playing some games before looking at the table.
"Maybe we can figure some plan out before it comes to that." she said.
"Again, we are unsure. For now, we have to think of some idea. We don't know who we can and it could take longer." Navarro said annoyed about this that the others sigh. Jaron saw this but shook his head to think.
"Come on guys, we shouldn't be down about this. I'm sure things will be alright. They have to be. Our devils told us we have time but we just have to be careful and make it a true answer. I think I rather find someone I would without the whole situation going on. Maybe we just need time to think a bout it." He said.
"But for how long? You know Vanity means what he says. The devils say the same thing too." Fosh adds in with the other DBT thinking.
"I don't know why everyone is worried about it. Is being Married like being friends?" Gerald asked but Hellmare looks to him and Taz.
"Lets just say it's something the older ones go through when it comes to being married or engaged. You'll know when you find that special someone Gerald and you too Taz." she said to the two who understand in a way.
"I mean think about how the other demon youths know about this. I know they are freaking out just as we were." she said but Ink still hid her face in her pillow not wanting to. Marriage was not fun and it sounded like a lot of work.
"Also, who knows who we will end up with. It could be anyone here or from another area of the demon world. We will never know till we see.." she said to everyone. The DBT knew their allies were worried about this too. Heck, Ink even knew the other leaders were unsure about it. She wonders how they feel. Even her bound demon sister Jinx could be unsure about this. It was a lot to take in.
"Well, I guess we can because I don't want another to be picked for me. We might not like who we are given if it's someone we don't know." Fosh said worried.
"True Fosh but again, we don't know who we would marry if it came to that. First we have to get engaged..don't we?" Oblivion said but before Ink could add their was something suddenly sent to her room. The DBT blinks to look seeing two guards walking in with a med sized box.
They watch the guards lower it on the table before bowing towards Ink and them, then leaves.
"Uhhh what is that?" Jaron asked.
"I don't know.." Ink mutters as Fosh and Rust go to the box and sees a letter. It was addressed to them from her father. Ink picks it up and opens the letter to read it. The letter says this,
Dear Ink,
I'm writing this because I know your stubborn or your a bit angry with me but understand. This is for our house. You need to find your suitor like your friends one day and soon. I don't want to be forced to find one for you because the other devils are giving you all time to find someone. Because if not, that will lead to arranged marriages and trust me their not fun.
Anyway, me with some of your friends devils are giving you something to help with that. The boxes are in the bit one but you'll have yours with your name. Just try to make this work at least.
And stop being a baby. You'll be fine. And marriage is not scary! It's just like you finding your mate. Anyway, just do your best Ink.
P.S: The box has your engagement rings for you and your chosen mate. Be sure you do your best or find who will be close. Just remember you might have multiple mates so be careful.
"....." She reads the letter but saw the two open the box seeing mini ones inside. Every one of them was decorated by their own devil's house theme with their own. That's when Ink takes hers to open but her eyes widen.
"Inside was a ring; an engagement ring!? The others were shocked seeing they had the same thing. However, they were magic rings.
"Why do we have rings?" Oblivion asked confused.
"Uhhh I think these are engagement rings." Rust sweatdrops before each one had a letter addressed to them from their devils. The letter only said:
'Good luck finding your mates in the future. You have some time but don't waste it.'
"They were serious..." The DBT said at the same time.
"......" Yeah, seems the devils were serious. With that, seems the story among finding a mate has started but Ink had a T^T expression as she was pouting. Why her team? Why her?!? This was the worst. Or was it?
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microcosme11 · 2 years
A Meeting with Napoleon
   Mme la Marquise de la Tour de Pin’s husband had just been dismissed as minister of something or other in Brussels. This was a catastrophe because marriage negotiations were being finalized for their daughter with a rich Belgian. Madame rushed to Paris to intercede with Napoleon. (P.S. She was Fanny Bertrand’s half-sister)
I had to wait ten minutes in the salon which preceded the one where Napoleon received. I was very glad to find no one there for I had need of this moment of solitude to arrange my thoughts. A conversation en tête à tête with this extraordinary man was an event of great importance in my life, and nevertheless I declare here in all the sincerity of my heart, perhaps with pride, that I did not feel in the least embarrassed. The door opened; the usher, by a gesture, made me a sign to enter and then closed the double door behind me. I found myself in the presence of Napoleon. He advanced to meet me and said with quite a pleasant air:    "Madame, I am afraid that you are very much displeased with me.”    I inclined my head in sign of assent and the conversation began. Having lost the notes which I wrote of this long audience which lasted fifty-nine minutes by the clock, after the lapse of so many years I am not able to remember all the details of the interview. The Emperor endeavored, in short, to prove to me that he had been forced to act as he had done. Then I pictured to him in a few words the state of society at Brussels, the consideration which my husband had acquired there compared with all the preceding préfets, the visit of Réal, the stupidity of General Chambarlhac and of his wife, a religieuse défroquée, and so on. All this was recited rapidly, and, as I was encouraged by his air of approbation, I ended by announcing to the Emperor that my daughter was going to marry one of the greatest seigneurs of Brussels. Upon which, he interrupted me, placing his beautiful hand upon my arm, and said:    "J'espère que cela ne fera pas manquer le mariage, et, dans ce cas, vous ne devriez pas le regretter." Then while promenading the length of the large salon, while I followed, walking at his side, he pronounced these words (and it is perhaps the only time in his life that he ever said them and the privilege was reserved for me to overhear him):    “I have made a mistake, but what can I do?”    I replied, “Your Majesty can repair the error.”    Then he placed his hand on his forehead and said: “Ah! they are at work upon the prefectures; the Minister of the Interior is coming this evening." Then he mentioned the names of four or five departments and added: “There is Amiens. Will that suit you?”    I replied without hesitation: “Perfectly, Sire.”    “In that case, it is arranged,” said he. "You can go and notify Montalivet."    And with that charming smile of which so much has been said: “A présent, m'avez-vous pardonné?”    I replied to him in my best manner: “J'ai besoin aussi que Votre Majesté me pardonne de lui avoir parlé si librement."    “Oh! vous avez très bien fait." I made a curtsy and he went to the door which he opened for me himself. --LATER-- At this time there was an Assembly at Court and I went with Mme. de Mun. I was dressed very simply, without a single gem, contrary to the custom of the ladies of the Empire who were covered with jewels. I found myself placed in the last row in the Throne Room where I was a head taller than two little women who had placed themselves unceremoniously before me. The Emperor entered. He glanced his eyes over the three rows of ladies, spoke to several with an inattentive air, and then having perceived me, he smiled in that manner which all the historians have endeavored to describe and which was truly remarkable, from the contrast it presented to the usual expression of his face which was always serious and often severe. But the surprise of my neighbors was great when Napoleon, still smiling, addressed to me these words: "Êtes-vous contente de moi, Madame?” The persons who surrounded me then withdrew to the right and left, and I found myself, without knowing how, in the front rank. I thanked the Emperor in an accent of very sincere gratitude. After several very amiable words, he passed on. This was the last time I saw this great man.
Recollections of the revolution and the empire, by La marquise de La Tour du Pin, edited and translated by Walter Geer. [There is an audiobook of this entire book on librivox.org and the narrator is good.]
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ask-churro-cookie · 2 years
Runaway Heir au
Prologue: Late night story
"Earthbread. . . it was home to many beasts alike. Those who flew through the skies. Those who lived deep under the surface of water or ground. One's who stalked forests and hunted through blizzards. . . They all came, and as fast as they did, most of them left. . . all except a few. The most plentiful were our own kind. The Dragons. . . we ruled from the skies to deep under ground. It was a true paradise for our. . . and then there were the main five. The Red dragon of Flames. The gold dragon of the earth. The blue dragon of water. The violet dragon of darkness. And of course-"
A small voice squeaked out. It was a late night in The Longan palace. Everything was quiet and still, just as the dragon theirself liked it, But all except for the young cookie whome the dragon was holding in their arms oh so carefully. Unlike the dragon though, the much younger one was much more energetic. Outspoken.
"..Mhmhmh, Yes, And then there is me, My little one. Now, please settle down."
The Ivory dragon's face soften slightly in a smile as they stood up from their throne and started walking while carrying their child in their arms.
"Not everything lasted though... Our kind slowly died off until there was very few left... Then those so-called cookies came to be... The age of dragons.. Was over.. But, not to worry, My child. It will make it's return soon... And you'll get to see how everything should've remained."
They spoke simply. The young dragon nodded before pausing.
"..Papa, are cookies dangerous..?"
"Only certain ones, My child... Most are just- Pests. . ."
The sound of disgust in the dragon's tone was audible, but they soon sighed and the disgusted tone vanished. They looked up at the dark sky then gazed back down at the young dragon in their arms. Who soon yawned quietly and rubbed their eyes.
"It is late, My child. It is time for you to go to sleep now. You promised that you would go sleep after I told you the story again.."
They smiled, lightly tapping a claw on the young dragon's nose.
"I know, Papa.. But the story isn't over, is it..?
"Mh.. I suppose not, My child. I suppose not... But it can be continued tomorrow. A little prince such as yourself needs his sleep."
The dragon then slowly walked to their son's room. Gently laying him down and tucking him in. It wasn't long until the young dragon was peacefully dreaming away.
"Goodnight, My dearest son.. I'll see you tomorrow morning."
They whispered before blowing out the candles in the room then exiting quietly. The dragon soon stopped, spying their right hand.
"Snakefruit. . . what are you doing here? You should be with the other snakes. . ."
"Sssorry, my dragon..! I jussst wanted to check on the young prince.."
"My son is fine. . . now, return to your duties. And leave him to sleep."
The dragon glared at them coldly. Snakefruit immediately shrunk back a bit.
"Yesss, massster..."
"Good.. Now go."
Snakefruit nodded quietly and left. Longan just sighed quietly.
What were they going to do when Snakefruit inevitably tries to manipulate their son. . ? They'll just have to make sure that won't happen. As for their son, his future was... Unknown to them.
Little did they know how different he will grow up to be.
Writer/mun note: I finally decided to ACTUALLY FUCKING TYPE THIS AU AS A STORY- i am actually very self-conscious about how I write things so- please bare with me on this little side series next to the actual ask blog, okay? I'll probably make this au it's own ask blog at some point in the future if you guys enjoy it enough. Though, that does bring me to another thing, I got a job now! So I will possibly not be as active as I would normally. Any posts you may see in the future would either premade and queued, quick answers, answered on break, or when I'm off work! If this story isn't up to your taste, check out @asks-cookies-and-chaos and or @teabrain! Both of them have amazing art, writing, and aus that you would probably enjoy! Anyways, have a good day or night, everyone! This is Ann, your Elderage abomination, signing off!
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demon-blood-youths · 2 years
A Deadly Battle pt. 5 || A Risky Solution???
Here are the previous drabbles by me and the great @the-silver-peahen-residence. This is part 5. To anyone whose interested, please read the the following drabbles. 
Part one: King vs. Dragon heir
Part two: Aftermath
Part 3: The king vs. Matt Knack
Part 4: Aftermath Acceptance
( Some oc devils, Jujustu characters canon characters ( especially Sukuna and Yuji) and some ocs ) belongs to Peahen-mun
( Ink, Vanity...and some of the devils ) belong to me.  Now get this show on the show.
------ Brief Summary ------
After the aftermath of Sukuna’s rampage, the fractions remain hiding and told to remain hiding after the defeat of the fractions such as Ink aka Van Ink the Dragon and the following defeat of Matt aka Killer Night when he and his fraction encounter Sukuna. 
The following few days were fill of anxiety wondering if Sukuna might find them, thinking he can cut a hole into the demon world. However....Ink who suffered the brutal defeat at the hands of King of Curses decided to resolve this in a way she knew how. What would be the risky solution to this deadly ordeal???
It has been a few hours now stretched into a few days. The fractions are still in Vanity’s domain as they are unsure if they can return to the human world with Sukuna around. 
Duke visited Ink in her room. She watched the fight between Matt and Sukuna using an orb. Ink considers Matt a formable opponent. Of course, they are not friends but they are not enemies. It’s a complicated relationship, they’re more like rivals. After their first encounter, their battle ended in a draw and later on, they fight once a month. 
Still....it didn’t made her come out of her room. She heard that Matt and his fraction was sent here thanks to his devil’s Chernoborg. So in a way, she’s glad that Matt and his fraction is alright even if they used to be their former enemies. Then someone walked in.
“Ink?” It’s Duke. Wearing a coa 
“Duke....” Ink greets her quietly. 
“Have you been watching?” Duke asked to which Ink nods. Seeing Matt being beaten like that. Is painful. From Sukuna’s clone no less. It’s rubbing salt into the wound. 
“Have you been thinking what Vanity said to you?” Duke asked.
“Yeah.” Ink nods, her expression is unreadable. Duke sees her eyes were dried after shedding many tears. “And...” Duke hasn’t fought Sukuna but seeing the confident Ink like this reminds him of himself when he was around her age when experiencing a battle that wounded his pride, body and soul. 
“I don’t know. I have to fight Sukuna sooner or later if we....no...I go back out. I don’t.....think I would be willing to kill him because Yuji. Yuji doesn’t deserved that.”
“Do you think he would be happy knowing that you held back because of him?” Duke said.
“No....but it’s not fair to him or to his friends. Yuji shouldn’t take the blame for what Sukuna does.” Ink heard from Taz of how she enjoys Yuji’s company. “I can’t kill someone that Taz cares about.”
“So it’s Taz. Kinie Ger’s heir?” Duke said to which Ink nods. “But also....I’m scared...” She said making Duke blinked. “If I fight again, I will be killed and what would happened to my team? I don’t think Sukuna would be able to stop if he killed me.”
“Well....I did heard that from your friends that Sukuna has a time limit. Although...I am surprised that he will possessed the boy for five minutes while....he defeated the fractions. So we should wait for time to passed.”
“Yeah but it doesn’t mean he won’t come back and take over Yuji again.” Ink sighs, “But if there is some way if I find a way to beat Sukuna at his own game, there has to be something I need to do. I just need to think....” Ink said. 
And so Ink thinks for a long time. Soon, she begins to have an idea and wonders if that works. 
Vanity is in throne room as he sits down in his seat, sighing. His fellow devils were enraged, confused and unsure on what to do. They were angry that a cursed spirit managed to beat their heirs with little effort. Someone enter and Vanity shifts his head to see his second heir. 
“Vanity. We need to talk.” It’s Ink. Vanity raised a brow. So she came out of her room, she doesn’t look to be heal. Not yet.  
“Yes?” Vanity said. Ink steps forward as her head is down. “I think....I know what to do to fix this.”
Vanity waits.
“I’m going to apologize..”
Vanity blinked, wondering if he misheard. What? 
“And then I’m going to request a rematch with Sukuna once I do.”
Vanity stares down at Ink wondering if she’s serious alright so he needs to make sure what he’s hearing from her.
“Apologize?” Vanity asked, repeating and narrows his eyes at her. “Do you think that the King of Curses would accept your apology and just accept your request for a rematch?” Such a thing is very navie and he highly doubts that Sukuna would accept that. Then again.....she sounds calm. 
“It doesn’t matter what he thinks. But it’s not only to him but to the people who been affected by this.” Ink said seriously. “Also....I was thinking how to help Yuji at the same time.”
Vanity wonders what the girl is thinking. He heard from Senkai that Ink’s craziest ideas that is contribute by her and her fellow friends that got them out of sticky situations so what sort of solution is Ink thinking here. 
“Go on..”
“I was wondering if....” Then the next words Ink said makes Vanity widen. Vanity listened and thinks. 
“You want to make a deal with him? Something like that?” Vanity asked. “Well...it’s been awhile but.” Thinking about it, this might sasfify the King of Curses or rather this deal can surprise the cursed spirit if told. On the the other hand.....
------- the devils’ meeting -----
“Your heir wants to do what now?!” It’s Caym staring wide-eyed at Vanity in disbelief. “Has she lost her mind or has the battle made her head soft??!” Caym cawed. The devils became concerned. Vanity didn’t say anything but glares at Caym for his outburst. the bird shut up but inside he’s fuming. “Your concern is well-noted, Caym. Does anyone wish to speak?” Vanity said, looking at his fellow devils who are preplexed and shocked at what his own heir is proposing. 
“I see....” Uriprayt thinks. The devils can’t believe what Vanity’s heir’s proposal but at the same time...
“Thinking about it, it might make sense. I mean-” Leonado thinks.
“Oh come on! He’s a human turned cursed spirit! An Imaginary Demon at that!” Cal yelled, not liking this at all. “A damn human is always a damn human, he died becoming a vengeful spirit after being beaten by humans. He’s just think he’s all powerful...because he’s a damn prodigy.” Cal is still mad about his heir Ashely being hurt. 
“But this vengeful spirit beats all of our heirs. No one should dissupte that.” Kukuclan who is Ethan’s devil. A snake-like demon with feathery wings as he looks like he is wearing Mayan outfits as he rattles his tail. 
Oski, Rex’s devil sighs, “ “I am conflicted, I understand what your heir is trying to do but...”
“This might save all of us and our heirs.” Ironia, Rust’s devil aka the Iron Madien who manipulates blood and iron. “Not to mention the boy that this Imaginary Demon is possessing.”
Goa, Shdwkyz’s devil as she closes her fan as she hisses her snake tongue, “Although her idea makes sense..but would Sukuna accept?” 
“And what?” It’s Ymir, Fin’s devil the ice giant. “He’s going to laugh at us once he heard it and try to take us on next after he’s done! Heck...he’s probably going after everyone in the North America continent because he’s bored!!!”
Beezlebub nods as he buzzes his bug wigns, “Exactly....that man thinks he is god compared to us! Why would he listen to us?!”
Nagi and Orochi, Vivi’s devils is also concerned about this.”I agreed. Sukuna is not like other creature we seen based on what we saw so far. We should tread lightly on this. The last thing we need is provoking him any further.” 
“I think we should allow it.” It’s’ Chernoborg, Matt’s devil who agrees with this plan making everyone turn their heads at the dark angel devil. “Sukuna is what he is and proves that to all of us despite his origins. I think we should consider it and see how it goes.” 
“Did you just forget that he beat your heir to a bloody pulp?” It’s Ira, the Wrath demon who is Kali’s devil. He looks like a monster with four arms as  he has blue hair and red skin. He can’t believe what Chernoborg is saying. “Doing that makes that cursed spirit our problem now!”
“Matt knows exactly what he’s getting into. Knowing Matt, he is reckless for his own good and I’m happy that he learns this experience from this.” Said Chernoborg as he shrugs his dark wings. “Not surprised that he survive this ordeal though. But that aside, we will provoke him either way no matter what we do. We can’t predict his actions but given what we see so far, this idea that Vanity’s heir makes sense. The King of Curses would be foolish to pass this up.” 
“Speak for yourself.” Zek said. “My heir almost died and we have to do this to make him happy? I don’t like this.” The toxic flame Zek can’t believe this. “This guy thinks he’s too good.”
Yuki; Jinx’s devil a flaming feline devil with black flames hums, “He might be amused by this but surely he won’t want to stay in a human vessel forever and given what Van Ink the Dragon’s idea is. This sounds beneficial to him and probably to the heirs if we play it right...”
Allocer, Guam’s devil looks unsure but sees there is no other choice, “I’m still unsure. But we can’t go on like this and fighting for solution that won’t get us nowhere so I agreed with this idea.” 
Yen-Lo-Wang sighs, “What other choice is there? It seems like Vanity’s heir must got an idea and after thinking about it. You might be right, Yuki. Vanity, I say we go with this plan.” She heard that Ink was in her room all day after her defeat and overhears that she took the defeat very hard than other fractions. Maybe she is reflecting on the situation and is trying to find a way to fix this. An admirable quality she must admit. She would bet on this gamble.
Most of the devils hates this but if they have to save their heirs and make sure they continue living as well as dealing with Sukuna, they have little choice so they go with it. 
“Very well....then we must find this Gojo-sensei.” Vanity said. “I was told that this man is this vessel’s teacher and a jujustu sorcerer.” 
“Gojo? Hold on....” It’s Rave, Oblivion’s devil, a tengu whose head is like a hawk as he has wings and carries a kanabo. “ A Gojo? From one of the three great Sorcerers families from Heian era???” He blinked
“You heard of them?” Vanity askede.
“Yes! That family tried to exorcise me in the past once around the Sengoku Era!”  Rave chuckles, "I think I can pinpoint this sorcerer’s cursed energy. It should be easy.” Rave cackled. 
Goa sighs, “My fellow clansmen also encounter some of the Jujutsu sorcerers and Gojo is the most powerful next than Zenin and Kamo clans. The Gojo is a formidable opponent but do you think he would listen to what we said?”
“If my heir said that we should talk to him then I assumed that this man must be reasonable to talk with.” Vanity said.
“Very well then. Let’s inform them.” Yuki said, knowing of the Gojo clan. 
“Then Rave....find Gojo Satoru then.” Vanity said.
“Will do!” Rave smiled.
“So we’re asking a jujutsu sorcerer for help?” Ammit asked. “Great....” 
“My heir that she knows this person well.” 
------- human world -------
Five minutes were up and Yuji is founded.
Gojo-sensei is sighing. He found Yuji Itadori but he is hiding in his room. Gojo guessed that the teen felt terrible for what he did to teens of New York. Nobara and Megumi look exhausted but are sleeping. 
----- Sukuna’s domain ------
‘Damn it! Sukuna! Did you really have to do that?!” Yuji yelled at Sukuna who is sitting on top of his skull throne, looking smug. 
“What? Those brats with demon blood running their viens deserve it. Thinking they’re high and mighty with their powers granted by their devils. The only thing I feel pity is those demons giving them powers they don’t deserve. I bet those devils are regretting it now.” 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Yuji cursed. 
“You can thank the dragon brat for that.” Sukuna retorted.
“For fuck’s sake, you’re going to get pissed by what Ink said?! What are you,  five?!”
“Ha! She challenged me and I delivered!” Sukuna barked in laughter. “I showed them what a true demon is. Not those idiots playing pretending to be one!”
Yuji felt angry at Sukuna but mostly himself. He can’t believe that he allows this. But what’s next is something they didn’t heard in the next hour. Ink wanting to talk to them both. 
Gojo is thinking on how to report this as he is on the rooftop. Not only that, he senses a prescene behind him. He turns to see two figures. Cursed spirits? No....they’re different. 
Two that looks humans but they had wings. One that has bats and another that has bird wings.
“Are you an Gojo? We....demons wished to speak with you. It concerns Van Ink the Dragon and Sukuna.” 
“And who you might be?”
“Ah....an aquantiance of your family centures ago. My name is Rave, a tengu during the Sengoku Era and this is my demon contractor, Senkai.” He introduces himself and his contractor.
“And what can I help you with?”
------------- Minutes later -------
“Gojo Saturo, I presume?” 
Gojo turns around to see a dragon with long horns and black hair. He is sitting down and is huge that his head at Gojo’s eye level. 
“And you are?” Gojo said.
“I am Vanity. Ink’s devil as you known her as Van Ink the Dragon.” Vanity introduced himself. Gojo hums. 
“You must be the one who rescue all the demon fractions from Sukuna. And us.” Gojo said as he can sense their cursed energies, Ink’s including. “Nice to meet you, Vanity.” He smiles. “I wish our meeting could go different.”
“Likewise.” Vanity speaks, “and that is correct, we devils have to get involved because of Sukuna and I wish to speak with you.” Gojo has a blank expression but looks intrigued despite wearing a blindfold but hears him out. “Alright...although I don’t know how you devils work. No offense since I’m a Jujutsu sorcerer. But I will hear you.”
“That is quite alright. Cursed spirits are similar to demons in some ways.” Vanity speaks. 
“So what did you brought me here?” Gojo asked.
“I think we might solve our problem.” Vanity said and goes to explain Ink’s plan to him.
------- Minutes later ----
“Is that possible?” Gojo can’t believe what he’s hearing. “That’s....crazy...insane.” 
“But doing so will mean....” Gojo wasn’t sure if this is a good but if the devils have trouble in coming up with their own and considering it then. Now thinking about it....
“Yes. But it could save the boy and everyone involved, solving this issue.”
“This is going to be tricky....”
“Hm?” Vanity raised a scaly brow.
“You see Yuji Itadori is scheduled to be excuted by the elders once he consumed 20 fingers of Sukuna.”
“20 fingers?” Vanity titled his head. Gojo sighs and goes to explain to the dragon about the situation that Yuji is in. “yes....Ryomen Sukuna as a cursed spirit was almost impossible to exorcise so he had to be seal in 20 fingers of his orignal body. Yuji swallow one of them and Sukuna is awakened. Because of that, the elders want the boy executed as they feared Sukuna's existence. To stall it, I had to buy time for Yuji by telling the elders to have Yuji consume 20 fingers and to destroy Sukuna forever.”
“By executing the body?” Vanity said, now understanding the situation. He wasn’t told this but it seems Ink didn’t know about it. 
‘Yes if the elders find out what you devils trying to do, they will freak out even if the plan makes sense. There is no way the elders allow that.”
“I see..that is tricky. Still...how would that plan work? If he cannot be exorcise by normal means then a body such as a human vessel won’t stop a cursed spirit if the human flesh is destroyed. Hence this plan that we have might work for everyone else despite what those elders think.” Vanity said. Gojo shrugs. Vanity hums. “Then this plan is good as ever. You can save the boy and deal with Sukuna at the same time. Even close to death, Yuji Itadori would be fine.” 
“Why is that?”
“We devils have our ways....” Vanity chuckled. “That said, Ink requested a match and issue an apology to Sukuna himself.”
Now Gojo looks conflicted and is considering this might be a bad idea.
“No offense to Ink, Sukuna would laugh his head off if he heard that and will kill her.” Gojo can’t believe that Ink wanted a rematch after what she’s been through. Why would she want to go something like that again? He heard that the fight from Megumi as he watches this from the sidelines. It was brutal.“But apologizing to Sukuna, the King of Curses....what would that accomplish?” 
“That is what I said...but I am interested what would her apology be in detail.” Vanity said. “But....in your professional opinion, do you think Sukuna would accept the deal if he heard it?”
Gojo hums. “Well this is Sukuna here we’re talking about and he wouldn’t pass up the chance if he was told that. He would be too dumb to accept that. This is a gamble but I’m going to bet yes on it. But if anything happens, I would get involved and this deal will be void.”
“Good then let’s begin the preparations.” Vanity said. Like Gojo said, this is a gamble and he will bet on this too. 
----- Back in the city ------
Ink waited. Ink waited on the Empire State Building’s observatory deck. She turns her greatsword around and around, pointing at the floor, waiting. The only eyes on this is Vanity, the devils and Gojo, they aren't here but they are watching. The fractions aren’t aware of what’s happening right now. Ink would prefer it that way until this meeting is concluded. Ink breathes in and out. She’s not ready yet but she needs to resolve this. 
Ink blinked and turns to see Yuji standing there. “Yuji....uh....” She expected Sukuna but not Yuji is in place. Maybe it’s because of the time limit.
“I heard...that you want to talk to Sukuna but....” Yuji sighed. Gojo told Yuji that Ink wants to talk to them both of them. Sukuna and him, saying that she wants to talk to them. 
“He doesn’t want to talk?” Ink said. 
“Not really but he did want to hear you out first before....he does anything.” Yuji said looking nervous about this. “Also he had me ask you questions like where your friends are and why you show your face after...getting face taste the ground or something.” There were questions that made the pink-haired teen frowned but didn’t want to say it to her face. 
Ink begins to tremble but grips onto her greatsword tightly. “They’re safe. It’s just you and me.” She answered. Yuji can see how Ink is. He can feel something is wrong. Was....Ink nervous? Or was it something? Her face looks tired yet there is something in her words that he tires to make sense of it.  Yuji is angry at himself for allowing Sukuna to terrorize Ink, Taz and their friends. He felt so horrible that he wish he should die. 
“Look Ink....you don’t have to do this. you’re not fully healed yet and-”
“No, Sukuna has to hear this and you too.” Ink said. “Because...I want to apologize.”
“Huh?” Yuji blinked. “Apologize?” 
“I want to apologize for what I did..” Ink starts to her bow her head, “I shouldn’t say that I’m the strongest or told you that I am. I....I was afarid and I was too stubborn because I didn’t want to know my place because of my pride. Because of me....you were disappointed because you had high exceptions and everyone got hurt because of me. So I’m sorry for challenging you...and not knowing any better because I know I won’t beat you like this...” She doesn’t know what else to say as she bows her head to him. Silence fills the sky and everything is silence. 
“And Yuji. I’m sorry. You shouldn’t blame yourself where I’m the one who caused this. I take full responsible for this so....don’t beat yourself up. Taz still cares about you whether you switched with Sukuna or not.” 
Ink looks up to see Yuji still standing there. “Ink.......” Yuji looks worried and felt guilty eharing this but also looking apologetically. “You don’t have to apologize. I...”
“Yuji....no....this is my fault” Ink sighed,  “If I didn’t piss him off, you wouldn’t have to deal with this. You shouldn’t feel responsible...it....was out of your control.” Ink sighs as she grips onto the railing. “But also.....I’m sorry about this. But I also wanted a rematch. This time....I will give Sukuna what he wants if he wins..”
Wait what? Yuji widen his eyes at the girl. Ink....wants a rematch with Sukuna. What for?! 
“HUH?! Ink! What are you talking about?!” Yuji look nervous now, “That’s not a good idea.” 
“Brat....” Yuji pauses when aneye and mouth opens on Yuji’s cheek, it startles the girl. “Sukuna....” Yuji said his name. 
“Hey Brat...Yuji....bring your hand up over your mouth.” Sukuna commanded as he said his name.
“Don’t make me switch...” Sukuna warned. Yuji did as he told despite hating this. He hold his hand over his mouth where a mouth appears on back of Yuji’s hand. Ink watches and grips on her greatsword tightly. 
“You know....if you really want to say you’re sorry. At least grovel at my feet while you’re apologizing properly, maybe that way I might accept your half-ass apology.” Sukuna speaks. 
“....that won’t happened unless you beat me for a rematch.” 
“Ha?” Sukuna said, as if he can’t believe what he’s hearing. “First you apologized to me and this brat,” He refers to Yuji, “and now you want a rematch??? Wow, you must be becoming more stupid and lost your mind or maybe I hit you too hard that you soft on the head..”
“I’m not stupid...I know what I’m saying....because in the next five months later, I will become stronger and you get what you wanted if you win.” Ink said.
“Oh? And what do you think what I wanted?” Sukuna laughed. Yuji wonders what would Sukuna would want from Ink. How can she appease him? It makes him nervous. 
“If you win, then you can be separated from Yuji and have you become a real devil in the demonworld.” Ink said. There she said it. That was the idea. That was the idea Ink told Vanity.  Sukuna became silent, there is no laughter from him as he stops. Yuji widens his eyes in disbelief. What did she said?! Seperated Sukuna from Yuji and Sukuna will become a real devil in the demonworld?! What the heck?
“Ink....” Yuji said her name so Ink continues but before he says anything. Sukuna speaks..
“Oi....what are you trying to do here, dragon brat?” 
There is no emotion in his voice making Yuji tremble inside, a pit in his stomach. He can feel the burning glare onto Ink. Sukuna is mad. Ink still stands. She can’t show it, she needs to push through it.
“I want you to stop hurting anyone else.........” She said honestly. “ You made your point already. But I feel like you won’t stop....there so that’s why.” 
“So...If I agree to your match and will win, you’re going to free me from this brat whose my vessel and become a devil like you?” Sukuna asked.
“No. Better. You can become a devil in your own right just like my dad.”
“Your dad?” Sukuna questioned.
“Vanity. He’s my devil, he gave me powers to become a demon after I signed a contract with.” Ink said,“And you get your form back or whatever you had back then...you can be free in the demon world, get your own domain and you don’t be stuck in Yuji forever.“ Ink said. 
“Oh?” Sukuna said. “Demonworld, huh?” He muses. Yuji looks seriously worried, what is Ink thinking right now. Why would she promises something like that. That’s crazy! 
“Yeah.....you will get what you wanted. So why not take it? I mean.....to everyone here, you’re the real deal and a devil instead of an imaginary demon like you says. Like I said you made your point. Even Vanity thinks so.”
"And what? You think that will stopped me?! Did the devils set you up for this? Because they hate seeing their punk-ass brats getting wiped the floor by me? And now they realize that the one who made this happen is you? I don't know...why the hell would I accept something like that?? It sounds like you want to appease me to make me accept it! Why the HELL would I want to take you up on that???"
Ink pauses for a moment and thinks. “Because I know.....you would be too stupid not to. The devils are different from jujutsu sorcerer and he will make it come true. Think about it. You won’t be the imaginary demon anymore. You will be Ryomen Sukuna, the King of Curses in hell. You won’t be just a cursed spirit anymore, Sukuna. You can be devil with your own domain, have followers, and you can be free. If you skip on that chance, you will be the King of Stupid here, not me.”
Sukuna stays silent. Yuji wonders what Sukuna is thinking right now.
“And all I need to accept your rematch? I just to need to win against you. Only you?” Sukuna said, making sure to confirm.  
 Vanity told her the meeting with Gojo. Ink nods, “Yeah....if you want all the details, you can talk with Vanity about it. But the only thing I can tell you is that I’m not going to make it easier this time. Give me five months to be stronger and I make sure you won’t be disappointed again. I’m going to show you why demons are stronger than cursed spirits.”
Yuji drops his jaw hearing this. Why is she doing this to herself. Even Yuji is not that crazy enough so why? Yuji gets it. Why is she doing this? Because she feels more guilty than he is? Does she want to take this on by herself? She doesn’t have to do this? 
“Hmmmm....alright.” Sukuna thinks, but first things first. “But first. Remind me....why are you doing this? And don’t repeat all that like you said before. I want to know the true reason behind it. Your reason... ”
Ink blinks and  looks down, gripping her sword tightly. “I want to regain my honor and pride....and want to solve this..on my own terms. Nobody else.” 
Silence fills the observatory deck as Yuji hears this. Ink wants to do this because she wants to regain her honor and pride? Is that how she really feels? Was she beaten that badly? What is going through her mind right now? Yuji wasn’t sure what to think until Sukuna says.
“Brat. Let’s switch”  
Ink became startled as she heard that, as her eyes slightly widen, gripping her sword tightly but she didn’t raise it.
“Huh?! No! I won’t...you can’t! I won’t let you klill-” Yuji argues. 
Relax. I won’t hurt her. Just want to talk to her face to face. Personally.
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"Ah yes, the ambassador, a job I do not envy. I have been in a few of Frisk's meetings, being the queen, but humans can be so unreasonable. And Flowey, I'm sure my brother Azzy would share in your sentiment of ruling. If Mom and Dad hadn't passed then neither of us would have taken the throne willingly."
*Her eyes betray her sadness at the memory of the day*
"Of course, having both Frisk and our kids with me helped in my mourning. But, I wish you luck with your duties Frisk, such things should not be thrusted on someone so young. I can only hope that the humans here treat you better than ours treated us."
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She has said many things that take both the teens off guard, Flowey is still distraught but Frisk manages to keep a straight face.
Frisk: "...Thank you, I actually wanted to become an Ambassador when I was a kid but Asgore and Toriel quickly realized what you did and persuaded me to wait until I was grown and completely ready,"
"Yeah, I hope the other humans treat me well too, they've been mostly nice to our current Ambassador, Papyrus, he's had some ups and downs with them, but for the most part he's very lovable, it's hard to resist him,"
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Chara, who is at the other side of the room is still reeling from what their alternate counterpart had said, it's a lot to take in when you're a dead kid.
(Mun: In case you don't know, Flowey and Frisk can't see or hear Chara, but they have made a lot of contact in the past, and still talk sometimes and is friendly with them)
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kalle-and-lita · 3 years
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I posted 965 times in 2021
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I added 136 tags in 2021
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#kalle - 11 posts
#the mun speaks - 9 posts
#ooc - 9 posts
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Longest Tag: 81 characters
#that as young people we had to try and understand something horrible had happened
My Top Posts in 2021
🧸  - For my muse to squeeze the life out of yours in a tight hug (Darius to Kalle)
Kalle grunted hard as a crushing grip wrapped around his arms and torso. Several joints popped at once as Darius tightened his grip. Trapped, Kalle began to chuckle as he weakly gripped one of Darius' arms.
"Its good to see you too, my friend."
8 notes • Posted 2021-03-18 00:54:35 GMT
Lita fumed with righteous fury. Anger was an icky emotion she tried not to fall into. It led to fights and harsh words, and things said that couldn't easily be taken back. And anger wasn't really her forte to begin with. Better to calmly talk about things and find reasonable solutions so everyone could benefit.
But not today it seemed.
She was going to kill the requisition officer. Especially if his answers weren't to her liking.
She turned a sharp corner and slipped into the throne room of her Primarch. Konrad looked up at her entrance, eyes darkening with morbid amusement as she stormed across the lengthy floor. He was holding court today for several senior officers turned to look as well. Lita narrowed her gaze down upon the requisition officer and beelined straight for him.
"You have a lot of nerve-" One stepped out to stop her. She simply slapped his hand away, to his utter shock and horror. Another, who sought to impede her, was unceremoniously pushed aside and sent stumbling to his ass. The requisition officer was the last to open his mouth.
"Look here, I gave you a job to do! This is a private meeting between-"
He yelped as Lita threw the data slate in her hand. It smacked him in the forehead with enough force to knock him off his feet. He hit the ground with a heavy thump, and before he could so much as gather his wits she was pinning him to the ground beneath her boot.
"Oh, I am very well aware of the job you so graciously bestowed upon me." She hissed, shaking in her anger. "The Eighth Legion is over budget, Lita. Please take a look and see where our funds are going, Lita. Nevermind the fact that you left behind ridiculously obvious evidence that you've been embezzling Legion funds!"
The atmosphere in the room changed dramatically. A heavy tension charged the air around her, and everyone stilled in the deathly silence. The officers around her nervously shuffled back as a shadow fell over her. Lita didn't need to look up to know it was Konrad.
"You've got a lot of nerve ordering me around and brushing me off as a lesser officer." She continued, pressing her heel into his gut, "Even worse to think I would be so stupid as not notice your own criminal activity! You didn't even try to hide it! I've known children that paid better attention!"
It was plain to see that the man was panicking. There was a fine sheen of sweat on his brow, and his eyes were wide with fear. Lita stepped back as Konrad's large hand reached down to his former requisition officer. The mortal man squealed like swine and struggled, legs kicking out uselessly.
"To steal from the Legion is to steal from the Primarch." Lita declared evenly, and she watched dispassionately as Konrad began to flay him alive. Each pass of his talons was precise, and his grin only widened with every horrified scream that filled the air. She bent down to pick up her data slate, satisfied that it wasn't broken and keenly ignoring the smell of blood. When she turned to the rest of the officers she noted the fear in their eyes when they looked at her.
"Let it be known that there will be no tolerance for liars and thieves in my presence. And make no mistake: if you try to cheat me, or this Legion, I will find you and you will be... appropriately punished. Do I make myself clear?"
The silence was profound as the remaining officers nodded. Lita smiled,
"Wonderful. I can't wait to get started."
Support me on my KoFi!
9 notes • Posted 2021-09-27 14:52:20 GMT
Her gaze locked on the data slate in hand Lita navigated the dark hallways with practiced ease. Paragraphs of information passed before her eyes all to be filed away for later use. The halls aboard the Nightfall were quiet, for nothing but the ceaseless hum of the void ship reached her ears. Lita liked the quiet, it meant her attention wasn't needed elsewhere and she could tackle her never ending pile of work.
The hallway stretched on and on as she walked, each clack of her boots echoed off the high ceiling. The lights were dimmed, as always, for the occupants of this void ship preferred the dark. It would make anyone uneasy to surrounded by the suffocating shadows.
But not Lita.
She simply turned the corner towards her office, blissfully unaware of the dark mass that followed her across the ceiling. It dropped without a sound as she happily hummed and walked, tap tapping away on her data slate. Closer and closer it crept until it hovered just at her back, a towering form that bent down to its haunches, a wicked grin all teeth and morbid glee.
Lita faltered mid step with the shiver that shot down her spine. Her heart beating like thunder in her ears. Oh so gently, on the back of her neck, she felt it. The soft exhale of breath that crawled across her skin despite its heat.
And Lita grinned.
The data slate clattered to the floor as she broke into a dead sprint down the hall. She blew past her office and around a sharp corner, using her hand the throw herself around the wall. All the while she searched for a hiding place. This hallway was staterooms and meeting rooms, nowhere for her to hide.
But further down, past another corner and a cross section, she burst in through the library doors and disappeared between the shelves. She struggled to even out her ragged breathing as she found a cozy hide away at the far end of the room. She pulled the curtain to the empty booth closed and listened as everything stilled. Above the hum she heard nothing, not even a whisper.
She stiffened as a door in the distance echoed loudly. All at once the tension in the air rose, as if a predator was on the hunt. Lita clasped a hand to her mouth and stifled a giggle.
"Where are you...?"
His voice was a hissing whisper. So soft she had to strain to hear it. She giggled even harder, desperately trying not to give herself away.
"You can't hide from me forever..."
Several books slid off from a nearby shelf and hit the ground with clamoring thuds. A stray breeze fluttered past the curtain and she watched as a darkened shadow slipped across the floor past her hiding spot. Even still, she dared not move until a profound silence permeated the library again. She sat for five minutes, then ten, and after fifteen she finally moved.
Ever so carefully she pulled back the curtain and poked her head out. She eyed the fallen tomes scattered across the floor before she turned her gaze to the darkened corners of the room. She wasn't fool enough to believe that he had simply left.
A thought she barely registered as she was suddenly yanked up and off her feet with a yelp. She found herself suspended upside down moments later, cradled firmly in the strong grip of her Primarch. Lita laughed and let her arms swing freely,
"Found me again, I see." She teased, and he looked incredibly smug,
"Don't you know better than to run from me?"
"Then stop making it so fun!"
He didn't reply, but simply squeezed her close in the silence of the library. The hum of the void ship lulling them into a relaxed doze.
10 notes • Posted 2021-09-21 15:49:06 GMT
My half of the art trade with @tagedeszorns featuring their OC Doriel. I can't even begin to tell you how much of a joy it was to work with the mun and their muse!
Lita cast a furtive glance down the long halls of the palace. It was so quiet she could hear the beat of her heart thunder in her ears. Perhaps it was because she was leaving work so close to curfew. Only the foolish would dare to walk the empty streets lest they incur the wrath of the Night Haunter.
Maybe it was the fear of her mistress, whose rage was easily incited these days. Several members of the staff had already gone missing. Lita wasn't fool enough to believe they had just left.
Or perhaps, her nervousness was due to the large platter of food she clutched to. Taking food, even uneaten, was akin to stealing from the barons. If she was caught she'd be killed without a second thought.
But she was on a mission, and she would not be deterred. So Lita steeled her nerves and made her escape as quiet as she could. Every step was carefully planned, every corner scrutinized until she was sure she was safe and alone. She didn't breathe easy until she passed through the servants entrance and out onto the streets.
There was the faintest drizzle pouring from the sky. A cacophony of lights twinkled in the perpetual dark, reflecting off dirty glass windows and pools of stagnant water in the broken streets. Above the familiar hum of the city Lita noted the blessed silence. No screaming, no gunfire. Orderly silence since the whispers had begun.
Whispers of a silent stalker in the night. A savior to the weak who suffered beneath the heel of the barons and their crime lords. Night Haunter they called him, and his was a name revered with fear and awe. Rumors persisted of his speed, his ferocity. While she had not seen his handiwork for herself, Lita knew the tales of the flayed criminals he left out as warning. To take caution because if you caught his gaze there would be no one to save you from him.
Lita's reverie was broken by the sound of shoes scuffing cobblestone. Just like the nights before they came out of the shadows like pale little spirits. Four in total with the youngest looking no older than five or six. The oldest approached first, crossing the street once he was sure they were all alone. He was strange for a Nostromon; his hair was the color of a fire blazing away in the adamantium furnaces. Though he still possessed the pallid complexion and the hardened, steel black gaze of his kin.
"Hello," Lita smiled, "I'm glad you boys are safe. I brought the good stuff from the kitchen."
The redhead eyed her sharply, a frown etched into his features. The smaller shadows of his gang pressed at his back threateningly,
"Ah," Lita warned, waving a scolding finger at them, "Unless you want to go back to eating garbage and refuse I suggest you play nice."
"Fuck off." The redhead snapped over his shoulder. His mates backed off, though they still possessed a hungry look in their eyes. Sure that they weren't going to cause trouble, the young boy turned back to her, "What you want for it?"
"We have this conversation every time." She sighed, she popped the lid off one of the bowls of food. A hearty, and savoury aroma filled the air. If the boys looked hungry before they were absolutely ravenous now. "I don't want anything more than the satisfaction of you boys being well fed."
The redhead shot her a venomous glare, "I still say it's bullshit. Ain't nobody that nice."
"So you don't want the food then?" She teased, the younger kids hissed at their leader,
"Shut up, Doriel, before you ruin it!" One hissed. The young boy, Doriel, scowled right back,
"I ain't ruining shit! Look, bitch, just hand over the food and we'll get out of your hair."
Lita chuckled but pointedly ignored Doriel's rather colorful language. The large bowl of stew was all but yanked from her hands and she happily watched as the children ate. More than once the young redheaded boy thumped one of his mates on the shoulder, a silent admonishment for taking more than a fair share.
And they scampered off just as quick as they came with Doriel offering a cursory glance back at her. She nodded a farewell and tossed the now empty bowl, all too eager to navigate the eerie streets of the upper districts. Her feet pounded against hard stone as she ran, a desperate bid to get to the shops before curfew descended upon her. 
Luck was not completely on her side tonight, however. Lita cringed as the shop door slammed shut behind her and locked tight. Lights flickered off, leaving her alone on the dark sidewalk. Her gaze flickered to the shadowy corners around her, their long tendrils closing in on her.
She didn't make it a habit to be out past curfew. A nervous tension settled in her belly as she set off for home. Her footsteps echoed loudly, bouncing off the high buildings ominously. Each passing minute was like agony, the eerie silence fraying at her nerves until there was a burning itch between her shoulder blades.
Lita tensed at the feeling.
She was no stranger to this sensation of being watched. Years of service to the barons, and even her years on the streets, had refined her sense of awareness. All the better to know when to run or hide.
But this was not the first night she felt the piercing gaze of the unknown stalker's eyes. For weeks she walked home with the proverbial dagger aimed at her back, ever nervous for an attack that had yet to come.
Lita turned a sharp corner in an effort to evade her stalker. A stupid idea to turn into the pitch black of the alleyway, but she knew it to be a shortcut home and she was desperate. Her heart thundered away in her ears even as her footsteps echoed on the walls. Save for the drizzling of the rain there was nary a sound above the hum of quiet.
Then, just behind her, she heard something hit the ground. If she hadn't been listening so keenly she wouldn't have heard it. Lita froze with a gasp, a chill ran down her spine and the burn in her shoulder blades grew hot. There was a presence at her back, she could feel its hot breath on her neck.
Against her better judgement she turned to look, oh so slowly spinning on her heels. She came face to face with a monstrously large Nostromon man, the pitch black of his eyes drawing her in. His thin strands of black hair stuck to his face, and fell over his shoulders as he sat nearly hunched over her. Lita blinked dumbly, mouth agape in terror.
All at once her sense of self preservation kicked in as a smile crossed his face. A set of wicked sharp teeth gleamed at her and the fear in her gut rose well past the point of control.
So Lita did what any normal person would do and panicked. And in her panic she did the very first thing that sprang to mind, and she threw her grocery bags at him. She didn't bother to stick around to see his reaction. She was far too interested in running as fast her poor legs could carry her.
And she didn't stop running until she was safely back in her apartment. The keys clattered to the floor and her back hit the door. Her lungs burned and her legs gave out, and Lita hit the ground with a hard thud while her mind tried to wrap around what just happened.
He'd been so quiet. That thought scared her more than she cared to admit. How was it possible that someone so large could be so silent?! And she was fairly certain that the only reason she'd known he was there was because he let her see him.
Just who was he? Why was he following her?
Cold realization hit her hard as she came down from her adrenal high. The whispered tales of the few who'd seen the Night Haunter and lived. Of the man draped in shadow and blood, larger than life who took no qualms in spilling the blood of the guilty.
"Oh gods," Lita's hands flew to her mouth, "Oh gods!"
And she had just hit him.
In the face.
With her grocery bags!
She sprang to her feet and ran to check her windows, futile as it seemed. If the Night Haunter wanted to get to her windows were not going to stop him. For the better part of an hour she paced the confines of her apartment, awaiting retribution despite her own perceived innocence. Fixated on the fact that she had thrown her food at the Night Haunter in blind panic.
Lita resented the fact that if she was going to die, she was going to do so hungry.
The burn eventually came back. Fear turned to trepidation as she paused at her living room window. The balcony was empty, wet with the rain. She took a few deep breaths before she opened the sliding glass door. Before she could second guess herself she leaned onto the railing and took another deep breath.
"I'm sorry!" She shouted into the night. Somewhere in the distance a dog barked. "I swear I didn't know it was you. I wouldn't have hit you if I had. I'm so sorry!"
A long moment of silence passed until she picked up the sound of something dragging on the roof behind her. She turned her gaze up to find the Night Haunter casually perched on the roof edge, black eyes boring right into her skull. She averted her gaze in embarrassment.
"I am so, so sorry." She repeated, "I wasn't expecting to be followed, and you appearing out of nowhere startled me, and I panicked..."
She was bumbling like an idiot, trapped between him and the railing. But his silence was making her nervous. Lita felt the hot flush warm her face.
Then, something hit the ground. Lita jumped then stooped over to find her grocery bag, albeit missing some of its contents but still intact. She looked up, still under his scrutinizing gaze.
"Uhhm," she stuttered, awkwardly collecting her bag and shuffling towards the door, "Thank you."
He blinked at her, expression neutral even as he watched her slip inside and close the door.
The itch in her shoulder blades didn't cease as she put away her groceries and started dinner. She tried to ignore it for the most part, though she couldn't help but wonder why he was sticking around. Surely there were more interesting things to do than watch her?
She found her way back to the balcony door eventually, after setting her stew to a simmer. The Night Haunter now perched on the railing so he could peer in. She slid open the door to poke her head out.
"Hi." Lita muttered, he blinked again and let the awkward silence stretch out, "Uh, I made food. Did you want some?"
No answer save for his endless staring. Lita swallowed the lump in her throat and stepped back,
"I'll, uh, leave the door open for you then."
She retreated back to the kitchen, wooden spoon in hand. The minutes passed as she slowly stirred the stew, lost in the rhythmic motions. That was until she felt a presence hunched over her shoulder. Lita dared not look up, instead she simply muttered under her breath,
"I think I need to get you a bell."
13 notes • Posted 2021-08-23 18:30:11 GMT
It's midnight and I made a thing
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48 notes • Posted 2021-02-11 06:09:28 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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ariadnassecretdiary · 4 years
Ariadna's Diary; Ariadna's route: Ecstasy 10
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Mun Ari: I FINALLY MANAGE TO PASS THE BORING-WRITER BLOCKING PART! Now for the REAL stuff I had been planing for so long! I hope you enjoy the drama, because from this point forward… it’ll be all about drama, sadness, biterweet and romance! YEY!
Anyway~ Enjoy!
Masterlist // previous // next
*Place: Yuri’s room*
Ariadna: Yuri? *looks around and nothing* (Good! Now, I need to be fast!)
*Ariadna starts looking around*
Ariadna: (There’s nothing in here… I’m relieved…) *Ari stumbles with the trash can* (¡Maldición!* Wait…)
Ariadna: *picks a paper ball* Could it be…? *reading* 
Ariadna: ‘Everything is ready for disaster’. Prepare your people’? Plan disaster? What is that? Is that what Yuri’s plan is about?
Ariadna: *keeps reading* ‘We have everything ready. I expect the ghouls are too. The plan will take place in two days, be ready’!? What is that supposed to mean!?
???: So you found out?
Ariadna: *startle* Yuri!? W-When you–!?
Yuri: Is thanks to you that Kino has lost himself. You are the cause of his distraction and lack of interest. I won’t allow a human girl like you ruin what we have worked on for so long. 
Yuri: *taking Ariadna by her arm harshly* I’ll help Kino become the next king of the Mekai… and you’re getting in the way. 
Ariadna: So it was true!? You are betraying Kino!? Why!?
Yuri: You wouldn’t understand it. Now come. *pulling her by the arm*
Ariadna: NO! Let me go! 
*place: underground dungeon*
Ariadna: KYA! *she’s thrown into a dungeon cell*
Yuri: You stay here *closes and locks the door*
Ariadna: NO! YURI OPEN THE DOOR! *tries but the door doesn’t open* 
Yuri: You’ve caused enough trouble so far. I’ll take care of you once everything is solved.
Ariadna: Why are you doing this? What is going to happen to Kino?
Yuri: Kino is the chosen one. I simply speed things up. Once we capture the owner of Karl Heinz-sama’s powers and give it to the church, Kino would be given those powers. Then the throne would be his. 
Ariadna: But Yuri… are you sure that’s what Kino truly wants?
Yuri: What…?
Ariadna: Kino… he seems so lonely sometimes. He only has you and you’re doing this? Kino really appreciates you. You have known him since you were children, but you seem distant somehow. Yuri, maybe being the Mekai's king isn’t what Kino truly wants...
Yuri: *angry* As if you knew anything! Listen to me, human: Kino is meant to be the king, the chosen one. He’s been working for it all his life and I won’t let a whim like yourself ruin everything!
Ariadna: *angry* I won’t let you! I won’t let you hurt Kino! *tries opening the door in vain*
Yuri: *unbothered* Once everything is over… he’ll forget about you and he’ll even thank me for getting rid of you!
*leaves the dungeon*
Ariadna: UGH! *runs to the small dungeon window* KINO! KINO! *gasps* What!?
*Outside Kino’s mansion there’s a large number of ghouls gather together*
Ariadna: No! I need to tell Kino! *tries opening the door* HELP! KINO! KINO! ANYBODY! 
Ariadna’s Monologue
Outside the dungeon, I could feel to the ghouls anticipation
Surely, they were waiting for any kind of signal from Yuri
What are they planning exactly I don’t know
But it surely isn’t good.
I also don’t understand the involvement of the church in all this
And is it that the church will gain by allying with Yuri?
I kept trying to force the door open, I was a few seconds to stop any harm to get to Kino
Still… even though I tried so hard to warn and protect Kino
In the end I ended up being useless again.
Now, he’s in danger and I can’t help him being trapped like this
I kept forcing the door and calling for Kino
but I could only feel my hands getting tired
my throat sore for shouting
And my cheeks wet from crying 
frustrations and desperation for trying to save Kino
After all… I was doing everything for him
If it isn’t too late now…
*Place: Kino’s living room*
Kino: *looking around* Shortcake? Shortcake! Where did she go? 
Kino: (Her scent isn’t that strong anymore… just where in the–) eh?
Yuri: Are you looking for something?
Kino: Yuri, where is shortcake?
Yuri: You don’t have to worry about her for now. What we need to do is to get ready.
Kino: What the hell are you talking about?
Yuri: Kino, I’m asking you one last time… Forget about that human girl and let us continue with our plan. You are so close, to simply give up.
Kino: I thought I made it clear I’m not interested, I’ll do it whenever I like it.
Yuri: So that’s what you want? You chose that girl over your destiny? Very well…
*The entrance door is taken down and ghouls enter*
Kino: What is the meaning of this!?
Yuri:  As you can see, the time has come Kino.
Kino: Time? *suddenly thinks of something* Oh, I get it now. You were planning this right behind my back all this time?
Yuri: You were slow Kino, if you weren’t that distracted it would have been harder for me to do it. *to the ghouls* Get him.
Kino: *laughs* You think these ghouls can stop me? *fights the ghouls*
Yuri: Don’t underestimate me Kino. 
*From behind a ghoul places a collar around his neck*
Kino: What the– argh!? *magic sound* T-This!
Yuri: The church gave it to me, now let us go.
Kino: I can’t believe you betray me Yuri, you’ll pay for this.
Yuri: You’ll thank me later. I knew that silly girl was no good for you.
Kino: What did you do to Ariadna?
Yuri: I simply trapped her in the dungeon. She almost spoiled the surprise.
Kino: You mean…
Yuri: Yes, she found out and tried to warn you. Of course it was all in vain *to the ghouls* Let’s go!
*black transition*
Ariadna: *exhausted* Is useless… *sits on the ground*
Ariadna: (I tried everything… but Kino can’t hear me. I hope he’s ok.)
Ariadna: !!! *looks out the tiny window* No!
Ariadna: (They capture him! No no no no no!) KINO!!
*the ghouls take him and leave*
Ariadna: I can’t believe I failed in the end! *falls on her knees* All my efforts were in vain… I’m simply useless to save those I hold dear… 
Ariadna: *touches her heart* I wish I could have done something more to keep him safe. He’s been through so much and it was thanks to me he’s now in danger.
Ariadna: *lays down* Oh please God… allow me to save Kino. There must be something I could do! I won’t be able to keep on living if I don’t!
Ariadna: Oh please… *stands up* ANYBODY! PLEASE HELP!! I’M OVER HERE!!!
Ariadna: I’M HERE! I’M HERE!!
*the door suddenly opens*
Yui: Ari-chan!! 
Ariadna: Y-Yui!? What are you doing here!?
Yui: We came to save you!
Ariadna: We?
*The sakamaki and mukami enters the dungeon*
Kou: Yahoo Aria-chan~!
Shu: Seriously, it was too troublesome…
Ariadna: H-How?
Ruki: We took the opportunity when they left and entered.
Ariadna: B-But how did you get here?
Azusa: We…received… a letter…telling us…you were here.
Ariadna: Wait… but no one was supposed to know about Kino’s home
Reiji: It would be a matter of time to find you, however that letter saved us time.
Ruki: Still, we were able to actually find out about the origin of the letter.
Reiji: Apparently, this letter was sent by the church itself.
Ariadna: The church? But… they were supposed to be working with Kino! Why would they send his address to you?
Ruki: If the church is supposed to be his ally, then they’re acting on their own and behind his back.
Ariadna: It makes sense, since Yuri-san didn’t look like he wanted me to be found!
Yui: So you mean that the church is after Kino and not as his ally?
Ariadna: So this means that Yuri is sending Kino and all the ghouls to a trap!! Oh please, get me out of this cell!
Yui: What are you planning on doing?
Ariadna: I need to save him! I can’t allow them all to die!!
Subaru: Tch you’re an idiot as usual
Ariadna: H-Hey! What else am I supposed to do?
Kou: Subaru-kun is right Aria-chan~ You are a mere human and there isn’t much you could do!
Ariadna: S-Still! 
Ruki: *sigh* The church isn’t only planning on destroying the ghouls and his leader, they want to possibly start a war in the Mekai. Moving an army of ghouls after all could mean rebellion.
Reiji: Not mentioning the fact that my father’s throne keeps being empty and there’s no clear heir to it.
Ariadna: If that’s the situation… the only solution is to stop the church?
Ruki: Not bad for livestock.
Shu: *sigh* This got too far… to think we now have to deal with the church…
Ayato: Leave this to Ore-sama! It’ll beat their asses in an instant! Those weak humans would be like stealing candy to a baby!
Ariadna: S-Still… I-I heard the church has some weird tools to block vampire’s magic or even strength…
Ayato: !?
Reiji: Then it won’t be that easy.
Yui: How is it possible for the church to have this kind of tool?
Kanato: It’s evident that we are talking about vampire hunters
Yui: Vampire hunters? The church?
Azusa: Yes… they want… to exterminate…all demons…both in…the human…and demon…worlds.
Ruki: They developed magical tools and that gives them certain advantages.
Subaru: *groans* Now what?
Ruki: We have to come up with a plan in order to assure the peace in both worlds. Everyone gathered around, here’s the plan.
*black transition*
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gnxelijah · 4 years
Hi ♡
Hello lovelies, it's Eli's mun here! Thank you so much for accepting me into this rp ♡ I honestly look forward to meeting all of you, whether that be to plot or to just chat. My dm's are always open~ either on here or discord littleshaque#0823 I'm 23 and my time zone is gmt +1. - ☆ 
I’ve jotted down some info about Elijah Park, so if you fancy, do feel free and take a butchers; 
The older twin & second oldest in the park family
Does not want anything to do with the throne
His relationship with his father is fractured and his mother is very controlling
He loves his grandparents and they are really supportive about his decision in not wanting the throne, unlike some people in his family. They just want him to be safe and happy ♡ cue baby Eli running to them whenever he felt sad/ or his parents became too overbearing
He falls in love way too easily to the point where it's destructive. Most people use him or try to influence him to take the throne-  he is fully aware of this and allows it to happen
Helps and invests in existing or founding charities
Always popping into the kitchens for some freshly baked jelly tarts
He hates spending the night alone so he often stays out 
Protective towards his friends and family, especially if they pose a threat to their safety- no really, don’t let his passiveness towards himself fool you. He is his mothers child. 
Relies on alcohol a bit too much and the extravagant wine cellar does not help
He never holds his status above anyone nor does he flaunt it 
Is demi sexual and homoromantic 
Eventually would like to move abroad- open up animal hospitals/ perform surgeries
He is a terrible cook and is also allergic to cherries 
Here is also some mostly soft n’ simple plot/connection ideas, all of which can be discussed further  - ☆
The ball/ evening party is finally over and everybody has gone home- besides a couple of cleaners- and Muse A and B, in their tipsy state decide to have one  last dance before calling it quits. Maybe at first muse A  was reluctant to go but B manages to convince them. 
Muse B has been overworking themselves and so, feeling concerned and wanting to be a supportive friend, Muse A cooks for them. Either Muse A is an excellent cook/or a terrible one.
Eli and your muse have known each other for a long time because your muse or their family member work in the kitchens. and Eli is always popping in for the freshly baked jelly tarts.
Feeling troubled and unable to sleep, Eli calls your muse to sleep round and keep him company until he dozes off.
you have grown concerned over Eli’s reckless lifestyle. Maybe a scandal is about to break out/ you call him out on his behavior/ or you found him blacked out in his room
Maybe you find out about Eli’s ‘sleeping habits’ and because you need something from him, blackmail him- depending on the characters and motivations can keep this sfw or not
Eli opens up to you about his secret- this one is a lot darker and will include trigger warnings
When they were younger both muses were best friends; always together. However as they got older, they started to drift apart. Jobs, responsibilities, just changing in general. Now they try and rekindle what they once had? Or don't?
all connections are good connections; friends, crushes, ex’s, enemies.....
That’s all I’ve got for now, but I am pretty much up for anything, I also wouldn’t mind trying some darker plot ideas because low key I just wanna break him :3
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god--of--mischief · 4 years
See, this is why we want you as our king. Our current 'leader' is a POS and while I'm fully aware you can be an ass as well, but anything is better than the racist and bigoted dictators we've been dealing with for goodness knows how long.
I do see that little kitten - Don’t worry, I’ll let you all in my kingdom, until the petty little ants get their puny and what’s little left of their tiny brains sorted. In the meantime... please refrain from making a mess in my throne room. Thankyou.
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//Mun is here for you all ♥️
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wildfury · 4 years
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@championofdarkland​: "Here is a gift to you from the Koopatrol. May we continue to serve you Lord Bowser!" the knights all lift and begin to perform a march waving the flags of Bowser around in perfect sync. It was a parade! Filled with fireworks and everything! (merry christmas! bowser mun!)
✯ ━ As told by the traditions ( despite your majesty’s exigency to not be disturbed during his comfort hours ), the tyrant remained sat on his towering throne, observing his loyal minions parading in his humongous room. No words came out of his throat, although he did raise a brow as they were marching...
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Perhaps they weren’t as incompetent as he thought, after all.
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sovereignxfae · 6 months
[I'm alive. making a new blog for these menaces because recently; their rockers fell off.]
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Another Devil royal again please? And this got me questioning: what of Bradley? Is he in this too?
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((Hi there and good morning, hope your well. And sure, I can write up another one if you like. Second, oh boy..you had to ask huh? Well, I'll let you read to find out for yourself. And others spoken of in this or some belong to my friend @demon-blood-youths ))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
~~~~~~In Jinx's kingdom~~~~~~~
"So I'm meeting this woman to be my future wife?" A male asked walking down the hallways of this place. It was huge! Though, back home his kingdom was just as big.
"Yes, I was told you were going to be wedding the heir or next in line named Jinx or something. Though, I can see why. Maybe that means you'll finally get a wife that will do you good for once." another walks by but the other sighed.
"Your not helping big brother. I never expected the kingdom to ask to have me marry someone." Yuji Itadori said while walking down the hallway. However, his big brother Sukuna 'Ryomen' Itadori was following him while looking bored. He was told to lead his brother to meet his future wife.
"But isn't a wedding a lot more complicated than other things?" Yuji asked but Sukuna raised a eye brow to look at him.
"Depends. Besides, I'm married to my princess and she's so precious. Kinie was always a precious sweetheart to me and she's even cuter up close." he sighed smiling and thinking about her 24/7 even if Yuji sweatdrops. His brother always spoke about that devil from another kingdom even if he was one himself.
"Uh huh.....well, I guess it won't be so bad..maybe.....I hope." he said nervous of what she will be like. Will she be evil? Mean? Scary? Rude? He didn't know but he will know as soon as they saw the large black metal doors that two guards open leading to the main throne room. It was large with a giant throne having a devil there. Yuki, the devil of this kingdom and head leader was speaking to another. He was in his human apperance showing the two panther tails with the tips having a black flame on them. His ears were up while listening to the woman speaking.
"Oh come on Dad, can't I just head out for a bit. You said my so called fiancee hasn't even showed up yet." she mutters only to see him sigh.
"Jinx, I told you to wait. I got word he should be coming with his baby brother. He was the one you are to marry so at least meet him." he said even if she rolls her eyes.
"You said that 4 hours ago though. Can't I just go?"
"Wow, and here I thought she would be well behaved. She's just like you little brother." Sukuna joked.
Hearing the voices, Yuki looks up to see them. "Ah, you finally arrived, welcome." he said.
"Yes. Sorry we are so late. I had to do something before coming here. But I did bring my baby brother so he could meet his...ahem, future bride." he looks showing Yuji off as Yuki looks seeing the young man. Huh, looks like him alright but he heard they were twin brothers.
"It's fine, no worries. My name is Yuki, devil of the cursed black hell flames and this is my daughter and heir next in line. Jinx."
Yuji looks only to see the woman turn and face them. Right away, Yuji's eyes widen. She looks to have an average normal triangle body shape with board shoulders, some might think she’s athletic for her age but it’s due to her always exercising herself when she can. Med Ivory skin with dark reddish brown hair but some looked to be a dark magenta red color. She had yellowish red eyes that seem to have a glow to them.
He did notice a healed burned scar on her right elbow and arm. Even the black demonic marks that is in the form of vines and thorns these are on her shoulders to her upper arms. To him, she looked pretty cool!!
Yuji saw the woman walk over but she tilts her head to show a smile friendly to him. "Hi there! Welcome to our kingdom. Names Jinx and you?" she even held a hand to him as Yuji blinks but reaches to take it, giving it a shake.
"Umm thanks. Names Yuji Itadori and it's nice to meet you too Jinx." he smiled as the two smiled shaking hands even with Yuji and Sukuna watching. This should be something.
Oblivion was going to see Yuuka again to check up on her. She got word more suitors have come to ask for her hand to marry but she ignored them right away. These leeches were getting greedy wanting to marry her and it made Oblivion upset but..something else.
'Come on Oblivion, it's obvious. Your really worried about your friend and when it comes to her wanting to marry others.' she heard her devil said while she was getting ready to head out to meet Yuu.
'I said I was worried that's why I'm going to check up on her. She told me suitors have gotten worse and now their getting more ruthless in wanting to marry Yuuka.' she said picking up her bag but was ready to go as the guards stay where they are.
'That means you really are worried about her, Tae.' Rave said but she remains quiet.
'Look, I won't say too much or stop you but maybe it's something else. Being this worried says a lot Oblivion. I just still think you could think about getting married and being happy at least...'
'...Even if I am happy. Why ask me this now?' she asked looking at him. With a sigh, Rave looks to her.
'Because I know you and you seem to really deeply care about her. I can tell she does with you too....just be sure you at least do something in your way..or you might lose that chance..' he warns as Oblivion said nothing but nods, turning to head out quickly.
Rave watches her leave but sighed. 'If that's the case...I do have a back up plan and Cal did give me something that might help in case she does what I think she is planning.......' he thought seeing her leave.
She didn't know what he means by that and yet, hearing the final words got Oblivion worried. Lose Yuu? Did it mean whoever she married might not let her do things freely? Or let her speak her own way. It was hard to say. For now, she only remains quiet walking.
Oblivion had a feeling something was going on at Yuuka's kingdom and she didn't like. She saw it up ahead and seems it got fixed up after the last suitor tried to fight Yuu for her hand. And lost. As she heads inside, she looks for Yuuka only to hear some argument inside.
"????" Right away, she hurries off to find her. She gets inside the kingdom still hearing some shouting but she gets to the door to see that their was another there and heard the voices.
"Surely we can make some agreement. I know my heir needs a wife to marry so I'm offering my son. He seems to be nice and he always fallen for your daughter." Another devil was there but she heard Yuuka's devil Zeko looks at this other devil who's son was flirting with Yuuka who looked annoyed.
"I assure you I don't think my daughter is taking a high liking to your son. So I don't see how this is going to go." he had his arms crossed but the other devil sighed.
"Well, I'm sure I can pay so we can have this wedding. I want my heir happy and you still keep getting suitors for her right? I just wish to help out." he said but heard a smack seeing Yuuka hitting the other male away.
"Will you leave m..me alone! I don't even like you nor know you!" she said but the male chuckled holding her hand.
"Oh come on babe, I won't bite. You really are beautiful and should marry me. We'll make so many cute kids when ruling in the human world." Bradley was his name but he sees her glaring at him.
"I told you no! I don't wanna marry you. Now let me go or I'll burn you!"
"Now now, no need to fight. My heir just finds you beautiful....it wouldn't be nice to reject someone's love my dear." the devil said even if he was already seeing Zeko getting annoyed.
"As my daughter said, she is not going to and I won't approve it unless she's alright with it. For now, you should leave with your son before I get you escorted out." Zeko warns but the two didn't leave seeing the other Devil named Hans chuckle.
Oblivion heard this but her eyes widen. Wait, marry!? Was this fool trying to marry Yuuka!? Her eyes were wide but she slowly felt angry. How dare this asshole try to marry her! She don't even like him and already trying to force himself to have her love him. She could hear and tell Yuuka didn't want to marry this jerk before hearing another slap along with a yelp.
"Stop touching my butt!" she said mad.
"But your so soft and cute!" Bradly happily nuzzles her that Yuuka glares with purple toxic flames showing as she was about to poison him.
"See? Their getting along." Hans said to Zeko who had one eye twitching.
"Clearly she's not! I'm ordering you both to leave right now. My daughter won't wed your son!" he said.
"But who would marry her then? You said all her suitors have left or was chased out. Besides, who would even wish to marry her? It's not that hard. Someone shows they love her and it's my son. Now....unless another comes and shows they wish to marry your daughter, I think we have a winner by default or did you forget the arranged marriage rule? " he smiled even if Zeko wouldn't do that but given the choice it was that or forced marriage.
"It's that or my son has your daughter...what will it be Zeko?" he said seeing him still saying no but he knew the old rules stated if one didn't find a mate or fiancee in time, it would lead to forced arranged marriage.
In the hall, Oblivion remembers. Arranged marriages. She heard a few in the past went through that and was miserable. Only a little or few had a happy marriage but others had worse ones. Though, the thought of Yuu marrying this jerk made her blood boil. She would be forced to marry her hand to a guy she don't even know or could do worse to her! She couldn't have that!!!
"......" Trying to calm down, she remembers what Rave said.
'Look, I won't say too much or stop you but maybe it's something else. Being this worried says a lot Oblivion. I just still think you could think about getting married and being happy at least...'
'...Even if I am happy. Why ask me this now?' she asked looking at him. With a sigh, Rave looks to her.
'Because I know you and you seem to really deeply care about her. I can tell she does with you too....just be sure you at least do something in your way..or you might lose that chance..'
That's what he said. Do something before it's too late. If she didn't, she would lose Yuuka forever. She can't have that. She won't let it happen!!
"Now, with that situated, I think we can call this done. My son will wed your daughter." Hans smiled but Zeko was quiet seeing Yuuka trying to get away from Bradley but he wouldn't let her go even looking quiet.
"Now..your answer?"
"............" he saw Bradley about to kiss Yuuka who was ready to punch him in the face. "I......."
"!?" Zeko and Hans looks hearing the female voice turning to see a woman there. Bradley and Yuuka looks too but he blinks wondering who she was but Yuuka knew.
"Who is-"
"What? What did she say?" Hans said seeing Oblivion walking in but she gets to Bradley who held Yuuka before she glares at him.
"I said I'll marry her now let Yuuka go you asshole!" she said to Bradley who was shocked.
"Hold on, what!?!?" he said only for her to get there and suddenly sucker punches Bradley away from Yuuka. She got let go seeing him crash into the ground holding a black eye as Yuuka looks to him.
"What is the meaning of this!? Who is this woman!!" Hans said but Zeko looks seeing Oblivion who was looking at Bradley walking over but he tenses to sit up holding his eye.
"H..Hey, lets talk about this babe! I can have two mates if you like me to!" he said but Oblivion clicks her tongue to kick him in the face. "Ow!!! Stop kicking me!"
"YOU stay away from Yuuka you hear me!? I won't let her marry some pervert jerk like you! I also made my words clear, I said I'm going to marry her! Not you!"
"..Y..You!?" he said in shock but Yuu was also in shock. Wait, she wanted to marry her?!?
"Oblivion?" she was worried but she sighed to look at him with a cold expression.
"You heard me. I won't let her wed a idiot like you. I suggest you find your fiancee somewhere else because it's not here. Now, unless you want me to send your ass to the lower areas of the devil world.." she got more scary showing sparks of electricity.
"Get. Out."
"!?!" Seeing this, Bradley leaves in fright with his devil following him to leave Yuuka and Zeko silent as she looks seeing Oblivion calm down. She didn't expect her to come in and do that!
"O..Oblivion?" she saw and heard a sigh before Oblivion turns to face her looking at the other. Before speaking, Oblivion quickly hugs her that made Yuu squeak but only held her back.
"Oblivion? what's the-"
"I won't let another take you from me. Even if it means I can stay with you forever......that's why I wanna marry you Yuu." she mutters but Yuuka said nothing hearing this. She blinks only hugging her and yet she was holding to calm her down.
"That's way..Zeko, I wanna have Yuu as my fiancee and future wife.."
"You wish to wed my daughter, Oblivion?" he asked seeing her look at him but nod.
"Yes. I rather stay by her side and insure she will be safe but...I want her to be happy..that's all i wish for. She means a lot to me even when after we gotten to know one another and..I am more happy to know she's safe and well. I'll do what I must to ensure of that. So I'm asking......let me ask for her hand."
Zeko wasn't expecting this but Yuu was speechless with her eyes wide. She was serious to see Tae look away but keeps hugging her nuzzling her chest. She wouldn't let another jerk take her away.
"......Tae..." she was worried hugging her but Zeko said nothing and sigh.
"If that's what you wish....then I'll accept it. Please take care of her, Oblivion." he said.
"I will.." she mutters while Yuu hugs her.
Unknown to the two, Zeko had another see this from a viewing mirror showing Rave looking as well. He had a feeling this would happen but at least he hopes Oblivion would be happy.
"Seems I was right to get that potion from Cal. Even if she's going to wed Yuuka, I can still see a cute heir from them. Thanks Cal!" he smiled excited but it seems Yuu and Oblivion were going to be engaged.
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call-2-arms · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm. 
tagged by: stolen from my other blog :)  tagging: @snowbrn​ @threads-of-destiny​ (Fenris) @thedasonfire​ (Solas) @serbrienneoftarth​ @scndor​
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My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless / complicated 
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO. Hard to answer, and I wouldn’t say he’s UNPOPULAR, he’s just... not as popular as say... Dany or Jon are? Or even Cersei, tbh. If there were a more middle ground option, I’d definitely he’s more middle. Sometimes I feel like he’s a forgotten character despite the massive role he’s played in the series. 
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. Not only is Jaime known to be attractive and look the part of a king in the entire series, but Nikolaj is honestly just a super attractive male with a smile that could kill. I haven’t heard many people say that he’s an unattractive person, so this is definitely a yes. He might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but he’s enough of a looker that his reputation proceeds him. 
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. Okay so... this is complicated. Because many would see Jaime as weak because of his flaws, which is fair... And then they would also say he’s weak because he doesn’t have his sword hand any longer. But overall, Jaime is a strong character throughout the series, especially as a swordsman. He is one of the best swordsmen in Westeros, and I think there are MANY people who forget that little fact about him because in the series he was softening by the end of it. I think that’s where the fandom can really misinterpret Jaime. He definitely has his flaws, but he’s still an exceptionally strong individual. 
Are they underrated?  YES / NO / IDK. I think so. I think it’s mainly because I feel like he’s misunderstood by a lot of the fandom. I’m not excusing any of his shitty behaviour, but when you’ve got heroes like Jon Snow and Dany, and even Sansa, and strong villains like Cersei, Joff and Ramsay, I think they are all the face of the series. Those characters are the main characters that people think of when they see Game of Thrones. So Jaime is seen more of a support character, even with his ties. Most people think Lannister, they think Cersei and Tyrion (because they have so much more screen/book time than Jaime does). That’s the thing about GoT though, I feel like there’s no real “main” character. I feel like no matter who it is, there’s always a little love for them in the fandom, and I love that about the fandom. But overall, yes, I would say he’s definitely the third Lannister when thinking of the siblings.
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO. He’s kind of the entire reason why there’s a war in the first place tbh... He pushed a kid out a window and all hell broke loose :’D 
Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. He’s a member of one of the great Houses of Westeros. He plays a big part. 
Are they widely known in their world? YES / NO. Oh yes, greatly known, and for many reasons. Mostly he’s known for being a king slayer, though. 
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. It depends on who you ask, but throughout most of Westeros and during the series, he does not have a good reputation. Well known for his fighting skills and handsome features are about the only good reasons, everything else comes down to his relationship with his sister (sexual included) and the fact that he is a man without honour. Only by the end of the series does his reputation change, and even then, it is small. Jaime will never recover from what he has done.
How strictly do you follow canon?  — I’m fairly strict with what I go with. I stick to a strong, canon foundation because it’s a part of Jaime that is essentially who he IS as a character. It’s why I enjoy writing him, and I’m not going to take that away from him. The only divergencies are the fact that I prefer he not die in season 8 and I also write my Jaime as demisexual/romantic. 
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  Jaime is complicated. There is no saying he is a simple character, he has layer upon layer, and discovering that is a joy. Or at least it is for me, lol. I, personally, think Jaime is such a UNIQUE character because he actually isn’t a liar compared to his siblings. Between the bickering, Jaime is actually exceptionally forward, but because people don’t expect any Lannister to be honest, it’s a joy seeing how he can use that to his advantage. He often says cryptic, sarcastic comments that people think are him being sly and dishonest, but he’s actually being completely blunt that it’s hard to tell if Jaime is actually telling the truth or playing a game. I think that’s just a really fun trait to explore when getting to write and interact with him. Also, who doesn’t like interacting with a sarcastic arsehole? X’D Deep down, Jaime has a lot of complicated issues, however, especially when it comes to family and how he is supposed to be seen. He says he doesn’t care, but he cares deeply, he brushes everything off like it’s nothing, but he’s crippled on the inside. Jaime is just one of those really strong on the outside but weak on the inside characters, and I love getting to explore that. 
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  — I think the fact that Jaime has been in an incest relationship for his entire life, that would definitely push people away from really caring or interacting with him. And if that’s a trigger for someone, then I totally understand why they’d want to stay away. That’s fair. Jaime can also come off as selfish and cruel, with a bad temper. People might not have the PATIENCE for him, when that’s really what he needs. He needs someone to help guide him to be a better person, to remove himself from the toxicity of ... well, his entire life, lol. He can also, like mentioned in the last questions, be cryptic as fuck. He is handicapped, he can be emotionally unstable, has PTSD and honestly just has a LOT going on, and trying to push past that to make him grow as a person and a character could be too much for folks to deal with (I think that’s a plus, but I can understand why he might not be popular lol).
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  Jaime has been one of my favourite characters ever since I got interested in the series. I was nervous as hell to join the GoTRP community because I’d never read the books before (and still haven’t finished them lol), but I adored his character from the start, especially when a redemption arc began to happen. Look, I’m a sucker for redemption arcs and character growth, learning about his past and his secret about why he killed the Mad King. Those things are things that draw me to characters, villain characters who try to be better, who learn, who become softer. I LOVE that growth, and that’s definitely what kept me interested in Jaime. His in depth character only made my drive for wanting to delve into his head stronger. I love complicated characters, I love grey characters, I love characters that have layers I can pick through and analyse. I have also always been highly interested in sexual mental health and health in general (and have been interested in psychology for ever since I was little lol), so he was right up my ally. 
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  Definitely rewatching the series (which I desperately need to do lol), and reading the novels (which I’m VERY slow with but absolutely love them!). What really keeps me interested is definitely my RP partners though, and keeping active within the writing community. I love getting to interact with everyone. 
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO / I SINCERELY HOPE I DO? I have severe duplicate insecurities like most people do, but I’m pretty happy with the grasp I have on Jaime’s character overall. It’s hard to write post season 8 Jaime without a book to go to and compare against the series, so I try and keep them pretty level with each other and find a happy place in the middle. I also know I most likely write Jaime a little more emotionally traumatised, but I try to keep what happened to him real, and that has repercussions. 
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO / SORT OF? I need to move them over to this blog, but NOT ENOUGH. I really need to rewatch and continue the book series to get my head around more headcanons. Also I just haven’t had ANY time this year for much at all when it comes to headcanons, because I am so exhausted after work  
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO. For Jaime, unfortunately, no. I keep most of my drabbles to my Dragon Age protags. I would love to though... if I had time, lol. 
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO. Absolutely. Hyperfocus like a champ over here, lol. 
Are you confident in your portrayal? YES / NO / SORT OF? I think there’s always room for improvement, but I’m pretty happy with my portrayal so far. I try my hardest to keep him pretty canon, and the feedback I’ve had from my partners has always been so kind and reassuring <3
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO / SOMETIMES. I’ve been writing Dragon Age for so long... I feel like I don’t know a lot of the lore when it comes to GoT. I sometimes have to Wiki things I forget, names I don’t remember, and alliances and plots because I’m BAD with politics okay? I’m terrible with it all. Writing helps me learn those things, but if I’m not interested, I find it tedious to go and research (ASD/ADHD).
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO / SORTA. It depends. Some things I really don’t care about, others I do. It entirely depends on my mood and the day, and how the stars align lol. Or... how tired I am, haha. It really just depends. I will be more sensitive if I’m hurt from someone that means something to me, or someone I look up to. Other days I just can’t be fucked because I’m too old and tired to deal with it. 
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  —  I’m going to have to say “no” on this. It’s purely because i’m not ASKING for criticism. If I was, then that’s fair because I’m actively SEEKING to be better. Right now, Jaime is a hobby and not a muse that I am constantly working on. He’s a tertiary muse that I’m here to just have a good time with and research when I feel the need to. Outside of that, if you don’t like my portrayal then you don’t have to interact with me and that’s fine. If you think my Jaime is too emotional, I’m working off mostly season 8 things which we have no book to look back on, so it’s mostly me basing everything off his past reactions and character development. If you have issues on the way I see his and Cersei’s relationship and it being toxic despite his love for her, that’s a whole diff convo lol. At the end of the day... I’m writing him the way he comes to me, and if you don’t enjoy it then that’s all good, just don’t get in my face about it. 
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  —  Absolutely, they help with getting to know little things about him that I may never have thought about before. I love those kinds of character development questions. 
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  I guess it depends on what type of headcanon it is. I generally try and base my headcanons off solid evidence within his character background and events within the series. If someone doesn’t agree with me, it’s literally not the end of the world and it’s not worth arguing over--we all have out different portrayals and I’m not the original writer lol. If you’re going to get cranky at me because my Jaime enjoys the company of men as well once he’s able to explore himself sexually, then I really couldn’t give a fuck. As a gay man, it helps me enjoy the character a little bit more and identify with him, and I write Jaime as demi anyway. Plus, I also don’t write it in a sense that it’s not something he doesn’t struggle with considering Westeros is not open to such things. 
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —  same as the above.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  —  I don’t actively go looking through Jaime hate tags, so I’ve never run into this? If someone follows me and hates Jaime, then I just think it’s stupid that they followed me in the first place? Obviously now that he’s on a multi, that’s a little bit more complicated, but everyone is free to not interact with him and still interact with my other characters here lol. If I follow someone and then see them actively posting hate about him, I would simply unfollow. That’s it. I’m not here to fight and argue, I’m here to have a good time, and I’m not going to force anyone to enjoy a character they don’t. 
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  —  Mistakes happen, I don’t always look over my reply before posting, and more often then not, I’m tired as hell when I’m writing anyway so there might be errors from time to time. I can guarantee there’s probably some in this meme lol. If a little red squiggle doesn’t come up beneath the word, then I’ve probably not fixed it. In saying that, if you’re coming to me every time I make a typo... I will begin to get annoyed. It’s a small thing, get over it and move on. If you can’t, then maybe I’m not the right person to be writing with if it’s causing you that much stress. If I’ve completely butchered a sentence (which has happened!), then just give me a polite nudge and go “hey did you mean to write this instead?” and I’ll probably feel embarrassed and laugh about it and be like yeah sorry, I meant that :’D 
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  When there’s not a pandemic going on in the world, I’m certainly very easy going, lol. It takes a fair bit to piss me off, and it’s got to be pretty repetitive for me to start going... mmm, there’s a pattern here and I don’t like it. But generally speaking, if you’re nice to me, I’m nice back. I don’t go looking for fights and arguments, and my nature has certainly meant people have abused me in the past. I’m often too empathetic and because I avoid trying to make a fuss and cause confrontation, I often let people do whatever. I’ve... somewhat learned from past experiences to NOT do this to myself, which I guess has made me a little bit less easy going. That and just generally getting older and not having the time to care about petty things might make me come off as a hard arse at times. But look... I’m not going to be a dickhead to anyone who doesn’t deserve it, okay? I get we’re all anxious, I get we’re all curious, I get that we all have opinions. Don’t be a dick and you don’t have anything to worry about. I can sometimes be blunt, but most people learn that that’s just me. Maybe it’s an Aussie thing, maybe it’s a me thing. Probably a combination of the two... my mother always did say I was very blunt. >.> Sometimes that’s a good thing when people want or need advice, but if it’s not what you want to hear, then don’t come asking, because I can be very honest. 
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theraikouhotel · 5 years
Approaching Tightly with LOVE!
A Murasaki Shikibu x Tamamo no Mae fic
“Happy? Dear? It’s the happiest love in the world I’ll show you, I’ll show you, Somehow I’ll show you With a lot of effort, I’ll do my best!” - Mogyutto “Love” de Sekkin Chu by μ’s 
I think it’s a little weak given how tired I am but here it is~ It’s below the cut! Love from Mama mun~
@fatefulones cause I said I would XD
Murasaki Shikibu was at her desk at the library of Chaldea, tapping the table. It was almost time for the date that her and a certain Caster were going to go on. She was a little nervous so she had written something to cope with it. She sighed, “Awawa....” Hans had decided to walk up to the fellow Caster, deciding that her constant sighs of love were getting way too annoying.
“Will you get a grip, woman? You’ll be fine. You have nothing to be nervous about.” The smaller author stated.
“B-but...” Shikibu started.
“Don’t but me. You’re like this because you think you’re not good enough. I say you damn well are, now get ready.” He sighed and dragged her out of the library doors by the wrist. The novelist found herself outside the library a little too fast for her liking. “Awawa...” She walked to her room, Hans was right. She needed to get a grip.
As she stood in her room, she looked in the mirror. Her hair was down, instead of the usual way it was done. She decided to wear something that Tamamo had gotten her recently. It was a kimono dress, purple in colour with an pink floral print on them. The dress also had a slit on one side, making it so that her leg could be shown. The dress highlighted everything Shikibu had all over, from her chest all the way to her arms. Modest yet outgoing, was what she would describe it as. The writer could only blush, her lover definitely knew her. After a few moments of twirling around in front of the mirror, she smiled, satisfied. She left afterwards, to the Ray Shifting room.
Tamamo could only move her tail happily, a smile plastered all over her face. She wore a kimono dress, that only went up to just above her knees, which showed off her slender legs as well as her chest. She wore black heels with it, to match with her navy blue dress. Upon the dress was a white floral print, which brought out the contrasting colours. She hummed to herself, waiting for her dearest writer to come. She wondered how she had managed to have gotten together with the writer, but she's just happy that she is. Tamamo sighed happily, her tail swaying. "Um...Tamamo...?" An all too familiar voice called out to her. The Kitsune turned around to see her girlfriend, practically dazzling. "That's...the gift I bought you." She remarked. Shikibu nodded. 
"I-I thought it would be nice to wear it..." The writer said, clutching the end of the sleeve nervously. Tamamo noticed this and walked over to her, took her hand and smiled. "It's okay, you look beautiful." She commented and gave Shikibu a peck on the lips, which left said writer a little red. "Shall we?" Tamamo indicated. Shikibu smiled and nodded. The couple had then ray shifted, of course with the permission of their master.
The two Casters had ended up in Japan. Which period, they were still wondering. There were lots of buildings, a tower could be seen and the air was a little strange. It was modern day Japan. "So this is...Japan in Master's time..." Shikibu muttered as she looked around. Several places were kept from her time, some new even from her time. Tamamo was fascinated by this as well, it seems humans were very diligent, in her view. The both kept their hands together and walked around the city. They found out they were in Kyoto, which made them both excited. With that they set off, looking at all the places that may have stayed the same or had changed. 
After a few hours of wandering about, they had ended up at the Kamigamo Shrine. Shikibu tilted her head at the shrine, it looked like it hasn't changed much from her time. She continued to stare at it, which made her beloved worried. Tamamo had taken her lover's hand and kissed the back of it. "Are you okay, my dearest writer?" Shikibu looked to Tamamo, with a small smile and nodded. They decided to look for a seat at the shrine. After doing so, Shikibu laid her head onto Tamamo's shoulder, keeping their hands intertwined. "I'm glad. It hasn't change very much from when I was alive." Shikibu muttered. She then nuzzled into the Kitsune's neck. Only for Tamamo to separate and tilt her head up and give her a tender kiss. "Let's make a wish, darling." Tamamo said. Shikibu obliged happily.
As they went up to the shrine to pray to the Shinto, many people had come out wearing heian period clothing. This had surprised Shikibu, finding happy tears at the sight. Her lover wrapped an arm around her and kissed her cheek. "They still keep the traditions, right? I'm glad you're happy, my dear." She added. "Now let us pray!~" 
Shikibu nodded, "Yes let's." They seemed to have been in the middle of a festival, Tamamo noted. 
As they went to the outskirts of the city, hand in hand, sun setting, Shikibu gave her lover a kiss. "I had so much fun today..." She recalled everything. The moments when Tamamo would fight any sort of onlookers that eyed up her lover, the tender moments, even pictures taken. The writer would engrave this in her memory and write about it, making this her most powerful memory. "You know, I love you right?" 
Tamamo didn't see that coming. She smiled happily, "Yes, I know you do." 
The writer smiled. That made her happy, knowing that her beloved knew. 
"I love you, as well, my lovely writer." Tamamo softly said as she pulled her in for another kiss.
That day, was one they would never forget. It would forever be engraved in their memory. Even when they do return to the Throne, they will always remember each other and their love for one another. No matter how hard the Throne will erase their memories.
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cypher-of-the-night · 5 years
Information about Subaoki Kids~
Mun!Yuki: Okay so I’m just going to be like “Fuck it. I’m showing them now.” Let me introduce you my new grandchildren. :D I don’t have proper bios of them but I can always show what they are like here.
Let’s start off with the oldest to youngest.
Ichiru Sakamaki (逆巻 一縷; Sakamaki Ichiru)
Age: 14 (Pre-Timeskip) -> 18 (Post-Timeskip)
Birthday: September 5th
Height: 160 cm (5’3") -> 177 cm (5’10”)
Weight: 53 kg (119 Ibs) -> 67 kg (147 Ibs)
Occupation: Next heir to the throne, Model, 3rd year High School Student (Post-Timeskip)
Seiyū: Yoshitsugu Matsuoka ( Akashi Saginuma from M3: Sono Kuroki Haagen ) (Talking / Singing)
English Voice: Daman Mills ( Varma from Taboo Taboo ) (Talking)
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Very similar to his father, Ichiru is a silent loner that is quick-tempered and is capable of causing a lot of damage, such as breaking things, even if it is accidental; However, he can also be sweet due to the influence of his mother, whom he loves very much, very similar to how his father loved his own mother. He is said to be a tsundere like his father, which he often denies. However, he is not a DO-S (extreme sadist) like his father; Due to the damages he caused when he was much younger, Naoki taught him to not damage things when throwing fits by teaching him many ways to calm himself whenever he is angered; Eventually, Ichiru chose to vent out his feelings by writing out his feelings in a private journal in the garden (very much like his mother when she is writing lyrics to her raps). Not wanting to make his mother worried whenever his father damages things, Ichiru is the one that often fixes it, which he later finds as a hobby.
Like his mother, Ichiru loves food to a point of eating anything, and like his father, He dislikes nothing when it comes to food. Very much like his mother, He has a disinterest in studying despite holding higher-than-average intelligence. Like Naoki, Ichiru has a golden heart, and is strong-willed and honest (but in his case, it’s brutal honesty). And also like her, He is understanding, caring, hardworking, and helpful. Despite his tsundere personality, Ichiru was taught to be a gentleman to women; Very similar to his mother, Ichiru is eccentric and is highly curious, to a point of having a strange way of thinking.
Despite admiring his father, Ichiru calls him “Old man” and snarls whenever someone comments about him being similar to him. This is due to the fact of learning about his mother’s time with Subaru when she was still human, and became protective of her as a result; This has caused a rivalry between Ichiru himself and his own father. Regardless, it is revealed by Naoki that Ichiru truly does love his father, but he’s just very stubborn to admit it due to his own pride, like his father.
• Just as Tsundere as his father; But still has a kind heart like his mother.
• As the oldest, He often scolds his sister and the damages she causes; However, the dismissiveness for the scoldings resembles their father’s dismissiveness of the scoldings he received from their Uncle Reiji.
• Because He is to be next-in-line for the throne, Ichiru is has to keep his composure and restrain himself from losing his cool; Even resorts to healthier ways suggested by his mother on how to calm himself down.
• At the age of 14, Ichiru was scouted to work as a model; While he initially plan to decline, Ichiru accepted in order to make money for himself without having to rely on his parents financially, especially his father, the Vampire King.
• While he inherited his father’s strength, Ichiru doesn’t take advantage of it due to not inheriting any destructive traits or tendencies.
• Despite his father and sister being left-handed and his mother right-handed, Ichiru is ambidextrous.
• Despite inheriting his black hair from his mother, Naoki herself attests that he inherit most of his looks from Subaru due to an incident where she witnessed Subaru’s hair dyed black from an incident involving an octopus ink.
However there was one incident that happened to Ichiru where his hair was bleached for a whole month because of his sister; Ichiru looked exactly like his father to a point where even Naoki can attest that they would’ve looked like twins.
• In Naoki’s HDB Brute Ending, only Ichiru was born through her becoming mentally broken from Subaru’s sexual assault; Where a cycle begins where an insane Naoki starts failing to differentiate between people, mistaking Ichiru as Subaru himself due to him sharing the same face as him, and, as a result, deemed him as “filthy”, despite loving and doting him when not mad; Very much like the relationship between Christa and Subaru himself and how Christa becomes mentally broken because of Karlheinz.
Tsukika Sakamaki (逆巻 月下; Sakamaki Tsukika)
Age: 12 (Pre-Timeskip) -> 16 (Post-Timeskip)
Birthday: June 8th
Height: 149 cm (4'11") -> 158 cm (5’2”)
Weight: 49 kg (108 Ib)
Occupation: Idol, 1st year High School Student (Post-Timeskip)
Seiyū: Taeko Kawata ( Amy Rose from the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise ) (Talking / Singing)
English Voice: Amanda Lee ( Zero from Grimoire of Zero ) (Talking / Singing)
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While she inherited her mother’s bubbly cheerfulness, Tsukika inherited her father’s strength and tendencies to break things near her, including walls; However, this is mainly whenever she is happy and excited, as there has only been a very few times she has ever used her strength in anger and/or intentionally; Due to this, her older brother, Ichiru, always has to clean up after her and often scolds her for the damages she caused, which she prefers to ignore; The same way Subaru ignores Reiji whenever he is being scolded. Unlike her mother, Tsukika isn’t exactly smart when it comes to school work no matter how hard she tries as she only barely passes, very much like her father. Tsukika is rather girly, sometimes boy-crazy/girl-crazy (not often taken seriously), and fashionable, and is just as extroverted as her mother.
When annoyed, Tsukika shows to have also inherit her father’s temper, but shows it in a tranquil fury way just like Asher when he is angered. While she is temperamental and stubborn in private, Tsukika, as an idol, presents herself to the public as an fragile, air-headed star. Due to watching Kou’s performance as an idol, Tsukika wanted to become an idol when she reached of age. While it was difficult to handle at first, She admittedly enjoyed performing as she loved to sing and dance; This is something she inherited from her mother with rap music. As an idol, Tsukika is very cautious about using her strength in public and to keep herself in-character as a normal girl.
However, unlike her brother, Tsukika has Do-S tendencies due to her vampiric nature that she fully embraces, to a point where she has taken advantage of using her strength and her looks to do as she pleases, and feels no remorse in the things she does. Her victims would always be obsessive stalkers that happen to be cute to Tsukika, Men or women, and would often be broken down and tortured into mindless dolls by Tsukika, by shattering their pure image of her and themselves feel disgusting. On the full moon, She becomes a seductive temptress, turning from a playful flirt that often jokes around to a shameless flirt that has no shame for doing the things she does. Tsukika holds the belief that she would rather embrace her vampiric nature than to suppress it like her brother does, as she takes pride in being a vampire and doesn’t see any reason to hold back who she is behind closed doors; Alas, she would be forced to keep her activities secret to keep her job as an idol and her pure image from being tainted.
• By timeskip, Tsukika is not a virgin as she has had sex with her victims once she got older.
• Despite her history of sexual activities, she has never genuinely been in love before; But it is hinted that, when she does genuinely fall in love, she becomes rather yandere-ish. (Very much like Satou Matsuzaka from Happy Sugar Life)
• She has a crush on Rini (by @adiabolikpastel), as Rini is her first real friend; As a result, she genuinely cares for her and is heavily clingy/overprotective of her. It is implied that she established a secret fanclub for her in which Tsukika herself is the leader of.
• Tsukika has an immense love for cute things and sweets to a point her room is filled pastel colors and colorful plushies and a mini-fridge containing her sweets.
• Tsukika has a soft spots for animals, and even has memories of herself as a child being surrounded by animals with her father.
• Tsukika’s real name is “Měi-Rén”/“美人”, meaning “Beautiful Person”.
Tsukika’s name comes from the two first characters of “月下美人” (Gekka Bijin) or "Beauty under the Moon", which is what the Queen of the Night is known as in Japan for its rich history.
• Tsukika admits that Kou was the one that inspired her to become an idol herself. She even declares him her favorite uncle, despite the fact that he is not related to either of her parents by blood.
• Tsukika is actually pansexual and demiromantic.
• While She has a good relationship with her mother, Tsukika loves her father and cherishes the times she spends with him as a child; As much as she wishes to spend more time with him, she understands him being busy as the new Vampire King. Although, it could be said that, while having Naoki’s eyes, Subaru gets reminded of his mother due to the physical resemblance Tsukika has with her.
Images used for references:
Ichiru -> 1/2
Tsukika -> 1/2
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