god--of--mischief · 2 years
last but not least....
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god--of--mischief · 2 years
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god--of--mischief · 2 years
Putting my edits here <3
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god--of--mischief · 2 years
🔥{{ Freya's Fury Outfit }}🔥
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Apologies for it being sideways, idk how to fix it
|| Literally Love this. As does Loki!
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god--of--mischief · 2 years
|| If anyone liked my new little drabble? Then be sure to let me know if you want more small stuff! Whether it’s OC/Reader x Loki or whatever. In the meantime, Loki is well and here to pester if you see fit.
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god--of--mischief · 2 years
~ Killing me softly
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Loki x Reader
Short Drabble
Canon divergent / AU
Triggers - None. Just pure sadness !
Summary - For years, you’ve been captive, a mere servant to the king of Asgard, the only mortal to walk the grounds until one day, you decided you finally want freedom, you want a normal life in Midgard. But the only thing holding you back, is him. It’s always him.
Ocean piercing eyes watched you from the golden, polished throne - The cold hues that held such beauty had never been so… concerning. Though daily life, surrounding yourself around the king had always felt this way. As if you were any other prey being scanned down by it’s predator.
Having promised to serve and obey rather than being a prisoner to the dark elves, Loki had taken up the offer, in his eyes, it would be some kind of redemption, but in yours? - It was a bitter choice you made. Only making you miss family and loved ones back on Midgard.
A year had passed serving under the raven god - The tender and subtle conversations had turned into somewhat jesters and slight teases. Though you didn’t acknowledge them as anything other than the means to get ‘on’ with you. Loki had always attempted ways to get your attention, but the sentiment had been something you knew he couldn’t have, or build… until a few days ago.
“You must know… just because you cater for me, you don’t have to dwindle in that kitchen all night” Loki started, the crackling fire making the atmosphere around you somewhat, soothing. Soft emeralds had stared you down once more.
“I… I know. But I like to steer clear. Not be.. you know? In the way?” You respond, although you feel stupid for merely sounding meek.
Loki inhaled, a calculating expression grew to his pale features until he gave out a small scoff “You are not in anyone’s way. You may cook, clean and serve under me, but if it wasn’t for your services, I wouldn’t have a faithful midgardian to trust around here” He muttered, pulling on his thin bottom lip “-Besides, your company comforts me” A sly grin made its way to the corner of his lips. His eyes had again, gave away that sincerity he had in his voice…
You quirked your brow to his last sentence “Comforts you?… how so?” With your hands on your hips, you grow curious, wanting to pull more words out of him.
“I suppose your irate demeanour makes me amused - After all, I need to be entertained in my kingdom too, no?” The way he chuckled through his raspy tone made you erupt a small laugh to follow with his, but after it calmed, you stared at him some more. His eyes had diverted to watch the flames within the fireplace entwine and flicker.
You bit your tongue, the nauseous feeling had aroused but you couldn’t help yourself.
“Loki…” you started, quiet, guilt ridden…scared… “I know I have been easy to rely on and had helped you with many things here for a long time. If it wasn’t for you, I’d be in a dark situation, or worse, I’d be dead” You stated, your own eyes now trailing to fixate upon the floor.
“B-But I’ve been thinking… about home. About how I might want to get out there, explore, see family… see my friends. I don’t think they can deal with the thought that I’ve ‘moved’ country… it’s too…” you paused, features pained slightly “-Too much”
The silence Loki had after you had spoken was what started to break you - His empty stare, his slow nodding of his head as if he knew this moment would occur. “I understand. It was never my intention to keep you as some… some kind of prisoner” He replied, as if he had started to be bitter upon himself.
You shook your head and stopped yourself from falling into too many emotions and anxieties “You never made me feel such things” was all you said, until he managed a small tight lipped smile. Then, after a minute passed of processing, Loki had left.
You had the morning to think on it, to decide what was best. Although Asgard was beautiful and otherworldly and breathtaking as you were always reminded of everyday, you still wanted the normality of the busy cities or the quiet country sides… it was a weird feeling. It was homesick.
Waking up from the warm, large bed. You took time staring into the polished mirror, body and mind not wanting to do anything else. But you made your choice, and you knew you devoted your mind to stay as long as you could. A knock upon the door startled you, and you had frozen into place until you snapped your mind into moving. The sound of silence was all that could be heard on the other side - You knew this may of been Loki, but you opened the door with a brave visage all the same, until it was merely one of the guards.
“Miss? Heimdall is awaiting your Presence on the bridge” were the man’s words, before departing.
You were confused, you thought from the conversation prior that you would be escorted or had some more time with the king himself, but he was no where to be seen… You made way to the bifrost, the beautiful passageway to other worlds, to home.
Yet Loki was no where to be seen. Only the sole protector himself - The curious stare the tall man made had struct more confusion through you, puzzled that this was it - your goodbye, your end here.
“Miss. Are you ready?” Heimdall spoke, with a small smile the man had stared up into the sky, getting the portal ready to open up, you felt empty, and torn - Where was he!?
“Heimdall? Where’s Loki?” You asked, through the roars of the warping, the fear had made tears taint your cheeks.
“He’s here miss. We all thank you for your services, and our king does too” He called over the painful sounds, to this you were more disorientated, eyes darted around the room until you saw Loki standing just a few inches from the portal Heimdall opened, leaning against the entrance, eyes on you as they always were. Full of sorrow, and distraught.
“Loki?” You yelled, a hopeful expression now grew as you looked over at him. “I’m sorry…”
His brow furrowed, and his arms un folded, he started walking towards you, acknowledging what you were going to say - “No. I’m sorry” He spoke, loud enough for you to understand or read his lips.
“For what?” You asked, noticing that Heimdall couldn’t hold onto having the portal open for so long, the struggle for him was making you un impatient to make him wait for all of this. But you had to hear it…
A small but saddened smile made way to his face, staring at Heimdall and then diverting his gaze to you. “-For not making it clear months ago. Knowing this moment would kill me…” His words made you feel more nauseous, as if he had torn straight through you - Heimdall had taken the order to push you through, but all of a sudden the world around you had turned into slow motion, wether it was the processing of it all, the feeling of being teleported, you didn’t know, but all you did know, was the words that seemed to of left the God of mischief’s mouth as you was slowly engulfed by darkness, you sworn you could of seen the movement of his lips tell you ‘I love you’
~~~ x ~~~
I hope you enjoyed this small silly Drabble. I haven’t done one for so long but if you want more then feel free to give me some requests or ideas of any fics or reader x Loki. And feel free to support or give me a coffee on kofi
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god--of--mischief · 2 years
I’m now on kofi as I’ll be now writing any Fics for people!! I tend to get quite a few people liking my stuff, Wether it’s reader x Muses or, OC x muses I’m down to write small things or some cosy stories for people to enjoy. Your support or some ☕️ would be gratefully appreciated. 🖤
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god--of--mischief · 2 years
By any chance, are you aware that your name is on keyboards? A little bit backwards perhaps, but if you really look for it...
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Yes Mortal. I’m quite aware… it still fascinates me that you all still need to be educated by this petty technology.
I feel sorry for you humans actually…
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god--of--mischief · 2 years
|| Loki is off to his slumber. It’s been nice catching up with most of you. Goodnight 💚
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god--of--mischief · 2 years
{{ Just saying... Freya takes a lot of inspiration from Aleera (Pink) 😉 }}
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What can I say?…. Mortals love me
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god--of--mischief · 2 years
Well, when you think about it, you've got plenty of lovely ladies -and a few men- you keep relatively close by, for a... variety of reasons. At least a few I could totally imagine taking a posed picture with you like the one of Dracula and his Brides from Van Helsing 2004
I see… except, I keep them close by, as you say, because they simply intrigue me… My mood varies from moment to moment with mortals I suppose. But this ‘Dracula’ concept will be something I will look into, now you have my attention…
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god--of--mischief · 2 years
So this is kinda like a harem you got here, huh? Sorta like Dracula and the three 'brides'?
Um… excuse me? Would you care to elaborate mortal…
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god--of--mischief · 2 years
Yeah I can tell. How should one go about not wanting to irate you? Trust me I do not intend to irk you but it's just how I get sometimes. Clingy and sentimental like you said, that is not your problem though and I wish to keep it that way. They say you should never get intimately Close with those you idolize because it really does hurt when the facade is taken away. I fully know my place here 🧡
Well… least you’ve been taught well little kitten. Which means I have no need to punish you nor put you in your rightful place, hm?
The heart is a complex little thing. Through my time here I’ve learnt to keep it to myself, after all, anyone can play with it and destroy it when your vulnerability kicks in…
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god--of--mischief · 2 years
I would ask why my king is in such a sweet mood today but that would be overstepping isn't it? I can tell you would abhor such insolence. However let me assure you that my love for my god isn't weakness. It's the purest form of strength 🧡
Whatever you say little anon. As to your question prior? Yes… overstep it? and my mood may deteriorate. Just be lucky that I’m in a lighter frame of mind.
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god--of--mischief · 2 years
I do carry the utmost respect for you my king. About my sentiments however I'm afraid I cannot control that. My heart does what it wishes 🧡
“Your heart… is weak. For it belongs to the wrong guy little kitten. But I suppose I must let you do as you wish - After all, I’m in a good mood today.
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god--of--mischief · 2 years
Thank you my lord. Your petnames did make me feel better. Sitting here blushing furiously. May I claim the 🧡 emoji if it's not taken? I would love to stay in touch with you.
For all I care little one. I do not claim any hearts.. so do what you wish.
So long as you respect your King, and of course… not get too sentimental on me. I will accept…
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god--of--mischief · 2 years
Being gentle about it so as to not poke Loki with the quill, Freya gently places one of her feathers behind their ear before moving to stand beside them. She obviously can't speak, but she tilts her head a bit - like a bird - as though to ask what they've been up to.
Came a soft hum, as to simply acknowledge exactly what the familiar beauty intended. The small hidden smile had crept to the God’s lips before he nodded.
“I’ve been well my little mute” He stated, letting the woman finally sit beside him as he motioned out for her to do so. “-I do hope, you’ve been well?”
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