#❛ ― open starters. / negotiations on the table.
goodnightmemes · 11 months
❛ Your life will take a complete change of course. Tonight. ❜
❛ Women are the natural leaders of the species. Ancient Egypt had it right. ❜
❛ I know we haven't always seen eye-to-eye, but we have to pull together now, don't we? ❜
❛ Okay, just because the door's open doesn't necessarily guarantee you a seat at the table. ❜
❛ You're not who I thought you were. ❜
❛ I really didn't want to think it, but...you're all fucking monsters. ❜
❛ Watching you shit on your principles would have been worth every fucking penny. ❜
❛ Why, if it weren't for you, they would all still be alive today. ❜
❛ The mind of guilt is full of scorpions. And I wouldn't wish their sting on anyone. ❜
❛ I don't need nor want to humiliate you, you're doing fine on your own. ❜
❛ Smart girls are only sexy until they don't wanna fuck you, and then they're competition, and then what do you do? You take them down a peg. ❜
❛ Don't have to be smart to be dangerous. I'm not scared of rattlesnakes 'cause they're so smart. ❜
❛ I assume I'm authorized to negotiate on your behalf with this individual? Unless you object right now, I assume I'm authorized to approach these negotiations from a hostile posture. ❜
❛ You're so out of touch with your human side...you can't even listen to anything outside your own head. ❜
❛ You've got to be smart. You have to realize, you can't trust people. Not you. Not anyone. ❜
❛ I haven't seen you sleep in like...I mean, it's been a fucking long time. Like, horror movie long. ❜
❛ You are losing it, honey. ❜
❛ Or maybe I know what's actually happening here. Crazy as it sounds. If all this crazy bullshit is right, then maybe I know how to stop it. ❜
❛ Well, she's... she's quite dead. Isn't she? ❜
❛ Life is insane. It is madness. The sooner you understand that, the better off you'll be. ❜
❛ The world might not be safe but listen to me, and listen carefully. I won't let anything happen to you. ❜
❛ All these terrible things and I thought, that's when people come together. But we've never been further apart. ❜
❛ I expect he's the kind of man you call if you, I don't know, accidentally kill a prostitute and need to dismember the corpse. ❜
❛ I like to think he killed someone. I like to think he's eaten human flesh. I like to think he took a piss on the tip-top of the world. ❜
❛ Tell me it's worth it. Tell me you know the risk and I'll be there with you. I'll back you up. Just tell me. ❜
❛ Shut your mouth, get your shit together. The fuck is wrong with you? ❜
❛ Men, when they think they're immortal, all they want to do is fuck. When they figure out they're going to die, all they want to do is fuck. ❜
❛ It just makes you think, you know, life is so fucking short. ❜
❛ You don't have to be a tyrant, but if you don't want to be consistently cruel, then you have to be sufficiently brutal at least once to establish authority. ❜
❛ Why the fuck would you do that? I'm sorry. Why the fuck would you do that, sweetheart? ❜
❛ You smell like shit and you look like shit, and you're acting weird. ❜
❛ If anybody spoke to me like this, there would be repercussions! You do not get a free pass! ❜
❛ I'm afraid you're ringside for my reckoning, old friend. ❜
❛ I thought it was an act. I figured you just played the housewife so you could keep a roof over your head. Spread your legs or suck his dick twice a week and you're set. You never have to work a day in your life. And I thought, "Good for her, she found her angle," but...this is really you. Isn't it? ❜
❛ I thought you only existed in the movies. ❜
❛ Words got us into this, words can get us out. ❜
❛ You're a collection of impeccable, elaborate masks in orbit of a stunted heart. ❜
❛ There are certain things one shouldn't have to face in life. Time enough for self-reflection after. ❜
❛ You're a monster, you know that? ❜
❛ I don't normally like to get my hands this dirty, but honey, you earned it. ❜
❛ You only ever wanted to be loved by him. You only ever wanted his approval. And it's still no fucking excuse. ❜
❛ I see you now. I look at you and I see... You. The poverty of you. ❜
❛ I don't know you. The man I know, the man that I love could never… But you're not him. Are you? ❜
❛ But I didn't know! Did I? I didn't know who I was dealing with. ❜
❛ That candle will last you an hour or so, then, I'm afraid, you're in the dark. ❜
❛ I find most people have a threshold qualifier. Something or someone they'd be unwilling to sacrifice, no matter how sweet the deal. ❜
❛ The real world is Darwinian. Survival, chaos, power. Leverage. ❜
❛ You feel it. In the air. We're sitting outside of time and space. ❜
❛ This is the moment luck meets opportunity. ❜
❛ In the ancient world, we'd seal this with blood, or spit. And then later, papyrus. But, a deal's a deal all over the world. ❜
❛ We're a... virus, I think. People, I mean. ❜
❛ But everyone loves something. And in that love there's collateral. ❜
❛ I have no collateral. Collateral is leverage. And I won't be leveraged. ❜
❛ I say this with love. Let it go. Let it all go. ❜
❛ There is a lot about my job I love. But there are moments like these that bring me no joy. ❜
❛ So I say, we stand tall and proud. Bill's come due. Let's not hide here in the basement like we've got something to be ashamed of. No. Not us. You and me against the world. ❜
❛ It may not have been perfect, but you can't say we didn't change the world. How many people can say that at the end? ❜
❛ I knew I would climb to the top of the tower on a pile of corpses. ❜
❛ It don't matter in the end why you did any of it. I don't fucking care why you did it. We don't want your confession, or your rationale, or your explanation. ❜
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laylcsaxena · 3 months
Location: Tasty Treats (3/4)
Layla hurried into Tasty Treats, her stomach grumbling loudly. She'd been so focused on negotiating a new endorsement deal for her client that she'd forgotten to eat lunch. Thankfully, the bakery was just a block away from her office. She ordered a chocolate croissant and a large iced latte, her go-to pick-me-up. As soon as the barista handed over her order, she plopped down at a nearby table and took a huge bite of the flaky pastry, sighing in bliss as the rich chocolate hit her tongue.
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Mid-bite, she noticed someone watching her with an amused expression. Layla smiled sheepishly—quickly swallowing. "Sorry, I skipped lunch today and I'm starving. This croissant is a lifesaver right now," she explained with a little laugh before taking another bite.
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forhappysake · 10 months
What Lurks Within, Pt. 10
Author's Note: Finally took that exam, so glad that's over with. This is the second to last part in this series, so enjoy!
Content: When Y/N interviews the police chief, he finally tells her where his children are hiding. When the team arrives at the scene, the plot thickens as they must negotiate with the unsubs to get them into custody and return one teammate to safety.
Warnings: Established relationship, typical BAU level violence, mention of the death penalty (I'm 99% sure that's illegal in Colorado, but it's for dramatic effect), allusions to abuse, gunshots
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Without another word, we rose from our respective positions around the table. Matt helped me get situated on the walker and we began our slow trek down the dimly lit hallway to the interrogation wing. Luke helped me get set in the interrogation room. Just as he began to fold up the walker and take it with him out of the room, I had a thought, “Leave it,” I said. 
“The walker?” Luke asked. “No offense, but I don’t think you should be doing a lot of walking around during this interrogation.” 
I sighed, “Not for that. It’s part of the dramatic effect. A man like Graydon needs concrete evidence of what his kids have done, the walker serves as another reminder that they’re out there hurting people.” Luke’s mouth dropped open a bit and he nodded in agreement, leaving the walker next to my seat at the interrogation room table. Spencer’s empty chair was still at my right side, and I forced myself to look away from it. 
After a few moments alone in the room, the door swung open as Rossi led a handcuffed Graydon to his seat across from me. “Agent L/N?” Graydon said as Rossi snapped his handcuffs shut, attaching him to the interrogation room table, “What happened to you?” 
I waited until Rossi left the room to respond. I watched as the door swung shut for the final time, and I took a deep breath. “Your children happened to me,” I deadpanned. I turned my head back towards the one-way glass so he could see the blood-soaked bandages littering the back of my head. I saw Graydon wince in the mirror. “Your daughter is quite well-versed with a baseball bat,” I said as I turned to face him again. 
He shook his head. “Does this mean they’re both in custody?” 
“Quite the opposite,” I said, “they’re on the run.” I allowed a few silent moments to pass as Graydon acknowledged the weight of the words I’d uttered. 
“Where's your partner?” Graydon nodded towards the empty chair next to me. 
“Your children have taken my partner as ‘collateral’,” I made air quotes with my hands to further demonstrate my point. 
“Oh, God,” Graydon mumbled. 
“That’s why I need you to tell me where their hideout is,” I said, forcing myself to look him in the eyes. 
Graydon shook his head, holding his free hand up in the air as if to portray his innocence. “I have no idea.” 
“I don’t believe that for a second. Even if you don’t know for certain, you’ve lived in this area your whole life, and I believe you know an area where they are likely to be,” I spat bitterly. “Do you realize what’s going to happen if you continue to protect them this way?” 
Graydon looked at the tabletop shamefully, choosing not to respond. I sighed in disgust, “Fine, I’ll fill you in. For starters, your children have already killed more than ten people, and their capacity to do so is a result of the physical and psychological trauma you’ve put them through over the years.” Graydon winced once more as the consequences of his own actions came back to bite him. 
“Second, your children have taken a federal agent hostage. If this agent dies at the hands of your children, any hope they have to not face the death penalty will go out the window. I will personally make sure that they are punished to the fullest extent of the law.” Graydon covered his face with his hands as I continued to talk, choosing to ignore his agony for the sake of getting the information I needed. 
“On a more personal note,” I lowered my voice, “you mentioned earlier that I don’t understand the lengths you’d go to protect someone you love. You should know that the agent your children have taken hostage is not only my partner, but undoubtedly the love of my life.” I felt tears pricking at the corner of my eyes again, and I chose to let them fall this time. “If you do not tell me where they are, we’re both going to lose people we love tonight. Don’t let that happen.” 
Graydon lowered his face from his hands. Tears streamed down both of our faces as he uttered the next words as a whisper, “58493 West 600th Street.”
“What is it?” I asked. 
“It’s their grandparents' old house. It’s been abandoned since Lucia’s father died ten years ago. Sometimes they’d go stay there when I…” he trailed off, flexing his fist.  
“Thank you,” I said, rising from the table. I used the walker to balance myself and began heading for the door. I swung the door open, using the walker as a prop before I paused and turned back. “Graydon,” I said. The defeated former police chief turned his head towards me. I spoke, “If you’re sending my team into some sort of a trap, I’ll make sure you never see the light of day again.” 
With that, I finished making my way out of the interrogation room. The door to the observation area burst open as the team filed out into the hallway. “Did you guys get all that?” 
“We sure did. Great job, kid,” Rossi said, offering me a gentle pat on the shoulder. 
JJ worked frantically on her tablet, plugging in the address Graydon had given us moments before. “That house is within those neighborhoods Spencer and I narrowed the search area to yesterday.” Everyone nodded. 
“Let’s roll, then,” Emily said. “Wait,” I turned towards the interrogation room. “Do you think we should bring Graydon with us?” The group fell silent. “Bringing their true target to their doorstep seems kind of unsafe, don’t you think?” Luke asked. 
“No,” I said, “it’s the perfect way to distract and throw them off.” Emily considered this for a moment. 
“She’s right,” Emily said, “Rossi, go get Graydon. He can ride with us.” 
“I’m coming too,” I said. 
JJ sighed, “I’m not surprised. You can ride with me.” We made our way out of the precinct and into the chill of the evening once more. Luke helped me into the passenger seat of the SUV before climbing in the back, JJ in the driver’s seat. I noticed the time on the dashboard. It was only three in the morning, we’d just been here for twenty-four hours. 
We were third in the line of SUVs which whipped out of the precinct parking lot. Luke plugged the address Graydon had given us into the SUV’s dashboard. The house was less than ten minutes away. I bounced my leg in anticipation. What if we were too late?
The rest of the drive was made in silence. The row of SUVs came to a halt in front of the address. Emily’s voice came over the radio, “Graydon says it’s back through those trees. This property looks to have been rundown for a while. Watch your step. Rossi is going to hang back with Graydon in the SUV. If we need him, Rossi will bring him.” 
JJ shot me a look from the driver’s seat. “You have to wait here,” she said. 
“I know,” I whispered. 
“We’ll be back shortly,” Luke said, slipping his vest over his head and hopping out of the back seat. JJ followed suit, leaving me alone in the SUV. I watched the team disappear into the treeline near the road, leaving me alone in the dark of the Colorado night. 
I waited patiently for five minutes. The radio had not buzzed, and I had seen no lights come from the direction of the house within the treeline. Suddenly, the radio sprung to life, “Rossi, we need our bargaining chip.” 
I shuddered. Bargaining chip? I couldn’t stand to wait anymore. I grabbed a stray vest from the back seat, slipping it on over my head. As Rossi drug Graydon out of the SUV and towards the house, I opened my car door and gently lowered myself onto the ground. I opened the door to the back seat, lifting the seat to reveal the hidden compartment. I found a loaded back-up handgun tucked inside a case, and I tucked it into my waistband. 
I saw the walker folded in the backseat and I sighed, looking at the long distance between the road and the treeline I was about to venture into. The walker isn’t going to do me any good now. 
I watched Rossi and Graydon disappear through the treeline, and I steadied my feet on the ground and forced myself to follow in their general direction. Though wobbly, my steps had improved greatly since my initial attempts when I woke up. Once I reached the treeline, I followed Emily’s instructions and watched my feet, careful not to allow myself to lose my balance on any stray limbs. 
I emerged from the treeline into an uncut lawn with a small, rickety house. A single light seemed to burn from inside, and I could see the team scattered in different positions around the building. Emily stood at the open door, clearly talking to someone inside. Rossi led Graydon up the steps and into the doorway. I could hear the voices coming from inside as I got closer. 
“Daddy dearest!” Mira called out as Rossi shoved Graydon into the doorway, “What a surprise!”
Graydon forced his eyes up from the ground. Though I couldn’t see into the house, I imagined he was looking at his daughter. “Mira, you have to stop this. Let that poor man go.” Poor man? Spencer!
“Mhm,” Mira said with a small giggle, “and why would I do that?” I continued my approach towards the house, using the tall grass as my only cover. I made brief eye contact with Luke who was crouched behind an exterior window. His wide eyes begged me to go back to the car, but I chose to ignore him. 
“Mira,” Graydon spoke again, “he hasn’t done anything to you. Just let him go.”
Another cackle rang out into the night. “You’re so right, Dad. He hasn’t done anything. But you,” I was close enough I could see Mira swinging a baseball bat around as she spoke, “you’ve got a lot to answer for.” 
I slipped up on to the porch behind Emily, Rossi, and Graydon. My sudden arrival caused a step to creak, taking Rossi by surprise as he raised his eyebrows incredulously. I shook my head, a signal for him not to let on to my presence on the porch. I crouched by a front window, scanning the room inside. Finally, I saw Spencer. Though undoubtedly bruised, he was conscious, sitting tied to a wooden chair in the corner of the room. I almost sighed in relief. I could see him scanning the room, looking for some way to free his hands. 
A male voice came from the opposite side of the room, “If he has anyone to answer to, it’s me.” Phillip Graydon came into view, standing next to his sister. “How many times did you send me to that fucking hospital?” 
Graydon shook his head. “W-what I did was wrong, but what you two are doing isn’t going to make that right.” 
Mira scoffed. The fire in her eyes burned stronger. “Don’t preach to us about right and wrong. You’re the one who used us as punching bags for eighteen years. We wouldn’t have started all this if it hadn’t been for you. We were going to get to you eventually, you know,” she pointed the bat at her father, a snarl evident on her lips. 
She walked over to Spencer in the corner of the room, grabbing him by the jaw and forcing him to look at her. “Regardless, we should all just be grateful I haven’t bashed this guy’s pretty little head in yet,” she lifted the baseball bat, resting it gently against Spencer’s head. I felt an anger and a sickness rising in my stomach. I had to do something. 
I shot up from my position next to the window, ignoring the throbbing sensation in the back of my head. I pushed Rossi and Graydon both out of the way, taking center stage in the doorway. I made eye contact with Spencer, who looked stunned to see me standing before him. I could feel Emily’s anxious eyes burning into the back of my head from her position on the corner of the porch. “Mira, I need to talk to you,” I said. 
“So much for bleeding out, Phil,” she said, gesturing to me with the baseball bat. Phillip rolled his eyes and shrugged as if to say my bad. “What do you want?” 
“I talked with your mother yesterday,” I started. This statement alone was enough to make both Graydon children shift nervously on their feet. Aha, maybe I’d found a soft spot. “She’s really worried about you both.”
“What did she say?” Phillip asked quickly, like a little child eager to hear from his mother. 
Mira scolded him, “Shut up, Phil.” 
“She said,” I continued, “that she really misses you guys. She asked me to come and let her know if we found you because she wants to know that you’re both alright.” I could see tears in Phillip’s eyes. Clearly that was some deeper connection between himself and his mother than I had initially anticipated. 
“If she wanted to know, she could have called,” Mira said, “Mom doesn’t care about us, Phil. She’s just like him.” She pointed at Graydon, who stood with his head hung behind me in the doorway. 
“No,” I said, stepping forward so that Graydon was out of view. “She said that he wouldn’t let her contact you. She said that she’s begged to know where the both of you were, but that she’s been kept from you for all this time because of your father. She said he ruined your family, and she wants you both back.” 
Tears streamed down Phillip’s face at that moment. “Do you hear that, Mira? Mom wants us to come home.” 
“Phillip, have you lost your fucking mind? We have no home,” Mira cried.
“But Mom-”
Mira cut Phillip off, “I don't care what she has to say. We should’ve killed her first.” Phillip rocked back on his feet, the statement cutting through him like a punch to the gut. Suddenly, I saw a certain anger burning in his eyes that told me things were about to get ugly. 
Just as the thought crossed my mind, Phillip rushed at Mira, knocking her on to the old wooden floor of the abandoned house. He wrested the baseball bat from her hands, raising it over his head as he straddled her. I quickly removed the gun from my waistband, pointing it at the both of them. I cocked the gun, and the click made both of them pause, “Phillip, drop it.”
Phillip slowly did as he was told, releasing the baseball bat as it clattered on the floor below him. He slowly climbed off his sister, holding his hands up in defeat over his head. “Now walk towards me, keep your hands over your head,” I said. 
As Phillip slowly stepped across the room, Mira shot up from her position on the floor, reaching for the baseball bat. She ran at Phillip with a loud scream, with the baseball bat raised over her head, ready to strike. 
I aimed. I fired. She was hit. She fell.
“No,” Graydon cried as his daughter crumpled on to the floor of the house, a pool of blood forming under her as she lay lifeless on the floor. 
Phillip, however, remained stoic. Rossi placed his hands behind his back, smacking handcuffs on his wrist, as Emily and Rossi led both Graydons away from the scene. I ran into the house, stepping over Mira’s body on the floor to where Spencer sat wide-eyed in the corner. “Hey, we’re going to get you out of here, okay?” I ran a hand over his face and he looked at me, nodding gently. “Luke!” I shouted. 
Luke ran into the house, careful to step over the body on the floor. “Pocket knife,” I said, holding out my hand. Luke fished around in his pocket before settling on his knife, dropping it into my hands. I leaned down behind Spencer, gently cutting the tight knots from his wrists. He tentatively moved his fingers and shifted his arms in front of his body. 
I crouched in front of him, tucking my arm under his own and draping half of his bruised body over my neck. “Luke, help me,” I said. Luke tucked himself under Spencer’s other half, helping me to carry him out of the house and back to the cars. Though Spencer tried to carry himself, I could feel his weight resting heavily on our shoulders. He was exhausted, beaten, and in need of medical attention. 
As we helped Spencer into the back of an SUV, the throbbing pain in the back of my head had become so strong that my vision blurred with each pulse. Spencer seemed to notice this, as he weakly reached his hand out of the SUV and touched the side of my face. I leaned into his touch, steadying myself on his arm before I ultimately collapsed next to the vehicle, darkness swallowing my vision once again.
To be continued...
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vievieveda · 3 months
OPEN STARTER for anyone location ; Kosmos / the grocerer If anyone had told Vanathi the Vaanii two years ago that she'd be selling fruits and vegetables in a magic grocer shop, she would've laughed. Not just laughed, but probably laughed so hard she'd kicked a chair - or perhaps a table - over in her effort to calm herself and to enjoy how ridiculous that sounded. Now, it wasn't even that ridiculous, she loved the work. It was much better than getting killed every month, and then resurrected. Nobody would ever understand the pain of having to take a five hour steaming hot bath just to feel like yourself again... or well, possibly a lot of people did. If not: they were missing out. She placed a new load of freshly conjured purple potatoes in their little crate and greeted the unsuspected bystander. Her toothy smile meant to draw them in, even if at times it seemed like she wanted to hit you over the head with a Withering Watermelon.
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"Would you like to sample some of our recently harvested snack cucumbers?"
The tavern was not quite as busy during the day as it was in the evenings, making it easier for its owner to take time away from the often bustling location. When Veda had left the warmth of the pub, it wasn't to wander so much as to complete a very specific job. With the Faire upcoming and the arrival of emissaries, vendors seemed to be taking it as a sign that doubling prices would go unnoticed. Nothing went unnoticed to the human, which was precisely why she was out and about on this very fine day. It was that ability to gather secrets that allowed her to 'negotiate' with Blood, Sweat, and Beers vendors into more reasonable pricing.
Considering the nature of some of those secrets, it was easier than Vee was even expecting. She didn't begrudge them for trying to take advantage of the market; but she was not the market. And she refused to be treated as such. Business completed, she was taking a lovely stroll back to Rocheilles when a familiar voice caught her attention.
"Snack cucumbers, Vanathi? Dare I ask what makes them a 'snack' and not a 'meal' vegetable?"
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hatredcurse · 6 months
It was the dawn of a New Era.
Well, allegedly.
Talks and gossip troubled themselves into the delicate fabric of public conscious. The indominable spirit of the Uchiha clan considering rebellion. Not only rebellion, but a joint policy and potential allegiance with the Senju clan?
The divide could not present itself anymore quickly.
Until battles were won and the prospect of "peace time" seem imminent, hesitation will persist and the Uchiha Layman will fail to be impressed by expensive ink signatures and well-said words. Even if the intent was with the average citizen in mind, the dual-clean leads were aware of their clan's healthy skepticism.
They had skepticisms of their own, of course, especially the princeling, Uchiha Izuna.
Walking himself side-by-side with his beloved brother, the Uchiha took to the neutral meeting grounds of this Grand Hall. Abandoned by fallen noble families at the hands of Damiyo allied clans before. Its stone walls and Wintery fortress stand empty with culture carved into its pillars and clan prophecies decorating the inner walls. It was a good middle point for both clans, keeping them off of cosigned lands and into a castle with no authority. It was tempestuous to the more war-mongering types of their kind to want to lay down the steel and fire for it, rip it away from the Senju while they had the chance, but Madara begged paused and insisted on this negotiation.
At some point, the co-clan leaders divided: the elder towards the main hall to meet with the Senju leader ( co-conspirators; soft-hearted affectionates, Izuna would distastefully hear from noble women ) and the other to a more modest room with the Senju brother. Famed for his intelligence and his temper. Izuna was already well-accompanied with him.
"Lord Senju," his youthful voice sang with all the well-meaning welcome he had in his travel-lagged body," it's so wonderful to see you on the same side of the table this time."
The princeling pardoned his guards to await outside, leaving him with some privacy with the albino. Less a show of strength as it was desiring authenticity from a should-be ally— here in the future.
"I won't bore you with the small talk. We are not strangers," Izuna took a seat on the cushion opposite to Tobirama, his long crimson robe tucking gracefully under his folded legs and his cross-collar retaining its near-perfect presentation no matter the broad movements he makes.
For once, he was mild-mannered. Bloodlust and battle-rage didn't seem to exist within an Uchiha without his onyx-crimson armor. In its place existed a well-manicured leader with his hair neat with a hairpin and his body adorned with distinguishing robes. Whatever bite he wanted to have embedded itself under the exhaustion painting in the purple existing within his under-eyes.
"I assume you've already put some thought in how you would like to divide the armies," he begins, grabbing his bag of sealed scrolls, each one a set of personal notes the Uchiha himself made on the matter," or— what have you. This is an open conversation. Say what you will."
Closed starter — @lordsecondsenju
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@cantillat asked: ❝ You really had that pent-up, huh? ❞ from a Shirou
Do Revenge starters - No Longer Accepting!
It would have been a warm, tranquil day in the countryside, had she not come to visit. The manor was the Royal Family's warmer retreat within the nation's borders, and after several particularly frustrating weeks in negotiations with the Royal Council, she'd finally been asked to take some time away. By her father no less, and it wasn't as if she could ignore a request from the King of Novoselic to begin with. So, for a short while, Boudry House was closed up, leaving only the most barebones staff while the rest of her team headed south. Out of the city, away from endless meetings, charity events, and parties.
And to the loud crack of a rifle.
And the clay pigeon shooter, which was, in theory, automatic but had one of the manor's gamekeepers on hand to aim and maintain it. Sufficiently less interesting for the man than the Princess hunting live game, but she insisted: at the manor, if she was in charge, they'd only kill what they could eat. So biodegradable clay pigeons it was.
As soon as she shouted the word, the gamekeeper hit the appropriate button on the machine and the next target flew in a perfect arc in the air. Three shots later, one of Sonia's bullets had pierced it clean, shattering it over the open field. Careful to avoid the searing hot sections of the firearm, Sonia flipped on the safety and opened it up, discarding the empty shells in a rubbish bin at her side. Then, fresh ammunition was added and the process repeated itself.
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"PULL!" She shouted, this time with a slight more edge to her voice. It shouldn't have taken three shots to take out the target, and she gripped the rifle more tightly as she took aim.
One shot, then four more followed before the disc fell to the ground and shattered. She'd missed it completely, mostly due to a shadow approaching that grew larger and larger. She'd asked her head butler not to admit visitors that day: for just one day, she wanted time to herself before she accepted invitations from other royal residences in the county.
"Shit!" She swore at the lost target, turning the safety on as she removed the empty shells. But Sonia was given a fright of her own as the shadow stopped moving and turned into a pair of tanned hands and arms. A glance, and she found Shirou Emiya, his mouth moving but nothing coming out of it. The noise-canceling headphones...they would prove to be a problem here. Nodding to a footman, the young man stepped to her opposite side and she handed off both the gun and the headphones to him.
"You really had that pent-up, huh?"
Sonia shook her head in defeat, pushing a few loose blonde strands that had escaped her ponytail out of her face. Her protective glasses, however, stayed on. "I admit, sometimes my life makes me terribly frustrated, if not angry. This time, it was enough for my father to send me away here for a little while: apparently, the stress will do me in if I don't take holidays."
But that was beside the point, as she crossed her arms over her chest. Not that she looked particularly authoritative in jeans and a tucked-in button down shirt, but she could try. "How did you know to look for me here?" She asked. The knee-jerk reaction was to ask if he intended to stake out all of her family's homes to track her every move, but she thought better of it. "And it's not wise to sneak up on someone with a loaded gun, Shirou. Though you're welcome to join me if you like, or if you'd like refreshments, help yourself." She gestured to a nearby table that had been elegantly arranged with sandwiches and a few small sweets, alongside a pot of hot tea and a pitcher of fruit-infused water.
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viitlumi · 5 days
Starter for @mindsafe ♥ The streets of Wall Rose had settled into a quiet calm as the last of the evening light bled away. Lanterns flickered at intervals along the cobblestone paths, casting soft, wavering light that danced on the uneven stones. The bustle of the day had faded, replaced by the gentle murmur of distant voices seeping out from behind half-open tavern doors. There was a coolness to the air now, a sharpness that carried the scent of burning wood and something savory cooking far off in the distance.
Vito was strolling at a relaxed pace, his braid swaying lightly with each step. His sharp amber eyes flicked casually over the quiet streets, soaking in the details of the night. Two months on Paradis, and the place still felt like a blank page, fresh and waiting for something interesting to happen. After hours spent huddled in meetings—debating ideas, negotiating proposals —he was desiring something a bit easier. Something more profound and fun.
His feet carried him toward a tucked-away corner where a small, unassuming bar sat wedged between two larger buildings. The bright glow spilling from its windows caught his eye first, followed by the soft hum of laughter and clinking glasses that drifted into the night. The door was slightly crooked on its hinges, the sign above the entrance faded with age. Perfect.
Pushing open the door, the Northerner stepped inside, immediately greeted by the warmth that enveloped the entire room. The bar was cozy, its low ceilings and worn wooden flooring giving it a lived-in aesthetic. Candles flickered on cluttered tables, casting long shadows across the gnarled walls. It smelled of wood, liquor, and the faint sweetness of pipe smoke—a comforting blend that made it easy to forget the world outside.
A few heads turned briefly as he entered, curiosity lingering for just a moment before the patrons returned to their quiet conversations, some gazes lingered though, at first not cognizant of Vito as a Paradis confidant. The place was filled with locals, each absorbed in their own worlds—a group laughing loudly in the back, a few lone figures sipping brews at the counter, and the rest exchanging murmured conversations over half-empty glasses. No one stared for too long, though he could feel the glances—the usual quick assessment of someone who clearly wasn’t from here. He let them examine him. It didn’t bother him.
The Northerner made his way to the reception area, settling easily against the worn wood of the counter. The bartender, a grizzled man with a face like old leather, glanced at him, wiping down a glass without saying a word. Vito caught his eye and offered a slight smile—friendly, but with a hint of merriment behind it.
"Something strong," he announced, his voice dulcet, the words falling naturally as if he’d been a regular here for years. The brunette studied the language to nigh flawless detail, and there was virtually no perceptible hint of an accent resting on his tongue.
The bartender raised an eyebrow but didn’t ask any questions. He reached for a bottle on the higher shelf, its label faded and worn. He poured a generous quantity of dark liquor into a tumbler and slid it across the counter.
"You're not from around here, are you, boy?" the old man inquired with a wry smile, wiping down the faucet with a rag as he eyed the stranger. He took in the man's sharp features and the odd getup—a long, dark coat and a hood lined with white fur, probably rabbit.
"Boy … huh?" Vito chuckled, the sound light and easy, setting his hand against his cheek, warm honey hues staring towards the other man in front of him. "You’re too kind, old man." The bartender burst into a hearty laugh at the brunette’s audacious quip, the sound echoing through the room with genuine amusement.
Vito picked up the glass, turning it slowly in his hand before taking a sip. The burn hit him first, followed by a rich, smoky warmth that spread down his throat and settled in his chest. He nodded to himself, satisfied. It had been precisely what he needed.
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The bar, with its dim light and low hum of conversation, was just right. No fuss, no grand display—just good drink and the quiet company of people living their lives. Vito leaned back against the counter, letting his gaze drift over the room, examining, curious, as he took another slow sip.
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slashcrz · 9 months
closed starter for @gcldforged {{ aranya }}
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what thanin found was always misunderstood by all, even those within his own court, was that every damn move a king made took ages to complete. there was the wait of correspondence, the penalty for pride, waiting a week to send word in return, and so on. a hundred little games played between just one negotiation, and neither man every willing to bend first. it was a war waged with quills && ink, not swords, and somehow... thanin had found strength in the art of written word, and was proving to be quite compelling with his penmanship. fingers shook && his heart thundered as anxiously, he undid the wax pressed seal, and let his eyes scan the page... only to stand in a sudden rise, clattering his wine glass to the floor, and shattering it. the door opened just then - his wife arriving, probably merely passing through the shared sitting room on her own agenda, but thanin hurried to her in three sweeping steps and extended the letter. there was something new alight in his eyes, a glitter of relief, and something... maybe deeper than just that. " the arthit nobility have agreed to restore their crest of arms to the monarchy table. " though a simple sentence, the smile thanin wore brought the message his words did not. the disgraced noble family was humiliated && exploited by his parents ( like so many of the thai nobility had been ), and had been one of the leaders who revolted in the attempt on his life. though it was just one line of many would need to realign, they held weight in the communities, and thanin would take it as a win. only now did thanin realize that, in his excitement to share the triumphant && downright shocking news with aranya, he'd reached out and clasped her shoulder fondly. eyes drifted to where they touched, and thanin felt his stomach solidify. was it something... he ate? his eyes returned to hers. ah, the excitement of this win had flushed him. " i- i just can hardly believe it. "
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simb1805 · 1 year
Restaurant interiors for Upscale Steakhouses
Title: Elevating the Dining Experience: Designing Restaurant Interiors for Upscale Steakhouses
The upscale steakhouse has long been a symbol of fine dining and luxury. Beyond just savoring mouthwatering cuts of beef, patrons visit these establishments for a complete sensory experience that starts the moment they step through the door. The interior design of an upscale steakhouse plays a pivotal role in setting the tone and creating an unforgettable ambiance. In this blog, we will explore the essential elements and key considerations for designing restaurant interiors that elevate the dining experience at upscale steakhouses.
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Embrace Elegance and Sophistication
When it comes to upscale steakhouses, elegance and sophistication are non-negotiable. The interior design should exude an air of luxury and refinement from the very beginning. Start with a well-appointed entrance that makes a bold statement. Rich materials such as marble, brass, and dark wood can be used to create a luxurious first impression. An opulent chandelier or custom artwork can further enhance the ambiance.
Thoughtful Lighting
Lighting is a crucial aspect of restaurant interior design, as it sets the mood and enhances the overall dining experience. For upscale steakhouses, consider a combination of ambient, task, and accent lighting. Warm, dimmable fixtures can create an intimate atmosphere while allowing patrons to appreciate the details of the interior décor. Custom-made pendant lights over each table can provide focused illumination for diners to enjoy their meals.
Luxurious Seating
Comfortable seating is paramount in upscale steakhouses, as patrons often spend extended periods indulging in their meals and conversations. Invest in high-quality, plush seating with rich upholstery that complements the overall design theme. Consider incorporating banquettes for added comfort and privacy, making sure to choose materials that are both stylish and easy to clean.
Material Selection
Upscale steakhouses often feature a blend of traditional and contemporary design elements. The choice of materials can greatly influence the restaurant's ambiance. Dark wood finishes, leather upholstery, and stone accents are commonly used to create a sense of warmth and opulence. High-quality textiles and fabrics should be chosen for drapery, table linens, and decorative elements to elevate the tactile experience.
Custom Furnishings and Artwork
To truly stand out in the competitive world of upscale dining, consider investing in custom furnishings and artwork. Commissioning bespoke furniture pieces and artwork can help create a unique atmosphere that reflects the restaurant's brand and vision. These custom elements can become conversation starters and contribute to the overall sense of luxury.
Open Kitchen Concept
Many upscale steakhouses opt for an open kitchen concept, allowing diners to witness the culinary artistry firsthand. The design of the kitchen area should seamlessly blend with the overall restaurant interior. Choose materials that are both functional and visually appealing, and consider an elegant chef's table or counter seating for a more immersive dining experience.
Wine Cellar and Bar
A well-stocked wine cellar and a beautifully designed bar are essential components of upscale steakhouse interiors. Showcase an impressive wine collection with a glass-enclosed cellar, and create a bar area that exudes sophistication. The bar can serve as a pre-dinner gathering spot where patrons can enjoy a cocktail before their meal.
The interior design of an upscale steakhouse is a critical factor in shaping the overall dining experience. From the moment patrons enter the restaurant until they savor the last bite of their perfectly cooked steak, every detail matters. By embracing elegance, carefully selecting materials, and investing in custom elements, upscale steakhouses can create an atmosphere that leaves a lasting impression on diners, ensuring they return for more than just the delicious food but for the complete sensory journey. In the world of upscale dining, the restaurant interior is the canvas upon which unforgettable memories are painted. One can achieve this by getting in touch with renowned design and build firms such as Flipspaces, which can help you with the same.
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mrcolinhopper · 2 years
//closed starter @masterofhisfate​
Hopper had asked to meet the man of the house. He opened the doors of the restaurant, followed by two men behind him who simply accompanied Hopper wherever he went. He stood beside the table in the middle of the room, just underneath the chandelier, with the best view of the whole place. Hopper didn’t sit down; instead, he looked at his clock and counted the seconds. He was a busy man, and he was not the type of person to deal with someone who could not keep their word. Adam had to be at his sight before his clock hit the very line that was decided upon; a second later would not be tolerated. At this point, he knew who Adam was, his family background, an assumption of his wealth, the controversies, and his pretty little maiden. There wasn’t much to surprise him, though he knew that there had to be something more. Something he’d allow Megara to know more about.
A minute before 3 p.m., Adam came out to greet him. Stern and reserved, which Hopper could get along with. He finally sat down, looking at the other man and then back at his clock. He only had exactly 15 minutes to deal with this before he was off to his next order of business. "Quite a lovely place." He added nonchalantly, looking around at the familiar, comfortable place. "Atta has negotiated the terms beforehand, and I am only here to confirm their legitimacy. A fixed rate for your silence. Business stays the same." Hopper slides the briefcase towards the other man. "That covers six months. I expect exceptional service and nothing else. Do you have yourself a deal?" Hopper took a cigarette from his pocket and started smoking. "This place has been favorable to me for quite some time. Hence, I'm giving you a lifeline. Out of generosity, it seems?"
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lordustin-a · 6 years
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Strangers in his lands weren’t too uncommon -- folks lost coming off the Kingsroad, meandering westward into the Barrowlands... His men were diligent in stopping these kinds of people, lost travellers, always guiding them properly but other times that wasn’t the case.  Young lord Dustin couldn’t fathom why anyone would want to seek audience with him -- why him? ❝ From my understanding you may be lost, ❞ He speaks up from behind his lordly table, broad frame swallowed in grey furs, hands laced in his lap, ❝ Winterfell is far north of here, I’m afraid... if that is what you’re looking for. Unfortunately, though, I have nothing to give. ❞ Little things perhaps, like spare food, a drink, he could offer; not much else. 
open to mutuals!
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ravasheencc · 2 years
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Drag & Shop - Community Kiosk
Ditch the craft tables & traveling to Henford-on-Bagley by selling directly through the 'Drag and Shop' kiosk - your quick, one-stop shop to buy essentials, sell your crafted items & collectibles, travel, and use a gender-neutral bathroom.
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
Purchase essential items like upgrade parts, ingredients, and starter instruments. You can also negotiate a lower price by haggling.
Sell craftables, collectibles, harvestables, & more. Get a higher payout by haggling.
Travel using the map for $10 - no time restrictions.
Use a gender-neutral bathroom when your sim needs it most (<75% bladder motive).
No NPCs needed & no lot restrictions
Open from 9 AM to 3 AM (shift+click to force the kiosk to open during closed hours)
Base game compatible
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
Cheat Interactions (shift + click)
Immediately open/close the kiosk to enable buy & sell interactions
Instant Enact Neighborhood Action Plan (Eco Living)
Instant Enact Community Space Project (Eco Living)
Instant Repeal Neighborhood Action Plan (Eco Living)
Give Sim Influence +15 (Eco Living)
Take care of needs
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
Out now early access for patrons, public release on August 9th!
Download here!
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jeyramarie · 4 years
Mr. & Mrs. Holland- (Mob! Tom Holland x Mob! Reader) part 1
summary: most powerful couple in the country but it’s not Tom you should be fearing.
w/c: 3,033
warning: fluff, kissing, angst? idk, y/n being a badass (yes... that should be a warning)
a/n: the prologue got the greatest feedback, thank you to everyone who read it. i’m so so thankful. since it did so good, here’s part 1!! happy reading everyone 🦋
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The sun shined through the curtains, warming up the naked bodies that were tangled in the satin sheets. Tom’s eyes fluttered open, immediately turning his bed to see his wife laying on his chest. He smiled and pushed back a piece of hair that was hanging in front of her face. Waking up next to Y/n was his favorite feeling because to him, she was the most beautiful person he had ever seen in his life. He moved a bit to get out of bed making her stir. Her eyes opened softly to look at him and smile. 
“Morning, love.” he said softly leaning in and giving her a peck. 
“Good morning, honey.” she chuckled and bit her lip while smiling widely. Tom stood up from the bed, his butt bare making Y/n giggle. He turned around with a questionable look while she layed back down on her pillow. 
“You have a nice butt.” she giggled making him roll his eyes and make his way towards their walk in closet. 
“Where are you going?” she groaned, sitting up in bed with her back against the headboard. 
“I have a meeting with the boys. Haz told me some things have been going missing on the ports.” 
“What things?” she asked with furrowed eyebrows. 
“That supply we were gonna send to Columbia last week.” He walked out butting up his shirt, then moving to his sleeves rolling them up. 
“But… Tom, that was the biggest supply this month.. we were gonna get a fortune.” Y/n said sitting up straighter. 
“Love, I know that. That’s why I need to find out what’s going on and who did this. I’m gonna be with the boys most of the day. I’ll see later.” Tom leaned down, gave his wife a long kiss and stepped out of the bedroom without uttering another word. Y/n started thinking about a possible plan that would help her husband and the whole company. She quickly got out of bed and went into the shower where her thoughts sort of became clearer. With a towel wrapped around her body she walked into her side of the closet. 
“What the hell am i gonna wear?” she asked herself with her arms crossed over her chest. She scanned her color coded closet and finally chose a short black Prada dress. It was tight around her curves and it had a small slight on the side to show part of her thigh. Y/n put her hair up to show off her collarbone and the diamond earrings Tom had just bought her. She put on her favorite pair of heels and made her way towards the meeting room. Her heels clacked on the marble floors as she strutted to the testosterone filled room. 
She pulled open the dark brown doors making every pair of eyes land on her. Of course, Y/n smirked and began to make her way to her husband, who was sitting at the end of the table with a whiskey in hand and his fingers rubbing his chin deep in thought. When she was half way there, she turned to the bartender. 
“Martin? I'll have my usual.” 
“Dry martini with two olives. Got it, boss.” he nodded and turned to start off her drink while she smiled, turning back to look at Tom. Finally, she stood next to him, making him look up at her. Tom looked back down and stared slowly at her thighs, her hips, the day the dress got extra tight at her waist, her breast that were shaped perfectly to him, her collarbone that he desired to kiss and bite at that very moment and last, but certainly not the least, her beautiful face that made him melt every single time he looked at it. 
“Darling, what are you doing here?” He asked, smirking at his wife who was smiling widely. 
“I thought I could give you some ideas, help you out a bit. What do you guys have so far? That’s if you do want my help, of course.” she said as she crossed her arms quickly looking to her right to see Martin with her drink in hand. 
“Thanks, Martin.” she muttered and took a sip while looking back at Tom. 
“I would love to hear what you have in mind. You know I always need your help, darling.” he smiled putting his hand on her thigh and moving it up and down making Y/n get goose bumps all over her body. 
“I need to know what you guys have first.” she smirked and drank another sip from her strong beverage. Tom looked at her and chuckled, sitting straight. 
“Okay, boys… let’s tell Mrs. Holland what we have, now.” he said, strongly making Y/n feel an undeniable tingly feeling on her covered core. The next 30 minutes were spent discussing the problems and the suspects. Of course, Harrison believed it was someone from the inside spilling out details on the supply’s destination. The only thing they seem to have left is a good hideout place to keep look out. Harrison brought over some files of properties close by to Y/n. She put her glass down and sat on the armrest of Tom’s chair making him put his hand on her hip. 
“You’re planning on buying this?” she asked with a questionable look with her head turned to her husband. 
“Yes, why? Do you not like it?” 
“Is not that i don’t like it.. is that…. they’ll find you before you move in. You have to be somewhere that no one's gonna expect you to be in.” Y/n said while looking at the different properties in front of her. She took the last sip from her martini and stood up, still looking at the papers. She walked around the table in silence, every single man following her with their eyes. 
“I hate this. This… this is… what the fuck are you thinking?” she exclaimed turning around to look at Tom who was looking at her with a straight face, waiting for her to explain herself. 
“You wanna spy on someone who’s probably stealing your shit and you wanna buy a 3 million dollar mansion to do it?” she scoffed and shook her head in disbelief as her husband stood up from his chair and slowly started walking towards Y/n. 
“You have to get a place that no one’s gonna expect. Get an abandoned apartment or something. Somewhere dirty and ugly.” Tom finally stood in front of her and grabbed her waist, pulling her towards him. 
“I love the way you think, darling. I like your idea.” he whispered and leaned in to give her a peck. 
“Of course you do, it’s the right one.” she said smiling which caused him to chuckle. 
“We’ll go with that. Harrison, get everything ready.” 
“If you want something done right, let a woman do it.” she said and grabbed his face to give him a quick kiss. She pulled away and started walking towards the door. 
“I have to go, check on my employees. I’ll call you later, honey.” and with that she left the room leaving every man speechless. Y/n walked to the living room where her driver was playing cards with the maids of the house. 
“Dylan, bring the car around.” 
“Yes, ma’am.” she quickly turned around and walked back to her room to get her purse and of course, her small golden gun. She walked outside towards the car where Dylan was holding the door open. 
“Where to, ma’am?” he asked before Y/n got into the car.
“You know that apartment building close to Le Royal?” 
“I need to go there, William is waiting for me.” the man nodded and she got into the car. The ride was silent but she was mostly talking to herself in her head. Thinking of what to say and what to do when she got there. The car came to a stop making her jolt out of her trance. The door opened showing Dylan with a small smile. 
“We’re here, ma’am.” he extended his hand to help Y/n out of the car. 
“Thanks, Dylan. Stay close, please.” 
“Sure thing, ma’am. Good luck in there.” he said, closing the car door. 
“Thank you.” she smiled putting on her Dior sunglasses and walking towards the door.  Y/n walked inside and got to the elevator, going to the last floor. When the doors opened her right hand man, William was waiting for her with a bloody fist. 
“Thanks for the help, William.” 
“Anytime, ma’am.” he nodded and she made her way to the long hallway that led to a wooden door. She opened the door and was met with a man tied to a chair and another chair in front of him. 
“I’m so sorry for the delay but i’m sure my right hand man kept you company. He’s a great conversation starter. I'm sure you guys had fun.” Y/n smiled sitting down on the chair and crossing her legs. The man lifted his head with his sweaty hair falling on his face and the blood coming from his lip, dripping down his chin. 
“Yeah, fun.” 
“Do you know who i am, John?” 
“Yeah.” he scoffed. 
“Okay, do you know what i’m gonna do to you?” the room filled with silence and Y/n chuckled at his nervousness. 
“Of course you don’t. I’ll tell you anyway though.” she said, uncrossing her legs and standing up. Finally in front of the man, she placed her hands on the armrest of the chair leaning in front of him. 
“You mess with my husband, you mess with me and our company. You're not gonna get out of this so easily.” she whispered in a low serious voice making the man’s breath shaky. 
“I’m gonna bash your skull with a metal bat until it has a hole in it. You got that?” the man stayed quiet, scared for his life. Y/n stood back up and smiled. 
“I’ll see you later, Johnny.” she said as she walked out of the room leaving the man screaming out her name over and over again. She walked down the familiar hallway again, getting into the elevator with William. 
“Let’s go, Will.” the elevator door closed, it started moving and then it opened at the 1st floor. Y/n walked out first and then William behind, Dylan was already holding the door open which caused her to smile. 
“Thank you, boys.” she said as she climbed into the back seat. When the door closed her phone ran, it was Tom. 
“Hey, baby.” 
“Hello, love. How’s everything going?” 
“Everything went smoothly. How bout you? Is the plan in motion?” 
“It is. Everything is being handled as we speak.” 
“Great! I have to meet up with some business partners I wanna negotiate with so i’ll get you when i get out okay?” 
“Alright, love. We’ll talk later. I love you.” 
“I love you too, honey.” she smiled and then hung up as the car came to a stop in front of Le Royal. It was a very famous hotel that had it’s very own casino with the same name. Dylan helped her out of the car and she made her way to the entrance with William right behind her. Her heels clacked on the marble floors of the hotel lobby. Everyone stared at her in awe, only people in the business knew who she really was and what she did. They walked to the casino side of the lobby and went up a long glass staircase. It led them to big white doors that led to a small waiting room with the secretary typing quickly on her computer. Y/n walked towards her and stood in front of the counter, making the woman look up from her device. 
“May i help you?” she asked in a bitchy tone which made Y/n go serious and angry. 
“Yes, I have a meeting with Mr. Matthews.” she said coldly, giving the woman a killing look. 
“Go ahead.” 
“Thanks.” she spit out, turning and walking towards the office. Once at the door, she knocked and waited for the man to give her mention to enter. 
“Come in!” screamed the man from inside alerting William to open to the door and letting Y/N walk in first. 
“Y/n Holland, welcome! It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” the man smiled as he shook her hand and introduced himself to William after. 
“It’s nice to meet you, Adam. Thank you so much for agreeing to speak with me. I’ve heard nothing but good things about your business.” she said as she sat down in front of his desk and crossed her legs. 
“Same goes to you. You and your husband have left a really big impression on all of us.” 
“Oh, well thank you.” she chuckled as he leaned on his elbows on his desk. 
“So, what kind of business are we talking about?” 
“Oh well. I came here to offer you a deal.” 
“What kind of deal exactly?” he asked leaning back on his chair and crossing his legs. 
“I wanna buy the hotel.” she said seriously, making him laugh dryly and shake his head. 
“I’m not selling, Y/n.” 
“You didn’t let me finish.” he stopped laughing and moved his hand signaling her to continue. 
“I wanna buy so you can be in charge of everything while I'm gone. You’d report back to me or Tom. You’d get 25% of all income.” the room fell silent, Adam kept thinking about every single scenario of what would happen if he accepted. 
“What would I be doing, Y/n?” 
“We wanna use the casino for every exchange and to sell our little things that everyone seems to love. I assure you, Adam, you’re gonna get triple the clientele if they know what you’re gonna have.” he looked at her and scratched his eyebrow, standing up without another word. He made his way towards the glass windows, looking at the city below. Y/n played with her fingers, feeling nervous that maybe he didn’t want to go through with the deal. Even William knew she was nervous. After a few seconds, Adam turned around with his hands in his pockets, looked up and smiled. 
“You have yourself a deal Mrs. Holland.” he said, extending his hand for her to shake. She stood up quickly and grabbed it, shaking it. 
“Thank you so much, Adam. You won’t regret this.” 
“It was a pleasure doing business with you, Y/n. Call me anytime to schedule the first special casino night.” he said putting his other hand over hers. 
“Of course. I’ll call you tonight with my husband to schedule everything. Have a nice day, Mr. Matthews.” she smiled taking her hands out of his grasp and walking towards the door that William opened for her to walk out. They made their way downstairs to the lobby when Y/n came to an immediate stop. 
“Is everything alright, ma’am?” William asked, standing in front of her. 
“I don’t know if you know but I kind of have a sixth sense, Will. I don’t trust that man.” she said rummaging through her purse. 
“What are you gonna do?” 
“I need you to go to the main office of this building and plug this in into one of the computers.” Y/n whispered holding up a small pendrive. 
“While you’re doing that i’ll be having a couple drinks at the bar, just looking around. Checking what I have to work with.” she said looking around. 
“I can’t do that, ma’am. Mr. Holland gave me direct orders to not leave your side.” 
“Well he’s not here right now, William. I won’t rat you out okay? But please, get me that information.” she said turning to him while taking off her glasses and giving him pleading eyes. He sighed and nodded making Y/n squeal. 
“Thank you, thank you. I’ll be in the bar, find me when you’re done okay?” 
“Alright.” he said and turned walking towards the back doors of the lobby. 
30 minutes went by when William finally walked out. He turned the corner and saw his boss drinking her martini while looking at the ceiling, the walls, the employees, the bar countertop and the alcohol bottle in front of her. Every detail was important for her, to think of different ways to work with that place. 
“Mrs. Holland.” William said breaking Y/n’s trance. She looked at him and smiled as he held up the pendrive she had given him.
“Is it there?” she asked, getting down from the bar stool. 
“Every last bit, ma’am.” he said, giving it to her. She chuckled and patted him on the chest. 
“Good job, Will. Let’s go home.” Y/n said and walked towards the exit of the hotel where Dylan was already waiting in the car. 
When they arrived at the mansion, Y/n walked straight to her bedroom where Tom was taking a shower. She took off her heels so he wouldn’t hear her walk in, unzipped her dress and tied her hair up, slowly making her way to the bathroom. The shower door was foggy but she could still see her husband’s silhouette. Y/n pushed it open and stepped in quickly. She placed her hand on his back making him jump and quickly turn around. 
“Sorry to scare you.” she whispered, making him sigh in relief. 
“It’s alright, darling.” he said as he grabbed her waist and pulled her towards him. They looked at each other’s eyes for a while until he leaned in and kissed her passionately. She pulled away and leaned her forehead against his. 
“Did you get it?” he whispered, making her smile.
“Yeah, all of it.” she whispered back knowing exactly what he was talking about. Tom chuckled and grabbed her face, pulling her into a long kiss. She wrapped her arms around her neck while he moved his to her waist. Suddenly, he grabbed her ass cheek, moving her against the wall. Both of them feeling content about they’re new multi million dollar deal.
taglist: @ilovefandoms102​ @themaddies-obx​ @guillerminacaba​ @teenwishes08​ @runawayolives
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obsessivelyloved · 3 years
would 6 from the Smothering Yandere Starter Prompts with Tord be alright?
Yeah, thank you for the request <3. Reader is gender-neutral.
6. “The collar is for you, not me. You’ve proved that you can’t be trusted without it.”
There was no fanfare when Tord dropped the collar onto the kitchen table. He dropped it in front of you and stared, waiting for your input.
You took one look at it and raised your eyebrow. “Wow, pretty kinky, goes nice with your hoodie.”
“The collar is for you, not me. You’ve proved that you can’t be trusted without it.”
And with that, your mood turns sour. You set your phone down to hold your head in your hands.
“Oh my god, you’re still upset over that? I told you, Tord, it was nothing. It was just a person I used to be friends with in high school and wanted to catch up with by exchanging numbers. Nothing more.”
“So you say. I saw how you were looking at them.” Tord crossed his arms. “I want to see it on you every time we leave the house. It’s not optional. I want to show everyone who you belong to, so they don’t get any ideas.”
You take a couple of deep breaths. “If I wear it, will you finally let this go?”
“Yes, if you tell them to never contact you again and delete their number.”
“I love you, but you’re being so difficult. Why can’t you be normal about things like this? You have friends, so why can’t I?”
“It’s different! I’d never cheat on you with Edd, Tom, or Matt. And nothing is stopping you from being friends with them. They’re perfectly good friends, you don’t need anyone else.”
You wanted to bang your head against the table. Not for the first time, you thought of leaving him. Saying the words to him would be so easy. All you would have to do was open your mouth and say ‘Things aren’t working out. I want you out of my life.’
But you didn’t say any of that. Instead, you told him. “Fine. I’ll wear the collar, but I’m not deleting their number. I want to have socialization outside of your bubble and I’m not negotiating.”
Tord scowls at you. “Ugh, fine, be that way. I just came to drop it off. Call me later.”
As he storms out of the kitchen you think, ‘Drama queen’ and take your head out of your hands to pick your phone up.
Me: Hey heads up, if you get any weird or threatening text messages or calls, it’s my overly possessive boyfriend. He thinks I’m going to cheat and I am so sorry in advance.
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nomorefstogive · 2 years
I made a post about the fragment in Fontaine hope you saw it
I just did, sorry I woke up too late to turn on my pc before I went to work, well rather I woke up early and then tried to stay awake by doing dailies on my phone only to fall back asleep and wake up late lol.
Before I go in depth on my thoughts allow me to say this, these powers are all broken and terrifying as all hell and that is the honest truth.
For starters I can see just how Kitikalos would get along with the Hydro Archon, given her role as the Goddess of Justice, as her ability to insure that no one in the area can lie and her own drive towards justice could probably lead to a bond between the two of them forming quite quickly out of mutual respect.
Her 'Guilt Lament' on the other hand is something that I can easily picture scaring the ever loving hell out of all of those around her once they learn about it because think of it, every Archon has trauma and guilt from the Archon war and Kaenriah and everything that followed and every archon has been around a long time.
That can be combined with the trauma endured by the Adeptus, Xiao especially, and the Abyssal forces and Hilichurls given just what made the what they are.
That power is basically an 'Anti-Archon', 'Anti-Abyssal' and 'Anti-Adeptus' weapon from their worst nightmares, and I can imagine it being one hell of a way to get everyone to a negotiating table to talk things over peacefully as opposed to violence when its use is threatened.
Also, when I read the words 'She brought a twink with her' I damn near choked on my own breath lol.
Visas, pegs me more as someone who Childe would love to meet, especially in his transformed state as it would give him one hell of an opponent to clash blades with. Granted he could also serve the role as the mother of all deterrents for open conflict between the nations over the shards of the creator as, if I am reading his powers right, he is essentially a walking terror bomb in his tri-heart form and could more than likely hold his own against some of the biggest players on Teyvat.
That mount is also very cool, I did not know I wanted a Cerberus style Dragon mount until now.
Also, Kitikalos's little sisters are all adorable.
Kalideoheart actually makes me feel a bit of unease at the thought of him and Dottore meeting. Two sadistic geniuses in the same room is never a good thing for those near them.
In all While I am not certain just how well Visas would fit in Fontaine, I can easily imagine that Kitikalos would be welcomed by the Archon with open arms and a celebration.
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tennessoui · 3 years
🥺🥺 could you please do a snippet of the soulmate/daemon au from Anakin’s POV? It was so cute!
yes!!!! if you haven't read the first part, it's here! and this is a relationship negotiation from Anakin's POV (basically how they get together)
Anakin has been dreaming about this moment for years.
His master will cut his braid. And then he, Anakin, will kiss him.
Because he has been waiting to kiss him, Obi-Wan, for years.
His master is his soulmate. This is one of the basic facts of the universe.
His master is his other half. His master may flirt with other people, his master may linger behind when certain damsels are in a certain type of distress, but before all that: his master is his soulmate.
His master is also a Jedi, but that is secondary. Avarie told him so.
Avarie has been with Anakin since he was born. His first word was her name. Everyone in the slave quarters knew about her, about what she meant, but no one could use her to trace his own animal.
(In the slave quarters, having access to a slave’s Animal was akin to having access to the slave’s very soul.)
But Avarie bit and scratched at everyone who tried to touch her and her ice-like pelt. Ice was rare on Tatooine. From a distance, she looked like the rarest sort of treasure.
Anakin grew up knowing his soulmate’s animal was special. Anakin grew up defending her tooth and nail. Avarie defended herself, of course, but even as a slave, Anakin overstepped his boundaries to fend off interested parties.
Avarie was his.
He could not tell his mother how he knew. He could not even tell himself. Avarie was not his own soul. She was a reflection of his soul. She was his soul made foggier. Made distant. Made different.
He’d heard about soulmates on Tatooine. Everyone had. Everyone, even the lowliest slave, knew what a soulmate meant. But he had never expected to meet his on a regular work day, when he was only nine years old and his master was in the backroom behind him.
He had never thought that his soulmate could be Obi-Wan Kenobi; he had never thought about what it would mean if he ever left Tatooine. If Avarie, a creature from a planet so obviously not from his desert world, would ever be called home.
What it means is, obviously, convoluted and complicated.
Anakin thinks that without Avarie by his side through every moment, he would think that his soulmate--his master--did not like him at all.
But she is a reflection of his master’s--his soulmate’s--soul and she never shies away from the touches he gives her. He lives by his chances to pet her once he’s reached the Temple. His master is his soulmate, but his master seems so distant and out of reach. Surely his soulmate would know better. Surely his soulmate would know not to rely on their animal to bring comfort to Anakin.
And yet.
He spends years wanting Obi-Wan’s arms around him. The want sustains him for a standard decade.
There is never a moment Anakin does not know where he is heading. What he is doing. Everything he does, always, is for his soulmate. For his master. For Obi-Wan.
He’s dreamed about his knighting ceremony for years. He’s dreamed about Obi-Wan cutting his Padawan braid so that in the next second he can turn around and kiss him with his lightsaber still lit, held useless in one hand.
After all, hasn’t Anakin waited long enough?
Obi-Wan’s blade makes the cut.
Any second now, Anakin will rise up, turn, and kiss him because there will be nothing formal standing in their way. As soon as Obi-Wan cuts his braid, they will be two Jedi Knights. They will be equals.They will be free by the Jedi Code and standard to leave behind master and padawan. They will just be Obi-Wan and Anakin, soulmates. And yet, still--
Anakin does not kiss him.
He cannot understand why.
There are too many emotions in his chest.
Odyna, his own Force animal, comes to lick at his forehead, as if that’ll make him rise.
He’s paralyzed by indecision. There are such things as platonic soulmates. There are soulmates who find each other and spend their lives with someone else.
There are soulmates who never, ever, ever want to kiss their Jedi master.
And then there’s Anakin.
And Anakin realizes he doesn’t want to do this--whatever this will be--in front of anyone else, so Anakin doesn't press his mouth against Obi-Wan’s.
Instead, he rises from his position and bows to his master. He gives his braid to his master because who else would he give it to?
He waits until he’s dismissed. He walks to their quarters.
He sits at their table.
Avarie jumps up into his lap and settles under his hand with a contented chirp.
Either Obi-Wan has been held up with the Council, discussing future missions that will no longer involve Anakin, or he’s dawdling. What if he doesn’t want to be alone with Anakin? What if he knows what Anakin wants from him and is trying to think of a polite way to turn him down?
Will he be asked to leave these quarters? Sure, soulmates often share rooms, but what if Obi-Wan doesn’t want that from him? Obi-Wan never chose to take him as his Padawan and he certainly never chose him as a soulmate.
Anakin buries his head in his hands. The possibilities are all so awful.
Avarie licks delicately at his chin. Anakin wants to cry. Anakin wants his master. Anakin wants his soulmate.
It feels like ages before his master comes in. Anakin shoots straight up in his chair the second he hears the door slide open. Avarie hisses at him and flounces to greet Obi-Wan, and probably more specifically, Odyna, who flops to the ground as soon as she’s fully through the door.
“Oh,” Obi-Wan says when he catches sight of his vulptex and then Anakin in the doorway. “Hello. I thought you’d be out celebrating with your friends.”
Anakin scowls. All he can think about is the possibility that his master is thinking of the best way to ask him to leave.
“Anakin?” his master looks confused and then concerned. “Are you alright?”
“No,” he says and it’s supposed to come out firm but it comes out sounding like a whisper.
“What do you need?” Obi-Wan asks immediately, mind already trying to come up with a solution for a pain Anakin is content to wallow in for a while longer.
You to love me, he wants to say, but even he’s not that dramatic.
“What’s going to happen to us now?” Anakin reaches up to fiddle with his braid only to remember at the last second that it’s gone now.
“Well, I suppose you’ll grow your hair out for starters,” his master smiles kindly at him. “It’s sort of a rite of passage for any new knight.”
“Obi-Wan,” Anakin crosses his arms and tries to convey just how unimpressed he is. “I’m serious. I’m a Knight now. Do we...do we keep sharing quarters? Missions? Should I put in for...for quarter reassignment?”
Obi-Wan blinks and something that looks like pain flashes across his face for a second before he releases whatever he’s feeling into the Force on his next exhale. His master has always been very good at that. Everything Anakin has ever tried to release into the Force just sinks down inside of him to fester.
“I see,” Obi-Wan murmurs, looking away at where Avarie has managed to climb up on top of Odyna’s back and curl into a tight ball for a nap. “I hadn’t...I suppose I must confess that I haven’t really given it that much consideration yet. But. Of course you can leave if that’s what you want.”
“What if it’s not what I want?” Anakin drops his arms and strides closer. This isn’t the sort of conversation one should have on opposite sides of the room. “What if I want to stay with you?”
Obi-Wan looks more confused, but at least he doesn’t look particularly sad or put off or disgusted with him. “Then of course you can--”
“What if I want to stay with you. As your soulmate. What if I want to stay with you as soulmates do?”
Obi-Wan rubs at his beard. It’s what he does when he’s shocked and trying to get ahold of himself. He’s managed to rattle him, but Anakin doesn’t know if that’s a good thing or not.
“Anakin,” his soulmate finally says slowly. “You’re...you’re very young.”
“I’m nineteen years old!”
Obi-Wan cuts his hand through the air to silence him. “You’re very young. Nineteen is young, dear one. I would hate for you to think that you have to...to settle down with me now, before you have a chance to explore...other avenues...of...romance or sexual...pleasure ....”
“Do you want me to?” Anakin furrows his brows. “Do you need me to go out and sleep with other people before you take me seriously? How many? Ten? Twenty?”
Obi-Wan is starting to look a little pained. “I don’t...it’s not about what I want, Anakin. I...I am trying to say that...that I don’t want you to feel pressured or like if something doesn’t happen between us in the next few days it never will. You’re young, Anakin. And I’m...older.” He sighs and shakes his head. “I’m much older than you, Anakin.”
“I find that attractive,” Anakin declares boldly. Obi-Wan sucks in a breath as if he’s just been punched in the stomach. “No, listen,” he continues when his master opens his mouth. “It is about what you want. It’s about what we both want. We’re soulmates, Obi-Wan. Of course I care about what you want.”
Obi-Wan’s eyes look a little wet, but Anakin isn’t going to say anything that could ruin the moment. His master clears his throat a few times before he speaks. “Of course I want to be in love with my soulmate,” he finally says. Anakin’s eyes widen and he can feel his heart beating faster. Obi-Wan wants him.
But he isn’t in love with him yet. He doesn’t feel the way Anakin feels yet.
Anakin can work with that. He can be lovable. He can be endearing. It’s not like Obi-Wan has any other soulmates around.
“You have to understand,” Obi-Wan murmurs, reaching out to place a gentle hand on Anakin’s shoulder. “Until today I was in a position of authority over you. Two years ago, you were a child. Five years ago, I was making sure you made your bed and ate a decent breakfast.”
“You need time to learn how to think of me as your soulmate instead of your padawan,” Anakin nods easily. He supposes he understands. For him, Obi-Wan has always been his master and his soulmate. His best friend who one day would love him above all else. But he can understand Obi-Wan’s point of view. “Alright.”
Obi-Wan looks thrown for a loop. “...alright?” he says, clearly having expected more of an argument from Anakin.
“Yeah, of course. I just told you what you want matters. You waited for me for twenty-five years. I can wait for two.”
Obi-Wan’s eyes are getting a little misty.
“Not that I think it’ll take that long,” Anakin muses mostly to himself. “I’m really attractive. We can spar without shirts on again. That always got me interested.”
“Anakin!” Obi-Wan’s outraged squawk is almost loud enough to drown out his own laugh. Yeah. Anakin can wait for Obi-Wan to love him. He thinks it’ll definitely be worth it. On the floor a little ways away, Avarie has started licking over the fluffed up fur of Odyna’s back, soothing it down with slow strokes of her tongue.
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