mrcolinhopper · 2 years
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‘Whenever you’re ready, boys.’
Peaky Blinders | 6.06 “Lock and Key”
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mrcolinhopper · 2 years
//closed starter @paulpanics​
Hopper nodded his head as Paul spoke, a bit drunk with worried looks in his eyes. "I understand your concern over Megara. Though I assure you, the both of you are given a lifeline." He spoke in a calm voice, lifting his hands as if to dissipate the thoughts running through Paul’s mind. He could tell that he had much to talk about, and Hopper was intrigued. He could sit around this time, patiently waiting for the truth to settle on his lap as needed. "What do you mean, you wanted out? I understand you both work for Harold, and I’m aware of the fine print." He added, calming the other man’s concerns. He could pick up on words like soul, underworld, and hell, in all of his sentences, and yet Hopper understood none of them
Hopper stood from his chair and held Paul on the shoulders, slightly shaking him back to his senses. "Tell me. What do you and what do you want? What is this underworld?" He looked at him directly in the eye, this time quite annoyed. "You want to leave, is that what you mean?" He asked, trying to find some clarity. 
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mrcolinhopper · 2 years
What did he want? The praise. The attention. The I’m proud of you. Bucky was putty in Hopper’s hands the moment he saw use for his destruction. For so long, he’d just followed his brothers. This was him doing something on his own, deciding something on his own. And maybe it was a horrible decision, but it wasn’t like Bucky had anything to lose. He wanted to see cities burn, and as far as he was concerned, Colin Hopper was the way to go about that. Chaos and destruction, they called out to him… but at least here it was organized. At least here he had a purpose. “I’ll go wherever you want me,” he said, honestly, trying not to show how pleased he would be to move up the ranks. To be important. Bucky might not have been a great guy, but he was loyal. Once someone had him, they had him. If he was asked to put his life on the line, he wouldn’t think twice, he would feel like he owed him that much at this point. “I just wanna be useful, you know. You got another job that needs to be done, I’m your man.”
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The words of the young boy were all that Hopper needed to hear. It was apparent to Colin that the boy had made his spot an undeniably important place in the mob. He wanted nothing but the adrenaline from the chaos of each day, working with him. Of course, Hopper, who wanted more, who never stopped to get more, and who was brutal against anything that came his way, was in perfect unison with the kid who wanted a goal, and a strength of a fighter. With Zeke and Bucky by his side, Hopper was practically set in both defense and offense, with only his little toy soldiers manning the other affairs of his business. "You are useful, and your place is in this family." Hopper practically took his cigarette out of his mouth, placed it in between his fingers as he took a staggering bulk of cash from the bag held by their subordinate. It was off to their safe, though Hopper had practically taken a handful of it and pressed it against the young boy’s chest. "Get a drink. This is yours to keep." Hopper said with a soft smile, proud of the younger man’s success. “Or you could join me at Beaufort’s. It’s on the house.”
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mrcolinhopper · 2 years
“Oh–okay,” she muttered, pursing her lips as she looked down at the bottom of the car. Atta had never been truly terrified that her boss would actually kill her, but she could never be entirely sure. Hopper seemed to have a hidden agenda that she could never understand, though she was starting to see that this little field trip might have had the objective of doing just that. He hadn’t responded to anything she’d said about annoying him, and she could only hope that he had taken her apology and accepted it, but then she saw what was on the road before them. It was one of the slums of Amity Park, with the streets not as clean and the people not as rich as she was used to. Atta had no idea what they were doing there, but all she could do was stare out the window in shock and guilt.
Atta’s head snapped toward her boss as he threatened to throw her out of the car, and it was the first time she feared for her life around him. “Please don’t do that.” All she could really do with him was plead that he would ruin her, her business, or both. “I know I’m no angel, that all business comes with a price, but I don’t know how else you’d like me to behave.” Whether it was best for public perception or not, she didn’t even care at this point. Following his orders as given, she got out of the car reluctantly, standing behind Hopper with her hands clasped behind her back. “Um, I’m sorry, Hopper, sir, but what exactly are we here for?”
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Hopper got out of his car and stood in the middle of an abandoned warehouse while he waited for the other cars following him to surround them. He looked at his watch, mindful that each minute was accounted for. Hopper lifted a finger to one of his men holding a bag of cocaine that was up for trade. "Atta, you hold that." He ordered, taking a cigarette from his pocket once more. She liked to ask questions, and Hopper didn’t appreciate a single line of questioning from her side. Sometimes, Hopper thinks that Atta speaks more frequently than she thinks. It didn’t help his case because he was a man who liked to count the words coming out of his mouth, making sure that each breath meant something. "They got five minutes left." There was an unamused look on Hopper’s face as he waited for the socialite family to arrive. He knew Atta would know them, as they would know her. There wasn’t any need for introductions, but rather sweet longings from wealthy families all involved in his sport.
A minute passed, and an expensive limousine came right around the corner, with a woman coming out in her haute couture dress. Hopper shook her hand, while he gestured for Atta to move forward. "This is Kit Charming’s fiancée. Tell her about the horses, and perhaps we could do something about it." Hopper motioned for her to hand over the bag of cocaine, which the woman gladly accepted. Kit Charming knew his horses and was always present during the race. Ever since Hopper had fixed the races, he had the young boy following his ass, assuming that there was some shady business going around. The other socialite family, with whom Hopper works with had confirmed that Kit was looking into him, and Hopper didn’t like it one bit. "We’re working on Atta talking to him. I don’t know how much that boy can find, but it's better to anticipate it. Until Atta and Kit are married, I have to subdue that boy." He blew the smoke, nodding to the other socialite who was on Hopper's payroll. As she left, Hopper turned to Atta and said, "Get your fiancé out of my business. Do whatever it takes." 
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mrcolinhopper · 2 years
//closed starter @hellcmrwolf​
Hopper waited until the other man went inside his study room. A rotation of some sort, one by one, as the men came in. Hopper had very particular instructions for his men, each one quite different from the other. Thus, it was distinguishable which ones lacked the courage to speak the truth to him as necessary. When Zeke came in, a trusted fellow and Hopper’s right hand, he had only one additional task in mind. "You’ve seen Megara around. Haven’t you?" He asked, looking up from his table to meet the bloke’s eyes. "Megara Creon, works for Harold. She has quite an interesting background, though I would divulge the information that she’s in love with Beaufort’s chef. A man whose neck hangs around my arm." He explained nonchalantly, motioning with his hands for Zeke to sit on the chair in front of him.
"Her only affairs, of which I’m quite particular, are with Beaufort and Lotso. Nothing else." Hopper took a cigarette from his drawer and placed a stick on his lips, lighting the end of it with a lighter at hand. "Let’s make sure she doesn’t have any other affairs except that, shall we?" Hopper blew off the smoke, filling the room. "Megara is a smart woman. Any hint of uncertainty, and I will make sure the chef’s head will be served to her on a cold platter." He added. She was definitely a useful member of the mob, he could tell, but he knew she was also quick to jump on any flame of retaliation. "Keep your eyes on her, Zeke. I trust you won’t fail me."
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mrcolinhopper · 2 years
//closed starter @buckaye​
"Well would you look at that?" Hopper smirked, walking his way towards the boy. He clapped his hands, which was followed by the applause of many of his men as well. Bucky was a stellar recruit, quite a formidable boy that Hopper had seen great interest in. He was strong and had a lust for chaos just as much as Hopper did. Bucky was also quick to follow commands, quite eager to feel the rush of whatever Hopper had commanded him to do. Usually, he gets the heavy lifting, the guard role, or he simply destroys things when Hopper needs it. He could taste it his mouth that the boy had an adrenaline rush in becoming more, and Hopper could relate to that. He could understand where the kid was coming from. He placed a hand on Bucky's shoulder, looking at the younger boy right in the eye. "I'm proud of you." He grinned, tapping Bucky on the head with his hand. Hopper knew he deserved it, having been a loyal asset to the mob for quite some time. Bucky was strong, but he lacked restraint. With the right timing, as Hopper anticipates it, they will always be on the right track. "You're moving up the ladder, boy. I'll have you inside the room where big decisions happen. Do you like that?" He said with a grin. Being part of Hopper's deciding circle was a big thing, as only his most trusted fellows got to be part of it. There was a level of prestige, as if you were finally part of the family. “So tell, what do you want?”
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mrcolinhopper · 2 years
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mrcolinhopper · 2 years
//closed starter @bonexdaddy​
"I care about this place." Hopper looked around Jack’s bar, which the other man protected like his own child. That was exactly his mistake. The attachment to a place — to anything particular reeks weakness. Colin could tell it was a special place, sure. His eyes were quick to notice certain quirks that piqued his interests, and his gut had called him to trust that the place would be beneficial for him and his business. "I hate to hear that someone is after it. You’ve made quite a business, and I see the lovely smiles of your staff, and the people around here. It would be a shame if your enemy won, right?" He tilted his head, feigning concern. "What do you think of me helping you out? I’ve got men. You’d get security, and peace of mind. Wouldn’t that be great?" He added, a calm expression on his face. "I don’t ask much in return, you’re a friend. You’ve made a home for me. Wouldn’t hurt if I stayed a bit longer, ain’t it?"
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mrcolinhopper · 2 years
Atta should’ve known better to keep her mouth shut, but she couldn’t help herself. Even though she couldn’t say that she loved Kit (she was a long way from that), she at least had grown to respect and care about him. He was a kind, good person, who didn’t deserve to be on the receiving end of any of Hopper’s manipulation, even if she was the middle man. “No, you don’t, sir, I’m–my apologies,” she blurted, avoiding his gaze as he stood in front of her, quite clearly angered. “I’ll … figure it out. It’ll be fine. I won’t disappoint you, sir,” Atta agreed with a small nod of her head. Arguing further about what it meant to have their parents decide who they were supposed to love would just get her nowhere, despite wanting to make a point.
The last thing she expected was for Hopper to want to spend more time with her, but before she knew it, Atta was being ordered inside his car. She was a little terrified of being in the passenger seat with her boss behind the wheel, but it was too late now. Buckling her seatbelt, Atta sat uncomfortably straight in the leather seat, gripping the armrest beside her until her knuckles turned light pink. “Mr. Hopper, sir, I just wanted to say that I’m sorry again for any, um, disappointment I might have caused. I’m trying to learn the way you’d like this business run, and I appreciate your … your patience, I guess. My family knows how fortunate we are to have you in business with us, and I do hope I haven’t, um, annoyed you too much in the process. It’s not like I’m trying to annoy you, I don’t think anyone ever would, but I’m sorry if I have more than the, you know … average person.”
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"If you want to stay alive, learn how to shut up." Hopper had specific rules when it came to business. First, always deal in controlled spaces, and men like Hopper thrived in the underground. No matter how hard he worked or how clever he was as a Mafia boss with extensive control over Animania, he was never going to be part of the council of elite. His kind, one who came from the scraps, will always have a tainted blood, despite how much money or power he gets. The illusion of kindness from the wealthy, the likes of Atta, who never muddied her precious hands while brandishing a clear conscience, was despicable to him. Of course, it was easy to be good if you always had food on your plate. The real battle for morality lies in poverty. Hopper knew how hard the streets can be, and Atta needed to know the kind of wicked society she was dealing with. Hopper was not the cause; he was only a product of it. He swerved to an urban street with a rowdy crowd, where most of his goods were distributed. "Open your eyes." He ordered her as he kept driving.
The place was a hellhole. The roads were muddied, and the lack of government support was apparent with cracked cement and busted road lights. The people are begging left and right, both for money and for pleasure. Ironically, the chaos of the place was the perfect cover for his toy soldiers to distribute some snow. "If I throw you out of this car, do you think these people will help you?" He turned to her with a stern look on his face. "No, they will strip you naked and steal all they can from you, so that not even your dignity will survive." If Atta really wanted to learn, then it was time for her to see that evil has no face. Hopper kept driving, showing the sorry state of the town, where kids beg on the streets and men walk with bottles in their hands. These were the repercussions of his dealings; the addicts were waiting for their death sentence while their flesh continued to betray them. "You think you're an angel who is simply following orders? What will you say to their hungry faces? That you simply listened to Hopper while children remained orphans? Oh, Atta, don't be so naive." She needed to know that in every shipment she sends, she is turning a blind eye to the consequences of his business. There was no room for neutrality, for neutrality always sides with the oppressor. "Now get out. It’s time."
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mrcolinhopper · 2 years
//closed starter @masterofhisfate​
Hopper had asked to meet the man of the house. He opened the doors of the restaurant, followed by two men behind him who simply accompanied Hopper wherever he went. He stood beside the table in the middle of the room, just underneath the chandelier, with the best view of the whole place. Hopper didn’t sit down; instead, he looked at his clock and counted the seconds. He was a busy man, and he was not the type of person to deal with someone who could not keep their word. Adam had to be at his sight before his clock hit the very line that was decided upon; a second later would not be tolerated. At this point, he knew who Adam was, his family background, an assumption of his wealth, the controversies, and his pretty little maiden. There wasn’t much to surprise him, though he knew that there had to be something more. Something he’d allow Megara to know more about.
A minute before 3 p.m., Adam came out to greet him. Stern and reserved, which Hopper could get along with. He finally sat down, looking at the other man and then back at his clock. He only had exactly 15 minutes to deal with this before he was off to his next order of business. "Quite a lovely place." He added nonchalantly, looking around at the familiar, comfortable place. "Atta has negotiated the terms beforehand, and I am only here to confirm their legitimacy. A fixed rate for your silence. Business stays the same." Hopper slides the briefcase towards the other man. "That covers six months. I expect exceptional service and nothing else. Do you have yourself a deal?" Hopper took a cigarette from his pocket and started smoking. "This place has been favorable to me for quite some time. Hence, I'm giving you a lifeline. Out of generosity, it seems?"
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mrcolinhopper · 2 years
//closed starter @laurabimbeau​
Hopper was back at Gaston’s Tavern, still quite adequately convinced that he was getting what he needed for the night. He sat in the middle of drunken men, the only one sober enough by the time midnight came. After a few hours, he was sitting alone, smoking in the middle of the room, unbothered by the noise and chaos around him. He had a gun underneath him, quite ready if something unexpected occurred. He saw the familiar blonde come in the doors—the same one he saw a few days before, except she looked quite different right now. Still, Hopper ignored her presence, focusing on the whiskey and smoke surrounding him.
The lady came to him, quite different in demeanor. He was taken back, before realizing that this might not have been the same person as before. "Ah, the triplets. Which one are you? The youngest?" He asked, tilting his head while he drank his whiskey. "Tell me, aside from the pretty face, to what more can my attention cling to?" Hopper had a casual, unamused look on his face. He wasn't easily pleased, despite her astonishing, sensual smile welcoming him in. "So?"
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mrcolinhopper · 2 years
//closed starter @rottenjudgemcnt​
"First order of business." Hopper had Megara over his office for her first official task. She was the newest recruit, and Hopper had her quit her job so she could truly focus on important matters in his expanding business. "Look bright, sweet cheeks. It’s your first day." He chuckled, a mischievous grin on his face, while he placed both palms on the table. "And I’ve thought about this quite hard for you. You should feel special." He smirked, taking a cigarette from his pocket and placing a stick on his lips. Hopper was the type of person to do his research, and quite a bit more. He knew Megara was something because his background check on her was spotty, to say the least, and the only public connection she had was that of the French chef. It fitted perfectly into his plan, though it might sound a bit masochistic on her side. Did Hopper care about that? Not really. "You know the Beaufort restaurant, right? You’re familiar, ain’t you?" He asked, lighting the end of his stick. "His restaurant—I want it. It’s in a strategic location, and has the best facade for negotiations. It’s high-end, which suits my customers well." He explained, finally blowing off the smoke. Hopper knew that Megara was quite attached to the place, which makes her the perfect toy for it.
"The owner, Adam Beaufort. I’ve heard a lot about him, and we’re going to make an offer. Either he shares the place with me at a low cost, or I burn their business down." That was his initial plan, though Hopper had to admit that the latter would also upset him. It was a nice and cozy place. "That’s where you come in. Find out what there is to find out about him and his staff. Give me answers on how we can leverage a better deal. Adam Beaufort is not an innocent man. There’s is always something to unearth, that I’m sure of." He looked at Megara sternly. Her task was menial compared to his other business, but this was her first chance to prove herself. Hopper was generous if necessary, but he didn’t have any patience for mistakes or negligence of any kind. You either go all in or go all out. There was nothing in between. "So start befriending them, smile more, and tell some jokes. Got it?"
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mrcolinhopper · 2 years
Atta couldn’t help but flinch a bit as he came closer to her, trying to stand her ground as best as she could without showing too much weakness. He knew exactly how to exploit just that when it came to her and anyone else who he wrapped his hand of control around. What she couldn’t understand was that if he hated her so much, why he couldn’t find someone else to exploit, or form his own company to run the exact way he wanted to, but Atta had accepted a long time ago that she would never truly understand what went on in his head. She had also learned that he did an exceptionally good job at dropping a bomb and walking away, and while he had only given her a threat, it was one of the worst he had ever bestowed upon her.
Spinning on her heel, Atta turned to follow him wherever he was headed next, struggling to keep up with his long strides as he continued down the hallway. “Hopper, sir? I’m sorry, I don’t think I heard you correctly–you want me to get Kit to fall in love with me while omitting a really key detail to our marriage that it’s just to exploit him? And if I do tell him, he’s dead?” Though it sounded insane saying it aloud, she was sure Hopper had done worse in his life. “I don’t … that’s not quite how love works, sir, you know, not that I’ve ever really experienced it, but I don’t think you can just trick someone into falling in love with you. What happens if he just decides to divorce me, or something? I mean, I don’t think you’re very fond of me, he could wind up hating me.”
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Hopper paused in his tracks, closing his eyes momentarily with a clenched jaw and a tight fist. Her obnoxious questions, and the lack of vitality somehow get him. "Do I always have to fucking repeat myself to you, Atta?" He was trying to keep his cool, thinking that violence at this point wouldn’t be the answer. She was simply clueless, and that wouldn’t change the fact that she was the heiress of their properties. If Hopper didn’t need her to keep up with his demands, Atta might have been long gone. He turned to her with piercing eyes and gritted teeth. "Do I look like I give a shit about Kit Charming? Am I the type of person to coddle him as I steal his assets from him? Tell me, Atta. Which one of us is being truly reasonable right now?" She should have known by now what kind of business he runs. Her ignorance and innocent gaze were of no use to him.
Hopper listened as she spoke the most daft words he had heard throughout the day. The fact that she had the audacity to even attempt to question him made his blood boil. Atta doesn’t seem to truly know the man she was dealing with, or the affairs in which he puts himself in. Perhaps it was time to allow the lady to bloom, for her to witness that underneath their good name was a pile of dead bodies and shady negotiations, one after the other. "His father had already agreed upon this. That boy seems to be a slave to the system he grew up in, and so are you." He looked at her with scorn, raising an eyebrow while tilting his head. "It’s time for you to hit the fields. Go inside the car, we’re making a deal." He ordered, turning away from her as he made his way to his car. It was time for Atta to see the repercussions of his cocaine business—how the spark in people’s eyes disappear before them as they get consumed by the snow. She had to witness his truth, and her reality. "What are you waiting for? Let's ride!" He said, waiting for her to get in. 
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mrcolinhopper · 2 years
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Peaky Blinders | 1.02
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mrcolinhopper · 2 years
"It's been a long time coming." -Flik
"Well, if it isn’t this little piece of shit." Hopper chuckled, followed by the laughter from his men. It was Flik, the beloved family friend of the Dreyfus. Hopper hated the boy, and he was so close to annihilating this man if only he wasn’t fired from their company (which was a good move for Atta, he had to admit). Colin does not take lightly the ability of his servants to speak against him, and any form of retaliation, in Hopper’s eyes, was a threat to his authority. Flik was in the red, and Hopper wanted nothing but to drain the life out of him. "What made you come back, boy? Missing your little colony?" Hopper asked, taking the cigarette off his lips. If only this weren’t a public event, he’d have a gun at Flik’s head right now. Unfortunately, Hopper had to play by the rules of society this time. The wealthy were all dreadful, but they had the habit of hiding their affairs from plain sight. "C’mon, let me get you to this party. I think you might enjoy it." Hopper called him towards him, knowing that getting a closer look at his enemy meant better control. "Drink with us, boy. I could use some company." He smirked, waiting for Flik to come around. @luckeyflik
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mrcolinhopper · 2 years
Claudette was working the bar. She’d sent her sisters off to work on other business and knew that the other bartenders and servers would help pick up the slack at her command. So, she didn’t feel guilty about indulging the men inside the tavern, flirting with them relentlessly only to shut them down in the end. She was definitely a tease and took pride in that. When the wooden doors to the tavern opened up and a gust of wind came flying in Claudette looked over to the entrance and saw what seemed like a very powerful man dressed in sharp clothing. Claudette felt like she had maybe seen his face once or twice but couldn’t quite place who he was. She shrugged it off as there were many men that came into the tavern of all types. She was leaning against the counter as she shooed away a different customer and made her way over to where he stood. With her back straight and her chin up she looked at him. “Define ‘worth your time’ because I’m pretty busy. I’ve got a bar to run if you hadn’t noticed.” Her eyes trailed over him and analyzed his outfit before back up to his face. Something about her told her she wasn’t sure if she should trust him. She wasn’t intimidated by him but she was definitely curious. And so it seemed he was as well.
“I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re insinuating,” she finally responded to his curiosity. “There’s always more than what meets the eye. Every place like this has it’s quirks. Like, the regulars or how nights get crazy sometimes. You’d be surprised how business here works.” She wasn’t going to say anything more on the manner. Not now at least. She wasn’t sure if she could make this a business deal of sorts yet. The man in front of her was very attractive and stood taller than her even in heels. Most people wore regular shoes to work but Claudette had no problem mixing it up every once in a while and just dressing a little nicer than normal and some cute shoes. Usually on weekends. “Can I get you a drink?” she finally offered. “It’s on me,” she winked at him and smirked. “I’m Claudette. Not to be confused with my sisters, Paulette and Laurette. We’re triplets. They’re around somewhere.” Almost instinctively her hand went up to fiddle with the gold and diamond ‘C’ necklace around her neck that Gaston had gifted the three of them. “Or are you looking for Gaston? You seem like the type of company he might keep around. I’m afraid he’s real busy right now and you’re stuck with me.”
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"Exactly. I need someone who knows how to run things, for a change." Hopper answered the woman with the mesmerizing beauty. He could tell that she was gauging him, identifying the right demeanor for a man like him. Hopper wasn’t a ladies' man of any sort. In fact, he thinks through his choice of women carefully. Colin knew the power women held in the games he played. They were the extra string, the special cards that make or break the mafia rules. Still, he was a man, and he needed them. He needed the relief, the comfort, and the satisfying warmth a woman has on her bosom. Beyond all the excruciating mafia concerns, under the table negotiations and life and death situation, a man has the have a woman who’d make his bed warmer, and his hands occupied. "I see." He nodded, acknowledging her response. She was playing it safe, and he could understand why. Hopper, on the other hand, was no fool and was no stranger to places like this; he knew what was going on and respected them for it.
"Just tea." He added, "No, make that whiskey." Hopper changed his mind, thinking it was best to act like most of the crowd. He didn’t want to scare away the girl in front of him without even trying to converse his way through. In all honesty, Hopper wanted to meet the women, find one he fancies enough to keep their ordeal to themselves. He doesn’t need love; he doesn’t believe in love. Yet the body craves intimacy, much like any man does. "Triplets? That’s interesting. Lucky for us. Thrice the charm." He chuckled, blowing some smoke off. "Ah, Gaston. Quite a formidable man, is he? I admire his…" Hopper paused for a second, trying to find a better word but failing miserably. "Gang." He noted. "He has made quite a name for himself in this Tavern, so it seems. I’m interested in his plans, as I’m quite the businessman myself. Will you be able to help me with that?"
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mrcolinhopper · 2 years
"Good. Too much empathy can be a poison to one's soul." Hopper added, hands on his pocket as he stood beside the host of the party. Oh, how wonderful she had arranged everything to be. From the venue, cuisine, performers, and attendees alike. It was filled to the brim with people of pleasant faces, and an exchange of smiles. This wasn’t his scene, though he knew that this was where the real game starts. Not everyone here meant well for the charity, in fact, Hopper could determine by pointing his finger which ones were involved with him and which ones went against him, all of whom played a role in this high-class society. "Colin Hopper, by the way, I know you may have known me, though it’s improper I don’t introduce myself as such." He turned to her, extending his hand only to kiss the back of her hand as he reached for it. "This is a terrific event, I admire your virtue." He added finally smiling at her.
"Perhaps, a quick drink might lighten the nerves? I see the champagne fits nicely, suppose I take you to the bar so you could allow yourself to enjoy?" Hopper had a way with words, and he was solely focused on conversing with the lovely lady in front of him. Minnie was an angel, and it felt like he was reaching for the gates of heaven while he talked to her, knowing that the pearly whites were a place he was now strictly forbidden to visit. Still, this was still earth, and everything was his for the taking. His soul will seek retribution soon, once his body has allowed him to do so. "What do you say?"
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continued from here. @mrcolinhopper​
Minnie was a perfectionist to her core and this conversation alone as a slip-up in a series of tragic moments that she wishes she could undo. The first mistake was drinking. It let her guard down and there she was sobbing to a stranger about how she didn’t feel good enough ever since she had caught Mickey with that other woman. No matter what the truth was it was an image she couldn’t get out of her head and it killed her that every time she thought of her best friend and former lover that the mental image of his lips on another was what haunted her. It felt sad, it felt pathetic, and it felt weak. She didn’t like coming off as weak to others because there were so many people who counted on her.
The second mistake was confiding all of this to Colin Hopper of all people. She wasn’t stupid; she knew of him and the rumors that circulated around him. He wasn’t someone she ever looked closer into but maybe that was another mistake. She just didn’t know how many times she could allow herself to slip and slipping around this man felt dangerous. A little danger could never hurt anyone, sure, but Minnie knew that every word she ever breathed was observed and picked apart. It was maddening. 
His words didn’t do much to soothe her troubled soul but she knew that was probably not his intentions. She could appreciate someone keeping her straight, even when she didn’t want to hear it. Her words were slightly slurred as she spoke, and she tried to sound as dignified as she could, but she knew she could only do so much. “If I could trust noble words as noble, my life would be far more simpler,” she said with a bitter laugh. Bitterness was not a feeling she allowed herself to feel much, and she already decided she hated it on her tongue. “Are you calling me a people pleaser? I very much am. But I don’t find it suffocating or too much…not most of the time. Don’t let it fool you though, I’m not one who tends to handle betrayal well…”
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