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yooniesim · 2 months ago
btw all the clowning on harrie for the 15k/month on patreon thing reminds me of when ravasheen was making 10-13k+ a month on there (not including TSR, affiliate deals etc) and then did a gofundme for 7k for her dog's surgery plus undisclosed paypal donations that were never closed even after the dog recovered... they been making this level of money for years on end yall, ain't nothing new 💀
Edit: the surgery cost was actually like 4k and the rest was for additional recovery costs, and she paid just $1500 of it herself. After raising patreon prices in an attempt to raise her yearly wage from ~60k to ~120k to match what she was previously making as an engineer.
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mollorysims4 · 1 year ago
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mzellepers · 1 year ago
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Et pendants ce temps : Une petite "Lana" ce fait oublier ...
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kayleerob23 · 1 year ago
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BGC essential oil diffuser - RVSN
Epic Collage Frames - RVSN
Status Show TV - RVSN
Bus Upon a Time – Travel Mod - RVSN
Side FX – Visual Effect Player - RVSN
Cheapskate Roller & Ice Rink Set - RVSN
Better Or Birth - RVSN
Smart’s Content School Posters - RVSN
Porto Luminoso Market Cutouts - RVSN
Landgraab Self Storage Garage Doors - RVSN
Filthy Fabulous – OTG & R2R Set - RVSN
Photographic Memory 2.0 - RVSN
Console Yourself Gaming Mat - RVSN
Ultimutt Indoor Dog Potty Pads - RVSN
Modern Family Portrait - RVSN
Counter-Fit Mini Fridges - RVSN
Trash Talk Recycler - RVSN
Military Medal Display Case - RVSN
Counter-fit Waste Bin - RVSN
Shop Chef Buffet - RVSN
Shop Chef Consumables - RVSN
Supplies Party - RVSN
No Frame Modern Face Fridge - RVSN
Sip Back and Relax Functional Bar Cart - RVSN
Separated More Choices Streaming Station - RVSN
Working Pet Water Bowls (Cats & Dogs) - RVSN
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mikrosimsmos · 2 years ago
just passing the info along that (since the update on 06/13/2023) some of RVSN’s mods are causing errors in the game and that you should take them out until they’re fixed!!  <3
some that were causing errors (for me and some others): little chef's toy kitchen, in your safe piggy banks, and shop chef consumables (there might be more but these are causing all kinds of errors for me)
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tilos-tagebuch · 3 months ago
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🇷🇺 Die Botschaft der "Haselnuss" an die Ukraine und NATO
Die Strategischen Raketentruppen (RVSN) sind ein eigenständiger Zweig der russischen Streitkräfte, der die Verantwortung für das interkontinentale Raketenarsenal trägt. Diese "Soldaten der Apokalypse" sind mit einer Feuerkraft ausgestattet, die theoretisch in der Lage ist, eine globale Katastrophe auszulösen. Während des Kalten Krieges standen sie mehrfach in höchster Alarmbereitschaft, insbesondere während der Kubakrise und der RYAN/Able Archer-Krise im Herbst 1983. Bis zu diesem 21. November 2024 wurden die RVSN noch nie in einem realen Kampfeinsatz verwendet.
Die Botschaft an die NATO war unmissverständlich: Es gibt keine existierende militärische Technologie, die Russlands interkontinentale Raketen aufhalten könnte. Sollten nukleare Optionen gewählt werden, würden die Ziele sicher getroffen werden – unabhängig von den Verteidigungsmaßnahmen der Atlantischen Allianz.
Für die Ukraine war die Warnung noch direkter. Der Angriff sollte verdeutlichen, dass niemand das Kiewer Regime vor den Konsequenzen seiner Handlungen schützen wird. Washington, das angeblich von Moskau 30 Minuten vor dem Start der "Oreschnik" gewarnt worden war, dass es sich nicht um eine nuklear bewaffnete Rakete handelte, entschied sich für Untätigkeit.
Source: https://www.0815-info.news/Web_Links-Die-Botschaft-der-Haselnuss-an-die-Ukraine-und-NATO-visit-11581.html
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lorem-cc-used · 5 months ago
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rvsndestroyusa · 1 year ago
Destroy USA
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gothoffspring · 2 years ago
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I've never had an NPC ask to move in before... I was literally just about to have him ask!? 😭 I guess she couldn't wait any longer to get this next generation started and I'm on the same page honestly. Things are about to start progressing a lot faster, I want BABIES y'all.
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yooniesim · 2 years ago
happy to chat publicly and openly if you would like. you seem to have a problem with me and your post is also an example of bullying whether you like it or not. lets talk about anything you would like and make it public. balls in your court. im here and ready.
...Are you referring to my brief post from over a month ago about how you've quietly returned to posting on your patreon without acknowledging your awful behavior and subsequent doubling down in December? If so, I'm honestly not sure why you're coming to me in particular, since your terrible non-apology and arguing in the replies after was received negatively by pretty much everyone here. Pointing out how bad it was is not bullying (as you were told by the many people you argued with that day) but your insistence that it is tells me that you still haven't changed. I'm also not Jewish, which is the community you upset the most with your actions and why I only boosted their voices rather than going into the replies myself back then, so it's even stranger you sent me of all people this ask. Did no one else respond to you, do you not take them seriously, or is it just some personal grudge?
In any case, I think you would do better making a statement on your own blog taking responsibility for your inability to take criticism and how you're going to take action to grow as a person without blaming others, rather than spending time messaging people you still feel slighted by. From what I saw in the comments of your post, you like to argue no matter what others tell you, and I've no intention of spending time arguing back and forth when many others have already told you what you've done wrong. You know well what we all have a problem with at this point.
You said on one of my posts once, "I don't need to defend myself, I know my truth and you all can come to your own conclusions." People in this community, including myself, have done just that according to what we have available: your actions. If you've changed your mind and there's anything else you'd like to show the community, anything you'd feel you need to get off your chest, that's up to you. I can't help you with that or point you in the direction of repairing your reputation here. Unfortunately there are no magic words you can say to do that. I do think it would be beneficial to unhide your earnings on patreon to be more transparent about how much you're making there. It would at least make you seem more genuine, which is a quality you seem to lack in the eyes of the public at the moment. But otherwise, you'll just have to navigate this all on your own.
At this point, I'm going to defer to some of the people I saw commenting on or reblogging your post as I wasn't directly involved in that conversation. Perhaps one of them will have something they'd like you to speak publicly and openly about, so I'd like to give them the chance to ask you whatever they'd like. But if not, I'd suggest you stop reaching out to people to educate you and start putting in the effort yourself.
@marigolde @anachrosims @cinamun @ardeney-sims @neverheresims @merry927 @fiftymilehighclub @simdertalia @7intendo @xldkx @littleblackbooksims @lesbianaspiration
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itmeansiris · 17 days ago
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🎨: I feel like her face tells the whole story 😂 we will be sticking to letting Brandon make breakfast, but we’ll still pretend cook for the skill.
⚪️Rvsn Little Chef Toy Kitchen.
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mollorysims4 · 2 years ago
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29121996 · 1 year ago
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simkatu · 6 months ago
endless grief
free download on patreon
this mod adds a "take time to remember" action to graves, featuring custom animations in three different poses.
requires the xml injector base game compatible
the action is added to:
the grave or urn that appears after a sim's death
decorative graves
custom graves from the mod "It’s all grave-y" by RVSN (very cool mod for creating beautiful cemeteries)
the action will always be available, even after you release the ghost to the other world. once the action ends, the sim will receive the following buff:
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I took the animation from the game and applied it to different poses.
pose for a woman: 
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pose for a man and a child: 
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please feel free to reach out if any problems or questions arise! I'm always happy to help! p.s. I made this mod because one of my sims passed away, and the game’s animations didn’t convey the sadness I felt. additionally, I wanted loved ones to have the ability to spend time remembering the deceased sim for the rest of their lives.
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simmir99 · 8 months ago
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EXCITING UPDATE!! The Paradox Hotel - is now 100% compatible with #Lot51 Suite Life Mod!!
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I have play tested the renovated version and it works perfectly with all of the mod's functions including check-in, room service, continental breakfast, pool hours, bar service and housekeeping. I loved playing with the Suite Life mod!! It adds so much fun gameplay and is so good for storytelling. Complete with 5 fully functional guest rooms, 2 VIP suites and 3 standard rooms (1 double). Price range per night, $400 - $1,700.
The updated version of the hotel can be DOWNLOADED FREE on my Patreon! - Tray files and all CC linked! (Only 1.5 GB)
Lot51 Suite Life Mod can be found HERE
*RVSN's Uplifting Elevator Mod is now OPTIONAL as Lot 51 included elevators in their mod that can be placed in lieu of RVSN's elevators.
**I also use the Lock Any Door Mod but is also now OPTIONAL
Lot Size: 30x20 Location: San Sequoia, Anchorpoint Wharf, Anchorpoint Adobe Rental
Please DO NOT claim as your own and please tag me as I would love to see your shenanigans!
Thank you to all the amazing CC creators for inspiring this build <3 (AnYe, Taurus design, FelixAndre, SYB, Sundays, SIXAM, Piersim, PlatinumLuxeSims, Earth2Barb, Bbygyal123, Casa Dutti and ATS4.)
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slaysimz · 4 months ago
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40+ MUST HAVE  Realistic Mods | Self Care, Home & Food Edition  
Finally came around to making one of these videos for you guys! So happy I get to share my all time favorite realistic mods for the Sims 4. All mods link below are showcased in my video here ENJOY💕
Selfie Overrides: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | by DearKim & SimwithShan
Phone App Overrides: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | by CoCoGames & QMBiBi
iPhone 12 Override by Nuribatsal
RVSN Photographic Memory by Ravasheen
Functional Handbags: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | by CoCoGames
At Home Mani Pedi by QMBiBi
Black Girl Sunscreen Override by Largetaytertots
Functional SkinCare by QMBiBi
Functional BodyCare by QMBiBi
Hairstyling Override by Largetaytertots
Nap On Table by Simkatu
Functional Laundry Objects by Largetaytertots
Make the Bed Mod by Utopya
Cleaning Mop Override by Kikovanity | alt | by Vixonspixels
Cleaning Sponge & Spray Override by simkoos | alt 1 |by ApricotRush | alt 2 | by KikoVanity
iRobot Roomba by nordicasims
PlumfruitTV 2 by Arnie !!! MOD CURRENTLY BEING UPDATED!!!
Reality TV Override by Mintsimmer
TV Replacments by Alexis Ariel
Video Game Override by CocoGames
Video Game Console & Controller Override by Luumiasims | alt | by SimmerWellPupper
Ultimate Movie Overrides by Midnitehearts
Black TV Sitcoms by Midnitehearts
Computer Desktop Override by simkatu
Functional Magazine by LargeTaytertots
Thee Kitchen Tablet by QMBiBi
My Grocery List by Insimnia
Insimnia Realistic Foods Recipes
S&S Cookbook by Somik & Severinka
Functional Drink Tray by Somik & Severinka
Shot Glass Holder by Somik & Severinka
Choose Leftovers by Littlemssam
Functional AirFryer by AroundtheSims4
S&S Wine Bottle by Somik & Severinka
S&S Functional Cognac & Vodka by Somik & Severinka
RSVN Cake a Break by Ravasheen
Functional Stanley Cup by Largetatertots
@dearkims @simwithshan @cocoelleansims @nuribatsal @ravasheencc @largetaytertots @simkatu @utopya-cc @kikovanitysimmer @vixonspixels @simkoos @apricotrush @nordica-sims @arnieworkshop @themintsimmer @alexisarielgaming @luumia @simmerwellpupper @midnitehearts
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