#❀ Angel Wings and Pretty Things : Charlotte ❀
yelloworangesoda · 8 months
havw to come up with a characters tattoos……….. AUGH
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kelppsstuff · 7 months
I NEED part two of that cheating Adam fic
That actually made me cry and I desperately want that asshole to get what he deserves
..but what if Lucifer got to wife? Obviously, our dear ruler of hell seems to still be attached to Lilith, considering the ring he's still wearing, so what do you think will happen if he meets reader?
Omggggg, I’m so glad you enjoyed it! And yes Adam shall get what’s coming! And I hope you enjoy this chapter as well! Make sure to take care of your self and have a good day! 💛
“How long.” Part two
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | ALT ENDING
Taglist: @leathesimp @need-a-life-or-grass @biggdaddylonglegs @lululucii @pawstrey @lanny-fanny223 @goseew @adamsfavoritesinner
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You had spent the five months crying at Emily home. Lilies would show up, your favorite flower. It made your heart ache even more. No matter where you go you couldn’t get far enough away from him.
Sera walked into the guest room you were staying. She looked over you as she thought of her next words. She was sure you would take the job, but would this be better for you? She didn’t know.
“Adam gave the go ahead of princess morningstar’s hotel.” You looked up from under the covers, interested in what she had to say. “We will need someone to overwatch the hotel. No one wants to go and I thought I would ask you.”
You took a breath, but even that felt caged. You were happy Sera gave you this choice of a job. “I’ll do it. Thank you Sera.”
You packed all the necessary things, and waited for the portal to hell to open. When you did walk through the portal you looked up at the red sky. As if the clouds were full of blood.
You extended your wings and started to take off where you could see the ‘Hazbin Hotel’ stand. You didn’t want to walk and risk anything bad. Sure you can hide your wings, but not your halo.
When you landed in front of the door, you admit you did feel nervous. You knocked on the door and a woman who had blonde hair and pink rosy checks opened the door. “Uhhh Vaggie!” Her voice was light but strong. Very admirable it felt like.
“Yes?!” Another stern female voice called out through the hotel. “There’s a angel at out door.” She looked to be panicking, so you smile I hope it’ll ease her nerves. I heard running before I saw her face. “What do you want Extermination isn’t for another month.”
“I suppose I should explain now. Adam.” Fuck saying his name hurt. “Has given the hotel a go ahead. The head seraphim sent me to overlook it.”
(Your pov)
The blonde grew stars in her eyes. She grabbed my wrist and immediately started to pull me throughout the entire hotel. “I have to give you a quick tour for now unfortunately. But my dad’s on the way and when he gets here I’ll give you a better tour with him.” She showed me the bar, and lounge that was pretty much it until there was a knock on the door.
“Okay that’s my dad everyone!” Everybody started to get in formation it seemed like. I leaned over to the deer who started to walk into the entry way. “Who’s that girls name?”
He smiled wide and me. “Why Charlie my good fellow.” Charlie? As in Charlotte. As in Morningstar. AS IN LUCIFER?! Oh my god. Before I could panic the doors opened and a shorter man gave Charlie a hug.
“Oh Charlie it is so good to see you!” He spoke with a smile as he let her go. He smiled at him and showed case the entrance. “Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!” Confetti flew and conveniently it got all over me. Great. Charlie looked panicked for a second, but I payed no mind and I snapped my fingers, carefully getting rid of all of it.
Lucifer looked to the cat that was purring and walking through his legs. He bent down and had a baby voice. “Oh hey little Kiki.” Cute. He then looked to the two flying lambs. “Razzle n Dazzle. Aweee look how much you haven’t grown. Still fun size.” Can he be talking?
I turned my attention back to the deer who smiled menacingly towards the king of hell. I walked up to him and Lucifer started to check out the place. I placed my hand out to him and smiled. “My names Y/N.” The deer turned his head away from Lucifer and turned his smile to me, though it was less terrifying. “Alastor! Quite a pleasure darling, quiet a pleasure!” Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to have a few friends down here?
“I like your voice.”
“Yes, it’s quite perfect for my rad—“
“WHAT IN THE UNHOLY HELL IS THAT?!” I see our king has found the bar. Alastor smile tightened and he teleported through the shadows to where Lucifer was standing. “Just some of the renovations we had done. As a little color don’t you think?”
Lucifer eye brow rise as he asked, “and you are?” I walked over to one of the cookies as Alastor responded. “Alastor, quite a pleasure. You are much shorter than I expected.” I started to choke on the cookie. Bringing attention to me. “I-I’m fine.” I saw Lucifer eyes widen in panic. But he ignored me. For now.
“Is this the bellhop?” He pointed to the deer. “Of course not, I’m the host. You probably heard of me through my radio broadcasts.”
He put his hand to his chin and said “NOPE! I guess that’s why Charlie called in the Hazbin hotel. Ha! Ha! Ha!”
“Ha! Ha! Ha! It was actually my idea.”
“Ha! Ha! Ha! Well it’s not very clever.”
“Ha! Ha! Fuck. You.”
This is exactly what I needed. Pure entertainment.
As we started to get our hotel tour, Alastor got held up by some cat, and Charlie got distracted with Vaggie. Giving Lucifer the perfect time to talk to me. “Why are you here? Are these people so dense they can’t tell your an angel?”
I raised my brow, I see why Adam said he was a dick. “If you must know, Heaven gave the go ahead to the hotel just today?” Lucifer eyes widened. “What? How?”
“I believe it was your good friend Adam who gave the order.” His eyes narrowed as he looked at me.
“And are you one of his exterminator pet?” Asshole. “No I’m his wife. Well actually I don’t know? Am I still his wife?” I started to go off, talking to myself completely blocking out Lucifer. A habit I’ve always had.
“Adam re-married?” Now I seemed to have a bit more of his interest. “Why do you care? Trying to go 3 for 3?” I said sarcastically.
“Would you like me too?” We both stopped walking. My eyes widened and when I slowly turned to look at him I noticed his did as well. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean that! Well like not in a like ‘that would never happen way’ but more like ‘it came naturally and unintentionally way.’ And fuck I should stop talking now shouldn’t I—?”
“Yes.” I could feel blood rising to my cheeks, giving me a golden glow. His eyes narrowed to my golden hue cheeks and for a moment I swear his eye had a sparkle, even just a second.
“You bleed gold.” He spoke after a long silence.
“I do.” I am an angel.
“I did too, look at that, we have something in common!” I raised my brow, it was the same tactic he gave his daughter.
“Like how you and your daughter both like girls?” Now it was my turn to see his golden hues.
Lucifer had decided to stay in the hotel to grow closer to Charlie. During the duration of the last three weeks we had also gotten closer. I had explained to him that Adam and I were no longer together even though I still wore our wedding ring.
It had been three weeks since I had been in heaven. Three weeks since I entered this hotel. I hadn’t thought too much about Adam in my stay here. Though it appeared today was the day I broke tradition.
Me and Adam had spent years on years on years together. I missed his golden eyes, and I missed his stupid humor, and I had missed him. That made his betrayal all the worse. Every-time I missed him, the memory of him and Lilith came. It wasn’t fair to me. Why was I tormented because I was a faithful wife?
I suppose my saddening thought were clear on my face. “What’s wrong?” Lucifer asked, sitting on the bed next to me. We were in his room, he was making ducks while I became self-depressed. “It’s a long story.” He smiled in understanding, “good thing I have an eternity with nothing better to do.”
“You know me and Adam are no longer together.” He nodded his head at the un-new information. “But you don’t know why.” I cleared my throat and began to tell him. “Adam had cheated on me with Lilith for seven years. And he talks about how sinners could never come to heaven, and yet he let her through the gates himself.” I rushed out the words, but as Lucifer’s eyes widened I knew he heard me.
“Lil-Lilith is in heaven?” His voice broke. “Didn’t you know?” The whole reason I never mentioned her was because I had thought he knew all this time.
He shook his head as tears began to form in his eyes. He loved Lilith and he still does. I didn’t doubt for a second he needed comfort.
I wrapped my hand around him and brung him in for a hug. He clung to me and cried. The only word he spoke was ‘why?’. The same question I had asked since the minute I found out.
“DAD?!” Charlie knocked on the door frantically. We immediately situated ourselves and when he opened the door, we look good as usual. “Yes, Charlie?”
She was panting but her words came out clear as day. “The extermination is still on, and it’s happening next week!”
What the actual fuck?!
We got a meeting set up with Heavens high court the next day. I was surprised they allowed Lucifer through the gates as well. The only rule was people of heaven couldn’t know it was him, so he couldn’t go introducing himself as, ‘hi I’m Lucifer, ruler of hell. Your are?’
We walked behind Vaggie and Charlie as Emily and Saint Peter showed everyone around heaven.
Lucifer looked around all the building and shined a big bright smile my way. It was nice to see that sparkle in his eyes, especially when it was so rare too. I was to busy talking with Lucifer I hadn’t even noticed we passed Adam and Lute.
(Third POV)
Adam spat out his drink as he saw Y/N and Lucifer walking smiling at each other. The fuck was HIS wife doing walking that fucking duck-Imp face?
“What the fuck is he doing here?” He asked Lute as if she had all the answers. “I don’t know what they’re doing here sir.”
“It doesn’t even matter, I’m fucking ending this shit now. No way is he getting her.” Adam went to go after them but Lute grabbed ahold of him. “Do you want a fight between first man and the devil in the middle of heaven?!” Adam didn’t even need to think about it the answer was yes.
“Better than waiting for the fucking extermination.” Lute was quick to sush Adam. “What was the extermination one rule?” Adam grounded out like a child. “No one but the exterminators can know about it.” He took a long sip of his drink before speaking up again. “Don’t fucking sush me bitch.”
A light formed behind him, revealing Sera. “You should listen to her more often Adam, maybe then you’d still have your wife.” Sera didn’t know the details only that Adam cheated and Lute tried to stop him. “Fuck Sera you can’t sneak up on a guy like that. Also don’t bring her into this.”
Sera rolled her eyes. “Lucifer set up a meeting for his misguided daughter. I want you to put an end to her silly beliefs.”
Adam shook his head to the taller angel. “No can do, I don’t want Y/N mad at me for the rest of eternity.” Sera glared down at the first man. “You’ll do this unless you want Y/N banished. With Lucifer.”
Rage came across Adam eyes at Sera’s threat, but his mask did a good job in hiding it. “I’ll handle it.” His voice was so cold, even Sera got nervous. She obviously didn’t mean she would actually banish Y/N but it was one of the only ways to get Adam to do his work.
— (Y/N pov) —
I laid on the bed as me and Lucifer walked in our shared room. We had gotten to rooms in the hotel. One for Charlie and Vaggie. The other for me and Lucifer. We wouldn’t be staying the night, so it wasn’t like we were sleeping in the same bed.
“She’s here, Y/N.” Lucifer voice filled the silence. “What should I do?” His voice was soft and his expression was delicate.
“You should go see her.” I may not like the woman but he still does love her. “If you don’t you may regret it.” His eyes drifted away from me and to the window. “Everything is so much different now. I wouldn’t even know where to look.” I couldn’t help him. I didn’t know where she lived. The only reason I knew Adam was with her was because of Lute. Though I swore I wouldn’t sell her out.
“Do you miss it here?” Dumb question, but a reasonable one to ask. “Yeah. I miss seeing the good.” I turned his head to me and looked into his beautiful crimson eyes. “You see it everyday in the mirror.”
I don’t know who leaned in first. I don’t know who kissed who first but I knew we were kissing. And I knew I liked it.
A knock pulled us away from each other I hurried to open the door, thinking Charlie needed something. But my suspicions were wrong as Adam walked past me and into the room. He looked to me and even with his mask on I could see the fury in his eyes. He turned to Lucifer and that when I saw it. My lipstick had smudge on his lips. My eyes widened as Lucifer stood up. Adam gave him one more glance, and I for sure thought he was going to try and kill him, but he didn’t. Instead he gave him a little paper as he turned his body to me and kept his eyes on me the whole time he spoke.
“That’s the address you’ll find Lilith.” Lucifer was about to speak up but Adam cut him off. His voice still calm as ever, but I knew the wrath behind his voice. “You don’t have long until court. I suggest you get a move on while I have a talk with my own wife.”
Lucifer looked to me and I nodded my head. He needed to see Lilith, to at least get closure. He gave one last glance to Adam and walked out the door.
“What do you want?” My voice was shaky even though I tried to harden it. “What do I want?” His voice still calm as he started to walk to me. “I want you back home. I want you back in my bed when I wake up. I want you at my concerts cheering me on again. I want your smile. I want every part of you.” He backed me into the wall and put his hands on my cheek. “And trust me my love. I will have what I want.” I closed my eyes as he rested his head against mine.
“Why are you here. I said I needed time and space.” My voice still in a whisper.
“I gave you six moths, and as for space, you want to hell. Not sure you can get farther than that.” He did have a point, but I still didn’t know how I felt anymore. “I came to tell you, that Sera wants me to end this hotel. At any cost.” The one thing I asked for is what he’s about to end.
“And you’ll just do it no questions asked? Of course.” I scoffed, rolling my eyes. I tried to move my head out of his hands but they tightened.
“Yes. No questions asked, because it’s your banishment on the line. I will face god himself for you. I would do anything to keep you happy and safe, so if I have to make you hate me while doing so? So be it.” He says sternly making sure to look in my eyes. Good talk for someone who cheated.
“You cheated. You don’t get to act like you care now.” I pushed him away and started to walk to the window looking out it, rather than him. “I do care. More than anything.”
“And while I’ve been away? How many vista have you given Lilith? Or any other girl for that matter?” He couldn’t go one day without getting his dick wet.
“Unless I went to the office, I’ve been at home. Ask Sera.”
“You cheated. YOU CHEATED! How am I supposed to forgive you for that?” Adam slowly shook his head. “And while you’ve been away, how many visits have you given Lucifer?” He had a right to assume considering my lipstick was still smudged, I’ll admit that.
“He treats me good!” He had became someone I could rely on. “I treat you good. Yes I fucked up. Not a day goes by that I don’t hate myself for it. And even if you do forget and forgive, I’ll still hate myself. I promise you, I feel more disgusted than you ever could.” He grabbed my hand and showed me my wedding ring. “But you see that babe? we promised through lows and highs we’d make it through. Together.”
I felt like crying, he had a point. We vowed to be together no matter what. But he was unfaithful, he broke those vows first. I couldn’t forgive that. Ever.
“We’ll talk again. I promise. I’ll see you in court.” He kisses my hand with my ring finger. “I love you.” And he walked out. Leaving me alone with nothing but my thoughts.
Why did I miss Adam already?
How is Lucifer doing with Lilith?
Me and Lucifer kissed.
How will court go?
Can we win the trial?
Fuck what now?
HIIIIIIIII! So I will say that the first time writing this it got deleted. Sooo I’m sorry if it feels a little rushed. I had also gotten another request so I may come out with that one before the next and final part, or I may not. I really hope you enjoyed this part as I had a lot of fun writing it.
- kelp 💛
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calamarikitty · 2 months
Hazbin Hotel Redesigns - Part One!
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brainworms told me to hyperfixate on hazbin hotel and i did. so here are some redesigns! i'm planning on doing all of the cast, starting with the big (little) guy of hell himself, charlie, and vaggie! next is going to be the hotel staff (niffty, alastor, and husk)! individual pngs and redesign notes under cut
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Lucifer Morningstar - He/him, trans man, bisexual he has goat hooves, horns, and ears, as well as a little goatee:-) his tail is a lions, since lions symbolize jesus, royalty, and also are a little nod to pride.
he doesn't keep his wings after he falls from heaven. i know he has his wings in the og show, but i never understood why. he lost his wings in the fall and still has feather growth, but they turn into these weird malformed lumps of flesh and feather instead of actual wings. they're quite itchy and uncomfortable for him.
longer hair, for fun! as well as lots of apple motifs. he has little lines coming from his lips like a ventriloquist doll or puppet. i've seen it in a lot of charlie and lucifer redesigns and i think it's super cool.
he wears pretty fancy clothes but doesn't go overboard with it, as he doesn't particularly like his royal status.
he has a special interest in toy making and is specifically hyperfixated on rubber ducks! he's able to use toy making as a creative outlet to distract himself.
no shoes cuz he has sensory issues and shoes made for hooves don't seem comfortable!!!
still wears his wedding ring even though there hasn't been any sign of lilith for years
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Charlotte 'Charlie' Morningstar - She/her, cis woman, bisexual she also has goat hooves and ears, but unlike her father, she has horns more reminiscent of a ram's, much like her mother's horns. her tail is more of a classic imp shape, since she is a hellborn demon and not a fallen angel like her father.
the bottom of her pigtails are meant to resemble angel wings! she's a little piece of heaven in hell:-)
i didn't change her outfit too much, but i did want to add things to it to make it stand out more. she has gold details like her dad, as well as a bowtie with an eye detail to nod to biblically accurate angels.
she has the ventriloquist mouth like her dad! in general, she also looks more like her dad than her mom.
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Vaggie - She/her, intersex, lesbian SHE DESERVED A MORE PURPLEY COLOR PALETTE!! purple is definitely her color.
i changed her body type a lot in this redesign, i think it makes more sense for her to be buffer, because of her history.
she's not a moth demon, but disguises as one to blend in, since most sinners have animal motifs.
fur collar and fur leg warmers because i think they're really fun. i also think she's most definitely a pencil skirt + combat boots girl.
i actually do kind of like the X on her hair in her og design, but i wanted to make it look less?? plastered on?? since in her og design i genuinely can't tell if it's meant to be part of her hair or not.
she has a big bow like her og design, but it's meant to be reminiscent of moth antenna. it also adds to her biblical angel silhouette! another eye detail on her chest, like charlie, to nod to angels. this nod is particularly relevant considering her past!
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crazyunsexycool · 8 months
My Little Love
💖It's Valentine's Day 💖
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word count: 2.1K
warning: none this is just some pure fluff. Maybe Lottie trying to play cupid....
A/N: I wasn't going to write anything for Valentine's Day but I was inspired by @jvanilly 's ask so here it is.
Series masterlist
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“Dada no wook.” Charlotte says loudly as she hides around the corner from the living room. 
“Should I close my eyes, doll?” 
“Yes, pwease.” 
“Ok, they’re closed.” Bucky says with a smile at whatever it is that Lottie is up to now. He can hear her footsteps although they’re light against the hardwood floors. 
“Ok wook it.” 
Bucky opens his eyes to find Charlotte standing in front of him wearing a white shirt with a big pink heart, a pink tutu and white fluffy wings that look like they belong to angels on her back. Her hair is up in a twist held up in a heart shaped clip.
“Who do we have here? Are you Cupid?” 
“Mmhhmmm. You wike it?” She asks as she does a spin for him to see the whole outfit. 
“You’re the prettiest Cupid I’ve ever seen, doll.” 
Lottie gets bashful and giggles at the compliment. 
“Habe suwpwise.” 
“For me?” 
Lottie nods her head and holds out a handmade card for him. It’s a heart cut out of red construction paper glued to a white piece of paper and so much glitter. 
“This is the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen. Did you make this yourself?”
“Yeah.” She says shyly while looking up at him with those big blue eyes of hers. 
“Thank you, doll. I love it.” Bucky picks her up and gives her a chaste kiss on her forehead.
“Yeah, doll?” 
“Dada be my vawentine?”
Bucky smiles down at his little girl. “I would love to be your valentine. Are you going to be mine?”
“Yeah. I be dada’s vawentine.”
“Good. Your first valentine’s day has to be special.” 
“Hi mama.” Henry said almost as soon as you stepped out of the master bedroom. 
“Hi sweet boy. What are you up to?” 
“Nothing. Well something.” Henry gives you a sheepish look. 
You narrow your eyes in his direction with a bit of suspicion. But his innocent smile let you know whatever he’s up to isn’t anything mischievous. Henry holds up a construction paper heart, and a few paper flowers. 
“Will you be my valentine’s mama?” 
“I would love to be your valentine.” You accept the flowers and the cards before giving him a hug. “Are you going to be my valentine’s too?”
Henry nods against your midsection before pulling away. 
“Well we have to make your first valentine’s day super special, sweet boy.”
At Charlotte’s request you had curled her hair, pinning half of it up with heart shaped pins. You even let her wear a pink tinted lip balm and some soft pink eyeshadow. She was all smiles as she looked in the mirror. 
“Do you like it, sweet angel? You look beautiful.” You said from behind her. Looking at her through the mirror.
“Is so pwetty mama.” 
“I’m glad you like it. Now come on, let's get your dress and shoes on.”
“Kay.” Lottie hops off the stool she was sitting on and gets dressed up in her pink tulle dress with hearts all over. 
“Alright, I’m going to finish getting ready ok.”
“Alright bubs.” Bucky fixes the collar of Henry’s shirt so that it goes over his graphic tee. Then he smoothes out the cardigan Henry was wearing. “When we knock we give them the flowers and chocolates ok? Also remember to tell them how nice they look.”
“Let’s go get our girls then.” Bucky smiles as Henry grabs the flowers that he had picked out himself. 
Bucky follows suit and they walk out of Steve’s apartment where they went to get dressed. Giving you and Lottie privacy to have your own girl’s day as you got ready for the family date. 
At the door Henry knocks and waits for someone to answer the door. Lottie opens it with a huge smile on her face. It’s obvious she’s more than ready and excited for the evening. She lets Henry and Bucky in to wait for you to finish getting ready.
“Hi bubba. Hi dada.” She says. 
“Hi baby. You look so pretty.”
“Tank you bubba.”
“Hello my valentine. You look like a princess.” Bucky takes a knee. 
“Tank you dada.”
“These are for you.” Bucky holds out a small bouquet of flowers for her and a box of chocolates. 
Charlotte gasps as she takes her gifts. She buries her nose in the flowers and inhales just how she has seen you do so many times. 
“Is so nice dada, tank you.” 
“You’re welcome, doll.” 
You walk out a few minutes later, just as Bucky is putting Lottie’s flowers in a vase for her. He lets out a wolf whistle as he watches you reach the living room. You wore a red dress, the sleeves were short but puffy. The bodice hugged your curves and the skirt flared out with a slit up one leg. You smile over your shoulder at Bucky before turning your attention to Henry. 
“Hi my sweet valentine.” You tell him.
“Hi mama, you look very pretty.” 
“Thank you, sweet boy.” You smile before giving him a chaste kiss on his cheek. 
“These are for you.” 
Henry holds out a box of chocolate and a bouquet of flowers similar to Lottie’s, just a bit bigger. 
“They���re beautiful. Thank you so much. I love them. We have something for you too.” 
Lottie runs off into your room coming back with some boxes of candy for them as well. It’s obvious that Henry and Bucky weren’t expecting anything so it was nice to see their matching smiles.
“Here,” Bucky offers you a vase with water in it already. 
“Thanks baby.” 
You place the flowers in the vase and give him a kiss on the cheek. 
“We should get going.”
“Yeah,” Henry adds. “We have reservations.” 
“Oh you do?” 
“Yup. It's for our date.” 
“I thought we were just going to Tony’s party?” You look up at Bucky who is already helping Lottie into her coat. 
“Well it wouldn’t be a proper date if we didn't take our girls out first now would it?” 
You smile and grab something from your purse. When you stand in front of Bucky you place a red pocket square into his suit pocket. As usual he dressed in an all black suit and a more casual black t-shirt. The red added a little pop of color to tie in everyone’s outfit together. 
“Here mama.” Henry, following Bucky’s lead, holds out your coat.
“Well what a little gentleman.” 
You put on your coat and let them lead you and Lottie out.
It was still new, the four of you going out as a family. The kids were always excited going out to new places and experiencing new things. Bucky stopped the car at the entrance to the restuarant. The attendant makes his way over quickly to the driver’s side. Bucky steps out and gets the door for Lottie who was sitting behind him. Henry quickly gets out of his seat and gets out to open your door. 
“Thank you my sweet boy.”
“You’re welcome, mama.” He says as he takes your hand. 
The four of you walk into the building. Before you can say anything Henry steps up to the hostess stand.
“Hi ma’am.”
“Hello, how may I help you?” The young woman asks with a smile.
“We have a reservation under Barnes.” 
You couldn’t help but beam as Henry started to get more comfortable interacting with strangers. 
“I see the reservation for four people here. Please follow me.” The young woman walks you through the restaurant to a booth in the back. “Enjoy your evening.”
Lottie sits with Bucky and you sit with Henry. While the restaurant is full of couples you wouldn’t trade being here with the kids. You knew you’d share more than enough one on one time with Bucky later. The four of you have the time of your life at the restaurant. The kids try new foods and get loved on by you and Bucky. They also have the attention of the server that’s taking care of your table. She makes sure to ask them questions, getting the most interesting questions out of Lottie for sure. You can’t help but look across to Bucky and share that magic little moment in which you both relish in being able to enjoy this moment with them. Soon enough though dinner is over and you head back to the tower. 
Before heading to the party Charlotte insists on going back to the apartment for her cupid getup. Soon enough there’s a four year old running into the main living room with wings and bow and arrow. Her first stop of course is her favorite person ever.
“Steebie am cupid.” She says as he picks her up. 
“And a very cute cupid at that.” 
“Hi.” Lottie calls out to Bruce’s assistant. 
“Hello Charlotte. You look very pretty in your dress.” 
“Tank you. You pwetty too, wight Steebie?” Steve goes beet red in an instant.
“Of course. Your dress is very pretty.” Steve looks at her.
“No Steebie.” Charlotte sends a small glare in his direction. Lottie says her name, “Is pwetty.”
“Please don’t.” She mutters.
“No is kay. Steebie?”
“Yes, you are very pretty.” 
She opens her mouth ready to sass him back but decides against it due to Lottie’s enthusiasm. 
“Thank you, Steve.” 
Lottie feels as if she’s done her job so she wiggles her way out of Steve’s arm’s and does her usual round through the party. 
Bucky holds you close as he leads you in a dance. One hand around your waist, the other holding yours against his chest. His cheek rests against your temple. Both of your eyes are closed as he hums along to the song. 
“Hold me close and hold me fast
The magic spell you cast
This is la vie en rose.
When you kiss me heaven sighs
And though I close my eyes
I see la vie en rose.”
You smile as Bucky continues to serenade you. The song ends but another quickly starts up. Your dancing is interrupted though. 
“Daddy, mama is my valentine. I should be dancing with her.” Henry looks up at him, arms crossed over his chest.
“Ok, ok. Do you happen to know where your sister is?” 
Henry points to the other end of the room. You and Bucky look over to find Charlotte sitting on the bar sharing a cupcake with Sam and laughing. 
“I guess I’ll go get my valentine. Thanks for the dance, Sugar.” Bucky gives you a quick kiss.
“Wanna dance mama?”
“I would love to.” You say as Henry takes your hands and swaying side to side.
“Is so yummy Sammy.” Lottie holds up a cupcake with red frosting up for Sam to try. 
Sam narrows his eyes in her direction causing Lottie to giggle. “Are you trying to play a joke on me?” 
“Noooooo. Habe some.”
“Ok.” Sam leans in to take a bite out of the sweet treat but Lottie boops him in the nose with it leaving frosting behind. She throws her head back laughing while Sam playfully grumbles. 
“Is so funny.” 
“Oh you think that's funny?” Sam asks and Lottie nods. “What if I do this?” He takes a big bite of the cupcake she had in her hand. “No cupcake for you.” 
Charlotte is a giggling mess as she grabs another treat from the tray Sam had taken just for them. 
“Are you trying to steal my doll?” Bucky asks as he walks up to them. 
“Maybe I am.” 
“Habe one dada?” Lottie holds up another cupcake for him. He’d seen what she did to Sam and was sure she’d do the same to him. But the laughter was worth a little bit of red frosting on his nose. 
“I would love one.” 
Lottie pulls at the cupcake liner with heart designs on them, then offers it up to Bucky. He’s surprised when Lottie doesn’t try to get the frosting on him so he just eats it.
“Hey,” Sam says with a faux annoyed expression. “Why didn’t you get him?” 
“Dada my vawentine.” She looks up at her dad with so much love that it makes him weak in the knees. 
“Yeah Sam, I’m her Valentine’s go get your own.” He looks back at his little girl. “Wanna dance, Doll?” 
“Yes, pwease.” 
Lottie gives Sam a kiss on the cheek before going into her father’s arms. Bucky walks over to the dance floor and begins to sway. Not too far from him, you stand with Henry in your own dance. You catch each other’s eye and smile. He mouths an I love you which you return. 
All in all it was a very good Valentine’s Day. 
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phenphoenix · 6 months
Her Redemption [At Morningstar Castle, Lilith, Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor, Anthony, Niff, and Husker, along with a large group of demons, await in a large open area. Specifically, Vaggie is wearing a very modest, yet very fine, dress.] Alastor: approaches Vaggie Are you sure you want to go through with this, my dear? Vaggie: deep breath Yeah, I do. Charlotte: walks up to Vaggie Whatever happens… don't forget me. Vaggie: smiles Only if you don't forget me [Vaggie and Charlie smile as the portal to Heaven opens up and a large choir of angels descend, including both Adam, Lute and Emily. Both land in front of the demons as the rest of the angels remain overhead] Adam: ahem…Lils, you look good. Lilith: Dickbag. Adam: Yeah, I deserve that one. looks around Got a nice place. Lilith: Of course. Let's get this over with, shall we? Adam: Uh, yeah. clears throat before turning to Vaggie Hey, …Vaggie {j sound}, right? Vaggie: Vaggie {g sound}, sir. mutters how she was named that in some of her films Adam: Right, that's my B. clears throat As of recent events, Heaven was made aware of many, many… just a shit ton of mistakes.On top of the slaughter of sinners - turns to the angels which I was not consulted on, by the way! - *turns back to Vaggieyou got fucked up and left down here and, what, became a porn star? Fuck, man. Anyway, to help rectify mistakes, on top of other things *side-eyes Lilith* You're getting an express trip back to Heaven, and… uh, I dunno, a million Heaven bucks. How about that, huh? [The angels cheer, though quite a few are not that enthusiastic. Lute gives a nervous look while Emily glares] Adam: So, what do you say? Wanna get back into paradise? Vaggie: looks to her friends before turning back to Adam That is… an amazing offer, Adam sir. I just… I can only say one thing… pause before giving both middle fingers Fuck you. [Dead silence. Everyone just stares at what is effectively Vaggie spitting on a once in an eterinity deal. They all stare in silence]
Vaggie: I said "fuck you". overhears angels murmur Want me to say it for the kids at the back? I will, fuck you! Fuck you all for leaving me down here for three years, fuck you {Emily} for ripping my wings off like chicken legs, fuck y'all in general for this… fucking dress! tears her outfit in such a way that it looks far more scandalous causing many angels to look away and Charlie to drool a bit Much better… and fuck your idea of "paradise"; you sing the same shit every day, there's at least variety down here! I disobey one little order and you drop me like a sack of crap, these guys at least see me as a person. And they don't have to like me, so I know it's real when they say I'm their friend, As far as I care, you {Adam} can take that deal and shove it up her {Emily} ass, she clearly needs it. I'm gonna stay down here with people that I actually like. So fuck off so I can get to banging my literally hot as hell girlfriend! walks over and wraps her arm around Charlie, who squees quietly [The angels all stare in shock. Emily is seething] Emily: You insolent… little.. heretical-! gets stopped by Adam's axe Adam: I'm on point here. turns to Vaggie You got serious balls to say that… mad props. Emily, Lute, Vaggie, Charlotte, Alastor, Anthony, Lilith and all the angels, in order: What!? Vaggie: You… aren't mad? Adam: you went through shit, what's not to get? Plus it's clear you're doing fine down here, especialyl with my bois! points to Al and Anthony You do you, Vagesaurus. Offer's open when you want it, babe. [Everyone looks stunned as Adam takes to the skies] Vaggie: They have one of my movies in Heaven? Charlotte: Heaven has porn? [The angels follow Adam back to the Heaven portal] Emily: flies in front of Adam, stopping him Adam, what was that?! Adam: Lady made her choice. Argument is pretty valid. Emily: She insulted all of Heaven! Adam: And you took her eye. Seems fair to me. intense glare Right? [Emily looks to the angels watching this before standing down] Adam: turns to Charlie Treat her well, she deserves it. Charlotte: Oh, I plan to. Vaggie: blushes embarrassedly Charlie… [Adam pushes past Emily, continuing back to Heaven] Lute: Sit, is this a good idea? Adam: I'm sorry, did the fucking traitor say something? Lute: This is dangerous territory, leaving her down here with them. With… her. Adam: Didn't hurt the past 3 years. Besides, gotta admit it's hot as fuck. [The angels they into Heaven, leaving the demons staring where the portal once was. Charlie and Vaggie begin kissing] Anthony: …did that just happen?!
Usually I save your writings so I can answer them with comics or drawings- BUT BRO THIS IS TOO GOOD I GOTTA LET OTHERS SEE THE BRAINWORMS IMMEDETLY!
^ Total mad lad right here, fellas
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dreamerwitches · 1 month
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Who wants to overanalyse the teensy bit of witch content with me???
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Albertine’s looks like it has the purple eye from her boss arena, the letter blocks, crayons and of course the green walls. It looks like theres a blue bow at the top of the door like the ones on her outfit. There might be flowers on the middle left?
Uhrmann’s is pretty obvious. Bartels on either side, her mane and sparkles.
Elly has the red carnival tents, the blue of her labyrinth, horses, eyes and stripey poles. It looks like the door has an angel halo, one wing and maybe a ghost horse on the top left. It looks like arms on either sides of the door but i cant tell
Charlotte’s the usual. Bottle, food, forks.
Elsie has one new interesting bit and that’s the window on the bottom right. Makes me think we’ll get a labyrinth part in a church??
Zenobia doesn’t look like much new. The door is modelled after her hair though! Cute!!
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Gertrud definitely looks more episode 1 than 2 to me. More the dark area compared to the oranges of episode 2’s. But from the last trailer, we will still be getting that second one. I suppose her labyrinth is so vast its hard to put into one without looking messy.
Im gonna leave our mystery witch till last…
I didnt recognise Gisela’s until pointed out (what a fake fan) but she’s a pretty one note theme huh. Ill be excited to see an expansion from her portable labyrinth. Streetlights, stop sign, headlights, a fence from portable, rusty bits and i think a wheel on the bottom left. Ahh i just realised the centre bit is a speed dial!
Suleika!! (Or ulla but pleeaassee suleika!!) I see a jungle gym, a thing that looks like a virus, geometry, clouds, lamps and ulla heads. Her kiss is spirally… not what i expected. I just had a terrible thought though… her door is much smaller than the others… please dont just be ulla….
Oktavia’s wooden door matches the one that leads to her boss room. Theres the conductor holger, oktavia’s pink ruffles, swords and insignia from her chair and tail. I think the bit behind the conductor is more holger
Now our mystery witch!!! I see a skeleton hand, a bone, fluff/clouds, puffballs, maybe a cross on the right?. The kiss seems to have needles and it looks like polka dots or blood splatters on the door. I cant particularly make out what the thing on the top left is. I wanna say letters? Or certificates? It looks like theres either a tiara or a hat around the top left too. Its very intriguing
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charryflavoredblood · 3 months
What would be the reaction of Alastor, Charlie, Lucifer, Adam, Vox, Husk and Angel to a reader who has diction problems, like where they confuse words for others because they forget the name of the objective and mispronounce it...
Note: I have diction and my friends when we are playing together always laugh at me for doing these things... I just wanted to know
Of course! I wanted to get this out asap so I'm going to make another one with Adam, Husk and Vox! Hope you don't mind :D
Charlotte K. Morningstar.
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Charlie honestly wouldn't notice at first
She forgets words all the time. One time, she called Vaggie's wings "Pretty Make Fly Limbs". Correction: It was not one time. It was a week and a half.
It was around your first month when she started to notice. You had brought a friend over and introduced her as "Royal King's daughter role." Your friend corrected you to Princess.
She started picking up on things like how you have a habit of mispronouncing "Radio" as "ReightDiao".
One day, during a group conversation, you admit to your trouble with pronunciation and speech in general.
You just...shared something in group. Like something actually weighted and not just who you have plans on sleeping with later that night.
"I'm sorry to heart about that, Friend! I get it...Words are hard. I barely understand them and I'm pushing 204."
Lucifer Morningstar.
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Like with Charlie, I doubt he would notice immediately.
However unlike Charlie, he notices fairly quick.
He asked you if english was your first language about a week into knowing you after you called a light switch "Room Illuminator".
When you said you had diction issues, he took a few minutes to process it.
My man is so awkward he just stands there still as a statue.
He really didn't know what to do.
"Okay...Thank you for sharing that with me."
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He notices so fast.
And I know it's not what you want to hear but he makes fun of you all the time.
I really don't know what else to say about him. He's a dick.
"Come on, my dear! Spit it out! You aren't completely brain dead, are you?
Alright guys, you know the drill. Ily, drink water. Don't die. Dying of dehydration when you can help it is cringe. I love you all again. K bye.
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hazbinhotell0v3r · 6 months
Girls Night!! (Hazbin Hotel Tickle Tumblr/ Chaggie moment)
(Thanks a bunch to https://ckducky.tumblr.com/ for letting me make a story to this, I have something adorable in mind and I hope u like it!!
Summary: A month after the war between hell and heaven, finding out that Sir Pentouis is safe and reedemed to heaven, the girls decide to have a slumber party and help each other out with things they can’t do alone. Charlie offer to help with brushing Vaggies wings and hopes that Vaggie can farrier her hoofs, but Charlie’s way to sensitive so it’s gonna be hard to get it done!
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“Okay Vaggie! I have everything we need for this awsome party!!” Charlie squealed excitedly. After finding out that there snake friend was saved, Charlie decided to have a slumber party with Vaggie for some Girlfriend bonding time. “Okay so, first where gonna order some pizza!!” Charlie said in a high pitch voice.
Vaggie felt so warm inside to see how her girlfriend had been back to her normal peppy happy self again. “Okay, I’ll order it.” Vaggie calmly stated.” As Vaggie was on the phone Charlie heard that the pizza would arrive in 35 minutes. 35 minutes!!? Charlie couldn’t bear to wait so long so she asked Vaggie for the phone. “As this young lady is my girlfriend! The Princess of hell her self, Charlie Charlotte Morningstar! I command you make it 10!!” Charlie said in a dramatic playful tone.
Both could hear how worried he had sounded, and the chaos that was happening. The girls laughed after hanging up the phone of he problem they just caused the Papa’s Pizzeria. While they waited, the girls played Tic-Tac-Toe and boy was Charlie beating Vaggie better then she was expected to lose. “Haha! I win again~“ Charlie teased to Vaggie, she thought it was pretty silly as she bragged but was also a little upset because Vaggie hated to lose, so she decided to get a silly little revenge when Charlie could least expect it.
“I will get you back some how, and I bet you won’t even see it coming giggle ball, I’ll be the one laughing!!” Vaggie teased to Charlie as she kept giggling about her win, “Yeah okay angel!” Charlie said back. Soon the pizza arrived and Charlie was already full from 2 slices, maybe she shouldn’t have eaten so much before the party. While Vaggie ate about 5 before she was full.
“Okay next thing on the list is-“ Charlie and Vaggie did almost everything on the list until there was the last thing. Charlie called it body care, “What does body care mean?” Vaggie questioned chuckling. “Body care is like, you know, brush hair or, farriers.” Charlie explained. “So, basically you brush my wings, and I like brush your hair and help you with your hoofs?” Vaggie asked. “ Yeah! Also, I have been needing to get my hoofs done for some time, before I start getting pains!”
It was a good thing Vaggie learned how to do Farriers sense had hoofs. “Holly Shit!! Vaggie!! You wings are so soft!!” Charlie exclaimed. It felt like hugging a pillow to Charlie when she brushed Vaggie’s wings. “Okay Charlie give me a hoof.” Charlie put one of her legs up to Vaggie’s hand to so that she could start to farrier.
“Babe, This would go faster if you kept still” Vaggie chuckled “Sorhehehe, ihiht tihihckles a buhunch!!” Charlie giggles, hee hoofs we’re very delicate, which also meant they where very sensitive too. Vaggie finally finished with her hoofs, but at the same time she remembered how Charlie continuously bragged about winning. So when Charlie was laying on her stomach, Vaggie went to sit on the back of her girlfriends knees, “ Babe, what are you doing?” Charlie asked the fallen angel. “Remember when you beat me in tic-tac-toe and I told you how I will get you back some how, and I betted you won’t even see it coming?” Vaggie asked cheekily.
“Babe wait let’s ju-HUHUHAHAHA” Charlie bursted out in laughed when Vaggie already started to skitter her fingers all around her right hoof. “NOHOHOHO, STOHOHOP, IHIHIM SOHOHRY!!” Charlie squealed. “Oh, your gonna be sorry once I’m done with you.
Charlie had something different about one of her hoofs, her left hood happened to be her most sensitive hoof, Vaggie and Charlie’s dad where the only people who knew about this. Today, Vaggie decided to take that advantage, so she pulled back Charlie’s big toe on her left foot, and started to stroke her finger nail up and down right on the middle, knowing that Charlie would try to kick and squirm, but her other foot was trapped in Vaggie’s legs and the rest of her body facing behind Vaggie.
Charlie was banging her hands try to break free, but she was to weak to even make a thump because of how tingly she felt. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHEHE VAHAHAHAGHEHEHEI LEHET MEHEHEHE GOHOHOHO” Charlie was screaming helplessly know there was no escape unless Vaggie loosened her legs, or just let Charlie go. “Is the Princess no longer able to command her people? Is she to help less? Hmm~?” Vaggie teased while scratching Charlie’s sensitive foot. All Vaggie heard was screaming of laughter.
“Okay, I’m done giggle ball.” As Vaggie let go to lay down on her stomach beside Charlie who was still Calming herself down. “But I’m not!!” Charlie rolled with Vaggie in her arms, Charlie crouched over Vaggie with an evil smirk on her face. Charlie carried Vaggie up with Vaggie’s back on Charlie’s chest and Charlie.
“And now for my ultimate song!! With the laughing guitar!!” Charlie teased and then started to fiddle her fingers across Vaggie’s belly. “CHARHARLEHEIEHE!!” Vaggie laughed as Charlie played with Vaggie as a guitar on one of her weakest spots. “Hmm, I don’t my guitar is loud enough!! We must turn up the volume!!”
Charlie dug in belly button with fingers as if she had been running up the volume in a real guitar, that made Vaggie scream and squeal as she tried to wriggle herself out.”Dubababadudud, I love to play my guitar!!” Charlie coed to Vaggie in a teasing way “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA CHARLIE STAHAHAP!!” Vaggie was blushing harder and harder with the teasing and tickles.
“Okay I’m finished with my ~awsome song~” as Charlie stopped scattering her claws against Vaggie’s stomach, “You okay there guitar?” “Ya, I’m okay giggle ball.” Then they got in bed, cuddled up, and settle down with a nice movie on, ready to sleep
I hope y’all enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing this! (I was obsessed writing this!)
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eros-agape-art · 7 months
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The gang is finished, everyone has complete bases. So! Detailed descriptions of my changes below 👇 Alan is not included because he already has a description in the post I introduced him and the most recent post about Alan.
Charlie- I decided to go more the "goat" route with her design. She is nearly as tall as Angel Dust, she just seems shorter than she should because of her pose. She has small feathered wings, to represent her angel heritage, however they are small because they are underdeveloped. She is unable to fly as she cannot move them to the extent needed for flight capability, she can barely move them at all, nor can she tuck or fold them. I gave her more definite horns with a floating apple motif at the top, think of it like jewelry. She often goes by Charlotte although her friends and loved ones call her Charlie.
Vox- Vox is the Hotel Benefactor in this AU and supports Charlie in her ventures. He acts more like a solid father figure than Alastor and is more of an open person. When he was alive, he was a TV host. A charming personality and a kind man at heart. In '55 he was briefly drafted into the Vietnam War until he was too injured to continue and was sent home. He regretted many of the decisions he had to make there, feeling like a monster as he was only 25 at the time. When he returned home he recovered some and resumed his work, this time opting to produce affordable technology for those who could not afford it. Unfortunately this would be his demise. One poorly timed installation of a television set during a thunderstorm led to him being struck by lightning. He still distributes tech after his death through his company Voxtech Industries. I made him a little bulkier than the original and gave him a more 50's look, complete with a 50's TV. He is also still an Overlord.
Niffty- I decided to make her more bug like. I took inspiration from a tortoise beetle and a stag beetle.I didn't change too much with her personality wise, she is still a manic, but she puts more effort into caring for those who can't care for themselves... in her own weird and twisted ways. She runs a company know as NCRIM or Niffty's Cleaning and Revitalizing Interpersonal Maintenance, and she is an Overlord.
Husk- I didn't change too much, his concept is pretty solid to me as a surface level concept. I only tweaked slight things to tend to my au better. In this au he is still an Overlord and still runs his casino.
Angel Dust- I changed Angel quite a bit design wise, but not so much personality. Angel still works for Valentino, still a porn star, and will still love Husk. For the design, I made Angel still very tall and slim, but I gave him more of a solid chest. I like the idea of him having the fluffy chest, but I feel like the "fluff" doesn't move as it should in the show, it is just fluff after all, so it shouldn't be as solid as it seems to be. I also gave Angel some mandibles and the "spider butt". I also changed Angel's hair because it looks right for the show but it looks off for me personally. I also gave him the "small spider feet" I don't really know how to call it, but I gave him thin feet. I also moved his arms up to the shoulder with the other pair, because anatomy I guess, it just made more sense to me.
Sir Pentious- I didn't really change pentious, he's still pretty much the same except for the eye placements on his inner hood and tail. His personality isn't really different either.
Vaggie- I changed quite a bit for Vaggie. I decided to lean into the moth theme more and bring that put in her design. I gave her moth wings and antenna and more anthropomorphic legs. I like to think that the moth look came after her fall, as the time she's spent in hell has changed her like metamorphosis. So the longer she stays in hell the more it influences her, the more she becomes a part of hell. She is heaven born in this au so she would assimilate into being a hell born. I also changed the design of her Spear for no apparent reason other than why not.
Cherry Bomb- She is pretty different than in the show. I haven't changed her personality but her physical appearance is different. I've decided to make her bombs more of a physical part of herself. She has what I depict as horns that "grow" her bombs as a biological process. Like how one kind of insect I can't remember the name of does. I also made her feet into heels, like permanent pumps.
Lucifer- I lent into the goat for the legs to relate him to Charlie more as well as the horns with the apple motif. For his wings, I heard somewhere [don't quote me on this I've never read the bible] I think it was from LovesArt123, that when Lucifer fell his wings burnt and became more like bat wings in structure. I sort of did the same thing for his tail as well. I gave him more of a proper halo, I honestly wasn't planning that but I rolled with it, and I gave him more than one pair of eyes. He's the king of hell, shouldn't he have more eyes to view others with? The pose I used had the person carrying a lantern and I thought it would be funny if he just lanterns to head to the fridge for depression food at night. So he uses lanterns to navigate at night, not that he can't see in the dark because he can, it's others not realizing he's there that he uses the lantern.
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caterpillarinacave · 7 months
I love Charlotte and Henry and they're super underrated. And I would VERY MUCH like to hear the headcanons whirring about in your brain.
Oh well buckle up cause literally all I think about is head cannons. Like, you know how cells replace themselves every few years? Mine have replaced themselves with head cannons. *Sorry it took me a hot moment to answer this ask, I was busy howling into my pillow whenever I tried to articulate thoughts.*
First of all, they’re very cuddly. They basically sleep on top of each other (Charlotte hasn’t needed a pillow in decades). Henry cant sleep well without Charlotte in his arms and Charlotte can’t sleep well anywhere other than Henry’s arms so it works out. Plus, they both do that thing where they jerk awake like the world is ending and scare the shit out of each other, so sleeping in a hug that basically pins them both down saves some energy at 2am. Henry’s perpetually cold and sleeps under like, four blankets, so Charlotte just wears summer nightgowns all year and wraps herself around Henry like a koala.
Naturally there’s an angsty side to the incessant cuddling because that’s just the way I role.
Charlotte sleeps with her head on Henry’s chest so she can always feel him breathing because, by the angel, she remembers when he wasn’t. She sleeps with a hand on his pulse point because she wakes up in the middle of the night and she’s still half asleep they might as well be on the floor in that mountain and she might as well still be desperately swearing she didn’t imagine his heartbeat.
While on the topic of soul crushing feelings of guilt, y’all remember from Clockwork Angel that Henry was the one who told Mortmain what a Pyxis was? And he wanted Charlotte to tell the clave that and she wouldn’t because “they already treat him so badly”? Because I do. And so does Henry.
(I’ve got a whole WIP that I love very dearly about this head cannon and this chess game hehe) There’s one random old tutor who goes to the London institute once a month-ish, basically to hand out a few weeks of homework to any shadow hunters who don’t have their own tutors. Most shadow hunters who live in a more rural area show up a few times a year so the clave knows they’re alive and at least somewhat literate. Charlotte attends them every month since, you know, she lives there, but Henry lives somewhere around Yorkshire so he shows up every few months. The professor is kind of a dick ngl. He doesn’t help Charlotte with any school why would a woman need to be so well educated? “Go on find a husband and stop worrying you’re pretty little head” sort of shit. Henry drives him insane because he’s a) some random kid who’s smarter than him and b) didn’t use any of the professors materials to get that smart. Professor Douche is constantly trying to get him to be wrong about something, or at least flustered about something and he doesnt ever do either of those things, and even more aggravating he refuses to get upset. (He honestly just assumed the professor wasn’t that smart.)
Charlotte’s a really good student of course, but she’s having a shit time with some mathematics and the professor absolutely refuses to help her with it. Eventually she asks Henry if he wouldn’t mind helping her with it, which he’s happy to do (once he figures out that’s what shes actually asking lol.)
Charlotte is incredibly distracted the entire time by Henry’s freckles (and eyes. And hands. And the way his hair curls on the nape of his neck. And the spots of gold and green in his hazel eyes that flashed as bright as the sun when the light catches them. And-), but they get through it in an hour or two which leaves them alone in a deserted wing of the institute. They end up playing a game chess. Charlottes a decent player and thought since Henry had never showed any interest in chess it would be a probably be an evenly matched game. She didn’t know what hit her. He beat her in like, eight minutes, eighty percent of which were spent on the last two moves by Charlotte who, upon realizing she was fucked, spent five minutes staring at the board trying to figure out when he even started beating her. She was sitting there having a whole crisis, (she’d been distracted by a man who probably doesn’t like her, and certainly doesn’t think much of her now after a pathetic loss like that and now she’ll have to sit hear and wallow in failure-) just preparing for him to start that whole smug gloating thing men do when they win and Henry you know. Didn’t. He just put the pieces away and thanked her for the game, in that very genuine way, with the gloomy London evening light casting a depressing shadow across the room, a shadow that he stood out against all gentle, kind, bright and brimming with a sort of barely contained passion. If Charlotte had ever doubted that shadow hunters had come from straight angels then sitting there, looking at a boy stained in soot, who she loved more than anything else to walk the earth, she would never doubt it again.
(It wasn’t until after Henry won and noticed Charlotte hadn’t said anything in a while that he remember people don’t like losing. Honestly he was playing just to be around her and he would have thrown the game if he could conceptualize how to do that on the fly. They spent like five minutes in autistic silence waiting for the other to stand up and declare newfound hatred.)
In true British fashion the a modern tea bag would kill them both.
When they were both 13 or 14 Charlotte mentioned she was dreading winter because it’s so bleak and dark (and her mom had died a few winters before, though she didn’t drop that in casual conversation). Anyways, come winter Henry brought her a marigold preserved in something like resin. She kept it in her jewelry box for years and after they got married she found out he had literally dozens of them. Whenever he came across a particularly bright flower he preserved it and set it aside. He was never quite brave enough to give them to her pre-TID, but he now leaves them for her when she’s particularly sad or stressed. She keeps them all in a drawer- they fit together like little tiles, and still look as fresh as they would had they just been plucked from the ground.
Somewhat surprisingly Henry doesn’t really lose stuff, with the singular exception being his own medical equipment. He’s lost the leg braces he wears every single day of his life before. Charlotte’s not usually speechless but she wasn’t sure what to say to that one.
Henry gave Charlotte a watch with a hands and numbers that can glow the same way a modern day one would. It’s absolutely beautiful, durable and accurate, even if Henry set himself on fire at least four times making it. (They can say with confidence that that watch is fireproof)
Honestly, I could go on and on, then on some more, but technically I’m supposed to be writing a paper on gut micro biomes that’s due tomorrow, so I figured I’d cut myself of. In conclusion, I love them dearly, they love each-other dearly, they deserve the world, all I can think about is them, and the world can pry them out of my cold dead hands.
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sir-qwillian-ferne · 9 months
OC lore for Avemour! (Not all up to date, copy pasted from my lore doc)
TWs: Child abuse, child neglect, domestic abuse, child murder, mutilation, cannibalism, self harm, 80% of the parent figures are terrible (I like my parents, idk why I did this), autocannibalism, species-ism (pure blood vs muggle born type deal), genocide, self hatred, and yeah there's more but it's implied at this point
Avemour was born to a high ranking pure-blooded false-angel lord who had quite a bit of territory, very respected man, and a demon lady. They were not supposed to exist - the product of a poorly thought out one night stand. Hybrids were very rarely successful, and even then they didn’t often survive very long, so it was not a concern.
In exchange for keeping quiet, to save his rank of ‘purity’, the false-angel lord allowed the demon lady to stay as a servant, provided basic necessities for her and the children.
Yes, children.
There were twins: Euka and Aveliss. Euka was named by the false-angel lord, and Aveliss by the demon lady. The demon lady wished to name Euka Avemour instead - as a sort of twin thing with Avemour and Aveliss - but the false-angel lord wouldn’t allow it. The children, once old enough to manage (six or seven), were given tasks of their own, treated as servants as well. They were forced to grow up young, essentially, but their mother would take responsibility if they ever failed their tasks.
Unfortunately, when Euka and Aveliss were between nine and eleven years of age, their mother was executed in front of them by humans under accusations of being a witch or something equivalent (this is like 2000 years ago and I’m not familiar enough with human history to say for sure but, yeah). Aveliss took the protector role for Euka, making sure to keep them safe. They’re mature for their age (because constant scrutiny does that to ya).
One of the false-angel lord’s enemies (he has a lot, he’s as terrible a person as he is a father) managed to somehow discover the children’s existence and genealogy. They wrongly assumed that the false-angel lord was keeping them as servants and hidden on the down-low to protect them, and decided to kill them to send a message. And so, on their fourteenth birthday, Euka discovered Aveliss’s mutilated corpse in the kitchen.
To add salt to the wound, the false-angel lord forced Euka to clean up the corpse and blood. What a great birthday present.
Aveliss’s grave, hidden deep within the forests of the Farlyxe (False-angel lord’s last name.) territory is the beginning of present Avemour’s rainbow forest. More on that later.
After Aveliss’ death, the false-angel lord kept a closer eye on Euka, essentially forcing them to become his personal assistant just to make sure he didn’t lose another child. Not because he cared, but rather because it was blow to his pride for his child, as illegitimate as the child was, to get killed. He eventually discovered Euka’s unique ability to sense emotions and used it to his advantage in meetings with other rulers.
Another servant of the false-angel lord's, an odd creature named Charlotte, became Euka's friend. Because I have a headache right now and can't be bothered to add more detail, Euka pretty much ate him because they were starving.
Euka met a demon prince this way named Zelzimonte. The false-angel lord despised demons, but Zelzimonte’s mother was a powerful ruler, and thus the lord was cordial with her [at least, he was going to be until he could take over her empire]. Euka and Zelzimonte were both instructed to learn more about their respective enemies, but became close friends.
Meanwhile, the false-angel lord marries another high ranking false-angel and has a child named Veroziel. His mother kinda just exists. She isn't important. Euka is the de-facto babysitter, and they do not like children, especially Veroziel, because Veroziel got the childhood they were supposed to have.
As Euka grew older and their demon horns + wings started to grow in, the false-angel lord tore off the wings and snapped the horns. Euka was left passed out in a pool of their own blood.
At least they have Zelzimonte. But as you’ve noticed, there is a pattern with the people Euka cares about getting hurt, so this happiness doesn’t last long. Zelzimonte got captured by nonhuman hunters (he's a prince but he's not very smart, and also false angel and demon culture both have the mindset of survival of the fittest) and so he ended up selling out Euka to save his own skin.
And that is how Euka lost their angel wings.
Euka eventually slowly got closer to Veroziel, and realized that the false-angel lord wasn't treating him very well either. Sure, Veroziel was the heir and was treated significantly better than Euka, but was still rather neglected and emotionally berated often. When Euka was around 23 (still a teen for false-angels, not adult) and Veroziel 7, Euka ran away with Veroziel. They got a stable job, friends, a babysitter….
And one day they came home to find the babysitter dead and Veroziel crying in the false-angel lord's grip. Euka was an important tool, with their emotion sensing capabilities, and their sad excuse for a father wouldn't just let him go that easily.
In order to ensure Veroziel's safety, Euka was forced to sign a magic contract that they would work for the false-angel lord. In turn, Veroziel would be unharmed.
At some point, Veroziel's mother died to illness, the false angel lord remarried. Three more children were born: Ertix and Quinceri, twins, and then Azailenne.
Euka killed the false angel lord to protect the rest of their siblings. Their stepmother, who was abused by and terrified of the false angel lord, helped them cover it up. Euka took on the new name of Avemour, the name they were meant to have, as well as their mother's last name. Euka Farlyxe was dead in the eyes of the world. The illegitimate child Avemour Succulen was 'discovered'.
In present, even Veroziel has long since forgotten Euka.
Oh and at some point Avemour fell in love with a human but when the human found out Avemour wasn't human tried to kill them because he turned out to be a nonhuman hunter.
Euka destroyed a town at one point under order of their father.
The rainbow forest is Avemour's little slice of territory. It covers the ruins of the town and centers at Aveliss' grave.
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angst-king · 5 months
Fall from Grace Chp4
(Back to Charlie's POV. CW this will contain descriptions of SA, Coersion, light S/H from panic, internalize homophobia, and purity culture)
Charlie hated her boyfriend Excalibar, there were many things she’d rather be doing than spend time with him. The only thing she liked about him was he knew how to battle, and he was a fun challenge when it came to it. Romantically he was awful, boring, annoying, always trying to beg for her attention like a puppy. Charlie didn’t hate men, she could date a man, she could find them attractive, and sure Excalibur was attractive but she wasn’t interested in him. He also sucked at his grooming habits.
Vaggie on the other hand, was perfect. She listened to her, knew her favorite snacks, could always count on her to show up at a moment's notice, had an amazing ass singing voice, and damn was she good in bed! But she couldn’t date her, no way, gross. She didn’t like women, and Vaggie was just a placeholder until Charlie could find someone better.
“Charlotte are you even listening to me?” Charlie jolted from her deep train of thought and looked over at the angel across from her.
“Yeah yeah, sorry.” Excalibur frowned and pouted at her and whined about how she wasn’t paying attention. Damn, he’s such a crybaby! She sat through him going through a temper tantrum whining and crying about how she didn’t love him, and how he wished she’d pay more attention than he brought up Vaggie.
“I better if I were your stupid lil soldier girl you’d pay attention.” “What do you mean by that?” Excalibur folded his arms over his chest and the wings from in front of his face opened.
“You know what I mean, You’d rather be with that psycho exorcist than me. You’d listen to every word she says.” “That’s not true, she’s just my guard and she knows her place.” Charlie sneered annoyedly, did he know she and Vaggie are fucking? She made sure to be careful about it. They were never loud and kept things pretty down low.
“I bet you’re banging her, why don’t you just marry her?” Scrunching her face up in disgust, pushed back.
“I’m not a fucking lesbian, Excalibar, why the hell would I fuck her? Maybe if you knew where my clit was, I’d have less to fault you for.”
“Because obviously according to you I’m not doing it well enough for you, so you’d find someone else.” “So you’d think I’d get with some chick?” “I don’t see you with any other man” Then Charlie had an idea, she wanted this conversation to be done, even the thought of having any attraction to Vaggie made her feel weird and uncomfortable. Maybe she should turn on the sweet princess act? Putting her hands behind her back as she looked up at the man before her feigning innocence.
“Excali, baby please you know I would never cheat on you, especially with someone so deranged. Sure you may not be the best at it in bed but. I do love you, and I’m sorry that I don’t show it.” Her voice softened and let herself feel smaller in front of him. Excalibur cracked a sweet forgiving smile and cupped her face with his hands.
“I love you too Charlotte, I love you a lot.” He pulled her into a kiss, she expected it to be quick but this one was deep, and she could feel him press his body to hers. He kept her close, one hand pressed to the small of her back as he kissed her passionately. Charlotte didn’t reciprocate with the same energy wondering what he was doing. Then he suddenly moved from kissing her lips down to her neck and nipped at the flesh. Charlie yelped and tried to create some distance, putting her hands on his chest.
“Ex-Excalibur what are you doing?” His tongue glided against her neck before delivering another bite.
“I’m proving to you that I can do better.” Alarm bells rang loudly in her head and she tried harder to push Excalibur off. Yet the man wouldn’t budge, no amount of pushing or fighting would move him. By now he had her on the bed, slipping off her dress and continuing to leave marks down her body. The once puppy of a man was now a wolf wanting to devour the prey beneath him. He treated her like the wolf he was. Clawing, biting, leaving marks wherever he could desperate to make it known that she was his. Charlie tried kicking him off but that only seemed to egg him on. By the time he had slipped his dick inside her, she knew he wouldn’t stop no matter how hard she tried. Slowly but surely she gave up in hopes he wouldn’t take all night. Much to her misfortune, he did. He took his time even in his animalistic frenzy, he went on for hours. Each round his thrusts grew harsher, he treated her body like a doll doing exactly what he wanted. Her tears didn’t stop him, her clawing at him did not deter him, and her pleas or yells did not end what he did.
He only stopped when he had enough, he spent the night in their bed keeping his extremities wrapped around her until morning. She hardly slept that night as she was still coming to grips with what her courting partner had done to her. With his hands remaining around her, any sudden movement made her tense up. She could feel herself losing composure but it wasn’t enough, she would allow herself to lose control, not with him around, not until she could be alone. When the sun arose and Excalibur had woken up he sweetly smiled and asked how she had slept as if what had happened the night before was all a dream. Which was what Charlie chose to convince herself of, it was all a horrible dream, he would never do that to her. He was an idiot, he wasn’t a rapist.
“I-I slept alright” She lied, Excalibur tried to pull her into a kiss but she held him away out of reflex. He looked confused at her, his bright golden eyes turned back into their puppy innocent-like state as he asked what was wrong. Charlie pulled herself under the covers while coming up with another lie.
“I-I just don’t feel good, I might go back to sleep.” “Aw that sucks, you want me to stay here?” She shook her head and found the perfect excuse.
“You have work and I can’t ask you to miss it for me, I will be fine.” “Alright, I’ll see you around my princess.” He left after changing into his day clothes leaving Charlie to finally break. She rushed into the bathroom and turned on the shower putting it on hot. She didn’t know how long she had been in there but she kept scrubbing and washing her skin even when the markings were cleaned and the dried fluids were gone. She wanted his touch off of her body. This was a horrible dream, and all of it was just some horrible dream! Nothing more! She just had to get it out of her get. Get his touch off her body, and forget!
No no no no! Shit, she was losing it, no no no! Her body trembled and sank to the floor of the shower. Pulling her knees to her chest while holding herself her body changed. Her teeth grew sharper as did her nails while they turned black. Her eyes changed from blue to red, red horns sprouted from her head, and an arrow-tipped demon tail whipped around warily.
She knew she was losing control but at least she was alone. No one would see her like this, no one would see her hyperventilating and sobbing on the floor. No one would see a filthy demon instead of the fearless and sweet princess of heaven. No one was there….
“Charlie, is everything okay?” Vaggie’s voice was closed just right outside that door! Shit no no no, stay there, you can’t come in!
“I-I’m fine Vaggie!” Charlie winced at the sound of her voice sounding shaky and strained. She sounded weak, and that made her feel sick. She hated feeling weak or powerless. It was the one thing she couldn’t stand to feel, she already felt disgusting.
“I’m coming in” “NO! No! Please don’t!” Charlie begged as she tried to shift back into her angel form. She tried to grab a towel to cover up, her heart pounding at the sound of the knob jimmying. Her mind was in shambles and overwhelmed, the tears wouldn’t stop, and she couldn’t keep from shaking. Then the door opened and Vaggie’s eyes went wide. Of course, she had seen Charlie naked before but she had never seen her demon form. It was something Charlie had done her best to keep a secret from almost everyone, the only ones who knew were her parents and Micheal. Micheal had been the one to emphasize keeping this secret, that it made her defective and impure, and no one would want to be with her!
“GET OUT!” Charlie screamed, but Vaggie was frozen staring at the princess’s demonic features. The shock had completely taken over her body, making the knightly exorcist unmoving as Charlie cried. Covering up with a towel didn’t hide much besides the claw marks and hickeys Excalibur had left. Charlie shrunk into the corner of the shower as she begged Vaggie to leave.
“GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT PLEASE GET OUT!” She demanded while her tail wrapped around her. Her nervous system shut down only reacting out of fear and stress. Her nails began to press harshly into her skin to the point blood started to drip down. Dragging them down only cut deeper drawing more of the golden liquid. Seeing this Vaggie finally snapped out of her stupor and reached to her.
“It's okay Charlie, it's okay. I’m here.” But Charlie wouldn’t let her, her voice hoarse from screaming didn’t stop her from commanding Vaggie to leave until it was almost gone. Squirming and scurrying away, pulling the towel over her like a child hiding under a blanket.
“Please leave, You shouldn’t see me like this, please, I-I can’t, I ca-can’t.” Vaggie knew Charlie wouldn’t be happy until she left but she couldn’t leave her in here like this. So pushing her way in she lifted the transformed demon girl whose wails and cries were muffled into her chest and carried her to her bedroom. Pulling out a night dress for her she set it out on the bedside and got out bandages. Charlie had gone quiet while Vaggie went around the room gathering supplies. Whimpering and holding her knees to her chest, Vaggie hated to see her princess in such distress. She made quick work of bandaging her wounds and making sure she got dressed till she left her. Once again Charlie was alone, left alone with her thoughts. She was buried under the sheets, pretending to sleep as she forced herself to calm down.
Charlie had skipped many things that day, barely moving from her spot in bed. Thankfully no one had come to bother her much, that was until there was a knock on the door.
“Who is it?” “It's your lovely uncle, Charlie~” She swallowed nervously and emerged from her hiding spot to open the door. On the other side was Micheal who wore a warm smile, sometimes it was so haunting how similar Micheal and Samael looked. They both had the same bright red rosie cheeks, pale skin, bright blue eyes, and blond hair. Micheals was just a little longer, his halo crown was silver, not gold, and his facial shape was more angular. Micheal was also taller, but that still didn’t negate their similarities. Micheal had raised her ever since her parents had left and by now she assumed they were dead due to their lack of communication.
“Oh Charlotte dear you look terrible, I heard from Vaggie that you were shaking and distressed. “ Wincing at the sound of her full name, Charlie fiddled sheepishly with her dress. By now she had been able to change into her angel form, ridding her of the demonic features and energy.
“I-it nothing un-uncle Micheal, I-I’m fine now.” She says combing her fingers through tangled hair, Micheal wasn’t buying it and had her sit down on the bed.
“Please my darling niece, no need to hide from me, I’ve practically raised you as my own, and I’m sure I’ve taught you better than that.” He picked up a hairbrush from her dresser and started gingerly brushing her hair. Charlie didn’t protest, sitting quietly as he worked.
“Did you do this?” He asked trailing his fingers along her bandaged biceps. Charlie nodded solemnly, Micheal went back to brushing her hair.
“She knows, doesn’t she? She saw you, right?” With another nod, Micheal’s energy then morphed into something sinister.
“This may be good for you, maybe then she’ll back off. She’s always so close to you, and I know she’s your guard and right-hand woman but, it's too much for a person of your status. You two are not on the same level and she should know her place. You are supposed to be a symbol of purity and we can’t have frivolous creations tainting you or outing that secret of yours.” “i-I guess, I-I mean she helped me wh-when she found me.”
“Charlotte, dear, she was doing her job. All she cares about is getting demon blood on her hands and not that I’m against going down there and obliterating any disgusting cretin I see. But she’s not stable, creations are unstable. She is nothing more than a drone who follows orders. Nothing. More. You are our lovely sweet, heavenly princess and we can’t have any stains on your pristine records.” Charlie once again nodded, not saying a word
Micheal’s wings wrapped around Charlie’s pulling her close while his arms were loose letting his hands travel around her body.
“Royalty does not mix with low ranks, and a fine princess like yourself already has a lovely courting partner who was perfectly made for you to rule with. You are above these people. You are the best, you are the first.”
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hazbinbossbrainrot · 8 months
Katerina Dust
Anika Noni Rose (speaking)
EMELINE (singing)
Meaning of the name:
Kat was (comically) named by Angel Dust given the fact that most of her appearance is, indeed, more like a cat and the name pretty much stuck until she decided to shorten it to “K.D.” once she was a little bit older
Ring: Pride (Pentagram City)
Sex: Female
Height: 7ft tall
Sexuality: Sapphic
Zodiac sign: Libra ♎️ (same as Luster)
Species: Sinner (hybrid)
<> Cat (via Husk)
<> Jumping spider (via Angel Dust)
• American; Las Vegas 🇺🇸
<> Accent: Yat (New Orleans)
• Part Russian 🇷🇺
• Italian 🇮🇹
• Drug-lord
<> Business partner of Snow Dust — on behalf of Angel — and Barbie Wire
• Band leader
<> Band name: Hybridisation
<> Stage name: Pussycat
• Exotic dancer (stripper)
Band members:
• Thunder Howler (manger)
• Luster “Ace” Dust (songwriter)
• T.J. “Starlight” of the Ars Goetia
• Sugarcane Mayday
• Candy Buckzo (AU)
• Dawn “Ducky” Morningstar
• Ivy of the Ars Goetia
Relationship type: Polyamorous
Bed type: Switch 🤭
• Her sister(s) being endangered
• Gambling
<> Not very good at it
• Walking
• Demons bullying her friends/family
• Redemption
• Popularity
• Sex
• Drinking alcohol
• Flying
• Beelzebub (idol)
• Being drunk
• Being on her phone - Sinstagram
• Drugs
• Partygoer (hardcore)
• Using her wings and tail for dancing props
• Italian culture
• Midnight flights with her violin
• RuPaul’s Drag Race 🤭
<> It’s hers and Angel’s favourite thing to watch
• Smoker
• Playing the violin in front of other people
• Drug addict
• Member of Verosika’s posse
• Competitiveness
• Popularity
• Hates the idea of redemption
• Abused (emotionally) by Verosika
<> Also a little bit of gaslighting too
• Cat mannerisms
• Deipnophobia
<> Fear of eating in front of people
<> Similar: Eating disorder
• Daddy’s girl
• Musical talents
• Weapon proficiency
• Emotional regulation
<> Plays the violin to express her mood(s)
- Mozart 40 (energised)
- Wedding Tarantella etc (Italian)
<> Bella Ciao (happy 🇮🇹)
- Hungarian Dance (dramatic)
- Bach 2 (sad)
- Waltz No. 2 (expressive)
- Vivaldi
<> Background music for when her parents are arguing (much to their annoyance 🤣)
- Jaws theme song (when Luster comes into her room)
- My Heart Will Always Go On cover (romantic)
<> Can’t Help Fallin' In Love
- Fair Tail Theme - Folk Version (jaunty)
- Pirates of The Caribbean Theme Song (for T.J. 😂)
- Sway With Me (cover)
• Flexibility
Romantic interests:
• T.J. of the Ars Goetia (RP) (OC)
• Candy Buckzo (OC)
• Sugarcane Mayday (OC)
• Verosika Mayday (one-sided)
• Aketh (RP)
• Hazbin Hotel
• The Hybridisations (band)
• Verosika Mayday’s crew
(bio) Aunt: Molly
(bio) Uncle: Arackniss
Father 1#: Husk
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Father 2#: Angel Dust
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(fraternal twin) Sister: Luster
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(surrogate) Sister: Niffty
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(surrogate) Aunt: Charlie Morningstar
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(surrogate) Aunt: Snow Dust (RP)
<> Business partners
(future) Wife: T.J. Buckzo
• Pussycat (stage name)
• Tak (anagram)
• Kat (mainly)
• Flight
• Promiscuity
• Multilingualism (anywhere from Europe)
• Agile
• High alcohol tolerance
• Musical talents
<> Singing - from both parents
<> Violist
• Observation
<> Can tell when someone has spiked her drink
Appearance and personality:
Kat, just as her name suggests, has cat-like appearance with grey fur with long wings (similar to Husk) but has white and dusty pink colours with a heart shape at the back of them. Her tail is bush same colour as her wings and same pattern.
She has very long legs for a female which also has a heart on the back of her feet (a darker get this time; same as the patterns on her arms) and her fingertips (claws?) and toes have a white patch which is the same colour as her face before stopping at the bottom of her stomach.
Despite the dark grey colour of Kat's hair, has the same/similar fluffy shape to "hairstyle" as Angel Dust
Kat, despite her entire body being cat-like, the only thing that resembles to a spider is both her six of her eyes (besides the ones she can see out of) that look like freckles and open up when incredibly angry
Similar to her sister she also has the same sclera colour as both Luster & Angel Dust whilst her left eye is normal looking with a golden greenish/yellow hue added to it
Significant markings:
Kat has dusty pink hearts (representation Angel Dust) all over her body: legs, wings, inside of her ears, chest, and tail. However she also does have lines across her wings that is a slightly darker peachy colour (much like Husk except the colour)
Reference sheet:
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Credits go to: HazbinHotelFan
Source: Pinterest
How would you describe Kat’s personality?
• Volatile
• Reckless (even worse than Angel Dust 😂)
• Influential
• Family orientated
• Protective
<> Especially with her sisters
• Hypersexual
• Alert
• Hypersensitive
• Competitive
• Hopeless romantic (formerly)
• Authoritative
• Sceptical
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void ► ALL IN-GAME CINEMATICS [HD]
YouTube · xLetalis
Nov 14, 2015
It says that Artemis sounds like Tom Cruise and he does and we say it's not him and a sudden doesn't know what mutant would be he thinks bats have more fingers and they do and we looked at it and said that we think he is possibly one of these angels this witness to Tommy f and vowed to destroy them and that's who they're fighting and that is who they are and kerrigan is known entity for being a human and she's possessed and they understand It is by a Zherg and they consider them to be animals. And they begin pursuing Tommy f and his recently last week and he saw that they were getting pummeled and top side the going after a lot of them and with their wings on it's been millennium since they were able to and they're grabbing them and they think that it's the vulture technology and things like that and it's not and take several of them to fly off with someone but that's what they're doing and Lucifer is too and that is azog and he is not comfortable with the name but it's his and he's cruising around looking for them no they're picking them up in a structured way and finding out they have a backup plan and tons of troops on hand and surprisingly enough underneath the max who are now under full blown attack by clones at their factories and they have bases there to deserts and their bases are now on your siege because of their large scale tax on the clone facilities in the deserts. And they are hitting them pretty fiercely and some say cut them in half already but they're just closed a lot of them are trained and they are shutting them down everyone in the earth is searching for these guys for the remainder and finding out that they're retreating to their ships and that's where they are and the robots are going to cover their retreat the ships are not ready to launch they don't have engines that's what some people say others say we have schematics and drawings and all the fixings for engines in these caverns and lay down areas because evidence that they are building them and more than one of them is ready a war is on and it is very big and very intense and it is here too in Charlotte county and the morllock are part of it but boy they are small and beat up and useless. And there are others who are not very big here too this is weird that they are able to hide here but it does make sense that our son would keep them around and they have to start learning that it's very obnoxious what they're saying and does not keep them around the max have their hands full. Right now I'm massive attack is underway and yeah our son can't get the question stupid thing off there we can't take it off either if you put it up in such a nuisance he's just going to copy it now he says. good he got it done I hate this program it's so stupid. It's created by one of these idiots is it okay though they get it up using that crap they always ask questions and people cuz they don't know the answers they wanted to know what controls the Zherg. Some say Artemis some say Sarah kerrigan and they're both fighting them so obviously they're not controlling them and you see a big beast it looks like an elephant and our son says that's an Indian demon which is not controlling the minor he thinks it's Gilgamesh and a lot of people do and that's what he looks like and the other one he named it's like baba mesh that's his wife and Goddess wife controls it. And they're all sorts of other hints and suggestions as to who's running them and this is a different version and it's really our son and daughter so people say but ultimately it appears that they are controlling themselves.
The max have their hands full with the clones. They are getting hit very hard and they had probably 10% of the populace as of last night and this morning I dropped to 8% and they are losing people rapidly because they're on the basis and they're losing their basis and they are losing their manufacturing of The shield bases and saucer factories. And yes it smells like s*** everywhere the water is coming back in but it's stirring it up but it will cover up the edges and it's going to clean it somewhat a little bit in salt water and about a foot came out because it left rapidly and the canals are different it's settling onto the bottom because of depressurized and it's compacting doesn't mean it won't leave it means it's just doing that and it's washing off the sides and after a few rains it will flow out because it's shallower and that's why I'm basically at the mouth it's very much blown out all that stuff so it's going to slowly go up the canal probably a month but it'll stink a little not much though not like tonight and it's probably going to be a foot and a half of compress it's probably half that it's just going to keep on doing it until it's clear
We think that the max are going to be a minority shortly they're moving their fleets into position and they are attacking the clones the clones are using tunnels however but they are going to collapse part no infiltrate lots of tunnels with ships and it'll be a real war and the max we're going to be overrun and it's because they are all heavily armed and trained and there are more of them shortly they'll see that they have ships under there too it's going to be a massive conflict I think both sides lose people find out that they have withdrawn to the ships and are trying to fit them out as fast as possible pretty soon they're going to run several plans to remove the ship up north it's a freeze out to remove the ship in the midwest is the Oblivion movie and it is devastating the max and they will attempt to move our son to Utah and that will be the clones. And he's doing a skit and Stewie terrific she wants him to look normal or something anything she says but this fat poor guy suffering for our people it's terrible. We do anticipate that they will both incur heavy losses we also feel that these are strike will occur shortly because of that feeling that they're both weak they will attack each of their facilities not just one and we did talk to zigzag and we understand why and where offering a lot of support in that we have our battle groups forming up. Is going to be a war against the max they're attempting to kidnap our son in Earnest now
Thor Freya
You need to protect him and really badly. There's a lot of acts around and we need assistance
I'm sending it a whole bunch of infiltrators now and I'm going to file a report immediately
Nuada Arrianna
The movie out and we see what we need we're sending the report now and a lot of us are and they're the quick one and it says why don't we compile it from our cadre and I'm going to put on top say it shortly actually the computer does it
Frank Castle Hardcastle
It's racist compiling it and he's right it's too voluminous and the backup is there Thor Freya have it and they see it and it is not good all our analysis points towards the max freaking out right now and we have to stop them cold we're getting it back with recommendations and his kids are at us asking what they need to do and good
He sold them calls us they say only when he's in trouble or when there's a major action and here it is and we get why and he gets it now and she does too
That was Savage opress and we're moving out right now and we appreciates it says I'm going to get a brand new Cadillac it's an operator that's terrific I do use those
Look a little odd like John Cena
Duke Nukem blockbusters
We're moving now very fast we have a lot of troops coming in we are ordering more and we do need volunteers too there's a major major move against Max and who have been our oppressor for thousands of years the whole time actually and they were and are the worst
We hear it and we're moving out and we're getting troops together to obliterate them and use the opportunity
Gu Oya and Isis and God husband
We have a lot of stuff going on but we are forming up to attack and we need to tell the max that they deserve this and they should have shut up when they had the chance and idiotic blithering has gotten rid of tons of them
Uriel and Goddess Wife
We've waited for this a long time too and I can't believe it's actually happening. These people deserve it so badly they abused society and humanity and abuse their power for thousands of years he's typing them each type of them and in the end they turn into cackling jackasses trying to blow things up well I've had enough of this they're done
Apollo and Goddess Wife
We all want to say something and he says we probably should I've had enough of these Max the reign of terror on Earth is ending
Raphael and Goddess Wife
We don't want them around don't need them in this idiot cackling and yapping crap is not needed but it sure got rid of them because it's so damned annoying I'm going to continue to get rid of them and what a bunch of losers
Position and Goddess Wife we noted that they don't have real inventors and they still keep plowing through our son's life and messing with every aspect of it and they're ridiculous credit cards teensy income and he's telling them they're not human they're so dumb and they sort of can't figure it out they say I said you're stupid for you either will and Bill are not going to work for you either cuz you don't do anything but attack their race what a bunch of candy ass losers and a sense of the last line and that's how he talks but we say is you lost sight of everything that you've ever wanted to do and now you're not going to do anything because you're all going to be dead like you should be
We have something to say too we want you all gone Max and this is our opportunity and we have to take that opportunity now we're going to send this out there's more people that want to speak but we want ours to hear it
Lobo and proxima midnight
I want to see something that this is mild my comparison to what they're going to actually be saying but it's mild because it's on my website and they don't publicize it to the max but I want you to listen to your leaders my people we want you to hear them I want no impression from these Max but the same here is true and accurate what they're saying here is truly inaccurate but what they'll say about them without them hearing is much more potent
Zues Hera
It's true we're not all speaking and we're not all saying how it is but we will now to ours we need to grab this opportunity by both hands and feet and anything else we can it's urgent we need to stop them from doing what they're doing they want to destroy everything it seems and then that's really what they're trying to have the ability to stop most of what they have started and we have to quash it as well as erase them
Thor Freya
Olympus you're a fool by Marsh and the rest of your fools you sat on his motorcycle and you're f****** around with him I heard our son say Don't look down and you start getting nervous and you said why and since your time is up and harassing me like I'm a nobody and it turns around and he's asking him and he's not answering all sudden Tommy said I think I'll figure it out for that I'm probably not and he didn't and it was about a week ago and Sitting there straining. And yes they're sitting there abusing people asking for stuff and not saying what to solve this problem sometimes not even presenting the problem and it's ridiculous we have a bunch of screaming babies and you're going away right now these are huge attacks by the clones massive massive attacks on their bases and on their factories above them and on every aspect of what they're doing they're getting completely obliterated we think that the max will be cut in half in just a few hours and more than that in a few more there are about 8% of the global population we think they're going to be down to 5% by noon and about 4% by the evening and tonight it's going to be worse than Zherg will strike because they're going to be hot and trying to do things to people and we're prepping several genre
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pxntedwxngs-blog · 6 years
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As much as she’d like to pretend she’s fine; that she’s not holed up in her room crying her eyes out, it’s near impossible to hold her phone, nevertheless keep up a happy chat conversation. Poor Charlotte; have you always been such a mess when you’re alone?
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
spoiled Mirabel au
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Her glasses are made out of the jade from her papa's tio's vision tablets and perfectly made to fit her face and made not to annoy her.
her necklace and bracelets are made of real gold
shirt, gloves, and bed sheets are made with mulberry silk(which is the most important silk)
you know, all the best for the precious Mirabel
It's kind of ironic that Isabela is trying to be friends with Mirabel because Mira could have sworn Isabela ignored her after her ceremony. Isabela is trying to be friends with her for attention not because she feels bad or even realizes what she did.
The townspeople already know what she's trying to do and they shut that down real quick
Mirabel's birthday parties are always the talk of the town, not the other madrigal's birthdays.
Her birthdays are always the best thing happening in the village and they always come up with new things for her to do so she doesn't get bored
The town started spoiling her after her ceremony. Alma had snapped at her saying "stop pestering your familia with your childish needs" and that caused her to run and hide in an alleyway crying. A couple saw her and asked her what had happened, her little sad face made them nearly buy everything in the village for her. The other villagers noticed this and followed suit
Her kindness and generosity are what make people give her things
Just think of Charlotte from the princess and the frog mixed with her canon personality
she's sweet and spoiled
they don't pressure her into being perfect or elegant they just let her be her
which is why she's sometimes always covered in dirt. She tries her best not to get any of her dresses dirty because her seamstress mama(Aliana Vergara) works hard on them so she tries to be considerate
If she does end up making some clothes dirty she will help Aliana in her shop even though Ali insists she doesn't need to. Plus Mira will handwash the clothes herself(if Bruno doesn't step in and do it for her)
She has about 50 mamas and papas for obvious reasons. She also was gifted with lots of siblings as well. They have no issues with each other because Mirabel makes sure everybody gets attention, not just her.
she is taught morals and values like any other child should be taught
she rarely does anything bad. The only bad thing she'll ever do is still a cookie from the cookie jar when she wasn't supposed to and she'll just end up confessing anyway.
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I couldn't resist the puffs
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first of he does not wear shoes he's a wild boy
Antonio asked Mirabel if she could make him a halo and some Angel wings when he was 4 because he loved that people adored him and he wanted more adoration
Mira couldn't say no and she made him the halo and wings. And as he knew would happen people adored him more.
he's very sweet and kind like his older sister but very stubborn and well you know...spoiled
But when he receives a gift he always likes to pay it back somehow. Either he'll repay you in work or a gift. He's pretty lazy so he'll mostly do gifts
You can't refuse the gift even if you try you get hit with this
"No, you deserve this gift, you gave me one and I give you one it's fair all around and I WON'T take no for an answer," he says confidently with a handmade stuffed bunny in his hand. You can't say no
His baker mama (Esmerelda Castillo) loves giving him(and Mirabel) free food. Whenever he walks into the shop he can just go behind the glass case and grab a cookie. Let one of the older madrigals try that...
He likes baking and cooking with her and her three kids.
Like his sister, he gets hurt a lot which really stresses out some of the villagers but he always ends up ok.
He loves helping his sister with events. They will go all out for birthday parties, quinceanera's, quinceanero's, holiday parties, and weddings.
Townspeople info
overtime they realized what kind of people the madrigals are and they don't really mess with them like that anymore.
let one of the madrigals try and hurt either of their two babies/siblings physically or verbally. they're going to have a world full of physical or emotional pain and hopefully not both
Once Isabela said something mean to Mirabel and she nearly had the whole town on her ready to emotionally hurt and/or fight her.
You should have seen her face when people of all ages kept walking up to her and cussing her out or downright ignoring her.
Not even an hour after she walked out of the house she ran back home with tears streaming down her eyes.
Alma was outraged she went into the town square and ordered the people who "disrespected" Isabela to come forward and apologize. The only thing she got was -
"teach your granddaughter some manners and then we'll talk"
"Why should we apologize to a brat?"
"the only one who should do the apologizing is her"
"Mirabel didn't deserve that"
Bruno took it upon himself to tell Alma what happened
Alma proclaimed that Mirabel was only lying to get attention. Mirabel was only seven why would she lie about that? The villagers + Bruno aren't that stupid Mirabel was straight up bawling her eyes out about what she said. She could barely breathe.
Dolores didn't hear the fight because she didn't listen in on it. What she did hear was people spreading rumors about Isabela and cussing her out.
Nobody talks to Isabela anymore. Until the villagers hear Mirabel say that she apologized and she was actually sorry for it they won't even acknowledge her.
Mirabel tried to say that she apologized because she didn't want her sister in trouble but everybody can tell when she was lying.
The madrigal dinner was really quiet that night and Mirabel wanted to shrink in her seat. Her papa had to reassure her that he wouldn't let Alma say anything. If Alma was to even open her mouth to say something that seemed to come for Mirabel Bruno shot her a death glare
Julieta didn't notice because she was busy thinking about what to cook the next day and Agustin was confused about what was happening.
So yeah if I can think of any snippets I will write them. They'll mostly evolve how the villagers stopped talking to the madrigals one by one.
At least the town is. Standing up to the Madrigals, because none of the others will 💀💀 Glad they saw how mean Isa was too. I'm honestly surprised it took them so long. Anyway, I think this au is nice! Love it when the town adores Mirabel <33
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