#✿⇝ { Headcanons } —  ❝ Inadmissable Evidence! ❞
wise-innocence · 3 months
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Database Entry - [Living in the Moment]
I’ve been thinking of HSR Yanfei’s inability to live in the moment, which is (almost) entirely due to the equilibrium’s influence in her life. The knowledge that the universe will continue to spiral towards a perfect net zero, no matter what she or anyone else does, has a poor effect on what she deems as important. This kind of thinking dances dangerously close to nihility but I think it has more to do with knowing that any ‘extremes’ will be balanced rather than amount to nothing.
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Big emphasis on 'obsession' here: because that's precisely what it is. HooH mission has little care for what insignificant things mortals fret over, including the Arbitrators. Emanators or not, their actions have little effect on what HooH aims to achieve in the long run but (in Yanfei's case) there is an elated sense of justice and importance. She's convinced that her role in all of this is vital and that has in turn skewed her sense of what truly matters. Not love, not friendship, just equilibrium.
That mindset has left her a little detached from the present, always looking in the future at the grand scheme of things which, as you can imagine, isn’t too helpful in forming meaningful connections with people. There is this sense of loneliness that she tries to fill because, emanator or not, there's still that craving of genuine bonds with others -- even if she claims that equilibrium matters more.
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yandere-toons · 2 years
Can I have some platonic and romantic hcs for Saul Goodman please please pretty pleassseee I'm famished
Yandere Saul Goodman | Jimmy McGill (Platonic & Romantic Headcanons)
Warnings: gross miscarriage of justice, psychological manipulation, toxic mindset.
A.N. – Not what I was expecting, but here we go!
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Getting served is no cause for concern when Saul Goodman is here, or so he says. Hours after the summons arrives in the mail, Saul hears about the upcoming trial either through his job at the public defender's office or Kim at Hamlin, Hamlin & McGill.
Prepare for the phone to ring as Saul valiantly offers his legal services at a marked discount. Even if the workload and paperwork are too much for him to comfortably handle on his own, he refuses to share the case with any other law firm. Kim is inclined to help him before the two of them are estranged, and she voices her worries about Saul staying awake all night to rehearse his arguments and counter-arguments.
If jail time is involved, Saul tries his best to get the case thrown out on the slightest technicality. He badgers the prosecution outside of the courtroom so that, in court when tempers are still hot, he can argue a kangaroo court or get the prosecutor charged with contempt of court.
If he finds himself representing the opposing side, Saul has some hesitation in devoting himself to the case. His interest in another victory on his rap sheet ultimately convinces him to fight the case as he would any other. After the court proceedings, he makes a point of saying that it is not personal and hopes that it will not be held against him later in the relationship.
The threat of being disbarred prevents Saul from doing anything violent, but it does not stop his flamboyant tendencies in the courtroom. He delivers charismatic speeches in favour of the defendant as often as possible, tests the line between conman and lawyer, and does anything he can to sew seeds of doubt in the prosecution and their narrative.
Saul believes that proving himself to be a loyal companion is worth the risk, not to mention the fact that he expects lots of gratitude and favours for doing so.
Saul is less concerned with innocence versus guilt once he is accepted as the recurring attorney. He cares more about running scams to win the case or get it dismissed, such as digging up dirt on opposing witnesses to ruin the integrity of their testimony in the cross-examination.
Another method of his is to go after the prosecution's evidence and find any reason why it should be considered inadmissible. A common strategy is for Saul to argue that the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution or any other amendment has been violated, as his entire defence is done with the intent of getting the charges dropped.
In the event of an arrest, Saul bullies the police officers who he finds entering the interrogation room before he does. He gives strict instructions to not speak unless he is in the room and has approved the exact words. After the initial interrogation, Saul fights to whittle down the charges or get the case dismissed entirely by schmoozing or bargaining with a district attorney.
From the back of Day Spa and Nail, Saul waits in his office for the call that says he landed the case. There are few limits to what he will do to win this case. The lengths to which he will go include starting a fake business to prove good character and changing the address on legal papers to make it look like the prosecution has accused the wrong person.
Having a clean record or at least no immediate charges means that Saul will ingratiate himself with friends and family. For example, a cousin with a drug problem or minor legal trouble is an easy target for Saul to represent and get into the good graces of the same social circle.
Saul wants to be seen as a good lawyer, but his understanding of what he wants from interpersonal relationships is more skewed. The first time he mentions the idea of a dinner date or an outing together is when he allows himself to be the real Jimmy, not the confident and meticulous lawyer.
Although Slippin' Jimmy is a persona that Jimmy wishes to leave behind, he still wants to be seen as fun and engaging. He accomplishes this by offering drinks and late-night TV marathons at whichever house or apartment he happens to be living.
However, Jimmy is prone to lying about his whereabouts the next day and arranging another meetup under false pretences. He claims that he was merely thinking about how much he enjoyed the previous meeting when, in reality, it is a poorly concealed plea to not be alone for the night again.
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anemoi-i · 3 years
what’s ur opinion on kristoph and phoenix’s relationship over the seven year gap? i see so many different interpretations of it!! (personally i agree with krisnix because i think it benefits the plot the most, i wish dead dove writers would keep their hands off of it though :( )
Many AA fans dislike Krisnix because of the portrayal dead dove writers bring to the table. They turn the ship into something that's abusive, toxic, and wholly inhumane, and it's also for that reason many are wary of Krisnix shippers in like... general. It doesn't help that dead dove writers take Kristoph and write him like garbage, worsening his character. I could go on and on, but you probably get the point. I'm just going to get one thing out of the way: I don't actively seek out Krisnix content. I myself am wary of people who ship it for the reasons above, and I do not condone the abusive and toxic nature the ship can yield. I don't even read fanfiction involving Kristoph unless it is from mutuals who's writing I have read before and I trust.
The thing is, Phoenix and Kristoph's relationship is interesting, and there should have been more to it. Think about it: you had Phoenix, who was so desperate to take Kristoph down he gave Apollo falsified evidence which would have ended his career right then and there if Kristoph pointed out that evidence was fake (but he couldn't because it would call his authenticity into question) like he wanted to and not only that, he was only able to bring down Kristoph with circumstantial evidence and a run-of-the-mill jury. Kristoph didn't admit to anything. He was that conniving and ruthless that he couldn't even be taken down with concrete evidence (even if it was available, but inadmissable).
My main headcanon about this ship lies in a paranoia Kristoph developed when he did the deed and forged his evidence. It stemmed from many things, from Klavier piecing things together over the years and figuring out Kristoph manipulated him, to Phoenix realizing close to the equivalent (because there's no way Klavier, a 17 year old kid is out to get him for no reason, so there must be a mastermind) which he basically does.
So... Kristoph sticks around. He pretends to be a friend to Phoenix, someone that comforts him when he needs it most, but it is all a lie. Kristoph is skilled in masking his emotions. He is skilled in pretending to be caring or loving. When Phoenix wonders who could have taken his beloved career away, Kristoph hugs him and grins like the devil where Phoenix can't see because he thinks he's won and all he has to do is wait until Misham dies and his plan is complete, and no one will be able to cross him. This pathetic-former attorney named Phoenix Wright is taking comfort in the very man that took pleasure in ripping away his attorney's badge, and there's a carefully scripted play in that.
But Kristoph underestimated Phoenix, because Phoenix Wright is the kind of man to know when someone isn't smiling with their eyes, and he not once felt that Kristoph's care was genuine no matter how much he wanted to believe in Kristoph. Even under the walls Miles put up, he still was able to sense compassion in him. He learned from Dahlia's deception. He would never let himself be manipulated like that again, so Phoenix pretends to be the naive fool because he knows Kristoph wants that, and why not give the man a show?
The thing is, though, Kristoph Gavin made Phoenix Wright feel something he didn't even think he felt with Dahlia despite what she did to him, and what she tried to do to his closest friend: hate. I can't imagine Phoenix to say that he hates someone, but when Kristoph came into the picture, it was the first time he admitted he hated someone, because how dare this man come out of nowhere with his malevolence just because he didn't like the way Phoenix did things? How dare he, indeed? It messes Phoenix up, but he isn't alone. He has Trucy and Miles, and Trucy's whole existence is why Phoenix hasn't and would never give up worth a damn. We know the rest. Phoenix spends seven years collecting evidence to take Kristoph down.
In those seven years, Kristoph acted like a friend.
In those seven years, Phoenix pretended to accept his friendship.
Until it was time to break it off.
Kristoph lost, yes, but he did win in one thing.
Making Phoenix Wright feel hate. Making him feel an insatiable rage that he hides deep within, because no one should see that side of him, not Miles, not Apollo, who he needed to pull away from Kristoph, not Klavier, who he never blamed for anything and would take care of, and not even towards himself... because he hates that he knows that he has that side.
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Okay, how about a hacker Chen yuzhi & detective Jiang yuelou? A modern au of course. Any headcanons for this one?
(Do this when you are not busy)
(I'm into hackers today💀 and your TDJ headcanon inspired for me to ask this one)
Oho! Fun fun fun
Chen Yuzhi had always been good with coding and computers. Even though his parents wanted him to study medicine, he preferred computer science. And it was still a "science" in his parents eyes, so they allowed him to study it
For funsies, Chen Yuzhi sometimes liked to hack into different companies networks and servers using back doors, just to see what sort of thing they were searching or working on
He also liked to hack into different police organizations, just to see how good their computer security systems were. The answer? Not very. It didn't take him very long before he was in the system and was able to look at all sorts of classified data that he definitely wasn't supposed to be looking at
As he went through a few of the different cases, he notices that for a few of the cases, the evidence and what's written in the report doesn't match up so he goes to find other cases written by the same detective and realizes that a lot of the cases that he's written reports for have...things that don't match up
So he quickly complies all the reports into one big files then searches the police website for the person in charge and comes across "Chief Jiang Yuelou" and his email. So Chen Yuzhi quickly creates a throw away email account that can't be traced to him before emailing Jiang Yuelou with the evidence of the dirty cop
When Jiang Yuelou receives the email, he's a little confused as to how this person got all these confidential files but as he's reading through the file and noticing the markings that Chen Yuzhi made, he realizes that the anonymous person is right and there's a problem with the different cases
Jiang Yuelou quickly pulls the cases and reopens them, making sure that new investigators look at them and they soon find out that the cop that Chen Yuzhi had pointed out to him really was a dirty detective and falsifying evidence and reports
The detective is fired immediately and all the cases he worked on were reworked so that the police station doesn't lose its reputation. Jiang Yuelou then emails Chen Yuzhi back and thanks him for telling him about the dirty detective
Chen Yuzhi is a little proud that his hacking skills were helpful but he wants to tease Jiang Yuelou a little bit and is like...you should really up your firewall because I got into your system way too easily
Jiang Yuelou is a little annoyed by that but he does what Chen Yuzhi tells him to do and ups the security on their network so that no more hackers can get in. Jokes on them though because Chen Yuzhi is still able to hack their system
Chen Yuzhi helps Jiang Yuelou with cases whenever the detective emails his throw away email and is like...I don't know if you can find this thing but it would be really helpful for us if you could
Chen Yuzhi is more than happy to lend a hand and because of his help, Jiang Yuelou actually solves a lot of cases (of course Chen Yuzhi just sort of guides him in the right direction, Jiang Yuelou can't use him in cases or everything he does would be inadmissible)
Then one day a kid goes missing. The police station is losing their shit and they're trying to find her but they have no leads and their computer department is swamped so Jiang Yuelou hops on the email and emails Chen Yuzhi for help
Chen Yuzhi is on it immediately, hacking CCTV cameras in the area where the girl was taken, playing them back to figure out who took her, where, and if there was a license plate he could find
After searching for over an hour, he finally finds something, and gets a plate. He then hacks into the police's computer department and uses their equipment and technology to figure out where that license plate was going
He then grabs his phone and calls Jiang Yuelou's phone number, telling him where the car is going. Jiang Yuelou doesn't waste any time barking out orders to stop that car and save the girl. Before Jiang Yuelou can thank Chen Yuzhi, Chen Yuzhi has already hung up and is taking a taxi to the scene
When Chen Yuzhi arrives and gets out of the taxi, he quietly slips through the crowd that gathered to see the criminal get arrested for kidnapping a child and as he watches as the kid, it's a girl, gets led to the ambulance, he realizes that the girl is his little sister Keying
His eyes widen and he pushes his way through the crowd, going under the police tape and running towards the ambulance, only to be stopped by police officers. He fights against them, screaming that the girl is his sister but they don't believe him, not until Jiang Yuelou walks over to them and tells them to let him go
The officers let Chen Yuzhi go as he runs over to Keying and hugs her tightly, both siblings crying as they hold each other. Jiang Yuelou watches for a moment before he walks over to them and places his hands on his hips
"So you're the mysterious hacker who sent me those files that day"
Chen Yuzhi sniffles and wipes his eyes before he looks over at Jiang Yuelou
Jiang Yuelou huffs before he reaches out and takes Chen Yuzhi face in his hand, moving his head left and right before he smirks and releases Chen Yuzhi's face
"You're not exactly what I was expecting"
Chen Yuzhi huffs as he gently pets Keying's hair as she leans against him
"What were you expecting?"
"Not a handsome young man, that's for sure"
Chen Yuzhi blushes, just as the EMT says that they need to take Keying to the hospital, just to do a quick check up. Chen Yuzhi is reluctant to let Keying go, but he knows that its for the best so he lets her go while he steps back over to Jiang Yuelou, both men watching as the ambulance drives off
Jiang Yuelou then looks over at Chen Yuzhi and offers him a ride to the hospital, which Chen Yuzhi accepts gratefully. When they arrive, they both sit in the waiting room before Jiang Yuelou looks over at Chen Yuzhi
"Thank you"
Chen Yuzhi looks back at him and raises an eyebrow
"For what?"
Jiang Yuelou smiles
"For everything. You're the reason cases get solved and you're the reason your sister was saved"
Chen Yuzhi blushes before he nudges Jiang Yuelou
"It's not just me. I have a pretty good partner"
Jiang Yuelou smiles just as Keying comes out of her check-up, running over to them. Chen Yuzhi scoops her into his arms and gives her a hug as Jiang Yuelou smiles at them
He then bids them goodbye, not before turning to look at Chen Yuzhi, smirking
"Make sure to keep your phone on in case I need something hacked"
Chen Yuzhi laughs and nods, smiling at him
"Of course, Chief Jiang"
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slowpokecrossing · 4 years
Headcanon time: the Ace Attorney world has a popular Ace Attorney style game series where all the cases are clear cut and take weeks to months to finish, and if a lawyer gets caught involving themself in the investigation the case is ruled a mistrial and the evidence is deemed inadmissable
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wise-innocence · 3 months
This will probably never end up super relevant in a thread, it's important to note that HSR Yanfei is not human. The same way the Vidyadhara and Foxians are humanoid species, it's a similar situation with the Xiezhi. There are a few biological things I want to play around with compared to other species (Her having lots of scales, the antlers ofc, fangs, longer tongue, blah blah) but also like how it affects her very nature. I mentioned female Xiezhi primarily being hunters in their culture over here and I think it could play into how watchful she is in this verse, kind of eyeing people down like they're prey (on accident lol) . I'm losing my train of thought but I might write something proper about this another day :>
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wise-innocence · 3 months
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Miscellaneous Verse Differences -
This is just a small collection of things that are fundamentally different between Gnsn Yanfei and Hsr Yanfei because they do have a good amount of differences. This is list is non exhaustive (because it would never end lol)
Gnsn: Friendly, Outgoing, Playful, Charismatic, Professional
Hsr: Reserved, Calculated, Idiosyncratic, Steadfast, Curious
They both grew up similarly but having different expectations in their latter years, they (unfortunately) branched off into different personas. There are a good amount of similarities too but just as someone outside looking in – this is what you'd gather. Hsr Yanfei does have most of the other traits but it'll take a stronger connection to see them.
Moral Code:
Gnsn Yanfei is pretty stagnant when it comes to being the standard "outstanding citizen". She's also a legal advisor so you can expect that there are certain morals and virtues that she upholds but the line is a bit blurry for the hsr verse. The main goal with the equilibrium is balance by any means possible – even if achieving it can be controversial. As an Arbitrator, there are things that she has to do in order to uphold equilibrium, whether she finds it morally correct or not.
Being a long-life species:
For once, Gnsn Yanfei is not taking the crown: Watching the people around her die is really the only thing that causes her immense turmoil. She is aging slower than most of her friends and she has not come to fully accept that she will watch them die. Hsr Yanfei... does not care nearly as much. Growing up on the Loufu, with a handful of other long-life species, the idea of death isn't nearly as alarming. Her species' (The Xiezhi) partial immortality is not a gift granted by Aeon Yaoshi so she not concerned about becoming Mara struck either.
I've discussion what Gnsn Yanfei can and cannot do briefly but to put it simply – she's not powerful. A little self healing (thank you illuminated beast blood) and a vision is all she's got going for her. She can hold her own in a fight for the most part but is in no way considered a strong foe. She does much better in a duo than on her own.
Exact opposite issue in the other verse. We know that emanators are obscenely strong, it just comes with the role. It's rare that she actually gets into physical altercations (a lot of her abilities are tied to mental attacks) but she could 100% take someone out of the game.
Regarding the Law:
Gnsn Yanfei practices law for the love of the craft and wanting to improve the lives of the people around her – Hsr Yanfei does it for the credits now. Before becoming an Emanator, there was likely more love involved in it but currently it serves to keep the lights on and keep people from eyeing her suspiciously. It's easier to say that you're a "Travelling Lawyer" than one of HooH pawns here to survey your planet for bullshit.
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wise-innocence · 5 months
Hmmm... Yanfei doesn't really tell people that she likes them just kind of stares longingly and hope the message gets across. Smartest girl around but has the emotional intelligence of a slice of bread.
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wise-innocence · 2 years
Fun fact: Xiezhi were extremely intelligent beings that would be tasked with judging right from wrong and lies from truth. After instinctively knowing who the deceiver of the situation was, they would ram their horn into the guilty person and eat them. Obviously, this isn’t exactly allowed in court anymore but Yanfei does occasionally headbutt friends and lovers as a show of affection. 
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wise-innocence · 2 years
CHARACTER STUDY. 𝑇𝑅𝐴𝐼𝑇𝑆 & 𝐶𝐻𝐴𝑅𝐴𝐶𝑇𝐸𝑅𝐼𝑆𝑇𝐼𝐶𝑆 bold = applies to your muse italics = sometimes applies
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EYES:   blue | green | blue-green | brown | hazel | gray | gray-blue | HAIR:   blond | sandy | brown | black | auburn | ginger | grey / white | multi-color | other (salmon pink? peach?) BODY  TYPE:   skinny | slender | slim | built | curvy | athletic | average | muscular | pudgy | overweight SKIN:   pale | light | fair | freckled | tan | olive | medium | dark | discolored GENDER:   male | female | trans | cis | agender | demigender | genderfluid | other | doesn’t like labels | SEXUALITY:   heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | other | unsure | doesn’t like labels ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION:   homoromantic | heteroromantic | biromantic | panromantic | aromantic | demiromantic | unsure | doesn’t like labels
EDUCATION:   high school | college | university | master’s degree | PhD | other  I’VE  BEEN:   in love | hurt | ill | mentally abused | bullied | physically abused | tortured | brainwashed | shot POSITIVE  TRAITS:   affectionate | adventurous | athletic | brave | careful | charming | confident | creative | cunning | determined | forgiving | generous | honest | humorous | intelligent | loyal | modest | patient | selfless | polite | down-to-earth | diligent | romantic | moral | fun-loving | charismatic | calm NEGATIVE  TRAITS:   aggressive | bossy | cynical | envious | shy | fearful | greedy | gullible | jealous | impatient | impulsive | cocky | reckless | insecure | irresponsible | mistrustful | paranoid | possessive | sarcastic | self-conscious | selfish | swears | unstable | clumsy | rebellious | emotional | vengeful | anxious | self-sabotaging | moody | peevish | angry | pessimistic | slacker | thin skinned | overly dramatic  | argumentative
LIVING  SITUATION: lives alone | lives with parent(s) / guardian (Madame Ping lives with her) | lives with significant other | lives with a friend | drifter | homeless | lives with children | other  PARENTS  /  GUARDIANS:   mother | father | adoptive | foster | grandmother | grandfather SIBLING(S):   sisters | brothers | none :( | other RELATIONSHIP:   single | crushing | dating | engaged | married | separated | it’s complicated | depends on the verse
I  HAVE  A(N):   learning disorder | personality disorder (BPD) | mental / mood disorder | anxiety disorder | sleep disorder | eating disorder | behavioral disorder (ADHD) | substance-related disorder | PTSD  | mental disability | physical disability THINGS  I’VE  DONE  BEFORE:   had alcohol | smoked | stolen | done drugs | self-harmed | starved | had sex | had a threesome | had a one-night stand | gotten into a fist fight | gone to hospital | gone to jail (to get someone out lmao) | used a fake ID | played hooky | gone to a rave | killed someone | had someone try to kill them
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wise-innocence · 2 years
Yanfei’s hair has a very subtle pink to white ombre, but when she was born her hair was fully white. The peach color started to come in after a few years though.
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wise-innocence · 2 years
Body Headcanon update except I'm just telling you that she has a lot more scales than presented in-game. So including what her model suggests (Rib cage, back of hands, and lower leg), My Yanfei will also have clusters of scales on her just below her collarbone, shoulder blades, hips, and lower back :>
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wise-innocence · 2 years
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"My mother used to call me her Orchid. Sometimes Little Rose or Buttercup..."
The smell of freshly brewed tea wafted through the air along with what seemed to be a pastry of sorts. Yanfei had never been the best baker; nor was her mother but here she was making a mess of sugar and flour. Perhaps to prove something to herself.
"I used to think it was the most embarrassing thing in the universe-- I mean, I already spent most of my afternoons in the shop making bouquets for customers while other kids got to run around until nightfall..." Not that she wanted to chase seelies or try to catch frogs with her peers. Never, she was far too mature for things like that. At least that's what all the adults praised her for. She still didn't know if that was a compliment or not (It didn't feel like one).
Yanfei could only shake her head. "But when I asked her why she only referred to me as these odd names, she told me that hope bloomed where the flowers grew and that I needed to blossom to be that hope for other people." Had she done a good job yet? Fulfilled the roles that were never her own?
She'd search every corner of this world and the next for her mother's love. For even an ounce of approval that her hard work has amount to something her mother would be proud of. Even if it meant abandoning her own ambitions and goals.
Even if it meant she'd never be more than a flower bud.
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wise-innocence · 3 years
Welcome to me speedrunning everything you need to know about Yanfei's parents! Let's begin! (This ended up so much longer than I expected whoops)
Let's start from the beginning! Her father’s name is Yanhuang, an adeptus who faithfully campaigned under Rex Lapis throughout the archon war and the years following it. Madam Ping referred to him as more solemn that his eccentric daughter, so I will discuss him as such. Due to his quiet nature and standoffish personality, it’s not surprising that many of the other Adepti never knew him beyond surface level acquaintances. Madame Ping was one of the only exceptions to this since she looked after him like the child she never had. Plus, after witnessing the loss of many innocent lives during the war, it was even harder to connect with the man. Most of his duties were carried out alone in a very mechanically cycle. He wasn’t as notable as some of the other Adepti (one reason he doesn’t have a sacred name like Moon Carver, Fortune Preserver, etc.) so a lot of his spare time was spent mingling with mortals. Unlike some of his colleagues, Yanhuang never felt more superior than humans and often offered his assistance for mundane tasks that others felt unworthy of their skills. People came to know him as a man of few words who wouldn’t hesitate to be of service and refused to be compensated; almost like some weird traveler. He would pick up odd jobs under different businesses just to get a feel for life outside of a war, his longest held position working with an old inventor who would have him deliver goods throughout Liyue. 
It was on one of these deliveries that he would met Xinyi who had him awestruck from day one; she was kind, outgoing, beautiful-- everything that he wasn’t. Their first encounter was... awkward to say the least. She talked more than anyone that he had dropped off orders to before and he couldn’t even find the words to respond so he sort of... thrusted the box into her hands and left (don’t remind him of this-- it already haunts him). Obviously this wasn’t the best response but who was he to even be in her presence? Over the course of the next few months he would learn more about her-- Xinyi was the best florist in Teyvat (self-proclaimed), how she was the town’s beauty, her strong interest in fairness between mortals and gods, how she read stories to the children. He recognized that there was no way he had a chance with her... until he did. She fell in love with him nonetheless and you’d rarely find the two separated (even though he often trailed behind her like some lovesick puppy-). Madame Ping affectionately referred to them as “The Sun and her Moon” and it’s a pretty accurate description. Xinyi welcomed him into her life with open arms and Yanhuang was determined to protect her from the curses of this world.
When faced with the idea of marriage, they were borderline anxious to ask Rex Lapis because role in this life before anything else was to protect Liyue. It took months to work up the courage to discuss the matter with their god so it was a surprise when their worries were for nothing. I firmly believe that Rex Lapis was pleased with the idea of Yanhuang getting married and starting a family as he knew that their child would flourish in the era of peace. We know that he also contributed to their wedding gift which I’m almost positive is Yanfei’s beloved steelyard balance. After their wedding (which was attended by Xinyi’s family, Madame Ping, and Rex Lapis respectively) they returned to her small village in Lisha and had their only child, Yanfei. Something to note is that the first person that they would introduce Yanfei to was Rex Lapis as a sign of gratitude and appreciation.
It noted in her Character Story 2 that she grew up surrounded by love which anyone could attest to. From an early age her parents wanted to teach her all this world had to offer though they took different approaches to doing so. Originally, Yanhuang wanted to train her in the basics of fighting so she’d be able to protect herself when he wasn’t around but she didn’t pick it up as naturally as he hoped. For one: Yanfei’s adeptal energy was weaker than most “halflings” and even struggled with the simplest task of constructing a subspace (otherwise known as a teapot). Secondly, he quickly found that her interests were within books opposed to weapons so he’d help fuel her curiosity instead. He bought her more novels that a child would ever need and encouraged her explore (While keeping a watchful eye of course-- she could wander freely but he was never too far behind. Admittedly his overbearing nature stemmed from undiagnosed PTSD and anxiety from war which made him extremely protective over his family). He’d often tell her stories and legends about the past which is why she’s a big fan of history. I forgot to mention it but her father was kind of a nerd and really enjoyed his position working with that inventor. It lead him to be extremely knowledgeable about the inner workings of lots of machinery and passed that interest down to his daughter. Yanfei actually has a shelve fully of junk collectibles that’s she’s picked up from exploring/trading/importing. Ask her about them sometimes, she’d happy to talk about some of these relics.
Xinyi, on the otherhand, was determined to raise her daughter with a good moral foundations. She would constantly explain to Yanfei the importance of fairness in their society while making flower arrangements for weddings, funerals, etc. It was also important to ensure that Yanfei was aware of all the blessings in this world and to respect the gods (although now she does have her own beliefs about certain gods). Yanfei resembles her father more than her mother but my god she inherited all of her mother’s personality traits-- good and bad. She was a sweetheart but was also hotheaded and stubborn, driven equally by logic and emotions. Xinyi often looked at Yanfei as a vessel for all of her own ambitions and embraced her child as a blessing from the gods. This random but she rarely called Yanfei by name but would come up with flowers names on the spot instead-- “Little Rose”, “My Sunflower”, “Buttercup”. 
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wise-innocence · 3 years
This is the only suggestive thing you’re ever getting out of me, just something I felt like mentioning.
Although Yanfei is a deeply emotional person, sex has never been something she’s seen as a very emotional thing. Of course she recognizes it as an intimate act but she doesn’t view it as something that strictly comes after a deep connection. That being said... One night stands/“hookup culture”/Friends with benefits (whatever you want to call it) is something she’d partake in freely with a guilt-free conscious. Obviously this doesn’t apply when she’s in a committed relationship though.
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wise-innocence · 3 years
I've only talked about Yanfei's parents briefly but I can best compare them to Ponyo's parents: (1) Goddess of a woman that everyone finds beautiful inside and out + (1) Man who looks like he hasn't slept in weeks and says about three sentences a day
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