#✿ i only want to maim you not kill u
TW: self-deprecating??, harrassment, stalker, yandere struggles, (I think that’s it?)
I can’t imagine the hell that it would be of having a yandere that is 100x out of your league. Like just imagine being a normal ass joe, nothing going on in life, no big group of friends, no exciting qualities, nothing to offer ANYONE. And here comes this god like figure- waltzing or barging into your shameful life and going “I am entranced by you, so deeply and utterly enraptured that you haunt every aspect of my existence. I have killed and maimed for you… allowing me to be yours is the only thing I wish for. The only thing I desire. Please, please just allow me to bask in your presence for the rest of my life..”
I’m getting mad just thinking about it, like how would someone even respond to that!? They let themselves into your shitty apartment (with a spare key they finessed from your landlord) they have the GALL to sit on your bed after being caught shamelessly snuggling under the covers, all model like?? Telling them that you’ll call the cops so that they leave but knowing in your heart that the police would arrest YOU before they accuse someone as godly as THEM! of course this doesn’t faze them. Though the sadness on their face is evident. Somehow you get them to leave and think that will be it for forever…
Until now you can see them clearly, everywhere you go. If you go to a coffee shop they’ll arrive 2 minutes after you and just sit across from you as long as your there. Your best bet is ignoring them because if you tell a worker of this person “harassing” you then you’ll just get a “really bitch??” Look and told to not disturb THEM! They even walk right next to you on the sidewalk, other people simply stopping to stare at their beauty and aura while you just grit your teeth and try to walk faster. Some brave ones stop them to ask for their number or if their single, only for them to wrap an arm around your own and tell them that their dating you. They are OBVIOUSLY with YOU. So why the FUCK is this trash asking dumb questions?? It gives you second hand embarrassment and your self esteem goes in the shitter when others just give that disbelief look and reluctantly leave it at that. If you try and buy anything they will just whip out their black card and pay for it instead nor matter your protests. If you say something like “hey don’t spend money! I can buy my own things!” They look you straight in the face with zero hesitation and just go “I know you can, but I want to spend money on you. All my money is YOURS. You are still using YOUR money.” Bro at this point I’ll make them take me to the Gucci store or sum.
Someone that is the EPITOME of peak human desire. An irresistible face and body, black cards in their pockets, mansions, sports cars, high paying job and famous people for “friends”. They are what hustle culture people DREAM to be, so why would they be interested in you? Why do they act like you’re the one doing THEM a favor by just existing? Why do they look at you so lovingly when masses stare at them with the same look? Why get so jealous and overprotective when you show basic human decency to others? As if you were some Hot shot movie star!
And the worst part is, when they do creepy gross stalker shit it doesn’t even seem like they are the one being weird. If you bother entertaining them at a cafe and leave for the bathroom, you’ll most likely come back to them with your used spoon in they mouth.
Btw no one is how I portray reader in this lil scenario. EVERYONE is exceptional and wonderful and beautiful In their own way! Just cuz u can’t see doesn’t mean others don’t either. This was more of something I wrote when I was going through it.
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lesbianrobin · 2 months
Hi for a writer new to writing 911 fics what are some key character points that you think are really important for capturing the vibes of Buck and Eddie?
omg HIII 🫶🏻🫶🏻
so first off i also consider myself New to writing 911 fics fmvjdjc but i assume since ur asking Me of all people you like one/some of my fics enough to think i am an authority which rules. thank u that's so sweet. ANYWAY on to my actual advice.
buck: you know that john mulaney bit where he's saying he's a terrible driver and he's like "i hear you honking and i also don't want me to be doing what i'm doing. i don't like that i'm in that lane either. and i sure would like to get out of it." that is buck in basically every aspect of his life besides being a firefighter. his problem is that he won't pull over long enough to figure out what the hell he's doing. buck acts before he thinks and only Later does he even consider like hey Why did i do that. What was i feeling. What was i trying to accomplish. which often results in him behaving selfishly and hurting others (see: lawsuit, Entire Relationship With Taylor Kelly, maiming eddie during a basketball game, coming to the erroneous conclusion that he was jealous over tommy rather than eddie) as well as behaving recklessly and risking his own life under the cover of heroism and necessity.
as far as more like. basic character things go. buck can be kinda dumb And smart at the same time. people often swing really hard in one direction or the other and i think it does buck a disservice. like, yeah, he loves his fun facts and research spirals and books, he clearly has a love for learning, but he's also not the Best at critical analysis of his sources and maybe has a tendency to take things at face value. like i do fear that buck could be persuaded to join an essential oils mlm.
ALSO buck is a weirdo like yes he Can be charming but he also has chronic foot-in-mouth disease and says shit like "oh we didn't kill him we just WANTED to!" TO THE COPS. WHEN BEING QUESTIONED ABOUT A MURDER. i think buck is just constantly rolling either nat ones or nat twentys when it comes to charisma.
i also think it's important to keep in mind that while buck can be deeply insecure, that insecurity doesn't Usually manifest in him like. noticeably withdrawing into himself or trudging sadly around like a kicked puppy. his response to that insecurity is most often to be loud, to lash out, or to overcompensate (see: his entire personality in s1, eddie's introduction, befriending red and taking on his end of life care, swearing to abby that he'll rescue her fiancé and risking his own life to do it, etc).
ok i think i've yapped enough ab buck SO!
eddie: i actually feel like way less confident prescribing advice for writing eddie fmvkdjc so this'll probably be shorter than the buck section. as far as the Basics go i think people can often characterize eddie as very like serious and grim but he rly is not! he's a very silly guy! mostly with chris and buck, but also a bit with carla and linda and the rest of the 118. i think eddie is a guy who can behave very differently depending on how comfortable he is around somebody, and there are many parts of himself that he keeps locked down around others.
eddie thinks about his feelings and motivations before acting in a way that buck typically doesn't, but that doesn't mean he's correctly assessing those feelings and motivations. eddie is an incredibly unreliable narrator when it comes to his own life! he'll feel the desire to do something (for example, dating ana or going from active firefighting to a desk job) and Then construct his conscious reasoning for it (i'm ready to move on from shannon and i like her, chris will feel better and it's better for him if i have a safe job) while avoiding his Deeper feelings and motivations (the compulsion to give chris A Mother so that he feels like less of a failure as a father, his own ptsd and other mental health struggles in the wake of the shooting).
this doesn't mean that eddie is entirely emotionally unintelligent! he just kinda hates himself and he's deeply repressed and he often feels that he can't do things For Him, they all have to be For Chris.
ok that's like most of what i've got for now i'm rly not an authority on eddie but i tried my best 😭
as a duo: i think the #1 thing to remember when writing buck and eddie is that they're best friends and they understand each other better than anybody else in their lives. like that doesn't mean that they're always on the same page but they Do canonically recognize each other's feelings and motivations most of the time and after the lawsuit/street fighting era, they always respond to each other with patience and care when one of them is having a rough time.
like i think you actually have to try Very hard to justify it if you're gonna have buck and eddie miscommunicating and seriously arguing with each other in a fic. i remember when everyone was like omgggg buck is gonna LOSE IT ON EDDIE when he finds out about kim!! and then when buck Did find out about kim he was literally just worried about eddie and talked to him about it and asked the questions that eddie Needed to be asked so that he could work through his feelings and address the situation. buck and eddie just have a knack for knowing what the other person needs, and they're at a point where they will go to each other for help and be openly vulnerable!
and they have fun together! they're silly! see: "locked room mystery" "locked Yard mystery", the whole bachelor party, eddie being like buck Pwease can we look for the treasure together 🥺, etc etc. they just enjoy being together and i think that is so crucial to writing them.
final thoughts: in general my #1 piece of advice for writing fic is to rewatch the show/clips from the show when you're trying to capture a character's voice. i do not do this nearly as often as i should bc i am lazy but it rly is deeply helpful for making sure that they sound like themselves!
i would also advise that even if your fic is buddie-centric, it helps to include the other characters in even small ways. our relationships with others are central to who we are! references to other characters like chris, maddie, chim, etc. can go a long way toward making buck and eddie feel like themselves.
thank you again for asking me!! it's really really flattering. i hope this was of some help to you!!
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11queensupreme11 · 1 month
Hi! So I don’t know if you’ve seen this trend on TikTok but basically it’s where in couples the girl or guy rank hugs that they would be okay with other guys or girls giving their partners from 1-10: 10 being the worst and 1 being the one they would be the most okay with.
When I saw this I couldn’t help but think what poseidon would rate the hugs guys would give to Percy with 1 being least likely to be killed and 10 being most likely to be killed if she did this trend with him.
1: self hug (this is fine since she’s hugging herself although he would prefer himself doing all the hugging
2: Polite hug (he’s not happy about it, cause why are u touching my daughter) (he’ll kill them quickly to just be done with it)
3: the classic hug (okay now he’s getting annoyed cause don’t touch his daughter-wife) ( he would give a slight maiming before ending them quickly since it wasn’t intimate in nature)
4: one armed hug (ur crossing into dangerous territory now buddy) (more maiming than the last but still a quick death since it’s not as intimate as it could be and is more of a friendly hug)
5: the patting hug (at this point he’s cutting off limbs starting with the hand ur patting her with) (no more quick deaths w some minor maiming he’s prolonging that shit so hug her at ur own peril)
6: back hug (NO!) (RUN!) (No more maimings just straight limb cuttings (like that true crime audio “her legs were cut off, her arms were cut off, she was a human torso” but like with YOU buddy. (Cause why is ur 🍆 touching her butt)
7:slow dance hug (honestly w this one Poseidon spent a whole day torturing u) (ur missing fingers and nails and eyes and ears—the whole shebang) (and for some reason the only person I can see percy slow dance hugging would be Anthonius so R.I.P Anthonius 🥺 u will be missed)
8: the catcher hug (you prayed for days, weeks even to be free from the tyrant of the sea, to no avail) (Poseidon had literally flayed u alike while making u watch as he fed ur skin and intestines to his mermaids) ( u were awake and aware the ENTIRE time and felt EVERYTHING)
9: the hug at the waist (it’s been centuries and he still hasn’t let u go or just die) (everyday is a new punishment from 🍇 by viscous sea monsters to pushing boulders up mountains Dedalus style to slow roasting u over an open fire day in and day out that you can’t even remember what day it is, what the sky looked like, why ur even still being punished, or what it felt like not to be in endless pain 😭😭)
10: the cuddle (he did everything he did to u in nine except now it been multiple millennia and this time he made percy watch every second of it) (he’s just a guy disciplining his daughter-wife leave him alone🥺)
this is also pretty much on point for most of the yanderes too tbh 😭😭
percy's not afraid to be affectionate with her friends regardless of gender. she will hug and cuddle you if she wants to (with ur consent of course!!! because consent is VERY IMPORTANT *side eyes the yans*). she'll hold her friends hands and vice versa, she is very open to skinship with her buddies!!!!!!!
........which is every yans' nightmare LMAO
these are ancient guys (yes even cu chulainn, he's the youngest, but he's still 1000+ years old i think) and back then girl/boy friendships were seen as sus 😭😭😭 so they're all gonna be pissed at the thought of her having friends of the opposite gender.
they're like "you shouldn't be friends with boys, you're a GIRL >:(" (some will be less harsh with it tho)
but if she was openly AFFECTIONATE TO THEM or if THEY were openly affectionate to her???? oh it's SO over for that guy 💀💀💀
like, this girl has slumber parties in other cabins or they have it in hers, and i also briefly mentioned in older chapters that she even invites some to hang out in her place 😭😭😭, imagine them finding out that she's hanging out with guys and even sleeping in the same room as them 😭😭😭
that's just bizarre to them cuz they're just that old (and also possessive)
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stuffeddeer · 11 months
do u have any y!dazai hcs?
it definitely depends on how i want to write him! i really like making him deludedly obsessed with his darling ❤️ like ohhh they love me too,,, they're playing hard to get, they're teasing me, etc - leaves room for eerie fluff (got smth like this drafted btw) where he just dotes on his darling while they're terrified 😳😳
BUT THERE'S SOMEThing about dazai who Knows. like he's a smart guy, he understands what he's doing is wrong and he knows you would rather be anywhere else. You freeze up as he enters his dorm day in and day out, flinching away from his gentle touches. He tries not to force you into anything, staying six feet away and sleeping on the couch. He loves you so badly he just can't let you go, but that doesn't mean he enjoys seeing you hurting. Dazai who tries his hardest to slowly get you to see what he does: that he loves you too much to ever hurt you. Oda had instructed him to be better, to do better, but every time he promises he'll let you go, he'll take you out on real dates... Well, there's always next week.
ALSO IMAGINE a harsh dazai who knows both what he wants and how to get it. he's manipulative !!!! dazai who takes away food privileges until you say you love him back; who pulls away and refuses to talk to his darling just knowing they'll feel so alone without any human contact and come running back to him... ouuugh he's the worst! he'll get a tiny mattress just so your options are his cold, hard floors or to huddle so close to him on the fluffy bed.... i hate him.
these all are if he kidnaps you ofc 😭 i kinda like a possessive loser yandere dazai who hates to see you w others but won't ask you out (commitment issues ⁉️ ) so he just stews from afar. constantly mad. still definitely manipulative, like withdrawing from you because you went on a mission without him (never mind that you don't get to pick..) or spent time with Anyone Else. he has to cradle you closely but if you try to take it further he just gets all pouty because what you have works, but if you look for someone else to date instead....
no matter what i think ada yan!dazai is unlikely to kill! (maybe delusional dazai would pretend he has no choice or he's just putting them to sleep ❤️) he'll definitely threaten, maim, and hinder the lives of those showing slight interest in his darling tho :)
urrrgggg hc that yan dazai pets his darling like a fucking dog or smth. just because he never experienced real love and only sees ppl with their pets so he's like yeah that's enough affection 👍🏻
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m0thergoose · 6 months
NOT how I expected this episode to start omg unWELL
I truly have no idea what to expect from this ep holy hell
Rick is passenger princess confirmed
The hand kiss 🫠
Honeymoon take 2 woopwoop
OTP on a scenic road trip I’m in love with this
Look at them looking lovingly at Carl
they found a cabin, they on a real vacation now baby
New people I’m scared I don’t like it
Rick is really at Michonne’s beck and call ‘they look pretty hungry’ INSTANTLY drops his bag to find them food lmaoooo
OHHH DONT try this with Richonne you silly silly people
‘Well how bout you just listen’ 😂😂😂😂😂
That’s right Michonne you take your food back lmaoooo
Rick emptying the bullets into michonnes hand sooooorry I’m unwell
Keep your promise asshole 😂
Us against the world 💖
Toothpaste, booze, what are you up to grimes???? I’m just working with what I got - the necklace 💖 RICK LOVES HIS WIFE SO MUCH
RIGHT who is this now??? Is this GABE?
FUUUUCKING HELL JADIS WAKING THEM UP, it’s like when Jesus walked in on them their first night lmaoooo but this is 1 million times worse!
Michonne looks so hot rn haha
I actually could give a flying fuck about Jadis, hurry up and kill her richonne lmao
And he’s kept a wedding ring for Rick actually shoot me rn
Gabe is a richonner confirmed 💖
Now I want Gabriel to be the one to kill Jadis because this is sick and twisted from her
okay so they’re gonna kill Jadis and as she’s dying she’ll hand him the ring
And next year same day same place it won’t be Jadis that meets Gabriel, it’ll be richonne
HERE we go fuck her up Michonne
Here Ricky dicky goes, fuck them walkers up
Jadis is scum these people better not help her
HAHAHHAHA Michonne just wants to kill this bitch ‘maybe just maim first’ yeah ok Ricky dicky 😂
Michonne what you gonna do
Michonne has a plan yes
‘You’ve looked better’ sassy Rick lol
I’m stilll hoping Michonne just fucking murders her
side note Rick looks v handsome rn
I’ll see you next year Ann - noooo you’ll see richonne next year gabey baby 🤞
‘We’re gonna do that’ ricks like sure whatever you want baby
I don’t want a proposal in front of jadis save it for when you’re alone Ricky dicky
‘I could never have imagined this but it could only ever have been you’ 🥹🥹🥹🥹
THE PROMO ‘are we crazy’ ‘certifiable’ LMAOOOOOO
ALSO how the fuck are we wrapping this up in one more episode, we deserve MORE dammit
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tiger333k · 10 months
Elaborating more on Jason Grace joining the Wayne family (because why not):
The batfam discovering the poor kid has no idea on what family is when Jason, slightly ashamed after a panic attack, asks if he can go to therapy-
Therapist: what do you think of when you hear family?
Jason, confused blond who never had one: loss. abandon. mistake. alcohol. wolf. soldier. army. burden-
(Being raised by wolves an a freakin army camp is what growing up means to him apparently)
Therapist:… what about parents?
Jason: disappointment. absent. broken promise-
Therapist: love?
Jason, bitterly remember Cupid: cruel.
The batfam: holy schist he is traumatized as hell
The family afterwards: let’s play a game!
Jason, almost saying: okay, but no maiming or killing
Then afterwards when he finds out their identités he tries to remember saying it every time the boys fall into chaos (it still ended up how they normally did)
Ironic how the two Jasons are completely unlike, Jason Todd just being Jason Todd, while Jason Grace learning how to be Jason Grace while still having those ‘I spent 13 years in the army’ traits
Jason Grace having similar backstories with Bruce Wayne (cue loss of parents, taking justice…)
Nico coming to visit because jasico has to happen somehow. Bruce realizing both of them (Jason Grace, Nico) giving off ‘plz adopt me’ vibes
Jason’s room looks exactly how his old bunk looked in CJ. orderly. tidy. the boy was trained to do this. OCD, apparently.
Jason’s death counts as retiring from the Pontifex role, but he’s still drawing shrines because no one deserves to be forgotten
(him thinking about Nico when he had this thought, not realizing it could apply to him too. did anyone reach out to him when Piper had broken up with him and he was alone? Mellie, thinking Jason has did it to Piper, hated him)
Jason learns to cook with Alfred. Because I have this image of Jason with an apron just casually holding a pan looking like a mom (because he is one) and because he wants bonding time
Jason+Dick= ultimate mom force
Tim teaching jason about computers. The blond boy going ????
Damian dueling Jason continuously. Jason being this big blocky blond has to be a challenge
Jason Todd thinking Jason Grace was his replacent at first, and furious. until Jason Grace points out they literally only have three two things alike: they’re orphans named Jason, and they both died
When Thalia visits the family goes: u sure ur related??
Naturally ALL of them tease him about his crush on Nico (another BFFs thinking their crushes on each other are unrequited thing)
Jason being all polite in the family at first, unsure how to approach this topic of home. the family finds him suspicious sometimes, but does their best to welcome him. when his secret comes out the family sets down all their remaining doubt and welcomes him, (“it’s okay.”) and Jason looking so lost and hopeful. then Bruce says he’ll always have a home with them and that’s when a tear slides, slowly, down Jason’s face. He has a place he can call home
and yes, Jason can be calm. He can be caring and stern. He has breakdowns and moments where he’s the strong one helping everyone. He’s human after all. But nothing beats the moment when Jason is truly pissed…
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 11 months
Hi sunsun. I'm tired, but I've got dumb idea, so if this doesn't make sense and it is illegible, I'll try to decipher later, luv u.
Imagine if the virus corrupting moon, corrupted his memory bank. So even if Perkeo "stole" his memories, there was still something left from the virus distorting him. It could bleed into Sun's memory, flashes of their Beloved Perkeo maimed and caked in blood. He'd have no idea what was wrong with him for thinking such things. For the dark thoughts of Perkeo getting hurt. For thinking about hurting his friend. He'd have no clue if it was him or moon in the memory. Their shared hands coated in the thick blood. Unable to differentiate He'd assume it's him. As Moon dominates Perkeos' crumpled form. Holding their struggling body and killing them slowly. Sun would be terrified that these thoughts flooded his brain. His mind endlessly shoving it in his face. Unable to turn it off, it becomes more frequent. And all he feels is shame and guilt about the visualization of Perkeo in such a state. He doesn't want his friend to be hurt, so why does he have twisted fantasies about it? Eventually, these thoughts would spill to when he sees the real Perkeo. Standing in front of him, seeming completely fine. Soon flashs of the imagery would replace Perkeos form. Standing slumped, bruised and beaten. Blood soaken and mangled. This would become more frequent, with sun becoming avoidant. In order to not see his best friend dying. At some point Perkeo would seek him out, trying to understand his sudden reclusiveness. And he'd just snap.
"Sun, are you here?" Perkeo whispers.
He is closing in on himself, trying to hide. To find comfort in this suffocating small supply room.
"Sunny, are you alright?!" Perkeo immediately rushes to their side. Oh what a mistake.
Sun's head raises as he catches their wrist, stopping them from grabbing him. His blank eyes seemingly lifeless, when his lack of irises was usually like a blinding lights full of passion only his soul possessed. His dead eyes meet Perkeos.
He sees a sobbing mess before him. Perkeos skin torn, clothes ragged. Skin peeled down to the bone, the blood gushing out of the open sores lining their body. Sobs rack their collapsing chest, head violently lolling on their neck. Lacerations don't even begin to describe the claw marks raking their body. Blood gurggles through their open mouth, as well as one of their eye sockets. Oh dear where was their eye?
"Sun!" Perkeo cries.
Through his mind, he heard a gutteral scream. A cry worthy of a battlefield. Watching as Perkeo collapses, trying to reach for him. So so hurt, yet distressed by him. Oh no, if only they knew of his horrid daydreams.
He pulls them in closer, holding them still. Trying to comfort the hurt, the hurt that had passed. The hurt Perkeo didn't know he saw, the hurt Sun carried.
He doesn't rock them back and forth, not wanting to aggravate the "wounds". He shush them. Not wanting to hear them choke through the blood, a gurgling babble unable to form words.
In reality, Perkea is sitting in his lap, held close. Protectively. Thsh go along with it. Letting sun work out his inner turmoil. Not wanting to push him.
"Oh pear, perky I am so so sorry!" It sounds like he's starting to sob.
Perkeo sits silently.
"I didn't want this to happen! This shouldn't have happened!"
What does that mean?
Perkeo asks this in a whisper, this registers in sun's receptors as a pained whine.
"All I could see was you hurt Perkeo! I don't want this! What is wrong with me?! Why why. I dont like seeing you like this, what happened? ...did I do this?"
His hysteric voice barely saying the last line.
Oh no. Oh No.
How could Perkeo have forgotten about sun? Sun was as much a part of this as Moon, was he affected by the virus? He has been here the whole time. And it seems he is hallucinating the memories Moon's lost. Oh no. Perkeo how could you have done this?! You took Moon's recollection, and now sun is paying the price. All because of your selfishness. Sun is hurt.
Sun has been hurting this whole time.
I love Sun's distress at everything and how much it affects him the idea of their friend hurt and how gruesome it is and how Perkeo is trying so so hard to take care of everything but it still ends up being too much to do on their own
It was never their fault but they blame themselves for not doing enough, for not flawlessly protecting both Sun and Moon from the morbid reminder of actions that not their own but still made by their hands. They wanted to care the weight of it on their own buy against their best efforts they are still forces to share it.
Suki I'm kissing your brain and all the ideas you come up with I swear at this point you are just writing this au's fanfic for me
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
Kissing Kalymir scars, not bc of a wholesome stuff like they have history. No, no. LICKING THESE MF BC THEY MAKE HIM SO HOT FR.
I wanna bite everything in him. Also, what is his most sensitive spot? Tail or horns?
(Asking this just in case. When I ask for several things related to the same OC, would you prefer me making one ask even if the asks are not related aside from that? To stop spamming you, bc I don't wanna annoy u)
[I'm not really a fan of gigantic asks, but if you have one or two shorter questions, you can probably lump them in one. You don't have to however, it's a suggestion.]
You can touch the scars all you want, he's proud of them. Licking is odd, but he figures surface softies are odd creatures to begin with, so he's not too bothered. Lick too much and he's going to shove your whole face in there. What is that half-hearted shit?! If you want to worship him, do it right!
The most sensitive spot would be the tail in this case, especially the underside. Kalymir is a hardened man, he's lost a bit of sensation in plenty of zones, and his horns have healed so many times that he oftentimes struggles to feel anything at the base like he should.
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Kalymir won't truly play fight with you because be could easily lose control of his strength and maul you. The chase that leads up to the fight however, is very enjoyable.
You can maim and kill whoever you want, once you can handle yourself that is. This might take a while... Kaly gives you several weapons and tells you to have fun. Make a bloodbath in the surface and he'll be very proud of you. Also very turned on, but what else is news?
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He's not a cuddly demon. He's stiff and hard, the only positive here is that he's warm. You should take advantage of the moments where he's listening to someone on his throne to bundle yourself in pelts and sit on his lap. No one will dare question him about you anyway.
He has a tendency to grip a little too hard as well, so it's overall a lackluster experience.
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On the one hand, he hates soft-spoken, cowardly people who would rather flee and shrink on themselves than face him. It's a mark of weakness, something that needs to be eradicated from Wrath. On the other, it really gets him off when he frightens people with his mere existence. He likes that he has that effect on you a lot. And more than that, he loves that, even if you fear him deeply, you will still cling to Kalymir when you feel threatened by something else. Oh, he could just rub that into his skin, it makes him so proud of himself.
That being said, whoever scares you, aside from him, gets punched. You will eventually grow desensitized to the nature of Wrath, blood and gore will lose the shock factor, and fights will start to look like free entertainment rather than dangerous occasions.
Your shyness won't survive a month in this environment. He's going to rake it out of you, by forcing you into stressful situations and only getting you out when you start shouting and kicking. You should thank him, he's making a real person out of you.
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
I feel like an interesting thing about remus and sirius dynamic in the wfrau is that they're not really that different, it just is kind of convenient that the cause remus works for happens to be the moral highground, bc rlly what other choice does he have when he was forced into prostitution before them. like the order, despite the sacrifices he has to make, is literally the best place for him: he gets a purpose, friends, food and shelter, and a life beyond anything he could have on his own. idk this could be a TOTAL misread of his character, and since we've been looking through sirius' eyes its natural to want to sympathise with him more, but it would be a lot more of a cost for sirius to abandon his life and join some (in the shadows)(LARGELY unsuccessful) rebellion where he could easily be found out and killed/tortured gruesomely. Remus admits himself that he's prideful ("But his pride—that’s the one thing that’s always remained his own.") and he obviously looks down on sirius a lot for the life he lives, but I feel like at the end of the day they both just want to a) avoid suffering/protect themselves and b) protect the people they care about, and they both only have one place to turn to to do both of those things, and remus' just happens to be morally superior to sirius'.
correct me on this if you think I've misread remus (cause hes v complex obviously) or the worldbuilding, and not to understate that sirius is doing bad things and remus is (trying) to do good things, and that it is possible to escape the life sirius has (regulus did, apparently), but idk I just wanted to try and tell what makes their dynamic so interesting.
oooh such a fun analysis for me 2 read!! v interesting 2 see how other people interpret the things i write etc. before i respond tho i feel like i need 2 put a little disclaimer that like, i believe in death of the author etc such that i don't think my interpretation/intent should necessarily be taken as inherently more valuable, bc once a work like this is shared ik there are going 2 be varied ways of reading + interpreting it, and i don't want 2 encourage anyone 2 approach stories like this as if there is one Ultimate Correct Interpretation drawn from the writer's intent that u need 2 find, etc.
that being said, i'm happy 2 share my own interpretations + the thinking + intent behind what i've written thus far! think this is gonna get long so i'm gonna put a cut tho lol
so i definitely see the parallels ur drawing between remus + sirius both joining the organizations they joined due in part to coercive conditions outside their control as well as seemingly sharing some core motivations. however i'm not sure i would go as far as you have in saying that their situations are essentially the same and remus just ended up on the "right side" (to paraphrase)
first off - while i see where your take on remus is coming from, keep in mind that at this point in the fic we don't actually know anything about how or why he joined the order. i do have a backstory in mind regarding how exactly he started working with them, and it might not necessarily align with ur interpretation here. don't want to spoil too much, but i will say that remus's choice to join the order was a choice. it wasn't just a matter of having no other options.
something i specifically wanna put pressure on with ur reading is the idea that he was "forced into prostitution" before joining--it seems like ur interpretation of why remus joined the order is that he did it to escape sex work. but keep in mind that remus joining the order resulted in him "selling himself" in a much more dangerous and violent way--he joined the fighting rings + began risking his life every month as well as killing and maiming his fellow werewolves. we know, from his pov, that this is not something he would have done were it not for the order mission; it's reasonable to conclude that remus himself would have preferred sex work to becoming a fighter in the rings, but did so anyway for a larger goal. i'd encourage you to reflect, here, on whether you have a more visceral emotional reaction to the thought of remus "selling himself" as a sex worker versus "selling himself" as a ring fighter--whether the former strikes you as inherently more debasing, more abject, more likely to warrant a desire to "escape." if so, i'd encourage you to reflect on why that might be, and how it affects the way you think of sex work and sex workers. additionally, we know that his involvement with the order did eventually require him to engage in sex work again--so the idea that he joined the order to escape sex work isn't really something that i'm trying to get at in my writing.
also, getting back to the idea that remus was "forced into prostituion"--again, i wanna step back here and ask u 2 reflect a bit on what your choice of phrasing there might say about the underlying associations you have with sex work that might be influencing your reading. my intent in writing remus's backstory with sex work was not to give the impression that he was an abject victim forced by powers beyond his control into sex work as his only option. rather, it was to portray him as a character who is constrained, yes, by the forces that oppress him--specifically, the government that bars him from using magic, accessing stable work, accessing accommodations for his condition, fails to provide any social safety nets, operates + sustains itself on unfair labor conditions which require an exploited class of laborers, etc. but within those constraints i specifically wrote in that remus does have other options; he has, in the past, found other types of work, and there are, of course, the fighting rings or any other number of illegal methods by which he could try to obtain money. remus weighs those other options and chooses to turn to sex work because it seems like his best choice; whether that's because he thinks it will offer him the most control, or the most money, or the most security--it doesn't matter. what matters is that all his options are equally constrained by his oppression, all come with their own pitfalls and humiliations and degrees of exploitation. mysticizing sex work as somehow inherently more abject than the others is...not really what i was going for. that's part of why i wrote about his experiences with it--including experiences that might be viewed by some as grave violations--in a purposefully casual way. for remus, his body has always been an exploited object; sex work is not something he would have felt the need to "escape," from, because he chose to do it, and it's at least a way to make use of his marginalization by exploiting the fact that his condition is made into a fetish. it doesn't mean he's not aware of the coercion involved in his choice--maybe if his father hadn't been so sick and he hadn't needed cash fast for medicine he would have made a different decision, but there likely would have always come a point where he needed money fast and his dad wasn't able to act as the breadwinner anymore. remus has always been very aware that his options in life are limited.
all this is to say, remus's decision to join the order is not something done out of desperation because he thinks his life will be better with them--it's done specifically with a broader political goal in mind. and this is a significant reason for his disdain for sirius. because remus isn't just trying to survive, to protect himself and his loved ones--he and his loved ones are risking their lives every day in service of their ideals, to fight for change. the fact that sirius, who is so much more privileged than remus has ever been, only joined the death eaters because he was forced to is not something that really wins points with remus. it shifts his view of sirius, sure, to know that he doesn't like...delight in serving voldemort and has enough of a conscience to feel guilty about what he does. but remus still disdains a person who would harm others to save their own skin--it's just that sirius is a coward, not a sadist.
and remus doesn't really know or understand how the drive to protect regulus was bound up with sirius rising through the death eater ranks. he's only had glimpses into sirius's home life and his relationship with his brother, and he honestly isn't going around trying to dig up explanations about any of it--he would much rather continue viewing sirius as a contemptible, cowardly death eater than change his perspective, because sirius literally embodies the forces of oppression that have been hurting remus since he was a child, along with his loved ones.
and then the last major difference i'd point out between their joining of their respective organizations is that sirius does benefit, in many tangible ways, from joining the death eaters. like--remus joining the order is mostly just putting his neck on the line and a target on his back, though he does of course benefit from obtaining a community and friends and support in many ways. but in the larger systems of power at play here, remus joining the order only marginalizes him further, when he was already marginalized.
sirius, on the other hand, gains power from becoming a feared and respected death eater. obviously, he suffers many personal injuries and hardships and would not choose to join them had he been given a choice. but he does, in some ways, enjoy the power he obtains from his status. he enjoys his wealth and the comfort it brings. he enjoys it when he's able to accrue enough power to go off and play rebel in small ways that allow him to grasp onto the illusion that he's not given in totally to these people who he knows are corrupt, when he's able to make himself virtually untouchable by the vast majority of people. for sirius, most of his hardship and struggle is internal, emotional, and though he, too, has suffered and been marginalized in some ways by larger systems of power, when offered an avenue to take advantage of those systems of power it's not as if he hated every part of the ride to the top. yeah, he was forced to join the death eaters because he was a kid whose parents wanted to make sure their heir didn't end up a faggot. and that was incredibly traumatic. but his joining the death eaters did not actually marginalize him--it granted him access to a lot of power. and this is something remus is acutely aware of, and another reason that, from his perspective, it's difficult to just feel sorry for sirius.
anyway, you're not wrong that there are definitely parallels between them, but i'd say when it comes to the organizations they're each working for an important difference is that remus actually believes in what his organization is fighting for, while sirius sort of knows that what voldemort's doing is wrong but ignores it and remains complicit.
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meyhew · 11 months
I never said genocide was a "little thing" or that I was okay with it and support it. What I have been trying to say that I'm against antisemitism, also that there a lot of celebrities who are Jewish, Gal Gadot being one of them. And you realize that it's mandatory for anyone who's from Israel to serve time in the IDF, right? So obviously, Gal had no choice in the matter, there was nothing she could do about that. But even so, how can you or anyone else possibly think that kidnapping, torturing, maiming, sexual assault, rape, and murder is any way, shape, or form okay? Those things aren't and never will be acceptable, and I will never justify or support such actions.
u are blocked for a reason yet u keep coming back to make a fool of yourself. but i have a habit of proves bitches wrong so lets have it
the last ask u sent me said, "...life's just too precious to cancel everyone over every little thing and to pass up watching good content just it features a celebrate that did something I didn't approve of" in which the words "little thing" refer to these celebrities' support of israel. which is at best complacency with genocide and at worst unequivocal support of it.
you wanna talk to me about gal gaot? about having "no choice in the matter"? that's the same rhetoric soldiers used in nazi germany when they were helping exterminate jewish people. it's the same rhetoric american soldiers used when they were bombing people in iraq and afghanistan and when they were torturing innocent civilians in abu ghraib. everyone always has a fucking choice. whether or not they make the right one depends on the person because even a select few in israel have refused to join the idf. sure they faced some jail time and whatnot but at least their conscience is clear that they haven't participated in actively killing palestinians. and just for argument's sake say that gal gadot would've been killed had she not served. she doesn't have to be fond of the idf now. she doesn't have to praise the idf now. i've seen accounts of many former idf soldiers condemning what that military does because they now recognize it's morally abhorrent. what's stopping gal gadot from condemning the idf for dropping white phosphorous on palestinians and testing new chemical weapons on them?
and as far as the "kidnapping, torturing, maiming, sexual assault, rape, and murder" is considered... all of that is happening, yes, and has been happening for decades but to palestinians. until you can provide actual evidence that this has been happening to israelis, i will not believe you and i will not care about it. because all israel and its citizens have done is fucking lie and lie and lie about their experiences, whereas everything the palestinians have endures has been documented by them. you want to talk about the kidnapping and torture? let's talk about the thousands of palestinians that are in israeli captivity for the crime of existing. countless palestinians who die in captivity because israel won't let them have any defense. you want to talk about maiming? i can pull up far too many photos of children that have been dismembered and disfigured because of israeli airstrikes. images that will never leave me. you want to talk about sexual assault and rape? we can talk about the many instances of israeli forces raping palestinian women. you want to talk about fucking murder? if the thousands dying every day isn't enough let's talk about what happened yesterday. let's talk about israeli targeting and killing the family of al jazeera bureau chief, after the US warned the network to tone down its coverage of what's happening. which is sort of similar to what the US did to tareq ayyoub during the iraq invasion. same fucking playbook.
every single deplorable action you try to pin on palestinians will point only at israel. you only have these things to talk about because israel has committed these atrocities. you have no proof that palestinians—hell it's not even palestinians as a whole or even their "government." it's hamas—have done anything you claim. you have no proof. the hostages that were released proved you wrong. why else did israel not want them speaking publicly? every single hostage that has been released by hamas has said the same thing: they were treated with respect and all their basic needs were cared for. meanwhile you have israeli officials going on record promising to flatten gaza into a graveyard. go fuck yourself
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astxrwar · 10 months
some of the transmasc! mig hcs rub me the wrong way. ranting transgenderishly abt it. sorrie
1. why are so many ppl defaulting to giving him top surgery scars. look at his body shape, his hips are narrow and his shoulders are broad and he’s over 6’5 lmao. dude would have been on blockers then T as an early teenager. you don’t need top surgery then. unless you construct a narrative where he went off of T for like… at least a year (but probably longer) without getting a complete hysterectomy first then this makes no sense.
it just feels like ppl dont know that much abt transmasc experiences we r not all the same and top surgery scars r not just a thing you slap on to trans someone, not all of us require top surgery + cis guys get top surgery too? just giving uneducated
2. also the fact that it seems like it just doesn’t ever occur to ppl that trans men get bottom surgery. ig that’s an in general issue but why does it seem like every hc’ed trans man character always has a pussy. plenty of us have dicks bro it just feels fetish-y. plenty of us only pass on surgery bc it’s A Lot but it’s 2099 so that’s going to be less of an issue,,, specific to miguel like. why is nobody giving him bottom surgery scars like the fact that there’s not an equal or even rly existing rep for that in a world where getting it would be INFINITELY easier makes me uncomfy it’s rly giving ‘trans men as men-lite” energy
3. also for written content same deal why is nearly every trans guy hced as one who doesn’t get bottom surgery and why is there always SO MUCH focus on specifically using the word pussy. like bitch! an example of a common thing for transmascs: i dew naught even write fem!RC content using that word i avoid almost all fem-genitalia words bc they’re extremely uncomfy to me, and that phenomenon amongst trans men is even more common than trans men who have had bottom surgery. so we have an excess of content focusing on ‘guy with pussy’ and very little if any content even just recognizing a significant amount of trans men r not okay with that terminology n often do not even like engaging their natal anatomy beyond their dicks (significant number of us also use this word and not the other one! btw!!) during sex. n ppl don’t want to write abt this bc it doesn’t fit the fetish!! im doing murder!!
4. i saw someone ranting wrt trans!mig abt how ppl make male characters transmasc to make mlm ships “less gay” wrt: sex and its just like. im going to kill u too! trans men get bottom surgery bro trans men have dicks! plenty of the ones that don’t just straight up do not do PIV! way to hit the nail on the head wrt fandoms seeing trans men as men-lite lmao and way to miss the opportunity for criticism of fandom transphobia by just. validating that perception of trans men.
idk im just so tired where is my trans miguel no top surgery scars (bc he clearly got T at puberty onset) + with bottom surgery scars content :/ arm scar from the nerve + torso scar from the graft, it’s 2099 they’ve probably perfected skin expanders atp so it would just be like. one scar instead of the scar + stretched area but like. i digress. can we please have trans men with dicks content Ever? the abject lack of it kinda feels like left wing version of rw “c*ntboy” fetishism lol. im going to make some myself bc it is an outlet to deal with my Frustration abt this and explore how all trans ppl have different transitions narratively and counter the reductive fandom goggles perception of us. in general i wish the majority of ppl just didn’t do trans hcs until it stops just being a clear and obvious extension of fetishization and stereotyping. throttling ppl biting and maiming and tearing
also like there’s so many ppl who just think trans men who get bottom surgery r gross but won’t admit it and they especially shan’t see the light of heaven and should stop even thinking abt trans men at all <3
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protosymphonette · 2 months
I would like to hear more about the happy smiler symbolism,,, preddy pls :)
ehehehe starts jumping up and down and clapping. ok ^_^
1 maroon & olive
i chose 2 colors because i do what i want. red is commonly associated with like... death murder killing blood danger. so i chose a more dark & muted maroon to reflect his more... low-key? apathetic? idgaf nature while still acknowledging his violent tendencies. i wanted it to sort of be the color of dried blood? i thought other red-associated feelings like love, passion (insert children's hospital color theory post here) also fit since he is constantly bagging hoes with his nonchalant & unsettling & creepy swag. olive is much of the same, as a muted & frankly sort of grimy green color. olive is also very much associated with the military and while happy smiler certainly is no bootlicker he's definitely very militant
2 desert mistletoe
for both flora and fauna i wanted to choose something that was native to the american southeast. mistletoe is a very stereotypical christmas/joyful/romantic plant and i thought the irony was funny given happy smiler's whole deadpan-ness. but also hints at normal person under bulletproof vest shell. the fact that mistletoe is a parasitic plant also had a lot to do with it... happy smiler is a very opportunistic guy and will do pretty much anything to make sure that he is the one who knocks comes out the fortunate party. including riding someone else's coattails for a bit. parasite yup. and also desert mistletoe is a very cool and appetizing plant.
3 vulture
specifically a turkey vulture. they're the only vultures native fully to the american southeast and also i like their cool heads. vultures are awesome btw kind of a tangent but they rule. anyway sort of related to the mistletoe; vultures are scavengers. they're huge and imposing with their large wingspan and spooky black feathers and bald heads. but at the end of the day they feed almost exclusively on carrion. that's not to say they're pacifists... they're just happy to not give themselves extra work by eating things that are already dead. do you get it. happy smiler may seem like a guy who loves to killing but he's really not. maybe he wants to seem that way maybe he'd like to be brutal and maim and kill but he's not like that. he likes to seem scary because it steers obvious trouble away from him and makes him feel cool and tough. do u get it
4 cleaver
okay this one requires some happy smiler lore; he was born near klamath where his family hunted geckos for a living & sold their meat and hide and they used the simple lowly cleaver to kill butcher & skin said geckos. so partly i chose cleaver because of that but ALSO it's a pretty versatile thing. in the game it's obviously a melee weapon but also a cleaver can be used in the kitchen for anything from splitting bone and meat to crushing garlic or chopping vegetables. he's good at cooking (metagaming fact i gave him decently high survival skill solely so i could reap the benefits of dine and dash perk) so that's sort of an extra layer.
5 'till my head falls off - tmbg
i'm gonna keep it 100. i had no idea what song to do for him. i toiled over it for actual days. i think what i settled on is a pretty decent pick, though- references his persistence, substance abuse, forgetfulness... and who could forget the head trauma evident in the very title of the song. i've long associated this song with "general vague courier 6 feelings" so it fits pretty well for him... also it's one of my favorite tmbg songs :D so that's a plus. to be honest i don't really listen to many bands that i'd describe as "happy smiler music" so that's probably why this was so hard for me. lol
6 resentment
this one was also pretty hard. though admittedly not as difficult as the song. most of the time i think happy smiler doles out general feelings of apathy and idgaf-ness but that's sort of boring. i imagine for the first leg of his journey (the "finding benny" part) he was fueled entirely by feelings of rage & vengefulness, which tbf is to be expected from a dude who was shot in the head (twice). i think he resents that checked-suited cunt so much because he fucked with basically the one thing that happy smiler gives any of a shit about (at least at the beginning): himself. and i thought the lighter would be a good symbol for his hatred towards benny- it being pretty much the last thing he saw, the only concrete evidence of The Shootening even occuring until he gets to the strip, and the inherently destructive nature of fire. or whatever. happy smiler gaslights himself into thinking he's winning the idgaf war but at the core of his being he was never even a player. i guess you could say the game was rigged from th(gets sniped)
IF U READ THIS FAR. thank you. i know my ramblings are probably incomprehensible. and thank YOU anon for enabling me... <3
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ink-flavored · 8 months
opal & emerald for the wip of your choice? :3
thank u friend!! I shall pick.......P&J because I want to
Emerald: Which of your characters is hardest to write?
Lust, hands down. I've ranted about it a few times, but trying to separate Lust-the-character, the abusive manipulative power-tripping asshole who gets killed after stalking Pride for most of the book, from lust-the-feeling, the perfectly fine and normal human response, I bang my head against the wall every time I have to write it.
My attempted solution is to throw out the virtue of chastity and replace it with passion (and show an Angel of Passion in the story), and to carefully craft the concept of lust in this story to be more akin to a "lust for power." It's not necessarily a horny thing, but an impulse that encourages you treat other people like purely disposable objects, things that exist to be used up and tossed away, on the way to getting what you want—and that can be anything, including sex, but it's not all sex or sexual impulse.
I don't want to turn to the camera and explain it to the readers like it's Sesame Street but god I am so worried that me writing Lust the way I do is going to come across as an All Sex Bad stand-in. Which is... not only not something I believe, but would also clash thematically with the extremely kinky sex that Pride and Justice have that I treat as 100% good and fine (because it is).
BWAH. I write myself into many corners and think way to hard about stuff.
Opal: What motivates your protagonist to complete their goal?
Pride's motivation and his goal shift from the beginning of the story to the end. At the start, he's trying to get one over on Heaven, give himself an eternal excuse to never go back to Hell, and prove himself the specialist smartest demon boy ever. Unknown to even himself, he's trying to show Heaven that he deserves their respect. He's tired of being stomped on, and thinks that smuggling a soul to Heaven that isn't supposed to be there is his best chance at being noticed again, for better or worse. Ultimately, he has only his own interests at heart, evidenced by him gleefully maiming every angel he comes across in his prison break despite Justice (the only guy willing to help him in all of Heaven OR Hell) asking him to keep it subtle and not hurt anyone..
By the end, though, he doesn't care about Hell, Heaven's respect, or even his contract with that Purgatory soul. Outside of completing so he doesn't die, Pride's only motivation for going back to Heaven to get it over with so he can stay a human on Earth for the rest of his life. He already found the love and respect he desperately wanted from Heaven and God. He found it on Earth, with his friends and Justice and in himself. The humans he used to despise become his inspiration to live independently from his past trauma. He's still in it for himself, but for the goal of living for himself for the first time, not his ego.
[send me a gemstone themed ask]
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andvys · 11 months
okay we were just talking abt this so i have to let everyone and u know which ts songs ikyllatk steve would LOVE!!!
debut — cold as you (this one hits HARD for him bc he knows this is how reader felt😭😭) , i’m only me when i’m with you (i feel like this song makes him realize how LOST he is ever since he broke up w reader, he feels empty and he wishes reader was there to understand him :(((((), mary’s song OH THIS ONE KILLS HIM BC OF THE CHILDHOOD FRIENDS TO LOVERS ASPECT OMG
fearless — the way i loved you (THIS ONE!!!! he’d listen to this the most when he missed reader and realize his relationship w nancy would never EVER measure up w his relationship w reader😫😫), forever & always, you all over me
speak now — back to december !!!!!!!, innocent, haunted, last kiss (he’s sobbing to all of these esp back to december)
red — all too well omfg ofc, sad beautiful tragic😭 (this one hits him hard bc this is how he views his relationship with reader, beautiful but sad and tragic), come back… be here (this one is literally his go to song since he broke up w nancy and misses reader), the very first night, forever winter
1989 — you are in love, how you get the girl (i imagine he listens to this in later chapters, getting inspired to grovel for reader and try to get her back) , style (this one i think he would just feel himself to, something he listens while doing his hair LMAOOO)
"he feels empty and he wishes reader was there to understand him" -- oh absolutely! you will see how empty and lost he feels without her, in the next chapter! he is struggling so much :(
Wishin' I'd realized what I had when you were mine & You gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbye (I'm crying)
ALL TOO WELL! STOP! the ten minute version always makes me wanna cry! and did the twin flame bruise paint you blue? just between us did the love affair maim you too? 'Cause in this city's barren cold I still remember the first fall of snow and how it glistened as it fell I remember it all too well 😭😭
Also him listening to style while doing his hair? HE WOULD
EM ILYSM SEND ME MORE SONGS (if you want ofc 🥺💕)
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gramarye · 5 months
answering asks because i forgot to and felt too awkward to do so you know how it is.
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honestly its the other way around... she loves sitting in them but also chewing them up (shes allowed lol she spits the pieces out, its fine by me bc i can just vacuum it up and she can get her Beast Tearing Maiming Killing Instincts taken out on something that i was gonna throw out anyway) so like. at some point i just give up and throw away a box that she has done too much damage on even though she would love to keep it forever. but i always have new packages coming every few months if only for koshka's food and litter orders so there is always a supply.. she is never boxless
i wanted a koshka box pic to attach here, like a new one but she hasnt sat in one while ive had a camera out in a while. heres other recent koshkys though. so tired.
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omg idk if theres any that make me cringe.. most of them are funny. even the more derogatory ones that are sex allegories are like.... i wouldn't want someone to call me them but removed from context they are kinda funny. that said finnish lepakko (bat) is still the best lesbian synonym
i dont think any make me cringe tho it does annoy me when someone is a lesbian and ppl go out of their way to refer to them as sapphic. but its not an issue w the word sapphic itself its more like how some people just refuse to use lesbian for some reason when someone is explicitly using it. idk
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idk if these are by the same person but they are abt the same author (I THINK? ARE THERE MORE YURI MANGA THAT FIT THE FIRST DESCRIPTION?) but omg thanks for the recommendations!! i read the one-shot it was soooo cute... i love how different it is from the other manga LOLLL the range of lesbians.. ur so right btw both of these are absolutely my thing in different ways. u rock. thank u
i think i might have even started the OL one before but just never kept up with it (or perhaps when it was releasing) its kinda been a while since i read yuri manga other than how do we relationship so thank you!!!
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ive been reading a lot of books for my advanced literature class which is like.. fun but very little time to read for myself...
that said i re-read dungeon meshi LOL, i like kept up with it as it released casually but i wanted to do it from the start to the end now that its been done for a bit. and i've been going through the almost 400 page Essential Dykes To Watch Out For i got from the library, im like 3/4 thru!! oh and i've been reading getter robo for my friend and uh. wuthering heights as a classic on the side
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✨ episode 3 - running commentary✨
- oooooh mrs sandwich love u already
- as an expert™ on the matter Muriel's grasp on UK law has me creasing
- the writing has completely escalated fuck YES this is what I'm TALKKNG ABOut
- "it's a bit of a hobby" DEAD 💀💀💀
- lmao aziraphale u need to calm down my boo chill tf out on that clutch Bentley is SENTIENT
- they are so bitchy I love it hahahah my fruity boys taking the piss out of gabe I live for this
- my god the writing has fucking amped tf UP I'm so HAPPY
- oh my god the girls are so cute???? Fuck me UP
- Crowley shut up now pls I'm beggin
- the music has really chilled out and I'm glad my emotions are not being slammed down my throat
- 'ineffable' 💀💀💀
- ...Nessie???
- but seriously at 30mph Christ knows how long it took aziraphale to get to Scotland
- ok no seriously ep3 is Everything and I feel so much better
- DALRYMPKE????????????? Also lmao forbidden soup
- aziraphale is such a bastard I love him so and Crowley is so OP i live for it
- oh aziraphale you really going through your morality adjustment era huh
- oh no he's a REPORTER fuck hahahha
- well i didn't have the freemasons on my bingo card
- Crowley you need to stop being so Real
- the journey aziraphale is going through is giving me Feelings but he needs to stop fucking up fr now you've gone and maimed someone you fool
- AZIRAPHALE STOP BRWAKING MY HEART NOWWWW you need to make a decision quicker my dude
- lmao she's efficient ill give her that
- Crowley stop. Stop singing. Stop.
- uh
- UH
- what am I watching
- aziraphale pls explain how you fell in love with this idiot I'm sorry I need it explaining
- oop statue lmao
- MOBILE PHONE AND KTS NOT CROWLEYS he just asks it god I wish AI worked like that
- crowley as a cherub????? I LOVE IT???? like he Knows how to fall in love what a baby
- yeah I'm sorry I'm not vibin with Maggie and nina
- crowley you are so dumb and I love you
- AHHHH SHAX NO go away crowley throw garlic at her
- okay I'm still confused over the glasses and haircut
- no don't have a go at goob he's INNOCENT✨✨✨
- "if any harm comes to aziraphale" FUCKING JUST KILL ME WE KNKW YOU LOVE HIM BITCH STOP
I am so not ready for the 40s minisode I don't want ITTTTTTT
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