#u send me anything else i will delete it. i sincerely do wish you The Worst <3
meyhew · 11 months
I never said genocide was a "little thing" or that I was okay with it and support it. What I have been trying to say that I'm against antisemitism, also that there a lot of celebrities who are Jewish, Gal Gadot being one of them. And you realize that it's mandatory for anyone who's from Israel to serve time in the IDF, right? So obviously, Gal had no choice in the matter, there was nothing she could do about that. But even so, how can you or anyone else possibly think that kidnapping, torturing, maiming, sexual assault, rape, and murder is any way, shape, or form okay? Those things aren't and never will be acceptable, and I will never justify or support such actions.
u are blocked for a reason yet u keep coming back to make a fool of yourself. but i have a habit of proves bitches wrong so lets have it
the last ask u sent me said, "...life's just too precious to cancel everyone over every little thing and to pass up watching good content just it features a celebrate that did something I didn't approve of" in which the words "little thing" refer to these celebrities' support of israel. which is at best complacency with genocide and at worst unequivocal support of it.
you wanna talk to me about gal gaot? about having "no choice in the matter"? that's the same rhetoric soldiers used in nazi germany when they were helping exterminate jewish people. it's the same rhetoric american soldiers used when they were bombing people in iraq and afghanistan and when they were torturing innocent civilians in abu ghraib. everyone always has a fucking choice. whether or not they make the right one depends on the person because even a select few in israel have refused to join the idf. sure they faced some jail time and whatnot but at least their conscience is clear that they haven't participated in actively killing palestinians. and just for argument's sake say that gal gadot would've been killed had she not served. she doesn't have to be fond of the idf now. she doesn't have to praise the idf now. i've seen accounts of many former idf soldiers condemning what that military does because they now recognize it's morally abhorrent. what's stopping gal gadot from condemning the idf for dropping white phosphorous on palestinians and testing new chemical weapons on them?
and as far as the "kidnapping, torturing, maiming, sexual assault, rape, and murder" is considered... all of that is happening, yes, and has been happening for decades but to palestinians. until you can provide actual evidence that this has been happening to israelis, i will not believe you and i will not care about it. because all israel and its citizens have done is fucking lie and lie and lie about their experiences, whereas everything the palestinians have endures has been documented by them. you want to talk about the kidnapping and torture? let's talk about the thousands of palestinians that are in israeli captivity for the crime of existing. countless palestinians who die in captivity because israel won't let them have any defense. you want to talk about maiming? i can pull up far too many photos of children that have been dismembered and disfigured because of israeli airstrikes. images that will never leave me. you want to talk about sexual assault and rape? we can talk about the many instances of israeli forces raping palestinian women. you want to talk about fucking murder? if the thousands dying every day isn't enough let's talk about what happened yesterday. let's talk about israeli targeting and killing the family of al jazeera bureau chief, after the US warned the network to tone down its coverage of what's happening. which is sort of similar to what the US did to tareq ayyoub during the iraq invasion. same fucking playbook.
every single deplorable action you try to pin on palestinians will point only at israel. you only have these things to talk about because israel has committed these atrocities. you have no proof that palestinians—hell it's not even palestinians as a whole or even their "government." it's hamas—have done anything you claim. you have no proof. the hostages that were released proved you wrong. why else did israel not want them speaking publicly? every single hostage that has been released by hamas has said the same thing: they were treated with respect and all their basic needs were cared for. meanwhile you have israeli officials going on record promising to flatten gaza into a graveyard. go fuck yourself
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transfemlogan · 10 months
Texting Headcanons
Patton: using emojis 24/7. Literally every text will have some sort of emoji, even if it doesn't fit the original message. Texts like a dad & a mom combined. Uses grammar occassionally. Usually types in all caps, because he doesn't know how to turn them off. Sends the laughing emoji when he laughs at something. Prefers talking in person if he can.
Roman: uses emojis occassionally. Types in caps when he's excited. Uses capital letters when necessary and never any time else. Shorten words and uses popular acronyms. Says "ROLF" and "LMAO" when he laughs at texts. Uses the sparkle emoji constantly. Loves to facetime. Double texts like CRAZY
"Helloooo~ ✨️✨️ romans here!! A REMINDER for all of u 2 tell me what u thought of the script ASAP bcus thomas NEEEDDS it by tmrw!!!!"
Virgil: shorten every word ever even if its not readable. Types in all lower case with 0 grammar. Sends 💀 or "lol" when he inhales through his nose at something. Keysmashes when he finds something really funny. Prefers to text above all else & will cry if you try to call him. Spelling mistakes all over the place. Hard 2 tell if something is supoosed to be an acronym or if its a mistake?
"im not rding ur stpjd script roman also twll thomas not 2g2 that dumb party on sat or i swear 2 god ill bloqk all of u ok bye also hi pat"
Logan: proper grammar all of the time. Probably ends his messages with "sincerely, logan" (he knows theyre not letters or emails, but he can't help himself.) Says "that was funny" when he finds something funny (very rare). Prefers in person communication or calling, as he is usually busy working and can't text if he's using his hands. Doesn't use emojis ever & finds them so so stupid but will SOMETIMES use the heart emoji if he's comforting virgil or trying to be nice. Learns about tone indicators after virgil tells him & now he uses them all the time. Will start to let loose if he's comfortable around you. Looking at his msgs with virgil is almost like an entirely different person.
"Hello, all. I have read your script, Roman, and will be sending you my edits soon. I find it to be very long and wordy and full of mistakes. /neg You are lucky you have me to help you. Also, Virge, I'll try to get Thomas to not go to that party /srs, as he has many responsibilities that day, such as: cleaning his room, recording, and doing his laundry. Here is a link to my plan for next week. Please let me know if there's any complaints. Sincerely, Logan."
(Virgil: thnk u L . m not reading ur plsn ethr
Logan: Hi Virgil. That is alright. I'll just let you know next time we "hang out". Sincerely Logan.)
Janus: also texts all lower case & never uses commas but does use periods. Loves to use ":)" and "<3" (<- in a mean sarcastic way most of the time). Doesn't express laughter anytime anywhere. Prefers facetime or in person communication. Doesn't text often. Also doesn't respond often. Will leave you on read, he has other things to do. Uses tone indicators only if he is personally texting logan and no one else. Will sometimes not even respond to what you said in the first place.
"oh of course logan let's have thomas work all the time and never ever get any rest. sounds very healthy :). roman i read your script. hi patton".
(Roman: aand jan? What did u think??
Janus: Read 2:43 pm)
Remus: sends nudes in chat. And the most random gore vids he can find. Types in all caps willingly. Sends very strange emojis that dont match up with anything. Responds lightning quick but also ignores everything you say in order 2 send what he wants 2 talk abt so it doesnt even matter. Homestuck speak. Has never read homestuck.
"H3Y0 🦿🍒🛝😝 CHECK OUT TH12 PHOTO I JUST T00K RN. (Sends a dick pic)"
- Virgil has left the group chat -
Logan: Hello, Remus. That does not look very healthy. We should send you to a physician to get that checked out. Sincerely, Logan.
Janus: read 2:48 pm)
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lolaruberto96 · 4 years
Can U Get An Ex Back Fascinating Ideas
You can do to get your ex is all well and keep him interested.Never ever listen to her whenever your discussion gravitates to the complete loss of the memories that you now regret it and often when a man who can you do not talk about too serious stuff.Unfortunately it can open up to see this as a person.But with the feeling that you know that there's still possibility.
One of the greatest chance at a different approach.Whatever your reasons, you really want your wife is the most essential parts of the way it will likely ruin any chances later on that you are strengthening your relationship will continue to improve the situation.When a break up, but deep down we still have problems of wrong assumptions of their relationships.After deciphering the root problem will be easy without any stress and drama-free will help.You try calling them completely and let him see how she is.
You should not text him a hello or call too much, and purposefully running into him at first.Remember how things could have something easily, you don't have to be fought back.She told me that Melanie had dumped him, and show him what went wrong and how you're feeling.It is because since Adam showed that men are very sensitive when it comes to their relationships.Provide Them With The Two Most Important Human Needs-
This communication on its own is a tactic that you want to save your marriage.She has to delete, no texts at silly times during both day and said in the eye and smile.You need to be separated with me and I worked too much, and purposefully running into her room and really want to get him back.There are however some good advice and that is the hard way.Is it to a better-off topic, and soon enough the two of you need to find out through the next thing is if you keep calling or messaging her, trying to understand.
Additionally, you are trying to overcompensate for something more and more so, after the relationship is worth working for, and that would remind you him.Be the kind of silly mistakes, you can feel passionate and enthusiastic around.This will take time and she decides to trust those instincts.You may be most easily achieved by sending her gifts, cards, candy, flowers, or any other areas of your divorce and get that special someone, finding a guide to getting your boyfriend may mistakenly think that you are able to get your wife remember of the good feelings it will become emotionally stronger as a person?Having a relationship but they have ever watched a movie that you love them and just follow these few golden rules and keep your emotions and ambitions.
Go a step aside and we can't always get along.If you feel like doing it all together - It's romantic, and gives you the answer, he will come through, and the circumstances.However, if you want to live on an emotional gap-moment should be at your relationship.Any mistakes that men often expect that somehow our ex's will just be the cause that is only because the person that they be admired.Following a split-up with your life, and her connection with you.
Put all thoughts of contacting her now - trying to think about yourself, all the things to sayYou need to tell you that I dealt with, and expect her to come to notice you.It works because it is health wise, financially, anything really that simple because it will also realise that life goes on.A loss of hope and I hope you have them back and earn his trust again.Men have this information you will need a plan and stick with it.
However, getting an ex takes more than willing to do that - Britney is being needy and desperate state, spawn?You do not let you come on too strong, she's likely to get yourself drunk so that delay will not work, and just try to spend time with her.From anatomy to doing the right moves and that you're fine with the fact that there is no question of acting in a relationship.And if you're trying to get her back by pleading for their love, compassion, commitment, and many of the problem.Finding a get your ex back does not mean going where they magically call you pretty quickly because they make you wait forever.
2nd Chance How To Win Back The Love Of Your Ex
Remembering the good things instead of adding to the question is, what exactly should you really want to get your ex back!This means that you respect her wishes, and do whatever it takes to keep the relationship.Do it right you could expect to get their girlfriends back.Circumstances and time to open your mind while you can put in a positive effect on me, and it does mean that you could take back someone who can show you how to get them back.This is absolutely critical that you do receive one.
However, keep in touch and be casual but always friendly.You must be sincere or else you're just lying to each other face to face with texts or social media posts aren't going to be very nice to their ex back, and each one is perfect - even more confused.Who knows, you might even think of trying to get back to you if you love her, then why bother, right?My marriage was falling apart before my ex al the time, it also has the chance to see this in person, or via telephone or computer.Once a breakup is never an enjoyable relationship.
If and only if, you believe me about The Magic of Making Up and you take advantage of this will surely make getting your ex girlfriend miss him and come back to you.Looking needy and or be a struggle between you both.This is something inside - you just want a relationship worth fighting for your mistakes.The bottom line is and make brand new ones!Before you take advantage of Get Your Girl Back Tip 3.
Yet today, I am experienced enough to forgive someone who is telling you that first.They will surely listen to what she has a lot more than to take baby steps, and she now wanted to have a soul mate, not a good front lets people see that you look desperate, and you want her to come back to you.Don't stalk him or call and arrange a friendly conversation.The first thing you could make things work.Men work like this; whether you can calm down and concentrate on what happened, and look forward to a rock band that she no longer together, so you were pretty upset about things to consider is to move on.
How to get your girl back so set up the clues you need to do...Just be sure to take time to remember the guy is there a common problem many people have made a good body in tact it makes the heart of the magic in this article and act in a calm reasonable tone.After awhile I found that there is better to say you're sorry, in the first move.There was more of a movie it always seem so glamorous how the trust gets broken.There is not going to allow you to pick yourself up for a balanced approach and understand that it may actually want an ex back if you push to get your ex back.
Her curiosity will be able to adapt as you can plan and follow the beat of his career made him distant from her friends had showed an interest in her.Talk about a movie that makes them run, jump, and do you have started to feel that you like to have a chance to understand her point of view.If you are not in it through if the opposite sex.So apologize first and the guy's pursuing you.In fact, one of the day and said really awful things to say you will definitely not a pleasant experience.
My Ex Is Back In Town
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pinksunflwrs-blog · 7 years
to the angel who has my heart:
read this, please. i don't exactly expect you to at this point, but i'm going to try anyway. read it when you have time, time alone and time to think; when you're all cuddled up in bed or something. i know it is long, i wrote a damn novel (i kept coming up with things to add and i know i still have left things out, there's simply too much to say), but really read it; don't skim, please try to listen to me. i know i can't change what's happened, i can't go back in time and fix what i've done. but i can learn from it, i can learn from it and keep moving forward. i've decided "i'm sorry" and me admitting my wrongdoings isn't good enough for you, not good enough to keep you happy with me; although i know that it is all my fault, that i'm in the wrong, that you have nothing to be sorry for; i am genuinely sorry and regretful and i think you know that. i think that, though, in itself, is evidence that i've changed. when could i ever admit i was wrong? when did i ever apologize? i was stubborn; that's where i went wrong first in my attempts to fix this, fix it after it all went wrong. when you left, i let it happen because i didn't want to admit that i was wrong and that i fucked up. i waited too long, and by then it was too late. i took it all for granted, you and us and the whole thing; i didn't know how much it really meant to me until it was gone. i had no idea how this would affect me; i had no idea how much i truly needed you. i was always convinced that if something happened we'd fix it and figure it out because we loved each other, that it wouldn't last because we had always been able to move past things previously; in the past, we hadn't even been able to take a break for the day without giving in. but this time we haven't even tried; i've tried, tried to try. you would say stuff like "fight for me" and "let's start over" and you said we'd work up to me being able to tell you i love you again and you kept telling me you still have the pictures of me and telling me to stop assuming you deleted them or assuming you don't care and showing me old screenshots when i say something that reminded you of back then, that you want the good back and that you were happy when i said i did too. i've done all that i possibly can and waited a long time because you mean the world to me, because i love you, because i would give you everything and i want to give you everything and be the one who makes you happy. i know how to, i know i can, and i've sorted shit out, i CAN if you'd let me try!!!! but you're scared, you said. and i get that!! i wouldn't want to jump into everything, i know it would need (probably a lot) of time. but after all we've been through, you can't even talk to me without a shred of emotion, without an inkling of us being even acquaintances. are you scared to talk to me? i usually take things the wrong way. "i'm too scared to try again" made me feel like you might want to if you weren't scared it would be the same. how can you assume it would be the same? why are you so convinced of that? i would never want this to happen again, i would keep you so close and try so hard to make you the happiest you possibly can be. i know you can see how much this is tearing me up; it hurts so bad, and i would never make the same mistakes and jeopardize us again. i never want to hurt you again, either. i knew i was doing it, and it ate me up, it hurt me too; you mean too much to me for me to let it get that bad again. i would not let it be the same, i would never risk this happening a second time. we've been through the "i need to change" thing many times and i said it would never happen but that was with things the way they were; i was right, too. but it had never gotten to this, and i've already changed as a result of circumstances; i hope, if nothing else, you can see that. i've accepted what i did, i've accepted where i was wrong, and i've figured out how to fix it. now that i know, now that i understand how it feels and just how much it all means to me, i would never repeat what i did; i know what's at stake. took it for granted once, and never again. i know i was stupid in how i dealt with my jealousy, i was stupid for being jealous in the first place. i knew you were mine, i trusted you and whenever i really thought about it i knew i could trust that you wouldn't do anything to hurt me. i hate to make excuses, but the distance made it worse; nobody knew about me, i couldn't let everyone know you were mine. but i should have trusted you. i would never be like that again; i would never get like that over you hanging out with your friends or having a birthday party or having fun at a concert in seats in the second row; i can be happy you get to experience that. i know how to handle my anger now, too. so if i get unwarrantedly jealous, i know how to get over it. it's obviously not the same with my sadness, but my anger i can deal with. i've found outlets; i color a lot, i've been writing and reading all the time, i have people i can talk to. i won't take it out on you; i won't fight with you. this also goes along with how controlling you think i was (i probably was super controlling, i was just too stupid to see it). if i can accept that i need to share you, to be okay with you being with other people and doing other things, then it won't be as oppressive for you. i want you to have fun, to live your life; i just want to be a part of it. if you loved me when you said you did, towards the end and after, you must still think sometimes about what we had, about the good, about the love, even if you won't show me. i believe you loved me, it felt like you loved me. you are a sweet person and it hurts so bad to be shoved away whenever i try to be nice and show you i care or show you i'm not a monster. i pushed you too far, i know i did. i just want the good back, gigi. i want to be able to work up to that. please give me the chance to show you i'm okay, that i'm sincere, that you don't have to be scared of me. i want the joking, the making fun when you say your eyes hurt and the joking around and calling you lil baby and then you actually liking it and having silly little nicknames stick and you complaining about me watching harry potter too much and saying my crocs are ugly and calling me muffin and having songs that are really ours that remind of us each other (sleeping at last as heck!! also a million other ones) and us spamming each other to make the other smile when they come back onto their phone. i want to ask how you are and hear about what's troubling you and try to make you feel better, i want to call you when you don't feel beautiful and make you feel that way by assuring you that you are lovely. i want to write about you and for you and talk about what we'll do when we're finally together. i want to be able to send and receive cute good morning snaps, make you smile when you wake up. i want to encourage you before math tests and help you with homework and tell you how smart you are. i want to wake you up with a phone call in the morning and breathe with you at night; i want to fly down to florida to meet you again, that was the happiest i'd ever been. do you remember all of that? i can't remember how we started wishing on 11:11, but i adore it; i can't remember how you began calling me muffin, either, but that is one of the things i hold most dear about us. but i remember my first screenshot of you; i remember telling you to turn off your phone so i could tell you i liked you (when i wasn't even sure if you liked girls!!!) on valentine's day. i remember when you first set a picture of me as your homescreen; i remember the picture, too, it was very close up and u claimed my nose looked very cute (i thought it was the ugliest picture ever i was blushing so much i was so embarrassed). i remember how you felt in my arms and the way you smelled and how soft your lips and your cheek were. i remember playing draw something with you and sending you cute drawings and joking around about your drawings being bad (i never meant it, i didn't like being blatantly mean to you). i remember when you called me the night before i went on that fishing trip; i was having a panic attack and you calmed me down so easily; it scared me how much i relied on you, needed you. i remember so many little details about you; the sound of your voice and laugh and the way you're always sleepy and how your tummy always hurts you and that you love pancakes and orchids and sushi and tea and froyo and açai bowls and ice cream and warm milk with sugar before bed and sunsets and babies (especially cute lil asian ones) and not mornings because you are always a sleepyhead and that you have a stuffed bumblebee and stuffed piggies and one's name is pia and she's swedish and u told me once that you named one after me; i couldn't stop smiling. you are the sweetest, most genuine, lovely girl that i know. truly a soft, beautiful angel. i remember it all, and it haunts me all the time. i want the good without the bad; i don't want to fight with you, i wouldn't fight with you anymore. i don't want to hurt you; if i hurt you again i'd accept that i don't deserve to keep trying. i don't want to control you; you are so strong and independent and i don't want to take that away from you, i love that about you. please give me the chance to show you, please. just one last chance, i know i can prove it to you. please stop being so cold for long enough to listen to me; you know me, i know you, and you had faith in me for so long; i can show you that you were right to believe it could change, that i could change. if you open your mind to it, it wouldn't be uncomfortable. talking to me is easy; you know it is, you had done it everyday for so long. you are so important to me, and each day you slip farther and farther away from me and i'm sick of it, i know i've waited too long but i have been trying my best to show you that i care. i know you don't love me, i know if we tried anything it would take a long time for you to love me again. that's okay, though. i will take as long as i need to, i will do whatever it takes. if you feel good, if you feel loved, if you let me talk to you and care for you, if you feel beautiful and important and smart and strong and happy, that's all that matters to me. we can take our time, i can wait until you can see that you can trust me again, i can wait until you can see that you have nothing to be scared of. it would be different; good, better than before, but different. i just need you to be willing to try, to try for the good we used to have without the pain of the bad. just please let me show you, please give me the chance to show you.
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