#✯Hive Life
annabelle--cane · 2 months
the best youtubers in the world will go radio silent for ten months then post a video with a silly concept but astoundingly good execution and throw in a line at the end saying "I'll be back soon with a better video, I haven't just been working on this nonsense for the whole time I was gone" and then vanish off the face of the earth again for another eight months
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hyakunana · 1 year
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"Were you even listening? How many reports, Ikora? How many times did I tell you what I saw?"
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nico-esoterica · 1 month
How to stop being a peasant in your own life
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It's still Leo season and as a Leo stellium, I'm here to encourage y'all to get in the habit (or knuckle down on) being ruthlessly self-centered and to put yourself on a pedestal at all times. The gag is that the more secure with yourself you are, you actually never feel any inclination to be rude or mistreat others. It'd be beneath you. So don't think you're gonna be some narcissist or something. Relax.
But this means prioritizing yourself. Many, many, too many of you were raised w/o boundaries, are chronic overgivers, and have no idea what 'no' means in relation to others, esp those around you.
This is how you start treating yourself like royalty. Baby steps create strides over time:
Create small promises with yourself and keep them (even if it's just eating)
Accommodate yourself unapologetically (do you need more space/time for things? do you need people to be mindful of something about you? tell them. think about where you feel discomfort and let the people around you help you or find ways to help yourself w/o guilt or shame -- there's usually blogs/youtube vids/tiktoks of people who give tips about everything uncomfy known to man you can learn from)
Treat yourself with dignity and compassion (hold yourself to a higher standard but be understanding about it)
Always talk to yourself like you would to a child (gently, encouragingly, constructively, lovingly)
Find something to be proud of yourself about everyday (even if it's just getting up)
Be your biggest cheerleader with your tasks (even if they're small)
Practice self-love by pretending strangers are describing what they love about you
Practice mirror work by looking in the mirror and seeing yourself through the perspective of an artist (who's in love w/ you tbh) and try to imagine what they'd find alluring or interesting about your body
Think of yourself as a character and think of what'd make you unique in a story (be biased and have fun!)
Do something small for yourself today that will make tomorrow easier or that you'll feel good about tomorrow
Think of an old limiting belief you can say goodbye to and remind yourself that it's gone if it comes up
Find little ways to take care of yourself that help you feel safe and appreciated (change your sheets, buy labels/post its for reminders, trash expired things, delete/archive old files on your tech)
Reflect on current boundaries within your relationships and start (safely) telling people you aren't available to do xyz, xyz isn't for you, you don't want to do xyz, and "No."
Researching if there are discounts/affordable versions of what you love (search reddit and twt communities for tips)
Adopt the mindset that everything in your life is easy and never going out of the way for anything/anyone unless you're prioritized (this makes you become aware of who/what's been taking advantage of you in your life)
Never doing anything which compromises your safety and to stop 'going against your gut' even if you're not 100% sure
If anyone/anything in your life doesn't make you feel good, find a way to put (safe) distance between you and it until you can cut it/them off completely. Mutual closure is subjective and isn't always necessary. Prioritize your peace over a lifetime of resentment
Devote yourself to joy in any way possible. Other people's opinions don't belong to you
Think of something your inner child always wanted to do and find a way to do it :)
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nijigasakilove · 8 months
They weren’t kidding during the live event when they talked about the dance scene being crazy. That was amazing. You could see all the time and effort that went into this episode.
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Just like after the battle against the bandits, we get to see how much Arnold cares for his retainers and servants. He works just as hard as them without taking any naps or breaks. It’s no wonder everyone is willing to die for him because he’d do the same.
Rishe being officially unveiled as Arnold’s fiancé to all those jealous onlookers at the ball was great. After everything she’s been through, that was nothing. No better way to solidify the engagement than with a public dance and like I said, it was beautiful. Felt like a sword fight really, with both Arnold and Rishe feeling each other out before making their moves.
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The fact that they were both able to observe that something was slightly off with the other is wild. Their perception skills are off the chart. Rishe noticing that Arnold must have some sort of left arm injury and him noticing that she was thinking of someone else..
That led us to a nice intimate moment where Arnold reveals the scar that he has only shown a select few. I wonder where he got it from…
The maid selection part of the episode was easily the best part though. The look on all the girls’ faces when Rishe was revealed as the princess 😂 after all that shit they talked the last few days you could feel their heart break
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Rishe masterfully handled the Diana situation. I thought she’d still pick her as a maid and Diana would have a little character development arc, but not selecting her, going with all new maid recruits and instead putting Diana in charge of teaching reading and writing is a better play. Diana is a good person who just became pretty jaded over time. Rishe recognised that and gave her the perfect assignment. Also a fitting punishment since Diana didn’t help them do the Maid training stuff as well as she should’ve.
Now that the merchants from Rishe past life are here, things will get even more interesting. This really has a lot of goat villainess potential. Love this show
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thelovebug1968 · 3 months
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Stupid stupid book. It does not work. The logic is really not right
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akkivee · 16 days
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driftwoodthrone · 2 years
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Listen to me very carefully. Hellbird. Repeat, Hellbird. And Jean-Luc. No Starfleet. Trust no one.
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a-strangers-thoughtss · 2 months
I just had a thought
Inspired by this post
So these last two seasons both Jopper and Lumax have been like, “yo we should hang out on Friday.” And then one of them gets killed.
Stranger things really seems to like bringing their characters back to life…
Hopper and Max both “died” after this and then were “brought back to life” right?
And what if the same thing happened with Byler?
With all of the Will Byers/Harry potter parallels being pointed out now I think this is a real possibility.
Harry comes back to life after he gets killed and then goes and kills Voldemort… Will comes back to life and kills Vecna
The date on Friday thing is a reoccurring theme that I don’t think we can count out for season 5
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 3 months
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another year gone with my body trying to kill me every other week 😭
try harder bitch if u want to succeed
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Marvel’s “What If…?”, Agents of SHIELD edition:
1) What if Jemma Simmons sacrificed herself instead of Leo Fitz? (result: Simmons develops hypoxia, Fitz goes undercover into HYDRA and befriends Bobbi Morse)
2) What if Trip was an Inhuman? (result: Trip survives but is hunted down alongside Skye due to their Inhuman heritage)
3) What if Grant Ward defeated Coulson on Maveth? (result: Fitz and Ward escape the planet but Ward is immediately imprisoned, Coulson’s corpse is possessed by Hive)
4) What if Robbie Reyes escaped in time? (result: Robbie is present during the LMD crisis)
5) What if Deke Shaw wasn’t Fitzsimmons’ grandson? (result: Deke is actually Coulson and May’s grandson)
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annabelle--cane · 2 months
I respect the labor it has always taken to push queer stories to anywhere approaching the mainstream and I appreciate that all of these works have their merits and will have been extremely meaningful to people but sometimes I look back at the state of queer media in the late 2000s/early 2010s and I briefly see into hell
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prettyspicyhoney · 2 months
There's nothing quite like the sight of them kneeling between my legs ready to please me. As their warm breath washes over my skin, I can't help but shiver, a wave of pleasure already building inside me.
The first touch of their tongue is electric. They start slow, gentle licks that send sparks shooting through my body. I can't keep still, my hips instinctively lifting, seeking more of that delicious friction. Their hands hold my hips, pulling me closer into their face, their grip firm, nails digging into my sides as they lose themselves in me.
Each lick, each flick of their tongue, is heaven. I can feel their devotion in every movement, the way they savor my taste, moaning softly into me. The vibrations of their moans send shudders through my core, intensifying the sensations until I can barely think straight. My hands find their way into their hair, threading through the strands, pulling them closer, pushing them to where I need them most.
The way their tongue moves, circling and teasing, drives me wild. I can't keep my reactions in, can't stop the desperate sounds escaping my lips. My fingers dig into their hair, holding them against me, needing them to be as close as possible. "Don't stop," I whimper, my voice shaky, the pleasure almost too much to bear.
They don't stop. They double down, their tongue delving deeper, their mouth working me over with such skill it makes my head spin. My back arches off the bed, my body straining towards them, every nerve ending alight with sensation. I can feel the pleasure building, a tidal wave of pleasure that I can't hold back.
When it hits, I cry out, my body spasming, grinding against their mouth as they hold on, never letting up. The intensity of it makes me see stars, my vision blurring as I ride out the waves of ecstasy. They stay with me, their tongue still moving, still giving, prolonging my pleasure until I'm utterly spent.
Finally, as the aftershocks fade, I collapse back onto the bed, breathless and trembling. They lift their head, their face flushed, eyes shining with satisfaction and devotion. I pull them up to me, kissing them deeply, tasting myself on their lips.
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nico-esoterica · 3 months
When you realize that your inner fears and doubts are just criticisms your parents have of themselves, you are forever changed.
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nijigasakilove · 6 months
“There’s only one person I’ll ever kneel to.” - Arnold to Rishe, LN3 Pg.63
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fyi-iyanni · 1 year
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callmebliss · 10 months
So, I have this bottle of wonderful perfume oil. I originally found it at the Faire when I was 16 and could only afford a tiny amount inside a glass vial hidden in the center of a pendant that was a pewter fairy and flowers (not pictured). I jealously hoarded that oil as my Most Special Occasions Only perfume for twenty years, until I was finally able to go back to that Faire. I didn’t expect the vendor to still be there.
THEY WERE THERE. And I had Grownup Money this time so I bought a proper vial of oil. (Pictured)
More recently, I went on a day trip down to Cape Cod that included a visit to the Sandwich Glass Museum, and I bought a tiny glass perfume bottle. (pictured)
The dilemma before me is how the HECK do I get the perfume oil from the wide mouth glass vial into the slender necked perfume vial without spilling, minimum waste, and without running afoul of the physics of fluids. Thoughts and prayers?
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