#✮ | melodious nocturne ; demyx
mooflettes · 2 years
David Bowey (real not fake)
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waterdanced · 2 years
alright, folks, strap in for another theory rambling from syd: demyx edition
what we know about demyx:
not much
(that's, like, partially facetious but also true. all we really know is that he's connected to some ancient keyblade legacy. on top of that, though, there are some observations we can make:)
his death in kh2 has him in a weird pillar of light only shared slightly with xigbar
i trust him when he says he's not a scientist
his title is the melodious nocturne in en and nocturnal poem in jp
his element is water, which has been heavily associated with darkness as a metaphor in kingdom hearts
now, let's set aside demyx for a second to discuss the master of masters — and no, this theory isn't one of those theories about them being the same or whatever. i have taste.
the landi lodge on youtube posits that the master of masters may very well be light itself, and i'm inclined to agree; the fact that he says "the truth is what you see with your eyes, not what you hear," only for the screen to flash with light when his name is blanked from being heard is almost evidence enough, but compound that with my outdated theory about him being kingdom hearts itself... i feel it makes sense. what we also know about the master of masters is that he once had friends in a time long ago who fell in another keyblade war, and darkness is his long-time enemy.
there is also a lot of christian imagery going into mom and the foretellers, given the seven deadly sins and whatnot. i promise this is relevant.
one more important detail: one of the thirteen true darknesses is currently unaccounted for.
now, let's get back to demyx and what i think about him:
let's take one possibility for his true name, edym, and consider that it's an alternative spelling of adam. adam was created by god, famously known as a being of light.
let's consider that edym — possibly like luxu, possibly like the foretellers, if you let me be very insane — may very well have been a creation of the master of masters in an era long past. they may be connected in a way without being the same person. consider edym as a prototype replica (which would work narratively given all his talking points and plot involving the replicas), maybe even with, somehow, a piece of the master in him to kickstart his existence — sort of similar to the concept of a nobody. it would explain his light pillar at death, and it would explain his haha, yeah, no dismissal of being a scientist. it would also explain his ancient keyblade legacy. it might even explain why he knows nobodies do have hearts, which no one is aware of canonically.
consider him one of mom's original friends, thought lost in the war. consider him becoming a vessel for the missing darkness and how that would be such a painful insult and personal attack to the master of masters while also explaining his affinity for water, so often linked to darkness. it would also explain the nocturne/nocturnal part of his titles, given that nothing else about demyx really fits that description whereas most of the others at least fit who they're assigned to.
there is also the fact that vexen comments about "men like us, men of science," when speaking to demyx... which is certainly not accurate for vexen's perception of demyx. but consider that vexen/even has displayed a very sharp intuition before in being able to tell that ventus is a heart of pure light, so perhaps he's picking up on something about demyx's past and true nature.
this would all even, in a way similar to how xigbar set off mom-similarity warning bells in others before that reveal, explain what similarities are there between demyx and the master.
i've talked about my theories for luxord and how those would put him around the missing link era, but i don't think mom's original era would be mentioned if it wouldn't also be relevant. demyx having a personal connection to the master of masters would add another layer to the way he's often seen with xigbar, as well.
and all this said, demyx could still very well have ended up quadratum, thus making him a duo with luxord still despite being from different eras.
i hope all of this makes sense. i could definitely spend more time on it to make it more cohesive, but... this is what y'all get.
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nonovyabuisness · 2 years
My brain decided to come up with random KH organisation XIII x Resident Evil Village (REV).
Who gets kidnapped ?
Roxas and Xion that were dared to enter the REV world without their org coat and got transformed into babies.
Who was accompanying them ?
Demyx,who almost died because of Miranda and only managed to crawl through a dark corridor after distracting her with his water clones.
Demyx also dared the two key kids to take off the org coat for five minutes thinking they would just be cold.
Who is the most pissed off ?
Xemnas ,Saix and Axel.
Each for a different reason:
Xemnas is pissed because the key kids are valuable to his plans.
Saix because Demyx f-cked up everything AGAIN and it will be troublesome to get Number XII and Number XIV back (even though he is willing as is Xemnas to leave ‘the puppet’ behind).
Axel is pissed off because his best friends (kids) have been kidnapped and has to be monitored at all times in case he tries to kill the Melodious Nocturne…again.
Thanks to their coat they retain their powers (including Xigbar’s ignorance to what is called ‘gravity’) and weapons who reappears to them if taken too far away from their wielders. All organisation members are sent except Xemnas (obviously) and Demyx who is no longer trusted in REV.
- Axel no longer able to control his anger burns down the survivors’ house after arguing with one of them. He feels a bit bad about the girl and her father but his key kids are more important.
- After learning that Heinsenberg can control metal. Xaldin, Marluxia and Axel are forced to leave due to their weapons being easily taken away by Cowboy Magneto (CW). But some members are not as affected by CW.
Vexen’ s shield can not be taken away when covered in ice even if it’s not thick for some reason.
Larxene’s daggers can be electrified from a distance by her, meaning if Heisenberg tried to take her daggers she could electrocute him without having the need to touch her weapons, Which is bad since his ability is metallic.
Xigbar’s shots are pure magic and therefore can’t be pulled by CW (they can be deviated by his hammer however).
Saix’s claymore and Lexaeus’ tomahawk are somehow not pulled in by Heisenberg.
- While all of them can deal with the mutants such as Lycans, Haulers, Moroaica, Samca, Soldats and Varcolac. Each org member can deal more easily with some specifically.
Larxene has an easier time with the conductible metallic Haulers and Soldats.
Lexaeus has no issue with Lycans.
Saix can easily take a Varcolac thanks to beserker.
Xigbar has a field day with the flying Samcas.
Vexen freezes the Moroaicas before destroying them with his shield that protects him against surprise attacks.
Zexion usually avoids fighting himself using hallucinations to make the mutants kill each other, lure them into a trap or to flee.
Luxord puts every mutants, except Varcolacs who are too big, into cards before tearing them. ( The cards reappear as blank after a few seconds).
Now onto the bosses :
- The vampire triplets Bela, Cassandra and Daniela are destroyed by Vexen due to his ice powers (their weakness).
- Lady Dimitrescu is avoided at first due to her invincibility before she turns into her true form who is taken down by Xigbar who shoots her down even from the sky since gravity doesn’t exist for him.
- Xezion is stuck without his lexicon in the Beneviento house causing him to rely on his intellect to solve the puzzles with the wooden human sized doll being Ansem The Wise (ATW) as Ienzo put a bookmark ATW had given him in the memory mailbox . And getting out of said house panting due to all the running he had to do, he kisses his lexicon once it reappears.
- Lexaeus and Saix inflict physical damage to Moreau while Larxene electrocutes his wet fishy a$$.
- Sturm (propeller head) is electrocuted by Larxene and hit in the back multiple times by Xigbar, Saix and Lexaeus while he is paralyzed.
- Heisenberg is taken down by Larxene who electrocutes his metal behind diverting his attention and paralyzing him. While Xigbar uses the tank to shoot at Heisenberg with Vexen providing Ice walls to protect them.
After the CM fight, Miranda appears with baby Xion giving her to Larxene who immediately shoves Xion in Lexaeus’ arms before they all dip never returning to this world.
- Roxas is found in the Dimitrescu castle since Miranda wants the child to be a girl for the ceremony with Roxas being plan B.
- Xion being a ‘puppet’ and therefore not human or linked to the ‘Cadou’ or the other RE viruses she was given back as Miranda didn’t want to take any more risks with Organization XIII.
- Luxord and the Duke got along exceedingly well, playing card games and telling each other riddles.
- They fond out the vampire triplets weakness to ice when Xezion was about to be stabbed and dragged away by them and Vexen threw is ice covered shield at them making them run away without Zexion.
- Saix and Xemnas originally planned to abandon Xion but they knew Roxas and Axel would throw themselves in to save her so they kept going. And also the fact that recreating her would waste more time than getting her back in their point of view.
- As soon as Roxas and Xion were back into the World That Never Was, they turned back into their normal appearance with the clothes they had under their org coat and seemed to have forgotten what transpired while they were babies.
- The Baby Monster in the Beneviento manor will forever plague Zexion’s nightmare even after being recompleted.
- Axel would have cried tears of joy if the upside down tears under his eyes allowed him to.
- Immediately dipped to Twilight Town with his kids to explain what had transpired and get ice cream.
- Demyx was assigned cleaning duty for 3 month after being almost murdered by Axel and Saix ( especially flamesilocks).
Good day/night everyone, it’s 1am so I’m going to bed.
Update: it is now 6pm.
Re-update : It is now months later and it is 11:38pm.
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daremozaza · 3 years
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so Demyx is the Master of Masters because Melody of Memory is abbreviated as MoM(like master of masters), and it is a rhythm game with music that was the next game after kh3 and now Yozora is the opposite of Sora meaning night sky. And Demyx just so happens to be the MELODIOUS NOCTURNE.....and if you flip his sitar upside down its the Masters sigil. And as soon as Xemnas mentions Keyblade Legacies, he flips sides.......Then I realize Im thinking too much because Noooo Waaay...😂🤣💀 I mean he's extremely imposing...when he wants to be.
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soulsxunbound · 3 years
Tag drop pt.1
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spidermilkshake · 4 years
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Demyx--Melodious Nocturne
It's a big mistake to underestimate this chill musical goofball--especially in the one facet that he seemed to understand that not even KH's creators seemed to grasp. Big rant time: You... can't really make interesting characters with personality and function in any kind of interpersonal interaction without F***in' emotions. You can't do it. You can make people who are very repressed, have debilitating emotional and personality disorders even, but they don't work without emotions. Emotions are a big part of every conscious being's way of navigating and reacting to the world--without them, it would be hard to respond to much of anything. I have a feeling Nomura never thought about the fact that emotions are pretty much a default function of a conscious brain which even then act largely unconsciously, and thus it makes no damn sense to tether the concept to the "magic-fuel" concept of Hearts in his lil Disneyfied universe. And it turns out, Demyx was even a bit right about the not even lacking "Heart" thing, from certain points of canon. Nobodies have access to Light and Darkness inexplicably in spite of their "lack of Heart", and have emotions of course. They're shown having emotional reactions to things. They're shown sucking up their reactions to avoid consequences. It's kind of like trying to claim a group of beings in your fantasy lack Tongues, and therefore cannot communicate... and then having multiple scenes of these same characters sending each other emails and speaking in sign language (or even casually speaking verbally anyways, in spite of lack of the all-important Tongue). Turns out people are more important than a special essence blob that links you up to all kind of magicka shenanigans. And if I have to write KH fics as I long to do, I'd like that to be a central theme. It's waaaaaay more wholesome and relatable than anything Nomura seems to be able to come up with. And for what are Nobodies really pining for their Hearts for? To help their people be counted again as people despite still being so. To do it for power makes no sense--becoming a Nobody tends to grant access to unfathomably high levels of power on its own. But then, I suppose the only really pertinent lesson to the canon Kingdom Hearts is this:"Never, ever, ever trust an amnesiac supervillain (even if he claims he's different and working for the greater good this time)."
Oh yes, and sea salt flavor ice cream is delicious, apparently. XD Wouldn't know--never tried it.
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bd-agent-doppio · 4 years
So demyx? What do you plan on doing with the boy?
"I was gonna bring him to the others so Saix would back off on me- but..." Demyx explains, before seeing that his 'target' had walked off. "...aw, man- today is just not my day."
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moonymoonpng · 5 years
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Yeah, Demyx is special. You’re safe from bad puns….for now. (I had to look this up) Drawing the neck was hard enough, I couldn’t imagine doing the whole thing. Ok I could, it would just be very time consuming, but worth it.
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mephxles · 6 years
Demyx: Xemnas is reprinting our company brochure, and he said I could have a go at taking a picture for the cover. 
Xaldin: Oh dear. Does that mean we’re losing the current one? 
Xigbar: The one with Mansex strangling a customer? 
Xaldin: I always thought that summed up Organization XIII rather well.
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dearlyarchived · 2 years
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“    if i let many stars become my guides,    i will drift to the stage.   ”
@lawgriffin.    ♡  *    わがままハイウェイ.
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nyacat39 · 6 years
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Took me.... three days and many hours but hey I finally finished!!
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xinamine · 7 years
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Demyx! 데믹스!
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shitpostingkats · 2 years
Organization XIII, ranked by their titles
Roxas: The Key of Destiny Nice and epic. The good double meaning that he wields the key, yet also is the key to the organization plans, turned and manipulated to unlock a door with no will of his own. The organization sees him as the key to their destiny, but really, Roxas is the key and the bearer, and through his arc, learns to be the keeper of his own fate. 1000/10
Demyx: The Melodious Nocturne Rolls off the tongue in a pleasant way. You might think, “what the heckity is a nocturne? It sounds cool as heck.” Well, a nocturne is (what a surprise), a musical term. But specifically, it is a word used in both art and music, to describe a piece evocative of night. A cool sounding term for a fantasy character that, when you google it, actually means something interesting and thematically relevant? what a rarity/10
Larxene: The Savage Nymph Now, the usage of ‘nymph’ might take some points off this one, being more befitting a character with nature powers, like Marluxia. Or, she could be using nymph in the more entomological definition, meaning young insect, like a wasp or a hornet, something with a bit more ‘sting’ to it. The real confusion of the second part keeps her from the top slot, but the delicious zeugma of the first half makes up for it. #savage/10
Axel: Fury of the Dancing Flames Ooh. What a wonderful epithet. There’s such a nice prose to it, not found in any other members of the evil squad. On top of that, it covers all the bases that we as the audience need to know about Axel. What is he? Angy. How will he express that? Fire. Like, boring, non-dancing fire? Nope. Sick-as-hell dancing fire. Axel should get to dance too tho/10
Xaldin: The Whirlwind Lancer I’ll say, I tried to keep personal opinions of the characters out of this ranking. It’s pure coincidence that some of my favorites have the dopest names. And nothing proves that more than Xaldin’s placement here. Do I like this man? Nah. But, I have to admit, his bossfight in Two is really artful. Someone had to sit down and ask themselves “How do we make the wind intimidating?” And their core concept started with a whirlwind, lances, and terrible sideburns. The sideburns didn’t make it into the name, and thank the stars for that. But the rest is very nicely menacing. 7/10
Xemnas: Superior of the In-Between Another name that says what it does on the tin. Xemnas is constantly getting referred to as “The Superior” instead of everyone just calling him “boss” like a normal person. It’s got more than a hint of over-dramatic edginess to it. But that is one of the reasons we love Kingdom Hearts. Same thing goes for the audacity Xemans has to call him realm “The In-Between”, which sounds way better than “Our neo-neo-gothic nightmare pocket dimension with Escher-esque skyscraper clipping” drama queen/10
Zexion: The Cloaked Schemer “Cloaked” and “Schemer” describe approximately 90% of the organization. It’s like if your job description at the office was “Guy who has hair and opinions”. Zexion isn’t even the schemer-iest egg in the carton! Fine name in most other evil friendgroups, just not this one. come on Zexion you can do better than this/10
Vexen: The Chilly Academic I really appreciate that, despite roughly 4/13ths of this emo dream team having a background in science, Vexen is the academic. No one else. Nope, not even those three other guys who worked in the same lab as you. Nah Vexen, science is your thing, we’re not gonna step on your gimmick. Like we’ve come to expect, 'Chilly’ here pulls double duty as both a literal descriptor of his powers and a more metaphorical adjective about the villains temperament. Though, I don’t know it you can in good faith call someone who spends so much of his screen time either shrieking or giggling “chilly”. 5/10 
Saix: The Luna Diviner You know, I always thought Saix’s title was the lunar diviner, but nope, I’m looking at the wiki right now. It says Luna. Which kinda cuts the pacing of the title right through the gut. I much prefer his japanese title, Demonic Dancing In The Moon, which has the benefit of 1) Matching with Axel, and 2) Being metal as hell. Also, diviner??? When has Saix ever delivered a single prediction in the entirety of the series, other than the usually correct “I am going to go absolutely apeshit now”, which any good scientist will know, is a variable controlled by the tester and thus, suffers greatly from confirmation bias. moon moon/10
Luxord: The Gambler of Fate Most of these epithets follow a very simple pattern; adjective, what-they-bring-to-the-company. Roxas breaks the rules because he’s important, Xemnas does it because he’s the CEO, and Axel does it because he is simply The Best Boy. But nowhere, in any game we have received so far, is there reason to believe Luxord is special enough to similarly defy the mold. We didn’t even know how his regular name was pronounced until kh3!!! Luxord smacks of someone who doesn’t know how much of a background character he really is. I mean, come on, the gambler of fate? Mi amigo, you show up twice and keel over to a child beating you at go-fish. We’re not exactly dealing with the grand machinations of the cosmos here. Nomura, if you give me reason to, I will consider adjusting this rank/10
Xigbar: The Freeshooter Again with shirking conventions! However, I will give credit where credit is due, Xigbar seems to have the narrative weight to deserve it. Which is where my actual complaint comes in: you go out of your way to stand out from the pack, and the best you can come up with is freeshooter? Boring. No pizazzle, no flamboyant adjectives, just blunt as lead and twice as clunky. Man is a hundreds year old ceiling dwelling sniper with an eyepatch and a surfer accent, there’s gotta be something more interesting than freeshooter. Xigbar I had such high hopes for you/10
Marluxia: The Graceful Assassin  Graceful, I’ll give you. No one goes harder on the pastel instagram aesthetic than Marluxia. But ‘assassin’ seems a weird choice. Especially for the guy who was put in charge of hiring new assets (Sora) to the Council of Depressed Queers. That is literally the opposite of assassinating. I mean, Axel’s killed like three of his coworkers, and this femme king gets to be called the assassin? I’m sorry my gay, but pink glitter and a weird mech does not instantly make you a bringer of death. let Marluxia commit homicide/10
Lexaeus: The Silent Hero/The Taciturn Stalwart Dude has a completely different title in Remix and no one noticed because he’s just that Boring. 0/10
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fruniyuni01 · 7 years
Daily reminder that Demyx deserved better
It's his month
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sekhmet-rye · 2 years
It really hadn’t taken long at all. There was no doubting it. Demyx had been counting the minutes since they had left Radiant Garden. Seven and a half minutes. That was how long it took for Ienzo to call. The Nobody was honestly surprised that Even hadn’t called first. Though that probably meant that Skuld had managed to capture his attention with something slightly more substantial than a simple question to turn the man’s eyes away from his computers for a moment. No doubt some kind of alarm went off somewhere in the castle. Ienzo had called Demyx’s Gummiphone at that, so that was certainly unexpected. The Melodious Nocturne had expected the scientist to call Ruby first. Still, they weren’t going anywhere yet, they were still discussing where they would go.
“Sup Zexion!” Demyx said cheerfully, catching the sharp look at the teen’s Nobody name. Right, always check before calling him that. “How can I help?”
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withhisdarkness · 5 years
tag dump #6
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