#Wyvern Rider with a Heart of Gold // Ashe
soulsxunbound · 3 years
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@sparkadream​ asked:  Turning the page of his book Zel lets out a small hum as he shifts slightly against Ashe’s side. “Oh, oh!” reaching over he gives the other’s leg a light pat before leaning closer so Ashe could see the pages as well. “This is my favorite part of the story! The one I was telling you about earlier, remember?”
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“Hm?” Ashe looked up from his own book that he was reading as he looked up at the blonde. “I think I remember it slightly, Do you mind telling me again Zel?” Ashe closed his book for the time being as he looked at the book that the other was holding.
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@amorevoices​ continued from Here X
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Ashe turned to face the source of the voice. When he saw the queen, he bowed. “Oh my god... I am so sorry to have spoken to you like that Your Majesty. Yes, I am new to Corona. My name is Ashe Ubert, my siblings and I arrived only last week. I’m out this way searching for a food market. Since I am still learning where everything is.” Ashe said nothing about it only being him and his siblings. He didn’t want people to worry.
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oraclequill · 7 years
The Future Child
Going over some old writing, I revised my personal favorite from what remains my favorite Morgan art. And its high time that I get back on my writing feet.
"Wh-where am I? How'd I end up here?" Morgan lifted his face from the tile floor and he stared around at his surroundings. The place looked to be an old shrine, the remains of the pillars that once supported the roof were covered in weapon dents and scratches. Whole parts of the stone work had been blasted away by magic that could have lead to the ceiling caving in. He looked up toward the the sky, now clear as the rain had to of recently stopped, the shrine floors were still wet and the surrounding trenches were filled with fresh water. Getting on his feet, Morgan searched his pockets and found his worn tome. Tearing a page loose, he muttered the incantation softly to apply enough power that caused the writing on paper to glow and help warm his freezing hands. As the parchment turned to ash, he waved his free hand to get feeling back in his fingers.
Morgan began to put the tome back into his coat, when something made him hesitate. He could feel movement from what had to be a group of people in another part of the shrine. Swallowing, Morgan moved toward what looked like the former entrance to the place. A swordsman came up the stairwell, blade drawn and approached. Morgan held fast to his tome, he knew he was shaking again. The swordsman's skin was sallow and sunken, his eyes lacked pupils, but it was the red glow from them that made the young boy step back. Other monsters joined the first man. Riders, all who shared the decayed look as well sat on their own horses, wyverns and griffons.
"Oh no..." Morgan gulped. "This is bad."
Morgan knew that his Elfire tome would expire before finishing them all off. He wasn't strong enough to face them by himself. He continued to step away from the approaching corpse of the myrmidon. The myrmidon rasped, growling at him and he then spoke clearly, "Must...kill...future child."
They all then began to whisper the phrase, chanting it one after the other. The myrmidon kicked Morgan in his chest, both knocking him flat and stalling his breath short. Morgan followed the blade tip with his eyes, seeing it come high. He flinched and closed them the moment it fell, lifting his arm in front of him, expectant of pain.
The noise of clashing metal made him wink one eye open as the light of day revealed the unexpected scene; a tall, blue haired man with a green headband had come to stand between him and the Risen, shielding him from certain death, his own sword drawn. They clashed, weapons sparking as they battled. The creatures all screamed and shrieked in a single voice. Somewhere, another man gave the order to dispatch the creatures, calling them 'Risen.'
Morgan sat where he was, briefly dazed at the sight of the battle that had now broken out. The man kept his back placed to Morgan, fending off those that came at him in effort to get to where he was. A fourth risen, this one looking like it was a terrifying stitched scarecrow, rushed at the blue haired man.
Morgan raised his voice again, shouting a warning to the man, but the noise of the battle was too high. The warning went unheard as the Risen charged with it's claws ready to tear the adult man apart. A woman's voice lifted over the noise, screaming out, "Arcthunder!" The risen screamed where the white bolt hit it as it burst into flames, flailing wildly in black and purple smoke as it died.
The weight of a gentle, strong hand came to rest on Morgan's shoulder, causing him to jump at the contact. The woman’s voice was soft as she asked, “Are you alright?”
Morgan gawked openly, his mouth falling wide at the sight of her. The woman was almost as tall as he was, her hair cropped short into a bob that framed her face with bangs that covered her forehead.
Morgan felt his lip and legs equally quiver as he stammered over the word he so wanted to say, but it came out as the tiniest of whispers instead; "M-Mother...?" She cast a second thread of lightning magic, making the bolt flare and blast another monster to smoking bits of flesh. The woman then stared, fixed at him, her brown eyes bright and focused, though confused. Keeping her thunder tome open to charged and cast a spell at any other threat. The woman shocked another Risen that came their way.
She barked out in call to the blue haired man, “Priam!” and she then shooed Morgan to follow after him. Morgan nodded as he sprinted after the opening defenses the woman’s companion cut through the strange fiends.
Beginning to cast his own magic at them, he helped to fend off the monsters as the monsters began their second strategy and plan of attack. Morgan hurried to join where the man with the headband had taken cover. He blinked down to him, his eyes narrowed similarly as the woman had done.
The man named Priam opened his mouth, ready to ask him something, but the Risen leader urged his mount to come down on them, the wings of the griffon flapping hard. Morgan opened his Elfire tome, summoning the burning energy to singe the creature to ashes. The cover curled at the corner tips, cracked and fell apart in his hands. The undead form wheezed, cackling at him as he brandished his axe, swooping down to attack.
Morgan felt a large grip seize the back of his robes, tugging him from the range of the swing of the axe. The distance wasn’t wide enough for him to avoid it as it clipped his shoulder, pulling blood to the surface through his cut sleeve and tunic.
Morgan nodded in answer to Priam's command, “Careful!” as he helped balance him back on his feet; the Risen was coming in for another attack, furious in his failure. Morgan tucked his hand to his hip, his fingers closing around the bandaged hilt of a tall, gold-bronze sword that he drew from the scabbard at his side. He held it in front of his face, seeing his reflection in the gleaming metal.
"Kill...child." the Risen leader muttered, the beast bird which the corpse sat atop of clicked its beak together in acknowledgement.
“Not happening!” Morgan roared back, swinging his sword across the griffon’s chest, making it rear back in pain.
The front legs kicked and raked at the air, trying to use its claws to snatch at him. Morgan blinked at the forms of the two of them--the woman and the man named Priam--had come to act as his shield from the Risen’s last approach. Not a hair was out of place on his own head as he watched the corpse fall and vanish to the elements of thunder and cast flame, becoming nothing once again.
Robin breathed in relief as the battle came to an end. The Shepards were savoring their victory and relieved to have found the blessing known as Naga’s Tear. A reward well earned, as she could sense the aura surrounding the golden droplet.
It seemed to give any who held it a prolonged feeling of vitality and provided better strength to their fighting prowess. Stowing her tome away to her carrying belt, she moved from where the others had briefly made camp and approached the Radiant Hero.
Priam’s arms were crossed, his balled fist was near his mouth in thought. Robin followed his line of sight, now understanding what he was watching. She tapped his broad shoulder, folding her own arms around her torso.
”Does something about the boy worry you?” Robin asked.
”Yes,” said Priam as he jerked his head toward him. “Robin... This boy is carrying the Ragnell.”
Robin let her arms unfold and she faced Priam, staring squarely into his face, seeing the worry there. “How is that possible?”
”I think you and I, both,” Priam drawled quietly, his gaze meeting hers. “know the answer to that.”
Robin gulped as the Radiant Hero gently placed his broad hands to her shoulders, making her face the other way. Priam stood behind her and carefully, squeezing her shoulders with his own shaking hands and he nudged and guided her to approach where the boy was standing, all alone. Again, she swallowed past the lump in her throat, straining her ears to hear over the rapid beating of her heart that was now thundering.
The boy had his back to her, in his hands was the sword, his own Ragnell. The blade appeared more worn, faded in color and brittle compared to the one Robin knew. She had seen the sword up close when Priam had briefly given it to her when he traveled from Ferox to Chon’sin on Khan Flavia’s request. His leaving it with her for safe keeping was his display of ultimate trust and love.
Robin shook her head, wondering if it was just a coincidence, but just as there was only a single Falchion, there was only one Ragnell. She cringed at the meaning of a sword passing hands from that of a father and into the hands of that of child. Shaking her head, Robin steeled herself as she approached the boy, noting now that he had his hood cowl pulled over his head.
"I want to talk to you," Robin started, wondering if this was truly the best of feet to start on. "and it might be a lot to take in if I'm right." She paused, her hands on her hips. "My name is Robin and I thought I heard you call me 'Mother' when the battle started."
"I was separated from her," said the boy softly and he scratched at the back of his covered head. "We were traveling together," His posture seemed to waver and wobble, as if he were dizzy, but he stood his ground after shaking his head clear. "My mother's name was Robin, too..."
"Lower your hood for me?" Robin commanded gently, her heart speed quickening under her chest.
The boy twitched in hesitance at her words, but he complied and raised his head to look at her. She noted the color of brown eyes that gazed up at her from the shade of the boy's upturned cowl. He raised his hands up to the sides of the hood, pushing it back to rest across his shoulders.
Robin bit at her lip as emotion welled in her heart when the boy raked his fingers through his all too familiar shade of dark blue hair, clearly wanting to make it presentable to her. After fiddling with it in vain, he understood it was pointless to continue trying to do so, and he merely smiled at her, laughing nervously.
It was a wide smile, gentle and exactly like that of his father's, right down to the appearance of dimples at the corners of his lips. His eyes were colored like hers, but the strength was still young and new, though similar to that of his father as well.
Taking a steadying breath, Robin huffed it back out as she held back the tears that began to sting her eyes. Priam's heavier footsteps told Morgan that he had approached them both. With things no longer absolute chaos from the battle, he was able to get a better look at the older man.
Even when he stood on his feet, Morgan realized he tipped short to Robin's own height where Priam towered over them. Meeting Priam's gaze, Morgan blinked as the Radiant Hero tilted his head in thought at him.
"Well?" Priam prompted Robin, his voice nervous. "Is it true?"
"It's true," Robin nodded, laughing under her breath. "Priam, we're going to be parents to a beautiful baby boy."
Morgan flushed, embarrassed, as Robin pulled her arms around him and he peeked up at Priam. The Radiant Hero's stern expression cracked and fell away as a smile took its place as he then laughed in loud joy. Morgan placed one arm around Robin and the other around Priam, now joining in their unified laughter in a time of new, if yet to be written, beginnings.
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razieltwelve · 3 years
Solaris (RWBY AU Snippet)
Yang peered down at the verminous multitudes that covered the plain. The Grimm were deadly foes, not simply because of the raw might and power that their mightiest members wielded but also because of the sheer numbers they could call forth. More than one city had fallen beneath a tide of claws and teeth despite having more than capable defenders.
This city was in much the same sort of position. She could feel the rhythmic flare of magic as the city’s defenders tried to simultaneously reinforce their position and pelt the oncoming mass of Grimm with whatever offensive magic they could muster. Bolts of fire, lightning, ice, and even acid rained down on the horde, but the disparity in numbers was simply too much.
On the walls, the city’s guardsmen were locked in brutal melee combat as they fought to keep the Grimm from breaching the city. Larger Grimm, some the size of the titanic mammoths that roamed the frozen ends of the world, thundered into the walls. Cracks spread through the stone bulwark, and the city’s mages shifted their efforts to try to bring the beasts down before they could smash their way through.
Elsewhere, Grimm fliers fought the city’s ever-dwindling ranks of griffin, wyverns, and drake riders. Some of the Grimm were vaguely reptilian in shape whilst others looked more like gargoyles. What they lacked in tactics, they made up for in sheer ferocity. A wyvern riders might strike down three or four of them only to be brought down as a dozen more swarmed them.
Beneath her, Ember Celica gave a low, ominous rumble of barely contained fury. The dragon’s scales were no longer simply warm to the touch, they were burning hot. If Yang hadn’t been linked to the dragon as her rider, her armour would already have begun to melt as her flesh burned away. A dragon’s rage burned hot, and few dragons could match the fury of a solar dragon.
“Yeah.” Yang agreed, knowing what her dragon wanted to do before she’d even given voice to the desire. “Let’s do this.”
Beating her mighty wings, Ember Celica soared higher, her golden scales gleaming in the moonlight as her flight carried her through the thin, low-lying clouds. Surveying the battlefield one last time, both Yang and the dragon closed their eyes in something that was equal parts prayer and meditation.
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The most famous dragons were those born of fire and ruin. Their scales were a the red of blood, and their flames burned as hot as the molten heart of the world.
However, there were also dragons born of light and spirit. Their scales were a radiant white, and their fire was a purifying blaze that seared all that was impure.
But every now and then, a dragon was born that was a combination of both, a dragon born with one parent of fire and ruin and another of light and spirit. Such dragons had scales of purest gold, and their flames were taken from the sun itself. 
Solar dragons.
To their friends and allies, their flames brought only warmth and healing. But to their enemies? Fire and ruin. It was the duality of the sun: a force that could nourish crops yet also leave empty deserts of bleached bone and cracked earth.
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The sun-blessed were those who wielded fire and light as their magic. Yang’s father was one of them, and she had inherited her magic from him. For as long as she could remember, she had always felt the warmth of the sun within her. But as she’d grown older, that warmth had become a searing blaze that she could turn on her foes.
The moment that she’d met Ember Celica, she’d known that she and the dragon were meant for each other. The sun called to them both, and it bound them together. Like a raging inferno drawing strength from its own heat, they were stronger together than they ever would be apart.
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“Oh crap.” Ruby looked up as Crescent Rose smashed another Grimm out of the air with her tail and then turned to incinerate several more with a blast of flame. “Yang and Ember Celica are going to cut loose.”
Weiss followed her gaze and paled. “Oh crap.” Beneath her, Myrtenaster winced and nodded in agreement.
A moment later, the shadows beneath one of the largest Grimm fliers split to reveal Gambol Shroud. The dragon disembowelled her foe with an almost bored expression before rolling over to toss the wounded Grimm toward the earth. On her back, Blake followed their gaze.
“Oh crap.”
Similar reactions were coming from the city and its defenders.
Above them all, the light of the moon was gone. In its place was a blazing orb of golden light that would have put even the sun to shame. It cast its blinding radiance across the battlefield, banishing the near twilight that had dominated ever since the sun had set.
But now a new sun had risen, and it was pissed off and out for blood.
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There are many things that make solar dragons dangerous. Physically, they are amongst the most impressive of all dragons. They are large, even for dragons, and their claws and teeth are incredibly sharp. Their scales are largely impervious to physical and magical attack, and although they aren’t the most agile in the air, they can move with impressive speed despite their size.
But what makes solar dragons especially fearsome is their ability to store energy. Blessed by the sun itself, they can store the sun’s light within themselves and unleash it during battle. Given enough time and enough sunlight, there is almost not limit to the devastation they can unleash.
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Rather than a blast of fire, what left Ember Celica’s mouth was closer to a beam of pure sunlight. It sliced down through the sky and struck the ground with a sound like every hammer in the world hitting home at the same time. The ground shook, the night trembled, and the world turned white.
The explosion ripped outward, a swiftly-expanding dome of sun-born devastation. The Grimm caught in its path were incinerated instantly, their bodies reduced to ash that was blasted away a split-second later. The strongest of their number managed to endure for a few moments before they too were swept away.
A savage smile crossed Yang’s lips.
“Let no enemy stand before the sun.”
And Ember Celica answered, replying with another ancient proverb. And let the sun’s light shine across all of Creation.
The blast continued to grow, a roiling, boiling cloud of light that was so bright that they were the only two who could stand to look at it directly. Yet despite the absolute carnage it wrought on the Grimm, their allies were unharmed. No soldier was burned. No mage was blinded. No defender of the city was so much as scratched.
This was the the power all solar dragons strove to achieve. This was the duality of the sun. This was a power that could crush their enemies without mercy or restraint yet never harm their allies.
And it was very, very tiring to use.
As the attack finally began to fade, Ember Celica’s wings faltered. The massive dragon shuddered, and Yang poured as much of her power as she could spare into her dragon to help her.
“Blake!” Yang barked. “Gambol Shroud!”
The shadow dragon and her rider rose up to meet them as Ember Celica began her descent. The solar dragon was definitely flagging now. Using so much of her own power plus her stored energy meant that she was struggling just to stay aloft.
Tendrils of shadows moved to help them, and Gambol Shroud’s efforts were soon aided by those of Myrtenaster. Elaborate circles of magic formed around Ember Celica, easing her burden and helping her glide gently to the ground as Crescent Rose circled, both her and Ruby keeping an eye out for any threats that might have survived.
As soon as Ember Celica touched the ground, the dragon took a deep, shuddering breath, and slumped onto her side.
I think I might have gone overboard.
Yang chuckled and patted her scales. Her own weariness was catching up to her, and she could feel the beginnings of a headache forming in the back of her skull. Yep. She’d probably spend the next couple of days resting to deal with magical exhaustion. On the upside, she was pretty confident they’d dealt with the Grimm.
“Totally worth it though, right?”
Ember Celica’s gaze swept over the Grimm-cleansed landscape. Although her golden scales were duller than usual, her toothy grin said it all. 
X     X     X
Author’s Notes
Ember Celica is basically the big gun on their team. Admittedly, Gambol Shroud’s power is more flexible, Myrtenaster has a whole library of magic at her disposal, and there’s nothing in the air that can match Crescent Rose’s speed and agility, but when it comes to just raw, undiluted power, none of the others can match Ember Celica.
What makes her even more powerful is that she and Yang share overlapping forms of magic, which means that as rider and dragon, their powers reinforce each other. Ember Celica’s ability to store sunlight is one of the reason she’s often seen basking or lounging about in the sun, and its also why her scales tend to glow. The more energy she has stored, the brighter her scales will usually be. After expending that energy, her scales will be duller until she has absorbed more energy again.
In a direct confrontation, a fully-charged solar dragon is one of the most deadly things in the world. The only efficient way to deal with one is to evade and draw the battle out to get them to expend their stored energy because if you try to fight them head on, their durability is high enough to survive basically anything you throw at them and their damage output is so ridiculously high that you will be unlikely to live longer than a few seconds if they get their hands on you.
If you’re interested in my thoughts on writing and other topics, you can find those here.
I also write original fiction, which you can find on Amazon here or on Audible here.
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soulsxunbound · 3 years
Tag drop pt.1
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Wholesome prince Zel deserves a kiss from his wholesome knight Ashe
Kiss my muse || Ashe 1/5
“Ask and you shall receive my prince.” Ashe reached up to Zel’s shirt and pulled his lips onto his own. Kissing the other as gently as he could manage. After a bit, he let go and then smiled at him. 
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Starter Call
((So for SOME reason, my Fire Emblem muses are at an all-time high right now. So, if you would like a starter from Ashe, Claude, or Sylvain. Please give this post a like! Fellow multi’s feel free to specify a muse on your end as well!))
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about time I had some proper tags on this blog... TAG DUMP Pt.1
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