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sgiandubh · 10 months ago
Lallybroch: copyright vs. trademark
An excellent question was asked by our friend @rosfrank in the comments thread to 'The door faces North' post and given the cosmic amount of uninformed bullshit being ventilated for almost ten years in this fandom, I think it's time to answer it once and for all:
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Whenever we are informally talking about 'owning the rights to something', I think it's very important to bear in mind a fundamental distinction between two different categories of ownership rights: copyright and trademark.
The copyright is the most familiar one to many of you. It is what you usually find on those annoying and apparently useless first or last pages of all the printed or digital editions on this planet. Something like this:
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In the US, copyright issues are regulated by the Copyright Act of 1976, as included in Title 17 of the US Code. The US public authority competent for registering and managing copyright is, as predictable, the US Copyright Office.
Perhaps the most seminal US Supreme Court decision, as far as copyright is concerned, is the 1991 Feist Publications, Inc., v. Rural Telephone Service Co. In it, the Court ruled that mere compilations of information or facts (such as, for example, telephone books) are not protected by copyright, according to US law. In other words, the ancient legal concept of 'sweat of the brow' (which simply means the amount of work required to gather and compile those facts/information) is not enough to qualify a work for copyright protection, if no creative effort is added to enhance its content. This is why I have always considered absolutely ridiculous Marple's efforts to watermark public information screenshots: it is useless (to the extent that it legally protects her from nothing) and, as her timelines, a mere compilation of facts (legally ditto). A similar approach is preferred by the UK and also by many Roman law legal systems, such as the French one - just making things clearer, here, by the way.
See how 'Erself is roughly doing, right now, in this department:
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But I am rambling. In my view, Lallybroch, as a pivotal concept used in Diana Gabaldon's books, is protected by the copyright granted to each and every of her books mentioning it, according to the Roman law principle 'accessorium sequitur principale' (the accessory follows the principal). So it will remain protected for at least 70 years since the last of her books mentioning it would have been published under copyright. Unless she chooses to separately protect the entire finished cycle as a whole, once Book Ten (fingers crossed) is published, preferably during our foreseeable lifetimes.
That being said, that goes only for one copyright category: (published) text - you cannot copyright that secret diary in your drawer, LOL. This is why, the current US Copyright Office records concerning Lallybroch look like this:
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Sony Pictures Television Inc owns the copyright to the fictional name Lallybroch in the motion pictures category, as it is the title of the Episode 12, in Season 1 - DG has been handsomely compensated for this, no worries. And someone I have no idea about owns the rights to an original musical score she has written and titled Lallybroch in the music category, since October 2013.
Onwards to the trademark. This is something different and this is all about making your name/concept/idea profitable. It is all about branding it, putting it on a product and selling it under that brand. It includes all the graphic elements and the logo of the brand (accessorium...) - in short, its visual identity to the consumers. In the US, trademark issues are regulated by the 1946 Lanham Act and the public competent authority is the good old US Patent and Trade Office (USPTO).
Right now, the situation for the Lallybroch trademark is as follows:
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So, we see three different trademarks: two of them, owned by Diana Gabaldon, are classified as 'dead' (cancelled and/or abandoned) and the third, Lallybroch Spirits, owned by S's Great Glen Company is pending approval - he will not be able to label any booze bottle Lallybroch Drink Me before permission is granted by the USPTO.
Let's unpack:
Both Lallybroch trademarks formerly owned by Diana Gabaldon were filed at the USPTO on February 21, 2000 and granted on December 12, 2000. The first was aimed at producing 'tartan fabrics for the manufacturer of clothing' and it was abandoned in December 2003:
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The reason is that the owner did not file in any Statement of Use after the trademark was granted. She had three years to do so, and since she chose not to do anything about it, the trademark was deemed abandoned (Stacy K. Smith is the attorney hired by Herself, btw). That means she specifically implied not to intend using it in the future. As such, she may claim NO rights on a now free to use mark:
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The second trademark was aimed at producing 'clothing, namely, t-shirts, dresses and headwear' and also 'jewelry, namely, rings, pins and necklaces'- to cut the story short: OL merchandise - and it was cancelled on March 1st, 2013:
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The reason is that the owner did not file the Section 8 declaration (of continuous use for five years) within the allowed legal timeframe (6 months after the fifth anniversary of the trademark granting renewal). Her trademark federal rights are now deemed canceled (but not her state law and/or common law rights!) and if she wants to ever use that name again, she would have to start the whole process over, bearing in mind the trademark could have been granted to someone else, in the meanwhile (not her case).
And for anyone who might ask, 'Erself does not own any other trademarks whatsoever:
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The other (Doll Lab - LOL for ages) Diana Gabaldon is a pharmacist from Albuquerque, NM. Chill. 🤣🤣🤣
The owner of the copyright to the fictional toponym Lallybroch, as far as published text is concerned, is Diana Galabdon.
The owner of the copyright to the fictional toponym Lallybroch, as far as motion pictures are concerned, is Sony Pictures Television Inc.
The owner of the copyright to the fictional toponym Lallybroch, as a personal work of music, is Mrs. Kelly Ruth Davis, of Pennsylvania, USA.
The owner of the Lallybroch Spirits trademark will be Sam Roland Heughan, when that trademark is granted by the USPTO.
I hope this answers your question, @rosfrank. Thank you for asking.
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megamindsupremacy · 1 year ago
Are you tired of this "gay representation" constantly being shoved at us in comics? Do you think your fave really could have stayed straight and there really was no need to make them queer? Do you HATE when the woke liberals take over our precious comic books with their woke liberal agendas?
Well good news: I have the ear of someone veeeery high up at DC comics, and they have told me that the winner of THIS poll will be put BACK in the closet this pride month!
So, I present to you, the product of an whole twenty minutes of hard work:
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*disclaimer: this is a joke. im not actually homophobic. in the year of our lord 2024 on fandom tumblr? are you kidding me?
Propaganda and voting bias is allowed and encouraged. Send me an ask with propaganda and I'll appendage it to the next post the character appears in
This poll is for the next STRAIGHT character. If a character is queer and you LIKE that and you want them to STAY that way then vote for ANOTHER GUY
however i highly encourage voting for the funniest character to make straight. that is subjective.
Polls will last a week, with a few days in between for complaining (/pos) + letting me make new posts
This post will be pinned on my intro post! Also, if I make any mistakes in the polls, please tell me so I can fix it!
Tag used is #dc's next straight character
Poll typed out below, plus links to the posts to vote:
DC'S NEXT STRAIGHT CHARACTER: (aka, homophobia: the poll)
Left side:
Jon Kent v Renee Montoya Nubia v Pamela Isley Harley Quinn v Jackson Hyde John Constantine v Midnighter
Right side:
Diana Prince v Kate Kane Selina Kyle v King Shark Alan Scott v Connor Hawke Tim Drake v Harley Rathaway
Left side:
Jon Kent vs Nubia Jackson Hyde vs Midnighter
Right Side:
Diana Prince vs King Shark Alan Scott vs Tim Drake
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theonevoice · 1 year ago
Warning: Ineffable tragedy ahead
I was fidgeting with the possible implication of this post by @aduckwithears and this post by @newfangledfancy because there was something in this sword discussion that hooked my little fanart brain. But as I was mentally sketching ideas I'm afraid I managed to grasp the mental image that was vaguely floating in the back of my mind since the beginning of this sword detail speculation.
It was Gaetano Previati's painting inspired by the episode of Paolo and Francesca in the Canto V of the Divine comedy.
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Paolo e Francesca, Gaetano Previati, ca 1887.
If you don't know the episode, it tells the story (an actual historical episode that, at the time, caused such an outcry that some historians compare it to the public reaction that followed Lady Diana's death in the 90s) of a married woman who secretly falls in love with his husband's brother, who secretly loves her back, and for a while they manage to bury their passion, mainly by denying it and not acknowledging it even with themselves. They suppress their feelings so violently that they become dangerously unaware of them, and one day, while they were alone together "without any suspicion" (of their possible fall, so sure they were to have canceled their mutual attraction - but of course it's telling that they chose to spent time together, away from anyone else), they start reading a book about, of all things, the legend of King Arthur, and when they come to the part of Lancelot kissing Guinevere, they are suddenly overwhelmed by their feelings and kiss (here it's were I remind you of the two little figures, one black and one white, kissing in the theater during the title sequence of s2: passion ignited by fiction, be it a novel by Jane Austen or a Richard Curtis movie). And right away they are surprised by her husband, who kills them both with a single stroke of his sword.
This is how Dante tells the story (Francesca is speaking here, and the most relevant part of Dante's retelling is that she and Paolo are depicted as "one character split in two" - I don't need to explain how this is linked to our ineffable husbands) [tentative english translation below]:
"Amor, ch'al cor gentil ratto s'apprende, prese costui de la bella persona che mi fu tolta; e 'l modo ancor m'offende.
Amor, ch’a nullo amato amar perdona, mi prese del costui piacer sì forte, che, come vedi, ancor non m’abbandona.
Amor condusse noi ad una morte. Caina attende chi a vita ci spense. [...]
Noi leggiavamo un giorno per diletto di Lancialotto come amor lo strinse; soli eravamo e sanza alcun sospetto.
Per più fïate li occhi ci sospinse quella lettura, e scolorocci il viso; ma solo un punto fu quel che ci vinse.
Quando leggemmo il disïato riso esser basciato da cotanto amante, questi, che mai da me non fia diviso,
la bocca mi basciò tutto tremante. Galeotto fu ’l libro e chi lo scrisse: quel giorno più non vi leggemmo avante."
Love, that quickly seizes the gentle heart, enthralled him with the beautiful person (1) that was taken from me, and the way (2) still insults me.
Love, that forgives no beloved from loving back, enthralled me with his pleasure (3) so strongly, that, as you see, it still doesn't leave me;
Love brought us to one death; ⁠Caïna (4) awaits him who quenched us from life. [...]
We were reading one day, as a pastime, about Lancelot, and how love seized him; we were alone and without any suspicion (5).
Many times that reading made us raise our eyes, and turned us pale, but only one point was able to overcome us.
Whene we read of the desired smile being kissed by such a lover, this one, who never from me shall be divided,
kissed my mouth all trembling. ⁠Galeotto (6) was the book and he who wrote it. ⁠That day we did not read it any farther.
[sorry if it sounds clunky, I tried to translate the words in a way that conveys also the most widly accepted interpretation of certain passages, but it's still an allegorical poem from the XIII century... here's some notes to clarify a couple of points:
(1) "beautiful person": to be intended as both body and soul.
(2) "and the way": meaning the way in which they were murdered.
(3) "his pleasure": meaning the pleasure of being loved by him.
(4) "⁠Caïna": one of the 4 regions that form the deepest circle of hell, where traitors are punished (the Caina is the place where traitors of their own family are held, named after Cain).
(5) "without any suspicion": meaning they were so sure to be able to control their feelings that they did not "suspect" themselves of giving in to their passion.
(6) "Galeotto": the Italian name of Galehaut, a knight of the Table Round who is responsible for arranging the secret meeting of Lancelot and Guinevere.]
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randomfoggytiger · 2 years ago
X-Files Collector's Edition: Diana Fowl(ey) Play– Part V: AUs, S5-S6
Alas, alas, poor Yorick-- I am not done the Diana fic train. BUT we have reached AU fics... and that means I only have this post and at least another one. So, freedom is within my grasp.
Loose chronological order below~!
ceruleanmilieu’s One of the Girls (alt. Ao3)
""Agent Fowley, I apologize for any perceived disrespect,” Scully said. “We were simply discussing theories—”
“Theories?” Diana repeated. “That does take me back. Back to the basement office. There’s nothing quite like working a case with Fox Mulder.”
“You flatter me, Agent Fowley,” Mulder said, shifting closer to his partner. “But Agent Scully and I are running late for a meetup with Danny. We’ll report our findings to Agent Spender as soon as possible.”
Diana nodded, and it was as though something in the shrewd way her thin lips upturned, Scully understood the other woman’s cool behavior. There had been a moment of confusion at first, but being locked in a conversational triangle with the exes gave her a sharp thrill.""
The End Mulder evades Diana's amorous attempts by pretending he is dating Scully. Scully, meanwhile, is shocked and a bit peeved; but comes around, helping him to flesh out a plan.
@contrivedcoincidences6 / Spooky66 / geektime66's
Quantifiable (Ao3)
""Diana’s eyes narrowed but before she could say anything Mulder spoke up, “Scully’s right, this could be the key to everything in the X Files. We need to bring this to Skinner, this is leverage, let’s go.”
In true Mulder fashion he began to gather his things in a rush, ready to move onto the next thing but Diana reached forward to grab his hand.""
AU-- The End Mulder and Scully are dating; and it's her great delight to step all over Diana's toes.
@baronessblixen’s (Ao3)  
In Hallways (Ao3)
""Excuse me?" He grabs her arm, not gently, and drags her into a corner. His body is too close to hers and he can smell her; she hasn't changed her perfume. She's the same woman who left him years ago.
"I saw the way you looked at… what's her name?"
"You know very well what her name is," Mulder growls.
"Her name isn't on the door," Diana says, smiling innocently, showing her white teeth. "It must have slipped my mind.""
AU-- The End Diana is furious Mulder and Scully are already dating, taking her anger out snidely on Scully. Mulder stands up for her.
All I Want For Christmas (Is You) (Ao3)
""Aren’t you going to let me in?” She pushes at his chest with a smile and he knows she wouldn’t accept a no anyway. He steps aside and his heart leaps into his throat.
“Mulder, who-”
“Agent Scully.” The two women speak at the same time, staring each other down. Mulder watches, swallows, and doesn’t know what to do.
“Rather early for a visit.” Diana is the first of them to find her voice. “But I see you’re leaving.” Scully touches the scarf that’s around her neck and he sees her face fall. She presses her lips together, swallowing what he’s sure are some colorful words. It breaks his heart to see her smile gone. He won’t hear her laughter again tonight.""
The Ghosts That Stole Christmas Diana drops by Mulder's. He leaves her and chases after Scully, who had booked it to her family's.
Making Progress
""No, Diana. That was all you.” Mulder’s voice picks up, is louder now over the fake laughter on the screen. “No, I did not. Not once.” If only Scully could hear Diana’s side of the conversation. Mulder is quiet, appears to listen. He sighs once, runs his hand over his face.
Arcadia Scully overhears Mulder laying down the law to Diana on the phone. (Sidenote: this might not be AU, but I missed the opportunity to put it in an earlier fic list. Whoops~.)
Gwendolyn's Fox Mulder Estrogen Brigade
""OK, Scully. But it wasn't exactly my proudest moment," Mulder began, deciding to get through it as quickly as possible. "Diana and I had been seeing each other for a while but I was just stumbling into the X-Files and all of a sudden, I guess I just wasn't as interested in the relationship as I had been. She wanted a commitment and even started talking about marriage.
"Well, I sort of freaked out about that. You may not know this about me, Scully, but I have a bit of a problem with intimacy, which Phoebe probably had a little something to do with." He stopped to gauge Scully's reaction; she only nodded sagely and arched her brow to indicate that he should continue.
"Anyway, she had to go out of the country for a few months on assignment, so instead of making a clean break with her like I should have, I said that during the time she was away we should take some time off, see other people. I was hoping that while she was gone she'd realize what a basket case I was and meet somebody else and dump me."
"But that didn't happen?"
"No. She kept calling and writing to me the whole time she was gone and when it got time for her to come back, I panicked. So..." he paused briefly, averting his eyes from his partner's intense gaze and bowing his head before continuing in a rush "I decided to tell her I'd married somebody else. I bought a ring and everything.""
Crackfic-esque-- Pre-FTF Mulder is bombarded by both of his exes as they team up to forcefully help him and Scully on a case. (I love this one to death. Hilarious and surprisingly wholesome?)
@frostbitepandaaaaa / FrostbitePanda's Four Days AU
""Besides, I’m not really here for professional reasons, like I told you before. My motivations are more… personal.”
Scully catches the moan of pain that bubbles up from her gut before it can escape her mouth, clenches her teeth and finishes her drink. She feels like, maybe, throwing up. She feels like, maybe, turning tail and fleeing. She feels like, maybe, her and Mulder would never be left in peace.
“You wouldn’t happen to know a Special Agent Fox Mulder, would you?”
Her mouth is completely dry, her voice simply lodged in her throat as good as an axe in a stump. The woman in front of her seems blissfully unaware.
“Him and I… we have a bit of a history, you know,” Diana goes on, goes on torturing her. She stirs her drink, looking sad, wistful. “We left things a bit… unfinished.""
Part 2 of Mulder and Scully's aftermath in Antarctica, Diana Fowley crashes an FBI ball, surprising Scully (who hadn't met her in The End) and trying to claim Mulder for herself. Skinner gives Scully the boost she needs to end this charade once and for all.
@suitablyaggrieved / ScullyLovesQueequeg Cancelled Plans
""Oh, hey Diana,” Scully heard Mulder say. This bothered Scully a little since she had only just been there in the office, but she said nothing, pretending not to listen to the ensuing conversation, instead busying herself with the mail that was marked as hers that was resting on the corner of Mulder’s desk.
“This Saturday? Not really, no… I haven’t really thought to ask anyone out. I think she’s doing something. Why?” Mulder asked, glancing at Scully, and then down at his desk.
Memo, report, HR. Things I can deal with later, Scully thought to herself.
“Hmm, I guess. If you’re buying, I’ll consider it. I’ll see you soon, we can sort the details out tomorrow.” Mulder said, with a tone of finality that suggested the conversation was over."" 
It's Valentine's Day post FTF; and Diana invites Mulder out. Scully sorts her wounded feelings, trying to distance herself from the hurt. When Mulder realizes she has no plans, he swaps to celebrate the day with her.
Suzanne Schramm's Fidelity (1/2) and Fidelity (2/2)
""Whether you want to believe it or not, Fox, doesn't change the reality of the situation." she said quietly. Mulder shrugged. "How do you know she's clean?" Diana asked.
"How do I know?" Mulder shifted in his seat to face her. "Diana, I know my partner. I know her. Scully is one of the most honorable people I've ever known. She would never betray me."
"But she has. She didn't tell you where she was going or what she was doing even though it involves your life's work. She lied about why she was taking time off from work. Why would she keep that from you?""
Post The Beginning Gibson begs Scully to secretly meet up with him. He turns on a module in her brain that activates abilities like his own; and when Diana swoops in to capture her-- claiming she's aiding and abetting the Conspirators hiding Gibson-- Mulder almost sides with his ex, unable to explain Scully's bizarre behavior. Almost.
""As the elevator doors opened up on the fourth floor of his building, she saw Agent Fowley stepping out of his apartment, her arms full of manila folders stamped with case numbers. She turned on her heels, saying some parting words to him before she began walking down the hall towards Scully. As Diana made eye contact with her, Scully wished she could have evaporated on the spot, but it never seemed to work out like that when you most wanted it to. So she settled for offering a small half-wave as they passed each other.
“Agent Scully,” Diana said haughtily, shaking out her long, dark hair a bit as she passed by. Scully opted to say nothing, marching straight to Mulder’s door but pausing as her fist hung in midair, ready to knock. Did she want to find out what Fowley was doing there?
Early S6 Scully runs into Diana leaving Mulder's apartment. She confronts him on why Diana can call him Fox but she can't. Her anger then turns around when Mulder explains his ex's disregard.
Keep It All the Year
""I came here to save you from making a terrible mistake,” Diana said hotly, slamming the first empty martini glass onto the counter. “I assume if you’re out here with her family, it’s because you’re planning on proposing.”
Mulder started laughing, which only seemed to make her angrier.
“You think I don’t remember? You told me once that statistically the most popular month for engagements is December, and the most popular day in the whole year to get engaged is December 25th. You must think I’m an idiot.”
“Finally, you hit the nail on the head,” he said, his voice dripping with derision.""
AU-- TGTSC Scully ropes Mulder into going with her to family Christmas in San Diego. Diana crashes their good vibes by flying out, making out with an unwilling Mulder, and landing him in the hospital from a punch out. Thankfully, Charlie is there to iron out those crazy kids and their wild misunderstandings (while Bill turns from a raging bull into just.. baffled.)
Note: The Diana part is just a tiny portion of this wacky, feel-good read. Highly recommend.
@cutelilcurtain / cutelilscully's (Ao3)
""Eventually she cools down, but then is embarrassed to be around Diana. It’s as if Diana knows some secret about her, has read her diary and knows all the gossip about her. Scully does her best to ignore it, and is surprised and thankful when Diana doesn’t bring it up or ask. Scully wonders if Diana has children, has ever wanted children, has ever wanted Mulder’s children. It makes her angry and jealous.""
Mulder incenses Scully when he tells Diana about their IVF tries. Diana is, surprisingly, sympathetic concerning their failure.
HumphreyWrites / sure-fine-skullz / spookysadsophie's
Sundries in the X-Files Universe
""He begrudgingly answers it, and she watches his lip curl in aggravation as Diana Fowley's voice vibrates through the phone.
When he hangs up, she knows whatever magical moment between them is over."" 
AU-- The IVF works... and it's twins. Though Diana is a blip in the overall fic, she weighs heavily on Scully's early pregnancy journey, constantly drawing Mulder away to herself.
Michelle Kiefer’s Buried Deep
""Everything was familiar to her, a nightmare she'd dreamed night after night, but this time there was something different. A new face looked on from behind the doctors. Diana Fowley's eyes bore into her from above the surgical mask that obscured the rest of her face.""
Post Tithonus Scully has a flash of Diana from an abduction memory during her physio appointment. She keeps her memories to herself.
o0Stella_Dana0o's The Promises You Can't Keep
""Well, well, well... Look who's here!" The brunette said at her partner. Scully could see Diana's mocking look and it didn't take much to make her want to solve this case just to rip that expression out of her face.""
Mulder convinces Scully to help him help out Diana and Jeffrey Spender on a case. Of course, it all goes wrong-- but he's absolutely furious when he finds out Diana had "negligently" let Scully get shot.
@slippinmickeys‘s (Ao3, Gossamer) 
Diana At the Door
""When the Smoker had recalled her back to the States, she had been confident she would be able to manipulate the situation back on track as she always had, but Fox’s partner had proven to be a surprisingly stubborn obstacle, seeing through Diana’s machinations like an X-ray through soft tissue. Diana had thought the woman had been handled several years before — run through the Project’s standard pump-and-dump operation when she became problematic — lending the Project an influx of fresh DNA while at the same time being eliminated had seemed a tidy solution at the time. When the woman had survived, Diana was surprised but unbothered, knowing the cancer fail-safe would soon resolve the matter. And then the Smoker — supine and (she could only imagine) lovesick — had capitulated to Fox’s weak threats and now needed Diana to come in and clean up his mess. She had no idea what the two men saw in the diminutive little priss, but she was confident that she could at least distract Fox long enough to make him temporarily forget. She had it on good authority that Agent Scully was drawn to authoritative father figures, and Fox Mulder – particularly under the spell of Diana Fowley’s time-tested and humbling cunt – was not the young woman’s type. It would be easy, she thought. It might even be fun.""
Pre-Two Fathers? Diana foully (heh) disregards both Scully's and Mulder's feelings, planning to boldly trap him in her web. She is shocked and appalled to find her rival unrepentant and in loungewear at her ex's.
Prompt Drabble Collection - Chapter 1
""Then why don’t you have a desk?”
It was a purposeful cut, the gloves coming off, and Scully both relished it and was annoyed at its callow nature. If that was how it was going to be, fine . 
She stood up straighter and walked casually around the side of Mulder’s desk and sat down in the chair. While maintaining eye contact with Fowley, she opened the top drawer and pulled out a hot pink nail file and set it to the edge of her finger.""
Post One Son Scully will win the X-Files partnership power struggle Diana wars for. (I love this one so much.)
@softnow's (Ao3) redux iii
""He’s locking the door when he hears the heels and stops breathing. If she’s back, it can’t be that bad. If she’s back, she’s not dying.
“Scu—” He whips his head up and her name dies on his lips. “Diana.”
“What are you doing here?”
Diana casts around like there might be someone lurking in the shadows, watching. There’s a manila envelope in her hands.""
AU-- Post One Son Mulder realizes Scully's nose has been bleeding, breezing by Diana's amorous attempts to support his partner and find out her results. It's not good.
Becksndot5's Soul in the dark
""What she didn't want, in the eyes of a woman, this woman, was to act weak and helpless. On the other hand, she also didn't want Fowley to see her with all her wounds. "Mulder, how bad ... how bad do I look?" Her voice made it clear that she expected an honest answer.
"The swelling of your eyes is gone, it’s a little black and blue around the edge of your eyes, and otherwise there is only the cut." Although Scully was never overly vain, Mulder knew that Diana had an impact on Scully's behavior. Diana had the power that Scully felt somehow inferior and small in her presence. The reasons were another mystery, which he had to elicit from Scully.
Mulder went back to the door and asked Diana to come inside. Scully welcomed her politely and Diana put the open file before her on the kitchen table. Mulder stood besides Scully.
"Agent Scully, I need your signature once here and here.“ Diana said while tapping with her fingertips on the paper. Without hesitation and before Scully could stiffen in shame, Mulder lovingly Scully took her hand and placed the pen which she already held, as if this gesture was the most normal thing in the world, to the right place.
Mulder's icy gaze met Diana, like a spearhead."" 
Post One Son Scully is kidnapped, tortured, blinded, and handicapped. Mulder is all-on-board to care for and help her recover and to protect her from Diana's cruel pokes.
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accidentalspaceexplorer · 11 months ago
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March Monthly Recap:
March was complicated because I was traveling for work for a week and I had extremely slim access to the Internet or any of my stuff, so I mostly just read books I'd downloaded on my phone in preparation for the travel when I wasn't working. Which is part of the reason why I read 26 books, because I read 12 books while I was gone.
Untethered Sky by Fonda Lee: 3.5/5
A Power Unbound by Freya Marske: 4.5/5
Two Wrongs Make a Right by Chloe Liese: 4.5/5
Due or Die by Jenn McKinlay: 3.5/5
The House of Shattered Wings by Aliette de Bodard: 3/5
Rogue Protocol by Martha Wells: 5/5, audio re-read
The Bruising of Qilwa by Naseem Jamnia: 4.5/5
Daniel Cabot Puts Down Roots by Cat Sebastian: 4.25/5
Prime Deceptions by Valerie Valdes: 3/5
Proper English by K. J. Charles: 4.25/5
Sweethand by N. G. Peltier: 4.25/5
An Unnatural Vice by K. J. Charles: 4.5/5
Round Midnight by Emma Barry & Genevieve Turner: 2.75/5
Book, Line, and Sinker by Jenn McKinlay: 3.75/5
Only Good Enemies by Jennifer Estep: 3.75/5
The Ruin of a Rake by Cat Sebastian: 4/5
Year of the Griffin by Diana Wynne Jones: 4.25/5
Hooked by Elizabeth Hunter: 4.25/5
The Dark Days Pact by Alison Goodman: 4/5
Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder: 4/5, re-read
Magic Study by Maria V. Snyder: 4/5, re-read
Fire Study by Maria V. Snyder: 4/5, re-read
Exit Strategy by Martha Wells: 5/5, audio re-read
Late Eclipses by Seanan McGuire: 4.5/5
One Salt Sea by Seanan McGuire: 4.5/5
Ashes of Honor by Seanan McGuire: 4.5/5
Goal progress below the cut:
Complete series: balanced (finished 3 more than started)
Catch up on backlists: 21 books (+2)
Read FIYAH/Nebula/Hugo finalists & awards: 1 book (+0)
Read down TBR: (hard to tell what it was at the beginning of the year, but in August it was 1332) at end of Mar 1445 (not the right direction...)
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snifflesthemouse · 2 years ago
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^^^^^ Link to read article
LIKE this mouse was told by a REPUTABLE source... it seems like they're floating ideas for things and offers. Or they want to try to test the waters...
Do you actually think KC3 really cares about the opinions or thoughts of anyone? Harry may be his mother's son, but he's also been raised by Charles... Charles and Diana were so volatile because they're the same coin. Two different faces on the same coin.
Really look at it. Stop with Team Wales v Everyone. Not one member of the BRF cares about public opinions in the way we think they do. How could they?
I'll say my source said talks in circles on high (Aristocats? Meow...) a deal for MM is being offered by KC3. They want H back with a royal reputation in a somewhat repairable state.
And then I saw this from beloved #HarrysGreySuit on Twitter from the Mirror...
On the one hand, they cannot be trusted. They cannot be guaranteed to be quiet and shut up. On the other, MM right she'd be making money. She only wants the money and the infamy. Harry only wants to get back at Papa Charles. Charles only wants Camilla and power. Camilla only wants a drink, a cigarette, and a book. William wants to be king. Catherine wants to be Queen. (Neither of those two will left anything shatter that image.) Everyone else wants what we all do... an easy ride.
"Whatever the press ignores that the masses constantly speak on... that's where the real dirty truths lie. We only speak on things we want to share. We hide the truths we don't." -Sniffles T. Maus
Oh, and btw... I love every one of you to bits. Even you, Meghan Markle (God says love everyone, right). You've kept me entertained. I see all people at real value. I see who you are, Meghan. You won't fill that hole by throwing money at it. And you won't be president because you lack self-awareness. Divorce him yourself, and you can salvage that image you want to curate for the world. You can be on Real Housewives and avoid the fishbowl. That's what you want, right? To be independent with your own money?
How do rich women get rich? They divorce rich men. (Did you like my joke, Megsy baby?)
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 year ago
Tin Foil Hat Time - Surrogacy Excuse by u/Meegainnyc
Tin Foil Hat Time - Surrogacy Excuse Here me out Sinners. Now that the book has dropped and did not do the damage that was intended, here is what I can see Meghan putting out there. Hopefully there is someone from the palace who is secretly lurking as a sinner reading this. Meghan will make it known she wants to be removed from the Royal website in attempts to getting ahead of being dumped by the family. (I agree with Neil Sean who talked about this in a recent video seen here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBmFyTzAKDk ). Next she will stay ahead of the family about the legitimacy of those invisible children. If there are discussions being held this week to remove the titles, I don't think MM is going to let go without a fight. She will continue using her drop of blackness as leverage because that is all she has for argument. Here is where I could see Meghan staying ahead and start dropping hints about the family wanting her to use a white surrogate so it came from the body of a white person. I do believe Archie is of M's shriveled up egg and H's damaged sperm, but I do not believe Archie came from her body. Of course using a surrogate will be blamed on the family and it will give her the excuse now to clap back to everyone who questioned her elaborate display of moon bump F*ckery. The way I see her dropping this news is doing another sit down without Harry, but this time it will be bigger than the Diana BBC interview. How she will get out of the excuse for the lil'Betty con, is going to be interesting. This is the biggest scandal for the Royal Family and no doubt this woman will profit from it. If those titles are removed and kids removed from the line of succession, Meghan is going to go full scorched earth to turn this deceit into being the victim again of a racist institution. She will continue to double down and enforce all the lies that have been told through interviews, books and a Lifetime woman's movie: "Meghan's Choice". Just my opinion.Excuse for the missing wedding ring...perhaps she will say she gave it back. If a divorce or separation is happening, Meghan will make sure the world knows she dumped Harry, and not the other way around. As is Meghan has made it impossible for Harry to go back to his family, and I am sure he is stuck in a place of numbness of being doped up to even think straight on getting out. The emotional blackmail has got to have taken a toll on him. Harry is so deep into shit with this woman, he will not be able to leave unless the bitch wife ditches him or she and her mother have driven him over the edge and puts him 6 feet under. Sad life for this guy...he is damaged beyond repair. It is sadder and unfortunate for the two innocent invisible kids who got stuck with a toxic pair who are self destructing in front of the world to see. We can only imagine the life of therapy and meds these kids will need to help them live a somewhat normal life. Perhaps they will get lucky and Meghan gets incarcerated either in jail or a mental institution, allowing them to be raised by a paid caregiver who gives them the love and nurturing they need. I am sure that is happening now, but Meghan is still overseeing the operation; her presence alone is riddled with control and anxiety that spills over onto others.All just my opinion. post link: https://ift.tt/Xlf2i85 author: Meegainnyc submitted: December 04, 2023 at 02:41PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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teratron · 7 months ago
"Wonder Woman: Hush", or Wonder Woman Vol. 1 by Tom King review
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I've been reading this monthly but wanted to wait until the first few issues were collected as a trade to review it since King's work I'm told his work reads better collected than standalone. King and Sampere were probably the biggest high profile team to be put on the Wonder Woman book since Rucka back in Rebirth in 2016 (eight years ago, damn).
I have real prior attachment to King's work since I've read his Batman run sparingly and almost none of his various miniseries. Interviews he gave went back and forth on making me excited. On one hand, he brought the old tired line of "WW has no good stories" that he usually backtracked on when pushed but on the other hand his story about being inspired by George Perez to write the book despite his initial disinterest was nice to hear.
King came in swinging in certain respects with stuff like the general plotline of the U.S. vs. Amazons and introducing the idea of Diana having a daughter (to be talked about a later time). But if there's one main thing I think I could talk about when it comes this run so far is that I think I figured out what King is going for so far. That being to give WW her equivalent of a Batman: Hush story.
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Hush, for the few who don't know, being the famous Jeff Loeb/Jim Lee Batman story from the 2000s most notable for the introduction of the titular Hush character and it's art (if you've seen any Batman poster or image from the past two decades, chances are you've seen a page from Hush). Part of what makes the story so famous being that while it's story pretty bare bones/thin, it serves as a very popular tour of both Batman himself and his larger world without having to retread his origin. His rogues gallery, his relationship with Catwoman, the Bat family, Superman, you name it Hush probably has it. So with that in mind, I thought I'd tackle this first volume through the lenses.
New Villains, Same Problems
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Like with Hush, we're introduced to a hyped a new villain (not uncommon in WW history sadly) who was supposedly always in the background before finally "revealed" in this storyline. In this case, The Sovereign, a "King of America" who speaks in plural and the latest descendent of a long line of rulers who has been secretly ruling America since the first colonists arrived.
We get quite a lot of him in this opening arc, mainly through his narration as it's presented in past tense of Sovereign telling Diana's future daughter, Trinity, of his failed war against her mother. This has been a point of contention for some as instead of getting Diana's own insights of what's going on around her, we instead this guy's P.O.V. just telling us how he continually underestimated Wonder Woman only for her to continually triumph over him despite what he through at her.
One of the things King said in interviews was to make "Wonder Woman cool" and this has been reasonable criticism that most of the plots have been "Sovereign underestimates Diana and is surprised when Diana overcomes him". With this in mind, my interpretation of Sovereign has come to be he's less about what he says about America (though there certainly is stuff there to look at) and more specifically how he's a "stand-in" on certain types of comic book fans.
The type of comic fan who knows Wonder Woman but doesn't read her solo adventures, at most reads her when she pops up in other people's books. The type of fan who thinks WW's traditional weapons of the bracelets and lasso are lame in comparison to the sword and shield. The type of fan thinks Wonder Woman's only "role" in the DC Universe is to be a second-rate female Superman and token girl on the Justice League. A Wonder Woman who knows her place and doesn't upset any feelings by bringing up any of that annoying feminism. Like Sovereign, these fans are surprised (and in the case of "power scalers") and quick to anger when Diana far out exceeds their expectations and challenges their previous view of her.
Sovereign getting defeated so easily is a surprise to him but not to us. And so far he hasn't been defeated by the popular image of Diana as a sword swinging barbarian looking for blood. But by a Diana who forgoes her sword, and relies on her own natural abilities and her true iconography of the lasso, bracelets, and even the Invisible Jet. A Wonder Woman who can take time out of her life to visit a sick boy and take him to Themyscira. A Wonder Woman who relies on her relationship with Steve Trevor for help, not the traditional "alpha males", Superman and Batman.
We, as Wonder Woman fans, already know Wonder Woman is cool but Sovereign (like these fans) doesn't.
Now with that in mind, it's not like there hasn't been problems with King's approach. His dialogue has never been his strongest aspect and even with my own interpretation in mind, it does get flat out repetitive after a while. Solicitations (as of this writing) seem to suggest issue #14 will the start of the end of the Sovereign storyline and in that case, I am interested with how King will proceed from there once he can't fall back on Sovereign's narration.
A Grand Tour
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King has said in interviews he's using a mentality of "give the fans what they want/makes them happy". This primarily meaning, despite new creations like Sovereign or unrelated characters like Sarge Steel, much of his run has been a grand tour of most of the major aspects of Wonder Woman world.
Lasso and bracelets as her main tools? Check
Invisible jet? Check
Showcase her villains? Check
Reference the clay origin as much you can? Check
And continuing beyond just these six issues with spotlights on Steve Trevor and Cheetah.
Probably the biggest example of this being he originally made it a rule that he wanted to keep the focus on Diana and that meant "no Wonder Girls". But fans asking him repeatedly made him change his mind and thus, amusingly enough, King has probably done more to write a cohesive "Wonder Family" in a similar fashion to the Bat-Family than people like Gail Simone, George Perez, or Greg Rucka.
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It's a nice move from King though ironically, while I thought he's written them well, I'm actually not the biggest fan of the Wonder Girls if I'm honest. So I'll just ask King nicely if he ever sees this that I'd happily take an Artemis team up!
Villains We Love To Hate
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It's been a contentious issue for many WW fans that her rogues gallery is so often poorly thought of and treated. Tying back into my earlier point about Sovereign being a stand-in for the people who underestimate Wonder Woman's value in real-life, I'd say that also goes for the villains.
Here, it's not the U.S. Army, or any other traditional obstacle Sovereign throws at Wonder Woman that defeats her. Instead the only thing that comes closest enough are her rogues working together.
King didn't go to much into depth on them, I hope to see what he does in future issues, but a detail I liked is the gravitas he and Sampere all gave them. Sarge Steel, Sovereign's lacky and man on the ground, gets made a fool of by almost all of them and even Sovereign himself shows up to Grail in person as a sign of respect. It's a rare showing of WW's villains being treated as people you don't want to mess with.
Issue #6 is probably my favorite purely from a showcase spectacle of seeing Diana run a gauntlet of her most famous rogues and still taking the time to showcase both her sheer power and also endless compassion.
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The Princess Herself
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This brings us to King's writing of the main woman herself. He hasn't made a secret he finds her difficult and was hesitant to take her on. Something a lot of Wonder Woman fans are used to hearing from most writers.
King certainly leans more towards the royal and slightly stiff way of making her speak. This was similar to how he wrote her the few times she showed up in his work before and I'll be honest, I'm not a fan of it. Diana's been written as formal before with writers such as Perez and Jimenez but here it just kind of bugs me. Mainly the lack of any contractions. I realize King is trying to emulate Diana having an accent but on the page it makes her come as almost aloof to the people around her.
As for her characterization? I'd say he's been mostly on the ball there's stuff that's doesn't sit quite right with me like threatening to disembowel people in the middle of combat but stuff trying to check up on Silver Swan to help her while in the middle of fighting Giganta is a pretty dead-on Wonder Woman moment.
I feel King's hesitance in writing becomes apparent with how much he relies on the Sovereign's narration. I feel, more hope honestly, that this is him finding a way to ease into writing Diana more normally rather than relying on people around her.
The Art
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Anyone familiar with this run so far is probably aware the most praised talking point is Daniel Sampere's art. And it's entirely justified, Sampere leans more towards the portraying characters as these living icons, similar to Alex Ross, and his work on Wonder Woman might the best showcase of the ability.
It's known King is a light-scripter, so it's obvious it leaves much what will probably be the most well-remembered moments of this run up to Sampere's imagination.
All told, I'd say Sampere is probably my favorite "modern Wonder Woman artist", at least the best since Nicola Scott and Liam Sharp.
Final Thoughts and the Future
There's still a bit more I want to talk about but I'm only reviewing the first trade here so that leaves out me wanting to get to review his issues following #6 but overall I would say these were so far some of the strongest run of issues for Wonder Woman since Greg Rucka. The art is doing a lot of heavy lifting but if King's philosophy is to "make the fans happy" than I'd say in this fan's case, I'm pleased so far with these first six ones.
I do have more substantial critiques for the later issues but I feel I'll leave it here for now. It's also apparent I didn't talk about Trinity but I feel she's best given her own review/post for herself since I didn't want to muddy the water of this (probably too long) review.
We'll check back in with issues #7 - 10 when the next trade release.
We'll be skipping the Absolute Power tie-ins though. #11 was completely awful and I'm not interested in a Damien Wayne team up. Sorry King, even I got limits.
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snarkivistfic · 1 year ago
Tagged by  @justacoyote- thank you so much!! :D Sorry to take so long to do this!!!!!
3 Ships You Like:
(so hard to only pick 3!!)
Ouyang Zizhen / Wen Ning – CQL
Guo Changcheng / Chu Shuzhi - Guardian
Big/Tay - KinnPorsche
First Ship Ever: Super hard but in the last post I did I said Alec Scutter/Maurice Hall from E.M. Forster’s Maurice so I’ll stick with that.
Last Song You Heard: Many Hands by Lingua Nota - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFlb38iTUiM
Favourite Childhood Book: Fire and Hemlock by Diana Wynne Jones – I have tried to think of a way to spin this narrative into my current fandom many times and never succeeded
Currently Reading: A Restless Truth by Freya Marske (the Last Binding trilogy is AMAZING I highly recommend it!!!)
Currently watching: just started Mysterious Lotus Casebook – liking it so far!
Currently consuming: Cucumber flavoured chips
Currently craving: Being able to go outside and run around (soon, soon, I only have to take it easy for two weeks)
Tagging:  @jaggededges123 @zaelriel @unfortunatelycake @heyholmesletsgo - whoever else wants! I apologize for tagging so much today - catching up on these tag games!
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the-forest-library · 2 years ago
23 in 2023
Pretty good progress so far. I swapped out Paris Daillencourt is About to Crumble for The Study of Poisons. Based on reviews, I’m highly unlikely to enjoy PDIATC, so I’ve removed it from my TBR. 
The Thief by Megan Whelan Turner
Wildwood Dancing by Juliet Marillier
Never Ever Getting Back Together by Sophie Gonzales
Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree
Persuasion by Jane Austen
TBD Discworld Book 1 by Terry Pratchett
TBD Discworld Book 2 by Terry Pratchett
Charmed Life (Chrestomanci 1) by Diana Wynne Jones
The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker
Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel
Nine Liars by Maureen Johnson
The Study of Poisons - Maria V. Snyder
Highly Suspicious and Unfairly Cute by Talia Hibbert
Illuminations by T. Kingfisher
She Hulk: Jen, Again by Rainbow Rowell
Hawkeye, Volume 1: My Life as a Weapon by Matt Fraction
Knit One, Girl Two by Shira Glassman
Tears Waiting to be Diamonds by Sarah Rees Brennan
The Mysteries of Thorn Manner by Margaret Rogerson
The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen by KJ Charles (March 7)
Happy Place by Emily Henry (April 25)
Quietly Hostile by Samantha Irby (May 16)
Mortal Follies by Alexis Hall (June 6)
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amplifyme · 2 years ago
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From Simonetta by Nan Dibble:
On a hunch, she wandered out to see if the spook had started his goddam picture yet. And banged into the church rail, that hadn't been there yesterday. And then, once she was past that, stubbed her toe on what she made out, after a second, as a large, thick book, lying open on the living room rug. Three or four other books were spaced out in front of the couch. One had a sheet of paper on top. Not quite bright enough to read; but enough to recognize the handwriting as Vincent's.
She took the note back into the kitchen and left it on the island she didn't quite bump into, while putting together the makings of a pot of coffee. Then, wincing in anticipation, she flicked on the overhead fluorescent and waited with shut eyes for the light to become tolerable. Like a hangover, she thought, with no fun, even, to look back on. It didn't seem fair.
Leaning on the island, she read the note.
Once I read several books whose subject was unwelcome to me because you felt it important enough to insist. And despite my distaste, I learned much and gained insight. Now I ask the same of you. Consider, with all your formidable objectivity, the pages I have flagged. Can you say, in simple honesty, that you see no resemblance? And then ask yourself whether all these great artists can have been so mistaken, so blind, and all the generations since them, to choose such models to exercise their genius upon. If my insistence is unwelcome and an intrusion upon private matters, my excuse is that it hurts me to know you have been persuaded of such a cruel delusion about yourself. Not merely because I love you, although I do, but in honor of the truth, I wish you to find yourself as beautiful as you deserve and as you are. We shall talk of this.
“Dammit,” Diana muttered, wearily slumping, dropping her fragile forehead onto her arms. Then she mouthed soundlessly, We shall talk of this, and made a snarling, defiant face.
But fair was fair: he had read the damn Abnormal Psych books (and blown up at her afterward), so she guessed she had to do the assignment, with the option of throwing them at him when she was done. She lugged the thick books by twos out to the island and studied them standing, drinking coffee, trying to be objective, as he'd asked.
All the books had PROPERTY OF THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY stamped in them, and little manila sleeves and cards that showed they hadn't been checked out anything like legally. Turning pages, dutifully going from flag to flag, she wondered if she should turn him in for that, or warn the big, lion guarded book mausoleum on 5th Avenue that they had something a lot larger than mice coming and going in their basement...
The paintings in the first book were centuries old: Michelangelo, a seated and rather muscular sibyl from the Sistine Chapel ceiling, shoulders on her like a fullback; a painting called “The Madonna of the Rocks”; Botticelli, “The Birth of Venus,” in which a woman coyly clutching the crucial areas was being served up, standing, on the half shell; another with two people, a man and a woman, sprawled rather dissolutely across a broad rectangle, attended by fat flying babies.
The flag on that one had a note on it:
Her name was Simonetta Vespucci, and she was one of Botticelli's favorite models; Kristopher contends Botticelli also was in love with her, although she loved another. Historical sources are too scanty to prove or disprove this. Kristopher, however, is in no doubt. He is not inclined to doubt at any time. It is your resemblance to Simonetta which chiefly has made him determined to attempt your likeness. As you have already found, he is not easily discouraged. Nor is he in the habit of becoming fascinated by giraffes, metal mouths, clowns, or anything more bizarre than myself, concerning which I leave you free to draw your own conclusions.
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glassboxdiaries · 6 days ago
Walstad Method Dangers To Avoid When Building A Thriving Planted Tank!
The Small Hang-On-Back Filter I Use - https://glassboxdiaries.com/nanohobfilter Cheap Sponge Filters I Use - https://glassboxdiaries.com/spongefilter Piezoelectric Air Pump For Sponge Filter In Nano Tanks - https://glassboxdiaries.com/nicrewairpump Cheap USB Water Pump - https://glassboxdiaries.com/usbwaterpump
SOME OF MY OTHER WALSTAD METHOD VIDEOS 🌿 Best Walstad Plants - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJ7BDAKkhRs 🌿 Walstad Myths Debunked - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vPcjW_JhSA 🌿 Walstad Method Mistakes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJy09gnGC6g 🌿 Walstad Method Shrimp Tank Setup - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6gQkIIldn8 🌿 Worst Walstad Plants - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ftTLlRmW80
Walstad Method Dangers To Avoid When Building A Thriving Planted Tank!
In this video, I’m revealing overlooked dangers and misconceptions tied to the Walstad Method, a popular approach for keeping a naturally balanced aquarium with minimal equipment. Although it highlights nutrient-rich soil and plentiful plants, it’s not always as simple as laying down dirt, capping it, and adding fish. Mistakes can lead to cloudy water, algae, or stressed livestock if not properly managed. Here, I highlight potential pitfalls, explain how to address them, and help you establish a stable Walstad-style tank that thrives for the long run.
One major misconception is that the Walstad Method means no filter at all. While a heavily planted, lightly stocked tank can often manage waste on its own, Diana Walstad herself—especially in a collaboration with KG Tropicals—recommends filters for many scenarios, particularly if you’re just starting out. A basic filter circulates water, boosts oxygen, and gives beneficial bacteria more surfaces to colonize. Yes, some believe that aeration removes CO2, but this effect is typically minor unless you’re growing demanding plant species. Going filterless also makes your aquarium more vulnerable to ammonia spikes if you suddenly increase feeding or stocking. If you still want minimal surface agitation, try a USB air pump that circulates water gently.
On the flip side, too much flow can create issues if you neglect basic maintenance. Hang-on-back filters, for instance, may form a waterfall effect when water levels drop, potentially dislodging the capping layer and releasing soil into the water column. This can lead to cloudiness and nutrient imbalances. I dealt with this once while experimenting with a thin cap layer and forgetting to top off evaporation. Now I always use at least one inch of sand or gravel and keep an eye on the water level to avoid similar mishaps. A simple sponge filter can be an even safer bet if you’re worried about strong currents disturbing your substrate.
Another sticking point stems from misinterpreting the plant lists in Walstad’s book. Many aquarists assume the featured plants are rapid nutrient absorbers, but Walstad herself explained they’re simply species she found easy to grow. Although hardy mainstays like Anubias, Cryptocoryne, Bacopa caroliniana, and Java fern can help support a balanced ecosystem, they’re mostly slow growers and won’t remove excess nitrogen as quickly as faster options. If you’re hoping to combat ammonia spikes effectively, consider mixing in speedier growers like pearlweed, Hygrophila, Rotala, Vallisneria, duckweed, frogbit, or water lettuce. I usually set aside at least a third of the substrate for fast-growing plants to maintain better nutrient uptake, while mixing in slower ‘decorative’ plants for visual appeal.
People also get carried away with complex aquascapes. While you can use driftwood, rocks, or other decorations in a Walstad setup, burying large items in soil or building steep slopes can compromise substrate stability. Some hobbyists worry about hydrogen sulfide buildup in deeper, stagnant areas, but keeping substrate depth at around two inches and ensuring good water circulation typically prevents this. Placing rocks and wood on top of the capping layer rather than burying them is the safer approach, especially for your first attempt. Even if a small pocket of hydrogen sulfide forms, dissolved oxygen typically converts it to harmless sulfate before it harms fish.
Some of the links in this video description may be affiliate links meaning I earn a small commission from any purchases made.
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nsfwmiamiart · 4 months ago
Part 4 - Incoming Text for Ryan Gosling (@ryangoslinger) and Charlize Theron (@charlizeafrica) and Natalie Portman (@natalieportman): “An Idea Worth a Billion Dollars”
Questions and ChatGPT Answers:
Here’s a comprehensive overview of the V series formatted for your blog, including questions and answers:
Here are the Wikipedia pages, three links in a clean format:
TV Series (Miniseries): V (1983 miniseries) - (click on the blue link)
Book: V (franchise) - (click on the blue link)
It Can't Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis: It Can't Happen Here - (click on the blue link)
Overview of V – The Science Fiction Series
1. What is V? V is a science-fiction franchise created by Kenneth Johnson that began with a two-part miniseries that first aired in 1983 on NBC. The series explores the arrival of extraterrestrial beings, known as "The Visitors," who initially present themselves as friendly but have ulterior motives that threaten humanity.
2. What are the main plot points of the original miniseries? The original V miniseries introduces a fleet of 50 giant alien spaceships appearing in major cities around the world. The Visitors claim to come in peace, offering advanced technology and medical solutions to Earth's problems. However, their true purpose is later revealed: they intend to exploit Earth's resources, particularly water, and harvest humans as a food source.
The storyline follows a resistance movement formed by humans who uncover the Visitors' sinister intentions. Key characters include:
Mike Donovan (Marc Singer): A television journalist who leads the resistance against the Visitors.
Diana (Jane Badler): The main antagonist and ruthless leader of the Visitors, known for her cold and calculating nature.
Julie Parrish (Faye Grant): A medical student and key member of the resistance.
3. What happens in V: The Final Battle? Due to the popularity of the initial miniseries, NBC released a three-part sequel titled V: The Final Battle in 1984. This continuation explores the ongoing war between humans and the Visitors, with the resistance trying to develop a biological weapon called "Red Dust" that can harm the aliens. The sequel delves deeper into character arcs and culminates in a climactic confrontation between the two factions.
4. Was there a weekly series adaptation? Yes, following V: The Final Battle, NBC produced a weekly series that aired from 1984 to 1985. This version continued the storyline but struggled with a lower budget, resulting in recycled special effects and limited storytelling. The series lasted 19 episodes and concluded on a cliffhanger, leaving many storylines unresolved, yet it has maintained a cult following.
5. What are the themes and legacy of V? V is rich in themes, drawing parallels to historical events, especially World War II and the Nazi occupation. It examines issues such as fascism, propaganda, resistance, and the moral ambiguities of collaboration. The original series was groundbreaking for its time, known for its special effects and for tackling darker, politically charged themes.
6. Was there a reboot of V? Yes, ABC rebooted V in 2009, featuring an updated storyline and modern visual effects. This reboot starred Elizabeth Mitchell, Morena Baccarin, and Joel Gretsch, and it reimagined the story with a charismatic alien leader named Anna (Morena Baccarin). The reboot was well-received for its visuals and the portrayal of Anna but diverged from the original's darker themes. It aired for two seasons from 2009 to 2011 before being canceled.
7. What is the cultural impact of V? V has significantly influenced the science-fiction genre, inspiring various narratives about alien invasions and resistance movements. It has been referenced in pop culture and remains a staple example of high-concept storytelling in science fiction. The original series, in particular, set a standard for addressing complex societal issues through the lens of science fiction.
8. Was V based on a book? Yes, V was based on a novel of the same name written by Kenneth Johnson, released alongside the miniseries in 1983. The novel serves as a novelization of the story and expands on character development and plotlines, providing more depth to the narrative presented in the miniseries.
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themovieblogonline · 5 months ago
Lonely Planet Review: A Sad Miss For Laura Dern
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Lonely Planet, directed by Susannah Grant and starring Laura Dern and Liam Hemsworth, seeks to blend the introspective musings of a novelist and the complexities of romantic entanglement set against the enchanting backdrop of Morocco. While the premise offers intriguing potential, the film stumbles in its attempt to balance emotional resonance with a scenic yet hollow love affair. Though it boasts moments of visual splendor and contemplative dialogue, Lonely Planet ultimately feels like a missed opportunity, marred by thin character development and a lack of emotional weight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTu7j2GOGwQ The setup: The film introduces Katherine Loewe (Laura Dern), a celebrated novelist at a crossroads in her life, seeking solitude in Morocco to finish her latest book while grappling with the recent end of a 14-year relationship. Katherine’s internal struggles, both personal and creative, offer fertile ground for a narrative of self-discovery. However, these themes remain underexplored, never reaching the emotional depths that could have made her journey compelling. Owen Brophy (Liam Hemsworth), the film’s other focal point, is introduced as a businessman accompanying his novelist girlfriend, Lily (Diana Silvers), to the same Moroccan resort. The film quickly establishes that Owen feels out of place in this environment, where intellectuals and writers dominate the social circles. His growing frustration with Lily’s world of literary ambition and the subsequent tension in their relationship set the stage for his eventual connection with Katherine. Weak chemistry: While the plot sounds ripe for rich character exploration and romantic tension, it falters in building believable chemistry between Katherine and Owen. Their connection feels forced and contrived rather than the organic result of two people finding solace in each other’s company. This lack of emotional grounding makes it difficult for the audience to invest in their growing bond, and as a result, the love story feels flat and unconvincing. A beautiful backdrop: One of the film's few strengths is its use of location. The Moroccan setting is breathtaking, with sweeping landscapes and vibrant marketplaces that add a layer of visual allure to the film. The cinematography captures the beauty of the country, from its bustling streets to its quiet, sun-soaked vistas. However, the film leans too heavily on its picturesque backdrop, using it as a crutch to distract from its lack of narrative substance. The sequences where Katherine and Owen explore the Moroccan countryside together offer a brief respite from the otherwise plodding pace of the film, but they never move beyond surface-level interactions. Rather than using the environment to deepen their relationship or highlight cultural themes, the film reduces Morocco to a mere backdrop, neglecting to engage with the rich history and complexities of the setting. This decision diminishes the film’s potential for authenticity and reduces the world Katherine and Owen inhabit to a postcard-perfect fantasy rather than a living, breathing place. Lead performances: Laura Dern, as Katherine, does what she can with the material, bringing a sense of world-weariness and emotional vulnerability to the role. Katherine’s struggles as a writer and a woman trying to find peace after a long-term relationship offer moments of introspection, but these moments are fleeting. The script never delves deep enough into Katherine’s psyche to make her a truly compelling character. Instead, we’re left with glimpses of her inner turmoil that are never fully fleshed out, leaving her character arc feeling incomplete. Liam Hemsworth’s Owen is similarly underdeveloped. While Hemsworth brings a likable presence to the screen, his character lacks the depth needed to make his romance with Katherine believable. Owen’s dissatisfaction with his life and relationship with Lily is introduced early on, but the film never explores these issues in any meaningful way. His connection with Katherine feels more like a convenient plot device than a genuine emotional shift. Hemsworth’s performance, while competent, is unable to elevate the thin material he’s given. Supporting cast: Diana Silvers as Lily, Owen’s ambitious girlfriend, is positioned as the foil to Katherine, but her character is disappointingly one-dimensional. Lily’s drive to establish herself as a novelist comes across as selfish and unsympathetic, and the film does little to explore her perspective or motivations. This imbalance in characterization makes it difficult to empathize with her side of the relationship, further undermining the emotional stakes of the love triangle. The supporting cast, including Adriano Giannini as Ugo, Katherine’s old flame, and Younès Boucif as their driver Rafih, provide brief moments of levity and intrigue, but they are relegated to the sidelines, never given enough screen time to develop fully. Their presence feels like an afterthought, and their interactions with the main characters, while occasionally amusing, add little to the overall narrative. A failed message: At its core, Lonely Planet aims to be a film about self-discovery, love, and the complexities of human connection. Katherine’s journey, both as a writer struggling with creative block and as a woman trying to rebuild her life, should have been the emotional anchor of the film. However, the screenplay never commits to exploring these themes in depth, opting instead for shallow dialogue and predictable plot beats. Katherine’s relationship with Owen is meant to reignite her passion for writing and help her find closure after the end of her previous relationship, but their interactions lack the emotional intensity needed to make this transformation feel earned. The film’s reliance on cliched romantic tropes, such as the stolen kiss in the rain or the chance reunion in a crowded bar, further detracts from its thematic ambitions. Instead of offering a nuanced exploration of love and self-discovery, *Lonely Planet* settles for formulaic storytelling that fails to resonate on a deeper level. Overall: In the end, Lonely Planet is a film that feels more like a missed opportunity than a fully realized story. Despite its talented cast and stunning visuals, the film is hampered by weak character development, a lack of emotional depth, and a predictable plot. Laura Dern and Liam Hemsworth do their best with the material they’re given, but their performances are ultimately overshadowed by a script that never digs deep enough into its characters’ inner lives. For a film set in such a vibrant and culturally rich location, Lonely Planet feels disappointingly hollow. Its attempt to blend romance, self-discovery, and literary themes never quite comes together, leaving the audience with little more than a visually appealing, but emotionally unfulfilling, experience. Read the full article
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cleoenfaserum · 6 months ago
REBLOGS: film: Professor Marston and the Wonder Woman (2017)  (1184)
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Professor Marston and the Wonder Women is a 2017 American biographical drama film about American psychologist William Moulton Marston, who created the fictional character Wonder Woman. The film, was directed and written by Angela Robinson.
source actress-playground (account deleted by Tumbler) Bella Heathcote (30) in Professor Marston and The Wonder Woman (2017)
Wikipedia IMDb 7'0
1184-1 LINK https://ok.ru/video/960444697135
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Wonder Woman is a 2017 superhero film based on the DC Comics character of the same name.  The film was directed by Patty Jenkins and written by Allan Heinberg, based on a story conceived by Heinberg, Zack Snyder, and Jason Fuchs. It is the second live action theatrical film featuring Wonder Woman following her debut in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. In Wonder Woman, the Amazon princess Diana sets out to stop World War I, believing the conflict was started by the longtime enemy of the Amazons, Ares, after American pilot and spy Steve Trevor crash-lands on their island Themyscira and informs her about it.
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Wonder Woman is one of the greatest comic book movies ever made. It’s compelling and beautiful, uplifting but tragic, and a rare example of a modern movie with a timeless feel. Just like the stunning “No Man’s Land” scene, it is, without question, a masterpiece. All 7 Wonder Woman movies ranked
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Wonder Woman, the Amazon princess Diana sets out to stop World War I, believing the conflict was started by the longtime enemy of the Amazons, Ares, after American pilot and spy Steve Trevor crash-lands on their island Themyscira and informs her about it.
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William Moulton Marston (May 9, 1893 – May 2, 1947), also known by the pen name Charles Moulton, was an American psychologist who, with his wife Elizabeth Holloway, invented an early prototype of the polygraph. He was also known as a self-help author and comic book writer who created the character Wonder Woman.
Two women, his wife Elizabeth Holloway Marston, and their polyamorous life partner, Olive Byrne, greatly influenced Wonder Woman's creation.
He was inducted into the Comic Book Hall of Fame in 2006.
Wikipedia IMDb 7'3
Sorry for the shitty quality but it was all I could find.
(1339) Classic Comic Book long Box - YouTube
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nickiecuffman · 1 year ago
Some Jeffrey Epstein associates identified in unsealed documents
Names of more than 150 of Jeffrey Epstein's associates being unsealed Former Presidents Bill Clinton and Donald Trump are mentioned in the documents Expert says new charges against named individuals are unlikely Katie Smith #Epstein  #EpsteinList #Epsteinadasi #EpsteinClientList EpsteinIsland EpsteinFiles EpsteinDocs
Updated: JAN 5, 2024 / 01:55 PM CST
For the latest on the Epstein documents release, click here.
(NewsNation) — More than 900 pages of court documents were released Wednesday night from the investigation and trials surrounding former billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.
A federal court began releasing previously secret documents Wednesday related to Epstein that disclose the names of more than 150 people associated with the disgraced financier who killed himself in 2019 while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges.
The documents are being unsealed on a rolling basis, with two being held back until at least Jan 22. The records may include the names of those who worked for Epstein or only had weak ties to the financier as well as potential victims and witnesses. Appearing in the documents does not mean someone is connected to any wrongdoing.
‘Finally free:’ Gypsy Rose Blanchard has busy first week after release The names of those mentioned so far in the documents range from politicians to Hollywood actors, including some of the nation’s most rich and powerful.
Among those named in the initial documents include former President Bill Clinton, former President Donald Trump, Michael Jackson, David Copperfield, Leonardo DiCaprio and Cameron Diaz.
Many of the names belong to people who had already been publicly connected to Epstein as his long-time associates or friends, including his former lawyer Alan Dershowitz who was mentioned in the documents 137 times. Dershowitz pushed hard for all of the court documents to be released to clear his name.
It’s imperative to note the list does not imply that everyone is accused of wrongdoing or illegal and immoral behavior.
The documents come from a settled civil lawsuit that Virginia Giuffre, who alleges she was a victim of sex trafficking, filed against British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell in 2015.
The Miami Herald has been fighting to unseal documents filed as part of that lawsuit since 2018. The legal battle came to a head in December when U.S. District Judge Loretta Preska ordered the names could be unsealed beginning Jan. 1.
At the time, Preska said many of the people named in the documents had already given media interviews or their names were listed in other public court documents pertaining to the case.
Jeffrey Epstein timeline: Sex trafficking, scandals, Ghislaine Maxwell She ordered that some names be redacted to protect the anonymity of minors who were victims of sex crimes.
You can read the full document below:
Maxwell’s attorneys, Arthur L. Aidala and Diana Fabi Samson, on Thursday, said Maxwell “took no position” on the decision to unseal documents in the Giuffre v. Maxwell case.
“These disclosures have no bearing on her or her pending appeal. Ghislaine’s focus is on the upcoming appellate argument asking for her entire case to be dismissed. She is confident that she will obtain justice in the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. She has consistently and vehemently maintained her innocence,” the attorneys said in a statement.
Social media has been rife in recent weeks with posts speculating that the documents would include a list of rich and powerful men who were Epstein’s “clients” or “co-conspirators.”
There was no such list. The initial collection of around 40 documents made public largely contained material that had been released previously, or exhaustively been covered in nearly two decades’ worth of newspaper stories, TV documentaries, interviews and books about the Epstein scandal.
Still, the records — which included transcripts of interviews with some of Epstein’s victims — included reminders that Epstein surrounded himself with famous and powerful figures, including a few who have also been accused of misconduct.
Giuffre says Epstein and Maxwell pressured her as a teenager to engage in sexual relationships with powerful men, including Prince Andrew. Those men denied the allegations, and Giuffre later settled a lawsuit against Prince Andrew out of court.
One of the documents unsealed Wednesday is an email that appears to be from Epstein to Maxwell about trying to pay off Giuffre’s friends and family to refute her allegations, one of those being that Stephen Hawking allegedly participated in an underage orgy. Hawking was seen in pictures with Epstein in 2006 on his infamous island, Little St. James.
People named in the documents are unlikely to face prosecution if they haven’t already, criminal defense attorney Janet Johnson told NewsNation on Monday before the files were released.
Police arrest 2 in killing of Savanah Soto, boyfriend “These names were actually kept secret because the judge found that because they did not do anything wrong. There wasn’t any reason at that point to release them and embarrass them,” Johnson said.
Reports in anticipation of the release focused on Clinton’s name appearing about 50 times throughout the documents’ pages. That could be because Maxwell wanted Clinton to give a deposition in her case, Johnson said. Maxwell took the matter to court and lost.
Clinton’s name came up because Giuffre was questioned by Maxwell’s lawyers about inaccuracies in newspaper stories about her time with Epstein, including a story quoting her as saying she had ridden in a helicopter with Clinton and flirted with Trump. Giuffre said neither of those things actually happened.
“This isn’t just going to be a list of names,” Johnson said. “It’s going to be a dump of hundreds and hundreds of pages, including deposition transcripts.”
That includes the transcripts from the deposition of Johanna Sjoberg, who says she was hired by Maxwell and sexually abused by Epstein. Sjoberg testified that Epstein told her that “Clinton likes them young, referring to girls.”
Sjoberg’s testimony also references Copperfield, presumably the magician. Sjoberg claimed Copperfield asked her about the system that was in place for girls to find other girls for Epstein.
Copperfield was at a dinner at Epstein’s, and there was another girl present who looked young. Sjoberg asked what school she went to but did not recognize the school name as being a college.
She testified it was possible the girl was in high school. Sjoberg testified that Copperfield “questioned me if I was aware that girls were getting paid to find other girls.”
YouTuber MrBeast tells Elon Musk why he won’t post videos to X Allegations against Epstein first surfaced publicly in 2005.
He pleaded guilty to sex charges in Florida and served 13 months in jail. He spent much of that time in a work-release program as part of a deal critics called lenient. He ultimately was required to register as a sex offender.
Federal prosecutors in New York went on to revive the case against Epstein after a series of stories by the Miami Herald in 2018 brought renewed attention to the matter.
In 2019, New York prosecutors said they weren’t bound by the previous non-prosecution deal, and Epstein was again arrested. He killed himself a month later.
Maxwell was arrested at a New Hampshire estate less than one year after Epstein’s death.
A jury convicted her in December 2021 of multiple charges including sex trafficking, conspiracy and transportation of a minor for illegal sexual activity. She is currently serving a 20-year prison sentence.
The Associated Press and NewsNation digital producers Tyler Wornell and Devan Markham contributed to this report.
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