#✧ sugar rush! ( calhoun likes )
lazymonth · 5 months
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I found some of the AU where Turbo is alive and hiding + doing stuff around. But I dose like to think in another way if he’s also alive but… they’re just found him immediately before Turbo could do anything else
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It’s becoming an AU concept where Turbo respawn in Sugar rush but it's taken time a while after he got blasted by a Diet Cola Mountain. Calhoun and her soldier come to check that if there's any cybug left in Sugar rush and bada bing bada boom, they found Turbo by accident even before he could realize
( imagine like, a funny moments in game where enemy just spawn right In front of your face. Yah, that's what happens )
After that Turbo gets caught immediately and they transport him to Hero's duty which is a better place to contain a special cybug like him
Fun fact : Felix likes to come to visit him just to check on his old friend. ( he's a nice guy after all ) also meanwhile Felix calls Turbo by his name, Calhoun just calls him " Cybug "
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snailstrailz · 3 months
Ralph breaks the Internet is one of the worst sequels in recent memory and tbh I can come up with better concepts on the fly
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IDC (/lh) if you like this movie, I don't and it's my post.
- Hero's duty is a larger franchise. Give Calhoun an existential crisis.
- explain how consoles work in this universe. Instead of quarter alert, it's boot alert when the player turns the game on.
- have the plot revolve around the characters trying to promote a GoFundMe Mr. Litwak starts for the sugar rush controller.
- have FELIX break down over hate comments. Focus on him more emotionally in general.
- acknowledge Turbo's existence and how his actions traumatized Vanellope
- have a virus unleashed because they go to a shady website to artificially boost engagement on posts
- generally have the themes revolve mostly around feeling small and insignificant, but realizing how much you matter to people around you is significant enough.
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sketchnskribbles · 5 days
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Stepping Stones AU
A Step in the Right Direction - Book 2
Link here: [ A03 ]
After the events that led to a cybug infestation in Sugar Rush, the reveal of a false king, and the eventual reinstatement of the original leadership. A thorough checking of the candy go-kart cabinet’s code was in order. During the check up, it was found that Turbo hadn’t been as “dead” as most would have wanted to be.
This led to a flurry of panic as those who could be considered in charge of the arcade’s residence struggled to figure out what to do.
It was decided that they would need to think up a plan that would keep the racer from ever destroying the livelihood of any game in Litwak’s ever again. As well as allow for him to make up for his grievous mistakes.
So, there they all were. Deep within the confines of Hero’s Duty. The chapel filled with the chosen delegates to puzzle out a suitable punishment.
A newly regenerated Turbo sat on the front row of the pews. Chained and bored out of his mind. Hoping that they would get it over with already. Surely, they knew as well as he did how it was all going to end. One short drop and a sudden stop. It'd be ludicrous to believe that he could ever have a chance for anything better. Not after everything.
Characters: King Candy | Turbo (Disney), Wreck-It Ralph, Vanellope von Schweetz, Fix-It Felix Jr., Tamora Calhoun, Clyde the Pacman ghost, Surge Protector (Disney), Gene (Disney: Wreck-it Ralph), Sonic the Hedgehog
Words: 3,305 | Chapters: 1/?
Stepping Stones | Book 1 - [ FF.Net ] (for those who’d also like to read the first installment; warning it is unfinished and in process of rewrite)
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samson-the-whale · 14 days
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So ... I made a self insert fore WIR ....ya
Name: Scrapper/scrap
Gender: male (this mf bisexual)
Age: in his game like 20s to 30s if we go with his game age like 30s or 40s 
Game: Scrapper's scrape up
(its like punch out game mechanics game play wies)
Character interactions:
 Hc he gets pumped up easily and likes to push people in the shoulder lightly but really fast when he needs to let out that excitement (t can be like a charging up a special move in his game) and might accidentally leave a bruise 
When he does it to Ralph it tickles 
When he punches Felix he says ow but then hammers his arm and it heals
When he did it to Calhoun for the first time she hit him across the room because she thought he was picking fights and fucking K.Od him with that bitch slap
Then was kind of apologetic after Felix explained and yelled "oh shoot sorry" then Scrap still laying in the floor gives a thumbs up and a strained "I'm ok...it's ok"
 Also if he did the punching thing with Vanelopie she would just pixilate a bit and his punches would almost go through her shoulder kinda I think much like Ralph it would also just tickle 
Before the whole plot of the movie I like to think Ralph liked him but was kind of bitter "he has huge fists and smashes stuff why am "I" the villain?" XD
Ok ok 
So he and Ralph actually get along surprisingly well for you know one being the main character of his game and supposed "heroes" of the game  and the other is well the bad guy. They both like punching stuff and hav a give each other a high five or fist bump while walking by each other so like buddys
Him and Felix are more like 
Felix: look at this cool thin-
Like literally one of the doodle sketches was Scrapper leapfrogging over felix to look at a new plugged in game 
So he kinda is an annoying brat towards felix but always makes it in good fun like he's messing around with him with never an intent to hurt his feelings (even when he goes too far and accidentally does)
So now we got Vanelopie
There's actually this running joke sorta where scrapper really likes bright colors becus how I imagine his game has a very limited color palette except him for aesthetically pleasing reasons
So he'd actually stay away from brightly colored areas out of comfort before becoming more enthralled in other colors hens his fixation with casualty visiting sugar rush when he's bored 
You may think oh then he must have met Vanellope while visiting 
Well actually no he bye dumb luck he never met her until after the events of the first movie 
So there knowing each other isn't really that strong yet 
But because of him and ralph eventually becoming friends he grew a liking to the spunky little girl calling her shortstack all the time (despite him being a similar height) and or squirt
In response Vanellope calls him oled man
 Calhoun thinks he's like 12
He is not he's like 30-40 Like lectures him on his fighting form Thinks he's like inexperienced Finds him endearing if a little overbearing Finds his high energy useful in certain situations but exhausting at other times Is unsure...which fighting game he originates from Then bonding through duty or honor or avenging a loved one.
Sour bill (because I want more interactions and im hiperfixsaiting):
Scraper:Yoooooo a fellow rubber ball
Sour bill:what?
 Ima say this shit now they would drink tea together because yes Scrapper doesn't like coffee he drinks tea
Sonic (because I can):
Mf cameos in scrappers game in later levels for no reason just because funny
It's like the meme
Scrapper: sonic? What are you doing here?
Sonic in scrapper's game: waiting for them to play Gangdemstyle 
Ok so I forgot to put this in I was ryly hoped to post this but thanks to my friend @im-not-important fore spell correcting and helping come up with ideas(also did some of the Blu doodles in the Wight board drawings)
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fridgrave2-0 · 7 days
i'm really endeared by the notion of a redeemed turbo being super respectful of calhoun and getting along well with her before figuring shit out with felix. when i think about it, those two really have a lot to bond over. also, is the "felix is the one that turned 'going turbo' into an idiom" a canon piece of info or is it just a headcanon you're rolling with?
its headcanon what was offered by other anon and I just liked it a lot! makes sense to me personally
and YES. turbo might've committed war crimes, ruined a child's life and was a reason of at least two people dying, but his ass is respectful to women and THAT'S CANON. his "yes ma'am..." to shank in disney magic kingdoms speaks volumes
his and calhoun's dynamic comforts me a lot to be honest and I'm thinking about them only for two days. I imagine them brainstorming over possible tactics in hero's duty, studying cybugs together and turbo just sharing his experience of being a cybug to help dealing with them easier. he remembers everything and they both have nightmares about cybugs
and once, after a very bad nightmare, turbo, not knowing how important he became to her, literally asked her to put him down if something happens again and he won't be himself anymore (not only in becoming a cybug hybrid again, but generally going of the line). he said that he couldn't trust this problem with anyone else. not with felix, not vanellope and not ralph. and calhoun, who had to kill the cybug what was getting a form of her fiance, and who already saw turbo as family, had such a breakdown that these two ended up on a floor being a crying mess. but she knew the feeling of paralyzing fear every time she saw a face of a monster before her closed eyes in her dreams. and she knew that turbo was dealing with it even when awake every time he looked in the mirror. he couldn't get used to his own face, and it's been months since the cybugs almost destroyed sugar rush. turbo barely used his disguise of king candy, sometimes participating in the races with vanellope's approval, and calhoun knew he hated it
tamora never said that she would grant him his terrifying request. will she be able to do that again? calhoun didn't know, and she didn't want to find out
but still she never said no
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zigzthingz · 12 days
A Wreck-It-Ralph Swap AU
This AU is about the swapping of TurboTime and Fix-It-Felix Jr’s roles in the arcades universe. Sugar Rush and Hero’s duty are also quite different, for plot sake. This post will be covering what each game looks like in this au through text
Sugar Rush
Sugar Rush is now a game about demolition derby, much like slaughter race in the unspoken about second movie. Characters now range in size, and don’t stick to their cutesy candy motifs like the sugar Rush we know. The name sticks to sugar Rush, to say they are high on an actual sugar Rush and letting out their wild side (pretty sure that’s the reason for the original one but this is just a little more intense) vanellope originally is the champion of the derby, and nobody here is seen as the bad guy. Ralph takes over this game and becomes the CHAMPION of the demolition derby. Because- you know. He wrecks stuff. Professionally.
Hero’s Duty
Hero’s duty is, mostly the same game. Calhoun though, ends up getting into an adoptive mother type relationship to the turbotwins. Not much to say that’s different about Hero’s duty.
Fix-It-Felix Jr
Fix-it-Felix Jr was a fairly popular game in the arcade. It’s the same game, Ralph breaks the building and the nicelanders and Felix try to stop him. Though, now Ralph is more hungry for attention and being seen as a champion more than ever. The arcade somewhat feared his aggression and determination. He wanted to be a hero, but had the attitude of a villain. As soon as (NOT YET NAMED GAME) was plugged in, and people were destroying without being seen as villains, it broke him. So Ralph abandoned his game and infiltrated it, breaking both games and getting both games unplugged. Fix it Felix jr, the nicelanders, and Ralph all were unplugged with the game (or so they thought)
TurboTime is the most popular game in the arcade! Featuring Turbo as the player, and the Turbotwins as his competitors! (The crowd is not sentient) the game is the same as the movie, racing ofc. Turbo now, getting tired of the same track over and over for 30 years seeks out something new. So, he goes to hero’s duty. At first he struggled to even find a way to fit in, but with his genius coding skills he mysteriously gained, he makes a fake (not too obvious, but it’s flawed) cybug costume unknowing that cybugs are not spared nor do they respawn. So he bumps into a bit of trouble, but eventually gets the costume to fly up to the top of the tower out of curiosity. He of course stumbles onto the eggs, falls into an escape pod and you know the rest.
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danisha-tdh · 30 days
Wreck-it ralph sequel: the Rewritten
For the past months I kept in mind wanna make the rewritten sequel, and this one is very the trick of twist ;]
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[Long text]
So here's one of my summary:
The story begins with the same day as before, but there is a slightly different details after the years. As all characters getting to do their job as the same as usual. Ralph, wanted to pay a visit to see Vanellope when after the shift is done, as included with Felix and Calhoun. Meanwhile at the Sugar Rush where the player is playing as Vanellope, the same as she is about to get win once again. But not for long, for a second she saw a red glitch for a moment, she felt something off but she's distracted to take focus to get the finish line. Then suddenly, when she almost at the finish line, A familiar racer just appeared out of nowhere, the two were screams especially with the player. She hits the brake and goes around to the finish line as she stops, the familiar racer was dissappear after a few seconds. Vanellope was shocked as she recognize that familiar racer was Turbø. The player felt fear of what they saw, they call Mr. Litwak to tell the situation of how it happened. After the explanation, Mr. Litwak was shocked and seems to recognise by the name "Turbø" the player they mentioned. Everyone from the arcade overheard that too. After the shift is done, the characters from different arcade overheard that Mr. Litwak will be retire because he has been too old for taking care of his own arcade game. Most of them are worried that who would be someone taking Mr. Litwak's replacement, or perhaps it will be abandoned as the place would be shutting down if no one's taking that job. Meanwhile, Ralph, Felix, and Calhoun goes to Sugar Rush as they promise to pay a visit Vanellope. At the castle, she tells the group about what she saw earlier, the group felt confused and questioning that it's impossible how Turbø is alive. As soon Sour bill needs Ralph to bringing him as he follow a candy string that leads somewhere secrets. Then, as they walks through hallway, Ralph goes passing by as he notice a familiar racer that is similar to Turbo. But when he turns around, it dissappear. While Ralph and Sour bill follows a candy string, it leads to the coderoom where Turbo used to go there. Ralph goes into the coderoom, as soon he saw a big box of KC memory. As he go closer, there is someone who is trying to something with it, but realise that someone is actually Turbø. Ralph shouted Turbø's name as he turns around in a little fear. He goes like:
"Oh hi there, Ralph.. it's been a long time since we haven't seen each other for like m-many years. Ya probably wondering how I'm still alive, right..?"
"Turbo.. how did you- and what are you even doing here exactly? Just to erased Vanellope's memory once again?"
"Ohhohonononono, I just here not because erased memories here.. look, I- I can explain everything and I need something important in here or-"
"Or what? Like ruling this game for once? I know what's your plotting, Candy cane. But this is over for now on!"
Ralph quickly goes to Turbo as he tries to reach of what something important to him. While both got into a fight, as soon Vanellope goes to the Coderoom as quick to stop them. The three fights over as Turbo reach a small box that has his face on it. But, as Vanellope hands reach Turbo's arm, the glitch effect from Vanellope that goes to the small box. The small box itself felt glitching and shaking as the three goes in silent as Turbo says:
"... uh oh."
It exploded soundwave as the three goes through the door where they entered, it is also feels the rumbling outside of the Sugar Rush. The small box didn't actually exploded, it's still there on Turbo's hand. Felix and Calhoun heard the soundwave from the coderoom as both shocked the three was down. Ralph and Vanellope is alive and felt a bit unwell, but Turbo hasn't woken up as he glitches.
Later, Turbo opens his eyes as he wakes up and being tied up at the "Fungeon". He is confused what is going on, as there is Ralph right in front of him. But, he glitch like Turbo himself. Vanellope no longer has a glitch ability as she is now like what she used to be before Turbo taken over happened. Ralph wants Turbo to explain everything what he was planning about taling something important from the coderoom.
"Alright, I'll tell you big guy..."
"The reason why I'm alive it is because of that small box that I tried to keep it safe from something that could worst happen. That thing is called "the memory soul", it is where we brings ourself alive that is inside of us. That is why I put my memory in there to see if I can regenerate myself. Though, it is quite possible now that I can regenerate as I feel alive once again. But I'm kinda miss those sweet wings, talons, and even become the big of me. That was a great moment, as thanks to you, big guy. You ruined my dream from now on. Anyway speaking of sweet revenge, where's is it now?"
"What is it?"
"My- wait..."
As Turbo tries to look everything, realised his memory soul was... gone. He freaked out as the glitch, panicking as he corrupted. Ralph calm him down, as he make a deal with him to find his memory soul back before the worst. Turbo take a deep breath to calm himself and a little giggles.
"Okay, easy now Turbo. Me and the gang WILL find your memory soul, but you need to along with us. And the after we found tour memory thingy, you promise not to "go turbo". So, it's a deal..?"
"Well... A deal is a deal, old friend.."
Both starts to shakes hand, but the goes glitches as a little pain. Both quickly takes their hands off from handshakes as it stops glitching.
"Let's just.. not do that again."
Welp there is this, that's where the story start. And yes, mostly the arcade characters goes to another place for a living, kinda like the internet but as a good one. Though, this takes focus to find Turbo's memory soul and find a cure to bring both he and Ralph to stop their glitch affects, as well brings Vanellope wanted her glitch power back. And also, Yesss will be in this story as an important character ;]
What do you think? Go replies and reblog or whatever you interested with it, add some details you like in the plot! ^^
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theriu · 1 month
Probably the best part in Wreck It Ralph 2: Ralph Wrecks Breaks The Internet (IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN WRECK GUYS WHAT WERE YOU THINKING) is how Fix-It Felix and Sergeant Calhoun adopt all the bratty kids from Sugar Rush and by the end have SOMEHOW taught those kids to be calm and polite and all of them seem very happy. Like I know the movie makes a joke of distracting us from hearing "how they did it," but somehow I can totally believe that the unique combination of sweet-understanding-compassionate-fixer Dad and tough-but-fair-military-commander Mom would manage to unlock the power of being amazing foster parents.
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You want to know the worst thing about Ralph Breaks the Internet?
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It wasn’t the already-dated Internet jokes & references - we all knew going in that stuff was never going to work.
It wasn’t the new characters - honestly, they’re all fine (except maybe Double Dan - Alfred Molina deserves better!).
It wasn’t the exclusion of Felix & Calhoun (my delusional ass is still waiting for a short film about the two raising the Sugar Rush racers.)
It wasn’t even the thousands of details they ignored, retconned, or forgot from the original Wreck-it Ralph (Fix-it Felix Jr. was THIRTY years old when Ralph met Vanellope, Vanellope ABDICATED HER THRONE in favor of a constitutional democracy so everyone in Sugar Rush would have a say in how the game was run, Sugar Rush was a two-seater racing game, etc.)
No, the absolute, positively, undeniably worst thing Ralph Breaks the Internet did was tarnish & distort Ralph so thoroughly it made us all question if the original movie was even that good to begin with.
Everything else in Ralph Breaks the Internet could be forgiven or overlooked. But what they did to Ralph is just baffling. He was never going to be mistaken for a Rhodes scholar in the first movie, but he WAS smarter than the doofus who couldn’t even name a graduation cap in the sequel.
Wasn’t he?
And he wasn’t a gross slob by choice - he HATED living in the dump (I believe his exact words were “NOT cool! Unhygienic, and lonely! And boring.”) but he was kind of stuck there because the game literally left him nowhere else to stay. That’s why in the epilogue he decided to finally make something of his situation by building himself a proper shack instead of just camping on the bricks.
Wasn’t it?
And Ralph had many flaws in the first film - he had a short temper, he was a little clumsy, he broke things by accident just because he was a little too strong or things weren’t made for someone with his physical abilities in mind, he was stubborn, he had a one-track mind and couldn’t be deterred from his short-term goals no matter the long-term consequences. But the one thing he WASN’T was insecure. He knew his own strengths & weaknesses, and he wasn’t trying to change himself to win anyone’s approval. He was just trying to find VALIDATION, a way to satisfy the small-minded Nicelanders and prove to them (and himself) that he had value as he was.
Wasn’t he?
I’m terrified to rewatch the original movie now because I’m afraid the Wreck-it Ralph in my head is based on lies & fanfics, and the real Wreck-it Ralph was ALWAYS some insecure doofus with no accountability or self reflection.
And you know the absolutely insane part? Disney is doing their absolute darndest to pretend Ralph doesn’t exist. AND HE’S THE TITLE CHARACTER OF HIS OWN IP!!!!! There’s a new chapter book series about Vanellope & some of the Sugar Rush Racers getting stuck in a little girl’s tablet, and Ralph’s ONLY appearance so far is a line-drop in the first book when Vanellope says she left him sleeping in Game Central Station while all the consoles were unplugged for a remodeling of Litwak’s Arcade. WHAT THE FUCK?!?! Remember how EVERYONE in the first movie lost their shit at the possibility of their game being unplugged, treating it like an Apocalypse? Remember how even the sequel did a halfway decent job reminding folks that having a game unplugged was a Big Deal? Now everyone’s just chill axing on vacation in Game Central Station (which is NOT BIG ENOUGH to hold every single game character - it could barely fit the Sugar Rush citizens when they got unplugged) and Ralph is snoozing in a corner while his daughter is accidentally whisked away to some girl’s tablet.
The Wreck-it Ralph from the first movie wouldn’t be asleep in a corner when he could be spending time with Vanellope. And THAT man would go through Hell & high water to find her! While Vanellope & her gang are helping Molly (the kid with the tablet) learn about friendship & camping or whatever, Ralph should be an absolute MENACE online, tearing through every website, personal device, and Cloud account looking for his little girl!
Right? Wrong?
Did we all delude ourselves into thinking Ralph was deeper than he was intended to be? Or does Disney just hate Wreck-it Ralph now? And if it’s the latter, why? WHY do they hate him? Why do they want US to not care about him? Is it because he’s the last of the Lasseter projects? Did John C. Reilly and Bob Iger have some sort of falling-out? Did the FANBASE do something to put Disney staff off from ever wanting to do anything with Wreck-it Ralph ever again?
I think I could move on if I knew for certain whether Disney actively sabotaged Wreck-it Ralph with his sequel & subsequent exclusions from merchandise & multi-IP projects, or if I was just crazy for ever liking this character or his movie to begin with. It’s the not knowing that kills me.
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king-crawler · 5 months
So the kids in the movie ever wondered what happened to King Candy?
LOL. THATS A GOOD QUESTION. Ralph is literally the only one who sees him like that. (Calhoun and Felix and Vanellope all saw him too but from super high up in the air and from that distance he probably just looked like a weird cybug)
Funny mental image of Vanellope scaring the other Sugar Rush kids by making (extremely overblown) crayon drawings of him based off what Ralph told her (he doesn’t like dwelling on it)
Also Vanellope deserves an explanation of what the fuck happened. Like I can imagine Ralph and Felix both sitting her down and explaining to her who Turbo was
The whole kingdom is owed an explanation 😭 like it can’t be fun realizing your entire reality has been a lie up to a certain point. But they’re video game characters that serve higher dimensional beings so. Maybe they‘be gotten used to it !
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coffeecat1983 · 4 months
Wreck-It Ralph/Mario Bros AU: Hammers and Plungers preview.
What if after Wreck It Ralph, Felix didn't get together with Calhoun? What if our Fix-It fella had eyes for someone else? Someone who has eyes for him as well…
Fix-It Felix Jr let out a low sigh, sitting back on the bench and pulling his cap off. Game Central Station was surprisingly quiet. The arcade was closed for two weeks as Litwak left to visit family across the country. Most of the arcade's denizens were now relaxing back in their own games as it was getting close to four in the morning. Since the Arcade had announced it would be closed, they had been busier than usual as people came in to wish Litwak a safe trip and play games while they had the chance, and today was extra packed with one game after another. By the time it was done, Felix was more than ready for a break. He closed his eyes, relishing the quiet.
He didn't open his eyes when soft footsteps shuffled over but they shot open as a voice was heard. "Hey Felix." Felix jerked in surprise, dropping his hat. "M-Mario! H-Hey," he ran his gloved fingers through his hair, trying to sit up straight as he cleared his throat. "How um, w-what's got you out at this hour?" The red-clad plumber picked up the dropped hat, handing it back to him with a faint smile. "Wanted to relax, the Arcade's been so crazy lately. Can I…?" he glanced at the bench. Felix scooted over in a hurry. "S-Sure! Have a seat." he felt a familiar heat rising to his cheeks. Swallowing hard he forced the blush away and put his hat back on as the other man sat beside him. "So, your game's been busy too, huh?" Felix winced slightly, hissing to himself it was a stupid question. A low laugh broke him out of self-scolding. Mario's bright sapphire eyes shone in the lights of the station. "Yeah, I donno who had more players, my game or Sugar Rush!" he laughed again. "I gotta ask Vanellope if she kept track of how many players came by."
He glanced at Felix. "How about you? You an' Ralph hangin' in there?" "It's been busy but Ralph, oh man, he's a trooper! And Q-Bert and the others have been really helping out." "I think it's really great you helped take them all in like that." Mario said. "I know we're called 'heroes' in our games but what you did? That's a real hero to me." Felix didn't catch it but Mario couldn't look him in the eyes while he spoke, he was hiding a blush of his own.
A little ways away, a large figure bit into a cherry and chewed slowly. "You think those two will ever figure it out?" Ralph asked around his mouthful. Vanellope scoffed from beside him. "Oh please, they're both thicker than the bricks Felix uses in your game!" she laughed. A snort that brought with it hot air was followed by thudding footsteps. Bowser joined them, folding his scaly arms. "Gloves over boots for each other and neither one can see it. Lovesick idiots." he rumbled. "Just 'cause Mario's supposed to be Peach's hero and Fix-It Felix is the noble young man, they can't see past that."
Ralph and Vanellope considered the Koopa King's words.
(That's in for now! I wholly blame this post by @skronklpus for this. And I'm definitely looking forward to expanding this story!)
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s-u-g-a-r-rush1997 · 7 days
Heya, noticed you wrote for Ralph here! I'd love to hear Ralph/Reader headcanons where the reader was previously in a relationship with Turbo, if that's something you'd like to write, ofc! :]
Ack! I'm sorry this took so long, and I apologize for this being so short. A lot of stuff happened and I got some pretty bad writers blocks on top of that.
I'll have to write more for Ralph in the future.
Ralph With a Partner Who Was Previously in a Relationship With Turbo
Pairing: Ralph/reader
Rating: Safe For Work
Warnings: None
You hadn’t seen it when it happened, but you’d seen the aftermath. The scuff marks on the usually pristine floors of the Game Central Station, the frantic voices of the sprites around you, and the rush of citizens fleeing the smoldering ruins of Sugar Rush. The name “Turbo” floated around, spoken with a hush in their voices, as if saying it too loudly would bring him back from the grave
You did what you could – maybe out of genuine desire to help, or maybe because helping might make up for the lives your own inaction had cost last time something like this had happened.
Blankets were handed out, comforting empty words were spoken. You were in the middle of making plans with a few others that had stepped up, trying to figure out a solution – GCS had space for all of them, certainly, but staying there wasn’t a good long term solution.
It wasn’t necessary, though. A hush had fallen over them suddenly. There were a few whispers here and there; something about a queen. Then a woman in armor – Sergeant Calhoun, you’d since come to know her as – had emerged from the game to announce that it was safe to return.
The story came out later, though not from the heroes themselves. Wreck-it Ralph had gone Turbo and tried to steal a medal from Hero’s Duty. Somehow, that had led to him bringing a rogue Cybug into Sugar Rush. The next part was a bit iffy – everyone told it a bit differently. One part always remained the same, though. Turbo had somehow survived Roadblasters, had been hiding all this time, and had taken over Sugar Rush before players had ever actually touched it.
You felt numb hearing that. You had loved him once. And then he’d died and taken so many lives with him. You’d hated him for what he did.  You’d mourned him when no one else did. He had haunted you for years after that. But he’d survived.
You had just wanted to confirm the rumors. You just wanted to see Felix again after nearly twenty-five years of not speaking. You wanted to talk to him because he was the only one who might have understood what it had felt like. But Felix wasn’t in his game.
Ralph was, though.
You weren’t sure what to expect of him. He’d gone Turbo, but he’d also gone through great lengths to save Sugar Rush. He’d almost destroyed two games because of jealousy, but he’d also been willing to sacrifice himself for a little girl who’d had everything taken from her. He was a parallel to Turbo, but the two were night and day.
He was sweet. Kind and selfless. Smart, too.
The two of you talked about what had happened, about Sugar Rush, about Turbo. You’d cried, and he wasn’t sure how to handle it, but he had tried. And then you talked about other, unrelated things. You spent so long talking and only realized twenty minutes before the arcade was set to open.
You came back the next night. And the next. You hung out at Tappers. You spent time in Sugar Rush with him and Vanellope – the adorable brat had grown on you, you had to admit. You reconnected with Felix, who had found love with Calhoun amongst all the chaos.
It just sort of happened for you and Ralph though. You couldn’t pinpoint when exactly it started, but it’d grown into this warm mass of butterflies in your chest. So you kissed him.
He was flustered and red in the face. Completely speechless. Despite his many new friends, affection was still quite new to him; especially that particular type of affection. Hug him, he really needs it.
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mushybar · 9 months
What would Jen be like as a racer? She's my fave!
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CAMP CAMP: SUGAR RUSH — concept designs for david, gwen, daniel and jen
for this AU none of the adults actually race (there might be some exceptions, however—for the meantime they’re just side characters i guess), so unfortunately jen wouldn’t be a racer 💔 however i have some concept art for the four ‘main’ adults!
they all represent a different chocolate ‘flavour’: daniel is white chocolate, david is milk chocolate, gwen is dark chocolate, and jen is caramilk (which in australia is just caramel flavoured white chocolate, idk if y’all have it overseas). some of the roles have changed slightly to what you’re familiar w in the movie FOR EXAMPLE, david is a simple mechanic and secretly goes out of his way to help the kids and train them to be better and faster racers, and gwen is king candy’s private security: she is the only one that protects him💥💥 david and jen’s designs are simple: david is, of course, a representation of king candy AND turbo (i haven’t designed his turbo appearance yet but stay tuned!), and jen is his assistant (she’s the one with a very contrasting design compared to the film: instead of being sour and green, she’s like a beige-ish colour and v sweet!
authors note: yes, gwen and david are very similar to sargeant calhoun and fix-it-felix (they’re basically clones LMAO), but they are completely different characters cos they come from sugar rush. ALSO the dripping stuff on their faces and clothes is just chocolate cos like, yk, they’re technically made of chocolate
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littlealeta · 7 months
Ralph Breaks the Internet Review/Rant
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When I first watched this film in 2018, I thought it was fairly decent. I was glad to finally see Wreck it Ralph again after 6 years. But even then, I still found it a disappointment from the first one. I hated how they did Ralph and Vanellope and I hated that Felix and Calhoun were barely in the film. Over the years, after reflecting more on this film, I realized that I might've been a bit too nice to it. So, I rewatched it again. And... yeah, it's pretty mediocre. It's still a fun time, especially for kids, but I wouldn't recommend it if you don't want it to ruin your love for the first one. I couldn't even watch the first one for years after watching this trainwreck.
This is going to be longer than some of my previous reviews because I have a LOT to say about this film, including spoilers. But you can always scroll down to the overall section if you want to see a concise version of this review.
The film starts off nice. Ralph and Vanellope just hanging out in other games and talking. But, by the time the conflict comes around, the story becomes ass. Ralph and Vanellope break Sugar Rush by fucking around with a new race track Ralph created. They go through the Internet on a rollercoaster ride (using teleportation would make more sense). Then, they end up accidentally bidding 27,000 dollars for a new part at Ebay. So, now they have to gather up 27,000 dollars in 24 hours before the part expires when they could just wait for the item to expire and then re-bid. (Seriously, this whole movie wouldn't have happened if Ralph and Vanellope hadn't been idiots).
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It doesn't matter, though, because Ralph somehow gets instant internet fame by making cringy youtube (called buzztube when youtube exists in that world for some reason) jokes and being a real life person somehow (that no one questions), ok. Why do we need a movie about the Internet with two characters from a movie about video games?
There are some cool concepts with the Internet, like the little avatars walking all over the place, the spamming, and Miranda Sings getting her ass kicked off by Ralph breaking her Internet. But then, there are also a lot of unnecessary Internet references. We see Google, Amazon, Twitter (with all the birds retweeting one post, like you could've had other posts instead of just retweets), Snapchat (which is an app), and Oh My Disney, which is just 5 unnecessary minutes of Disney kissing their own ass.
I will, however, say that the parody with the Disney princesses, the I Want songs, and how Vanellope interacts with the princesses (an atypical Disney princess, so you can imagine how well they bounce off of each other) is funny. The only problem is, they're just wrapped up in this terrible story. Like, if they kept the video game concept and they had something like Disney Infinity being one of the more wholesome games Ralph would send Vanellope to and then they meet the Disney princesses in there, that would be better.
The emotional scenes are just shit. Like, I can't NOT mention the contrived comment scene, the whole theme about friendship, and Vanellope glitching when she's insecure, how the fuck, lmao? The comment scene just came off like elementary school/middle school bullying instead of how people actually talk on the Internet. It gives me flashbacks of the 2011 film Cyberbully.
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And the way the conflict gets resolved is shallow too, because everything is shallow in this film. I mean, "Don't read the comments"? I mean, it's kinda right for certain situations, but sometimes comments can be useful in helping you improve and seeing how other people see your videos. Sure, you should ignore bullies, trolls, and mean comments, but you shouldn't ignore every comment.
While the letting your friend go and follow their dreams message is a well-intentioned message to send to kids, the way they did it here is actually harmful and contradictory to the first film. I don't want to get too much into the characters because I have a special character section for them, so I'm just going to talk about the theme and how it relates to the world. Vanellope LITERALLY goes turbo. She ditches her Sugar Rush friends, players, and her game. Seemingly putting her friends and game in danger, yet no one questions it. I can't believe this was made by the same people who made the first.
In the climax of the film, Ralph releases a virus to protect Vanellope from the dangers of Slaughter Race. But somehow, it ends up detecting and copying insecurities? I mean, it's a cool concept, but it doesn't make sense when that wasn't even Ralph's intention to begin with.
And like a lot of things in this film, the way they resolved that conflict is anticlimatic. Supposedly, it's a symbol of the theme of the movie which is about letting friends go, which is fine, but why does it need to be in the form of a literal antagonist? Also, I feel like this whole thing is kinda breaking the Show, Don't Tell rule.
The movie also suffers from a lack of subplots. One particular subplot involving Calhoun and Felix was teased but then gets completely thrown out the window. It isn't really an original concept, but it still feels disappointing that they fucked it over.
Established characters barely even act like themselves. They say and do a lot of stupid shit. Like that contrived joke with Tron having a glitch (no pun intended) and they assume it's already fixed, but it turns out it wasn't fixed. That could've easily been rewritten as Litwak announced it was fixed, but it turns out it wasn't.
Dialogue is pretty bad, too. There's a lot of unnecessary Internet references, laughably idiot dialogue (mostly from Ralph) and a few potty humor that aren't even funny. Oh, and this movie is weirdly fond of philosophies too.
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Why would Ralph be interested in a book club?
Ralph is now an idiot loser. He spends the entire film whining and crying about how Vanellope doesn't love him and his hair, even when she's saying nothing about him, it almost comes off as sus (I don't think I can say the actual word I'm thinking of). He says stuff like this.
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Bitch, you could've said, "Why are you angry at the rainbow." HOW HARD IS THAT TO REWRITE, WRITERS?!?!
If Ralph just stayed the overprotective father that didn't want Vanellope to wander into dangerous games like Slaughter Race and be around sus people, that would be fine. But no, he gets upset because he and Vanellope were inseparable for 6 fucking years. That is just problematic in more ways than one. Like, Vanellope's your only friend? FELIX IS LITERALLY RIGHT THERE! WTF HAPPENED TO YOU, RALPH?!?!
As for Vanellope, I think the concept of Vanellope getting bored with her game is a good concept to explore and would've been a good catalyst for character development, but here's the thing: SHE NEVER LEARNS. At the end of the film, she gets what she wants and RALPH has to be the one to learn something. Don't get me wrong, Ralph is also in the wrong for being clingy and not wanting his friend to leave his side for 5 minutes. But Vanellope was also a selfish, insensitive b!tch for putting her own game in danger and hurting her friends and her players (by the first movie's logic).
Now, on the positive side, there are some decent characters. Spamley, Yesss, the creepy Slug, Shank, and Knowsmore. Any new character in the film is amusing to watch.
Spamley is the spam junk guy. He's shady and wants to help Ralph and Vanellope get rich by looting from video games. I feel like this character could've probably been the antagonist as I always felt like he was going to backstab Ralph and Vanellope.
Yesss is the world-weary, aloof Youtube Algorithm with a loving side if she cares about you. It's how I'd imagine an Algorithm would act like if it was a person.
Knowsmore (who weirdly enough isn't google) also acts like how I'd imagine a search engine would act like. Saying what they think the other person is typing into the search engine.
The slug (I don't know if they mention his name) is aggressively creepy. He's the guy that Ralph buys the virus from. Fitting for how I'd imagine someone with a virus would act like.
Shank is the weakest of the characters because she's the one encouraging Vanellope to go Turbo, but she does have a cool personality. She may look slightly reminiscent of Calhoun, but she's not stern and hot-headed like her. Instead, she's easy-going, charismatic, and has some badass moves. I still like Calhoun better overall.
Animation/Music/Voice Acting
You can clearly tell it's a step up from the first movie. It's more fluid and cleaner. However, one thing I would like to complain about the animation is the way that some of the 2D princesses are translated into 3D. Ariel, Cinderella, and I think that was Tiana, look unrecognizable as 3D. Especially, Pocahontas, uh.
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I think the voice actors were amusing to watch and portrayed their characters decently well. Sarah Silverman, however, felt somehow off to me. Like her voice is pitched up and she didn't really have as much range as she did in the first one, but it might just be the bad script and directing. Bill Hader, I thought he was great as Flint Lockwood and Fear, but his voice is a bit off in this film. Most of the time, he uses his Flint Lockwood voice (which I don't think really fits the character) and other times, he sounds different.
There's only two songs in there, one of them only lasts a second and somehow, it sounds better than almost anything about the full-length one. A Place Called Slaughter Race is not only Vanellope being a piece of shit, but it also doesn't sound particularly catchy. The melodies change like every minute and it's not even in a good way like Bohemian Rhapsody, it just sounds weird.
Ralph Breaks the Internet is just The Emoji Movie but a bit better. It does actually offer some creative things with the Internet. But it also could've done better in its portrayal of the Internet and that includes making the world feel more natural and cutting down the amount of Internet references (and there's A LOT).
The entire film wouldn't have happened if Ralph and Vanellope hadn't goofed off during work hours and forfeit the bid, but no. We GOTTA HAVE MEMES AND INTERNET REFERENCES FOR THE ZOOMERS AND ALPHAS!
BuzzTube and Knowsmore existing while Google and Youtube exists is weird. I guess they had some weird contract disagreements with these products?
There is little tension to be found as most of the conflict is resolved through anticlimatic and shallow dialogue and scenes and lame Internet jokes. And conflict is often started or ending with inconsistencies with the previous worldbuilding or with how the Internet really is.
There are barely any subplots in the film. One is teased, but never expanded upon.
Jokes are hit-and-miss. A lot of the dialogue felt unnatural and disgusting, often for the sake of making little kids laugh. Yet, the movie even tries to be r/I'm14andthisisdeep for no reason a few times.
Vanellope and Ralph are now almost completely different from how they were in the first film and of the two, only Ralph learns something and it's a pretty harmful message in the context of the film. However, I do like the new side characters. I personally think they should've done more with Spamley, but they all have fun personalities and act like how I'd imagine the Internet in character form would act like. And the parody with the Disney princesses and the interactions between them and Vanellope is actually creative to watch.
Animation is a clear step up from the first film besides the designs of some of the Disney princesses looking off. Voice acting was mostly decent except for a few characters sounding weird at times. Vanellope's I Want song is disappointingly forgettable.
Ralph Breaks the Internet gets 5.3 bells out of 10.
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Also, why is it called Ralph Breaks the Internet instead of Ralph Wrecks the Internet? Ugh, they couldn't even get the title right.
Sour Bill is also one of my favorites and I would've loved to see more of him, too.
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fridgrave2-0 · 8 days
Do you think Calhoun and Felix are endgame or Felix and Turbo? For example, if there was any kind of possibility Turbo could come back, would they get back together because of unresolved feelings or would or be an aggressive side eye situation? lol
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if we take a situation where turbo is mostly forgiven by others and goes through his therapy arc, then actually think of poly
turbo would hate the idea of being around felix 'cause he still has to process the whole "he turned me into a boogeyman" thing, so he always reminds himself that he shouldn't be jealous bc of calhoun, he doesn't want this fixing piece of shit anymore (he does, but he lived with this anger on felix for 25 years so he can't just let go). turbo actually tries to interact with calhoun when felix isn't around and very soon he understands that she's actually very cool. he's been through some shit between roadblasters and sugar rush period, still feels a lot of regret and pain about turbo twins and can relate to calhoun's loss more than anyone else in the group. and, well, the whole cybug thing also adds to it. as much candybug felt excited about becoming this mutant, it was a lot from the bug perspective, and when turbo got the full control over his mind and body the terror did hit him like a bus. tamora was able to give him the understanding of cybugs, and he shared how he felt when he was eaten. "it wasn't painful or anything, at least i don't remember the pain. but i didn't feel like myself anymore, like i was under players control again, and any attempt of taking the control back just felt so wrong." it was something tamora needed, many years she lived with doubt. did her fiance even had a chance of being the man she loved after being eaten, or it would just be a monster with a familiar face. now this burden fell off her shoulders. she wasn't the one who killed him, the cybug was
turbo saw a lot of himself in calhoun. this need to keep the front all the time, to stay in control, to hide most of the emotions and do not look weak. and just like with him, she began to open up because of felix. turbo wanted to warn her, say that he already got burned by felix's light, got too close and paid for it. but keeping the distance with fix-it actually helped turbo see the whole picture, and felix seemed different now. and it shouldn't be surprising, people can change in 15 years of which he didn't see felix. maybe it was calhoun's job, or an experience of almost being unplugged, but fix-it looked almost sad everytime turbo was coming up with an excuse to avoid him. turbo learned his lesson. why did he felt so bad seeing an unspoken remorse in felix's eyes?
tamora was the one, who made them talk after too much time of walking around and playing hide and seek. in last months turbo taught himself to apologize and be genuine about it, and he was ready to do it, but with felix everything goes wrong, as always. this was exactly what fix-it wanted, it has always been like this. when turbo apologized, that was making felix in the right, no matter what was the reason. he knew felix saw the world in black in white, and that means always there's the one who's right, and the one who's wrong. and my any means turbo never was a perfect or even a decent person before, and he doesn't think so of himself now just because he realized his bad actions and said sorry couple of hundreds times. being eaten by a bug and burn in lava makes you reconsider a lot of things. but he knew he wasn't the only one who was wrong, and the idea hearing it again from felix was the worst. so turbo bit his tongue and kept his apologies
...only to hear felix saying "i'm sorry" for the first time in 30 long years. turbo didn't think it was possible, but here he was, sitting in niceland with silent but proud looking calhoun by his side while felix was pouring out his soul. apologies mixed up with tears - turbo knew that felix always cries when he gets too emotional - and felix just talked and talked for ten minutes straight, not seeing how the tension was leaving turbo's body. he relaxed, listening to felix not with a sense of triumph, but with a bit of fun. couple of times he turned to look at tamora only to see her sharing this look with him, and suddenly everything just became so simple and trivial that turbo made felix stop talking by pulling him into a hug. he wished for his apologies for 30 years, and now when he got them he didn't want to listen to it. because what was the point? turbo got the point in first two minutes, he knew felix was feeling sorry, and to list all their mistakes and bad choices would take too much of the time they had already lost
"i got the jist, big idiot, you didn't have to write a whole essay about how sorry you are", turbo said with a grin and heard felix chuckle. then he sighed and hid his face in felix's shoulder, still uncomfortable with being so open. "but thanks... i'm sorry too, y'know?"
turbo felt how felix relaxed in his arms
"yeah, i know, little idiot", felix replied, and for the first time in decades turbo felt like home. while he was keeping his face in felix's shoulder and breathing the familiar smell of pie and brick dust, felix looked at his wife, who seemed unusually soft, and uttered without a sound small "thank you". after all, without her they wouldn't ever try
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zigzthingz · 9 days
Where is Felix in your AU? Dead? Do the turbo twins take his place in helping Calhoon try to find Turbo after he… goes Ralph I guess. Also what’s the name of the game Ralph takes over?
Felix in the AU is probably dead, but like turbotwins in wreck it Ralph their fate just isn’t really explained. So he might be alive! Who knows. But yes the twins take his place, and Calhoun instead adopts an adoptive mother relationship for the two, rather than a romance. The game Ralph takes over is Sugar Rush, just now sugar rush is a demolition derby of sorts. I have a bunch written about it in my blog if u wanna take a look! I’ll find the link rq
Edit: if u mean what game he took over initially like roadblasters, idk yet I havnt really come up with what it would be
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