#✧ ⦙ didn't realizes witches looked as good as you ⦗ parker ⦘
Babbling ~ P.P.
A/n: Sorry for missing Monday, but here’s this <3 Another request done :)
Request: “Tasm!Peter x male reader where reader gets invited to a party and brings Peter as his plus one or whatever and Peter getting drunk and touchy and confesses and saying how he wants to be with him and spend the rest of his life with him...” by anon
Word count: 2700+
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Peter Parker and Y/n had always been a story for the ages.
It hadn't been life long friends, and their meeting hadn't been all that important. They'd had a class together and as both of them engaged with the content and asked questions and did reports and read out loud, their faces became familiar with each other. Then Spider-Man had gotten caught up in a fight and his mask had come off. Y/n had been stunned to see the big brown doe eyes of the cute guy in his AP bio class.
It had been the most anti-climactic thing, truly. Y/n had discovered a sight dedicated to "fangirling over Spider-Man" except that they didn't do much discussion or giving of content. However, when Y/n went through the internet looking for pictures with Spider-Man's face, there was a startling very few available. For how many hungry reporters and shocked civilian or eager tourist was here and with how often Spider-Man lost or destroyed or just straight up took off his mask, there should be more.
When he found that there were images, they were just unavailable, he deep dove it and used his skill witch coding to figure out what happened. And what he uncovered was stunning - the website "dedicated to fangirling over Spiderman" was either a cover, or they believed that the best fans were dedicated to keeping Spider-Man's secret identity a secret. Peter Parker was New York's little secret.
It made Y/n so curious to meet the man. So of course they had to.
Asking for notes or a pencil or complimenting a sweater or giggling at his jokes that he said under his breath turned into lunches together for convenience and then studying together and then suddenly they were friends. Exchanging phone numbers and inside jokes and nicknames.
It was obvious that he was Spider-Man if you knew what you were looking for. His poor excuses and his sudden exists and late entries. Cancelled plans right when Spider-Man was needed, and all for a job that didn't even pay that well.
Peter was fairly good at hiding it. He was a disaster - a mistake waiting to happen - but he had a whole city behind him so it was okay.
It made Y/n fall in love with Spider-Man even more.
And maybe Peter Parker too.
There was something about the boy though. Something darker that he shook off when he had the mask. Something heavy that was easy to miss when you couldn't see his facial expressions. There was a distance when Y/n would jokingly flirt or be physically affectionate. He offered to take Peter to meet his folks once and Peter had seemed... to not like that. He had squirmed and wriggled, desperate to get away. When he came up with an "emergency" and Spider-Man stopped a mugger and got a kite out of tree Y/n knew that he shouldn't bring it up again.
It was obvious that Peter had lost someone, so Y/n tucked away any realizations or feelings and let them stay casual friends. Not best friends, not truly close - always at an arm's length. But friends.
Until, of course, Peter got drunk.
Peter never wanted to go anywhere or do anything. Y/n was pretty sure he was depressed. Which had driven him to try and get Peter out more, to find him hobbies and past times. Peter had come to the parties and gatherings and slam poetries and walks and clubs Y/n had dragged him to, just like tonight, with the understanding that if he needed to leave he could at any moment.
It didn't seem that moment would come tonight.
At some point Peter had put down his phone and walked away after having a few drinks, getting looser and more relaxed. He never went far from Y/n but seemed to have a hard time sitting still or staying in the same place. They paced or walked in circles and that seemed to do the trick. Y/n had noticed the other man put down his phone after checking the time and walked away again, so Y/n had snagged it for safe keeping. He would give it back tomorrow morning.
It took a lot or drinks for Peter to get proper wasted, but it happened. It seemed to be absent minded and on accident. He kept talking and walking, keeping his voice above the music in the room, and Y/n found himself trailing after in a love sick haze. Peter was gorgeous on his own, but the way his face light up and his hair got messier and messier... he was breathtaking when he went on rants, and Y/n was more than pleased to listen.
So he didn't stop Peter from drinking. And to be fair, neither did Peter.
Y/n knew they'd both made a mistake when Peter stopped walking, leaning against a table behind him and sighing. Y/n came closer to check on him and Peter reached out, fingers wrapping around Y/n's waist and face pressing into his shoulder. Y/n's body blossomed with heat and something akin to a buzzing, making him tense but giddy.
He tried to ignore that.
Peter sighed, leaning against Y/n, and the more sober of them gave a little chuckle. "You okay, Pete?"
"You're so comfy," was all Peter had to say. His voice was soft and airy, almost sleepy. But he had no problem mostly keeping himself up, nor did he seem to sway or buckle. He was just... drawn to Y/n. Like a magnet.
Y/n blushed. "Thank you."
Peter stared, for a long time, not saying anything. Y/n got nervous, shifting. The look was full of adoration and warmth. Admiration simmered at the edges, a sappy smile smearing across his face. "Did I ever mention that you look really attractive when you get all..." he tilted his head, searching for a word. "Blushy." He giggled. "Shy? No. Not just shy, but reserved too. Nervous." His face flitted briefly into a scowl, but when he went from trying yo grasp the word in his mind to admiring Y/n again, the smile came back. "I'm glad we met."
Y/n couldn't get the courage to look at him. "So am I." He cleared his throat, melting under that gaze. Under those words. "Perhaps we should get home."
Peter nodded. "I don't want to be here anymore. Let's go somewhere - just us." He took Y/n's hands, taking longer to do so as he traced Y/n's fingers and sighed blissfully at the contact. Like he was relieved after so long wanting it. Like how Y/n did when he felt the touch.
"Yeah. If that's what you really want." Y/n closed his eyes, chastising himself and forcing himself to stay focused. "Tomorrow. Tonight you need sleep." He began walking, keeping an eye on if Peter needed help walking, but he didn't. Not surprising for the same Spider-Man that could balance on a string that seemed thin as hair, or cling to any surface.
Peter whined and Y/n had to hide a smile with his free hand. "Not tomorrow," he begged, tugging on Y/n's hand. It was almost like a child begging for candy in the store, but less dramatic and much mote desperate. The thought of leaving Y/n seemed to genuinely upset him... Y/n didn't know how to feel about that. "I'll go to bed if you spend the night."
Now that was dangerous.
Y/n only hummed in thought, actually considered it. Drunk people were hard to handle and even if he didn't, he would need to lie to Peter to get him home. If the superhero genuinely didn't want to go or decided that messing around with Y/n to prolong their time together it would he near impossible to get ahold of him again...
They got all the way to Peter's door before he spoke again. "Are you staying?"
Y/n gave him a sideways look as he pushed the door open, having snagged Peter's keys from his pocket. He'd thought he's gotten away with it after such a long silence, but it seemed Peter was eternally patient even drunk. He sighed as they moved into the apartment, Peter always snatching Y/n's hand the second they were free. "Why does it matter so much to you that I stay, hm?" He pulled himself away from the drunk man again, closing the door and putting the keys away. Pulling Peter's jacket off and removing his shoes and grabbing a glass of water and Ibuprofen for tomorrow morning, setting it on the table at Peter's bed. It was only when he seemed finished, about to head out again, that Peter caught him.
Holding one of Y/n's hands in each of his, looking deep into his eyes, Peter didn't just seem genuine, he seemed raw. Exposed. "Y/n. I've been punishing myself for so long... always alone. For so long." He closed his eyes, pressing their foreheads together. "It's suffocating me, the loneliness. And you make it easier to breathe. So... stay. If you want." He swallowed before adding a breathless, "Please."
Y/n's heart was ramming in his chest. "If you need a friend tonight, I can of course stay." He added friend on purpose this time - to remind himself.
That seemed to upset Peter though. "Don't call yourself that. Please, please don't-" he closed his eyes tightly. "I know we're friends. And I'm goad we're friends. But don't remind me we're friends when I want to kiss you so badly. Please."
Y/n's breath caught. "Pete-" He stopped himself. "You're drunk. You don't know what you're saying."
Peter chuckled, shaking his head. "Drunk words are sober thoughts. That's a popular saying for a reason."
Oh god.
"You- I-" Y/n's face was burning and he was running out of reasons to go. Ways to deny it. Peter was Spider-Man. There's so much Y/n still wasn't supposed to know. They'd been friends for a while now, and they were just getting close. There was still that gap though. That space that Peter kept.
Now he was throwing all of it away.
Peter didn't wait for Y/n to form thoughts. He let go of Y/n's hands, reaching up for his face instead. Peter's face trailed Y/n's jaw. "Can I kiss you? I... I've wanted to kiss you for so long. If you felt the same way. The way your heart is racing, I thought you might."
Y/n's eyes widen. Of course he can hear heartbeats. The world wouldn't be as unfair as it was if he couldn't.
But also, how could be lie now? When Peter knew he was? And maybe it was selfish, and he'd get his heart broken in the morning, but Peter was begging and god if Y/n wasn't just as eager.
There was no hesitation after that. Y/n had expected raging fire, or fireworks, but there was none of that. It was relief, cool to the touch like a breeze on a sweltering day, or a breath after drowning. It was laying in bed after a long, exhausting day or drinking something warm and sitting by the fire after a day of ice and snow.
Y/n did more than just stay over. It happened so fast, each kiss getting more and more desperate until their hands were wandering and they were falling back onto the bed and Peter didn't stutter a single second. He didn't stumble or hesitate. He had seemed to drink so much but all his words came easily, any slur he'd had before completely gone. He seemed sober.
Y/n was an idiot.
He tried to leave, but Peter had gripped onto his arm and begged him to stay. So Y/n woke up next to him in the morning, slipping out of bed and wandering into the living room.
Okay so that had just happened.
He felt like a villain. He felt like a moron. Peter had been drunk. FUCK he was a horrible person.
Out of part guilt and part anxiety, Y/n tidied the living room and kitchen before beginning to make breakfast. He couldn't in good will just leave Peter alone that morning, but he also couldn't stay in that bed. See Peter panic when he woke up and realized what had happened.
Would he panic? Would he be angry?
He would be justified to feel angry.
Y/n jumped when a set of arms wrapped around his waist from behind, a face burying into his shoulder. "Smells good," came Peter's muffled voice.
Y/n wordlessly finished the food, plating it and turning off the stove before turning to Peter. The brunette seemed weirdly unphased, taking each thing and making two plates, then wandering into the living room to set them down on the clean table, plopping onto the couch. He smiled. "And you clean? I'm spoiled."
Y/n crossed his arms over his chest, a little confused and a little annoyed. "Peter. We need to talk about last night."
The smile faded off of his face and it happened so easily that Y/n was stunned to realize it had been more fake than he'd realized. "I'm sorry."
That came as a shock too. "You're sorry? You? Peter, I'm sorry."
Peter looked up at that, narrowing his eyes in confusion. "I'm the one who was pushing you into-" He looked away. "You obviously regret it, and it was stupid, and I'm sorry I just-"
Y/n scoffed. "Peter, you were drunk. You were more honest than you usually are. That isn't a bad thing. But you were drunk, and I wasn't, and I completely took advantage of you and-"
Peter tilted his head. "I wasn't drunk."
Y/n froze. "What?"
Peter blushed. "Well- I was drunk at first." He looked away, fiddling with a couch pillow. "But by the time we got here I was pretty much sober. I have some what of a healing factor, so-"
Y/n's eyes widened. "You have a what?"
Peter looked back, his expression dripping with amusement. "Y/n, I'm not good at keeping secrets, and you're not good at it either. My mask is hanging up on the hook by the door and you hung up my keys next to it and didn't even blink."
Y/n's head whipped around and - sure enough - there was the mask.
He looked back sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. "I... just..."
Peter laughed, standing from the couch. "It's okay. I... appreciate it, honestly. Most people demand explanations or details or ask an overwhelming questions. When I realize you knew?" He shook his head. "How long have you known?"
Y/n pursed his lip, shrugging. A... while."
Peter snorted. "Since the beginning then."
Y/n winced. "Not the very beginning."
Peter laughed again, this time closing the distance between them. "I don't know what you were beating yourself up for but I hope you realize that you don't have to. I was drunk, and that made me much more affectionate than I usually am... but, it was the affection itself that drove me insane.  It was likeI'd been starving." He shrugged. "I probably was. But kissing you..." He smiled sweetly.
Y/n blushed. It was quiet for a moment before he asked, “So you’re glad last night happened?”
Peter grinned. “Yes. I am.” He shuffled, as if he wanted to ask something but felt too silly to do so.
“I’m glad it happened too,” Y/n eased. Peter melted in relief, his expression blooming with adoration - so close to the way he had looked at Y/n last night. Y/n took his hand, tracing the bones and veins. “Do you… want to be my boyfriend?” He cringed - it felt so silly to ask. Like he was in middle school all over again.
A chuckle came from Peter, but his answer didn’t follow in the form of words. Instead he reached over, catching Y/n’s chin and leaning into a kiss. They sighed blissfully at the same time, and Y/n divided that was answer enough.
Male Readers: @ravenpuff-oli @sortzz @fadedver
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gyuluttony · 11 months
guess who's writing something because I decided to put things off by thinking of seokgyu gaining. this one is literally being written on halloween and the deadline is going to be before midnight on my time so let's see how i do!
Trick or Treat or Tempt
This is a feederism fic and features weight gain, magical weight gain, mutual gain, breaking of clothes and furniture, and smut. Don't like, don't read.
Considering they lived in an apartment, there was no reason for two grown men to properly decorate their little apartment door for Halloween. But, both Seokmin and Mingyu were just suckers for the season in general. Their door was done from top to bottom with tons of decorations that fit the scene and Mingyu couldn't help but be rather proud of his handiwork.
They both enjoyed the season differently. Seokmin was a firm enjoyer of the trick part of the age old saying. Pulling pranks was something that was never quite out of his ball park and Mingyu was a good hearted victim that didn't take anything personally. It was a good compromise and considering he could usually just giggle off the scare, Seokmin kept them rather lighthearted.
It balanced out how Mingyu focused on the treat part of the phrase. This was practically the trial run for Christmas baking season but it could have more fun decorations. Sugar cookies that were dressed like spider webs, cupcakes that looked like witch's hats were staples in their place but they never lasted all that long. It was a month long event in their apartment and it certainly made itself clear.
Mingyu looked at his beginner belly in the mirror after putting on his Spiderman costume and felt himself flush. It was not this tight when he first got it. Pulling it at the leg to stop it from digging into his much more plump ass, he couldn't help but examine the damage all the treats had done. He still worked out regularly so it wasn't as bad as it could have been but given the skintight nature of his costume, it wasn't doing any favours in shielding how much of the gain he had. He was too busy studying the chest that seemed to inflate without him realizing before Seokmin snuck up behind him placing his hands on Mingyu's belly.
"Woah, Mingyu. I didn't realize this was a Peter B. Parker costume. I thought you were trying to be the buffer one." Seokmin giggled as Mingyu flushed and tried to shoo him away. "Might want to put the sweatpants on now." There was a swift slap on Mingyu's ass that made him yelp and a little excited as he realized how much it jiggled from the touch.
"Shut up! I'm just bloated from the spider web pancakes I made earlier." Looking up and down his friend's figure as he raised an eyebrow, "Besides, I think you're looking more like a cop who retired five years ago." He pinched Seokmin's belly and it was his turn to flush.
"Hey! Cops love donuts so this is just part of the costume!" The slap to his belly struck something to Mingyu's core. He felt his mouth drying up before Seokmin asked, "Oh, can you get some more candy? Some of the parents in the apartment said their kids were bringing lots of friends to come to our door tonight. I think they, like, planned a whole route."
For so long, Mingyu wanted to be the cool house that gave boatloads of candy so he saluted playfully, "Yes, sir!" The pair giggled before Seokmin excused himself to approve of the decorations they had in the kitchen, which was code for him eating other snacks Mingyu had prepared for any kids that came today.
Slipping on the sweatpants, Mingyu looked at the way his gut protruded slightly in the mirror and flushed. There was something about this that was sitting incredibly right with him but he needed to focus on getting that candy first.
He stepped out of the apartment and was ready to head on his way but he saw their neighbour struggling to get into his apartment. There were a large amount of bags being held and the way the tall man was carrying some of them was just an accident waiting to happen. People often told Mingyu he was too nice for all that he did but that just meant he was helping people often and he didn't really see a problem with that.
It wasn't long before he was beside his neighbour's side, holding some bags. It felt a little awkward because his name slipped his mind but he knew Seokmin was friends with him. The boy with glasses looked surprised at the help but offered a small smile, "Thanks." His voice was rather deep and he dug into his pocket to get his key and unlock the door. Mingyu simply grinned like usual as he held the bags dutifully while the apartment door opened.
If he thought his apartment was decked out, his neighbour's dark almost-lair was enough to put it to shame. Mingyu's eyes sparkled as he stepped in the dark setting, nearly everything dark and even seeing something bubbling in the corner. The other man rushed over and closed a curtain on it as he smiled awkwardly, "Just... cooking something." The two had a small staredown before he said, "Ah, you can just put them in the kitchen. I think our apartment is laid out the same."
Placing the bags on the counter, Mingyu sighs as he stretches his back. He doesn't really notice the eyes lingering on him before he hears a quiet "Oh!" He notices his neighbour disappearing into a room before coming out with a container. "Here, this is something that Seokmin bought from me, could you give it to him?"
Mingyu took the test tube and looked at it confused, "Do... you sell Halloween perfumes?" He couldn't exactly tell what was going on here but it was a bright green and sealed with a cork. He really committed to aesthetics in that case, which meant Mingyu looked forward to it.
"No." The answer was plain and simple and the awkwardness filled the air after before he explained, "It's just... a mix-in for drinks. He said you'd like it." Mingyu's eyes widened. This was something for a prank. He could not believe he bought something from their neighbour to get him on Halloween... but this was the perfect opportunity to get him back. It was probably something crazy in the test tube like spicy or sour to mess with his taste buds.
"Thanks...." Mingyu hovered around the name before a deep chuckle came from the man.
"Wonwoo." They matched each other's smiles before Wonwoo added, "Oh, take this too."
Mingyu quirked an eyebrow. "Did he get something else?"
"No, this is just... a hangover cure because he told me you like to drink." Mingyu felt his heart get a little mushy considering Seokmin didn't even mention how Mingyu was notoriously someone who never got hungover. Maybe he should get to know Wonwoo a little better.
"Ah! Thanks, Wonwoo hyung! If you feel like having some candy tonight, feel free to stop by after all the kids come, we'll probably have a lot leftover." It didn't help that he was going to buy more after all but Wonwoo waved as the excited man went to the store like he originally intended, plan brewing on his mind like the cauldron decoration in Wonwoo's apartment.
Turning on a scary movie was enough to spend the night because they had reached the point where most of their friends were busy with work or other things to have a party. Seokmin was taking his seat hugging a pillow to protect him from any incoming jumpscares while Mingyu was in the kitchen.
He had seen plenty of Pinterest boards that gave him lots of different opinions for cocktails but more importantly, it gave him the perfect cover up since Mingyu had been making them plenty of cocktails before tonight. Taking out the green vial that Wonwoo had given him earlier, it smelled rather sweet as he blinked a couple of times. Almost nauseatingly sweet.
Originally, he was going to pour just a little bit but at that moment, someone knocked on the door and it was Seokmin's turn to give candy which made Mingyu panic and dump the whole thing in his friend's glass. Mingyu looked panicked at the test tube while he heard his friend greeting the trick-or-treaters and complimenting their costumes. Throwing away the vial in a panic, Mingyu brings the drinks into the living room and settles down, sipping his own while eyeing Seokmin's on the coffee table.
Two hands press down on his shoulders with a growl as Mingyu practically jumps out of his skin before hearing Seokmin's laugh as he settles down on the couch next to his friend. "Ah, Mingyu, you can't keep getting scared of me when this movie is supposed to be like twenty times worse!"
Mingyu eyes the screen anxiously, "It shouldn't be that bad, right?" He hides his smile with his own pillow as Seokmin takes his drink and practically drinks all of it right away. A perk of knowing his roommate always drinks beer is that he drinks all the cocktails Mingyu has been making without hesitation and today was no different.
He's practically bubbling with anticipation as he watches Seokmin for any reaction. He sees the way his eyes glaze over and he's now staring straight forward in a trance. Reaching over to his shoulder, Mingyu is trying not to be outright alarmed as he asks, "Hey, Seokmin... are you okay?"
Although, his worry quickly fades when he hears the large growl of his friend's stomach, "Aish, is that all? We just ate but there should be plenty of leftovers." Mingyu moves to get up but blinks a couple of times when his back is against the couch after being pushed. Seokmin moves wordlessly to the kitchen as he hears rustling and containers being opened.
When Mingyu follows after his daze wears off, he's shocked by the sight. Seokmin is stuffing his mouth with whatever he can get his hands on. The fried rice that they ate for dinner was being pushed into his mouth greedily and without any concern. He was drinking the sodas that they were going to bring to the friend's place next weekend, whole two liter bottles disappearing into his friend's gullet. With a loud belch, it was only then he realized that the vessel holding everything wasn't the only thing growing.
With each loud crunch or belch, Seokmin's body was bloating out in fat. The tight cop costume that he wore was already starting to creak with how much he was expanding. His gut was hanging low each time he peeked into the fridge to see what else he could stuff in his mouth and Mingyu's mouth felt dry as he looked at the other man's ass filling out his pants. He hadn't been a stranger to how nice his legs usually looked but right now, Mingyu was unable to keep himself from enjoying just how plump his thighs were becoming. Placing his hands on Seokmin's ample ass, he smacked it curiously, watching how it wobbled even as his friend continued to shove food down his mouth.
Soon enough, the kitchen was cleared of anything edible and Seokmin's gut rested on the counter heavily as he scanned the area. He didn't look at Mingyu long before he brushed passed him, Mingyu getting flustered at how turned on he was from the other man's gut moving him like nothing when he had considered himself pretty large this morning.
Mingyu watched as Seokmin tore into various boxes of candy that they had. He would have stopped him but they were already winding down at that point and any more trick-or-treaters would be sated with what they had at the door so he couldn't help but admire Seokmin's growing figure. The vest he had worn completely blew up as his body expanded with fat and the seams of his pants could no longer contain the sheer mass that he was putting on.
Moving behind his friend, Mingyu's finger snaked into the waistband, noting how the flab seemed to surge into his touch and ignite his senses as he let it snap back onto its fat owner. He should... probably fix this. He fiddled around with his pockets until he found the other vial that Wonwoo had given him.
The first thought was that if Wonwoo had given Seokmin this, he would have been in this situation and the thought only made him feel a little more hot and he should probably directly ask what Wonwoo did for a living but the second thought was that he would have given Seokmin a way to solve this.
Taking him to the couch, Seokmin looked angry when he couldn't have more to eat and looked at Mingyu who held the vial. The couch creaked as they sat down. "If you drink this, you can have more food." The fat man snatched it and drank it obediently as a large burp left him and focus returned to his eyes.
"Mingyu? What ha-" Another belch left him as his hands reached the sides of his belly that he could actually hold now. "Wha- When did this?" Mingyu couldn't help his laughter as he looked at his friend now that he was conscious and no longer a mindless eating machine.
"Oh! I got you so good this time! My trick outdoes any of yours! I was a little scared at first but now that you're fine, I can enjoy it!" He watched as Seokmin played with his fat, trying to process how much he had put on.
"You picked up my prank from Wonwoo hyung!" Mingyu shrugged playfully before there was an eerie pause. "Did he tell you what the other vial does?"
Mingyu looked simply at Seokmin as he shook his head before he heard a snap. Almost instantly the fat seemed to melt off of Seokmin and Mingyu pouted before a burp bubbled up in his mouth. Rubbing his stomach, he realized what was happening as he felt it expanding and spilling in his grip.
"It lets me transfer the weight anywhere I want! I was going to give to you in case you wanted revenge since you're always a good sport but I think this time, you deserve it more than ever." Mingyu was distracted with his expanding girth, stretching his spider man suit so far that it was near transparent where it tried to cover his massive gut. His tits had grown so plump that they needed to rest on his gut for support as the couch creaked as the weigh that disappeared was suddenly coming back.
He was getting excited and his erection was pushing up underneath his gut as he whimpered. "What's wrong, Mingyu? This is just what happens when you keep treating yourself." A slap to his belly made it wobble as he continued to whimper. Looking at Seokmin showed him that his friend was in a similar state as he started to fondle whatever fat part of Mingyu he could reach. "Your tits don't even fit in my hands, Mingyu." His fingers played with his nipples as he squeezed the body part as Mingyu continued to grow to the size Seokmin was just at.
Leaning back onto the couch, Seokmin found himself on top of Mingyu's gut as he chuckled, "I had a feeling you liked how big you were getting so this was going to be a little thank you for how nice you've been during the month." Mingyu moaned when he felt Seokmin move his hips forward into his gut, his erection pressing into Mingyu's belly as he moved his hips up into his gut, trying to get himself off with the friction. "Do you know what else this potion can do since I didn't think you'd want all the weight to go?"
Mingyu's eyes nearly popped out of his head when Seokmin's body began to expand again, filling out just like it had moments ago. "I can just change weights whenever I want now and you seem to like when both of us are big." Pressing his gut into Mingyu's erection got a needy cry out of him as he begged, "Seokmin, please I want..."
"I know. You always want more." Mingyu made an effort to turn over, trying to control his breathing at how hot he felt from his gut hanging down while bending on all fours, his costume ripping for easy access for his friend. Seokmin had reached in the side table next to the couch for lube since neither of them were all that classy when it came to hookups with people they brought over but never each other... until now.
Coating his finger in lube, Mingyu moaned at the chubby digits that were stretching him out as he heard his costume tear more in a combination from how fat he was now and all the movement happening due to Seokmin's touch. Mingyu tried not to curl in on himself when he felt Seokmin enter and rest his gut on his back, panting as he caught his breath.
"Maneuvering all this is going to be hard..." Seokmin muttered to himself as his belly moved up and down Mingyu's back as he thrust into him with as much effort as he could. The couch groaned from the two fat men going at it as Mingyu felt his hanging gut wobble each time Seokmin's hips met his plump ass. Seokmin's gut weighed down heavily on his back and only helped provide more friction with his own gut and his erection.
They reached their climax as the couch reached its limit, completely collapsing. Seokmin was still inside of Mingyu while he finished and the combined weight of Seokmin on top of him and his own obese body was enough to make him finish. He felt himself recovering as Seokmin patted Mingyu's belly, making him twitch.
Seokmin rose to stand before the door opened as Wonwoo peeked his head in, "I take it the potions worked well?" He walked into the living room nonchalantly, admiring the broken furniture as he placed a hand on Seokmin's belly who proudly pushed it out before looking at Mingyu.
Mingyu looked dazed as he sat, hand resting on his belly as Wonwoo smiled, "Glad to see you enjoyed it. Let me know if you ever need any more potions, Mingyu."
Halloween was known as a spooky holiday but in this case, Mingyu wouldn't mind celebrating it more often if it ended like this.
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grumpygreenwitch · 6 months
The Witches and Wizards Job 23-24-25
Advance warning, the wizard cuts a little bit loose here. Tagged for some fantasy violence.
I'm aware the links to the back chapters are borked up, but it's nearly midnight right now and I just finished uploading everything to the queue. I'll try to fix them between Thursday and Friday.
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Remember: Tumblr has no algorithm. Reblogs give me life.
1-2 + 3-4 + 5-6 + 7-8 + 9-10-11 + 12-13-14 + 15-16 + 17-18-19 + 20-21-22 + 23-24-25 + 26-27-28 + 29-30 + 31-32-33 + 34-35-36 + 37-38 + 39-40-41-42
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I think no one expected to get together that night and count nothing but wins. But no one was hurt and our knowledge of the situation had grown by leaps and bounds - at least, that was what Ford claimed.
"I'm not happy that you all have Dresden working on the side," he told the room, throwing me a quick look.
I put a hand up; I really didn't mind. I was still trying to digest the truth both Eliot and Hardison had offered me. I'd done my job, and I'd done it well, and with their help I'd done it so quick I was still trying to get used to the fact that both cases were done, had been done nearly as soon as they'd been picked up. But the technology Hardison had used just wasn't something I could ever, would ever, have permanent access to. On the other hand, my expertise, my knowledge, everything I knew about magic and the creatures of that world, was information to be found in no database, no internet search. It was maddening.
"But it's done, so we move on to the auction. Odds are both our targets, as well as the mark, are going to be there: the lady, the portrait and the man in black."
The last bit seemed to startle the night's guest, who'd been lounging sedately on a brand-new couch near mine while nursing a vodka neat. Ford had introduced him as the client. He'd introduced himself as Vanya Fedorov. His accent had introduced him as part of the Russian mafia. Mouse had lifted his head from the moment the man had walked into the loft, and he'd never once looked away. Between him and my dog, I was getting more than a little nervous.
"Nate, there's a problem with the auction," Hardison pointed out as he rejoined us around the coffee table with its sharpie'd circle and anti-tracking ward, as well as a few other newly added protections. He'd left his phone behind by the row of desks after sorting out the delivery of the selkie skins, and he gestured at me.
"Most of the people attending aren't human," I informed the room.
Fedorov's drink paused on the way to his mouth. "My uncle is a hard man," he said levelly. "But his first loyalty is to our business. He knows I am good for it. He would not betray me."
"I don't think he has," Sophie replied. "The bird-woman, the -"
"Alkonost," he supplied.
"She wasn't there to harm you. She was there to protect you."
I was still trying to wrap my head around the fact that this gorgeous woman had decided, on the fly, to bluff one of the most powerful creatures of Russian lore, and she'd stuck the landing. God but I could only hope Ford knew how lucky he was.
"We were immune thanks to Harry," Sophie pointed out, "but you weren't affected at all. She did come looking for you, but to keep you safe."
"Safe from what?" he demanded restlessly.
"The man in black?" Eliot suggested.
"He doesn't want Fedorov hurt." Ford said mildly. I was beginning to recognize that tone as a warning signal. "He very nearly derailed one plan already for you," he told the Russian.
"For me?"
"The museum!" Parker exclaimed in sudden realization.
Nate nodded, then looked at Fedorov. "You made plans to go visit the Sokolov collection. Made them in advance. I had a look at your electronic ledger. You did have plans - for the day after, the last day of the exhibition."
"I did," the Russian admitted readily.
"You changed those plans when someone told you we were there."
Fedorov grinned ruefully. "I thought to press my case and enjoy Sokolov's work. Two birds with one stone. It seemed efficient at the time."
Nate nodded thoughtfully. "See, I was wondering about that. Because our presence there wasn't really important enough to merit derailing anyone's plans. It was you. When he came up to the room, it was to make sure you were there and he had to cancel the plan. You weren't supposed to be there that day."
"But then he did come up, and saw Grandmother," Sophie pointed out. "And getting her was worth more than protecting you."
"Mm," Nate nodded. "It was a rush job; the sort of rush job that happens when someone first says 'go', then 'stop', then 'go' again, and tempers are getting frayed, the timeline is off, everything just this much out of whack…" He waved a hand at us all. "You know the sort."
I did know the sort; I couldn't help but be amused that, from the look on their faces, so did the rest of the Leverage team.
"Explains why the guy was still there fiddling with the system when I got there," Eliot muttered. "He was waiting to put the Witchwell back in place. That's why the nitrogen tank was attached, but still closed."
"How do you know all this?" Fedorov demanded.
"The cameras," Ford replied. "Our… consultant pointed out that it's only the presence of beings like the man in black that blows up technology, and Hardison has created a number of failsafes so we can tell when a screen is about to fail. Turns out you can track someone by their absence nearly as much as by their presence."
The Russian took all of this in slowly, carefully, and finally frowned minutely. "I don't think I care for the Blackbird's interest in me. Or my family. Or my business."
Ford said nothing, but I could see in his face that he was holding back. I risked a glance at the other deadly intelligence in the room. Sophie was looking at the mastermind very closely. She caught my eyes and shook her head tinily.
I said nothing. I had just noticed that, behind Sophie, Parker was frowning, staring at nothing. Apparently Ford was contagious.
"I think your uncle's loyalties are a matter between you and him. For what it's worth, I believe he honestly thinks meeting with these people will help you take over from your father."
"By binding the family to these creatures." Fedorov scoffed. "What do they know of the family business?"
I didn't need to see the look Ford shot me to recognize a cue when I heard one. I picked up the printed photographs next to me on the couch and started handing them out one by one. "The lovely lady in white? Fey. Specializes in erasing evidence. The man next to her in red? Also fey. Specializes in erasing memories." Another picture. "Fat toad-looking man? He's actually a toad. His people love toxic waste. If someone gets a contract with them, they'll never see another fine for dumping again. The gorgeous thing next to him might be the deadliest we've identified so far. She's from Bangkok. Jade Court. Vampire. Human trafficking. This one? I'm not sure, but gosh, things sure do seem to catch on fire whenever he's around, mostly out at sea. Mostly when they're well-insured."
Between Hardison and me, while the 3D printer churned away and I stuck mirror-masks to everything it was spitting out, we'd sifted through enough information to identify thirteen of the twenty four people who we knew were going to the auction. It had been risky, using Koschei's invite to create a resonance spell that would let me find where the other invites were, but God it had paid off so well. We'd done weeks, maybe months of footwork in one long afternoon and half an evening.
It was enough to impress Fedorov - and to worry him. "No. I will not deal with these creatures. They are no better than the Blackbird, and if he's involved then each of them is a trap."
"I'm not telling you this to impress you," I corrected him. "I'm telling you to warn you. They might wanna make it look like you have no choice but to agree with whatever they say. You need to be prepared."
Fedorov took the stack of printouts and stared sightlessly at them. He looked oddly familiar at that moment, as if a touch of deja vu had come at me out of nowhere; he looked like something out of antiquity, like one of the paintings I'd seen in Hardison's screens while he studied Sokolov's work. "Can they die?" he asked.
Ooops, nope, we were back in mafia mentality. "Depends what you shoot them with. And in some cases, where."
"Then I believe you and I should speak, wizard." He shook his head and gestured impatiently. "He just stole the damn portrait. Why is he turning around and selling it already?"
"Because after the auction he won't need it anymore. Or at least that's what he thought, until he met Parker and she stole his key, and all of those." He waved a hand idly at the table's worth of knick-knacks. "So between now and the end of the auction he has to get that key back. You," Nate told Fedorov, "are going to trade it for the portrait. Make sure to tell them that when you RSVP."
"You are sending me into a den of monsters alone, Ford," Fedorov gritted out. "If you want me dead have the decency of doing it yourself."
"Not alone, no. You're bringing Sophie with you. If Dresden can get the tracker off of the other invitation we have, we'll even send Eliot in with you. And we will all be nearby to provide support. We don't want another 'situation', Fedorov, no one wants that."
Fedorov eyed Eliot, who shrugged calmly. He eyed Sophie, who smiled at him. "No offense," he told Eliot, "but I will feel safer with her."
Eliot beamed at the man. "None taken."
I had to agree with both of them, honestly.
"What about Grandmother?"
"She'll be there," Ford assured him. It was the only part of the plan I didn't like, because Ford had no explanation, no reason as to why he believed Baba Yaga would show up at the auction when Koschei was sure to be there. Last I'd checked, and from all Bob had taught me, those two were not on speaking terms, and got along about as well as fire and gasoline.
Fedorov looked thoughtful. "Wizard."
Oh, I did not like where this was going. "Uh."
"Since you are taking jobs on the side, will you take one more?"
"Uh." I looked at Ford, but he said nothing. He was giving me a keen, level look. I liked that even less. "That depends on the job."
Fedorov grinned at me. "He has tried too many times to harm Grandmother. Perhaps to kill her outright. I don't know if this is possible, if he can do this thing. I know he's trying, and I do not like it. I will pay whatever you ask, wizard. If you're there and do your best to protect her."
I felt as if the silence in the room were crushing me. "You want me to protect Baba Yaga."
"You are what I have."
"This is Baba Yaga. Grandmother Winter. Close to a living god as it gets. Not to mention I've already met the Blackbird. He won both times, in case you weren't listening."
"Did he? You walked away and he did not follow. Twice. The way I see it, you won the only victory that matters."
I wanted to scream. To walk away. I would have laughed in Fedorov's face but the truth was, I was scared. He was asking me to stand between what I saw as an unstoppable force and an immovable object. However, and I hated that he was right, but he uh. He was right. I'd stood up to Koschei twice, and I'd walked away both times. Either the man sucked at killing people, and I knew that wasn't true, or I was doing something right. I just didn't know what.
I felt as trapped as Fedorov did, but I could also see his reasoning. Koschei was an asshole. An unparalleled one. No one disagreed on that. But Baba Yaga, even if she was mercurial, alien, inhuman, still cared about the land and the people in a way her pupil didn't. If there was a line on the sand, I knew which side I was on. "I'll do what I can," I couldn't make the words come out civil, but at least I could make them come out.
Fedorov nodded at me. "In that case," he grinned minutely, leaned forward and picked up one of the chicken bones and the little carved wooden cup from among the many knick-knacks on the table and dropped the one inside the other. The bone let out a little rattle. "Let me tell you a fairy tale about Koschei and Grandmother."
The leshy came back that night, and they brought friends once again.
I was dead asleep in spite of every thought and worry wrecking chaos in my mind. I was worried, and I was pretty sure I had a right to be. We were about to throw a bluff in the face of some of the deadliest, smartest monsters ever to come out of the Nevernever, Leverage also wanted to steal from them at the same time. There was just so much going on that I'd given up trying to keep track of it all, and resigned myself to doing my part of it and never figuring out what, other that stealing, these people did.
Mouse's low growl woke me up as if someone had punched me. He'd been asleep at the foot of the bed, which was big enough for five of me or two of him, and when he stood up I could see his ruff standing up on end, outlined against the faint light coming in through the window. I sat up just in time to hear a muffled yowl of pain, and the creak of the door swinging open.
They'd found me. Of everything we'd picked up, all the trinkets, all the traps, I was still the easiest source of magic to find. I just hadn't known if they'd be willing to gamble that Koschei's stuff would be with me and not in a vault somewhere, or with the Leverage people.
The house had no lintel to speak of, no doorway. It was a safehouse, a fancy storage unit where I'd spent two nights. I'm sure the leshy had expected some trouble getting through the door, but I already knew they had humans in the roster, and humans could pick a lock or break a window, slip inside and invite the leshy in. There wasn't enough of a presence in the house, mine or otherwise, to kick up a passive defense out of habitation alone.
Which was why Eliot had lined every doorway and windowsill with iron nails.
Another muffled yowl and I was quietly on my feet, reaching for my shirt and my duster. There were a few traps between the leshy and what they sought, but once again I was counting mainly on them not being able to use magic to find the stuff. I drew a deep breath, stepped back from the bed, called Mouse to me, and flicked a throw blanket on the bed.
I'm not good at Veils. I know people who can hide entire stadiums worth of people, sight, sound, scent, every sense. Me, I was counting on it being dark so that when the leshy came up, as they must, it would look like I was still asleep on the bed. It didn't make sense for them to risk waking me up while they tore the place apart, which they'd likely do. Not to mention they could always ask me where everything was, and provide all sorts of incentives for me to tell them.
I managed to get my sneakers on before I heard the stairwell creak minutely. I fell back into the shadows of the closet, Mouse by my side, staff on one hand and wand on the other, and waited.
The door to my bedroom opened very slowly. The same dim, reflected streetlight glow that had shone on Mouse showed me the paw-like hand of a leshy as it stepped forward, sniffing the still air in the room. Its eyes locked onto the bed and it moved forward with a little more confidence. It cleared the door and another one came in behind it. They moved to flank the bed. A third one came in.
The moment it was clear of the door I surged forward, slammed the door shut, and pointed my staff at it. "Forzare."
It might have come out a little angry. I was getting real tired of leshy, to be fair. The blast of force threw the leshy through the window in a shower of glass and wood; it screamed as it went, the iron nails on the windowsill scraping it raw.
Mouse flew at another leshy with a snarl. Its nature betrayed it; not only was my dog very big and fairly terrifying despite his youth, leshy were creatures of the field, their nature very close to rabbits, to hares, to moles. It shrieked in immediate terror and went down, scrabbling and writhing, all the fight gone from it, wanting only to get away from its natural predator.
The last one didn't stop to think. It leapt up and kicked me in the chest. I went through the bedroom door like the old oak wasn't even there. The pain was immediate, immense, blinding. Next thing I knew I was on my knees out on the hallway, and I couldn't breathe. I'd be lucky if nothing was broken. Leshy kick like the hares they look like, and the fairy-thug's reaction had been so quick I'd had no time to summon my shield.
Mouse was barking furiously in the bedroom; I couldn't get wits or breath enough to get back on my feet, but I had just enough of them to see motion coming up the stairs. I swung my wand around and let a stream of fire blaze out. The figure in front shrilled inhumanly; behind it, someone cursed entirely too humanly.
I had to get up. I had to move. I was easy prey if I didn't. I got one leg under me just in time for one panicked leshy to come sprinting out of my bedroom, and we both went down in a tangle. It tried to bite my face, and I just barely put an arm up. Its teeth caught it, but couldn't quite punch through the duster's defenses. It didn't feel like roses, though, and someone let out a very undignified howl of pain. Couldn't have been me.
I'd lost my wand when we'd gone down, and I didn't have enough room to bring my staff to bear, so I let go of it, put my free hand on the leshy's face, and let go with all the electricity I'd collected the past day. I didn't have the breath to call it - the words aren't part of the magic as much as an exercise in focus, a visualization aid. I could throw everything around without them, but I'd been using the word to try not to get zapped myself. It was a sacrifice I was willing to make.
Electric fire lit up the leshy's skull from within, made its ears stand up on end; it rolled down my hand and up my arm, but I was far more interested in the fairy-thug not getting another bite in. Fortunately, it crashed down limp on top of me, smoking faintly.
I shoved it aside and groped around for my staff. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end and I threw my shield up instinctively.
A net crashed over it and came to rest on the gleaming half-bubble, and I was in trouble. The net had magic, unknown magic, probably meant to counter mine. I couldn't let go of the shield without getting caught in the net. I couldn't do magic without dropping the shield. The hallway was narrow, and they couldn't get to me any more than I could get to them, but that left them free to tear my house apart.
Which was apparently the going plan. The leshy I'd singed on the stairwell called out something to the human behind it, who shouted in Russian down the stairs. I heard the door to one of the rooms slam open, and a crowbar start work on the crates.
I forced myself to draw a deep breath. Mouse was still engaged with the last fairy-thug in the bedroom. My ribs were still screaming. My lungs had mostly forgotten how to work. But I needed that breath, I needed the focus of it.
At the peak of it, I dropped to a crouch, dropped the shield and called out, "Ventus!" more or less at the same time.
Have I mentioned I'm a hammer when it comes to magic?
Wind roared out, coming out of me in every direction. It threw the net for parts unknown, it sent the people on the stairwell flying back, stumbling down the steps with startled squawks and something that sounded very much like cursing. I wouldn't know, I don't speak Russian. I found my wand under my foot, lifted my staff and for good measure threw a second gout of wind down the stairwell. "Mouse!"
He came charging out of the room. I peeked in. The leshy was crawling away for the gaping hole in the wall that had been a window, both legs a ruin of greenish blood. I closed what was left of the door between it and us and began to inch my way down the stairs.
There was a hissed, angry argument going on at the bottom of the stairs, probably wondering if I was worth the trouble. Oh, I was not. So many people could've told the thugs, I'm very much not worth the trouble. I'm a burr, and at that point I was an angry burr, and to compound their misery I was an angry burr that could do magic.
Someone shouted a warning in the dark of the first floor. I threw my shield up.
Three bullets bounced off it, along with a shower of sparks. Oh, ok. Uh. I hadn't expected them to decide I was that kind of trouble. Hell's Bells. Boston had powered up my shield, but I'd apparently finally hit on the limit of what the damaged bracelet could do. If it hadn't been made to hold back more mundane threats as well as magic, I would have been very much in trouble.
I could see, vaguely, four of them gathered in what was supposed to be the living room. I was pretty sure there was at least one more crashing and wrecking one of the rooms. I saw one of them grab and yank at another, and some tiny part of me was glad to know the leshy themselves didn't want me shot, but that didn't mean one of their number, likely one of their human buddies, didn't have a gun he was entirely too willing to use. I had to finish this quick, before someone else got trigger-happy.
I dropped the shield. Mouse leapt the moment it was gone, with a snarl like a roar. I love my dog. I know my dog. At that moment I was absolutely terrified of my dog.
So were the thugs. I slammed the butt of my staff on the ground before any of them could get any ideas. "Forzare!" The shockwave sent two of them tumbling - the humans. The leshy tottered, but managed to stay upright. One of them immediately went down with a panicked screech when Mouse slammed into it.
The other twisted one hand sharply and threw something at me that glittered in the dark. I threw my shield up automatically.
The night's breath powder settled on it and began to burn.
I heard a howl, realized belatedly that it was mine; my shield-bracelet had gone instantly white-hot while it tried to defend against the very thing that was attacking it. I dropped the shield, felt the poison sink into my magic. The leshy charged me, as aware as I was that I couldn't throw magic around wildly anymore; I could very well run out of energy mid-fight.
So I swung the staff at it as hard as I could.
The impact drove it into the wall and it staggered back, dazed. I stepped into its space and punched it. Hey, it worked for Eliot. It went down on its knees with a cry.
But the two human thugs were getting up, and one was lifting his arm in a familiar fashion. I couldn't gamble, I called up my shield, gritting my teeth against the pain. The goon slammed the taser into it, electricity arcing from it over the roiling surface of the half-bubble.
I put my hand out, the one with the wire bracelet, dropped the shield and called the electricity to me. It burned down my already singed fingers, and into the bracelet, and I threw it at the other man before he could get it into his head to start shooting again. He made a sound like a broken police siren and crashed down, twitching.
I'd been keeping my eye on the group in front of me and that open bedroom door, but in the middle of the chaos I forgot that leshy are like roaches: there's always more than the ones you see. Something came at me from the kitchen and hit the back of my head. It wasn't even painful; it was just instantaneous darkness; everything shut down. My cheek hit the floor, but I didn't feel it so much as vaguely registered that my perspective on things had changed radically. I heard Mouse snarl, and someone screamed - the natural order of things.
Things went blurry and uncertain for a while. I heard the group talking, and Mouse barking furiously, but I was only aware of it because it was Mouse, and I was worried that they'd hurt him. The night's breath had settled on me like the weight of the world, burning, hissing in a way only I could hear. I felt crushed. I couldn't breathe. My magic felt sluggish and foul, like blood poisoning.
"It's not just the circle, he's got a ward of some sort around them," a man's voice said in English. Someone else spoke in Russian. I was beginning to understand Hardison's comment about learning a language by infection.
"Koldun", a hoarse, gravelly voice said. Something grabbed my face and picked me partially up, talons prickling my cheeks. "Wizard," the leshy said in terrible English. "You hear me?"
"I thought leshy didn't speak." I was trying to get myself in the game, but the night's breath was burning into my bones, my ribs hurt like someone had kicked them out of my chest, and my head was pounding.
The leshy growled - its way of laughing, I realized. It said something to one of the people around. We were in my basement. There were glow-sticks all over, illuminating my work: the brass circle on the concrete floor, closed and holding strong around a small shoebox full of Koschei's knick-knacks. Inside the circle were two more wards: the tracking foil I'd copied from the key, and a little bubble of force, very much like my shield, meant to keep things and people from this side of the Nevernever from getting through.
See, I could learn. I'd remembered that the leshy had been working with humans back at the museum, and I'd been ready.
"He says, 'the world changed, we changed with it'." It was the man who'd shouted a warning earlier, likely the one who'd shot at me. He was wearing all black, the better to be impossible to distinguish from the rest of the group. The leshy growled something at him. "You will dismiss the circle and remove the rest of your protections."
I gritted my teeth. Those talons were like shoe cleats, sharp and solid, and the fairy's grip was incredibly strong. They'd stripped me down to my pants and tee, and I was pretty sure they'd taken off anything that wasn't nailed down. I couldn't even feel the familiar weight of my pendant around my neck. My arms were bound behind me and my shoulder was really unhappy about that. They'd even taken my shoes off. "Bite me."
The leshy growled again and it occurred to me that it probably wasn't a good idea to invite him to do that. It said something a little longer this time. I was trying to figure out if I could use their ignorance to my advantage: the outermost circle was just that, a circle. Any of their human buddies could have made it past it. But because the leshy knew magical circles to be impregnable, they apparently hadn't thought to have the humans try.
"You will dismiss the circle," the translator said. "Or we will shoot your dog."
My lunge was instinctive. And pointless. The leshy stopped me before I could get an inch closer and slammed me back against a wall. It was just hard enough to be painful, but not enough to knock me out again. He even gave me a few minutes to find the wits he'd just send scattering all over with that casual bit of controlled violence.
"I drop the circle, you shoot us both."
The translator spoke. The leshy examined me, head cocked, golden eyes throwing an occasional red gleam when the light hit them just right. He said something long-ish.
"He considered it," the man translated. "But is not worth a death-curse, and you obviously love dog. What assurance can he provide?"
"Lock my dog up in the bathroom. Everyone else waits outside. I'll break the circle for him, and him alone."
"Nyet." The leshy wasn't stupid, though I'd hoped. He spoke at length, the translator asking a couple of questions.
"The dog stays in the net, goes in the bathroom. Three of us stay here. You drop the circle, remove the wards. We take you to the bathroom with your dog. You do not follow."
"I get your gun, you keep the bullets," I added.
That created a brief argument between the man and the leshy, but the translator caved eventually. Not that I didn't think they had a dozen other ways to kill me and Mouse, but the gun was the quickest one.
"And I'll need my hands free."
The leshy didn't wait for the translator. "Use feet."
He dragged me to my feet. Off to one side I could see Mouse, all but wrapped into a net, bound up inside a blanket that had been secured with duct tape. Ah, the net hadn't been for me, it'd been meant for him all along. He snarled, but didn't bark, probably out of pity for my throbbing skull. In the basement the sound would have echoed like thunder. Two humans picked him up warily, and while he tried to snap at them, he couldn't do more than twitch and drool. All but two leshy and the translator followed them out of the basement.
The translator pulled out the gun, removed the clip and the loaded bullet, and I twisted so he could give it to me. He didn't look happy. I made a show of muttering under my breath and calling up some magic. The effort bent me over double and I nearly felt my legs go to jelly. Bile rose up in my throat, and the lead leshy had to hold me up. I had to make it look like I was doing something, though, otherwise the leshy would catch onto my bluff about the circle.
But Boston, ah, Boston. The night's breath couldn't corrode what the city was giving me fast enough. If I could just get away, purge all of the corroded magic, I'd be fine. As it was, I had the power to throw a punch, I just had no way of knowing if it was going to blow up in my face or theirs.
I took a couple of deep breaths, tried again, and scuffed my foot over the circle and the two wards beyond it. And very calmly said, "Ignitum".
The circle broke. The lead leshy gestured the other two forward. The shoebox was plain, empty of anything but the rough dozen or so things Parker and I had got from Koschei. Everything was there, even the feathers and the invitation.
Except for two things.
The leshy grabbed me by the throat. "Key, koldun." He snapped at the translator.
"You are missing things. Where are they?"
"I only agreed to break the circle. It's not my fault if you didn't check your shopping before you paid the bill."
The leshy didn't like that. It slammed me against a wall and snarled. The translator opened its mouth -
The other leshy, who'd managed to grab the box, squealed in pain when something hot dripped down on it, then shrieked, clawing at its shoulder as a sizzling sound and the smell of burning fields began to fill the room. One of the ceiling tiles crashed down.
Everyone looked up. I just grinned at them.
Eliot had set up the trap for me, and he'd honestly had a blast doing so. The basement was bare concrete in every direction; to hide the fact that he was putting iron everywhere he could reach, he'd put up styrofoam ceiling tiles. He'd glued them to the concrete.
He'd laced the glue with iron filings.
Throwing a magical punch? Fifty-fifty. Melting fresh silicone that wasn't even hard yet? Child's play.
The lead leshy barked an order. The translator started for me. While they were both distracted I balanced myself on one foot, lifted the other, and kicked the leshy as hard as I could in the gut. He went sprawling back and crashed down on the floor. I snapped out the word of command. The circle snapped into life and cut him in half.
I dropped to my knees, most of my focus on not throwing up. The rest I channeled into forcing all the corroded magic the night's breath had poisoned out of me. I didn't even bother giving it shape, I just threw it out. It flattened the last two thugs and sent me crashing down on my face, even as I tried to force myself to get up, get to the box, I couldn't let them have the box -
More melted silicone dripped down. The last leshy squalled something that didn't sound nice, and the one human cursed. He came at me, trying to take his gun back. I drew in a deep breath and threw what little clean power Boston had given me in his face as a flash of light. He staggered back, blinded, swearing.
His buddy caught him and they both ran out of the basement, and I was left there, breathing hard, wondering if I should pass out. Or throw up. Or both, maybe. Somewhere above me Mouse was barking fit to bring the house down.
Passing out it was.
The gunshots woke up the neighbors. The neighbors woke up the cops, who expected to be summoned to such an address to bar brawls or petty theft, not to shots fired in a staid, elderly Boston neighborhood.
The gunshots also roused Nate. He came sprinting down the block to find half a dozen people peering out nervously, each one demonstrating vividly what they considered a safe distance, and none of them agreeing. The mastermind, who knew exactly how far a bullet could travel on kinetic energy alone, never mind inertia, didn't want to think of what would happen if there were more shots. He began taking stock of the problem by waving his phone at three of the people on the street. "Did someone, uh, did someone call the cops?" When the neighbors confirmed, he let out a long breath. "Good, good. Hey, those weren't gunshots, were they?" he asked as he dialed. "Hardison."
The Leverage team roused like a nest of wasps. A Crime Scene van and a two-man team nearly beat the cops to the site; the truck from Animal Control rolled in with them, and the one man joined the two masked people at the door, the cops making a path for them. All three of them winced as they walked in, pausing to yank their earbuds off.
"He's here," Eliot confirmed to the other two as they lit their flashlights, everyone taking a moment to hold their breath and see if they held - which they miraculously did. "You go ahead with the distraction, I'll find him." They had to find Dresden, get him out of the line of fire, and set up something appropriately gunshot-like but wholly accidental before the cops started looking in earnest. At the moment they weren't setting foot in the house, but Leverage could only guess as to why, rather than confirm.
"I need three minutes in the kitchen," Hardison said from behind Parker.
"I need two in his bedroom."
"I think we can buy you that," Eliot assured them.
Despite the worry gnawing at him that the wizard had gone and gotten hurt (again), Eliot could only smile faintly. He whet his lips and whistled lightly.
From somewhere in the dark Mouse started barking immediately in response, a sound like thunder. Nate and Sophie, part of the crowd outside, saw every cop wince and twitch away. None of them went for their guns; none of them looked willing to go into the house. The crowd shifted restlessly, and stepped back without being urged to it. They crossed a look, but said nothing.
Parker threw a clean suit and a mask at Eliot and they split up. Alone in the dark, Eliot launched himself to the guest bathroom, just to one side of the stairs. "Harry!" When he got no answer he tried again, just a little louder. "Dresden!" No answer. He sniffed; there was a faint, familiar scent in the air that he couldn't readily place, but which left his gut tightening in anticipation of a punch he couldn't see coming. That, however was immediately set aside when he opened the bathroom door and found Mouse trussed up like a Bolivian hostage. "There you are."
Tied up or not, the Temple dog wagged his tail at him. Eliot started sawing on the duct tape, then paused; there was something sticky on either the ropes of the net or the blanket. Or the dog. Eliot considered shining the light on it, then decided he was better off not knowing. "We need to be quiet," he told Mouse, who whuffed nearly soundlessly at him. "And we need to find Harry, fast."
The moment he was loose, the mastiff sprang up on his feet and charged out of the bathroom. Eliot followed him down the stairs to, where else, the basement. The air was hot and full of the scent of burning plastic. Styrofoam tiles had fallen and shattered, leaving the tidy space a wreck. Eliot smelled rotten candy and recoiled. "Mouse, don't!"
The dog froze, and stepped back, whining.
Eliot knew that smell. He'd only smelled it once before, but sometimes that was all it took. He'd smelled it again, faintly, by the stairs. Rotten candy. Burning licorice. The basement cloyed his senses with it. Someone had come in prepared to take down both wizard and dog, and the hitter gritted his teeth. "Night's breath," he murmured, looked down at the dog. Moused looked up at him, ears perked. "You gonna be alright in there?"
Mouse eased himself gingerly into the basement. Paused. Whuffled.
Eliot followed. "Harry?"
A groan answered him, and he charged in. His boots squished on something very much not blood, but he didn't stop to check what it was. "Harry!"
"I'm gonna be sick," the wizard moaned. Eliot found him slumped in a heap against one side of the basement, tied up very efficiently, looking ashen under the light of the flashlight, Mouse licking his face enthusiastically.
"Place reeks of night's breath, man."
"That was me," Dresden admitted as Eliot worked to free him. "Someone dosed me upstairs. Burned it off here." He let out a vague sound of pain when his hands came loose and he started working feeling into them immediately. "They took the box."
"Who's surprised," Eliot grimaced when he nearly lost his grip on his knife sawing at the ropes around Harry's feet. "What… Why is everything slimy down here?"
"That was me, too," the wizard admitted. "I killed one of the leshy. Things from the Nevernever kinda melt when they die."
"They m- You mean- " Eliot found himself suddenly realizing he was, apparently, wading knee-deep through someone's equivalent of bodily fluids. "You mean we're covered in fairy blood?"
"Blood, guts…" Harry waved a hand to encompass a nebulous whole.
Full of violence as his life was, Eliot definitely had feelings about the situation, and none of them were good. "Damn it, Dresden!" he snapped as he helped the wizard to his feet and dragged him up the stairs.
"It'll evaporate to nothing soon!"
"And what part of 'don't get hurt' didn't you get?"
"You also said 'make it believable'," Harry protested wearily. "And they had humans with them. Again. And the humans had guns so. You know. The night's just been full of surprises."
Eliot hissed a breath out. Of course they would. "Alright. Get dressed." He thrust the clean suit and the mask at Harry. "We're going out the front door."
"Out the - They're gonna notice there's more people going out than came in."
Parker choose that moment to pop up next to them, making them both jump. "I'm not going out the front door." She had Harry's duster on, which made her look even more elfin than she already was, and looked terribly pleased with herself. "I found everything. They had it all stashed together. Amateurs."
Eliot merely imagined strangling the thief. Only a little. Just to soothe his rising temper. "They weren't thieves, Parker." When she gave him a pointed look the hitter realized what he'd said. "Ok, yes, they were thieves, but they weren't here to rob Harry!" Her brows went up. "You know what I mean! Is Hardison done?"
"I'll go check." She turned to look at Harry, and frowned minutely. "Are you hurt?"
"If I answer that, Eliot will get mad at me," he told her as he zipped up the clean suit.
To the hitter's chagrin, she took in that answer solemnly, nodded, and raced off for the kitchen.
"You are hurt," Eliot accused mildly.
"Leshy like to kick."
"Is anything broken?"
"No." Dresden breathed in, deep and very slow. "I don't think so. I'll get back to you on the concussion, though."
"You have a helluva sense of humor for someone I just found hogtied in his own basement."
Eliot saw the wizard grin, hard and bitter. "Eliot, I'm used to going down. I'm also used to waking up in a cell of one kind or another after." He popped the medical mask in place and put up the hood. "This is a distinct improvement."
The hitter had to pause at that. "Harry, don't you have anyone? Anyone that has your back?"
The wizard paused, went very still. "People… don't do so good when they get involved in a wizard's affairs," he admitted slowly, and the burden of pain and guilt and regret in his voice brought Eliot up very short. It had been years since he'd heard such a refined, complex mix of exactly those emotions from someone, but he remembered the day well enough.
He'd been staring in a mirror at the time, and he'd been horribly young.
"And not a lot of people accept that 'men in gray and big swords' trump a lot of the answers they sometimes want out of me."
The hitter caught the wizard's good shoulder. "Harry, for what it's worth," he said evenly. "I know it's hard. I know how it is when you've drawn a line on the sand and no one sees you holding it. Me, I'm here to keep my team safe. Twice, so far, I wasn't there - but you were. And that's enough for me. Thank you."
Dresden blew out a long breath. "Don't suppose you guys want to move to Chicago?"
"No more than you wanna move to Boston." Eliot looked up to see Hardison coming out of the kitchen, passing his backpack to Parker and taking hers in exchange. "Come on. The timing Hardison cooked up is tricky."
They marched out, the Animal Control guy first, leading the friendliest, most gigantic and slobberiest ball of fur out, leaving all the cops vaguely embarrassed that they'd been afraid to step into the house. Mouse hammed it up, tongue lolling to one side and tail wagging cheerfully. The crime scene people cleared out, the cops poured in, and everyone jumped into their respective vehicles.
It took a while to put both the Animal Control pick-up and the Crime Scene van back in place, none the worse for their small adventure, and everyone reconvened back at the loft. Sophie reported that there had been plenty of cops in the kitchen when the same security system that had destroyed the bedroom window interacted badly with an ancient electric board, entombed in the walls. The system had blown the garden door out onto the overgrown grass, and the antique board had gone off like a gun once again. A report had been written; fines would have to be paid. The owner had been summoned, and she'd been most grateful for everyone's prompt response, gracious and elegant even in her concern. Everyone had gone home somewhat disappointed and secretly reassured that life could go back to what it should be: quiet.
While Sophie soothed the mood at the safehouse, Nate came to see Dresden as Eliot, once again, patched up the wizard in the small spare bedroom behind the kitchen. Harry's entire chest was a rising, ugly bruise. When Eliot moved away to wash his hands, he spoke very quietly to the mastermind. "You know, when I said I'd like a job where I wasn't a punching bag, this wasn't what I meant."
"I know." Nate's mouth was pressed to a thin line. It wasn't just the injuries, or the attack. Violence threatened them all, that was just part of the job. But the violence that kept coming at Dresden was unpredictable and far too big for any countermeasures to readily work. "He's getting more hurt than you have in our worst jobs," he murmured quietly at the hitter.
"He's a civilian, Nate."
"So are you," the mastermind pointed out. "But I know what you mean."
"He doesn't have the training, he doesn't have the mental firewalls."
"Can you teach him?"
"In what, two days?!"
Nate gave the hitter a very keen, very level look. "I think he'd be grateful, and better off, with whatever you do give him." He pitched his voice to carry. "Dresden, what did they get?"
"Everything," Harry replied, testing his arm until Eliot flung a sling at him. "Everything but the key and the Witchwell."
"Mm. But he doesn't need those two back nearly as urgently as everything else. Not once Fedorov's offer gets to him. And he already has the portrait, he doesn't need help stealing it."
"He does if the Witchwell's not his and he needs to return it to the proper owner," the wizard pointed out, frowning thoughtfully.
"Does he?"
"He might. I'm guessing," Harry admitted, "but I don't think it's his. It's too modern, it doesn't fit what we know of the guy."
"I agree with Harry," Eliot added.
"So do I," Nate replied. "His reaction at the bagel shop was very telling. But the man in black has to know we can't destroy it, and he has to know it'd be much easier for him to recover it after the auction." He seemed momentarily lost in thought. He was wondering if Koschei would think of the many ways in which the Witchwell could be turned against him; if that potential danger would force him to divert attention and effort to its recovery.
And in three days' time, I will grant you and your people your heart's desire.
"He'll wait. He'll wait until he can simply take it back."
"He could take it back right now," Harry muttered.
"Could he? That's twice you've faced his hired thugs, and twice you've survived, Dresden. Twice you've almost won, until an external factor stepped in. Have a little faith in yourself. From his side, his odds don't look good."
Eliot understood. "He doesn't gamble. When he wins, he likes it to be by overwhelming force."
The mastermind nodded. "And every time Dresden steps in, it doesn't matter what the man in black throws on the field, it never ends up with a clean victory for him. He'll wait. We go on with the con. Get some rest, Dresden. You're no use as a monkeywrench if you're in pieces."
"I live to please, boss," the wizard declared wearily.
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make-me-imagine · 1 year
Hi, lovely. Can I ask for a, Male Marvel/Avengers ship. If it's alright with you, please.
Features: I am a short woman 4'9. I have curly golden honey-blond hair which goes to my bra-strap length, I have dark chocolate brown eyes, and a little bit of chubbiness in my cheeks. I have a butterfly-shaped scar on my forehead which is from skin cancer from when I was 5-6 years old.
My birthday is July 29, Leo. My sexuality is bisexual. I go by she/her.
Disorder/Disability I have: Dyslexia, Epilepsy, and Anxiety.
Personality: I am a sweet, loving, stubborn, caring, gentle, and understanding woman but if you mess with me/hurt me, my family, friends, or the people I love I become scary-scary.
Likes/love to do: I love to drawing/painting, embroidery, reading (I am a bit of a bookworm), anime, cosplaying, doing any type of math, loves plants/nature, and baking in my free time.
I don't like/afraid/scared of: afraid of Spiders, don't like people insulting or making fun of family/Love ones/Friends, and I don't like being yelled at because it scares me from past traumas and anxiety.
If I had a superpower and was a hero in the Marvel world, what would it be: I would have the power/ ability to control plants like DC Poison Ivy. Poison Ivy is able to control all plant life on a molecular level, enhanced physical abilities, and Poison immunity. Also I am a plant nerd and I just really connect with plants/nature.
Style: I love to wear, off-the-shoulder shirts, leggings, jeans, button-up shirts, dresses, and once in a while a shirt with a long skirt. My home aesthetic is a mix between astronomy and witch.
The only other thing is that I wear a heart-shaped ruby necklace around my neck which was a gift from my whole family. I never take it off.
I hope I didn't over do it, lovely and if so, I am sorry. I hope you have a nice day. Please keep up the good work, writers like you deserve more love and credit.
Thank you for the commission ship, I appreciate it! I hope you like it <3
I ship you with Peter Parker! (Specifically Tom Hollands).
I know I know, you said you don't like spiders, BUT he doesn't look like a spider, so I hope that wouldn't bother you. And he would always be super aware of this. He would take care of any spiders that made their way inside, and would slowly and gently try to help you get over your fear of them (but would never force it).
He would never raise his voice at you, and any time someone did he would step in, taking your hand in his to keep you grounded and to remind you that he was right there for you.
You two met in school when you were younger, and had a really close friendship that developed naturally into a relationship. You were both book-nerds and math nerds, so this only helped your bond grow.
You both realized around the same time you had feelings for one another, and it was also around the time he became Spiderman. He didn't hide it from you and told you immediately, which then prompted you to tell him about your own mutation.
He always knew you had a green-thumb, but realizing it was because of a power only made him more amazed and enamored by you. He wasn't angry that you kept it from him, understanding that you were afraid he might be afraid of you. But now you were both aware f each other's secrets, and would take the to the grave.
You ended up helping him when villains would show up, and you two became a team (with Ned as well of course). He always wanted to keep you safe and was protective of you. Even making you a suit to hide your identity and keep you from harm.
Though one day, the two of you were attacked by surprise and you got hurt.
--- --- ---
Peter's mind went blank when he saw you disappear as the explosion rocked the building. Smoke and fire clouded his vision as he yelled out for you before being tackled by the villain the two of you had been trying to track down. It turned out, he had been trying to find him as well.
The fight seemed to drag on as Peter tried desperately to end it so he could find you, so he could know you were okay. But the villain kept keeping his distance, fighting long range and Peter couldn't quite get to him to knock him down.
Relief washed over him when the villain had lunged for him, and instead of reaching him, was pulled to the ground my vines wrapped around his legs. You bound the villain so he couldn't move and Peter took the moment to knock him unconscious before he ran through the smoke to find you.
You were on your knees, breathless but alive. Peter felt tears brim his eyes as he collapsed next to you, wrapping you tightly in his arms. Your arms snaked around his waist as you both held each other for a few moments.
As Peter pulled away he looked over you, seeing blood soaking your shirt. He felt his gut clench as choked out his words, "Please tell me that's not your blood."
He knew it was, but he couldn't fathom that you had been hurt so badly, that he failed to protect you.
Meeting your eyes he saw how drooped they were and his chest tightened.
You smiled softly, though it didn't reach your eyes. "I wish I could."
Then your vision swam before going black, all you remembered hearing was Pete's desperate please for you to stay awake.
When you woke up, the bright light of the hospital room caused you to squint your eyes. You could barely get your barrings before someone appeared beside you, their hands gently cupping your face.
As you met a pair of familiar eyes, you felt relief wash over you.
"Madison" Peter spoke softly, tears in his eyes.
"Pete." You mumbled out, your throat dry.
As he pressed a kiss to your forehead, right on the scar he had grown to love so much, he let out shaky breath, "Please don't ever scare me like that again Sunshine."
You felt your lips curl into a soft smile. "I'm sorry."
He pulled away from you as he shook his head, "It was my fault. I was too slow to react I should have protected you."
You took his hand and squeezed it, "You pushed me out of the way of the explosion. Yeah I still got hurt, but I would have died if you hadn't Peter. You saved me, don't feel guilty, please."
He remained silent but nodded his head softly as he looked down at your bandaged hand. You knew it would take a while for his guilt to pass. You squeezed his hand again and he met your eyes.
You smiled at him, "I'm okay, I'll be okay I promise."
He felt a small smile forming on his face as relief slowly coursed through him as he nodded, "I know." Leaning forward he pressed another kiss to your forehead, "I love you Sunshine"
"I love you too Peter."
I hope you liked it! <3
(Commission Ships)
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alwayslcyal · 2 years
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@alwayslcyal​   cutest couple in nola, if you ask me ✨ w/ @magicguilt ❤️ 1795  💬 33
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alwayslcyala · 2 years
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@alwayslcyal​   magic is in the air ✨ w/ @magicguilt ❤️ 2795  💬 53
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faorism · 2 years
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BILLOWS BEAT OFF WHISPERED WINGS: A DAEMON AU: i will be posting more of this series here and on ao3! i might change the title, who knows
hardison is an eastern red bat named t'pris (they thought it was spelled teepris until they watched star trek and were like AH designated trekkie by birth name). settled age sixteen. he is a witch that traveled dimensions when he was young, triggered by when he felt particularly lonely. then he got to nanas and he was :(( so he had the look in his eye and Nana was like OH NO YOU DONT and turns out she is a witch too. he does age at a human rate, unlike nana. 
parker's is a raccoon named jack, settled age nine. he had taken to rabbits and hares when she was very small, because they loved bunny. she was convinced he would be a jackalope (hence, why she think she gave him the name jack, but they cant remember if that was his given name in the first place). settled when her foster father took Bunny and jack needed lil clever thief hands to steal bunny back. they are stretched but not separated, so that jack can help out with thievery.
eliot has a cecropia moth, which is the biggest n.american moth. her name is hazel (although eventually hazel will use they/them, but im not sure when that will start). settled age fifteen. hazel and eliot are severed by age twenty-four, as is typical with elite soldiers and contractors and such. they do not have a good relationship, because age twenty-eightish, eliot abandoned left hazel with toby because eliot knew he was getting into some bad shit and didn't want her hurt.
MORE HEADCANONS ABOUT THE OT3 (but mostly hazel since the series would be mostly in her pov) IN THIS VERSE BELOW
when hazel realized eliot wasn't coming back for her, she begged toby to bring her to aimee. (partly because his daemon and her didn't mesh, partly because hazel missed aimee, and partly because she didn't want eliot to ever find her if he decided to drag his ass back.) 
when the crew does the job for the martins, aimee and her horse daemon hickory tell hazel she has to go back to eliot because (1) he's changed, give him a chance but mostly (2) aimee has to move on. hazel is Not Happy, especially when she learns eliot carries around a prosthetic dormant cicada in a bug case claiming thats his daemon.
hazel ignores eliot but does go to his apartment to grouse, and when they make it to boston she strictly hangs out at nates. 
since shes always there, hazel gives comfort to parker when parker comes crying after the psychic job, landing on her knee. parker is like. oh. i can feel how fuzzy your body is, i really like that, you probably feel... and hazel tells parker she can pet her. parker gets a couple strokes in before starting to cry, the last time she touched another person's daemon being her little brother's. 
hazel quickly falls into trust/in love with parker, who kinda just is like. okay so i guess hazel is mine now. everyone is like UM THATS NOT HOW THIS WORKS. but hazel, parker, and even eliot are like. hazel is her own daemon and can do what she wants independent of eliot (they are so stupid omg). hazel starts to go out on jobs grifting as parkers daemon, staying in her hair like an elegant headpiece while jack goes and does thievery.
later, hazel tries to get cozy with hardison but alec is like ABSOLUTELY NOT, STOP FLIRTING WITH ME, I AM NOT TOUCHING YOU. and then parker is like, duh, go ahead? we are dating and even though jack isnt ready, hazel is and she is independent. but alec is like, okay that's nice but also eliot is involved in this IM SORRY HAZEL, HE IS. so consent is not obtained. 
eliot eventually catches him and is like. hazel came to talk with me, saying you wanted "both coparent's" permission. just.... you have it. and alec is like. .......... internally: goddddddddsd I wanna kiss him so badddddd
when Alec is buried, poor t'pris was left behind, clinging to nate's coywolfs fur. She won't let go, so she ends up in the car with nate and eliot. they go in one direction and she starts freaking out, yelling that it's the wrong direction, they are gonna break them apart. they turn around immediately but t'pris is inconsolable. the coywolf and hazel both are like, come back here now eliot, she needs human warmth. eliot refuses to touch her, so he scoops her into his beanie and cradles her to his chest. 
after the ordeal, t'pris absolutely wants to be cuddled by eliot all the time as her and alec are dealing with The Trauma, so eliot gets one of those phone cases that goes on a belt or lanyard, and carries her that way. eliot has no right to laugh at the sling alec uses for jack once he warms up to being held.
the three of them freak leverage international newbies the fuck out who are like.... dear god if we join is there just daemon socialist anarchy???! and the answer is no but also technically kinda yes? everyone thinks hazel is parker's, t'pris is eliots, and jack is alecs.
it takes two years post s5 for the ot3 to get together despite them and their daemons being all over each other. they are awful and so very stupid.
t'pris likes to tease hazel about how eastern red moths' diet mainly consists of moths. hazel just pointedly flaps her wings and says GODDAMN. TRY. ME. t'pris does not try hazel.
eventually hazel and eliot make up, but it's probably telling of me that i am not sure how. eliot in the meantime is extremely deferential to her, and basically this verse is a love story between them two (aka, eliot and his soul) wherein (as @redgoldblue described) "eliot finds himself in his new family (as very explicitly pointed out in the two horse job) but he hasn’t FOUND himself yet it’s a process so his daemon… who also, separately, finds a home in the same family before ever coming back to eliot"
since the two fliers of the group have bodies about three inches long, jack loves using his weird lil hands to double fist his daemon partners' fuzzy lil bodies. 
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asvterias · 2 years
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑 | 𝐀𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐬
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Chapter Pairings: Black!Fiancée Witch Reader X Fiancée!Bonnie, Younger!Sister Witch Reader X The Parker Siblings, Black God!Mother Reader X God!Daughter Hope, Black!Fem Witch Reader X Freya, Hayley & Rebekah (all platonic)
Chapter Warnings: little bit of blood and slight homophobia
Chapter Summary: It's finally the day where [name] and bonnie's life will drastically change with only a trip down to the beach. Will the two black witches finally have their happily ever after like the universe intended or will it be another broken and unhinged relationship for the lesbian couple.
Author's Note: Third Chapter, hope you readers like it and this won't go according to the tvdu timeline. Beware, this is a long one! Please comment your feedback and as always I'll see you in the next chapter! Also Jenna, Stefan, Elizabeth and Lexi won't die in this series. Also this is set on May 4th, 2021. (Josette, Jenna & Alaric are in a poly relationship)
Published: 15th April, 2022
Words: 8.0k
Tags: @padmeswife
Series Masterlist || The Tattoos + Wedding Invitations + Guest List
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
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You had to admit, having Kai back home was abnormal but it was gonna take some time and much more needed adjustments. Luckily, you and Kai were getting along just fine like he hadn't wasted his life by himself, meanwhile your other siblings were still taking baby steps. Your father and coven was highly against him being out of prison world and almost succeeded in killing him but to Kai’s surprised you saved him. Too bad that Joshua didn't get the good end of the stick and ended up dying.
The coven didn't want to die either so they kept their mouths shut and just let the process happened. You can't say that you weren't affected by his death but rather happy because it felt like you can finally be free. Well that's enough of the Joshua talk; he's quite boring and actually who wants to talk about a dead man. Not you and especially not Kai; that's who.
It was finally the day that you were going to propose to Bonnie. After 9 years of dating, it was time to finally seal the deal and put a ring on her finger. To fully understand the timeline, you and Bonnie started to realize your feelings when you were 15 and experienced no disagreements whatsoever but only when she put herself in dangers way. Turning 16, you finally had the courage to ask her out on a date and surprisingly she said yes – trust me, you were shocked too.
If there was ever an argument between the witches, you both would not raise your voice and try listening and empathizing with the other. You grew up with her ever since you could have walked and comforted her when Jeremy cheated on her with a literal ghost who goes by the name of Annabelle Zhu.
A literal ghost, now let that wrap around your brain. In better terms, he made out with a living corpse.
Or even after finding out that her grams died, you stayed with her and made sure that she was truly okay and that it was not some mask that she was putting on infront of her friends.
You hated seeing your best friend so sad and if you're being honest, you had fallen in love with Bonnie – like truly fallen in love with her that no one could compare to her. You are both 25, still happily as ever and still together. When bonnie asked you to move in with her, you were ecstatic at this and instantly agreed.
Now back to the present, it was your 9th year anniversary today and what better way to pop the big question on this huge occasion. Of course you had it all planned out; first you would make her breakfast in bed then have her friends distract by going to the mall and then you whisk her away to the evening beach where the grand finale starts. After she says yes, you look at the evening sky with the stars dancing around the moonlight and then you surprise her with matching tattoos together.
Now I know you're thinking, 'What makes you so sure that Bonnie is going to say yes?’ But the real question that you need to ask is, 'Why would she say no?'
The day is and was going according to plan because you demanded so. The morning was average and normal to Bonnie's perspective, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. When the smell of breakfast approached her nose, her olive green eyes connected with your e/c eyes, lovingly staring into them.
"Something smells delicious." Bonnie commented as she sat up, looking at the amount of food that was on the plate. The bennett witch started to dig in, cutting piece of her pancake with a side of strawberry. Taking her offguard, you sneakily placed a chaste kiss on her lips, immediately tasting the strawberry and syrup. Licking the strawberry taste of your lips once you pulled away from the quick but slow kiss.
"Eat up, bon. The day is going to be eventful." You spoke, biting the insides of your cheek. This day was truly going to be eventful all right. Skip ahead to a couple of hours later and it was 2:30. After having lunch with Bonnie, her friends took her out for shopping while you, Olivia and Josette were decorating the beach. Prior to a few days before, you had ordered some of the items that was needed for your proposal from amazon.
Originally, you were going to do propose to her and than drop the bombshell to your friends but your older brothers had caught you lingering around a ring shop for two weeks now. Eventually, you had to come clean to them, knowing that no lie would get out of this sticky situation. They were so happy for you and soon argued over who should walk you down the aisle. Those two idiots didn't even know that you had already organized who is giving you away. Thereafter, word got around your friends and family and everyone suddenly wanted to pitch in and assist.
Your mom was a whole different story, unlike your dad – she embraced you with love and affection; enough to say that she was a helicopter parent. She was a famous nurse in LA and was flying down to mystic falls to see her babygirl get married and have her happily ever after. Of course, Bonnie had met your mom before and your mom didn't like her right away.
Sure, your mom was a tough case but Bonnie dug her way around it and eventually your mom warmed up to her as well. It got so close to the point that Tiffany couldn't see you with anyone else fit to marry her only babygirl. Tiffany became a mother figure to Bonnie as well; like calling for advice when she desperately needs it or having mother-daughter cuddles whenever Tiffany came to visit.
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Same day, later that evening
(Play the song when reading, you won't regret it)
"Okay, where were you? You left me with those shopping maniacs and now I have a closet which could barely fit half of those clothes." She exaggerates, holding your hand as you both walk on the soft sand, closer to the ocean side.
"You'll find out soon enough." You state making the bennett witch look at you skeptically. Bonnie was truly breathtaking and it was just your luck as golden hour had arrived, directly shining on her. Her tawny complexion radiates off of the light making it provide a brighter tone than it actually was. Her hair was loose and it was all curls – no flattening iron or scrunchies – it was all out, her beautiful and frizzled hair. God she was truly a beautiful and splendid sight created by the gods himself.
"This feels like a marriage proposal." Bonnie jokes, taking in the evening sky with true admiration in her eyes. Luckily, her back was faced to your little set up so it didn't ruin the surprise.
"Maybe it is." You finished, looking at her shocked face when she turned around to see you getting on one knee with a ring. She finally saw your presentation and the huge diamond in the box.
"You are the sunshine in my life and you are the only person that can comfort me when I'm at my lowest. You are the reason behind my laughter and smile you are truly my world. I have never said this before to anyone but I am saying this today. I am deeply in love with you, Bonnie Sheila Bennett and I want you forever in my life."
Your eyes started to water as your voice stumbled slightly, "Every time I see you, I fall for you even more than intended I have never dreamt of having such a special person in my life. You are everything to me. I remember the first day I ever looked into your eyes and felt my entire world flip upside down. I would want to wake up to your beautiful face every morning and serve you as the queen that you truly are. I want to start a family with you and to grow old and die together."
"I promised you from when we were seven that I'll always marry you. So, now I'm living up to my promise." You confessed, looking into her glazed olive green eyes.  "So will you do the honor of marrying me, Bonnie Bennett and make me the luckiest woman on this planet?"
Nodding her head profusely as tears completely clouded her vision, "Yes! Fuck, yes! I'll marry you!" She screamed, pulling you into a kiss, the kiss was passionate and loving as her arms went on your shoulder blades. When you pulled away, you placed the ring on her finger and she started laughing as she looked down at the sand below her.
"Well this just takes the fun out of things." She giggled, pulling out a ring box from her pocket. Now you were the one to be surprised, both by switching positions and you being entirely clueless about this. Getting on one knee she began talking, "You are the reason I live, I breathe, I love, and I smile. And we both know that I mean that figuratively and literally." She chuckles making you flash a small smile.
"You are my everything and I made the best decision of my life by finding you. I never knew where my life was headed when I found out that I was a witch and my life changed for the worst but that was until I met you. You gave my life meaning and actual purpose to it. I was in the dark what almost felt like an eternity and you shined the way because you are my light and you will always be my light."
"Having you by my side is what completes me, I can't think of my life without you. You are perfect for me even with all your imperfections. I want to spend the rest of my life with you if you let me. So will you do the privilege of marrying me, [Name] Parker and make me the luckiest gay woman on the planet."
You closed your eyes at the sight, grasping your hands together and began nodding rapidly as well. "Yes! I'll fucking marry you, Bonnie." She lets out a huge exhale as she gets up from her knee and slips the ring onto your finger. Immediately pulling her into a hug as you both started crying.
Too someone else looking in a far distance, it looked like you were crying out of pure sadness but in reality it was out of pure joy. Locking hands with your future wife, you both headed back to your car with huge grins on your faces. "I also want to take you somewhere else." You announced as you started the car ignition hearing the engine roar.
"Hmmm.....you're always filled with surprises." Bonnie gushes. It took 10 minutes to reach to the tattoo shop and you were going to be lying if you didn't want to see Bonnie's reaction to her surprise. Parking the car, she froze and asked, "Is this a tattoo shop?"
Bonnie's eyes held shock and immediately began to disagree, "No baby, I hate needles. You know I hate needles. I have trypanophobia! They're sharp and long and I just hate them!" She lets out a surprise yelp when you literally flung her over your shoulder and began walking to the door.
The couple gave you confused looks but nonetheless still opened the door for you. As soon as you stepped in, you were fascinated by the sight of the many designs and placed the bennett witch down. Adjusting herself, Bonnie's eyes scattered around as well, not even noticing when you grabbed her hand and dragged her with you. Maybe, she had a change of mind and was just overreacting.
Placing her down, she folded her arms in a baby manner with a cute pout on her face with her back facing you. Enveloping her into a back hug with your arms wrapped around her petite waist.
"Don't worry, it'll be a small one." You ghosted your lips over her neck making her shudder at the sensation. Feeling some tension leaving her body, you smiled to yourself and kissed her on the cheek. After the tiny peck on her cheek, she gave you a playful glare and pointed to her lips as you let out a low chuckle at this.
This time, you actually aimed for her lips and she mumbles into the kiss, "Finally."
"Can you please not do that in here? It's disgusting." He gestured to the two of you causing you to remove your hands from Bonnie and stand up. Suddenly a woman with arm tattoos peeked her head from the door. (think of grace from black lightning) "Hey dickhead, no type of homophobia is allowed in my shop. Get the fuck out of here!" She shouted, her hands already balled into fists. The man let out a scoff and stormed out, muttering some homophobic slur on his way out.
"So sorry about that fucking asshole ladies." She apologized to the both of you, "I'll be in here whenever you decide what you want." You flashed the woman with a warm smiles as she mirrors it back soon after she disappears behind the door again. Looking around the shop, there were many tattoo designs placed on each portion on the walls and there was so many to choose from.
Your eyes finally landed on the one and it was magnificent even though it was small it held meaning. You told the artist that you wanted the tattoo on your right wrist so she got to work. Sitting down in the chair as you put your wrist on the table, excited but mildly anxious too. First she cleaned the certain area and than placing a piece of the traced design directly onto your wrist.
After waiting a few minutes, she carefully took the paper off, grabbing her tattoo stencil and began tracing the writing on your wrist. It stinged at first but it eventually soothes away when you focused your attention else where – more like Bonnie. A deep crimson blood started to seep from your wrist, little by little which made you winced at the sight of it.
You were starting to regret about the placement of the tattoo very much and because it was on your wrist, the stencil was right on your wrist bone. Five minutes later and you were completely done, it was just like a scrape but crawling all over your wrist.
"Alright, we're done." The tattoo artist clarified, getting up from her chair and gave you a piece of napkin to wipe the blood off. With a single swipe from the napkin, the blood was gone and you bring your wrist closer to observe the tattoo. Gathering the bloody napkin from your hand as the woman went for new clean supplies for Bonnie. Arising back up and removed yourself from the chair as the bennett witch grumpily gets up as you two switched seats.
Bonnie plastered an adorable pout on her lips, "Do you hate me?" The woman started to clean her tattoo stencil, paying no attention to your conversation whatsoever.
"I could never hate my darling. You're my everything." You replied back, forcefully placing her left hand on the table.
"If I was your everything, you wouldn't force me to get this tattoo." Bonnie taunts you, still trying to wriggle her left hand away. Raising an eyebrow in her direction, "Ok, now you're just being overdramatic." The lady finally comes back and has her supplies, ready to be in use again.
"Don't worry, first times are always scary." She advised the bennett witch, cleaning the portion of Bonnie's wrist than she looked toward at you, "Hey stranger, comfort your wife." She spoke, looking at the wedding rings on your fingers. You and Bonnie looked at each other and smile, not wanting to actually tell the artist that you aren't married. Not yet at least.
The tattoo artist said, "Ready whenever you are." Bonnie takes a deep breath in, already squeezing your hand with her free hand and nodded in reassurance. The needle turned on and began drawing on Bonnie's wrist. Every now and then, she winced at the stencil going into her wrist but you being there was apparently enough soothe the pain.
Every five minutes, Bonnie gave herself a mini pep talk of series stating; 'Don't worry, it'll be quick. [Name] is here, I'm safe and I'll know that she'll comfort me.' The 5 minutes was like 5 seconds when the lady announced that she was done and gave you two separate cleaning materials needed to keep your tattoos clean.
Paying her in cash, you thanked her and left the shop with Bonnie, returning back into your car. The Salvatore House was as still as a mouse and quiet like a rabbit. The darkness flowed throughout the whole house like an endless abyss. Two pairs of eyes looked through the window just in time to see the car lights shutting off and the car doors open.
"They're here everyone. Get ready and into positions." Rebekah demanded everyone who scuffled to their hiding place, being out of your sight. After announcing that, the original blonde vampire also took her place with spray cans filled with silly strings in her hand. Turning the doorknob which perked up the vampires speed of hearing waiting for the newlywed couple to walk inside.
Finally opening the door, you both walked inside to be met with noises of excitement and many parts of silly strings covered your hair and faces. Hearing choruses of 'congratulations' and music blasting through huge speakers. Guess this was your bachelorette party and they combined yours and Bonnie's. Your division of the wedding party dragged you away while Bonnie's division of the wedding party take the witch with them, taking her in some other direction.
"Just so you know, [name]. I would be delighted to be your maid of honor." Rebekah spoke, grinning lightly at you as handed you a jello shot. The rest of the night was a blur as you continued on with life.
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12th September, 2021
Your mother called and offered to pay for the whole wedding – considering how much her job pays her. Explaining to your mother that you and Bonnie would think about it. Bonnie wanted your mom to pitch but not for the whole wedding, wanting to be independent. So the budget would be between 15k to 22k and you paid 16k – most of the money came from your savings account. Bonnie used her dad's and grandma's will money to help with it. Come on, she's gotta put it to good use somehow.
So the couple decided on a few wedding dates. You concluded between the months of May to June but Bonnie disagreed, stating that Caroline was having her June wedding. So to put it in better words, June was not a mandatory month for your wedding. So here were your best options:
23rd March, 2022
9th April, 2022
7th May, 2022
16th, July 2022
You both decided on 7th May, 2022. The next month rolled right in so after finalizing a date, you and your financee then started making a guest list. You didn't want the wedding to be too big and just only close friends and family who was important to the two of you.
"I can't believe it, we're finally getting married." She chuckles and then rests her head on your shoulder, "And grams isn't here to see it and she was the biggest shipper of us." That sparked an new idea in your head as you sat up making Bonnie raise her head to look at you.
"Baby, I also wanted to include something else." Bonnie tilts her head, urging you to go on, "We could leave a seat open right in the front in remembrance of your grams. Same for your dad."
Her whole face lights up, "Really, you would do that for me?"
"Of course, wouldn't want my wife to be unsatisfied on her wedding day."
She corrects you, pointing to the both of you, "Not mines. Our wedding day." The bennett witch give you a playful glare, hitting you slightly. You held up your hands, accusingly. "Alright, alright. You're the boss."
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6th March, 2022
"Hello, welcome to The Perfect Bridal Company. My name is Rihanna. How may I assist you dashing ladies today?" She greeted at the two of you with a welcoming smile.
"Can we see the types of venues that you have?" Bonnie asked.
Rihanna's eyes drifted to your identical engagement rings, "Sure, right this way follow me." Following her both in tow, she grabbed a photo album which was written on the front in big bold letters; LGBTQ+ WEDDINGS 🏳️‍🌈. She began flipping through it, showing various types of wedding themes with the same sex genders with radiant and contagious smiles planted on their faces.
Each venue and reception had their own type of theme. This company does a fantastic job at what their consumers except of them. They were beautiful and spectacular in their own way but one caught your eye and it definitely caught Bonnie's eye.
"We have the deluxe special which ranges in the prices of 10k - 12k. This package includes finding a venue and reception, with caters, DJ's and photographers." She explained to you, handing over the album to the couple as you both observed the photos of recent newlyweds. Briefly looking over at Bonnie, talking to her through her beautiful olive eyes as you both made a conclusion. You both wanted The Perfect Bridal Company to host your wedding.
"We'll buy it." You announced to the woman. She leaves for a few minutes and returns back with a few papers, probably for you to sign it.
"Just sign here." She gave you a pen and pointed to where she wanted you two to sign, after you finished signing. Bonnie was right after, doing what you did before her. "Thank you so much for letting The Perfect Bridal Company to host your spectacular wedding. Call us anytime if you have any questions." Your now wedding organizer handed you a small card with their number on it.
Leaving the company, you both went to lunch and discussed on which venue you wanted. Bonnie was the first to crack, calling them to specify that chocolate cake and red velvet are the best two cake options. A week later, you're driving to the company to do your taste testing on the wedding cake. You had already sorted with the caters on what food you specifically desired. With the photographers, you told them their time schedule, which specifically nine hours. Apparently, bonnie had a whole different agenda with your DJ when she pulls out a whole freaking song list that she wanted.
Too say that you were feeling anxious and excited at the same time was an understatement. Parking the car, you quickly got out of the car and went in, locking hands with the bennett witch. Reaching in through the doors, you were instantly greeted with many moving people, clearly invested in doing their job.
Taking a finger to swipe a taste at the passing cake, Bonnie smacked your hands to stop you as she gave you a stern look. Reluctantly agreeing, Rihanna finally catches up to you, greeting both of you as she leads you to the cakes on display.
"We have various wedding cakes, mainly chocolate and red velvet." She insisted, urging you to a row of wedding cakes. Every cake was created with their own design and color especially with the height. Now, let me tell you something, just because they are all different in colors and sizes doesn't mean that they all won't taste magnificent in your mouth.
After many of taste testing, they only had one thing in common and that was that they were all a bit bland. If it looked good on the outside, it'll probably be a 4 out of 10 in your mouth. Rihanna let out an irritated huff, "Okay, this is our very last cake." Two men came wheeling the cake on a moving tray directly in front of the soon to be newlywed couple. Rihanna prayed that this last one would awaken your taste buds. You were on cake number 14 now so you could imagine how tired she would be.
Then there it was, the perfect cake for you and Bonnie. It was so breathtaking and marvelous but let's not jump to any conclusions here. You just extremely hoped that it tastes as good as it looks. Being careful of how you cut the dessert and you managed to place it on your plate. Taking a tiny piece with your fork and placed it in your mouth as bonnie followed in tow.
It was like heaven on your tongue – amongst other things. Continued to chewing it as the particles break down in your mouth leaving a sweet aftertaste. It was the right amount of sweetness, moisture and texture. It just all perfect for you and Bonnie.
"This is the one." You informed her, still eating the cake.
"Yes, we'll take this one."
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1st February, 2022
By awoken by kisses are the best thing ever created by man-kind. Letting out a small smile as your face was being littered by tiny pecks making you turn onto your back. "That's one way to wake someone up." You murmured, "But I can take what I can get." After your words, she immediately stopped herself to get a good look at you.
"Oh, were you excepting something else?!” You didn't even need to look over at Bonnie to witness her expression when those words fell out of her mouth.
"Yes, it usually involves a less of clothing." You suggested as your fiancée raised an eyebrow in surprise at your statement.
"Maybe another time." She offered, giving you one last peck on the lips before loudly arising from the bed, "Come on, baby. Time to put our creativity on paper for these invitations." You groaned at this. You were in some much of a bliss, you almost forgot that you even had a wedding to plan and organize. Apparently to you, wedding takes so much of your money. Too be honest, you'd marry Bonnie right in your backyard just to avoid all of that money to be wasted on such.
Grumpily removing yourself from the cozy bed as you look in the mirror and attached your bonnet fully back onto your braided hair. Every morning you had to deal with this nonsense – like why can't the bonnet just stay in one place. It was like this bonnet had a mind of its own because you knew damn well that you ain't moving it yourself in your sleep.
Walking downstairs, directly towards the kitchen to prepare a breakfast for the two of you. Opening the cabinet, you were met with front loops so you thought; why not? So after fixing up two bowls of cereal you walked into the dining room, witnessing that Bonnie had already started typing out the wedding invitations on her computer. Handing a bowl of front loops cereal to your finance and sitting beside her with your own. The dinner table was decorated with many empty envelopes, ready to be packaged to their soon new-found owners.
A few months after the bachelorette party, bonnie wanted to start right away, stating that she doesn't like to procrastinate. It's kinda ironic about how you are a huge procrastinator and she's a huge anti-procrastinator. Guess they say opposites do really attract each other. So here you were, a grumpy look plastered on your face with a red bonnet attached to your hair which kept your braided hair safe.
Gosh, you love your financee but waking up early in the morning is not and will never be your thing. I mean is it anyone's thing. But the things you do for love, right? Wanting to be of help, you started the printer as Bonnie continued to design the wedding invitations.
"Baby, maybe we should take a break." You insisted as you started removing the empty envelopes from her making her short in annoyance and disagreement. You handed the bowl of cereal to her. "We've been at this all morning and you haven't touch your front loops as yet."
"Fine, what do you think we should do." She asked and began eating her cereal.
You smiled warmly, shrugging your shoulders, "You need a massage." If looks could kill, you'd be dead right now. Bonnie is alreadt her stressing out about your wedding as is and here you are talking about massage rubs?! Luckily, the witch wasn't short-tempered and can handle her emotions or all hell would have broken loose for you.
"Massage rubs? That's what you stopped me for...our wedding is com–" You shushed her, placing your index finger on her lips to actually stop her from talking. She furrowed her eyebrows at this, clearly shocked at your finger placement. Removing her finger from her mouth, she than started to argue again but this time you shut her up with a soft kiss. Melting into the said kiss, letting all of her worries and stress ease away as you delicately slipped your tongue in her mouth making her moan lowly into the kiss.
You pulled away to be meet with Bonnie's sorrowful gaze, "I'm sorry baby. I just wanted to get it out of the way, so we can have time for ourselves."
"Don't be sorry, sweetheart. It's fine that you wanna get things done now but we have plenty of time to organize the wedding." You explained, clearing up the table a bit, careful of not touching the already packaged ones, "Besides, I hate it when you overwork yourself constantly. It's bad for your mental health."
Dragging her out of the chair as you turned your heel and walked toward the bedroom with her in tow. Get your mind out of that fucking gutter and normalize it, you horny motherfuckers. After receiving the best massage ever, Bonnie sighed in content as she shuffled herself on the bed trying to get comfortable.
Bonnie starts to get up, remembering that she still has to finish packaging the invitations but you reassured her that you can finish the rest by yourself. Bonnie reluctantly agreed as you grabbed the remote, going onto Netflix. Now if she's knows your Netflix password then you truly and I mean truly love her to the core.
Putting on Bridgerton since she claims that it is the best series to ever exist. Truth be told, you didn't want to do to finish packaging the rest of the invitations. On the bright side it was the quicker that you get this done, the faster you would obtain daily cuddles from Bonnie – so you better get to it.
Bonnie had already packaged 12 so far and so you only have 14 more to go. Yippee!! After mailing the invitations to their P.O. Boxes, the bennett witch came downstairs so you started bringing up the topic of who's walking either of you down the aisle. Bonnie stayed mostly quiet on the topic and continued eating her cereal with the occasional hum every few seconds to your words.
Feeling bad after realizing that Bonnie confessed that she didn't have no one to walk her down the aisle. Since her mom abandoned her from when she was small and her dad died. The witch tiredly got up, getting up from her chair and gives you a quick kiss on your temple and leaves the room but not before placing the dirty dishes into the sink.
As soon as she left the room, you quickly grabbed your keys and drove to Abby's house, reaching there you slammed your car door shut. Stalking over to her mail box, you realized that she hadn't opened it yet, letting out a annyoned scoff, you opened the metal box and to your surprise – there was your wedding invitation. Finally reaching her door, you knocked on it three times and made sure that it was loud.
A few seconds later, the door opened which revealed your soon to be mother-in-law with a welcome smile planted on her face. "Hi, how can I help you?" She asked in a calm voice, the door partially open as if she didn't trust you. The nerve of this woman. She has to the audacity to act all smit and not even check to see how her daughter is doing after all this years.
"You can help me by attending your daughter's wedding." You walked in, brushing past her and walking into the living room.
"Bonnie's getting married?" She questioned astonishingly as she closed the door back and walked back into her living room. Sitting on the farthest couch away from her, you scrunched up your nose as you folded your arms. "W- I don't even know what to say."
"I know the answer to that. You can attend your only child's wedding. I mean it's the least you can do." You remarked back, ignoring the eye roll from the black woman. The bennett vampire stayed quiet, probably trying to piece her words in to a sentence.
"Look, Ms. Bennett, we may not know each other that well but I'm in love with your daughter....and it would really mean a lot to her if you attend the wedding." You interrupt, basically shoving the invitation in her chest watching her bounce back a little bit at your strength. Folding your arms was a sign of not backing down and she understood that.
Abby starts up again, "I'm sorry but I can't take this. Please return this back to her." She handed you the unopened letter but you simply refused to even glance at it.
"You can still change this, Ms. Bennett. Show up to her wedding and try to repair your relationship with Bonnie." You tried to persuade the vampire as you unfolded your arms. "But if you're gonna be a no show and disappoint her like you did all those years ago. Stop being a pussy and actually try to reach out to Bonnie and tell her in advance before the wedding."
The woman couldn't even hold eye contact with you but mission accomplished, she placed the invitation back on the table. Smiling internally at your success as you tried to hear her out even if it is a another lame excuse. To your shock, she stayed silent and start to bite her nails.
"I'll see myself out." Slamming the door behind you as you let out an exhale while Abby looked down at the invitation in her hand. The mother contemplates on whether she should go to the wedding or let her daughter down again. The choice is literally in her hands. You did your part as best as you could but will Abby do hers to bring up Bonnie's spirits up on her wedding day.
8th February, 2022
Sprawled out across your bed was many and many magazines of honeymoon destinations recommendations from previous couples. Everything was going great but there was just one minor issue with your discussion, and that was you two had different destinations. You wanted to go to the Bahamas whereas Bonnie wanted to go to Paris, France.
After a long time of calmly arguing, you decided to spend a week in The Bahamas and another week in Paris, France. There, your problem was solved. So you ticked that off of your wedding check list and suddenly remembered what your mom called you last night for.
"So, baby. My mom has this fashion designer who agreed to let us get discount on her dress.." You started making her look at you with squinted eyes. "Go on." She demands you, clearly intrigued with your next choice of words. "You know The Perfect Bridal Company is right in New York."
"Yeah, that fancy-schamy very expensive wedding shop." She exaggerates.
"Yeah, well my mom pulled a few strings there since she's friends with the boss. And voila we have a discount on them." You revealed excitedly, enjoying the way that Bonnie tries to piece the puzzle together. She finally connects the puzzle, getting up from her seat, "Baby, are you serious? That's amazing."
Elaborating on how would the dresses arrive here in Mystic Falls and clearly a few months before the wedding. You and Bonnie came to an agreement that you wanted emerald green dresses for the bridesmaids so you called your mom to specify on which color for the bridesmaids dresses. Too also include a size 8 emerald dress for your flower girl. Apparently your mom's friend works quick when she sends you a ton of emerald green dresses photos to your phone. A week later, here you were all hunched up together with all of your bridesmaids and flower girl, picking which one fitted each of them best.
Now, your home was turned into a lively dressing rooms as you all helped each other fit into dresses. Luckily, all of the sizes fit on the bridesmaids and now it was time for you and Bonnie to try on your dresses. You being the gentlewomen that you are, let your beautiful Bonnie go first while her friends went in after her to help her get sorted. A chorus of yells from excitement erupted from the upstairs bathroom.
"I wanna see." You mumbled, now desperately curious to what was going on upstairs so you sneakily waked past your friends. Just as you were about to twist the door handle, the door yanked itself opened revealing Caroline with a very disapproving look. God, Caroline would be great in horror movies. I mean just the way that she's standing there was enough to give you a heart attack.
Sadly for you, it was a big bathroom so you couldn't see Bonnie's view, "What do you think you're doing, [name]?" She sternly asked you with her arms folded eyed you suspiciously causing Elena to walk over as well.
"Came to get a glimpse of my beautiful financee and her maid of honor." You tried to compliment the blonde vampire as well but she immediately saw through it. She wasn't letting her guard down for no one especially since she's was appointed to be Bonnie's maid of honor.
"No. You can see how she looks on your wedding day when you began sharing the same last name and than you can rip it off of her the same night and do whatever you please. But as of right now, it's still a no." She announces, moving her body in a few directions to continue blocking your sight with the help of Elena, "Have you ever heard of how curiosity killed the cat?"
Elena gently closes the door behind her, making sure that you can't see Bonnie at all anymore which caused you to huff in annoyance. "Yes." You answered, shuffling on your feet.
"Well, you'd be dead before you ever see Bonnie in her wedding dress if you don't stop being so curious." She threatened you, her eyes narrowing. If there's one thing about Caroline it was that she was completely honest. You know that Caroline wouldn't actually kill you but the way that she's glaring at you now would clearly say otherwise. Guess you would say that Caroline takes her role of maid of honor very seriously.
Rebekah unexpectedly speeds up to you, scaring you in the process. "Sorry girls, I came to steal [name] if you don't mind." Elena lightly smiled when Rebekah latches into your arm and drags you downstairs to your division of the wedding party. When you reached downstairs, all eyes were on you and soon Hope began running towards you with the brightest smile on her face with a sparkly tiara in her hand.
"Is this tiara for me?"
"Of course it is. The flower girl needs a crown just as well." You smiled at the girl who jumps up in excitement, "Just do me a favor, hopey and don't let it out of your sight."
"I promise that I will keep it safe, god-mother, [name]." She beams before running back to her mother, showing her the tiara. Piling up in the downstairs bathroom, everyone had gushed over their dress, liking that it was to their style. After everyone else had tried on their dress, it was just you and Hope that were the only odd ones out. Everyone's dress were covered up in their own garment bag, packed safely and being stored away until the wedding day.
Somehow, Bonnie had snuck past Caroline with maybe a little help from Elena. The bennett witch didn't even know how it was possible to sneak past hurricane Caroline and came rushing down the flight of stairs, quickly as possible, eager to see you.
Just on time, Rebekah walked out of the bathroom and caught onto the bennett's figure. "Well, don't you look jaw-dropping." The original vampire compliments the witch as she tries to process more information. Like one question; Why was Bonnie still in her wedding dress?
"Wait, what are you doing down here? No, no, better question, how the hell did you sneak past Caroline?"
Bonnie's eyes midly opened, "Well...ummm– you see...Elena and the girls wanted some snacks and I came down here to grab them." Judging by the way from Bonnie's tone, the blonde sensed that she was lying. Rebekah wanted to see how this would play out she followed along.
"The kitchen is that way." She guides the bennett witch, pointing directly at the kitchen.
"Right, sorry. Sometimes, I even forget that this is my own house." Bonnie says and turned her heel towards the kitchen but was stopped by hearing a door squeaking open. If she was lucky, it would be the door that contained you. So, Bonnie had to play it cool and let it flow naturally.
Seeing Rebekah walking back in your room, she started following behind as well, "You know, since you're going that way. Why don't I follow you?" Luckily for Rebekah, she actually managed to make it back into the bathroom but the same can't be said for herself. Too her dismay, Josette left the bathroom, just in time to spot Bonnie.
"Hey......hold it right there young lady." Josette stops Bonnie mid-way from walking any farther, "There ain't no snacks in here."
"Well, if I count your sister as a snack. Then you're surely mistaken." Bonnie chuckles, shrinking under the gemini witch's glare who then folds her arms across her chest, "Who am I kidding? Your sister is not some measly snack...she's a goddamn meal. And I mean that figuratively and literally."
Olivia emerges from the door, "Bonnie, you know it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding day." Josette's arms unfolded and disappears behind the door again.
"Sorry, just kinda curious on how beautiful [name] would look."
"Gosh, you and [name] are literally like two peas in a pod." Hope states walking out the bathroom, immediately closing the bathroom door after she exited, blocking Olivia's sight of Bonnie. Hope had on a green flower girl dress with a mini tiara which contained tiny emeralds in it with her auburn hair running free.
"Well, don't you look like a princess." Bonnie cooed, bending down to the tribid's height. She adjusts the slightly crooked tiara on the auburn's head. Then again Rebekah reappears from the door and towards the two witches.
"Not as beautiful as my god mother [name]." The red-headed freckled, 5 year old said.
"Does that mean I could see–" The brown skin woman started but suddenly a voice erupts from upstairs, "Bonnie Bennett!! You better not be down there looking for [name], especially in your wedding dress!!" Judging from the voice's insistency, it was preferably Caroline's voice. Both the bennett witch and the female original winced at the sternness in the forbes girl tone.
"I should head back up there." Bonnie says, looking Hope who vigorously nods her head as she latches onto her aunt's hand.
"Yeah, you should." Rebekah agrees with her. "Otherwise she'll have both of our heads and I like mines glued onto my pretty little neck."
Looking at each other with a quick glance, she grumpily heads back up there not wanting to poke the bear that is Caroline Forbes. Rebekah and her niece began turning into their own direction, wanting to help finish up the touches on your wedding outfit. As soon as Bonnie emerged from the stairs, the bathroom door opened and you started walking out. All of your bridesmaids were surrounding you, oohing silently to not attract your eager financee.
"Is this the one, [name]?"
"Yeah, it's the one." The wedding attire complimented your mocha brown skin as your braided hair which reached stopped at the tip of shoulders. You adored the suit/dress which also came with accessories and a big ass expensive tiara. This was really happening. You never would have thought that you would have seen this day coming but here it is.
Back upstairs, unintentionally Bonnie was encountered with the same question, "Is this the one, bonnie?" She already knew the answer to that. It was yes, of course it was yes. "Yes, it's the one." Bonnie smiled as she admired the dress details. Wearing the dress made her feel like a real version of a queen. A cheer erupted from Elena as she ran to hug Bonnie causing everyone to join in the group hug.
"Bon-bon, is getting married." Lexi gushed. When Caroline pulled away, she expected everyone else to do so but they didn't. So she had to make a point since the other girls wouldn't listen up.
"No smushing the dress!" Caroline yelled making everyone instinctively jump away from the bennett witch.
"Okay, can you guys take me out of this dress." Bonnie complains as she hands the tiara to Freya who puts the jewelry back into its box. Caroline gently shoves everyone out of the way and undos the dress. "This bride needs some god damn food."
"I was wondering when you're gonna say that." Freya jokes as she helped Caroline place the dress back into the garment bag carefully. After Bonnie finished putting back on her clothes, she jolted out of the room desperate to see you.
"Hello Mrs. Parker." You greet the powerful witch, watching her jog down the stairs and towards you.
"Hello Mrs. Bennett." Bonnie greets you with a soft kiss. Hope gently nudges you two making you look down at her, "Save the smooching for the actual wedding day and let's get something to eat, please." You let out a laugh when your financee knowingly smirks at you.
"Sure, what do you want?"
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ynparker · 2 years
Promises and Separation - Part 1 (Peter Parker x Y/N)
Peter Parker x fem!reader
Y/N Stark has a fight with her dad and her boyfriend Peter Parker, and it doesn't end well.
TW: slight mentions of blood, panic attack, fire
P.S. Here, Y/N has powers similar to the Scarlet Witch, but with fire. Enjoy ;)
Y/N's heartbeat slowed down as she lay on Peter's chest. He cradled her gently and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "It's been so long since we did this," she whispered. "I know," he replied, laughing softly. "I wish we didn't have to hide from Mr. Stark." Y/N sat up, propping herself up on her elbows and looking at her boyfriend. "Peter, you know he'd kill us if he ever found out we were together. And I can't risk your place in the Avengers." He nodded and brushed a strand of hair away from her face, his hand on her cheek. "You're so beautiful," he told her, smiling. She smiled back and leaned forward to kiss him, but before their lips could touch, the door slammed open.
They drew aside quickly, but it was too late. A nervous Nat and a shocked Tony were standing at the door. "What is going on?" Tony asked quietly. Y/N turned to Peter, her fear evident in her face. Peter looked just as scared. He got off the bed quickly, keeping the towel around his waist in place as he stammered an explanation. "Mr. Stark - we - were just - it's not -"
"We're together," Y/N said simply, cutting across Peter and wrapping the sheet around her body so she could stand up. Tony's face became pale as he took them both in, and realized what was going on. Behind him, Nat looked dismayed. She had suspected what was happening between her niece and Parker for a long time and eventually had confronted the two about it. Her suspicions were confirmed, and she had spent the next four weeks hoping Tony wouldn't find out. She knew what would happen if he did. She saw it happening now.
At last, Tony spoke, his voice slightly shaking. "Both of you, get your clothes on and meet me in the kitchen." With that, he walked out, his face red and his hands clenched into fists. Nat lingered for a moment, but not sure what to say, she turned and followed Tony, leaving the two lovers alone.
As soon as the door closed, Peter's eyes widened and his hands went to his hair. "What are we going to do?" he hissed, lest Tony should hear him. "I don't know!" Y/N hissed back. She didn't regret telling her father - it was obvious enough without her saying anything - but now she knew he was going to get every single detail out of them. Every whispered word, every stolen kiss, every secret meeting of the last two months would be out in the open for everybody to see.
Peter noticed his girlfriend's hands shaking and hurried around the bed to hug her. "It's going to be fine, baby," he whispered into her hair. "We're going to be fine." He kissed her on the forehead and she let out a deep breath, nodding. By this time, both were dressed, and unable to put off any more time, they went to the kitchen. Y/N's heart sank as they entered. Not only were Tony and Nat waiting for them, but also Thor, Loki, Wanda, and Steve. There was a tablet on the kitchen island with some paused security video. Peter and Y/N were seen kissing in the corner of the room.
"What do you have to say for yourselves?" Tony asked, the anger making his voice shake. When he had rescued Y/N from becoming yet another HYDRA child experiment, he had promised to raise her as his own daughter and protect her. How could he do that if she insisted on exposing herself? Peter was a good guy, but she wasn't ready to be in a relationship. He knew she wasn't, he knew what was right for her.
The defiance shone in Y/N's eyes as she spoke. "I'm in love with Peter Parker," she said clearly. Tony's eyes closed in anger and Wanda gave a small smile. She could see Y/N was going to fight for Peter - and from the looks of it, Peter was going to fight for Y/N as well. "We've been together for two months," she continued, "and we kept it secret because I knew you would object." Tony erupted. "Object?" he shouted, hitting the table with his fist. Peter stepped closer to Y/N, he knew she hated it when Tony did that. "Of course, I object! You're not ready for a relationship, least of all with a...."
"With a what?" Y/N shouted back, cutting across her father. "With a what, exactly?"
"With an immature child!" Tony replied suddenly. Y/N was struck dumb, stunned that anybody could ever call Peter an immature child. He was older than her, for a start, and Tony thought he was mature enough to recruit into the Avengers, so why would he say something like that? But Peter had stepped forward. "I'm sorry, Mr. Stark," he said, "but I'm not an immature child. I'm Spiderman, I'm part of the Avengers, and...." he paused for a moment, as if gathering his courage before saying, "....and I love Y/N." Y/N turned around to look at Peter, momentarily distracted. She could never get enough of him saying he loved her. "She's all I have," Peter said. His voice wavered slightly as he said, "She's all I have now."
There was a pause. Loki was watching Y/N carefully. He was in no doubt that she loved him, and he was just beginning to realize how much.
"Well," Tony said eventually. "Not anymore." Y/N turned to her father, her eyes wild. "What does that mean?" she asked, her voice shaking. "It means that you and Peter aren't allowed to be in the same room unless one of us in there with you. I programmed Jarvis to alert me if he sees you being together, and I'm calling your teachers to keep you separated at school. And you won't be going to school together anymore."
"No," Peter said. "No, Mr. Stark, please, you can't do that!" Tears were streaming down his face. "You can't separate us!"
"Don't tell me what I can and can't do, kid!" Tony shouted, approaching the two. "You are not good enough for my daughter, deal with it." Y/N was crying silently, but as soon as she heard that, she flared up. "Not good for me? Not good for me? He always shows up when I need him, he is always there, he always chooses me and is kind to me, and never makes me do anything I'm not comfortable with. He's like your son! He is the definition of what is good for me!"
Tony straightened up. He knew she was right, but he wasn't going to admit it any time soon. He was too angry to care. "I've made my decision," he said and turned away.
Y/N's breathing was beginning to get faster. She could feel the panic attack coming, she was scared, alone, she couldn't register anything around her anymore. Peter immediately took her by the shoulders, trying to calm her down. Thor and Steve rushed to help him, while Wanda and Nat looked on fearfully. Tony still had his back to them.
"Baby, breathe," Peter said, cupping her face and looking into her eyes, but they were distant. He knew that look. She couldn't hear him. She couldn't hear Steve telling her she'd be alright, or Thor soothing her. She couldn't see Loki getting up and walking to her, she couldn't see her father ignoring her. She only knew she was panicked.
All of a sudden, she had broken free of everyone and was running blindly. They all followed her now, even Tony, as she stumbled up the stairs and into her room.
She could hear the others banging on the door, telling her to open up, begging her to unlock her door. But her magic was keeping it shut. Her magic would make sure nobody would be able to get inside. Her breathing turned into whimpers as her power began to hemorrhage. She was slowly losing control. Flames shot out of hands, catching onto the curtains, the bedspread, the desk. She began to feel angry, angrier, and more furious than she had felt. How dare Tony separate her from the only boy she had ever loved like this? She began to scream, whirling around and burning everything, not caring that the heat and the smoke were beginning to suffocate her.
"Y/N! OPEN THE DOOR!" Peter screamed, hammering at the unyielding door. Wanda's face was streaked with tears as she gathered all her powers, but even they did nothing to it. Thor was smashing the top with his hammer, Steve was using his shield to break it, Nat was trying to shoot the handle and Loki was failing, again and again, to teleport into the room. Tony was punching the wall next to the door, trying to get to his daughter, not caring that his knuckles were bruised and bloody and the wall was becoming red.
"Y/N!" Wanda cried as she failed yet again to open the door. "Baby, please," Peter sobbed, squeezing his eyes shut at a scream from Y/N inside. "It's not breaking!" Steve shouted. "She must have used magic to close it. "Y/N, STOP THE SPELL," Tony shouted into the wall.
Y/N could hear them, she wanted to stop the magic, but it was beyond her. The flames were getting closer, her throat was closing up and she couldn't breathe. She tried desperately to suck oxygen into her lungs, but all she got was thick smoke. "Peter...." she choked out, and collapsed to the ground, the flames approaching her quickly.
Part 2 is out now!
(also posted on my other tumblr ethxreality13)
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avengerswriter4eva · 3 years
14. Mission Critical
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"Mrumph," I groaned, realizing only after the fact that laughter was surrounding me, and my alarm clock was not within arm's reach. My eyes flew open and looked around frantically. I felt cool fingers on my hand, and glanced over to see Wanda patting my hand reassuringly. We were on the jet. First mission. Right.
"Did you have a good nap?" Wanda smirked beside me, and I hastily wiped my face to make sure I hadn't been drooling or something else embarrassing in my sleep. Then I remembered what I had been dreaming about and froze, instantly, stealing a glance at the witch beside me, who seemed absolutely enthralled with her fingers. "Only if you're lucky, Brock," Wanda smirked beside me and I flushed red and stared at the ground. I heard a huff across from me and looked up to see Natasha glaring at me and Wanda's hands, which were still connected. She rolled her eyes.
"About time you woke up, Brock. The drop zone is in about five more miles." I nodded and took a deep breath. This was my first real mission out with the team, and I would be lying if I said my nerves weren't starting to get the best of me. I knew I could handle myself in a fight, that wasn't a problem. The problem was doing it without revealing AV to everybody just yet, and fighting alongside these heroes was like fighting in the presence of gods – sometimes literally – and I was just an agent with a parasite.
"Okay, ok, I'm sorry, AV, okay?" Wanda chuckled beside me.
"It's feisty, I like it," she grinned. A foot roughly kicked the sole of my shoe, and I glanced up to see Natasha standing there in her black suit, arms folded across her chest.
"Yes?" She rolled her eyes and kicked the bottom of my foot again.
"You're up, Brock, let's go!" There was an edge to her voice that seemed like more than just nervous tension before a mission, but I didn't have time to think about it. I nodded, headed towards the cargo door, double-checked my parachute for the last time and jumped.
The good thing about snow days was that AV blended in REALLY well, which helped us keep our secret under wraps. I was currently situated in the woods about a mile out from the main action. My job was to call out strays to the rest of the team, and turn them back if any of them got too far afield. Easy peasy. I was about 50 feet up, loving the height and the smell of the evergreen trees surrounding me. If this hero shit didn't work out, then maybe I could get used to...
"Anyone have eyes on Wanda?" Steve's voice crackled through comms and I frowned. Wanda wasn't supposed to be anywhere near the action, she was supposed to be...
"She went down and I lost contact," Clint's voice did nothing to ease my sudden bout of anxiety.
"Wanda?" Sam's voice sounded out, and I ducked back into the leaves as I heard the hum of his jet back flying above me. I didn't need to explain anything to that little pipsqueak today. The silence on the coms was deafening.
"Where was she last spotted?" I was already moving by the time I asked the question, moving through the trees like some kind of white, possessed, spider monkey. As I approached the edge of the tree line, I saw a flash of red. Wanda. She was being overrun currently, doing her best to blast the waves of mercenaries back, but they just kept coming. She kept being backed up, and she was quickly running out of places to back to. The sound of the rest of the team all clamoring in my ear was doing nothing to help my concentration, and we had a situation here. "I've got eyes on her, I'll get her back to the jet,"
"Parker..." I didn't wait to see what else Natalie was planning on saying before I ripped the device out of my ear, allowing the rest of AV to take shape. I swung towards Wanda with all of the momentum I could muster, grabbing her up in two long, white, tentacles as I pulled her out of the line of fire at the last moment and she shrieked at the unexpected sensation of being hoisted into the air by goop. At the same time, I AV extended several other, long tentacles, unleashing them on the group of thugs that were still headed towards us, knocking most out of commission, and the others at least out of the way. I glanced over at Wanda, making sure she was safe and in one piece.
We've got her. She looked at me, green eyes flashing as we made our way back through the tree cover towards the quinjet.
(Natasha's POV) "...please be careful." I got no response except for static and I growled in frustration. Why couldn't Brock ever just stick to the fucking plan? I gunned the motorcycle and spun it around on the path through the trees, wanting to make sure that Brock got Maximoff back to the jet in one piece. I caught glimpses of the white streak flying through the trees within the forest, smirking to myself. So much for staying under the radar, Brock. Honestly, I didn't know why Hill wanted to keep one of Parker's greatest assets hidden for now, but I trusted Fury had a plan. He usually did. What I wished I understood, however, was Parker's plan. Now that she was here, now that I knew she had been a shield agent for longer than I had even known her, I really owed her a conversation. But she seemed to be avoiding me like the plague, and given the way I treated her during and after our training match, I couldn't really blame her.
I rounded the corner just in time to see the white, liquid form set Wanda down gently on the ground. Wanda whispered something, and I saw the fluid-like substance begin retreating, leaving Parker's face back as her own as the liquid started retreating from her face, her neck, and finally her chest and extremities. It really was something to see. I saw Parker smiling – no doubt satisfied with her own performance during her first team mission. But then I saw something I didn't want to see, and immediately wished I could scratch my eyes right out of my head. Wanda had grabbed Parker's face in her hands and pulled her down – into a brief but passionate kiss. I was too late.
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cunaeparker · 4 years
Ok now BLURB request lol I messed up last time😳 night time beach trip with peter maybe on a school trip to the beach and u sneak out together to just hang on the boardwalk and it’s fluffyyyy and maybe smut??
ofc bby!!! thanks for actually requesting smthn - most ppl don't lol - i appreciate it :)
im currently taking requests for those of you that don’t know, so feel free to send stuff in. this work is cheesy and cliche but i kind of like it and hope you guys do too !
Word Count: 1.8k
Summary: its late, the beach looks weirdly inviting, and peter’s overly concerned for your wellbeing 
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Blue Lips & Boardwalk Bliss
It started off simple enough.
You proposed something simple, and though there were some protests from the chaperones, the outcome was unanimous — the rest of the seniors wanted to do something fun on the last night of their senior trip.
Of course, given the situation two years ago in Europe, you weren't necessarily allowed to do anything explicitly outrageous because ever since the whole fiasco that threatened the classes' lives, Mr. Harrington and Mr. Dell were keeping close and weary tabs on everyone.
Everyone. At all times.
You couldn't go to the bathroom without a proclaimed 'potty partner,' and MJ nearly peed herself with laughter every time you grudgingly asked her to come along with you and stand outside the stall.
You understood why they were so anxious about you leaving, so it only made sense when they quickly prohibited you and some of your friends from leaving the hotel — a nice spot on the water at Cape Cod — and claimed that if another student died there would be too much paperwork.
Mr. Dell even went as far as to threaten witches if any of you even thought about leaving.
So, simply, you weren't allowed.
But of course, you didn't listen.
An act of rebellion would make the fun thing all the better.
Which is maybe why you found yourself walking on the splintered wood of the deserted boardwalk with Peter Parker a good three hours later.
The sun was long gone, and you could happily say you witnessed it going down — you snuck out a mere fifteen minutes ago at the time, and the orange and gold dowsing you and your accomplice and in warm light was stunning — but now, stars were strewn over the black sky, waves were crashing soundly onto the shore just metres away, and galaxies were prominent against the blackness.
Tones of purple and blue and other ethereal shades you couldn't put your finger on glowed in your eyes, and right then and there is when you realized something simple; you couldn't have been happier with your decision to sneak out.
It was a blessing in disguise, given Mr. Dell didn't assume your disappearances to be the work of witches.
You smiled to yourself at the thought, shoving your hands deeper into your hoodie pockets.
"Are you cold?"
The voice startled you, having forgot that Peter was there.
"No, not really," you replied, shaking your head. "I'm just thinking."
Peter hummed and kicked a small pebble. "Yeah. You're unusually quiet right now and it's scaring me."
You smirked. "It's scaring you?"
Peter nodded.
"Oh, come off it," you laughed, "I'm not scary."
Peter raised an eyebrow, eyes wandering over you. He frowned for a moment before reaching over to pluck a piece of pine straw from your hair, smirking when you rolled your eyes.
"You were the one time Flash called you incompetent," he pointed out, stopping his walking fully to pick out the pieces of sand and leaves in your knotted hair. It was knotted in the first place thanks to lounging on the beach before you went for a nighttime stroll, but you still couldn't help the small whine of protest that left your lips.
Peter shot you a look and shook his head, tugging on a particularly wound up piece of something that was wound around a thick strand.
"Need me to be more careful, princess?"
You scoffed. "You're the one who started picking at my hair like a monkey, my sweet prince."
Peter didn't reply and bit his lip, focusing on something he couldn't get out before backing up with an exhale and a small smirk.
"I'm done now." His voice was serious though his tone was amused. "I'm sorry for looking out for you."
"Reverse psych isn't going to work on me, Parker."
Peter had the audacity to look upset. "Darn."
You suppressed a snort and rolled your eyes, shoving your hands deeper into the front pocket of your — well, Peter's — blue Midtown hoodie. It was large on you, comfortable, and lined with fuzzy material. It was bright blue, your favourite colour, and if it wasn't so poorly insulated you would've loved it --- but the only thing you didn't like about it was its ability to keep you warm.
The cool sea breeze mixed with the night weather was a little frigid.
Little wisps of frosty breaths emitted from your lips and you wrapped your arms around yourself, shivering as you continued walking forward.
"You said you weren't cold," Peter said suddenly, brown eyes narrowing.
You opened your mouth to protest, ignoring how your pulse quickened slightly because he caught you in a lie, but you shut it when you couldn't come up with anything.
"I..." you trailed off, but your teeth chattered involuntarily. You nearly cursed.
Chuckling weakly and shrinking into the hoodie, you earned a sharper look from Peter that definitely did not help your case.
His eyebrows furrowed into an even deeper line and he ignored your pitiful laugh.
"You're cold, aren't you?"
It was a statement, not a question.
Then suddenly, Peter leaned forward towards you with stern eyes, halting your walking and gripping you by the shoulders. He peered into your face for a second, making you slightly uncomfortable with the close proximity he was doing it at, but you didn't say anything — or at least until his eyes widened and his grip became firmer, causing you to tense.
"Your lips are blue, Y/N!" His mouth fell open as if scandalized. "Your cheeks look blue too — is that even possible? Uh, here," he thrust forward his hand, shaking it and holding his palm open, "take my hand, it's super warm."
"Peter," you said with a small laugh, pushing his hand away. "I don't need that. I'm fine. Thanks, though, I really mean it."
You offered him another smile, but when your teeth chattered again Peter looked like he was going to cry.
"We need to get you something warm," Peter said with a frown, straightening and craning his neck around the boardwalk as if he was going to find a sign that said 'Al's Ski Gloves and Warming Packets, only $3.99!' in the dead of summer.
"Peter," you repeated, more sternly this time, grabbing his jaw and pulling him down to look at you. His eyes looked conflicted and worried and you wouldn't be lying if you said you found this a little dramatic, because Peter Parker seemed to have a flair for the overdramatics, but immediately, as soon as the thought crossed your mind, you felt bad. He had been through so much and he put so much blame on himself that it only made sense for him to feel like your feeling cold was his fault.
"I know you think that this is your fault," you continued, peering into his eyes and offering him a small smile, "but it's not. It's not."
Peter looked conflicted.
"Yeah, maybe..." he trailed off, going quiet only before blurting, "but if I didn't give you my shitty hoodie your lips wouldn't be the colour of fucking baby Loki —"
"What are you gonna do about my blue lips then?"
"What am I gonna do... uh, I don't know... you can put my hand on them or something? I'm always hot because of... y'know," Peter laughed sheepishly, "the thing —"
"Pete, please shut up."
Peter quieted and looked offended. "Shut up?"
"Shut up," you confirmed with a nod of your head. "Do you not get what I'm implying? 'Warm up my lips?'"
And for the first time in a while, Peter looked at a loss for words.
His mouth was parted and his brown eyes reflected the large galaxies. He looked confused, which made sense, and in response to that confusion he did the most Peter-like thing ever — run a hand through his chestnut curls dusted with sand, biting his lip in nervous habit.
It was so overwhelmingly him that you considered giving in to your offer.
It was Peter, your best friend, in all his quirky and nerdy yet loyal and heroic glory, confused yet worried and concerned for your health.
For you.
So, you decided to shut him up.
By putting your lips on his.
You held your breath, feeling your heart hammering one million miles per hour inside your chest, feeling nothing other than stupidity and anxiousness yet an overwhelming surge of realization — you had feelings for this boy and they went completely undisclosed until you chose to do something bold.
It wasn't like you to do something so ballsy, yet here you were, fluttering your eyes shut and giving in.
Surprisingly, Peter didn't yelp and jump away like you expected. Instead, he deepened the kiss.
He hummed into your mouth, making you shudder, swiping his tongue along your bottom lip in a way that wasn't fervent, but sensual. It was so overwhelmingly Peter that you couldn't help the small sigh that left your lips when your tongues intertwined.
Peter reached behind your head to bunch up your hair and press you closer to him, squeezing his eyes shut. You sighed into his touch, suppressing a smile when you felt him detach his lips from yours and start to press open-mouthed kisses to the column of your neck, breathing you in like he could never get enough — he thought you tasted like strawberries and vanilla, and your neck was that much better.
The lovely scent of your rose body spray invaded his nose and he inhaled deeply, pulling back for a moment to gaze at you.
Your lips were swollen and pink and your eyes were heavily-lidded, chest heaving and quick breaths leaving you mouth. You were breathing heavily like it was your last breath, and your hair was strewn across your face, contrasting against the bright night sky and reflecting in your glassy eyes — Peter felt a surge of love for you so strong it scared him.
He would never let anything happen to you.
And neither would you, you realized, as your tongues danced and bodies gave into each other, hands gripping hips in the large expanse of the night sky.
Waves pounded onto the sandy shore only metres away and it mixed well with the sound of your hitched breaths and small moans and shudders, reminding you that after all this time, Peter was your beach — always there, though sometimes hard to access, but always, always, wrapping you in his serene words and sweet nothings that fell away into the steady crashing of the waves.
peter parker taglist ➝ @galaxystern08​ @inhumanwithpowers​ @averyfosterthoughts​ @pparkeramorr
tom holland taglist ➝ @thenoddingbunny-blog​ @galaxystern08​ @coni-martina​ @inhumanwithpowers​ @averyfosterthoughts​ @softholand​
mutuals ! ➝ @quackeroos​ @parkersbliss​ @chaoticpete​ @cosmicholland​ @stardustom​ @mannien​ @my-patronus-is-mabel-pines​ @silteplaittais-toi​ @spideygirl2003​ @yoinkyourheart​ @darlintom​ @dreamofaprilsblog​ @the-crazy-fanfictionist​ @peterspideyy​ @stuckonspidey​ @eridanuswave​ @thirzaholland​ @t-holland2080​ @peachyparkerr​
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theladyragnell · 4 years
(Feel free to only do one of mine - I just had two that immediately jumped into my head LOL) Leverage OT3 - Raised Roots verse AU "Farmer's Market"
Alec Hardison is playing the long game.
He's good with people—being good with people is in fact kind of his job, even if most people are confused that his charms tend to be run as phone apps and computer programs. It gets a lot of people asking if he isn't actually a wizard, which is some kind of offensive, like they think witches can't move with the times.
But the point is that he's a witch, so he gets people, and he gets that he can't just walk up to Parker and ask her out. She would absolutely just take off running, and he is invested in making that not happen. So instead, he snagged the spot next to hers at the farmer's market, and now he's being her friend. Which is great, obviously, he wouldn't want to date her if he didn't think she was cool, it's just that doing it makes him worry if he's being creepy while trying not to be creepy. It's a whole thing.
The other whole thing is the other person in town who is hotter than he has any reason to be and will one hundred percent murder Hardison if he tries to woo him, who is currently standing in front of Hardison's farmer's market booth with a scowl on his face. “Eliot! Hey! How's the ranch?” he says in a totally cool and not at all squeaky tone of voice.
“I think I need a witch,” says Eliot. Growls Eliot, more like, he is more terrifying than anybody's got the right to be. Hardison should probably call Sophie and cry about why he's only attracted to people who could kick his ass, but then she might come to visit and that sounds even more horrifying.
“Sure, man, what kind of charm do you need?”
That's kind of interesting, because Hardison is pretty sure that Eliot doesn't trust witches in the way that people with really shitty pasts who don't like talking about them tend to. Parker's like that too—she likes knowing about his charms, but only if he promises that they've got nothing to do with her. This time, Eliot rolls his eyes in that way he's got like he's rolling his whole head. “I didn't say I need a charm. I said I need a witch.”
Hardison rolls his eyes right back. Two can play at that game. “So what kind of witching do you need? I can stop by once the market's closed down.” Out of the corner of his eye, he can tell Parker is watching. She likes knowing all the gossip, and she is definitely ignoring the people who are trying to buy rhubarb.
“I've got a unicorn.”
He says it like he's got some kind of terrible infectious disease, which is why it takes Hardison a second to realize he's talking about one of the most magical possible things anyone within fifty miles of here has seen or heard of in the past fifty years. “A unicorn? Man, a unicorn? You get all the luck! Hell yeah I'm coming over, do you need to welcome it to the herd or something?”
Eliot makes one of his growly noises. “I want to know why it's here.”
“Clearly you've been deemed worthy or something!” Hardison starts packing up his booth. If there's a unicorn, nobody's going to blame him. “Give me five minutes, and I'll be right with you.”
“I'm coming too,” says Parker, giving up on pretending she isn't eavesdropping, and stares at the rhubarb people until they put it back and walk away before starting to shove produce in boxes.
Hardison looks at Eliot, expecting him to start yelling, but he just kind of sighs and nods like he's not surprised and goes to help her put her stuff away. “I drove into town, you guys can come with me, but we should be fast, who knows how long that thing will stick around.”
“Hey, 'that thing' has decided that you're worthy or some shit, man, I'm pretty sure it will stay,” says Hardison, but he puts things away and grins at the people who are outright staring at the three of them, many of them probably wondering if they can get away with inviting themselves along like Parker did.
But none of them do, and within ten minutes the three of them are stuffed into Eliot's truck, Parker's vegetables and Hardison's supplies strapped down in the back, heading out to the pegasus ranch where few people ever get invited.
Most times when Hardison drives by, there are some of the herd up in the air, high enough for him to see over the line of trees Eliot maintains for privacy. Today, there are none, and when they drive in, all of them are on the ground, and they're surrounding another four-legged creature more the size of a deer than a horse, bright white, with a big horn sticking out of its head. Hardison likes to play it cool, but he's got to admit it's the most magical goddamn sight he's ever seen as he stumbles his way out of the car and makes full-on eye contact with it. It seems pretty chill, for a wild animal.
Within a few seconds, Parker and Eliot have come up on either side of him like they think he's got any idea what to do here, and they're all staring at the unicorn.
“This is a pretty good first date,” says Parker, like that's a totally normal thing to say.
Hardison opens his mouth to say that nobody asked anybody else, but Eliot isn't growling, just looking kind of uncomfortably at the ground, and if this is how the long game pays off, he does not understand it, but he'll take it. “Hell yeah,” he says instead of anything else. “Now let's introduce ourselves to a unicorn.”
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salvatoreschool · 5 years
'Legacies' EP & Writer Preview Freya & Kai's Guest Spots
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As always, things are complicated on Legacies. So when better to bring in a couple familiar faces to the Vampire Diaries universe?
Riley Voelkel guest stars as Freya, Hope's aunt, in Thursday's episode, while Chris Wood takes another turn as Kai later in the season. And both could have significant roles to play in the lives of several characters on the spinoff. As TVD fans know, Kai's presence can't mean anything good.
But maybe he won't be dropping any bodies this time. "It's a Julie Plec show, so you should be worried about everybody's life at every given moment," executive producer Brett Matthews told TV Insider. However, "Legacies is a show about life and hope much more than it is a show about death. It is a show about friendship."
That being said, "death really packs a wallop in this universe in a way it didn't in The Vampire Diaries, so I think that's one of the meaningful differences between the two shows," he continued. "If we ever drop a body on this show, it's going to be a dark day."
Here, Matthews and writer Thomas Brandon preview those special guest appearances and what's to come in the next few episodes.
Rafael has been going through quite a lot since he's been back. What did you want to explore with his reentry especially compared to Hope's? Here's someone everyone remembers versus someone only a couple of people know the truth about.
Thomas Brandon: That's interesting you pick up on that parallel. What we really want to explore with Rafe is in our universe, people have chosen to be wolves for longer [than one day at a time], but it's very rare to be stuck as a wolf for this long. We really want to explore what that would do to your brain. When you've had to survive and you've had to be a feral animal for a long time, how do you reintegrate back into society?
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Especially for Rafe, not just that he's back and alone, but now Landon's busy with a relationship and Rafe doesn't remember his good friend Hope, so a lot of the relationships he had that might normally ground him have been taken away — even Alaric no longer being the headmaster as someone who looked out for him. We're setting him adrift and seeing if that's going to affect his recovery at all.
What he really has to hang onto right now is this strange girl named Hope who seemed to rescue him and seems to know him. There's a curiosity and a friendship and a romantic tension that's all blending together and setting up Rafael on a collision course to find out, "Who is this girl and what happens if I ask her out?" Of course Rafe may have the worst timing of all time.
While Josie's right that Alaric needs his own life, can he do that, especially with Clarke around?
Brandon: Just as Ric is beginning to let go and saying, "Okay, I will trust the students are in good hands with you," is the dramatic irony of seeing the students are in worse hands than ever. What we're setting up is a story where yes, Alaric does want to give the students distance, but just like any parent has to figure out, you want to give distance and freedom so the kids can make choices, but at the end of the day, they're still kids and need guidance.
That's one of the things I like most about our show is there's a balance of yes, kids can be kids and they are smarter and braver and they understand more than adults give them credit for, but at the end of the day, we all need help. Alaric has been through a lot. His experience in this world is going to be a useful guide for the coming episodes.
Freya's appearing in this week's episode. What can you preview about her guest spot? [Note: The interview took place prior to the release of the Episode 6 promo.]
Brandon: We don't want to say who sees her, but let's just say it directly comes from Episode 5. There's one character who is left with some very big questions and might need some help from a very powerful witch.
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Brett Matthews: And those questions may well drive her to New Orleans. We're very excited to see her. Riley's an amazing actress and it just tickles Julie and I and Thomas and our writing staff whenever we get to see old faces again. The door's always open.
Are Hope and Lizzie the ones who should be most worried about the truth-seeking monster?
Matthews: We have the secret of who Hope Mikaelson is, which they're keeping from everyone, so if a truth-seeking monster shows up in town, that puts them in a very precarious situation. But as with all monsters on this show, it's safe to say everybody needs to be worried and concerned because there's no telling who it's going to set its sights on next.
What can you say about Kai's appearance and what it might mean for Lizzie and Josie and the merge?
Matthews: Kai is Kai, so it's probably not going to be great when we get there.
Brandon: But what we did realize is the episode where we're going to reintroduce Kai into our world is going to be airing on Valentine's Day, which is the most wonderful irony knowing how exciting this episode is going to be.
Matthews: We are thrilled Chris Wood is coming back. ... He loves the character as much as the fans do. The one thing we all know about Kai Parker is you can't trust him, but what if you had to? That's the central question of the episode.
Legacies, Thursdays, 9/8c, The CW
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justtessasworld · 5 years
connected | kai parker
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Guess who's back?? Btw I'm sorry for the format, Tumblr doesn't allow me to make paragraphs anymore?? Idk why but everytime I post it with paragraphs they're suddenly gone 🤷‍♀️
In which y/n sees Kai in her dreams.
“That was a good one!”, y/n laughed.
The young woman was sitting at the table in the kitchen of some house somewhere in Virginia. At least Kai said so.
Said man was sitting in front of her, they were playing some game but he had interrupted it by his corny jokes.
“So what are you up to today?”, y/n asked after her laughter had quieted down.
“Hm, we'll see”, Kai stated, pouring himself a glass of water. “Probably going to watch some TV, steal something from the store down the street. The usual for living alone in a world.”
Y/n sighed, grabbing his hand and squeezing it. “I wish I could be there for you. Be here.” She looked around the room, around this small piece of Kai's prison world she was in.
“Oh, don't you worry! I'm just going to wait till you go to sleep again.”
Y/n chuckled dryly, scratching her fingernail over the table.
“Yes, I know, but I just-”, she stopped abruptly.
Y/n felt the strange pull in her stomach, that weird feeling she still hasn't fully become comfortable with after all these years.
“Is it already time?”, Kai asked, standing up and swiftly walking towards the woman.
Y/n nodded, gripping his arms as her legs grew weak. “I frigging hate this feeling.”
Kai chuckled, holding her waist with one hand.
“See you tomorrow”, he said, gently caressing her cheek with his free hand.
Y/n felt her face grow hot, he was so close to her and he smelled so good and-
“See you tomorrow”, she whispered and then she was gone. Disappearing into thin air.
Y/n groaned annoyed as she stopped the ringing of her alarm. 7 am.
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Kicking away her blanket, the young woman pulled the ring on her necklace to the front.
It always fell to the back when she was sleeping.
Turning the ring around in her hand, y/n thought of Kai.
The ring had been his once. All those years ago before he was put into this prison world.
Y/n's grandma had found it in the woods in Portland, where Kai had lost it in the night of his imprisonment.
The ring was her gift from her grandmother at her 14th birthday. And also the reason for her dreams. Or whatever they were. They started a few days after her birthday and just never stopped. At first y/n was scared out of her mind of this strange young man in her dreams, living completely alone in the world and being so incredibly rude too. But after some troubles they really got to know each other and y/n Kai became friends, somehow.
She thought she was crazy when she was younger and she still did, sometimes. But she just couldn't believe that her mind could make up such a realistic person. Y/n never told anyone about her dreams though. Not her family nor her friends, she knew better than to try it, she had watched supernatural movies after all.
Letting the necklace go she stood up, making herself ready for work.
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“Elena! How are you?”, y/n exclaimed as she saw the Gilbert sitting in the Grill.
Y/n worked there in the summer to pay off her student loans, just as a few other of her friends.
“I'm fine”, Elena snapped. Wowie, y/n thought, someone was in a bad mood right now.
Elena's gaze softened and she turned to the other young woman. “I'm sorry, y/n. It's just-”
“It's just that Damon and Bonnie are still gone?”, y/n interrupted, she might not be one of Elena's best friends but they got along more than good and so y/n knew about the absence of Elena's boyfriend and her best friend. Even though y/n didn't exactly knew everything.
“Well, Damon's back”, Elena stated. “I'm actually meeting with him here, but Bonnie's still… away.”
The way Elena's said ‘away’ made y/n frown. Bonnie wasn't missing, was she? No, if she really was missing, y/n would know. All of Mystic Falls would know.
“Well I hope she comes home soon”, y/n said, smiling brightly and said goodbye.
On her way to the bar she saw Damon and waved, a small grin forming on his normally frowning face.
After a long day at the Grill and with her friends and studies, y/n was more than happy to change out of her clothes and fall on her bed. Looking at her clock, she saw that it was already 10 pm.
Snuggling into her blankets she clutched her fingers around Kai's ring and fell asleep.
There was the feeling of falling and then suddenly she stood in the same house as last night, the sunlight bathing the dark room in bronze colors.
Turning around, y/n couldn't spot Kai. Hm, normally she would just appear in the same room as him, where was he?
“Kai?”, she shouted, walking into the hall. No answer.
“Malachai? Where are you?”, still no answer.
Without a warning the front door opened, nearly knocking y/n off her feet.
“Hey!”, she cried out taken aback, stepping back a few steps.
“Y/n? What are you already doing here?”, Kai snapped, glancing behind him. What the hell?
“Wow, Kai. I'm happy to see you too”, y/n snarled, putting her hand on her hip and looking at him suspiciously.
“You can't be here right now”, Kai growled, slamming his hand against his head.
Y/n flinched, grabbing his hand and hiding them tightly.
Kai always had the habit of punching his head and everything when something was with her, as if that would make y/n disappear. Because even though they knew each other for years now, Kai still thought that she was just a hallucination, a way of making him feel better in this lonely hell.
“Hey, Kai. Kai!”, she shouted, catching his attention. “You know I hate it when you do that”, she said quietly, her eyes sad. It hurt her so much, when she saw him in pain.
“Kai? Who are you talking too?”, a feminine voice said, standing behind the door. Before y/n could react the woman walked into the hall, looking at Kai and then at her.
Y/n knew the woman. It was-
Gasping y/n sat up in her bed. Fuck, her head hurt. In all these years of having these dreams she never had left them this abruptly, being more like pushed out of them than slowly pulled out.
What the hell happened?
She saw Bonnie and then she suddenly woke up. Oh God, Bonnie! Her shirt had been full of blood and she'd looked like hell. And most importantly she had been in Kai's prison world. Kai had told her that he was there because of murdering his family (with which y/n was still not comfortable with), so what had Bonnie done to get imprisoned there?
Or was she accidentally there?
Glancing at her clock, y/n saw that it was only midnight yet. Not too late to hit up Elena.
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Standing in front of the massive Salvatore mansion, y/n snuggled more into her warm jacket and ringed the bell.
She had picked up Elena here a few weeks ago, the two of them wanting to go shopping with Caroline.
Now she was waiting for someone to open up, Elena or one of the Salvatores, she didn't care.
The door opened and y/n saw Damon, looking annoyed at her with an open shirt. Apparently y/n interrupted Elena's and Damon's sexy time.
Y/n smiled shyly. “I'm sorry to disturb you, but I have to talk to Elena.”
The vampire looked at her sceptically.
“It's about Bonnie.”
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“So you saw her in your dreams?”, Elena asked slowly.
Y/n nodded slightly, maybe it wasn't the best idea, now they probably did think she was mental.
“And in your dreams you are in a prison world with Kai?”
Y/n nodded again.
“How do you know that psycho-boy?”, Damon looked at her closely.
“Psycho-boy? Do you know him?”, y/n asked surprised, turning to him.
“I was in that prison world with him for months. I only escaped alone because your murder-boyfriend shot Bonnie in the stomach!”, the man spat, his face furious.
Y/n gaped at him. “No, he- he wouldn't do that”, the woman whispered, then cringing.
“Well, he did kill his family, so… “, Elena mumbled and y/n frowned. She was right, though.
“How do we get her out of there?”, Damon asked annoyed.
“Well-”, y/n interrupted Elena. “What do you mean ‘her’? We have to get both of them out of there!”
“Oh no, no, no, no, no”, Damon laughed pouring himself a glass of bourbon.
“We won't help that psycho-murderer get out of there!”
Y/n frowned deeply.
“Well, I don't know how to get anyone out of there”, y/n snapped, “so I'll get going.”
She stood up, taking her coat from the couch.
“You may not know a way but you can help us with the witchy-woo”, Damon said.
Y/n turned around to the two of them. “Witchy-woo?”, she asked.
“Well yeah, or whatever you witches call your magic.”
“Damon, I don't think-”
“You- you think I'm a witch?”, y/n spluttered.
Damon nodded confused. Elena rubbed her temples.
“I'm not a witch!”, y/n laughed hysterically, “We're not in some kind of fairy tale!”
“Y/n, you have to have realized that these dreams aren't normal”, Elena said in a soft voice. “They're pretty common for witches.”
“I mean, of course I know that it's not normal, but I'm not--I'm not a witch.”
Y/n shook her head vehemently. “If I'm a witch, what are you? Vampires?”
Elena and Damon went silent, looking at each other.
“Oh, you've got to be kidding me”, y/n groaned, having to sit down again. “I'm in a damn Twilight fanfiction.”
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It had been a week now since y/n found out about the supernatural world. And her probably being a witch. They couldn't confirm it yet, y/n couldn't actually use her ‘magic’ specifically but Elena and Damon and all the other vampires, y/n had met this week (well she did already know them, she just never knew that they weren't human) were sure that was a witch.
God, it felt so weird, saying that. Her, a witch.
There's also been another weird thing. In this whole week y/n had never dreamed of Kai. Not once. Sleeping, actually sleeping and not spending time with Kai, was strange for her.
It was like he didn't want her there, with him. As if he pushed her away.
Y/n awoke, in the middle of the night again, she had slept, like a normal human being but it felt wrong.
She grabbed the ring, thumbing it around.
“Kai, please, let me in”, she whispered, near tears. She couldn't sleep and not being able to dream of him, to be with him with her visions, she didn't just feel like she couldn't relax she felt like she had lost her best friend.
Crying out, y/n pulled off her necklace, throwing it into her room.
She couldn't sleep that night.
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A few weeks later, y/n was walking home from the Salvatores, having spend the whole day trying to find a way to use her powers, as she saw a man standing on her front pouch.
“Can I help you?”, she shouted, pulling her keys out of her jacket.
The man turned around and y/n let go of her keys, clanking down to the ground.
That tall frame, dark hair, these dark intense eyes. Malachai Parker.
Y/n gasped, looking at him shocked.
Kai smiled. “Hello, love.”
The young woman cried out, letting her bag fall to the ground and running towards him.
He laughed deeply as she threw her arms around of him, picking her up. Her legs wrapping around his waist.
Kai sighed, burying his face into her hair.
“Why! Why would you keep me out? I was so worried, I thought- I-”, y/n sobbed, clutching his back.
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry”, Kai mumbled, squeezing her thigh.
She looked at him, into these deep brown eyes. God, they were shining and so full of emotion. Her smooth hands stroked his jaw, up to his hair, pushing some strands back. He was so handsome and he was here.
“I can't believe you're here”, she whispered, fingernails lightly scratching his neck.
He nodded, his nose nearly touching hers.
Suddenly she was more than aware of their closeness, her legs around his middle, their faces only inches apart, his grip on her thigh.
Y/n breathed shallowly, her gaze flicking to his lips, just as his did the same.
Both of them flinched as the sound of a horn echoed from the street.
Y/n coughed slightly, awkwardly getting off of Kai.
The man grumbled something quietly.
“Let's- let's just go in”, y/n mumbled, picking up her stuff and walking to her apartment, making sure not to meet his eyes.
He was hot on her heels, following her into the small apartment y/n was able to afford.
They had spoken about that exact home once in one of her visions, Kai had never listened that closely. He was happy he did, otherwise he wouldn't have found her.
“Home sweet home”, y/n chuckled, shrugging out of her jacket.
She walked into the kitchen, drinking some water.
Kai appeared in the door frame, leaning against it.
“Love”, he started.
“How are you here? Why are you here? Why didn't I have these dreams the last weeks? You once said you're a witch? Are you a witch? Am I a witch? Elena and Damon said so but-”, y/n rambled.
Kai laughed lowly. “Breathe, y/n, breathe.”
Y/n nodded, sitting down.
“I'm going to explain everything later”, the young man said, walking to where y/n was sitting.
“But firstly I have to get some magic.” Right, y/n thought, she remembered that he was a siphoner and now being in the real world again, he could get magic again.
“Right, of course. I don't know how, though.”
Kai kneeled down in front of her, gently grabbing her wrists.
“Let me try something, that way we also find out if you really are a witch.”
Kai watched her closely. Y/n nodded, she trusted him with her life.
His grip on her wrists tightened and a hot feeling shot through them. It traveled up her arms and spread out until her whole body was hot and prickled.
“Kai”, she moaned, her body growing weak.
He stopped abruptly, letting go of her and nearly falling on the floor, his eyes dark with ecstasy.
“Y/n”, he groaned. “Well now we're sure you're a witch.”
“Why?”, she asked, slumped again the chair.
“Because I just took a bit of your magic and you have more magic than any other witch I've ever known.”
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“If you want to stay you can take the bed”, y/n said, putting their dinner in the fridge.
They had spent the entire afternoon with talking, catching up with what happened in the last weeks.
Kai nodded thankfully.
“Elena called, they found Bonnie but they don't know where you are.”
Y/n felt bad for lying to Elena but she didn't want the vampires to do anything to Kai.
"Thank you", the siphoner smiled softly. "And I can take the couch if you don't mind."
"OK", the young woman whispered, turning to her bedroom door. "Goodnight, Malachai."
"Goodnight, love."
Y/n was a light sleeper, so when she started to hear mumbling from the living room she was nearly instantly awake.
"Please- I- father, please", a voice groaned loudly. Kai.
Y/n slowly stood up. He had to have a nightmare. He told her about those years ago. Moments of his childhood when his family would punish him for, well, living.
"Kai?", she called out, standing at the door. The young man was laying on her couch, his tall frame nearly to much for the small couch. He was withering under the thin blanket, hands gripping the sheets, his face sweaty and hair clinging to his forehead.
"Let me go- I'm sorry- please don't- father, please, why-", he muttered, feet kicking away the blanket.
"Kai, hey, Kai!", y/n said loudly, sitting down next to him and touching his chest.
"Kai, wake up, Kai!", she shouted, she couldn't see him like that, it hurt.
Gasping, Kai sat up, his chest heaving and his eyes scanning the room disoriented.
"It's okay, it's okay", y/n mumbled like a mantra, hugging him close.
Kai sobbed lowly, gripping her waist and pulling her even closer.
"Oh God", he groaned quietly, his body calming down slowly.
She let him go after he calmed down mostly, still holding his hands.
"Do you wanna talk about it?", y/n asked, watching him closely.
He shook his head, not meeting her eyes.
"Where-", he cleared his throat, "Where is my ring", he was looking at her neck where his ring would normally hang since she was 14.
"Oh that. I- I'm sorry, I took it off when you didn't let me in anymore. I was so angry and worried.", y/n whispered, squeezing his hand.
"I'm sorry that I did that, I only pushed you out for a few days and after that you never appeared anymore. I was worried sick, myself. Ask Bonnie, I was really grumpy the last weeks", he muttered and y/n laughed quietly.
"It's OK", she said, "And I'm sorry for taking off the necklace."
Kai smiled, squeezing her waist.
She was sitting nearly on top of him and when she realized that, she blushed.
"Oh, shit, sorry", she whispered, making a move to stand up again.
Kai shook his head, pulling her back so that she sat in his lap.
She gasped, grabbing his shoulders. Oh God they were so close.
His arm wrapping around her waist, he pulled her even closer, their chests touching.
Y/n's eyes were wide, her cheeks rosy and her hair falling out of her braid.
Kai smiled softly, his hand touching her neck and cheek.
"God, you're so beautiful", he mumbled leaning towards her and before she knew it their lips touched.
Y/n moaned lowly, her hands gripping his shirt. Angling her head, she kissed back, slipping her tongue between his lips.
Kai's grip around her waist tightened, his hand teasing her braid.
His kiss turned more passionate, her hand clawing at his back, his neck.
"Fuck", Kai gasped as he pulled away, his eyes nearly black.
Y/n nodded shakingly, her lips swollen.
"I've waited so long for this", he chuckled, pecking her lips. Y/n grinned heartily, closing the gap again.
They were finally together.
Kai Parker taglist:
@kikii-stfu @panic-naran
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thoughtfulpaperback · 5 years
Spoilers !!!! Stayed up so I could watch Charmed 02x01!!!! Spoilers
Non spoilers stuff first.
My reaction to pretty much the whole episode
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Y'all!!!!!! Both good and bad! I was just super excited and glad for it to be back. And so shaken by all the changes and the mysteries!So in general I would give this episode 8/10. Only because I save my 9 and 10. But back to my normal format of these things. I'll start with 3 things I liked and 3 that I didnt although, I'd say it is less dislike and more on the fence.
1. Hacy moments
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For real's though, Macy's internal Harry has my theorizing mind going off and I loved all the double meanings in thier interactions (macy and real harry too) I mean the" I am not leaving you" was nice, but Delirious-Macy-mind-Harry saying "i am different do you like it?" And Macy being all like "yes".
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I mean okay various meanings here
1. Obviously it isn't really Harry so of course mind harry is different
2. Macy's perspection of Harry is changing (level of attraction to Harry is growing)
3.But --I am putting on my theorizing cap on--I feel like since the poison hit Macy but had her trying to go home then 1) mind Harry (maybe possibly evil twin Harry hmmm..) may be trying to seduce Macy to the dark side or to fully embrace her demon side since he keeps telling her to come home or 2) mind Harry is death since she was poisoned and her attempts at following the voice almost got her run over by a car. So coming home is like death saying come back since you were technically dead.
Maybe evil twin Harry, mind harry, or Death as Mind Harry has only taken Harry's form because it is the best way to get to Macy, meaning the internal attraction is already strong). So it is also an ominous "I am different" in that realm.
Who knows? I love the mystery though!
And of course while the poison siphoning scene and the "macy please" is going to drive all us Hacy fans crazy for a bit. My favorite bit of dialogue is actually the last bit before they enter the house. When Macy tells harry there is nothing here and Harry all sexy over the shoulder looks at her and says " are you sure?" . . .
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DOUBLE MEANING!!!! At least I took it both as the house, but also at thier relationship. Anyways moving on.....
2. Mel! Mel is queen. I am just gonna say that one of the things I didn't appreciate about the OG was that all the ladies (including super witch Prue) complained about thier jobs and wanted to have some normalcy. And listen I sympathized when it came to thier romantic lives (although most of it was thier own faults), sometimes it was just like "you are literally saving peoples lives, I get needing some me time but can you not act so flippantly over literal life or death of another person". So I really appreciated that Mel was ready to step up and was already acting as a leader. I know people like to compare her to Prue and for sure she shares some qualities, but Mel really is her own creature and has more openly embraced witchcraft and not complained about it (so far) unlike all the OG ladies and her sisters.
3. No powers. Okay? One of the primary issues in season 1 was that the girls were kinda over powered. I felt it was mostly Macy, but arguably Mel and Maggie as well. So now as they have to work to get them back and possibly discover new types of magic or avenues for magic, I think there is room for growth and character development as well as world building that wasnt there before. At first I was like, oh heck no! And no fair Macy is the only one powered! and obviously with either her demon side and/or evil twin Harry trying to get at her (sisters as well) she is going to have another big storyline. I just hope (and I feel confident in hoping this time) that these storylines will connect meaningfully and not just last minute. It feels like they are on a new tract and I am digging it so far
Now on to my on the fence list . . .
1) Witchness Protection. I dont mind the premise actually and think it is really clever. I just dont know how I feel about leaving Hilltown. While Hilltown wasnt really developed much the university was nice and I am sad that Lucy wont be a part of the story anymore given that Maggie cant go back and they basically are super far from home if michigan was 5 hours away. At least they get to keep the house and I assume Harry gets to live there now, unless he move into the base.
2) the Seattle setting. I think that it very much harkens to OG (which was set in san. Fran.). So I was just on the fence on how it was obviously cutting more ties to the OG and yet incorporating others. I think the san fran setting worked because since it is a real place that most people can imagine without ever visiting you can have broad shots do relatively little work trying to establish the setting. Not that it is easy, but creating fictional towns requires more work to be good. You have to establish the towns character the residents and general layout or else it might as well be any town. So in some ways the seattle base and constant travel will be easier than developing a town which will leave some more time to character and lore building. I will probably end up liking it but just on the fence while watching.
3. Evil Assassin's orbing. So I dont know if anyone noticed but it seemed to be a combination of Harry's new orbing effect and the old Dark Lighters smokey effect (arguably parker's shadow demon effect) The center was the orangy (from my screen) orb effect that Harry had (I like it better than the swirling in and out of last season). So obviously leaves lots of questions, and I an looking forward to that, but on the fence because of . . . Reasons. I'll just tell you. While I like the new orb effect better than probably the OG and the first season of the reboot, changing the effects always kind of takes me a moment to get used to. And now that the evil assassin has it's own type of orbing it is just more orbing effects and my brain is gonna take a moment to catch up.
How did y'all feel about it though? My fellow Hacy fans did I miss something? Please let me know what yall took away from it!
New to my reviewish lists (appreciation bullets). Things that I appreciated even though they are either small or not elaborated fully.
Harry still likes a good party! Nice to see Harry while getting more serious slice of the pie than the first half of the season is still funny. And I liked that he liked parties
Demon/witch war. So I mean I listed all the wars a war was the most realistic and natural course in previous posts and I cant believe I missed the one they seem to be going with. Elders offered protection as a government with them gone and whitelighters gone (arguably the hands and feet of the elders) witches are vulnerable to attacks. I new they would be and that demons would attack as the government fell but I was mostly thinking organization wise. I didnt think about the obvious omg witches didnt just lose a governing body they lost the built in protection that body provided which again should have been a DUH! Thing to realize but I miss it.
So the start of a rivalmance between Maggie and Jordan....definitely different from Parker if that is the direction they are heading. I am a sucker for a rivalmance
Love Triangle between dark Harry, Macy, and Harry. . .I didnt know I needed it until now
Wizard of oz reference. Nuff said.
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