#✧ —  v ┊ the story begins.    */  before overwatch.
ziieglers · 4 years
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tag dump part iii !
✧ —  v ┊ the story begins.    */  before overwatch. ✧ —  v ┊ the world at war.    */  first overwatch. ✧ —  v ┊ fallen soldiers.    */  post ruin. ✧ —  v ┊ it’s been too long.    */  recall.     
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motamekiku · 3 years
Reuniting Table
Prompt: Jungkook and Yoongi are childhood friends, reuniting after years. Words: 4497 Language: English Category: M/M, boyxboy Fandom: BTS , Bangtan Boys Relationships: Jeon Jungkook x Min Yoongi, Yoonkook, Sugakookie Additional Tags: Implied Kim Taehyung | V/Park Jimin, Alternate Universe - College/University, One Shot, Childhood Friends, Falling In Love or They alredy are, Domestic Fluff, This is light story, Past, Little Against, McDolnaddidnotsponsorme
Summary: - Yoongi? - Hm? - I love you, you love me~ - Jungkook started to sing - Oh, come on Jungkook. Not that Barney shit again - Yoongi whined prying for mercy - Come Yoongi! - he laughed - Amazing duo once again! - No - Yoongi protested - Come on! I love you, You love me~ - Jungkook started once again and waits. - We are a happy family~ - Yoongi ended that stupid song and Jungkook started laughing so bad that Yoongi couldn’t help but smile at him.
- What on earth?! -  Jungkook turned around to check if anyone is looking at him when  he realised that he said that out loud. Shading his phone from any prying eyes he checked notification that pops out a while ago. It was from Mcdonald app saying there was new McFlurr promotion.
- NEW PROMO FOR FLURRIES?! Sweet Jesus, wait for me I’m coming! -  he started  running not knowing in what direction but running. The wind brushing his fluffy hair, flies are crashing his face but he didn’t mind, he is running with the speed that mother nature gives him, just to reach his destination. Nobody will stop him before delightful of a magical mixture of frozen cream with flavoured sauces and bar granola which is melting on the taste buds like, oh creativity, like frozen cream. But at the same giving the teeth a torment due to temperature and high sugar levels and hard like stones granola topping. It’s worth it, believe me.
On the horizon, he could see a holy sign as a huge yellow letter “M” to which people cling like moths to the light. He was one of them when he was craving something sweet he was that moth. He is almost reached his goal, just a moment.
Jungkook ran inside, vigorously opening the door, but no one was inside. The building was empty, no tables, no self-order stands, no hustle and bustle of customers, no screaming children demanding a toy from their parents. There was only silence. Shadow was welcoming him from sides and the only source of light was a way to the cash register. Swallowing, he slowly came over that creepy cash register “what I am even doing” he asked himself.
- Hello? Anyone there? - aked while thinking how stupid he is - No? You know what?   It’s even better! Dentist these days are so expensive HAHA - awkwardly laughed good one JK, good one murmured scolding himself. He slowly started to back up but at the moment he stumbled with his back into something hard, thinking that was a door with not much checking, head still facing that register, he grabbed the door handle. Wait a minute, they have heated door handles? Slowly he started to turn his face to see when…
Everything began to blur and in the background, there was a buzzing like vibration, louder and louder...
- What on earth was that? - murmuring to himself still groggy from sleep Jungkook transferred his legs to the refreshing cold floor, wiping face in hands to wake up he reached for the phone to turn off the alarm and check if he gets some messages.
- Monday, 6:40, what? Let’s get it… - without much enthusiasm, he marched to the bathroom to change and wash, then like kicked puppy went to the kitchen to eat whatever he had in the fridge noting to himself that he needs to do some shopping after classes. Not long after that, he went out of the apartment.
Way to the lecture hall wasn’t eventful. Like always a sea of people are making their way to the entrance gate and then to split for individual schedule. Jungkook while walking in his peace with earphones in his ears playing some morning playlist to try to forget about that strange dream and prepare for a whole day of dealing with people looked around to only see that everyone is sharing the same thought about Monday’s morning classes.
Jungkook made his way to his lecture class checking the time on his phone. While entering in he searched with his eyes for Jimin and Taehyung if they are present or not, knowing that one of them tend to be late and the other one just can not leave another alone. They meet at the beginning of the year when Jungkook takes a first step in the canteen to search for something to eat. The duo was so welcoming when he asked if he could sit with them when he couldn’t find an empty place to sit and eat in peace. He warmed to them very fast, talked about everything with such ease even if he is such a timid person. They listened to him patiently when he was making his great monologue about games, Taehyung was sharing his enthusiasm when topic went to Overwatch and promised to play with him. Came out that they are year above him, they both on music course so they have some lectures together. Jimin as Jungkook taking additional dace curses while Taehyung taking photography. After that day they are glued to his hip on every occasion when they can see him or between classes. He slowly made his way to his row one of them called him while waving like crazy to make sure he sees them.
- Yo, Jungkookie! We are here! - Jimin called him, not paying attention to the rest of students that were looking at him like he is crazy.
- You didn’t need to scream I could see you even if you are bearly visible - Jungkook flashed his bunny smile while continuing - how can you have so much energy that early morning, it's Monday for heaven sake. Taehyung what did you do to him? - he slides on the row of seats and put his backpack on the ground after taking out his notes and turns to face his two friends that they were smiling at him.
- Yah! What do you mean bearly visible?! You little sh- - a hand came to shut Jimin’s mouth before he could continue.
- We can deal with him after the lecture, Mr Bang is here so calm down. Everyone is looking. And answering you question Jungkookie I did nothing, we just had good sleep that all - Taehyung said while winking at the boy direction. Jimin snorted and sat up but still pointing finger at Jungkook signalling him that they are not over yet, Jungkook laughed and pushed his hand to sho Jimin’s hand.
Mr Bang started his lecture after checking the attendance list. He made some repeat from the last lecture so that was an occasion for Jungkook to check if he had everting noted, then new topic started so he tried to focus as much can even if in every two minutes he could hear some giggling coming from his side knowing that duo couldn’t be at peace for more than fifteen minutes. He shakes his head and focused again on words that they were flowing out of lecturer’s mouth.
Time flies, lectures went one by one. As lucky Jungkook can be he has the last lecture of the day before lunch break so he can spend more time to eat than normal. Making his way to the canteen he sends a message on the group chat to inform Jimin and Taehyung that he is on his way. They message him back that they are already there so he fastens his peace to meet with them.
It took him less than a few minutes do get there. He takes a tray and stood in the waiting line when it was his turn he asked for his favourite knowing that one of the cook ladies will give him additional strawberries to his dessert when he will ask nicely knowing that his smile is the weak point for everyone.
- I don’t know how but you must teach me how you getting extra fruits. Every time when I’m asking she just showing me off with her spoon - Jimin huffed when Jungkook was putting his tray at the table and sat beside Taehyung who was eating his soup slurping loudly.
- Just ask nicely and smile instead of trying to woo her. I would be fed up too if had to deal with people like that every day - Jungkook said and gives his extra ones to Jimin after seeing him sulking which earned a big tooth smile form Jimin and head pat from Taehyung.
The rest of lunch went in simple conversation, Taehyung and Jimin were talking about how one of the guys in Taehyung group was trying to take photos near the pond in the nearby park for the open-air photography class and fell into it with his face straight but with his hands up saving the camera from sinking.
- That was hilarious, he was all way in the water only one hand above the surface. One of us had to went in too to help him out. Mrs Rot wasn’t happy - Taehyung laughed with Jimin who was looking at tables around them spotting something new so he nudged Taehung with elbow who yelped from pain earing Jungkooks attention as well.
- Hoseok didn’t tell me that they had a new friend - he pointed with his chin for another table near them. Jungkook pries his eyes from his food witch he was munching way too long while his mind was in another dimension. That was correct there was another person, men with back turned to him, he’s wearing a black bucked hat, black hoodie, all black is so similar to his style, sitting beside Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok whom he meets while hanging out with Tae and Jimin. Jin and Namjoon were on their fourth year in acting and philosophy when Hoseok was at third year at dancing.  They were nice people, Jin was always inviting him and rest for dinners showing his amazing cooking skills or movie nights, Namjoon was like good brother witch have an amazing way to approach problems and solving them, he always knows what to say. Hoseok on the other way is a ray of the sun always smiling. He was helping him with difficult choreography, he had that precision and eagle eye. At the first impression, he is an easygoing person but when it’s needed he can be strict and firm.
- We should say Hi then? What do you think Jungkookie? - Taeyhung clasped his hand with Jimin and slowly stood up looking at the boy knowing meeting new people is not his thing if he doesn’t want to.
- Yeah, why not? - he sighed not that sure but after all, he will meet that guy if he decides to stick with them - Just give me a minute to return the plates - and went to trays collector.
Boys made their way to the table where the rest of them was sitting. Jungkook didn’t know how to feel, will this person like him or at last tolerate him? Will he be as nice as the rest of his older friends? Too many thoughts for his head. Will be okay he thinks while plying with backpack stripe looking everywhere but not them. Namjoon was first to notice them.
- Oh! We were talking about you guys, come one sit! - he said flashing his dimples who appeared with his smile. New guy and Jin, he didn't see his face since they are sitting with their back to him, make a room for Tae and Jimin leaving him no space but Hoseok was fast to react and pated Namjoon arm to signal him to move a little to make a room for Jungkook too. Jungkook was still standing little lost in his thoughts but Hoseok nudged his arm a little waking him up from his trance.
- Come on Jungkookie, here! - he patted a sit beside him. Jungkook said quiet thank you while sitting still feeling little uneasy thinking about a way to approach new person without making a bobo the fool from himself. So he decided to occupy his mind for a while by playing with his hands while looking at them so he doesn’t must to look at the rest of people at the table. Hoseok massaged his back knowing that boy is feeling little uneasy.
- So if we are all here - Namjoon started  - I want to introduce you guys, my dear friend, Yoongi. Min Yoongi - he said with a warm smile while looking around for reaction from the rest of them. Tae and Jimin made their greetings and introduces themselves and ask some questions which Yoongi answered, he could hear that he is on the third year of music curse, but everything was blurry for Jungkook. Min Yoongi, Min Yoongi, Yoongi? His thought was interrupted by Jin.
- Jungkookie, you alright? - asked with concern, looking at the boy who still didn’t raise his head yet. And then something clicked in Jungkook’s mind, it’s him!
The table was silent looking at him and waiting for his input not knowing what to do at all when they hear none. But first to react was Yoongi.
- Long time no see kid, huh? - sound of questioning hums was heard and then Jungkook looked at him for the first time. Under bucked hat were placed black hair, eyes whos were looking at him were the same, still having something soft in them, gummy smile as he remembered. Jungkook was looking at him not believing what he is seeing mouth hanging open, this is a hologram or what? he thinks. Not believing, it been years, years with contact broken.
- Yoongi come on, why are you so slow - Jungkookk asked while dragging his friend by hand to McDonald after seeing that they have a promotion for McFlurrys   - It’s two for the price of one! Yooooongi come on!!- he whined.
- Yah! Stop dragging me like I am some doll, you muscle kid! - Yoongi scolded him not sounding angry at al - It’s not like they will run out that stupid frozen cream! - Jungkook placed his hand on heart and made an offended face acting like Yoongs hurt his feelings.
- How dare you to offend such an amazing product which is this mixture of frozen cream with additives that makes you feel heaven in your mouth! - he said with breast raised and pouted lips, making Yoongi snort at his ridiculous behaviour.
- You are stupid, we just confirmed it - he stated.
- I am not! For punishment, you’ll pay for us! - Jungkook stated and hold his hand, Yoongi didn’t complain.
Not long after they were sitting on a nearby bench eating their ice creams. Jungkook was looking at Yoongi with smile eyes. Yoongi catches his and asked.
- Why are you smiling like a fool? - he laughed still looking at him
- Thank you for the ice cream - Jungkook said taking another spoon to his mouth
- Don’t be that happy, I just paid for myself since we had that your promo for it - he answered with ease.
- Yes, yes Yoongi I’m sure for it - Jungkook smirked after hearing Yoongi hum  in agreement.
- Yoongi?
- Hm?
- I love you, you love me~ - Jungkook started to sing
- Oh, come on Jungkook. Not that Barney shit again - Yoongi whined prying for mercy
- Come Yoongi! - he laughed - Amazing duo once again!
- No - Yoongi protested
- Come on! I love you, You love me~ - Jungkook started once again and waits.
- We are a happy family~ - Yoongi ended that stupid song and Jungkook started laughing so bad that Yoongki couldn’t help but smile at him.
- I want to be like you, you know that? You always know what to do, you can do  a lot of things with such ease! Your music is amazing, its total mission impossible to beat it! - said Jungkook while swinging on the swig looking at Yoongi who was sitting beside him smiling at him.
- Find your way, don’t copy me. You are more capable than you think   Jungkookie, one day you will be the star. - he said
- Maybe you right, just watch Min Yoongi will beat you - he jumped on the  ground and pointed at him. Yoongi only snorted and patted his head
- Keep going I will right after you - he smiled
That was a few days before Jungkook get the news that Yoongi was going to another end of the country to study more about music. He was alright with that, that was to be expected. He understands it and supported with all of his heart. Yoongi promised him that he will make time to met with him, call or contact in any other way. Jungkook took it all. Yoongi was like a brother, the best best friend in the world he could do anything for him. They made this work about a year, they were visiting each other in turns, a phone call was daily basic
- I miss you - said Jungkook one day - I miss plying me piano when I’m  stressed - he sighed to the phone.
- I miss you too kid - Yoongi said back - How about I’ll play it now? - he asked
- Yes, please.
Days, months, years went by and something wasn’t right. Contact between them was cutting day by day. Don’t have time, call me later, I miss you but I have to go that was what Jungkook heard when tried to contact him. On both ends of the call, boys tried to reconcile work and school and have moments for yourselves. In the whirlwind of work, contact broke off, none of them tried because for a simple thing they thought they had no time or didn’t want to disturb. But it was still eating Jungkook’s mind.
Not too long after Jungkook enrolled in college to fight for his dream by taking dancing and music course.
Here we are, Jungkook thinks. I love you, you love me, he heard in his head melody from that song from Barney program. What should he do? Mouth still hanging open waiting for files to land there. He looked around see faces of rest of them, every one had a sign of concern in their eyes even Yoongi. He decided to say something already, mouth closing and opening not knowing how to make a sound.
- Yoongi - that was it, just his name.
- Hey, kid - Yoongi said quietly still looking at him.
- Wha… How... Whe... - Jungkook didn’t know what to say searching for a proper way to put correct sentence. Still looking at Yoongi like he was the only person in the canteen for that moment, searching for something. And then it hits him. Longing, longing for him, him the person who admired for a whole life. He missed his stupid face, stupid soft-looking appearance, his way of speaking, his being. He could feel tears that were building his way up in his eyes, his nose starting to get clogged. Both were still looking at each other not knowing what to do. Hoseok was first to react by taking his hand.
- Jungkook do you wanna go outside for a minute? - he asked waiting for an answer from the boy.
- I - I... Yes I… minute, Yoongi - Jungkook looked at Yoongi while wiping his eyes.
- Come on Jungkookie - Yoongi put his hand on boy’s back, patting it lightly and made their way to the door.
When they vanished from the sight of the rest guys at the table, the conversation started.
- So they know each other - Namjoon leaned his back against the back of the chair sighing.
- Well, that was surprising? - Taehyung commented still looking at the doors.
- Yoongi was talking about some boy called Jungkook who was wanting to go to this school, but I didn’t think that would be our Jungkookie - Namjoon added.
- How do you know Yoongi? - Tae asked
- We were on the same course two years ago, then… Do you remember that short contract for a track I get from one of the companies a while ago? - they all hummed - Well Yoongi was there too as a co-producer, he was amazing we meet up again and he told me that he wanted to continue his education here - he ended
- I don’t know what kind of drama is that but I hope they will talk, the look in their eyes was enough to see that they had past together - Jin stated and takes a sip from his cup.
- You right, now we will wait - Jimin said and the rest hummed in agreement.
Jungkook and Yoongi made their way to the bench far from prying eyes and ears so they could talk. Jungkook had his head hanging down, tears still spiling and little sniffles were heard. Yoongi had still his hand on his back and making small movements to encourage other boy to cam down. Jungkook take few more minutes to make himself calm when he stopped crying he looked at the sky, clear as he remembered when Yoongi was moving out of the town, he looked on the right he takes a moment to look at Yoogi who was doing the same, head tilted up to catch some sun rays. But Yoongi looked at him still with the warmth in the eyes
- I’m sorry - he said but Jungkook didn’t know how to react so he stays silent to give older chance to speak.
- I’m sorry that I cut contact, I’m sorry I didn’t give a sign of me, I’m sorry for everything that I didn’t do but I should - he looked down on lap - after we or when we started to losing contact I get… the company offered mi contract, I could work for them and continuing my education. I thought I could manage that, you know? Still have time for you, family and education and work, but I couldn’t. That was so hard and I paid a price for it. I was like a zombie working day night to get projects done forgetting about school work that I had. After school gave me the ultimatum I dropped it and continued working and at the time of time taking some curses. That’s when I met Namjoon. He made me feel wanting to go college again, you know? He gave me his big speech and then I decided. I take a year off and prepare myself while working on individual projects, then a small company offered me a short contract as a co-producer for one of their song, I met Namjoon once again - Yoongi snorted, that was like heavens that gave him an angel to show him way back - we talked again, made an amazing track, he helped me a little to enrol in class here and here we are - Yoongi looked at him again waiting for the response.
- Did you know that I’m here? - Jungkook asked - Did you, did you thought about contacting me when you were here?- Yoongi sighed
- I did think about you Jungkookie, but I was scared of your reaction. Scared of what you would say after years. Did I know you are here? Kind of, of how much creepy that will sound I was talking with my mother and she told me that you enrolled in this college too, but that was after I enrolled here, I swear! - Jungkook snorted and that sound broke a stone that was putting weight on his heart.
- How come I didn’t saw you? It’s like half of the semester.
- I started today, Namjoon has introduced me to everyone because they were near and we were waiting for you guys to meet after classes but you spotted us at the canteen and well… - Jungkook hummed, silence takes a place but that wasn’t a bad silence.
- I missed you - Jungkook stared and Yoongi was patiently waiting for him -  I missed you and waited. I’m mad but not, you know? When we started to losing contact I thought that was normal we have our lives but I didn’t think of losing it completely - Jungkook could here quiet I’m sorry from him - It’s okay, I understand that. I just was worried about maybe I did something wrong or something but I get to the conclusion we both lost themself in our worlds. I was working too, to help, to have some money to help myself while I’m here so I understand you. - Jungkook smiled - I’m glad that angel Namjoon finds you and take you back here - he laughed but that laugh was wet, his eyes started o water again.
- I missed you…- He takes his face in hands to set his tears free. Then he felt arms around him taking him in a tight hug. He was glad, glad to have his precious person near again. A hand was making a calming motion on his back he could hear words of encouragement and promises of not letting go again. He sighed and put his face in the Yoongi’s neck taking all his embrace. He felt a hand in his hair, scratching his scalp. They stayed like that for a moment, taking that moment for themselves.
- I missed you too, kid - Yoongi said, tightening his embrace on him.
After some time they stood up from the bench and take a look of each other.
- You have grown up a bit, huh? - Yoongi huffed looking at Jungkook when he slightly raised his head and Jungkook laughed, that was music for his ears.
- Yeah, a little. But you didn’t change at all - he sells him his best bunny smile.
- I think we should go, we were out for a while but I’m sure rest of them are waiting for us - Jungkook said and they made their way back to the canteen.
When they entered they were walking hand in hand smiles on the faces. The rest at the table smiled too when they take sight of them while approaching the table.
- I’m assuming that everything went well? - Namjoon asked as he looked at them with simile when they sat side by side.
- Yes - they both answered at the same time and the whole table started to laugh. They talked a bit about how they meet what was going on when Jimin hive proposition to all of them but Hoseok interrupted him.
- This table is officially Reuniting Table and anybody can say otherwise! - Hoseok said with a smile, happy to see that events turned alright.
- So after we missed our lecturers while waiting for this dorks - he stared at both Jungkook and Yoongi and heard quiet sorry’s - We could go for ice creams? What do you think?
- There is McDonald nearby - Taehyung added and Yoongi with Jungkook started to laugh again earning strange looks from the rest of them.
They all went for ice creams, Yoongi stated he will pay for them as thanks for a warm welcome and went inside to order. When he gets back with a tray full of ice creams and gives everyone their order ending on Jungkook by giving him his favourite flurry.
- You remembered - shocked Jungkook took his portion from his hands.
- Of course, I remembered. It’s hard to not to when you were dragging me here every week - he answered and both laughed, so many beautiful memories came back. And one of favourite popped out in Jungkkok’s head.
- Yoongi? - he asked not sure, but Yoongi looked at him
- What it is?
Jungkook smiled and started.
- I love you, YOU love me~ - he sang earning the stares from all of them but he has eyes locked with Yoongi all the time. Yoongi looked at him shocked but he fast recovered and
- We are happy family~ - ended the sentence with tears in eyes.
- Welcome home Yoongi - Jungkook beamed at him.
And Yoongi felt like he is already home.
Hi, I'm Motame! This is my first ever story like that or any story, I hope you will like it! Debut in that field will be a challenge that I'll try to attempt. English is not my first language so I'm sorry if you see any errors, feel free to let me know about in comment section :) It supposed to be a one-shot, light without any heavy content. This is for me as a test to try my writing skills and see if anyone will read it. So if you want to spend one extra minute to leave any feedback I'll be more than happy to see that!
I'm waiting in the comment section if you want to share there your thoughts.
See you in the next stories!
PS Also I have my ao3 account so if you prefer to read stories there u can find me there too!
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ao3feed-mythology · 5 years
All Together™
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2YSndqV
by mellloyelllo
Words: 10, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Orange is the New Black, Steven Universe (Cartoon), A Series of Unfortunate Events - Lemony Snicket, A Series of Unfortunate Events (TV), Shark Tale (2004), Sharknado (Movies), Jaws (Movies), XXXTentacion (Musician) RPF, OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes, Undertale (Video Game), Deltarune (Video Game), Roblox (Video Game), Family Guy (Cartoon), Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types, The Cleveland Show, Garfield - All Media Types, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Marvel Cinematic Universe, DC Universe Online, Victorious (TV), iCarly, Minecraft (Video Game), But I'm a Cheerleader (1999), Russian Doll (TV 2019), My Singing Monsters, Revolver - The Beatles, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Hetalia: Axis Powers, Fairy Tail, SpongeBob SquarePants (Cartoon), M&M's Commercials, Homestuck, Super Mario & Related Fandoms, Donkey Kong (Video Games), Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1964), Santa Clarita Diet (TV), Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, 私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い! | Watamote - No Matter How I Look At It It's You Guys' Fault I'm Unpopular!, Free!, American Horror Story, Ирония судьбы | The Irony of Fate (Movies), John Wick (Movies), Fortnite (Video Game), Overwatch (Video Game), Salad Fingers, Wonder Woman (2017), अलीबाबा और चलीस चोर | Alibaba Aur 40 Chor | Adventures of Ali-Baba and the Forty Thieves (1979), Alice In Wonderland - Lewis Carroll, Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis, Political RPF - US 21st c., Maroon 5, Twenty One Pilots, Romeo And Juliet - Shakespeare, Everyman HYBRID, Everybody Else (Band), Everything I Never Told You - Celeste Ng, Arctic Monkeys, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types, Game of Thrones (TV), Teen Titans - All Media Types, Teen Titans Go!, Regular Show, Clarence (Cartoon), Flaming Carrot Comics, Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain | Amélie (2001), Jane Eyre - Charlotte Brontë, Jane the Virgin (TV), H2O: Just Add Water, Shrek (Movies), Fish Hooks (TV), Shark Tank (TV 2009), Of Mice & Men (Band), Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck, Slamacow Minecraft Animations (Web Series), The Stanley Parable, Hitler: The Rise of Evil (TV 2003), Fran Bow (Video Game), Hamilton - Miranda, Johnny Test (Cartoon), A Separate Peace - John Knowles, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Office (US), Five Nights at Freddy's, Phineas and Ferb, Moshi Monsters (Video Game), Neopets, K-pop, Poptropica (Video Game), Baby-Sitters Little Sister - Ann M. Martin, Super Planet Dolan (Web Series), Slazo, Star Wars Original Trilogy, Parks and Recreation, Brooklyn Nine-Nine (TV), We Bare Bears (TV), Adventure Time, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Mighty Magiswords (Cartoon), Hey Arnold!, Rugrats & All Grown Up! (Cartoons), CatDog (Cartoon), Harvey Beaks (Cartoon), Hunger Games Series - All Media Types, Hunter X Hunter, Camp Camp (Web Series), Fairly OddParents, Camila Cabello (Musician), Anne with an E (TV), G.I. Joe - All Media Types, 5 Seconds of Summer (Band), Eminem (Musician), Club Penguin, Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types, LOVECRAFT H. P. - Works, Captain America (Movies), American Dad!, Country Music RPF, Tiger Cruise (2004), Karate Kid (Movies), Lilo & Stitch (2002), Beauty and the Beast (1991), Aladdin (1992), Pirates of the Caribbean: The Price of Freedom - A. C. Crispin, The Princess and the Frog (2009), The Aristocats (1970), The Muppet Show, The Muppets - All Media Types, Sesame Street (TV), Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series - Jeff Kinney, Dork Diaries Series - Rachel Renee Russell, Looney Tunes | Merrie Melodies, Apple "Get a Mac" Commercials, McDonalds "NHL Mini-Sticks" Commercials, Talking Tom and Friends (Cartoon), Nintendogs, Melanie Martinez (Musician), Little Witch Academia, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Cowboy Bebop (Anime), Gravity Falls, Halloween Movies - All Media Types, The Nun (2018), How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), How to Get Away with Murder, School of Rock (2003), The Cheetah Girls (Movies), Good Luck Charlie, Ant-Man (Movies), A.N.T. Farm, Codename: Kids Next Door, Powerpuff Girls, Mr. Pickles (Cartoon), Peanuts, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Fallout (Video Games), Weather Girl (2009), Heathers (1988), Heathers: The Musical - Murphy & O'Keefe, Burger King "The Burger King" Commercials, My Babysitter's A Vampire, The Amazing World of Gumball, The Amazing Spider-Man (Movies - Webb), Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends, Minions (2015), Despicable Me (Movies), Because of Winn-Dixie - All Media Types, South Park, Sanjay and Craig (Cartoon), Breadwinners (Cartoon), Robot and Monster, Fanboy & Chum Chum (Cartoon), Monsters vs Aliens (2009), Original Work, Mary Poppins - P. L. Travers, Godspell - Schwartz, Het Achterhuis | The Diary of Anne Frank - Anne Frank, Ed Edd n Eddy, Eddsworld - All Media Types, Ed Sheeran (Musician), Sweet Home Alabama (2002), Furry (Fandom), Lego Ninjago, The LEGO Movie (2014), Lego - All Media Types, My Life as a Teenage Robot, Danny Phantom, True Jackson: VP, Pinky and the Brain, Sherlock (TV), Sherlock Holmes & Related Fandoms, Multi-Fandom, Dance Moms RPF, Life Is Strange (Video Game), Mother 1 | EarthBound Zero | EarthBound Beginnings, Mother 2: Gyiyg no Gyakushuu | EarthBound, Mother 3, Portal (Video Game), Portal 2: The (Unauthorized) Musical - geekenders, Ariana Grande (Musician), Justin Bieber (Musician), Bebe Rexha (Musician), Taylor Swift (Musician), ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Liv and Maddie, Crash Bandicoot (Video Games), Shake It Up! (US TV), G-Force: Guardians of Space, G-Force (2009), Ancient History RPF, Ancient Egyptian Religion, Little House on the Prairie (TV), The Prince of Egypt (1998), Mulan (1998), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - All Media Types, The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996), Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain, Number the Stars - Lois Lowry, The Giver Series - Lois Lowry, Flowers for Algernon - Daniel Keyes, SuperLuv - Shane Dawson (Song), Kirby - All Media Types, Chick-fil-A "Eat Mor Chikin" Commercials, Cow and Chicken (TV), Block B, Beauty and the Beast - All Media Types, Groundhog Day (1993), Christian Bible, Islamic Lore, Jewish Scripture & Legend, The Epic of Gilgamesh, תורה | Torah, Hindu Religions & Lore, Orphan Black (TV), Black Panther (2018), Mad Men, Goosebumps - All Media Types, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Pretty Little Liars, To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before (2018), Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series, Scooby Doo - All Media Types, Les Schtroumpfs | The Smurfs, Pillsbury Company "Pillsbury Doughboy" Commercials, Nickelback (Band), Rocko's Modern Life, All That (TV 1994), The Color Purple - Alice Walker
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Oscar (Shark Tale), Brook Soso, Alex Vause, Piper Chapman, Megan Bloomfield, Graham Eaton, Lenny the Chocolate Moose, George Milton, Lennie Small, Nicky Nichols, Lorna Morello, Lemony Snicket, Alexandrite (Steven Universe), Dominga "Daddy" Duarte, Artesian McCullough, Rose Quartz (Steven Universe), Blue Diamond (Steven Universe), Blue Diamond's Pearl (Steven Universe), Yellow Diamond (Steven Universe), Yellow Diamond's Pearl (Steven Universe), Yellow Zircon (Steven Universe), Jade West, Joel Luschek, Noelle Holiday, Slim (Of Mice and Men), Slime (Minecraft), Creeper (Minecraft), Enderman (Minecraft), Sans (Undertale), Papyrus (Undertale), Violet Baudelaire, Klaus Baudelaire, Sunny Baudelaire, Count Olaf (A Series of Unfortunate Events), Janae Watson, Sister Jane Ingalls, Sophia Burset, Baz (Sharknado), Robin Hood (Once Upon a Time), Starfire, Cyborg (Character), The Beast (Over the Garden Wall), Stanley (Disney: Beauty and the Beast), John Bennett (Orange is the New Black), John Doe (Roblox), John Wick, Ruby (Steven Universe), Jane Doe, Justin Hammer, Carrie "Big Boo" Black, Peridot (Steven Universe), The Narrator (The Stanley Parable), Shrek (Shrek), Annoying Dog (Undertale), Ben Shapiro, Desert Glass (Steven Universe), GLaDOS, Winnie (Free!), Bird That Carries You Over A Disproportionately Small Gap, Watanabe You, Franny Morello, Thanos (Marvel), Spider (Minecraft), May Parker (Spider-Man), Courage (Courage the Cowardly Dog), Peter Parker, Lois Griffin, Michael Scott, Freddy Fazbear, Nevel Papperman
Relationships: Piper Chapman/Alex Vause, Nicky Nichols/Alex Vause, Parker (Leverage)/Alex Vause, Megan Bloomfield/Graham Eaton, Barry Benson/Oscar (Shark Tale), Pearl/Rose Quartz (Steven Universe), Lapis Lazuli/Peridot (Steven Universe), Amethyst (Steven Universe)/Sans (Undertale), Sans (Undertale) & Peridot (Steven Universe), Olivia Caliban/Jacquelyn Scieszka, Blue Diamond/Greg Universe, Sans (Undertale)/Shrek (Shrek), Papyrus (Undertale) & Sonic the Hedgehog, Noelle Holiday/Susie (Deltarune), George Milton & Lennie Small, Artesian McCullough/Maritza Ramos, Alex Vause/Reader, W. D. Gaster/Sans/Reader, Ned (Pushing Daisies)/Harry Potter, Amethyst (Steven Universe)/Harry Potter, Sans (Undertale)/Reader, Garnet/Jasper (Steven Universe), Alice (Alice in Wonderland)/Christopher Robin (Winnie-the-Pooh), Frank Castle/John Wick, Joel Luschek/Nicky Nichols, Alexandrite/Malachite (Steven Universe), Freddie Benson/Carly Shay, Star Butterfly & Steven Universe, Count Olaf/Esmé Squalor, Galina "Red" Reznikov/Gloria Mendoza, Enid (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes)/Pearl (Steven Universe), Enid/Red Action (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes), Carol Denning/Reader, Sans/Sans (Undertale), Chara/Frisk (Undertale), Tony Stark/Thanos, Peter Griffin/Johnny Test, Courage/Katz, Jane Eyre/Edward Rochester, Blue Diamond (Steven Universe)/Eugene Krabs, Gene Forrester/Phineas "Finny", Creeper (Minecraft)/Sans (Undertale), Creeper/Steve (Minecraft), Creeper (Minecraft)/Reader, Gene/Jailbreak/Hi-5 (The Emoji Movie), Jailbreak/Smiler, Lord Boxman/Eugene "Gar" Garcia, George Washington/Martha Washington, Alexander Hamilton/Sonic the Hedgehog, Jim Halpert/Michael Scott, Eievui | Eevee/Pikachu, Kasumi | Misty/Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, Satoshi | Ash Ketchum/Serena, Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's)/Harry Potter, Bonnie/Foxy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Freddy Fazbear/Reader, Freddie Benson/Nevel Papperman, Gibby Gibson/Nevel Papperman, Lorna Morello/Nicky Nichols, Lorna Morello/Vince Muccio, Liane Cartman/Quahog Residents (Family Guy), Lois Griffin/Glenn Quagmire, Glenn Quagmire/Joe Swanson, Benny (In the Heights)/Alexander Hamilton
Additional Tags: Futanari, Mouth Sewn Shut, Everyone Is Gay, Kissing, Necrophilia, Murder, BDSM, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Must Read, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Porn, Discussion of Abortion, Abortion, Glasses, Alternate Universe, Crossover, Fuckin' Fluffy Mondays, Everybody Dies, Holocaust, I did this instead of studying for my finals, harambe trump, Cereal, Vore, Cock & Ball Torture, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Furry, Irony, Epic, Bromance, Blue Eyes, Green Eyes, Brownies, Mind Control, Dogs
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2YSndqV
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jungnoir · 6 years
are you accepting requests? if you are, please write fluff for jaemin or jisung from nct!! idc what but i noticed they don’t have anything and i love them uwu thanks
friends to lovers!jaemin and jisung
a/n: I’m not accepting requests but… I’m also bored and stuck on everything else so here’s this tiny thing
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the annoying spicy best friend and boy next door until senior year
you guys lived right next to each other so of course you always hung out!! despite going to the same school and spending the whole day together already, you spend even more time with each other when you get home
you’d beg your parents to allow you both to play in the front yard and kick balls around or play hide and seek in jaemin’s huge backyard until dinner time and even sometimes past that
as you both got older, you’d get to hang out later, so you’d both chill in jaemin’s hammock in the late evening because you both were small enough to fit and tell each other funny or scary stories while the bugs left bites littered over your arms and legs (not that you really cared until you went home and couldn’t stop scratching)
you never thought of jaemin in a different way, though everyone else thought you did
play fights were commonplace between you two so whenever you’d get particularly rough with each other ur friends would be like “lol there go the lovebirds
and it was gross
it was…
it was gross up until high school when your hormones kicked in and hey. jaemin is kinda gross. you still remember when he used to plant boogers on your locker handle or tackle you in sweaty arms if he lost to you in a game of kiddy basketball
but now jaemin doesn’t look like scrawny, stinky little jaemin anymore
no, now he can pick you up off the ground with two arms around your waist and laugh in your ear about how you should be more aware of your surroundings
now when he ruffles your hair he follows up with gently patting down the stray hairs, both hands smoothing down from the crown of your hair to the tops of your ears to the curve of your neck
now when he gives you those dark, mischievous eyes and asks “can I stay over tonight?” you can’t say you don’t shiver
you remember a time when you both were so young and so close that your parents would give you baths together for pete’s sake
and now you can’t even stand in your bedroom, ten feet away from each other, and look each other in the eye
he sits on your bed, slouched and flipping through channels on your tv
but when he sees you enter in just a pair of shorts and a giant shirt (his, though it’s been years since he’d last seen it)… he doesn’t quite remember what he was so focused on doing a few seconds ago
“…did you find a movie?” you ask softly, padding over to the other side of your bed as he immediately sits up and draws his long limbs to his sides
“oh! uh… no dice. maybe we should just rewatch something you have here?”
you shrug, point to the popcorn he’s got on your nightstand, and allow yourself a silent heave of air when he’s not looking your way anymore
he retrieves a movie you two have watched so many times before that you can recite the words together and not miss a beat
so it. it feels different tonight. somehow
there’s just a bowl of popcorn separating your hands from finding the other’s and this odd tension in the air that was birthed the minute you walked into your room after telling jaemin you were just gonna “change into something movie night-worthy”
you two don’t end up throwing yourselves over each other like usual, being deliberately annoying and clingy just to make the other person laugh
the movie is about halfway through when jaemin suddenly moves the popcorn to the floor and rolls onto his side, resting his head on his fist as he stares at you
“what?” you ask, v aware of the warmth he’s giving off now that there’s no barrier between you
“it’s gotta be something if you’re just staring at me for no reason” you drag your knees up to your chest to somehow make yourself smaller under his gaze, even to bury your cheeks between your knees so that you could make sure he didn’t see the little twitch in your lip, the want to laugh nervously or spout out some ridiculousness to get him to stop looking at you building up in your tummy
“can’t I just look at you for no reason?” he scoots a little closer, maybe attempting to look funny to you as he says this but,,, he’s doing a really bad job of it
because he doesn’t look funny. if anything, he looks kind of… what is the word?
you bite your lip, “sorry, gotta pay to look”
“what’s your preferred currency, honey?”
oh my GOD shut up jaemin
you push at his chest, trying to ignore how your hand annoyingly remembers the mold of it even after you’d touched him
“silence” you joke, watching as he licks his lips and sits up so that he’s level with you
he reaches forward and cups your chin, glancing between your eyes and your lips
he isn’t even subtle about it
your mouth parts unconsciously, a sudden understanding to this tension you’ve both been feeling hitting you hard
jaemin resists the urge to run his thumb over your bottom lip when it gets released from you teeth, if only to spend this next moment looking at your face
and he’s not even surprised that you can feel it too
“you’ll have to be specific, there’s all kinds of silence”
you don’t know what this is
no, scratch that, you know exactly what it is, but you don’t know if you want to admit it to yourself yet
maybe you could get away with that for now
neither of you would hold it against the other if you just. tried it out once, right?
and so you lean in that much closer, breaths mingling unavoidably now
“getting specific enough for you?”
of course not
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idk why i’m so obsessed with this visual of gamer!jisung but hear me out
gamer!jisung, best friends with your best friends aka the other dreamies, but probably the only one you can never get close to
besides the fact he’s a certified bully to the boys, you’re the only one that he isn’t… silly with
like he’ll have renjun in a headlock and then make eye contact with you and the mood immediately dies
you’ve asked each of the boys what the problem might be
are u scary? are u not his type of person to hang around? was he still put off by that time you body slammed mark into a wall?
ok you didn’t actually body slam him but he swears he felt his feet leave the ground for a moment
not your fault he has the weight of a singular macaroni noodle
jisung always talks to you respectfully and if he can, talks to you through the others
it wasn’t… fun… having jisung treat you this way
he was always your favorite not that you have favorites *ahem* forgive me, donghyuck *ahem* so it was v :///// u know
you really wanted him to be able to treat you like he treated the other boys!! because you’d gladly treat him the way you treat the others if only you had the CHANCE
or at least you’d like to know why he didn’t so you could have some kind of closure
jisung happens to run a gaming club at school, and with permission, the “club” (which mainly consisted of all of you) would stay behind after classes and play together in one of the abandoned classrooms
you always had to play against the others bc jisung never wanted to give anyone (you) the floor to challenge him
so one day, you just decide that you’ll sit in and observe jisung play against donghyuck in overwatch
and donghyuck is obliterating jisung
you’ve never seen donghyuck this good, getting excited enough to run over to donghyuck’s side and cheer him on
you place your hand on donghyuck’s shoulder
and jisung looks away from the screen for just one second to see it
right then, donghyuck destroys jisung with a victorious yell
of course, you’re both caught up in the excitement of the moment so the first person he hugs is you
and this is pretty normal for you guys; between wrestling around and being affectionate, it was never weird to receive a hug from anyone except jisung
then you hear a controller clatter to the floor and by the time you’ve peeled away from donghyuck at the loud sound, you see jisung storming out of the classroom
the other boys looked shocked, some even looking between each other, unsure what to do
you notice chenle about to offer to go after him when you stop him, “i’ll go calm him down… he’s probably just upset about the match, you know how he gets”
chenle nods for you to go, gnawing lightly on his bottom lip
you find jisung sitting on the stairs outside the school exit, his head resting in his hands as the evening grows later
the sun nearly blinds you as you move to sit next to him, mulling over what to say
after all, you two weren’t that close in the first place. surely you were the last person he wanted to see right now
without looking up, jisung begins grumbling, “I know, okay? you don’t have to lecture me about it”
you blink
you weren’t planning to lecture him at all!
“I know that it’s stupid to get upset but the game was getting to me and-”
you’re about to cut him off, tell him it’s okay, that it’s just a game and some people get upset about those things but that you all knew it wasn’t that deep
“-you know how much I’m crushing on (y/n)… when I saw them cheering for hyuck, I just lost all focus. it’s pathetic. I wish I could just man up and tell them instead of avoiding them all the time”
jisung… didn’t know it was you
he sounds so distraught too, like he was upset he let himself get angry, upset he let you see him show emotion
you place a hand on jisung’s shoulder and instantly he tenses. you think it’s because he wasn’t expecting a touch but it’s because he knows this hand doesn’t belong to the others
so it had to be…
“it’s not pathetic. if anything is pathetic, it’s that it’s taken donghyuck this long to finally win against you in a game, and even then, you were distracted so it technically doesn’t count”
jisung raises his head and his eyes look rimmed red, frustrated
but his expression is gentle when he sees the caring look on your face
“…hyuck would kill you if he heard that” he mumbles, looking down at his hands
you just giggle and bump his shoulder with yours, “ah, I know. but he also knows you’re my favorite so…”
jisung looks back up at you in shock. “f-favorite?”
you hum, moving your hand from his shoulder to the one furthest from you, wrapping an arm around him so that he has to lean into you. he’s never been so close but it’s. nice. your shampoo smells. nice 
“you don’t think it’s weird? what I said?” jisung looks a little mortified when he remembers that he’d just confessed to you, albeit unknowingly, and you were acting like everything was ok
you look back over to him and shake your head, “not at all… I hope this means you’ll stop avoiding me, though”
jisung doesn’t know how to feel at first; he had always assumed that telling you about his crush would either result in you returning his feelings or cutting off all contact with him
but instead, you don’t do either. you just watch the sunset with him, holding onto him
he also sees that you’re just as wonderful as he thought you’d be. you haven’t told him that you return his feelings but he doesn’t feel terrible at all. if anything, he feels ten times lighter after realizing he never had to hide from you in the first place
he checks to see that you’ll let him before wrapping his arm around your waist and offering you a sheepish smile, “sounds good to me”
besides, he may think you don’t return his feelings, but it’s just a matter of time until he realizes the truth about that too
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madmen-ao3feed · 5 years
All Together™
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2YSndqV
by mellloyelllo
Words: 10, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Orange is the New Black, Steven Universe (Cartoon), A Series of Unfortunate Events - Lemony Snicket, A Series of Unfortunate Events (TV), Shark Tale (2004), Sharknado (Movies), Jaws (Movies), XXXTentacion (Musician) RPF, OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes, Undertale (Video Game), Deltarune (Video Game), Roblox (Video Game), Family Guy (Cartoon), Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types, The Cleveland Show, Garfield - All Media Types, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Marvel Cinematic Universe, DC Universe Online, Victorious (TV), iCarly, Minecraft (Video Game), But I'm a Cheerleader (1999), Russian Doll (TV 2019), My Singing Monsters, Revolver - The Beatles, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Hetalia: Axis Powers, Fairy Tail, SpongeBob SquarePants (Cartoon), M&M's Commercials, Homestuck, Super Mario & Related Fandoms, Donkey Kong (Video Games), Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1964), Santa Clarita Diet (TV), Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, 私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い! | Watamote - No Matter How I Look At It It's You Guys' Fault I'm Unpopular!, Free!, American Horror Story, Ирония судьбы | The Irony of Fate (Movies), John Wick (Movies), Fortnite (Video Game), Overwatch (Video Game), Salad Fingers, Wonder Woman (2017), अलीबाबा और चलीस चोर | Alibaba Aur 40 Chor | Adventures of Ali-Baba and the Forty Thieves (1979), Alice In Wonderland - Lewis Carroll, Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis, Political RPF - US 21st c., Maroon 5, Twenty One Pilots, Romeo And Juliet - Shakespeare, Everyman HYBRID, Everybody Else (Band), Everything I Never Told You - Celeste Ng, Arctic Monkeys, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types, Game of Thrones (TV), Teen Titans - All Media Types, Teen Titans Go!, Regular Show, Clarence (Cartoon), Flaming Carrot Comics, Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain | Amélie (2001), Jane Eyre - Charlotte Brontë, Jane the Virgin (TV), H2O: Just Add Water, Shrek (Movies), Fish Hooks (TV), Shark Tank (TV 2009), Of Mice & Men (Band), Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck, Slamacow Minecraft Animations (Web Series), The Stanley Parable, Hitler: The Rise of Evil (TV 2003), Fran Bow (Video Game), Hamilton - Miranda, Johnny Test (Cartoon), A Separate Peace - John Knowles, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Office (US), Five Nights at Freddy's, Phineas and Ferb, Moshi Monsters (Video Game), Neopets, K-pop, Poptropica (Video Game), Baby-Sitters Little Sister - Ann M. Martin, Super Planet Dolan (Web Series), Slazo, Star Wars Original Trilogy, Parks and Recreation, Brooklyn Nine-Nine (TV), We Bare Bears (TV), Adventure Time, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Mighty Magiswords (Cartoon), Hey Arnold!, Rugrats & All Grown Up! (Cartoons), CatDog (Cartoon), Harvey Beaks (Cartoon), Hunger Games Series - All Media Types, Hunter X Hunter, Camp Camp (Web Series), Fairly OddParents, Camila Cabello (Musician), Anne with an E (TV), G.I. Joe - All Media Types, 5 Seconds of Summer (Band), Eminem (Musician), Club Penguin, Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types, LOVECRAFT H. P. - Works, Captain America (Movies), American Dad!, Country Music RPF, Tiger Cruise (2004), Karate Kid (Movies), Lilo & Stitch (2002), Beauty and the Beast (1991), Aladdin (1992), Pirates of the Caribbean: The Price of Freedom - A. C. Crispin, The Princess and the Frog (2009), The Aristocats (1970), The Muppet Show, The Muppets - All Media Types, Sesame Street (TV), Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series - Jeff Kinney, Dork Diaries Series - Rachel Renee Russell, Looney Tunes | Merrie Melodies, Apple "Get a Mac" Commercials, McDonalds "NHL Mini-Sticks" Commercials, Talking Tom and Friends (Cartoon), Nintendogs, Melanie Martinez (Musician), Little Witch Academia, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Cowboy Bebop (Anime), Gravity Falls, Halloween Movies - All Media Types, The Nun (2018), How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), How to Get Away with Murder, School of Rock (2003), The Cheetah Girls (Movies), Good Luck Charlie, Ant-Man (Movies), A.N.T. Farm, Codename: Kids Next Door, Powerpuff Girls, Mr. Pickles (Cartoon), Peanuts, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Fallout (Video Games), Weather Girl (2009), Heathers (1988), Heathers: The Musical - Murphy & O'Keefe, Burger King "The Burger King" Commercials, My Babysitter's A Vampire, The Amazing World of Gumball, The Amazing Spider-Man (Movies - Webb), Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends, Minions (2015), Despicable Me (Movies), Because of Winn-Dixie - All Media Types, South Park, Sanjay and Craig (Cartoon), Breadwinners (Cartoon), Robot and Monster, Fanboy & Chum Chum (Cartoon), Monsters vs Aliens (2009), Original Work, Mary Poppins - P. L. Travers, Godspell - Schwartz, Het Achterhuis | The Diary of Anne Frank - Anne Frank, Ed Edd n Eddy, Eddsworld - All Media Types, Ed Sheeran (Musician), Sweet Home Alabama (2002), Furry (Fandom), Lego Ninjago, The LEGO Movie (2014), Lego - All Media Types, My Life as a Teenage Robot, Danny Phantom, True Jackson: VP, Pinky and the Brain, Sherlock (TV), Sherlock Holmes & Related Fandoms, Multi-Fandom, Dance Moms RPF, Life Is Strange (Video Game), Mother 1 | EarthBound Zero | EarthBound Beginnings, Mother 2: Gyiyg no Gyakushuu | EarthBound, Mother 3, Portal (Video Game), Portal 2: The (Unauthorized) Musical - geekenders, Ariana Grande (Musician), Justin Bieber (Musician), Bebe Rexha (Musician), Taylor Swift (Musician), ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Liv and Maddie, Crash Bandicoot (Video Games), Shake It Up! (US TV), G-Force: Guardians of Space, G-Force (2009), Ancient History RPF, Ancient Egyptian Religion, Little House on the Prairie (TV), The Prince of Egypt (1998), Mulan (1998), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - All Media Types, The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996), Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain, Number the Stars - Lois Lowry, The Giver Series - Lois Lowry, Flowers for Algernon - Daniel Keyes, SuperLuv - Shane Dawson (Song), Kirby - All Media Types, Chick-fil-A "Eat Mor Chikin" Commercials, Cow and Chicken (TV), Block B, Beauty and the Beast - All Media Types, Groundhog Day (1993), Christian Bible, Islamic Lore, Jewish Scripture & Legend, The Epic of Gilgamesh, תורה | Torah, Hindu Religions & Lore, Orphan Black (TV), Black Panther (2018), Mad Men, Goosebumps - All Media Types, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Pretty Little Liars, To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before (2018), Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series, Scooby Doo - All Media Types, Les Schtroumpfs | The Smurfs, Pillsbury Company "Pillsbury Doughboy" Commercials, Nickelback (Band), Rocko's Modern Life, All That (TV 1994), The Color Purple - Alice Walker, Doraemon (Manga), Go Diego Go!, MS Paint Adventures, Homestar Runner, Inanimate Insanity (Web Series), Battle For Dream Island (Web Series), Digimon - All Media Types, Caillou (Cartoon), Berenstain Bears Series - Stan & Jan & Mike Berenstain
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Oscar (Shark Tale), Brook Soso, Alex Vause, Piper Chapman, Megan Bloomfield, Graham Eaton, Lenny the Chocolate Moose, George Milton, Lennie Small, Nicky Nichols, Lorna Morello, Lemony Snicket, Alexandrite (Steven Universe), Dominga "Daddy" Duarte, Artesian McCullough, Rose Quartz (Steven Universe), Blue Diamond (Steven Universe), Blue Diamond's Pearl (Steven Universe), Yellow Diamond (Steven Universe), Yellow Diamond's Pearl (Steven Universe), Yellow Zircon (Steven Universe), Jade West, Joel Luschek, Noelle Holiday, Slim (Of Mice and Men), Slime (Minecraft), Creeper (Minecraft), Enderman (Minecraft), Sans (Undertale), Papyrus (Undertale), Violet Baudelaire, Klaus Baudelaire, Sunny Baudelaire, Count Olaf (A Series of Unfortunate Events), Janae Watson, Sister Jane Ingalls, Sophia Burset, Baz (Sharknado), Robin Hood (Once Upon a Time), Starfire, Cyborg (Character), The Beast (Over the Garden Wall), Stanley (Disney: Beauty and the Beast), John Bennett (Orange is the New Black), John Doe (Roblox), John Wick, Ruby (Steven Universe), Jane Doe, Justin Hammer, Carrie "Big Boo" Black, Peridot (Steven Universe), The Narrator (The Stanley Parable), Shrek (Shrek), Annoying Dog (Undertale), Ben Shapiro, Desert Glass (Steven Universe), GLaDOS, Winnie (Free!), Bird That Carries You Over A Disproportionately Small Gap, Watanabe You, Franny Morello, Thanos (Marvel), Spider (Minecraft), May Parker (Spider-Man), Courage (Courage the Cowardly Dog), Peter Parker, Lois Griffin, Michael Scott, Freddy Fazbear, Nevel Papperman
Relationships: Piper Chapman/Alex Vause, Nicky Nichols/Alex Vause, Parker (Leverage)/Alex Vause, Megan Bloomfield/Graham Eaton, Barry Benson/Oscar (Shark Tale), Pearl/Rose Quartz (Steven Universe), Lapis Lazuli/Peridot (Steven Universe), Amethyst (Steven Universe)/Sans (Undertale), Sans (Undertale) & Peridot (Steven Universe), Olivia Caliban/Jacquelyn Scieszka, Blue Diamond/Greg Universe, Sans (Undertale)/Shrek (Shrek), Papyrus (Undertale) & Sonic the Hedgehog, Noelle Holiday/Susie (Deltarune), George Milton & Lennie Small, Artesian McCullough/Maritza Ramos, Alex Vause/Reader, W. D. Gaster/Sans/Reader, Ned (Pushing Daisies)/Harry Potter, Amethyst (Steven Universe)/Harry Potter, Sans (Undertale)/Reader, Garnet/Jasper (Steven Universe), Alice (Alice in Wonderland)/Christopher Robin (Winnie-the-Pooh), Frank Castle/John Wick, Joel Luschek/Nicky Nichols, Alexandrite/Malachite (Steven Universe), Freddie Benson/Carly Shay, Star Butterfly & Steven Universe, Count Olaf/Esmé Squalor, Galina "Red" Reznikov/Gloria Mendoza, Enid (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes)/Pearl (Steven Universe), Enid/Red Action (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes), Carol Denning/Reader, Sans/Sans (Undertale), Chara/Frisk (Undertale), Tony Stark/Thanos, Peter Griffin/Johnny Test, Courage/Katz, Jane Eyre/Edward Rochester, Blue Diamond (Steven Universe)/Eugene Krabs, Gene Forrester/Phineas "Finny", Creeper (Minecraft)/Sans (Undertale), Creeper/Steve (Minecraft), Creeper (Minecraft)/Reader, Gene/Jailbreak/Hi-5 (The Emoji Movie), Jailbreak/Smiler, Lord Boxman/Eugene "Gar" Garcia, George Washington/Martha Washington, Alexander Hamilton/Sonic the Hedgehog, Jim Halpert/Michael Scott, Eievui | Eevee/Pikachu, Kasumi | Misty/Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, Satoshi | Ash Ketchum/Serena, Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's)/Harry Potter, Bonnie/Foxy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Freddy Fazbear/Reader, Freddie Benson/Nevel Papperman, Gibby Gibson/Nevel Papperman, Lorna Morello/Nicky Nichols, Lorna Morello/Vince Muccio, Liane Cartman/Quahog Residents (Family Guy), Lois Griffin/Glenn Quagmire, Glenn Quagmire/Joe Swanson, Benny (In the Heights)/Alexander Hamilton
Additional Tags: Futanari, Mouth Sewn Shut, Everyone Is Gay, Kissing, Necrophilia, Murder, BDSM, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Must Read, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Porn, Discussion of Abortion, Abortion, Glasses, Alternate Universe, Crossover, Fuckin' Fluffy Mondays, Everybody Dies, Holocaust, I did this instead of studying for my finals, harambe trump, Cereal, Vore, Cock & Ball Torture, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Furry, Irony, Epic, Bromance, Blue Eyes, Green Eyes, Brownies, Mind Control, Dogs
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2YSndqV
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ao3feed-orphanblack · 5 years
All Together™
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2YSndqV
by mellloyelllo
Words: 10, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Orange is the New Black, Steven Universe (Cartoon), A Series of Unfortunate Events - Lemony Snicket, A Series of Unfortunate Events (TV), Shark Tale (2004), Sharknado (Movies), Jaws (Movies), XXXTentacion (Musician) RPF, OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes, Undertale (Video Game), Deltarune (Video Game), Roblox (Video Game), Family Guy (Cartoon), Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types, The Cleveland Show, Garfield - All Media Types, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Marvel Cinematic Universe, DC Universe Online, Victorious (TV), iCarly, Minecraft (Video Game), But I'm a Cheerleader (1999), Russian Doll (TV 2019), My Singing Monsters, Revolver - The Beatles, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Hetalia: Axis Powers, Fairy Tail, SpongeBob SquarePants (Cartoon), M&M's Commercials, Homestuck, Super Mario & Related Fandoms, Donkey Kong (Video Games), Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1964), Santa Clarita Diet (TV), Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, 私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い! | Watamote - No Matter How I Look At It It's You Guys' Fault I'm Unpopular!, Free!, American Horror Story, Ирония судьбы | The Irony of Fate (Movies), John Wick (Movies), Fortnite (Video Game), Overwatch (Video Game), Salad Fingers, Wonder Woman (2017), अलीबाबा और चलीस चोर | Alibaba Aur 40 Chor | Adventures of Ali-Baba and the Forty Thieves (1979), Alice In Wonderland - Lewis Carroll, Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis, Political RPF - US 21st c., Maroon 5, Twenty One Pilots, Romeo And Juliet - Shakespeare, Everyman HYBRID, Everybody Else (Band), Everything I Never Told You - Celeste Ng, Arctic Monkeys, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types, Game of Thrones (TV), Teen Titans - All Media Types, Teen Titans Go!, Regular Show, Clarence (Cartoon), Flaming Carrot Comics, Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain | Amélie (2001), Jane Eyre - Charlotte Brontë, Jane the Virgin (TV), H2O: Just Add Water, Shrek (Movies), Fish Hooks (TV), Shark Tank (TV 2009), Of Mice & Men (Band), Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck, Slamacow Minecraft Animations (Web Series), The Stanley Parable, Hitler: The Rise of Evil (TV 2003), Fran Bow (Video Game), Hamilton - Miranda, Johnny Test (Cartoon), A Separate Peace - John Knowles, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Office (US), Five Nights at Freddy's, Phineas and Ferb, Moshi Monsters (Video Game), Neopets, K-pop, Poptropica (Video Game), Baby-Sitters Little Sister - Ann M. Martin, Super Planet Dolan (Web Series), Slazo, Star Wars Original Trilogy, Parks and Recreation, Brooklyn Nine-Nine (TV), We Bare Bears (TV), Adventure Time, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Mighty Magiswords (Cartoon), Hey Arnold!, Rugrats & All Grown Up! (Cartoons), CatDog (Cartoon), Harvey Beaks (Cartoon), Hunger Games Series - All Media Types, Hunter X Hunter, Camp Camp (Web Series), Fairly OddParents, Camila Cabello (Musician), Anne with an E (TV), G.I. Joe - All Media Types, 5 Seconds of Summer (Band), Eminem (Musician), Club Penguin, Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types, LOVECRAFT H. P. - Works, Captain America (Movies), American Dad!, Country Music RPF, Tiger Cruise (2004), Karate Kid (Movies), Lilo & Stitch (2002), Beauty and the Beast (1991), Aladdin (1992), Pirates of the Caribbean: The Price of Freedom - A. C. Crispin, The Princess and the Frog (2009), The Aristocats (1970), The Muppet Show, The Muppets - All Media Types, Sesame Street (TV), Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series - Jeff Kinney, Dork Diaries Series - Rachel Renee Russell, Looney Tunes | Merrie Melodies, Apple "Get a Mac" Commercials, McDonalds "NHL Mini-Sticks" Commercials, Talking Tom and Friends (Cartoon), Nintendogs, Melanie Martinez (Musician), Little Witch Academia, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Cowboy Bebop (Anime), Gravity Falls, Halloween Movies - All Media Types, The Nun (2018), How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), How to Get Away with Murder, School of Rock (2003), The Cheetah Girls (Movies), Good Luck Charlie, Ant-Man (Movies), A.N.T. Farm, Codename: Kids Next Door, Powerpuff Girls, Mr. Pickles (Cartoon), Peanuts, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Fallout (Video Games), Weather Girl (2009), Heathers (1988), Heathers: The Musical - Murphy & O'Keefe, Burger King "The Burger King" Commercials, My Babysitter's A Vampire, The Amazing World of Gumball, The Amazing Spider-Man (Movies - Webb), Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends, Minions (2015), Despicable Me (Movies), Because of Winn-Dixie - All Media Types, South Park, Sanjay and Craig (Cartoon), Breadwinners (Cartoon), Robot and Monster, Fanboy & Chum Chum (Cartoon), Monsters vs Aliens (2009), Original Work, Mary Poppins - P. L. Travers, Godspell - Schwartz, Het Achterhuis | The Diary of Anne Frank - Anne Frank, Ed Edd n Eddy, Eddsworld - All Media Types, Ed Sheeran (Musician), Sweet Home Alabama (2002), Furry (Fandom), Lego Ninjago, The LEGO Movie (2014), Lego - All Media Types, My Life as a Teenage Robot, Danny Phantom, True Jackson: VP, Pinky and the Brain, Sherlock (TV), Sherlock Holmes & Related Fandoms, Multi-Fandom, Dance Moms RPF, Life Is Strange (Video Game), Mother 1 | EarthBound Zero | EarthBound Beginnings, Mother 2: Gyiyg no Gyakushuu | EarthBound, Mother 3, Portal (Video Game), Portal 2: The (Unauthorized) Musical - geekenders, Ariana Grande (Musician), Justin Bieber (Musician), Bebe Rexha (Musician), Taylor Swift (Musician), ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Liv and Maddie, Crash Bandicoot (Video Games), Shake It Up! (US TV), G-Force: Guardians of Space, G-Force (2009), Ancient History RPF, Ancient Egyptian Religion, Little House on the Prairie (TV), The Prince of Egypt (1998), Mulan (1998), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - All Media Types, The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996), Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain, Number the Stars - Lois Lowry, The Giver Series - Lois Lowry, Flowers for Algernon - Daniel Keyes, SuperLuv - Shane Dawson (Song), Kirby - All Media Types, Chick-fil-A "Eat Mor Chikin" Commercials, Cow and Chicken (TV), Block B, Beauty and the Beast - All Media Types, Groundhog Day (1993), Christian Bible, Islamic Lore, Jewish Scripture & Legend, The Epic of Gilgamesh, תורה | Torah, Hindu Religions & Lore, Orphan Black (TV), Black Panther (2018), Mad Men, Goosebumps - All Media Types, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Pretty Little Liars, To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before (2018), Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series, Scooby Doo - All Media Types, Les Schtroumpfs | The Smurfs, Pillsbury Company "Pillsbury Doughboy" Commercials, Nickelback (Band), Rocko's Modern Life, All That (TV 1994), The Color Purple - Alice Walker, Doraemon (Manga), Go Diego Go!, MS Paint Adventures, Homestar Runner, Inanimate Insanity (Web Series), Battle For Dream Island (Web Series), Digimon - All Media Types, Caillou (Cartoon), Berenstain Bears Series - Stan & Jan & Mike Berenstain
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Oscar (Shark Tale), Brook Soso, Alex Vause, Piper Chapman, Megan Bloomfield, Graham Eaton, Lenny the Chocolate Moose, George Milton, Lennie Small, Nicky Nichols, Lorna Morello, Lemony Snicket, Alexandrite (Steven Universe), Dominga "Daddy" Duarte, Artesian McCullough, Rose Quartz (Steven Universe), Blue Diamond (Steven Universe), Blue Diamond's Pearl (Steven Universe), Yellow Diamond (Steven Universe), Yellow Diamond's Pearl (Steven Universe), Yellow Zircon (Steven Universe), Jade West, Joel Luschek, Noelle Holiday, Slim (Of Mice and Men), Slime (Minecraft), Creeper (Minecraft), Enderman (Minecraft), Sans (Undertale), Papyrus (Undertale), Violet Baudelaire, Klaus Baudelaire, Sunny Baudelaire, Count Olaf (A Series of Unfortunate Events), Janae Watson, Sister Jane Ingalls, Sophia Burset, Baz (Sharknado), Robin Hood (Once Upon a Time), Starfire, Cyborg (Character), The Beast (Over the Garden Wall), Stanley (Disney: Beauty and the Beast), John Bennett (Orange is the New Black), John Doe (Roblox), John Wick, Ruby (Steven Universe), Jane Doe, Justin Hammer, Carrie "Big Boo" Black, Peridot (Steven Universe), The Narrator (The Stanley Parable), Shrek (Shrek), Annoying Dog (Undertale), Ben Shapiro, Desert Glass (Steven Universe), GLaDOS, Winnie (Free!), Bird That Carries You Over A Disproportionately Small Gap, Watanabe You, Franny Morello, Thanos (Marvel), Spider (Minecraft), May Parker (Spider-Man), Courage (Courage the Cowardly Dog), Peter Parker, Lois Griffin, Michael Scott, Freddy Fazbear, Nevel Papperman
Relationships: Piper Chapman/Alex Vause, Nicky Nichols/Alex Vause, Parker (Leverage)/Alex Vause, Megan Bloomfield/Graham Eaton, Barry Benson/Oscar (Shark Tale), Pearl/Rose Quartz (Steven Universe), Lapis Lazuli/Peridot (Steven Universe), Amethyst (Steven Universe)/Sans (Undertale), Sans (Undertale) & Peridot (Steven Universe), Olivia Caliban/Jacquelyn Scieszka, Blue Diamond/Greg Universe, Sans (Undertale)/Shrek (Shrek), Papyrus (Undertale) & Sonic the Hedgehog, Noelle Holiday/Susie (Deltarune), George Milton & Lennie Small, Artesian McCullough/Maritza Ramos, Alex Vause/Reader, W. D. Gaster/Sans/Reader, Ned (Pushing Daisies)/Harry Potter, Amethyst (Steven Universe)/Harry Potter, Sans (Undertale)/Reader, Garnet/Jasper (Steven Universe), Alice (Alice in Wonderland)/Christopher Robin (Winnie-the-Pooh), Frank Castle/John Wick, Joel Luschek/Nicky Nichols, Alexandrite/Malachite (Steven Universe), Freddie Benson/Carly Shay, Star Butterfly & Steven Universe, Count Olaf/Esmé Squalor, Galina "Red" Reznikov/Gloria Mendoza, Enid (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes)/Pearl (Steven Universe), Enid/Red Action (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes), Carol Denning/Reader, Sans/Sans (Undertale), Chara/Frisk (Undertale), Tony Stark/Thanos, Peter Griffin/Johnny Test, Courage/Katz, Jane Eyre/Edward Rochester, Blue Diamond (Steven Universe)/Eugene Krabs, Gene Forrester/Phineas "Finny", Creeper (Minecraft)/Sans (Undertale), Creeper/Steve (Minecraft), Creeper (Minecraft)/Reader, Gene/Jailbreak/Hi-5 (The Emoji Movie), Jailbreak/Smiler, Lord Boxman/Eugene "Gar" Garcia, George Washington/Martha Washington, Alexander Hamilton/Sonic the Hedgehog, Jim Halpert/Michael Scott, Eievui | Eevee/Pikachu, Kasumi | Misty/Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, Satoshi | Ash Ketchum/Serena, Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's)/Harry Potter, Bonnie/Foxy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Freddy Fazbear/Reader, Freddie Benson/Nevel Papperman, Gibby Gibson/Nevel Papperman, Lorna Morello/Nicky Nichols, Lorna Morello/Vince Muccio, Liane Cartman/Quahog Residents (Family Guy), Lois Griffin/Glenn Quagmire, Glenn Quagmire/Joe Swanson, Benny (In the Heights)/Alexander Hamilton
Additional Tags: Futanari, Mouth Sewn Shut, Everyone Is Gay, Kissing, Necrophilia, Murder, BDSM, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Must Read, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Porn, Discussion of Abortion, Abortion, Glasses, Alternate Universe, Crossover, Fuckin' Fluffy Mondays, Everybody Dies, Holocaust, I did this instead of studying for my finals, harambe trump, Cereal, Vore, Cock & Ball Torture, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Furry, Irony, Epic, Bromance, Blue Eyes, Green Eyes, Brownies, Mind Control, Dogs
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2YSndqV
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definitelynotscott · 5 years
WIP game: life, blue, and/or help !
The banked rage in his heart flickered to life, and he set his tumbler on the table because he didn’t want to test its strength.
“Can I come in?” she asked, voice subdued, serious blue-green eyes looking up at him from under her golden lashes.
He chose the two-tiered dangly kind with a hook clasp and golden glass chips to match her hair, since he had never determined if her eyes were blue or green.
She was wearing a strapless dress in a blue so pale that at this distance it looked white except in the folds and valleys of the fabric.
He couldn’t help but smile back.
Understanding lit her eyes and he couldn’t help but grin.
Draven inquires about her love-life. (from the summary/outline)
To-Write List
(Please remember that while some of the stories in here haven’t been written because I’m slow, some of the stories in here haven’t been written because the initial idea just wasn’t that strong.) Cut for length. Like. There’s just over 39 pages. There were going to be a lot of hits. Some of these I’ve posted about before so I’ll come back in the morning and edit in links, but I’m tired now.
I guess I’m here to light up your life, but maybe not like you expect. (Soulmate AU II)
Okay, so he was a dick, saddling her with, essentially, a mark that called her a whore her whole life, but was she really planning to avoid speaking to him forever? (Soulmate AU V)
“How’s married life?” (Soulmate AU XIII)
And even when you’re a good liar “Ha ha, you’re my friend, and he’s a big part of your life, so of course I’m interested…” will only take you so far. (Soulmate AU XIV)
Ezreal hasn’t really thought about the sudden appearance of Darius in Lux’s life, he’s busy concentrating on his studies (and Taric, but…). (Some college AU)
Lux walks in on Garen and Darius trying to kill each other but mistakes it for another activity entirely. Garen doesn’t deny it, in fact goading her into making Darius’ life hell by acting emotionally vulnerable (“I wanted something more than physical”) (Wow you get the entire prompt for this one. Also a College AU)
All he wants is to show Lux how grateful he is to have her in his life. (Established Relationship AU/Starting Their Own Business AU/Unplanned Pregnancy AU)
Domestic Life in Noxus sort of thing where an assassin and an “information broker” get married because the landlord is only renting to married couples. (I actually posted about this one before!)
But she feeds him and keeps him safe like she would have for Jane, and makes snarky comments about his dad and all the unhealthy people in his life, and she starts to grow on him. … And they’re having one of their sniping little conversations like they do, and she pulls up the “upgrade to PAID” line, and there’s a pause and he says “…I could pay you…” kind of reaching out to the one non-toxic person in his life. … While she’s sending out applications and going for interviews she’s texting Justin to make sure he’s eating and sleeping, and giving him little pep talks about not abandoning his dreams and not letting the toxic SOBs around him direct his life. … Then Justin is kidnapped by unsavory types and Darcy A) can’t tell anyone because then she’d have to fess up about talking to Justin all the time and she’s sure they’d assume she’s a traitor and B) why would Tony help Justin anyway? (That Darcy Thing I Outlined Here.)
Being in prison is essentially a monastic lifestyle he didn’t choose. (Overwatch Thing I Posted.)
She’s double insulted since he should know she can make his life hell, and that she can be happy in whatever circumstances. (One of many Arranged Marriage AUs (but not quite so many that I’ve busted out the Roman numerals yet.))
They save her a bag when the gym gets crowded, and help her brush off a follower. … Garen immediately leaves to look for spare garments in the car, as everyone can see her bra is see-through blue mesh. … They listen to music supplied by Professor Heimerdinger (Space Jam, Commander Thinks Aloud, Blue & Beautiful, etc.) … Slow-dance to Blue & Beautiful. (College AU/Gym Rat AU)
Gifts would appear out of nowhere, usually in a plain box, but once you opened it the wrappings were bold, obvious, Demacian blue and gold. (Kind of a Lux-being-a-stalker AU)
Conjoined households are seen as lower class because A) if you’re high ranked you’ll be stationed in the city, B) if you’re strong enough you can defend your household without help. (More of me making up weird societal rules about marriage because that’s fun for me.)
OKAY WE’RE SKIPPING THIS ONE. O///O (But the word was “help” - not “helping” or “helped” but “help.”)
A big old fish is just as likely to toss itself over the edge without her help (and without knocking her over the railing) so she stays inside. … He helps where he can (he can use the railings like parallel bars and kind of walk himself down using his hands, but he’s also kind of banged up from getting thrown against a lighthouse. (Lighthouse Keeper/Merman AU)
This one I was working on with someone else so IDK if I should share it, but it pinged on “help”.
Lux always completes her assignments above and beyond the call of duty, but with so little help, hope, experience, and cooperation (from both her superiors and her “clients”) her edges are beginning to fray… (Kinda… a Public Defender AU? Also a “DANG IT WHY ARE THERE ALL THESE “NOXUS WINS HERE ARE THE HORRIBLE CONSEQUENCES” AUs AND NO “DEMACIA WINS AND HERE ARE THE HORRIBLE CONSEQUENCES” AUs” AU)
Sequel: Darius is assigned to help Cassiopeia with Shurima because his Demacian tattoos will strike fear, but what happens when Demacians descend upon them? (Sequel to a Pirate AU where the Demacians are the Pirates (”Harsh justice of the sea” anyone?))
Ezreal and Janna decide to helpfully “prove” that she should avoid an arranged marriage. (Obviously an Arranged Marriage AU)
Draven’s thrilled, really wants to help with the wedding plans. (Double-Blind Marriage AU/Arranged Marriage AU)
“If you’re going to half my storage space I’m going to have you help me translate the ancient Demacian parts,” he said, sounding amused. (Magic Made Them Do It story, but set after “The Incident.”)
Ezreal is helping Jayce construct a device (recreate Ekko’s device?) (De-aging story)
OKAY WE’RE SKIPPING THIS ONE TOO. O///O (It’s not even that bad, I’m just easily embarrassed.) Pinged on “helping”.
But it’s a personal issue, so she’s willing to help. (Draven playing matchmaker AU)
He can’t help but agree internally. (Vampire/Werewolf AU)
…bathing him to help him smell more like pack. (We’ll just, uh, clip this one a little bit… ^^; )
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intim3ate · 6 years
Kinktober Day 24 - Lap Dances | “Encounter” | McSombra
Sombra goes undercover at a club, looking to get some intel on Overwatch while they're on a mission. She ends up getting more than she bargained for.
Another kinktober commission for Day 24: Lap Dances. I’m actually fascinated by lap dancing, but I’ve never considered writing it before now. It ended up being fun, but man, it was not a great idea to research this in the middle of a cafe.
AO3 Link | Commission Info | Leave a Tip?
Overwatch is supposed to be here. There's a big deal going down in this club tonight between a local triad and another prominent gang, one that’s been rumoured recently to be dealing in human trafficking. Sombra had been doing a bit of digging into these groups herself, and during one of her searches she'd come across some interesting communications. New ‘business associates’ with sketchy names and even sketchier connections, almost all of which turned out to be fake with enough digging. There was no way Overwatch wasn't involved - their stink was all over this case.
Their involvement made sense. They were here to get both the gangs and kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. But Sombra was here to kill three.
She picks up the tray from the bar counter and carries it across the club’s noisy floor. Overwatch is here in disguise, obviously, but because she knows what she’s looking for, Sombra is able to catch on to their presence pretty quick. She spots one of them, the cyborg, talking to someone at a table. His disguise is pretty good tonight - the sick mask hiding his actual mask is the only real giveaway (well, that and the scars peeking out from beneath it). She heads over there, ready to offer him a drink, but he turns and walks the other way before she even gets close.
Sombra pauses to debate following after him, but thankfully she's spared the effort when she realizes just who the cyborg had been talking to.
He looks completely different without his cowboy hat, but that is unmistakably Jesse McCree sitting at that table, legs spread wide and arm around the back of the chair like he owns the damn place. He wears a dark red shirt under a sleek leather jacket, its v-neck dipping low enough she can see his chest hair peeking out from beneath it. His hair is brushed back out of his face - not quite slicked back, but there's definitely some kind of product in it. His beard is trimmed, too, and he looks… good. Groomed. It's weird, seeing him like this, but there’s no way she’s got the wrong guy: he's got the same air about him as the mercenary cowboy she’d seen on the news and posters. Or maybe it's just the cigar hanging out of his mouth that gives him away.
The lights in the club flash off the expensive watch McCree wears. He checks it quickly and mumbles something to himself, leg bouncing in anticipation, before looking up and meeting Sombra’s eye.
“Hope that's for me,” McCree says, eyeing the drink. His posture relaxes immediately when Sombra looks at it, then at him, and smirks.
“It's not, but I can let you have it anyway if you don't mind a bit of company,” she says.
McCree must like that response, because he flashes a white smile at Sombra and waves her over. “Anything you like, sweetheart.”
Sombra strides over, hips swaying like the stripper-server she’s posing as. The effect is only accentuated by the cut of her too-short shorts, the hem of which rides up over the curve of her ass. She makes sure to bend real low when she sets the drink on McCree’s table and to straighten up slowly, eyes lingering over his body as she goes. When she’s up all the way, she meets his eye - after his gaze crawls up her body, that is.
Good, Sombra thinks. He’s interested.
“So what brings you here tonight?” she asks. Sombra already knows what the answer is, of course, but it wouldn’t do to tip her hand just yet. She’s here for intel, and she’s not going to get it if she isn’t careful. “Lonely?”
“Not anymore, now I’ve got you to keep me company.” McCree laughs and gestures to the table with an open palm. “Why don’t you take a seat, sweetheart?”
“Can’t, I’m on the clock.” She makes sure to throw a longing look in his direction. It works like a charm, and McCree pouts up at her cutely, but hollowly - he’s acting just as much as she is. For now.
“So what you’re sayin’ is you’re paid company.” He makes a show of looking disappointed. “Well, that shouldn’t be a problem. How much to keep you here?”
Sombra casts a look around herself, checking over her shoulder for anyone working that might be nearby. The closest person is stationed at one of the many dancing poles, and she’s far too invested in hoisting herself up and spinning on it to be paying any attention to Sombra or her clientele.
“For you? Free,” Sombra says, moving to sit in McCree’s lap. She wraps her arms around his neck and he instinctively brings a hand up to her back to keep her steady. “But only because I like you.”
“Lucky me.” McCree inclines his head, flashing a wickedly charming grin at Sombra. She feels her heart flutter a little bit, but quickly chides herself for it. She’s supposed to be seducing him, not the other way around.
They sit like that for a while, chatting idly as Sombra plays with McCree’s hair. His hand rubs at Sombra’s back absently, sending warm shivers through her with every motion of his hand. She almost wishes she were wearing more clothes, because the feel of his hand against her bare skin is almost too much. Almost.
“You know, something about you seems familiar,” McCree says suddenly. He leans forward to put out his cigar on the ashtray on the table. “You sure we ain’t met before?”
“In your dreams, maybe,” Sombra says, and immediately cringes internally. She can’t believe she actually said something as stupid as that out loud. But it seems to have the right effect on McCree anyway; he laughs and pulls Sombra closer to him.
“You got that right,” he says. “Now what say we make this even more like my dreams?”
It’s cheesy as hell, but the implications in the low, honeyed tone of his voice make Sombra’s skin tingle. She squirms in McCree’s lap, adjusting her posture to allow more contact. McCree keeps rubbing at her back, hand creeping lower and lower with every stroke. Between that and the friction of his jeans against her exposed thighs, Sombra can barely contain herself. She’s oversensitive and far more aroused than she’d like to admit.
But, well. She isn’t the only one.
She can feel a telltale hardness press against her rear as she shifts in McCree’s lap. It twitches when she grinds down on it, but McCree keeps talking, keeps acting as if nothing’s happening, like he isn’t noticeably hard. He’s in the middle of a story (no doubt made up) about a rough day he’d had at work -something about a meeting with the board of whatever going poorly, but he’s still going to get his bonus. But it’s right on the word ‘bonus’ that Sombra decides she’s had enough. She presses a finger to McCree’s lips to silence him.
“Not that this isn’t fascinating,” she says, “But I know something even more fun we could do.”
McCree raises an eyebrow and waits, clearly curious about where this is going to go (not that there are many places it could in the middle of a strip club). Sombra rises from his lap slowly, practically dragging herself off him. When she’s up, she leans forward, puts her hands on his knees, and smirks at him. McCree seems to catch on right away, and he leans back to make himself comfortable.
Sombra spreads McCree’s knees open. She begins to rotate her hips, hands creeping further up his thighs as she gets marginally closer. McCree cranes his neck to peer around her and watch the fluid movement of her hips until Sombra suddenly drops into a squat. She keeps moving even as she’s down low, but this time her upper body sways in time with her hips, smooth and serpentine.
“Damn,” McCree mumbles under his breath. His fingers twitch with the urge to touch, but he knows better: he lets Sombra move, lets her dictate the pace.
And she does, slowly standing up again. She spins on her toes, turning to face away from McCree. She doesn't look at him as she begins to sway her hips again, moving them in small circles just barely hovering over his crotch. She can feel McCree move behind her, can see his arms move just out of her peripheral vision: he looks like he's going to try to touch her again, but again he holds back. It's a shame, really, but Sombra is ultimately glad for it. She's loving the effect she's having on him - she loves having this little bit of power, even if it's only temporary.
She bends over again, hands on her own knees this time, and slides down low. It's a little silly if she thinks about it, since she's basically shoving her ass in his face, but McCree obviously doesn't mind; she can hear him groan, quietly and appreciatively, over the music. So maybe he isn't so quiet after all.
When Sombra straightens up, she leans back to sit on McCree's lap again. She still doesn't face him though, just grinds her hips down against his crotch and undulates, rolling every inch of her upper body. McCree groans again and she feels his hips roll up into hers. His cock drags against her ass and, when she moves just right, over the barely-clothed outline of her pussy. This time Sombra moans, throwing her head back and grinding down harder.
She hears - feels - McCree laugh, a vibration from deep in his chest. "Don't lose it now," he mumbles. "It's just starting to get good."
"Never," Sombra says, and she twists her body around, spins in McCree's lap, and arches her back, exposing the long expansive stretch of her torso. She doesn't miss the way McCree's eyes hungrily roam over her skin and come to rest on her cleavage, just barely contained by the short, low-cut top she's wearing. She'd been a little unsure about basically wearing a bra and nothing else to ‘work,’ but it turns out to be paying off way more than she ever would have anticipated.
She straightens up and shifts again, moving so one of her legs is on either side of McCree’s lap. She drops and rises again, moving in circles, getting low enough to rub herself against the bulge in his jeans for a brief second before coming back up. She has to bite down a moan every time they come close enough to touch; for a time, Sombra wonders if she's trying to tease McCree or tease herself.
But she keeps going, keeps dancing for him. Sombra's hands come to McCree's shoulders and she presses down on them, using him for leverage as she slides her legs back over his thighs so she can kneel between them again. She squats down low, resting on the balls of her feet, and runs her hands over his thighs, petting them up and down as she moves forward and back, arching her body close to his - so close she can feel heat radiating off McCree. Her breasts brush against his inner thighs and they both shudder, warm and oversensitive and wanting – no, needing more.
But she can't take more - not here, not yet. Not with so many people around, even though she desperately wants to take this a step further. And by the look on McCree's face, he wants to, too.
Sombra leans forward one more time, hips still swaying, but this time she goes just that little bit further, and she presses her lips to the clothed tip of his dick. And that’s the last thing she does before stopping, looking up smugly into his eyes.
“Is that it?” McCree asks, voice shaky and weak. It’s a good sound on him.
"On the clock," Sombra reminds him with a wink. "Unless you'd rather take this somewhere more private?"
"How much?" McCree asks, breathless and without a second’s hesitation. He must want this more than Sombra had thought.
"I told you. For you, it's free." She stands up and grabs his hand, lifting him up and tugging him along behind her as she makes her way to the stairs at the back of the club. She leads him up them, to the private rooms, and throws him into the first one she can find that's unoccupied. She slams the door shut and locks it, and without another word, pounces on McCree.
He divests her of what little clothing she still wears, top and shorts being thrown unceremoniously on the floor. When Sombra tries to take off his jacket, McCree stops her with his hands on hers, pinning them in place. In the back of her hazy, lust-fueled mind, Sombra thinks that he's probably trying to hide the gun tucked into the back of his pants, so she doesn't push, doesn't press the issue - she doesn't want to let on that she knows why he's really here. Instead, she yanks her hands free of his grip and sets to work on his pants, unbuckling his belt and tearing the fly open to free his cock.
Sombra wastes no time in getting it inside her. She sits on it, legs straddling McCree's like she had been mere minutes ago. Her hips rock back and forth as she tries to continue the lapdance she had been giving him, but it's much less graceful and much more desperate now that she can feel his generous girth pressing up inside of her.
"Fuck," she breathes, leaning back and tossing her hair over her shoulder. With a few more thrusts, Sombra finds just the right angle and she stays there, grinding down on McCree's dick until she comes on it, moaning and crying out at the overwhelming pleasure of his cock inside her, of his hands roaming all over her arms, her sides, her ass, her breasts.
She breathes heavily and tries to rock against McCree even through her orgasm in a valiant attempt to prolong it. McCree's hips are moving now too, bucking up into her, clearly trying to follow her over the edge. He can't, not until Sombra finally re-gathers herself after such an intense orgasm. When she does, it only takes him a matter of seconds.
McCree pushes Sombra off himself and takes his dick in his hands, pumping it the last few strokes to completion. He grunts and groans as he comes in bursts, splashing Sombra's stomach and thighs with it. It's a miracle he doesn't get any on his expensive jeans, but somehow, he manages.
Sombra clambers off him when McCree finally catches his breath. The room is well-stocked with tissues and towels, so she brings some over to help clean McCree off after wiping herself down first. She tosses everything they use into the empty bin in the corner of the room, then climbs back up to sit on McCree's lap. Right where she belongs, it seems.
"How was that?" Sombra asks, bringing a hand up to stroke his beard.
"Jesus," is all McCree can say for a moment. He slowly tries to compose himself, but only manages to get halfway there. "Almost regret not payin' up now. That was worth way more than a freebie."
"You can get me next time," Sombra says. She leans in close and kisses his ear, whispering against it, "I'm off in an hour. If you're still around..."
She knows he won't be. She doesn't plan to wait up for him. But she leaves the offer open, just in case.
"Right," McCree says. "If I’m around. But if not…"
"Then don’t worry about it." Sombra grins. "This is more than enough to remember you by."
It’s a little sad, thinking that this is all she’s going to get tonight. But her mission is far from over, and there will be other chances to get more intel on Overwatch. Lots more, if they all go like tonight has.
Sombra stands. "I'll leave you to it," she says, flicking his nose before standing up to get dressed. She can feel McCree's eyes on her as she pulls on first her top, then her shorts. She walks to the door, but before she leaves, Sombra turns around to wink at McCree over her shoulder. "Until next time, amigo," she says. "Adios."
"Adios." McCree waves her off with a salute, still sitting down and watching Sombra as she leaves the room.
Tonight had not gone as planned at all. Sombra hadn't gotten any intel on McCree, or any of Overwatch, really. But somehow, she still doesn't consider this a loss.
Sombra smiles to herself as she leaves the club. She may have failed this time, but there's always next time.
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Why do I get bored of certain games so quickly?
I’m not sure what causes this but certain BIG titles will get me so hyped up that I’ll save up to buy it on launch day (which is a big deal for me). I even take days off sometimes if I expect something to be really great, but without fail after playing for a few weeks or a month I’m tired of it. Doesn’t matter what it is or how badly I wanted to play it, I will drop it and return to my short play session favorites: Overwatch, Fortnite etc. 
Take Destiny 2 for example. Excellent game centered almost entirely around grinding and loot collecting but nonetheless it’s definitely in the upper echelon of AAA shooters. I didn’t know one person who wasn’t playing D2 on launch day and in the months thereafter. Saw it on the front page of Twitch daily and everyone I followed in the games world did nothing but sing its praises. Until one day, suddenly, there was a significant drop in player numbers before the end of 2017. Just over 3 months after release. While it isn’t uncommon for this to happen because, you know... people got shit to do around the holidays and other games are being released at this time, it still is pretty shocking to see from one of the biggest multiplayer titles of the year. Multiplayer open world games like D2 are reliant on consistent content updates and events to keep the world and gameplay alive. Counter Strike does this, Overwatch does this as well as Fortnite and PUBG and those are just a few examples of games people are still playing years after their initial and look newer with each update and patch but personally every D2 update was just more grinding to similar weapons. I believe what plagues Destiny the most is the infrequent nature at which they drop new free content and the events to me are just more of the same. Same enemies and same loot drops. Also for a game with SO much grinding, why is the base game level cap only 20?
But thats multiplayer, what about single-player experiences? This is where it becomes both an industry issue and a personal issue. I love the feeling of having a new game to run around in and new worlds to explore. Coming home from a game shop and popping a new game into the ol’ PS4 still brings me the same amount of joy as it did when I was a child. But the longer I play this new game, the less new it becomes and my attention span dwindles before I just stop playing completely. Let me quickly list the games I played and enjoyed but never finished.
Horizon Zero Dawn, played the first 8 hours of the game at launch, loved it, haven’t touched it since.
Far Cry 5, played about 20 hours and cleared the first area, liked it well enough, most of the time I went fishing and flew planes. Currently have no desire to play it more.
Dark Souls 3, one of my favorites! Haven’t beat the final 3 bosses or played any DLC. Just recently started a character. 
TES V SKYRIM, probably my favorite series to date and I never beat the game. I believe I have completed maybe 60% of quests and side quests but I keep starting new character files.
Surge. Played maybe an hour and a half, never beat the first boss. Thought it was fun and interesting. Goodbye Surge, sold the copy back didn’t I?
Nioh, again thought it was great, played 4 hours of it tops, sold it back.
Persona 5. Loved that one too, played the first story beat then someone told me how long the game was and the task was too daunting for me. Still own it and maybe I’ll finish it some day. 
You get the idea. I seem to start a lot of games over again. Maybe I just love the beginnings of games. Character customization and all that. And there are other factors like work schedules and such that keep me from playing anything with heavy story elements or anything that is so immersive that it might swallow up my time. But also by the time I can get into a game truly, 3 more games I’ve been excited about will come out and my attention will be averted. Most of the games I play right now are just multiplayer/online only. With the exception of Stardew Valley. No Man’s Sky, WoW, Overwatch, Fortnite and I just started playing Counter Strike again (R.I.P.) These games are all constantly being worked on and the expansions and updates that keep them fresh are free, though they do contain some micro-transactions. Maybe my tastes are changing, maybe games are being released so rapidly that I can’t keep up so I stop trying to, maybe I just can’t keep myself entertained with how fast the games industry is growing. Anyways the Overwatch Summer Games patch came out today SEE YA!
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MX when they find out they were their s/o’s bias before they met
Shownu: Papa Nu would be so happy.  Y’all could just be chilling watching one of his older performance (as you had requested just to see your baby rock it from day one), and just out of now where, his s/o would just announce that he was her bias, even before they met and eventually started dating.  He’d kinda take a moment to actually process what they said, but then just smile (eye smile on point, he’s too cute).
*Watching the M/V for Hero because s/o wanted to*
“You were my bias when I first found MX, fun fact.”
*Shownu is processing....* “SeriousLY?”
“Oh, well, thanks.”  *smile smile smile smile smile smile smile = I’m so darn luck to have them oml*
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Wonho: He’d honestly be so sHOOK.  He’d start firing off questions on ‘why you chose him’ ‘what did you find attractive’ ‘were you attracted by my sexy body’ and just question after question like a child.  His s/o would have to cover his mouth (or if you’re eating shoving his mouth full of food) to shut him up and explain that he was just the most precious being alive.
“Woah, seriously?  I was your bias?  Why?  Did you like my abs?  My body is pretty sexy.  My dancing maybe?  Why’d you choose me over everyone else?”
*s/o shoves a mouthful of ramyeon in his mouth*
“Yes, you’re very attractive, but that wasn’t why I chose you. You’re precious and sweet and hard so hard to please MONBEBE.  Who wouldn’t find that to be sweetest thing in the world? Your body is just a very lucky addition to the package.”
*He’d probably get flustered so he’d just hide and eat in embarrassment while his s/o teased him.  Out of love of course*
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Minhyuk: Okay, so we all know this boy is extra.  We know he’s over the top, but when his s/o whips out an old notebook with their favorite groups and biases (probably fanfiction too, let’s not hide the truth) and he saw his name in the first page with the #1 by it, he’d just start jumping like a child in a candy store.  He’d behind his s/o, hugging them so excited and asking them about it.  However, once they start naming all the best parts of this lil ball of cuteness, he’d just shrink and hide in their shoulder or back.
*Minhyuk sees the book you have and a list in it with names of members of different kpop groups.  Bias List: #1 Lee MinHyuk (Monsta X)*
“JAGI WHAT IS THIS?!” *Jumpy boy is excited and loud*
“It’s an old list of my biases I had when I was a cringey human a couple years ago”
“Annnd I’m number 1?”
“Well obviously.”
“Can my Jagi tell me why they love me~” *trying to be cute, but this boy is bout to be flustered the frick out.  Hold onto your seats y’all*
*Minhyuk is now clinging to s/o and is a red tomato baby*
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Kihyun: He’d find out while he over hears the other members trying to guess their original bias before their relationship with Kihyun.  Jooheon just innocently suggests that their bf was their bias and they just go “shit you right” and just everyone laughs.  Kihyun is sitting proud and teases about it for a bit, but on the inside he’s just constantly screaming.  After finding out this bit of info, he’d be unusually more affectionate to his s/o and just thank the heavens he’s got them in his life.
*MX and s/o playing some Overwatch while casually discussing s/o’s original bias*
Jooheon: It’d be Kihyun right?  I mean, they’re dating right?
S/O: The winner is Jooheon *as they casually kill Jooheon’s character*
Kihyun: *sitting on the couch, proud af and smiling as he sling his arm over his s/o’s shoulder while screaming mentally*
*Also starts clinging to s/o*
“What are you doing Kihyun?”
“Just making sure my baby knows I love them~”
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Hyungwon: SMUG AF He’d like expect this from them. He takes pride in his look and the boy knows he can move not to mention act.  He’d be joking around one day, out on a walk or something about how ‘he was probably your bias from the beginning’ and if his s/o didn’t reply or got shy or whatnot, he’d just poke fun at them...literally.  He’d poke their nose, their cheek, their side and just tease tease TEASE. But, he’s doing it out of love, he’s really happy that their heart was his from the start.
*casual coffee date run*
“I bet you loved me from the first time you saw me, didn’t you?” *teasing lil shit*
*s/o = silent*
“Wait, for real?  Oml, jagi you’re so cute.” *poke poke poke* “you can’t just ignore me~  You’ve been mine since the start,it’s far too late to do anything now~” *happy af*
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Jooheon: He’d honestly be really interested in this.  Like, the topic of Kpop biases came up and his s/o mentioned how they took a liking to him when they found MX and he’d just be up for some story telling. He’d listen pretty intently on how they described him, and just watched as they got more and more hyped when they talked about him and what he did. He would start saying how that, amoung all his MONBEBEs, his s/o was his bias and it’d be honestly just a warm fluffy time with the honey-bee.
*Jooheon and s/o talking about and exchanging their biases in different groups*
“Who did you like when you found our team?”
“Oh, I actually choose you as my bias.”
“Really?  I’m curious, how come?”
*starts talking about his quirks, his talent in composing, writing and rapping, plus the boy can sing.  He’s precious and he’s sUPER CUTE when he’s scared.  tbh, he needs hugs and cuddles and that one thing he did on that one show he was on that one time was cufe af*
“Well, I guess since I’m a fan of MONBEBEs, you’d be my bias Jagi~”
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I.M.: The pride this small young one has, is extraordinary.  Like, he never saw the answer of “yes, you were my bias” coming, but when his s/o said it, he’d just be “yeah I was”.  He wouldn’t miss a beat in basically flaunting how they made ‘the right choice’ or had the ‘best choice in men’.  though, like everyone else, he’d be happy, and he’d even be a bit relieved.  If they had said anyone else was their bias, he probably would’ve been salty af for a while and just clung to his s/o to make sure their first bias wouldn’t pull any shit.
“So, I was your first bias, right?”
“Yes.  Yes, you were.”
“Ah, you have excellent choice in men babe.  I mean, I’m the obvious choice here, no offense or anything.” *casually insults his hyungs, but hey, what’s new*
*having a lil dance party in his head because his s/o was taken with him since their days as ‘just a fan’*
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All gifs belong to their respectful owners!!
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And because tumblr is going to destroy this post: the full image Please be kind to my terrible Paint skills, I wasn’t about to bust out an old tablet to make this super fancy. Please know that this is one possible interpretation of the final year, year and a half of Overwatch given what we currently have available to us right now.
Sources and more information under the cut:
To start off with, our baseline point is Recall.
Recall is when both the game and the main plot begin - the Recall animation and Winston’s “Are You With Us” recall message are initiated, and this “coincides” with the game’s release in 2016.  To make things easier for everyone, my math here is simply to project: 2016 + 60 years forward = Recall initiated in 2076
Fairly straightforward and makes following game updates a bit easier.
From here, forward-progressing events move roughly at the same time as the game has been released.  For example:
Summer of 2016 || Summer of 2076: Ana is released || “Old Soldiers” comic occurs
November of 2016 || November of 2076: The Sombra ARG concludes || Sombra leaks LumériCo’s secrets
November of 2016 || November of 2076: “Infiltration” is released || Talon attempts to assassinate Katya Volskaya
November 2076: Volskaya asks Zarya for assistance in finding Sombra
Holidays of 2016 || Holidays of 2076: the “Reflections comic” occurs
Now we’ve entered 2017 || 2077.  Things shift slightly here.
On-going throughout 2077: Zarya searches for Sombra
Late February 2017 || Late February 2077: Interview with Efi Oladele is released
July 2017 || Late February 2077: “Masquerade” comic is released || Doomfist breaks out of prison and returns to Talon
March 2017 || March 2077: Orisa is released || Efi builds Orisa
Sometime after Orisa is built, 2077: Zarya meets Lynx in Numbani
April 2017 || April 2077: the “Uprising” event is released || files on the Strike Team’s mission against Null Sector are declassified
July 2017: Doomfist is released
August 2017 || (likely) August 2077: Junkertown map is released || Junkrat and Roadhog initiate “The Plan”
September 2017 || (likely) September 2077: “Searching” is released || Zarya finally finds Sombra
This is why the “Uprising” content all says “seven years ago” - because the game and the overall plot since Recall has moved forward one year, but the actual event of Null Sector’s Uprising did not change in time. So, with the “Recall” event and the “Uprising” information, I have two anchor points of reference for the general, final year of Overwatch: 2076 - 6 years = 2070 2077 - 7 years = 2070
Michael’s GDC talk also gives us a third anchor point: the Halloween party where Reinhardt tells the story of “Junkenstein’s Revenge.”  This is actually set during Halloween the year before, so 31st October, 2069 (nice).
I’m breaking this up by section to help make this a bit easier.
1. “Six Years Ago:” “Fading Glory: On the Trail of Jack Morrison,” in-universe article (https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/blog/19809396/) 2. Michael Chu’s timeline: “Thinking Globally: Building the Optimistic Future of Overwatch,” a GDC talk given by Michael Chu (Timestamp: 49:12 - clip starts at discussion of materials: https://youtu.be/bj56ejM5EcU?t=2952)
Late 2069/Early 2070
1. “Halloween party:” “Junkenstein’s Revenge,” a comic in which Reinhardt narrates a “scary” story to some of the Overwatch members (https://comic.playoverwatch.com/en-us/junkrat-junkenstein).  What is important to note here is that Michael actually puts this in the “Fall of Overwatch” era of his timeline.  It is also important to note that several major Overwatch characters - Lena, Winston, and Genji - are either not yet a part of Overwatch, or were not permitted to join the “core members’” Halloween party.  I have personally chosen to interpret this as the first option.  You may view things differently.
2. Tracer disappears from the timeline (not shown): “I was missing for months” - quote from her Origin video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27LPGldyY7M).  “[Tracer] reappeared months later, but her ordeal had greatly changed her: her molecules had been desynchronized from the flow of time.” - quote from her Hero profile (https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/heroes/tracer/).  “Months” here, as I understand it, probably means fewer than 12 months (a full year) but more than “a couple” (2 months).  It’s difficult to say when exactly Lena disappeared and when she returned, but we know she had returned by April of 2070 (at the very latest).
3. The Shimada brothers’ duel: alright.  Full disclosure inbound.  I got a handful of people countering me on this issue in my Moira discussion and here’s my response: we have a number of conflicting pieces of information and many of them could be possible.  I’d like to run through my reasoning for why I’m placing this event in the final year of Overwatch, as well as other possible places it could go.
3.1 “Nearly ten years ago:” a few people brought up that the 2014 Blizzcon Overwatch reveal panel described Hanzo (a then-playable character) as having left his home “nearly ten years ago.”  You can find this quote on this transcript here (http://overwatch.blizzplanet.com/blog/comments/blizzcon-2014-overwatch-unveiled-panel-transcript/3).  Reason why I disagree with this assessment: this line never made it to either of Hanzo or Genji’s final Hero profiles (Hanzo: https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/heroes/hanzo/) (Genji: https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/heroes/genji/). 
That said, this does not mean the line is incorrect, nor that it is not part of whatever internal timeline Blizzard is using.  I personally do not think it’s wise to specific details from the 2014 Blizzcon panel because of how old it is and how much changed between 2014 and the game’s release in 2016.  Remember - Blizzard was still rethinking its own plot well past the game’s release (when they canceled “First Strike”).  But in all fairness, if you want to make your own version of the timeline and use that, then feel free.
3.2 Late March/Early April: I had someone else note the fact that the “Dragons” animation shows several koinobori, or the Japanese koi windsocks traditionally flown on Children’s Day on May 5th.  There are a couple of issues with this: one, it does not particularly coincide with the blooming of the cherry blossoms in the Tokyo region (source: http://www.jnto.go.jp/sakura/eng/index.php), which is where Hanamura is “set,” and two, the idea kinda trusts that Blizzard did research on koinobori and when they are supposed to be used.  In an effort to be fair to Blizzard, technically, koinobori can begin appearing as decorations as early as April, and be flown all the way through to Children’s Day.
3.3 Genji in training: a related issue to 3.2 and the upcoming 5th event in the timeline is that Genji appears to be testing out his cyborg body in a sparring match against Lena/Tracer.  The “Art of Overwatch” book also provides a description that appears to imply that this skin is him when he is still recovering:
“Much like the Origins Edition skins, the designs released for the Uprising event offered a glimpse into a pivotal period of the characters’ lives.  One of the most extreme designs belong to Genji.  After his brother, Hanzo, nearly killed him, he was taken in by Overwatch and given a new body (below).  The experience left the hero embittered and angry, constantly at war with the cybernetics that were now a part of him.
“When designing a skin for this part of Genji’s story, the developers used his outfit to mirror his turbulent state of mind.  They made his armor feel like a mishmash of parts, symbolizing the hero’s struggle to accept what he has becomd.  The use of red throughout the skin also helped ot emphasize his uncontrollable rage.” - The Art of Overwatch, page 233
No date is given, hence why I feel the idea is only implied, but it is not stated.  Again, if you wish to create your own interpretation of this, you are free to do so.
4. Winston crash lands on Earth (no exact date given): this one is very difficult and admittedly extremely loosely incorporated into the final year of Overwatch.  You may interpret it differently.  My reasoning here is that Winston is not present in the Halloween comic, and no specific details are given in the ironically-named “New Details Emerge About Possible Fate of Horizon Lunar Colony” article (https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/blog/20812209).  However, Winston needs to be “present” and part of Overwatch when Tracer returns to the timeline from her accident, so this potentially puts Winston’s landing sometime around the Shimadas’ duel.
5. Uprising: As I described above, I’ve extrapolated that the time since release and the canon-events revealed have some parallels running between them.  Obviously, this is not set 100% in stone.  However, with Uprising, we do know a few things: 
it is Lena’s first mission, so it has to come after her return to the timeline
it features Winston, so he’s either a part of Overwatch now or taking a more active role
it features Winston testing Lena’s chronal accelerator, so it is relatively recent after her return and stabilization
it features Genji before he gets his normal cyborg “skin” 
it features Angela who appears to be testing Genji’s cybernetics
Reinhardt has not yet retired
Jesse is still present and part of Blackwatch
Ana is still present
Gabriel is still present
Overwatch is already under public scrutiny
Director Petras has already suspended Blackwatch activities
It takes place “seven years ago” from 2077.
These are a lot of constraints to place on Uprising, but they do limit us to what is likely the final year of Overwatch.  The teaser tweet for the event can be found here (https://twitter.com/playoverwatch/status/848958308643885056?lang=en) and the blog post can be found here (https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/blog/20696534).   Mid-to-Late 2070 (exact dates unknown) This is where things get very difficult to align, and the majority of events could be effectively rearranged to come before or after each other. 1. Moira recruited to Blackwatch: main source - Moira Origin Story (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ETybQd4uRE)   The newest event at the time of this writing, Moira’s recruitment is constrained by two major things - it must come after Genji joins, and it must happen before Genji and Jesse leave Blackwatch.  Again, if you see Genji’s fight with Hanzo as happening a couple of years before 2070, then yes, this event could come much earlier. The second “part” of this (which I’ve placed several months after her recruitment in the timeline) is that whatever Moira does or “tests” on Gabriel must come after Ana has “died” and separated from the Overwatch team.  Hypothetically, Moira’s “tests” are likely conducted over a period of time, but no matter what, Gabriel’s “final, unmasked appearance” (whatever it is) was never seen by Ana (but hypothetically has been seen by Jack/Soldier: 76).
For the quote that I provided, you can check here (http://segadores-y-soldados.tumblr.com/post/167111711575/moira-preview-new-hero-overwatch-panel) or you can watch the source video yourself:
“Moira Reveal Panel” - quote from Michael Chu (Timestamp: 3:47 https://youtu.be/HsJU3PEk9JY?t=227)
Source for the “Soldier: 24 folder” - http://segadores-y-soldados.tumblr.com/post/167127031445/new-details-on-the-university-map-of-oasis-found
2. Doomfist’s arrest: main source - Doomfist Origin Story (https://youtu.be/vaZfZFNuOpI) Again, no exact date has been given, but there are number of constraints that put this after Uprising:
Tracer is part of the team that arrested him
Winston is part of the team that arrested him (this may come after Winston passes whatever certification test is in the photo in Recall)
Genji appears to have his new cybernetics and may have transferred to Overwatch
Other key members of Overwatch, such as Reinhardt and Torbjörn, are not present and may have retired.
This may come before Moira’s recruitment.  Talon activities at this time period are difficult to suss out correctly.  As Moira’s hero profile implies:
“After Overwatch was disbanded, O'Deorain was forced to turn to unconventional sources of funding. This time, she was invited to join the scientific collective that had founded the city of Oasis. Yet some have whispered that the shadowy Talon organization had already been supporting her for years, aiding her experiments in exchange for utilizing the results for their own purposes.” Moira may have already been working for Talon at this time.  The “organization had already been supporting her for years” overlaps with her recruitment into Blackwatch (no matter where you put it), meaning she may have entered Blackwatch and Overwatch as a Talon agent.  It is also possible that she was approached by Talon AFTER becoming a Blackwatch agent.
This is important - and unfortunately very vague - because our next two points rely on knowing when and how Talon began infiltrating Blackwatch and Overwatch. 3. Amélie’s transformation into Widowmaker (no exact date given): main sources - Widowmaker’s Hero profile (https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/heroes/widowmaker/) and “Legacy” comic (https://comic.playoverwatch.com/en-us/legacy)
The exact timeline of Amélie’s transformation is hard to pin down because so much of it is simply unknown.  We have a few constraints but don’t know the exact time or nature of them:
Her skin and heartrate have been affected by whatever chemicals Talon put in her, turning her blue/purple (and yes, that’s canon and not just “aesthetics” - “then her physiology was altered, drastically slowing her heart, which turned her skin cold and blue and numbed her ability to experience human emotion.”)
However, her Talon skin does not have the blue/purple tint yet, so it’s possible this is a representation of her shortly after she killed Gérard (I suspect Overwatch would’ve been much less casual about letting her return to her husband if she had been, well, literally blue/purple).
It is not known if this process was started before or after Moira joined Blackwatch, but it is incredibly suspicious that a “possibly Talon-affiliated” scientist with knowledge of altering genetics and physiology who is literally shown testing chemicals on her own arm which later turns blue/purple appears in the exact timeframe that Amélie’s transformation begins. The Fall of Overwatch: Late (?) 2070 1. Ana’s “death:” main sources - Ana Origin Story (https://youtu.be/yzFWIw7wV8Q) and “Legacy” comic. For my original discussion on this, check here: http://segadores-y-soldados.tumblr.com/post/159512959195/alright-so-the-subject-of-ana-being-the-source-of Ana’s death was likely a major, major turning point for both Overwatch and Talon.  Again, it’s hard to place because it appears to come after the majority of Amélie’s transformation into Widowmaker, but again, the exact date to place this is unknown.  Many fans originally believed that Ana had “died” much, much earlier in the timeline, like, several years earlier.  However, after Uprising was released and it was revealed that Ana was still present early in the final year, fan theories had to be changed.
It also makes a lot more sense if Ana’s “shoot-off” with Widowmaker occurs very close to the Fall of Overwatch - so close that she was not able to recover in time and return to the organization to help repair any rifts her “death” may have caused.  However, it also has to come before Gabriel’s final transformation or shift into “Reaper,” because Ana does not recognize “what has happened” to him.
It is also a little difficult to sort out, but a major “potential” cause for a rift between Jack and Gabriel could stem from discussions about Ana disobeying orders.  It’s a small detail to catch, but in the “Legacy” comic, Ana deliberately defies orders to evacuate and turns off her communications device, possibly leaving the Strike Team unable to find her location.  However, in the “Old Soldiers” comic, Reaper says that Overwatch “left [Ana] to die,” which seems to contradict the point that she disobeyed evac orders.  I know many fans don’t like the idea of the fallout between Gabriel/Reaper and Jack/Soldier: 76 being over a miscommunication, but it seems entirely plausible that Jack returned from the mission without Ana, claiming she had ignored his orders, and that Gabriel had accused him of abandoning her. Again, this is my interpretation of the events presented.  Reading between the lines, especially with such large gaps in the plot, is a difficult task and you may choose to interpret things differently. 2. Events with unknown dates: there are three events that have no set dates but occur near or close to the Fall of Overwatch, or at least must occur after certain other points.  These are: 2.1 Genji leaves Overwatch: this must occur after he participates in the arrest of Doomfist. 2.2 Jesse leaves Blackwatch: this must occur after Uprising and Moira’s recruitment (bare minimum), and must occur after “the infighting” within Blackwatch had begun (McCree’s Hero profile: https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/heroes/mccree/).  Direct quote: “McCree appreciated the flexibility afforded to the clandestine Blackwatch, unhindered by bureaucracy and red tape. But as Overwatch's influence waned, rogue elements within Blackwatch sought to bring down the organization and turn it to their own ends. Wanting no part of the infighting, McCree set off alone and went underground.” 2.3 The “Venice incident:” an unknown event alluded to in Moira’s Hero profile, in which her presence in Blackwatch is revealed (Moira’s Hero profile: https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/heroes/moira/).  Direct quote: “Her employment was a closely kept secret, until it was uncovered during inquiries following the Venice incident. Many high-ranking Overwatch officials disavowed all knowledge of her affiliation with them.”  This is significant because a major Talon leader - Vialli - works in Venice and appears (briefly and much later) during the events of the “Masquerade” comic.
These events have no set dates and no particular order.  Michael Chu has stated that McCree and Genji kept in touch after leaving Blackwatch separately, but no dates are given for that.   3. “What happened to you?”/“It was a conspiracy:” Main sources:
Reaper’s Hero profile: https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/heroes/reaper/
Soldier: 76′s Hero profile: https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/heroes/soldier-76/
Soldier: 76 Origin Story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byhvUmpAA9c
“Fading Glory: On the Trail of Jack Morrison”: https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/blog/19809396/
Moira Origin Story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ETybQd4uRE
Nesskain’s (the artist of the Moira Origin Story video) response to how Gabriel is feeling about the shadows: https://twitter.com/nesskain/status/926674887615188992
Moira Reveal Panel at 2017 Blizzcon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsJU3PEk9JY
“Old Soldiers” comic: https://comic.playoverwatch.com/en-us/ana-old-soldiers
“Are you with us?” Recall message: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwFu8kEsUW4
And now Here we are. I’ve put these two events side-by-side because it’s incredibly likely that they’re linked in some way.  The exact nature of their connections are still unknown, as are their dates. Hypothetically, by the time Genji and Jesse leave, “whatever happened” to Gabriel has not yet occurred.  That said, Michael Chu has stated that Jesse McCree has not seen Gabriel/Reaper in the current plotline, but that, if they were to meet, McCree “would known [sic] that Reaper was Reyes if he encountered him” (https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/6b63j3/ama_request_michael_chu/dhlepud/).  In other places, Michael has stated that the only people who recognize that Gabriel is Reaper are Jack, Ana, and Sombra (this is prior to the release of Doomfist and Moira).  Direct quote: “So far: Ana and Jack (when they encountered him in Old Soldiers) and Sombra (because she Knows Things). “Even with everything that's happened to Reyes, Ana and Jack would be able to recognize him immediately, given all their close experience serving together over the years. “(To make it extra confusing: it gets a little more complicated in-game because we chose to have some non-canon interactions because I think it's more interesting to have Reinhardt take out Reaper and say, "Traitor!" than to accurately reflect that he doesn't know Reaper's true identity. But as I've said before, events in game shouldn't be considered strictly canon.)” - Michael Chu (https://us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20753735625#post-13) So we’ve come to a few constraints on Gabriel’s “appearance:”
Jack/Soldier: 76 knows that Gabriel is Reaper by the time of “Old Soldiers,” if not beforehand.
Ana recognizes him by demeanor and personality, but is horrified by his appearance when she unmasks him in “Old Soldiers.”
Despite having worked with him for the same amount of time as Ana, Reinhardt canonically does not know who “Reaper” is, but would recognize him if he encountered him.
Jesse McCree canonically does not know who “Reaper” is, but would recognize him if he encountered him.
Interestingly, Widowmaker does not know who “Reaper” is.
Winston does not appear to know who “Reaper” is.
Genji may or may not know who “Reaper” is.
It is important to note that, by the time of the explosion at the Swiss Watchpoint, the majority of these characters are not present in Overwatch anymore.  Ana, Reinhardt, Jesse, Amélie (if she ever was close to the Overwatch agents), and Genji have all left.  Winston, presumably, is at Watchpoint: Gibraltar.  The locations of characters like Torbjörn, Angela, and Lena are unknown.
That leaves three possible “major characters” at the Swiss Watchpoint at the time of the explosion: Gabriel Reyes, Jack Morrison, and potentially Moira O’Deorain.  Her direct involvement in this event is unknown. According to the “Fading Glory” article, both Gabriel and Jack were seen by witnesses as being present in the Watchpoint before the explosion.  Soldier: 76 confirms this in his Origin Story.  Reaper confirms that he too was present at the base in the “Old Soldiers” comic.
What is significant is that Nesskain has confirmed that Gabriel is “scared” when what appears to be his final transformation is occurring (in the presence of Moira), yet for some reason, he specifically blames Jack and Overwatch for “what happened to him.”
Ana: “What happened to you...?”
Reaper: “He did this to me, Ana.  They left me to become this thing...”
Ana: “Gabriel...”
Reaper: “They left you to die.  They left me to suffer...”
Reaper: “...Never forget that.”
Reaper’s explanation in “Old Soldiers” is fascinating because it appears to be in direct contrast with information given to us in “Legacy” (Ana chose to turn off her comms) and the Moira Origin Story (Gabriel approached her for recruitment, Moira either created or enhanced his genetic mutations, resulting in his “Reaper” powers and/or current appearance/state of existence). It’s incredibly difficult to say how closely together Gabriel’s shift and the Swiss Watchpoint explosion occurred, or how much they are directly related, but it seems likely they are linked in some way.  At the very least, Reaper links “being left behind (to suffer)” by Jack/Soldier: 76 and Overwatch with the explanation for his current (2076) state of existence.
Again, I will leave you to formulate whatever interpretation or conclusion you want. Conclusion You don’t have to use this timeline. I’ve provided every major source that I have for this “final year of Overwatch” - watch them, read them, form your own interpretations, do whatever you want.  If your biggest issue is where I’ve placed things, go ahead and rearrange your own puzzle pieces. However, you should keep in mind an important quote from Michael Chu: “One of the things that we really like doing with Overwatch is playing with perspective.  We utilize perspective when we tell stories about what characters are thinking, what their goals are - and we have a lot of unreliable narrators.  We want people to pay careful attention to what characters think about in particular situations.  We want them to use their judgement and knowlege of a character’s thoughts to come up with their own ideas about the universe.” - Thinking Globally (Timestamp: 34:35 https://youtu.be/bj56ejM5EcU?t=2075) Not only are many of the points in the timeline effectively “freefloating” (aka, they have no exact dates, or hell, not even exact months or years), they are also complicated by the matter of unreliable narrators and biased perspectives.  The Moira Origin Story gives us a crucial clue to Gabriel/Reaper’s story, but the narration in the video is all told to us by Moira.  I am personally infinitely grateful for the Moira Reveal Panel and Nesskain’s comments on his own art because they provide us with very significant clues that are from outsiders looking in.  That is, they are not tinted with biases or unreliability.  
After going through the new clues on Oasis, as well as listening to the Moira Reveal Panel and seeing Nesskain’s comments, I have revised a lot of my initial ideas on her, Gabriel, and Jack.  At the moment, I’m waiting to see if we get any in-game interactions between her and Reaper when she is released to the PTR later. For now, this my interpretation of the Fall of Overwatch.
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buildmethemoon · 7 years
Dirty Laundry
Rating: E
Gabriel Reyes/Reader
Chapters: 21-25 (still ongoing)
Chapter 21
The weeks flew by.
During that time, you and Gabe continued to practice dancing and fighting together. Your dancing moved from Gabe’s office to the training hall where Commander’s Morrison and Amari, McCree and Genji could serve as distractions and test your abilities. They would do things such as exchange notes while you and Gabe spun around on the dance floor. The test being if you could correctly locate who had the note by the end of your dance. Also testing scenarios like being crowded. Or if a fight did break out on the dance floor, how well could you handle holding your own. Genji knew Gabe was in safe hands the first time you had removed a blunt version of your hair pin and held it to his throat after a mock attack.
Simple tests in the grand scheme of things, but every little thing could help.
The first time you danced in front of the four of them, they didn’t interrupt you.
You danced to Serenade by Schubert, intending to dance to half of the song at most. A song not too fast, but allowed you two to show off your skills. With no interruptions you could feel yourself becoming self-conscious worried they weren’t impressed; your eyes would wander over his shoulder trying to read their faces. A light squeeze to your hand from his, you stared into his eyes. He gave you the smallest of smiles. Only you could see the corners of his mouth barley upturn, it was a smile only meant just for you after all. You inhaled a breath quickly then eagerly threw yourself back in to the dance.
When the song came to and end, Gabe stepped away, keeping your hand in his, then taking a bow, you did a curtsy. You looked at each person’s face, trying to understand why none of them had spoken. Ana was wearing a smile, a smile that said she knew everything and was waiting for everyone else to catch up, including you.
Jack was nothing short of impressed, he was chuckling to himself looking at Ana who nodded in agreement without a word being spoken.
You and Gabe must have focused on McCree at the same time.
“Are you crying?” Gabe asked sounding like he wanted to laugh, but deep down felt flattered.
“It was just downright beautiful.” McCree was being genuine. He wiped away a tear that threatened to roll down his cheek. “Can’t help it.”
Genji patted him on the shoulder shaking his head side to side then looking between you and Gabe. “It was very impressive. I do believe we are ready to begin training now that we have seen your demonstration.” you could hear the smile in Genji’s voice.
Later the four of them would talk about how neither of you stopped holding hands. It could have been because you were so used to it by now from all the practicing Jack suggested. Ana kindly suggested Jack was a fool much to McCree’s delight.
You had two weeks till the actual event took place. What you and Gabriel had to do now was secure your aliases and appear as convincing as a couple as possible. Arkwright was going to use this party as an opportunity not only to show his vast wealth and connections, but make as many deals as possible. According to the network of intel everyone on the guest list was being watched. Getting the information to appear real was the easy part, any attempt to find holes in your stories wouldn’t exist on paper. The risk of being found out now fell squarely on you and Gabe.
With the time you had left before the masquerade, you and Gabe would be flown out to Aspen and live and act as if you were a couple. Every base was covered. What outfits you’d be wearing, what meals you’d have, and where you’d be sleeping. You had detailed lists of every guest and where they would be in town so you could begin mingling.
Ana, as always, was helpful and put your mind at ease. You were able to sit and have tea with her, going over details that were important for your part of the mission. Looking and acting the part of a wealthy trophy girlfriend.
The story was You and Gabe were a wealthy couple with bank accounts all over the world. Gabe eager to spend money to make money. He has his hands in a few different ammunition suppliers and would like to become involved with Arkwright. Not as a business partner, but more of a brand ambassador. Gabe wants to help Arkwright become the leading arms and ammunitions makers in the world. And he can help Arkwright do it on the up and up, which means less worries for Arkwright.
Your part would be the gossiping girlfriend, socializing with the other spouses and lovers of Arkwright’s inner circle.
“Men so often think the women in their lives don’t understand their business and all the secrets. Yet when the men get sent to prison, the women could step right in and continue the work if they wanted. Empires could be toppled if some women chose to act.” She chuckled.
The night before you were to leave she made sure you could dress yourself in the gown. She knew Gabe would help if needed, but “being as self-sufficient as possible in everything you do” was important. She helped you pack the dozen designer suitcases. Told you that every morning you would go to the hotel salon to get your hair and makeup done.
Having to sit still while people worked around you and on you sounded more stressful than training.
She zipped the last suitcase closed and stood, she held her hands in front of herself, looking over the piles of luggage then to you.
“You and Gabe will do well.” She said confidently. “You keep each other safe, and when you come back, tell me everything.” She gave you a warm smile then bid you good evening. Leaving you to try and get some rest before your flight in a few hours.
Chapter 22:
That morning you did your makeup and hair, you did a fine job considering you were very out of practice. You sprayed some setting spray, setting the makeup in place. Adding a bit more hairspray to tame any stray hairs. You watched yourself in the mirror as you put in square cut emerald earrings. The you really looked at yourself in the mirror, not recognizing yourself. You wore a forest green chiffon V-neck blouse that hung loose around your waist. Over it you wore a fitted black suit jacket and a matching pair of pants. Finish off the simple look with a pair of black ankle high booties and a calf length wool coat that that was far to hot to wear till you go to Aspen.
When you dressed up, it was usually for no one other than yourself. Now having to play dress up for a crowd of people you’d never see after this mission gave you mixed feelings. A small voice in the back of your mind reminded you Gabe would get to see you. You told it to shut up.
Then you thought about how once you walked out of your door, you were playing a role. You weren’t sure how deep in character you’d have to stay. You placed your makeup and hair products in a small carry-on bag, along with a change of clothes, and your toothbrush. You took a deep breath, pressing the button to open your door.
Mission: Start.
You walked out into the hall, carry-on bag on one arm, coat thrown over the other. You turned to walk towards the garage, but froze in place at the sound of a wolf whistle. You stopped, a smirk already spreading on your lips as you turned to look at McCree.
“Well ain’t you as pretty as a picture.” He grinned walking over to you. He held out a glasses case to you which you took. He extended his other hand offering to take you bag and coat, which you handed to him.
“That there is just a bit of the tech that’s been prepared for your mission, the rest is on the jet. You and Reyes will go over it on the flight there.” He said as you both walked towards the garage.
You opened the case and inside was a pair of tortoise shell Ray Bans with black lenses. You put them on, you were about to ask how you looked but then like a screen coming to life, words appeared on the inner lenses.
“Oh!” you said a little surprised. Intel of the mission scrolled along the side, when you looked at McCree it identified him, giving his basic information that Blackwatch allowed the Overwatch data bases. You looked down the hall and it resumed intel information. “Interesting.”
“There are some instructions for basic command functions,” he held up a piece of paper showing he was placing it in a pocket of your bag. “but I believe the best method is stumbling into learning.”
“Best method?” You laughed, looking around the hall seeing temperature readings of the room and McCree’s heat signature out of the corner of your eye.
“It’s gotten me this far.” He chuckled as you entered the garage.
The glasses adapted to the lower light, letting you see clearly. It analyzed the license plates giving VIN information. Not much since it was all owned by Overwatch. You saw a limousine with it’s engine running. A man in a chauffeur’s outfit and cap stood at the front of the car. He began to walk towards the end of the limo, uninteresting info scrolled over him, seeming he was nothing more than an employee and errand boy. He walked down to a large man who was looking at his holo-pad. Information began to fill in showing it was Gabe, but leaving a lot of spaces blank, giving you no new information. He looked up at you and smiled. You took of the glasses just before they could tell you about a temperature increase to his whole body.
But in the unenhanced dim light of the garage, his blush went unnoticed.
McCree went to the back of the limo, lifting the unlocked trunk.
“Jeezus, got enough stuff?” he closed the truck without putting your bag in.
“Have look the part.” You gave an innocent shrug. It’s not like you’d get to keep an of this. It would all be reused or sold to get new things for different missions for different agents.
“That’s a whole lotta looks.” McCree handed your bag to Gabe. “You two don’t get into too much trouble without me.” He patted Gabe on the shoulder. “I’ll talk to ya on proper channels when yer both settled.” He handed you your coat and bumped your shoulder with a fist as he walked away.
You watched him walk away with an affectionate smile before facing Gabe.
“Shall we?”
“After you.”  Gabe stepped back sweeping his arm as the chauffeur opened the door and letting you get in first. You couldn’t help but remember the gesture from the time you had a one on one bout. From knocking him onto his ass to him sweeping you off your feet on the dance floor, you smiled inwardly and climbed in.
You choose the long seat on the side, Gabe taking the bench at the back. The door was closed and after a few seconds the limo began to drive.
“To the airport.” Were the only instructions to the driver before he closed the partition window and the felted cover, giving you privacy.
“Nervous?” Gabe asked sinking into his seat and leaning his head back. He watched you with half lidded eyes, and the small smirk you had become an expert at finding.
Now that you were looking at him without the interruptions of the glasses or McCree, he looked like a model, like he was going to sell you some cologne for a boyfriend you didn’t have. But it would be how you would want your boyfriend to smell, if it meant it would smell like him.
No beanie, his hair hardly styled, needing no effort to look perfect apparently. His goatee was trimmed close and with tight lines. He wore a white dress shirt, that looked like it was struggling to hold his muscles despite it very likely being tailored for him. Over that he wore a gray suit vest with matching pants. Over it a knee length black unbuttoned peacoat. Which as you were watching him, he was removing. It did feel very warm in the small area all of the sudden.
He uncuffed his cufflinks rolling his sleeves up to just below the elbow. His feet were together but his legs were wide open, you tried to look anywhere but at him. It felt incredibly hot in the car at that moment, you helplessly looked around for a window you could open. The buttons were near Gabe and you didn’t want it to be obvious that just seeing him like this made you feel like you would spontaneously combust.
You pushed your coat from your lap to as far away on the seat beside you could, as if it being near you was the cause for your overheating. You removed your suit jacket laying it on your coat and leaning back on the cool leather of the car seat, thankful for the chiffon being so breathable. It was a slight improvement, you closed your eyes, exhaled. You shifted in your seat leaning on one side and propping your elbow up, you rested your head on your arm. You opened your eyes and looked at him.
“I guess you could say I’m a little nervous.” You gave a sheepish smile, trying to look only at his eyes.
Gabe smiled, then crossed his legs. Beginning to realize these two weeks were going to be so much more work than he had originally thought.
Chapter 23:
Flying on a private jet was great, if you could ever do it again you would jump at the chance. The only staff were the two pilots, the rest of the cabin was yours and Gabe’s.
You wandered around while the luggage was loaded below. The bar was stocked. A touch screen showed you the cover art for hundreds of movies that could be watched. It had an even larger catalog of music.
You scrolled through the movies, overwhelmed with options, you couldn’t decide.
Gabe came up the stairs, setting his carryon bag next to yours on the floor.
“Any suggestions?” You asked, still focusing on the screen.
“You a fan of classic movies?” He asked joining you at the screen.
“What do you have in mind?”
“Ever seen The Thin Man?” Gabe asked, touching the screen. He pulled up the available movies and typed in the name to narrowing the results. “with William Powell and Myrna Loy?”
You had your head tilted in thought, but it wasn’t ringing any bells. He pulled up the cover art and you read the tag line. “Dashiell Hammett’s master of mystery, The Thin Man.”
“Never seen it. But if you say it’s good, I’ll take your word for it.” You walked to the bar, looking at the options. You didn’t want to admit not only nervous about the mission, but flying as well. Before you could decide on a drink, one of the pilots opened the cockpit door.
“We are ready for take off Mr. and Mrs. Herrero, please take your seats and put on your seatbelts. Once we reach a steady altitude we’ll turn on the light” He said pointing to an unlit green bulb above the cockpit entrance.
“Thank you, Captain” Gabe replied, you gave a polite smile.
You gave the bar one last look then got into your seat, buckling yourself in.
Gabe grabbed a remote and took the seat next to you, pulling down the armrest between the both of you. The lights dimmed, the sunshades lowered, giving you a more authentic movie experience.
The engines started up. You had your hands laced in your lap, white knuckled grip.
Gabe noticed and hit play on the movie, a staticky screen buzzed to life. The lion roared above the Metro Goldwyn Mayer logo, then a band began to play. Gabe turned up the volume trying to make it louder than the engines.
Some names flashed on the screen telling you who was playing what parts, you didn’t remember any of them. Gabe could see how tense you were. He leaned on the armrest between you, talking over the film and into your right ear. This did successfully distract you.
“That guy,” he said gesturing to an old man working on some machine. “is an inventor of some smelting processes, some bullshit like that. That’s his daughter and her fiancé, they’re coming to tell him they plan on getting married.”
He continued to explain the scene despite you being able to hear and see it yourself. But you focused only on his voice, the timbre of his voice and how lovely it sounded so close to your ear. Your hands loosened slightly, no longer white knuckled.
Gabe continued explaining the story, giving his opinion on the characters on screen. You began to breath normally, snickering at his commentary.
Gabe couldn’t have timed it more perfectly. Just as the jet began to take off, loud music began to play as the scene became the couple on a dance floor. The girl, who you now knew as Dorothy, spotted Nick who was played by Powell, across the room at the bar.
“That’s Nick Charles,” he said enthusiastically, making you smile. “a former detective who married rich.”
You tried not to roll your eyes. Sure, it was nice having swapped stereotyped roles, a man marrying a wealthy woman. But films like that typically ended with the poor woman being murdered.
“You’ll love her.” Gabe said confidently watching the screen. “Just wait.”
The scene became a woman dressed in an expensive fur coat, being dragged down the hall by a dog whose nails clacked on the hardwood floors of a hotel hall. The dog rounded the corner, dragging the woman with him, her arms full of boxes wrapped for Christmas. She tripped just as he pulled her into the bar, causing her to  fall forward, boxes spilling across the floor.
You grimaced, hoping it didn’t hurt too much.
“Loy really took that fall.” Gabe grinned. The woman was helped up by some men.
Nora, played by Myrna Loy, was unbothered, getting to her feet then teasing her husband who now held the dog.
Gabe didn’t talk over the dialogue now, and you were glad. Nora took none of Nick’s wisecracks, matching him line for line with her own. Gabe cast a sideways glance seeing if you were actually paying attention. Your eyes were fixed on the screen, wearing a smirk.
He didn’t settle back into his seat. He rather enjoyed giving you his thoughts on the film so far, and was enjoying the smell of your perfume.
“How many drinks have you had?” Nora asked looking at Nick with an amused expression.
“This will make six martinis.” Nick said watching the waiter as he set down their drinks.
“All right,” Nora said setting down her clutch. “Will you bring me five more martinis, Leo? And line them up right here.” She said pointing at five spaces on the table.
Nick made a noise of approval.
You laughed at the next scene. Nora in bed with a hangover, Nick getting her a cold press for her headache.
At that moment the green light came on, indicating you were no safe to walk around the cabin.
You pressed your lips together, realizing Gabe had tricked you into calming down. You smiled down at your lap, your hands relaxed. You could feel his eyes on you, probably wearing a smug grin. You rocked in your seat sideways, awkwardly bumping your shoulder into his. “Thank you.” You were glad the cabin was dimmed, hiding your blush.
He bumped your shoulder back, continuing to wear his smug grin.
He restarted the movie, letting you watch it again. He stayed leaned in, giving commentary and answering your questions.
By the end of the flight you were half way through the sequel film.
You asked Gabe if you could watch the rest of it once you got to the hotel. “If we aren’t busy with everything, of course.” You added embarrassed, forgetting for a moment that this was a mission and not a vacation.
“If we can find the time, sure.”
You both stood, grabbing your bags and putting on your coats. He stood in front of the entry door waiting for you.
“Once we get off this jet, we are Mr. and Mrs. Herrero, got it?” Gabe said resting his hand on the opening latch.
You grabbed his hand, intertwining your fingers with his, giving it a squeeze.
He nodded and pulling the latch up, leading the way down the stairs to a waiting limo. You sat on the bench seat together in silence, unsure if the car was bugged.
You kept holding hands.
You remained silent, smiling and giving a ‘hello’ when needed. Letting him play his part and staying in yours. You both would occasionally squeeze the others hand, an unspoken form of reassurance you both needed.
It wasn’t till you were standing outside the hotel room door that you both let go.
Chapter 24:
You were escorted to your room by a team of bellhops with trolleys of your luggage packed on them. The elevator was a tight fit, you clung to Gabe’s arm playing up clingy girlfriend. They put a keycard into a reader in the elevator. None of the buttons lit up, but it lifted you upward to the top unmarked floor.
The doors opened to a large round room with marble floors, the walls covered in ornate wallpaper. A room intended for parties and private events. You hoped Gabe would still want to practice dancing even though at this point there was no need.
“We could host our own ball.” Gabe said loudly, making sure the bellhops would hear. He gave your hand a light squeeze.
“Oh, but could it still be a costumed one?” You asked looking up at him.
One of the male bellhops walked ahead, you and Gabe close behind.
“This suite is for our most respected guests.” The bellhop said proudly. He walked a little faster getting to the back wall, he applied pressure to a panel that was hidden in the pattern of the wallpaper. The small door sprung open showing keycard reader. He inserted the card and to your surprise a whole panel of the wall slid open.
Gabe had them unload the luggage outside of your hotel room, not wanting anyone in there before the pair of you. The bellhop who had spoken handed Gabe two keycards and waited for his coworkers to finish.
“I think we have it from here.” Gabe said turning to the bellhops who all tried to look like they weren’t waiting for compensation. He let go of your hand getting out his wallet, giving each of the bellhops a twenty.
“Please be sure to tell the cleaning staff that we won’t be needing any room service. She packed for everything.” Gabe laughed gesturing at all the luggage.
You giggled rolling your eyes at him. They all bid you a good evening as the elevator doors shut.
The pleasant smiles you and Gabe were wearing were gone as soon as you both heard the elevator begin descending. He looked at you, and you nodded.
You both went into your bags, each pulling out a device. You both walked towards the elevator then splitting.
“Wouldn’t it be nice to host our own party?” Gabe asked, focused on his device.
“It would be wonderful! I wonder if we could outdo Arkwright in this small of a space.” You said with a smile, trying to make it sound genuine.
“If I land this deal, maybe I could us a nice place out here. The parties would be unforgettable.” By this point you and Gabe had met back together in front of the doorway, giving each other a thumb up. You walked through the door, splitting up again and scanning the walls and furniture.
You started in the living room, couches and chairs facing a fireplace with a large TV above it.
“Oh, my goodness! A real fireplace!” You said scanning the unlit structure, even leaning in to scan up the vents. Then reaching up to make sure your device thoroughly scanned the TV.
“The kitchen is quaint, but I don’t think we’ll be doing much dinning here.” Gabe said sounding unimpressed.
He joined you in the living room, you both gave each other a thumb up. His eyes glanced at the open bedroom door, you nodded and followed him in.
“Not bad.” Gabe said, actually giving the bed a look before focusing on the walls.
“It’s so rare you see a hotel with a nice color scheme, they really tried to make this place look nice.” You scanned your wall, then going into the open bathroom. “I can’t wait to take a bubble bath in this. Plenty of room for two.”
Gabe’s brows furrowed, but he stayed focused on his device and the task at hand. He finished scanning the bedroom and the furniture as you came out of the bathroom. You gave a thumb up and could see him visibly relax.
“All clear.” He said looking back down at his device. “Send you data back to the base. Not that we got anything, but we can set these to monitor any changes now that we have it all scanned. So at least we don’t have to worry about eavesdropping while we’re here.”
You pressed the buttons making sure you got a confirmation that your scans had been sent.
“What’s next?” You asked, you had read the report mapping out your daily plans up until the event. But tonight’s had been left blank.
“Nothing. Basically, this time is to let us unpack and organize for tomorrow. Last night of freedom, to a degree.” Gabe sent his scans off, then looked up at you.
You both realized you were alone together. Alone for the first time since you’d met each other actually. There was no one next door who could knock or barge in on you.
Just you two. It was terrifying.
You both understood you would have to share the bed. You couldn’t make the room look lived in without actually living in it. You would check for spying every day, of course. But the realism that actually doing something was undeniable. The conversation you had both originally had was so short, just a bullet point you barely touched on, and some how hadn’t thought about since.
In both of your daydreaming and fantasizing, neither of you had played this scenario out.
The more you both thought about it, maybe it was more exhilarating than terrifying.
Whatever it was, you both felt it.
“Huh.” You said first, breaking the silence. You nodded your head a few times, accepting whatever may or may not happen. “So…Return Of The Thin Man?” you suggested, raising a brow.
Gabe smiled, glad you had broken the tension he felt was filling the room. He wasn’t sure if he felt better, but he didn’t feel worse either. “That,” he chuckled, and ran a hand through his hair. “That sounds great.”
You two stood there for a second, just smiling at each other.
He lead the way out of the room to retrieve the luggage, bringing it in piece by piece. While you pulled up the film on the TV.
Chapter 25:
Gabe went downstairs and got you both takeout from the hotel restaurant. By the time he came back you were dressed in a long-sleeved button up pajama shirt with matching pants. You looked like you should be modelling it for a Macy’s catalog, it didn’t suit you. It belonged on an older woman who would be forced to accept it as a gift from some family member who knew nothing about her but her shirt size.
You were uncomfortable, not from the situation for once, but the scratchy fabric of the shirt. It was too hot, too long, and too confining. Typically, you chose comfort over style, and whatever style this was, it should be banned.
“You ok?” Asked Gabe watching you fuss with the shirt as you walked into the living room, he sat your dinner out on the counter.
“Not my usual sleepwear, but I’ll adjust.” You rolled up the sleeve but they felt too tight on your arms, so you rolled them back down. “The pants are comfortable at least.” You gave up, walking over to join Gabe.
The hotel served a variety of cuisines, you both had settled for Chinese food, not wanting to comb through the menu. The suite’s kitchen was stocked with dishes thankfully, goodness forbid the rich were inconvenienced in any way. Gabe gave you your plate, Beef Lo Mein and friend wontons.
There was a dining table in the kitchen, but both of you opted for the couch that was facing the TV. There was plenty of space for the two of you on said couch, but you both sat in the middle, keeping small amount of space between you.
You watched ‘The Thin Man’ again then ‘The Return Of The Thin Man’. You learned there were three additional sequels, Gabe telling you the only thing that made the last two worth watching was Loy and Powell.
Maybe it was because you had both separately gotten up to clean your plates, then returned to sit. Maybe the couch wasn’t distributing your weight well due to your locations. Maybe if was because you couldn’t hear Gabe’s commentary if you were more than a foot away since he didn’t want to be louder than the dialogue.
But at some point, during the movies you both had ended up leaning on each other. You had settled into the crook of his arm, him laying his arm across the back of the couch letting you in closer.
Neither of you noticed. It felt so natural, it wasn’t worth noticing.
Maybe because you had spent so much time pressed together dancing. Or using the other as a brace during combat training. Maybe because over the last few months you had eaten many meals together and just enjoyed the others company.
Even when the movie ended, and you got up to go wash your face, Gabe only noticed that he felt a little colder. He got up checking the thermostat but it showed no temperature change. He wondered if the chimney caused a draft.
He got up turning everything off, joining you in the bedroom.
He walked in as you were walking out of the bathroom, patting your clean face dry.
“Sorry to ruin the illusion.” You chuckled, half joking, the other half self-conscious. You reached back into the bathroom hanging the washcloth on a hook near the door.
Today had been the first day he had seen you in makeup.
Sure, it enhanced some of your features. But he had grown fond of your face, not one you had to paint on. Not the one you’d have to wear for this mission.
Your face. The face that had worn a taunting grin that day you had flipped him. A face he had seen in a snarl when in the throes of training in CQC. The face that showed signs for smile lines because you always seemed to find a reason to be smiling and laughing.
A face he wanted desperately to cup and lips he wanted to kiss.
That last thought caused him to look away from you, diverting his gaze to the dresser. He had grabbed a pair of pajama pants. He closed the drawer, stopping half way to the closet.
“An illusion implies you’re trying to hide something. I hope you never feel you need to hide anything from me. Especially your face.” His heart thumped in his chest, he faced the closet looking at his t-shirts, his blush making his cheeks feel like they were on fire.
Your face went scarlet, you brought your cold hands to hold your cheeks, attempting to hide it.
Gabe grabbed two black t-shirts off the hangers, holding one in the same hand as his pajama pants.
“Here.” He said tossing you the other shirt. “I don’t have to wear some stupid outfit to bed, neither should you.” He said walking past you to the bathroom to get changed.
You laughed turning to face the door as he closed it. You brought the shirt to your nose, smelling it. Since everything of his was packed together, it had the faint scent of him. His cologne, deodorant, and everything else that just made him smell like him. You’d rather keep your face buried in than wear it. You quickly unbuttoned the horrible pajama top, pushing it off your shoulders then pulling his shirt on over yourself.
Gabe looked at his reflection in the mirror, his face still tinged with red. He was accepting the fact he had feelings for you, there was no denying it, his body wouldn’t let him. He would blush constantly. He seemed to always be smiling when he was with you, it was exercising muscles in his face he didn’t know he had. He had spent many nights shamelessly indulging in erotic daydreams and fantasies, moaning your name as he came undone. But as of late, simpler more attainable daydreams played in his mind. Many of the things such as dinner dates, nights out, and openly flirting. Many of those things would be done on this mission. He just wished it didn’t have to be in character, he wanted it to be real.
He exhaled, dragging his hands down his face. He grabbed a clean washcloth and washed his face. He changed into his pajamas.
You sat on the edge of the California King bed. Your bed back at the Overwatch base was Queen sized. But this one seemed so much bigger. You felt like it was because you and Gabe would be sharing it. You would be inches apart, but it would feel like miles. Your mind was looking for ways to not make this awkward and uncomfortable for Gabe. Aside from wanting to cling to him like a rock in a storm, you were a bed hog. You slept in the center of your own bed, because it was yours. You worried while you were sleeping if you would steal the blankets or wrap yourself around him. You still didn’t believe he saw you as anything other than a subordinate. It made your heart ache. But you forced that sadness down. You wanted this mission to be a success. Your sleeping habits couldn’t make him lose sleep. You were going to offer to sleep on the couch. He, being the commander, needed his sleep.
“Are you decent?” Gabe asked, waiting to open the door.
“Yes!” you said snapping out of your thoughts.
Gabe came out, he smiled upon seeing you chose to wear his shirt. Your face was tense, he was worried you didn’t want to share the bed. Maybe it was crossing a line that needed to be addressed.
“So.” You began still unsure how you would phrase it.
Gabe was ready to sleep on the couch, you just had to say the word.
“So, I’ve never shared my bed with anyone. And it’s not that I can’t share! I just tend to toss and turn a bit. And I hog the covers. At least I’m pretty sure I do, like I said. I’ve never shared a bed and,” You rambled.
It was the most shaken he had ever seen you, which was adorable. He could have ended your suffering but enjoyed watching you flounder, trying to get to the point.
You saw he was just smirking at you with an amused expression trying not to laugh. You stopped and collected yourself.
“You shouldn’t lose sleep because I may keep you awake. And I can’t promise I won’t, just, wrap around you.” You said not looking at him, you held your hands out in front of yourself, as if they could grab a better word out of the air. You just knew you didn’t want to say ‘snuggle’.
“I…Ok. That’s what you’re worried about?” He laughed, unable to hold it in. “I’ve had my fair share of cramped sleeping situations.” He said walking around to his side of the bed, pulling back the blankets. “As long as you’re not attacking me while you have a night terror or something, I think I’ll survive.” He assured you.
You felt foolish. Of course, this wouldn’t be weird for him. You were sure he and Commanders Morrison and Amari could share some stories about being packed in places like sardines.
He saw your face fall, your internal monologue likely being very cruel.
“Besides, I like being little spoon.” He said sitting down and tucking his legs under the blankets then laying down.
You giggled, pulling your blankets back and sliding under them as well.
You laid back, then turned on your side to look at him. He stayed flat on his back, eyes closed. You wanted to say something, you just didn’t know what. You rolled over to your other side facing away from him.
Thank you for reading I really appreciate it! Any comments and critiques welcome.
also ilu <3
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mistamysteriuh67 · 5 years
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FPS Games Comparison
GTA V - Unlike most FPS games this one wasn't originally designed to be played in first person. It was something that was added later into the game via an update. It’s interesting that it was possible to completely put first person mechanics, animations and models into the game after release without changing anything to the original game as the third person mechanics are still there and can be switched between at will in game.
Star Wars Battlefront 2 - This first person shooter is interesting as not only are third person mechanics are present in the game but some elements of it are designed to be switched based on the context of what's happening, if you are playing as a hero character you are forced to 3rd person. The game is multiplayer focused with optional single player content with matches taking place over massive battlefield set in the Star Wars universe.
Fallout 4 - Designed to be played in both first and third person from the beginning, this game is different from the others in this list as it uses RPG mechanics in the game to alter the FPS experience.
Apex Legends - Designed to be played in first and third person however, it’s only in third person at the start of the game but the rest of the game from when you land is played out in first person. This game is multiplayer focused and it’s about survival which means your ‘squad’ has to be the last remaining players at the end of the game in order for you to win.
Portal - This first person shooter is single player focused with mainly first person view available although you can view your character by using portals which is technically using third person but it is only viewed in first person. This is done by drawing portals but in order to draw them, the developers render the world, then render a depth/stencil mask in the location of the portal before drawing the scene again from the perspective of the portal ‘exit’. The mask ensures the scenes don’t appear to intersect.
Team Fortress 2 - This first person game runs on The Orange Box version of the source engine, The Orange Box engine adds hardware face rendering, soft particles, and multicore rendering over the old Source Engine. It is also a multiplayer focused game with no single player available although you can play in split screen.
Overwatch - This first person shooter is multiplayer focused with no mode available to play in single player exactly, however you can play a custom game with just AI on the enemy team and your own team as well as a practice range which is a single player. The game features a large range of characters to play against other players with, each with their own unique mechanics.
Destiny 2 - Destiny 2 is an online-only multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed by Bungie. However the only ways to go into third person are if the weapon switches you into third person or if you’re driving a vehicle called ‘Sparrow’. The only campaign in this game is only used to introduce the characters and controls for the game - in other words, a tutorial. As a shooter, this game is about working with other players in an MMO style world, getting rewards for completing content such as new weapons and stats.
Battlefield 1 - This first person shooter developed by EA and DICE is mainly focused around multiplayer and single player with a total of 25 levels to complete, all of which are separated in 5 ‘stories’ which means there are 5 levels to complete in each ‘story’. The entire game is based in the time period of World War 1 and matches take place on a massive battlefield with lots of players working towards completing map objectives to win a game.
Minecraft - Technically Minecraft is a first person shooter because although it uses first person gameplay mechanics, this game isn’t focused around guns or anything violent as this is aimed at people of all ages. Although it does include bows and arrows which makes it a first person shooter. There is also third person which can switched at will in the game. This game shows that the controls and mechanics of a first person shooter can remain intact but also be a different game style entirely. 
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hear-the-dokidoki · 7 years
Everything Fades - Chapter V
A Jungkook story inspired by Kimi no Na wa
Summary: Once in a while when I wake up, I find myself crying. The dream I must’ve had, I can never quite remember. Yet, the sensation that I’ve lost something important always lingers for a long time…
Her: Just a normal day in my boring, calm li- HOLY SHIT I’M IN JEON JUNGKOOK’S BODY.
Him: Alright, let’s go to prac- WAIT WHY DO I HAVE BOOBS?
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Chapters: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Chapter V – Thank the Gods for Jeon Jungkook’s Muscles
My eyes are vehemently fixed on my hands as the car transports us towards... well, I’m not really sure.
To my left, there’s Kim Seokjin, and, behind me, Min Yoongi and Park Jimin.
“I’m surrounded by the enemy,” I think.
I feel a bit claustrophobic.
“Ahhh, what am I supposed to do..? Last time I possessed Jungkook, in some miraculous turn of event, it was a day for individual schedules… I just locked myself in the bedroom skipping my meeting with the producers by claiming I was too sick to even move… And the first time lasted only a few minutes because I lost conscience…”
My head slowly turns to the car door.
Which is made of solid metal.
I stare.
“What if…”
I consider the idea for a solid minute.
“I don’t want him to get a concussion either,” I think, frowning. “And the other members would think that I… that he…”
I sigh, highly frustrated.
“That we’d gone crazy or something.”
I rub my eyes.
“How many hours of sleep did this body even get? I feel like my eyelids are made of lead.”
I let out a short fake-cry sound.
“Jungkook-ah,” Jin says. “What’s up with you?”
“Shit. I forgot about him for a sec. Ahhh, fuck me.”
I lick my lips, trying to look natural (and I probably look as natural as a turquoise whale in the middle of Time Square).
“I… stayed up until late… studying. Yeah...”
Jin looks surprised. “What were you studying?”
“What does Jungkook even study? I think he has online courses or something, but that kid looks clueless 50% of the time.”
I clear my throat.
“You know… Some… Korean... stuff.”
“I thought you played Overwatch with Taetae until you both passed out,” Jimin says from the backseat.
Jin stares at me. I stare at my hands. My hands… don’t have eyes.
“Jungkook-ah, this-” Jin begins.
I feel something warm on my chin.
“Oh!” Jin blurts out. “You’re nose bleeding.”
He reaches for a tissue box by his feet and shoves a few pieces in my face.
“Aish, this hasn’t happened to you in a while,” Jin comments with a deep frown.
Yoongi and Jimin look up from their phone and ask if I’m okay. Mechanically, I nod.
“You must be very tired,” Jin continues.
I’m as stiff a brick, leaned as far as possible in my chair. Kim Seokjin is a foot away from me, and even though I can escape his gaze, I can’t avoid having him in my field of vision.
“Tired,” I let out. “That must be it. Haha. Ha. Yeah… I’m tired.”
Jin sighs. “We just have five hours of dance practice, today.”
“Just?” I think. “Just five hours?”
“Try to get through, okay?” Jin says gently. “Hyung will pay for your lunch latter.”
I try to force a smile, though I’m not sure if he sees it, under the thickness of reddened tissues piled on my lower face.
“Thanks,” I manage to mumble.
After a few minutes, the bleeding stops, and I’m told to try to sleep for the little time left in the car.
“Thank the gods for making me bleed,” I think. “That saved me, just now.”
My eyes flutter open for a second, and I shut them tight again.
“Well, that was a fucked-up thought… But… maybe blood is the solution? This whole thing is supernatural anyways, maybe getting some blood magic involved wouldn’t be so bad…”
“Yeah, I think my body being tired is affecting my psyche…”
I yawn, and I feel a hand patting my shoulder.
“I don’t even want to know,” I think, before another thought comes. “But… I guess I have to get used to this. Seeing them in real life and all. I can’t have them finding out that some random girl is inhabiting their baby maknae. I... I have to act like him.”
I open one eye, and glance over my shoulder. Jin is busy with some phone game and Yoongi seems asleep. Park Jimin sees me looking in his direction, and offers me a smile, taking one of his headphones off.
“Oh my god he’s the softest thing I’ve ever seen.”
He leans in closer to me.
“Are you feeling better?” he murmurs.
“Y-yeah,” I shot back, feeling my cheeks burning up.
He watches me with care.
“How is he so handsome what the hell.”
“You look a bit sick…” he adds softly. “Try to sleep, Jungkookie.”
I slowly nod and turn back, burying myself in my seat.
“Yeah, let's try that. It might get me outta here.”
I close my eyes and drift into that awful semi-consciousness state between sleep and awakeness. Stuck in a disordered hurricane of thoughts, I can’t say that I get any rest. Before I know it, the car is immobile and someone is shaking my arm.
“Get up, Jungkook-ah,” a voice says.
In a daze, I’m being ushered up and being dragged around.
“Am I… Am I in the Big Hit building?” I think.
I’m too tired to process my surroundings. Everything is a blur, and at some point music starts to blast from big speakers.
“Holy shit,” I let out, eyes widening.
I find Namjoon right in front of me.
“Jungkook-ah,” he begins gently. “I know you’re not feeling well right now, but practice is starting in a few minutes. If it’s too hard on you, we’ll take more breaks than usual, alright? Just tell me if you need it.”
He offers me a hand. Reluctantly, I take it.
“Oh gods.”
I gulp.
“I am Jeon Jungkook,” I tell myself. “This is a fucking mess, but for now, I am Jeon Jungkook. That’s me. Yup.”
I take Namjoon’s hand, and he pulls me on my feet.
I’m pulled into position, and from how we’re standing, I can guess that we’re doing the Blood, Sweat and Tears choreo.
“Never thought watching some Korean guys’ dance practice over fifty times would ever be of any actual use,” I think, and my lips curl up slightly.
“We’re starting in 5,” Jung Hoseok says.
“I can’t dance.”
The music begins.
Without my permission, my body starts to follow the beat.
“What the-”
Ten seconds go by, then twenty, thirty… I make no mistake. 
At least, Jungkook’s body doesn’t.
“Oh my god I can dance.”
His muscles just move on their own accord. I glance at my reflection in the mirror.
“Wah… I don’t look like a seagull having a seizure.”
I continue to freak out in my head, and I barely notice when the music is stopped in the middle of the song.
“Jin-hyung,” Hoseok begins, and they discuss the way the eldest was moving his legs.
I’m too busy thinking about the miracle of muscle memory, and when the music resumes, I’m wide awake and ready to be Jeon Jungkook.
We work on a lot of things, and I try to understand the technical words that are used. It’s difficult, and I tell myself that I’ll have to find time to study all that. Later, we spend an eternity on monitoring some previous perfomances, and I scarcely survive by making sounds when other members react and by saying a couple vague comments about how we perhaps should've done this or that differently.
The day of work, even though apparently shorter than usual, finally comes to an end. I’m sweaty and burned up, but this body has a stamina far greater than my own, so I’m still somewhat alive.
On the way home, we stop by a fast food, and Jin orders me the food he promised. On any other day, I would have an intense reaction about that Jinkook moment, but for now, I’m starving, and the only thing I can think about is eating. During the rest of the drive, the members chat amongst themselves, and I look out the window, observing the streets of Korea. It’s very odd and interesting, enough to keep me conscious. Food coma is kicking in, and I fell myself drifting a couple times, but I need to communicate with Jungkook, and I can’t do that if I leave now.
As soon as we reach the dorms, in spite of Jin’s insistence about seeing a doctor (“This sickness is strange, Jungkook-ah. It’s making you act in a very weird manner.”), I run to my bedroom and bury myself under my covers, pretending to be asleep. I hear the door opening one or two times, and the dancing shadows on my wall tell me that it’s some of the members checking on me.  After what seems like an eternity of trying hard not to fall into Morpheus’ arms, I decide to take a chance and hope that I’ll be left alone.
On tiptoes, I go to the desk and find a pen. I write a quick message on my arm, reread it a couple times, then allow myself a sigh of relief. I scavenge the closet and find a thin jacket. Putting it on, I crawl back into bed, and, at long last, let myself drift into the world of dreams.
> Next chapter 🌸
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pileofrats · 7 years
Hey. You know that gaming ask meme you reblogged? I dare you to do all of it
ask and ye shall receive
1. First console you’ve ever owned?
・Original Playstation
2. First game you played?
・Fuck I don’t even remember probably Spyro the Dragon
3. Favorite childhood game?
・Pokemon Colosseum or The Legendary Starfy
4. Longest consecutive hours you’ve played a game?
・I played mc with jay for 8 hours straight once and it hurt a bit
5. Game with the best soundtrack?
・I loved Portal 2s soundtrack, but idk if I could classify any ost as the best
6. An underrated game from within the last few years?
・ Terraria for sure
7. Most disappointing game you’ve played?
・ Speedrunners or replaying Epic Mickey
8. The game with the best atmosphere/scenery?
・ Fuck me thats tough Skyrim has nice skies but NITW is beautiful
9. Last game you played?
・ A rom of Pokemon Platinum
10. Prefer PC or console?
・  PC
11. Have you written any fanfic or made any fanart?
・ I’ve done a bit of Mario fanart in the past
12. Most bizarre game you’ve ever played?
・ Maybe Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness bcus its so different and darker than every other pokemon game its super weird
13. Scariest game you’ve played?
・ I don’t really play horror
14. Do you watch playthroughs online?
・ If I can’t afford it or don’t have the console I have
15. Favorite animal in a video game?
・ idrk if this means like a character or just like an animal. I’m just gonna say Ezlo. (is ezlo a bird or a hat)
16. The best year in gaming you’ve experienced?
・ idek
17. Have a video game themed background or lockscreen?
・ Both my comp and phone bgs are D.Va themed atm
18. Worst game you’ve played?
・ maybe epic mickey?
19. Hardest game you’ve ever played?
・ Idk if it’s the hardest but Risk of Rain is a real challenge 
20. Favorite publisher and/or developer?
・ Valve? I don’t really follow specific developers
21. If you had to play one game for the rest of your life, what would it be?
・ GMOD or Skyrim V22. If you could turn one game into movie, which would it be?
・  Overwatch
23. Favorite genre of video game?
・ Adventure/story based games
24. Ever cried because of a video game? Which one(s)?
・ I don’t think so? maybe undertale but i dont remember 
25. Proudest accomplishment in gaming?
・ Team kill w/D.Va or kicking jacobs ass in pokemon Stadium that one time at the wake a ton remember that jacob
26. How often do you play online? Co-op?
・ Pretty often lately, as I’ve been playing a lot of Overwatch
27. Have you gotten any friends into gaming?
・ probably not
28. Who got YOU into gaming?
・  my cousin i suppose or this one kid at my elementary school who i overheard talking about ROBLOX but idk if roblox counts as gaming its more like living
29. Watch cutscenes or skip them?
・ watch
30. On average, how long does it take you in the character creation screen?
・ depends on the options, but i usually go pretty ham with them
31. Game with the best theme song?
・  The pokemon theme that plays in every game at the beginning cutscene w/nidorino and gengar will always be a fucking BOP
32. Do you cosplay?
・ i have before but it’s not much of a hobby
33. Favorite female npc?
・ idk how much this counts but mf mama from cooking mama shes such a classic
34. Favorite male npc?
・ wheatley 
35. Best protagonist? 
・ kirby hes a perfect soft boy and i love him
36. Best antagonist?
37. Ever been made fun of for playing video games?
・ gamer oppression is real and we gamers feel it ever day
38. Have you tried a game, hated it, then tried again, and loved it?
39. Do you play for achievements/trophies?
・ not unless you get a reward for collecting them
40. Favorite voice actor?
・ JK Simmons just for portal tbh cave johnson was so fucking iconic and his performance was amazing
41. Gone to a midnight release before?
yeah pokemon sun and moon
42. A game you will never forget (in a bad OR good way)?
・ Portal 2, it was the first game i ever bought and played on my own and i still love it to death
43. Favorite sidekick or companion?
・  moe from the legendary starfy
44. Do graphics matter?
・ No, but i’ll be less inclined to play a game if it looks like shit
45. Do you like funny or more serious games?
・ no preference
46. Always, sometimes, or never use subtitles?
・ sometimes
47. First person or Third person?
first u can miss me with that third person shit if its a shooter or any game involving combat
48. A game you’ve always wanted to play but have never gotten to it?
・ abzu and oxenfree
49. A game you haven’t played in forever, but want to replay?
・ Pokemon platinum
50. How many games to do you own?
・ if we’re counting wii games then literally over 100 but otherwise probably closer to like 30???? that ive bought myself
51. First character you’ve had a crush on?
・ i cannot answer this without being shamed
52. A game you will always stand behind, and support no matter what?
・ Portal 2, pokemon platinum, and brawlhalla
53. Your most immersive game?
・this is a weird answer but monaco?? its so fucking tense and fast i get really into it
54. A sequel you really want?
・god idek
55. How much time, on average, do you play in a week?
・rlly depends on the week sometimes i work and study 24/7 sometimes i rlly let go and do nothing
56. Do you tell people irl that you play video games?
・yes most of my friends play games
57. What is an overrated game you’ve played?
58. Ever have someone walk in on a sex scene between you and you LI?
・i cannot decipher this question
59. A game you are looking forward to this year?
・i have no idea what year its coming out because its been delayed abt 16 times but i fucking NEED cuphead to come out
60. The game you are best at?
・ brawlhalla hands down or cooking mama im god at both
61. A game you know everything about?
・ portal 2 
62. Would you want to work with video games when you are older?
・ yeah itd be fun to work on character/game design
63. What’s a game that has inspired you?
・ undertale
64. Describe your favorite video game using only three words?
・every robot’s mean
65. Any favorite screenshots of games?
・yeah i mean im not gonna upload it but this shot of a dragon in the night sky w/the skyrim aurora borealis behind it its so rad
66. Game with the yummiest looking food?
・ Starfy
67. Most violent game you’ve played?
・ skyrim
68. An older game that you’ve just recently gotten into?
・ skyrim i guess??? its not too old though
69. Your first LI?
・ is tht supposed to mean love interest i still dont know
70. Do you play any mobile games?
・ smashy brick bcus dunkeys in it and disney crossy road
71. A game you can’t stop talking/thinking about at the moment?
・ skyrim its on my mind 24/7
72. Have any guilty pleasure games?
・ gmod ik its a piece of shit 
73. A game with the best fandom?
74. Which game has the best lore?
・  uhhh overwatchs lore actually makes no sense when applied to the gameplay at all but all the heroes have rlly in depth and complete stories and roles in the world no one feels particularly left out so ill say that
75. Do you focus on main storyline/quest or do sidequests first?
・ main storyline, sidequests stress me out if im not done what i need to do first. (with the exception of skyrim lol i havent touched the main questline in ages ive just been running across the map to find cool shit)
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A Lovely Night of Shadows
Day 1 Theme (a) First meeting & Theme (b) First Date
SFW (Slightly Suggestive)
Word count approx (2470)
After several months on tour across the world, Shadow can now take his 3 week leave and catch some peace and quiet from all the bloodshed and pain he had to endure during those months. As he stepped out of the drop ship several other agents that flew with him rushed out to the terminal to meet their friends and loved ones. Pharah was standing waiting patiently for her mother to come out and see her. Reinhardt tapped him asking if he may pass, of course Shadow stepped aside and let him through “Ahahaha my friends what's with all this standing around, it has been so long!” his voice echoed throughout the base. The rest soon followed leaving him and Jack to be the last two. “Where will you go for the next few weeks?” Jack asked as he was about to step off. “France. I have a favor to do for a friend. What about you sir?” he replied. “A soldier's work never ends, you should know that. I’ll probably be here on base doing paperwork… You don’t have to call me sir anymore those days are over.” Shadow shook his hand before grabbing his bags and headed for his plane. “Get some rest Will you’ve earned it.” Shadow turned but, jack was already gone. “Yes sir”  he muttered to himself. The next drop ship to France landed on the landing pad and a line of agents began forming. Shadow saw a few other agents board including a few who were on tour with him. Shadow took his seat and closed his eyes and awaited yet another flight to his destination.
The drop ship slowly descended down to the landing pad and Shadow could already see the Eiffel Tower from his window. He grabbed his bags and proceeded to the terminal to find numerous other agents wandering around. Shadow walked outside to find a sea of cars building up on the roads. He walked toward the Private Overwatch cars instead of waiting for a cab. Shadow placed his right hand on the driver window, “Access granted bienvenue en France [1] Shadow”. He loaded his bags and drove off to the private hotel.
*At the hotel*  As soon as he got there the place was lit up like Time’s Square. He parked the car and grabbed his bags to check in. “Bonjour, je voudrais une chambre.[2]” The woman behind the counter looked at him and asked “Votre nom [3]?”
“William Nightingale” as he pulled out his ID. She smiled and handed him his key “Merci et j'espère que vous apprécierez votre séjour [4]” He took the key and proceeded to his room. He opened the door and walked in and slowly shut the door behind him. The room was luxurious floor made of marble, couches made of white leather, a black glass dining table sat at the center of the room, 55 inch plasma screen TV, and full kitchen. He turned and walked to the bedroom to set down his bags and glance over at the balcony. The view was breathtaking the Eiffel tower in perfect view with the rest of the beautiful city landscape surrounding him. Shadow reaches into his bag to get a fresh set of clothes along with  silver cross and a dog tag and places them on the night stand. “Might as well take a shower before I head out” he muttered. As the steam cleared up he wipes the mirror to reveal the scar that run across his right eye on his face and begins to get dressed. A midnight blue collared shirt, silver vest, midnight blue slacks, and black oxfords. He grabs the cross and dog tag and puts them in his vest pocket before heading out back to the car. “Off to Les Valides I go” as he starts the car and dashes off.
*At the cemetery*
As shadow closes the door a sense of sadness rolls over him, his heart slowly beats as the wind slowly breezes by his face. He walks around in search of the grave for his fallen comrade. Pual de Sant 1998-2024. Shadow kneels down and pulls out the silver cross and his tag. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. If only I was faster…” He rested his head on top of the gravestone then stood up and saluted. “Reste en paix ma vieille amie [5]” Shadow checked his watch to see time it is. “Hmm 10:00 o’clock in the evening already.” He decided to take a trip to the bar and catch a drink before heading back.
*At the bar*
E BAR, FOUR SEASONS GEORGE V a place where Shadow and his comrades shared a number of drinks together whenever they were in Paris.As Shadow walked in, he can hear the sound of voices echoing throughout the establishment the scent of fine wine and liquor engulfed the room. He found a empty bar stool and took a seat. “Oi’ William bonjuor!” Shadow looked up to see his old friend and smiled “Bonjour Noe! How have you been?” “Good business as usual. Where are the rest of the boys? Or are all them on leave elsewhere.” Shadow looked down at the bar table And pulled out a photograph of him and his squadron, “Kicks, Hunter, and Pual are dead. Jesse, and Bishop have been medically discharged. I’m all that's left.” Noe set down the glass he was cleaning and reached for the photograph, “I’m sorry Will I know how close you guys were, they were all truly the bravest men I know.” “Thanks Noe they would’ve wanted me to celebrate, to live on for them, to tell their story.” Noe pinned the photo on the wall along with several others. “So William the usual? Old fashioned? Old Overholt rye?” “That would be much appreciated thanks.” “Of course Will” he smiled and turned to mix his drink. Shadow looked down at his watch again and then looked up to find his drink right in front of him. He picked it up and took a sip of his drink and then set it down wiping his lips. “Well, Well, Well, look who do we have here?” Shadow turned to his right  to find Widowmaker sitting right next to him holding a wine glass in her hand. Her yellow cat like eyes trained on his and a smug look on her face. “If it isn’t the Shadow himself.” He looked to his left to find Sombra holding a glass of tequila with the same look. “If you do not mind I’d like to finish my drink and take this outside. You can do whatever you so please then. Widow gave a light chuckle before setting her wine glass on the table and grew closer to him. “You are afraid are you not?” Shadow took another sip of his drink and set it down “No, I’m not. I’m actually surprised Talon would send for their best assassin to kill me now while I’m on leave.” he replied. “Hm tell me, do you really think I was hired to kill you now? And if I did don’t you think you’d be dead already?” She was right if she wanted to she could’ve killed him before he even got close to the bar. Plus why would she need another agent to help her? She’s Talon’s top assassin for a reason. “Oye I still can’t get anything on him, his phone is dark, I can’t even get past the first firewall.” Sombra broke in. “That’s because I already know who you are and I rigged mine to a whole new frequency” Sombra raised an eyebrow.  “Yes and I am well aware of who you are, ma dame. Amelie Lacroix, or now known as Widowmaker. You were kidnapped by Talon brainwashed and enhanced to become their top assassin. Your first assignment was to kill your husband Gerard Lacroix from there you were sent to kill Mondatta, Ana Amari, and you, Sombra and Reaper were both sent to try and assassinate Katya Volskaya, and now I dare ask, what do you want from me?” Widow rimmed the top of her wine glass. “Hmm it seems that your superiors provide you with a heavy amount of details about me but what about her?” as she pointed to Sombra. “Hmph …. Or Sombra is it that most call you now?” just as Shadow said her actual name she eyes widened as she looked as she was about to draw her gun but, widow ordered not to. “Calmate senorita I won’t speak of it again. Now where was I? right, sombra you were an orphan in Mexico trying to live in life hacking your way up until you were picked up by the Los Muertos gang and you hacking spree went viral from Lumerico to Volskaya Industries. At some point you were picked up by Talon due to your impressive hacking skills. Unfortunately I do not recall any other information but, that’s all I need to know anyways.” Both looked at each other in astonishment. “And so I politely ask, if you are not here to kill me what are you here for?” Widow moved her right leg and rested it on Shadows stool “Well you certainly know all about us, however we can not get anything from you. Even my companion can not find anything about you and you’ve certainly piqued her interest quite a bit. So why don’t you come with us on a stroll. Paris is lovely this time of year you know?” Widow drew nearer to Shadows face.“Well ma cheri?” she gave him a wink and sat back. Shadow downed the rest of his drink. As he got up he left a few bills under his glass. Sombra hopped off her stool wondering what was going to happen. Shadow lent a hand to Widow to which she took and got off her stool. “Apres vous. [6]”
Well this is something Shadow didn’t see coming. He was actually having a stroll with two Talon agents. Especially the cold blooded assassin Widowmaker. “So um-” “William or Will if you want.” “Will how is it that you know my actual name?” Sombra asked. William smiled “A man can’t tell you all of his secrets.” Sombra gave him a teasing shove on his shoulder. “Sombra why don’t you ask him something else, this is your chance to actually get to know him.” Sombra sighed before asking, “Ugh fine, how did you lock your phone to how it is now?” Widow rolled her eyes in embarrassment. “What you said to ask him something else?” Shadow took out his phone “Don’t worry it’s fine. Well you see. I changed the diagnostics of my phone and any of my electronics to filter out any unknown sources hence it blacks out on you.” Sombra waved her hand at her face “Dios mio it is hard to find people who can hide like that. I like it.” “Well Ms Lacroix?” “Hmmm? Wait did you just call me-” “I don’t like to call people by their call signs unless they prefer it or just don’t want me to call them by their real name. Something wrong with that?” Widow looked away “N-No I just didn’t think I would hear that name again. So what did you do before you joined, them…?” Shadow pulls out a rifle bullet out of his pocket “I hunted a lot so much that I have trophies all over my home. Bears, Wolves, Elk, whatever was game. I just feel like my life revolves around me and a sniper rifle. It’s just a part of me now. I can’t escape it so I embrace it.” “What about your hacking and programming where did that come from?” sombra piped in, “It’s just something I taught myself. Ever since the Omnic crisis I changed my electronics to prevent hacks.” “So I heard you’ve killed many Talon agents before have you not?” He looked at his rifle round before finally replying, “Yes, yes I have. My rifle, my knives, my bare hands, even my uniform. They’re all stained with blood of the many that I’ve killed. I think about those I’ve murdered and if I have any regrets for it.” when William said that widow’s heart stopped for a brief moment. “I know you’re still thinking about him. That no matter how much brainwashing they do to you ,somewhere in the back of your mind you still care for Gerard. You can deny it all you want because of it but in the end you truly do care... I’m not going to go anymore further than that since I know if I do I’ll be dead right where I stand now.” Sombra took a few steps back in fear that he could be right. Widow stood hands on the railing with her head down and her eyes closed. A single tear shed from her right eye, slowly streaking across her blue face. Shadow reached for his handkerchief to wipe her face. “If I die now by your hands, I don’t care, all I care is that I’ve finally brought peace to you and that’s all that matters to me now.” Widow wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. Her cold blue lips locked with his warm ones, Shadow wrapped his right arm around her waist and slowly dipped her beneath the dark moonlight night, the cold breeze flowing past their faces. “You do not care if my body is cold?” Shadow smiled and swept her off the floor. “No I don’t because I want you to feel mine so I can finally bring warmth to yours...That and I’m from Alaska so I’m used to the cold” he chuckled. Shadow set widow down and she held him as tight as she could. “So um what about me?” Sombra bit her lip. Widow gave her the finger to come so she did. This whole time they were walking, Widow had led them all to the Eiffel Tower and they all embraced each other's company underneath the dark moonlight sky on one of the most romantic places on Earth.
(So yes this is quite long I know. I’m not the best writer but this is my first story drabble so feel free to give me some pointers and what not. I really would appreciate the feedback. If you have any questions about my OC just look at my blog you’ll be sure to find him. Thank you and I hope you enjoy! -Shadow)
Welcome to France
Hello I would like a room
Your Name?
Thank you and I hope you enjoy your stay
Rest in peace my old friend
After you.
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