#✦ threads ⇀ jasper
littlcfreaks · 4 months
closed starter for @bruiscdmouth
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he was sitting in stall after a brutal practice - his whole body ached and was screaming and didn't want to stand up or even move before letting himself drift off into a short nap. but he was sticky with sweat and his muscles only ached more without the aide of a hot shower. expecting to walk back into an empty room, he half jumped as he rounded the corner, his face easily schooling into one that was neutral despite the way he wanted to smile at him, "thought you woulda been gone by now? what're you doin' here?"
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on today's episode of "hey fuckass did you know that fic authors can see the fucking bookmarks you make for their fics"
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theseance444 · 12 days
// I know it's technically bad etiquette or whatever on tumblr.com but it's hot take time
I love when other ppl like my rp threads. Like, you mean more than me and one other person reads our little stories? These scenes exist in more than just our minds?? Our words are not only being perceived but also enjoyed???
Fucking wild, I love it
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thirtecnth · 2 months
@endlessreruns / closed event starter / jasper larkin setting: the lake
"Quick, hide me. She's gotta be pissed and I'm trying to stay out of the warpath."
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theodoranowak · 2 months
x. status -> closed for @fromharbor (jasper) x. location -> blue harbor public library
Theodora adores libraries. She’s built a personal one in her home — but nothing compares, she thinks, to the uniqueness and sense of community of a public library. They’re her favorite ventures to donate to, has always felt it important to keep their doors open and free, is looking forward to her first donation to Blue Harbor’s own. The ambiance of the place is wonderful — clearly, the people who work here have a true love of literature, as she’s immediately greeted by librarian recommendations and a blown-up list of statistics, such as most checked-out, checked-out the longest, most popular new arrivals, and more.
Though she loves to browse most of the time, she’s come on a mission her first time around. Oftentimes, she finds librarians give much better recommendations than Google does when she’s craving a specific new read, a resource that is criminally underused by many communities. Theo would know — she’s never met a librarian who wasn’t oddly flattered by her request for recommendations, no matter where in the world she was.
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She makes her way to the front desk, where a young librarian — they can’t be more than twenty-one, can they? He looks especially young, but she knows appearances can be deceiving — sits in wait, looking down at something Theodora cannot make out from where she stands across the way. She grasps the counter with both of her hands and leans in a little, in an attempt to not have to raise her voice to grab the young librarian’s attention. “Hi,” she greets politely. “Are you very busy?”
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hairpintvrns · 4 months
STARTER FOR: @fromharbor LOCATION: blue harbor public library / laurel village
Having spent the bulk of their career in a fast-paced industry, and among the busiest metropolises in the world, a desire for quiet did not only seem needed but inevitable. Only logical, then, that Terry should find themselves at the public library after working hours—not that the university had troubled her much yet beyond the customary end-of-term meetings for adjuncts and lecturers, to which they had little to contribute, what with them starting at the fall term, anyway—and scour through their favored section.
It had not taken long for them to move towards the Architecture section, having memorized the layout of this library floor upon their fifth visit. Its Dewey Decimal classification, of course, had been memorized as far back as their years in Barnard, decades upon decades ago. 
With measured and precise steps, Terry reached the shelves marked in the 720s, their fingers instinctively and rhythmically tapping the spines of the periodicals stacked across the ‘720.5’ section. Their fingers came to a halt, though, as they realized two periodicals were glaringly absent against the row. Instead, the May 2024 issue stood awkwardly, like a displaced Grecian column or the middle part of a sandwich. 
“Excuse me?” They called over the nearest librarian, whom they recognized as being kind enough to have accommodated their concerns from a prior visit or two, meeting their eyes briefly before drawing attention back to the issue in question. “I can’t seem to find this month’s issue of Architectural Digest?” They held up the May 2024 issue briefly, before placing it back, careful to align it against the rest of the periodicals in the row. “The April 2024 one is missing too, just as it has been last week. Has it been returned yet?” 
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whispercddesires · 4 months
"I could get used to seeing you sleeping in my clothes and bed. I might have to tie you down and never let you leave." / @writermuses
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bloodlaurel · 4 months
@stellstells liked for a starter with Jasper Trevelyan
Mages and Templars, would the Maker ever give him a break from bloody mages and Templars? First Kirkwall and now this as well? He was sure Maria back in Ostwick was having a very hearty laugh at him.
And now when he'd gone to ask the mages for aid somehow their leader had no idea she'd already spoken to him and instead had indentured them all to a Tevinter Magister. Wonderful. Just perfect. He loved that for him.
"Okay, so, explain to me again. What exactly happened with the Magister? " Jasper said to the mage in front of him. Philip? Was that his name? He'd already forgotten. His mind was still on how it was possible for Fiona to have both spoken to him and apparently never have done so.
It was lucky they were in a tavern. Maker, he could use a glass of wine.
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fereldensheroes · 4 months
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@bloodlaurel liked for Marie! We talked about Kirkwall Jasper, too!
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"Situations within Kirkwall need to be tread lightly. A little more tact in what you say." He wasn't Ferelden, so not a refugee, nor was he Orlesian as she was, but still, he was an outsider. That much Marie could tell. "The Qunari threat may be ended, but that does not calm the city."
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dollieour · 5 months
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" you can’t look at me like that if you mean to keep this a secret, you know ? "
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santiagodeleons · 19 days
closed for: @jaspermorgan
where: four leaf
"Uh huh," Santiago says in the most unconvinced tone imaginable, barely following the thread of consciousness the Wisconsin native sitting in front of him was leading him down. It had started with the weather and somehow had twisted and turned into whether or not UFOs were real.
( They were, if Jerry Schultz was being asked and Santiago wishes he hadn't. )
He spots his out from the conversation in the form of a familiar face approaching the bar, making empty apologies to the patron as he stepped down the bar to greet his friend.
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"Jasper Morgan, aren't we lucky tonight. You here to see this face?" He says of his own before he's unable to stop himself from what he suspects is the true appeal of his Irish Pub to Mr. Hollywood, "Or were you hoping to see a far prettier one than mine with a real nice English accent like yours?"
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littlcfreaks · 4 months
closed starter for @wasteddawns
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"i just can't imagine..." soft words trail off and he's silent for probably too long - something they would have been used to, him growing introspective in the middle of their conversation. and when he speaks again, his voice is more sure, more steady with just a hint on lingering anxiety, "i can't imagine not back to you. just... don't give up on us?"
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atlasnolan · 21 days
closed for: @jaspermorgan
where: his office, seascape hotel
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"Loud and clear boss, loud and clear, in and out and no fucking around," Atlas says with a mocking salute as he turns away from the security guard who was unconvinced about letting him use the bathroom after they had argued for ten minutes straight about why he wouldn't be calling the owner down to the lobby.
"Fucking dick," He mumbles as he makes his way in the direction of the ground floor restroom and then keeps on going. There's no escaping that he was on a ticking clock, and after getting reluctant directions from a maid, he was riding the elevator until it dinged to a stop on the floor he had been instructed one Jasper Morgan's office was.
When he finds it, he presses his ear to the door and listens closely, trying to hear any sounds of voices on the other side. From what Google had to say, he sounded like a busy fellow and interrupting a meeting would be a bad first impression.
He can't hear any conversation, but he thinks he can faintly hear a familiar tune and the added curiosity has him knocking on the door and hoping that it gets answered before the same security guard from down below has the chance to find and tackle him.
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lgcsori · 29 days
call me stupid
tw: mentions of death
sori had grown up an outcast, all her time spent either working or together with her dad. she’d grown up not liked by the people she lived around, making it more difficult to find jobs and pay for the roof over their head and for food on their plate. as far as sori understands, it’d gone downhill since her brother and mom died, though her dad mainly refused to talk about them, neither their lives nor their death. though the two had always been close, they were now seeming to drift apart, and sori was looking for other people to spend her time with.
today, sori was spending time with jasper, an unlikely friendship, yet it still existed. sori was hoping to find some of those rare ingredients that could grow one’s power, both for herself and for her dad. and maybe jasper and her are unlucky, or maybe they’re just stupid but: “i’m sorry but, are we stuck right now?” she asks the other, the both of them up in a tree currently. 
GO! @lgcxjasper
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thirtecnth · 22 days
@endlessreruns / closed starter / jasper larkin setting: main street
Lilith was on her merry way to get a soda when she stopped in one of the shop windows and noticed a few hairs out of place. She tidied up the reflection, braiding her hair on either side before she noticed another person had joined her in the reflection. “Hey Jasper,” she said, tying off one side. “I promise, I’m not as crazy as I look, my hair was just a wreck.”
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Y'all. Y'all. They told us there wouldn't be a nightvale mayor.
Episode 7, History Week "In the year 2052 ... Approval ratings for the mayor will hover in the low 40s, which will be surprising, as there will have been no mayor for over 30 years"
Aka since Dana stepped down in 2018 (EP 129, a Matter of Blood pt 3)
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