#✕ ╌ ┊‘♡’┊ otp. i will always protect you.
ednaeflowers · 7 months
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bardcore-jaskier · 2 years
♡ My thoughts on Yennskier + headcanons ♡
(Edited post)
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- What makes this whole thing so funny and exciting to me is that Yennefer used to think that Jaskier was just some annoying sing songy twit before. While Jaskier's dramatic arse used to consider Yennefer an enemy until she saved him from Rience XD XD XD
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- I adored the everliving FUCK out of their scenes together in season 2! Their dynamic is so fucking good! AAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!
- Yennskier, the ship we didn't know we needed, but definitely deserved! Their chemistry is so fucking perfect and their dynamic works so well!
- Personally I think that this ship is actually, currently, THE healthiest and most wholesome one of all my Jaskier ships! At least as of season 2! (Even if Geraskier remains as my OTP)
- In Oxenfurt, when Jaskier and Yennefer got to know eachother better without Geralt's presence to distract them both, ever since they saw the real, raw and vulnerable sides of eachother and became friends, I couldn't help but notice how absolutely toothrottingly perfect they are together!
- Legit, and I kid you not! I can't picture Yennefer and Jaskier having anything other than that deep kind of connection where you know that you are loved, appreciated and adored, despite all your flaws. The kind of love where you know you're not alone, that this person is your family and will always have your back no matter what.
- Yennefer, despite being one of the most powerful sorceresses on the entire continent, treats Jaskier as an equal by the time Ciri gets possessed. (Bro, like even Geralt doesn't do that! Jaskier is his friend, sure, but I've never seen Geralt treating him as an equal.)
- Yennefer and Jaskier have a mutual respect for eachother, they trust eachother, they enjoy eachother's company. All of those things are A CRUCIAL part of having a solid foundation to build a honest, sturdy, long-lasting and happy relationship upon.
- From compatibility POV, they work together a lot better than Geralt and Yennefer did. With Jaskier, there are no djinn related consent issues, there wouldn't be any communication issues and he would probably be a positive influence on Yennefer's mental health.
- Whereas her relationship with Geralt was quite frankly chaotic, explosive, sometimes even toxic. It was built upon a shaky foundation of lust, djinn magic and exchanged favors. Like c'mon, their time together as an on-and-off couple mostly consisted of having kinky unicorn sex, trauma dumping, dealing with magical, gorey and insanely dangerous situations, then talking about said situations until they have a fight! Leaving eachother every time in the end because they can't seem to make it work long-term. They're incompatible because in canon, the only thing that finally made them stick together for good, was an orphaned girl in need of protection. It's not right, kind of like parents who are postponing their divorce until their daughter grows up :/
- Jaskier on the other hand, despite his magic-less ordinary humanity has a hilariously witty, optimistic, stupidly brave, highly empathetic, loyal and supportive personality. Yennefer would have an understanding partner who loves her, cherishes her, acceptc her for who she is without judgement nor pity. A partner who would make it his life's mission to help her see the good things this world has to offer, to make her happy because she deserves it!
- Damn it all, they both have been through enough, they both deserve a break. They actually GET eachother. I can already feel a drabble forming in my brain, set a week or so after the whole Voleth Mier shebang, Jaskier is struggling with PTSD and nightmares about Rience, Yennefer is struggling with guilt and shame because she put Ciri in danger. So while Geralt is too busy with Ciri's training to be there for Jaskier and he feels too betrayed to be in Yennefer's company, neither Yen nor Jask have anyone to turn to in Kaer Morhen, except eachother. Three months confined to a witcher keep together? Now that is a LOT of time to spend with someone you can be openly vulnerable around, bond with, heal and share joy with, unexpectedly falling in love....
- Yennefer too is an extremely good match for Jaskier, it's almost uncanny how much she completes him! Jaskier would finally have an understanding and loving partner who truly saw him when others didn't bother. And Yennefer liked what she saw, the familiar face of a simple human bard who offered kindness and compassion to strangers even if it could kill him. She saw courage, honesty, forgiveness and so much good, a collection of rare qualities she had never thought could exist within one single person all at once. After Voleth Mier, all that goodness was given to her so freely, it is still being given to her everyday, so she knows a treasure when it looks her right in the eyes with such easy warmth. She would make it her life's mission to cling onto him with everything she's got, to love and cherish him the way he deserves, to protect the only person she deems worthy of holding her heart!
- They have a lot in common too. From both having a knack for fashion, both being mischievous little shits at heart and both having high standards when it comes to personal hygiene. To also having similar tastes in both alcohol, humor, luxury and entertainment.....if Yennefer's kinky orgy party and Jaskier's reputation as the biggest slut on the continent is anything to go by.
- Speaking of sex, both of them having a high libido and exceptional skills in bed aside, they're fucking GORGEOUS people! Why wouldn't they find eachother attractive?
- Yennefer is basically a Goddess, beauty personified! She is elegant and breathtaking, everyone knows it.
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- However, since a majority of the Witcher fandom usually dismisses Jaskier in favor of simping for Geralt, I can, I must and I WILL gush about how pretty Jaskier is! Cuz clearly some of them bitches be blind, Yennefer is one lucky witch!
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- Jaskier is like only 1,5 inches shorter than his grouchy snowman friend. Meaning he is tall as all hell and he definitely isn't lacking in the muscle department either, that bard is jacked yo. His voice is soothing and his vocabulary is extensive enough to make the most experienced of whores blush from pillow talk. He has VERY soft looking hair and he has one of the most angelic fucking faces I've ever seen. His eyes are the clearest shade of blue and his expressions + mannerisms are absolutely adorable! Ok, I'm done gushing, onto the next point....
- Unlike Jaskier, I don't think I have a dummy thick enough of a vocabulary to express how much dopamine Yennskier fanfics give me, more specifically when their husband and wife act from Oxenfurt becomes an inside joke for them, leaving the rest of Kaer Morhen's inhabitants confused as fuck.
- Geralt getting a bit jealous? His brothers wondering when that could have happened? Ciri feeling bamboozled as well?
- It's all shits and giggles until somebody giggles and shits. It won't take long until their inside joke is no longer a joke. They already bicker like a married couple anyway XD
- I can not help but also headcanon Jaskier as not fully human. It would be sad if he up and died on his dear immortal wife. I don't necessarily picture him having chaos or other powers in this scenario, but when I do, I think that they would discover them together on accident.
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13eyond13 · 2 years
Sidoh and Ryuk (not necessarily in a romantic sense)? I thought they could be fun xD
Hahaha nice
Who is the most affectionate?
They're fairly evenly non-affectionate, but Ryuk brought Sidoh back a chocolate bar from the human realm once. And Sidoh can sometimes be convinced to help Ryuk scratch the harder-to-reach itches on his body with his long insect leg things 😅
Big spoon/Little spoon?
Sidoh would be the big spoon, because these arms were made for grabbing ♡
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Most common argument?
Ryuk is constantly bewildered by Sidoh's lack of self-preservation, Sidoh is constantly disapproving of Ryuk's recklessness
Favorite non-sexual activity?
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Cruisin' around the city together lookin' fly
Who is most likely to carry the other?
Ryuk would carry Sidoh somewhere, possibly out of exasperation
What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
Hahaha good question! I suppose maybe they both appreciate that each other have wings so they can fly around easily together?
What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
They actually start remembering each other's names
Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?
Who worries the most?
Oh, definitely Sidoh
Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
Sidoh is way too absent-minded for that. Ryuk remembers Sidoh's, but it doesn't mean he will willingly ever order it for him
Who tops?
Sorry for this, but Ryuk probably would... he's usually the one taking charge, haha
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Who initiates kisses?
Uh. Ryuk, because he actually has lips
Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
Who kisses the hardest?
Sidoh is a bit of a lip biter, if that counts as kissing hard
Who wakes up first?
Ryuk. He doesn't like to stay still for very long
Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
Sidoh, that's his favourite place to be
Who says I love you first?
Neither of them ever say it, haha
Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?)
Sidoh sticks one of his handmade fliers to Ryuk's lunch one day when he is looking for something he lost (that Ryuk probably stole)
Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?
Sidoh does. He pretends Nu is his friend anyway, and likes to vent about his problems and tell her all about his life sometimes (maybe because she doesn't have any mouth to tell him to leave her alone). Ryuk never tells anybody, especially not Light
What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
The other shinigami are probably just like, weird... Ryuk must be trying to get that notebook from him again somehow
Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
Well, if the shinigami realm ever had dances then I suppose Sidoh's long arms would be great for reaching above Ryuk's head and giving him a nice little twirl
Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
Sidoh learned about making chocolate fondue at some point, and gets that going in a shinigami realm cauldron sometimes so he and Ryuk can dip some apple slices in it
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
Ryuk, though Sidoh doesn't usually understand them most times
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
Sidoh, and his whispers are ridiculously loud, so Ryuk is always like:
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Who needs more assurance?
What would be their theme song?
Uhh... [Two Time by Jack Stauber]
Who would sing to their child back to sleep?
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Kinda forget each other exist
One headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
If Sidoh was just a tad more vigilant about protecting his property then like a million human lives could have been spared 😔
One headcanon about this OTP that mends it
...but at least he got to learn about the wonders of chocolate along the way?
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Out Of Character
Name/Alias: Koya Age: 29 NSFW Personal Preference: I’m comfortable with smut, but I prefer to keep it short and sweet under most circumstances or we can fade to black. Series/Season: TVD S3-S5, TO S1-S5. Canon Changes: TO S3-S5 are not canonical. Activity Level: Mostly on afternoons. Time Zone: EST. RP Experience: 17 years on various sites. Best Mode of Contact: Discord.
Desired Character: Rebekah Mikaelson Age: Forever 19 OTP / NOTP: Jace x Rebekah Housing: The Abattoir.
Interview questions.
01. Give us your thoughts on New Orleans?
》°•♡ "New Orleans is one of the many places my family has called home over the centuries, and it holds a particularly special place in my heart. 《•°♡
02. Tell us how you feel about your species, and if you could change it what would you choose to be and why?
》°•♡ "I never wanted to be a vampire; I would take the cure in a heartbeat. There are both pros and cons though, of course. None of which I was able to weigh prior. That choice was taken from me by Mikael and Esther centuries ago, but I would do most anything to get it back." 《•°♡
03. Please describe the most important person to you and why?
》°•♡ "My brothers are the most important to me. We've been together for over a thousand years, through thick and thin, always and forever." 《•°♡
04. Detail a specific point in time that has detrimentally changed you?
》°•♡ "The night my father turned us into vampires quite literally changed all of us." 《•°♡
05. Explain (a few) bad habit(s) in detail that you’ve picked up over the years, if you remember when you started it describe that pivotal moment as well as what you’ve tried to do to cope with it?
》°•♡ "Most of my so-called bad habits stem from the innate heightened emotions contributed to vampirism. The worst of them being I have a temper like my father and little to no control over it." 《•°♡
• Bloody Creature Poster Girl — In This Moment • Devil I Know — Allie X • Elastic Heart — Sia
Paragraph sample.
Rebekah stood before the archway of the abattoir, gathering what little courage she could find to face her family empty-handed once again. Since her darling niece Hope went missing, nights in the Mikaelson compound had been restless, to say the least. Niklaus was ever the more paranoid and broken, his redemption slipping further and further from their fingers with each passing moment, as Hayley fell into a deep and spiraling depression. Elijah, of course, remained the glue that held everything together, as much one could after losing a child to your enemies that is. The lot suspected their aunt Dahlia was not dealt a finishing blow in their most recent confrontation. However, now it seemed no one was quite so certain she was responsible for the abduction. That's when Rebekah heard a rustling coming from the shadows behind her, and she let out a loud, exasperated groan, bracing herself for either a violent encounter or an endless lecture. When she heard the voice of an unfamiliar man, she turned quickly to face him. "The bloody Clave," she repeated. Freya and Kol had mentioned something of an organization that protected the balance of the supernatural world. Something Marcel tried himself to do himself in the big easy, only this was on a much larger scale. 》°•♡ Rebekah looked the boy up and down for a moment. He was both radiant and rebellious somehow, dirty blonde tousled hair, tattoos covering his arms hands and neck, dressed all in black. "Where in the gods were you lot when someone forced their way into our home and kidnapped Hope?" ♡•°《
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youneedsomeprompts · 3 years
Hey there. I hope you're having a great day. I was wondering if you could whip me up some prompts (not dialogue) for when the otp are in university. Thanks.😊
Hey, dear! Thanks, my day is indeed great :) I hope yours is too and you like the prompts I came up with ♡
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10 university / college AU prompts
Feel free to use and reblog!
#1 - A is having exam period and is bend over their books all the time so B is making sure A doesn't forget to eat properly by bringing them food.
#2 - A is a literature major and has to do a character study from the novel that had been discussed in class but everything A writes is actually about B.
#3 - Both started their studies only recently, and while A at least knows the town where they are because they grew up there, B is in a situation where everything is new. They get to know each other when A takes it on themselves to show B around.
#4 - A is always visiting their friend, who is sharing a dorm with B. After a while, A is actually only visiting their friend to see B again but is too shy to speak to them.
#5 - They make out at a party but only A remembers it and tries to act nonchalantly when B is all oblivious. But A just can't forget it.
#6 - A is procrastinating and asks B to help them focus again but they end up procrastinating together. It doesn't take long and they totally embrace the time together and decide e.g. to go on a road trip.
#7 - A always arrives extremely tired at the library and after B has noticed it several times in a row they bring a cup of coffee for A the next day. It grows to be their little ritual.
#8 - It takes A and B multiple homework and projects they have to do together to eventually develop an interest for the other when they find out they share a certain passion.
#9 - They attend a party together and A is all protective when B is hit on continuously. B is endeared/amused by A's jealous demeanour.
#10 - When A falls asleep during a late-night study date, B tucks them in caringly and is enchanted by the sleeping vision of A.
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amazing-spiderling · 2 years
Mattfoggy for the ship ask game ♡
Oh I definitely ship it 1. What made you ship it?
Believe it or not I watched the whole the Daredevil series as it came out and was like "WOW! GREAT TV!" and went about my business??? I was like "yeah that Matt Murdock is a good egg" but had no interest in doing like fandom stuff, but I was elbow deep in Spider-Man fandom at the time. In fact I was so deep in spiders that I was doing a Spider-Man podcast with a buddy, and we happened to do an episode about Spider-Man and his adventures with Daredevil, which got me reading several team up comics, including "The Death of Jean deWolf" and it blew my face off. At that moment in time I was feeling kind of underwhelmed with the Spider-Man/Deadpool series because it kept hinting at these deeper emotional themes and then chickening out, but the Jean deWolf story just *went* for it. We didn't just get a dark and hurting Spidey, we got a Matt Murdock questioning whether he was too unaffected by the course of events and the two characters realizing they had something to learn from one another and it just HIT.
After that, I decided to check out some of the Daredevil comic proper and ended up snagging a few random comics (Man Without Fear, whatever was out of the Zdarsky run and the Waid run) and the Waid run just scooped up my heart like a little football and ran for the end zone. HERE was a relationship between Matt and Foggy that had what I was looking for. Not just squishy feelings, but anger, confusion, true protectiveness and support and sacrifice and disappointment and love love love.
After reading the 2011 and 2014 run I went back and revisited the show, this time with my shipping goggles firmly in place and it was a wonderful experience. Not long after I found some people online to share fandom and ship love with and made myself quite comfortable, so I imagine I'll be here for a while. <3
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
I mean, I'm a sucker for a friends to lovers situation, and my last two major OTPs also involved characters who were working together in one form or another to further an idealistic goal. I think what I love most of all about these two is their capability for quiet intimacy. When someone uses the phrase "old married couple" I think our minds automatically turn to petty bickering, and while there is certainly plenty of that between these two, I think the notion applies to them in a softer way. A "knows your order at the restaurants we go to" and "picks up your preferred brand of shampoo because they noticed you were running low" kind of familiarity. Relationships of course, have their big moments, their swell of the orchestra, confession in the rain, scaling a mountain to save your soul glimpses into the depth of each other's emotions- but such things burn bright and burn out without the quiet soft moments to sustain them. I think it's this capability that helps to strengthen the bond between these two (in whatever capacity a reader wants to enjoy their relationship, honestly), but it allows for them to have a meaningful impact on each other in a slow, long lasting way. It isn't so much about the two of them meeting and one saving the other or sweeping them off their feet (okay, maybe there's a little bit of that) so much as it is about two people growing together over time, and both becoming stronger, becoming *better* for it. What could be a greater sign of love?
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I think I've said this before, but I think it's the only unpopular opinion I have... I don't want MattFoggy to become canon in main continuity.
That has absolutely nothing to do with them as characters and everything to do with comic book meta. I mean, there *are* stable couples in comic books, but I think a lot of them are introduced where that was always how they were conceptualized (and in the case of queer couples, they can often involve newer or less well known characters). But when it comes to main characters? Comic book title holders? Their romantic relationships are constantly in flux. Think of Peter and Mary Jane, who have been together for literal decades off and on, and MJ is rarely if ever given space to exist as anything other than Peter's girlfriend-sometimes-wife-just-another-thing-he-has-to-worry-about-balancing. Even with married couples like Reed and Sue, they are put though some frankly toxic situations just to make their relationship interesting on the page.
And while we might argue that hey, Peter and MJ are destined to be, they find each other in almost every universe, I can't imagine they would do that for Matt and Foggy. It's just... not a path to happiness in comic books, because comic books last for ages and ages and the status quo is always changing, and a quick way to do that is to break characters up and make them miserable. (I mean, Matt and Foggy break up as friends all the time, but if they did it as a romantic couple I just don't think Marvel would put them back together again. It would just go down as a failed experiment.)
Now, if someone wanted to write a limited or side series (like Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows) or hell, even make them a canon couple in one of the other established universes (cough Earth-65) that would be great. Since those universes/storylines aren't constantly being dragged into the spotlight (and in the case of Spider-Gwen, Matt and Foggy are not the main characters) there is less of need to constantly change things for the sake of changing things. If Gwen tried to thwart what she clearly thought was some kind of secret plot by Murderdock and DA Nelson only to find out they were having a small but tasteful wedding ceremony? Fantastic. And there would be literally no reason for Marvel to ever change that down the line. Why bother? They're not on the page enough for it to need to change, and we the fans can have as much fun as we want with it. Likewise a RYV style side series would just accept the pairing as fact and then build a story around that established parameter. The whole point would be that this one facet of the relationship is different, and it is permanent, so what else can the writing team drum up to create drama.
I don't imagine any of that is going to happen any time soon, of course. Marvel probably doesn't have the guts to do it, and whatever, that's fine. I just don't want to give naysayers the ability to rain on my parade by saying, "they got together and it was a trainwreck" after the fact.
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aslaanjade · 5 years
Heeeeellooo anto 💕💕💕 for the character ask meme ,, hashibira inosuke , and nezuko and ishigami senkuu 💖💖💖
hi there mafaz dear ♡♡ thank you so much for sending this ask !!! ♡♡this is gonna be so much fun !!!!! 
hashibira inosuke
How I feel about this character: my baby boar boy that i love so much ♡♡ my heart goes *fuwa fuwa* every time i see him go *fuwa fuwa* !!!!! i really want him to grow big, healthy and well loved by his friends !!!!!
All the people I ship romantically with this character: tanjirou, kanao, zenitsu, aoi and a bit also genya !!!!!
My non-romantic OTP for this character: all of the above plus nezuko!!!
My unpopular opinion about this character: mmmmh, i cannot think of one rn !!!!!!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i just want him to beat an upper/lower/stronger than average demon all by himself and show how strong he actually is !!!! 
my OTP: inotan !!!!
my cross over ship: i want him and bakugou to have a screaming contest lmao 
a headcanon fact:  he really forgets other people’s name but sometimes he says the wrong name on purpose just to be a jokester !!!!
kamado nezuko
How I feel about this character:  baby girl that must be protected and that must receive all the pats in the head she so desires !!!!!♡♡
All the people I ship romantically with this character: mmmh, i don’t mind her with zenitsu honestly !!!! i don’t have a real ship with her i’m really into !!!
My non-romantic OTP for this character: all the demon slayers and pillars !!!! plus tamayo and yushiro (they’re honorary demon slayers after all!!!!)
My unpopular opinion about this character: cannot think of one rn as well :// more like i’ve got some unpopular opinion about how the fandom perceive her but i’m not really in the mood for that x’’’D
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i wanna see nezuko kick more ass !!!!! i think she’ll get the chance pretty soon tho !!!!! (*sigh*) and also see her getting pats from more characters !!!!! 
my OTP: i don’t mind zennezu !!!!
my cross over ship: i just want every single character known to existance to pat her head ç__ç she deserves all the pats in the world !!!!! 
a headcanon fact: more than a headcanon, i think it’s a prediction ‘cause nezuko might get together with zenitsu ‘cause of the chess piece thing !!!!!  she said her ideal type is someone that moves zig-zag everywhere like a specific piece in chess ??? or so i think ??? (just like zenitsu does while using his breath) !!!!! i don’t really know how to explain this better lmao 
ishigami senkuu
How I feel about this character:  i gotta be honest, i was freaked out a bit by his character design at first ‘cause the hair took a while to get used to but he turned out to be my most favorite character in the end and i love him to the moon and back (literally) !!!!!!!!! ♡♡
All the people I ship romantically with this character: mostly gen, but i don’t mind him with kohaku
My non-romantic OTP for this character: all of the above plus chrome, suika, taiju, yuzuriha, tsukasa and basically all the kingdom of science !!!
My unpopular opinion about this character:  i cannot think of an unpopular opinion about him either x’’’D i’m so sorry i’m always skipping this part lmaox’’’D
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: mmmh, i wish we had a backstory about byakuya adopting senkuu !!! like, all we know is that *SPOILERS AHEAD* senkuu is the child of one of byakuya’s best friend but, like, how close byakuya and his buddy were? what happened to them? how old was senkuu when he was adopted? i wanted to know more as to get to know even better senkuu’s personality and way of thinking !!!!! 
my OTP: sengen !!!!
my cross over ship: i’m so sorry for including bakugou every time but i kinda wanna see senkuu interacting with bakugou and getting him to experiment on him and his quirk !!!!! (something like iida and hatsume’s fight lmao)
a headcanon fact: he’s such a big softie but has such a hard time showing it especially to the people he cares about !!!! so i kinda headcanon him being sneaky with signs of affection !!!! like he used to squeeze byakuya’s hand only while byakuya was asleep or putting a blanket on his shoulder while studying for the astronaut exam !!! and kinda does something similiar with the kingdom of science, like patting chrome’s head, squeezing kohaku’s shoulder or complimenting gen while they’re distracted and/or asleep !!!!!!  and generally showing affection only when he’s sure no one can see him !!!!! (this last one is canon already tho lmao)
send me [x] || ask box !!!!!!!!!!
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richea · 6 years
I'm finishing up the Walter and Hisui ask you sent me so do those two for the most recent meme you revlogged!!
How I feel about this character: I’M LOVE HIM!? He’s one of those characters that at first I didn’t really think anything of but then I actually thought about him and my fascination never went away. I love how private he is and that despite how utterly confident he feels in himself, he still hasn’t found a purpose for himself in life outside of protecting ‘the Merines’. My dramatic, angsty boy…All the people I ship romantically with this character: Like Shirley I don’t really have any solid ships for Walter, but I do admittedly like Senel/Walter a lot, and Walter/Fenimore had a fascinating dynamic. I lowkey like Walter/Shirley too but it’s mostly aesthetically.My non-romantic OTP for this character: I mentioned them above but he and Fenimore! I’ve always loved the scene where she asks him how she can help the soldiers and he stops her to comfort her…. the one time he showed his soft side ; v ; They also share similar ideals but different relationships with Shirley, so I think they could both learn from that. Once I get around to properly reading the novels, Walter&Oscar will probably fall under this too.My unpopular opinion about this character: I don’t think I’ve seen too many opinions about Walter that I disagree with so much as characterization portrayals. I see people bend his character to make him tsundere, and I just… no stop that’s not Walter–One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I WISH THE GAME HADN’T FORGOTTEN HIM. Even one mention would’ve been nice. Where was he buried? They put so much focus on Stella and Fenimore and while I’m very happy my girls weren’t forgotten, Walter was the head of the Merines Personal Guard for crying out loud, he wasn’t just a nobody. I also wish he hadn’t been so stubborn… cries
How I feel about this character: EVERY TIME I SEE HIM MY CHEST FEELS TIGHT AND I GET BUTTERFLIES AT THE SAME TIME. I just have so many feelings about Hisui that I don’t think I’ll ever be able to properly express in words how much I love and appreciate his character. He’s top tier trash but I love and support his every move anyways.All the people I ship romantically with this character: Hisui/Richea is still my OTP ♡♡♡ I just love how they start off hostile towards each other, but once things get out in the open more they start to get along. The moment he began to have feelings for her was when he made that promise to her… he knew what protecting her to the end meant and kept it to himself but while he did so gradually fell more in love and I JUST………………. they’re good okay ; v ;My non-romantic OTP for this character: Hisui&Innes!!!!! I kinda like them as an endgame pairing too but the way they support each other on the sidelines through the entire journey was just… please give me more.My unpopular opinion about this character: I hate the way R portrayed him. It took out a lot of his development, dumbing down his really important scenes (like removing the line where he said that Kohaku always stopped him from beating people up as kids) and amplifying his early-game traits such as hitting people and being rude where he would’ve already grown out of it. I just get kinda annoyed when I see people trash on him for those habits when he originally wasn’t like that, and the localization just made everything worse orzOne thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Hm... I’m actually fairly happy with how DS Hisui was! More than anything, I just wish the remake and localization did him justice. 
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