#thanks nel ^^
lovelyarps · 5 months
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would you let it sit on your head y/n
@melissa-titanium come forth get your beast
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fayessketchbook · 9 months
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Merry @nagamas Anon!
I chose Fell Family fluff out of your prompts - toying a bit with Alear's design to fit the transfem/nb hc you optionally wanted, hope you enjoy this family photo! I had a blast drawing it, so thank you so much for the request and I wish you a great new year :D
(prompt chosen was:  Absolutely no romantic pairings for any of these. Transfem/nonbinary Alear preferred, but ultimately optional for all of these Alear, Veyle, Nel, and Rafal - family fluff, canon or any AU okay)
Bonus timelapse:
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moonystoes · 2 months
11 years ago today we traveled to Malaysia because yemen's civil war started and we got traumatized lol
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twistedisciple · 18 days
As she had made home of her room and her office, there was only one thing left to do—prepare her classes. Her skills with a lance, the same as the power she had transformed, where born from a necessity to survive in Gradlon—a kill or be killed society in which she had not been allowed to struggle for Nil, Rafal's and her own sake.
Yet the general little one had not been born in such enviroment and thus their skills were improved for different reasons and thus worthy of observation. With that decision in mind, the dragon made her way to the training grounds to place focus on skill level and any other information that could be gained from physical effort—yet that had to be put aside at a surprise presented to her in the form of a familiar back.
More information she had failed to be told in the span of a year it seemed. When had he come to these lands? She hadn't known until this moment.
"Gregory." The Fell Dragon spoke in greeting. "It seems i failed to expect the presence of my Winds here. Explain to me what has brought you here, offering support to Rafal perhaps?"
Gregory. That name really only came from one person, but a good hound knew his master’s voice from a syllable. Shoulders lifted, tensed, for a split second, attention shifting toward his back even as his eyes remained on the complicated sigils drawn onto the pages of a book propped up on a flimsy wooden stand. There was no one else in the training hall besides him, which was the way it usually had to be, dangerous as he was. The monastery staff, by now, knew to keep him away from fresh blood within the walls of Garreg Mach if they wished to keep him on their payroll and not confined to the dungeons below. But that meant that there was no one else onto which that name could fall.
As explanation unraveled the fist that had curled by his side and dispelled the flicker of a Fodlanese sigil before it could scorch itself into the sand beneath his feet, he turned around, suddenly loose, easygoing, a deceptively serene smile across his lips. The woman before him had intense, red eyes, sharp features, and silky, bobbed, albeit dark hair just like the dragon whose name she evoked. The pieces clicked together almost immediately.
“So you’re Lord Rafal’s sis, huh? Fancy meeting you here,” he drawled, closing the distance between them. Just like the ivory dragon, he stood eye-to-eye with the ebon one, too, but not for long. In some disjointed semblance of a bow, fisted hands pressed against his hips, he bent forward and lifted his eyes to meet her from below instead. “Hate to break it to you though, but I’m not your Wind. Name’s Griss.”
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starsarebleeding · 5 months
Last Sentence Tag Game
!!! @silverskull tagged me for this and i'm frankly very excited about it ahaha
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
She’s all over him already, and she’s fracturing with something close to pride.
you can take from that what y'all will
and my sentence is also too many words but i will tag @cellard0ors, @dragonsinparis, and @thehintofaspark 💖
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frauleindermorgen · 7 days
"Micaiah, Micaiah!" Yunaka grins as she quickly scampers her way over to the white haired maiden. "Happy birthday!"
Seizing an opportunity she never would have had on the Somniel, she quickly throws her arms around her and gives her a hug. Just a short one! Obviously, she doesn't want to be weird or scare the Maiden That Isn't Her Maiden.
"Hey, here, I got you this!" The cupcake even comes in a cute little box with a window, so it was all nice and safe but you could still get a look at how cute it was! There was even a tiny little candy bird sitting on top of the light blue icing. "I didn't make it myself, obviously. It wouldn't be half as good if I tried to make it, but..."
She holds it out for her to take with a grin. "Hope you like it!"
Micaiah is always glad to meet others on her walks, any day, of course, but especially on a day like this that can only happen at a place like Garreg Mach; for it to be Yunaka, is even more unique. Had she read in the bulletin of her birthday? She must have, but it seemed right for her to know. No longer do cloudy feelings fill her mind as she finds herself accepting the hug and the gift soon after. Once, Micaiah would have run from sudden friendships and intimacy—expected that they came at a cost far too high, but Yunaka’s flaws, the little she knows of them, match well against her own and she knows better now why one might seek a mirror in another.
“It looks delicious,” Micaiah says truthfully, looking down at the box in her hand with a smile, “thank you so much. I can have it with my tea this afternoon.”
She giggles, unsure if Yunaka’s emphasis on her cooking ability is modesty or truth but she is sure eventually she will learn; “did you buy it in town then? You must show me the shop! I always like to mill about down there in my free time, perhaps soon we can go together.”
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noxexistant · 1 year
mukeni: what should i do after newsies closes? give me ideas everyone.
me: full time streamer.
mukeni: ooh, should i?
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yall. you realise how many newsies were in cats, right? why are we hating on cats when so many newsies were in it too! let's go over a few i can name off the top of my head!
Anthony Zas!
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Lindsay Atherton!
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Mukeni Nel!
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Joshua Burrage!
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Chaz Wolcott! (i literally could not find a better picture of him in full costume-)
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Giuseppe Bausilio!
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and probably many more!! let's not hate on cats when sooooo many of the newsies performers were in it as well!
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sanzos · 4 months
i had to scroll a little bit on your blog but i found that the oc meme u reblogged!! 🥞 PANCAKE; 🚆 TRAIN; 💧 DROPLET; 💔 BROKEN HEART; 🌌 MILKY WAY. for nel of course heheh
i had to scroll my blog looking for the meme myself bc i forgot my own tag???? so i'm with u in solidarity there
🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?
the fluffiest possible banana pancakes known to man, fresh squeezed mango-orange juice, and a side of kiwi slices! and now im craving all of these thanks!
🚆 TRAIN - what is their answer to the trolley problem?
ok listen nel would like to believe she has a "smart" and "philosophical" answer to this question but her real answer would be this: destroy the trolley. she's a simple gal whose first course of action is usually violence alright. "but that's not one of the options!" some might say. to which nel would reply, "yeah, and?"
💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon
is it rly a headcanon if its my oc and therefore everything is canon for her 🤔? anyway, nel is an extremely recent devil fruit user aka she eats her fruit during her personal arc so she's used to being able to swim. she's a mermaid! swimming is her thing! the ocean is what kept her safe and protected while she was running from bishop and while she doesn't regret eating her df, the knowledge that she will never be able to swim again for any reasons hits her hard at times. mostly when her first instinct when luffy goes overboard is to jump in after him but then it hits her that she'd just make it worse.
💔 BROKEN HEART - what could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart?
literally everything sanji did during zou & whole cake island broke her heart into pieces - and pissed her off. this feels like such a cheap answer bc like "well, of couse sanji's self-destructive spiral would break her heart!" bc like OF COURSE? that's her idiot!
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
i've wanted an astronomer oc in the straw hats for YEARS and years! probably the oldest "concept" i've had for an opoc but i've never been able to settle on anything else (indecision is a bitch) and then one day years back the phrase "her body belongs to the sea, but her heart, the stars" slammed into my brain at mach speed. and i was like holy shit a mermaid astronomer would be Really Good actually? the dichotomy and yet the parallel of the ocean and space ya know? so she rotated in my brain for a bit and then i hit her with the tsundere stick. bc i like the personality diversity of the straw hats and went "ya know.... they don't really have a traditional tsundere do they". and nel was born. or well a version of nel she's had so many iterations over the years *laughs in nervous*
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rafent · 11 months
♡ — How would your muse define love? Do they believe in soulmates? Do they believe this definition of love is achievable?
♡ ; how would your muse define love? do they believe in soulmates? do they believe this definition of love is achievable?
'How would your muse define love'. Great question. Messed up answer.
Rafal loved Nil and put Nil first but he himself was Nil's second choice. Nel loved "Nil" and by that logic did not love Rafal. Sombron certainly did not love Rafal. His siblings likely ostracized and humiliated him when they weren't trying to kill him, so those relationships were also loveless. Knowing the various formative experiences that shaped his relationship with love, it's very reasonable for Rafal to have a troubled outlook on it.
Reflecting that idea is the fact that Rafal (as Nil) ironically utilizes a lot of like/love and attachment based manipulation, an area of focus that subconsciously belies what he's lacked since his early life.
Nil (to Alear): That's right, Divine One. I quite like you.
Nil (to Nel, about Alear): I am off to sink my teeth into your darling Divine Dragon.
Nil (to Alear, about Nel): If you value her life, you will meet me on the island that once floated among the clouds.
He flippantly uses the word 'like' in order to ingratiate himself with the Divine One. Nel's affection for their Divine One is viciously paraded within earshot to inflame her sense of helplessness. Reversely, he fashions a hostage of Nel to extort the present-day Divine One into doing as he desires. This trivializing and profane treatment of people's emotions evidences his inability to relate to them, particularly in the realm of love and attachment.
Rafal stomps on the bonds wielded between individuals seeing them only as opportunities to manipulate them. "Nil" who has never known love at an age where he could articulate it, or never felt that he was loved for his true self as a young adult, therefore doesn't elevate it as any sacred concept. Instead it's clear that love becomes his tool. He acknowledges that it exists and consigns it to the brutal methods that he pleases, seeing any semblance of it between others as a way to achieve his desired results.
Post-xenologue, Rafal's conceptualization of love changes itself for the better.
Alear, vs. Fell Nil: I'm not here for the world. I'm here for the people in it. I'm here because someone wished for your salvation, even if it meant the world would end. Don't you see? There are people who love you! If I have to defeat you to make that clear, I will!
Nel: That is all in the past. Your friends love you. Think of our time at Lythos Castle. All of us together, as a family.
People fought at great risk to let him know that he's loved, so now it's something that he knows exists in concrete relativity to him. Now, if you ask him what love is, he can give you examples. What he feels for Nel, what he felt for Nil; that's love. The sheer extents that he went to for both of those people is also love, though he'd be able to articulate that less clearly because he knows love more by theory and less by practice. His insular upbringing and the difficulty with expressing his emotions or leaving himself vulnerable means he can only define a surface-level idea of it.
As for his belief in soulmates? Soulmates have adjacency to the role of a Fell Child's twin, someone destined to be at your side (albeit to a point) and to share a profound level of closeness offered by no-one else. The soulmates conceptualized by humans and 'the other half' conceptualized by dragons would be comparable in his eyes and he'd offer up Nel's name by example.
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nelithic · 4 months
"Wow... Lady Nel, you look amazing!" The sentence slipped out of his lips before an actual thought formed on his mind. He did not regret speaking it as it was a fact, how the suit embraced her figure and the colors of the design were a perfect match, no doubt on that.
Besides being literally otherwordly to his Elyos, Lady Nel and her brother were of beauty unmatched. Good looks ran on their blood and Alfred wasn't going to complain about that.
He shook his head swaying away those thoughts, this wasn't the reason he approached her! With both hands to his hips, Alfred smiled and let the compliment be but a part of his thoughts. "Ahem! I was wondering if you'd like to chat a little bit or maybe dance with me?"
LEVITY AND JOY GREET HER FROM BEHIND, attached soon to a familiar face she seems to still have all too recently beheld still suffering. this was a different prince alfred who had not yet supped of elyos' rot ; yet, to see him smiling, the lines of his face unbent by war and the expectation that had made him cruel, gives her satisfaction indeed. this world's alear truly came from a blessed place. may their future never follow her own. "thank you for the compliment ; however, i cannot fully accept it. this ensemble was selected for me by another."
as she is eyeing over the prince's own simple yet elegant attire, a blend of the academy's uniform and firene's vibrant hue, he continues further — extending an invitation she had not thought to expect.
a dance. . . ? it was not that she stood opposed, but it was a bold offer from elyos' representative royalty. in any past hall, this brief exchange alone would have drawn suspicious eyes, and days later cast aspersions on firene's intentions. no doubt alfred would have been warned gravely by his advisors, or she plotted against by his retainers in the night.
. . . and yet, this world's alear came from a blessed place.
perhaps it is her caution that is old-fashioned ; she thinks of diamant, who in spite of brodia's well-founded hatred, was possessed of enough trust to show her alliance and friendship without question. is it quite so simple, here? her knowledge of nature and necessity says no — but then, no longer are there fell dragons to wreak havoc and divine war, to re-sow the apple of discord. none but herself, and an innocent veyle, and the reformed rafal. nel turns herself fully, and presents the firenese crown prince her hand. "i will agree to a dance. you will need to excuse me, if i am unfamiliar with the steps."
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history would forget and bury their ills. the memories of humans were infinitesimally brief ; this very forgetfulness may yet be where hope made its nest.
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ulircursed · 4 months
[ gossip ] dates. that was the term the little ones used. she has puzzled over it for the better half of the hour, ever since catching the angle of eyes upon herself and the whisper of a nearby few who thought themselves more discreet than they were. these long centuries. . . and still she remained unfamiliar with the majority of human customs ; but the manner of their words could not be referring to the edible fruit, nor the year and time.
"there you are."
if she sought to understand, the methods must be taken into her own hands.
it had been no shortage of expense on her part, deducing the figure and identity from a pair of names — andrei. naesala. candidly, she approaches the light-haired young man, counting herself fortunate to have come upon him relatively alone. even a fell dragon can guess when making such a conversation public would be uncomfortable for his sake. "you are andrei, yes? i am nel. i am aware we are not acquainted, but i would ask you a question." she tests the word in her mind before trying it aloud, sampling: "are you one called naesala's ' date ' ?"
Andrei recognizes Nel in passing — if the 'lessons' in the Abyss had been at all regular before Professor Lambert's arrival, perhaps they would've interacted more, but thus far he had deemed a nod as they passed by one another in the darkened halls of the monastery's underbelly a sufficient greeting. This is the first he's properly learned of her name, at any rate.
She approaches him, and he expects, to some extent, the sort of surreptitious exchange of knowing looks from one resident of the darkness to another. The shared understanding that they are not fully welcome here, that they must work to hide or ingratiate parts of themselves that no longer belong in the light, and that... he is the one called naesala's 'date'.
" Um," Andrei replies, eloquently, mind abruptly blank of a proper comeback from sheer shock.
(Did Professor Lambert spread this information among what passed for a teacher's lounge in the Abyss, after learning of it at record speeds???)
Vaguely, he is aware of the heat that begins to travel up his face, though he stubbornly presses on without any acknowledgement of the fact.
" And wh... what of it?" he asks, tone defensive, though he is unable to fully hide the mortified tremor from escaping in his words, " I take it this has become a topic of discussion, though I cannot fathom the reason why."
(Truly, he can't. Is Naesala secretly some kind of celebrity whose romantic dalliances everyone is obsessed with all the time?)
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raijintosworn · 4 months
[ garden ] the celebration had only just begun ; surprise flickers briefly to find another out here seeking respite so soon. but then, she supposes the same could be said for herself.
"pardon. i had not meant to disturb." but as the surfeited commotion of the interior fades to the garden's sequestered cold, she sweeps her gaze over the rows of hedges lit by twilight and the flowering stems of their winter flora, the vines and ivys in plain color — surroundings far more befitting of her. she cannot help but feel more at ease in their presence than in that behind them both. so to buy that solace, she turns back to the stranger, producing from her person an ivory pinion soft as moonlight. "for your tolerance, i will return you this white feather. i presume it will be of some use to you."
Ryoma echoes the word, before shaking his head. The party had gotten a little much. While he likes people, it grows suffocating, and sometimes it's good to breathe. Clearly she must feel the same. But immediately, she offering one of those broaches for his... tolerance? Odd.
"I appreciate the broach, but it's not necessary. I don't own these gardens." He takes the broach. It's beautiful, the opposite of his own black one. He could simply offer it to her - as is the point of the game - but he finds himself intrigued by this stranger. He sits the gifted broach in his pocket.
"I, in turn, could offer you the black feather." He holds the onyx-black between his fingers, before tucking it away. "But I'd like something in return, first - your company."
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crazybutgood · 2 years
Birthday appreciation (cluelesspigeons)
Birthday commission for @cluelesspigeons from @nelweensfic 🥰 Happy birthday, Celina!
(please click on the images for better quality)
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Image description: A black paper gift box with a silver ribbon. A tag is attached to it. On the tag, it is written, in cursive in green ink: Celina, Happy birthday my little bird! Thank you for blessing us with a lot of amazing microfics and being a great friend! With love, Nel
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Image description: the gift box is opened. The gift inside is in the foreground: A green origami bird (representing Celina) and an orange origami fox (representing Nel).
Check out Celina's works on ao3 and tumblr and leave her some love!
Bonus individual photos of the fox and bird under the cut :)
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earanie · 1 year
Tumblerines and tumblers, you're not gonna believe this, but your girl has finally gotten herself a Laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza. absolutely bonkers
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hresvelged · 1 year
@nelithic sent:
⟢ locating each of the bracelet emblems proves more difficult than she had anticipated in such a formal setting. nel had underestimated how different everyone could look, arrayed in scintillating ballroom attire and glittering accessories. for many, their hairstyle and overall appearance had undergone similar, seemingly drastic transformation as well. the young adrestian emperor edelgard is one such individual who seems to be someone else altogether when not dressed in the uniform nel had grown accustomed to seeing, with full-blooded aymr in hand.
"edel— ... hm."
and for that matter, the scene that greets her when she does locate her is also not what she had expected. the young woman is surrounded — perhaps ' cornered ' is more accurate — by two of the serving mice who hover close, trying to offer her water and towelettes out of apparent concern. though the young monarch does well to conceal it, she still looks disquieted. nel approaches more swiftly, parting the two murid attendants with her arrival. "emblem edelgard?" she instinctively reaches for a nearby chair. "is there something the matter?"
There is a certain irony in the rodents trying to offer assistance when their very presence is the root of her dismay in the first place. Her typical demeanor of a blunt, commanding to-be emperor pry's to dissipate at the sight. She will never allow it so, but the discomfort she feels when she shoos away their offerings sustains itself.
Whether or not it is the intent, Edelgard feels relief once her company of one turns into two and they are no longer breathing down her neck. A quiet sigh leaves glossed lips, quirking an eyebrow in turn. She has many titles in past and present, but 'emblem' has not counted itself among those numbers. Nonetheless, she leaves it be.
"I.. can't say these festivities are going as I'd hoped." Edelgard's eyes stray towards the chair, reluctantly taking a seat. She crosses one leg over the other, arms resting in her lap. "I apologize. My last intention was to have others greet me with concern. Thank you, nonetheless." Then, she shoots a quick glance back towards the mice. For now, they steer away. "Perhaps this is selfish of me, but I have a request— Would you stay a moment longer? I just.. I need time to decipher my next move."
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