#✏️-Written Accounts
ahsofficial · 3 months
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Silas: Doctor, former Clique member, most of all a friend. His story led him through trials and tribulations. Below is an interview with conducted with him outside his place of work.
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hnwd · 8 months
Hellooo my DTIYS 500 is finally launched !
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Thank you very much for supporting me 🤍✨
I hope you will like this DTIYS, it will be available until February 29,
For all informations here ⤵️
First place will win a loop animation of their choice!
Second place will win two pages of comics
Third place will win a comic page
Obviously the winners are not obliged to have the format of their prize, if for example a second place winner wants a drawing without a comic they can :3
You can modify the clothes, the pose, the environment as long as the Dream lamia is still recognizable!
You can modify the design of the Dream as long as it is recognized and create a new outfit for it as you wish!
All artistic media are accepted, digital drawing, traditional, painting, video, gif or doll, as long as you have fun!
⛔Only AI is completely prohibited⛔
✏️How to participate✏️
You must be subscribed to my account (any new subscriber is welcome uwu✨)
And you must submit your participation before the end of the deadline on February 29
You must use the tag #AZADTIYS
You can tag me directly!
You can also find the designs on my profile in the tag #lapis love
For those who want some references, here is a base which currently brings them all together;
I remind you that you are absolutely not obliged to follow the following outfits, you can dress our dear golden snake as you wish!
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👀What i can do (for new people :3)👀
What i already did in loop animation : here, here and here
Some pages comic i made here, here and here
Anyways ya can explore my profile !
I think I have written everything yall need :3, in case of problem, hesitation, or question, do not hesitate to contact me here, in my email or by ask (anonymous or not) Thank you once again!
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pedropascallme · 4 months
hiii, just curious to know about how u do ur fics
💌 why did you start this blog?
I had ideas! And I've had my main tumblr blog for like a decade now, so I knew that there was a really large community of writers on here and wanted to try my hand at it. I definitely started out a little shaky since I hadn't written anything outside of academia in a super long time, though.
✏️ when did you start writing fanfic
Fun fact: I was a wattpad kid. I had an account when I was like 11 or 12 and wrote phan fics, and the occasional star wars oneshot. I don't even remember what the account was or if any of the stuff I wrote there is still up, but I feel like it would be safe to say that I have come a long way...
📚 how do you come up with the fics you write
I write everything around dialogue!! The only things I'm trained in as a writer are 1) scholarly papers and 2) playwriting, so it can be difficult for me to come up with plot, given that I have so much experience in writing, like, research papers on historical events. But the fact that I've done playwriting before has made me infinitely more comfortable writing dialogue than anything else when it comes to creative writing. Usually I'll just have a random moment of like "hey that's good dialogue. How do I make that a story."
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goddess-of-birds · 6 months
Hello Ravens!
Name: Laurya | Pinterest: @surpriiiiiiiiiise | Wattpad: @surpriiiiiiiiiise
Main account: @lucegoose-51
RP ACCOUNT (rp posts will be tagged #laurya #goddess of birds #rp)
I am the Goddess of Birds and twin sister to Loki
Age: 1157 years old, about 18 physically
Height: 5'7"
Pronouns: She/her
Hair color: Black, dyed blue about halfway down
Eye Color: Bright yellow
Skin tone: Mostly pale but kinda tan, shit ton of freckles
Race: Jotun/Asgardian
A little bit of backstory: It's pretty much the same backstory as the canon MCU Loki. but she figured out she was a frost giant before he did (but she couldn't bring herself to tell him). First came to Midgard in 1854 with Loki (if ykyk), got captured, tortured and nearly killed before help arrived, didn't go back until 1973, found out she liked it, and has been going back and forth since.
Nicknames: Stitch (given by @ireallyliketacosokay ), Feathers (given by @wolverineofficial )
Friends: @nyxe-dragonetti @thebolter1904 @ishani-khera @ireallyliketacosokay @homeless-loki
Worst enemy: @0din-borson
Relatives: @thebolter1904 (niece) @goddess-of-chaos-and-destruction (sister) @homeless-loki (brother)
pls vote on my polls
Strikethroughs have already been asked
(pls talk to me)
1: Favorite color 2: Favorite food 3: Best friend 4: Favorite fictional character 5: Most involved fandom 6: Biggest green flag 7: Biggest red flag 8: Favorite candy 9: Favorite Ice cream flavor 10: hair color/length 11: Eye color 12: Favorite outfit 13: Sweet/Spicy/Sour/Salty 15: Phobia 16: Instrument 17: Favorite Drawing 18: Tattoo I want 19: Number of Exes 20: Relationship Status
1. Why do you like or dislike this character? 2. Favorite thing about this character? 3. Least favorite thing about this character? 4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in? 5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them? 6. What's something you have in common with this character? 7. Could you be roommates with this character? 8. Could you be best friends with this character? 9. Would you date this character? 10. What's a headcanon you have for this character? 11. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot? 12. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character? 13. How about their relationship with another character you admire? 14. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character? 15. Favorite picture of this character? 16. What other character from another fandom of yours reminds you of them? 17. FREEBIE QUESTION!!
EITHER OOC OR IN CHARACTER ASKS (tell me which lol): 📷 What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen? 🍫 Cheese or chocolate? ✨ Do you have any nicknames? 🎵 Last song you listened to? ✏️ Have you ever written fanfiction? 😏 Are you on discord?  💛 Do you have any piercings? 🐰 What do you think says the most about a person? 🍪 If you were a cookie, what kind would you be? 🐶 Are you more of a dog person or a cat person? 🎧 Headphones or earbuds? 🌼 What’s the last thing you said out loud? 🙃 What’s a weird fact that you know? 🦉 Are you a morning person or a night owl? 🧸 Favorite place to nap? 🏳️‍🌈 Are you a member of the LGBTQIA+ community? 🦋 Describe yourself in three words. 👖 Jeans or sweatpants? 🥤 What’s your go-to Starbucks order? 🧡 A color you can’t stand? 💎 What’s your most prized possession? ☕ Coffee or tea? 🦖 Favorite extinct animal? 🌙 How long have you been on tumblr? 🌴 Desert island item? 🐸 Describe your aesthetic. 🔮 What’s your dream job? 💙 Relationship status? 🌿 Describe your favorite outfit. 🎤 Is there a song you know all the lyrics to? 🤎 What color is your hair? 💌 Do you talk to yourself? 💄 Do you wear makeup? 🌸 Best compliment you ever received? 💞 @ your favorite blog.
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m1thrun · 6 days
:3 ✏️
✏️ i HAVE written fanfic but ive never published it anywhere and its mostly self indulgent stuff.. but maybe ill make my own ao3 account someday 🤨
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jonismitchell · 2 months
✏️ Have you ever written fanfiction?
yes i have an ao3 account and my stories still get hits! recently ive been really tempted to write gossip girl fanfic
🌸 Best compliment you ever received?
an anon recently said they’d tell their kids i was their audrey hepburn and i haven’t stopped thinking about it since
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homoromantixx · 6 months
Phone's lockscreen-
My phone lockscreen for years has been the Juggalos for Jesus pic 😂 it's just so funny to me lol
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Have you ever written fanfic? - Yes!! There are a few pics posted on my other blog for TPOF characters, but I also post on a side account for other fandoms, and I have an ao3 with a few Outlast fics!!
Favorite place to nap - I looove my bed with my heated blanket, but honestly I can nap anywhere. I get some really good napping in when I'm sleepin in my best friend's car when he takes me to work with him
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copyrightcreep · 1 year
All of them for the ask game if you want to asdjklgf /nf
yes sirrrr
📷 What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen? an art of venom and Carnage, my faves.
🍫 Cheese or chocolate? CHEESE
✨ Do you have any nicknames? a couple, Dromules/Drommie, Pluisje, Leonidas, Leonneke, Lionel Messy. and of course, 22.
🎵 Last song you listened to? i hate myself by Citizen Soldier
✏️ Have you ever written fanfiction? yes.... no i'm not sharing it.
😏 Are you on discord? i have 5 different discord accounts so yeah. i'm on discord.
 💛 Do you have any piercings? nope, but i wanna get some
🐰 What do you think says the most about a person? their (bed)-room. a lot can be found in it :)
🍪 If you were a cookie, what kind would you be? chocolite chip!
🐶 Are you more of a dog person or a cat person? cat :P, i like dogs. but not more then cats
🎧 Headphones or earbuds? headphones all the way
🌼 What’s the last thing you said out loud? oke, is goed. dank je wel (okay, is good, thank you.)
🙃 What’s a weird fact that you know? i know several ways to hide a body and/or dissolve bones. as well as how to make a death look like an accident. an how you can poison someone without them knowing.
🦉 Are you a morning person or a night owl? bit of both. depends on the day/night
🧸 Favorite place to nap? cars, bit of sun/warmth + the motions of the car driving and i'm out.
🏳️‍🌈 Are you a member of the LGBTQIA+ community? yis sirrrrrr
🦋 Describe yourself in three words. loud, emotional, caring
👖 Jeans or sweatpants? sweatpants
🥤 What’s your go-to Starbucks order? don't go there :P
🧡 A color you can’t stand? uhhhh, puke green
💎 What’s your most prized possession? i would say my laptop. but at this moment it's a couple of my mom's shirts and some of her clothes.
☕ Coffee or tea? tea, though i drink coffee as well.
🦖 Favorite extinct animal? pternadons
🌙 How long have you been on tumblr? too long- since 2018, 2017 maybe?
🌴 Desert island item? blanket
🐸 Describe your aesthetic. teenage boy who just got permission to dress himself
🔮 What’s your dream job? i don't really know yet :P. i would love to be an astronaut
💙 Relationship status? single af, and happy too tbh
🌿 Describe your favorite outfit. red/black/white socks with optical illusion squares, white and orange shoes. yellow coca-cola shirt. red shorts and an black venom baseball cap.
🎤 Is there a song you know all the lyrics to? multiple, yes. but a few i'll mentions is under the knife, brittle, theatre, nerves by icon for hire
🤎 What color is your hair? pink!!
💌 Do you talk to yourself? a lot haha
💄 Do you wear makeup? nope
🌸 Best compliment you ever received? about that they like the color of my hair. it's something i'm proud of cause i do it myself and it's a reflection of me :)
💞 @ your favorite blog. can't pick 1 so: @feliksvg | @somerandomdudelmao |
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littleeggrock · 8 months
🐶 - dog or cat person?
That's a hard one, love em both. Probably dog, being I own one
✏️- have you ever written fanfiction?
Nothing that I've published. I started writing a little q!aimsey focused purgatory 2 drabble that's been sitting in my drafts since the day goose was eliminated, I've been trying to get the motivation to finish and post it. I read a lot though, and am debating whether or not to start writing more seriously. I'll probably make an alt account if I do
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wordlywriter · 1 year
Two weeks ago, at the Half Priced Bookstore in my area (one of my greatest loves :)), I wandered into the clearance section and found a book called DIY MFA. When I pulled it off the shelf—randomly, I might add—my immediate reaction was visceral. I gasped and clutched it close to my chest. Because as writers, we’re often told that graduate school is a must-do for publishing, right? We see it written on the backs of novels in author blurbs all the time. We hear it from our undergrad schools and professors. To “make it” is to burn through academia according to a certain timeframe and by a specific age. Such are the expectations, anyway.
But what if this isn’t practical? Whether its finances, time constraints, or another completely valid and reasonable explanation, that envied master’s degree can pose a problem. As a rising junior in college, these problems have been on my mind for many months already. And as someone who is constantly searching for writing advice to share with others, I thought this would be a great feature for the page.
DIY MFA is a book, and general model of learning, with three core principles, all of which can be found on the website: http://www.diymfa.com. These principles are: writing with focus, reading with purpose, and building community. The “about” section states that “the beauty of DIY MFA is that while it covers most of what you’d get in a traditional MFA, you get to decide how to structure your writing, reading and community so you can reach your goals.” Pretty cool, right? I thought so! And while I haven’t immersed myself just yet, on account of wanting to structure my newest WIP before jumping in, both the book and website have given me a lot to reconsider.
Other notable exploratory sections on diymfa.com include the “writer igniter,” which is a prompt generator, in addition to free starter kits, podcast episodes, articles, and speaker videos.
As far as I can tell from Amazon and Goodreads reviews, this might not be the greatest option for those seeking advice for less traditional writing forms such as comics, graphic novels, and children’s books, to name a few, but the concepts and tools will work well for any genre and aspiring writer, provided you are dedicated to see your project through. I actually think that this could be an avenue of exploration for the project in the future. It was published in 2016 though, so I’m excited for whatever might be in store in the next few years!
Have you tried this book or learning model out? What did you think?
Follow @diymfa for more information ✏️
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cpirits · 2 months
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(( MUSE PORTRAYAL MEME || @duelcafe said: [Send ✏️ for me to describe how I portray my muse. [ Rouga Aragami! ] ]
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// I feel like I portray Rouga as a more mellow version of the anime version. Yes I take into account the series storyline, and how he acts around other characters but I also bring a sense of individuality to his muse.
Sure, he's rough around the edges, but that's how he was written in the series, and later on he does soften up thanks to some other characters.
I write him not really knowing how to relate to people, as he grew up an orphan, and taken in by Kyoya. Though he's got his own people smarts.
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ahsofficial · 1 year
“Welcome to the AHS! We’re happy to have you!”
This blog contains writings and imagery containing some blood, gore, and other zombie-related content. If this kind of content disturbs you, do not continue.
“To say it’s the end of the world would be inaccurate. The human race is far from nearing extinction, but it's no secret that we are smaller, with oceans of the dead separating us for many miles. While the governments of old are still out there, whatever they’re planning will likely occur long after I’m gone.”
This blog belongs to @aves-arts and covers the zombie au of my oc universe! Vick Pavlova and Jennifer Thompson emerge from their bunker to find the city of Nuevo Recinto in shambles. Together, they navigate the new post-apocalyptic world that was thrust upon them and face the logistics of managing a community.
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Vick Pavlova was the head of an organized crime syndicate that operated around the globe. She’s the type to always have a plan for any situation. 
When the outbreak jumped across the pond and made its way to the east coast, Vick sent an emergency alert to her facilities and those who would be useful in a disaster situation. Underneath her offices was an expansive underground facility that could house several hundred people in an emergency. Once the final day to enter came, the office entered a full lockdown. Sealing itself from the outside.
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The military scrambled to set up defenses against the undead hordes, but the sheer number of people meant that no fortification could hold out forever. 
While they were underground, members of the Cobalt bunker would be sent out into the city through the subway tunnels to scout the city and scavenge supplies on occasion. For months on end, they bided their time for the perfect time to emerge. 
When the day came, the world they returned to was unforgiving. The deteriorating barricades and empty safehouses told a story they’d soon be a part of.
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When the military abandoned the city, some of those left behind banded together. The Clique was a group dedicated to working alongside each other and helping as many people as they could. Safehouses were established, makeshift hospitals were maintained, and an aura of hope brewed in those who wanted to bring back some semblance of normalcy. 
However, The Clique began to stretch themselves thin. It became harder and harder to keep up with the responsibility placed on them. The dream of a better future died when those most capable of maintaining security defected from The Clique. The last of the group were wiped out at the Griffith Observatory safehouse by the newly formed Marshals.
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Formed from the remnants of the Nuevo Recinto Police Department, The New Marshals are the dominant force in the city. Once fighting to restore order to the city, they regressed and resorted to more aggressive tactics long before those in the Cobalt bunker returned to the surface.
Once those from the bunker established the Cobalt Refuge - the Marshals resorted to recruiting lowly raiders as nothing more than cannon fodder to bolster their numbers against the Cobalt Refuge. Getting into conflict with Vick’s group has caused the number of actual former police to dwindle even more.
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Outside of these conflicts, the city of Nuevo Recinto is still home to many survivors. Despite the outbreak, it is not uncommon to come across others in your travels through the city. Along with this, the former military occupation has left the city with an abundance of supplies and equipment. 
Needless to say, Nuevo Recinto is a city bursting with opportunity. With the headache The Marshals have proven to be, Vick has to make the tough calls between her group and theirs - not to mention what other groups may exist outside of the walls of the Cobalt Refuge.
Tags to use
Posts on here will be placed in relevant tags for convenience! Whatever you’re interested in looking into, the list will be laid out here.
#🤺-Groups of Interest  (Faction related lore/content) #🕴️-Persons of Interest (Characters in the Zombie AU) #🧟-Afflicted Individuals(Lore about the infected themselves) #🗺️- Global News (Lore about Nuevo Recinto and the world itself) #🏠- Points of Interest (Location related lore/content) #🎨-Outbreak Creations (Zombie AU artwork) #✏️-Written Accounts (Stories about Zombie AU) #🧾-Salvaged Intel (Posters/signage/etc from the outbreak) #📟-Cobalt Documents (Lore about Vick’s group) #📈-Day 0 (Relating to the beginning of the outbreak) #📉-Day 100 (Relating to the post-apocalypse) #🔮-Unreliable Intel (Non-canon to Zombie AU) #🧑‍🤝‍🧑-Familiar Faces (Characters originating outside the AU) #👪-Strangers (Original Zombie AU characters) #🎬-Related Media (Relating to other zombie media)
Final Words
Thanks for stopping by on my little blog! I've always been a huge fan of zombie media of all kinds. This blog is a labor of love that I hope interests other fans of the genre. If you have any asks feel free to send them my way! If you make any zombie or zombie-related artwork or ocs I'd love to see them!
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iiep-wop · 6 months
Greetings I've got some ask game stuff for you! (If the game is still on!)
📷 What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen?
✨ Do you have any nicknames?
✏️ Have you ever written fanfiction? (And can I possibly see that fanfiction? 🤔
💎 What’s your most prized possession?
🧡 A color you can’t stand?
Take all the time you need to answer!
-> Atlas
Hullo!!! Ty for the asks!!!!!!!
📷my lock screen! Made it myself by combining some images i got off google
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✏️I absolutely do write fanfic! It's on my AO3 account Iiep-wop, I've got a couple of red dwarf fics, a few NatM fics and also a couple of ghosts fics too :D Ive also got a small Red Dwarf fic I was writing last night which i need to continue :D
💎god I don't think I'd be able to decide haha, probably my fluffy glow in the dark owl blanket cause I love that thing
🧡 any colours that are like a sickly version of the colour, like a washed out grimy yellow or something like that
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s41nt-b3rn4rd · 7 months
✨ (nicknames) - I go by alot of names! but dawko is a common nickname in one friend group ✏️(fanfiction) - is it fanfiction if its of your own characters? if so, yeah. i have one complete one, a wip or two i lost, one thats on forever pause and then one i need to start. but i haven't written anything for any specific fandoms. FUNNILY ENOUGH THOUGH on one of my old tumblr accounts, someone tried to see if I would write a transformers fanfic. miss that person. 🍫(cheese or chocolate) - both are good. but I probably eat chocolate more than cheese, so chocolate.
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tqngerine · 1 year
⋆。°✩ 𝙩𝙦𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙚’𝙨 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 ✩°。⋆
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ for now, i only write for tomorrow x together!
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ requests are open!! send me an ask (and check this post for more details)
📱 social media au 💌 request
✏️ written fanfic 💭 headcanons
»»—— 🐰 ——««
»»—— 🦊 ——««
»»—— 🧸 ——««
»»—— 🐿️ ——««
»»—— 🐧 ——««
📱 stay in the middle (ongoing)
SUMMARY: Huening Kai would do anything for his best friend Taehyun, and this one small favor is no exception. It appears that Kai’s fellow campus journalist Y/N has caught his attention, and Taehyun needs help connecting to them...
🏷️ x reader, college au, strangers to friends to lovers, slowburn, fluff, angst later on
»»—— OT5 ——««
📱 call me what you like (ongoing)
SUMMARY: Yeonjun swears he’s never seen the cute 6 foot tall dimpled boy in his literature class before, but now he has and he’s fallen head over heels—only to be told he’s already taken… (Or Soobin is delusional but Yeonjun doesn’t know that.)
🏷️ yeonbin, college au, strangers to lovers, fake dating, crack
📱 Scandal (completed)
SUMMARY: A TXT social media AU where Beomgyu stumbles upon a semi-trending article about a dating rumor involving Yeonjun and Soobin. The members have a little fun tweeting about it on their private accounts… until they aren’t.
🏷️ crack, genfic
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✏️ Do you write every day?
Yes! I write every day and have written every day (even if only a few sentences) since March of 2021! It's to keep myself accountable and to keep my words flowing, and anyone who knows me could tell you I'm stubborn (my dad calls it "stick-to-it-tiveness"). Some days it's 2 sentences, some days it's a few thousand words, but I love it and my writing output has noticeably increased since.
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
going to post two hehe. The first is a snippet from missing scenes, the second is a snippet from the 125k triad piece
1: TWW
“How is it that I work in the most secure building in the world, and I’m still being outwitted by one scruffy journalist?”
“Who’s scruffy?” Danny asks, amused.
“Go away.”
“So the White House doesn’t have a comment?”
Peg lifts a forkful of cake to her mouth, and sighs a little at the blissful taste, the citrus tangy on her tongue, mellowed by the sweetness of the cake, the whole thing delicious and light, yet also sinfully decadent, Peg’s eyes sliding shut at the taste.
“God, that look on your face,” Hawkeye says, his voice low and full of heat. “Makes me glad I’m not Catholic.”
She opens her eyes again, fixing him with a look. “Either I’m more tipsy than I thought, or that was a very odd segue.”
“I think coveting my best friend’s wife is a sin,” Hawkeye says, lust burning in his gaze when he looks at her, and it kindles a similar fire in her belly. “And I’d hate to shock some poor priest in a confessional.”
“Only a sin for a few more hours,” BJ says, before holding out a forkful of cake. “Here, Hawk, we can share.”
“Darling, let us,” Peg says earnestly, and Hawkeye nods shyly in return.
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