#✌ ❛ ask prompt.
spaceratprodigy · 7 months
*gulp* deacon/iris "please just kiss me" intimacy ask........ NYE party- (i am shot)
@oldworldwidgets — [ intimacy prompts ]
It's in the stars, it's been written in the scars on our hearts
We're not broken, just bent, and we can learn to love again
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pose reference
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breezere · 2 years
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having a time
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mohammedaldeeb · 2 months
Hi, I hope you are safe ❤️ Tumblr glitched & I lost the message you sent me, but I was sure to share your campaign again, and I donated too. Praying for you and your family ❤️
I hope this message finds you well pegglefan🥺🙏.
I wanted to extend my heartfelt thanks for your prompt and thoughtful response to my recent ask for assistance❤💚.
Your willingness to help has been incredibly valuable to me, and I truly appreciate the time and effort you have dedicated🇵🇸🖤✌.
Thanks for your kind donation ❤
Your expertise and support have already made a significant difference, and I am very grateful for your guidance🌷.
As I continue to navigate this situation, I would be deeply appreciative of your ongoing support and advice.
Your continued assistance will be instrumental in helping me achieve a successful outcome🥺🙏❤.
Once again, thank you for your kindness and generosity.
I look forward to staying in touch and working together further❤❤.
Warm regards,
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guys i need prompts to write i am apparently being asked to help someone with an appointment and it sounds like it's gonna be a while so send me some and i'll type them up on my phone or something ✌
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estrellami-1 · 1 year
I saw your post and I decided, why not? I've never done this before! (I'm no good at thinking of prompts). Currently I have one thing on my mind: Good Omens. And maybe this is weird to ask, but could you maybe take a scene from it and steddie-fy it? I don't care who's who.
There's a scene, which is my personal favorite, where Crowley asks Aziraphale to hang out after having dinner, and Aziraphale, with a soft voice and a longing look, says "You go too fast for me, Crowley."
And of course the "just a little demonic miracle of my own" scene. That ones a bit longer to explain, so I'd search it up for a better experience. This is the one all of us, including the author, speculate is when Aziraphale realized he was in love with Crowley.
Uhhhhhh yeah peace out ✌
Okay yes I know exactly what you’re talking about, I’ve seen the show and I’ve read the book (more than once actually lol) BUT it’s been forever and right now I’m not remembering anything besides the vaguest outline of the scene in the forest, when he starts going by Crowley. And then a few random scenes that I had to look up 😩 strangely enough I couldn’t find the “you go too fast for me, Crowley” scene anywhere which SUCKS because now I need to see it just to see it 😂
Also side note I would LOVE to Steddify the entire thing, I feel like Nancy would make a great Anathema, and Robin would be a fantastic Madame Tracy, esp considering the fact that Aziraphale/Steve (that’s what I’m imagining, at least) literally inhabits her body. And there’s even a Party what with Adam and them! I’m thinking Dustin as Adam, Max as Pepper, Will as Wensleydale, and Mike as Brian.
Anyways. Yes I love this a lot, thank you 😂
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“Didn’t you have a flaming sword?” Eddifer asks, tilting his head
“Uh- oh, uh-” Steve stutters. It’s embarrassing, angels don’t stutter, but he’s caught wrong-footed, not sure he did the right thing anymore, and with Eddifer looking at him like that-
“You did! It was flaming like anything,” Eddifer says triumphantly. “Lost it already, have we?”
“I… gave it away,” Steve mumbles.
“You what?” Eddifer asks incredulously.
“I gave it away!” He shouts.
Eddifer looks at him for a second. Blinks. Looks away.
Steve’s left with a feeling he did something right. It’s more comforting than it should be, coming from a demon.
Steve tilts his head. “Is that you under there, Eddifer?”
“‘S Eddie,” he grumps, lifting his helmet and sighing. “‘S Alright, lads, I know him.” He shakes his head. “What the heaven are you doing here?”
“I could ask the same of you!”
“Animals,” Steve hisses, locked in a dungeon. This is a pickle if ever there was one.
“Animals don’t kill each other with clever machines, Angel, only humans do that.”
“Eddie,” he says, can’t help the excitement in his voice. Then he sees what Eddie’s wearing. “Oh, good Lord.”
Eddie’s lounging against the wall, arms crossed, looking Steve up and down. “What the deuce are you doing, locked up in the Bastille? I thought you were opening up a bookshop!”
“I was! I got… peckish.”
“Peckish,” Eddie parrots flatly.
Steve huffs. “Well if you must know, it was the crepes. Can’t get decent ones anywhere but Paris.”
“Angel,” Eddie says, “you’re really something else.”
Steve can’t quite figure out if that’s a compliment or not.
“Y’know,” Steve says, almost certain Eddie’s going to push him up against a wall again for it. It’s half the reason he says it. “I think, deep down, you really are quite a nice person.”
Eddie doesn’t push him up against a wall, only smirks into his drink. “Only because you’re just enough of a bastard to be worth knowing.”
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Ahhh, I had a dream that would kill me if it were turned into a fic🤭. You are the single greatest T-word writer and KnY writer on this platform. If you're up to it, may you please write a fic with Lee! Muichiro and Ler! Shinobu?
P.s Get well soon!✌(If you're still sick)
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Y’all are too sweet oh my goodness! I am humbled by such high praise! Thank you anons! Both for the kind words and the chance to write for our baby boy Mui! Since we’ve got similar prompts, I’ve decided to combine them! :D I hope you like it!
Cloud 9 (Taglist)
@myreygn, @thatbigbisexual29, @duckymcdoorknob, @wolfyeatstacos, @gladdygirl18, @baby-tickles2022, @cupcake-spice13, @backy-san
“Who’s a little cutie? You are, yes you are! Yes you are!” Mitsuri cooed over Muichiro, her fingers flying along his stomach and sides.
“My my, Tokito- I haven’t seen a smile that big in a while from you! Kanroji is right- you truly are adorable.” Shinobu smiled behind her free hand, the other giving his neck and chin a brother scribble.
“Plehehahahhahahshe wahhahahhahahit!” He cried, squirming here and there as the girls tickled him relentlessly, cheeks bright pink and eyes misty with laughter.
You're probably wondering how the young Hashira got himself into a situation like this.
Well, it all started a mere few hours prior…
“Kocho-san! I have everything we need for tonight!” Mitsuri all but ran to the smaller woman, a basket of freshly baked treats in hand. The aroma was enough to shake Muichiro out of his daydreaming, turning his attention to the pair a few short meters away.
“Wonderful, Kanroji-san! It looks like you’ve baked quite a bit- I’m sure Kanao and the others will be thrilled.” Shinobu clapped her hands together, just as moved by the sugary sweet smell it seemed. “I made sure to clear out my schedule this evening- we won’t be bothered by any stray patients or the boys.”
“Is it a bad thing I’m happy they won’t crash girls night?” Mitsuri winced slightly, shame coloring cheeks. “I love them but they’re so…”
“Loud? Obnoxious? Smelly?” Shinobu offered a variety of adjectives.
“Well…yes.” Mitsuri gave in, earning a delighted giggle from the other. “It’s alright though- from what I hear they’re all going camping tonight.”
Camping? Muichiro hadn’t got the memo.
Or perhaps he did but wasn’t paying attention…
“Did they already leave?” Shinobu asked, suddenly aware of the lack of noise in the area. “I wonder if Shinazugawa’s gonna fight a bear again.”
“I believe so- fight what now?” Mitsuri stared. “And what do you mean again?”
“Long story- Oh! Tokito-san! You’re still here?” Whoops- he’d been caught. The Mist Hashira was trying to make a quiet escape, freezing when Shinobu called out to him. Turning around, he tugged at the ends of his hair, trying for nonchalance. “Oh, hey ladies. I was just…heading home.”
“Home? What- Don’t tell me they didn’t invite you?” Mitsuri looked crossed, eyes wide with indignation. “How cruel!”
“No, I’m sure they did- I just forgot.” Muichiro shrugged, hating how unsure his voice sounded. Had they not invited him? And if they did- why did no one remind him? Normally someone would come around to get him.
Maybe it was one of those “Grown ups only” trips. They probably didn’t want a kid like him around.
The thought made him rather sad then.
“So you're just going home? On such a nice day?” Mitsuri sounded alarmed, the concern oddly making him feel more like a kid. “But that’s no fun!”
“I’ll be fine. I'm a Hashira. I’ll train.” He straightened, raising his chin. “Then I’ll…do other stuff. Like…” He racked his brain for adult-like activities, mind running blank. “Train some more.”
“That’s a lot of training to do in one night.” Mitsuri tilted her head curiously. “What happens when you get too tired?”
“Then I’ll take a nap. And get right back to it.”
“Sounds boring.” Shinobu commented, smiling apologetically when Muichiro blushed. “Forgive me, Tokito-san.” Pausing, she turned back to Mitsuri, pulling the other girl over and whispering in her ear. The Love Hashira’s eyes widened before a bright smile touched her lips, nodding. “That’s a great idea!”
“What is?” Muichiro asked, growing weary when they turned to him with smiles.
“Mui, do you wanna join us this evening?”
“I can’t believe they’d go off without you like that. When they get back, those boys aren’t getting a crumb of my treats!” Mitsuri huffed as she ran her fingers through Muichiro’s hair, gently untangling it one strand at a time. They were now sitting at the butterfly mansion, pillows and blankets spread out and a variety of Mitsuri’s snacks on display for whomever felt hungry. Changed into comfy pajamas, the youngest Hashira nibbled on a cookie while the pink haired girl began a braid, starting from the top of his head and working her way down.
“My my, I believe it will be the first time we see Rengoku not smiling if you do that.” Shinobu grinned with impish glee, a few bottles of nail polish to her left as she carefully worked an ombre of pink to green on her friend’s toenails. With her hair down, she looked less regal. It felt like Muichiro was sitting with an older sister rather than the team’s doctor. “He’s like a grumpy cat when he pouts. Have you ever noticed that?”
“Oh absolutely! It’s rare, but it’s so funny!” Mitsuri giggled. “He just pouts and hides away- eventually coming out if you shake some treats.”
“I bet if he could, he’d crawl up on a dresser.” Muichiro added, earning another round of giggles from the girls. It made him feel good.
“Oh man- I can totally see him curled up on there and glaring at everyone!” Mitsuri laughed so hard she snorted, nearly throwing off Shinobu’s handiwork with how hard she was giggling. “Kanroji, your toes!” She cried, dabbing at the mess.
“I’m sorry- blame Muichiro!” Mitsuri cried back, falling into him some as he gaped in shock. “He’s the one putting all these Cat-Rengoku images in my head!”
“He really is though! He’s got those big cat eyes.” Muichiro defended, earning another pig snort from the girl.
“Pfft, okay, okay! No more cat talk until I get this last toe done!” Shinobu shook her head with a snicker at Muichiro as she carried on her task. “You’re gonna have tie dye feet if you keep squirming like that.”
“Not the first time, probably won’t be the last either.” Mitsuri was back doing Muichiro’s hair, her touch gentle against his scalp. “Thanks for letting me braid your hair, Mui. It’s so soft and long! Has it always been this way?”
“I think so…I don’t really remember.” He admitted quietly, stuffing his face with another cookie before they could ask anymore questions. The memories of his past were still so foggy. He remembered bits and pieces- a face like his own, a hut in which he lived. What really stood out were the feelings. Most of the time, his past felt like an ache in his chest, familiar yet unknown at the same time. It was frustrating- having all this pain but no memory of what caused it.
“Tokito-san?” Shinobu’s voice shook him free from his internal ache, making him look up. He was sure she was going to ask him what was wrong. The “I’m fine” was on his lips, but she surprised him with her next question. “Would you like your nails painted?”
“What?” His nails? Painted?
“Oo, that would be so pretty!” Misturi gushed, excited by the idea. “We could be twins! Maybe not in color, but through Kocho’s handiwork! She’s really good at painting nails, as you can see!”
Sure enough, Mitsuri’s toenails were impeccable. Despite her earlier squirming, Shinobu’s hand stayed true.
“Sure. Go for it.” Muichiro shrugged, feeling good at the delighted expression Shinobu wore.
“Okay! What color would you like?”
“Do you think Iguro-san likes me?” Mitsuri asked not too long later- her hair loose and spread out like a fan beneath her.
“Of course he does. The way he looks at you says it all.” Shinobu reassured her, also on her back, her toes painted bright purple. “No one looks at someone with that much adoration for jokes.”
“Ador-what, he really does?” Mitsuri blushed, hands on her cheeks and eyes wide. “He looks at me like that?”
“Like you're the only person in the room.” Muichiro agreed, the third on his back, raising a hand to look at his newly painted nails. After his toes, they did his fingers. He rather liked the teal color Shinobu chose- it was sparkly. “Really- the only person in the world sometimes.”
Misturi made a noise of squealing delight, covering her face as she giggled, kicking her feet. “Oh, I wanna tell him I like him so bad! Maybe I’ll do it one day- I’m just too nervous right now!” She lowered her hands, tilting her head back so she could look at her friends properly. “What about you two? Anyone you guys fancy?”
“Fancy? Look at you, using Tengen-lingo.” Shinobu teased, earning a light tug at her hair. “I don’t have anyone I fancy right now. I’m too busy.”
“What about Tomioka?” Muichiro asked, making them pause. Then they were laughing. “Did I say something funny?”
“Ohohoho honey- Tomioka’s dating Shinazugawa!” Shinobu giggled out, laughing harder at his face of surprise. “You didn’t know that?”
“I thought it was pretty obvious myself- they’re not exactly subtle about it!” Mitsuri nodded in agreement, turning over so she could lay on her belly. “The other day they were trying so hard to make it seem like they arrived separately!”
“Yeah, like we couldn’t see the wrinkled Haori on Tomioka!” Shinobu’s eyes were impish once more. “When he came in the other day, he smelled like Ohage. He tried to claim he got it as a snack.”
“Oh I’m sure he got a snack.” Mitsuri winked, earning a swat from a wide eyed Shinobu.
“Wait- how long have they been dating?” Muichiro asked, curious now. He never really cared for Corp gossip, but he was here and things were getting interesting.
“I’d say about two months now? Though they’ve been pining for each other for way longer.” Shinobu nodded, satisfied with her answer. “Shinazugawa always blushed when Tomioka complimented him, even when he threw a fit after.”
“Such a tsun-tsun.” Mitsuri shook her head in mock disappointment. “And Tomioka-san can be rather clueless about these kinds of things. It’s no wonder they took so long to get together.”
“Tragically so.” Shinobu mock sighed, giggling with her friend.
Tsun-Tsun? Clueless? Muichiro was learning new sides to his fellow Hashira tonight.
“So, Mui…what about you, hon?” Mitsuri smiled, eyes twinkling. “Anyone you fancy?”
At first, Muichiro didn’t know what to say. Did he fancy anyone? Not in the Hashira of course, but…
Sharp eyes. Black hair that flowed to his shoulder. A scar that ran along his nose-
“Ooo, he’s got a crush!” Misturi squealed in delight when Muichiro blushed, eyes widening with shock. Did he? He had a crush? “Who is it? What are they like? Is it someone we know?”
“Now now, Kanroji, give him a second.” Shinobu slowed the other down gently as she turned to him. “Muichiro, have you ever had a crush on anyone before?”
“No. Not really.” He confessed, face burning. It felt weirdly shameful to say it outloud. “Is that a bad thing?”
“Not at all!” Mitsuri jumped in, taking his hand in hers. “Crushes aren’t a mandatory thing; take Kyojuro for example. He’s never had a crush, and from what he’s told me, he’s never had romantic feelings for anyone. That doesn’t make him a bad person, right?”
“Of course not.”
“Exactly. And look at Kanroji-san. She crushes on everyone.” Shinobu smiled at her friend, grinning at her mock jaw drop. “That’s also perfectly valid.”
“Hey! I can’t help it- the world’s full of crushable people.” Mitsuri defended without much fight.
“The point is- when and if you develop a crush is completely up to you. There’s never a lifeframe on when you experience these things.” Shinobu reached out and squeezed his shoulder. “So- now that that’s clear; who’s the lucky person your heart is racing for?”
“I don’t really know his name. I met him while training with Gyomei a few times.” Muichiro looked at his and Mitsuri’s conjoined hands, the feeling of her gently squeezing it comforting. “He’s not really talkative, but the few times we have it’s really…nice.” He blushed, remembering how warm his crush’s voice was. “He has a scar on his nose, if that helps.”
“Genya!” The girls gushed, realization filling their voices.
“I think so…he’s great.” Muichiro smiled softly. Genya. He rather liked that name.
“That’s Shinazugawa’s brother, right?” Mitsuri asked.
“The younger of the two? Absolutely. He helps out here some days.” Shinobu nodded approvingly. “Sometimes I wish he was the Hashira one.”
“Oh, you're terrible, Kocho!”
“Not so- I’m just honest.”
Muichiro giggled in his sleeve, feeling lighter. A crush. He had a crush on Genya. And from the sounds of it, the girls approved. It was really exciting.
“Oi, did you just throw a pillow at me?” Shinobu’s yelp of surprise brought him back to present time. Mitsuri had her own pillow in hand, giggling like a gremlin.
“Oh I did! Come at me, Kocho!” She declared, squealing when the pillow in question smacked her right in the face.
It took less than five seconds before the duel broke out- pillows smacking one another as the girls screamed in laughter. Muichiro originally planned on using his own as defense, but before long he was just as into it as them, smacking whomever was in reach and yelping when he got smacked in return.
Of course- nothing ever stayed on track in fights like this. Mitsuri tossed away her pillow before lunging at Shinobu, knocking her into a pile of soft things. “Kanro-jihihihihihiihhiihihi!” Her cry of surprise turned into laughter as the taller girl attacked her with tickles, fingers flying across her stomach and sides with relentless speed.
“This is what you get, Kocho! Laugh for me-hehehehehehhehe!” Shinobu was quick, her own hands latching onto Mitsuri’s sides and squeezing- making her shriek in mirth. “Kohohohoohochoohohoohohoho!”
Muichiro sat back with amused eyes, giggling behind his pillow as he watched the pair tumble about, limbs flying and squeals spilling past their lips as they went to tickle the other. Whenever he saw Tengen and Rengoku having a tickle fight, he thought it was kinda funny. The girls doing it? It was downright hilarious.
That was, until they turned their sights onto him.
“Get Mui!” Mitsuri cried, tackling him. Shinobu was right beside her.
That’s where we find our dear Mist Hashira now, squirming and giggling helplessly as twenty fingers attack his torso, going for all his tickle spots.
“Aww, listen to him laugh! Mui, you are so cute!” Mitsuri cooed, giggling along with him as she gently pressed into his ribs, her talents as an older sister shining through each new scratch and prod.
“He’s rather precious, isn’t he? Sweet Tokito-san; I bet Genya would drop dead on the spot hearing you laugh so much!” Shinobu winked, grinning as Muichiro felt his face heat up more. He was starting to regret telling them about that.
“Plehehahhahahahse, stahhahahhap!” Muichiro wheezed, arching with a cackle as Mitsuri slipped her hand under him, clawing lightly at his back. “Nohohohohohot thehehehhere!”
“Aww, does someone have a ticklish back? Kanroji, flip him over!” Shinobu instructed. The taller girl wasted no time, pulling him into her lap as Shinobu shuffled over.
“Tokito-san, what does this say?” She then began her devious torture.
“AH! Ahehaahhahahhahahaha! Kohohoohohochohoohohoo!” A single finger dragged along his spine, writing out letters along his back. Each swipe made his brain fuzzy, breaking his focus. “Iihihiihihi dohoohohhohon’t knoohoohohohow!”
“Wrong! Try again! I’ll go slower this time.” It was worse slow. Even with the fabric of his pajamas in the way, it tickled like crazy. “Let’s start with ‘C’....’U’....”
“C-Cuhuuhuhuuhuhuhute?” He gasped out, earning a cheer.
“Right! And who’s cute, Tokito-san?” She traced the rest of the word, making him arch more.
“Y-Yohoohohohu twoohohohoho?” He guessed, earning more gushing.
“Such a charmer!” Mitsuri giggled.
“Isn’t he? Correct, but not the answer I’m looking for!” Shinobu scratched along the center of his spine, earning a snort. “Who’s cute, Tokito-san?”
“Fihiihhihine, fiihiihihine I’m cuuhuhuhuhuhte!” He gave in, relieved when the tickling finally stopped. Gasping for breath, he rolled gently off of Mitsuri, tucked between them as he tried to recover. “Thahahhaht was evihiihihihil!”
“Thank you.” Shinobu replied, making them laugh.
“You really are a cutie, Muichiro. Never forget that.” Mitsuri ran her hands through his bangs, leaning down to press a gentle kiss on his forehead. Anyone else would have gotten smacked away, but Muichiro found he rather liked the attention he got from the girls.
“Thanks for inviting me…I appreciate it.” He whispered softly, lying on his futon later that night. After the snacks were finished, more gossip was spilled, and yet another random tickle fight- this time Mitsuri being the one targeted; they were all sprawled out once more, this time with the intention of sleeping.
“Of course, Mui. We didn’t want you to be alone.” Mitsuri reached out and squeezed his hand.
“I would have been fine…” He began, realizing the lie as he spoke it. He wouldn’t have been. Not really. Sure, he’d get over it eventually-but the sting would have remained. Going home alone would have felt isolating.
“Well, I wouldn’t have. Not after what happened.” Shinobu shuffled over so her arm brushed his other side, taking his free hand. “I’m glad you came. Tonight was really fun.”
“It was! We should do this more often. And you can come too, Mui.” Mitsuri nodded, her voice growing sleepier by the minute.
“You're an honorary girl’s night member.” Shinobu agreed.
“Thanks, girls.” Muichiro smiled, pretending the blur in his vision was from sleepiness. He closed his eyes and settled in for a rest.
He was glad to have met the people he’d met.
I hope this was good!
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evilwriter37 · 1 year
Hi! This is for the Nsft/Whump prompts
You could choose between #19 for Vigcup or #13 for this weird ship of mine; Vigstrid 😅✌
Thank you for requesting! I chose to go with Vigstrid, given that there's hardly anything out there for it and I wanted to challenge myself. You're making me ship it, anon.
Rated: explicit
Warnings: none
Pairings: Viggo/Astrid
Word Count: 855
Summary: Astrid has sex with Viggo for the first time and is surprised by how good the experience is.
Ao3 Link
"I never thought you could make such sweet noises," Astrid breathed as she rode her partner's cock, in absolute awe of everything that was happening. For one, she was having sex. And for two, she was having sex with Viggo Grimborn.
"Me neither." Viggo's voice was just as breathy, and he took her by the hips gently. This man could be gentle, this man who had led the Dragon Hunters in business and battle for years, this man who had hurt and killed, and...
He was being gentle. Viggo was very different now, after having been burned chasing the one thing that had mattered to him: the Dragon Eye. He'd realized how shallow his life and his ambitions had been without having care for others.
That care now extended to her and the other Riders. Though, his care for her was very different from his care for them.
And Astrid had only heard threats out of him before, but now she was hearing sweet moans and sighs. She'd never once thought that something like this would ever happen.
"I-I'm sorry," Viggo said after some time, clearly in thought.
"For everything I did before."
"Don't you dare try to apologize while I'm having sex with you," Astrid scolded. "This isn't apology sex. It's just sex."
Viggo smirked at her. "Whatever you say, my dear."
Astrid placed her hands on Viggo's broad, naked chest, riding him slowly, given that he was rather large, and sex was new to her. It hurt a bit, but she liked it. She liked it so much. Despite being intimidated by the sheer size of him everywhere, she'd wanted to be on top and take control. That was just how she was.
And Viggo seemed to be fine with that. He didn't roll them over or use his grip on her hips to make her go harder or faster than she wanted to. He just let her do this and pleasure the both of them.
"Are you close?" Astrid asked, voice low with lust in a way she'd never heard before.
Viggo ran his hands up over her back, the touch so good it made her shiver. "Not quite, darling."
Astrid arched into him, tilting her head back, humming with her eyes closed. "Oh. I am."
"Feeling your end would be splendid." Viggo's voice was also low with lust: a rumble.
Astrid had never thought she would like slow sex, had thought that her enjoyment would more align with something fast and hard and almost vicious. Maybe next time, but now, this was what she wanted, what she needed. Her orgasm was riding up on her, tensing her muscles in all the right places, increasing her pleasure to a burning she felt in her extremities.
Astrid's mouth dropped open in a loud gasp when she came, followed suit by a long moan. Her walls clenching around Viggo felt so good, and her body was burning and buzzing. Though she was rather good at pleasuring herself, she'd never had an orgasm this good before. She'd never felt so connected with someone before either. She swore she could feel Viggo's soul in her.
Viggo said nothing as she rode him through her climax. He just gripped her hips, let her dig her nails into his chest.
Astrid didn't know what to do when it was over. She was oversensitive, the feeling of Viggo's cock in her now too much. But, she hadn't gotten him off, and she wanted to.
"You do not have to continue if you do not wish to," Viggo said. "I can finish myself."
"I want to help," Astrid said. She climbed off of him, moaning as he came out of her. She took another look at his cock, and was utterly astonished that that had been in her.
She laid beside him, snuggling close, and reached her hand down. Her touch elicited a small gasp from Viggo, and a big arm wrapped around her, pulling her so tight against him he was almost crushing her.
But he was still gentle, even as he neared climax and his muscles tightened. She could feel his cock throb under her fingers.
He came with a sigh and a moan, hardly giving any warning, but Astrid hadn't needed any--being so close to him, she'd known that it was going to happen. She almost laughed at the way cum spurted from his slit. She'd known what a man's orgasm was like, but had never witnessed one personally, or been the cause of it.
She stroked him through it, and he laid a big hand on hers when he was finished, when it became too much. She pulled her hand away.
For a while, they just laid there in silence, breathing together, Astrid's breaths more even, Viggo's more like panting. Once his breathing had slowed, he looked at her and gave her a smile. She was on his right side so that he could see her. He was blind in his left eye now from his injury.
"That was wonderful, Astrid, my dear."
Astrid smiled, pecked him on the lips. "Yes. Yes it was."
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maranull · 1 year
I was supposed to be writing the new S&G chapter, but writing the upcoming scenes is hard. So, I'm taking Hug's latest ask for Malenia and making it for Meli cause it was a lovely ask and I want to.
The original prompt is here. I did skip the breakfast at bed prompt. Honestly I dunno why. I think I just wanted to try just generic headcanons right now. Might get back to this and add the x reader part. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Fav food:
She likes pretty much anything containing Rowa fruits. Yes, humans are unable to digest them. She's a demigod, so I say she can. She tried them once while chilling with Torrent when she was young, and got the taste then.
Fav soup:
Guillemot soup. She also likes deer soup, but doesn't make it as often.
Random "kitchen" headcanons:
Can cook decently
While she mostly cooks meat, when she decides to cook veggies they are always her best work
But she doesn't do so often since she mostly prefers to eat them raw
She's not a big fan of root veggies
Doesn't carry fresh supplies with her and forages daily for food
She does carry a small pot, a pan and a wooden spoon and fork
Oftentimes she'll smoke the meat for easy meals while riding Torrent
Taste is important, but secondary. If it can be eaten, she shall eat it
Kitchen is in quotation marks cause I don't think a campfire technically counts as a kitchen.
Ai'ght, successfully avoided writing my actual fic. :P Later ✌
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makeyoumine69 · 1 year
I'm going to have a really shitty next week (as usual), but I hope to share some more stuff. I don't know what it will be, probably promtps for 1k celebration and maybe some asks.
The last prompt for my Bingo challenge is almost done, but holy moly, I'm so afraid it's going to get flagged really fast. Anyway, I can't stop writing because I love Patrick Bateman so damn much! It overwhelms my depression about the labeling system, but also your support gives me life.
Love y'all!🖤✌
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naivesilver · 1 year
👉👈 perhaps, something from the angsty asks for Thee divorce au? if you feel inclined to? If you're not feeling inspired, however, I will offer you the option of: angsty asks + any iteration of Lampwick that you wish ✌
BEWARE!!!!! I's almost Christmas, which means soon will be prime Hallmark movie season and these bitches can get divorced again 😊💕
Angsty Question Prompts
"Are you sure you’re gonna be okay on your own?"
"How's she holding up, now that she's back in school?"
"Better than I thought." Lampwick pauses just enough to wedge the phone between his shoulder and ear, thus gaining an additional free hand he can use to continue cooking and talking at the same time. "Her teacher said she's very well behaved these days. Like nothing's happened."
He hears August hum distantly in response, as if trying to come up with a reply. "She's very young. They process things different at that age."
"Thanks for that," Lampwick cuts back, sharper than he'd intended. "Like I haven't heard the same thing from everyone and their mom lately."
He regrets it almost immediately when silence reaches him from the other end of the line, but then again, he finds himself astonishingly short in patience as of late. People are full of helpful tips and pitying smiles when you've buried a sister within the last couple months, but not one of them has so much as offered to help him move a toddler's life into his apartment, except maybe Robin, who has the sleeping patterns of an insomniac chicken and does the preschool drop-off in the morning.
Robin, and August. August would probably shoot the moon down if Renata asked him, and Lampwick has just snapped back at him like it's no big deal, and apologizing is out of the question, given how awkward things still are between them. All that's left for him to do is to let his frustration out on the eggs he's currently preparing, who he can now face two-handed and who are turning out to be more scrambled than he had planned.
Damn it, how does one even feed a kid consistently? He's out of ideas two days into every week, and yet he still has to make sure Renata gets all her proteins and fibers and carbs, breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner, and can't just reheat pasta five times in a row anymore. How did his sister do it? Actually, how did he survive on those depressing bachelor meals for about half a year, after the divorce papers came through?
"What about you?"
The question catches him unprepared, fumbling with his whisk and frowning at an invisible interlocutor. "What about me?" He parrots, dully.
"How are you doing? Are you sure you're going to be okay on your own?"
No, Lampwick is not sure. Not in the slightest, in fact. There are days where he feels like he's treading along the edge of a huge crack that has opened across the floor of his house, and the only reason why he doesn't simply jump in is a three-year-old with his bright hair and her mother's dimpled smile, sleeping in the next room over clutching her stuffed horse.
He's not okay, no. He wasn't ready for this, but there's no one else who'll do it - at least, no one else he trusts to do it the way Renata deserves, with love instead of pigheaded agendas.
Which is why, instead of letting any of these thoughts pass his lips, he simply snorts and says, forcedly snarky: "Course I am. I always come through, don't I?"
"Yeah." The doubt is heavy in August's voice, probably because he's heard this kind of act a thousand times during their marriage, but mercifully he doesn't comment in it, and only adds, "But...please, call me if there's anything I can do. You know it's never a problem."
You weren't saying that last year, Lampwick thinks, tartly, but that isn't helpful, either. They are grown men, not resentful children. They are supposed to act maturely, even when they are sad and upset and grieving. "Sure. I'll keep that in mind."
Then he hurries through his goodbyes and tosses the phone aside, letting go of the whisk and numbly wondering when he started clutching it so tightly that his hand is now cramping, aching as though he'd punched a wall.
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spaceratprodigy · 7 months
new art in about an hour btw 👍
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lacenvs3000w24 · 8 months
Interpreting Nature for Me and (maybe) for You
The connection between this week’s prompt and the concept of learning styles really guided my thought process for this one. The idea that people learn in different ways is not novel, but it shouldn’t be cast aside, either.
Initially, in my imagined life as an interpreter, I envisioned myself outdoors, delivering nature-oriented activities to a variety of audiences.
The more I thought about it though, I came to some realizations.
First of all, even if I think a particular activity is engaging and worthwhile, there is no guarantee that everyone in the audience would agree. There is a huge chance that some people engage way more than others with the activities, and there are many reasons this might be.
Think of a bubbly kid with a big personality — they are likely to present the thoughts and questions that pop into their head. In contrast, a timid but equally as interested kid might not have the same inclination to voice their ideas, despite fostering a seedling of grand enthusiasm within them. I can relate to the quiet kids in the corner who may be hesitant to push their way to the front, where the “best view” might be.
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images from Pinterest
While I think offering something tactile, something auditory, and something visual is a decent catch-all strategy, it doesn’t entirely solve the problem. Beyond that, my learning style shapes the way I see the world, and the respective value of the ideas I have.
I tend to fall into the category of “auditory learner” — having someone explain things to me has always felt the most effective. Along with that, I think I understand things best when they feel like a sort of story — that kind of logical flow just makes sense to me and sticks with me the most, especially when I’ve also had time alone to reflect.
This had me rethinking my ideal role, because ideally, I would be able to offer a personal, individual experience to everyone in the audience. So, instead of focusing on trying to accomplish everything all at once, I think we can approach things differently.
I understand, somewhat, the way in which I learn, the types of activities that feel engaging to me. As such, if we each focus on honing that understanding and translating it into our work as interpreters, those who learn and engage similarly will have access to a truly valuable experience.
Personally, I really love the idea of combining my love for nature with my love for the visual arts. For example, in Lab Studies in Ornithology (course code is ZOO 4920 and I highly recommend btw), I loved the field notebook assignment. In short, we were asked to get outside, find some birds, observe them, jot down thoughtful questions and include sketches, then go home and do some research to answer the questions that came up in the field.
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a collage of some of my field notebook entries from ZOO 4920
The general premise is one that natural historians employed, before snapping pictures and googling things on the spot was possible or feasible. It leaves you with a record of observations and information about the things that you are personally interested in.
My ideal role as an environmental interpreter, then, would involve developing a guided nature journal or field notebook, complete with relatively general (but also creativity-sparking) prompts and blank spaces to fill with observational sketches.
📜For example... Go to your favourite outdoor space and make an entry about a plant or natural feature that you tend to overlook. or Make an entry from an urban area near you. How is nature incorporated into this type of space? Try to spot and identify 5 species in this area.
In my mind, this fulfills my ideals offering others the chance to:
🌿get outside
✌have a personalized experience
📚capture experiences and observations, such that they can be reflected upon and shared with others if desired
A challenge I anticipate coming up would be parsing through my ideas to pick out the gems among the rubble, figuring out which ideas would actually be interesting to a wide enough audience while still being sort of niche. Either way, I think the fact that almost anyone, anywhere could pick up the journal and fill it with their own interpretation of their own surroundings.
Can’t wait to read about everyone else’s amazing aspirations!!
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jplupine · 1 year
✍🌕 ~Requests Info~ ✍🌕
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🐾 Rules:
🐺 You must be 18+ to make a request. 🐺 Send me the full character(s) name with a prompt for drabbles/headcanons/thirsts/etc. State whether it should be SFW or NSFW if the prompt doesn't make it clear! In the case of prompts requiring a partner, add in sex/gender/pronouns for a Reader; I might use an OC if this is not specified. 🐺 I will write some darker topics but not all. 🐺 Specifically no scat/piss/vomit fetish, DDLG/CGL, incest, foot fetish, or vore. 🐺 No pro-bigotry, graphic self-harm, suicide, etc. 🐺 Not all requests will be answered, but the ones that spark inspiration will be!
[Subject to change as I figure more shit out ✌]
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Fandoms/Characters I write for:
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🐾 Bleach:
Grimmjow || Szayel || Kenpachi Zaraki || Sajin Komamura || Shunsui Kyoraku || Kensei Muguruma || Akon || Kisuke Urahara || Renji Abarai || Ggio Vega || Coyote Starrk || Yasutora 'Chad' Sado || Isshin Kurosaki || + a few others. You can ask if the character you're looking for is not here!
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🐾 Dorohedoro:
Kaiman || Aikawa || Kai || Risu/Curse || Noi || Shin || Fujita || 13
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🐾 Haikyuu!!:
Aone Takanobu || Asahi Azumane || Bokuto Kotaro || Kuroo Tetsuro || Kyotani Kentaro || Yu Nishinoya || Tanaka Ryunosuke || Ushijima Wakatoshi || Iwaizumi Hajime || + a few others. You can ask if the character you're looking for is not here!
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🐾 Naruto:
Gaara || Kakashi Hatake || Madara Uchiha || Obito Uchiha || Kiba Inuzuka || Hidan || Kankuro || Choji Akamichi || Shikamaru Nara || + a few others. You can ask if the character you're looking for is not here!
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🐾 Kimetsu no Yaiba:
Inosuke Hashibira || Genya Shinazugawa || Giyu Tomioka || Tengen Uzui || Sanemi Shinazugawa || Akaza || Hantengu Clones || Gyutaro || Kyogai
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🐾 Misc.
Bolin || Zuko || Ban || Zebra [Toriko] || Bakugo Katsuki || Aizawa Shota || Roronoa Zoro || Raian Kure || Sukuna || Gojo Satoru || Yuuji Itadori || Monsters || Any characters I already have a fic for [you can check my masterlist] || Any of my OCs
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aiwe-the-little-bird · 11 months
For the character ask prompt: 4, 6, 14 and free choice pick one you want to answer!
100% answering these for my Githyanki, A'arin ✌ Because She's the coolest.
4: If your Tav was a companion, where would they be found?
If A'arin was a companion, she would have immediately found herself a little hiding spot after the crash where she could come up with a game plan of her own. Probably inside the overgrown ruins. Girl would have been contemplating sneaking out to avoid the treasure hunters when the rest of the gang finds her.
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6: What companion are you platonically close with?
Lae'zel. Though it's certainly a love/hate relationship. They are wonderful friends and spend many evenings speaking with each other and sharing stories of their younger years. The only issue is that they are constantly trying to one-up each other. They both think they are hot shit and believe they are smarter, stronger, etc. than the other. (A'arin is definitely the cooler one. But don't tell Lae'zel or they'll start fighting again.)
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14: What hobbies does your Tav have?
Girl is huge on meditation. When she isn't being forced to find her way through swamps and mountain passes, she can be found in deep meditation at camp. She also enjoys braiding hair. She finds both activities peaceful and adores the fact that she can escape into her own head for a while with such mindless tasks.
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Free Choice: (I chose number 22: What languages is your character fluent in?)
She speaks Tir of course, as a Githyanki. But she is also fluent in Faeruni (or common), something she was forced to learn at Creche Y'llek as a youngling. It sure has come in handy though. Aside from that, Halsin is teaching her Or'Tel'Quessan, the language/dialect of the wood-elves. "For fun", she says. It certainly isn't because she wants to find common ground with the large elf. Definitely not.
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Thank you for the ask again! I could talk for ages about this Gith girl.
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I posted 923 times in 2022
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#chloe beale - 155 posts
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Longest Tag: 140 characters
#being soft for friends on main for a change from my usual bitching because i've decided to focus on the good things in my life from now on ✌
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Hola nerds!! So I saw this post and I decided that over February I’m going to be doing a drabble a day based on each prompt because (a) I love my gays, there are never enough of them dkflhgdfkg, and (b) it’s a good way to warm up and get into writing for the day, who knows you might even get more of my actual fics thanks to this 😅
Anyhoo, here’s Day One!! 
Chloe sat on the end of their bed, turning the envelope over and over in her hands. It had been in the box of Beca’s things that she had brought home with her, the last remnants of the time that she had spent in the hospital. Chloe could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she looked at the single scrawled word on the front of the white envelope. It was a simple one, one that no-one else would think otherwise about, but to those that knew Beca best it was the word that defined her whole world:
They’d spent too long in college pretending that they didn’t feel anything more than friendship for each other, that the hugs and the littlest of excuses to touch other and the stolen looks were nothing more than Chloe’s overly friendly demeanour and Beca learning to let her walls down around people. But it wasn’t, it was so much more than that, and the rush of winning Worlds added to the combined effects of alcohol and the “mystique of Europe” (Chloe’s words) had finally pushed them into each other’s arms and Beca’s hotel bed.
Beca and Chloe had barely spent a minute apart since, moving to New York together whilst Chloe went to vet school and Beca took up a job with Residual Heat’s partner BFD Records. After the events of the USO Tour and before Beca went on tour with DJ Khaled, she asked Chloe to marry her and of course Chloe had emphatically said yes.
The years flew by after Beca returned. Marriage. Their first home in L.A. Beca’s solo career taking off. Chloe opening her own vet clinic. Their daughter Rachel. Their son Alex. It was perfect, so absolutely perfect.
And then Beca got sick. It was barely noticeable at first. Beca was just a little more tired than usual, she got out of breath doing simple things like going upstairs and she was plagued by a dry cough that kept her up at night, but nothing that suggested anything other than a bad cold. But after the symptoms persisted for two weeks without getting any better Chloe insisted that Beca saw a doctor, and when they referred Beca onto a cardiologist neither of them wanted to address the sinking feeling they got.
Beca barely heard it when the heart surgeon told them the news. All she registered was Chloe squeezing her hand in a vice like grip, one stronger than when she had been in labour with Alex, and the way her heart pounded in her chest. Her faulty heart, her failing heart. Chloe’s head had rested on her shoulder, soft kisses pressed onto it as Beca tried to focus on what was being said to her.
She needed a transplant. That was all there was. Her mom had died from heart failure when she was Beca’s age, why hadn’t Beca gotten herself tested before now? She’d meant to, she swore to her mom that she would, that no matter where else her life took her, Beca would make sure that the people she loved weren’t robbed of time they could spend with her. Beca’s mom had died waiting for a transplant… and now Beca was waiting for the same thing.
Beca got really sick far too quickly. Chloe watched as Beca’s heart, her big, beautiful, loving heart let her down and made her so very ill. Their children were grown at this point, both at college (Alex in his freshman year, Rachel in her sophomore) but both flying back the minute they heard Beca was sick. Both were there the night that Chloe had to call an ambulance because Beca couldn’t breathe and her chest was tight. Chloe had been a mess when they had wheeled Beca off, Rachel ringing their godmother Aubrey to come and join them whilst Alex held his sobbing mother close. Aubrey had arrived in a matter of hours, jumping on the first flight from New York to be there to comfort her oldest friend that she knew would be falling apart without Rachel having to say more than: “Mom’s in hospital. It’s bad.”
The good news was that Beca had moved to the top of the transplant list. The bad… Beca might not last long enough to get one. Chloe had sat by her bed, her hand tight in hers as her other caressed Beca’s hair, her cheek, her arm, whatever part of her she could. She didn’t know how much longer she had to touch her, to talk to her, to love her. She had foolishly assumed it would be the rest of her life, why hadn’t she tried harder to make sure Beca knew how much she loved her, how thankful she was that she heard her singing in the shower all those year ago. The best parts of their lives was just beginning and here the world was robbing them of that. It wasn’t fair.
Chloe was dragged from her thoughts as she looked up from where she sat at the end of the bed, smiling softly as she looked up at Rachel. She was the spitting image of Beca, it was frightening how much she looked exactly like the woman that she had fallen in love with. Her stormy blue eyes sparkled with the same mischief, her lips formed the same smirk, she even rolled her eyes at her in the same way that Beca had so many times.
“Yeah?” Chloe pushed back the tears that welled in her eyes.
“Are you coming through? We don’t want to start without you…”
“Yeah, yeah I’m coming.” Chloe nodded, still holding the letter in hands as she went through into the living room.
They’d had the same tradition since their children were small. Sunday nights were family nights, they were sacrosanct, untouched by Beca’s career and her touring (the wonders of Skype had helped with that), or Chloe’s clinic, or the social lives of Alex and Rachel. It seemed only fitting to do it now too. Now that their whole family was there, that the Bellas had come to L.A. just for this. Of course they had, Beca was their family too, of course they’d want to be there for this.
Chloe had the letter tight in her hand as she pushed through her friends and her family to get to the sofa, smiling softly as she settled onto the couch, her head resting on a familiar shoulder as she sniffled, finally allowing the tears she had been holding back all day to run down her cheeks.
“I found this.” She mumbled, her fingers running over the sealed envelope as her gaze remained focused on it, “What do I do with it?”
“Well you could read it. It is meant for you y’know?”
Chloe giggled as she shook her head softly, looking up from the letter with a teary grin, “It just… it seems a little redundant now. Don’t you think?”
“I meant every word of it.” Beca grinned back, running her fingers slowly through Chloe’s hair, revelling in the ability to be able to still, “Dying, dead, or healthy as a horse, the way I feel about you never changes. You’re the love of my life Chloe Beale.”
“And you are such a dork Beca Mitchell.” Chloe’s eyes glittered with tears and emotion as she leant up to press a soft kiss to Beca’s lips, “A dork who I love so much. I’m so glad you’re okay Becs.”
Chloe’s hand rested on Beca’s chest, her finger gently running along the angry red line that ran down it. She swallowed the lump in her throat as it reminded her of just how close she had been to losing Beca, of how they had almost missed the opportunity to spend a long and happy life together. Beca’s hand rested over hers and the look in her eyes told Chloe she was thinking exactly the same thing.
Chloe let the letter drop from her hand, fluttering to land between them as her other hand cupped Beca’s cheek, “I don’t need it to know how you feel. I know that whether it’s your new heart or your old one beating in your chest, it beats for me. For our family.”
“Dude I literally wrote that in the letter, that’s creepy…” Beca chuckled, “You’re so weird.”
“I’m your weirdo.” Chloe beamed, kissing Beca deeply as she felt the weight on couch next to her shift and a loud groan come from behind her.
See the full post
96 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
how about "come on, let’s get you cleaned up"? from the hurt/comfort list?
Oooo I love this one!! Coming right up lovely!! 🥰💖
Hurt/Comfort Prompts
"Come on, let's get you cleaned up"
“I sleep upside down like a bat.”
Beca groaned softly as looked up to where Lilly hung from the tree above her. She was alive. Thank god she was alive. That had to be one of the most terrifying experiences of her life, fuck Aubrey Posen and her Lodge and her bear traps and her “we don’t believe in ladders!” bullshit policy. 
“You good there Shawshank?” Amy grunted from underneath her.
“Yeah.” Beca nodded, wincing a little as she stumbled to her feet, “Yeah I think I’m good...”
“Are you sure?” Chloe had rushed over, their fight momentarily forgotten as she started to check Beca over for injuries, “That was a really high drop Becs, did you hit your head?”
“No, no I’m fine.” Beca smirked softly as she caught Chloe’s worried hands, “Really Beale. I’m good.”
“Good.” Chloe sighed in relief, “Because I’m not doing being mad at you for lying to me all year...”
“Chlo...” Beca whined, “I said that I’m sorry!”
“I know...” Chloe’s brow furrowed, “But it’s not just that you lied to the Bellas Beca... you lied to me.”
“Come on ladies.” Aubrey, as usual, could sense when Chloe needed some space and quickly gathered the Bellas together, “Let’s go and get each of you a change of clothes and a hot shower.”
“Finally!” Amy cheered.
Beca and Chloe stood in awkward silence for a moment as Beca shuffled her feet, her eyes on the ground.
“I didn’t want to lie to you...” Beca muttered.
“Then why did you?” Chloe asked, eyes full of hurt as Beca looked up for a moment.
“I-” Beca huffed as sank to the ground, legs crossed underneath her, “I guess I just... I didn’t think you’d understand. I thought- I though you’d take it as me not wanting to spend time with you and that’s not it at all.”
“Beca of course I understand!” Chloe’s voice rose as she sat opposite Beca, “This is what you want to do with your life, so what if I see less of you?! At least I’d know why, at least I wouldn’t think-”
Chloe cut herself off as Beca looked up from where she’d been tracing patterns in the dirt, shoulders slumping a little. Confusion crossed Beca’s face as she watched Chloe intently, waiting for her to continue.
“Wouldn’t think what?” Beca prompted after a few minutes of silence.
“That you hated me all of a sudden...” Chloe whispered, sniffing softly, “I- I thought I’d done something wrong and you didn’t want to be around me anymore...”
“Chloe...” Beca’s frown deepened as she reached out and took her hand. 
For anyone else, Beca wouldn’t have even dreamed of initiating physical contact, not even with Jesse and they dated for nearly four years. But for Chloe, Beca would literally cut off her left arm and give it to her if that’s what she needed.
“I am so sorry I made you feel like that. I couldn’t hate you if I tried...” 
“I just figured you were getting ready to pull away after college...” Chloe shrugged, “You’re going to go so far Becs and I- I’m just going to be some girl you used to know in college...”
“No.” Beca shook her head furiously as she shifted closer to Chloe, taking her other hand in hers, “Are you kidding me? You’ll never be just some girl to me Chloe, you are the girl that changed my freaking life!”
Chloe blushed lightly as she finally looked up at Beca again. Beca smiled softly at her, giving her hands a tight squeeze.
“You may have totally violated my privacy, but the day you burst into my shower and made me sing for you was perhaps the best day of my life, and not just because I saw you naked...”
See the full post
105 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
Could you do 40. “I’m not your princess.”? I love your writing!!
Oh okay, yeah we can do this!! 😍 Thank you so much lovely, that really means a lot 🥺🥰💖
(40) "I'm not your princess."
Chloe walked past the bathroom on her way down to the kitchen to make herself a hot chocolate before bed. It had been a long week of studying for exams and prepping the Bellas for the ICCA finals, and Chloe had decided she’d earned herself a little treat. Sure it was after midnight, but Chloe would do it quietly, and quite honestly most of them were probably still awake anyway, most of the Bellas were night owls.
As she passed the bathroom, Chloe heard a familiar voice drifting through the door. A smile tugged at her lips as she paused in her tracks, listening to Beca sing. She loved listening to Beca sing.
“'Cause I'm not your princess, this ain't a fairytale, I'm gonna find someone someday who might actually treat me well...”
Chloe beamed broadly. Beca Mitchell singing Taylor Swift?! Oh, she would never let her live this down...
“This is a big world, that was a small town, there in my rear-view mirror disappearing now...”
A soft frown pulled at Chloe’s eyebrows. Beca usually sang as her mood took her, White Horse wasn’t exactly a happy song. Was Beca okay?
“And it's too late for you and your white horse...”
Chloe gently pushed open the bathroom door, slipping inside as she smiled softly. Surely it was weird that this wasn’t the first time that Chloe had slipped into Beca’s shower unannounced, but Chloe had a feeling that Beca wouldn’t mind. Not really, not deep down.
“Now it's too late for you and your white horse... to catch me now.”
“I knew you were a Swifty deep down.” Chloe grinned.
Beca yelped in surprise, hands falling to cover herself as she stared openmouthed at Chloe.
“Dude?! What is it with you and showers, jesus!”
“Sorry...” Chloe giggled, “I just heard you singing and I couldn’t resist.”
“Resist what?” Beca was incredulous as she tried to preserve some kind of dignity, “Invading my privacy? Again?!”
“Here.” Chloe was still giggling as she grabbed Beca’s towel from the back of the door and handed it to her, “I was worried about you. You only sing sad songs when you’re sad so...” 
Chloe shrugged a little as Beca blushed, towel wound around herself as she ran her hand through her wet hair.
“You could’ve waited until I’d gotten out of the shower...” Beca grumbled, but there was the slightest hint of a smile tugging at her lips. She kind of loved that Chloe knew her that well.
“Yeah, but where’s the fun in that?” Chloe shrugged, grinning at Beca as they stood awkwardly in the bathroom, “So... are you okay?”
Beca shifted her feet a little, gaze on the floor as she sighed heavily.
“Jesse um... he cheated on me. Repeatedly apparently, but I caught him doing it this time. Needless to say, we broke up.”
“Oh Becs...” Chloe huffed as she pulled Beca into her arms, “I’m so sorry, that’s awful...”
“Um... I’m kind of nude...” Beca mumbled, face a bright shade of red, “I’m nude and you’re hugging me...”
“You’re in a towel.” Chloe giggled as she released Beca from her embrace, “So you’re not exactly naked.”
“It’s a kind of naked...” Beca blushed even deeper as she smirked a little, “Anyway yeah... I guess I’m just kinda... trying to process it? I didn’t realise anyone was up.”
“I was going to make a hot coco before bed.” Chloe smiled softly, “Tell you what, I’ll make us both one whilst you put some clothes on, and then you can come hang out in my room?”
“That... that sounds really nice. Thanks Chlo.” Beca ran her hand through her hair again, grinning at Chloe a little.
When Chloe returned to her room she found Beca sat on her bed, wearing her biggest hoodie and a pair of sweats, damp hair thrown haphazardly thrown into a bun. She looked small and sad, and it made Chloe’s heart ache. She hated seeing Beca like this. What kind of asshole would make her look like that? What kind of asshole cheated on Beca Mitchell? Surely when you got to be with her, that was it? What else could you possibly want?
See the full post
105 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
Hey, hie, can you write “ i didn’t know where else to go. “ from hurt/comfort prompts for bechloe? I love your writing. Thank you 💕
Hello lovely!! Thank you so much 🥺🥺 we can absolutely do this one!! 🥰💖
Hurt/Comfort Prompts
"I didn't know where else to go."
“I’m coming, I’m coming...” Chloe grumbled, rubbing at her eye with the back of her hand as the insistent knocking came at her front door again. It was two in the morning, who the hell was that?
Chloe reached the door, leaving it on the chain as she opened it a little, eyes widening a little as they fell upon the form of a hunched brunette that she hadn’t seen in over a year.
“I’m sorry...” Chloe couldn’t see Beca’s face between the darkness of the hall behind her and the way her hair fell forward into it, but the hoarseness of her voice made Chloe’s heart ache, “I didn’t know where else to go...”
“Hang on...” Chloe was suddenly wide awake, panic swelling inside her, “I need to take the chain off, I’m not going anywhere, just give me a second.”
Beca said nothing but managed a small nod, Chloe closing the door for a moment as she fumbled with the chain to get it off. When she opened the door again Beca was slumped against the frame, sniffling softly as Chloe reached out to take her hand. Beca flinched away from her, arms wrapping tightly around herself as she kept her head down.
Chloe bit her lip, swallowing hard against tears that were forming in her eyes. Beca looked so small, so thin... what the hell had happened in the last eighteen months?
“Come in Becs, let’s get you a cup of coffee, you’re shivering...” Chloe stepped back a little to let Beca in, swallowing the lump in her throat as she watched the way that Beca moved; slowly, hesitantly, as if she was afraid of everything around her. That wasn’t the Beca that she knew.
Chloe moved to fill the kettle, Beca stood in the middle of her living room with her head still bowed, shifting from foot to foot as she seemed to be waiting for something. Chloe frowned softly as she made up two mugs ready for the water that was boiling.
“You can sit down Beca, you must be tired it’s pretty late.”
“Sorry.” Beca mumbled, sinking to the floor with her legs tucked under her, “I know it’s late. I’m sorry.”
Chloe frowned deeper as she moved over to Beca, the coffee forgotten for a moment as she put her hand on Beca’s shoulder. Beca jumped away from her again, Chloe pushing away the pang of hurt that she felt as she did, moving until she was in front of Beca, kneeling so they’d be at eye level.
“Becs? Would you not rather sit on the couch? It’s way more comfortable than the floor, it’s kind of its whole selling point...” She joked weakly.
“Oh.” Chloe could see Beca’s cheeks flushing red as she kept her head down. She wished Beca would look at her, “Um... I can do that. Sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologise.” Chloe smiled softly, “I’m going to finish the coffees and get you a blanket to warm you up, and then I’ll be right back okay?”
“Okay.” Beca nodded a little, Chloe not missing the way Beca winced as she pushed herself to her feet. She paused as Beca sat on the edge of the sofa, debating whether to stay here and try and get her to talk, but she pushed it away for a moment. There’d be time enough.
Chloe returned as quickly as she could, setting the mugs on the coffee table before unfolding the blanket. She stopped before she went to drape it around Beca, remembering the way that Beca had flinched away from her already tonight.
“I want to put this around you, is that okay Beca?” Chloe asked softly.
Beca nodded wordlessly, still flinching a little as Chloe did but she didn’t pull away this time. Chloe felt her tears welling again as she sat next to Beca, ensuring there was enough space between them so that Beca wasn’t uncomfortable as she passed Beca one of the mugs, getting the feeling that Beca wouldn’t take it for herself.
“Thanks.” Beca mumbled. 
There was an uncomfortable silence as Chloe watched Beca seem to shrink within herself, almost trying to make herself look smaller. Chloe could feel her heart breaking, wanting to pull Beca into her arms and hold her until whatever it was that had hurt her went away. Because something had clearly hurt Beca, and badly. Chloe didn’t recognise the young woman that sat next to her and that broke her in a way she couldn’t explain. She should have fought harder to keep in touch with Beca when she dropped off the map, she should’ve been there.
“Becs?” Chloe made sure to keep her voice low and soft, “Can you look at me?”
Beca finally dragged her gaze from it had been glued on the coffee in her hands to look at her. Chloe couldn’t help the sharp gasp that fell from her lips as she did, a hand clapping over her mouth as the tears she had been holding back fell.
Beca looked... ill. Really ill. Her skin was almost white and looked paper thin, her cheeks were hollow, her eyes sunken. Chloe knew she had looked thinner when she stood in her doorway, but she hadn’t realised it had been this thin. The sparkle of mischief that used to exist in her stormy blue eyes was long gone, leaving them dull and void of anything other than a palpable despair. But what really made Chloe’s heart ache, what made her angry beyond any point that she’d ever been, were the bruises and cuts that she could now see. 
The small cut above Beca’s left eyebrow that had only just scabbed over. The bruise under her eye on the same side that jarred in painful shades of black and blue and green with her pale skin. The coin shaped bruises around her throat that made a white hot rage shoot through Chloe that she could barely contain.
“Beca... I- what happened to you?” Chloe swallowed her rage as her shaking hands fell into her lap, clasped tightly together to stop herself from reaching out to cradle Beca.
See the full post
110 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hey! Im kind of new to the fandom, could you possibly recommend any bechloe completed fanfics? thankyou!
Hello lovely!! Welcome to the fandom, if you're looking for a super gay time you're definitely in the right fandom 🤣🤣
I can certainly rec a few for you that are completed, there are some INSANELY talented writers in this fandom, honestly I'm forever in awe of and humbled by the talent around me 🥺 but I will say don't limit yourself to completed fics!! Yes, it is disheartening to read fics that haven't been updated in eons, but as a writer with lots of wips on the go, and knowing writers with lots of wips on the go, I know that there is very little that is as encouraging as someone reading a fic that you haven't finished yet and telling you what they think of the journey so far, it's amazing 😍🥺💖
ANYWAY, here are a few fics that I absolutely adore and are completed, I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!!!
The Monster Within by aca_bechloe47
To the outside world, Beca Mitchell was a loving big sister and the personal assistant to the CEO of Nightline Clubs Inc. Luke Matthews. But behind the scenes, the truth was far more sinister. In the dark of the night, Beca took on the alias of Titanium, the assassin. Soon the security of her secret begins to fall apart and the truth threatens to rear it's ugly head. Will Beca be able to protect her sister and her friends? Will the truth of what happened to her parents cause Beca's world to fall apart even further? Will the officers Beale and Posen have the bust of their careers, or will they find themselves in danger of The Assassins Guild of Atlanta?
(I literally recommend this fic to EVERYONE skljgdlfg it's my favourite bechloe fic of all time, I re-read it all the time, I forgot what their tumblr url is which is TRAGIC but yes, read this!!)
Home Is A Person by @massivedrickhead
Beca has been in the foster care system since she was a baby, and she’s never had anywhere she could call home.
She arrives at the Beale’s home just hoping for a safe place to stay until she turns 18.
For Chloe’s part, she had never gotten behind her parents’ need to foster kids. And despite outward appearances, she hadn’t felt at home here since she was a kid.
(Hands down one of the best bechloe fics in existence I cannot with this fic it owns my heartttt 🥺 also just read anything and everything that massivedrickhead puts out, seriously it's all incredible)
pieces by @suituuup
Five years ago, Chloe dropped off the face of the Earth. Beca didn't expect to see her again dancing in a strip club, out of all places.
(HOLY FUCK I swear to god I still think about this fic weekly, it's so fucking good and the EMOTIONS and the ROLLERCOASTER omgggggg 😩😍 again, read anything and everything by suituuup because she's not only a lovely person but an incredible writer too)
barriers by swanqueenfic13
So this is a little fic I've been working on in which Beca meets Chloe at an LA Pride parade, but fate keeps bringing them back together. In the face of a tragedy, Beca has to learn to let down her walls and rely on others. (IDK I'm bad at summaries just give it a chance)
(Oh the feels in this fic, god we love to see them being a safe place for the other it makes me so freaking soft man 🥺🥺🥺 be wary of the content warnings for this one though!!!)
Sing To Me Instead by @pocketdragon
A series of Bechloe one shots and short-form stories inspired by the tracklist from Ben Platt's 'Sing to me Instead' album.
(Okay yes, this is a serious of fics but hear me out kldjklfdjgdf they are all AMAZING, the variety of emotions I go through reading this series I cannot deal, and honestly if you haven't listened to either of Ben Platt's albums go do it, I promise you will not regret it kldfjglkdf)
Paint Your Colours Over Mine by @snowydot
Chloe is used to the colors, and she knows they will never leave. It hadn’t occurred to her that, for Beca, they weren’t really there.
(No okay, you want softness??? Go read this, it makes me very emotional and I melt every goddamn time, Ginny is not only the sweetest person but such a talented writer, you really should read this fic)
i get a feeling, looking you in the eye by @chloebeale
The USO tour came at the right time for Beca, right after quitting her job and needing a distraction. But what about a distraction from her best friend? Who just happens to be sitting by the pool in the middle of the night when Beca is struggling to sleep...
(my beloved E rated Ellie has MANY fics you should read, hell just read them all, seriously I'm so lucky to be her best friend, I am a better person and writer just from being around her. I could have picked so many of her fics to recommend to you, but I picked this one because (a) it's so freaking good, and (b) it is the birthplace of Beca Pigchill and I will adore it forever for that kdfjglkdfjd)
Happy reading anon!!! 😍🥰💖
118 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Squiggly! My go-to for seratonin! How are ya?!?! We have a mission! Seratonin is needed! So, (definitely for the good of the universe😌✌) Can I please request Switch! Anya and Switch! Loid fluff? For the good of the universe✨
*salutes* Agent Anon- thank you for the mission report! The good of the universe is our top priority here at Fluff Monster Agency; here is the much needed seratonin. Best of luck to you,
Agent Squiggily.
(keakrjkeajkrejk But really; Hey anon this prompt made my heart melt! I love it so much aherjeajkjra I've gotcha covered! :D)
Cloud 9 (Taglist)
@thatbigbisexual29, @dirtpie39, @duckymcdoorknob, @baby-tickles2022, @cupcake-spice13, @backy-san
“Anya, it’s time to study.”
The small girl didn’t respond, eyes glued to the rerun of Spy Wars playing on the TV. When he called for her again, she barely responded, mumbling something while Bondman flew over the screen.
Loid closed his eyes, resisting the urge to sigh. As of now her grades were…undecided. She wasn’t making Stella level scores- if anything she was just barely avoiding failure with each new test. 
Still- she was improving. It was little things, but Loid started seeing understanding in her gaze as she took in the problems before her. She still made mistakes, but now she seemed to understand why she made those mistakes. Loid was fairly proud.
Unfortunately, getting her to study was an entirely different battle.
“Anya, we had a deal.” Loid turned off the TV, earning a wide eyed look of shock from his daughter. “Come on, grab your books. I’ll make us some cocoa.”
“But Papa…” She started to whine, pouting when he gave her a look. “Okay…”
“Good girl.” He nodded, watching her go, putting the water on. He needed to find a way to make studying more effective for her. Even at the snail's pace they were going at- she was clearly starting to understand the material before her. It was the distressed expression she wore every time they sat down to work that left him stumped.
Did she not like studying? Was it him?
Maybe it was both.
‘Think, Twilight. She needs help- studying would go smoother if you can make it more enjoyable.’ He tapped his fingers as he brewed over the solution. How can he make it more enjoyable for her? He tried making a cartoon out of the information, but that took a large amount of time and wasn’t very fun-
Fun. That’s it!
“If I make it fun…she’ll learn better.” He mused out loud, taking the kettle off just before it could scream. “Now where do I begin?”
Anya shuffled out in a cloud of gloom, books in hand. She’d rather be watching Spy Wars- the episode was one of her favorites.
Well- they all were her favorites. But this one was her super duper ultra favorite!
Or was it? She’d have to figure that out later. It was time to study.
Looking up from her thoughts, she paused when she reached the table, finding not Papa but-
“Agent Penguin? What are you doing here?” She asked, immediately taking on her role upon seeing her plush ally. “What’s the situation?”
“Agent Anya- we have an emergency!” The penguin’s voice sounded funny- almost like Papa. “Agent Mama has been kidnapped by the evil wizard!”
“GAH!” She gasped, then covered her mouth. She was a Spy- she couldn’t show such emotion! “That’s not good. Did you see who took her?” She ran up to the table, tossing her books against it. Now was not the time for studying- she needed to save Mama!
“No, but he left a coded message!” On the table sat a piece of paper- a series of equations lined up neatly in two columns. “Only you can break the code, Agent Anya!”
The pink haired girl stared at her homework- expression blank. Ah. So they were studying. She looked up to say just that- but paused.
What if this really was the work of a wizard?
What if Agent Mama really was kidnapped?
Raising her chin, she squared her tiny shoulders, sitting down and taking her pencil. “Hang on, Agent Mama- I’m gonna save you!”
Loid would pat himself on the back had he not felt a tad embarrassed. A tiny recorder was pinned to the back of Agent Penguin, connecting to a wireless microphone he held in hand as he played his part. He felt bad for using Yor as a prop for his plan- his wife wouldn’t be home for a good chunk of the day, adding validity to his story.
Still- Anya didn’t seem too distressed. Her expression was one of concentration as she worked through the problems he wrote out- familiar ones she’d done before with one a few newer ones to test her skill. The last thing he wanted was her to get frustrated.
“The wizard’s code is proving rather hard.” She mumbled when she came across one of the newer ones. “But I won’t give up. Not for Agent Mama!” Something in Loid’s chest squeezed.
“What part of the equa-code is giving you problems, Agent Anya?” Loid asked, shifting his view just enough to see her page. The answer came to mind almost immediately, along with how to solve it. “I worked in code breaking back in Antarctica. I might be able to help.”
“What’s Anarca?” Anya blinked, looking up. Loid tried not to laugh.
“A really cooooold place.” He drew out the word, making her giggle. “I cracked codes to keep me warm!”
“Okay!” She stood and pointed at her work.
The studying continued.
“Done! Now what?” She asked, looking at the finished page. All the answers were written, now she just needed to decode it.
“Look, Agent Anya! On the back!” Agent Penguin’s voice made her turn it over, seeing a box drawn on the back. One row was all numbers while the other was all letters. “You have to write the code!”
So there WAS a wizard! Anya felt her heart race, cheeks warming with glee. “I can do this! Hang on, Agent Mama!” She took her pencil, flipping the paper back and forth while she matched word to number. Her adrenaline was racing as fast as her hands; in her head she heard the theme song to Spy Wars playing in the background. This was it! She was gonna save the world!
“What does it say?” Agent Penguin asked as she finished. To her, his flippers were flapping frantically, eyes big with excitement. She looked at her work.
“Wi-Wizawd Of Packles?” She read, brows furrowed in confusion. What did that even mean?
“Oh no…Agent Anya- The Wizard!” Agent Penguin sounded frantic. It was if-
“Muhaha! Found you, Agent Anya!” Someone grabbed her from behind, making her scream. When she saw who it was, she gasped.
“The Wizawd Of Packles!” She cried.
“Ah Ah, little Agent! I am The Wizard of Tickles!” He raised a gloved hand, fingers wiggling. “And with my awesome powers, I shall take over the world! Starting with defeating the greatest agent ever to exist!”
“Noooooo! Paapahahhahahahahhahhaa!” Anya cried as those wiggling fingers found her belly, the Wizard’s power too strong to fight back.
“Pahahahhahhapahahahhahahaha!” Anya cried in his arms, squirming to and from beneath his hand as he gently tickled her. “Sahahhahahahhve mehehehehehehe!”
“Who’s this ‘Papa’ you speak of? I am the great Wizard of Tickles!” Loid roared playfully, keeping up the gentle touch as she swatted at his chest, little legs kicking at his shoulder. “I have come to defeat the Great Agent Anya! Surrender!”
“Nehehehehhehever! Aahahhahahnya wihhiihihihll nehehehehehever gihiihive ihihihin!” She cried, ever the diligent Agent. “Whehehhehehere’s Aahahhehehehehgent Mahahahhahamhahahahaha?”
“Agent Mama is within my clutches! I’ll never return her!” He grinned, eyes bright with mischief. “Now I will make you give in! Take my ultimate attack!” He brought her up and blew a raspberry against her shirt, shaking with mirth at her shriek of laughter. “Give in, Agent?”
“Nohohohohoho! Ahhahhahahhagehehehehent Pahahhahahahapahahahha, hehehehehehelp!” She cried again, cheeks pink.
Feeling merciful- Loid eased up on his tickles, watching her gasp for breath. “Agent Papa, yes? I’ll have to grab him too! Tell you what- let’s make a deal, little Agent. Surrender to me and become my minion, and I’ll release your beloved Agent Mama!”
“Heh..hehe…y-you mehhehean it?” She asked, looking up at him with big eyes. “And you wohon’t take Papa eihither?”
“You have my word. I will return your agents.”
Anya seemed to consider this. Then she nodded. “Agent Anya will take their place.” She held out her hand, expression serious. “Release them.”
“Very well. You have a deal.” Loid took her small hand in his, giving it a shake. That’s when she smiled a rather devious smile. “Gotcha!”
“Gotcha-?” Before the Wizard could react, Anya pounced, jumping from his arms to the couch before latching onto his back, her tiny hands attacking his ribs from behind.
“Agent Anya fooled you, Wizawd! Anya took a magic pill that gives her her enemies powas!” She giggled as the great Wizard fell to his knees, shaking with barely restrained mirth. “Take that!”
“C-Clehehehver Agehehent!” He gasped out, giggling helplessly beneath her grabby hands. “Spahahahhare mehehehehe!”
“Hmm…no! Agent Anya has demands.” She nodded, crawling around and clawing at his belly, making him properly laugh.
“D-Demahhahahahahands?” He gasped out, falling on his back as she sat on him, tiny fingers poking and prodding his stomach. “Whahahaht demahhaahands?”
“Agent Anya wants Agents Mama and Papa returned immediately!” Anya nodded, raising her chin to keep up her act. “Anya also wants peanuts! And…that’s it. Do you accept these demands?”
“Ahehehehehahha yehehhehehes!” He gasped out, cheeks red and eyes growing misty. “I acehehhehehept!”
“Okay!” Anya stopped her tickles, smiling down at him as he gasped for breath. “Agent Anya has spared you. Now return my Agents!”
“Vehehery well…” He groaned, reaching up and covering her eyes.
“Agent Papa!” She cried with glee, hugging said man as Loid appeared before her eyes. The blonde laughed, tossing away his gloves as he held her close, running a hand through her hair. “I’m back. That mean old Wizard caught me by surprise. Thank you for saving me, Agent Anya.”
“I did! I saved you!” She smiled brightly at him. “He had a funny name- The Wizawd of Packles. What does that even mean?”
“I…don’t know.” Looks like she missed one. That’s alright- she got most of it, much to his satisfaction. “Looks like he won’t cause any more trouble for now though.”
“For now…” She murmured suspenseful, earning a chuckle. “Wait- where’s Agent Mama?”
Just as she said this, the front door opened, revealing none other than said woman. “Hello! I’m home-”
“Agent Mama!” Anya ran up to her, nearly taking her down with the strength and speed of her hug. “The Wizard gave you back!”
“The Wizard?” She looked up at Loid, smiling at the growing blush on his cheeks.
“Long story. Hey, why don’t we have that cocoa before I start dinner?” Loid asked, earning cheers from the girls.
Soon the Wizard of Packles became a regular during study nights.
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