#⚡️{ muse | denki kaminari }
ohtragedy · 3 years
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“MAN…I really wish people would stop looking at it like I’m LAZY. Words just…look JUMBLED all the time—it makes things really HARD, y’know?”
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ohtragedy-archived · 3 years
Tag drop: Muses.
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ohtragedy · 3 years
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“Is it GAY to KISS the HOMIES?”
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ohtragedy · 3 years
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“If you got BIT by All Might—would it be an ALL BITE? If there was a bug with his quirk, would it be ALL MITE? Dude, I have SO many questions.”
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ohtragedy · 3 years
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“Dude, I can’t believe the most BELOVED hero become a KIDNAPPING VILLAIN.”
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ohtragedy · 3 years
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“You’re all TOTALLY jealous that I’m Mic-sensei’s FAVOURITE!”
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ohtragedy · 3 years
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“I’ll PAY Aizawa-sensei 200 yen if he STOPS givin’ me an F on my papers—“
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ohtragedy · 3 years
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“Thanks to everyone’s INPUT, I guess it’s NOT gay to kiss the homies on the MOUTH unless it’s TUESDAY.”
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ohtragedy · 3 years
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“SEE, a villain using the SUN in his name is funny, ‘cause you’re supposed to LIKE the sun and NOBODY likes him.”
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ohtragedy · 3 years
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“If MIRABEL isn’t ugly—then that means I’m not STUPID, right?”
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ohtragedy · 3 years
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I hold out the boy—
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ohtragedy · 3 years
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“If someone TRIES to kidnap me—I can SHOCK them, right???”
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ohtragedy · 3 years
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“Are we SERIOUSLY dealing with ALL MIGHT as a VILLAIN now??”
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ohtragedy · 3 years
‘ it’s six am. it’s time to train. ’ from Baku to denki </3
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“DUDE, are you for real!? WHO gets up THIS EARLY, man!? It should be a CRIME!”
Who gave BAKUGO the authority to crash into his room? Who thought it was a GOOD idea to train at 6AM!? Denki GROANS, pulling his covers over his head. “I’m going back to SLEEP—“
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ohtragedy · 3 years
“if i wanted help, i would have asked.” monoma to denki
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“Dude, C’MON, can you put our DIFFERENCES aside for ONE second? You’re BLEEDING.”
Denki wasn’t taking NO for an answer. He wasn’t even going to ASK what Monoma thought he was doing—and where DENKI got BANDAGES was nobody’s business. He already had Monoma PINNED with his foot on the ground so he could wrap his arm, a SIGH leaving him.
“We should REALLY get you to Recovery Girl, man.”
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ohtragedy · 3 years
@solisrising said: U hold him out n mic just picks him up from ur arms
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“WHOA—hey, Mic-sensei! Can you PUT ME DOWN, man!?”
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