#⚜Sun Child⚜
cloudpools · 28 days
[ 📲 • sms ] —— hey where the fuck were you today? [amber and darla]
Text Messages Meme || ⚜Accepting⚜
[ 📲 • sms ] —— hey where the fuck were you today? [amber and darla]
Despite the times they were living in, Darla was still old school in many ways. Phones? Who needed them?! Hell, the only reason she had this thing around was because Amber forced her to have one. It only rang if Amber contacted her, as the mechanic had set up an automatic silent override that Darla hadn't figured out how to disable yet. Technology? That wasn't her jam. That was Scoot's whole schtick. Would be a shame to take that from her...
The other thing she wasn't good at? Checking her damn calendar. Was today the day of that big military meeting? The one where she was supposed to explain why she blew up half the city? Or the one where they were supposed to demo new mech tech? Either way, she missed whatever one was going on.
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[ 🛴Scoot🛴 ]: OOPS😋 [ 🛴Scoot🛴 ]: Guess I missed the snooze fest😴😴😴 [ 🛴Scoot🛴 ]: Oh well! Ice cream?🍨 [ 🛴Scoot🛴 ]: I'll let you get whatever you wanttttttt
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neteyamyawne · 1 year
Inferno : Holocaust ♡✦
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Pairing : • Neteyam x twin!fem!reader x Sully family
• Tsireya x fem!reader
• Neteyam x Ao'nung
Summary : y/n and neteyam were inseparable twins but as they grew up things got difficult with humans coming back on Pandora, they both got distant and neglected by their own in the process, what would be their next step? (For more info click on the summary link)
Parts : pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4 pt5
• series masterlist
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Overcome 🤍
❈ Warning : angst, fluff, suggestive, fighting, little blood, cursing? That's it i guess
❈ Word count : 5.9k not proof read.
❈ Note : The love interests do not affect the plot of the story it's Just because i want them to be together in this series 🤭 Ao'nung is not the bully, it's a character i made up, next part is angsty as hell
"word" - dialogue
❈ Glossary : iknimaya - avatar rite of passage, sa'nu - mom, kelku - tent, ite - daughter, tsurak - warrior's mount, ma' sempul - my father, ma' sa'nok - my mother, sempu - dad, ma'evi - my child, ma'parultsyip - term of endearment from an adult to their child, yawnetu - little loved one, mauri - metkayina tent, tsmuke - sister, tsmukan - brother, y/n - your name, y/ts/n - your tsurak name, y/i/n - your ikran name.
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I laughed as i flew over the waters on my tsurak, Tsireya's hands wrapped around my waist while she screamed in my ears when I dived in without her knowing, going pinpoint into the water, i hooked my hand under her thigh, fingers grazing her inner thigh, holding her close, speeding ahead, i commanded to go deeper into the sea, the sea life swirling around us, fishes and ilus staring at us, sometimes purposely disturbing a school of fishes myself, finally after a lot of exploring, she tapped my shoulder signaling me to go up, i nodded, slowly rising up to the surface, she settled her chin in the gap of my neck and shoulder, i turned my head about to give her a peck when my twin brother's voice called out loudly to my irritation "Heyyy, wait for us! You having a tsurak doesn't mean everyone does!" I rolled my eyes and grunted when they finally caught up to us, Ao'nung glared at me from behind Neteyam.
they were on Neteyam's ilu, it was supposed to be a double date but it was turning out more annoying than i expected "you know, maybe if you were fast enough we wouldn't have to wait for you, brother" Tsireya hit me on my forearm, i looked at her huffing and shrugged "what? I'm just telling th-" but before I could finish my sentence Neteyam splashed me with the help of his ilu, i gasped "you Skxwang, I'm going to kill you for real, this time" he took off, Ao'nung nearly fell into the water and i chased them, i backed up to them in an instance while Tsireya was giggling at our idiocy. Soon catching up to them we all got into splash fighting, whoever splashes someone the most wins but as the game went on and no one was ready to back down, getting tired and wanting to spend some alone time together me and Tsireya called our quits, bidding a short goodbye and promising to meet at our spot at eclipse we went on our ways.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
We laid down on the soft grass, the spot we found in the more forest part of awa'atlu but still close to the sea, the perfect place for us to rest and spend time together, the breeze from the sea cooling the area, the sun providing the perfect amount of sunlight, there were rocks surrounding us, shielding us from onlookers and gave us enough shade, Tsireya sighed in my neck, eyes closed with a small smile playing on her lips, i shifted a strand of her hair behind her ear, the soft membrane shell of it flickering at my touch, I chuckled internally, we've been together now for almost three years now, Tonowari was more than shocked at the new while Ronal almost passed out, but they accepted us eventually, It was a shocker when neteyam and ao'nung told them the truth as well but they accepted us, why not one more? Now we all lived under the same mauri, all six of us together under one roof, like a loving family, atlast.
It's been 6 years since we came here, and almost 5 years since I had my tsurak, thanks to Ao'nung, tonowari took me and Neteyam under his wing, teaching me how to ride y/ts/n while training Neteyam for his iknimaya, even tho I did technically pass mine, i still chose to wait for my spiritual passing, that I'll go through with my twin and Ao'nung. during the period of these 5 years, the whole of metkayina thought I'd end up with Ao'nung while Neteyam with Tsireya but something total opposite happened, i fell for Tsireya first then Neteyam confirmed my suspicions about Ao'nung and him, soon, after 2 and half years of dropping hints and small advances, we confessed, more like we blurted out everything and the metkayina siblings just stared at us confused, but to everyone's surprise it was Ao'nung who made the first move, kissing Neteyam right in front of us, i didn't leave my chance either capturing Tsireya's lips right then and there.
Now we're here, laying on the soft patch of grass, my hand lazily roaming on her back and waist, the sunset spreading out shades of pinks and purples, these were the moments that made me glad we left that prison, the eclipse was nearing and we had to be present for the dinner this time because I don't want Ronal biting my ears off again, i shook Tsireya lightly, kissing all over her face while she smiled waking up finally "ohh c'mon, do we have to leave right now?" Her voice groggy from the slumber, i pulled her to sit up with me, she leaned her head on my shoulder, mumbling something i didn't catch, i rolled my eyes "wake up sleepyhead, i don't want sa'nu to be mad at me again for being late" picking her up enough to let her stand, she yawned, i called out to y/ts/n, He happily swam towards us, i took tsireya's hand guiding her to him, taking our seats she wrapped her arms around my waist, pressing her cheek to my back while i flew above the water so it doesn't disturb her, getting to the shore Neteyam and ao'nung already there, but to my distaste i caught them kissing, landing near them as their attention went to us, i just gave them a gagged reaction while ao'nung gave me the biggest eye roll he could muster on Pandora, reaching them, tsireya by my side ao'nung spoke "you act like you don't do this with my own sister" you grimaced at him "well atleast- you know what? Leave it, it's weird enough to see my twin kiss you" you shook your head letting out an exhale, neteyam having enough of this conversation pulled us all towards our kelku while me and ao'nung bicker about it, tsireya just ignored us both, she has listened to this tale well over a thousand times, so she knows not to get in between.
As we got to our mauri, me and ao'nung both fell silent in seconds when we saw Ronal, none of us wanting an ear full before dinner. Quickly washing up and freshening, we sat down in a circle together, tonowari sat directly opposite to Ronal, me on his right and ao'nung on his left, our mates on our side then Ronal, The roasted fish made by her almost melting on my tongue as I breathed out with mouth stuffed with it "This is so good, sa'nok" she just smiled at me, reaching over to pat my cheek "you say that every time, ite" we all laughed digging in, talking about our day, though most of mine and tsireya's was spent together, ao'nung, with no surprise, had too much to say, apparently he and neteyam went hunting for a date, and caught to much to handle, ended up giving most of the kill to the communal space, tonowari talked about the new warriors that have joined in now, but the subject was changed when ronal asked "when do you think the iknimaya should be held, wari?" All eyes fell onto him, he thought for a minute before answering "it is time they pass through it, in a month would be reasonable" he looked back at neteyam and ao'nung, both of them had a little fear plastered over their faces, I chuckled internally at their reaction but it didn't go unnoticed as ronal asked me "why are you so happy, huh? You only have a tsurak, the rest is still to be passed" I just looked at her sheepishly, not wanting to talk about this further I changed the topic again "ma'sempul, can I join you and others for the hunt tomorrow? I still want to practice hunting with y/ts/n" he smiled agreeing right away, telling me what I should or shouldn't take with me, in the end the dinner was finished with me and ao'nung fighting again but it was no surprise.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
I rode besides tonowari and the other hunters as we made our way to the deep waters for today's hunt, these were the new warriors in training so I had some experience to be a level above them or at least be equal to them, I mastered riding my tsurak many moons ago, now it was becoming a second nature to me, I still flew with my ikran, when the night gets too suffocating a nice flight around awa'atlu is the only thing I need, but y/ts/n was becoming my day to day ride so it was easier to be with him, plus he has the most beautiful saddle and accessories thanks to my gorgeous soon-to-be mate, she hand-made many of the things that are now attached to my tsurak, the intricate details, beading, the weaving patterns, all the time and effort she put into them to make them perfect for me, these were the things I could never thank her enough for, only shower her with my love even more.
We all hunt for hours, tonowari giving us useful tips now and then for better catching, by the end of the hunt my net was full to the brim and so did many others, passing my net to another warrior who was carrying the kills, we started our journey back to the shore, by the time we were halfway there the sun was scalding on our skins, constantly diving into the water to keep our bodies cool, at last we reached the golden shores of metkayina, the only thing on my mind was to take a portion of my hunt back to our mauri and ask ma'sa'nok to prepare it for me, maybe I'll take neteyam with me to convince her even more but my thoughts came to a stop as we landed down, there was a commotion swirling in front of us, i looked at tonowari, he gave the same confused look back, we both made our way towards to center to see what was happening but the scene in front of me stopped me in my tracks altogether.
My mind went blank when i saw Jake, neytiri and their children standing on the golden sands of Awa'atlu, my eyes immediately darted through the crowd to find the face similar to mine but he was looking at me with a same horrified expression, meeting each other in the middle still away from the family we once called ours, he had the same fear evident in his eyes, they still haven't seen us yet but it won't be long before they do, he gripped my arm as he spoke in a hushed voice "what are they doing here?!" I licked my dry lips before speaking "i don't know but if we want to find out…." I looked at tonowari's side and then back at neteyam, he nodded and i gathered every ounce of courage that was left in me but i was again the same little girl who was desperate for her family's love and affection, the same girl who was shoved ruthlessly aside with her twin, rage coursed through my veins and with a nod to him, we walked to tonowari's side ready to face our former family yet again.
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2nd person pov
The area went silent as you and your twin stood besides the leaders of the clan, the omaticayan family astonished to see their lost twins in such a unexpected place, your face was devoid of expressions, neytiri's heart rejoiced and panged seeing your faces but you held no warmth towards her, Jake felt helpless all over again, deteriorated even. Ronal circled them, throwing insults with great displeasure at the group but not a flicker of sympathy rested in your heart, instead rage kindled in the pit of your stomach, itching brighter as the moments passed, they were here again to ruin everything you made for yourself, everything your brother made for himself, they are here to take it away from you, that's all you could think of, past memories flooded in your mind like a dam being opened at full force, your hands shook as a blanket of fear wafted over your body at the thought to losing everything you've earned now, to start anew, you didn't have that energy to do it all over again, you had a family now, who loves and cares for you, you are not alone this time.
Tonowari was concerned about how quiet you and neteyam were, he rested a hand on your shoulder pulling you back from the trench of old nightmares "are you alright, ma'parultsyip?" His voice soft and caring, he knew by the way you and him reacted to the situation, you knew who the people were but to what extent he didn't know, "we're fine sempul, you and sa'nok have a greater problem to deal with right now" neteyam said with as much steadiness as he could muster, and you nodded, tonowari leaned down cupping yours and neteyam's face as he said "there's no greater problem than ma'parultsyip being in distress, do you understand?" you smiled putting a hand over his where it rested on your cheek "it's fine, sempu, you can go, maybe we can talk about this later" he nodded smiling back and looked at Ronal who was still questioning the family, making his way to them to question them further, while you stared daggers at the family.
Lo'ak and kiri were taken aback at your presence, guilt traced their hearts, they never got a chance to apologize and now they didn't know if you'd even accept it, you stared at them with no remorse as they cower in your gaze, tuk was on cloud nine seeing her tsmuke and tsmukan after so many years, she never once forgot about you two, even in her small memory she remembered, all she wanted to do was jump in your arms and never leave but neytiri held her back as not to upset the Olo'eyktan and the tsahik, you and neteyam were glad to meet your little sister again, you both missed her more than anything, your eyes shifted to Jake, who was struggling to form words, seeing your interaction with tonowari, he knew his chapter in your lifes were over, at a loss of words in the end picking up tuk, when everything felt lost he spoke with an voice of desperation "please, i just want my family safe" you rolled your eyes but sighed looking at tuk, tonowari held a silent conversation with Ronal, looking at the two of you for approval as well, you nodded giving him the green flag to go ahead, you didn't stop to hear the rest as you made your way to tsireya, holding her hand in yours to calm your nerves, she turned to you smiling, rubbing her thumb over the back of your hand, she turned her head back looking at someone, staring at her line of sight, anger swirled in your stomach as you saw lo'ak checking her out but in an instance he looked away when you caught him, tsireya tightened her grip on your hand as she saw the small interaction, for her it was probably nothing but you were adamant to not let go of what you've made for yourself, not to the ones who ruined it for the first time to begin with.
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1st person pov
As much i disliked the decision of tsireya and ao'nung training their kids, it was done and couldn't be taken back, for now me and neteyam helped the family move into the new mauri given to them, i didn't like the decision of them living with us in the first place but i wasn't as cruel as they were plus we'll see tuk again, i dropped the mats i was holding with a sickening thump they rolled open, i saw Jake cringed but I didn't say anything, turning back to walk out but i was stopped by a hand on my arm, i looked up to see neytiri with tears in her eyes as she started "ma'evi, how-" i didn't give her time to speak as i wrenched my arm out of her grip, scowling at her while i spoke "do not touch me, ever! Without my permission" the tension in the mauri could be pierced with a knife, she turned to neteyam beginning to speak but he didn't even stop to listen as he walked out, ao'nung followed him, worried what was going on, Jake frantically walked forward, eyes begging to talk to us but i beat him to it "No" I held up my hand to stop him "Enough! don't try to talk to us, anyone of you, you are welcome to stay here as long as you want but leave us alone, do not try to meddle in our lives, the consequences won't be good" with that i walk out to, tsireya following me out, i was angry, at myself, at them, at eywa for giving us this shitty life, at everyone, we met up with neteyam and ao'nung while the latter comforted the former, i sat down beside my twin, tsireya next to me, she held concern in her voice as she spoke "y/n, what was that? Why did you speak to them like that? Do you know them?" I didn't answer her right away, looking at neteyam for confirmation, if he wants to tell them the truth, he nodded once and i answered tsireya's questions "of course we know them *sigh* They were our family"
We sat with tonowari and Ronal, while she wrapped her arms around me, we told them everything as now there was no point in hiding, Ronal kissed my forehead and tonowari was livid, he felt ashamed to let the people who abused his children stay with them, i was in tears by the end we finished our story, tsireya rubbed my back, ao'nung held neteyam, tonowari comforting him as well, my mind felt numb while i snuggled closer in her embrace, Ronal ran her fingers through my hair, whispering against it "are you okay ma' yawnetu? I know it must be hard for both of you, if you want you can go live-" i shook my head in her neck "no sa'nok, you are our family now, you, sempul, ao'nung and tsireya is our family now, not them, not anyone else" neteyam nodded too, joining our hug, soon the other three got in too, we sat there in huge pile of tangled limbs and love, tonowari being the biggest was the foundation, Ronal at his side while me and tsireya cuddle to her left, neteyam and ao'nung beside tonowari cuddled together, that evening every tear was wiped and hearts were mended, everyone slept lighter than usual and i was happy the day ended this way, i pulled tsireya closer to me before i drifted to sleep myself.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
I few above the clear waters of Awa'atlu, leaning back on my y/i/n, i stared at the bright sky, giving all the control over to him, the sun cascading sunlight down on the beautiful village, i needed a break from yesterday, away from everyone for a little while, enjoying my own presence and thoughts, it's been a few days since they came here, not me nor neteyam has talked to anyone of them neither did they try to seek us out, which was a blessing but we both knew it wasn't for long till we have to talk to them, i closed my eyes sighing at the feeling of the wind caressing my body, i flew in peace till the sun came down a little, not afternoon or evening just in between, sitting up i looked down to land near the shore, while looking out i saw the group tsireya and ao'nung have been training, deciding maybe i can take tsireya with me for a evening walk before we head back for dinner.
I jumped down disconnecting my queue as y/i/n flew away in seconds, everyone's eyes were on me because of my entrance but i didn't care as my eyes only trailed to tsireya's, she smiled instantly signaling me to come in and i did, diving beside her, i ignored everyone but her and ao'nung, turning to ao'nung as neteyam had a message for him "nung, neteyam was looking for you earlier, he has something to give you, i think" i say trying to remember the exact thing my twin told me but couldn't, he nodded bidding his goodbyes, making his way towards the village in minutes, i refocused my attention on tsireya, catching her hand underneath the waters i spoke in a silky voice "maybe if you're done, we can go collect seashells?" She just gave me her shy smile that i could die for, moving away from me she instructed the lesson would continue tomorrow, i went to grab her hand again but lo'ak beat me to it, taking her hand in his as they talked, i raised my eyebrow, what the fuck does he think he's doing? Tsireya nervously got her hand out of his hold, giving him a small smile while she swam back to me, if looks could kill he'd be 6ft under, i restrained myself from talking to him, making our way out of the shallow waters, his stare still lingered on her and my blood boiled but tsireya quietly kept a hand on my shoulder, taking my attention away from him, i smiled at her, instantly forget about my bad mood as we started our walk towards our kelku.
We entered our mauri, my eyes quickly going to ao'nung, who now fashioned a new necklace, i smiled at neteyam who was looking at me already, i yawned, even if i didn't do anything today i felt exhausted, when i told Ronal about it she just suggested i should take some rest and that's what I did, falling onto my hammock and pulling tsireya with me, she giggled but cuddled up to me in the end, my thoughts got less and less clouded, finally going blank as i slipped into a peaceful slumber but before i did i hear a familiar voice which i haven't heard in years sounded, still i was lulled to sleep before i could react as i was too comfortable in my mate's arms.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
2nd person pov
Jake and neytiri entered the tent, giving their respect to tonowari and Ronal, neytiri's eyes watched your sleeping form cuddled with tsireya, how peaceful you looked in your sleeping state in contrast to your scowl when you saw them, they knew their mistakes, they were sorry for it as well but it was too late, neteyam turned away from them, going as far away as he could so he didn't have to interact, Ronal stepped towards them, ready to defend you and your twin with her life if she had to, putting her hand on the small bump she had as she spoke "is there anything you need?" Her voice stoic, Neytiri looked at you and neteyam longingly, she never forgave Jake for treating you like the way he did, but it was Jake who answered first "we are here to invite our kids for dinner tonight" Ronal's face twisted in disgust "you have lost your right to call them your kids, they are my children not yours" both jake and neytiri flinched at the sudden outburst, neteyam just rolled his eyes from his corner, thank eywa you weren't awake, tonowari got up from his place, reaching his mates side he spoke calmly "we will talk to them, but do not hope they will come" Jake nodded, but neytiri was planted to the ground as she stared at neteyam, who sat like she was invisible, unbothered to even look up from his work, Ronal getting annoyed, she put a arm on neytiri's arm, giving her a slight push as to indicate their stay was over, with a heavy heart she moved, stepping out the mauri with her head hung low.
Tonowari made his way towards neteyam, sitting down in front of him, neteyam sighed of course he had to go, and so did you, you had to make things smooth, even if you'd rather die than see their faces again but you had do it now, tonowari patted him on his head, ao'nung taking his hand, intertwining their fingers together, soon enough Ronal woke you and Tsireya up and delivered the awful news, though your first answer was a stern "NO" you were firm on your decision but a little persuasion and bribing of food, you agreed, both you and neteyam would go to their tent for dinner, instead it felt more like you were walking straight into a palulukan's nest.
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1st person pov
Me and Neteyam walked towards the kelku we avoided the most, I begged Tsireya to come with me, cried even, but she was firm on me going alone, ahh how she betrayed me! But she was right too, i guess, still even if i thought about good thing, the tent in front of me made me sulk again, reaching the entrance of it, i took in a shaky breath and Neteyam knocked on the rim, all their heads turned to us and i wanted to turn around and run away forever, Again! But i fought the urge and walked in with Neteyam with me, Neytiri looked like she was holding her breath, tuk looked happy to see us, Kiri and Lo'ak were too shock to see us there, Jake looked like he was about to breakdown, i sighed having enough of this "you called us for dinner, jake?" His face fell when I called him by his name, but i had no regret, Neytiri looked heart broken, Neteyam stayed silent beside me, Jake started talking "yes- yeah, i wanted to have chat over dinner" i nod, keeping my face straight, we sat down in a circle, me and Neteyam a little bit further away from the circle so we weren't sitting directly beside them, i look up from my plate as i said "what did you want to take about, Jake?" It was clear it hurted him to hear me calling him Jake, "we wanted to talk about- um- about what happened, 6 years ago" i stopped mid bite, so did Neteyam, his hand in the air as he was about to take one.
"We had enough of you dictating us, you burnt us out, so we left, we found a home where they actually treated us like children and not like soldiers, we are happy and we have a happy family with a loving mother and a amazing father" i finished then Neteyam started "we found our love here, where we tried to find it in you, but you were too full of yourself, none of you helped us, not Neytiri, not Kiri, not Lo'ak, we only had eachother, we did what was best for us, we left" Neytiri's face crumbled when Neteyam called her Neytiri, he was a mama's boy but his mama ignored him in the end.
Everyone was silent after that, Kiri was crying silently, Lo'ak looked down in embarrassment and guilt, i just continued to eat, i didn't care now how they felt by now, i was here for dinner so I'm having it, when i was finished, Neytiri was crying, Jake looked like he was slapped in the face, Kiri was sobbing, Lo'ak looked like he could throw up, i looked to tuk "i happy to see you tuk tuk, come by tomorrow, we'll go swimming" i said right in front of them, tuk smiled as she threw herself on me hugging me, and i laughed hugging her tightly, she pulled Neteyam in too "I'm missed you so much tsmukan, tsmuke" i smiled and we both said in sync "we missed you too tuk tuk" she pulled back, going back to her place and we got up, our faces going blank again "i think we're clear here" i said in a flat voice, that held no warmth, no kindness like it did before when i talked with tuk and i hear Neteyam say "don't call us again" and with that we both turned around, walking out, not looking back at them, once again.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
I groaned as i leaned back on my hands, Tsireya beside me, she had a sympathetic expression on her face, she held my hand in hers, when we got back i nearly picked her up in front of everyone and put her down on my tsurak as we made our way to our spot, i was furious, mad crazy, but hurt too, their apologize meant nothing, not anymore anyways, for once we were having an amazing life and they HAD to come ruin for us, tsireya comforted me as best as she could buy i was in my own mind, we stayed the whole night there, sleep was something that i had to chase every night but tonight it was exceptionally hard, at afternoon the next day we decide to go back, my stomach was growling for food as we didn't have breakfast, so getting on y/ts/n, me and tsireya started to make our way back.
As we got closer to our side of the shore, some shouts and screams caught my attention, i looked back at tsireya in confusion "what's going on?" I asked her, her shrug was the only answer, getting to the spot of the shouting my blood ran cold as i saw ka'ani, the clan's known idiot, pushing kiri back and lo'ak shoving him in return, i quickly flew my way over to them, i jumped down before my tsurak even touched the ground and i immediately got in between both the boy, i pressed two fingers on ka'ani's chest, pushing him back "stay away from, you hear me?!" He looked at me, eyeing me from head to toe, he backed up, hands up in the air, motioning his surrender, just then I saw neteyam and ao'nung coming in on their ilus, I walked to kiri "are you okay? Did they hurt you?" I asked, checking her for any harm, she just grabbed my arm, tears forming in her eyes "hey, we might be angry, but we won't stop to protect our own from harm, alright? But this doesn't mean we forgive you" i said patting her shoulder, i heard murmuring behind me, turning around i see ao'nung talking back to ka'ani and neteyam pulling back lo'ak, tsireya walked upto me "come on, guys, enough of this let's go home" i said as i grabbed tsireya's hand and started my way back when i heard screaming and yelling again but this time louder.
Lo'ak and ka'ani hit eachother furiously, ao'nung joined lo'ak and soon did neteyam, i hesitated but the prospect of beating ka'ani's ass was too good and i got in with them, we handed their asses back to them before tonowari and Jake pulled us back, i had blood dripping down from the side of my eye, my lip busted but the adrenaline from beating them was still running through me, tonowari was pissed "what was that?!" He yelled at me, neteyam and ao'nung, shoving us into the mauri, i started "sempul, ka'ani and his gang were disrespecting kiri and lo'ak, we just tried to protect them" he pinched the bridge of his nose "Fine! But next time, you come to me and no more fighting! Am I clear?!" All three of us replied in sync "yes sempu" he simply smiled and shook his head "what have i got myself into?" And we all laughed, while we were all unaware of what lo'ak got in consequence of this fight.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
I was sitting on the beach with tsireya and tuk, neteyam and ao'nung were playing in the water, when i heard footsteps coming towards us, i looked up to see lo'ak and kiri walking towards us, i instantly sat up as they took their places beside me, before i could register them being there, Kiri started "thank you- for saving me" and i looked at her with a soft expression "it's okay, i did what i thought was right and ka'ani needed some putting in place too" i smile, my eyes shifted to lo'ak, who had his head down "Jake scolded you, didn't he? I know he did" i looked annoyed, not at him but at Jake, lo'ak looked at me "I'm glad you and neteyam got away, i finally saw what you guys went through and we turned a blind eye to both of you" tears stained his cheeks and neteyam, ao'nung and tuk made their way to us, neteyam sitting beside me as we both pulled lo'ak into a hug "hey, it's fine, we get it" kiri joined our hug "we're sorry, really, terribly sorry for what we did to you, for all the ignorance" kiri cried in my shoulder and i looked at neteyam, we both knew they were sorry, as we held them, i sighed, my mind fought for the years we spent suffering then my heart is battling with my love towards my siblings, in the in we all knew we couldn't be angry at them, Jake and neytiri? Yes but not them, they were kids too so we forgave them "it's okay, we forgive you" me and neteyam both said together, their cries worsened and we held them till all the years worth of guilt and blame was spent out.
After they calmed down, we all laughed and played together, i even gave kiri a ride on my tsurak, while lo'ak begged me to give him one, i just flipped him off, the splash fighting lasted till eclipse and by the time we got out of water we were shivering, all of us but it was fun, nonetheless, it was time well spent.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
3rd person pov
Jake stood near the tree, so close yet so far away, as he watched the scene unfold in front of him, his twins, his once pride and joy and still are at some degree at the present but his own heart burned and shriveled up for their love, his eyes stung with unshed tears, a small smile playing on his lips at the sight of Lo'ak and Kiri Bonding with them, they had forgiven their siblings but he knew even if Neteyam might forgive them but you would rain hell before even thinking about it, he messed up and he knows it, god he suffered and is suffering for 6 years now, with Neytiri blaming him and lo'ak's guilt stricken state, he had no choice but to suffer in silence and he knew he deserved it because you and your twin suffered in silence all those years and now that you're finally living your life to the fullest, he is no longer a part of it, it kills him that people who are strangers to him are more of parent then he ever was, to see your trust in them being so great, he died a little inside everyday seeing you call someone else 'father' and him by his name- that's what shocked him even more, you called him Jake, not dad, nor sir just jake, as if he was nothing to you.
He longed to be your father again, but he knew he'd have to walk through a holocaust to even make up one percent of the damage he had inflicted upon them, he burned in the fire he ignited and only you could stop it now.
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A/n: I'm so sorry for the delay, my weeks and life have been really busy, i thought I'd post it soon but my bad, I'm sorry, i hope y'all like it 😭
Yawne : @fanboyluvr, @callmeoncette, @lu-the-ghost-reader, @brisbriskett, @saltedcoffeescotch, @ducks118, @itscheybaby, @jackiehollanderr, @elriel-4-ever, @zoetrope1997, @yeosxxx, @persefolli, @im-in-a-pansexual-panik, @teyamsbitch, @elijangwifey, @erosthefae, @murderbirbdany, @thearabloak06, @killua2dot0, @ilovechickenwings, @kylobensgirl, @darling-imobsessed, @majathepapaya, @sweetirilly, @reinap06, @neteyamforlife, @thatgirljas13, @totesnothere04, @arminsgfloll, @babyqueen17.
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© Neteyamyawne 2023 | All Rights Reserved. Do not repost on other platforms, copy, steal, or translate any of my works!
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deepmochi · 2 years
Astrology notes 🕸
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I miss this type of post. 🧚🏼‍♀️
🕸Disclaimer: I don't own these images.🕸
⚜ Leo sun are so stubborn when they feel their ego getting "destroyed". Baby, you were not right; it's not the end of you world just accept it.
⚜ My immature Scorpio moons, you know that you are wrong. Stop blaming others for your mistakes and take responsibility. That guy/ girl is not for you, you know it.
⚜ Please, Pisces moons don't quit. I know that it's hard, but you can do it. You are already trying your best.
⚜ Taurus sun have a gif in the arts, don't say you don't! Go and see where. You can draw, paint, sing, write, speak or appreciate visual arts.
⚜ 8th stellium people, why you are so critical of yourself? If you are trying to heal, you are progressing, trust me.
⚜ Fire sun signs, how you have so much energy?? Well, maybe you are taking energy from others. Try to be more empathic with your friends/ families if you aren't . I say this because some are energy vampire without noticing.
⚜ Scorpio sun are not mysterious; they just know when to be private. Ironically, Taurus sun are the same. Sister signs 💅🏼
⚜ Scorpio sun men will lie more than Scorpio sun girls. Immature Scorpio moon would lie just because they want to.
⚜ Sagittarius Mercury, they are so good in debates so fast and wise. The only time they can lose. It's when they don't feel prepare.
⚜ Keeping with Sagittarius Mercury, they are so funny. So, witty and natural with comedy. People would tell them often how funny they are.
⚜ The 5th house presents how you can heal part of you inner child. The sign tells you what you are missing. The aspects the restrictions or your flow.
⚜ People with your 12th h sign can be people who teach you a hidden lesson. See carefully how they act, this can tell you what you can change or acknowledge of yourself.
⚜ if you are searching to heal your feminine energy, see your moon sign and house. This shows you what you lack, how and where your mother didn't nurture you. For example: a moon in the 8th house needs to quit the negative mentality.
⚜ Libra moon people stop hiding your feelings. Try to talk to that friend who is always there. You know who is that friend. They care for you; you are not alone.
⚜ Virgo Venus admit it; you are doing your best. Please, stop comparing to others. You know that they aren't you, so why doing that nonsense.
⚜ Aries Venus are not shy, but they are selective. They know what or who they want.
Take care, mochis 🧚🏼‍♀️💚
Credit: @deepmochi
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luxxid · 2 years
could u do wedding night smut with the men?
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"finally mine, all mine." he grunted while slamming his cock into your small hole. he loved how good you made him feel, the way you coerced him dry and milked him for his cum so obediently. he loved how you were so perfect for his needs and embraced the pleasure he brought you despite his rough nature. you groaned in pleasure, your body trembling as he pounded into you harder. his roughness was something you both enjoyed. It was a way for him to feel powerful and in control, while you felt comfortable and safe with him. his desire to please you was evident in his movements, as he took his time to make sure you were fully satisfied before he could find his pleasure.
"baby! s'too much! i can't take anymore." you wailed while scratching his bare back, which resulted in angry, red marks. he had always wanted the wedding night to be special and you had exceeded his expectations. he had never felt so alive and so in love; you both were in your own world, forgetting the outside world and focusing on each other and the pleasure you were giving each other.
his thrusting never stopped, instead, they went faster to the point you felt his length nib your cervix. your eyes widened as you screamed in jubilation. his movements drove you wild as you were taken to the heights of pleasure, abandoning all inhibitions and allowing yourself to be swept away by bliss. his relentless thrusts soon became a blur of intensity as he pushed you past your own boundaries of pleasure, taking you to a realm of delight you never knew existed. it felt like the world stood still in that moment, like the sun and the stars were shining just for them, as no one else existed but them in that moment of pure bliss.
"shouldn't i take the vow to show how grateful i am to my wife,"  he spoke in a resonance that gave you shivers down your spine, your hands wrapped around his neck, as he looked into your eyes, you felt a certain warmth, a lovemaking that transcended the physical, as if he was offering you his soul in exchange for yours. his fingers ran through your hair, as he looked into your eyes, and smiled, whispering, "you are my everything." this moment felt like two souls entwining, like two vines wrapping around each other, creating an unbreakable bond, a bond of pure love.
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starsspeaker · 5 months
⚜ 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐮𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐫
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 ⚜
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Child of dust and decor,
Sagittarius Sun,
Call me Star┊Seph About me ⟡ Request Rules ⟡ Alt genshin acc @ruumirmir
Welcome to the cosmos,
╰ ─┉─ ¡ ! • ! ¡ ─┉─ ╯
꧁༒☬ 𝕽𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖘: 𝕺𝖕𝖊𝖓 ☬༒꧂
ੈ♡˳ The Arcana / Arcana Twilight blog
ੈ♡˳ I write and draw :)
ੈ♡˳ 18+ content sometimes
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When the stars speak,
╰ ─┉─ ¡ ! • ! ¡ ─┉─ ╯
⋆˙⟡ 𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓇 𝓌𝓇𝒾𝓉𝑒𝓈
⋆˙⟡ 𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓇 𝒹𝓇𝒶𝓌𝓈
⋆˙⟡ 𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓇 𝓈𝓅𝑒𝒶𝓀𝓈
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‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Sorcerors of Sagittarii,
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤㅤㅤㅤChosen by Arrow and Bow,
Australis | The 1st OC Coming soon...
Media | The 3rd OC Coming soon...
Borealis | The 4th OC Coming soon...
Rukhbaat | The 5th OC Coming soon...
Ascella | The 7th OC Coming soon...
Alnasl | The 10th OC Coming soon...
Sephdar | The 12th [Summoner] OC Coming soon...
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foretnoires · 1 year
THE WASHUUS [inspired by The Heirs]
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Oh, those were born a silver spoon in their mouth, do you have your own sufferings?
・ ・ ────── ・ ⚜ ・ ────── ・ ・
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As the oldest brother in the family, he seemed to be able to turn the tables with just the snap of his fingers. Proudly sitting on a throne made of blood and tears after the battle for power from his predecessors, as long as he exists, everything would have to obey him.
A self-proclaimed king who seems to have the world in his hands, but the person Kishou sees as the world can't be with him for the rest of his life.
“My orders, are absolute.”
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The only illegitimate child of the Washuu family. Rize is the result of an affair between the contemporary patriarch and an unknown singer. Even so, she was always a muse that the family wholeheartedly relied on.
A black swan with broken wings that can never touch the sky.
“Even if I have to sacrifice my life for my freedom, I am willing to do so.”
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Even though he and Kishou are twins, there are differences between the two. If Kishou is like the night on the moonlit days, Nimura is the sun shining after the rain.
A single wild wolf rebel among the pack; will he be a healing herb or a dagger that pierces the clan's heart?
“If he is a king, then I am a rebel. Sometimes we often do bad things just for good purposes, it's common sense.”
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The youngest child is always the child loved by everyone, and she is no exception. But Hairu herself has always felt that she would never be able to fit into the fancy dresses, or the eccentric dances at ceremonial parties, or even the atmosphere in her own house that is always filled with capitalism.
The little flower was trying to break through the concrete ground to taste the remnants of the sun.
“Rules are made to break. Challenge me, then don't blame me for being a jerk.”
we are the proud and noble bloodline descendants of the Washuu family, we are born to
rule the world; touch the sky; ravage the night; rise from the ground
and, protect our own love.
・ ・ ────── ・ ⚜ ・ ────── ・ ・
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“If a despicable ant hurts you, burn its colony.”
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“Remember, do not go near and touch anything; whether you hear or see something, you must pretend to be dumb and blind; and even if you want something, do not try to get it. Learn to smile and endure, like a puppet being pulled on a string.”
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“A wolf is able to hunt its prey thanks to its cleverness. If you want to defeat the great night, you must be the cunning sun.”
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“Be different. A flower is most beautiful when it is free to bloom under the sky.”
The elders of the Washuu family have always had different views of their future descendants. That's why they taught them with a mindset like no other.
The wisdom of the forefathers is a great danger later, when they themselves have created a devil; a puppet; a rogue; a divergent.
Is it the wrong way
an arrangement of the predecessors?
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© 2023 of AVAROSA (foretnoires). All Rights Reserved.      
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ragnvindrknight · 3 years
"Growing up, did you decide to always be part of the Fatui?," he asked out of the blue one random night when sleep didn't come to him. "Did you ever think to have a different life?" He couldn't imagine being born into the Fatui, much less being part of it for the rest of one's life.
@childeofwar // Childe
⚜┆ He generally didn’t mind whenever Childe asked questions. Between them, one who came from a farm and the other from what others would consider the Dark Ages, it was interesting to realise how different their worldviews were whenever they sat down to chat. However, as of late Childe has been asking questions regarding himself — his birth, his family, his life decisions  — which Diluc had found difficult to answer.
That part of his life was desitute of light. The hardest part was not knowing what he should tell and what he shouldn’t. Looking upwards, towards the top bunk and trying to imagine how it was like to be in Childe’s position, what he would have wanted to know, Diluc found himself fumbling the ends of his hair, twirling red locks around his finger as he laid on his back in a silent, pensive thought. 
❝If I were you I’d imagine a horse.❞ He said. ❝Born in a stable to be raised until they are big enough to carry their masters on their backs. The finest breed of mares would be sent to serve the royals and the nobles, jewels and regal cloth embellished their backs, fed and groomed in a way that befitted their master’s status. The rest to work sun up to sun down in the farms, tolling soils and pulling carts. But regardless, they all have their life carefully constructed before them. Would those horses have thought they could live any differently, if no one had asked them?❞ 
He hoped comparing it that way would make more sense for Childe. He’d left out the part where the sick would often be eaten or put down because there was no longer a purpose to their life. Hopefully Childe would not allow his thoughts to stray down that line of thought.
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hyaciiintho · 4 years
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ROMEO   &   JULIET.     suburban july.  scraped  knees. bruised  knuckles. blood  in  your  teeth. bare  feet  on  hot  concrete. restlessness. your  high  school’s  empty  parking lot. love  poems  in  your  diary. a  window  open  to  coax  in  the  breeze. burning  inside. an  ill - fitting  party  dress.  a  t - shirt  you  cut  up  yourself. the  time  you  tried  to  give  yourself  bangs.  biking  to  your  friends  house.  bubble  gum. gas  station  ice. the  feeling  that  you’ve  met  before. rebellion. a  car  radio  playing  down  the  street. cheap  fireworks. a  heart  drawn  on  the  inside  of  your  wrist  with  a  sharpie. switchblades.  red  solo  cups. dancing  in  your  bedroom.  screaming  yourself  hoarse.  running  out  of  options.  the  forlorn  looking  basketball  hoop  at  the  end  of  a  cul - de - sac.  climbing  onto  your  roof  at  night while  your  parents  are  asleep. flip - flops. a  eulogy  written  on  loose - leaf. the  merciless  noontime  sun.
HAMLET.     speaking  in  a  whisper. holding  your  breath. a  browning garden.  a  half  remembered  story. furniture  covered  with  sheets. fog  at  dawn,  mist  at  twilight. losing  touch. the  ethereal  space  between  winter  and  spring. the  soft  skin  at  your  temple.  the  crack  in  the  hallway  mirror. things  you’d  say  if  you  knew  the  words. uncombed  hair. books  with  writing  in  the  margins.  books  with  cracked  spines. books  with  lines  scratched  out.  prayers  on  all  souls’  day.  a chipped  ceramic  bathtub.  a  cold  stone  floor. the  uncomfortable  awareness  of  your  own  heartbeat.  the  sparrow  that  got  in  your  house. shadows. the  creek  you  played  in  as  a  child.  a  dirty  night  gown. an  oversized  t - shirt. a  collection  of  your  favorite  words. soil  beneath  your  nails. ghost  stories. the  strangeness  of  your  own  name  in  your  mouth. deep  silence. exhaustion. a  cliff  with  a  long,  long  drop  down.
THE   TWELFTH   NIGHT.     wicker  deck  furniture.  new  england  summer.  large  sunglasses  and  a  blonde  bob.  a  storm  over  the  ocean.  patio  umbrellas  flapping  in  the  wind.  the  smell  of  chlorine. muffled  laughter. sarcasm.  starched  cuffs. day drinking. bay  windows. the  idea  of  love. love  for  the  idea  of  love. love  for  love’s  sake. hangovers. wandering  over  the  sand  dunes. a  vagabond  with  a  guitar.  fishermen with  tattoos.  a  pretty  boy  with  a  slacked  tie.  a  lighthouse. growing  too  close. boat  shoes. feeling  yourself  change. big,  floppy  sunhats. double - speak. a  song  you  keep  listening  to. turning  red  under  their  gaze.  margaritas  drank  on  an  inflatable  pool  lounger. string  lights  on  a  balmy  night. sleepy  june  days. fights  you’re  unprepared  for. hope  you  weren’t  expecting. pranks  that  go  too  far.  bad  poetry. pining. becoming  less  of  a  stranger.
MACBETH.     the  space  where  your  grief  used  to  be.  a  bird that’s  lost  an  eye. old  blood  stains.  heavy  blinds. the  smell  of  sweat.  the  stillness  after  a  battle. a fake smile. a  curse.  the  taste  of  metal  at  the  back  of  your  tongue. your  house,  unfamiliar  in  the  dark.  a  dusty  crib.   the  smell  of  sulfur.  an  orange  pill  bottle.  streaks  in  the  sink. a black cocktail dress. your  hand  on  the  doorknob,  shaking. a  chilly  breeze. crunching  from  the  gravel  driveway  on  a  moonless  night. clenched  hands. a  rusty  swing  set. a  flashing  digital  clock  stuck  on  12 : 00.  a  snake  that  crosses  your  path.  an  owl  that  watches  you. a  dog  that  runs  when  you  approach. red  smoke,  dark  clouds. cool  steel. tile  floors. footsteps  in  the  hallway  late  at  night. a  baggy  suit  that  used  to  fit  before. visions. insomnia  headaches.  nursery  rhymes. being  too  far  in  to  go  back  now.
MUCH   ADO   ABOUT   NOTHING.     the  high  drama  of  small  towns. a  pickup  truck. military  supply  duffel  bags  in  the  hall, hugs  all  around. tulip  bulbs. a  wraparound  porch.  a  pitcher  of  iced  tea.  a  rubber  halloween  mask. someone  on  your  level. ill - timed  proclamations.  stomach  clenching  laughter. rushing  in. not  minding  your  business. crepe  paper. white lies. secrets  written  down  and  thrown  away. southern  hospitality. homemade  curtains  in  the  kitchen. a  sink  full  of  roses. hiding  in  the  bushes. old  friends. the  wedding  dress  your  grandma  wore,  and  her  mama  before  her.  a  dog - eared  rhyming  dictionary. chamomile  with  honey. the  intimacy  of  big  parties.  lawn  flamingos. gossip.  a  crowded  church. friendly  rivalries. unfriendly  rivalries. love  at  five  hundredth  sight. not  realizing  you’re  home  until  you’re  there.
KING LEAR.     cement  block  buildings.  power  lines  that  birds  never  perch  on. the end of the world.  useless  words.   rainless  thunder,  heat  lighting. a  too  big  sky. arthritic  knuckles. broken  glass. chalk  cliffs. the  pulsing  red - black  behind  closed  eyes.  something  you  learned  too  late. wet  mud  that  sucks  up  your  shoes  while  you  walk. a  cold  stare. empty  picture  frames. empty  prayers. the  obscenity  of  seeing  your  parents  cry. a  treeless  landscape.  bloody  rags.   grappling  in  the  dark  with  reaching  hands. the  sharpness  at  the  tips  of  your  teeth.  the  blown  out  windows  of  a  skeletal  house. decay. jokes  that  aren’t  jokes.  biting  your  tongue.  prophesies.  aching  muscles. tired  feet. stinging  rain. invoking  the  gods. wondering  if  the  gods  are  listening. worrying  that  the  gods  are  dead. white  noise.  shivers.  numbness.  the  unequivocal  feeling  of  ending.
A   MIDSUMMER’S   NIGHT   DREAM.      the  smell  of  wet  soil  and  dead  leaves. listening  to  music  on  headphones  with  your  eyes  closed.  wildflowers.  the  distant  sparkle  of  lightning  bugs. a  pill  someone  slipped  you. fear  that  turns  into  excitement. excitement  that  turns  to  frenzy.  mossy  tree  trunks. a  pair  of  yellow  eyes  in  the  darkness. night  swimming. moonlight  through  the  leaves. a  bass  beat  in  your  chest. a  butterfly  landing  on  your  nose. a  kiss  from  a  stranger.  a  dark  hallow  in  an  old  tree. glow  in  the  dark  paint. drinking  on  an  empty  stomach. a  twig  breaking  behind  you. spinning  until  you’re  dizzy. finding  glitter  on  your  body  and  not  remembering  where  it  came  from. an  overgrown  path  through  the  woods. cool  dew  on  your  skin. a  dream  that  fades  with  waking. moths  drawn  to  the light. giving  yourself  over,  completely.  afterglow.  the  long,  loving,  velvety  night.
tagged by: @bxstiae​ (Thank you~) tagging : @zestirix​, @pandoriic​, @wolfvirago​, and anyone else who’d like to do it, just say I tagged ya~
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deceptivemorals · 3 years
After Elijah left New Orleans (~ after 1x08 of The Originals), he decided to move to Europe and found a home in France [location can be carried but it's NOT New Orleans]. He stays in contact with his family through Rebekah but is not involved in family matters beyond that as he decided it's best to stay away.
⚜ v: an adventure of his own ▬ main
The Sacrifice // TVD S2:
After Elijah learned that Klaus has thrown their daggered siblings in the ocean, hence having sealed their fate for eternity, Elijah swore to avenge his siblings by killing Klaus. Because of this, he's keen on finding the doppelgänger before Klaus does, ultimately planning to sabotage the sacrifice to take advantage of the only opportunity in which Klaus is weak enough to take revenge.
⚜ v: the sacrifice
Linked As One // TVD S3:
After Esther's return, Elijah questions her intentions, unlike his other siblings. Unknown to them, their mother plans on killing them by linking them all together with the help of Elena's blood. Because of the link, if one thing happens to either of the siblings, it will happen to the others as well. Elijah tries to find a way to undo this.
⚜ v: linked as one
The Cure // TVD S4
Through Katherine Pierce, the existence of a cure against vampirism came to Elijah's attention. Knowing the potential danger such a cure would bring with it, Elijah teamed up with Katherine to secure it and bring it into his possession. However, his initial mission starts to become difficult after both of his siblings desired the cure for different reasons themselves. Elijah isn't yet aware of Kol's death.
⚜ v: the cure
An Unexpected Chance // TO S1 (canon divergent)
After Elijah learned from Rebekah that Klaus has gone to New Orleans to find out who is plotting against him, Elijah decided to follow him although he’s hasn’t yet decided if he stops or helps them. In New Orleans, Elijah learns that Marcel, the former protegée of his brother, is still alive & acts as the leader of the city as well as that werewolf Hayley is pregnant with Klaus’ child. Please note that this verse is canon divergent. Please take a look at this page that contains all the details.
⚜ v: an unexpected chance ▬ to s1
A Piece of Dark Magic // TO S4 & S5 (very canon divergent)
Elijah returns to New Orleans for the first time in years after being asked to help in his family's fight to save Hope from the Hollow. Despite having never met Hope in person, he's willing to hold a piece of the Hollow's spirit in order to save his niece. Elijah thinks he's aware of the consequences of that spell, although he only starts to really realize it after the spell is done. The knowledge of never being able to see his siblings again leaves Elijah stunned and he promises to himself that this hasn't been a goodbye forever.
Please note that this verse is very canon divergent. Please take a look at this page that contains all the details.
⚜ v: a piece of dark magic ▬ to s4/5 
The Sun Also Rises // Post TO Season 5
Despite his best attempts, Elijah hadn’t been able to convince Klaus that they could find another way that doesn’t involve his death in order to defeat the Hollow. Elijah is there for Hope and is regularly in contact with her.  Elijah hopes there’s a way to bring Klaus back eventually and helps Freya in finding a way to do so.
Please take a look at this page for more details.
⚜ v: the sun also rises ▬ post to
Heart of Darkness // TVD S2+ AU
Elijah kills Klaus in the finale of TVD S2 just as he had planned because he doesn’t believe Klaus’ words.
Please take a look at this page that contains all the details.
⚜ v: heart of darkness ▬ tvd s2+ au 
Facing Death // TVD S3 AU
Instead of Finn, Elijah is the first Original who gets stabbed with the White Oak Stake in TVD s3. They missed his heart and he managed to get away but there are still remaining splitters that are dangerously close to his heart.
Please take a look at this page that contains all the details. 
⚜ v: facing death ▬ tvd s3 au
What Will Be Left // Amnestic AU
Elijah’s brain got frozen because of a spell that went wrong or because something or someone is channeling him. Because of this, Elijah suffers from a (temporary) amnesia. He has no memory of who he is, though he has a slight idea of what he is.
Please take a look at this page that contains all the details.
⚜ v: what will be left ▬ amnestic au
Viking (human):
Because of their Viking heritage, Mikael made sure to make a warrior out of his second-oldest son Elijah. The training was harsh and without merci but Elijah developed into a skilled swordsman. Despite having the skills to kill, however, Elijah is not sure if he could kill a human.
⚜ v: viking
For all the 1492 things.
⚜ v: into the past ▬ 1492
Twilight AU
Please take a look at this page that contains all the details.
⚜ v: twilight au
Bridgerton AU
elijah, the 5th duke of chandos. please take a look at this page that contains all the details.
⚜ v: bridgerton au
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cloudpoolsarchive · 9 years
Pit Stop
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The road was completely empty. Just the way Darla liked it. Cruising along to some Nirvana cassette she found in a pawn shop in the town back, energetic fingers tap the steering wheel to the music, banging her head a bit to the beat. The bubbly woman wasn’t sure where she was headed, but she was excited to find out where she ended up.
Of course, the blasting music served two purposes. One to keep her awake while she drove in the wee hours of the morning, and two to help her ignore the popping and cracking that was coming out of the hood of her beloved Tessa. The van had seen better days, but she’d never let Darla down before, and she wasn’t about to now-
Not even the screeching grunge could cover up that noise. “Shit...” The woman hisses under her breath as brown hues watch the speedometer slowly dropping toward zero. Petting the dash as if willing the vehicle to keep going, a ray of light shines through the dark of night. 
Coasting into the mechanic’s parking lot, Darla manages to get Tessa into one of the open parking spots, shutting the machine down and slamming her thin frame against the seat. Loud sigh leaving her, the woman pushes a hand through her short black locks, frustrated. “Well... We sure have goofed up this time old girl... Hope the owner doesn’t mind that we crash here for the night.” 
Defeated look now melting into a goofy grin, the woman unbuckles her seat belt, moving to the back of her gutted van where a mattress and lamp lay in wait. Gently moving her precious guitar from the bed, the woman snuggles under her warm blankets, drifting off to sleep, joyously awaiting the events of the next day. Surely she was going to piss someone off, and wouldn’t that be exciting?
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cloudpools · 8 months
⚜ @madderot
Darla didn't mind being alone. Roads were long and sometimes towns were few and far between, so all she had was the stereo, some CDs, and the breeze to keep her company. That was alright. But she really preferred the company of others, so when she crossed paths with Marley again, she was quick to suggest they have a little camping night under the stars as opposed to the usual parking lot sleepover!
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"Crazy that we're both headin' the same way this time, huh?" She grins wide, jumping into the back of her van to grab a bag of marshmallows and her guitar. Tumbling out of Tessa's (yes her van has a name) trunk, being careful to keep the guitar safe (marshmallows were soft anyways), she tosses the bag at her traveling companion before settling beside the campfire strumming a few notes.
"I told you this place was pretty sweet! Nobody for miles! Just trees and stars! Perfect place for a murder!" She strums an unsettling string of notes, before breaking out into a cackle to lighten the mood. Were they close enough to make those kinds of jokes? Probably not. But Darla thought so, and she wasn't exactly the brightest bulb in the pack. Well.... Not true. She was definitely as bright as sunshine itself, but dumb as a bag of rocks.
"So come on, M, tell me something. What's going on in that head o' yours?"
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cloudpools · 6 months
☁ = being caught in the middle a storm with them. [ amber and darla ]
Emoji Meme || ⚜Accepting⚜
☁ = being caught in the middle a storm with them. [ amber and darla ]
"Come on, Scoot! JUST LIVE A LITTLE!" Despite Darla's own nickname, today was anything but sunny. But that was okay. She had enough sunshine for the whole world to enjoy. And right now the whole world was her and Amber. But what more could someone need than their best friend anyway?
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Of course, Darla is already drenched, spinning in the open square letting the rain wash over her. Never afraid of getting a little wet, she often found herself dancing in the rain. If she'd been by Tessa, she would have quickly changed into her swimsuit. Unfortunately, the trusty old van had been parked quite a bit a way, but not a problem. They were just clothes. They could always be hung to dry.
Amber was obviously apprehensive as she stood under the store's awning. She had her phone on her for one. Definitely didn't want to risk breaking it. That didn't matter to Darla. Rushing behind the mechanic, she thrusted her forward with a hard push that sent Amber almost face first into the ground. But the musician had gotten what she wanted. It only took a few minutes for Amber to soak through.
"See! It ain't so bad is it?" Amber's already got a wrench out of her pocket ready to hit Darla upside the head. Wouldn't make her any dumber so it was fine. With a hearty laugh, Darla takes off like a shot, running as hard and fast as she can before she's pummeled by the person she holds most dear.
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cloudpools · 9 months
🎳Having a friendly bowling competition with lots of laughter. [darla and amber, but 'friendly' is subjective]
Emoji RP Prompts ||  ⚜Accepting⚜
🎳Having a friendly bowling competition with lots of laughter.
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"Amber, what the fuck?" Darla is normally all smiles, and it isn't often she uses her childhood friend's real name. But this is some utter bullshit? "How do you just FORGET TO MENTION THAT YOU WERE THIS FUCKING GOOD AT THIS?! YOU GODDAMN HUSTLER!" Friendly competition, her ass. This is war.
The scoreboard spoke for itself. Frame 5 out of 10. 5 gutter balls for Sun Child and 3 spares, a strike, and one frame of 8 for Scoot. Darla had thought this was supposed to be a fun game between friends. A way to unwind and catch back up after a while over some drinks. Had asking for bumpers been such a fucking big deal? Apparently, they were "cheating"???? You know what else is cheating?! Not telling your so-called FRIEND THAT YOU'RE A GOD DAMN PRO, THAT'S WHAT.
This is getting too heated now. Really it's just her. Amber is enjoying every moment of this. So Darla's decided she's playing a different game. It's a game she'd like to call "Let's get thrown out of the establishment before the game ends so that it doesn't technically count as a win for Amber and Darla doesn't have to FUCKING HEAR ABOUT IT FOR THE REST OF HER LIFE". Name was still a work in progress.
'Sun Child's Turn' flashes on the screen.
That damn smug mechanic was staring at her as she picks up her ball. Darla's mood has shifted from mad to mischievous. She picks the lightest ball she can find. She squares up on the line to take her turn. But wait? Her fingers aren't in the holes? She pressing the ball into the crook of her neck and her collarbone??? She's facing away from the lane????
Oh? Don't you remember, Scoot? Darla was a track and field girl.
Darla twirls, lobbing the ball overhand like a shotput as hard as she can. The ball goes flying (she'd picked a child's size bowling ball for this. 5lbs. Who knew they even made them that small!), flying.... flying...
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"Shit. Should have picked a heavier ball." It crashes through the wall, and in a flash, Darla's gone. Every man for himself. Important part was, the game didn't finish, so Amber didn't win and Darla didn't lose. Her signature glowing smile was back now, getting into trouble always putting her in a better mood. There's lots of laughter alright. It's all coming from Darla.
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cloudpools · 24 days
How well do you know my muses? 👀
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Nara's Buddy Quiz
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Blythe's Buddy Quiz
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Darla's Buddy Quiz
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Carter's Buddy Quiz
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Holly's Buddy Quiz
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cloudpools · 9 months
💋kiss trope💋
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The "Shut-Up" Kiss
Isn't it rude to interrupt someone mid-sentence by kissing them? Apparently not. Especially if you're dancing 'The Masochism Tango' (in the Masochism Tango, the entire relationship hinges on the mutual hatred between the two lovebirds... for better or for worse.) May also be used on someone pointlessly rambling on, intentionally trying to evade said kiss. Whilst the cute version occurs when one character is babbling nervously, either because they get tongue-tied around the object of their affections or because they are trying to apologize for something, and the other cuts them off with a kiss to show that they understand.
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The Now or Never Kiss
The Last Kiss? No, it's not the last, but the characters don't know that. Death appears imminent — the temperature is rising, the room is filling up with water, the plane is about to hit the ground, the rope they're dangling from is about to break and drop them off the cliff, the room is on fire and the door's locked, the world is coming to an end... The point is, this is no place for unresolved sexual tension. The Not-A-Couple don't want to go out without revealing how they really feel. It's now or never. They kiss. This can also be 'Now or Maybe Never' kiss; one or both are heading into danger, or likely-potential death.
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The Almost Kiss
It just may be the cruelest, most frustrating thing a writer could ever pull. Two characters are finally about to bring all their shippers' dreams to fruition. They're about to resolve all the unresolved sexual tension and cross the 'Just Friends' line, at last. They're staring mesmerized into each others' eyes, inching forward ever so slowly, less than a millimeter away from lip-to-lip contact. This is it, the fans scream in their minds. They're finally going to kiss! And then... They don't. Were they interrupted by a knock on the door or falling meteor? Did one of them remember their late love interest that they promised never to forget? Was the thought of a relationship upgrade suddenly just too scary? Well, for some reason, they can't or won't go through with it. They may be giggling afterwards, or they may be crying a river. The sad thing is, the Almost Kiss says as much as a kiss, anyway, since we can see they both want it. Sometimes referred to as a "near-miss kiss".
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The Slap-Slap-Kiss
When two characters with romantic tension spend a lot of time bickering, it is all but inevitable that sooner or later one will interrupt the other mid-rant by suddenly grabbing and kissing them. The kissed one rarely resists and usually responds wholeheartedly. Usually, the cause of this is something that triggers their hostilities to the point of reaching a climax that results in an exchange of slaps or blows, followed by a moment where both stare at each other in combined confusion and shock, after which they dive into the kiss. One such instance would be if one suitor was in danger, causing the other to realize the deep affection they actually have for this person they have spent their entire time fighting with. Either way, the kiss prompts both to realize that they've been in love all this time — the rationale being that they wouldn't argue so much if they didn't give a damn about each other.
Tagged by: @dcviated ((Thanks! Tagging: Anybody who sees this and wants to do it lol
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cloudpools · 4 years
“i haven’t forgot you yet.” for darla, from amber @ dxviated
Five Word Prompts || ⚜Accepting⚜
“I haven’t forgot you yet.”  
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“Hey, Scoot. If I die on one of these missions, you think the world will remember me? You think anyone remembers me even now?” A bit of a heavy question for the morning, but Darla had had a pretty close call the night before. It had her thinking.... And it wasn’t very often she did that.
“I haven’t forgot you yet.”
God... If that didn’t strike a chord with her, she didn’t know what would. Darla pauses. She doesn’t know how to respond just yet, so she takes a moment. Everything she did in life, she did to leave a lasting impression on those around her. Her rambunctious attitude, her showmanship on the streets, her heroism in piloting the mech... 
When she died, she wanted her legacy to shine on for years to come.
But thinking back to the Home hit a bit different. All the kids who looked up to her. Her brothers and sisters. Kids she took care of and loved more than anything in the world. Darla wondered how they were all doing. Where they had all ended up. In one single selfish act, she had taken to the roads to pursue her dreams of seeing the world. It had been a tearful goodbye, and there was more than one time that she considered turning the van around and heading back.... But she was bullheaded. She wasn’t ever going back. Not then. Not now.
But that didn’t mean she didn’t think of that place every day.
This is the most bummed out Darla has been since her and Amber’s reunion. “Well of course you haven’t, Amb. I’m right here. How could ya? But sometimes I wonder if any of the kids still remember me... If they resent me for leavin’ em behind...”
With a shrug of her shoulders, Darla jumps up slapping her face between her hands trying to snap herself out of it. “You know what! Forget I said anything! I don’t wanna be a downer. I’m just happy we’re back together again. At least I know where one person ended up.” A half-assed smile spreads across her face. She couldn’t be all sunshine and rainbows, could she?
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