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melodyplucked · 4 months ago
open starter.
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    ❝    i'm stuck up in a rewrite of the same song.    ❞    
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destinybcnds · 2 months ago
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Behold as she proudly unveils the world's most atrocious sandwich!
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paranormalpuppeteer · 2 months ago
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starter call / inbox call!
feel free to give me a muse you'd like to rp with, or send prompts/memes/sentence starters for me to work with! if you're a multimuse do tell me which muse to write for.
feel free to also tell me which muse you'd like to interact with so I know what to write with (charlie or henry, or both if you want more chaos? xD)
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wiccanblood · 4 months ago
* big dramatic stretch * time to dust off after hiatus. STARTER CALL ( mumu specify ) !! tis the season so could be holiday themed.
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sarcaasmic · 9 months ago
Open Sarter open to -> anyone (mutuals and non-mutuals) fandom/au -> main verse plot -> inspired by this post
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"I think this is the last one," she announces toward the open front door as she pulls the suitcase from the trunk of her jeep. After unloading their two full cars, their belongings are out of their vehicles and inside the new house. She walked up the sidewalk toward the unfamiliar building she was meant to call home. A house she was expected to share with someone she'd pretend to be married to.
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sanchezsong · 2 months ago
@synthetnick liked for a starter.
THE TAVERN WAS MANOLO'S FIRST THOUGHT TO STOP AT. Of course , this isn't San Ángel , so anything he would usually get was replaced by a soda instead. It doesn't exactly soften the blow of being brought to such a strange place on , well . . ay. If he thinks about it , it'll just make it worse. Instead , his fingers tap idly on the surface of the table he's sat at , trying to wrap his mind around his new surroundings.
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HIS EYES SCAN AROUND THE ROOM before focusing on the door. He tries not to get his hope up - though there's still the thought deep in the back of his mind that María could walk in at any moment. To busy himself , he pulls out the device he was given. A cell phone , they called it. Now , he had only heard of telephones - and they were never described like this. He pokes at it a few times before speaking out to no - one in particular. ❛ You think this thing would've come with instructions. ❜ Instead all it's given him is a headache.
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wpureimagination · 1 year ago
✿.。.:* ☆::. 𝓞 pen
Willy looked as though his heart had just broken in to pieces at the words that had just come from the other's mouth. Both pain of shock and pity wrang out in the next words that came out of the chocolatier's mouth.
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"Wh--You- you mean you... You've never had chocolate?!"
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elijahfalvey · 6 months ago
WHERE / Leon's apartment, Weaver Ridge.
WHEN / Best bro sleepover; late in the evening, any day.
WITH / Leon Wozniak — @leonwozniak.
It was downright comical how long Elijah had known Leon, how long they’d been living in the same town again, and it’d taken him until now to step a single foot inside the worn down apartment building he called home. He’d seen it from the outside plenty of times, on plenty of different occasions, but it never quite occurred to the musician that this was his first time seeing the state of his living room until he was standing there, a six-pack of beer and a small paper bag from the dispensary dangling from his hands. It was … well, he wouldn’t say nice — at least not in comparison to his own home, in which nice was a massive understatement — but comfortable, perhaps, was the better word. Lived-in. It reminded him a lot of his old apartment before he moved in with Nilay, which, granted, wasn’t located in Weaver Ridge (which seemed to bring its own charm unoften found in the other neighborhoods within Blue Harbor), but shared an alarming amount of similarities with the building Leon lived in now. It was either that, or the fact that he couldn’t bring himself to particularly care at the current minute, that had him overlooking a lot of the 'charm' he had the pleasure of finally seeing with his own eyes. He simply toed his shoes off at the door and continued walking on through, finding the nearest couch to sit on as he unloaded his things onto the coffee table like he was the one that lived there. “Thanks, Le,” he piped up, his words much more concise than the unspoken meaning behind them. Thank you for having me over. Thank you for letting me stay. Thank you for being a good friend. “You wanna watch a movie? I won't, uh — won't make you sit through Barbie as the Island Princess, don't worry. You can pick.”
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gatorsnapped · 1 year ago
// eyyy got energy to write the gator, so like ( & reply if you are a sideblog // reply with a muse for multis ) for a starter
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diolanza · 7 months ago
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remember to specify muse!!
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melodyplucked · 4 months ago
open starter.
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    ❝    maybe it's a green light... but i just can't go.    ❞    
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1095fm · 2 years ago
things are slowly getting scratched off my blog to do list, thank fuckin god. anyways, give this a like for a short starter from my shit head son, griffin! no prior interaction needed!
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rcdiostcrs · 2 years ago
muse: jace valenica. son of mercury. liaison. fandomless verse avaliable. open to: mutuals & non; muses of all genders connection / plot: friend, acquaintance; they’re cooking together, so anyone who would fit the bill
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“wait, that’s cooking wine!” jace held a hand out, but the damage was already done. “if my dear nonna told me once, she told me a thousand times:” he tried his best to sound like his italian grandmother, “if you no drink-a the wine, you no cook-a with the wine. we’ve got to start over.”
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startgamc · 2 years ago
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@epitomees liked for a short starter [ Accepting ]
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"Hey Aigis! Have you considered accessorizing at all when you go out?" While most people didn't seem to notice Aigis' more robotic features, Hamuko still worried about her sometimes. Besides, she kinda wanted to see if any of her things suited her.
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amerryhearth · 2 years ago
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IT WAS HIM. Young as the day he saw him last, laid clean on his stone tomb deep below. Kíli, son of Dís, brother to Fíli. A dwarf lad, by all reckoning, taken by his Maker before he could so much as send him off with a farewell. The events of their journey came back to him in a flash, rolling over barrels, laughing by the fireside, yelling at him to quit scuffing that boot of yours on my box, it's an antique! He died far too soon. Bilbo missed him terribly. So much so, that it froze him solid to the earth when he spotted him, prancing about, alive as ever. Forgetting his act of ignorance, all Bilbo could do was point and stare. "You…"
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sarcaasmic · 9 months ago
Open Sarter open to -> anyone (mutuals and non-mutuals) fandom/au -> main verse plot -> Ellie thinks that no one showed up for her at her college's graduation, but then your muse approaches her. Suggested Connections -> Her best friend's sibling, a friend who graduated last year, a parental-like figure (platonic!), anything else that might be unexpected
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Ellie's watching the crowd disperse, people getting ready to leave with their respective families. None of her family had showed up, she wasn't surprised, but she could still feel the loneliness settling in. She'd made sure to text her mom, dad, and brother the correct dates and times but never spotted them in the crowd. When she finally got a chance to check her phone's friend finder it still showed her dad at home.
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