#♫ / leon: 003.
elijahfalvey · 10 days
WHERE / Leon's apartment, Weaver Ridge.
WHEN / Best bro sleepover; late in the evening, any day.
WITH / Leon Wozniak — @leonwozniak.
It was downright comical how long Elijah had known Leon, how long they’d been living in the same town again, and it’d taken him until now to step a single foot inside the worn down apartment building he called home. He’d seen it from the outside plenty of times, on plenty of different occasions, but it never quite occurred to the musician that this was his first time seeing the state of his living room until he was standing there, a six-pack of beer and a small paper bag from the dispensary dangling from his hands. It was … well, he wouldn’t say nice — at least not in comparison to his own home, in which nice was a massive understatement — but comfortable, perhaps, was the better word. Lived-in. It reminded him a lot of his old apartment before he moved in with Nilay, which, granted, wasn’t located in Weaver Ridge (which seemed to bring its own charm unoften found in the other neighborhoods within Blue Harbor), but shared an alarming amount of similarities with the building Leon lived in now. It was either that, or the fact that he couldn’t bring himself to particularly care at the current minute, that had him overlooking a lot of the 'charm' he had the pleasure of finally seeing with his own eyes. He simply toed his shoes off at the door and continued walking on through, finding the nearest couch to sit on as he unloaded his things onto the coffee table like he was the one that lived there. “Thanks, Le,” he piped up, his words much more concise than the unspoken meaning behind them. Thank you for having me over. Thank you for letting me stay. Thank you for being a good friend. “You wanna watch a movie? I won't, uh — won't make you sit through Barbie as the Island Princess, don't worry. You can pick.”
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