#♦ \\ ask memes.
screechingtires · 1 year
😈 Jump out of the shadows to scare/startle my muse (as Hunter. Need some brotherly interactions between them i can send one as prowl too if you wanted)
One would think as Praxian it would be nigh impossible to sneak up on them given how many senors were in their wings. And yet none of that mattered as Smokescreen found himself jumping back with a yelp, nearly dropping his packet of rust sticks.
"Seriously, Hunter?!"
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crystalprofessor · 6 months
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diamantrosedekalos · 2 years
Send me "alt!" and I'll introduce you to a character I've rped in the past, want to play in the future or are currently playing somewhere else! - Not Accepting
"Tell me, Roxanne Ricchetti, have you ever seen the dead? Not a corpse, but their spirit - their soul?" Ah, a good ol' disembodied voice trying to sound spooky, how quaint. But this one sounded a bit similar to one of Roxie's friends. "...Okay, I can't really do 'spooky,' can I? Um, hopefully this isn't particularly worldview-shattering. I mean, Ghost-type Pokémon exist, so... should be fine, right? Right."
Whoever this woman's voice belonged to, they sure pulled a quick 180 from the whole spooky intro. But, as the spirit's form began to materialize, it was plain to see not only why her voice sounded a little familiar, but also why she really couldn't be that menacing even if she wanted to.
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"My daughter's quite a fan of your work, from my understanding! Hehe, it's such a relief to see her out, exploring the world, and meeting friends like you! Now, I'm sure you're curious, so: my name is Amélie Alarie, Rose's late mother. Don't tell her I paid you a visit, though, okay? I'd like to approach her on my own terms. So..." Amélie smiled. "...May I ask for a song, or would that be improper?"
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ofyoonas · 9 months
ꕤ → tag dump
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luxurc · 1 year
tag dump
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monogatcri · 1 year
my sleep schedule is a disaster that will never get on course buuuuuuut i have a new ac unit coming in soon that might make my room cooler so i can huddle up like a pig in a blanket!
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ofnari · 2 years
❀ → tag dump
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jtl-fics · 1 year
♦️for Andrew and Matt? (like, separately, not necessarily together lol)
Headcanon Meme
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
Andrew - I will live and die on the hill that is Andrew actually loving reading but the medication kind of made it impossible. I think Andrew is not the biggest fan of like 'main stream' books. Like he's read most of them but hasn't really found enjoyment in things that have broad public appeal (shocker). But things that are made like for a very specific audience (not even with Andrew as that audience) he will rinse through reading those.
A trashy romance that involves like 400 different facts about tea? He's there. A high fantasy story where they're using math to cast spells? Read the whole series in 2 days. He'll read anything Neil gets him because Neil is the #1 finder of unhinged book series with #2 being Allison who finds the most insane romance novels.
Matt - I think Matt is actually like super into hair care products. Like to the point that he is the one that his friends go to and are like "What should I use for /my/ hair?" and Matt is like hand on head immediately to figure out what would be best. (He does this to Andrew "ONCE" and for the rest of all time he remembers to ask.)
He doesn't give as much of a shit about styling other people's hair like Allison but like in terms of treatments / general maintenance there is no one better. Like Renee's hair needs a deep condition because she just re-did her dye job? Matt knows exactly which one she should be using. Nicky's hair isn't handling dry heat very well? Matt's coming in hot with the hot oil suggestion. Neil, upon everyone's demands, decides to stop using the 3-in-1 (Bodywash, shampoo, conditioner) and Matt is beside himself on his recommended next steps for his best bro getting healthy luscious hair (he so wants to tousle the curls he KNOWS Neil would have if his hair wasn't fucked to high heaven by over a decade of 3-in-1)
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sauron-kraut · 3 months
For the headcanon meme - Mairon:
☾ - sleep (yes ;))
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
Thank you bestie 🖤🖤🖤
sleep: My headcanon ist that Mairon, like all Ainur, does not need to sleep. He can benefit from sleeping though, for example after going through a particularly exhausting ordeal (yes, embodied Ainur can feel a certain level of exhaustion in my hc). He also might just like sleeping from time to time because it can feel good and, most importantly, he uses sleep as a form of escape, for example on Númenor, where he is fairly unhappy, to say the least, and after he lost Melkor. Also, Mairon is, generally speaking, a very pretty sleeper.
Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon: Oh boooooy. Mairon likes luxury, especially First and Second Age Mairon. He will decorate his quarters and it will be an interesting combination of refined, elegant looking details and decorations and (to the human eye) rather of-putting, primal stuff like pelts, preserved creature and organ specimens, taxidermy etc., knives, weaponry, you name it.
Mairon prefers to sleep in large, comfortable beds with many (colourful, especially red/golden) pillows and blankets and wolf pelts. He's not squeamish about uncomfortable sleeping situations though, when he's outside, setting camp for battle etc. (he's still efficient and pragmatic).
Mairon likes heavy, dark wooden furniture. You will find his living quarters always illuminated by torchlight or many candles.
Third Age Mairon, in my hc, has lost some of these preferences or the will to design his quarters accordingly; his taste or what he believes is his taste now might have also shifted. I'm talking more stone, darker furniture, more angles, less fabric and tapestries and carpets, more bare stone floors. More dark iron work. More Art Deco. Third Age Mairon is not too fond of coddling himself anymore and his ✨ aesthetics ✨ have changed.
quirks/hobbies headcanon: Mairon literally likes to hunt elves and sometimes humans for sport when he's bored. In Tol-in-Gaurhoth he gets bored quite a bit without the same level/quality of permanent responsibilities he had in Angband, so he will take a crossbow or a dagger and his bare hands and teeth and ask Thuringwethil to accompany him on little fun hunting trips together.
likes/dislikes headcanon: Short and simple: While Mairon hates bodies of water (especially the sea) as a fire spirit and a creature who lives with Melkor, he will enjoy boiling-hot baths.
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screechingtires · 1 year
💕 Pull smokescreen in for a tender kiss
He was caught off guard for a moment, before pulling back as she got too close.
"Uh, what are you doing?"
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bite-sized-devil · 2 years
♦️ and ✿ for my best boys luci and sol?
My little sunflower 🌻 of course! 💕
Character Headcanons
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon:
He prefers the subtitles on while watching movies and tv shows. It's just practical when you live with 6 loud younger siblings.
Hates lights being left on when they aren't in use. He even reprimanded Diavolo for leaving the council room light one once. Dia never did it again after that.
Wears his glasses on one of those chains. Mammon bought one for him as a joke but Lucifer loved it so much he didn't have the heart to tell him he was making fun of him.
Loves listening to his records in his spare time. As well as playing the piano
Composes music as well, he made a melody just for you. He's yet to play it for you though.
It's a secret, but he also crochets as well. He made all of his brothers beanies one year, claiming he had bought them from a human world market. Beel knows he made them but he kept it to himself.
✿ - Sex headcanon:
The man loves having your little pussy wrapped around his cock. He'll sit you on his lap while he's at his desk doing paper work at RAD. You're skirt lifted and panties pushed to the side so he can mount you on his cock. Most days he makes you sit and wait like a good girl until he's finished what he's doing, giving you occasional kisses to your neck and rubbing soothing circles on your lower back.
On days where he is particularly stressed or feeling a little needy it doesn't take him long to have you bent over his desk while he rams his length into your sweet pussy over and over.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon:
Weirdly specific about the jewelry that he wears.
Smooths his eye brows using his pointer and middle fingers on one hand.
Dances to his ring tone when he gets a call. He sometimes misses the call because he's too busy vibing.
He barely has time for hobbies! His magic consumes most of his time.
If he really thinks about it he thinks annoying you is the only hobby he has. He loves it when you get mad at his teasing, that furrowed brow aimed at him fuels his very being.
✿ - Sex headcanon:
Solomon is a big fan of edging. It's no surprise really with all the regular teasing he does to you. He loves bringing you to the edge and then not letting you fall off it.
Needs you writhing and desperate beneath him. Wants to see tears fall from your eyes as you beg him for satisfaction.
He'll tease at you're entrance with his fingers for what feels like an eternity only to slide them back up through your folds to press gently into your clit.
Beg and plead all you want, pull at the bonds on your wrists and feet, he's not stopping. This is his favourite game.
Thanks for sending in an ask ☺️ hope I did your boys justice. (Sorry it too so long, I got distracted by a book 😬)
If you want to send in a request: headcanon meme
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diamantrosedekalos · 2 years
Send me "alt!" and I'll introduce you to a character I've rped in the past, want to play in the future or are currently playing somewhere else! - Not Accepting (and I'm sorry it's like two and a half weeks late lmfao)
"The dreams of those not from this world are truly some of the most fascinating to exist; finding one floating around is like finding something new and delicious to eat! Just as you can learn a bit of a culture by the food they make, so too can you learn a bit about another world by the dreams they have!"
"So, your dream is like a little window to your world, and I see it's one where elements course a lot more freely than this one, hehe. Strange, though, I don't see any Visions anywhere within this dream... perhaps these countless creatures here just use them naturally, like a Fungus, or perhaps a Slime?"
"Having companions that you can take with you wherever you go... that sounds truly wonderful~. It's no surprise that the Traveler and Paimon are so inseparable, then!"
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zestialtheancient · 7 months
Greetings. My name art Zestial, pleasure to maketh thine acquaintance. If, perhaps, thou hath an inquiry, I would be most pleased to hear it. •♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎• Mod Status
Rules and links to other blogs under cut. if this is your first time here, please read the rules and the entirety of the pinned post before interacting.
No nfsw asks. Innuendos and other such things are ok, to some extent, but nothing downright explicit.
No anti LGBTQIA+, pedophillia, racism, and general bigotry. You will be blocked.
I will not answer asks I don't feel comfortable answering.
If I get a bunch of asks that basically say the same things from different people, I won't answer all of them because it would get tedious.
If there's an question I have already answered recently I'll just delete it and hope you can find it.
If there's a question that I don't really have an answer too, (for example: something that has too little canon information to base a viable headcanon on, but would still be very important if answered) I might not answer it.
No politics or asks regarding no current or recent real world events
No harassing the mod or the anons - I won't answer those asks and worst case scenario you could get blocked.
I'm busy all day on most weekdays, but I'll be popping in all over the place on weekends. (I typically get online at around 3-4 pm central time on weekdays, standard stuff.)
This is an RP blog and is not affiliated with Hazbin Hotel in any way.
SOULS OWNED -non canon-
Comet anon
Saturn anon
Moon anon @/headlessdeaddancer 
Mod is mod Smoothie and uses any pronouns
[Mod speaking example]
This is a safe space. In light of recent events, I feel like this has to be said.
This is a safe space for transgender people.
this is a safe space for gender neutral people.
this is a safe space for bipoc people
this is a safe space for people with mental disorders.
this is a safe space for people who are lgbtqia+
this is a safe space for all minorities, and I will inforce that safe space adamantly.
[I will make it my personal quest to not be as inconsistent with Zestial's old english as the script is]
[I'm trying to make this as easy to sort through as possible, so any anon with a signature has their own tag. Non signed anon questions also have a tag, and so on. Asks and reblogs are separated so it's easier to comb through things as well.]
My main account is @chaos-smoothie, where I mostly rb memes. I post fandom and comic stuff over at @snake-and-goat.
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true-blue-sonic · 3 months
For the headcanon meme, for Espio and Silver:
♥ - family headcanon
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
♥ - family headcanon
I think he'll never move out of the Chaotix's agency; Vector and Charmy are his family, and he doesn't want to give that up for the life of him. That being said, I can imagine he does hope the other two grow a little bit less zany as they all get older, haha!
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
Sometimes just randomly sticks to a wall while invisible to scare the absolute bejeebies out of Vector and/or Charmy when they come past XD
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
Does quite enjoy just lurking around and standing in complete silence, letting the conversations of others wash over him without them being aware he's around. He's managed to glean quite a bit of information for detective cases in that way!
♥ - family headcanon
I can imagine he knows quite a few Chao in the future, that he likes hanging out with and who absolutely adore him in turn. When asked if he has a family in the future, I can imagine that is who he brings up first.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
Really loves just aimlessly bungling in the air, floating around with his powers all calmly. People who don't know him are quite surprised when he suddenly starts floating, but he might find that amusing, haha.
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
Any insult against his psychic powers is an insult against him, and he won't hesitate to attack anyone who's being rude about his psychokinesis (with said psychokinesis in a turn of sweet revenge, lol).
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whathappenstotheheart · 3 months
Hello what about for the headcannon Meme.
Kira Nerys
☾ - sleep headcanon
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
▼ - childhood headcanon
Hah, I only saw the sleep part at first and thought this would be easy…
Let’s see!
Sleep - Nerys can sleep anywhere, at the drop of a hat, and in almost any type of noise. A habit from her resistance days. Relatedly she also wakes up at the slightest change in the soundscape. Her sleep graph is basically a yo-yo. She also basically never sleeps naked, just in case of an unexpected wake-up. At least not until she’s incredibly comfortable someplace.
Quirks/hobbies - This one is so hard! Nerys (at least at the time of the show) seems so married to her job and her duty (and her religious commitment) that she doesn’t seem to have any hobbies. Well, Memory Alpha says she plays springball… And honestly I think at the time of the show that probably is about it? Now I kinda want to work Nerys discovering a hobby into my Nerys/Keiko/Miles fic. I love exploring what chars do in their free time for these shows that are quite professionally focused. I know canonically she is “bad at art” but I feel like maybe she could find a more crafts-adjacent art form that she might really take to. Or honestly, maybe even writing? I know she doesn’t like the holodeck which I’ve always read as not enjoying “making believe” but I think writing could actually be super cathartic for her? And maybe the sort of thing that would surprise people, but sometimes those are the most fulfilling hobbies. I also think she could take to something more practical like gardening, especially with a focus toward edible or otherwise useful plants. Which would also work really well as bonding for her and Keiko… oh now I’m plotting, hehe.
Childhood - This is also so hard because Nerys’ childhood was so traumatic and tragic. I think she really liked hearing war stories, but grew out of it quickly once she saw active combat after joining the resistance. I think she was also incredibly protective of her siblings. I wonder if they are still alive… Memory Alpha doesn’t say and the fact that we never meet them makes me kinda headcanon they are not because I feel like she would try to keep them close. Have to ponder that…
Thanks for the ask/tag/chance to play!
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sweethoneyrose83 · 6 months
Headcanon meme~
Put a symbol (or several) and a character/characters in my ask box, and I’ll give you a headcanon.  Yes.  Do it.
☾ - sleep headcanon
★ - sad headcanon
☆ - happy headcanon
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
✿ - Sex headcanon
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
♡ - romantic headcanon
♥ - family headcanon
☮ - friendship headcanon
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
▼ - childhood headcanon
∇ -. old age/aging headcanon
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
☼ - appearance headcanon
ൠ - random headcanon
◉ - Any other question of your choosing
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