#☾ ━ green ( ic ).
halchron · 1 year
[ attention ] for RED to touch GREEN as a way of getting his attention
word prompts // accepting
green, as usual, was neck deep in paperwork. not that he really minded because the feeling of being done with it all made it him feel productive, but it was almost impressive how it seemed to never end. receipts for gym costs, applications for becoming gym trainers, league approvals, and so much piled his desk every day.
he was busy shuffling through some of said papers when he felt a gentle pat on his shoulder. it probably would've scared him half to death if he wasn't used to red coming to and fro like a stray breeze. turning his head to look up at him, green gave him a small smile before speaking.
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❝ hey. did you need something ? ❞
glancing at the clock on his desk, he paled at the time. 7pm, three whole hours passed when he said he'd be done. groaning, he slid a hand down his face before looking back up at the other.
❝ shit, i didn't realize it was so late already. did you already eat dinner ? ❞
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sapphiredhearts-a · 1 year
random tag drop ; the host / oth / friends
0 notes
eyetally · 2 years
@shiningsilverarmor​​ liked for a lyrical starter !
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❝-— I’ve been searching for an answer but I HAVEN’T found one-- - luckily I can keep TEARING THINGS UP until I DO! – -❞  
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feyreswaterybowels · 6 months
⭒The Silent One⭒
#1 Azriel x Fem!OC
⭒Part 1⭒Part 2⭒Part 3⭒Part 4⭒
Word Count: 4k
Summary: Velaris was home to many pleasure houses but when the high lord learns the owners of these houses aren’t abiding bu long reigning laws he and his inner circle steps in—in the process taking in an Illyrian female that had been abused and tormented.
Warnings/Tags: mute character. slow burn romance. trauma. sexual abuse. found family. building romance/trust after trauma. violence. strong female character. protective!azriel. protective!IC.
Authors Note: All likes, re blogs and comments are welcome, appreciated and highly encouraged! Let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list for the next part! Bold italics are mental communication, regular italics are inner thoughts.
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The smell of smoke was thick in the air. The floor was wet, the air moist and chilled. The building Azriel and Cassian just entered was one of the many pleasure houses in Velaris. This was no ordinary visit for pleasure. No. They were on a mission per their High Lord’s command.
The Velvet Pearl was a pleasure house where those who entered could pay for sexual services. Men and women alike were welcome and the Pearl was known to have anything a person was looking for—whether that be a specific species, body type, hair color, skin color or a specific act. It could all be found here. The Mistresses made it their job to comb through the streets looking for those who would enjoy the work.
That’s what led their mission here tonight. Pleasure houses are no secret in Velaris. They are out in the open. There can be one found for many vices. Gambling, dancing, drinking and of course sex. There aren’t many rules for these houses by the High Lords command, but a big one had been broken recently.
The law of consent in these pleasure houses is major, one of the most important to the High Lord, Rhysand, and the ones before him. One cannot force another to drink. One cannot force another to gamble. Once cannot force another into sexual acts. Any person visiting or working at these establishments must be there of their own free will.
With the pleasure houses specifically this rule had been broken when one of Azriel’s spies fled into Rhysand office, informing him of many pleasure houses buying fae citizens off of families who needed money. The high lord was shocked, they hadn’t had any issues like this in centuries. He immediately summoned his inner circle looking to them for advice.
That’s how Azriel and Cassian ended up here now. They, and a few other soldiers, were to patrol the pleasure houses for the next few night. Look and listen for any signs that confirm the information given to them.
The Velvet Pearl was a very niche business. A large luxurious building, mirrors lined the outside walls reflecting the beauty of Velaris on the outside. The inside however was lined and decorated in blacks, red, green and golds. The lights were low and colorful. A huge bar with various types of wines, liquors, spirits and beers. They always had heavy music playing. Poles and stages for the workers to dance on. On the upper most floors were doors lining the walls. Private rooms that could be paid for and used for the services.
However, the luxury ended when one entered the Dungeon as they called it. A fitting name for the place they had just entered. The place where one picked their partner for the night. Caged cells lined the room and sat atop one another zig-zagging around the room like a maze. Males and females, mostly lesser fae but some high fae as well, a few different species. All naked. All pressed against the bars of their enclosures. Heavy lidded eyes trained on the two massive Illyrian warriors before them. Reaching out to touch, but not actually touching, they all knew better than to touch anyone who doesn’t explicitly ask for it. Some of them, however, touched one another through the bars, enticing a buyer to take them both for the night.
“I’m really good at wing play, I’ll make you cum in less than a minute,” A pretty fae, purred. Lesser fae Azriel noted, long dark hair curled around her perky breasts, skin a dark blue with eyes to match. She was definitely attractive.
“Sorry, I prefer it to last a little longer than that,” Cassian winked at her, getting a giggle in return. Azriel rolled his eyes but a barely there grin that only his brother would notice played on his lips.
They continued on. Looking at every fae in the room. Analyzing them, reading their body language making sure they truly wanted to be here. These fae, as they should, all seem to love their job. That’s how it should be. It’s when they got to the end of the line, nearly out of the room that things took a turn.
A cell that was previously empty was now occupied by a female and a mistress—mistresses only accompanied new workers. A snap echoed through the space and the two warriors shared a look before walking over. Both hiding their shock at the sight in front of them.
There pressed against the back of the cage was a female, not just any female though. Her eyes were wide as she watched them approach. Eyes scanning their wings, siphons and weapons. Pushing herself into the corner and trying to cover her nakedness with her hands. Another snap echoed, her hands dropping to the side as she cried out when the mistress struck her thigh again.
“No need for that,” Azriel growled. His shadows raced around him, curling around his ear to whisper to him.
Glamor. The female is glamored. They hiss.
He gave Cassian a side eye before locking eyes with the mistress.
“Remove her glamor,” Azriel ordered. The mistress blanched, eyes wide in shock.
“I don’t know what you’re—”
“Do we need to tell Thane you don’t know how to follow orders?” Cassian snarled. She gave a meek head shake.
“As you wish,” She said before waving her hand, the glamor shimmering away leaving both men there shocked at the sight in front of them.
Azriel heard Cassian's intake of breath. Hidden behind that glamor was a pair of Illyrian wings, bound behind her in a way that was obviously very uncomfortable with the way they twitched and shifted in their bindings.
“Remove her binding as well. Do you know what can happen to Illyrian wings if they stay bound like that?” Cassian said, arms crossing over his chest in an attempt to not rip the bars from the cage. The bound female looks between the two men, cautious and weary as the Mistress narrows her eyes.
“She’s unclipped and doesn’t know how to control them. We bound them so she doesn’t hurt herself or someone else,” the Mistress explained, but it wasn’t the right answer to give.
“Unbind her now,” Azriel ordered, his voice a booming echo in the room, it was not a question. The Mistress understood that tone, turning to the female, grabbing her roughly and turning her. She cut the rope and the wings instantly sagged, finding relief outside of the bindings.
“See, she can’t even hold them up,” the Mistress snapped, pushing the female back against the wall.
“She can’t hold them up because the muscles have been weakened due to lack of use caused by binding them,” Cassin snarled right back, satisfaction coiling in him at the way she flinched away. “How the hell did you acquire an Illyrian female without even knowing anything of their basic anatomy?”
The Mistress glared at him again. “She was sold to us unsullied by a third party. Half Illyrian, half high fae. Her father gambled away all of their money, he was in debt and sold his daughter off to pay his debts.”
“The purchasing of females to work in pleasure houses is illegal. You are in direct violation of breaking that law,” Azriel spoke, staring the woman down. “Open the cage. She’s coming with us.”
The cage opens and Cassian gestures for the mistress to exit the space. She looks at the female before reluctantly stepping out. Azriel steps but keeps his distance.
“I’m Azriel. What is your name?” He asked, catching her green eyes that almost seemed to glow in the dim lights.
“Don’t bother. She’s had her tongue removed,” the Mistress answered, mouth snapping shut when Cassian’s head snapped in her direction.
Azriel growls low in his throat, but stops himself when he catches the look on the female's face in front of him. Terrified. She was absolutely terrified.
“It’s okay,” he offered softly, stepping further into the cage “cover yourself.”
She looked at him skeptically. Weary. Cautious. She glances at the stick the mistress leaned against the wall then down at her red streaked, bruised thighs. She was scared he was going to hit her if she covered herself. He silently ordered one of his shadows to remove the stick from the room. Rhysand would definitely be hearing about that.
“No further harm will come to you, please, cover yourself,” Azriel soothed, shifting so she was out of view of the horrible Mistress behind him.
She watched him for a second before she dropped her head down and slowly folded her wings around herself, effectively covering her body.
“Have you ever winnowed before?” Azriel asked, watching her brows furrow. “Don’t be scared. I need to touch you but I’m only going to wrap my arm around you okay?”
The female was hesitant, but took a step forward. Those two men were terrifying, but they never looked away from her face unlike every other male who only stared at her body. Maybe wherever they were going to take her would be better than this place.
Azriel outstretched his hand, watched her eyes track the movement and take in his scars and siphons. Though she still seemed terrified she shifted in a way that he could easily wrap his arm around her back.
“You’re coming with us, too,” Cassian snarls to the Mistress, grabbing her before slapping his hand down onto Azriel’s shoulder.
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One minute they were standing in the pleasure house then the next there was nothing but swirling darkness. She clung to Azriel, somehow finding comfort in the arm wrapped securely around her.
When things came back into view the first thing she noticed were the stars in the sky. It had been so long since she saw the sky. Only she hadn’t been able to focus on it long, realizing they weren’t on a flat surface they were in the air and…falling.
A scream threatened to escape from her lips but that arm tightened around her and they were no longer falling but gliding lower and lower until they swooped through a window. She couldn’t really tell where she was at but as soon as her feet hit the ground she collapsed into herself. She pulled her knees to her chest inside of her winged cacoon, pushing her forehead against them and willing the sickness in her stomach to go away.
She didn’t look up at the sounds of a struggle, trying to ignore the grunting growls of a male who had just been slapped before the high pitched voice demanded, “Let me go! Take your hands off of me, you have no right!”
And she had been too scared to look up when she heard a booming voice that seemed to shake the very ground she was clinging to.
“He had every right,” is what that booming voice said, commanding silence from everyone in the room.
The silence was deafening.
She heard the sound of heels clicking, closer then further away then back in her direction again. She still didn’t look up. Not when she felt those heels next to her, or when the person wearing them wrapped something warm around her.
“My High Lord, please—”
“Take her to a cell,” That voice ordered again, not as loud but just as commanding and for a moment she thought they were talking about her.
She was about to beg. Don’t make me go. Please. Please, don’t take me to another cell!
It was only when she heard the other female, the Mistress, struggling again that she realized he wasn’t talking about her. He wasn’t locking her away…not yet anyway. When the struggling stopped and the shouts could no longer be heard. That’s when she looked up.
Her eyes instantly met dark violet. He looked similar to the other two males…golden tanned skin, dark hair, tall, but no wings. Unless they were hidden like hers had been.
“My name is Rhysand. What’s your name?” The voice asked, soothing almost, easing the tension from her shoulders.
“She can’t speak, Rhy,” the male from earlier, Azriel spoke. “They cut her tongue out.”
There’s a sharp intake of breath beside her and she remembers someone had been beside her. She looks up, taking in the heels, red silk top, blonde hair curled, and a pair of deep brown eyes on a beautiful face.
There is sadness in those eyes, etched in her flawless face and she has to look away. The anger flashing in those violet eyes isn’t much easier to look at.
“If I get you a pen and paper can you write?” He asked, again that voice soothing her in a way she didn’t quite understand. She shook her head.
Her father never taught them to read or write. They had no need for either being locked in that basement…that dark, cold, terrifying basement—
The male, Rhysand as he’d been called, frowns. Looking towards Azriel as if they were having a silent conversation before his eyes fall on her again and he takes a step forward, crouching down so they were eye level.
“I’m a daemati. Do you know what that is?” Rhysand asked. She shook her head again. “It means I can see and enter into people’s minds. Like this—hello, my name is Rhysand.”
Her eyes widen as that voice echoes in her head. What is happening right now? She meets Rhysand’s eyes, mouth falling open slightly. “You can hear me, too?”
“I can,” he responded out loud. “May we have the pleasure of knowing your name, sweetheart?”
She thought for a moment. No one had asked her for her name. They called her a lot of things…but never her name. She swallowed thickly, cleared her throat and nodded slowly.
“Cassandra. My name is Cassandra.” She answered, watching a warm smile come over his face as he stood and took the last few steps, offering his hand to her.
She doesn’t hesitate, placing her hand in his and allows him to gently pull her to her feet. She glances in the direction of Azriel and the pretty blonde just as the other male from before enters the room.
He shares that same look with Rhysand, like they’re communicating silently and now she knows that’s most likely the case. Rhysand dips his head in answer to whatever was said.
“Let me properly introduce you,” He says, gesturing to the three people in the room with them. “This is Azriel, Cassian and Morrigan. Everyone, this is Cassandra.”
Her heart skips in her chest. She hadn’t realized that it could feel so nice just to hear someone say her name. She gives Rhysand a small grateful look, hoping he understood what it means. He just gave her a single nod.
“Cassandra, you are officially under the protection of the night court,” Rhysand said, as she stood there staring at him. She felt something in her mind, like an opening and assumed it must be him waiting to see if she needed to say something.
“High Lord?” Cassandra asked and he nodded though he looked confused.
“Yes, I’m a high lord. Do you know what that is?” he asked. She shook her head, shrugging her shoulders meekly. The four of them share a look and it makes her want to drop back down into her cocoon and hide. “We can do a run down of titles and histories later. I am High Lord of Velaris, I rule this city and all of the people in it. Cassian is the commander of my armies. Azriel is my spy master. And Morrigan is my third in command as well as my cousin.”
Cassandra stands there. Everything coming from his mouth sounded foreign as if he was speaking another language. She nodded her head but it was more than obvious she didn’t really understand.
“Morrigan will escort you to your room—”
“Room? Not cell?” She asked surprised, not meaning to cut him off.
“You are not a prisoner, Cassandra. So, no, you won’t be sleeping in a cell. You will have your own room and you can do as you please,” Rhysand promised. “I have two amazing females, Nuala and Cerridwen that will tend to you. I would also like you to know I’ve placed a special ward on your room. No male will be allowed to enter your room, not even me unless you specifically invite them in. I want you to feel safe here. No one will lay a hand on you again without your permission. Not here. Not anywhere. Not ever again.”
Cassandra isn’t exactly sure what to say or what to do. No one, not even her own family has ever been this kind or considerate of her. She feels the tears in her eyes as she looks at him.
“Thank you.” Is all she can manage.
“There’s no need to thank me,” He shakes his head. Genuine. Sincere. There’s no trick behind his kindness. “Nuala and Cerridwen will take care of you, if you need anything ask them and they’ll get it for you. Once you feel comfortable and settled please come join us for dinner if you’re hungry. Do you need any special foods?”
“No…just soft foods. If there’s meat it just has to be small,” She answered, not wanting to show how special it felt that he asked that question silently.
“Not a problem at all,” Rhysand promised, giving her a small smile before waving Morrigan back over.
“Come, you’ll be right through here,” the beautiful female speaks, her voice smooth and warm. It reminded Cassandra of her mother.
Cassandra gave a small head nod before following Morrigan. The stone floors cold under her bare feet as she pulled the cover tighter around herself. The large, wooden double doors opened seemingly on their own accord. Cassandra looked back, locking eyes with Azriel, that male with the shadows, for a moment before they turned out of the room.
They walked down the hall in what Cassandra could only describe as comfortable silence. It gave her time to take in the beautiful home that seemed to be carved from…stone? Accented by wood and golden lights.
Cassandra slowed when they passed a particularly beautiful painting that caught her eye. The click of Morrigan’s heels slowed as well. The painting was of a large city, glow lights, and a bright river all at the base of a beautiful huge mountain. She scanned the painting. It felt so warm and inviting just like this home and the people in it.
“That’s Velaris,” Morrigan says from behind her. “Have you ever seen the city?”
Cassandra’s eyes stay on the painting and shakes her head. She hears the other female swallow thickly but still can’t tear her eyes from the beautiful painting.
“This is the city, it holds houses and businesses,” Morrigan begins pointing at the painting and tracing around the area she was talking about before moving to the brightest, most colorful part of the painting. “This is what we like to call the Rainbow. It’s where our artists of all kinds live. I like to go there to eat the music, it’s home to the best pastries, too! This here is the Sidra River, it’s sparkling blue in the daytime and winds all the way through Velaris. And this is where we are. We call it the House of Wind.”
Cassandra’s jaw drops a little when Morrigan points to the mountain, to the house carved in it. She looks around then back at the painting. Beautiful.
“One day, when you’re feeling up to it, you and I could have a girls day in the city. Just me and you. And I could show you all of the best shops, we could walk along the Sidra, you’ll love it. But only when you’re ready!” She clarified and Cassandra finally looked at her hearing the excitement in her voice.
“I don’t have many female friends and I can only have so much fun with those males,” She said, a smile stretching her red painted lips.
Cassandra tried to return the smile but she was sure it didn’t look genuine, she liked the idea of being…friends with Morrigan. But she didn’t know what all that entailed. Would Morrigan expect things of her if they became friends? Like those girls at the pleasure house?
“Come let’s get you to your room,” Morrigan cut through her thoughts and Cassandra offered a small nod before following once again.
Two more turns and a flight of stairs got them to where they were going. Two beautiful females stood outside an open door, dark skin with eyes and hair to match.
“Nuala and Cerridwen,” Morrigan motioned to each female, “this is Cassandra. Please, help her get cleaned up, changed and settled in. Cassandra, once you're settled, like Rhys said, please, consider coming to join us for dinner.”
Morrigan offers a smile before turning away. Cassandra’s hand shoots out to grab her wrist, to stop her, only to realize what she’d done and let go immediately, stumbling back a step.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Morrigan soothed, reaching out to steady her. “Would you like me to walk in with you?”
A jerky head nod was the answer she got.
“Alright, come,” She breathed softly, walking in the room first and waiting patiently for Cassandra.
When she entered the room her mouth fell open at how large it was. Situated in the middle of one wall was a huge bed—so huge she was sure she could lay on it, stretch her wigs out as far as they would go and still have room to spare. The covers were white and looked so fluffy. There were glowing lights all around the room. The opposite wall of the bed held a wall of glass less windows. Another wall held a table and chairs and a shelf with books. Then the other side opened into a large bathroom.
“Take a moment for yourself. Your life is about you now, Cassandra. You will never be used for someone else's pleasure or entertainment ever again. This is your room. This is your home now,” Morrigan speaks and Cassandra feels her eyes tear up but then Morrigan's heels are leaving the room and those two dark skinned beauties are leading her to the bathroom.
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As soon as she was out of the room Morrigan broke down. Hot tears slid down her cheeks as she made her way back to the room she left the other three male in. She had just calmed herself when she walked in and saw them standing together.
“Is everything okay, Mor?” Cassian asked, siphons gleaming atop his hands.
“I don’t think she’s ever been outside before, Rhys,” and just like that Morrigan’s eyes were brimming with tears once again. Rhys fixed her with a look urging her to explain, an ache in his own chest. She takes a breath, looking up and wiping the tears from her eyes. “We were passing that big painting of Velaris and she had no clue what she was looking at. She had no idea what her own home looked like. And on top of that she was terrified to even walk in the room alone, I had to walk her in. And—and she looked at the room like she didn’t believe it was real. Especially the bed and I keep thinking that maybe she never even had a bed!”
Cassian is the one to walk over and offer Morrigan the comfort of a hug. “It’s okay. We’re gonna take care of her now. Find all the people who did this, help her through it all and help her find herself. She’s gonna be okay.”
Rhys and Azriel look at one another. “There’s no telling how many other girls like Cassandra there are out there. I’m hoping she will join us for dinner so I’m able to ask her some questions without her feeling cornered. Azriel, Cassian, I want you two to go talk to that mistress, find out what you can without harming her…for now. Her and anyone else involved will be prosecuted accordingly. Go. now.”
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gtgbabie0 · 1 year
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Drunk, but oh so in love.
{A drunk Spencer Reid is very affectionate, not that you're complaining.}
I love him sm it’s crazy, enjoy my lovelies!! 💕💕
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Quiet summer nights like this are always nice when the air isn’t too stuffy and the moon is high, accompanied by a nice breeze. You’re sitting on your sofa with a new colouring book on your lap as you colour away, partly paying attention to the random ocean documentary that was playing on the tv.
You enjoyed the serenity, although you were starting to miss Spencer since he had been stolen away from you by Derek Morgan, claiming that he and Spencer deserved a ‘boys' night’ after having a great week, he didn’t seem all that thrilled at the idea but Derek had a way of talking that made it impossible to say no.
You looked over to your phone, it was nearing midnight and just as you were about to turn away it rang, and you smiled when Spencer’s name showed up, vibrating a few times before you pressed down on the green button holding the device to your ear.
“Hey-” and before you could even get a whole sentence out you heard rustling from the other side of the line, along with a pair of voices arguing. Spencer and Derek.
“Kid- wait-”
“No give it to me, I wanna say hi-”
“You can’t- just-”
“Give me my phone Morgan-”
You heard Derek groan and then more shuffling. You couldn’t help but giggle at the thought of the pair fighting for the phone.
“Hey sweetheart- sorry ‘bout that, Derek stole my phone, can you believe that?” You smile at the genuine disbelief in Spencer’s tone, and you can hear Derek say something about how he ‘didn’t steal it’ and a very long sigh.
“Anyway, I’m coming home now. I missed you, missed you a lot and I love you… so much” he says, and you practically hear the exhaustion that laces through his tone.
“I missed you too baby” you smile as you start to put away your colouring book, deciding you should also probably get him a change of clothes ready for when he returns.
“Missed you more, and your voice- god I can’t wait to come home I want- hey!” And before Spencer could inevitably embarrass himself, and you, Derek takes the phone from his hand with a frustrated huff holding him back with his arm as he talks to you.
“Your man had one too many, and he’s been asking for you nonstop for the past hour,” he tells you and the thought has your chest blooming with love, but then it daunts on you, a drunk Spencer who rambles about you without a care who’s listening, yeah you think you’ll worry about that a different day.
“Wonderful, you’ll call Hotch? because he’s not going to work tomorrow. ” You sigh, trying to keep a stern tone and Derek agrees with a chuckle and a ‘Yes ma’am' whilst still trying to keep Spencer at an arm's length as he fights for the phone and you can hear him in the background.
“Derek, Derek, Derek- tell her I love her. I love you, sweetheart!” You giggle as you say your goodbyes to a very exhausted-sounding Derek Morgan before hanging up the phone with a sigh, you were in for a very long night.
Which in all honesty was such an understatement as you try to help Spencer walk up a flight of stairs after he downright refused to take the elevator, something about a ‘terrifying experience’ that then had him drunkenly rambling off horrifying elevator accidents.
He leans all his weight onto your side as he tries to kiss you. Your arm wraps securely around him and at this point, you’re practically dragging him up the stairs and you start to deeply regret telling Derek you would be fine taking him back up to the apartment by yourself.
Eventually, by some miracle, you got him into the apartment, guiding him to take a seat at the table as you pour him some water. You plop a few ice cubes into the glass before placing the cool beverage on the table and you notice the way his eyes don’t leave you, he looks almost star-struck.
“Are you going to drink the water hmm?” You ask inching the glass closer to him, his eyes seem to glisten with admiration.
“You’re really pretty” he whispers as if it was a secret meant for only you to hear and you can’t help but giggle. You watch as his eyebrows knit together with an almost offended expression, “No, I’m being serious. It’s true you’re beautiful” and his words only make you chuckle all the more.
“Come on, drink up then we’ll go to bed,” you tell him, pushing the hair that frames his face and tucking it behind his ear. He smiles up at you as you press a gentle kiss to his forehead, hand resting on his cheek before you go and find him something more comfortable to wear.
Spencer practically downs the entire glass before clumsily jogging into the bedroom, tripping over air as he enters the dimly lit room with a small- ‘Crap!’
You gasp as you watch him fall forward and, luckily, onto the bed, “Sorry” he chuckles, sitting up as you walk over to him, “I just missed you” he suddenly stands up, his hands cupping either side of your jaw as he starts to pepper gentle kisses all over your face.
You try to push yourself away, telling him that you both should sleep as it’s nearing two in the morning but all attempts are fruitless.
“I love you so much” he smiles as his eyes study your face, “So so so much”
“I love you too Spence, now sit down before you hurt yourself,” you say and he presses one last final kiss to the tip of your nose, and with that, he finally sits back down on the bed as he starts to unbutton his shirt.
You turn to go and grab his PJs and by the time you face him his shirt is stuck halfway off his head and he lets out a frustrated groan as he tries to tug the shirt off with half the buttons still done up.
“Oh my- baby, stop. stop” you tell him moving his hands away as you start to undo the buttons and once he’s finally released from the confines of his uncomfortable button-up, you hand him an old Star Trek shirt and he happily pulls it over his head, his hair all tussled from the action.
“Thank you honey” he smiles as his hands settle against your hips, tugging you closer to him, his head resting against your stomach, “You know Derek was wrong,” he tells you matter-of-factly.
Your fingers brush through his hair, “About what hmm?” You ask, genuinely curious as to where this was going.
He looks up at you with an almost proud smirk, “I’ve got game” he says, pride bursting through his chest and he holds you a little closer.
You chuckle, “Well, I mean you wooed me so” you trail off, as he nods against you and you can tell by the look on his face that the exhaustion is creeping up on him.
“Yeah, and you’re- you’re just extraordinary, so I must be doing something right,” he says, and you would be lying if you said his words didn’t make you feel a little giddy.
You smile down at him before leaning to press a kiss to his hairline, “Put on these and I’ll go get you some more water, then we’ll go sleep, yeah?” you whisper handing him a pair of joggers because god knows the apparent gets unbelievably cold at night. And he nods watching with love-sick eyes as you walk out of the bedroom.
And sleep he does, but not before telling you he loves you about one hundred times, before he curls up against you with his leg thrown over yours, his hand splayed across your soft belly as he snores against your shoulder. And you prepare yourself to spend the day looking after a very hungover Spencer Reid, not that you’re complaining of course, there’s nothing you wouldn’t do for him.
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gunnrblze · 3 months
City Dweller, pt. 1
☾ Hesh x Reader, 2k+ words, SFW
New fic based on my little Roomate!Hesh drabble :)
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Hello friends, so happy y’all liked my little drabble so much! Loved seeing the comments n feedback, I’m naturally pretty iffy about my own writing so I appreciate it a lot! Here’s this lolll :)
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Santa Monica was beautifully warm. Palm trees littered around, sunshine beating down during the peak hours of the day. Only remnants of a past war, a ghost of what was. Your ‘fresh start’ as you’d been calling it felt almost…conventional, all things considered. Hallmark movie-like, the apartment you’d found yourself touring looking almost suburban, but distanced enough from what you imagine the suffocation of a cookie-cutter neighborhood would feel like.
Years after the Federation had been defeated, the world attempting some chance at peace and uniformity, you needed something new. With a decent job offer, and an already established friend living in the city, you figured it made more than enough sense.
Knocking on the door of a decently sized complex, you didn’t have nearly enough time to really zone in on your anxiety and attempt to squash it. Instead, your endeavor was halted by a large, athletically sturdy man appearing in the doorway with a warm, ice melting smile. Your eyes tracing over him instead of the 207 plastered on the door.
You didn’t know what to expect, honestly. Hell, you didn’t really have many expectations for meeting Hesh, other than the involuntary assumptions you made based on the bit of information your friend had given you. But all that information came from their friend Logan, Hesh’s brother. Considering that you’d hype up your sibling in the same scenario too, you were counting on having to gain your own footing. Going in blind to meet a man you didn’t know and touring his apartment almost felt like a poor decision. But hey, if this guy was a freak, you at least had a friend who knew where you were.
Of course, you couldn’t quite form any actual thoughts for a moment, a bit too stunned with how pretty he was.
A physique damn near sculpted from marble. A smile so gentle and welcoming it made your teeth ache. Bright green eyes that made you wonder how it was possible to have a simultaneously easy-going yet poised energy. A beard that was almost starting to border into mutton chops territory, that he somehow pulled off in your eyes.
It was no wonder your internal monologue blacked out for a moment.
He welcomed you in, introducing himself first as David, then explaining that you can call him Hesh like everyone else does. You only wondered for a moment how that nickname must’ve been born from ‘David’, before he insisted showing you around the apartment.
The apartment was nice and clean, almost verging on dull, but you weren’t too surprised after being told he was an army Lieutenant. Usually gone for work, absent more than he was present. It made sense the way the kitchen nearly looked straight out of a Home Depot display. All sharp edges and clean surfaces, new stainless steel appliances that almost made you swoon. But with enough personal touch to let you know he dwells here, at least.
It got even more convenient when he showed you down the hall toward what would be your room. You tried to breathe regularly, but something about him was both refreshing and suffocating. Your eyes swept over picture frames on the wall, both new and dated photos of him and his brother Logan. A man who he vaguely resembled, perhaps a father. A woman that looked eerily twin-like to his brother…you were starting to get the picture. He gave you a cursory peak of his own room just to acquaint you with everything, the details you caught before he shut the door again already conjuring more assumptions about him. What kind of games does he play on that setup? He must really be partial to the color green. How do you even make a bed that neat? Was that a dog bed-wait, was that an actual dog too?
You must’ve been daydreaming a bit, when his slight chuckle broke you out of the trance you’d tripped into.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know if Logan mentioned to your friend that I have a dog, Riley. Is that a problem?” He’d ask, voice smoother than whiskey, warm and heavy and settling into the few feet standing between your bodies. His tone was lacquered with kindness and welcoming, but his firm, assured nature stood next to you like a brick wall. Unwavering and almost comforting, for a stranger.
You explained that you didn’t mind, you liked dogs well enough, after all. And with the way he assured you that Riley was indeed, a very good boy, and went to work with him everyday, you suspected it wouldn’t be a problem. “You’ll hardly even know he’s here, usually stays in my room. He’s fully trained and housebroke, too” he followed up after seeing the quick mental debate you were going through. Just an extra, furrier roommate, no? Maybe a piece of info you’d like to know beforehand, but something inside you just didn’t care too much. Maybe it was how casual he acted about it. Just a dog, man’s best friend and all, you figured.
After the little German shepherd shaped surprise, he showed you to the second bedroom. Smaller than his, which you didn’t mind considering he claimed his stake a while ago, and it was just like the rest of the apartment anyways.
Or did he feel perfect? Did he, in this apartment, perhaps feel perfect? Were you being ridiculous, since you’d only known him for a mere 10 minutes so far? Surely a David Walker sized miracle didn’t just land in your lap like this. He’s just some guy, with a dog, and an empty bedroom.
There’s plenty of those. But you were starting to want this one.
Clean and spacious, perfect for all your belongings, you wondered how you lucked out. The light filtered into the room from the open blinds, and it all felt a bit tranquil and relaxing. Cream colored walls surrounding you, sturdy hardwood flooring that your shoes clacked on with every step. Hesh stood a reasonable distance from you the whole time, however you couldn’t help but feel as if his presence lingered closer. As if he were right on your heels, instead of being a respectable few feet away.
After showing you the rest of the apartment, the laundry area and bathroom just as seemingly spotless, you were already fantasizing about how you’d decorate your room and slowly worm your knickknacks throughout the rest of the apartment. When he asked you a bit about yourself, you almost looked unsure for a moment, caught off guard. Why you were faltering so much, you had to mentally blame on your lack of consistent human connection. Usually being holed up away from everyone else for work made you a bit of a recluse.
And how you could even begin to think about yourself when you had a large, square shouldered man leaning against the doorframe of his kitchen was beyond you. Those forest eyes narrowed in on you, and you only. Both staring a hole through you, and somehow keeping you all in one piece at the same time. His composed demeanor couldn’t possibly lack personality, though. His smile was something warm. That cup of coffee on a chilly morning, the one that you can feel blaze a trail all the way down your throat and throughout your chest upon first sip. So heedlessly friendly and hospitable, like a frosting that’s just a little too sweet. One that makes your stomach hurt a bit. But the ache is so tender, isn’t it?
You gave enough of an idea about yourself, not too much information for a stranger, but enough to hopefully warm him up to the idea of you moving in. And it seemed to help, or maybe it was that slight ‘when are you ready to move in?’ attitude he already seemed to harbor. As if he were just waiting for you to agree. Like he’d already decided it would work out the moment you stepped inside. It took you by a quiet surprise, the way he held the conversation in such a tone that he’d already made up his mind on you, and now it was simply your turn to decide how you felt. So self assured, so nonchalantly confident that it even made you want to stand up a bit straighter.
. . ・ 。 . ・ ゜ ✭ ・ ☽ ・ ✫ ・ ゜ ・ 。 . .
You weren’t expecting your first apartment touring to be so…immaculate, when are they ever? But you found yourself dotting your I’s and crossing your T’s on the lease paper by the end of the week, and moving your stuff in.
Not without his help, of course.
You’d insisted you could have a friend help, or call a moving company, to which you nearly watched him laugh at. The idea of paying someone money when you had him to help, seemed out of his scope of understanding. So he helped, not busy enough with work for once to assist you in moving boxes upon boxes up the stairs and into the apartment. Logan even came to help with the heavier furniture you had. You’d only briefly met him once through that mutual friend that’d recommended you as a potential roommate, and he seemed to be just as kind and friendly as his brother, only quieter. You could see clear as day how they were related, moving like a well oiled machine as they carried your bed frame up the stairs.
The two of them shared a couple looks when they naturally assumed you weren’t paying attention. But you had eyes in the back of your head while inside an apartment with two men who were technically, still strangers to you. Looks you couldn’t quite decipher, and decided to willfully ignore, lest you start jumping to conclusions and psych yourself out of this arrangement. A little smirk plastered on Logan’s face whenever he caught Hesh glancing at you. Always glancing, always looking. And you couldn’t help but notice. Your eye contact with him felt like a game, both eyeing one another and trying to pretend you really weren’t. How he managed to keep an eye and his focus on two things at once though, you just chalked up to his skills as a soldier, maybe. Because you couldn’t focus on much else whenever your eyes roamed over the back of his head, the slightly grown out brown hair that curled up around his ears, or the way his t-shirt fit across the broad expanse of his chest.
After all your things had been lugged up the stairs and into the apartment, you could take a little breather. Unpacking and really settling in would be another feat, and you wanted to start as soon as you could, despite the exhaustion from the busy day.
After thanking Logan again for helping, he left the, your, apartment. And it was odd, that this was also your apartment now. Boxes stuffed inside and name on the lease next to his. You felt like an intruder, like you couldn’t mark your territory properly since he’d done it first. Not that he felt that way, of course. It was your space now, too. Your room, your bathroom, your kitchen, your living room. Just with a man and a dog inside, too.
A man who seemed to have been harboring a spot in your thoughts since you met him a few days ago. Always on the back burner, always bouncing around like the ball in a pinball machine. That charming cadence in his voice, his little grin that seared itself into your brain. What was it about him? You didn’t know. You didn’t really want to know. He was your roommate now, you couldn’t have yourself swooning for a man who was simply kind and respectful towards you.
But now you were alone with him. And it almost didn’t even feel odd. Being alone with a man in a new city, a new apartment, would normally put anybody at least a little on edge. But he made it more delightful and pleasant than you thought he’d really even attempt to try. Was he even trying? Or did he just have the energy of a snake charmer?
It was difficult to tell, since he didn’t at all seem to regard you as a snake. No, he looked at you like you were the finest wine. Something he sought to cradle in his large hands, careful not to squeeze too tightly incase you decide to hightail it. He was charming and respectful and sweet but it felt heavy. He tried to be casual, or maybe he just was, and it worked, but his near reverence for you slipped from the cracks, and it sparked up something light and fuzzy in the bottom of your chest.
Maybe you were both being a little silly. Perhaps he didn’t get much personal social interaction outside of his own working hours either. Maybe that’s why the apartment felt both calm yet cramped with both of you inside now. You’d only known him for a handful of days so far, but he made it feel as if it were longer.
All you could do for a moment was sit on the edge of your unmade bed, and take a deep breath. You had mountains of boxes and emotions to unpack, one of which you decided to close the lid on for now.
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trancylovecraft · 5 months
(AOEX) The Blood Of An Unwilling Covenant
PART 1 OF 8: Beelzebub
(Yandere Platonic Demon Kings (Ba'al) x Reader)
BARISTA'S NOTE: okay fuck it i spent seven months working on this entire series and i havent even finished it yet, yall gon see what work i've done so far 😭 im almost done lucifers part tho- im currently at 50,000+ words :D GENDER: Femme FANDOM: Blue Exorcist
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[F/N] wasn't sure how it happened.
She wasn't really quite sure how the ropes around her wrist got tied so tight that they felt deathly numb, Nor was she sure how how a fresh apple was lodged so far into her mouth that she couldn't speak.
[F/N] resembled one of those roast pigs from the cartoons she use to watch when she was younger, The ones that played on the television she use to sit by with a tub of cookie dough ice-cream beside her as a reward for completing her homework.
It was a good feeling, The way the cold cream tasted on her tongue and left her with the longing chill of brain freeze tasted extraordinary. She'd shovel another spoonful into her mouth and keep her eyes on whatever warner brothers toon was playing today, It really was good.
But now she sat strapped to the armed mahogany chair and propped up towards the dining-table sat dead centre in the room, The lacey white tablecloth draping down the sides and tickling at her bare legs.
The room she was in was so dark, Only illuminated by the small sparks of fire coming from the candelabras and the large fireplace housing a raging inferno on the other side of the room.
It barely illuminated the antique furniture and the renaissance architecture, The old paintings worth fortunes and the silver cutlery placed carefully at the dinner table. In any other scenario this would be a room you'd stop to admire, But the smell made her skin itch in the mere presence of it.
The entire place had a stench of sulphur so putrid it made her want to throw up. It watered at [F/N]'s eyes, Stinging and making them a painful red. Though out of everything it was the eyes of the others, The ones that made the chill run down her spine the most.
Cat-slits spot lit from within the shadows, Sickly greens and diseased yellows. The vile glow of their horrid eyes were all locked and focused on the weak form of [F/N] sat defeated on the chair.
She'd never felt more seen, Every atom and molecule had suddenly become present. Aware of her entire form, Her matted hair and her greasy skin. The way her school uniform was stained with sweat and her own tears.
Never had she been so disgusted and terrified in her entire life. These demons, These monsters of old legend in myth. The ones mothers told to their kids as a bedtime fairy-tale and the kind only ever dreamt up on paper, [F/N] knew very well that they weren't just ink and fibre.
She knew too well and she was absolutely repulsed. Even now the iron residue on her tongue was quickly overpowered by the taste of her hatred, The way it made her bruised fists want to ball up and her teeth grind together near making sparks.
Demons, [F/N] hated them. She loathed them will every inch of her being.
[F/N] barely even recognised the dark hum of the voice starting to rev up on the other side of the table, Not registering it through her feeble exhaustion and the wreck of her body.
[F/N] wondered, A weak though as another scorching tear festered in the corner of her eye. How did she get from watching kids cartoons to being captive within her own personal hell? Those questions ran through her mind, Thousands of miles an hour.
Though, She stopped.
No.. Actually, She knew very well how she got here.
She just wished she knew what she was getting into.
"Hey! Wait up!"
The girls voice called out from atop the overgrown hill, She near stumbled over the hidden rocks and thick grass blossoming from the fresh soil in attempt to catch up to the boy a few metres down.
The smell of the newly blossomed flowers invaded their senses, Both the rain from last night and the pollen of the coming spring still humid in the air.
The wind was fresher here, It was pure. It was a good bit away from all the buzz of the town, All the honking of the cars and the raving chatter of people was nothing but white noise in the distance now.
The field was unkempt and wild, Dewdrops dripping from the blades of grass and the damp soil went fresh onto the kids skin. Smearing them with dirt and wetting their clothes with the morning dew.
[F/N]'s small figure was like a newly born foal, Her legs shook with every stride and it was obvious she had gotten into some accidents by the bandages and bruises covering her legs. The oversized t-shirt she wore depicted some colourful dog and it was one she didn't recognise, Though it was most certainly from a kids show she watched on the youth centre's television.
A bag was slung around her shoulders, It was filled with packets of junk food and fizzy drinks stolen from the youth centre. It thumped against her body as she ran.
"You jerk! You know I can't run as fast as you yet, Tetsuya!" [F/N] exclaimed, Stuttering to a halt and near comically folding her hands in front of her chest. She puffed up her cheeks as she looked at him, A cute display of what was suppose to be annoyance.
Tetsuya giggled, Lightly patting her back.
"I'm sorry! But maybe you shouldn't be such a slowpoke next time." He teased lightly, A sly smile crawling up the sides of his face. [F/N] looked him up and down, Her brows furrowing as she raised her hand and connected it with his shoulders.
Tetsuya exclaimed and stumbled a few feet away from her, A hand lunging to the sore spot on his shoulder as he laughed harder.
"Maybe you shouldn't be such an easy target to hit, Then!" [F/N] giggled as she rested her hands triumphantly on her hips. Looking at Tetsuya and his keeled over form.
He was tall and lanky for his age, The same young number as [F/N] but he looked just a little bit older than he was. His face was peppered with freckles yet you could barely see them from under the hood of his vibrant yellow raincoat.
It was a piece of clothing that you could never see him without, It was way oversized even on someone like him and was stained with years of use. That and the equally as bright wellington boots her wore on his feet, Already covered in the wet dirt of the morn.
Both Tetsuya and [F/N] had met when they both babbled and stumbled when they walked, And ever since they had been inseparable companions.
They grew up in a youth centre, [F/N] being there due to her biological parents signing her up for adoption when she was born and Tetsuya ending up on the doorstep of the centre since day one.
You'd think a lack of a family would put them down, But that wasn't the case. The two of them were the only family they needed, The only hand they needed to hold was each others. If they were together, They would be okay.
That was their philosophy.
[F/N] smiled lightly as she watched him laugh off their banter, A ritual they had for years now. Tetsuya would tease her and she would shove him, He would shove her back and she would throw an insult in turn.
It was their routine, Their cycle and their custom. The way they bonded was through playful taunts and bruises as trophies of their friendship, Ever since they met in the youth centre wherever one would wander another would surely follow after.
Even when they snuck out of the youth centre, [F/N] was quick to follow. Slipping past the staff and other kids they ran out into the woods in search of their own goal.
Tetsuya grinned as he looked back at [F/N], The deep maroon puddled in his eyes reflected off the suns grace.
"Shut it! You're not that hard to hit yourself." He retorted as he shoved [F/N] in return. She snorted and laughed it off, Still energized by the fresh morning air and the electrifying feeling of the dirt and dew on her skin.
"Whatever! Anyways, We've got more important stuff to deal with!" [F/N] proclaimed as her tiny self took a big step forward, Almost as if mapping out a new frontier she raised her hands forward and slowly spreading them. Taking the vast clearing into her memory.
"Here is where me and you are going to make the discovery of a lifetime!" She said, Glancing back towards him with the most excited grin her young face could muster.
Tetsuya took a step forward, Copying her own ecstatic expression now as he stood beside her and gazed onto the vast horizon of grassy fields and overgrown foliage. He turned to her, Looking at her with the sun reflecting in his eyes.
"Here, [F/N], Is where we are going to capture a demon!" Tetsuya announced, Giggling as his hand found it's way into [F/N]'s palm. Her, In response laughed with him as she set a foot forward and started to run with him in tow.
He kept up, His red rain boots stomping and squelching in the muddy dirt as they ran. Both laughing in excitement and joy as they went, Running off into a burst of oak tree's and spruce as their little bodies disappeared into the foliage.
Demons, Though both of them had only learned the presence of such creatures from an old book the youth-centre's priest use to keep, Grew fascinated by the prospect of a whole 'nother race. Both of them wanted to know more.
To capture one, To study it, To know more.
And that's what they were going to do as they ran off.
"Come on, [F/N]! Quicker!"
Tetsuya called out to [F/N], Their held hands long let go of as they ran further into the wild woods. Ferns and bushes becoming more abundant, Tree's and grass growing more and more common as they sped through the forest.
[F/N] huffed, Beads of sweat starting to fall down her brow as she tried to keep up with Tetsuya. Her lungs were on fire and her tiny legs were going as fast as they could but they already felt like they were going to collapse under her.
"C-Can't we take a break for a second?" [F/N] yelled out from over her exhaustion. Tetsuya took a tiny glance back at her, Blinking once before his run started to slow down until he finally stopped all together.
[F/N] gasped for air as she stumbled to a stop, She almost toppled over as her hands fell to her knees. She stood there for a few minutes, Panting.
"N-Not cool, Dummy! You know I can't run as fast as you.." [F/N] breathed out as she peered up towards Tetsuya, Who stood there near equally as out of breath as she was. Despite that however, A smile was spread wide across his sweat dampened face.
"It's fine, We're here now anyways so we can stop now!" Tetsuya said as he started to look around in the clearing they had landed in. [F/N] followed to take a peek, Though her exhausted legs stayed firmly in place.
It was a much less wild part of the forest, Though that wasn't saying much as the clusters of oak and spruce were still very much present. The grass was shorter here, Revealing the families of insects crawling around.
Centipedes, Spiders, Beetles and Butterflies were all around them. Some wiggling around on the ground and others fluttering in the air, Leaving a faint glimpse of ultraviolet and chartreuse in it's pathway.
It was scenic, A place you could take a loved one on a date or where an entomologist would thrive along with the creatures they studied.
It was also perfect for two little kids to go demon hunting.
"Wow.. Just look at all of this.." Tetsuya said as he looked at a caterpillar crawling across the bark of a tree. Tetsuya looked at it like it was the eighth wonder, Eyes sparkling in interest as he watched it move.
[F/N] took off the bag around her shoulder, The heavy weight of it holding her down.
[F/N] stumbled over to him like a new-born foal in order to get a good look at what he was spying on. She blinked once she peered over his shoulder, Though smiled once more once her eyes landed on the caterpillar.
"Wooow.. He's so cute!" [F/N] squealed as she moved closer to the caterpillar, Unconsciously pushing Tetsuya out of the way to get a better look at the insect.
[F/N] raised her hand, Slowly placing it towards the bark where the caterpillar walked. It was a lime green colour, With two little antenna sticking out of his tiny head. It's first half raised as he saw her hand.
[F/N] waited patiently with a smile as she looked at it, The caterpillar seemed to look back and forth. It took a moment, All before slowly crawling towards her and climbing into the dip of her palm.
"Aah! Tetsuya, Look! It climbed onto my hand!" [F/N] cheered as she presented the little bug to Tetsuya with care, Holding out her hand to him with the biggest of smiles plastered all over her face.
Tetsuya smiled back, But scratched the back of his head.
"That's really cool! Though.. It looks like I stepped on one by accident.." Tetsuya said nervously as he lifted his foot to reveal a squashed caterpillar, One that looked very similar to the one [F/N] held in her hands.
The still-alive caterpillar seemed to squeak within her hands, [F/N]'s eyes widening and her free hand lightly shoving Tetsuya.
"Tetsu'! You need to be more careful, That was a living animal!" [F/N] scolded him as she lifted the caterpillar in her hands onto her shoulder. It sat atop her, If it had a visible face it would be staring knives into Tetsuya.
"It's fine, [F/N]! It's just a bug, It's not like it's a demon or anything.." Tetsuya said as he turned to walk back to explore the rest of the clearing.
[F/N]'s cheeks were puffed up in annoyance, She watched Tetsuya wander off with a pout on her face. The caterpillar on her shoulder whined once, Making [F/N] turn towards it with a newfound smile.
"Hey.. It's okay Mr. Caterpillar! Oh.. Wait.. Do you have a real name?" [F/N] asked as she tilted her head, Looking towards him if he was going to answer her.
The caterpillar couldn't speak, It had no mouth nor no vocal chords. It only raised it's head in attention.
But miraculously, It shook it's head.
[F/N] let out a small 'Oh', Completely tossing away the fact that it responded to her in the first place. She turned her head back towards the ground, Focusing her eyes onto her feet in thought.
"Well, Then.. How about I give you a name?" [F/N] asked as she looked back to it with a shine in her eyes, One that burned as bright as the sun itself. It was her childhood innocence, That naive wonder that could pierce through anything.
The caterpillar took a moment to admire it before nodding it's head.
"Okay then!" [F/N] squealed. She gently but quickly picked the caterpillar into her hands, Scooping it into her palms. She moved her face closer to the caterpillar, Her nose lightly kissing it's antenna.
"How about.. Chiyo?" [F/N] asked, Blinking once and waiting for it's reaction.
The caterpillar took a moment, Before shaking it's head no.
"Hm.. Okay then.." [F/N] drawled, Bringing a hand up to her chin and rubbing it in thought.
"How about Miyu?"
The caterpillar shook it's head again.
"Momo? Nope.."
"Nori? No.."
"Koro?" [F/N] finalised, Looking down at the caterpillar. It's antenna swayed back and forth, Staying still and seeming to mull over the name. It turned back to [F/N], Before it nodded in confirmation.
[F/N]'s face lit up, Smiling wider as she looked down at Koro.
"Okay then, Koro! It's great to meet you, My name is [F/N]!" She said as she brought her hand up to Koro, Her pinky finger was stuck out as if she was going to shake his non-existent arm.
Koro took it in kind, His top half resting on top of her pinky as [F/N] shook it. Once they were finished however, [F/N] gently picked him up and placed him back onto her shoulder.
"Hey, [F/N]! Over here!" Tetsuya called out to her. [F/N] blinked, Snapping her head around to meet the excited face of her friend standing a few metres away from her by a bunch of bushes.
[F/N] nodded, Making sure Koro was comfortable before prancing over to Tetsuya with a skip in her step.
"Yeah? What's up, Tetsu'?" [F/N] greeted with a nod as she went to stand beside him. As she got closer though, She could notice the focused expression present on his face. It was alight with interest, A scientist making the discovery of a lifetime.
Tetsuya glanced back at her, But ultimately kept his eyes infront of him. A deeper part of the woods, Where the tree's grew thicker and the lights grew dim in the foliage.
"Do you hear that, [F/N]?" Tetsuya said, His voice growing into a whisper as he stepped closer to her. [F/N]'s eyes narrowed lightly, Her ears perking up once the silence fell in.
It was quiet. There wasn't anything around to be heard except for the faint rustle of the leaves in the morning breeze. Though [F/N] thought it was strange that the chirp of crickets and birds were now completely absent, There wasn't anything to be heard.
[F/N]'s ears perked up suddenly, Her eyes widened at the sudden noise.
It was a rustle, Not the faint brush of leaves against each other from the trees or the grass. It was loud, Deliberate, It sounded like something big had hit against a bush or even worse: hidden inside it.
A sudden cold chill ran down her spine like a bucket of freezing water was dumped onto her. It made her little body go rigid, A sudden sense of unease growing more and more evident as she listened onto the silence.
Tetsuya however, His grin only grew louder and louder with every passing moment. Every tick of the imaginary clock that passed by the more his joy became potent. Koro too, Also seemed to sense this, Raising his head towards the dark woods in front of him.
"[F/N].. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" He asked to her, Taking a step forward and brushing against the bush in front of him.
[F/N] turned to him, Horrified eyes as she stared onto his unwavering form. Her lip started to shake as she took a step back.
"Tetsuya.. I think we need to go back to the centre.. I-I don't feel safe here.." [F/N] whispered to him but even then that seemed like sirens in the concentrated silence of the clearing. Tetsuya looked back at her, Raising a brow.
"[F/N].. This is what we came out here for, I can sense it.. It's a demon, I can tell..!" Tetsuya whispered enthusiastically, His hand going to rest on her free shoulder as he looked into her eyes with that ever confident gaze.
[F/N] gulped, Swallowing down saliva.
"I-I know, Tetsu'.. But this doesn't feel right, S-Something's wrong.. Very, Very wrong.." [F/N] said, Tears starting to prickle at her eyes as her hands went to grip the hem of her over-sized shirt, Clutching at it like it was her life-line.
Something in the darkness, Something in there just felt so off. It made her want to run away, Made her want to get out of this forest and go back to the youth centre where she could watch her cartoons. But she didn't want to go without Tetsuya, She didn't want to leave him behind.
Tetsuya groaned as he looked at her.
"Oh come on, [F/N]. Are you really not gonna come with me?" He said exasperated, Looking into her eyes with a reassuring yet impatient confidence. [F/N]'s lips parted, Taking a hesitant glance into the dark before turning back to him.
"I.. Um.." She stuttered. Koro, Who was sitting on her shoulder, Started to squeak. Tetsuya shot a look at it before pulling the hand off of her shoulder.
"Fine. If you're not gonna go, Then I'll do it on my own. Wait for me here!" Tetsuya finalised as he huffed, Quickly turning towards the dark forest before taking stride through the bushes in front of him. [F/N] gasped, Her hands leaping towards him.
"T-Tetsu'! Wait!" She called out but it was too late, Her hands were just out of reach from him. Tetsuya had already gotten through the shrubbery and had ran off into the darkness with a widened grin.
She heard his footsteps grow fainter and fainter as his body was consumed by the shadows of the forest. [F/N] stood there shaking, Staring off into the void of the foliage.
Koro squeaked on her shoulder, His small body crawling into the crook of her neck as what only could be interpreted as comfort.
[F/N] turned to look down at him, Her thumping heart only slowing down as she felt his movements on her neck. She tried to smile down at him, A shaky sort of expression as she stepped back from the bushes.
"I-It's fine, Koro. I'm sure Tetsuya will be back soon.." [F/N] said as she backed up a few feet, Feeling her back hit the tree she slid down into a sitting position. Pushing her knees to her chest she decided to wait within the silence of the forest.
[F/N]'s words were optimistic doubt, Knowing Tetsuya he would take his time if he really did find something. He's always been that way, Something [F/N] half-chuckled at as she sat against the bark.
She tried to shake off the awful feeling pooling in her gut, The pulsing kind of wrongness that you could feel in your bones. Maybe it was just her sensitive nerves, But that didn't stop the way she dug her nails into the skin of her knee's.
Koro squeaked once more, Sensing her discomfort.
[F/N] smiled once more, Bringing a hand up to gently stroke along his back.
"He'll be back soon.." [F/N] mumbled to him as she ran her finger along his back.
"Excuse me? Who are you suppose to be?"
A childish and impudent voice called out from somewhere beside her. [F/N]'s eyes widened in surprise as she jerked her head over to meet the voice.
It was a boy, No younger than she could've been. His posture was high and his nose was raised towards her as if she was nothing but a rodent beneath him. But that's not what stuck out to her the most, It was his attire that really caught her eye.
It was eccentric, Something reminiscent of what an English Tudor would wear with big poofy pantaloons with hues of navy and royal reds streaking them. Not to mention he wore pointed boots and a waistcoat with a comically high collar resembling the wings of a fly.
That and the staff he carried with a wooden snails shell carved into the tip. His stripy stockings and his large bug-ish cape. He stared at her impatiently with an annoyed glare, Nipping yellow eyes looking at her from under his lime-green bob.
[F/N] blinked once, Noticing all the insects that seemed to gather around him.
"Oh, Uh.. My name is [F/N]!" She said, Getting up from the tree and steadying herself on her feet. She stared at all the arachnids and invertebrates swarming him, A spider on his shoulder or centipede swirling around his leg.
He sneered, But it looked ridiculous with his chubby cheeks and big eyes trying to stare at her.
"Ugh, Another mortal entering my territory? You're disturbing the insects here, Leave, Now." It wasn't a request but an order, Whoever this boy was he sure was demanding. It didn't sit right with [F/N], Despite not knowing what the word mortal or territory meant, She knew it was derogatory.
"Erm.. I'm sorry but I was here first! Even if it was your.. 'Terrytorie'? Then we can both share, There's enough for both of us!" [F/N] argued as she took a few steps towards him. Though as she did she could now make out more strange features about him.
His eyes, Through an unusual canary yellow was colouring them she could now make out the strange shape of his pupils, Which resembled a cat's sliced eye.
And through his hair she could notice two odd shapes, Two bits of hair that seemed to stick up like a caterpillars antenna. [F/N] had no idea what kind of dire situation she was currently in, She couldn't sense the danger from her young mind.
The bugs that crowded around him started to move, Writhing around as the caterpillar on his leg started to chitter angrily. Beetles to Butterflies started to get restless, Roaches and arachnids started to hiss.
The boy gritted his unusually pointed teeth, The bugs swarming on him seemed to grow in number as he raised the staff in his hand. But before he could slam it down onto the damp ground below, A desperate squeak erupted from [F/N]'s shoulder.
The boy stopped mid staff-slam onto the ground, He blinked once, His expression falling before his eyes snapped around to [F/N]'s shoulder. Her in turn, Looked around to see Koro standing on his hind legs, Continuously squeaking.
"Koro, What's wrong?" [F/N] whispered as she plucked him from her shoulder and lain him in her cupped palms. Koro in turn, Curled up into a little ball inside her hands. The boy in front of her stared blankly at the tiny creature.
"Eh? Why do you have a caterpillar in yours hands, You're going to hurt him you idiot!" The boy yelled, His tiny hands balling up into fists as he looked at her enraged. His unnaturally sharp teeth gritted together.
[F/N] stared at him for a second, Before her eyes widened in realisation.
"Oh! Is he yours? I'm really sorry for picking him up! I kinda just put out my hand and he got on, I didn't know he was a pet!" [F/N] grinned as she stretched out her arm to present Koro to him.
The boy's angry demeanour that he had just.. Froze. His eyes darted down to Koro held out to him, Staring at him as if he was expecting a different outcome entirely. Though his attitude quickly picked up once more as he swiftly went to pick up Koro.
"Hmph! Don't act as if you're sorry, You're lucky that I don't evaporate you right here and now!" The boy announced, Quickly placing Koro onto his shoulder and moving his hands to his hips as he stared at [F/N].
"Eeh.. 'Eva-pour-it'? What does that mean?" [F/N] said, Stuttering out the unfamiliar word as she placed a hand on her chin.
The boy's brows furrowed, Rolling his eyes.
"Stupid humans.. Don't even know their own language.." He muttered under his breath, Folding his arms rather dramatically as he threw his head to the side in disgust.
"Huh?" [F/N] prompted, Tilting her head.
"Whatever! Leave now and be grateful that I decided to spare you today, Mortal" The boy said as he tossed his cape in the mid-morning breeze as he turned his back to her. The posse of bugs and arachnids that crowded around him started to move away as he marched off.
[F/N] blinked, A sudden nervousness rising in her chest as she subconsciously took a step forward.
"W-Wait! Can I at least say goodbye to Koro?" She called out to him, Watching as the boy stopped in his tracks once the words left her mouth. He turned his head to the side, Giving her a side-eyed glance.
"Who?" He asked impatiently.
"The caterpillar, I named him Koro!" [F/N] announced as she pointed to Koro, Who was on his hind legs and looking back at her.
The boy's body seemed to go rigid as if he came eye to eye with medusa herself, The bugs around him followed his actions as they all froze along with him. His eyes looked over her, Before lowering his staff and turning to meet her face once more.
"You.. You named him?" He asked, A slight stutter in his voice which was new for his previously arrogant tone.
[F/N] hummed, Then nodded.
"Well, Yeah! I named him Koro because it's a cute name for a cute bug! If he has another name then I can use that?" She asked as she took a few steps closer to him.
The bugs surrounding the boy started to move towards her as she approached, The chittering and chirping of them starting to pick up to an angry hum. But they were stopped by the boy, Who held his hand in the air to stop them.
"Hm! Your kind usually doesn't take such an interest in my kin. Don't you find him disgusting? Creepy, Perhaps?" He asked as he moved the hand to present all the creatures around him.
"Nuh-uh, I think they're really pretty. I mean.. I know everyone else doesn't like them, But I like them a lot. They don't deserve the hate." [F/N] said as she put out her hands onto the ground in front of the beetle, It's pincers snapping once or twice before crawling onto her hand.
[F/N] smiled, A blush appearing on her face as she kneeled down onto the damp grass to get a better look at the invertebrates around her. She ignored the way it got her shirt wet in favour of admiring the insects.
A shining blue Beatle, A beautiful iridescent butterfly and even a little white cockroach with a pink-polka dot scarf and top hat. They were beautiful, Absolutely gorgeous creatures hailing from the earth. [F/N] looked at them, All adoringly.
The boy was speechless, His lemon-shaded eyes looked down at her in shock as he watched the beetle run around on [F/N]'s hand. His lips were parted, His stature softening before the arrogant expression reappeared on his face.
"..Well, I guess you could stay a bit longer. But don't get on my nerves, Understand? Otherwise I won't hesitate to get rid of you." He said, A warning that [F/N] completely disregarded.
Her smile grew wider, Near as bright as the sun shining down on the both of them.
"Ah, Really!? Thank you.. Um.. I'm sorry, But what's your name?" [F/N] asked, A puzzled look on her face as she realised she had no idea who he was. The boy in turn straightened his posture and smiled.
"My name is Beelzebub, I am the king of insects so you better respect me!" Beelzebub announced, All the bugs and the arachnids around him chirped and chittered in a chorus of praise as if to proclaim of his presence.
[F/N] wasn't that far behind as she stood up from her position, Setting the beetle down and gasping in wonder.
"Woah! You're a king? Like.. A king of bugs? That's so cool! Your clothes make sense now!" She said as she pointed towards his Tudor attire. It did too, From his high pointed collar to his well-tailored boots, It finally made sense in her little mind as to why he dressed as such.
Beelzebub grinned wider, Taking in her praise.
"Of course! This kind of clothing is only befitting of a king like me, Besides! It makes me look cute." Beelzebub pouted and folded his arms, Flaunting his adorable stature. From his chubby cheeks to his tiny little hands he certainly was.
Even though she didn't understand any of his fancy royal words like 'Mortal' or 'Evaporate', She did understand that she was having a good time and she now had another friend her age to play with.
[F/N] however rubbed her chin in thought.
"Hmm.. Your name is kinda hard to say though.. What if I give you a shorter name?" [F/N] asked. Beelzebub, She didn't even attempt to pronounce that, She knew very well that she would make a mockery of it.
"A shorter name? A nickname? Like what?" Beelzebub asked, Suspicion lacing every word he spoke as he looked at her. [F/N] scratched her chin in thought.
"Huh.. How about.. Beel? That's a pretty easy name to say!" [F/N] said, Face lighting up as she snapped her fingers.
Beelzebub blinked. Koro, Who was still sitting upon his shoulder, Had his antenna swishing happily to and fro as Beelzebub thought over her words.
"Hmm.." Beelzebub hummed as he tasted the way 'Beel' sounded on his tongue, All before his folded arms tighened "Alright then! You may call me that" He finalized as a small smile appeared on his face.
"Cool! I got food in my bag if you wanna share it with me?" [F/N] asked as she pointed to the abandoned bag of food laying within the grass, By now a few ants and beetles have been circling it as they smelt the savoury scent of the food kept inside.
Beelzebub 'hmph'd' before marching over to the lonely bag dropped on the ground, The bugs obediently followed after him once he peered over inside the bag. He blinked, Observing the contents before smiling.
"This will do."
The blue sky above them was crystal clear, Only the faintest of ivory clouds daring to dust their hues.
By now it had turned into the early afternoon. The sun was burning bright and had dried the damp foliage from the previous nights rain, The embracing heat being evidence of that. The baby blue surrounding it had turned into a vivid sapphire now, A beautiful spring day.
The breeze had picked up, The bushes of leaves in the surrounding lumber hit and grazed against each other in the gale. The wind tickling the skin of [F/N] as she sat nestled within the grassy clearing of the forest.
It blew threw her hair, Making it dance and wave within the breeze. She laughed as she took another bite into her half-eaten rice cake, The cocoa covering on top flooded sweet taste into her mouth.
By now the stash in her back was well ravaged. Empty boxes of strawberry pocky lay strewn in front of her, Kit-kat foils were stuffed into them with little Mochi wrappers scattered around the girl.
They had been talking for what seemed to be hours now, Beelzebub turning out to be good company after all. It had took a bit of work but he had began to open up to her, Smiling more often and actually participating in conversation of his own.
He had gone through her stash of food, [F/N] had learned that he had a penchant for anything barbeque flavoured so she had made sure to give what she had of that to him. Beelzebub being surprisingly appreciative as they rambled on.
[F/N] giggled, The corners of her mouth were dirtied with her eaten chocolate.
"Well.. I like singing but I'm not really that good at it yet, But I like drawing too and I'm really good at it! All the grown-ups at the youth centre say so." [F/N] explained through her chews of the rice cake, Looking over towards Beelzebub.
He was sat down beside her, His cape drooping around him like a blanket while his hands tightly gripped a bag of barbeque flavoured crisps. His cheeks were puffed up, Stuffed to the brim with the savoury snack.
He chewed, Swallowing a bit down so he could speak.
"Youth centre? Don't you smaller mortals have bigger ones to take care of you?" Beelzebub asked through his eating. By now, The both of them had bugs swarming them. A few surrounding them, Some crawling on their lap and others nestled upon their shoulder.
[F/N] stopped eating for a minute, Her face falling slightly as a butterfly landed on her knee.
"Well.. Yeah, But I don't." [F/N] answered. Beelzebub recognised her now less peppy demeanour, His smile slowly turned into a tight-lipped frown.
"Why?" He asked, Genuinely curious as he focused his attention onto [F/N]. She, In turn, Decided to continue eating her food as she shrugged her shoulders.
"Umm.. My family who had me before just didn't want me, So they gave me to the youth centre to get adopted by a new family." [F/N] spoke as she chewed, Finishing the last of the rice-cake as she shoved it in her mouth.
"And.. You haven't got adopted by a new family" Beelzebub asked, Seemingly confused.
"Nope." [F/N] replied.
Beelzebub turned back to his own packet of crisps, Seeming staring into the contents inside. His face was blank as he looked at the crisps inside of the near-empty packet, He concentrated on them before..
A sudden noise came from inside his chest, Making his hand shoot to clutch the point
His chest was rattling, Something contained within his ribcage seemed to be beating for some kind of reason. It made his vessel sweat and the muscles around his mouth start to turn up on it's own.
His eyes widened, A light gracing them for the first time in thousands of years.
Could this be..?!
"Beel.. Are you okay?" [F/N] asked slowly as she saw his strange behaviour.
Koro, Who was lain out on the grass before, Started to crawl up his leg and up onto his shoulder.
It snapped Beelzebub out of whatever train of thought he was in before he turned back to her. Something inside him was resonating, Something weird and unfamiliar as he looked at the young girl beside him.
He grinned, Placing a hand to the ground below to push himself up from his position. [F/N] sat confused upon the grass, Looking up at him with a tilted head as he began to speak.
"That's it! I've decided." He proclaimed, A hand raising to press against his voice as he announced to the world his sentence. [F/N] smiled a bit, Taking his new stature as play.
He suddenly turned, The hand on his chest suddenly swooping down to point at [F/N] as she jolted in surprise.
"I, Beelzebub, King of Insects, Will be your new family! I'll adopt you!" He decreed as he pointed at her with a large smile. The feeling in his chest, The one that beat like a merciless drum within his ribcage. It was only going so much faster as he spoke.
[F/N] looked at him blankly, Before she snorted. Beelzebub's face fell as she started to giggle.
"Haha-! But, Beel! You're my age, You can't be my dad. That and we need more people for a family, It can't be just us! It's really nice of you though!" [F/N] smiled sweetly as she looked up at him from where she sat.
Beelzebub huffed, Folding his arms as he looked down at her.
"Well I don't mean like a father, I mean like.. Like a sibling, Yeah! I'll be your brother! And besides, We don't need anymore people. I just want it to be us." Beezlebub explained.
[F/N]'s expression though still smiling, Started to dim.
"..But I can't! I'd miss all my friends back at the youth centre like Kazuo or Aoi or.." She trailed off. The hand counting her fingers paused in it's tracks.
Beezlebub blinked, Stepping forward towards her.
"Hm? [F/N], What's wrong?" He asked
"Tetsuya!" [F/N] exclaimed. The face of the boy who had grown up with her since diapers appeared on her mind. She had had so much fun with her new friend that she had completely forgotten about him.
How long was he in there? It must've been hours at least! How ignorant she was for being so careless, She should've went with him to make sure he was okay. She chided herself in her mind, Regret washing over her.
Beelzebub however started to look annoyed.
"Who?" He asked. Irritated at the announcement of another person in her mind.
[F/N] jumped up off the moist grass, The bugs surrounding her scampering away from the sudden movement.
"Tetsuya-! My best friend! I gotta go find him now, Actually. I shouldn't of let him go in there!" [F/N] exclaimed, Face turning into a worried frown as she went to run off in the direction of Tetsuya's general location.
But a sudden, Surprisingly strong hand wrapped around her wrist, Keeping her in place.
"But.. But.. I actually had a good time today! I actually like being around you, You can't go!" Beezlebub exclaimed as [F/N] looked back to meet his eyes, Surprise flooding through her bloodstream as she looked at him.
It was the first time she had seen him look.. Desperate, On edge. His scrunched temples and wide eyes. His grasp strong around her wrist for someone of his size, It was firm and determined.
[F/N] blinked looking back at him, Not sure what to do as she stood there frozen. Snapping out of it however she shook her head, Trying to smile the best she could towards her friend.
"I'm sorry.. Beel, But I need to go find my friend. Maybe we can meet later..?" [F/N] trailed off, Trying to placate the situation as best as she could.
But the hand around her wrist only hardened, Beelzebub's face becoming less irritated and something more. Something much more angry.
"No, No, No! I want you to stay here, I'm your new family, Remember? So stay here and we can continue having fun!" Beelzebub yelled, His teeth now bared to her in a fired up hiss. He got up now, Hand still on her wrist as he got face to face with her.
His behaviour was that of toddler throwing a tantrum, Near completely. Him stomping his boot-clad feet and his spare hand doing the same. Not to mention his voice was just like one of the kids back at the centre whining to stay up just a little longer.
[F/N]'s smile fell from her face completely. The sudden safety she had felt was gone now as his behaviour ramped up.
She bit her lip as he stared her dead in the eyes with that golden glow.
"..Beel, You know that's just words right? I need to go now, I'm.. I'm sorry, Okay?" [F/N] said in the sweetest voice she could. But it was no use as the grip on her wrist tightened and tightened, Getting to a point that it was painful.
"No! I won't let you!" Beelzebub yelled.
The hand on her wrist yanked her forward, An inhuman power in his movement that made her stumble forward near falling down. She cried out in pain, An aching throb in her wrist.
"Ah- B-Beel! Let go of me, Let go!!" [F/N] wailed as Beelzebub pulled her forward towards him. The bugs around them swarming in numbers, Swirling around their feet as she started to kick and punch at his body.
Though the blows connected with his body, He didn't even move an inch.
"Come on now! You're my sister now so you should listen to me, I don't want you running off with any other mortal when I'm around to play with you now" Beelzebub huffed as he started to drag a screaming [F/N] out into the deeper parts of the woods.
He did it so easily, He did it with no effort whatsoever as he lugged her along with him and the bugs that followed. [F/N] looked around, Vision getting hot and blurry as she kept screaming. Trying to find a way out.
Her arms flailed around, Swinging aimlessly towards him before her fists slammed down onto the top of his head.
It hit the weird parts of hair sticking out of his chartreuse bob, And somehow that made an impact.
Beelzebub yelled out suddenly as the fists connected with his hair, Her wrist escaping his grasp as his own went to hold the painful spot on his head. He stumbled forward, Whining in agony.
"W-Why'd you do that?! Why.. Why'd you.. YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT HURTS?!" He suddenly yelled out, Body snapping around to meet her with a new animalistic glare. Teeth sharper than they were before and the slits of his eyes widening in anger.
But by the time he had looked back, She was gone from sight.
[F/N] ran, Already making her way through the opposite side of the forest. What had came over Beelzebub she had no idea, The way he started to get aggressive and how much he wanted her to stay.
A bad feeling came over her, Something was wrong. Something was very wrong as she ran past dozens of tree's and shrubbery. Wind whipping at her face as her eyes darted around for Tetsuya.
She needed to get him and get out of here, There was something in this forest that seemed alive. [F/N] didn't know exactly what it was or if it was connected to Beelzebub. All she knew is that whatever it was, It was something not meant for human beings to be near.
Feet pattering against the grass like thunder strikes in the distance, Lungs becoming heavy. Her eyes zipping around for any sign of her friend. His yellow raincoat, His wellington boots or the ruffle of his hair.
[F/N] called out.
"Tetsuya! T-Tetsuya! Tetsu-"
[F/N] stopped in her tracks, Feet skittering to a halt and planting in the ground.
Her eyes widened.
The scent of iron played in the air.
But that wasn't what she was focused on, No.
Instead it was the mess of meat and bone splattered on the ground.
Muscle tissue was strewn everywhere, The green of the grass splattered crimson. The stench of iron coming from the spill of organs. A heart pinned to a tree there, Lungs laying against a rock and his intestines strung like birthday banners upon branches.
The worst of all was the yellow raincoat carrying it all. Stained with the blood of the boy it belonged to.
[F/N] screamed.
She backed away, Her feet catching on nothing as she tripped over and slammed down onto the bloody grass. [F/N] screamed and screamed, Eyes unable to take her eyes off of the yellow raincoat and the wellington boots put to the side.
The body of a squashed caterpillar sitting on top of him.
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⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ - Under 10 Calories - ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
Coke Zero - 0 cal
Sparkling Ice Caffeine - 0 cal
Vitamin C - 0 cal
Sugar Free Ricola - 0 cal
Tea - 1 cal
Black coffee - 2 cal
1/4 Cup Cucumber - 4 cal
1 Low Sodium Pickle - 5 cal
1 Cup Arugula - 5 cal
1 Celery - 6 cal
1 Cup Kale - 6 cal
1 Cup Spinach - 7 cal
1/3 Cup Green Cabbage - 7 cal
1 Crispy mini - 7 cal
1/2 Carrot - 8 cal
1/4 Cup Bell Pepper - 8 cal
1 Tbsp Egg White - 8 cal
1 Tsp Pb&Me - 8 cal
1 Cup Lettuce - 10 cal
1/3 Cup Broccoli - 10 cal
1/4 Cup Cauliflower - 10 cal
1 Cup Vegetable Broth - 10 cal
Monster Energy Zero Ultra - 10 cal
428 notes · View notes
mamaspeckles · 8 months
Would it be okay to request some velvet x blind!reader headcanons? Can be SFW or NSFW, whatever you’d rather write!
Hello my love I am so sorry for such a long wait! Of course I can do this for you! I am partially blind(I have low vision but I can sorta see) and seeing this request just pulls at my heart strings❣️ I hope you enjoy reading this because I enjoyed making this! PS! I only wrote SFW Headcanons because I got brain rot near the end so no NSFW for this one sorry:( but if you request for NSFW again I will work on it!
Velvet x Blind!Reader SFW
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-when it comes to velvet, she can be quite the aggressive and straightforward- she has always been stubborn and hardheaded, and often at times struggles to comprehend you being blind. Sometimes, she finds it extremely stressful and difficult to find the right words to console you. She feels the need to walk on eggshells with you around in case she says the wrong things.- but as time goes by and she sees your overpowering determination, she grows respect for your will to strive.
-velvet had went from 0 to 100 in a one month- she had become territorial over you and had grown a strong urge to protect you and baby you for your disability.
-once you started dating the pop-star, she made it her number one goal to do everything for you, no matter the circumstances. You want to cook something? Oh, don’t be ridiculous, velvet will kick you out of the kitchen and make you a delicious meal! She doesn’t want her lover accidentally burning themselves or setting the house to ablaze.
-velvet had paid a professional to fix your apartment to make it look nicer for her eyes but also to furnish it for your safety- she had every sharp corner or dangerous object in the apartment changed and basically baby-proofed your home.
-velvet is a show-off, especially because of her career of being a mega-star in Mount Rageon.- but when it comes to her showing you off in front of the flashing lights and fans, that is a big no-go.
-“velvet?” “Yes, babe?” “Are you embarrassed to be with me?” “What makes you say that?” “You never introduced me to your friends or family..”
-velvet’s face dropped at your words; she could start to taste the vulnerability seething off your body and lips. She felt terrible that you felt that way. - she cursed herself in her mind for making you think and feel like you were embarrassing to be with. “No no, babe..I’m not embarrassed! I just wasn’t sure if you even wanted to meet anyone from my side..they can be..overbearing..”
-but she would do anything for her beautiful partner to be happy, and with all the guilt velvet had felt, she made a mutual agreement with her family to have you meet them- when you went with her to her family’s house, you were greeted by veneer, who you had met countless times before, and he was very pleased to see you with velvet at his house.- later that evening, you met velvet’s mother and father. Velvet had described her mother as a old women with dull blue eyes, pale skin, and faded out green hair whilst her father as a old man with dark green hair with dull ice blue eyes.
-I should add that when velvet said her family is overbearing, she meant it as they are too helpful- her parents and even veneer were quick to offer you help and even a tour around the house.- they had trailed you around their house and started describing your surroundings in the most abrupt way possible.
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chaotic-on-main · 11 months
So glad you reblogged this because I did not see your post about this event before. And I almost missed it! 😱 But now I'm here… hi, Sky! Congrats on your milestone, dear! ❤️
I would be interested in one matcha green tea ice cream with cookie crumbles on top. If it's okay, could it be something like Levi comforting the reader while they're anxious and stressed? Something with nice calming domestic vibes maybe?
Order up!! One matcha green tea with cookie crumbles for Rose!!
Sky's Summer Fall and 250 Follower Event!
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☾ Pairing ➼ Levi Ackerman x cisfem!Reader
☾ Content/Warning ➼ modernAU, pregnancy, anxiety, established relationship, pregnancy reveal
☾ A/N ➼ hi rose!! again, sorry it's taken me so long to get to this. this wasn't the initial path i had planned, but i think it went better than expected!! also i know i said i wouldn't write a pregnant reader, but i was inspired and i love the idea of dadvi even though i don't see myself wanting kids. there's something to unexpectedly soft about dad levi, and i love to imagine it. i mean, he's already so dad coded considering how many kids he adopts lol. also for anyone seeing this, the rest of my requests are no longer summer themed LMAO. i'm gonna have to do something simple for my next event a;lsdkfjalj
☾ Word Count ➼ ~1.9k
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The pattering of raindrops on window panes is a sound that brings comfort to you, doubly so during this time of year. Orange and red leaves lie dormant on the wet pavement only to be run over by various cars going home for the evening. With the end of the year holidays looming around the corner, excitement fills the air. But not for you. Instead, it's overwhelming anxiety, and the rain does not bring the comfort you seek.
You're so in your head that you don't hear the keys in the door and the light footsteps of your husband coming home from work. As you toss some chocolate chips into the red bowl full of light brown dough, your mind bounces from one thought to another. Some thoughts hurt worse than others and you find yourself almost choking up until you force yourself to think of something else.
Long, cold fingers wrap around your wrist as you go to pick up a silicone spatula, holding your arm up midair. You're so startled at the sudden touch that you drop it straight into the bowl – thank god it was mixed enough to not splatter. When your eyes snap to the source, the automatic relief that normally comes with seeing those beautiful gray eyes doesn't wash over you. You’ve underestimated the anxiety that courses through your veins like ice.
“What's wrong?” Your husband's low voice comes out careful.
“Oh, it’s nothing to worry about right now. Welcome home!” You force out, your lips pulling back on your teeth in a reassuring smile. Levi Ackerman has known you for far too long, and he wasn't stupid. His eyes scan the messy kitchen counters with furrowed brows.
“I count at least 4 mixing bowls, most half filled and only a few finished products. Either you've signed up for a bake sale, or something is wrong. You only get like this when something is bothering you.” Levi's eyes go back to yours.
“I- uh. It's nothing, really.” You check the clock on the stove and gasp. “I didn't realize the time, and I haven't even started on dinner yet. I'm so sorry.” You quickly push aside your mess to make room for some space.
“Go sit down.” Levi says as he puts his keys and phone in the little wicker basket that sits on the far end of the counter.
“No, it's okay! I can do this.” You don't even know what to make for dinner. You've been in a downward spiral all day and haven't thought that far ahead. The sound of glass bottles rattle as you open the fridge doors to peek at your options - only to find them extremely limited. You should have gone to the grocery store earlier today.
The fridge closes in front of you as Levi pushes his way in front of you. Suddenly his hands are cupping your face, thumbs stroking your cheeks in a way he knows is comforting to you. You just now notice his hair slicked back, stuck in place from the rain outside. Black eyebrows scrunch together in concern as he stares at you.
“Levi, I don't need help. I can do this myself.” You mutter.
“Go sit down.” He repeats, softer this time. You stare back, trying to find the energy to argue. But you have none, so you make your way over to the plush navy couch in the living room. In a means to help comfort you, you pull your knees to your chest and stare out the window. Night time has made its way home, the yellow streetlights hazily glowing through the cold rain. It takes everything within you to focus on what you see and hear, and not what races through your mind.
Either you dozed off or fell into a trance because before you know it, Levi comes over and taps your shoulder. You blink a few times as your eyes adjust to what he's holding out to you – a bowl and a glass of water.
“I bet you haven't hydrated once today, have you?” He raises a brow.
“I've been busy?” You give him a small smile, but take the glass anyway. He sets the bowl down in front of you on the coffee table. You didn't even need to see it to know what it was as the smell of it wafts from the kitchen to your nose. Spaghetti, and Levi's spaghetti at that. Well, technically Kuchel’s - Levi's mom – recipe. From the moment he had made it for you when you both first started dating, you knew this was the best recipe you have or will ever taste.
Not only was it delicious, though, it was comforting. It was home.
“Oh, Levi.” You sigh as you reach over to place your glass down so you can pick up the warm bowl in two hands. The smell of herbs and tomatoes dance in your nostrils as you breathe in deeply. You don't hesitate to poke your fork into the red pasta and slurp up the saucy noodles.
The sofa shifts as Levi sits next to you, leg crossed as he leans back with his own bowl in hand. He doesn't say anything as he digs in, eyes looking out to the darkened window. It stays silent save for the quiet smacking and the metal clinking on porcelain. For a while, you're distracted yet again as you fill your tummy but eventually your bowl is empty and the dread starts creeping back in.
“Did you want more or…?” Levi breaks you out of your thoughts and your eyes focus back to what you were looking at – the red-streaked bottom of the bowl.
“Oh, no I'm good. Thank you for making dinner. I'm sorry I couldn't have it done by the time you got home.” You smile softly at him as you hand him your bowl. His lips twitch as he regards you. He takes the bowl from you and you think he's about to get up but instead, he sets it on the coffee table and shifts so that he's facing you fully.
“There's nothing to apologize for, dummy. What's going on in that head of yours?” He reaches over and taps your forehead gently with a forefinger.
“I don't know if this is the right time.” You whisper, feeling tears prick at the corners of your eyes.
“I'm home for the night, we have plenty of time before bed.” His hand trails down your face and cups your jaw as he holds your gaze. “What's going on?”
Reaching up, you rest your hand over his and lean into his touch. Then with a shuddering breath, you gently pry his hand off and stand up. Without another word, you make your way to the master bathroom and retrieve what you're looking for. Before exiting, you bend over the sink to take a few deep breaths. You just need to rip this off like a bandaid, you keep repeating to yourself.
Making your way down the hallway back to the living room, your fingers shake. The room grows silent as you hold the little white stick up to eye level the moment you step in front of your extremely confused husband.
Levi has to squint to see the little pink plus sign. There's a range of emotions that flood his face past the initial shock. You know when the realization hits him because his wide eyes flit over to yours as he checks to see if you're kidding. You only nod your head back. There's a moment of excitement that lights up in his eyes before the same look of anxiety that no doubt mirrors your own stares back at you.
Your heart sinks to the pit of your stomach at that.
“I-" Levi chokes on his words.
“It's real.”
You hear Levi inhale loudly as he runs his fingers through his hair and step back as he processes. You’ve been with Levi for so long but even you didn't know how he would react. Children weren't off the table, but you both had agreed to start a family when the time was right. To you, this was the worst possible time with Levi starting a new job and your writing career finally taking off. His reaction is enough to confirm those thoughts. Or, at least that’s what you thought.
“I know this is awful timing. And I’m sure we're not ready. I'm so-" Your last words are cut short into a squeak as a pair of strong arms pull you into a warm chest, the sudden movement causing the pregnancy test to fall and bounce onto the rug. You can feel Levi's heart beating a mile a minute against your own.
“Don't apologize.”
“But you’re not excited.” You’ve started crying and you can feel your tears seeping into Levi's shirt. He pushes you away from him and holds you there. His dark eyes bounce between yours as he regards you.
“Who said I wasn't?"
“I- just your face-"
“I won't pretend to say I'm not nervous. You know, Kenny was the only father figure I had and he wasn't around, not when it mattered, at least. I'm scared, actually.” His eyebrows furrow to match the concern that laces his tone.
“But this is exciting, and I'm thrilled. And we'll navigate through this like we always do. But, how do you feel about it?”
“Well, I guess I'm scared too. Anxious. Our jobs are just taking off, and while I'm excited for a family with you, I'm just not sure how to take this.” You pull a hand up to wipe away the salty tears that streams down your face.
“We have 9 months, give or take. That's plenty of time for us to figure things out. But is this what you want?” Levi let's go of your arms to cup your face again. That moment of hesitance that graced his features is no longer there, only replaced by love.
“Do you think we'll be ready by then?”
“Who knows. But we can try. We'll figure it out together.” Levi pulls you back in and holds you in his tight embrace. You bury your face in his shirt, once again letting it soak up any leftover tears.
“If it's any consolation, I think you'll be a great dad. I watch the way you interact with your little cousin during get-togethers.”
“Tch. If our child is anything like Mikasa, I'm sure we'll be fine. But if they're like her friend Eren, we're starting over.” You laugh at that and slap his chest playfully.
“Levi, you can't say shit like that.”
“I'm just kidding. Mostly. That Eren kid has something wrong with him, I swear.”
You hold on to him in silence for a bit, taking note of the slowing heart beat between the two of you as the news finally sinks in. You were going to be a mom. You were going to be a parent with Levi.
“Someone needs to eat this. This is way too much for just the two of us.” You hear Levi chuckle. You can't see it, but you know he's staring at the mess you've made all day. You'll be up until 3am making sure everything gets baked so it doesn't go to waste.
“Three of us.” You lean back to look at your husband, smiling at that comment.
“You're right, the three of us.” You feel as Levi gently rests the palm of his hand on your stomach and leans down to kiss you softly. Your anxiety still lingers, but now it's tinged with relief because no matter what life throws at you, Levi is here.
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tagging: @humanitys-strongest-bamf @romantichomicide95 @youre-ackermine @roseofdarknessblog @missamity @levis-squishy-cheeks @icansmellsouls @dkbktk420 @elnyrae @secretmoneybearvoid @apolloshaiku @sujiroses @jadam724 @e-riellaaa @kamyru @highgoon69 @missyasma @kingkonoha @sckerman @notgoodforlife @nube55 @svftackerman @velouria17 @melodyuzumaki
if you're not a part of my taglist but would like to be (or take off lol), please fill out the taglist on my pinned post!
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halchron · 1 year
@destinywoven ♡'d for a starter !
❝ thanks for coming by, have fun in your classes. ❞
green waved the student off, only for another one to soon take their place. while he enjoyed being a guest speaker at uva academy with his husband, even he was beginning to get a little tired from the constant barrage of questions and requests for autographs. while the teachers had a pretty good handle of things within the classrooms, the halls were a totally different story. it didn't help that he had to double as a translator for red as many of the students didn't know sign language, and his brain was thoroughly done. once there was a lull in activity, green angled his body so that he could sign to red without anyone looking.
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wanna get out of here while we have the chance ? we can make a break for the city if we go right now.
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riacte · 10 months
Hermitgals Pretty Cure AU transformation phrases + items
Tentatively drafted these up today! I am having so much fun with this AU :D
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Stress: "The joy of creation and the love for our everyday life! Cure Allium!"
Transformation item: Perfume bottle. Self explanatory (she loves flowers). Heartcatch style, she sprays it over herself and she transforms.
Weapon item: Her gloves with like knuckle protectors? Her bare fists? She sprays her perfume over her gloves and they become big and shiny and she basically punches her way through her troubles <3
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False: "The flexibility of creation and the ever-changing flow of ideas! Cure Diamond!"
Transformation item: A mirror. It shatters and the pieces become like, intangible and she's able to pass through them like she's becoming her stronger reflection. And yes this is a reference to symmetry, or more accurately, asymmetry.
Weapon item: Bow and arrows. Her mirror shatters - the handle of it turns into her bow, the shattered pieces become the arrows. She's also able to shift her arrows into other forms, specifically water and ice.
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Cleo: "The connectivity of creation and the diverse threads of our lives! Cure Blaze!"
Transformation item: A watch. Joe made it <3 and it broke and froze at the time when Joe died </3 but it got fixed with Jhost's lime green magic filling in the cracks <3 It's like Yes 5's transformation.
Weapon item: Ribbons! They burst out from her watch, something about turning back time, something about the hands of her watch extending to form multiple ribbons.
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Pearl: "The chaos of creation and the clash between shadow and colour! Cure Moon!"
Transformation item: A camera. It takes different snapshots of her, and every time it takes a photo, that part of her transforms. Something about Pearl wanting to capture the joy of creation but was unable to do so in her villain era. Something about becoming her new self with flashes of light. The camera doesn't record her old life, it creates her new life.
Weapon item: A paintbrush and a palette! Colours get extracted from the iridescent lens. She's able to create illusions and attacks.
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Gem: "The bravery of creation and the delight of dreaming! Cure Birch!"
Transformation item: A charm bracelet. It represents the wishes of all the people from the Hermit Kingdom. Some charms on the bracelet are wooden (representing home and nature), some are gemstones (representing Gem herself), some are metal (representing strength and battle), etc etc.
Weapon item: A sword! One of the gemstone charms in her bracelet becomes the gem embedded in her big sword. She also has the cool effect of stretching out her hand and letting the sword materialise from her bracelet.
˖⁺‧₊˚​​  ✿ ♦︎ 𖦹 ☾ ☘︎ ˚₊‧⁺˖
If you're interested, you can read more on the #precure au tag on my blog :) there's a whole outline and lore and everything
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eyetally · 2 years
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❝-— HONESTLY, spoiling the ending of something is WAAYYYY too overplayed – -❞ 
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   ❝-— Instead spoil the middle but make it SOUND like the ending; if its a BAD ending there will be anger it didn’t end where you tricked them it would, if its a GOOD one then they will be excited, or you might just mildly inconvenience them to start packing stuff up way to early! Either way, ITS A FUN MIXED BAG! – -❞
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anxiety-lemsbian · 8 months
‧͙⁺˚・˖ ࣪⭑☾[ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ ʜᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴀʙʙɪᴛꜱ ɢʟᴀʀᴇᴅ ᴀꜱ ᴡᴇ ᴅʀᴏᴠᴇ ᴅᴏᴡɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴏᴀᴅ? ᴊᴇᴀʟᴏᴜꜱ, ᴍᴀʏʙᴇ, ᴏʀ ꜱᴄᴀʀᴇᴅ. ɪ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ʙᴇʜɪɴᴅ ʜᴇʀ ᴡᴀɪᴛɪɴɢ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡɪɴᴅᴏᴡ ᴛᴏ ᴅʀᴏᴘ. ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀᴛɪɴ ɴᴀᴍᴇ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰᴏx ɪꜱ ᴠᴜʟᴘᴇꜱ ᴠᴜʟᴘᴇꜱ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ꜱᴏᴜɴᴅᴇᴅ ɴɪᴄᴇ.]☽˖ ࣪⭑・˚⁺‧͙
hi! i'm aster.
she/they, minor, ENG + some ESP and Auslan, poet, autistic, sapphic ace, careless man’s careful daughter, infj but also mbti is kinda shit, shark lover, sylvia plath stan, lucy dacus listener, #1 boygenius (+ solo careers) obsessor, pinterest princess (androgynous), lipton lemon iced tea fanatic, aspiring forest witch, chronic fatigue + generalized anxiety disorder + depression sufferer, greek salad lover
send me an ask to draw something for you and i’ll try!!!
likes: having conversations about things i care about, infodumping, cats, gardening, reading, hugs at times, lipton lemon iced tea, radio silence, matilda the musical,pomegranates and greek salad
dislikes: spiders, homophobes + transphobes + racists etc, israel, bad things in general, being anxious, losing people, change.
current hyperfixation:
jenna ortega (wenclair)
special interests:
sylvia plath, boygenius, bluey
everything sucks, boygenius (+solo careers), jucy, gilmore girls, brooklyn 99, heartbreak high, bluey, bridgerton, osemanverse, bottoms 2023 but be warned i don’t like pj, crush 2022 (i’m obsessed with aj), sunflowers and lavender, kiki’s delivery service, totoro, arrietty, hamilton, mean girls the musical, heathers, matilda the musical, ruby redfort, aurora cycle (zila's my GIRL), nevermoor, stargirl, agggtm
the bell jar, stargirl, loveless, radio silence, death sets sail, goddess girls series, dear poppy, aurora cycle, anne of green gables series
john green, becky albertalli, sylvia plath, alice oseman, jessica townsend, lucy maud montgomery, robin stevens, adiba jagirdar
crush 2022, but i’m a cheerleader, wednesday, mean girls the musical, xo kitty, toh,
wenclair, lumity, cazzie, emisue,
lucy dacus, chappell roan, hozier, florence and the machine, phoebe bridgers, julien baker, gracie abrams, noah kahan, boygenius, taylor swift, lorde, cavetown, mitski, eliza and the delusionals
punisher, home video, preacher’s daughter?, saves the world, r&foa midwest princess, turn out the lights, the record, folklore, make it feel like the garden, puberty 2, melodrama, ok computer, pure heroine, the secret of us, bury me at makeout creek, stick season,
claw machine, nuvole bianche, leonard cohen, garden song, there it goes, triple dog dare, home by now, no surprises, cartwheel, me and my dog, american teenager, icdiwabh, good news, scorpio rising, townie, last words of a shooting star,
psa: when i use 'girl' in relation to me (crafty girl summer, etc.) i mean it androdgynously :))
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my sideblogs are:
@leftfromrightfromwrong : boygenius and sometimes art
@listen2yourownvoice : radio silence+ a bit of general osemanverse
tags: # aster writes- poetry. #aster writes i guess- more poetry. #asters saved posts- saved posts. #aster loves boygenius- me loving boygenius. #aster's lyric rambles- when i just post a bunch of song lyrics in a format. #aster bawls on the floor- due to sadness, cringiness or laughter, i am on the floor and out for the count. # aster thinks (not really) - what it sounds like pretty much # it’s me i’m the girlfriend - can’t even explain this one actually #percy <3- literally just @trashmeowcan #ari 🌻 - @waitingforthesunrise
@asterisalemsbian • Pronouns.page
link to my old intro post:
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cleangirlxoxo · 11 days
//VS angel beauty secrets//
☾ drinking lots of water for clearer skin (obviously) ☾ hot water and lemon to brighten skin ☾collagen powder ☾ smoothies w/ ginger, spinach, lemon, greens, cucumber ☾ always remove makeup before bed ☾ meditate in other places than your house ☾ sugar + coconut oil exfoliant ☾ moisturizer under makeup ☾ lots of highlighter ☾ probiotic every morning ☾ getting as much sleep as possible ☾ coconut oil as hair mask ☾ eat fruits + veggies ☾ less makeup ☾ pore strips ☾ wash face before and after working out ☾ morrocan oil treatment ☾ avocado for face + hair masks ☾ antioxidant rich foods ☾ use SPF ☾ ice face before bed ☾ vitamin e oil ☾ mineral water spray on face after shower ☾ moisturize throughout the day ☾ ballet exercises
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Show Me Yours | Matty Healy [32]
chapter thirty-two, act four: somebody else
little Author's note /TW before this act begins. There's going to be alot of talk of drug use and addiction within the chapters coming, if you're not comfortable with these kinds of things please don't read.
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October 18th 2016
Adam smiles to himself, watching the huge grin on Tommie’s face as she and her grandfather walk ahead discussing the newest Star Wars movie that’s coming out.
Their nan is beside him, they walk in silence back to the tour bus. Adam looks between his grandparents a few times trying to think of the best way to say what’s come to his mind.
Maggie sighs and looks at him in the corner of her eye, “What Adam?”
She raises one of her dark eyebrows, “Tell me what you’re trying to tell me.”
“Why are you guys actually going home?” He asks.
Adam’s not stupid, despite having a lot of the same characteristics one thing he inherited from their maternal grandparents was his observation skills. Whereas Tommie inherited her paternal grandparents' naivety. 
Maggie sighs watching as Tommie skips ahead with Button, Thomas watching on with that proud fatherly look he saves for only her.
“It’s come back.”
Adam pauses, he stares at her, for too long and she nods slowly, “Doctors gave him a year.”
“It’s back?”
She nods, “He wanted to come see you one last time.”
Adams shakes his head, “We- we can stop the tour, I mean, we have money now, nan, we can pay for the best treatments, get him private-”
Maggie shakes her head, “You know he won;t let you do that-”
“What about Tommie?” He asks, “This will break her.”
Maggie keeps quiet, looking forward and Adam shakes his head, “Nan…”
“We’re not telling her-”
“You have to.”
“I want to.” She says honestly, “I want to give her the chance to say goodbye, the chance to be with him, she didn’t have that with her mother. I don’t want to keep another thing away from her.”
“But he won’t?”
She nods slowly, “He refuses to.”
“He was never able to hurt Tommie.”
“Hurt her? This will kill her.”
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚
Phoebe’s dyed eyebrow is raised higher than usual as Tommie sighs blissfully and wraps her in a hug.
“Uh, you okay?”
“This has been the best day ever.” She grins, bending down to twirl Max around and kiss his little head, “Went for ice cream with nan, Granch and Ads, had a Star Wars marathon, drank a shit ton of dr pepper, ate pizza and even watched all the prequels.”
Phoebe smiles, “We still going to that party?”
She nods quickly, “Oh, fuck, I forgot.”
Phoebe shakes her head in an adoring way as she laughs, “Of course you did.”
“I don’t have anything to wear.”
“Raid my closet, I’m planning on wearing the black dress laid out on the bed so don’t have that.”
“Thanks,” She kisses her cheeks as she passes through her kitchen, “Life saver, love you.”
Phoebe hums, shoving some crackers into her mouth as she shares with the two dogs.
“Is Caleb picking you up from here?”
“Um, think I’m meeting him there, can I catch a lift with you?”
“Yeah, sure.”
Tommie settles on a long white and green summer dress that’s been folded and pushed to the back of the American’s wardrobe.
When she steps out, hair let down from the half up hair do it had been in and her docs on Phoebe makes several comments on how good she looks and how lucky Caleb is to have her that causes a blush to rise up her cheeks.
“I forgot I had that dress, you can keep it?”
“Really? I love it.”
Phoebe hums, “Thrifted it when I was in high school, I wore it to a wedding.”
“White to a wedding?”
“It was an aunt who was mean to my mom once.”
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚
Caleb smiles leaning in for a quick kiss, “Hey, babe, took your time.”
“You having fun?”
He nods, “Get yourself a drink, I’m going to go talk with some friends, catch up with you in a bit.”
Many drinks later, when Phoebe had decided to call it a night and half the party goers had left Caleb was still in some corner with some guys and Tommies sat nursing a double vodka-red bull on a sofa alone.
The sofa dips beside her, a pair of feels landing on the coffee table where her doc martens rest.
“You look as bored as I feel.”
Tommie’s eyes drag up a pair of tanned legs, up a pretty silver dress and land on a mop of dark curly hair.
Her eyes shine brightly as she smiles, assessing Tommie in the same way, “I’m Roxanne.”
Tommie’s mouth opens a few times until she clears her throat and shifts so she’s sitting upright, “Tommie.”
“Nice to meet you, Tommie.”
“Yeah, you too.”
She smiles, pretty teeth revealed once more and Tommie swallows thickly as she watches her lift a fruity drink to her lips.
“Nice night, huh?”
“You look like the moon.” Tommie winces, shaking her head but Roxanna laughs and she internally groans, or moans, she can’t exactly describe the feeling in herself right now. But she does it because even the woman’s laugh is beautiful.
“Thank you. You look like a star.”
Tommie grins at that, she hates the sun, it burns, it’s too warm and she hates when it gets in her eyes.
Stars are beautiful, not always seen but always there.
“Do you want another drink?”
“I’m okay, thank you, but I can get you one… if you want?”
“I’m good, still got this one.”
“What do you do?” Tommie finds herself asking.
Her heels click as she drops them back to the floor, she shifts and pushes herself back into the sofa, “I own a clothing line.”
“That’s cool.”
She nods, “Yeah, it was my mother and I’s dream to design clothes when I was a kid.”
“You get into it together?”
She hums, “I draw she sews. We make a good team. What about you?”
“I play guitar,” She says, “I’m in a band… I write sometimes too.”
“With your mom?”
“Uh, no, no… my childhood mates.”
They talk for a bit longer… until early hours of the morning, tucked away in the lounge away from the party.
She learns she’s from San Diego, and moved to LA when she was twenty-one a couple years ago. The business took off and they went from a t-shirt company, to a clothing brand partnering with all different celebrities here in LA.
Roxanne’s silver ringed fingers brush hair from Tommie’s face to see her better, she’s just made a comment on how the guys in the music industry in LA rival the childishness of frat boys and Tommie’s drunken mind had found it incredibly funny. Head tilted back on the sofa as she gasps for breath.
Roxanne smiles again and lets her hand rest against her collar bone for a few seconds.
Tommie goes quiet when the fluttering in her stomach is revealed not to be the alcohol like she’d assumed but a swarm of butterflies.
She wets her lips and her eyes soften as Roxanne goes on to tell a story about a guy she hooked up with who was a bassist and gave horrible head. Tommie’s about to butt in with a story of her own when they’re interrupted.
“Hey, Babe.”
Roxanne smiles as she stands, long slender arms wrapping around an equally as beautiful man, “Hey, honey.”
Tommie’s smile slowly fades as she watches them get off for two minutes too long.
Roxanne pulls back and looks down at her, “This is Tommie.”
“Hey, nice to meet you.”
He turns back to Roxanne and she sends an apologetic look over his shoulder to the younger girl, “Ready to leave? I’m exhausted.”
She nods, leaning beside Tommie to grab her purse, her hand brushes against the skin of Tommie’s thigh exposed by the slit in the dress.
Tommie’s face flushes at how quick warmth spreads between her legs and she gulps as she clenches her thighs together.
“Hopefully I’ll see you around again?”
She nods, “Hopefully.”
Caleb passes by them, exchanging friendly words with Roxanne’s boyfriend who he seems to know, he leans down to kiss her lips, “Making new friends?”
“Yeah… yeah, new friends.”
“Ready to go?”
His hands land on her waist and she finally drags her eyes away from the silver dress to his, he leans forward to kiss her deeply and she finds herself pulling away, “I’m too drunk to do anything tonight.”
He nods, “You don’t need an excuse, babe, if you’re not up for it just tell me.”
She nods, “I want to, I’m just drunk and don’t want to spew on your dick.”
He laughs with a nod, “Okay.”
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚
Because this chapter is so short here's a sneak peak of the next one
“One minute.”
“One minutes to explain or I start hurting people-”
Adam sighs, “Tommie, just wait until Matty’s better-”
“What the fuck is going on!”
“He OD’d.”
Adam and Ross’ heads snap towards George who shrinks back into his seat slowly.
They’d kept it a secret. The three of them. For four fucking years. 
Then George had to open his big gob at the wrong moment.
“It’s about time she knows!” George defends himself. “I’m tired of keeping this secret if he’s going to be doing this to himself again.”
She pauses, looking around the three of them, “What do you mean aga- again? What do you mean George?”
He stays silent, eyes looking down, “George? G, what do you mean again? Again? Again what? Another OD? This happened before? Again? A-Again? Ads? Again? Ross..? What does again mean?”
She steps back, brows furrowed, breathing uneven as she looks between them all.
Adam stands slowly from the settee, hands outstretched, “Tommie…”
@thereisaplaceintheheart, @indierockgirrl, @sofaritsalrightt, @julezs-bl0g, @eaglestar31, @sophinthealpss, @noacfemcel, @if-my-heart-bleeds, @befrwime, @fallingforel, @sexorchocolateorpillowsorclouds, @3terna15unshin3, @1975sophie1975, @thesocraticjunkiewannabe, @littlesoldierelleora, @procrastinatinglikeapro
-let me know if you want to be added :)
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