phantasmalnightmare · 10 months
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name — Calamity or Phantasma.
pronouns — She/her.
preferred comms — Discord or Tumblr IMs. Either is fine. I'm a shy bean, so I'm not good at messaging people in ooc really, but it's not that I don't like you or anything! Just me being awkward as hell.
name of muse — I have a few, but I'd say the main ones I use are Gundham, Junko, Bakugo, Mikey, and Fubuki. I use Benedikta a lot on a different account.
experience in RP — Since 2003, so it's been 20 freaking years now of on and off RP life. Feeling old now. I started on xanga as Bankotsu from Inuyasha. It was a lawless RP land back then. Everyone god modded and one lined, but it was a grand time. My Bankotsu got so many of those sacred jewel shards.
best experiences — I have many. The first days of RP were certainly some of them. I actually met quite a few people from RP in RL. I would say the best of the best was when I met a group of Danganranpa RPers on anirp, and we did different story-lines all together. The one guy made up stories and events for the characters. I was Gundham. We also did the despair storyline which I think was my favorite, because I was able to do despair Gundham and made such a great backstory and I got so many compliments from the group on how I portrayed him(I guess he was pretty similar to the joker according to some.) I got my own event where i tried to kill all the other remnants with my animal army. We also did a really fun persona storyline. I got to be the fem p3 protag and had a love triangle with Shinji and Akihiko. ;) There was some drama with the group, and the leader talked a lot of crap cause I was busy and missed a lot of events though, so I ended up leaving.
pet peeves / dealbreakers — My number one is the one thing I will block you for: If you ask for a starter and then never reply. I have very little time to write and I can't stand people wasting my time. Another is drama of course. I come to RP as an escape, not for more stress. It also annoys me if someone posts a starter call and I like it, but get ignored. Why did you follow me back if you don't want to RP?
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — Fluff and angst are by far my two favorite genres. I love the corny, romantic slow burn more than anything. Romance is dead irl and I need some kind of fantasy outlet since I'm a hopeless romantic. I also just love angst cause it causes conflict and helps the characters develop, and I just live for the drama. Besides, after the hurt, comes the comfort. My other favorite genre is dark. I love writing dark things. Junko is a good outlet for that, and I'd love to write despair Gundham sometimes. Also Dark Mikey. Smut, I'm pretty good at writing it, but I need a solid storyline and a slow burn romance that leads up to it. Except maybe for Junko.
plot or memes — I honestly usually just wing stuff haha. I've posted memes but people generally don't send them to start new storylines with me. Since I'm shy, I don't typically approach people to try and plot either v.v But both are great when they happen.
long or short replies — I prefer stuff typically on the longer side(If you can't tell by my blog). I would say my typical replies are 3 paragraphs or so, but I can go longer. I really like to flesh out my muses and their thoughts. I don't expect people to keep up though.
best time to write — Weekends by far. Lately I haven't had time to do anything on my weekdays. Work has been crazy busy so I haven't been able to use the work computer for replies. I work two jobs and commute over 2 hours everyday, (and go to the gym 3 days a week), so I just don't have much time for anything during the week.
are you like your muse — I typically do characters that are vastly different from myself, because I feel like that's the most fun for me. Some similarities though:
I love animals(I'm a vet assistant), and I typically dress goth/alt like Gundham
I tend to be impulsive like Mikey
I'm quite air headed, ditzy, and naive like Fubuki(Not to that extreme at least, but a little bit.)
I tend to be logical, cold, and distant like Makoto. I'm also terrible at asking for help, feeling I have to be the rock and do everything myself. I have to always be strong for everyone else, and never show any weakness.
I have a really rough past full of abuse like Benedikta, and am always fighting an internal darkness.
Tagged by: @more-than-a-princess(Thank you!) Tagging: @nuravity and you reading this right now.
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spookmemepls · 2 years
☾ Pinned Post ☽
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☠ ― Helloooo, thank you so much for the interest!!! 💜 You may call me Huxley (they/them), and this is my blog dedicated to various RP resources! I've been RPing on this site since 2017, though I've been RPing for even longer than that, for about ten years or so. I hope that you find what you're looking for here!!! ^^
This blog is mostly designed around various kinds of memes, resources, musings, and providing potential help!!! Please, don't be shy! I also accept requests, though I would appreciate if you gave my rules a once-over before you follow/interact.
Oh, and of course, don't mind the creaks coming from upstairs. 💜
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Specific tags for MEMES:
[ Fluff / Angst / Symbol / Headcanon / Munday / All Memes (*Mine only) . ]
Specific tags for STARTERS:
[ Fluff / Angst / Symbol / General / Romantic / All Starters (*Mine only) . ]
Other generally USEFUL tags:
[ Help tag! / PSA tag! / All Resources. (Themes / Docs / Carrds / Graphics) / Mun Speaks . ]
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geraniumshurricane · 1 year
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What is your preferred name?
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— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — » ( ✗ )@bishopinblue || Munday Memes
Oh? I'm glad you asked. There's a variety of answers here. On the internet I was also known as Aqua, Reki is more current. Aqua was mainly from the Kingdom Hearts fandom - I just really liked the name and adapted from there. When I had the pen name Aqua it was before I came out as pansexual so now the name is a little awkward because it - to me - sounds more feminine - and I don't feel like myself when using that name ... Not like a dead name ... Just reminds me of some bad times, ya know? Needed a change. Some know my real name and I like my real name, since my father picked it for me. It's my middle name that I hate because it ties me to my mother - who we don't talk about lol - let's just say my initials would have been AMAZING if my middle name started with an 'N'. I could have been TNT. Wasted potential LMFAO now I have to change it.
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penvmbral · 2 years
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Independent & Canon-Divergent Junpei Yoshino from Jujutsu Kaisen.
-Written by Soda (he/him, 30+, PST)-
☽ Rules  ☽ Bio
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endfought · 2 years
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@drakonig​:  ℱ - Is there a song that, if you listen to it, you automatically start to dance?
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So I’m not the best dancer BY ANY MEANS but Can’t Stop the Feeling by Justin Timberlake gets me moving! It’s just a happy tune!! Other honorable mentions that also make me move:
Rock That Body - Black Eyed Peas
Stamp On the Ground - Italo Brothers
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                                 ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ positive munday meme // accepting !! ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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mirrcredgcld-moved · 3 years
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@grimwalked​: ♦ What was a mildly annoying thing that has happened to you rp wise?
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✦ ☽☾ ✦ the salty af munday meme --- Accepting
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    { Ohhhhhh, there have been many. One doesn’t rp for as many years as I without stumbling across a number of annoying incidents. }
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    { I guess one of the most annoying things is when people don’t communicate with me. Especially when it comes to something that’s bothering them. I can’t fix what’s going on and make efforts to do better in the future if you don’t tell me. I am not Madame Cleo, I cannot read your mind. }
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chimacra · 5 years
☽  The loser looks in the eyes of the monster 
At last he doesn’t need to pretend or to force a smile 
“Oh, I don’t know if I’m lying or living a lie-”
The monster’s humming a lullaby: “Oh, what’s the use of escaping the future when you can mold it into whatever you please”, he sings 
And I don’t know if it’s something he really believes 
My sadness seeps through my clenched teeth
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geraniumshurricane · 1 year
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Least favorite trope? For the Munday Asks! @bishopinblue || Munday meme
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Hmmm this is a tough one because I like a lot of them but I guess anything that involves violence between two people or being forced. So any forced marriage or stuck together without any mutual feelings for the other. I'm not a huge fan of Christmas so getting into a relationship while Christmas Holiday is present isn't my jam. However, if they are in a relationship my muse will always celebrate with them. -- Oh and also nothing with a Character cheating on another character. That's what I can think off the top of my head but always feel free to ask if you want to do a trope!
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geraniumshurricane · 1 year
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1. how do you feel about reblog karma? @bishopinblue || Munday meme
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Personally I don't mind it if people reblog memes from me once in a blue moon but when it becomes too much is when I start to get annoyed? It's the notifications that really get me because I think people are responding to me and only turns out that it's just others reblogging the meme. Prefer the original poster getting all of the notifications, but if you can't find anything to send my muse then you never ever have to.
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geraniumshurricane · 1 year
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In what style did you start to write (First person, third person, *-style or novel-style?) Have you ever written a canon muse that you first thought of ‘meh’ when they appeared in their canon show/movie/book? In what fandom did you start? What is your favorite fandom in which you write?
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— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — » ( ✗ )Anonymous || Munday meme
Thank you so much for these questions! When I first started writing I started as first person and honestly the reason why I stopped was because I felt like I was self inserting as the character rather than actually roleplaying as the character. When i switched to third person it just felt more true to the character. I remember my first time roleplaying it was more one liners for like a few sentences and not enough to really work with. I am loving my style now where I can just mirror my rp partner's length.
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So one canon character I was 'meh' at rping was Sumia from Fire Emblem Awakening. This isn't because I hated the character I just felt like I didn't do her much justice. A previous rp partner convinced me to create a Sumia to their Gaius. I felt like I forced the character a few times too many, which left me abandoning the character in the end.
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These are new icons -- but I started rping on tumbr as Sora which is funny because this is how I met my partner ( silverinthedark ) Originally I shipped Sora and Axel together -- listen if you ship Roxas and Axel, Roxas and Sora are the same age -- and there was a specific Axel rper I loved. They were more exclusive with a Vanitas. Silver was actually the person to get me to absolutely love and adore SoRiku.
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Trigun. Hands down and let me tell you why. This is not because I am currently in the fandom it's because of the people. These people have been the MOST accepting people. I used to be so scared of the same muse as me because it was like a competition -- and the Trigun fandom I feel like it is not like that at all. I have never felt so welcome and so loved in a fandom before.
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geraniumshurricane · 1 year
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✈️ — ever traveled anywhere interesting? 🎮 — favorite video game(s)? 📕 — favorite book/series?
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— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — » ( ✗ ) @knaivcs || Munday Meme
Glad you asked!
I have been to two interesting places. For some context I live in Canada and we went to go see my mother's side of the family when I was 18 -- I was forced to go for three weeks. It was an okay time for me, we had a festival going on at that time so it was nice to see the culture there, near the end I eventually got home sick. The second place was on a plane ride all by myself to see my partner for the first time -- and yes I just remembered again it was me who went to go visit first. I visited the LA area and every moment I was there I was wondering if I was living in some sort of weird dream. I saw palm trees everywhere where as Canada has a lot of maple trees.
Favourite video games have to be Kingdom Hearts and Pokemon. During a rough time of my teenaged years Kingdom Hearts was something I enjoyed and was able to keep my mind off of things. Pokemon has always been a childhood game for me and at one point when growing up my mother's husband at the time took my games away from me. Funny enough my best friend now was playing Pokemon on the bus and sitting beside me and that's how we connected -- but that's a separate story.
I don't really read that many books but I'll gladly recommend a manga! The icon that I am using here is from Akatsuki No Yona or also known as Yona of the dawn. It's a really cute series about a spoiled princess who gets thrown out of her home with her bodyguard Hak, they travel the world together and take some friends along and over time start developing feelings for one another. To my knowledge it is still ongoing!
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endfought · 2 years
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@n1na-l3vich​: ℬ - What are your top three favourite movies, and why?
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This is a tough one OOOF... 
The first one is actually The Secret Life of Bees. I watched this movie on a whim because I needed something to watch... and it touched me. It made me feel both sad and good, because it teaches you that even though bad things happen, things can and do get better. There’s a line in the movie that I remember, and it’s during the scene when Dakota Fanning’s character says she is unlovable because of what she did, and the woman she is talking to, August, says “there’s love all around you.” It’s just. A feel good movie that will make you cry. 10/10 would highly recommend. 
The second on the list is Dreamworks’ The Prince of Egypt. I love this adaptation of the Exodus story, and everything about this movie is amazing. The character design, the scenery, the music, the visual effects, and the story itself. I love this movie and could watch it over and over and not get tired of it. Even if you aren’t religious, it’s a good movie to watch and enjoy. 
And third... I’m gonna have to say Disney’s Tarzan. I love Tarzan for sentimental reasons; I remember my mom taking me to see this in theaters and it’s a very fond memory of mine. I also just love literally everything about this movie. The music, the animation, the storytelling, they just don’t make them like that anymore. I resonate a lot with stories about characters feeling like they don’t belong, knowing they are different, because it’s how I feel all of the time. I suppose I like Tarzan because I can relate to it in some way. 
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                                ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ positive munday meme // accepting !! ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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endfought · 2 years
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@stcrytme​: ☮ ━ What do you do to try and get the muse to roleplay a character?
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This.... is a good one tbh. Because half the time I have no idea why I suddenly have muse for a character. 
If I’m trying to get a muse it has a lot to do with my current interests. If I’m hyperfixated on something it is very easy for me to pick up a muse, usually my favorite character from a fandom. I research them, look at art of them, get a feel for their character and ask myself questions about why they’re the way they are. What was their past like? What made them this way? What would I do differently if I was the creator of this character? 
I also have to relate to them in some way, or else it isn’t as personal. I’m not talking about completely projecting myself into a muse, but most of my muses have something about them that I personally relate to and that makes it easier to write out their character. A character can be a favorite but if I can’t relate then I can’t pick them up as a muse as easily. It’s possible and I’ve done it, but it is very hard to keep said muse that way! 
Original characters are different than canon characters in this respect; since originals are ones I make myself I’m automatically attached to them. But both kinds of characters require the same amount of development and attention.
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                                 ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ odd munday meme // accepting !! ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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mirrcredgcld-moved · 3 years
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@karaktcrs​: ❥ Has someone ever ruined an FC or character for you?, ♒ Thoughts on the fandom you're currently rping in?, ☀ What's your rp pet peeve?, ☼ How long do you stay mad?
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✦ ☽☾ ✦ the salty af munday meme --- Accepting
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❥ Has someone ever ruined an FC or character for you?
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    { Hm, can’t say that’s yet to happen to be honest! At least, not fandom wise. Going back to my Voltron days I actually started hating Keith not because of the fans, but because the writers made the last few seasons feel like ‘Keith and the Voltron Show’ and I just...did not vibe with that, nope! }
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♒ Thoughts on the fandom you're currently rping in?
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    { It’s been really great! Overall the fandom for The Owl House ( at least, in rp ) has been very welcoming and open and friendly. Wish I could say the same about a good chunk of Lumity shippers when a single piece of harmless Lunter art is put out... }
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☀ What's your rp pet peeve?
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    { Again, I am not Madame Cleo, I cannot read your mind. If you have a problem P L E A S E tell me! Also, I do not accept callouts or witch hunting unless you have some damn good evidence that a real, actual crime has been committed. No, I will not jump onto your side just because so and so ships a pairing you don’t like. I’m too old for that shit, get off my damn lawn. }
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☼ How long do you stay mad?
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    { I don’t, actually. I’m not an angry person and I don’t like to be mad or stay mad. It sucks up a lot of energy I could be using for a lot of other things, which is one reason why I don’t really vibe with fandom culture as a whole anymore. Everyone is so angry over something inconsequential or another all the time it seems. I wish I had even HALF of their energy because then maybe I could get more shit done in my day LOL }
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