#📚 [ ❝ some people offered up answers; they were only words ❞ ] (answered ask)
endfought · 2 years
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@strywoven​: ✏️ a note,, for me?
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                                ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ send ✏️ for mun to make you a handwritten note! ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙  
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thegamingcatmom · 1 month
I've loved what you've done with the ideas that I throw your way!
Your writing's always great!
You're one of my fav writers, and whenever you update with your answers to asks on what the characters would think for things? always brings joy to my day!
Not an idea but a thought to a question that came up,
I've realized now that you've brought up kitchen use...and carmen mixing up salt and sugar cause they can't taste....
How are they gonna feed MC? like, is she gonna be fed take out? From your last answer to the ask, Tanya definitely isn't gonna want to let her cook when MC's attention could be on her,
But let's say Carmen, who wants to work on humaning tries to make her a meal...
I've just had a realization that they've lived for quite some time, and it's been a long time since any of them were people who required food and used a kitchen in such a manner,
Like, I assume they'd have been taught to cook within their time periods before when they were still humans growing up,
But also, how well do they truly remember those recipes from, say (carmen was turned in the 1700s? and tanya kate and irina 1000s?) so like centuries to millenia old recipes that they partially remember from their time when they were still human if they even remember at all that is (don't get me started on if they can't find the necessary ingredient for some old dish that they assume MC will love)
Like they don't eat human food unless MC offered and is watching them 👀 and they think it'll score them some points or infuriate Tanya(getting off track whoops) and haven't cooked for way way WAY longer,
And they technically could follow a recipe, but at the same time, what are the odds that one of them go
"I feel like this needs more seasoning, the amount the recipe lists honestly sounds like it'll turn out bland in proportion to the volume of liquid in here already"
*proceeds to add in a cup of salt to the stew or whatever it is they're trying to cook*
"don't want it to be under seasoned"
*dumps in half a cup of saffron and cinnamon*
"I used to make this all the time when I was human....now how much of this spice did I need?"
Or how some people go "measure with your heart" and pours in a mega ton of whatever other ingredient
And they wouldn't be able to know that it's bad or overly seasoned since it's human food in the first place.
Unless they actually follow a recipe for something or make simple foods that actually turn out edible.
Like MC is gonna either have take out, home cooked overly seasoned to the point that it's questionable if edible meals, old old recipes, or idk maybe like instant meals. At least until they hopefully give in to letting MC cook
But also like imagining Tanya at first trying to cook for MC to get her to warm up to her and maybe thinking she can try to gain her affections by feeding her her cooking or whatever, but it just goes no.
-📚 sorry that it's kinda really wordy😣
Ahhh, thank you so much for your lovely words! 🙈🥰
I love answering them and feeding my own obsession as well as yours, hehe. It´s so motivating receiving yalls asks, you have no idea. Whenever a new one pops up and I get a notif on my phone, this is legit me:
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Ahh yes, yes, yes-
Take out? And risk MC getting sick from all that stuff?? Nuhu, not on Carmen´s watch-
(Kate would be all for it probs. Anything that keeps the hooman fed and alive is good enough for her.
...Until the hooman does get sick for the very first time. Tanya would banish the word alone, lemme tell ya.)
I´ve been thinking about that as well, actually. Quite often.
Like yes, I defo think they got some recipes that they´ve frequently cooked up as humans, especially Carmen. Yall can´t tell me that woman wouldn´t serve MC some Spanish cuisine like a true chef-
...If only she knew how. 😭
She used to. But it´s been years since then. I do think they kinda remember the things that were most important to them as humans, but it´s probs fading more and more the longer they wander this earth. In the end, it´s nothing more than an echo - still there, but just out of reach.
Good thing she´s got her vampy brain. It´s faster. More capable. Stores information better. All MC´s gotta do is make damn sure those jars are properly labeled (salt, sugar, etc.) and we´re good. 💪
It might take a bit (like, 2 days probs) but, before long, Carmen will have read any and every book about Spanish cuisine there is, and she WILL work her way through every single recipe, and she WILL cook them all up, if it´s the last thing she does.
And, who knows, perhaps it sparks something within her? Brings back some memories from her past life? So she can finally make that Spanish dish she herself enjoyed so much as a human? She knows it´s up there *points to head* somewhere.
Like, can you imagine MC tasting it for the very first time and thinking it´s the best thing ever?? Can you imagine the LOOK on Carmen´s face?? If she was still human, you can bet your ass there would be tears-
Carmen: *sets the plate with her fav Spanish dish in front of MC, a somewhat anxious look on her face*
MC: *eyes it suspiciously, but then remembers Carmen´s nice, so she tries to look like she looks forward to having a taste*
MC: *looks up at Carmen*
Carmen: 👀
MC: 😬
MC, internally: 💀
MC: *looks back down at her dish and accepts her fate cause what is she to do?*
MC: *takes the fork and goes for a very hesitant first bite*
Carmen: 👀
MC: *chews*
Carmen: 👀
MC: *chews some more*
Carmen: 👀
MC: "..."
Carmen: 👀
MC: "..."
Carmen, thinking it sucks ass: 😰
Carmen: "What is missing this time? Or is it too spicy? It is, is it not? I swear I did everything as I remembered it, down to the very last ingredient-"
MC, finally deciding to put that poor woman out of her misery: "It tastes...good."
Carmen: "..."
MC, not even trying to hide her surprise: "...Really good, actually."
Carmen: 👀
MC: 👀
MC: *wastes no more time and dives right in for more, finally some good fucking food-*
Carmen, only now realizing what just happened: 😯😀😍
Also Carmen, two seconds later: 🥹
Tanya, in the distance: *betrayal, jealousy, indignation*
Also Tanya: *already scheming to steal that damn notepad Carmen´s no doubt used to write down the recipe for later use*
Kate, right next to Tanya: *already scheming to steal another indirect kiss...or perhaps try for an actual one, seeing how the lil spitfire seems to be in rather good spirits right now, hmm...*
Irina: *please hold the line*
MC: *still happily munching*
Carmen: 🥰
Carmen is too precious for this world. 😭
But ye, that´s pretty much what would happen. Carmen´s gonna make sure the hooman is well-fed so ppl won´t even think about getting her that greasy take out. She might have left her human days behind her centuries ago, but even she recognizes a potential heart attack when she sees one.
But I LOVE all your ideas, as per usual. The one with failing to purchase an ingredient because it might no longer exist in this mordern world?? At least not under the name they used to know it by?? PLEASE. 😭
But also, the one where they just pour stuff in like no tmr in hopes it´s gonna be the right amount and MC will remain standing?? PLEASE. 💀
But also also, I actually don´t think they´d do that. (Anymore.) At least not until they got the hang of it all. And, if they did decide to season it, then they´d start with something they´ve already made. Yknow, just try out a lil something. Nothing too over the top. Just a smidge. See how MC reacts first. See if she drops dead-
RIGHT, so-
I think they´d go strictly by recipe until they figured it all out. Lest they give MC an actual heart attack...
Right so, Carmen cooking is all fine and dandy-
...Until it isn't. Because once the initial joy over getting something edible has faded somewhat, MC realizes that she's bored. Terribly so. (Because, if it was up to Tanya, she'd be sitting somewhere looking pretty all day, nothing more, nothing less. Laying around works too, ofc. Works even better.) And also, she's never been one to let others do the work for her. She's very much capable of fending for herself, tyvm.
So, you can bet your ass she WILL help Carmen cook, if it's the last thing she does.
And Carmen? There's no way she's gonna deny her. She just doesn't have it in her. In fact, she'll be most pleased to spend some quality time with her daughter-in-law charge.
...Unlike her leader.
Nuhu. Impossible. Out of the question. Under no circumstances will she allow her troublemaker-
The Troublemaker: 🥺
Tanya: 😤
The Troublemaker: 🥺
Tanya: 😠
The Troublemaker: 🥺
Tanya: 😒
The Troublemaker: 🥺
Tanya: 😑
The Troublemaker: 🥺
Tanya: 😐
The Troublemaker: 🥺
Tanya: 🙁
The Troublemaker: 🥺
Tanya: 😕
The Troublemaker: 🥺
Tanya: ☹️
The Troublemaker: 🥺
Tanya: 😖
The Troublemaker: 🥺
Tanya, hesitantly opens one eye: 👁
The Troublemaker: 😔
Tanya: 😮‍💨
The Troublemaker: 😔
Tanya, sighing: "...Alright. BUT, I shall oversee proceedings at any time very closely-"
The Troublemaker: 🤩
Tanya: "..."
The Troublemaker: 🥰
Tanya: 🥴
Carmen, having watched it all unfold: 😏 🤭
Who is manipulating whom exactly? PLEASE. 😭
Okay but also Tanya trying to cook something up for MC so she can preen under her attention and praise, just like Carmen did?? And, in order to accomplish that, she might just go through with her plan of stealing that damn notepad?? Girl is desperate, lemme tell ya. 😭
But also, even if she did manage to steal that notepad, she gotta actually cook it too. Somehow, I don't see our proud coven leader being very good at following instructions (because she can do it ten times better). Especially not when it comes to MC, lol. They´re more alike than MC realizes, I reckon.
Tanya´s probs gonna take one look at that recipe and go like "Hmm, okay yeah sounds legit but no" and yknow, just put her own spin on it because there´s no way she´s just gonna copy someone. Especially when it comes to doing anything for MC. (She must stand out.)
(We´re not gonna talk about the fact that she still kinda copies someone by using that recipe in the first place. No, we´re not.)
She´s Tanya Denali, head of the Denali coven, and she will NOT rely on others when it comes to providing for MC. Not on her watch. She´s gonna use Carmen´s recipe and morph it into something that screams "Tanya Denali". (Only Tanya knows what that means, I´m afraid.)
OR, in other words:
It goes just as horribly as we all probs imagine:
Tanya: *sets the plate full of...something in front of MC, looking all proud and smug*
MC: *not even trying to hide her suspicion (and slight disgust) this time*
Tanya, entirely confident: 😌
MC, dares to look up from her plate of horror: 👀
Tanya: 😌
MC, realizing she has no choice if she wants to eat today: 💀
Tanya: 😌
MC: *lifts the fork to her mouth...very slowly indeed*
Tanya: 😌
MC: *closes her mouth around the fork*
Tanya: 😌
MC: *starts chewing*
Tanya, unable to hide her curiosity any longer at the chewing sound: 👀
MC: *some more chewing*
Tanya: 👀
MC: "..."
Tanya: 👀
MC: "..."
Tanya: 👀
MC: *looks up at Tanya with nothing short of agony written all over her face*
Tanya, quickly schooling her face into one of smugness again: 😌
MC, struggling to speak through her mouthful which she has yet to swallow: "It´s..."
Tanya, most attentive now as she´s looking MC dead in the eyes: 👀 "Delicious?"
MC: "..."
Also Tanya: 👀 "Exquisite?"
MC: "..."
Also Tanya: 👀 "Just as expected?"
MC: *finally swallows down her mouthful with great difficulty so she can answer*
Tanya: 👀
MC, who has expected it to be quite horrible indeed: "...I guess you could say that."
Tanya, who has never once doubted her abilities: 😌
Also Tanya, internally: 🤩😍🥰🥴
MC, on the outside: 🥲
MC, on the inside: *already plotting her grand escape from the kitchen*
Mistakes were made. Misunderstandings were born.
Girl was trying, aight?? 😭
Tysm for another one of your lengthy asks! Whenever I answer one of these I feel like we're doing our own lil spin-off à la "Keeping Up With..." 😅🤭
Have a great day and cya at the next one! ❤️
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zombiemaids · 6 years
You can answer any or all of these: 🐹👀😘🌟🎁🐇🍓✈️☕️🌸🎵⚡️🌺🍀☁️🍪🍰🍑📚🎬
🐹 what are some of your favourite Pokémon and why?
i never followed pokemon, but i always thought espeon was really pretty
👀 what was the most recent vivid dream that you had?
it was more of a nightmare - i witnessed a train crash while standing extremely high up, before some guys offered to take me somewhere bad and i went along cause i knew them. we got to the place and it was kind of hostel-y, and there were two old guys running it, and one was a cannibal and the other was just into sex slavery. they explained to me what was happening and i woke up as one of em said he was going to cut into my left side and eat it.
😘 talk about your crush or partner
i don’t have one. however i have a pretty big crush on alex wolff.
🌟 what do you like about yourself? (must choose at least 3 things!)
aw man, this is hard but my eyes, my legs, my lips.
🎁 what never fails to make you happy?
talking to my friends, watching a really good movie, or buying new clothes/makeup.
🐇 what do you always daydream about?
sex, love, the future, and what i would do if i had a lot of money. i was daydreaming today about an alternate universe where alexandria ocasio-cortez was president and world peace was a thing.
🍓 send me 4 names: kiss, befriend, kill or marry?
i didn’t get four names.
✈️ what is your dream city and why?
i have fantasies of living in los angeles because i really like annoying people and eternal summers i guess. i also wanted to live in london or new york as a kid before i realised they were pollution-infested twins. i think i’d ideally be at home in somewhere like seattle but the pull of a mall being 8 seconds away is too appealing.
☕️ talk about your ideal day
it’s so boring but ideally i just want to wake up and have absolutely no chores to do or places to be. once you start a job and therapy and college just something as simple as having free time becomes really appealing.
🌸 are you an introvert, ambivert or extrovert?
ambivert. i used to be a hardcore introvert as a young teen but now depending on the scenario i can do pretty well in social situations.
🎵 name 5 songs you love at the moment
new order - blue monday, ry cooder - 3 cool cats, nine inch nails - my violent heart, metallica - master of puppets, ministry - golden dawn
⚡️ if you had any superpower, what would it be and why?
either mind-reading, time travel, or super speed. i constantly want to know more about people, i have a lot of nostalgia, and i’m always late.
🌺 which languages do you know? which do you want to learn?
i took german and french for 7 years and i don’t remember a word of either. my brain sadly isn’t cut out for learning languages. if it was, i’d love to learn spanish.
🍀 if you could be any fictional character’s best friend/lover, which fictional character would you be?
*rubs hands together* peter from hereditary
☁️ talk about your dream universe.
i am happy, healthy, and safe, living with people i love. there is world peace, or the world is at least a lot less turbulent.mostly i just want the kids at the border to be free.
🍪 what did you want to be as a kid, and what do you want to be now?
as a kid: palaeontologist. now: pathologist.
🍰 what are some of your favourite sugary foods?
chocolate cookies, chocolate cake, sorbet.
🍑 what are you obsessed with?
i’m really into criminology and horror movies. i also like fashion and makeup, especially things from the 80s. but i was given unlimited access to wikipedia as a child, so if you ask me about it, chances are i can hold a conversation about it.
📚 share 3 books that you love and your favourite quote from them.
outside beauty by cynthia kadohata - marilyn was not a pretty girl such as you see every day, at the bank or in the store or in a restaurant. she possessed that rare type of beauty, like our mother’s, that you only saw once in a great while and that haunted you. she was half italian and half japanese, and she looked vaguely polynesian. several times, at a chicago cubs game, a boy would spot her with his binoculars and seek her out from across the park. the boys would just want to meet her, maybe to touch her hand.
kill the dead by richard kadrey - vices shouldn’t be safe. they're what remind us we’re alive and mortal.
zoo by otsuichi - kazari was beautiful and active, and she smiled like a flower in bloom.
🎬 what are some of your favourite films?
inglourious basterds, it’s such a beautiful day, the breakfast club, the big short, hereditary, nightcrawler.
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endfought · 2 years
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@wolfvirago​: ✏️ beep
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                                 ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ send ✏️ for mun to make you a handwritten note! ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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endfought · 2 years
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@drakonig​:  ℱ - Is there a song that, if you listen to it, you automatically start to dance?
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So I’m not the best dancer BY ANY MEANS but Can’t Stop the Feeling by Justin Timberlake gets me moving! It’s just a happy tune!! Other honorable mentions that also make me move:
Rock That Body - Black Eyed Peas
Stamp On the Ground - Italo Brothers
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                                 ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ positive munday meme // accepting !! ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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endfought · 2 years
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@historias-multorum​: 1. how do you feel about reblog karma?
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This was a big thing back in 2012-2013 when I first started roleplaying. People would get upset if someone reblogged a meme directly from them while not sending anything. It was just kind of a slap in the face if someone reblogged something directly from you and didn’t send anything in, while getting things sent to them. I’m not so strict about this anymore, but I do have a rule where if you reblog a meme directly from me instead of from the source, I’d like one sent to me. I generally ask people to reblog from the source because of this because I don’t want to pressure people into sending things -- RP is supposed to be fun and stress free, but I do see it as rude if someone doesn’t send a meme in after reblogging from me.
The tumblr community has gotten horrible with interaction and sending things in, so naturally I highly encourage people to send memes when I reblog them.
Not sure if that answered the question but... short answer: I’m pro reblog karma to an extent I guess. Basically if you aren’t going to send anything in, don’t reblog directly from me. -shrugs-
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endfought · 2 years
Can I ask you a question? What year does Alex's story take place?
Hey! Alex's story takes place in the 2010s. I created him in 2009, and he was 18 when I made him. With that in mind, if Alex was 18 in 2009, he was born in 1991. So his main story takes place in 2009-2014ish.
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endfought · 2 years
;; I’d love to write with you more, what muses have the most… well, muse! Lol
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SO my loudest muses right now are Jen, Alex, and Ramsey since I'd like to test her out more!!
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endfought · 2 years
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@n1na-l3vich​: ℬ - What are your top three favourite movies, and why?
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This is a tough one OOOF... 
The first one is actually The Secret Life of Bees. I watched this movie on a whim because I needed something to watch... and it touched me. It made me feel both sad and good, because it teaches you that even though bad things happen, things can and do get better. There’s a line in the movie that I remember, and it’s during the scene when Dakota Fanning’s character says she is unlovable because of what she did, and the woman she is talking to, August, says “there’s love all around you.” It’s just. A feel good movie that will make you cry. 10/10 would highly recommend. 
The second on the list is Dreamworks’ The Prince of Egypt. I love this adaptation of the Exodus story, and everything about this movie is amazing. The character design, the scenery, the music, the visual effects, and the story itself. I love this movie and could watch it over and over and not get tired of it. Even if you aren’t religious, it’s a good movie to watch and enjoy. 
And third... I’m gonna have to say Disney’s Tarzan. I love Tarzan for sentimental reasons; I remember my mom taking me to see this in theaters and it’s a very fond memory of mine. I also just love literally everything about this movie. The music, the animation, the storytelling, they just don’t make them like that anymore. I resonate a lot with stories about characters feeling like they don’t belong, knowing they are different, because it’s how I feel all of the time. I suppose I like Tarzan because I can relate to it in some way. 
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endfought · 3 years
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@drakonig​: 18. What is one thing you’d wish to see more in the rp community?
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I truly, truly wish there was more interaction and engagement in general. Tumblr rp has changed so much from when I first started. I remember a time when people were invested in their partners and their muses and they actively engaged with people. They still do that now, but it’s very rare. I could be wrong, but I’m just saying this based off my own dash. 
I struggle so hard to find interactions or to get people to engage with my posts. My friends do, and I love them for that! But I’ve seen more and more people say they have the same people engage with their stuff, they want to branch out a little bit! 
I think the RP community has become more... hesitant to do this? People are hesitant to reblog art, reblog promos, send asks, like starter calls, that type of thing. And I’ll admit I’m guilty of this too. I see people on my dash all the time make posts about wanting more interactions and I’m glad it isn’t just me that feels this way! 
So ye... more interaction/engagement from my dash is a big want. 
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endfought · 2 years
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@voxcrystallis​ asked: 🎤 + Jen and tdc, maybe your first impression of him and the movie itself?
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my baBy boY
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endfought · 2 years
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@voxcrystallis​:10. what genre do you most enjoy, whether in roleplay, or fiction as a whole? (fantasy, period, superhero, etc.)
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I really enjoy fantasy mostly -- if you put me in B/arnes & N/oble I’ll go straight to the fantasy section (after I look at the Funko Pops). I also love historical fiction -- stories set in a historical time period that makes references to actual events. Both are fun to write!
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endfought · 2 years
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anonymous asked: i have a question about Alex: since he's a shark shifter, if he were to encounter a normal shark, would he be able to understand it? either in a conversational sense or a horse-whisperer-esque 'can tell what it's thinking' kind of way. if so, would this extend to any other kinds of fish/marine life, or be limited to just sharks?
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This... is a really good question actually !!
The short answer is yes, since Alex is basically a shark in a human body, he can communicate with natural-born sharks. However, he can’t have conversations with it or anything like that, more of a “he can feel what it’s feeling/thinking.” He can tell if a shark is distressed or content to that extent. This does not extend to other forms of marine life, however he does have instincts that normal sharks have that tells him if an animal is struggling or if he’s being hunted. (orcas and dolphins actively hunt sharks irl, so Alex is pretty wary of them, shifter or not.)
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                                 ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ unprompted asks // always accepting !! ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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endfought · 2 years
a question: was Alex inspired by Percy Jackson?
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Nope! He is my own brainchild. His physical appearance was inspired by Doon Harrow from City of Ember and I thought Logan Lerman would be a perfect FC for him instead of the actor that played Doon. He's been Alex's faceclaim for over 5 years so I couldn't possibly change it now!
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endfought · 2 years
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@stcrytme​: ☮ ━ What do you do to try and get the muse to roleplay a character?
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This.... is a good one tbh. Because half the time I have no idea why I suddenly have muse for a character. 
If I’m trying to get a muse it has a lot to do with my current interests. If I’m hyperfixated on something it is very easy for me to pick up a muse, usually my favorite character from a fandom. I research them, look at art of them, get a feel for their character and ask myself questions about why they’re the way they are. What was their past like? What made them this way? What would I do differently if I was the creator of this character? 
I also have to relate to them in some way, or else it isn’t as personal. I’m not talking about completely projecting myself into a muse, but most of my muses have something about them that I personally relate to and that makes it easier to write out their character. A character can be a favorite but if I can’t relate then I can’t pick them up as a muse as easily. It’s possible and I’ve done it, but it is very hard to keep said muse that way! 
Original characters are different than canon characters in this respect; since originals are ones I make myself I’m automatically attached to them. But both kinds of characters require the same amount of development and attention.
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                                 ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ odd munday meme // accepting !! ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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endfought · 2 years
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@rathalascendant​ asked: 🎤 the first muse you ever picked up in the tumblr rpc!
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tbh that time in my life is such a blur but ksjhksdf 
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