#☕️ game
ham1lton · 1 month
☕️ the love life of some of the drivers
some of them are weird. like idc for kelly and max or pierre and kika because of the age thing. it’s weird to me. idc if you like them because it’s none of my business but i’ll never post about them here lol. i am not really interested in them besides that. i’m neutral on all the other wags! because idk who they are.
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boxboxlewis · 2 years
top 5 drivers that have never won a race ☕️ (and if you're feeling feisty top 5 drivers you hope will never win one)
[cracking my fingers, putting on my "woman in STEM" glasses, preparing to count to 5] ok here we go, my top drivers that have never won a race -
geroge russell: YES i know he "won" in "brazil" but in terms of vibe... it's still him, baby. he could be a 5x WDC and he would still be my favourite driver who's never won a race, to ME
yuki!!!! i hope this is his year
alexander thee albon: would do a car swap with him if i thought it would help (honestly i drive a neat little skoda, so like... it might???)
mick: this is entirely due to the influence of @rosyjuly
guanyu: king of fashion, king of my heart
top 5 who i hope never win: checo (don't @ me), lando, lando, lando, lando
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pathetic-gamer · 3 months
‼️fun game alert‼️
guess the mystery animal by guessing animals and seeing how closely related they are!
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acecroft · 1 year
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ALAN WAKE 2 - Behind the Scenes #4 ☕️
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sweetbarista · 10 months
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↳ frostyfest twitter layouts
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tubbbee · 2 months
I know I'm an mcyt blog but if you'll allow me a brief moment of autism it'd be very appreciated.
A list of things I think SotM will confirm (or at least reference/address)
if the Mimic saw the MCI. SotM will take place in 1979, the MCI happened in 1985 (according to ITP). the game will also likely be taking place during the final Fallfest, the one that burns. according to the HW2 posters the first Fallfest took place in 1970, and since the trailer has a 1979 flash by, I'm willing to bet it's the final one.
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I believe both the suits in the basement of Ruin, the Circus line from Funko, and maybe even Glitchtrap will be introduced as Fallfest wearable costumes. look at the way the Circus line is modeled. there's no animatronic joints in sight, its all smooth and seamless, like a mascot costume at Disney. like something someone would wear at an amusement park
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I also believe they're the starting point for the springlock suits. when Fallfest burned down, all of the costumes would've been destroyed, but not any metal animatronics. I think this leads Henry/William to start working on suits that can be worn but are still metal and safe from possible fire. maybe it's not a coincidence Clownic looks so close to the SL night 4 springlock suit
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a Sun and Moon explanation would be nice, because lets be real, the DCA always stood out in SB. the Clownic in the trailer even has the same circular widecheeked grin that Sun and Moon do. so either Clownic is the inspiration for Sun and Moon's creation in SB (FazEnt has never been against reusing past designs for new locations) or is their show partner. a jester and clown make sense together after all. someone on Twt also had the idea that since Clownic is coming out of the box with the Puppet's music, maybe Clownic is the Puppet to the Circus animatronic's Toy line. the 5th member of their show
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dracalix · 2 months
almost every single person i see saying daenerys and drogo had consented sex in the book when they were literally 13 and in his 30’s is a man.
why is it so hard to make men understand a child can’t give sexual consent to an adult? at 13 or 16 (show age)? 🙃
fandom full of p€d0s and grape kink lovers if y’all ask me.
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cocommunitymoon · 22 days
Fic Writer Enrichment
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Have you enriched your favorite writer today? Creativity has to be fed with novelty, enthusiasm, and support!! Send your favorite writer(s) one of these questions today!!
🧃Last character you hated on sight and still do?
🏆 What are the characters from your last fic bringing to a potluck?
🏎️ Favorite mythological creature?
🛟 What character/fic/wip has kept you up at night lately?
Or go off-book and compliment them on literally anything!! Praise that word count, three cheers for them finishing a fic no matter the length, send gratitude for sharing their talent and passion with the world, send cleansing energy into their inbox 😍🤩
7 of ??
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fisherrprince · 7 months
yes I did start tearing up because of the little scene at the door (I just went top down my man) and yes I did (immediately after being thoroughly unnerved) go see what everyone else’s conversations were. Now if you’ll excuse me. I need to go to bed
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EDIT: more if you need them. Because
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☕️the most egregious problem The Flash has is that it literally NEVER ADDRESSES ANY of the trauma it consistently puts Barry and co through, like it has other problems but I think that's the worst lol
1000000% and I will die mad about it.
Since it’s (always) on my mind, let’s take season 2 for example shall we?
If I had a nickel for everytime Post-Zoom-trauma just disappeared at the drop of a hat, I’d have four nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s fucking INFURIATING THAT IT HAPPENED F O U R TIMES
The four (for lack of a better word) victims in question: Caitlin, Barry, Jesse, and Jay.
Caitlin: kidnapped and held against her will for (I believe) two weeks (that’s putting it simply but we’ve all seen the show so🤷‍♀️). The show gives her one single episode to deal with it, during which she shows very real symptoms of PTSD— solved and therefore ignored and glossed over entirely with a single pep talk. I would also like to add that she showed NO fear of him in the season finale which makes no fucking sense with what the show established only an episode earlier. But tbh, this is the best one because at least the show ACKNOWLEDGED that trauma; if only for one episode.
Barry: Back broken during first encounter (among other severe injuries), humiliated by being dragged around the city to show he wasn’t strong enough to stop Zoom, confidence shattered from the experience. Like Caitlin, we got one episode to deal with this trauma and in that episode, Barry also showed signs and symptoms of PTSD (the entire season is evidence tbh). But of course, one pep talk from his dad and everything’s magically ok :-D !!!!!! I’m going to eat glass (also I will definitely make a post on that fucking episode because I hate it). As mentioned; he continues to have PTSD symptoms throughout the season but it’s glossed over so much and attributed to generic-superhero-stuff™️ that it really doesn’t matter. Gods, I could go on all day about Barry’s post-Zoom AND post-Thawne trauma. (Oh, he was also kidnapped, threatened, and {borderline} tortured by Zoom in the Earth-2 episodes; but that’s all normal superhero stuff ofc so it doesn’t matter right :-D !!! gnawing at the bars of my enclosure)
Jesse: Good gods where do I even start. Kidnapped by a known serial killer, tortured by said serial killer, repeatedly and (probably) constantly threatened with death, and held captive for around 9-10 months. Mm also, she was clearly terrified of Zoom every time he showed up prior to her rescue. Sounds like an extremely traumatic experience with multiple opportunities and instances to develop PTSD right? WRONG! According to the lovely writers; people are completely fine after a traumatic experience is over! What’s PTSD??? chewing glass chewing glass chewing glass. They didn’t even TRY with her, at least with Barry and Caitlin they pretended to give a shit about what they went through but Jesse makes two things crystal clear. 1) The writers don’t care about your trauma unless you’re an MC. 2) The writers put minimal effort into trauma if any; MC or not. It’s like they said ‘Ooo, we should have Caitlin kidnapped by Zoom!’ ‘Won’t that have some sort of effect on her? Being kidnapped is a terrifying experience’ ‘Ah fuck you’re right… eh, we’ll give her one episode ig’ ‘What about Jesse?’ ‘Who?’
Jay: Fucking. Hell. I ordered this in what I consider best handled to worst. Jay is by far— handled worst. Let’s see here *checks notes* Ah yes. Kidnapped and taken to a completely different Earth, an attempted theft of his powers, imprisoned and put in a mask so he can’t speak, {not confirmed but very likely with Zoom’s track record and somewhat implied} tortured, had his identity stolen and {likely} mocked and tormented about the subject, and the ~delightful~ cherry on top— held captive in this situation for at least one year. Fuck I’m so tired. Anyways; there’s not much to say. He got rescued (off-screen ofc), was able to access his powers instantly with no problems, and left to go back to his Earth. Trauma? What trauma? *gestures wildly at said trauma posted above* That’s not traumatic at all! *screams* I don’t care how much experience you have as a superhero— that doesn’t just GO AWAY! PTSD, FLASH WRITERS. LOOK INTO IT P L E A S E fuck I just remembered the show is over now ALL YOUR MC’S HAVE IT! EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. Sigh. In the end of *gestures at said trauma* all that, Jay was just used to cause Barry more greif from his father’s death. Obviously he gets roles in later seasons but (as far as I can remember) this whole thing was never brought up again. Sigh.
but I won’t cause dear gods I’ve been typing forever now
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pfhwrittes · 15 days
☕️ armpits
sy you don’t even know. i’m a little bit obsessed with armpits. i can’t even tell you why but they’re just a Thing for me okay?
i’m blaming my first boyfriend who was 6ft something so whenever i’d go in for a hug i was perfect ‘pit height and i’d get smooshed into his armpit. he smelled gooooood too
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ham1lton · 1 month
☕️ when you first got into f1 who were you first into and who are you into now? For me it was pierre and now its Esteban and Lando
good question…. hmm…. in the beginning it was daniel and lewis (obviously). now it’s oscar, lewis and charles and i rlly dislike daniel 😭
in terms of retired drivers i like seb, nico + jenson. god knew they would be too powerful if they were at their prime now.
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boxboxlewis · 2 years
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pathetic-gamer · 24 days
Can you say more on The Burning Wheel? The information on the site doesn’t distinguish it much from other TTRPGs that I can tell, aside from being a D6 system. What makes it unique and worth playing? (You don’t have to provide a huge rundown haha I’m just curious!)
Sure! I tried to keep this short and failed miserably, but I'd be happy to expound even more upon specific things later, if people want more :)
(Please note that, as with any ttrpg, it would be hard to claim any of the things mentioned here are wholly original to The Burning Wheel. It would be even harder to claim that no other systems have used these mechanics or philosophies in the 20 years since The Burning Wheel came out. I am not going to claim either of those things - its the combination of them and the play experience they have resulted in for me that make it unique, so that's the angle from which I'm writing this post.)
So. why is it worth playing? How is it different?
I could talk about the skill learning system, the war rules codex, the whole concept of versus tests vs bloody versus tests. But to me, there are two main ways that it stands out from other systems: its treatment of role-play as a mechanism, and the overall philosophy behind the game's design, including the concept of setting clear expectations.
(using section headers to break up the text lol)
How it uses role-play:
The most obvious thing to point out is that there's a whole set of encounter mechanics for social situations or debates (Circles checks, Duel of Wits, etc.) - sort of the epitome of crunchy role play. But thats not what I'm getting at! What I'm getting is the fact that good role play is integral to the way the game functions.
Let's go back, all the way to character creation: When you're burning a character, you selecting life paths (page to squire to knight, etc.) with their associated skills and traits, then tie them in a pretty bow with beliefs and instincts to guide the character's actions. All of these things feed into each other to make a complete character. Easy! Familiar! We all know how to make a character, even if the numbers and labels are different!
What really matters to this engine once you're playing is whether the character you're acting as matches what you built. If it doesn't, the rules nudge you to redefine your character until it does through systems of rewards, penalties, and consequences. You are rewarded for sticking to and acting on your traits, beliefs, and instincts through different types of points distributed and voted on by fellow players, which can be used to alter the course of events or turn the tide of a bad situation later on. If you're not living up to a trait, on the other hand, you can lose it and all its benefits. (Took the fortitude trait, but ran from trouble one too many times? tough luck! the other players voted to take away that trait and now you can't call on it in moments of peril.) The beliefs and traits of a single character can end up at odds with each other, resulting in characters having to make choices that in other systems might seem insignificant or carry few lasting consequences, but here may alter the function of your character.
It's not all punitive measures, btw! One of my characters caused problems for everyone else by refusing to put away a weapon when someone else was in danger, playing off of an instinct that states he draws his weapon whenever his master does. After the session, another player suggested everyone consider nominating the Brave trait for him the next time we update them. As a character-type trait, it has no effect when rolling dice but does mean that henceforth and forevermore, anyone who interacts with him will notice a sense of bravery. Delightful!!
Also, the beliefs of different characters are practically guaranteed to stray from one another at some point, which is the primary source of inter-PC conflict. Because the mechanics of the game encourage and reward sticking to your beliefs or following your stated instincts even when it makes things significantly harder or causes problems, you're much more inclined to do it. As someone who is terrible at not slipping back into the same kind of character over and over again, I think this fucking rules.
I'm playing with a group of people I've been gaming with for almost five years, and this has opened the way for much richer dynamics between our characters than any of the other systems we've played, in part because as players we're less interested in acting on concensus to drive the plot forward. Working as one unit simply isn't the goal, and if it was, we would play a different system that encourages and rewards that.
the game's philosophy, aka setting intentions and also reading rules:
Now we're starting to get at the philosophy behind the game's design: It believes you have to know why you're playing burning wheel instead of literally any other game. This isn't a system you play on accident. It's admittedly a complicated game with a LOT of rules. It asks for a huge amount of engagement from all of the players, not just the GM - something like inter-PC conflict can only work well if everyone is on the same page (figuratively, but also literally lol) and ready to help adjudicate rules, ask for tests, discuss intentions, etc. Dream scenario for a chronic rules lawyer lol.
Obviously any game will be more fun if everyone has actually learned the rules before they start playing, but this is one where it's extremely difficult (if not impossible) to play if most players haven't learned them, and deeply rewarding if they have. It really operates on the expectation that everyone is putting in work, and everyone has respect for the time and effort the others are bringing to the table.
It's hard to put a finger on how this all impacts play other than the obvious elegence of People Knowing What Theyre Doing, but on a purely emotional and meta level, knowing that everyone is investing so much time and effort to play a game with you is just.. idk, it feels special and makes the time itself feel even more valuable. In that sense, the satisfaction of playing the game isn't coming from the game itself, but is still shaped by it.
(In my mind, this is the #1 reason to try the game, but as @thydungeongal alluded to yesterday, finding people willing and able to do it is also the #1 hurdle to, like, actually having a good time. it would be completely miserable otherwise.)
Also, for a game that does not boast a collaborative nature the way some others do, it is honestly pretty fuckin collaborative lol. I don't know that this was Luke Crane's intention in designing the game, but closing out sessions by going through and grading everyone's work and giving each other glorified gold stars, you will inevitably end up discussing and dissecting things, learning from people's character work, and seeing where and how you can improve individually and as a group. It creates a table culture that values honest expressions of discomfort or dissatisfaction, and also of appreciation and celebration. It's after-care. It leads naturally into setting intentions and expectations for the next session. It just feels really nice!!!
That's obviously a table culture that can be cultivated anyway, and it's a practice my group has learned to be very intentional about facilitating, but it's just interesting how The Burning Wheel of all systems manages to support that. I think that's what the website means when it says playing this changes how you play other rpgs lol
So yeah, idk how much more to say and also I'm sooooooo so eepy and was like an hour late for work, so its a weird brain day. but there you go lol
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dipperscavern · 4 days
"i want robb!!" "i want cregan!!" "i want jon!!" Meanwhile I'm over here making out with Margaery Tyrell 🤭
Speaking of, Chappell Roan's performance at the VMAs gave me a great idea!! Female-Knight!Reader x Margaery Tyrell - but it's like a secret relationship and all that 😩🙏 #needthatfr
- 🩵☕
oh margaery tyrell…. margaery tyrell indeed, espresso anon. ugh being margaerys sworn sword… accompanying her everywhere, always keeping her so safe. and you also begin to see when the mask falls.
a slight twitch of her eye after a conversation with a particularly handsy lord is over (you woukdve stepped in, if not for her hand stopping your own about to grab your sword). the tyrell mask of regal perfection falling to examine a butterfly that’s landed on a nearby flower. she prefers tart pastries to sweet — always likes a bit of wine after a meal. you can’t deny the way you memorize everything about her, always greedily drinking in as much information as you can. your heart flutters when she watches you speak so attentively.
you’re trained to be aware of your surroundings, so you notice when her gaze starts to linger on you, watching your form as you train with & beat highgardens best. always with the helm on, huh? she wonders why. and one day when it’s knocked off, she finds out (with a warmth spreading between her thighs)
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sweetbarista · 10 months
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↳ florian & kieran twitter layouts
— like or rb if using ! ( req; @verdantmeadows )
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