#▲; this is but one of the legends of which the people speak ( headcanons )
linktotheheart · 6 months
One of my personal favorite legend of zelda headcanons is that Lynels were either not always bestial monsters who would attack on sight (or can evolve to be an intelligent social race after being freed from Ganon's influence, but I like the deep lore of them having been corrupted by Ganon and being able to return to their previous state once he is gone).
They're already clearly very intelligent. They're the only enemy that can figure out you're not a Lynel when you're wearing the Lynel mask just by looking at you. They're able to fire an arrow up into the air and hit you even if you're standing behind an object that obscures you. They switch from ranged to melee weapons based on how far you are from them. It shows they have some reasoning abilities and even understanding of physics beyond a very base instinctual level.
I like to imagine that Lynels would still be largely solitary creatures in their uncorrupted state, sometimes moving about in small groups based in either family units or teams united for a common purpose. But maybe they did at one point in the very distant past have a homeland where they could congregate, perhaps outside Hyrule which is why it's unknown in the present.
I think they'd actually be very academic, and would travel a lot to study and document in their chosen field, hence the largely nomadic lifestyle. The combination of hardy hooves and dextrous hands would help them easily traverse places that would be impassible for normal hooved creatures and footed creatures alike. They are capable of feats of both great strength and delicate dexterity, and once produced great works of art.
Given the way they seek out very high, isolated places, astronomy may have been a common chosen field of study.
Their fall was concurrent with the beginning of the imprisoning war, which was the first time they were recorded appearing in Hyrule in official histories. They had previously traveled into the wilds of Hyrule, but any accounts made by people of the time were lost to the ages, and the accounts from the war only survived due to the fact that so many Lynels appeared together that they were witnessed by many people.
I like the idea of, after the events of ToTK, the Lynels regaining their full intelligence and appearing to speak to Zelda. Link immediately moves to attack but everyone is startled when the Lynel speaks. Zelda orders Link to stand down and gives him the chance to explain, and he does so and offers allyship of his people, who mean to reestablish a society outside of Hyrule. Zelda offers aid and they accept, and though all the races of Hyrule are extremely nervous about them, they start to interact and work together.
Also, in any story where a version of Ganondorf is saved, is able to return and be reformed, etc, the Lynels at first regard him as a mortal enemy for what he did to their people, and only eventually tolerate him if he proves he has changed (or, alternatively was corrupted by a being/force like Demise himself, in which case many Lynels actually turn around and accept him and mourn over what was done to all of them together).
I have so many fanfic ideas now, tbh.
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nordickies · 17 days
what's your headcanon human names for all 5 of them? :0
I think the Nordics have used various names throughout history! But they're probably all just variations of the same "base name," which has just changed with culture and current trends to keep up with the times.
Denmark: Magnus / Magni, Mange, Magne Magnus ("great") is a latinised version of the Old Norse name Magni ("mighty"). Various Scandinavian kings have been named Magnus, so the name has long been associated with the region. Mange is a Swedish nickname for Magnus, and Magne could be Denmark's alternative alias if he needs one Sweden: Björn / Bernwald Björn ("bear") is an Old Norse name still popular in Sweden. Perhaps in the Middle Ages, he may have used the name Bernwald ("bear" + "ruler") to fit in better with the German-speaking estates of society and have more of an international reach. Because his name means "bear," he can be teasingly referred to as Nalle, Bamse, or Baddi, all meaning "teddy bear" Norway: Sigurd / Sigurðr, Siward, Sjur Sigurd is a younger form of the Old Norse name Sigurðr ("victory"+ "guardian"), perhaps most notably associated with the Germanic legend of the dragon slayer. Siward is the English equivalent of the name. Sjur is the shortened form of the name Sigurd, so it may be his alternative alias Finland: Timo / Väinö, Väinämö Timo is a Finnish version of the name Timotheos ("honoring God") and perhaps a name he had to pick for himself after the introduction of Christianity. I like the idea of Väinö ("calmly flowing river") being his former first name and present middle name since it has the same origin as his canon surname Iceland: Eiríkur / Eiríkr, Erik Eiríkur is an Icelandic name, the younger form of the Old Norse name Eiríkr ("forever rich/powerful"). When in contact with outsiders, his name probably got simplified as Erik
Their surnames are not set in stone, and I rarely find myself needing them anyway. I don't think the Nordics would feel quite as attached to their surnames, as surnames in Nordic countries have traditionally been patronyms (and these guys don't have families in the traditional sense). Perhaps back in the olden days, the "surnames" they introduced themselves with were based on what was the most fitting and useful in a given situation - making up family associations, basing it off of their profession, or picking a surname based on where they lived (southern farm, northern bay, etc). But nowadays, they probably have preferred surnames they use for symbolic reasons; like Iceland going by "Ingólfsson" (based on Ingólfur Arnarson, the assumed first permanent settler of Iceland) or Denmark preferring the name "Andersen" to be associated with the most famous Danish author
Plus, I feel like their country names are actually more like honorary titles, and they don't really use them between each other (unless it's a nickname, like Sve, etc.). It's very much their culture. Nordic people tend to call their bosses, teachers, doctors, etc., by their first names, too. It's probably based on the cultural belief that this makes people more equal and cancels social hierarchy (Jante Law effect), so I have a hard time seeing the Nordic using honorary titles between friends and family
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crazylittlejester · 1 month
This ask is your excuse to yap about whatever headcanons you wanna talk about 💙
- hero-of-the-wolf
- You’ve heard of French Warriors (he is Scottish and Brazilian to me), but may I suggest: French Hyrule?
- Warriors, Sky, Hyrule, and Wind’s first languages are Not whatever language it is they speak in hyrule (i’ve been callin it hyrulian common because im insanely uncreative), and while Warriors tries incredibly hard to hide his accent by mimicking what the people of his Castle Town sound like (British), the others don’t. Wars and Sky grew up speaking two languages at once, but Wind and Hyrule had to learn when they were a little older. Wind’s accent is a bit odd because he unintentionally copies the accents of people around him and he spends a LOT of time around Tetra and other pirates so he kinda adopted that accent, (and he eventually ends up mimicking certain members of the chain by accident) but if you stuck him back at home near his grandma and Aryll he’d sound more similar to them (<- based on my friend from another country who adopted a southern accent whenever he speaks english)
- All of them know at least ONE other language, but the two who know the most languages are Wars and Legend. They refuse to put a number on how many languages they know so no one knows which one of them knows more, but Legend is unfamiliar with Warriors’s native language and he holds that over his head and has declared himself the winner just because of that
- Wild is deaf in one ear and has an audio processing issue he’s just always had, even before he died. He can hear just fine out of his other ear but sometimes he just stares at people blankly because he heard Noise and not Words
- Time also has an audio processing problem and he, like Wild, won’t ask someone to repeat themselves he’ll just stare at them blankly. I also headcanon he’s autistic but I think I’ve said that before lmao
- Wind and Twilight are both very good artists, they can sketch almost anything. Twilight likes drawing Ordonian goats over and over and over again from memory, but Wind sketches scenery and other members of the chain. Sometimes he gifts them to the others, sometimes he burns them, and others he keeps, but he draws a LOT
- Four is the weapons police and if he sees someone mistreating their sword he’ll snatch it. The only swords he hasn’t snatched are the Master Sword from Sky, Time’s Biggoron Sword, and Wars’s sword. He’s had SOME reason at SOME point in time to put the other five’s swords in ‘sword jail’ while they were sittin around at camp
- Wild and Warriors one time disappeared and came back covered in soot and ash and Time just ignored it because ‘Warriors is a responsible adult’ but Twilight ripped them both a new one when he saw a stick stuck in Wild’s hair was still smoking. They are no longer allowed to go off alone together with ANYTHING that can be used to start a fire
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wayfayrr · 8 months
One of the runner-up prizes! these are some headcanons about a sassy but motherly reader with the chain for @mickleloaf !! <3 I'm not entirely used to writing headcanons like these but I'm happy with how they turned out, I hope you'll enjoy them!! <3
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✦ The first time you bite back at them it catches them a little off guard, seeing as before you were quieter, they just didn’t realise that was you getting more comfortable around them and not what you’re really like in the slightest. When it does click for them they’re very pleased with the fact that they’ve gotten you to be happier with them than when you first started traveling with them!
✦ the mix of someone unafraid of biting back at them and who’s one of the most caring in the group now? They love it so much more than they can let on without being seen as somewhat suspicious.
✦ You’ve got to choose between the boys here, no matter who you either defend or snap at there’s gonna be one or more links begging you for forgiveness then, on the other hand, there’s the one who’s overly flustered over the fact that you’d step into defend them. 
✦ If it’s clear that you have a favourite whether that's through the way you speak to them or how they seem to bring out your more caring side then there’s a good chance they’ll try milking that attention for all they can once they start falling proper. 
✦ Legend loves having someone that he doesn’t have to hold back from speaking his mind with, he doesn’t say anything bad but he just adores how you understand his temperament and won’t be afraid of biting back at him, as well as the fact he doesn’t have to worry about scaring you off accidentally.  
✦ Warriors just dies when you give him that look, when you say something with that tone of voice when bandaging up a cut that he got because in your words he was far too reckless with his own safety little do you know he’d be far more reckless just to get a tiny amount of that attention again, something about the way you care for him is near addictive
✦ Wild both adores how you’ll care for him unlike others that throw him aside like a broken toy, even if he does act on the sad puppy look to get you to lay back on being what he considers as “too overbearing”, he’s not entirely used to people caring for him after all!
✦ Twi, while he has a soft spot for how you help with lecturing wild? He about dies when you throw a lighthearted insult his way, it’s not something he’s got to experience much seeing as he got the pretty boy treatment most of his life. Even Midna lightened up on any teasing after seeing his face. His face flushes so quickly but he seems to always cover it up with how warm his pelt is making him at least so he thinks. You also remind him of Midna which was, painful at first but he doesn’t do it for long. 
✦ Time acts more, gremliny around you if you seem to react to it more. Seeing as he’s the sensible older one most of the time, he tends to get jealous over the fact that your attention isn’t focused on him as much as he likes. It’s a deadly balance though, as if he takes it too far and one of the chain with a camera catch him? He’d never live it down. 
✦ Four has some mixed feelings about it all, vio loves it, you’re like him isn’t that amazing? You’d get so close if you met him proper. The others? It might take a moment or two longer seeing as mentioned you’re a bit like vio, and look what he did. Four has this thing though, where the inside of his head is a bit of an echo chamber, so it won’t take long for him to warm up and start spending more time around you.
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david-talks-sw · 1 year
The fact that Dave Filoni called Anakin “the greatest Jedi ever” is proof that he’s bias AF. His anti-Jedi rhetoric is bupkis.
I wonder if he means "the greatest" in terms of in-universe fame...?
Dunno if this is the case in Canon (then again Dave Filoni blatantly ignores any *non-motion* transmedia elements in Canon so meh), but in Legends he's:
"Anakin Skywalker, the Hero with no Fear™, handsome, dashing, the face of the Republic's army during the Clone War, the only Jedi who tried to resist the nefarious Order's coup and was treacherously murdered for it".
And I seem to remember that, in Canon, he's like the Jedi Temple's superstar anyway, every Jedi recognizes him on sight. I mean, that line from Baylon about "Anakin speaking highly of Ahsoka" must have some meaning beyond artificial personal stakes.
So from a fame and a "power level" standpoint... sure.
He's the greatest.
I'm giving Filoni the benefit of the doubt.
While I've talked about why Filoni's entire headcanon about the Jedi doesn't track with what George Lucas' intended narrative, I think it's worth acknowledging that Filoni's bias comes from part of his duties while directing The Clone Wars was.
One of the goals of TCW was humanizing Anakin, expanding upon his character make him go from "a character whose only purposes is to embody the themes presented in three movies based on the matinee serial format" to a relatable person, a good man, the hero Ben mentions to Luke in A New Hope.
I think it's normal that he'll see Anakin in a more positive light.
Also (and full disclosure this is just me theorizing I am no authority on any of this so if turns out I'm wrong just come right out and say so)...
I'm pretty sure that Filoni, Lesley Headland and most of the recent Star Wars authors are all Gen X, raised by baby boomers forced to conform to society, obey authority and have proper decorum (boys don't cry!) all of which they strove to rebel against. Add to that the corruption they witnessed growing up and coming out of high school, and you see a kind of jadedness emerge. "The rules aren't as black and white, the world is grey."
So while most of them and the boomers despised the Prequels upon release, a few of them projected a more individualistic headcanon onto those movies that fit with where their head was, at the time.
As such: Anakin isn't interpreted by them as a cautionary tale about what happens when you're greedy. He's a misunderstood rebel, a non-conformist who has his flaws but is ultimately good at heart. Which isn't entirely inaccurate, but it is very clearly an embellishment of a character who will one day become a space nazi.
The fact is... the Prequels were made by a boomer. One with very liberal values and who was himself a rebel, but a boomer all the same. The whole point of his story is...
"we all must come together and fight as one, if push comes to shove; we must all be compassionate and selfless if we are to survive; don't be greedy, let people go when it's their time to leave".
And then he makes the Jedi say that, making them beacons of truth and good and compassion in his fairy tale, now aimed at Gen Z kids.
Gen X-ers hear/read that and project all the boomer BS they had been told onto the Jedi...
"oh, so the Jedi are saying you shouldn't love yourself, you shouldn't be yourself, you should give up on what makes you an individual to fit in, you shouldn't feel any emotions"
Because nobody is that good, realistically, right?
This happened in other mediums. The one that comes to mind on the spot is the relationship between Mufasa and Scar.
In The Lion King, Mufasa is strong and noble, Scar is weak and conniving. Simple enough. Around that same time, in A Tale of Two Brothers, young Mufasa is shown to be pretty nice with Taka (Scar), who is framed as a spoiled brat to begin with.
Skip to the 2019 remake, and it's hinted Mufasa gave Scar his wound, and in The Lion Guard they explain that Scar got his nickname from Mufasa mocking him for a misadventure.
He went from being a noble king to a bully who had it coming, Scar is an underdog who got picked on. Because again: nobody is that pure, right? Fairytales be-damned.
Nothing is black and white, it's all grey.
So yeah, long story short I do think that Filoni being part of the generation that wasn't the target demographic but was old enough to retcon the crap out of the Prequels also plays a role into his view of Anakin.
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annabannnananana · 2 months
who tf is anna banana? (intro/byf)
literally nobody just a banana with internet access who likes to write and draw and shitpost and dump headcanons
about me:
• 22, turning 23 on July 7 woohoo :D (if you want you can wish me a happy bday then!)
• she/her pls and thanks :)
• bi / ace! 🩷💜💙 / 🖤🩶🤍💜
• cancer ♋️ 🦀 (the zodiac, not like I have cancer 😭 - no offense to those who do have cancer)
• I have adhd and t1d, I post about it occasionally but it’s not the focus of my blog :)
• I occasionally post art and stuff like icons/pfps, headers, & wallpapers idk :p (always like & reblog if you save and always give credit if you use pls and thanks!! also feel free to req any specific ones!!)
• i’m not super active rn, been very distracted from tumblr as of late and not likely to refocus on it anytime soon, but I still appreciate and usually answer messages and asks and occasionally being tagged in reblog chains 🙃
• I mostly just reblog cool stuff , shitpost, and occasionally ramble about hyperfixations
favorite things:
• favorite color: pink 🩷
• favorite food: waffles 🧇
• favorite animal: wolf/fox 🐺🦊
• favorite season: summer ☀️
• favorite show: arcane league of legends 💣⚔️
• favorite movie: 10 things I hate about you 📋
here’s stuff about my writing! 👇🏻
writing requests are always open unless i say they’re closed! :)
what i WILL write:
• headcanons, fics, oneshots, reader inserts, multi-chapter stories on occasion
• reader of any gender identity and sexuality (if unspecified i will default to gn!reader), kid! or adult!reader, reader of any species or robot!reader
what i will NOT write:
• nsfw, self h@rm, relationship with 6+ year age difference, minor x adult, noncon, incest, abusive OF ANY KIND.
• ddlg / omorashi / emeto / scat
• oc x canon - apologies, but I’ll never be able to understand your oc well enough to know which actions would best fit their character in any scenario or which way would be the best way to write them because of who they are, hope you understand </3
• age regression - sorry, but with what little I know about it & how little experience I have with it I don’t feel equipped to write it!
here’s stuff about my art! 👇🏻
just like writing, art requests are always open unless I say they’re not!
• I don’t post art too much but occasionally I’ll post either a quick messy sketch that I’m incredibly proud of or a piece that took 2 months that I’m not as proud of, idk why, art is wild
• working on drawing humans and a little bit of animals like dragons & canines here and there!! I’d LOVE to be able to animate one day in the very distant future :0
• same as writing, I will not draw nsfw, self h@rm, relationship with 6+ year age difference, minor x adult, noncon, incest, abuisve, omorashi, ddlg, emeto, scat
I will write and draw for any fandoms I’m actively in which include:
• arcane
• fnaf & all fangames
• monster high
• ever after high
• mlp
• miraculous ladybug
• spop
• gravity falls
• the owl house
• wings of fire
• helluva boss & hazbin hotel (critical fan)
^ and there’s probably like 30 more i forgot, so if you want you can send me an ask sometime to ask if I’m in a certain fandom that my silly brain forgot to put here! :D
feel free to ask me or talk to me about anything, my inbox is always open !!
speaking of asks, I have a few rules for asks:
• please don’t send me asks asking for money. I love donating money to nonprofit organizations, local unhoused people, charities, homeless shelters, etc but I don’t appreciate asking me for money over Tumblr bc I’ll never be sure whether you’re scamming/grifting/e-begging me, and I don’t tolerate any of those.
• please don’t send me asks intended to start discourse. if you send me an ask that is made clearly just to start arguments and piss people off, you’ll probably get an immediate block. That’s not an excuse to go and do it with anon on, though!
• please don’t send me asks questioning my beliefs, methods, or interests with the sole intention of arguing with me. If you don’t understand something I like/do/etc, feel free to privately dm me to ask me a few *POLITE* questions! If you’re just trying to be rude, fuck off.
• do not send me an ask (or dm) without reading my DNI. if you try and talk to me, and I go into your profile and discover you’re part of my DNI list, you’re getting an immediate block. sorry not sorry
• don’t say shit to me with anon on. If you’re gonna be an asshole, might as well turn anon off. all that’s gonna happen is that you’re gonna get blocked and we’ll never have to see each other again.
my tags:
• my writing - #banana writes
• my art - #banana art
• my txt/talking tag - #banana talks
• my response to asks - #banana ask
almost last but not least, my DNI:
comship, pedo, zoo, bigot, racist, ableist, terf/truscum, anti lgbtq+, anti neopronouns, scientologist, n@zi, nsfw blog (not including artistic nudity), gore/violence blog, tone indicator misusers (e. g. using /srs on joke/satire posts), ddlg/any kind of ageplay, transmedicalist, jk rowling or scott cawthon supporter, misogynist, makes jokes about self h@rm r@pe violence etc, and just an asshole in general
and one last thing before I go!
I do usually follow back if you seem cool, but remember, DO NOT follow me if you’re in my DNI list. if you do, you’re getting blocked immediately. and if you do follow me please change your pfp so I know you’re not a bot!! this is important!! thank you!!
well that’s all I have to say. have a nice day/night! cya!!
also userboxes:
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all userboxes by @xxx-ang3l-w1th-a-sh0tgun-xxx
also my blinkies:
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made in blinkies.cafe ! go check it out!!
-anna banana ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
P. S. I update my pinned post & bio every so often so remember to check every now and then to see if I added anything new & important!!
P. P. S. I’m starting a taglist!! I will tag a list of people who are part of my taglist at the end of all my writing, dm me if you follow me & wanna be part of that list!!
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ridreamir · 2 years
I just want to live out a fantasy of attending the academy alongside everyone tbh so whatever headcanons you have I'd be down for 👍
It seems you've been carving a place out for yourself at Mesagoza's highly esteemed Academy, haven't you?
[Spoiler Warning! Post Operation Starfall and Path of Legends] [Romance/Pining + Possible touch of Polyamory] [Slight Content Warning! Obsessive and unhealthy behaviors]
I went a little overboard with the pairings, very indulgent. You're popular, you know?
Your life at the academy has been a somewhat quiet one, despite the small interpersonal issues that you seem to keep finding yourself in. It hadn't been the worst, however, attending classes at your leisure and having a space of your own. The academy lived up to its reputation, and the studying hadn't felt overly laborious-- if anything, you were worried you were finding things to be a bit too easy.
The faculty have all come to recognize you, from the lunch ladies that Arven spends time with to the adjunct professors that have been overseeing the Star Training Center volunteer efforts, there's probably none in the academy that couldn't recognize you for one reason or another.
Speaking of, the former bosses of Team Star have taken it upon themselves to be your people, self-appointed. They seem almost a little possessive of you, potentially under the suggestion of Penny to keep watch on you while at school. Even though they're not afraid to stick up for anyone who might need it, it feels a little more personal when Mela herself comes storming in at the slightest sign of friction between you and some other student, or when Eri hovers over your shoulder in the cafeteria, sending threatening glares at whoever even thinks about staring at you for too long. You almost feel bad for Arven and Nemona who've begun to be crowded out by the possessive Team Star Bosses-- who have each at some point whisked you away under the guise of needing you for whatever excuses they've come up with in their little book of strategies to steal you away.
Not to mention, one of the Team Star Bosses, Atticus, walks completely silently and lingers whether you're aware of him or not. When you do spot him, he's quick to drag you to somewhere secluded so that he can play with your uniform and tack little dress-code-violating trinkets onto your attire. Miss Tyme has given you some flack for it, but she's a little more forgiving with you than she is with the other students and faculty, which you think might just be blatant favoritism working in your favor. However, favoritism only gets you so far, and Atticus seeks you out often enough that your professor's patience is wearing thin. (She knows, however, that your little team of delinquents are willing to listen if their time with you is on the line.) Ortega and Giacomo are constantly working on their respective hobbies, and come to you for feedback on superficial roadblocks that aren't really a problem, not that you know that-- It's an opportunity for praise, and they live off it. Giacomo seems to be adjusting somewhat poorly to his return to the academy, more so than the other Team Star Bosses, and so he seeks you out when he needs a quiet moment away from some of the other students. He's capable of socializing, but struggles to trust other people outside of Team Star. And Ortega, well, he can be a bit abrasive toward other people, in a way that's witty but also rubs people the wrong way. He doesn't really care about other people and only tones down the sass and sarcasm when he knows you're watching.
He's in actuality the most possessive, secretly. Everyone knows he acts sweet and innocent around you, but the moment you turn your back he becomes an absolute menace... His dapper pastel look only whispers warning to your classmates not to step too out of line. Friendly is fine, but he's a Tinkaton ready to hunt the greedy Corviknight that dare step a toe too close to his treasure.
While they spend a lot of time out in the field doing their community service hours, they've made a point of memorizing your erratic study habits as well as possible, and it's Penny's job to figure out the schedule so they can maximize their chances of running into you. She tries to come across as not as invested in the mission as they are, but she's low-key keeping tabs on you and the others aren't afraid to call her out on it if she acts like they're weird for being so obsessed with what you're doing. Truth is, there's honestly no one out there as pure-hearted as you, as little as you know it. You're a tantalizing thing after all that you've done for a gang of social outcasts without a single thought about what it might do to them. Of course, they have to be careful, or else that battle-maniac student council girl might crack down on their activities. Though it's pretty obvious to them that she's got something going on with you too, as her punishments seem much more targeted when she catches them doing something they shouldn't.
They... Haven't discussed their sensitivities toward you in general, but each of them sort of does their own thing and then they reconvene when it benefits them. It's silently been agreed upon that they each get to take their chances and aren't allowed to sabotage each other on purpose. No hard feelings when things skew in one's favor, not that momentary bitterness can entirely be avoided. On rare occasions, it is you that stumbles upon them while out and about. Atticus especially for some time, when you were out doing research in his neck of the woods. It's Mela that sees you least, despite her base being literally the easiest to get to. She's definitely had a hard time regulating her jealousy since she's the emotionally upfront type.
It's Giacomo that's the quietest with what he's doing, silently observing the others and trying to strategize in secret. The whole not being good with people is a little bit of a stretch, though not entirely a lie. Besides, he's kept it under ropes that you've let him into your dorm room on a couple different occasions now, and the fact that he's writing a song and has a little less than subtly eluded to the fact that it's absolutely about you.
...And it's Eri that's pushing that Arven boy away the most, not that Ortega hasn't been trying to get him to back off. Actually, they've all had him on their radar at some point. There's no denying that you've been friends with him longer than the rest of them, or that there's some strange little secret between the two of you that rubs them the wrong way. Eri's the only one that's physically able to match him, and she tries to eat lunch with you whenever she can because it really grinds their gears when he sneaks off with you to do Arceus knows with his little sandwich picks and baggies of culinary ingredients that you just so happen to like. He's too obvious. Around the school, long before you came, everyone knew who he was and how impossible it was to approach him. In that sense, they suppose they can understand him, but that doesn't change the fact that they're rivals and currently at a disadvantage when pitted against him.
Actually, it's a little crazy how many people are pining after you. ... {Pt. 2?|| Maybe with the Gym Leaders/Academy faculty/League Staff} {Larry, Grusha... I may not like Geeta toooo too much but I definitely see her having an eye for you... Funny Iono scenarios go brrr}
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linkbetweenlinks · 4 months
Which LU Links would be the founding members of the Insomniac Anonymous group? Other Links have sleepless nights, sure, but these ones struggle almost daily and honestly expect each other to be the only ones awake in the middle of the night:
Wild – He slept for 100yrs and just doesn't need to sleep now, nor does he want to because all he sees when he closes his eyes is all the people he used to know dying.
Time – Sometimes he looks up, sees the moon, and just knows he won't be able to sleep that night. Or he's afraid he'll wake up and be 3 days in the past stuck in that loop again.
Legend – He's afraid to fall asleep sometimes because he doesn't want to relive Koholint Island and losing Marin all over again.
I headcanon those three have a special bond built on sleepless nights together when it's only them and everyone else is asleep. They'll just sit around a campfire together, speaking in hushed words to not wake the others up. And over time they open up about the reasons for their insomnia to each other, and it's just kept a secret between those three. You can't convince me otherwise, but I'll hear your opinions.
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dreadfutures · 15 days
Fan Work Friday Funday
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Rules: If you’re tagged, MAKE A NEW POST to showcase ONE fanartist and/or fanfic for any fandom you recommend (with links). Then tag someone to give their recs next! Don’t forget to reblog the rec you were tagged in, and include these rules! :) If you have more than one person to highlight, consider spreading it out!
Bonus: Choose works by people you aren’t super tight with, or choose older works that maybe haven’t gotten some love in a while. :)
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This summer I think I'm going to highlight my favorite writers and artists who delve into either the wider world of Thedas than just the Ferelden/Orlais we see in the games, and the writers who I believe capture Solas the best.
Today: some of the latter.
WRITER: @theharellan | @queenaeducan (AO3)
I discovered Tas's works via her Solas RP page, The Harellan, which also contains her masterful Solas meta.
Here's one of my favorite Solas think pieces: Solas Has Friends, and Some He Holds Loyalty to Before You. Oh and another: Protagonist Bias in the Red Lyrium Future
But I encourage you to check out the rest of the writing on @theharellan because in the past, Tas has answered many thought-provoking questions about Solas, both in and out of character. And man, Tas just has Solas's voice down both in RP and in writing.
Tas has written some of my favorite character studies. For example:
Fic: Remembering Well
Victory at Adamant came with a cost, and Solas does not want Varric to spend his first night in a world without Hawke in it without a friend.
This fic shows a beautiful reflection of Solas and his relationship with grief, and with the new world he's in--and his companions. It's really touching, and I remember reading it in the excellent fanzine Solamancy and being just gut-punched by it. Really beautiful prose, and firmly centered in Solas's head.
Fic: Tales of Fen'Harel
There are always two sides to every legend. A series of original legends about Fen'Harel.
Tas, in addition to thinking about Solas's worldview and conveying it clearly and thoughtfully, writes like a true storyteller. I love the legends and customs she's come up with for the elvhen over the years, and this small collection of legends demonstrates the skill she has weaving the canon lore with original headcanoned folklore.
Fic: Homecoming
Charter attends a Tevinter party, hoping to deny the Dread Wolf another ancient Elvhen artefact.
Tas is one of the first people I personally interacted with to really passionately encourage gen fic. She wrote me this fic in particular as part of an exchange, and I really treasure it. Now, it's a Charter & Lace Harding and Charter & Agents of Fen'Harel fic, sure -- but it's really, really good. And at the heart of it, the story Tas tells speaks to the true man beneath the mantle of Fen'Harel. This fic made me cry, and it still does.
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And with that, I encourage you to check out the rest of Tas's works <3 They've written a lot over the years and have a trove to sift through, and I hope that as we experience more of DA4, it'll inspire more to come.
I tag forward, to recommend fics about Thedas at large or about Solas (if you're up for it - otherwise, any fics or fanart recs will be appreciated <3 )
@rosella-writes | @fadedsweater | @queenaeducan | @shift-shaping | @knightdawn
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royalrebelpropaganda · 5 months
ooh you should elaborate ooh
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( @oklotea ) ( @dollmenace )
why ofc 🤭 with no further ado here are my transfem headcanons & explanations
duchess :
manifesto largely here , here , and here , but I don't ever clarify as to WHY I think she has trans girl energy, so I will elaborate now.
first of all, narrative role of swans in stories. especially in stories like the ugly duckling, where there's an "ugly" kid who is socially outcast, excluded, harassed, and ends up becoming something beautiful like they were always meant to be-- it works really well as a trans metaphor, and duchess is literally a swan <3
but that's not her story! and you'd be right to point that out. to me, there's something about the way she's constantly feeling left out of the other princess groups because she's not a "happily-ever-after princess," the way she's basically dismissed by the princessology teacher by her saying "are you sure you're a real princess?" -- and wanting so desperately to be one.
so she follows around ashlynn, so she yells at apple, so she tears raven to shreds. she is so jealous and I honestly really think that the jealousy translates really well to a sort of gender envy -- especially since she's constantly dismissed by the same girls. she's constantly portrayed as wanting to "steal" their stories, and really all she wants is a happily ever after, the same safety and comfort they get by being a princess. I think the metaphor kind of speaks for itself.
"Seems to me we need to win this thing so you can always be a girl." - Sparrow Hood to Duchess Swan, Next Top Villain
dexter :
manifesto here + also I ADORE @tiny-leafbug's transfem dex art
now I know a lot of people headcanon dex as transmasc, which honestly I can actually fully understand in the context of the show and diaries. the idea that he's constantly trying to perform this paragon of masculinity, and constantly falling short. I get it.
HOWEVER! the books is where I fell in love with dex, and in the books dex's vibe is different. he doesn't care about being a "prince charming," not really, and his relationship with his brother seems much more affectionate, with him responding to daring's ribbing in turn and not really caring about daring making fun of him. this lack of caring makes all that pressure put on his shoulders by his parents seem more like something he never wanted to live up to in the first place. on the boxes, he says -- well, I'm good at hero training. and in the books, raven notices the calluses on his hands, the skill he has in PE class. it's not that he's ever been bad at what his parents what him to do. it's that... he doesn't want to do it.
at some point he says "well ... everyone else has been able to recite their story since they learned to talk, while I'm facing this huge unknown." there's something about this lack of direction and destiny that sets him completely apart from students that need to be a certain thing. all dex ever had to do was be a prince, and still, he wants to rebel. still, he followed raven into the dark. because maybe he didn't want to be a prince at all.
raven said "check you out, totally rocking the prince-to-the-rescue gig," and dexter said "what? no, I mean... that's not really me." - Storybook of Legends
dexter, in the books, is constantly torn between the royals and the rebels, this loyalty he has to the first person that's ever seen him, and daring, who still wants him to be, yknow, him. he is expected, at all times, to perform as his brother, to be his brother. and he doesn't want that. he doesn't want that at all.
“And Prince Dexter Charming?” Kitty smiled hugely. Her smile lingered a moment after she disappeared. She reappeared beside Dexter, holding a broom, which she thrust into his hands. “He might become a wicked witch!”
Dexter looked at the broom, shrugged, and gave a small laugh, glancing over at Raven as if to check what she thought.”
- The Unfairest of Them All
cedar :
I don't have quite as much to say here; this isn't a headcanon I have 24/7, it's just fun to think about
she is constantly talking about how she "wants to be a real girl" and idk there is something trans about that. to me.
“I don’t know what to do,” said Cedar. “Am I supposed to sit with my friends same as always? Or pick a side based on what I want? I’m not a Royal, but then again I do want my destiny, when I’ll be changed from a puppet into a real girl, but then again, I do want others to be able to choose if they don’t like their destiny so… so I don’t know what to do now!” - The Unfairest of Them All
I hope this helped <33
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call-sign-shark · 8 months
Hi Shark. I was wondering if I could be cheeky and request something from you. I was wondering if you could release a headcanon for Heaven with a list of fun facts about her (i.e. fave food, color, animal, vacation spot, book, song, drink...if she went to university what d'you think she'd study that kind of thing). She's just so interesting that I'd like to know more about her. Also, I read a fic she was mentioned in the other day and I thought you'd be interested. It was just a mention but I thought it was cool. Also, I can't wait for The woods whisper part 2. I'm on edge.
Hi sweet anon, thank you so much for your wonderful ask! As for the fic, please do send me the link. I probably have it in my reading list if the mutual has tagged me but I reckon I need to catch up with a lot of things. I've been feeling quite tired lately and I’m starting a new job as a bartender so it's quite tiring. I’m delighted you find the murderous angel interesting so here we go. 🖤
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𝐻𝑒𝒶𝓋𝑒𝓃 𝐿𝒶𝓋𝑒𝓎 𝒮𝒽𝑒𝓁𝒷𝓎 headcanons
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𝒫𝑒𝒶𝓀𝓎 𝐵𝓁𝒾𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇𝓈
♢ Her favorite animals are hyenas. She dreams about owning one?? She’s weird asf I know.
♢ I personally imagine her voice like the singer of Sohodolls (by the way, this song from the group is her main theme song)
♢ Surprisingly enough her favorite color is not white, but red and gold.
♢ She's multilingual and speaks: French, Russian, German, and English all fluently.
♢ She's 25 at the beginning of HYE, even if throughout her life people struggle to give her an age since she has this very woman-child aspect.
♢ Her style is quite modern for the era. When she doesn’t wear elegant and revealing dresses with gold jewels, capes or fur coats, she loves stealing one of Arthur’s shirts and tuck it in her skirt. Similarly, he had to buy a second coat ‘cause she had stolen his. Most of the time she either dresses like a goddess or a forest nymph.
♢ She loves fun fairs and circuses! When they started flirting together and meeting at church every night, Arthur sometimes brought her candied apples.
♢ She might be an enchanting singer and she might love music but she's awful at playing an instrument. She tried piano, guitar, harp, and violin but she was terrible at all of them.
♢ She has empathy issues she hides quite well. Now, I’m not saying she has 0 Empathy but she lacks of it most of the time except with Arthur or on a few occasions. It leads her to be cold and sardonic with people outside of her private circle when she doesn’t “mask”.
♢ Did someone said “lemon pie”? She’d kill for lemon pies. It’s her favorite dessert of all time.
♢ Her Birthday is the 22 January.
♢ She's fond of myths, legends, and fairy tales. If she had to pick one tale and one myth she would go for the Red Little Riding Hood and the Beast of Gevaudan. But her favorite story is Alice’s Adventures.
♢ She's a "mama bear", which means she doesn't lose her temper easily despite being gifted with an ability for extreme violence but touch her husband, kids or family and she'll go f e r a l.
♢ She talked several times with Linda at church, unknowing Heaven was already fucking her husband (and she enjoyed it). I know, that's a dick move.
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𝑀𝑜𝒹𝑒𝓇𝓃 𝒜𝒰
*most of the hc above still works for her modern!self
♢ Her favorite book is The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris.
♢ She works as an exotic pole dancer and aerial performer. Considering this, she also masters aerial hoop, silks, and Chinese pole.
♢ She is currently applying to study forensic medicine after several years of gaps.
♢ She has spent years locked up in a mental institute, in the dangerous patients ward.
♢ Her favorite food is Japanese Udon soup with gyoza and Nikuman as side dishes.
♢ She loves listening to brutal music, such as metal, hard rock, or alternative trash/bimbo music even if her playlist is actually quite varied. You can go from Rammstein and Angerfist to Britney Spears and Lana Del Rey.
♢ She smokes weed.
♢ If she had to choose a drink it would be red wine for alcohol and pumpkin spice latte for sweet. But in truth, she’s that annoying gym girl so she mostly drinks water and homemade protein smoothies. She also loves boba milk teas.
♢ She's a huge fan of horror movies and games (especially FNAF), with a fascination for cannibalism. With that being said, she organizes the best girl nights ever, especially during Halloween.
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Heaven is reader in the Arthur Shelby x you series Heaven in Your Eyes. Why don't you join the ride? We have drama, sex and gore.
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charmwasjess · 2 months
For the ask game - 5, 7, 18 for dooku?
5) Out of all your fanworks that include Dooku, which is your favourite?
If I had to tell people to just read one of my Dooku fics, I think it would be Milk Run.
I think it's my best Jedi Dooku character work, and I loved writing his dynamics with Qui-Gon, Jocasta Nu, and Sifo-Dyas. It's a longer work, but hey, fuck being self-deprecating, I'd vouch for every page of that shit: if someone gets to the end of chapter two, where Dooku very awkwardly and earnestly tries to explain Jedi sex life to Qui-Gon, and doesn't love the fic by then, I'll give the reader a free coupon for… uh, *turns out pockets* I guess an essay on Legends/EU. :D :D ??
7)Is there a piece of clothing you think Dooku is particularly fond of/that you imagine them wearing a lot or like to draw them in?
I go with the characterization from the novels that Dooku is very fastidious about his Jedi uniform, keeping it all neat and perfect, very rarely if ever out of uniform. Like Sifo-Dyas and Jocasta Nu's depictions, he's got those warmer colored tan/gold/cream/warm brown Jedi tunics with the little flourishy gold detail work on the sleeves and hems.
I like this because it's fun to write the rare times when he needs to be out of uniform for a mission or something, and he's completely awkward about it. And it's fun foil with my headcanon that Sifo-Dyas is out of uniform a LOT with his underworld work. I like imagining them side by side looking like they came out of different eras.
Seer of the Cosmic Force, fated to speak with the froth of doom on his lips? No, it's that guy over there in the hoodie and the manbun, trying to convince the barista to take a coupon for a complimentary drip coffee but instead give him a free extra large matcha frappe with a five squirts of coconut syrup and extra whip.
18)Type Dooku's name and tell us what the autocomplete suggests as the next word
You know, I tried this in my SMS to see if it would give me a different answer than my previous, and got "Dooku cleaned"
Hmmmmmmm. *making direct eye contact with Sifo-Dyas*
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giganotus · 4 days
Since you guys apparently like my Monster Hunter rambles here's another set of Elder Dragon Legend/Rumor Headcanons. This time with several Elder Dragons instead of just one.
Legend: Shagaru Magala reproduce with their frenzy virus, with the infection either implanting a young Gore Magala that bursts out of a monster or slowly turns the monster into a Gore Magala Verdict: False. That being said, Shagaru Magala are parasitoid. A monster that proves itself resilient to the Frenzy (known as Apex in 4 Ultimate) is often subject to being attacked by the resident female Shagaru, who will implant an egg into the monster. And much like a wasp, the baby will feed on the monster until it is strong enough to leave its host.
Legend: Nergigante spikes are their eggs Verdict: False. I don't care if Capcom tried to say this one is canon, that's silly. However, I do like to think that Nergigante eggs do look like their spikes. Oblong, similar color, and even pointed at one end. Often laid and hidden among actual spikes. The eggs themselves are resilient and require no care, just placed in a spot that has a stable temperature and gets a moderate amount of sunlight.
Legend: Ibushi and Narwa can speak and are sapient Verdict: Not really. It's a bizarre side effect of their respective powers. In Ibushi, it's his Dragon Element. Ibushi will use Dragon element to passively impose thoughts into other creatures. This is what ends up triggering Rampages (which, side note, I believe are a courtship display to show off how Big And Strong he is). While it normally only affects monsters, Wyverians are still fairly dragonlike and are sometimes susceptible. So why did the twins speak? Well, because they're people. Much like humans, a Wyverian's brain is typically built for language. So when these intense thoughts were imposed into the twins' brains, they automatically put words to them. Narwa was able to accomplish the same result via electrical pulses rather than Dragon element.
Legend: Kushala Daora die when the metal in their scales begins growing into their bodies like a cancer. Verdict: True. I like that idea it's fucked up and scary.
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crazylittlejester · 27 days
Jes would you like to yap about anything?
I LOVE YAPPING!! I always wanna yap about things, but sometimes it’s hard to wrote my thoughts coherently
Anyways today’s yap subject is Time because I have such THOUGHTS about him (and a lot of headcanons!!) (disclaimer: again these are just my THOUGHTS and HEADCANONS)
To me, Time is a character who often struggles with social cues and his own tone. It’s hard for him to pick up on dry sarcasm (sometimes Four, mostly Legend) and actually realize it’s sarcasm. Sometimes people think HE’S being sarcastic because he speaks so flatly and he’s incredibly direct.
“What’s the biggest thing you’ve ever fought?”
“The moon.”
He’s direct and to the point, and he doesn’t use a whole lot of words. Sometimes that’s seen as sarcasm, and I have a feeling when he was a kid a lot of adults accused him of being rude because they thought he was being sarcastic when he wasn’t.
Joy/Excitement/Happiness are the easiest expressions to read FROM him. He smiles a lot and he’ll talk more quickly about things he’s excited about, and also use a lot of hand gestures. Worry/Concern is also an easier emotion to read from him because he’ll very awkwardly hover or frown. For people who don’t know him it might just look like he’s upset or mad about something, but for people who do they know what the frown means
Anger, or Sadness, or even Fear are a lot harder to read from him unless it’s someone who’s known him for quite a while. He has little signs and tells, but the average person might assume he’s indifferent or isn’t reacting strongly enough for the severity of the situation. He feels very deeply but he doesn’t express it in the way the average person would. He might have a straight neutral looking expression but be having the time of his life, or he might be sitting in a corner frowning while watching over someone who is incredibly hurt. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t care, he just struggles to show exactly how much
He does cry, especially when he’s really stressed or frustrated with himself because sometimes he feels like he CAN’T properly express himself and people just won’t understand, or when he reaches a point where everything gets to be too much, but that’s not always sobbing. Sometimes that’s just tears running down his face while he sits there
He’s a bit awkward when it comes to physical affection, but by GOD has he mastered the shoulder pat. A shoulder pat from Time is the equivalent of a bear hug from Sky. Hugs from Time are less frequent, and he’s better with giving them to certain than he is others (like his wife, Tune/Wind and Warriors, and eventually Twilight, because he’s used to that with them), but sometimes he’s just stiff and awkward about it. He does his best
I’ve said this a LOT but I don’t think he does anything fatherly on purpose. He cares about the boys and looks after them, but in his mind he is not a dad. The others just have daddy issues /hj
This one is DEFINITELY just a headcanon I have that’s based on absolutely nothing I’ve seen from him in game or in LU, but i believe in my heart he kept his hair short as a kid because he hated the feeling of it growing out on his neck, and if he were to cut it now, he’d never get it this long again because the growing out stage was miserable for him. I think sometimes he still gets overwhelmed by hair on his neck, but he can just tie it back because it’s long enough
i’ve been thinkin a lot about Time recently, he’s the character who’s pov i’ve written the most words in, which is odd to think about since a few people have dubbed me the wars guy, but yeah Time is a special blorbo to me too and i love him 🫶
hopefully this was coherent and doesn’t have TOO many spelling mistakes 😭
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spaceumbredoggos · 4 months
There has been a criminal absence of recent Yandere Bill Cipher x Reader headcanons, so I made some. Also, the tumblr folks eat this shit up. It’s hilarious. No one cares about my Kenz fic that I pour my heart and soul into, but when it comes to Yandere Bill, you thirst for the man. I am currently only taking headcanon requests (will elaborate later) because art takes forever to make.
All these HC’s also apply to Bill’s Relationship with my self insert OC. Just if they didn’t exist, like tumblr thinks they don’t. Please give So Much for Stardust the love it deserves. I’ll appreciate it.
Bill is very touchy feely to a criminal degree. (That’s as far as I’m gonna go because I don’t wanna have to put a content warning, and I don’t wanna come across as triggering. In my mind, it’s in line with Bill’s character to be that free candy van uncle.)
Does Bill possess Y/N? Does grass grow? Does a bear shit in the woods? That’s one of his favorite things to do. And he’s really good at covering his tracks. You bet your ass Y/N will wake up fucking wounded and sore from frequent possessions.
If Y/N dies, which would be pretty rare given Bill’s obsession, they’re gonna end up as a sinner in hell with their soul owned by Bill. Bill is higher than god himself on the hierarchy of my headcanoned Hellaverse if he did exist (which would be fucking hilarious, but given how much I hate Vivzie for various reasons, I doubt Hirsch would accept a collab since Vivzie has a heinous track record. My recent hyperfixation of the Hellaverse is clearly showing.) Bill would act almost like an overlord this way, and it’ll be sorta like a Val and Angel Dust relationship that’s written better. (I’m skirting around the most taboo parts of this to avoid triggering people including myself.)
Odds are, Y/N wouldn’t die. Bill has plans for them after all. So good luck avoiding his agenda of building a portal. Also, he’ll probably leave Alex Hirsch alone a lot, which may or may not lead to a drought in his Gravity Falls content. Bill’s likely to start a cult at this point to hunt Y/N down, specifically out of all those down bad fankids who’d let him do unspeakable things to them.
Bill will resort to all sorts of psychological torture. Maybe even projecting himself into your video games and other media that you delve into, with various alternate versions of himself (I’m glaring at you, Volo from Pokemon Legends Arceus.)
With every single fandom you hold dear tainted (and he’s gonna do a lot of unspeakable things to fandoms), you will be molded into serving him. If his interpretation from character AI taught me anything (which I no longer support) it’s that he needs total obedience from a slave and would stop at nothing to have that.
Good luck going off the grid to avoid him, because that’s when shit gets 100 times worse. With no contact with those you care about, he’d start driving you crazy. And if you managed the injuries he did to your body when he possessed it successfully, you won’t be able to manage any further injury that happens from your eventual insanity.
Bill has a blood kink times 11. He’ll do anything to make you bleed, but not bleed out. Blood and pain is what he feeds on.
He’s going to be speaking in Y/N’s head all the fucking time. He’ll be mixing his voice directly into Y/N’s own thoughts, taking over their entire fantasies, and quite possibly drive them to the point of dissociating in a psych ward for any sort of relief if they don’t build a portal for him to cross over.
This isn’t a scenario where Y/N is blind to all the red flags, and if it were, there’d still be nothing they could really do. Y/N is powerless, riddled with fear, and trying to flee and fight at any turn. Bill truly has them trapped from the moment he laid his possessive eye on them.
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david-talks-sw · 1 year
I was 17 when The Phantom Menace came out and was miffed by the Jedi’s reaction to Anakin because he missed his mother and was rightfully concerned her about her. In Attack of the Clones he’s a young adult who is having nightmares about her and as we follow along we learn that she met and a man and was freed. So why in the years she was free have the two not talked? She knew where he was. Then she dies and lastly we have Revenge of the Sith where he’s worried about his wife and child dying.
Now I did not then or now take Anakin as being greedy for wanting his loved ones to be safe. The Jedi come off as a closed off body considering they start training children at such a young age that they don’t know their families and they forbid contact or their members from loving someone. Attack of the Clones is a forbidden love story.
So for me the story is a family getting caught up in a religious war and it having dire consequences for them. Anakin was saved when Luke went against his teachers and tried to save his father proving beyond any doubt the Jedi were wrong.
Yoda even thinks the Jedi need to change at the end of the Revenge of the Sith novel.
(You're covering a lot of subjects, I won't go into detail on any of them because I already commented on them, I'll just link my other posts, you can click to see what backs up my argument or just take my word for it.)
I think you're free to have your own headcanon and/or interpretation of the films.
Fact remains though: you were 17 and the Prequels were made for 8 to 12-year olds.
Maybe it's because I saw it in Italian, maybe it's because I was like 5 or 6, but my takeaway of the Yoda telling Anakin that "fear is a path to the Dark Side"... was just that. That fear is a path to the Dark Side. I took it the same way others took the "do or do not" scene in ESB. Yoda didn't come across as particularly mean, and clearly isn't meant to come across that way either.
"[Shmi] met and a man and was freed. So why in the years she was free have the two not talked? She knew where he was. [The Jedi] forbid contact or their members from loving someone."
I never saw anyone outright forbid Anakin from seeing Shmi, in the movies. If we go by Canon, Dooku met his father and wasn't expelled, and in Legends, Adi Gallia speaks of her parents with reverence, as if she knew them.
Why have Anakin and Shmi not talked? Because Shmi is living with a farmer, she's made a new life for herself, and even if she wanted to, it'd be trying to get from Tatooine to the capital of the galaxy on a farmer's budget.
"Attack of the Clones is a forbidden love story."
Yes... but not exactly.
Love itself isn't forbidden. Love over duty is forbidden. It's not about not being allowed to be in a relationship, it's about being fully committed to whatever relationship you choose. In Anakin's case, he needs to choose between the Order and Padmé, and half-asses his commitment to both.
"Yoda even thinks the Jedi need to change at the end of the Revenge of the Sith novel."
Yeah... but not in the way you think.
The whole passage of that novel goes into how the Jedi were beaten because the Sith shifted the battlefield by going into politics, which the Jedi had no experience against. The Jedi were expecting an actual fight, instead they got checkmated by the very thing they were upholding.
The moral of that passage isn't "the Jedi were flawed because they didn't allow people to see their parents or because they didn't allow people to love" it's "had the Jedi been less politically-inept, they wouldn't have been blindsided."
"So for me the story is a family getting caught up in a religious war and it having dire consequences for them. Anakin was saved when Luke went against his teachers and tried to save his father proving beyond any doubt the Jedi were wrong."
Again: this is cool. More power to you.
But it's not the intended narrative.
Sure, Luke is proving them wrong in the sense that they thought Vader would never willingly come back to the Light - but even then, look how beat up Vader needs to be before he does.
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But at the end of the day, Ben hopes that Luke is right.
He hopes that Vader can become Anakin again. It's just that he's painfully aware that the chances of that happening are very meager, and what's much more likely is that Luke will die instead or worse, fall to the Dark Side. Which almost happens. Again, love vs duty.
Luke isn't proving Ben wrong by rejecting the temptation of the Dark Side and sparing his father, a defenseless foe, because, just this once... his duty is to choose love, it's to show compassion.
He's just... being a Jedi. That's standard Jedi stuff.
And Jedi are awesome.
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