barrackbvnny · 1 month
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──꒰ SCREWBALL ꒱    🔧   ・・・・        ❛        SHE / THEY  ⠀❜
       ・・・・        ❛        22 // 5'2 // demisexual   ⠀❜
       ・・・・        ❛        playlist   ⠀❜
── engineer and mechanic
── could tell you anything about most ships ( including imperial in the empire verse )
── kaf addict. drinks like ten cups a day if not more
── doesn't sleep often
── is incredibly sensitive to bright light and loud noises
── has parental issues
── hates katoo / her home planet
── hates loud sounds but hates complete silence as well
── has a distaste for spice, especially the smell
── workaholic
── rarely eats enough / has eating issues ( both due to self-destructive behavior and the lack of space-wide food katooian's can eat without getting sick )
── doesn't think she's worthy of any love what-so-ever
── smarter than she looks
── accidentally ate a screw once, which is why people call her screwball / screw
── her name in katooian is kikakowkin pronounced ( Key-kah-cow-kine )
── really hates being compared to lasat's
── has enough money to buy their own ship, but is too much of a workaholic to care
── wears light out goggles when working in the daylight
── can see heart rates, blood flow and heat-related things ( thermal vision )
── is lowkey terrified of intimacy
1 note · View note
floral-force · 1 year
Fire Up the Engines - oneshot
din djarin x female reader, mechanic!reader (no y/n)
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summary: Din Djarin's ship is in need of intense repairs, and he lands in Peli's hangar for help. The witty mechanic assisting Peli with the work might be too enticing and seductive for Din to ignore.
words: 5.9k+
warnings: Explicit, 18+ ONLY; smut (rough sex, fingering, p-in-v), unprotected sex
note: this is filth. plain and simple. have you ever thought about fucking din in his ship? me too--so i wrote a fic. read on ao3 | fic masterlist
Peli shielded her eyes from Tatooine’s blazing twin suns to watch the pre-Empire ship that was landing in her hanger, its engines roaring. She grinned as Din Djarin walked down its lowered ramp with Grogu in the satchel across his chest. He met her where she stood in the shaded tool shed, light bouncing off his armor and onto the curved ceiling.
“Didn’t expect to see you back so soon! But I’d never turn down a chance to see my little buddy!”
Grogu chirped at her and looked up at Din, wiggling around. His helmet tilted back slightly and he sighed, lifting the child out of the satchel and handing him to Peli. He popped his hand on his hip and let the surrogate aunt coo and bounce his strange, adopted child in her arms, the large ears on his wrinkled green head perked up. Din knew Grogu liked visiting Peli—she coddled him almost more than Din did. Aside from that, he could never deny one of the few people he trusted Grogu’s affection.
“I need some repairs,” he stated, watching some of her droids hesitantly pick up toolboxes.
“Already? I just got you this while you were here helping the other guy! Should be as good as—well, not new, but as good as we got it when you were here.”
Din exhaled and crossed his arms. “I had a rough couple of bounties.”
“And raiders.”
Her eyes widened and she shook her head. “Well, thank the Force you made it here. If it’s really that bad, then I think I need to contact one of my guys.” 
“I don—”
She waved a hand and shushed him. “Before you even start, I trust this one. She’s my go-to when I know that only using my droids won’t be enough.”
Din rolled his shoulders back and looked at Grogu, who tilted his head and gurgled. He sighed and simply said, “Fine.”
“Alright!” She smiled, her missing tooth adding to the charisma and brightness that she managed to bring no matter where she went. “I’ll go give her a quick call. Shouldn’t be long.”
Din took a step forward and extended his arms. Grogu’s tiny claws wiggled at Peli as she gently passed him off to Din, telling him she’d be back soon with a snack for him. Din cradled the child in his left arm and turned to face the hangar. His visor settled on a crate on the other side, his boots kicking up tiny puffs of sand as he walked over to it under the suns’ relentless rays. The clan of two was soon hidden again in the shade, Din’s knees cracking as he sat on the crate. 
“What do you think, kid?” he asked, running his index finger along one of Grogu’s large, pointed ears. 
“Patu,” Grogu chirped, tilting his head in response, his large brown eyes fixed on Din’s beskar helmet.
Din nodded in agreement and tried to ignore the heat of Tatooine even as he sat in the shade. He hoped that Peli’s contact would be over sooner rather than later and would help make short work of the damage his attackers had done before he blasted them to bits.
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Din watched her with crossed arms as she inspected the ship with Peli, her brow furrowing when she noticed a dent or carbon scoring. She was constantly taking notes on her holopad, wiping her brow while she wrote and listened to Peli. At one point, she squatted down ten feet in front of where Din stood to point something out to Peli—a couple tubes were exposed, the metal covering completely blown off—and his eyes lingered too long on the wet spots that had already formed on her back before they trailed down further. He had to avert his eyes, turning his head ever so slightly. 
After what felt like hours, she walked over to where he stood in the shade with Grogu at his feet, curiously peeking out from behind his calf. She chuckled at the green toddler, wiping her brow as her eyes settled onto his visor.
“So, Mando, you’ve had quite the adventure, huh?” she asked, the corner of her lips quirking up into a smile.
“You could say that.”
“I think the carbon scoring and the busted turbine in one of your engines said it for me,” she teased, looking down at her holopad and leaning on her hip. “Well, it might take until the suns set, but Peli and I can get it done. It’ll set you back, though.”
“I can pay.”
She looked up at him through her lashes and his heart quickened when he noticed her gaze linger on his utility built, grazing slowly back up to his helmet. “I’m sure you can.”
He hesitated, his pulse pounding in his ears as she smiled coyly at him. Din was good for the money—and whatever else she desired from him. 
She finally broke her gaze, turning over her shoulder to wave at Peli and give her a thumbs up. Peli nodded and started rounding her droids up and yelling at them to pick up their tools and hustle for her best customer. When she turned back around to face Din, he focused on how soft her lips looked as she flashed him yet another killer smile. He tried his best not to let his eyes get too greedy taking in her figure, but he couldn’t help stop himself from watching a bead of sweat travel down her neck and across the ridge of her collarbone, slipping into her cleavage. A heat rushed throughout his body, and it wasn’t from the brutal midday heat. 
“Well, um…I’ll get to it then.” She rubbed the back of her neck and took a step back towards the tool shed. “Shouldn’t be long, Mando. I’ll try not to keep you waiting.”
Din stared at her as she turned and walked away, his attention stolen by the way her long brown cargo pants perfectly outlined her ass. 
Grogu’s chirps snapped him out of his trance, and he picked his son up, letting him nestle into the bend of his arm.
“You hungry?” he asked, looking down at his son. “Me too.”
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After taking Grogu to a nearby market for a meal and ration restock, he arrived back to the hangar as the suns were setting. The sky was turning a light shade of pink, purple melting into it as dusk approached. He saw Peli’s droids wiping down different parts of his ship with polishing rags, their binary chatter filling the empty evening air.
“Make that hunk’a junk sparkle!” Peli yelled, her hands on her hips.
“Thought you said my ship was in the best condition you’d ever seen for what it was.”
She jumped around in surprise, her unique smile lighting up the hangar as he stepped into it from the entryway. “Mando! You’re back right in time. Droids are polishing her up, and she’s finishing up one last thing with one of the guns.”
Din nodded, feeling Grogu wiggle in the satchel. “Can I set these things down in the hull?” he asked, lifting the bags of rations—and a few special treats Grogu had waved into Din’s basket with his powers—he carried in his hands.
“Go right ahead! But before you do—” Peli ran in front of him and held her hands out. “Lemme have the little womp rat! I gotta show him how to kick butt at cards.”
Din heard Grogu babble up at him, and he sighed, setting the heavy bags down. Those eyes were his biggest weakness. He gently took the satchel off, handing the gurgling bundle off to a very excited Peli. He watched her walk away with a spring her step, responding to Grogu’s chirps with colorful commentary. He shook his head and chuckled under the helmet. Something told him Grogu would leave Tatooine even morespoiled than the last time they’d visited. 
He pressed a button on his vambrace, and the ramp lowered. Din picked the bags up again, his muscles straining with the weight, but it was nothing he couldn’t handle; Tatooine just made every physical task more tiring than it was to begin with. He walked up and into his ship, heading over to the ration crate. Din dropped the bags in with a grunt, then put his hands on his hips, satisfied. After raising the ramp and closing the ship up, he dropped to one knee and sifted through the bags, looking for Grogu’s special treats so he could set them aside. 
“You’ve got quite a unique ship, Mando.”
Din immediately drew his blaster, his head snapping up so he could better his aim at the woman in front of him.
“Whoa! It’s me!” she said, throwing her hands up. Her clothes had splotches of dirt and grease on them, the palms of her working gloves dirtied as well. There was a smear of grease on her cheek, and it wrinkled when she smiled at him. The sweat on her brow and under her eyes sent a chill down his spine; it was oddly enticing, highlighting features he hadn’t noticed earlier.
He should know better by now when it came to Peli and trusting people. It only got him into trouble he hadn’t wanted in the first place. 
And this mechanic was the epitome of trouble, her seductive smile and enticing body only fueling the growing fire within him.
He squeezed his blaster, the pinch of his glove snapping him back to the present threat. “How did you get in here?” Din asked, his voice darkening.
“I was fixing the gun and had to open the belly up a bit to get to some wires. I ended up over by the privy.” When Din didn’t lower his blaster, she quickly added, “Don’t worry, I didn’t touch anything! You do a good enough job messing her up on your own.”
Din answered her quip with silence. Her smile fell, and she looked down at the floor. He kept his blaster raised only so he could keep her in front of him—he wanted to take in every part of her that he didn’t get to earlier, from her messy hair to her scuffed-up boots. The cargo pants she wore were now stained with dirt and grease, and they hugged her perfectly in the thighs—and he knew from earlier that they made her ass look delicious, too. They were sloppily cuffed over leather lace-up boots, but he paid no mind to them. His mind was focused solely on how fast he could undo the belt cinched around her waist and gain access to the skin hidden under fabric and mesh. The thought alone was enough to send a chill down his spine and make his cock twitch; she was totally clothed and yet his head grew heavy with lust.
Din had to wrench his eyes up and away from the belt; any longer, and he knew his cock would grow visibly hard. The gray sleeveless shirt she wore clung to her body, grease and other random splotches lightly patterning it. His eyes landed on her chest, and he noticed that she was breathing a little heavier than she had been earlier, her chest rising and falling in a rhythm driven by nerves and, maybe, anticipation. The straps of the sleeveless top rested on top of darker ones, which led him to believe that she was wearing some sort of bra; Din made a mental note to take care of that when the time came. He’d been too busy studying the way sweat dripped into her cleavage to have noticed it earlier. Even in the cool hull of the ship, her bare arms and shoulders glistened with sweat. Her gloved hands were trembling so softly that Din wouldn’t have noticed if he hadn’t been imagining them clutching his armor.
Under his scrutiny, she felt her skin tingle. Her heart was starting to speed up, banging against her ribs, pumping her blood full of adrenaline. Underneath the anxiety, though, was a hint of excitement. Something about the void of the visor sucked her right in, dropping her into a black pool of desire—desire.
He tilted his helmet up at her, and her eyes caught the movement. He stood and holstered his blaster, and she dropped her hands, a sigh escaping her lips. Din took a step closer, invading her space. Her breath caught in her throat as she looked up at him through her lashes. Din clenched his fists when she bit her bottom lip and looked down at the ground again. He almost wanted her to see his growing erection, wantedher to see that she was close to pushing him past the point of no return.
“You’re a man of few words,” she quietly remarked, her heart fluttering a bit when he tilted his head to the side.
“I’m more of a man of action.”
His smooth voice ran over her like water after a long day, seeping into her bones—but his voice was pure gasoline, lighting her insides on fire instead of quenching her thirst for more. Heat rushed to her cheeks, and she gingerly placed a gloved hand on his chest, the metal dividing them. Din didn’t even care that he’d have to polish it and work a little harder to get the grease and grime off it; his thoughts were clouded with her, desire starting to overtake him.
“Wanna show me, Mando?”
Her sultry invitation sent flames through his veins. She yelped when his hands pushed her back into the wall near the ladder to the cockpit; her coy smile up at him and soft nod let him know that she liked it. The force of him pushing her back and pressing her against the cold metal wall added fuel to the growing fire he’d lit within her, and she squirmed when she felt a throb between her legs. She squeezed her eyes shut and bit her lower lip. Din wished he could be the one tugging on it with his teeth, but he’d have to settle with the show she was giving him, her lovely face’s demure expression beginning to melt and reveal the neediness below the surface.
Din used her need to his advantage, crowding into her, slotting his left thigh between her legs. He could hear her soft pants, his helmet close enough that the hot exhales fogged up the beskar. The way her legs shifted to welcome his leg gave her growing arousal away. He chuckled, and she immediately perked up, her eyes opening and centering back on his visor. Her pupils were blown, her lips gently parted, sweat gathering again on her forehead because of the Mandalorian pressing up against her. Din drank it all in, his lips parted underneath his helmet, eyes heavy with want.
She whined and looked up when his hands trailed slowly down from her shoulders to her chest, the rough leather dragging across the sensitive, sticky skin. 
“Do you want more?” 
Her eyes dropped back to his visor. She nodded enthusiastically, whispering yes please touch me more as Din traced a finger back up to her shoulder, his cock aching in response to her plea. When he took a small step back, she whimpered, already feeling an ache at the loss of his thigh and the pressure from his armor. 
She kept her eyes on his helmet, watching it turn to the left as he toyed with the straps on her shoulder, pulling them up with two fingers. 
“Take these—” He released the straps, the snap against her skin making her whine, “—Off.”
He took his hands off her, taking a few more steps back so he could take all of her in. He dropped a hand over the bulge in his pants and roughly palmed it through his pants as she lifted the dirty shirt over her head, letting it fall to the floor. Din choked and his cock throbbed when she pulled her banded bra off, finally revealing her tits. He noticed her nipples pebble almost immediately, accenting the soft skin she’d been hiding from him all this time. 
“Fuck,” he growled, closing the short distance between them with heavy, needy steps.
She giggled when he lifted her off her feet, moving her back to the wall, closer to the ladder this time. He set her down with a low groan that sent electric shocks throughout her body and heat to her cheeks. She closed her eyes, her mind racing as much as her heart was. She wanted to run her hands across his body, finger the uncovered parts of him, work him and unravel him as much as he was doing it to her.
She was also perfectly happy to let the Mandalorian grip her skin hard and tight, make her hiss when he pinched her nipples between gloved fingers, and to let him press into her, the cold metal of his armor leaving shallow indents in her skin. His roughness enticed her and made her burn even more, the heat starting to pool in her core, more dripping down with every squeeze of her ass and heady groan that escaped his lips.
The clang of metal hitting metal disrupted her thoughts of peeling the armor off piece by piece, and she looked down to see the Mandalorian on his knees, his helmet fixed on her face. When his hands came to grip her shins, she closed her eyes and let the back of her head hit the wall, arousal pooling low in her core and dampening her panties. She giggled when one of his hands squeezed her thigh, almost missing the low groan that slipped out of him. 
“So fucking sexy,” he purred, his hands now running up and down her legs, the pads of his fingers digging in and applying pressure.
Her knees trembled, and the whine that slipped out of her mouth made him pause for a moment. Din Djarin wasn’t normally greedy, but in this moment, he wanted to own every part of her. Every part of her demanded attention, and he was determined to be the only one who could tame and satiate her. He wanted to be the one she thought of when she touched herself, the one she compared every other person to, the one who drove her crazy with lust.
Din knew exactly where to strike next to make his purpose clear.
He looked up at her, the skin of her torso glistening with sweat, her breasts tempting him and teasing him. Din edged his right hand down to her knee, and his left resumed stroking up and down. With no ceremony or grace, he looped his arm under her left leg and lifted it, adjusting his position and her leg so her knee came to rest on his shoulder, the cool metal of his pauldron slowly seeping through the fabric of her pants. She gasped and her hands clutched the wall, her left landing on a rung of the ladder. Din smiled under his helmet at the sight of her, half naked and unconsciously rocking her hips towards his helmet.
He cupped his left hand against her hidden sex, and she whined, pressing down for some sort of release. His quiet laughter at her neediness only made her cunt ache more, his roughness only turning her on more.
“Please, touch me,” she panted, her knuckles white and skin sensitive.
“I already am.” When she groaned at his snarky answer, he abruptly pressed the palm of his hand against her with more pressure, whisking the irritation right out of her mind. “You’ll have to be more specific.”
Her head felt light as he began to slowly rub his hand back and forth, the broad pressure and sensation making her wetter by the second. She managed to collect herself and mumble between pants and whimpers, “Please…Please touch my…touch my pussy.”
“Good girl.”
The purred praise made her body shake and the whine that she released was music to Din’s ears. Under the helmet, a devilish grin spread across his face as he lowered her leg off his shoulder and then quickly undid her belt, throwing it to the side, the tools attached to it clattering on the metal ground. All she could do was watch him stand up and yank her pants and underwear down to her boots. She hissed when cold air hit her hot skin, her naked body on display to the Mandalorian. Leather traced down her legs as she drew her arms back in to her body. She tore her gloves off and let her bare hands find their way to her tits, massaging them and slipping over the sweat that had gathered on her skin. 
“Wish I could just cut these in two,” she heard him growl before forcing her to spread her legs as much as she could.
“Gotta make it challenging somehow,” she teased.
He nodded, his left arm wrapping around her waist, lifting her off the wall a bit. His left leg came to rest between hers, and she whimpered when he pushed against her right leg, forcing her to stay spread open for him. Din’s free hand came to rest on her cheek before pushing her hands out of the way so he could roughly massage her tits, the force of it all making her melt. He could smell her—sweat, grease, lust—as he bent his neck and nudged his helmet against her head, pleased when her hands gripped his wrist, begging him to explore her further.
He straightened up, his helmet once again focused on her, her wide eyes and sweaty brow giving him a primal satisfaction that rushed to his cock. He saw her eyes dart to the obvious bulge, and as her hands started to make a dive for it, he clicked his tongue and snatched her wrists in his hand.
“Not yet,” he said in response to her whine. “Keep massaging those pretty tits of yours for me, baby.”
She nodded, immediately doing as told. When he interrupted her, taking one of her hands in his, she gave him a quizzical look, catching her breath. “Something wrong?”
“Take the glove off for me, pretty girl.”
Her plush lips spread into an eager smile, and she quickly yanked his glove off. Before he could work any lower, she looked right into his visor and gripped his wrist, bringing his index and middle fingers to her lips. Din sharply inhaled when she took them into her mouth, her tongue swirling around them, carving patterns only she knew into his skin. His cock was heavy and ready, and Din had to bite the inside of his cheek so he didn’t just fuck her right where she stood. Her pretty lips wrapped around his fingers, and she moaned at the salty taste of his skin, knowing exactly where his fingers were going next when she took them out of her mouth with a pop.
Din pulled his hand out of her weak grip, reaching between her legs and sliding between her folds. He focused on her the entire time, his helmet never focused on anything other than her face, perspiration sitting at her hairline. Noticing hers made him suddenly feel the sweat dripping down his neck and temples, physical proof of the heat from his motion and of the fire within him. 
When his fingers graced over her clit, she jumped and hissed, arching and bucking into him. He pushed further back, and when his fingers grazed over her slit, a loud whine filled the hull, a moan trailing after it when he slipped a digit into her. He exhaled a gentle laugh at her neediness as he listened to her begs for more, more fill the air. He could feel her walls already starting to tighten, and he couldn’t deny her any longer. 
Din slowly pulled his finger out of her slick cunt, trailing it back up and adding a second to rub slow circles on the sensitive bud. She keened and pressed her hands against his shoulders at his achingly slow touch, her fingers clutching at his pauldrons. Heat ran through her, sweat dripping down her forehead and starting to collect behind her knees as she chased her climax. The Mandalorian’s fingers worked her clit perfectly, her achingly empty cunt starting to tighten and flutter. He sensed her growing desperation and traced his fingers back to her slit, the pads of them circling and dragging the slick that leaked out of her around her entrance. She whined even louder, moaning and begging and bucking her hips forward. 
“You’ve been so good for me,” Din purred, his head light. “And you know what good girls get?”
She opened her eyes and shook her head.
“They get to come for me.”
As Din spoke, he slid two thick fingers inside of her, her gasp making him grin in satisfaction. Her eyes went wide, and then she squeezed them shut, her entire body tensing up. Din pumped his fingers, his left hand splaying across her back to hold her steady and support her as she reached her peak. Her mouth fell open, her eyelids fluttering. He curled his fingers and stroked back and forth in a certain spot he’d noticed had been making her cry out, focusing all his attention there. Din was rewarded with a strangled cry and felt her tighten around him, even her legs getting tense.
“Look at me.”
Din’s command broke through her ecstasy. Her eyes opened and focused on him. A bead of sweat trailed down her neck—he wished he could lick it up with his tongue.
“Don’t hold back,” Din grunted, “Be a good girl and come for me.”
She kept her eyes open as her jaw dropped, a silent scream escaping her open mouth as her climax set her on fire. Her legs shook and Din licked his lips as her cunt pulsed and contracted around his fingers, dragging his fingers against that spot one last time before pulling them out. Her chest heaved up and down, waves of pleasure and flames of want still clashing within her. She whined at the empty feeling, then yelped in surprise when he slid his fingers into her mouth, her orgasm still coating them.
“Taste yourself.” Din’s helmet tilted up slightly as he slid them into her mouth all the way to the knuckle. She stared at him as her tongue went to work, eagerly licking his fingers clean. Her head was heavy with pleasure, and she worked fast so her empty cunt could be filled again.
“Good fucking girl,” Din growled. He slid his fingers out of her mouth and placed his hand on her waist. He took a moment to take in her sweaty skin, his eyes scanning her again, plotting his next move.
He wanted that tongue on his cock, but he’d tortured himself enough. 
From the look in her eyes, Din could tell she knew it too.
Under the helmet, he spotted two crates stacked on top of each other to his left. His eyes went back to her, and before she had time to process what was happening, he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her off the ground. She squealed, stumbling when he roughly set her down. After she caught her balance, he pushed her lower back down, forcing her to bend over. The slight arch of her back skillfully presented the thighs and ass she’d kept hidden under the cargo pants; the seductive sight of it caused Din to already start to unravel.
“How’s the view?”
Her cheeky question made him laugh as he quickly undid his belt and dropped his pants enough for his cock to spring out, the tip leaking sticky beads of fluid. He stroked himself, giving her plump ass a smack with his gloved hand and enjoying the way it moved. She recoiled and hissed at the sting, but it sent a jolt of electricity through her, the fire in her core sparked and growing again. 
“I love it,” he said, accenting his statement with another spank. 
He pressed the fat head of his cock against her slit, soaking it in her arousal and groaning at how wet she still was. Din guided his cock up and down through her folds with his bare hand, biting his lip when he felt her juices start to coat his fingers. Slowly, he started to rock his hips into her, his restrained moans joining her shameless begging as his cock glided back and forth from her slick entrance to her clit and back again at a faster pace. He placed his hands on her hips and massaged the sensitive skin, enjoying the warmth of it. It was torture for both, flames engulfing them and demanding attention. She gasped and mewled—Mando, Mando, fuck—and pressed her ass back as much as she could just to feel more of him. The desire to be full of him was overriding everything else within her, and Din had teased himself long enough.
“Fuck, I can’t take it anymore,” he growled, his fingers digging into her flesh.
He slid into her cunt, her walls still slick from the orgasm he pulled out of her. Her moan echoed in the hull and bounced around in his helmet, a sound he never wanted to forget. A moan slipped from Din’s mouth after he buried himself to the hilt inside of her, a strangled groan and growl from deep in his throat. 
“Stars, you fill me up so fucking good,” she mewled, a sharp thrust eliciting a high-pitched whimper immediately after.
Din’s brow furrowed and sweat dripped down his temples. He was already close to spilling, his cock throbbing as he fucked her, his speed increasing after her praise. The obscene sound of skin slapping skin reverberated in the hull, the canvas that they painted with their moans and whines. Her ass bounced beautifully with every thrust, and the way his greedy gloved hand massaged the meaty flesh sent jolts of pleasure throughout her body.
She had never been fucked like this—so primal, rough, fast—and it made her cunt clamp around him again. When he placed his bare hand on the small of her back and pushed down, pressing her into the crate, she gasped, her fingers flexing out for stability. The new angle allowed his cock to drive into her, filling her to the brim even more than he already had. She whined and her cries grew louder, finally turning her head to try to see the Mandalorian. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw his helmet was tilted back, his groans so loud that they overpowered the vocoder in his helmet. 
He was raw and burning and harsh. The way he fucked her without mercy made her eyes roll back into her head; he impaled her on his length and she loved it. Every thrust was pushing her closer to the edge again, and she made sure he knew it. She twisted her arm to find the wrist on her back and gripped it. The contact caused his hips to stutter briefly as she started to meet his thrusts with needy movements of her own, pushing back with her ass to chase her growing orgasm. He was lavishing her with aggressive attention, slamming into her just to prove his point, driving her further into pleasure. Her mouth fell open, eyebrows scrunching together as his cock tore through her and shocked her entire body.
“Please don’t stop—Mando—fuck, I-I’m so fucking close, I’m right fucking there,” she whined, moaning Mando over and over, a prayer that flooded his entire body with fire, shooting electricity into his veins.
She moaned and her walls fluttered around him, the movement making his head light and his breath quicken. He fucked into her faster, harder, relentlessly so he could follow with her. Din’s grip on her tightened as his thrusts became erratic. She was already committing this to memory—his sharp thrusts, the modulated groans and growls, the full feeling in her core—just so she could pleasure herself to it again.
There was only one piece missing—one thing that would send her toppling over the edge. She forced her lips to close again, willing her muscles to work so she could speak coherently.
“Breed me,” she groaned, twisting to look at him with drool dripping down her chin.
The sight alone nearly tipped Din over the edge, but he held back just to fuck her a few moments more. He wanted to selfishly relish in the way he’d made her look, all messy and subdued. Tamed. And now, she wanted to be bred, claimed. 
She had pushed him to the edge, made his cock throb against her walls. Din gasped and grunted as he kept fucking her, knowing he couldn’t deny himself much longer.
“I wanna be fucking leaking after this,” she growled, gritting her teeth. “Breed me, Mando.”
Din threw his head back at her demand, screwing his eyes shut as he felt himself tip over the edge. She growled when he yanked his hand out of her grasp to grip her hip, slamming her back onto his cock. Their animalistic grunts and moans reached a crescendo as Din felt her cunt clench around him right as he erupted, his cock entirely sheathed inside of her. Din groaned with every pulse of his cock, the tight grip he had on her hips slowly loosening. She was gasping, her body shaking with the force of her orgasm.
Din pulled out with a hiss, and he spread her cheeks with his hands, stepping back and tilting his head. His seed was already spilling out of her hole, and she gasped when he gently fingered it back inside of her.
“Can’t waste a single drop of this,” he murmured, licking his lips.
Her small laugh was muffled. He stepped back and gingerly sheathed his cock as she slowly stood up on shaking legs. 
“Your ship is a real—ah—piece of work,” she said as she tugged her pants back on, using too much force and irritating her still-sensitive cunt. 
“You may have mentioned that,” Din replied.
Din watched as she walked over to her discarded shirt and bra, smiling to himself when he noticed how her gait was a little more awkward than it had been before he bent her over and fucked her senseless. The proof of it was on his fingers, but he destroyed the sweet evidence with a quick wipe of a cloth lying in his rack. The hole she’d climbed out of was nearby, her tools forgotten about. He looked at it, then at her. Sweat glistened on her chest and forehead, the smear of grease on her cheek had disappeared—smudged off on the crate as he fucked her, most likely.
She shot him a shy smile and turned around to pick up her tool belt, facing him again as she strapped it back on. Her work gloves lay near the ladder, and she bent over to grab them. His gaze made her skin feel hot and nervous, but excited. Her body was already begging for more, the fire still raging despite the water thrown on it.
Her fingers toyed with the gloves, and she tapped the toe of one scuffed boot into the metal floor. Her eyes were focused on the floor, teeth worrying her bottom lip. She slowly looked back up at the Mandalorian, trying to push back thoughts of their animalistic sex and the dull throbbing of her cunt. 
“Maybe you could use a mechanic,” she shrugged, a playful smile teasing across her lips.
“Yeah,” Din nodded. “I think I could.”
fic masterlist
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taglist: @charlottetownwaffles @theamuz @jellybeanstacey0519 @elinedjarin @kaqua @tortor-mcgee @tizylish @graciexmarvel @dheet @kalea-bane @mymindfuckery
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Hangman Master List
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Multi-Part Stories
Left at the Altar Part 2 [*] Part 3 Epilogue [*] - Fem!Reader (Ex-Girlfriend!Reader)
CW: Suggestive/Implied Sexual Content (Part 2 and Epilogue), Angst, Exes, Pregnancy and Kids (Epilogue only)
Summary: When you get left at the altar, a familiar face swoops in to save the day.
Sequel: Stay Away from the Altar
What is L-O-V-E? Part 2 Part 3 - Bradshaw!Fem!OC (Lena) (Ex-Wife!OC)
Summary: Lena Bradshaw (formerly Seresin) struggles once again to keep the peace between her ex-husband Jake and her older brother Bradley for her son's sake. And the uranium facility mission only seems to heighten the stakes of it all.
Prologue To Be a Man Part 2 Part 3 - Wife!OC (Sophie)
CW: Secret Marriage; Non-Traditional Family Dynamics; Marriage of Convenience; Type 1 Diabetes
Summary: Hangman is married. And it’s no one else’s business.
Blood in the Water - Cain!OC (Alina)
CW: Arranged & Political Marriage; Post-Apocalypse AU with a Medieval Feel; Blatant Sexism; Abuse from Family Members
Summary: In a post-apocalyptic world, the livable landscape is carved up by warlords. After a long war with the Dagger Clan, the Cain Empire has been defeated, but peace cannot be brokered without a sacrifice. Hangman assumes that a marriage is that sacrifice. Cain thinks that Hangman’s death is a better trade.
Never Have I Ever Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 - Civilian Contractor! Female! Reader (Dove)
CW: Not Necessarily Healthy Decisions/Coping Mechanisms; Shy! Reader; Slow Burn; Coworkers to Friends to Lovers; Excessive Pining
Summary: Dove is tired of being stereotyped as the nice, quiet girl who's so innocent it hurts. So, who does she call to help her? Hangman.
One Shots
Wedding Day - Fem!Reader
Summary: Hangman falls in love with his wife all over again when he sees her in her wedding dress for the first time.
I'll Carry You - Fem!Reader (Wife!Reader)
Summary: Hangman and his wife attend a naval ball. When her shoes give her blisters, Hangman ensures that she gets back to the car comfortably.
Lunch Break [*] - Fem!Reader (Wife!Reader)
CW: Suggestive Situations/Content
Summary: Jake and his wife are going through a dry spell. Luckily, his secretary Linda is the best wingwoman in all of Miramar.
A Morning Work Out - Fem!Reader (Wife!Reader)
CW: Implied Sexual Content
Summary: Jake goes through his normal morning routine with his son and wife.
Beach Day - Fem!Reader (Wife!Reader)
CW: Referenced Sexual Innuedos/Situations
Summary: Jake and his wife enjoy a beach day with their three kids.
Stay Away from the Altar - Wife!Reader; Fem!Seresin!OC / Male!Bradshaw!OC
CW: (Over)protective Dad!Hangman; Angst; Fighting; Rebellious Teenagers; Crying; References to Previous Pregnancy Scares
Summary: Jake isn't ready to accept that his daughter is growing up. And he's definitely not ready to accept that his daughter seems to have fallen for Rooster's spawn.
A Little Tag-a-Long - Female!Reader (Peach)
Summary: Hangman is excited to finally take out Peach, the woman that he's been in love with for months now. Except Peach gets called into babysitting duty right before their date.
A Happy Fourth - Wife!Reader
CW: Implied Sexual Content; Outdoor Shower
Summary: You and Hangman enjoy your Fourth of July together.
Three Four, That’s the Magic Number - Wife!Reader
CW: (Unplanned) Pregnancy; (Failed) Vasectomies; Threats of Kicks to the Balls
Summary: You thought that three kids was it. But apparently your husband, Hangman, didn't have as successful of a vasectomy as you initially thought.
The Love Game - Fem!Reader (Glitch)
CW: Unrequited Love; Angst; Emotional Angst; One-Sided Relationship; ‘He’s in Love with Someone Else’ Trope
Summary: Glitch has been in love with Hangman for years but he’s getting married to another woman.
A.N. Multiple Pairings: Hangman/Glitch; Hangman/Fem!OC; Glitch /Mystery Dagger
Gray - Fem!Reader
CW: Jake’s Sad; Showering Together; Half-Naked Cuddling
Summary: You try to cheer your boyfriend Hangman up.
Little Seresin - Wife!Reader
Summary: You surprise your husband by putting your daughter in an opposing team's jersey.
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harpyface · 4 months
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d&d/wirral au... GO!
featuring wild magic sorcerer harry and artillerist artificer kim
clothing stats below (plus the d&d equivalent) (feat ooh custom kim skills with no context)
+1 Composure (Deception): Blinding with starlight
+2 Electrochemistry (Performance): Shows off your tits *and* thighs
-1 Rhetoric (Investigation): No one makes eye contact with you for some reason
+1 Shivers (Nature): Listen to the forest
-1 Savoir Faire (Performance): Ill-fitting
+1 Inland Empire (Insight): Vivid imagination
+1 Authority (Intimidation): Regal golden pauldrons
-1 Savoir Faire (Acrobatics): Tripping hazard
+1 Inland Empire (Arcana): Uncapped font of magic (your fingers)
+1 Hand/Eye Coordination (Arcana): Perfect aim for your 9mm (your fingers)
+1 Inland Empire (Arcana): A strip of fabric torn from the cosmos
+1 Electrochemistry (Performance): Tall legs
-1 Savoir Faire (Acrobatics): Even taller heels
+2 Perception (Perception): Fixes your hyperopia, somewhat
-1 Authority (Intimidation): Mega bino energy
+1 Reference (History): Evokes a sense of a wizened professor
+1 Kinetic Dressage (Performance): Correct posture
+2 Hand/Eye Coordination (Sleight of Hand): Channel the rifleman's aim
+1 Volta do Mar (Religion): And the poetic resistance to pale
+1 Interfacing (Sleight of Hand): Mechanical thinking
+1 Hand/Eye Coordination (Sleight of Hand): Ammo on hand
+1 Authority (Perception): Adds some height
+1 Forte (Stealth): Tightly strapped to the knee
-1 Mortar (Arcana): Solidly grounded
+1 Hairtrigger (Acrobatics): Know exactly where your weapon is
-1 Airwave (Insight): Warm hands shielded from the world
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theresattrpgforthat · 9 months
gundam themed/similar games?
THEME: Gundam
Hello friend! This actually made me go back into my previous game recs and realize that I hadn’t properly tagged my Mechs Part 1 and Part 2 recs - so now you should be able to find them! Out of the games listed there, I’d definitely recommend Disaster/Wing by A Couple of Drakes, Mobile Zero Firebrands,by Lumpley Games, and Apocalypse Frame by Binary Star Games.
Now, let’s see what else we can rustle up.
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Last Sentinels, by Jason Price.
The people of AUGUR-V had been cast into the stars, pursued by the vengeful forces of the New Alliance. But one Sentinel pilot still offered them hope. This is their story.
Last Sentinels is a GM-less storytelling tabletop roleplaying game for 3 or 4 players. It focuses on one main protagonist, a gifted young civilian who escapes the besieged planet of AUGUR-V on a titanic starship with their remaining people.  They must defend these survivors against overwhelming odds as a vast fleet pursues the ship through their former empire. 
But your protagonist is doomed. 
Their story will end in death or betrayal when they succumb to the intense pressures of hope, despair, scheming foes and high-stakes mech combat.
Last Sentinels is more focused on the structure of the narrative than it is on the fights between mechs. Because the game is GM-less, the story becomes a negotiation, with the responsibilities of the players depending on where they sit at the table. Another thing unique about this game is the fact that no one player is responsible for any one character. This is because this is a story with one protagonist - similar to Amuro Rey from the original series. The game isn’t meant to tell a happy story - this is a game with a tragic ending. If you want a game that treats the subject matter of war with the same gravity as Mobile Suit Gundam, this is the game for you.
IGNOBLECORPS: Pilots of Command, by Declan Lowthian.
Hello Pilot You are about to embark on your first mission for the glory of Command. We have faith that your training will not fail you, and that you in turn will not fail us. You have your mission. Ready for launch.
IGNOBLECORPS is a game about desperate mech pilots working within a titanic organization spanning the galaxy. Fight for and against Command's control and try to get out alive. 
This is a hack of a game called NOBLECORE, a game about metal space fantasy with legendary heroes. This system uses exploding dice pools, which means that when you roll the highest number on any given dice, you get to re-roll for a chance at more success! This is also a collaborative game, so it expects all of the players at the table to generate the galaxy around you, rather than providing you with chapters and chapters of lore. This game reminds me of Gundam because it expects combat to be brutal and desperate - even if the moves are flashy, the war behind them is gritty and dark.
Armored Battle Frame, by Mundos Infinitos.
The WORLD is in a WAR fought with MECHAS. You are a PILOT, shaped to fight, witness to atrocities, bearer of wounds, a tool for victory. This is the story of your dreams and ambitions.
As a pamphlet game, expect Armored Battle Frame to be quick to pick up and quick to play. The designer, Benjamin A. Reyna, is very good at fitting a lot of information into a small space. This game can be played with or without a GM, and it can also be played solo! Mobile Suit Gundam is also listed as an inspiration in the game description. The designer also has another Mech game called Real Robot TechaMech: Professional Level, which uses a game system found among a number of Reyna’s games.
Battle Century G: Remastered, by GimmickLabs.
Express your creativity without mechanical restrictions. The game is effects-based, so how you do something does not matter as much as what you do. And what you do is pilot a kickass Mecha, command a badass Battleship, or ride a terrifying Kaiju.
Employ tactics and teamwork to defeat your enemies. Enemies in Battle Century G are powerful, you'll have to adapt on the fly to their weapons and schemes, watch each other's backs with your allies to ensure no one gets shot down, and employ synchronized combination attacks to defeat superbosses.
Explore a solarpunk future. The setting included in this book presents an environmentalist, inclusive and transhumanist society opposing an industrialist empire with the looming threat of kaiju mechabeasts on the horizon. It is inspired by the likes of Turn A Gundam, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, Dune and Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri.
Battle Century G boasts fast-paced combat and big powers that make you feel more than competent. It also includes advice on playing for both GMs and players, in what looks to be an effort to make the game as easy to step into as possible, and the themes and setting information allow for a number of societies that look very different from our own - great for speculative fiction.This is a game that is the result of various playtests and previous editions, so it’s less likely to feel like a quick hack and more likely to feel like a full game.
Maharlika, by makapatag.
MAHARLIKA RPG is a technomystic Science Fantasy mecha RPG inspired by Filipino Mythology, centered around Mekanized Weapons or Meka, and their pilots: the eponymous Maharlika. 
You will play as these titular spirit-warriors, mavericks, aces, and knights that all swear loyalty to a Datu, one of the CEOs of the Megacorporations, so that you can protect the technospiritual galaxy of Arkipelago.
As a Maharlika, you venture out into space where you will take on  dangerous missions, fight for your ideals, hack the spiritual internet that is the Lambat, repel Xenobeings, trade love and resources, and participate in fiestas to survive, thrive, and protect what is yours in the dangerous Starsea.
Maharlika is inspired by a number of mech media, including Mobile Suit Thunderbolt and Iron Blooded Orphans from the Gundam series. The game has two modes of play: Maharlika (narrative) and Meka (mech combat). You’ll use mainly d10s and d20s for these rolls, and add modifiers for skills and stats that your character is strong in. The setting itself is described as technomystical, and the lore is heavily inspired by Filipino mythology, so if you want to really lean into the supernatural abilities such as the psychic abilities suggested in Mobile Suit Gundam’s Newtypes, this might be worth checking out. Maharlika is possibly also the most technically complex game on this list.
Games I’ve Recommended in the Past
Spectres of Brocken, by ehronlime.
Lancer, by Massif Press.
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lightwise · 3 months
TBB S3E7 Reactions
Alright, in lieu of an analysis this week, you guys get some extra long reactions from me. Spoilers for Extraction under the cut!
- Of course the operative is still alive after being completely buried by rocks
- You okay there Rexy boy?
- Aww, Crosshair helping him up
- “There’s always another way” feels like foreshadowing
- CX does sound awfully like Tech when he’s grunting. Either that or DBB has only one way of making groaning noises 😂
- The rim lighting in this episode is such a pain for making screenshots but so satisfying for watching
- The modified clone theme when Wolffe lands 😭
- Wolffe was really getting 3PO flashbacks there with that disgusted sigh
- Isn’t Hilo a canon commando?? Or is he from legends?
- I will never get over how realistic light looks in this show
- There’s no way that CX just caught himself with his hands
- “We’re waiting on you” they’re not leaving Crosshair behind this time 🥹
- Lol Batcher. Licking cute clones faces. Always the priority
- How is this CX such a good shot??
- Oh Wolffe definitely has a constant headache. Idk how he’s actually put up with being in the Empire this long.
- This purple atmosphere is so pretty
- “I’m much worse” — SCREAMING. And the little tilt with his helmet to make his point clear? This man can have me however he wants. Anytime, anywhere. Call me, baby (I hope someone laughed at that lol)
- So Hunter does hear the ships. I wonder if his senses are more tuned for mechanical vibrations and animal life than people
- Lol Howzer is this really the time for a heart to heart?
- “Loyalty meant something to me” 🫡
- Lol that TK Trooper sounded like a mid-Atlantic 50s movie star
- How is the operative this nimble? Seems suspicious
- Smoke bombs are CF99s signature
- Interesting that for once the stun bolts are being used ON the Batch instead of by them.
- Wrecker and Batcher are a great team
- Hunter just dropping that TK and then Crosshair taking out their ship. Phew
- Also not suspicious at all that they’ve neutralized all the TKs and left the clone troopers for later.
- How did Crosshair sense the operative coming up behind them?
- RIP Nemec 😓
- “Too bad” 😩😩😩
- Oh Cross, you know you’re not the best at hand to hand combat. This is a very bad idea
- That waterfall is pretty though
- Dear lord why did they have to make these scenes so dark
- Oh fuck. I can’t even tell who threw who off the cliff
- The whole squad going after Crosshair even though he told them to get to the extraction point 😭
- CX obviously knows Crosshair and has beef with him. Again, for the millionth time—WHAT THE HELL DID HEMLOCK DO TO ALL OF THEM
- “You had your chance to be one of us. You chose the wrong side”. Really can’t wait for this to be explained.
- Crosshair’s reflexes are so fast for being all gangly limbs
- Okay I seriously almost had a heart attack here (this is a rewatch so my reactions aren’t immediate but holy cow I almost couldn’t believe what I was seeing watching Crosshair almost drown. Don’t you dare do it Jen!)
- It is v suspicious how fixated on Crosshair CX is even after he’s neutralized him
- Thank GOD for Howzer
- Okay, I can breathe a little again
- That’s…an awfully long fall for someone to survive
- The TBB team took the water scenes from The Crossing in season 2 and said, yeah, how about we just make that a million times better 🤯
- “That’s not Echo”. No, no it is not
- Good to know that Rex is still considered dead by the Empire (although that honestly seems strange that CX in season 2 knew who he was). That’s heartbreaking that Wolffe thought he was dead this whole time though
- Wow. The respect these two men have for each other
- “Oh I did. Lost a lot of good men that day” *cries in TCW season 7*
- Idk how Rex keeps going honestly
- His voice may be gentle but his face means BUSINESS
- Rex 🤝 Omega - believing the power of friendship can save anyone and anything they come across
- Fuck your orders Wolffe
- “I’ll make sure you’re given a fair trial” you really have no idea who you work for Wolffe do you
- Hunter being willing to stand down when Rex asks him to
- “I know you. As your brother, I’m asking you to do the right thing” the brotherly reunions this season are just paralleling all over the place
- Gregor the handsome fellow that you are. I swear his pauldrons get bigger every time we see him
- “Let my people go” the Exodus vibes are strong here too
- Guess we’re gonna be finding out what makes this CX so special. Still can’t believe he survived.
- Rex just lost almost all of his men again 😣😭
- The sheer respect and care that Hunter and Rex have for each other. The hand on the shoulder. The losses that tie them together. The worry and earnestness in Hunter’s face and tone when he tells Rex he can’t win. He doesn’t emote this much to people he doesn’t consider family.
- The ways Hunter still is hesitant to do anything but run and hide, and Rex still can’t give up. Not quite yet.
- How Hunter won’t be able to either until they know what is really going on with Omega.
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sonic-oc-showdown · 1 year
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Agent VX belongs to @riftclaw
Byte belongs to @bunniibones
Find out more about them below!
Agent VX: (image credit Tracy Yardley @/yardleyart)
V is a GUN agent who works mostly in reconnaissance and forensics, and has studied a wide variety of disciplines in an attempt to learn to cure a heriditary illness he and his family all have. He has a flat affect, making it seem like he's always angry or annoyed, and he tries to avoid getting too invested in the people around him, but he can be incredibly loyal to anyone who takes time to get to know him. He's immortal and doesn't know it, which leads to very funny situations where he gets back up from things that definitely should've killed him and is furious about it.
Byte: (image credit @/drawloverlala)
Byte is a programmer and mechanic who used to work for the Eggman Empire as a lead programmer and performing maintenance in the Badniks, nevertheless when they met Starline they got so fascinated for the platypus that they went after him once Eggman firing him, offering Starline their services as a software engineer.
He accepted and gave them the role of his personal assistant since he knew their capabilities due to the time they worked together in the Empire. He was kind of wary of Byte’s chaotic tendencies, but soon a great idea came to his mind; What a better way to understand the chaotic world he’s trying to control than having the chaos by his side?
Since then, Byte has been the chaotic and eccentric right-hand of the platypus, helping him in all of his tasks and missions to achieve his plan; Conquer the world for Dr. Eggman.
Byte is very playful, and mischievous, they like to play pranks on everyone, cause problems and chaos here and there and always manipulates the situation to get out of troubles without consequences. They're cheerful and very energetic, very eccentric and passionate, they're very dedicated to their interests and will do their best in completing their tasks. They also encourage others to cause troubles too.
They're determined, responsible and showing their full potential whenever the situation requires so, they're a good observer and knows how to analyze everything. They're very reliable when it comes to problem solving.
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totally-not-deacon · 7 months
Chapters: 9/12 Fandom: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Nebarra (Elder Scrolls)/Original Female Character(s), Nebarra (Elder Scrolls)/Dragonborn, Female Dovahkiin | Dragonborn/Nebarra (Elder Scrolls) Characters: Nebarra (Elder Scrolls), Lucien Flavius, Inigo the Brave (Elder Scrolls), Xelzaz (Elder Scrolls), Other Character Tags to Be Added, Bosmer Dovahkiin | Dragonborn (Elder Scrolls) Summary: Marasa was just here to make coin, not friends. Of course, nothing in her life had ever gone according to plan. How else would she find herself out in the ass-end of the Empire, doing jobs for the same people she’d happily have put in the ground thirty years ago? In the forests of Falkreath, a chance encounter with a kindred spirit turned her life on its head. Now she found herself being dragged, kicking and screaming, into something far bigger than she ever could have imagined - all the while learning the past doesn’t always like to stay that way. At least this time, she wouldn’t be alone if it all fell apart.
I finally had the time to finish this one, and so now I gift it to y'all.
Enjoy, ya filthy animals.
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murdercide626 · 1 year
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This is Pukumon, a Mega/Ultimate stage Digimon of the virus type, and though it may often be overlooked, there's something kinda interesting about it.
So, there was a series of Digimon v-pets called "Digimon Pendulum", and they each had a particular theme. The series consisted of "Virus Busters", "Nature Spirits", "Wind Guardians", "Nightmare Soldiers", "Metal Empire", and "Deep Savers".
Pukumon was a part of the Deep Savers v-pet, fitting with the theme of fish/sea animals.
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As you can see here, Pukumon was one of three final forms your Digimon could take, representing virus type. And yes, there's also MetalSeadramon there, representing the data type.
And of course MetalSeadramon is well known for being one of the four Dark Masters, a group of very powerful villains from the Digimon Adventure anime, and other Digimon media.
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Actually, each member of the Dark Masters is from the Digimon Pendulum series of v-pets. Puppetmon being from Wind Guardians, Machinedramon from Metal Empire, and Piedmon from Nightmare Soldiers. The odd thing though is that of all the Dark Masters, MetalSeadramon is the only one that isn't a virus type. As mentioned before, MetalSeadramon is a data type, which is a somewhat odd choice for a villainous Digimon, and makes it stand out amongst the others.
The conclusion I'm obviously building to here is that Pukumon should have been the fourth Dark Master, not MetalSeadramon. This punk pufferfish was snubbed! lol
Not only that, but Pukumon hasn't had a significant role in ANY Digimon anime EVER! And that is truly a crime, because this Digimon has so much character, and is much more interesting to me than MetalSeadramon, which doesn't seem to have much identity other than being generally cool. Piedmon is a devious and theatrical evil clown with weaponized stage magic. Puppetmon is basically an evil Pinocchio made from the wood of a cursed tree. Even Machinedramon has an interesting angle as basically being a mechanical chimera made from various cyborg Digimon parts.
As for Pukumon itself? Its official backstory states it's "a British Punk Digimon that was born when Britain's strongest hacker caused a mutation in a computer virus in which they had poured all the knowledge they possessed." It's also said to have a huge ego, and is constantly picking fights. Best of all, one of its special moves is literally called "Britain Punch"! XD
I guess they ultimately picked MetalSeadramon over Pukumon because it's larger and more intimidating, but I can't help but feel we were seriously robbed of having a hilarious and badass British punk blowfish on the Dark Master team!
Justice for Pukumon!
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nerdyenby · 11 months
Am heavily considering writing @destinysbounty’s “if Pythor didn’t suck” au and realizing that literally only season 7 remains relatively intact
Season one’s climax is largely avoided considering Pythor’s massive involvement in the resurrection of the Great Devourer
No Great Devourer = Garmadon isn’t given the golden weapons = no megaweapon plot = no traumatic loss of childhood for lil Lloyd (at least not in the literal sense), final battle may or may not still happen but if it does Garm is throwing hands with a whole ass eight year old
Assuming the final battle still takes place, we still get the first half of season three relatively unchanged until the blackout successfully wiped out the Overlord without Pythor’s intervention, no space arc and Zane doesn’t die
Chen is most likely still doing stuff but since Zane’s still alive season 4 would look a lot different, especially considering Pythor’s role in Chen’s success
If Chen doesn’t get to pythor to complete the spell the season 4 finale would probably look very different, potentially not including Garmadon’s self sacrifice that resulted in Morro’s release. If that’s the case season 5 just straight up does not happen, possibly leading to Nya not discovering her powers until even later
If season 5’s final fight didn’t happen and Stiix isn’t destroyed then most of the setup for season 6 goes out the window, depending on how this alternate version of season 4 went it’s possible Clouse isn’t even still around at this point. This one’s more up in the air but I think there’s a considerable chance Nadakhan is never released
Pythor had absolutely nothing to do with the time twins’ return!! The ninja get to fight bad guys again lmao
No evil Pythor = no Great Devourer = no evil Harumi = no Sons of Garmadon = no resurrected Garmadon, seasons 8 and 9 are out of here lmao
Season 10 is a direct consequence of Harumi’s actions and all that followed, it too is canceled
The ninja accidentally release Aspheera as a result of not knowing what to do with themselves, in this timeline they’ve seen far less action and are used to having long stretches of time between villains, possibly even have side hussles, season 11 is gone.
Okay, season 12 might stay relatively unchanged but that’s a big maybe considering the Mechanic is responsible for the inciting incident and his origin story was a result of season 4. Things probably played out similarly for him but if they didn’t then there’s a good chance Prime Empire never got going. But even if it did, if Skybound didn’t happen then Jay didn’t find out he was adopted and may not have been able to talk down Unagami as well as he did
On the surface, season 13 is vibing BUT as of Crystallized, we know Vangelis’s actions are being funded by Harumi and the Overlord, neither of whom would be active at this time in this au. There’s a good chance he’s still a slaveowner because people like that don’t really need a reason to be fucking horrid but it’s not a given
(The Island is season 14 in my books, it’s the same length as season 10) the conflict is kicked off by Wu’s mid-life(???) crisis in season 13 which may or may not occur similarly in this universe. It’s also more than likely that the ninja never met Clutch in this au since season 11 didn’t happen. It would probably still happen but it would look very different, I’m not sure and I’ll need to rewatch to make up my mind
Assuming Nya does in fact unlock her true potential at some point and some semblance of season 14 happens, I believe Seabound is relatively unchanged. Pogchamp for season 15 being the only other survivor of this au lol
Circling back to season 8, Crystallized just straight up does not happen. Nya would presumably have still died the season prior though so in this universe season 16 can be more about that. Though, since season 11 didn’t happen meaning Aspheera isn’t around, they’d have to find another way to bring Nya back. All in all would be a very different story but one I’m very interested in seeing
When it is inevitably revealed that the Merge was caused by something the ninja did, there’s a good chance DR doesn’t happen. Until then, season 17 theoretically remains relatively unchanged (with the exception of tomorrow’s tea having never happened and Lloyd being younger than he is in canon and this closer to Arin and Sora’s age)
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equalseleventhirds · 9 months
Hey, do you have any recs for long form, more serious ttrpg systems for fantasy settings? I feel like I hear a lot about short/definitively-lengthed systems, but I've been yearning for a DnD-esque system without all the baggage of equip loads and complicated Challenge Ratings and other rules-y baggage I don't super care about.
do i! do i ever!
serious & long-form systems do on the whole tend to be crunchier than shorter systems (not always, but generally); nevertheless, i've picked out a........ handful......... ok there's Several, i did try to control and limit myself but u kno.......... games......... anyway, here are some that are considerably less crunchy than d&d but still lend themselves to long fantasy campaigns.
uh. under the cut for. oh god it's so long. it's so long. tried my best to explain them, u see. (which is also why it took me so long to reply lol, sry abt that)
godeater (& godeater 2.0): play in a broken, post-apocalyptic fantasy world, where dead and dying gods warp the land, and you raid their bodies for divine magic to help support humanity. 2d10-based, get weird & funky with it! i admit a small preference for version 1.0, which gave u some loose examples but left much of the worldbuilding and even character building up to u to create; 2.0 has some extra books that go with it that i haven't much looked into yet, but seem to give more solid lore to work with, if u would like that.
when the guilds pay in copper, crime pays in gold: alchemical guilds pay shit wages to use people for magical experiments. go do crimes on 'em with your own magic. d6 base, assign dice to stats to make ur own dice pool; fairly light rules and in fact very little in the way of instruction or hard lore on the gm's side, so better played with an experienced gm who's good at making their own stuff, but certainly campaign material for the right gm!
third empire - violence + beauty: the world sucks, and has sucked for a while, through two oppressive empires and into a third one. you play adventurers who are trying to carve out a little goodness, a little justice, a little vengeance, in the world. y'know. lasers & feelings based, but expanded beyond the original (which also comes with it if u get it!) into more lore, more character choices, very collaborative worldbuilding, downtime mechanics, etc etc.
ruby radiance 6e: streamlined dungeoneering built to let ppl play the way actual play podcasts sound, essentially. d20 pool system, based on trophy mechanics but v much adjusted. lots of choices to make during character creation & leveling, but much much less to keep track of during the playing part. u get it.
wizard pals: all of you are wizards, going on adventures and trying to accomplish your goals in a fantasy world. d12-based, fairly lighthearted (can lean silly but u could use it for more serious if not super grimdark adventures), much worldbuilding left up to the gm, but very simple rules, so.
grimblade rpg: (speaking of grim lol,) action & adventure in a grim fantasy world; things like character creation and rewards (and magic) fully imply a fantasy world, but worldbuilding is left up to the gm, altho there are many tables to roll on to give some help. uses d4, 6, 8, and 10; all rolls are contested rolls, with dice picked based on how serious the gm feels this roll is.
shattered aether: post-apocalyptic science fantasy, you roam around a fucked up magic world and protect ppl from various dangers. 2d6 based, based on the lumen system so fairly combat-forward in a very high-action very cool asskicking way. for some reason the font chosen for this book is murder on my eyes, but if u can get past that (or just zoom in lots and read a bit at a time) it's straightforward, simple, and fun!
familiars of terra: this one may be a little too crunchy, but i love it a lot and rly the most crunch is in character creation and tracking experience, actual gameplay is (imo) pretty easy. post-post-apocalyptic fantasy world, some science fantasy elements depending on where you choose to focus, bcos there are absolute PAGES of lore on this extremely cool and enormous world; you and your party go around with your soul-bonded animal friends to spread hope and healing and also do cool shit. y'know. card-based, again it is probably more crunchy than ur looking for but less abt tracking what you can do during things and more abt tracking experience in order to level up stats, so.
1400 quest: ok that last one was crunchy, this one's very uncrunchy. pick a handful of things and get going! clearly inspired by d&d, but very very streamlined, so things that were pages of mechanics are like, one or two sentences. gm's side of it is like, a handful of rollable tables and then do whatever, so prolly for the more experienced gm. d6 based, but you may have occasion to use other dice. also if you like this one there's others by the same author focusing on other things (1400 mage, sneak, etc), or you can check out others in the 24XX type of games, which started out sci fi but has since been expanded to a bunch of other stuff. u kno.
beast dream: pokemon-inspired game where you make friends with magical beasts and go on magical adventures! d6-based, forged in the dark, so there is a little crunch wrt deciding on position etc and stuff like stress, but the author rly wanted to focus in on letting u adventure and have fun without getting bogged down in numbers and i think that shows, stuff like load and reputation aren't so much a thing.
cognatons: play as sentient, magic-filled automatons doing whatever fantasy adventures your robot heart desires. d4-based, caltrop core, so you get a fairly simple & defined set of actions; less to keep track of, easy to follow.
dethrone the divine: you're gonna overthrow the gods, and also take their places. you're already either divine, semi-divine, or magically powerful in other ways, and you adventure with the goal of gathering power and followers so you can take the place of the shitty gods in power. d6-based, pretty straightforward system, makes characters v cool and powerful, which is always fun.
perilous: do you love dungeon crawls bcos i love dungeon crawls... streamlined and easy to understand fantasy dungeoneer adventures in this one! d20-based, leans towards tags instead of complicated numerical skill stuff to keep track of. go to dungeons, fight monsters, get treasure. simple n good. (adds in some metaplot, like who sent you, how will this affect the people living here, whatever, but rly strong with the very old core of d&d-style 'go do a dungeon' kinda thing, if that's what u like.)
high magic lowlives: ok my latest obsession bcos i'm currently planning a big ol campaign for friends in this one. there are classic adventurers in this world, out there cleaning out monster nests or whatever, but they're usually in the employ of the immortal aristocracy. you? you make your money by stealing from and humiliating the immortal aristocracy, because you're a lowlife. it's a dangerous gig, but isn't it better than going into student debt at wizard school? melds high fantasy aesthetics with like, magical twitch streaming aesthetics. fun as hell. uses all the dice and also sometimes tarot cards (mostly just for character creation, u kno). easy to understand rules, i'm having a great time.
ellipses rpg: setting-agnostic system (make ur own setting!) with simple, streamlined rules and an emphasis on improvisation. d20 based, rly just some very basic foundation and then a lot of encouragement to make things up and do what's fun. so like, loosey goosey & not super structured if you want structure, but could be fun!
unbound: setting-agnostic system but with much more formal structure, got structure around how to collaboratively worldbuild your setting and everything. obvs this means some crunch, but it's still not super crunchy, nice and straightforward rly. lotta character options but not so complex and math-heavy, u kno. card-based system. designed actually for a series of short campaigns in a linked world, tho, so if ur not up for exploring new characters a lot, may not be for you.
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barrackbvnny · 2 months
──꒰ 💫  𝗥𝗨𝗟𝗘𝗦 // 𝗔𝗕𝗢𝗨𝗧 // 𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗨𝗦 ꒱
        ↬  18+ only (minors DNI)         ↬  in character rp and ask blog        ↬  semi-selective        ↬  coffin mun // they/them         ↬  oc & canon friendly         ↬ interest tracker         ↬ second account @lost-padawan         ↬ supernatural account @blood-of-osiris
──꒰ BRIOOLA ꒱    🐰  ・・・・        ❛        SHE / HER   ⠀❜
       ・・・・        ❛        24 // 5’4” // pansexual, demiromantic   ⠀❜
       ・・・・        ❛        playlist   ⠀❜
A sex worker who is paid by the republic to help keep clone troopers happy and complacent in their service to the republic. Rio is a barrack bunny, again, paid by the republic, with her specific barracks being the Alpha Arcs barracks. But she is never to turn a clone trooper down when approached. Most Alpha Arcs call her Bunny, or Leralt’ika. Whereas some call her Rio. During roleplays she will either be on Kamino or Coruscant.
──꒰ ALPHA-88 ❛CROW❜ ꒱    🪶   ・・・・        ❛        HE / HIM   ⠀❜
       ・・・・        ❛        25 // 6’4” // bisexual, biromantic   ⠀❜
       ・・・・        ❛        playlist   ⠀❜
Also known as Alpha-88, Crow is a special ops commander who assists a jedi general named siilce on the planet of dantooine during the clone wars. He is secretly in love with his jedi general, but finds other outlets to let go of his frustration and anger. He had a special interest in different planet’s wildlife and often comments on it. During roleplays he can either be on Kamino, Coruscant or Dantooine.
──꒰ CIVET ꒱    ⚠️   ・・・・        ❛        THEY / IT   ⠀❜
       ・・・・        ❛        26 // 6'2" // unknown   ⠀❜
       ・・・・        ❛        playlist   ⠀❜
With an unusual way of meeting the clones on kamino, Civet was originally seen as a threat. Civet is trained in combat from their father, with a heavy knowledge of technology, how it works and easy ways to get into systems. They have cyborg parts to them, with their right side of their face being disfigured there is now a metal plate covering their face. They've also lost their left arm, up to their shoulder.
──꒰ SCREWBALL ꒱    🔧   ・・・・        ❛        SHE / THEY  ⠀❜
       ・・・・        ❛        22 // 5'2 // demisexual   ⠀❜
       ・・・・        ❛        playlist   ⠀❜
Screw can often be defined as a workaholic who enjoys her job more than people. Her affinity for machines and engineering often have her chatting to herself about things to a point where people get confused if she’s talking to herself, or them. She has a tendency to be so quiet that others think she is uncomfortable, but in reality she is more of a listener than she is an outspoken individual. She’d rather watch others than truly partake in most social things. You’ll only ever find her at a bar if you often to pay for her drink/s.
──꒰ PYROMANIA ꒱    🔥   ・・・・        ❛        SHE / THEY  ⠀❜
       ・・・・        ❛        26  //  5'7”  //   demisexual, biromantic   ⠀❜
       ・・・・        ❛        playlist   ⠀❜
Pyro is by far one of the most monotone people you’ll ever meet in the galaxy. The numbness and pure genuine ‘i don’t give a shit’ attitude is one of the most deturbing things about her. Having grown up in slavery, she spent a good portion of her life doing as she was told. So, she has a very large distrust and disdain for authority. She doesn’t uphold any rules and commonly goes out of her way to break the rules. Despite her attitude so to speak, she is very intelligent and often likes to make others feel dumb. She gets flustered when people outsmart her. Her job however requires a lot of focus, so she’s good at tuning people out. As a pyrotechnic, bomb, and toxins expert, she knows a lot about certain chemicals and is incredibly good at chemistry and understanding the different chemicals of different planets. 
──꒰ 🪐  𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺 ꒱
──꒰ KISS PROMPTS ꒱    ✰   ・・・・        ❛        by @ohisms   ⠀❜
──꒰ SEXUAL TENSION PROMPTS ꒱    ✰   ・・・・        ❛        by @soulrph  ⠀❜
──꒰ NON VERBAL PROMPTS ꒱    ✰   ・・・・        ❛        by  @ohisms ⠀❜
──꒰ TRAINING / SPARING PROMPTS ꒱    ✰   ・・・・        ❛        by @soulrph  ⠀❜
──꒰ PINNED AGAINST THE WALL PROMPTS ꒱    ✰   ・・・・        ❛        by @soulrph  ⠀❜
0 notes
skellymom · 8 months
Posted 10/31/23
Chapter 4-The Finale!
"The Tale of the Dathomir Witch
To read Chapter 3:
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(Credit for awesome Halloween BB dividers goes to: stars-n-spice!)
Things go CRAZY while The Batch tries to end Darth Sidious! The tide will turn...and familiar faces show up!!!
All Ages HOWEVER there is some violence, so BEWARE my 13-17 year old readers!: Mentions of canon Star Wars Empire badness, crying, blood, cutting wound, villain using the Force to crush someone's heart, villain snapping a neck (bloodlessly) star wars swearing, the "S" swear word, and some supernatural revenge at the end of this tale!
Word count: 2.9K
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“Start a Riot” by Beginners: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRa9XSVrblI 
With no more troopers in their way, Hunter and Echo ran to the doors. Echo removed his mechanical hand, holstered it, and snapped in his scomp. He inserted it into the lock furiously trying to open the doors. Hunter slid his vibro knife into its sheath, drew his second weapon and trained both blasters on the hallway behind them. 
Imps rounded the corner and were picked off by Hunter’s blaster fire. The doors opened a few inches with Echo’s ministrations, then slammed shut again. A string of profanity left Echo’s lips and he sweated furiously while trying to concentrate on breaking through the locking mechanism. Hunter covered him with blaster fire, but it was getting more and more difficult to do so as more troopers rounded the corner. The doors opened briefly and slammed shut again. 
“DANK FERRIK! Hunter, they won’t stay open long enough. Next time they open wide enough, you go through QUICKLY. But ONLY when I say so!!!” Echo yelled through the blaster fire. 
“Noted!!!” Hunter replied. 
Echo concentrated, scomp rotating back and forth. The doors shook and slowly opened again. Echo could feel them fight his scomp to slam shut. He shoved his scomp in deeper to try to hold them open. 
Hunter pivoted quickly and dove through the opening. As the doors slammed shut behind him, he could hear Echo’s screams of agony as he was hit by multiple blaster bolts. 
At that same instant Tech heard a voice inside his head. It was clearly NOT his own inner voice. “Leave NOW!” He stopped; eyes wide in total disbelief. 
“Wrecker, HOLD ON!” Tech fired up the Marauder, engaged the afterburner, and PUNCHED it out of Docking Bay 3. A squad of Imps screamed as they got caught in the ship's fiery exhaust. 
Wrecker barely had time to register as the Marauder lurched forward violently. His large frame slammed into the tail gunner’s steering wheel and sent multiple cannon fire shots into the floor of the bay as they ascended...then through the outer top of the ship as the Marauder exited. His face squished against the tail gunner windscreen while the force of the ship's velocity held him there, chest still pressed up against the firing mechanism. Wrecker watched as Docking Bay 3 collapsed onto itself and exploded. He hoped with everything in him that Hunter, Echo...and Crosshair would be safe. 
Several Imperial Tie Fighters followed in hot pursuit. Wrecker’s chest was still doing the firing while he tried to peel himself off the tail gun windscreen. Tech clearly had the Marauder on full throttle for this escape. 
“Wrecker, keep those Imperial fighters occupied! I’m putting in co-ordinates for the hyperspace jump!!!” 
“I’M TRYIN’!!! 
Tech gritted his teeth and tried NOT to think about leaving his brothers behind. His leg bounced manically while he punched in co-ordinates for the blue-green planet Old Daka had given. Then he loaded the scrambling signature to cover their tracks. 
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“WHAAAAAAT!!!” He had FINALLY pulled himself off the windscreen. “What NOW???” 
“Jump in 3...2...1!!!” Tech warned. 
“AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!” Wrecker slammed back into the windscreen as the Marauder made the jump successfully. 
“Cold Blood” by Valen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZozhNENHy4 
Hunter tucked and rolled into Darth Sidious’ room. He came up firing, felling several stormtroopers who awaited his entrance. He could see Sidious torturing Old Daka with Force Lightning. She looked much weaker than when she exited the Marauder, but still chanting in an ancient tongue. A rift in the air was starting to form behind her, as the lightning entered and exited her body into it.  
He looked sharp, dual wielding blasters, and aimed at anyone who dared advance. Hunter noticed Sidious had a huge number of troopers around him. And his lap dog Darth Vader at The Dark Lord’s Side.  Hunter was vastly outnumbered in that huge room with a side entrance so that reinforcements could file in as needed. They all had their blasters trained on him. Hunter also noticed small circular mirrors placed around the walls... 
...a lone blaster shot rang out. Hunter stood his ground and didn’t move a muscle. The laser bolt bounced around the room, killing a good number of Imps. 
Sidious stopped torturing Old Daka. He turned to see the troops entrusted to his defense struck down. With the Force he sensed and turned to face the source: Crosshair removing his helmet looking Darth Sidious right in the eye with an angry defiant scowl. 
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A collective gasp came over the remaining stormtroopers in the room. They were all very aware of Crosshair’s allegiance to The Empire. To see him rebel shocked them, and shook some of them up. 
“I NEVER did care for YOUR kind.” Sidious hissed. “CLONES!” He spat. “Think your act of heroism will redeem you? Or save your brother?” He chuckled and grinned. Ruined teeth in a ruined head. 
Vader’s mind recalled old memories of long ago...serving with clones...serving with THESE clones...but there were others. Memories flooded back to him...somebody named Rex? There were the others...what were their names??? 
Crosshair aimed Firepuncher toward Sidious. He really didn’t think he had a chance at killing the Sith Lord, but at this point it was worth a try. What did he have to lose. Crosshair was willing to die with all the horrible things he had done after leaving The Batch. 
Unfortunately, Sidious wouldn’t let it go down that easily. When Cross pulled the trigger, Firepuncher didn’t discharge. Sidious laughed, then reached out and Force grabbed Hunter, slamming him into the wall and holding him there. 
“YOUR weakness is your HEART” He addressed Hunter. "Such an easy thing to destroy.” Hunter dropped his blasters and held his chest. Sidious slowly started crushing Hunter’s heart. He screamed in agony and kicked the wall furiously.  
Then Sidious addressed Crosshair. “Watch your brother die before your eyes, CLONE!” 
Horrible sounds were coming from Hunter as the Sith crushed him. Crosshair screamed and threw his ineffective rifle at Sidious. It was Force blocked and tossed aside. Then the Sith released Hunter letting him fall onto the ground in a heap. 
A stormtrooper doubled over, holding his stomach, and made retching noises inside his helmet. 
Crosshair ran to his brother, knelt and put Hunter’s head in his lap. 
Hunter barely managed to speak. “I’m...sorry...” 
Cross sassed back, but with utter grief on his face. “Hush Hunter.  There’s no need to apologize.”   
He searched Hunter’s glassy eyes. They stared far off somewhere he couldn’t see... 
“SPARE ME!” With utter disgust Darth Sidious reached out with the Force and snapped Crosshair’s neck. His dead body fell over his brother. Sidious then turned his attention back to torturing Old Daka again. 
“Angels Among Demons” by Instrumental Core: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3ecg2mahps 
Hunter and Crosshair laid there for a few moments. 
They both heard someone approaching. Calling their name.  Someone familiar. 
Cross rolled over and looked up.  Hunter stared past Cross’ shoulder. 
Jesse was standing there next to them, a huge smile on his face.  “Welcome, Vod!” 
“WHAT???”  Both Hunter and Crosshair exclaimed simultaneously.   
Hunter followed up “Didn’t you go down with The Tribunal right after Order 66???” 
Jesse inhaled sharply and rubbed the back of his neck “Well...about that...” 
Old Daka grimaced with the onslaught of Force Lightning against her back.  The Transference Spell was wearing thin.  Instead of passing though her to open the veil, she was absorbing more of it.  The pain was unbearable, and she was growing weaker.  It was getting more difficult to pull open the veil wider.  She could see the fabric of time-space bulging, starting to separate at the seams, but it wasn’t enough. 
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“I see you are succumbing to The Power of the Dark Side, Old Woman!”  Sidious leered with pleasure at her agony. 
“Hardly, you nasty worm!”  Daka shot back.  She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of admitting how painful this was.  “Old Daka’s still a STRONG Night Sister.” 
Sidious shot her with another round of Force Lightning.  Maker, she was going to need some help.  She fell to her hands and knees. 
Sidious howled with gleeful malice.  He rose from his throne and signaled to the remaining troopers to fall back and hold fire.  Vader stood in front of them, watching it all play out. 
Daka spied Hunter and Crosshair’s dead bodies several feet away.  She crawled slowly to them. 
“Tsk...look at you, reduced to crawling on your hands and knees.  You cannot escape my wrath, witch!”  Sidious slowly approached Old Daka relishing her helplessness. 
Daka reached out and yanked Hunter’s vibroblade from its sheath.  She glanced up to Sidious, who was now standing almost over her. 
“You dare think you can injure a powerful Sith such as I with that tiny weapon?  Give up, old woman, I clearly have the high ground.” 
Old Daka slowly stood with immense effort.  She looked Sidious right in the eye.  With the last of her strength, she traced the blade over the artery in her neck and across her heart.  The arterial spray hit Sidious across the face, but it didn’t dampen his terrifyingly hideous smile.  Rather, enhanced it, now highlighted in crimson red. Daka turned and managed to take one step away from her assailant. 
The stormtroopers, used to seeing clean cauterized deaths, gasped at the carnage and looked around at each other.  One took off his helmet and dropped it to the ground.  His young eyes wide and tearing up. 
“Come now...I cannot let you escape in death, can I?  At least not without me serving THE FINAL BLOW!”  
Vader stumbled backwards, bumping into the stormtrooper behind him.  The trooper, who was paying attention to the horrifying scene in front of him, squawked fearing Vader’s wrath.  The Dark Lord paid the trooper no mind, as this all felt...so wrong...SO, SO WRONG!  The Force tearing at his mind, dredging up painful memories. 
Sidious raised his hands and shot Daka with larger bolts of Force Lightening, lifting her off her feet and away like a rag doll.  Old Daka perished...but not before screaming out one last incantation and stabbing the bloodied enchanted vibroblade into the space-time rift. 
It ripped wide open as Old Daka fell dead upon the floor and...  
...Tup and Fives spilled out through The Veil.  The clones looked at Sidious, with bared teeth and clenched their fists in seething anger. 
Sidious stopped and looked upon them in horror.  He hadn’t anticipated the Night Witch to successfully cut open the veil between the living and the dead.  Of course, he hadn’t done his homework and plotted the thinnest day belonging to The Wheel of the Standard Cycle! 
Vader fell to his knees.  He didn’t think it possible. 
Sidious let loose a barrage of Force Lightening at the two clones.  It passed through them like nothing and split the hole even wider.  Hunter stepped out.  Crosshair followed.  Sidious’s eyes bugged from his head.  The stormtroopers turned tail and ran, pushing and trampling each other to get away from the ghosts coming back from the dead.   
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Something broke in the young stormtrooper.  He raised his blaster screaming, tears streaming down his face and squeezed off several shots at Sidious.  Sidious, sensing this, raised his hand to strike the youth down... 
...and was Force blocked by Darth Vader...still on his knees.  The blaster shots hit Sidious in the arm, leg and his chair.  He went down screaming. 
“YOU INSOLENT SHITS!  YOU’LL ALL FEEL THE WRATH OF MY POWER!!!”  The pain, anger, hate...all the horrible dark evil intent on crushing anything in the way of his attainment of unlimited power was on full display. 
Echo stepped out of the veil.  He looked back into it motioning “ALL RIGHT EVERYONE! LET’S GO!!!” 
The veil burst wide:  Clones, Jedi, Younglings, Twi’lek, Nomaadi, Wookies, Mandalorian, Rebels, and many more who were causalities of the Empire and the machinations of Darth Sidious appeared.  They flooded through the veil and advanced on the now immobilized Dark Lord.  They passed by Vader and the young stormtrooper, filling the room, reaching out for Sidious.   
Sidious, still screaming full of fear and rage impotently struck out with his Force Lightening to its full potential.  It accomplished nothing.  Vader shielded himself and the trooper.  The horde of souls descended upon Sidious, reaching into his body, pulling free the ghost within the twisted man.  His physical shell fell over onto the floor, eyes rolled up into its head.  The screaming continued, but not from Sidious’ corporeal body.  His Force Ghost was passed along like some grisly postmortem spiritual crowd surfing.  Every hand that touched him pulled a little more power from him, rendering Sidious weak and even more dreadful looking than before. 
He was shoved into the opening of the veil where more hands awaited him.  The unholy screaming continued as he passed from the physical world to the spiritual one.  Souls carrying him to his eternal punishment. 
“The Gravity of Love” by Enigma: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MExoMS5uHnk&list=RDGMEMQ1dJ7wXfLlqCjwV0xfSNbA&index=5 
The room slowly emptied as the crowd stepped back into the veil.  Soon only Tup, Fives, Echo, Crosshair, and Hunter were left.  They turned and looked at Darth Vader and the stormtrooper by his side.  Vader cowered and the trooper stood in disbelief. 
“What about them?” Echo inquired 
“Oh...they have another path.” Fives winked. 
Tup added, “Yeah, no need to bother.” 
Jesse stuck his head out, “What’s taking you all so long?  Your brothers are waiting!” 
Fives grabbed Echo’s hand and took off into the rift.  Tup ran after them. 
Crosshair stepped into the rift and looked over the Hunter, “Coming?” 
“In a minute.” 
“Suit yourself, vod.” Cross inserted a ghost toothpick into his mouth and disappeared. 
Hunter stared at Vader and narrowed his eyes, “General Skywalker.”   
Vader looked up at Hunter, amazed the clone figured it out. 
Hunter leaned in close to Vader, almost touching his nose to his mask.  His voice deep.  “Lost two brothers and a sister to turn the tide on this Empire situation.  Whatever you do from here on out...MAKE IT RIGHT.  AND MAKE IT STICK!”   
Vader weakly nodded. 
Hunter gave him his most feral dad expression before stepping into the veil and vanishing. 
The room was quiet.  Vader still upon his knees. 
Vader looked up.  Padme Amidala stood next to the breach in the veil. 
“Padme???”  Vader’s voice softened. 
As she stepped toward him, Vader disconnected the life support seal on his helmet and opened it up. 
“Have you come to take me with you?”  Tears ran down his face. 
Padme stopped in front of Anakin “Oh Ani...no. It’s not your time yet.” 
Anakin's face fell and he sobbed.  “I’m so sorry...the things I did to you...to so many...” 
“You have a lot of work to do, Ani.  The galaxy needs help putting things right.  It will be difficult, but you are left with the power to change things for the better.” 
“They’ll hate me, Padme.  I tortured and killed people...destroyed so many homes, families...” 
“Ani, you won’t be alone.  Obi-Wan is still alive.  So is Ashoka Tano” 
Anakin’s eyes widened. 
“Yes, you will have to face the repercussions of your actions.  Other surviving Jedi: Yoda, Quinlan Vos, Shaak Ti will preside over your trial.  You’ll need to be strong, Ani.  Perhaps they will decide that your punishment will be to rebuild what was broken?” 
“Perhaps...I hope...” 
“Obi-Wan is expecting you.  On Tatooine.  He will help you...and help find our children.  Take good care of them for me, Ani?  Will you do that?” 
“Anything for you, Padme...I love you.”  More tears. 
“I love you too, Ani.” 
Padme looked up and addressed the young stormtrooper.  “Please help him get off this ship.  Make sure he gets to Tatooine safely.  You also have a bright future ahead...AFTER facing the consequences of your actions.”  
The stormtrooper nodded wide eyed. 
Padme walked to the opening in the veil and turned to them, “May the Force be with you both.” 
With that she was gone. 
Anakin closed his mask and engaged the life support seal.  He slowly rose to his feet, then turned to the young stormtrooper.  “What is your name?  How old are you?” 
The young stormtrooper was clearly terrified...and confused. 
“I’m Anakin Skywalker.  And I promise not to hurt you.” 
“Jebith...Jebith Freed.  Fourteen Standard Cycles old...sir.”  The age Ashoka Tano was when she joined as his padawan.  A child. 
“Well, Jebith, looks like we have a lot ahead of us.  Are you ready?” 
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“All Soul’s Night” by Loreena McKennitt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RooTTuLCfNM 
“And... that is The Tale of The Dathomir Witch.” 
There was a hush from the group around the bonfire. 
“So that’s why we celebrate The Thin-Veil Time?” 
“Yes, Little One.  We Night Sisters lead The Parade and make Pilgrimage to the Memorial Garden to care for it.  Many all over the galaxy joined the Pilgrimage to leave offerings as thanks for freeing them.  As the galaxy healed from unrest and adjustment after Sidious’s absence, more arrived every year.” 
The child stared into the forest.  Plasma candles lit piles of gifts, flowers, and holo tributes arranged around graves with five helmets, each with names written across the top...and one missing a helmet. 
“On this night, we remind those that visit The Memorial: 
If you see The Keen Man 
He will lead away you from trouble 
If you see The Clever Man 
He will help solve your predicament 
If you see The Strong Man 
He will soothe your grief 
If you see The Unbroken Man 
He will open doors closed to you 
If you see The Eye Man 
He will remind you an outlook can change 
These are helper spirits 
If they seek you, trust in them 
For death is not terrifying, nor final 
Grandmother Daka blesses you this night 
May The Force Be With You” 
“Why are you crying?  Are you sad???” 
“No child, just remembering loved ones tonight.  They are tears of gratitude.” 
The full moon broke free from the dark inky clouds, to shine down upon The Memorial.  Six Force ghosts materialized, as if conjured into presence. 
“Thank you...I love you all.” 
“Happy Halloween, Gran-momma Omega.” chirped the littlest little one. 
“Happy Halloween, Love.” Omega cackled 
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To my readers:
Blessed Samhain, Dias de los Muertos, and Happy Halloween! 
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loiladadiani · 1 year
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👑The Romanov Dynasty
The Grand Duchy of Moscow under Prince Ivan III was the first unified state on Russian territory. With him began the Rurikid Dynasty (the Rurikid had been around for a long time along hoards of tartars).
The Rurikid ruled from the 1400s until the 1600s. Ivan III can be considered the founder of Russia. While the Rurikid were in power, the Romanovs were boyars (nobles) in their courts. When the Ruriks became extinct, the Romanovs took over. The "Zemsky Sorbor" (a rudimentary parliament) elected Mikhail Feodorovich as the first Romanov Tzar.
The direct male line of the Romanovs ended with Elizabeth of Russia, who was childless. Her nephew Peter III, a member of the House of Holstein-Gottorp (a cadet branch of the German House of Oldenburg that reigned in Denmark), ascended to the throne and adopted his Romanov mother’s house name. Descendants after Elizabeth are sometimes referred to as "Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov."
The above is a gross oversimplification of a very complex course of events.
Highlights about each Romanov Tsar/Tsarina:
👑Mikhail Feodorovich (1613 - 1645): First Romanov Tsar
👑Alexei Mikhailovich (1645 - 1676): Encouraged trade and cooperation with Europe. Father of Peter the Great
👑Feodor III (1676 - 1682): Had very poor health and spent most of his reign in bed
👑Peter I and 👑 Ivan V (1689 - 1785): It was complicated. The two of them were Tsars under the regency of their older sister Sophia.
👑Peter I (1689-1725): Reformed Russia's politics, government, and culture. Made Russia a military power.
👑Catherine I (1725-1727): At the time of Peter the Great's death, the mechanism for succession consisted of the Tsar selecting his successor, but Peter did not elect one before dying. His wife became the Tsarina, but others governed through her.
👑Peter II (1727-1730): Peter's grandson; ascended the throne at 11 and died at 14. The "Privy Council" or "Soviet" ruled through him.
👑Anna Ioannovna (1730-1740): Daughter of Peter's half-brother Ivan. The Privy Council invited her to rule (wanting her to be a puppet), but she disbanded them and ruled herself successfully.
👑Ivan VI (1740-1741): One-year-old son of Ana's niece. She left the throne to him, expecting his mother to govern. Elizabeth, daughter of Peter the Great, deposed him (and his mother.)
👑Elizabeth Petrovna (1741-1761): Last Russian on the Russian throne; her twenty-year reign was successful.
👑Peter III (1761-1762): Grandson of Peter the Great and next in line for the throne after Elizabeth. Ruled for only half a year before being deposed by his wife, Catherine. He was murdered soon after the coup d’etat.
👑Catherine the Great (1762-1796):  Her accomplishment went from the Empire’s territorial expansion to political development to the proliferation of sciences. However, the Empire had an enormous external debt by the end of her reign.
👑Paul I (1796-1801): Paul, the son of Catherine the Great and Peter III, became Emperor at 42 after the death of his mother. He started a lot of major military and political reforms. Paul was murdered in a coup d'etat. Paul decreed house laws for the Romanovs (the Pauline laws) – among the strictest in Europe – which established semi-Salic primogeniture and required Orthodox faith for the monarch and dynasts
👑Alexander I (1801-1825): During his reign, Russia defeated Napoleon's forces (which got as far as Moscow in their attempt to conquer Russia.) There was also great development in culture and arts.
👑Nicholas I (1825-1855): Paul I’s third son, younger brother of Alexander. Started railroad construction in Russia, boosting industrialization. Codified Russian laws and reformed finances.
👑Alexander II (1855-1881): His major reforms included the peasant emancipation of 1861, military reform, and the introduction of new types of self-governing village societies and more. Unfortunately, he fell victim to a terrorist after five attempts.
👑Alexander III (1881-1894): Russia didn’t enter any wars in his time. His domestic policy was conservative. He amended the Pauline laws. The economy flourished. But the revolution was brewing below the surface.
👑Nicholas II (1894-1917): His policies were unsuccessful. Established the first official Duma in 1905, but it was too little too late. With the advent of WWI, the Russian Empire ceased to exist. He abdicated. (gcl)
Panov, A., Delaroche, P., & Abramuchkin, Y. (2021, July 31). The Complete List of Russian Tsars, Emperors, and Presidents. Russia Beyond. Retrieved June 20, 2023, from https://www.rbth.com/history/334065-complete-list-of-russian-tsars-emperors-rulers-presidents
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dangraccoon · 1 year
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Hell's Comin' With Me
Request for @error6gendernotfound
The Bad Batch (post-order 66) & You
“I'm thinking bad batch angst and eventual fluff (bc I have fragile feelings) with 12 and 28 from the prompt list. One of the batch finds something out about the reader (sickness, past coming back to bite them in the ass, idk) and tries to get them to tell the rest of the batch. Tysm!! I love your writing!”
12. “Just…just don’t upset them. Not now.” 28. “Do they know?” “I don’t know how to tell them.”
Summary: It took years to push your past behind you, but when a new mission leads the Bad Batch back to your old stomping grounds, you're forced to confront your past.
Warnings: past abuse, violence, TW: religious trauma/abuse, TW: poor living conditions, revenge, canon-typical explosions, non-canon-typical murder (I believe I got the worst of it, but please, please, let me know if there's something you feel I should add!!!)
Author's Note: @error6gendernotfound, Garden, darling, thank you so so so much for requesting this! It was an incredible journey to write and I'm so glad that this was my first request! I also want to thank all of you for your continued support; it really means the world to me 💛
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It had been a long time since I left “home”. The little outer rim moon I was born on was dry, dusty, and dilapidated. It took 18 standard years to get off that damn rock, and I didn’t exactly leave on good terms with the people of my settlement. 
But that didn’t matter; I was off on adventures with a ragtag crew of rogue clones that had taken me in. We all had the same goals: stay away from the empire, and eventually disappear. That was all fine and dandy, until Cid gave us a new mission. 
“You’re goin’ to Vel,” she rasped. “There’s a little village called Tirra where you’ll touch down. Pick up the goods and bring them back here.”
“V-vel?” I stammered, doing everything I could not to look as frazzled as I felt. 
“It is a moon in the outer rim; part of the Regasta system,” Tech informed, barely looking up from his data pad. “It is not the most…advanced society.”
“That’s nice, Goggles, now shut it,” Cid scowled at him. 
The rest of the briefing flew by, and I barely caught anything. We were going to Vel. And worse, we were going to Tirra. 
It had been years since I’d left, and I wanted - no, I needed to keep it that way. I just couldn’t go back. 
“Oh, I forgot,” I mumbled as the Batch and I began making our way to the Marauder. “I have another mission to take care of.” 
The squad stopped in the tracks to look at me. 
“Another mission?” Omega asked, quirking up an eyebrow. I hated that I was lying, especially to her. 
“You didn’t tell us you were taking solos from Cid again,” Echo questioned, obvious concern crossing his face. Kriff, I should’ve known they’d remember that part of my history. 
“Th-that’s because it isn’t for Cid,” I blurted out. Idiot, I thought to myself. 
Hunter stepped toward me now. “You’re going behind Cid’s back?” His voice was full of the skepticism that was shown on his face. “You’re not one to make stupid decisions like that.”
“Tough times,” I said through gritted teeth. 
“Must be,” he replied, stepping away from me, but squinting his eyes a little, the way he usually did while using his other senses. 
He could hear my heart hammering against my ribcage, I know he could. 
“Yours have a deadline?” Hunter asked after what felt like a lifetime. 
“Well, no, but I need to-”
“You need to assist this squad, like you said you would.”
I glanced around at the others, hoping for some hint of support. Most weren’t looking at me, save for Omega, who was showing her usual curious look, only now it was mixed with something unfamiliar. Her family was uncomfortable, and she was certainly picking up on it. 
I could feel the anger rising in my chest, first at the way Hunter was ordering me around, rather than just talking to me, but then it was mainly as a defense mechanism; I was scared but I couldn’t- no, I wouldn’t show that. Not to them. 
“Fine,” I spat, hating the feel of venom on my tongue as I brushed past all of them to board the ship. 
The entire journey through hyperspace would take nearly a week, and about four days in, I had hardly said a word to anyone that wasn’t Omega. I couldn’t deny her my attention; she was simply too sweet. 
“Why don’t you want to go to Vel?” she asked one day, having just entered the gunner's-nest-turned-bedroom, that she liked to let me sit in when I needed to be away from her brothers. 
I didn’t know what to say aside from the truth. Omega was fairly mature for her age, but she was naive and innocent and still a child. I couldn’t lie to her.
“Because I was born there. I was born in Tirra, on Vel.” The words felt like gravel pouring out of my mouth, rough, jagged, difficult, but once they were out, once that fact was fully revealed, I did feel lighter. 
“What?” Omega nearly shouted, causing me to wince. “That’s amazing! You’ll be able to show us around, and we can meet your family and see where you grew up!”
I shuddered at the thought, and Omega, observant to a fault, noticed. 
“Aren’t you excited to go home?” she wondered, the excited smile beginning to fade from her face. 
“I…wouldn’t exactly call it ‘home’,” I started, feeling, but not becoming fully aware of the way my fist clenched, pressing my fingernails into the meat of my palms. 
Omega didn’t respond, just scooted closer to my side. 
I took a deep breath. I’d gotten this far, I might as well tell her the rest. 
“I didn’t have the best childhood,” I explained. “My parents died not too long after I was born, so I was sent to an orphanage - um, that’s a place where they take care of all the kids who don’t have any family anymore.
“It was bad; everything was dirty, the beds, the rooms, the clothes, us. And the food was worse than ration bars, when there was any. The grown-ups in charge claimed to be righteous, holy people, but they didn’t care about us. Some kind-hearted people would give money to try and help us, but it would just go right into his pockets.
“When I was a few years older than you are now, he noticed me. He’d hold me up as this example of a disgusting sinner even though I never did anything wrong. He had this…this power over people, and even though I was just a kid, they believed him.
“18 long years of being beaten and spat upon by the people of that town. I had enough. I told that man that I was leaving and he had the town stone me and he banished me from ever returning. I went to Indus, the capital of the whole moon, because finally I was old enough to book passage off-world for myself.”
Omega was quiet for a long time after my shaky words had tapered off. Silent tears were rolling down both of our faces, something I worried Hunter could sense. 
“Do they know?” she asked, the sorrow evident in her voice. She was such an empathetic child and the weight of the guilt I felt for unloading on her like I had? It was suffocating. 
“No, Omega,” I answered. “I don’t know how to tell them.”
“But they can help,” she scowled at the floor, her belief in her brothers shining through. “They can protect you.”
I took another breath. “I know you trust your brothers, and I trust them too, but I don’t think they trust me. I don’t think they even really like me.” I left out the part of how they probably only tolerated me because of my skill set and Omega’s affection for me.
“They do like you!” Omega protested, having no intention of allowing the idea that her friend and her family weren’t friends as well. 
“I’m sure they trust you. You should trust them.”
Omega left me on my own, climbing down the ladder. 
“I wish I could,” I whispered to the streaking lights of hyperspace racing past in the window. 
Day six was finally coming to an end. I needed to get off of this ship, even if that meant stepping foot in Tirra again. 
The moments before I’d left for Indus were replaying constantly in my mind. The way the townsfolk had cornered me, hurtling rocks, bricks, insults. What I’d told them, my rage taking over my brain in the moment. 
I shook my head. None of that mattered right now. There was a mission to complete. 
“Entering the atmosphere,” Tech called from the cockpit. 
I could feel my nerves rising again, and I clenched my fists, forcing myself to breathe calmly. 
We touched down without incident, kicking up a few swirls of dust. Some of the townspeople walking around looked towards us, but ultimately decided to mind their own business. 
As we all stepped off the ship, taking in our surroundings, Omega appeared beside me, pulling at my sleeve so I’d bend down towards her. 
“Did you tell them?” she whispered as softly as she could, side eyeing Hunter. 
I shook my head. Hunter was watching us, suspicion across his face. 
Omega scowled at me a little, which despite causing a bubble of guilt to rise into my chest, did little to make me want to talk to her brothers. 
“You should tell them,” she said, walking away from me to go ask Tech questions about the moon. 
“Tell us what?” Echo asked, suddenly right behind me. 
“It’s nothing,” I muttered. I started to walk away, but he grabbed my arm. 
The look on his face was heartbreaking; he was so worried about me. “Taking jobs from someone other than Cid? Keeping secrets? It’s not like you.”
Part of me felt touched. He was right, the lies I’d been telling weren’t like me. I preferred to be somewhat of an open book to those around me, especially those I trusted, like the Bad Batch. 
“I know, and I want to tell you, it’s just…really hard,” I breathed, the tiniest bit of relief dripping into my brain. At least that wasn’t another lie. 
Echo didn’t reply, but his expression of worry didn’t disappear either. 
We set out to the rendezvous point where we’d meet with Cid’s contact, walking the edge of the town. 
Wait, the edge of town?
“We have to stop,” I blurted out before I could stop myself. Four helmeted heads turned back towards me. I could see the confusion on Omega’s face, but I could practically feel it on the rest of them. 
“This is the fastest route to the rendezvous,” Tech explained, lifting his data pad to my view. 
“I know, but if we go this way then we’ll-”
I clamped my mouth shut. Damnit.
“‘We’ll’ what?” Hunter pressed. I could tell he was fed up with my antics. 
I could feel myself shaking and my heart hammering in my chest. I opened my mouth, hoping that more explanation would come tumbling out, but nothing did. 
Omega stepped towards me, taking my hand in hers. She beamed up at me, her smile supportive as she nodded. 
I took a long, deep, shaking breath in and out. “If we go this way, we’ll have to pass the preacher’s house. If he’s there, and he sees us, he will start trouble. That’s not trouble you want. If we double back and take the main road, the townsfolk will alert him to our presence if they didn’t already when we landed. We need to go up into the woods along the northern side of town. The woods are thick, but easy to navigate. It’ll take a little extra time, so we’ll have to pick up the pace.”
There were four sets of eyes on me, and even though I could only see Tech’s, I knew they all reflected the same thing; full confusion. 
They looked between me, Omega - who was smiling kindly at me, hand still in mine - and each other. 
Omega, with a slightly irritated tone I’d rarely heard from her, tugged at my hand. “We have to go quickly, right?”
I nodded.
“Lead the way,” she smiled again. A took a deep breath, eyes scanning her brothers’ helmets again, before putting on what I hoped was a determined expression, and turning to lead the group on the alternative route. 
Omega eventually let go of my hand as we walked, giving it a supportive squeeze before she did. 
As I’d told them, the woods were thick, but I knew them well. 
“You going to tell us how you know so much about this place?” Hunter asked slightly behind me.
“That is simple; this is where they were raised as a child,” Tech called from the back of the group. I froze in my tracks, the rest of the group stopping behind me.
“This is your home?” Wrecker asked, lifting his helmet to look at me. My mouth formed a tight line as I fought the tears threatening to pour down my cheeks.
“This is where they were born,” Tech corrected. “However, given the lengths they have gone to trying to avoid this very conversation, I would say their memories of living here are rather unpleasant.”
Echo stepped towards me, lifting his helmet from his head. “Is that true?” 
He placed a gentle touch on my shoulder and I was done for. A few tears slipped down my cheeks and Echo’s expression softened. 
No. No, we had a mission. I couldn’t do this right now.
I pulled away from Echo, turning my face.
“We’ll be late if we don’t get going,” I explained, beginning to continue our trek, walking briskly.
The rest of the mission blurred by without incident. Wrecker heaved the cargo container up from the ground, and Tech turned to me. “Shall we return the way we came?” 
I nodded, unable to really say anything. My nerves were still keyed up, and I had a terrible feeling in my gut. My fists clenched into tight balls as we began our walk back to the ship.
The walk back was uneventful, Tech occasionally looking over his shoulder at me to confirm that we were still on the right path.
“Stop,” Hunter ordered as the town started to come into view.
He pulled a pair of binocs out, looking over the town square we’d have to pass through.
He grunted, passing the binocs to Tech and Echo. 
“It’s a trap,” Echo concluded.
“Someone’s not happy we’re here,” Hunter agreed.
“Perhaps it is the religious figure you mentioned before,” Tech added, turning to look at me. The rest of the group’s eyes fell on me as well.
“I don’t know your history with this place, or with this preacher, but you need to tell us what we’re walking into,” Hunter said, his voice quiet. There was less bite in it than there had been before.
“He- He’s powerful. He’s got some kind of dark magic.”
“Like the Sith the Jedi would mention during the war?” Echo asked.
I shook my head. “I don’t think so. He’s never had one of those weapons they all have.”
“What’s his problem with ya anyhow? We like ya just fine,” Wrecker told me, warming my heart a little.
I never knew the answer to his question of course, not when I was kid. I could feel myself falling into my memory of that last day.
“You pathetic child,” the preacher spat. “The weight of your sins will follow you all your days, but you are no longer welcome on Vel. Leave Tirra once its people are done with you, and never return.”
That’s when the rocks began flying. Most of them missed me, or only grazed me, at least at first. But then a chunk of brick caught me straight in the gut. I tried to back away, but the alleyway they’d cornered me in had no alternative exit. I was trapped. Insults were hurled in my direction, hitting almost as hard as the rocks and trash that bruised and bloodied my skin.
I had fallen into a heap on the ground, barely able to keep myself conscious, let alone protected.
As I lay there, the people began to grow bored, only the preacher’s inner-circle lackeys remained.
I gathered my strength as they laughed, pulling myself to my knees, wiping the dirt, blood, and tears from my face. 
“You’re going straight to Hell,” said the preacher, rejoining his henchmen.
“I’ll be back,” I warned, my voice shaky. “I’ll come back one day, you’ll never see me coming. You’re gonna regret this, cause I promise you, when I come back, Hell’s coming with me.”
My attention snapped to the present as Echo called my name, his hand and scomp on my shoulders.
A firefight with the locals had broken out, and it wasn’t going well. Wrecker was hit and knocked out on the ground with Omega kneeling over him. Hunter and Tech were behind the cover of the trees, peeking out to fire back on the townsfolk. And Echo was in front of me, holding my shoulders tightly, gently shaking me back to reality.
“You need to get your head back right,” he instructed me, his words coming out more worried than upset. “You almost walked into the line of fire.”
“I- I didn’t- I wasn’t-” I stuttered.
“I know, but we need you,” Echo insisted.
I took a steading breath, wiping away the tears I hadn’t realized were flowing. “Right, right.”
“We need a diversion,” Tech called. 
“We need Wrecker to get back up,” Omega responded.
“Stop firing and stay out of sight,” I ordered over the comms. “Don’t make a sound.”
They hesitated, but ultimately did as I told them. After a few moments, the enemy blasterfire slowed, and then stopped altogether. Wrecker was slowly coming back to consciousness, much to all of our relief.
“Wreck,” I whispered. “I need you to do what you do best; we’re going to need a big boom.”
His face split into the grin of a menace and he nodded, clearly fighting the urge to shout his excitement.
“They’ll be coming up to look for our bodies any minute now; the rest of you need to sneak back to the Marauder. Split up and loop around, Wrecker will meet you there once he’s done helping me.”
“What about you?” Omega worried. 
“I’m the diversion. The townspeople might not have recognized me when we landed, but I know he will.”
“Are you sure?” Hunter asked, and despite his mask I could feel his eyes staring into mine.
“Yes. It’s going to work,” I assured him. Hunter nodded at me, and then again at the rest of the squad. I watched them disperse, as Wrecker began rigging together what he had in his kit.
The end result was a tangle of wires and explosives. “Good work, Wrecker,” I nodded to him. “Set this on the east side of the town - there should hardly be anyone there - I’ll tell you when to set it off. Now get back to the others, tell Tech to get the ship running as soon as I get into the square.”
Wrecker nodded, dashing off into the trees. I unholstered my blaster as I heard a few townies begin to make their way into the thick forest. I spared a glance around the tree I was using for cover. Just two men were stalking up towards me. 
I quickly fired off two shots, hitting each of them square in the center of their chests.
With the coast clear, I moved down the hill towards the town, pausing behind a tree just at the edge. I could hear another man - one of the preacher’s lackeys - shouting after the two who were now laying dead in the middle of the woods. 
I could see him. He was still dressed in her overly-ornate robes. He’d gained weight since I last saw him; unsurprising given how skinny the orphans likely were.
I knew I should have waited just a moment longer, but my anger, my hatred of this man was overpowering, and I ran into the middle of the square.
“They said to start the ship now,” I heard Wrecker breathlessly instruct Tech.
“Well, well, well,” the preacher said, stepping towards me. He dropped my name into the dirt beneath his feet. “I believe I told you all those years ago that you’d overstayed your welcome in this town.”
I said nothing, my jaw clenching and my grip tightening around my blaster. 
“Still a disgusting delinquent I see,” he mused, looking me over. “I’m certain you still haven’t cleansed yourself of your wickedness.”
I began slowly walking sideways towards the large tree that grew in the center of the square, the townspeople watching in repulsion.
“If you think you’re going to make it out of here alive, you’re an even bigger fool than I thought.”
I lowered my blaster, bringing one hand up to my comm device, “Now, Wrecker!” I shouted, and perfectly on cue, a giant ball of flame burst from behind me, smoke, ash, and debris flooding the streets and square. I used the distraction to climb as high as I could into that big old tree.
I felt myself losing my tight grip on my control, and suddenly it was like I was watching my actions from outside of myself.
I attached the grappling extension to my blaster, and held it up, aiming it at that damned preacher. I fired and it hit, plunging half way into his chest. I used the branches of the tree to steady myself as my grappler began to reel itself in. I wrapped the end of my extension to a sturdy branch, ensuring that the corrupt, evil man would hang before the town.
I jumped down from the tree, surveying the town. The people were at their knees, screaming, crying, begging for mercy.
“I promised I’d bring Hell with me,” I snarled. “But I’ll show you the mercy you never gave me.”
I walked towards the Marauder, not followed, simply watched. I could feel my fingernails digging into my palms but I didn’t move them, longing to feel anything but the rage that was coursing through my veins.
From the moment I boarded the ship until the jump into hyperdrive, it was deathly silent. No one uttered a single word, not even Wrecker and Omega were boasting about the successful mission.
I tucked myself away into a corner in the cargo bay. I felt hot tears streaming down my face, cutting through the dust and grime that coated my face, but I did nothing to stop them now. I let my mind wander away a little, only coming back to myself as I heard talking nearby.
“Omega, where are they?” Hunter asked, seemingly again, his voice filled with paternal scolding. 
“I don’t think they want to talk to anyone right now,” Omega replied, her voice firm. 
“We just want to help,” Echo pleaded, his voice a little louder so he knew I could hear him.
“Fine,” Omega relented. “Just…just don’t upset them. Not now.”
I expected Hunter and Echo to come across me now, but was surprised to see the whole Batch before me, waiting patiently.
“Are you okay?” Wrecker asked, his voice softer than I’d ever heard it before. He had his little tooka doll in hand, and was offering her to me.
I accepted Lula, pulling her tight against my body.
“A lot happened back there,” Echo started.
Tech continued “We will fully understand if our presence here makes you uncomfortable.”
“We’ll leave if you tell us to,” Hunter added. “But you’re part of this squad.”
“This family,” Omega corrected, scooting close to you.
“We’re here for you, if you want to talk about it,” Wrecker finished.
They all looked at me, somewhat expectantly, Omega, placing her hand on my arm.
A fresh flood began to pour from my eyes as I gasped and panted. “I-I’m so-sorry,” I managed between sobs.
Before I knew it, Wrecker scooped me up into a tight hug, Omega joining it as well, standing on a crate to reach around my shoulder. I felt her send looks towards her other brothers, who relented, coming into the group hug as well.
The warmth and pure familial love that surrounded me now was overwhelming in the best possible way. Eventually it had to come to an end, but for now, all I could do was let myself be swept up in the fraternal display of outright affection.“You do still have a family,” Omega whispered. “We’ll always be your family.”
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stachebracket · 1 year
Round One 'Stache Match-ups
Peppino Spaghetti (Pizza Tower) vs Professor Rowan (Pokémon) Geppetto (Pinocchio 1940) vs Tim Lockwood (Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs)The Lorax (The Lorax) vs William Riker (Star Trek: Next Generation) The President (Pikmin) vs King Dice (Cuphead) Nigel Thornberry (The Wild Thornberrys) vs Kratos (God of War) Filbrick Pines (Gravity Falls) vs Mouse Kaboom (Happy Tree Friends) Tarzan's Dad (Tarzan 1999) vs Drayden (Pokémon) Morshu (Legend of Zelda) vs Magikarp (Pokémon) Luigi (Super Mario) vs Snidely Whiplash (Rocky and Bullwinkle) Dracula (Castlevania) vs Gaepora (Legend of Zelda) Hades (Hades) vs Geralt (The Witcher) Jules Winnfield (Pulp Fiction) vs Walrus Captain (A Hat in Time) Dr. Wily (Megaman) vs Charlie Swan (Twilight) King of All Cosmos (Katamari) vs Hizashi "Present Mic" Yamada (My Hero Academia) Drake (Pokémon) vs Craigor Smiff (Red Stitch Report) Blaine (Pokémon) vs Gimli (The Lord of the Rings)
Eggman (Sonic) vs Lando Calrissian (Star Wars) Archibald Dandy (The Adventures of Captain Wrongel) vs Walter White (Breaking Bad) Mung Daal (Chowder) vs Linebeck III (Legend of Zelda) Kingambit (Pokémon) vs Doc Louis (Punch-Out!!) Major Alex Louis Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist) vs Doctor Neo Cortex (Crash Bandicoot) Soichiro Yagami (Death Note) vs Murro Morton (Identity V) Baron Zeppeli (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 1: Phantom Blood) vs J. Jonah Jameson (Marvel) Wulfric (Pokémon) vs Henry Henderson (Spy x Family) Gashu Satou (Your Turn to Die) vs Stanley Hudson (The Office) Alolan Golem (Pokémon) vs Landorus (Pokémon) King Harkinian (Legend of Zelda) vs Thundurus (Pokémon) Gustavo (Pizza Tower) vs Tornadus (Pokémon) Broque Monsieur (Mario & Luigi) vs Cadmus Ebcott (Red Stitch Report) Rhys Strongfork (Borderlands) vs Agustín Madrigal (Encanto) Bob Belcher (Bob's Burgers) vs Soseki Natsume (The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles) Oscar (Duolingo) vs Professor Turo (Pokémon)
Soda Popinski (Punch-Out!!) vs Mario (Super Mario) Cliff Clavin (Cheers) vs King River Butterfly (Star vs the Forces of Evil) Stoutland (Pokémon) vs Grandpa Harley (Homestuck) Von Kaiser (Punch-Out!!) vs The Captain (BBC Ghosts) Mustache Girl (A Hat in Time) vs Tobias Fünke (Arrested Development) Chat Noir (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Randy Marsh (South Park) Wario (Super Mario) vs Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings) Kevin Ayuso (Identity V) vs Mr Pickels (Happy Tree Friends) Inigo Montoya (The Princess Bride) vs Minimus Ambus (Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye) Kricketune (Pokémon) vs Eldstar (Paper Mario) Jane Crocker (clever disguise) (Homestuck) vs Advisor Mung (Hypnagogia 無限の夢 Boundless Dreams) Saguaro (Pokémon) vs Revolver Ocelot (Metal Gear Solid) GOING TO REMATCH Waluigi (Super Mario) vs Vincenzo Santorini (Atlantis: The Lost Empire) Mr. Rime (Pokémon) vs Raikou (Pokémon) Sportacus (Lazy Town) vs Ron Swanson (Parks and Recreation) Steven Magnet (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) vs Sir Humphrey Bone (BBC Ghosts) Sea Hawk (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) vs Duster (Mother 3) Varrick (The Legend of Korra) vs King Bradley (Fullmetal Alchemist) Omni-Man (Invincible) vs Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart (Doctor Who) William Murderface Murderface Murderface (Metalocalypse) vs Lolorito Nanarito (Final Fantasy XIV) Mumbo Jumbo (Hermitcraft) vs Probopass (Pokémon) The Toy Soldier (The Mechanisms) vs Chancellor Cole (Legend of Zelda) Alakazam (Pokémon) vs Entei (Pokémon) Thom Merrilin (The Wheel of Time) vs James Gordon (DC Comics) Gomez Addams (The Addams Family) vs Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid) GOING TO REMATCH Asgore Dreemurr (Undertale) vs Taryon Gary Darrington (Critical Role) Julius Pringle (Pringles) vs Netero (Hunter x Hunter) Dudley (Street Fighter) vs Barret Wallace (Final Fantasy VII) BJ Hunnicutt (M*A*S*H) vs Daruk (Legend of Zelda) Mabosstiff (Pokémon) vs Vito Corleone (The Godfather) Cervantes (Fire Emblem) vs Don Paolo (Professor Layton) Gordan Freeman (Half-Life) vs Zangief (Street Fighter)
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