#⇢*akutasoda's events *
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akutasoda · 2 months ago
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kiss me again for good luck
prompt - midnight kisses
including - dr ratio
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, wc - 754
a/n: req by another another lovely anon ^^ hope your having an amazing day/night as well!! -> "Hey, i wanted to send in a request for the New years Event, if thats okay! Can i request a Ratio x Reader with "midnight kisses"♡? Thanks and have a great day/night!"
[art creds @/amaichiesora]
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ratio let out a sigh, a long drawn heavy one that clearly signified his annoyance. he shifted a glance to a small box displaying numbers that were periodically increasing, scowling slightly in the process.
“you agreed to go” you hummed from beside him, your eyes focused forward as the elevator slightly hummed in the background.
he scoffed in both denial and defeat. you were right and there was nothing that could be done to change his agreement - especially now you were both standing in the elevator with little time before you arrived.
it was one of the IPC's annual parties and this one was specifically designated to welcome in a new calendar year in. all branches of the IPC were invited and therefore so was the intelligentsia guild, ratio included.
you both knew very well that those events weren't really his scene but ratio had agreed to go for some reason along the lines of “showing face” and maintaining a somewhat decent relationship with coworkers. you had been dragged along by ratio who claimed he needed at least one tolerable person there.
veritas did not want to stay very long and so you both agreed it was beneficial to stay until the main event was over and everything started stemming into after parties of sort. you reminded him of such a plan in the elevator just before it stopped and the doors opened with a ding.
as expected of ratio, he insisted you stuck close by his side, something you didn't mind doing too much seeing as you barely knew anyone else there, and if it helped him then that was even more of a reason.
ratio made a quick effort of introducing himself to those that approached him, opting for small talk and small talk only. he then found himself mainly with those that he knew from before such as a specific stoneheart who seemed rather surprised to see ratio actually show up to the event.
as the party dragged on you began becoming rather weary yourself, it seemed the whole situation was taking much more out of you than you anticipated. but it seemed ratio was feeling the same. evident by the fact that he was lingering nearer to you than you were to him, looking ready to grab you and leave at any time now.
fortunately, it seemed the peak of the party was approaching. with only a couple minutes left till midnight and that meant that it was almost over and done with - much to ratio's delight.
but you had come up with an idea. you and ratio had slowly found yourselves moving away from the main body of the party, sticking to the outskirts, and so you didn't think he would mind in the slightest. you were sure that nobody would even notice.
and as the main countdown started you decided to put your idea into practice. vast majority of the others in the party were counting down but ratio couldn't care in the slightest and so he didn't mind obliging at all to listening to you call his name and focusing on you - not that he really found anything more important to focus on than you.
you smiled at him and as soon as you heard the countdown hit zero, you leaned in abruptly and gave ratio a kiss - whispering a quick “happy new year” against his lips.
you then pulled away as quickly as you leaned in before pretending that it never happened and that you were focused on the others. ratio stared at you almost shocked, he knew you were waiting to see his reaction.
he quickly shook off his surprise and soon a warm smile graced his features. ratio leant in and pressed another chaste kiss to your forehead, mummering a returned “happy new year”
he then mimicked your actions and turned to face the crowd who all were too focused on their own mini celebrations.
a beat of silence passed before he wrapped the arm closest to you around your waist, pulling you closer into him and giving you a reassuring squeeze before heading back into the crowd.
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milksnake-tea · 5 months ago
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━━ die with a smile .
In every zombie apocalypse, there's always one who is immune to the infection. And Blade, it seems, is the unlucky one who has to carry that burden.
blade x gn!reader (kinda. relationship is ambiguous)
contains: gorey language (rotting flesh, wounds), zombie apocalypse au, horror(???? I GUESS????? I DONT EVEN KNOW BRO), reader dies lol, blade got major issues
wc: 2.4k
a/n: lord i am NOT good with horror BUT !!! might as well give this a try. if you can call this horror. I DONT EVEN KNOW I DONT WRITE OR READ HORROR IM JUST A GIRL anyways. this is for @stellaronhvnters's event that's happening rn! the prompt i ended up choosing was zombie, and i hope i brought it to life! i am actually so sad i wasn't allowed to write for sunday. can you believe this. SIGHS
taglist: @sh0jun , @themoderatelyawesomeninja , @xphantasmagoriax , @rainswept , @lucensei , @akutasoda , @naraven , @scribs-dibs , @apathicace , @flurrina , @tragedy-of-commons , @cakechase , @kiiyoooo
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It is a word that Blade has heard time and time over again, and a word he has grown to hate.
Immune. Immortal.
A blessing, it is, to any other soul, especially in an apocalypse such as this. In a world where survival itself is a luxury, and comfort even moreso, what sane person wouldn’t wish for eternal life - or better yet, a life without fear of death?
They say he is lucky, the others. They say that he is blessed, and that whatever cruel deity overlooked this world must’ve found a sliver of fondness towards him.
They say that he is not human, the others. They say that he is something entirely else - not someone, no, something that cannot possibly fathom the pains of humanity, of a mortal life.
And so they say, why not let him bear the weight of a savior? After all, blessings must be used, and they cannot allow Blade to be selfish.
A pity, truly. They seemed to have forgotten, the others, that no matter how blessed he may seem, the deity is still cruel, and will not stand for shortcuts.
And so, Blade has long forgotten the meaning of the word “companion”.
Days pass like seconds in his constant weariness, and his body has become something akin to that of a clock; going through the motions, surviving but not living. His eyes bear witness to the downfall of his home, and yet he cannot see it - he cannot see anything; not the once-vivid colors of nature nor the once-bright streams of light that dare to warm his barely living skin.
He knows not where he is right now. All he knows is that he is injured, a gash on his arm that streams with useless blood. It will heal in due time, which is why…
“This is unnecessary,” he rasps.
If you had a name, he doesn’t remember it. Your face is blurred as everything else in this world is. You’re one of many, hundreds, that he has traveled with - why, he doesn’t know. Perhaps he feels some sort of obligation, like the ones the others have said long ago, to protect those who aren’t favored like he is.
But that isn’t Blade’s main concern. What is, is the bandages binding his wound, bleeding bandages that are wasted on someone of his constitution.
“I will heal,” he continues, his voice a repetitive drawl. “Save it for your own skin.”
And yet the bandages do not fall - in fact, they may have tightened.
“Your blessing allows you to recover from injuries and pain,” you reply, weariness wearing down your own voice, and yet there is a spark of indignation beneath the exhaustion. “It does not excuse you of pain.”
Blade scoffs. “I am not so weak as to kneel from such an insignificant wound.”
“But it hurts, doesn’t it?”
He blinks. Seizing his stunned silence, you continue.
“While your body takes the time to heal, it becomes prey to infections, parasites, all of which are painful and annoying to deal with, as I’m sure you know. It isn’t wise to rely on your blessings all the time.”
But it’ll only take a second. Gods work quick, after all, and their blessings quicker. He has no need for your bandages nor for your ointment.
He sighs.
“Do what you want.”
He doesn’t have the energy to argue much further. If this futile attempt at aiding him is what will calm you, then he will bear with it.
Blade rears his head slightly so that he can catch a glimpse of the wasteland that lies outside the broken-down shack you’ve temporarily taken refuge in. The streets are quiet - for now. But evidence of past destruction stains the road in warning: do not stay, do not yield. Do not think you are safe, for even a moment, because that is when they will strike.
And they will come, the victims and the assailants, with their rotting flesh and grey skin, and you will have but two options: survive and remember, or join them in their pack.
Both you and Blade are well aware of this fact, evident by the fact that you are still human. No one survives long in a world like this without some sort of wits on them, which makes your insistence on treating him all the more befuddling.
He inhales, and the stench of decay fills his nostrils.
They will be here soon.
He stands up abruptly, interrupting your work and leaving the bandage untied. With a grunt, he finishes the binding himself, cutting off the excess with his namesake.
“We can’t afford to dally,” he says gruffly as he pulls on his black coat once more, hiding the bandages and shielding his scars from past battles. “Come.”
He doesn’t wait for your answer. If you have any brains in there, you’ll follow.
It’s eerie, the way fog curls and billows like smoke as he wretches open the door. He cannot feel the wind, but he sees it well enough in the way it drags the fallen clouds across the deserted earth and tickles what little life is left in the leaves of wilted trees.
He hears your footsteps behind him, along with a little sigh, and he resumes his march.
Dried leaves crack under his boots. The air is quiet, as if he were in a vacuum chamber, too quiet. He wonders how long ago it had been since these dirtied streets were clean and covered not by leaves and dried flesh, but by the pit-pats of dozens of people, all on their next chapter of life.
The silence is deafening. His brows furrow slightly.
With a glance back at you, he confirms his suspicions. Your hackles are raised, and the grip on your weapon has switched from idle to offensive. You peer into the fog’s depths, scanning the premises for anything, live or dead, that might be hiding.
Neither of you dare to speak. Talking only sets them off.
But then again, if they are really here, there is little you can do to deter them.
They come in packs - at least, most of them do. Like the humans they used to be, they can be quite fickle. Most prefer each other’s company - if they can call it company, but there are always one or two or five who go on their own, and those either die quickly or become stronger than what is manageable.
His breath mists from his slightly parted lips.
He breathes in through his nose.
The air is sour.
He stops.
He listens.
And then he hears it - the crack of a leaf, crushed under a foot that is neither his nor yours.
Instinct seizes him and he whirls and grabs you and throws you out of the way. Steel meets flesh, carving it with the precision of a butcher and the life he used to have. He faintly registers cold blood as it coats his face in a splatter, its iron taste on the tip of his tongue as he shouts at you,
They come in packs, the creatures. As they swarm him like an infestation of houseflies, Blade begins to miss the eerie silence.
He plunges into a familiar, red-tinted haze. He slashes and slices and cuts through corpses of those who should’ve been put to rest. Rotted teeth bite into his arms (he briefly remembers your insistence on infection) and he kicks them off and his namesake soon follows.
Undying, the two of them are. They are more similar than the others like to admit, but truth is, they are both cursed by the deity. Never will they live, never will they die. Forever, they must exist in this world, until all that’s left of them is a memory.
For how much longer must he endure this? For how much longer must he fight?
He’s tired.
He wants to sleep.
But rest doesn’t come easy.
In the corner of his eye, another one of them lunges at him, falling teeth bared and eyes lolling from their sockets. He tugs his sword, but it is hindered - only slightly, embedded in the flesh of another. It’s a second he’ll lose, and a second that decides it all.
For a moment, he’s half tempted to let it bite.
But then comes a BANG! and then the distinctive smell of gunpowder and then his face is coated in body bits once more.
“What’re you doing?!” Now it’s your turn to grab his arm and pull him away. “There’s too many of them. Let’s get out of here!”
He clicks his tongue in annoyance. You’re loud, but you’ve got a point.
You shove him behind you and unclip one of the many grenades that hang from your belt. He knows this move well enough now, and therefore knows to avert his gaze once he hears the pin pulled and the bomb sails into the crowd of them.
The explosion is only just enough to startle their attackers and create enough of a divy in their ranks that you can push through. Blade leads the retreat, catching any stranglers with his sword while you keep your gun aimed behind you to ward away any pursuers.
He runs, as he always does. He scales hills with a speed that should’ve left his legs stiff and burning, leaps over canals that are flooded with pollution, and turns corners so fast that his neck might’ve broken. Only once or twice does he glance back to see if you are following. 
You are, although, you are slower. Something is weighing you down.
He runs, until he can no longer hear the groans of the deceased and the sourness fades away into crisp nothingness. The smoke-fog lolls back, and he thinks he finds peace, but then-
A weight crashes into his back, making him stumble. With a growl he doesn’t feel, he leers at you.
“What now-?”
He stills as he sees your state.
“Sorry, I just-” Your breath is ragged as you pant. You try to push yourself off, but your legs give out and you crash back into him. But that’s not what catches Blade off-guard.
You are like a second sun, with the heat searing through your skin and burning him through his clothes. His eyes widen as he fully takes you in.
Sweat drips off of you in raindrops. Your skin shivers in small, terrifying tremors. Your breath is short and rasp and choked and hollow, as if every inhale takes all of your energy. Your eyes are barely peeking open as you try to stay conscious.
Words die on the tip of his tongue.
You inhale again, gasping as you try to speak. You want to move, but your body fails you.
“Quiet.” He turns you against his chest to assess the danger. Your chest heaves, and- there.
He’s seen it far too many times.
No. Not again.
How- When? When had it- no.
His brows furrow and his teeth grit.
There, tearing through your jacket and into your shoulder, ripped clothes and frayed threads, a bite, black, purple, bruised and bloody and slobbery. And in between, the beginnings of greying skin.
An infection.
His mind begins to race for the first time in years. Fear erupts in him like a sealed volcano as he fights himself on what to do with you.
He should kill you. Get it over with, make it quick before you suffer. There’s no coming back from a bite - you’re as good as dead now, so it wouldn’t be wrong, right? It wouldn’t be the first time he’s had to kill a fallen companion (if you could even call them that).
Yes, he should - he needs to do it. Now, while you’re still weak and vulnerable, while you still hold your humanity within your grasp.
In one hand, is you, a person whom he has only known for a month or so. In the other hand is the sword that has never left his side.
The choice is obvious.
Yet why can’t he make it?
“Bl…Blade,” you rasp. His glare pierces you. “I…”
“Don’t waste your energy,” he says quietly, almost gently. He doesn’t recognize his own voice.
“...this-” you cough suddenly, hacking phlegm for a few horrid seconds before you’re able to speak again. “This is- like a really bad time to say this, but… you smell really, really good. Like… like… like meat.”
He freezes.
Now. Do it, as you always have. Don’t think of it any longer.
Yet his feet are rooted and his hands are stone. Like a moth to a flame, his eyes can’t tear away from your face as you stagger, dirtied hands clutching at his dirtied coat. Your lidded eyes are hazy.
His namesake is heavy like a weight in his hand. Bandaged, calloused fingers grip and shift and relax and then tighten again around the handle as he struggles with a decision.
He takes too long.
You lunge at him with abrupt strength and tackle him to the ground. Blade chokes as gravel digs into his shoulders. Still-warm hands seize onto his broad shoulders with a grip so tight they might shatter. And above him, the sun halos your silhouette, basking you in shadow.
The grip on his shoulders trembles.
“Sor….” your language begins to slur, deteriorating into the common groan of them. “Hung….”
Blade doesn’t reply, too caught up in his mind and in witnessing your last moments as a human. Your mouth hangs open, breath and saliva dripping from it as the grey climbs up your skin in patches of mold.
“Hurs…” you mutter. “Hurs… so…”
Your hands leave his shoulders in favor of pulling down his collar in a manner that is hauntingly gentle. You pull, layers and layers of cloth down and away until his throat is fully exposed, Adam’s apple bobbing.
Fingers trace his throat, thumbs rubbing against it. Animalistic hunger overtakes your pupils, which have always smiled so kindly and tiredly at him, blurring all sentient thoughts away.
Blade squeezes his eyes shut. He breathes, feeling the air pool in his lungs.
And then, at last, he decides.
You scarcely resist as he switches your positions. He slams you to the concrete and raises his namesake, pointed tip situated just above your heart.
And then he sees you, as he always has.
And despite your clouded eyes, your dog-like breaths, and the mold growing on your skin, you smile softly.
But why?
Out of relief?
Out of gratitude?
Or… out of forgiveness?
Blade doesn’t know, nor does he ever find out, as he takes one last look at your life, soaking in all that remains of you and burning it into his memory.
And then he plunges, and the deity laughs once more.
And again, he loses the meaning of companion.
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reblogs w comments are appreciated !!
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theother-victoria · 5 months ago
an eye for an eye
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SYNOPSIS: what happens when you stick your nose where it doesn't belong?
CHARACTERS: dr ratio
TAGS: major character death, small town horror, murder mystery, 2.6k+ wc
TAGLIST: @tragedy-of-commons, @mitsvriii, @harque, @akutasoda, @hazyue, @gabile18, @khoncore
NOTES: I procrastinated real hard on this and managed to thug it out in the span of like.... four days
written for @/stellaronhvnters’ stellaween festival event! I chose the prompt skeletons
special thanks to my dearest pookie @tragedy-of-commons once again for proofreading this for me so last-minute!
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It’s never a good sign when a small town ends up on the map, for one reason or another. Small towns are small for a reason. They keep to themselves, its residents living peaceful, crime-free lives and concern themselves with their own problems.
So when news of skeletons being discovered in people’s yards in a small town that isn’t even listed on the maps makes it onto national television, it takes the entire nation and even the world by storm. 
It’s all people can talk about as the case unfolds. Reporters are flooding into the town until they outnumber the residents living there. With the sudden spotlight, it was revealed that the town was so small it had a police force that consisted of a handful of members and a single car. And with a police force that small, a proper forensics department was out of the question. 
Hence, where you and your colleague, Veritas Ratio came in. The town council had called in for a detective and forensics team to assist with the investigation. When he saw the state the lab was in, he had sighed louder than you’d ever heard him.
“The absolute disarray of this place! Barely any equipment either! How in the world do they expect me to properly work with this lack of resources?”
You have to pointedly glare at him.
“Veritas, have you forgotten they’re painfully underfunded…? They probably had no need for police and forensics either.”
He merely clicked his tongue and glared back at you. 
There’s not much that points toward a bright future for this town. It’s so isolated up in the mountains that the nearest town is an hour drive away. There’s only one stoplight and one stop sign. (Not that there was much traffic to begin with…) The largest store around is the dollar store at the end of the only street running through town. Restaurant options are equally limited. There’s a 24/7 diner that’s staffed by one person, a twitchy-looking waitress, along with some fast-food options here and there. A second-run movie theater is the only option for entertainment around here. A single-track railway with a train that only stops once per day is the only way in or out of here besides car. Coniferous and evergreen trees surround the town like a cage and it’s always foggy. Sunlight rarely peeks through the thick cloud cover and there’s a persistent smell of smoke from something burning elsewhere on the mountain. The most important building is the church located on Main Street. Sometimes, its spire is the only thing visible amidst the heavy fog and smoke. 
There’s only one place for lodging- a run-down motel with a flickering neon sign and always vacant. A dingy room quickly becomes your home away from home. It always smells mildly of mold and mildew with a strong floral smell that seemed like an attempt to cover up the neglect, but failed miserably at doing so. The electricity frequently spikes or cuts out, meaning you’ve already fried the motel’s hot water kettle that you relied on for your morning coffee. The room itself looked like a relic from the past, with its yellowing pastel wallpaper, an uncomfortably lumpy mattress that the two of you are forced to share, floral sheets, and threadbare patchwork quilt. The cheap carpet looks like it hasn’t been cleaned since it was installed and the heater hacks and shudders to life like it’s on its last legs. There’s always the distant hum of fluorescent lights and it’s like a persistent itch at the back of your mind that you just can’t scratch and it’s driving you insane. 
This town is unwelcoming, and so are its residents. Silence follows you and Veritas wherever you go. Shopkeepers are as rude as they can be without getting a complaint filed. When passing through a neighborhood, mothers rush to get their children inside the house and openly glare at you from their rotting porches. Witnesses were downright uncooperative during questioning, even rude at times. 
This town is hiding something, and you don’t like it. 
But even with the increased police presence in town and nightly neighborhood watches that have been set up, the cases kept piling up. Every morning a call would come in from a panicked resident about a fresh mound of dirt in their yard that only meant one thing. Someone would head over to dig it up and sure enough, there’d be a skeleton there. Some were yellowed with age, but most of them were new from their glistening ivory hue,  Some of them were pristine while others still had bits of flesh and blood clinging to them. Forensic analysis revealed that the skeletons belonged to people of all ages too. No one was seemingly safe. 
Some of these victims had been alive the day prior too. Meaning that not only were you dealing with a potential case of illegal exhumation, but also first-degree murder. 
A small team of forensic scientists working with Veritas would accompany you, where they’d gather samples before heading back to the lab while you and your partner would spend the rest of the day questioning people. 
But while he was in the lab, you had discovered something very interesting during questionings.
“Madam, it would be in your best interests if you would cooperate.”
You fixate the trembling woman before you with a piercing, unblinking gaze. She pointedly avoids your eyes, but you’ve always had a way with extracting information from the most uncooperative of witnesses.
“F-Fine! I’ll speak! That man was a longtime business rival of ours! He died several years ago of a heart attack, but I have no idea how he ended up in my front yard, I swear!”
So the deceased all had some connection with where- or rather, who- they were found. A victim of a greedy loan shark drowning in interest, a bitter and jealous ex-husband, and so on. It keeps popping up so often that it’s not a coincidence anymore. 
Still, there’s one thing that sticks out to you.
“Were all these bodies exhumed? I noticed that cremation is almost unheard of in this town in the coroner’s reports that you sent me, despite the crematorium being conveniently located in the church and a cheaper alternative to a traditional burial,”  you say one night as you’re cross-examining testimonies with newspaper clippings. Veritas looks over at you from where he sits on the bed. “Do we have a potential gravedigger on our hands?”
He pauses. 
“Perhaps a visit to the town cemetery is in order.”
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The next day, the both of you arrive at the cemetery soon after the gates open.
The first thing that stands out to you is how small it is. It’s smaller than the average cemetery, with very few tombstones. The only thing breaking it are the small farms here and there. 
“Well, this certainly doesn’t line up with the amount of skeletons that have been discovered as of late,” you grumble as you get out of the car. Ratio nods and shields his eyes from the early morning sun that’s already beating down onto your backs. 
The weathered faces of some of the tombstones as you walk by makes you pause. They’re ancient. 
You shudder. You try not to think about decomposing bodies inadvertently becoming fertilizer for the farms next door…
Clearly, this town has had a long history. Perhaps it was prospering long ago. But now, it’s on the verge of becoming a ghost town with only spiteful, suspicious people left. And in a place as small as this, history must be traceable for at least several generations back. 
As you walk amongst the tombstones, you notice that very few of the graves have had the earth in front of them disturbed.
“So maybe we don’t have a gravedigger after all,” you murmur as you pull out your phone. A quick phone call to the church later and you learn that yes, the church is aware of what’s been happening. No, they did not receive or approve any requests to exhume a body, much less several. 
You click your tongue irritatedly after hanging up. There goes that hypothesis. It’s clear that while some bodies have been exhumed, most of them were not. 
So now what?
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Later that night at the 24/7 diner, you discuss your findings so far while sipping on reheated instant coffee and trying to stomach dry pancakes. The sun has already gone down and the street lights outside flicker weakly to life. 
“The biggest discovery my team and I have made is that this all seems to be the work of several different people, but that was at the start of the case. There has not been anything groundbreaking since then.”
You raise an eyebrow. He senses the question in your gaze. 
“Forensic testing has revealed that maceration has occurred through several different ways. Bleaching, boiling, and crude hacking are the three most common ones. There have been some attempts at more sophisticated methods, such as enzymatic and chemical maceration, but those have been crude at best. It got the job done, but the bones had severe surface damage and were shrunken. Meanwhile, some were in pristine condition and barely damaged.”
“So they know about the various techniques, but they don’t have the knowledge and experience to carry it out properly?”
He nods. “Precisely. And even within the three most common methods, there were varying degrees of success present.”
“That… certainly doesn’t seem like the work of one person.”
You sip your now-cold coffee and wince at the sour aftertaste before pulling out your findings. 
“Here’s what me and my partner have discovered. The biggest thing is that every skeleton seems to have a connection to where they were found.”
“All of them have been found in people’s yards, and it turns out the deceased had some sort of connection with the homeowner while they were alive. A bitter ex-husband, a family feud that has stretched back generations, the sole surviving member of a family that was murdered several years ago…”
You sigh. “The connections are endless. I could go on forever.”
You cast your gaze around the diner. Your nails drum against the red formica tabletops and you tap your foot absentmindedly against the checkered floors that are slightly greasy and sticky. The only other people there are a family of four with shifty eyes and the waitress that’s been here since you arrived. She jolts and looks the other way.
“For a town this small, it sure is harboring a lotta desire for revenge,” you murmur, more to yourself than to him. Your gaze lazily drifts around before landing on the lighting fixture above the bar and settles there. 
Your eyes narrow as your tired mind begins putting the seemingly unrelated pieces together. Veritas’ sharp eyes don’t miss it.
The actions of several different people with varying degrees of success… a collective desire for revenge… 
“Penny for your thoughts?”
“This is just a thought but…you don’t think it’s the whole town that’s in on this, right…? I mean-”
He suddenly shushes you as he gets up. It’s only when you return to your room that he gestures for you to continue speaking.
“- I mean, the one thing unifying everything is the desire for revenge, which every resident seems to harbor a bit of,” you continue as you get ready for bed. “Cremation is an unusual option here. Most people are buried instead. But the cemetery is also surprisingly small. But why is that? The answer is that most people are not dying of natural causes. Most people are being murdered out of a desire for revenge with no hope for any sort of burial or funeral. So my earlier gravedigger hypothesis is incorrect now. Did your analysis reveal signs of skeletal trauma on some of them?”
“Many of them,” corrects Veritas. 
Despite the late hour, your mind is fully awake as all the pieces finally start falling into place together. 
“Relationships are messy and the residents of this town are no exception. The deceased often had multiple conflicts and grudges with other people. What I suspect happened is they were murdered and then dumped into someone’s yard that the deceased also had connections with to pin the blame on them. Which begs the question: where were the police in all of this?”
You pause to catch your breath.
“But the police mean nothing if everyone is in on it, even if unknowingly, correct? This also explains the absolute disrepair the police and forensics department are in as well.”
Veritas meets the knowing glint in your eyes.
“Let’s say that I’m the murderer. I killed you because of a grudge I bore, stripped you of your flesh until only skeletal remains are left, which I then buried in your neighbor’s yard that you also had some conflict with to pin the blame on them. The neighbor then calls the cops, but both they and the cop at the scene have done the same thing before, even though they don’t know of the other’s actions. Someone will be sentenced to jail, but they will inevitably end up getting killed by someone else for another grudge before they’re off to jail and out of reach for good. The body gets hacked away and planted into someone else’s yard and the cycle repeats. Everyone has gotten their hands dirty. There’s no way for this to be closed because everyone has played a part in it. It’s like trying to untangle a never-ending knot.”
The exhaustion of the day is beginning to catch up with you. You climb into bed next to him, shifting to avoid the lumps in the mattress that’ll give you a backache tomorrow morning. 
“Revenge is a scary thing. They’ll wipe themselves out at this point,” you sleepily murmur. 
Veritas doesn’t meet your gaze. You can see the gears rapidly spinning in his mind before arriving at the same conclusion. 
“... It’s best if we leave as soon as possible,” is all he says. 
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The next morning, you authorize a search warrant on every household in town. There, they find incriminating evidence. A butcher knife and cutting board with dried human blood seeping into its cracks. A stock pot with bleach still in it. Scissors, knives, and scalpels with hardened chunks of human flesh still stuck to them. Guns, knives, and other weapons of murder. 
A mass arrest is carried out to the flashing cameras and interest of the nation. You and Veritas are congratulated on your work and rewarded with a shiny promotion. You’re finally able to head home, much to your joy. You’re eager to leave that unsettling place behind for good. The case is closed and it’s time to relax before moving onto your next assignment. 
At least, that’s what you had anticipated. 
The town’s residents wiped themselves off the map. It’s now a ghost town. Cars rust from the assault of the elements and ivy begins to overtake the brick buildings. Shops and houses are broken into and pilfered. In a matter of weeks, the town is forgotten by the few that still remember it. The only people its shattered windows see now are curious urban explorers. 
But nothing stays buried for long. Bodies, grudges, secrets. They stay buried for a reason though, until an unfortunate soul decides to wander along and unearth them to satiate their burning curiosity. 
And who said grudges were confined to one region only?
So is it really that surprising when your body ends up in his yard, neatly diced up and packaged into a box, miles away from that cursed town? 
An eye for an eye. That’s the town’s motto. Nothing stays buried for long. 
He stumbled upon something he shouldn’t have seen. Now, they took something equally valuable from him in return.
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enjoyed my work? the taglist is open!
@ theother-victoria, do not copy, repost, modify, translate, or feed to ai
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singularity-sam · 2 months ago
Insane Stories From Belobog's Trash Cans - Volume 7: A Fudgin' Confession (Secret Santa Fic)
For the Stellaron Hvnters Secret Santa Event. A gift for Q (@akutasoda), who loves Boothill! I had fun writing this and I hope you're satisfied by this strange little story I worked hard on!
(Disclaimer: This story contains depictions of pseudo-swearing, mentions of hardship, and unfunny cringe attempts at humor throughout.)
“What troubles you enough to bring you here?”, Sunday asked the man sitting in the other part of the confession booth. A flick of a lighter is heard and then the scent of nicotine flooded the cramped space they both sat in. This left him speechless at first, then he exclaimed: “...Y-You cannot smoke in here, my child!” A gruff voice proceeded to say, “Eh, it’s fine. I can do whatever I need here.”, in response.
Coughing on the horrible smell of the smoke, Sunday leaned closer to the barrier in between the two of them that obscured the man’s face on the other side, trying to ignore all the red flags of the situation. “I see… Then what troubles you?”, he asked, “Do you need to talk about your sins? I’m here to provide guidance to those who need it…” After a moment, the man on the other side spoke up. “Let’s see… I stole candy from a baby, then threw the baby in the river. And I killed a few people, I guess.”, he stated neutrally, despite the atrocities of his actions. Sunday audibly gasped and was stunned by how terrible what was said really was. This was by far the worst person that ever came into his confession booth, but his position as a Bronze Melodia for the Oak Family prevented him from lashing out and punishing him, even though he was extremely angered internally.
Suppressing his rage, he maintained his mask of stoicism and asked him: “Then, why… come here to me, of all places?” The man puffed on his cigarette once more and said, “I dunno. I was bored and wanted to see just how stuck up this place really was.”, in reply. Sunday was so stunned by this answer that he remained silent for a full ten seconds. “Forget it, I’m gettin’ bored of this anyway.”, the man said in a frustrated tone, “I’ll be taking my leave now. See ya never, sucker!” The sound of him standing up and a pair of feet stepping towards the door before proceeding to open it nonchalantly is heard, then silence takes his place. All Sunday could do was stay quiet, unable to process what was happening. Even his halo froze in place as the interaction came to an abrupt end.
Once a little while passed, Sunday snapped out of his morally-confused daze and turned his attention back to his duties. “Next person, come in.”, he said. What seemed to be a moment of hesitation followed before a very heavy set of footsteps was heard. They rang out like metal and the weight of each shifting step suggested the person was wearing old-fashioned boots. The mysterious person entered the booth and shut the door swiftly. And then a loud and subtly robotic grunt is heard as the person sits down next to the barrier where Sunday listened on with confusion and intrigue.
The other person didn’t speak up first, so Sunday stated, “What troubles you enough to bring you here?”, in a rehearsed manner. A long sigh is heard by the other person, who eventually mutters out: “Well partner, I guess you could say that I need some guidance on what’s goin’ on in my life.” Despite the odd way the man on the other side spoke, Sunday was relieved to see that he was not as crazy as the previous man. “You’ve come to the right place.”, he assured, “Guiding people through their sins is my duty as part of The Family.”
The man on the other side seemed to sit up straighter, becoming more attentive to his wishes being heard. “That so? Well, fudge me sideways! I appreciate your hospitality towards a muddle fudger like me! Name’s Boothill.”, he said with relief in his voice. This odd way of speaking and the vulgarity put off Sunday and made him internally reconsider his previous impression of Boothill, but he suppressed it and continued through his confession routine. “No need for thanks. The Harmony welcomes all.”, he replied, “Now, what sins do you wish to tell me about?”
Boothill seemed to adjust his hat before continuing with: “Hm, ya see… I’m a Galaxy Ranger and I’m on a quest of what ya could call… vengeance. I wanna make those IPC shirt bags pay for what they did to me and my home… And since this place’s not aligned with the IPC due to its troubled history, I thought you Family fudgers could give me some insight on how to handle this… darn rage I feel against those blastards and what I can do to successfully take ‘em down!” This anger-laden rant surprised Sunday with how loaded it was, which made him feel a mixture of pity and anxiety towards how he should address it. He didn’t approve of the Galaxy Ranger’s way of doing things or vengeance, but he could tell that Boothill was suffering deep down. Sunday took a deep breath and responded with, “While I cannot condone vengeance or violence against your enemies, your anger is valid and I suggest that you restrain it and use compassion to make peace with it.”, in a diplomatic way.
An ear-shattering silence followed before the intense sound of a gun being loaded could be heard. A cock then rang out, along with Boothill yelling: “You should know that’s not the Galaxy Ranger way…!! Your so-called guidance goes against what I was aimin’ for to being with! This gun right here has bullets reserved for the IPC’s top brass, and I’ve no intention of changin’ that!! If compassion worked, my family wouldn’t be dead…! There’s no peace for me anymore… And if ya can’t get that through your fudgin’ skull, then you dumb Family members are all just sons of nice ladies! Your Harmony’s so gosh darned useless in the face of us common folk’s sufferin’ while you rich scum sit in your comfortable dreamscapes.” Upon the hateful monologue subsiding, heavy and distressed breathing could be heard from Boothill, showing just how deeply ingrained his trauma is in his beliefs.
This struck a nerve with Sunday, whose ear wings were very stiff from the tension. And it unearthed his deeply buried ideology towards people’s suffering… “How disorderly! You Galaxy Rangers’ way of solving problems only creates more chaos. Compassion is a virtue, not mindless revenge against those who are larger than yourself…”, he said while dropping his usually calm tone, “And don’t label all of us Family members as overly privileged fools who don’t do anything. For example, I spent all my life learning about others’ suffering and what I could do to address it. Even the followers of Xipe are all about the strong protecting the weak, and we work hard to provide sweet dreams for all! In fact, it’s my goal to make sure no one ever suffers aga-!” His self-righteous monologue was brutally interrupted by Boothill saying, “Quit yer yappin’, partner! I’ve had enough with your muddle fudgin’ hypocrisy! I should’ve known that the Family wouldn’t be any help to someone like myself. And like always, you folks never actually solve anyone’s problems directly…”, in a mocking tone.
“That’s not true! In the future, I plan to save the suffering and make sure they are always protected in this sweet dream. Most might not care enough to, but I do. And I swear upon my name, that I won’t give up on my ideals, even if you don’t believe me…”, Sunday said back. Uninterested in his savior complex, Boothill stood up and prepared to exit the confession booth out of frustration. Before he did so however, he turned back to stare at the little barrier between him and Sunday, and even though he couldn’t see his face, he still could sense the general mood of him. “I’ve heard enough. I know where this is goin’... And that’s my cue to leave.”, he coldly said, “Oh, and lemme give ya one piece of advice before I set off, pardner… Never let your beliefs hurt innocent people. It might sound strange comin’ from a fudgepack like me, but I know from experience how ya can hurt others if ya go too far… So, just keep that in mind. Well, I’m off on my mission! See ya ‘round, maybe!” And with that, Boothill exited the booth just as fast as he came into it.
Sunday sat on his side of the confession booth, stunned once more by yet another strange visitor. It was rare that he was left silent by another’s words, but for some reason, Boothill’s advice stuck in his mind. However, once he thought about all the suffering in his world, the words were drowned out by Mr. Gopher Wood’s ideology about Order. He clenched his hands and remarked: “Perhaps that vulgar criminal is right, innocent people shouldn’t suffer… Though I can’t lose sight of my goals. No matter what happens or what anyone else says, I’ll make sure the Order comes to fruition!” The last thought that came into his mind before he resumed his Bronze Melodia duties and the next person entered the booth was that he would make sure Robin wouldn’t suffer no matter what, even at the cost of his own wellbeing, remembering their promise with the Charmony Dove…
[Writer’s Commentary: So, this is some weird idea about how Sunday and Boothill would interact if they were in this strange setting together, since they never really talked to each other in the actual game. The opening part with the unnamed visitor was inspired by a funny scene from a certain movie (I’ll let the readers find out which one it is). It was hard to get both characters’ personalities down, and I hope they're not too out of character. Also, this turned out way more serious than I initially intended with a humorous tone, so I hope it doesn’t feel off and create tonal whiplash… I feel like Boothill snaps and becomes too sympathetic too quickly at the end, but maybe that’s just me. And while this was made as a gift for someone in a Christmas event in this network I’m in, I still enjoyed making it and I hope you liked it! Well, that’s about it, enjoy!]
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tragedy-of-commons · 5 months ago
PUNCHES A HOLE IN UR WALL AND POKES MY HEAD IN. HI GWENNIE!!!!! major congratulations on ur milestone u lit deserved it sm thank you for everything uve done IM SO PROUD OF YOU ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
may i please request romantic w dan heng + "ive spent my whole life building walls around my heart, yet somehow, you managed to slipped right through them." feel free to tweak it however u see fit!!! <3
"I've spent my whole life building walls around my heart, yet somehow, you've managed to slip right through them."
Your confession is candid, whispered through a thick haze of tears. The heaviness of your statement doesn't escape Dan Heng entirely, but it's overshadowed by the weight of your head lolling against his shoulder.
The thing you're accusing him of sounds like a grave sin when you put it like that, but then again, maybe it is one. Maybe the unintentional fondness he harbors for you is meant to stay that way - meant to stay a secret.
For a long time, it was his one guilty pleasure, loving you. But now, as you cry and shatter just out of arm's reach, Dan Heng finds no solace or reprieve.
He doesn't know what to say or what to do; he hadn't meant to endear himself to you at all. Quite the opposite, in fact - only speaking to you when necessary, guarding his cards just as close as you guard yours.
However, the smallest of cracks plague even the largest of dams, worsening day by day until all the water bursts from its reservoir, engulfing everything in its wake.
Both of you are drowning.
Dan Heng says nothing, still as a statue. You continue, much to his relief and his distress.
"It's weird, right?" you hiccup. "That… that we both wanted to stay strangers, but we ended up like this anyway."
Trembling further, you nuzzle against his side. It almost seems like an invitation for him to provide comfort, but you know him well enough. He doesn't trust himself to assuage your pain, and even if he tried, you'd just shut down. Is your bond that superficial? And if so, why does his heart pang so forlornly at the notion?
The best thing he can do is let you get this out of your system. Despite how he's been floundering to form a response all this time, Dan Heng speaks without thinking. "I'm sorry."
He is. He's sorry that he let you get this close. He's sorry that you won't let him wipe your face clean with a cheap tissue. He's sorry that you're just a little too much like him.
You laugh, devoid of mirth. "Platitudes are r-revolting. Will you kiss me?"
"No," he whispers, stroking your hair awkwardly. His fingertips prickle like he's been toying with sewing needles. "You don't… you're vulnerable--"
"You're the one shaking."
Dan Heng kisses you.
It didn't take much of his strength to gently but desperately maneuver you to sate his hunger (wicked self-restraint), getting lost in the plush of your lips that taste of salt. For a fleeting moment, he registers that the thing responsible for the flavor are the tears rolling down your cheeks.
It doesn't explain the dampness of his own, though. A man like him hasn't cried so viscerally in years, not when everything he loved had rightfully been ripped away prior to his rebirth.
He came into this world with nothing but the weight of his previous sins on his back - and now that he has been made to care about something, no, someone - Dan Heng is reminded that he is not absolved of his crimes.
He is not absolved of his love for you.
You return the kiss with equal fervor, confirming this sentiment. Between the melding of mouths, you pile insult on top of injury, the sting heady and aware.
"I love you…"
An appropriate reply comes to mind, taunting and eager. Dan Heng doesn't stop it from flooding out, teeth gnashing against yours while he chokes on the words.
"I'm sorry," he repeats.
Both of you drown.
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🏷️: @akutasoda, @aviiarie, @lowkeyren
a/n: anddd... that's a wrap! um, sorry for the angst, rennie. i wanted to go out with a bang. thank you for your request and for making this event so special for me <3
event post here
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akutasoda · 2 months ago
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you're hurting much more than yourself
prompt - resolutions
including - kinich
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, angst w/ comfort, small mentions of injuries, wc - 1.3k
a/n: req by another lovely anon :) -> "haii!!! for your new year's event can you do kinich - "resolutions"? (ofc it's up to you how the plot goes but i was thinking a twist on resolutions - like resolving a conflict/argument that happened? again, always your choice and thank you sm if you plan to do this one!)"
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new years often meant a fresh start to most. a time to start pushing aside old habits, to stop dwelling on insignificant things and look towards a better future.
so why couldn't kinich do the same?
mualani had once introduced him to you and at first, you two had gotten along well - much to mualani's delight. to any onlookers of your blossoming friendship, it would seem as though it would only bloom into a strong one destined to stand the test of time.
and it felt like that. kinich never failed to make you smile, not even failing to simply make you feel happy constantly in his presence. for him, you had a similar effect on him.
around you, kinich was always more friendly and open. constantly showing a more sentimental demeanor often accompanied by a very clear display of positive emotions.
even around kinich, you found ajaw's constant presence more tolerable. namely as kinich soon began finding ways to distract ajaw when you were around so he could be selfish and have the time with you spent completely just with you.
however, unfortunately, there was a turning point.
a sudden unprecedented shift in kinich's behaviour towards you and only you. quickly, he became reduced back down to a silent almost standoffish nature around you, treating you as though you were a stranger.
it hurt you deeply. especially since up to this point you two had been rather close up to that point and it didn't help that it happened way too quick for you to even process what had caused his sudden shift in behaviour.
but whenever you tried to figure out what was wrong, kinich seemed to push you impossibly further away. eventually you stopped trying as it was clear you weren't going to get anywhere with him anymore.
so for the last year, you two had been even more distant than strangers.
for some reason kinich couldn't move on and push everything aside. most of him was practically screaming for him to use the new approaching year as a means to forget and move on - hopefully rebuilding his relationship with you at the same time.
but he couldn't bring himself to.
while you were left clueless as to his reasoning behind his change in behaviour, kinich was ever so painfully aware of such reasoning. and he would admit that it was due to nobody's fault but his own.
it was all down to an accident that was due to his negligence - yet it was a minor one in your opinion, so you wouldn't have guessed that it was the reason behind kinich's distancing.
not too long after you and kinich became well acquainted, you had a rather unexpected, quite aggressive, encounter with a saurian. normally they were docile but this one was aggravated for some reason and you were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
kinich himself was accompanying you and had left for a couple minutes. although, it was longer than he anticipated and so he had returned to find you being attacked by a saurian.
being a skilled saurian hunter, kinich was easily able to diffuse the situation and you were fortunate to of sustained minor injuries - the shock getting to you more. but that didn't matter to kinich. the only thing that mattered to him was the fact that he wasn't there to prevent it in the first place.
while he was thankful that it wasn't anything major, you still got injured and it was due to his negligence. even as you thanked him and started talking about how unexpected it was, practically laughing it off, there was something that was making kinich not be able to forgive himself.
it wasn't his fault yet it felt that way to him. to kinich, you were one of his closest friends, if not, the closest. he would never even think about causing harm to you and so failing to protect you from the very things he hunted felt like he'd personally hurt you.
and kinich believed that all things come at a cost.
so he self imposed the cost on himself to compensate for the grief from the pain he caused you. and that cost was distancing himself from you.
if he couldn't even protect you from a small incident, then he feared what over potential misfortunes might befall you that he still wouldn't be able to help you in.
some may say he was overthinking. but to kinich, he wasn't. and ever since, kinich had kept his distance.
but the longer it went on, the more it felt like torture. by this point, kinich desperately wanted to push aside his wallowing but he couldn't bring himself too - it has hurt him even more to watch you stop trying to find out what was wrong and finally mimic his behaviour.
and as the new year was approaching, kinich thought he could finally push aside all his problems, come clean to you and hopefully be back on good terms. although he wouldn't exactly blame you if you didn't want to be friends with him again.
he desperately craved your presence however. he missed everything about you that made him ever so content in life. even you simply being in his vicinity was enough to make his heart beat faster, for his gaze to automatically draw itself to you and to simply feel happier.
so even if kinich didn't think he could, he would desperately try and push past his wallowing and gain closure. he would try for you.
and plus, ajaw was getting increasingly annoying with his constant whining for you to come back - not that kinich didn't want you back as well.
so he managed to meet with you, on new years eve - he appreciated the willingness you showed to meet with him despite how horrid he had treated you for the last year.
it was awkward at first, although that could be expected on both sides, but it wasn't too long for the main question to be thrown out there by you.
“why did you distance yourself so suddenly?”
kinich sucked in a harsh breath before stammering to start his explanation, eventually biting his doubts and overcrowding thoughts, finally coming clean.
once he had started his explanation, it felt as though it would never stop. everything was becoming crystal clear in your mind and even kinich was feeling a great weight being lifted from his weight and conscious.
when he finally got it all out in the open, he suddenly felt exposed. as though he was suddenly awakening to the idea that his reasoning was insignificant and he caused you all that pain for nothing-
but you didn't care. you were simply content with the fact that kinich was finally telling you what weighed heavy on his mind all this time.
almost immediately, you stepped forward and brought him into a hug. it was short but it was a sign that you two were finally alright again.
that, next year, you two could go back to the relationship you had - the very same one that both of you realised neither could live without.
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akutasoda · 11 months ago
hii :3 for ur 1k event, can I request a fic or hcs of sunday w a shy s/o which likes physical affection a LOT? fine w fluff or hurt/comfort!! love ur writing <3
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feather light touches
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synopsis - what happens when someone who loves physical affection meets someone who doesn't?
includes - sunday
warnings - gn!reader, slightly angsty, comfort, fluff, wc - 897
a/n: hii :3 thank you!!!
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sunday was a public figure. head of the oak family and at the will of the watchmaker, anybody who had even heard of penacony probably had heard of him. while he did manage most of the affairs of penaconians in his office, he was a well known face - mainly due to him making sure he could accompany his sister to her performances and personally greeting very important guests.
to maintain such a high profile position, sunday had no room to be shy nor anxious when it came to anything. he needed the ability to communicate with and sway anyone to his whims and so he needed to show no signs of weakness. perhaps it was maybe helped by the fact that he did have quite the desperation for control and so to achieve that, he needed everybody to see him as the confident and formidable person he was.
as a result, alot of his relationships were strictly business - in a way every business relation he built up was built up to his benefit, to keep him in control and eventually elevate his status. he needed to be in control to succeed and so he never took up opportunities that made him feel like his control would diminish and leave him scrambling for his power. by extention, sunday wasn't exactly the kind to enjoy physical affection, if anything he despised it. of course there were exceptions to a degree, namely his sister and you.
you were like a complete polar opposite to sunday. he was confident and an influential figure that liked keeping people at arms length, even those he was close too. you were a shy and reserved person who craved nothing more than to be close to those you held dearly. physical affection was very dear to you but unfortunately the shyness was an obstacle that prevented most forms of physical affection - unlike sunday who would take any opportunity to stay away from any kind of physical contact.
sunday didn't mind how shy you were, it didn't really matter to him as he enjoyed your company nonetheless. he didn't mind doing things for you and so if your shyness did prevent you from talking to people he'd gladly step in. your shyness was actually a great comfort to him at the end of a day filled with business dealings, just to spend his evening with you indulging in smalltalk and relaxing without the pressure of being the head of the oak family.
it wouldn't take sunday long to notice how hesitant you could get in private, you always looked like you wanted something but you never said anything and so he didn't know what to do. if something was bothering you, you probably would have told him know no? truth be told, your issue wasn't so much your shyness when it came to physical affection but more with how unsure you were with sunday's willingness to just that.
you knew for a matter of fact that physical touch and affection wasn't exactly sunday's deal, so you're shyness was overcome with worries that he wouldn't understand your love for physical affection. you started fearing that this would be the reason you couldn't stay with sunday, that this would be the breaking point of your relationship. what made it worse was that you never brought it up. you were way to shy about it to bring it up and so you say on the issue.
that was until sunday started picking up more ideas to what was causing your hesitation around him. he noticed how a simple act of hand holding made your face light up even if you didn't mention anything, so unconsciously he started doing that more. sunday realised you were very fond of physical affection and maybe you were just hesitant that he wouldn't appreciate it.
it was true that he was uncomfortable with most kinds of physical affection but maybe he could try and make an exception for you - he really couldn't bare seeing you so pained because you couldn't ask him. simple acts like hand holding, that still made you light up, were bearable with him to start as long as he still wore his gloves but you didn't seem to mind. maybe just maybe he could atart building up his tolerance just for you.
or maybe he couldn't deny you when he realised you built up all your courage just to ask him for a hug. sunday fully understood now, he knew for sure that you lived physical affection but you were simply too shy to ask for such. albeit he probably didn't help you by seeming so off put by physical affection but he just had to prove to you that you were indeed an exception - so long as you still let him get used to more physical contact.
it all seemed worth it in the end to him. seeing your face light up when he offered a hug, a small kiss, or even hand holding made his day, what really made it worth it for him was seeing you becime more comfortable with asking for the physical affection you lived oh so much. it may be foreign and slightly uncomfortable to him but he'd be willing to build up that aspect if it meant helping you in the process.
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akutasoda's 1k event
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akutasoda · 11 months ago
hi hi ml!!! we’ve only recently become moots but i hope you dont mind me joining your event 🫶‼️ if star rail is still open, wb boothill & aventurine !! with general domestic stuff !! specifically cooking or baking with him ;; i wonder how that would go
also thank you again for the opportunity 💕💕
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a life with you
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synopsis - a domestic lifestyle with them
includes - aventurine, boothill
warnings - gn!reader, domestic stuff, fluff, slight angst at the start, slight crack, teasing, wc - 675
a/n: hii ren! don't mind at all <3
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aventurine ★↷
↪a domestic setting to aventurine is something to be treasured with your loved ones. he loved his family and he still does but now after all this time, the person he gets to experience domestic bliss with is you.
↪to him, being with you in that domestic style is one of the only places where he can show his weaknesses. it's just you and him so if you've made it this far with him he trusts you enough to show his most vulnerable side.
↪it would be a change of pace compared to his life as one of the stonehearts but a very welcome change. he'll let himself indulge heavily in the moments of peace with you as he knows that being with you is the closest thing he can get to being safe.
↪due to being a stoneheart, he is prone to being sent across the galaxy quite often and with you in his life he does try and get back to you as quick as possible. alot of the time he gets back late as well so doesn't encourage you to wait up for him but if you do, his heart melts so much.
↪once he gets really comfortable with you, you can start seeing him become more open and honest with his words and actions. he likes to embrace you whenever he can and sometimes catches himself unconsciously searrching for your figure even if you're right next to him.
↪maybe has some cooking or baking skills but would be extremely limited - very open to learn however and whether it's out of genuine interest or just an excuse to be with you is up in the air. very willing to help you anywhere and so cooking or baking is no exception.
↪would be a surprisingly good baker/cook. it takes him a little while to get into it but when he does he becomes very efficient. no accidents would occur when you two cook or bale together and whatever you'd make would turn out very good.
boothill ★↷
↪a galaxy ranger, a bounty hunter, a cowboy. boothill was many things, constantly moving around to chase his next target - he didn't live for himself afterall. he never settled in one area for too long and so domestic activities were irrelevant in his life.
↪he probably had a higher probability of experiencing domestic activities when he was human but definitely not as a cyborg. he just doesn't have time for such trivial things that wouldn't give him the homeliness that it would to anyone else. or so he thought.
↪you made alot of things that seemed pointless to his cold metal body worthwhile. he may not be able to feel the same feelings he used to but atleast with you he could fully convince himself that he could. so that domestic feeling becomes real to him.
↪ it's never really a dull day when boothill's around, although if you asked him he'd tone down his slight hyperactive mind. he isn't that energetic at home but he can get very loud and annoying sometimes especially when you knwo he's trying to tease you
↪he's very touchy both in and out of a private setting, sometimes tones it down if you aren't really a pda type. while he may not be able to feel you under his cold fingertips he can instead feel a comfort in knowing nobody would dare mess with you when you have him practically slumped on top of you. also is a massive bed hogger - you have to fight him for even a slither of the bed.
↪cooking probably isn't one of boothill's strong suits. whether or not he actually need to consume food is unknown - he probably doesn't but because he does have a human face he probably can still taste. however he'd gladly entertain you if you wanted cook or bake with him.
↪ absolutely no help whatsoever. most likely does not know how to cook or bake but would insist he does just to nearly set things on fire. if you really wanted him to help you probably have to distract him by telling him to hand you ingredients or stir things but then he'd insist to help - do you think he could pull up recipes in his mind?
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akutasoda's 1k event
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akutasoda · 11 months ago
Helloo congrats on 1k:33 for the event can I request, Boothill, aventurine and Sunday with a s/o who is scared of the dark
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dispelling the darkness
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synopsis - how are they with an s/o whose scared of the dark
includes - aventurine, sunday, boothill
warnings - gn!reader, reader's scared of the dark, fluff, slight crack, wc - 606
a/n: hello! thank you :3
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aventurine ★↷
↪he most likely isn't scared of the dark but he is definitely very understanding of your fear. probably would ask you why you were so scared of the dark with the intention to try and help you find ways to cope or even get over your fear.
↪if you told him you were more scared of what may be in the dark, he's always reminding you that he's willing to protect you. he may have chose to travel the path of preservation for reasons dear to him but now you're also dear to him so surely it counts?
↪if you're scared of the darkness for another reason he's more than ready to help you find ways to cope or get over your fear. no reason is dumb to him as everyone has a fear of something and it's important to have someone there to help you with it.
↪and he'd be willing to do anything for you. so maybe if your fear of the dark was disturbing you from sleeping, he'd hold your hand and tell you he would watch out and make sure nothing gets to you. he'd patiently wait up until you fell asleep before joining you.
sunday ★↷
↪again, probably isn't really scared of the dark. however is also very understanding when you tell him that you aren't exactly good with the dark. he'd happily listen to why you were scared of the dark and would offer suggestions to cope or overcome with your fear.
↪he can be very supportive with those he cares deeply about and so he would encourage you to try and overcome your fear but never pushes you to do so. he understands that it takes a while to get over a fear but he'd still help you try and make a bit of progress.
↪ especially if you were scared of what may be in the dark, not the dark itself. you want him to check any dark corners and spots? done. you want him to help you walk through somewhere dark? done.
↪he may even send his crow to accompany you if he's busy. specifically late at night when he can't be you, his crow will be and help you exactly how he would.
boothill ★↷
↪scared of the dark? he'll happily protect you from whatever may be lurking in the pitch black, nothing will harm you when he's around. even if you're not necessarily scared of what might be in the dark he will happily act like he's fighting the dark to distract you.
↪he might tease you a slight bit about your fear. only really when it's not dark as it's more just a slight way to get a rise out of you. he'd never tease you while it's dark, maybe, because what your fear is, is his fear.
↪he never really has much to fear with his metallic body and so as a way of trying to comfort you he'd convince you that he also fears the dark and you could both fight your fears together. you would know he's doing it as a way of comforting you.
↪would it be far fetched to assume he can glow? i don't think so. maybe, just maybe his eyes could glow or something and if they did you bet he'd become your personal night light - it may be a bit freaky at first but atleast it's a good distraction from the darkness.
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akutasoda's 1k event
689 notes · View notes
akutasoda · 2 months ago
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my silence is my cowardice
prompt - words left unsaid
including - boothill
warnings - gn!reader, slight fluff, angst no comfort, wc - 855
a/n: req by the lovely icarus ( @fxngtasy / @rusted-pride ) <3 -> "if the new years reqs are still open,,,, perchance,,,z, perhaps,,,,,,,,, boothill,,,,,,,? mayhaps? no pressure of course tho if theyve all filled up ^u^ he just seems like he might fit w some of the prompts"
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boothill was never one for sentiments.
he wasn't even someone who was good with words, so holding a sentiment was rather out of the galaxy rangers field.
perhaps it was due to the fact that he was a galaxy ranger - they didn't exactly live the most social lifestyles. or maybe it was due to the fact that bounty hunting wasn't a job for those who liked to socialise and spend time with people.
but whatever it was, boothill was perfectly comfortable with drifting through the cosmo's on his own. when he had a goal in mind and knew how to achieve it, that was his priority. finding the scum who ruined his life was always going to be his priority until he completed it.
he never really thought that he'd have anyone else in his life that he cared about more than his late family. staying in one place was an impossible occurrence and so he never developed deeper bonds with people than a friendly face value - he knew some other galaxy rangers and were quite well acquainted with them, but that wasn't exactly the same.
and yet here you were.
boothill had stayed a bit too long on the current planet and became quite well acquainted with you, the local who had accommodated him and even helped him with finding his way around.
and even with what little actual time he had spent in your company, he'd grown very fond of your presence. so much so that it was still quite a shock to him just how much you'd grown on him.
boothill could even be attributed to still being in denial that you'd grown on him so much. but the truth was there.
and it was evident by many different factors. namely that boothill longed for presence, everytime you weren't near he found himself wondering what you could be doing or how long it would be before he saw you again.
frankly, it was quite unbecoming of him.
boothill didn't like it one bit. it wasn't like him to care this much about someone else, especially one who he hadn't known for that long and so, it scared him.
everytime he caught himself feeling any kind of positive emotion toward you, he caught himself and near forced himself to snap out of it. he couldn't afford to form attachments to people - and even if he could, he didn't know how and the constant fear of losing the ones he loved was a constant nagging in the back of his mind.
afterall, you can't lose what you can't have.
“are you sure we can't meet again or keep in contact?” you poised, staring at the cowboy as he prepared to make his departure
he let out a low chuckle and shook his head.
but he was lying, and saying it through his teeth would've made him feel worse about it. boothill could always visit you or even give you his contact but he couldn't bring himself to do either.
he desperately wanted to, but he had to hold himself back.
so he stayed silent - it seemed cold and much too distant to still be the man you'd known before. boothill feared that if he allowed himself to speak, he would not be able to depart and leave you behind. that he would start getting his feelings off his chest and establish his desired attachment to you.
but it was best for him to stay quiet. he wasn't ever good with words anyway.
he'd been close to people before to know what happens when they get ripped away from him. his entire world gone up in flames within seconds. having people to care about never ended well for him.
and it certainly wouldn't now either. he couldn't go through that again.
some may call it the coward's way out, himself included, but boothill bid his farewell with as little words as he possibly could and prepared himself to go about his life as usual, before he'd met you. but you could tell something was off and boothill could see it on your face.
it pained him, you clearly showed care and concern for him and yet here he was treating you like someone he'd hunt down. he closed his eyes and sucked in a harsh breath.
boothill left without another word or even glance in your direction.
a harsh farewell to someone he cared about deeply but couldn't face to stay around anymore.
he really was a coward.
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78 notes · View notes
akutasoda · 11 months ago
Hi! For the 1k event could I request hcs of Wanderer or Alhaitham (either works!) with a shy but extroverted s/o? Like they love talking and socializing, but their shyness prevents them from doing so. Hurt/comfort, fluff, or angst would be fine :>
Love your writing btw!!
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extroverted introverts
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synopsis - when their s/o who loves socialising has a shyer personality
includes - alhaitham, wanderer
warnings - gn!reader, reader is shy but loves talking, fluff, slight angst, wc - 713
a/n: <3 thank you! why not both?
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alhaitham ★↷
↪alhaitham isn't exactly a people person, he has those headphones on him for a reason now. he can happily go about his day not socialising with anyone outsiders of who he needs to speak to and even then he likes to keep it brief and gotten over with.
↪so when he first saw how shy you could be he kind of just assumed you weren't that fond of talking to people and that was all. it wouldn't take him long until he could see how you always looked like you had something to say when you were with people but never did.
↪he wanted to chalk it up to your shyness but when he saw you with familiar faces, himself included, you seemed to talk forever and it was like you would never be shy. it took him a short while to figure out you did like talking to people but you had a shyer side which made it very difficult for you.
↪now, if you were anyone else he'd see it as a tough luck situation but fortunately he cared for you. he wouldn't really waste any time in asking you about it and would quickly add that he'd be willing to try and help you. a small part of you wanted to tease him for becoming so willing to talk to people for your sake.
↪whenever you'd accompany alhaitham anywhere and he happened to be ambushed by someone he'd starrt helping you get incorporated into the conversation by always prompting you subtly - he actually liked doing this because he didn't have to talk to the other person but at the same time you could happily talk to them.
↪he would never pry into why you would become so shy sometimes as he knew it wasn't really his business but he'd still help you. sometimes he'd catch you becoming a bit more extroverted and see you talking to new people and a part of him would feel happy for you.
↪he did actively enjoy bringing you into conversations subtly as you always enjoyed talking with others and he didn't, so it'd normally take the attention off of him which meant he didn't have to talk to anyone unnecessarily.
wanderer ★↷
↪wanderer is quite a mixed bag when it comes to socialising with others. a part of him can be very outgoing and he likes to talk without a filter, uncaring to those around him especially when he's annoyed - much to nahida's dismay. another part of him can be quite quiet when it comes to socialising, preferring to silently judge while others talked.
↪didn't mind that you seemed to be shy and rather hesitant about talking with others. you'd probably have to tell him directly about how you loved to talk with others but you simply couldn't get over your shyness because he wouldn't really pick up on it precisely.
↪like maybe he'd notice how you always looked like you wanted to say something but didn't but he wouldn't really put two and two together. he'd also be slightly unsure of how to help because it's not like you can force somebody to just get better at talking to people.
↪he'd probably start noticing how much you actually did like socialising when he saw how quickly you could change from being shy to outgoing - specifically when talking to people you're quite familiar with. then he'd start noticing how much more outgoing and sociable you are, even with him.
↪he might be a little useless to begin with but maybe he'd start developing a more subtle approach where when he's talking to somebody he'd ask for your input and ease you into the conversation - it makes him very proud when he sees how comfortable you get when you get used to talking to someone and start enjoying the conversation.
↪or maybe if you didn't mind he'd start pushing you into taking the lead when you're both out and about. small things that would help you overcome your shyness and be able to have that confidence to be able to happily talk to anyone.
↪maybe he'd even let you talk his ear off late at night because he enjoys listening to how passionate you can be when talking-
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akutasoda's 1k event
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akutasoda · 10 months ago
For the 1k event can I request angst hcs with the demon bros with a fem mc whos a fallen angel but with mauled wings? Like we’re talking loose feathers and flesh sticking out bonus if they randomly met her in the forest
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bloody damnation
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synopsis - when they meet a fallen angel in unfortunate circumstance
includes - lucifer, mammon, leviathan, satan, asmodeus, beelzebub, belphegor
warnings - fem!reader (no pronouns), heavy angst, very little comfort, body horror???, lots of blood, wc - 1.8k
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lucifer ★↷
↪as part of his brotherly duties, he had to go search the forest out back of the house of lamentation when one of his brothers ran inside claiming there was some 'horrid monster' lurking. creatures in the devildom normally didn't stray as close to the house so he immediately knew something was up.
↪although maybe he would've preferred you to have been 'a horrid monster' purely for the reason of the awkward situation you have placed him in. it's one thing to find some demon or creature with mangled parts, it was another to find an angel - or the reamins of one.
↪your once beautiful, silken wings lay crumpled and tangled in a mess behind you. he could practically smell the blood, see it too as it stained the grass beneath you and soon covered by the white feathers that turned darker as they hit the ground.
↪for obvious reasons, lucifer reluctantly brought (snuck) you into the house and hid you in his room until he managed to get hold of diavolo to sort out your situation. however he knew he couldn't just leave your wings in such a state, it looked like it hurt and he couldn't imagine they'd heal prettily if left like that.
↪he once had beautiful wings, some say he still does. so he knew how important keeping wings in a good condition was and so he managed to convince you to let him provide a basic, temporary solution to your wings. he hardly wanted to know what happened for you to fall let alone fall and end up with your wings in such a condition so he remained silent.
↪bu the time diavolo arrived, lucifer had performed basic healing magic and bandaged your wings to allow the membranes to heal inside your wing. he could think more clearly about the situation of having a fallen angel in the devildom knowing your pain had been limited for now.
mammon ★↷
↪mammon had decided to sneak out again and somehow lucifer found out and was actively searching for him. so he decided that sneaking through the dense forrests on the outskirts would be a good way to avoid lucifer and sneak back in - hopefully convincing lucifer he'd never left.
↪the smell of iron hit his nose and made him stop in his tracks. it dawned on him that he had no idea where he really was and so his mind decided that the blood was because some vile creature was feasting nearby - maybe he'd become the next victim? but when nothing showed signs of appearing, he kept moving forward until he halted at the sight of the blood.
↪he never knew there could be so much blood in one place. the grass was practically a sea of crimson and i the middle was a brutal mess of white that covered what appeared to be a body. mammon felt sick to his stomach at the sight, especially the bits of flesh that clung to your feathers like parasites.
↪now mamon was greedy, he could save himself from your sorry sight and leave or he could do something for you. fortunately mammon could be more kind that greedy at times so when he finally realised just what you were or used to be, he knew he couldn't just leave you to bleed out on the forest floor of unfamiliar territory.
↪he didn't mind recieving a scolding from lucifer when he emerged from his hiding, mainly because lucifer was too stunned to see you in his brother's arms as mammon asked for him to help you. mammon knew how scary it was to fall, he helped his brother and now he wants to help you.
leviathan ★↷
↪it was a well known fact that levi spent most of his days locked inside his room. he barely went outside unless it was for RAD or absolutely necessary for him to leave the sanctity his room provided. however sometimes he'd have to leave his room but he never dwindled around.
↪levi was desperate to get home, it had been a long day at RAD and he finally managed to snag a limited edition item from a store on the outskirts of the devildom. all he had to do now was get back with his purchase in perfect condition. he practically jumped out his skin when he heard a scream from further beyond in one of devildom's forest beside him.
↪he knew he shouldn't walk into a dodgy forest after hearing a scream - it was like every horror troupe! but surely a peak couldn't hurt after all what if someone was hurt? not that he'd normally care all that much but something felt different, more serious.
↪and he was right, the sight wasn't pleasant by all means. the remains of what could only be an angel thrasing around desperately trying to subdue the bleeding that was a constant stream of crimson. levi felt sick, by no means was it your fault but he just couldn't stand the sight of your flesh and feathers mixing together.
↪he fumbled desperately trying to reach his d.d.d to contact lucifer for help but he felt absolutely helpless in the scenario. he had fallen once, sure it wasn't aa brutal as you but he could only imagine the fear you must be feeling - especially whe you're wings are practically falling off. but what could a lowly otaku like him do?
satan ★↷
↪on his way back from RAD, he had seen a rather adorable cat run past into a nearby forest and naturally satan followed. a part of him was convinced that maybe he would get lucky and find some sort of secret cat hideout in the devildom.
↪he found it rather alarming that the cat suddenly turned heel and ran back past him not to far fron a clearing. although when he looked into the clearing, he hadn't expected to see the fallen remains of an angel crumpled into the floor.
↪ originally he thought you looked absolutely ethereal, ironically the devildom's light seemed to highlight your features perfectly. however he quickly doubled back on his thoughts when he could see the mess that were you're wings. the crimson coated over what used to be a pure white, feathers had fallen and in their place was evidence of flesh that certainly shouldn't of been there.
↪he had always been curious and so showed no hesitation in stepping towards your poor form. the exhaustion from blood loss and the actual act of 'falling' was evident on your frame and so you barely paid attention to the approaching demon - perhaps he'd be kind enough to put you out of your misery.
↪satan knew you were still alive but he was stumped. did he just leave you here for something crueler to come along and finish you or did he help you?
asmodeus ★↷
↪it had been another late night for asmo, he had snuck out once again against lucifer's demand and asmo had spent some time at the fall. although for some reason he wasn't actually in the mood to be there no matter how hard he tried to convince himself to stay, so he had left way earlier than normal.
↪it was a rather quiet night all over devildom, way quieter than what asmo was used to seeing and so he figured he might as well just head back. or that was his plan until the sight of a rather deep crimson caught his attention. small drops lead into puddles and eventually the source lay at the edge of the outskirts of a forest.
↪asmo started panicking and immediately fumbled out his d.d.d to call atleast one of his brothers who may be able to help. he wasn't dumb and could recognise those wight feathers, he knew you used to be an angel because the greying feathers told him that you were no longer welcome back in the celestial realm.
↪he took great pity on you. he was sure you would've beeen a stunning angel but know you were reduced to nothing but a former shell - just like him all those years ago. he took cautious steps toward you but it became clear that exhaustion had taken over you, oh how he wishes he could help you return to your former beauty.
beelzebub ★↷
↪it had been another late fangol game. the other team had put up more of a fight than beel's team anticipated and the matches dragged on and on. once the game had finished he informed his brother's that stayed to watch that they could go home without him as he'd still be a while.
↪he didn't mind walking home on his own at all or atleast until he closed nearer to the house of lamentation and saw a very concerning amount of blood trailing off into the closest forest. beel was a kind soul at heart and if somebody was hurt, he'd want to help.
↪although he wasn't exactly prepared to find a bleeding angel at the end of the trail. the sight of you and your mangled mess of feathers, flesh and blood was by no means pretty. he approached you carefully but he could tell that even if you did notice him, you didn't care. you were too exhausted to do anything but accept your fate.
↪beel felt pity when he watched your slumped form crumple to the ground, he did rush over and checked if you were alive. one minute you had been laying face down in youe own blood, the next some stranger was carrying you away and before you're mind slipped into darkness you heard multiple voices as somebody laid you down on a rather comdy surface.
belphegor ★↷
↪the avatar of sloth wouldn't be the avatar of sloth if he didn't spend most of his time lazing around or sleeping. he rarely went out without nearly falling asleep many times. but sometimes the house of lamentation gets too loud. way too loud. normally he just goes into the attic but between mammon being ounished by lucifer and satan going through a rage, he'd rather not.
↪the forest behind the house was normally quiet and no unwanted creatures normally came near as they also seemed to fear lucifer. sure it wasn't the attic but he was tired and needed one minute of peace without fearing that satan would wreck through the entire house or lucifer would do the same trying to catch mammon. he didn't plan to be long but the unpleasant smell of blood quickly hit his senses.
↪out of weird curiosity, he followed the smell and he wished he didn't. he stared at you as a flurry of emotions swirled inside of him. was this what pain lillith had to endure when she was forced out of the celestial realm? no, no she was sent to the human world, surely it was painless physically? all belphie could do was stare awkwardly at the bloody mess that was you.
↪he could hear your laboured breathing and could see the amount of pain you probably were in, yet he froze. the right thing to do would be to go alert his brother's of your presence but he doubted they wouldn't be much help right now but he could barely help you himself.
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akutasoda's 1k event
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akutasoda · 10 months ago
Well then in that case.
You can fic or Headcanons, may I request AlHaitham and Cyno with an s/o that like to dip their face into his chest. Listen man. When you saw those abs so CLEARLY. CYNO not wearing any shirt chest open like that UHMMM~ Let me stuffed my face into that 😩🤭
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personal pillow
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synopsis - how they react when their s/o likes to dip their face into their chest
includes - cyno, alhaitham
warnings - gn!reader, slight crack, fluff, wc - 508
a/n: couldn't decide between hcs or fic so a little mix of both!
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cyno ★↷
↪cyno wasn't exactly the most accustomed to relationships and things people would do as a couple and so he became rather confused when you would randomly dip your face into his chest (he's 5'3 so good luck if you're taller).
↪if he really thought about it, he did notice how he'd sometimes catch you staring at him and he'd always ask if something was wrong but you'd tell him everything was fine - so he never really questioned you apart from the first time you surprised him...
it was a rare day where both you and cyno had time to yourselves - he hadn't been called anywhere and you had the day off. so you took the initiative and take him to a spot in the forests that was suggested to you by tighnari, a beautiful area with nobody around. a small picnic was all it really was. but it was a small fleeting moment for both you and cyno to spend time together.
it was nice, you two passionately talked back and forth about a range of subjects and you laughed at his horrible dad jokes because you wanted to treasure this moment. although you couldn't help but pick up on the fact that your eyes would occasionally drift to his chest. i mean, who could blame you when cyno openly walked around shirtless every single day and no desert heat could be an excuse in the middle of sumeru or the forest.
'is something the matter' cyno asked, perhaps he also picked up on the fact you had been staring for a bit too long. you shook your head and dismissed any concerns but you quickly went back on your words as you promptly dipped your face into his chest without much of a warning. you could practically hear his heartbeat increase as he sat there with a rather shocked expression.
there was a while of silence before you lifted your head to a flustered cyno and you claimed that nothing was wrong now before continuing as if you didn't just bury your face into his open chest. cyno struggled a tad to fight the blush forming on his face and tried to distract himself by re-engaging your previous conversation with a few stutters here and there.
↪even though it caught him off guard many times, he wouldn't say he didn't enjoy it. there was something weirdly flattering to him that you would openly choose to dip your face into his chest - and in honesty, if he didn't like it he'd tell you or actually put a shirt on.
↪he'd let you dip your face into his chest practically anywhere if you wanted to, he understood he went away quite a bit of duty and so it was to make up for that.
↪he wouldn't really ask you why but if he did he most likely would just be met with a response along the lines of 'maybe if you put a shirt on you, it wouldn't be such a tempting offer' although he doubts you would stop if he did so.
alhaitham ★↷
↪alhaitham never really would've guessed you'd be the kind to resort to dipping your face in his chest. sure he'd seen you do a few dumb things but this really would blow his predictions about you and your actions out of the water.
↪maybe he should've picked up the signs - especially when he'd catch ypu staring - sooner so that the first time you ever did it, it wouldn't give him a shock as he didn't quite know how to react...
it had been a very long day for you, the akademiya had kept you running back and forth instead of allowing your job to be simple for a change. you were absolutely exhausted and your whole body was aching for a minute of rest that didn't even have the opportunity to arise until you made it to the front door of your lovers, and his blonde companion, home.
your eyes felt like they were drooping as you fumbled around in your bag to find the key, eventually you managed to push the door open. you immediately slumped your bag beside the door even though you knew alhaitham would complain later because it would 'be in the way', but how could he complain when you occupied his attention?
you sought out his attention immediately, all you wanted was to curl up next to him and bury your face into his chest - who could blame you really. he was home, you knew he was, the akademiya had granted him a rare day off and he made it very clear not to be disturbed but you didn't really care about that right now. alhaitham could be found in his room slouched against the couch's armrest with a book in hand. he barely had time to look up at you when you entered the room before you had crossed it entirely and pulled the book out of his hand, immediately face planting into his chest.
'and what do you thi-' he hadn't the chance to finish before you lifted your head slightly and pressed a finger to his lips in a shushing manner and then puttiing your head back into his chest. you heard and felt his chest lift and sink again as he let out a long drawn out sigh. he had a mind to push you off and comment on your behaviour but he couldn't even bring himself to nudge you off. sure it was unexpected but a part of him felt like he should expect the most random things from you and so the shock easily wore off.
he felt you nuzzle your way impossibly closer into his chest and he knew he had no chance of leaving anytime soon. the closest he had to moving was reaching for another book on the side table and begin reading again.
↪now that he knew of your little habit he could prepare himself mentally for your attacks. he didn't really mind but his one rule was for you not to dip your face into his chest in public, he was a rather important figure and he didn't need people seeing him indulge you in your habit.
↪no, kaveh did not count as public at home - he could get over it. alhaitham quickly learnt just to ignore you if you dipped your head into his chest and could just wait until you decided you had your fill.
↪he would always sight at you and question your behaviour but you knew if he really didn't like you doing it, he would easily push you off and scold you.
↪he asked you once why you liked to, and he regretted it immediately when you looked at him then his chest before looking him in the eyes and gesturing to his chest.
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akutasoda's 1k event
327 notes · View notes
akutasoda · 11 months ago
hi! for the event, may i request a ranpo x fem!reader fluff/comfort oneshot in which the reader is ranpo's bodyguard and maybe she gets a little hurt protecting him? (happy 1k!! you deserve it!)
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my life over yours + clingy much
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prompts - protecting each other till the end + clingy and down bad
includes - ranpo
warnings - fem!reader (no pronouns mentioned), hurt to comfort, angst, fluff, wc - 857
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it became a realisation to fukuzawa that some more protection was needed in terms of a certain employee. it wasn't that he was terrified as such, he just knew that ranpo did like to ruun his mouth a bit and fukuzawa wouldn't always be there to save him from a dangerous situation - the detective also had the habit of getting lost when sent out on a mission. the matter became more pressing when fukuzawa realised that ranpo's intellect and ability for crime solving would be highly targeted. so fukuzawa began his search for a bodyguard for ranpo.
ranpo thought it was utterly ridiculous that fukuzawa thought he needed someone to protect him. sure he got lost, sure he angered some people but that was all part of his plan! having some dumb bodyguard around would be a great hindrance to his plans. fukuzawa anticipated the strong retaliation from ranpo and would end up apologising on the detectives behalf when he stormed of - you still got paid at the end of the day.
it took an anticipated long time for ranpo to even willingly let you accompany him anywhere, mainly after he got lost one two many times and you were sent to retrieve him. you were constantly apologised to by fukuzawa on ranpo's behalf and he assured you that you're job would become alot easier once ranpo actually adjusted to the change. it may have taken long but eventually ranpo would start letting you do your job properly.
what wasn't told to you was how attached ranpo could get once he got used to you. you would perform your duties and accompany ranpo where he went but you started noticing how ranpo would demand you to follow him around the agency's building - always claiming that he could be attacked anywhere and so he needed to be protected. in fact, he told you where his stash of sweets were and insisted that part of your job was to protect them aswell.
sometimes you could even be dragged by ranpo down the streets of yokohama to protect him as he went shopping for more sweets. eventually he'd start referencing you in his plans for missions as his security while he annoyed the enemy until they became agitated enough to slip up. you quickly realised how he was now using your dedication to being a bodyguard freely, practically abusing what you were contracted to do.
for the most part your day's consisted of accompany ranpo while he performed menial tasks and practically slacked off work because he didn't find it interesting enough. a few of his coworkers would tell you in the rare moment ranpo wouldn't be with you, that they'd never seen ranpo so attached to someone that wasn't the president - you always thought they were over exaggerating but sometimes you could see it.
in one of the rare times ranpo personally went out into the field, you realised just how attached ranpo had gotten to you. it was a slightly complicated mission regarding a few rougue ability users who decided that they could try and use their abilities to commit a few crimes. the only reason ranpo went out was because he needed to prove something and he went looking for the evidence he needed and so you accompanied him as always.
they had caught you off guard really, turns out ranpo as always had gotten way to close for the enemies liking and they decided to plan an ambush. ranpo held the evidence up to you and in that brief moment of distraction they attacked. it was a poor attack on their behalf as they barely lasted before you had knocked all of the assailants unconscious and you didn't think much more of it so you turned to see if ranpo was okay. you were met with him holding the part of your arm that began seeping crimson.
it wasn't an impressive wound by any means, a mere cat scratch to a bodyguard but it seemed that ranpo saw it as something more. you tried wiggling your arm out of his grip but it only tightened as he started scolding you slightly, talking about how you couldn't do your job in this condition and what if you're injury caused him to be hurt if you two were attacked again. you stifled your laugh and told him he was overreacting and that it was a insignificant injury that probably would heal within a day or two.
your words tapered off as you saw the almost sad look in his eyes. he looked mad even - angry that someone had hurt you. instead you softly called out his name and you were immediately met with a sharp snap claiming that it didn't matter if it was a small injury, it could've been worse and then what would of he had done? he needed you to protect him, it was your job or maybe that was just an excuse for him.
an excuse to have you all to himself.
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akutasoda's 1k event
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akutasoda · 11 months ago
Hello hello!!! Congrats in reaching 1k followers!!!! I've always enjoyed your writing so I'm not surprised you'd get 1k!
For the event could I request Jing Yuan and Dan Heng catching an anxious!reader singing for the first time? Maybe they catch reader softly serenading both of them while assuming the two were asleep. (Jing Yuan x reader x Dan Heng)
thank you :)
🍵 nonnie
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silent melodies
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synopsis - you start seranding them at a long awaited reunion, unaware they hear you
includes - dan heng + jing yuan
warnings - gn!reader, reader is a long life species?, angst, bittersweet angst, comfort/fluff, wc - 825
a/n: thank you!! <3
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dan heng would only have one reason to step foot back on the luofu, to brave what awaited him and that would be to see you again - jing yuan would be there too but mainly you. so when the express took to the luofu he really did want to join them but he knew a much harsher fate awaited him if he ever saw him again, but all he could think about in his stay on the express was you. even if he wasn't the one you fell in love with.
it was a compromise really. during the life of imbibitor lunae, he had become absolutely head over heels for you, the long life species that he wanted by his side until it was his time to be reborn. however he had a slight competition with his fellow quintet member who was also vying for your attention. it seemed more than reasonable for him and jing yuan to come to some sort of agreement, even just letting you choose your lover, but they were both too smitten to even fathom the idea of willingly giving you up.
ultimately, they planned to do the reasonable option and leave the decision to you and you alone but you were a bit indecisive and asled for some time to mull it over. eventually you informed them that you simply couldn't pick and that's when jing yuan announced that he wouldn't mind sharing you with imbibitor lunae if you didn't mind yourself - after all it was your decision at the end of the day. you did feel quite 'put on the spot' and you're nerves were starting to kick in but you agreed.
it seemed that was the right decision. it had merely been a week of your relationship with the two of them before it all delved into chaos and heartbreak. imbibitor lunae made a stupid decision in the grief of his friend and willingly would accept the consequences, he just wanted to see you one last time. you never visited him in the shackling prison, he understood and came to terms with it - even when he was forcefully reborn he didn't expect you to visit him and his only solace came from jing yuan who would inform him of how you were doing.
you had stayed with jing yuan ever since and now the express was docked at the luofu, dan heng couldn't help bit indulge himself and see the two of you. he wasn't imbibitor lunae. he wasn't your lover nor a friend but he hoped that you'd allow him a moment of peace, a moment to see how you were fairing after all these years. it was no surprise that he found you in a more isolated spot on the luofu - especially since he could faintly remember a place like this in his dreams. and there he could find you with jing yuan.
it was a bittersweet reunion, if it could even be called that. jing yuan showed some friendly intentions but he knew who it wasn't, and would soon return to his place were his head rested on your shoulder so he could rest once again. you didn't care that it wasn't imbibitor lunae, you knew this would be the closest chance you had to seeing him and this opportunity wouldn't escape. dan heng was rather pleased to know you hadn't changed much and he could practically feel a weight lifting from his chest just by being in your presence, he could also feel the lack of sleep overcome him.
soon enough you had your lover and your other lover's reincarnation rested comfortably by your side. for a moment you could convince yourself that nothing had happened, nobody had gotten exiled and no relationships were destroyed. in this fleeting moment you could cast aside your hesitations to start humming a small tune, you always had the habit of doing so back in the day when you were absolutely certain they were both asleep - you weren't exactly confident with your skills. you could easily lose yourself in the moment and finally be able to really imagine that this was how it used to be.
that would be up until jing yuan woke from his brief slumber to you serenading the both of them. immediately, you stopped and tried hiding your face in embarrassment at being caught serenading them only for jing yuan to stop you. the small commotion managed to drag dan heng out of the first peaceful sleep he had in ages and he was immediately informed by jing yuan that you had been serenading them - your hands flew up to your face in pure embarrassment as jing yuan chucked softly beside you. dan heng melted slightly at the pure idea that you still harboured something to him even if it wasn't him. maybe just maybe he could drop the pretences and enjoy his time with you and jing yuan.
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akutasoda's 1k event
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akutasoda · 11 months ago
hello, aventurine with a teen!reader who has a similar past like his?
for the 1k followers event
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preserving youth
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synopsis - when he meets someone who has been through his struggles
includes - aventurine
warnings - gn!teen!reader, fluff, slight angst, spoilers for aventurines backstory?, all that kind of stuff, wc - 541
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aventurine knew first hand how cruel and unforgiving the galaxy could be. each and every planet or ship had the potential to house a disgusting secret that normally became interwoven with other places that did the same. it was in no way pleasant or excusable but they didn't care, at the end of the day it wasn't their livelihoods being played with like some cheap kid's toy - eventually thrown away when they became bored.
aventurine aimed to travel the path of preservation to protect his people, but sometimes a small part of him also wanted to protect those that went through the same horrors he did. that seemed like a harder goal as it could be happening all over the galaxy but sometimes he wished he could help those within range, or within his knowledge.
it was no surprise that the IPC liked to pry on the weak and vulnerable, they were a respected entity and who would dare refuse them? unfortunately that's how you ended up roped into their scams, they pried on your vulnerability and before you knew it you were being forced to work under their ranks. that being said, not every IPC worker had come from unfortunate backgrounds or had been constantly passed around to the highest bidder but that's what made you stick out to aventurine.
during his youth, he had been treated as a lowly, worthless being whose value could only come from the people that payed for him. he knew the kind of people they were and more specifically the types of people that were in his position. it was only a passing glance really, you hurried past him with a stack of papers in hand but he couldn't help but spot a small mark peeking out from behind your clothes - one that he desperately wished didn't mean what hr thought it menat. it would be the second time he saw you that he realised two things: one, that mark meant what he thought it did and two, you were too young for this.
he could take a quick assumption that you were probably the age when he was being passed around and yet you had landed here - already probably experiencing what he had been through. it didn't sit right with him that it was obvious that the IPC used your unfortunate position to rope you into a life's work with them and so he'd decide to use it against them. he travelled the path of preservation and he would try anything to help preserve what little of your youth remained - something that wasn't done for him.
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akutasoda's 1k event
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