#↤ the only guy who would lose his job for obsessing over a girl who don’t even know or care that he exists
morsmortish · 2 months
i’ve missed yapping about bartylily so here’s the thoughts i’ve been thinking lately:
lily evans finally has the earth-shattering realisation at 19 that maybe there’s more to life than colour coding notes and smiling at everyone and pretending to be so goddamn perfect all the time just to please others. she’s much to afraid to do anything about this, but you know what? she privately decides she’s allowed to let loose (in the most minuscule ways possible). she allows herself to maybe start trying to feeling a tad more alive.
for one, she starts shoplifting. just small things: drugstore makeup, a diet coke, a cheap pair of earrings. things she doesn’t need, but the thrill of walking through those glass doors, the anticipation of whether or not the alarms will go off, whether or not the cameras have caught her, whether or not she’s going to be stopped…yeah, the way her heart starts beating really fast, the way she goes hot all over? maybe THAT is what life should be about.
enter barty, who had that same Maybe I Don’t Have To Live Up To Everyone’s Expectations All The Time epiphany as well, but at 17 and to a much greater degree. he DID blow his whole life up- dropped out of school, got tatted and pierced all over, started flaunting his substance abuse, made his father unspeakably ashamed. he’s working as a bored security guard in a chain store drugstore, but the kind that sits in the room at the back with his feet on the desk starting absently at the cameras as he hits his vape and swivels on his chair.
barty being the unnerving genius he is, naturally notices lily’s Little Habit as she stops by the store every few days, and he recognises her through the screen as that one girl in the year above him who wore those cute little pleated skirts and always carried a light blue notepad and hang on didn’t she used to go out with regulus’s boyfriend? barty could swear that someone mentioned she was valedictorian as well at some point, but christ, when did she get so fucking hot?
he doesn’t report her for stealing at least a hundred quid’s word of stuff. of course he doesn’t. he just takes a mental note of every single thing she ‘borrows’ and starts to get excited every day at the prospect of seeing her again, just through a screen. he watches her every single time she comes in, making the effort to actually kick his legs off the table and lean in to the screen to get a better view. he even starts looping the footage of her over and over when she’s not there, and he can’t help but laugh at how terrible she is at shoplifting. he also can’t help but find it cute.
yeah, maybe one day he’ll work up the courage to go speak to her, maybe blurt out a comprehensive list of every item she’s stolen, watch that pretty blush break out across her freckled cheeks. or maybe he’ll be content with sitting back in his fuckass swivel chair, fiddling with his belt loops and resisting the urge to stick his hand down his pants as he watches that goddamn redhead pretend to roam the aisle of fucking boots every day.
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gremlingottoosilly · 1 year
[If you need to be mean] chapter 2
Chapter 1
Konig decided to meet his new favorite civilian at the cafe you work at. Unfortunately for both of you, you're both socially awkward. TW: Konig being a huge pervert, Canon-Typical violence, Dub-Con, Innocence kink, Age difference(Konig in his yearly 40, Reader in young 20)
Pairing: Konig x fem!Reader Tags: Fluff, Power Imbalance, Hurt/Comfort, Size Kink, Possessive Konig, Yandere Konig, Creepy scary stalker Konig, written mostly from Konig's perspective
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— Did something good happen, colonel? You are practically shining. 
Horangi always had this special ability of telling nonsense with the most serious face and deep voice. He also was the only one in his unit to ever be brave enough to joke with his superior – even though all the other KorTac members usually don’t risk their asses to be put on fire list because of some silly joke. He is the closest König has to a friend – and it’s kinda sad, actually, that a broken gambling addict is the only person who can read his emotions so well, even with his hood and permanently sour expression. 
But something good did happen – you happen, of course. 
He spend a few days of self-reflecting, drinking and punching training manekens in the gym, trying so fucking hard to put your adorable civillian face out of his mind. You were out of sight alright, but the way your features would get distorted into something even more adorable every time he closed his eyes, was concerning. He dealt with those little obsessions before – nothing that a few good rounds of jerking off until he would feel nothing but emptiness and hatred to himself couldn’t handle. He surely can’t fall that deep down, he only saw you for like an hour and it was literally three days ago! 
— I read your reports about the last terrorist encounter. Good job, Horangi. 
— And I heard about that civilian girl you pulled, sir. Thought we are bringing those to the police, not their houses. 
— I had to make sure she wasn't a spy. 
— And she wasn’t? 
König thinks – would be far easier if he would have an official, legal reason to keep you locked up on the base without the right to come out. Would be far easier for him to just think about you as an enemy, so he would have normal reasons for thinking about you constantly, and not feeling guilty. It’s normal to think so much about your enemies – this is what keeps you alive on the field, if you can determine their shortcomings early and make sure that you can fight them. He would love having you as an enemy – it would at least give him some info before starting obsession over little ol’ you. 
— No. 
— That would give us at least some lead to the terrorist cell. Feels like all locals are protecting them from it. 
— I understand your frustration. But at least they are not cutting our pay. 
— We might as well rebel if they’d try to. 
— We are not stepping on terrorist’s route. 
— I was joking, sir. Only thing that’s left here except for card games. 
Horangi hates stationing in this country as much as König is – and, given that he is a sergeant and doesn’t have as much rank expectations, can talk about this openly. This operation is perfect except for the lack of intel, lack of action and lack of basically anything to do – the local forces are handling minor threats, while mercs here are mostly to show off how the government has money to hire them. KorTac would pay for actually having to fight some bad guys around here – but the bigger ones are hiding and lower ones are already getting tracked down by the local military. 
The only interesting thing to do, seemingly, is to obsess over local girls – and König thought he is better than this. 
But he isn’t losing sleep over thinking about how scared and fragile you looked that night. Especially not even going to think about how adorable your little pout was, and the way your hands were trembling. He definitely doesn't want to know every tiny detail about your life, what you like and what you hate, what is your favorite position in bed and the color of underwear you are currently wearing – or even if you are wearing one. And he isn’t some sort of creep that would spend an obnoxiously long amount of time registering on social media – god, he is too old for this shit, it literally feels even more humiliating than his whole school experience – just so he can find your accounts and get instant masturbation material. 
You really shouldn’t post so much half-naked photos – yes, this is a reel from your last summer vacation and yes, this swimsuit looks beautiful on you, but have you ever considered that some creep(not someone like him, he is palming himself very respectfully) would use those photos as a way to get themself off? Terrible, scary, he can’t wait for you to post some new photos – maybe in something that he would buy you, way skimpier and more expensive, so he could protect you from those people. 
He looks at your posts about work – and he hates this stupid blue bird app because it never works for him, always filled with some assholes who are trying to argue with literally everyone, and the way he can’t even see your posts properly because of the weird ads. No, he doesn’t need a “Thing that would make your dick longer” he literally has a problem with making it smaller. No, he doesn’t need some dumb T-shirt even though he kinda reflects with the funny pun about pokemons and would love to wear something containing his major interest even though it would look ridiculous on a 6 '10 killing machine. 
But König reads all of your short posts about the way you hate working in customer service, and his hand is almost slipping to the ad about wedding rings. You hate your job, he hates his – practically soulmates, even though he doesn’t really hate the killing part of his employment, he just doesn’t want to be in charge of people and making them steal the fun of destroying. He would, however, agree to get as many ranks as possible if that would mean providing for you. If that would allow him to be by your side and listen to your sweet voice, he would agree for the next promotion even if higher ups would want him to make some PR wawes and become a fucking fashion model. 
But he is completely sane about you. Totally normal. Absolutely nothing is wrong with him when he can’t even think about visiting you in real life, but he leaves a like on every of your posts in every social media he has – you have terrible online safety habits by the way, he can already see what the inside of your apartment looks like, your place of work from three different angles, and how the front door of your apartment is held together by a very easy to destroy lock. He could snatch it in one deliberate kick, not even speaking about just shooting it. Not like he would need to, he wants you to be with him willingly. Or, at least, don’t fight him too much in case he would actually lose his patience and do something drastic. 
It has already been three days and he feels like he is going crazy. He had those things before, overthinking about tiniest details in someone he never truly knew, but even then he’d understand that he can’t be with them – it could be his school crushes that were, ironically, crushed because of his anxiety. It might be some casual flings with his fellow soldiers that would either get killed in the field or never happen because it would be fraternization. Some random people he saw at the airport and already imagined life with multiple kids and a dog. He always knew he had a problem – but it was never like this before. Never dangerous. 
The problem is – he knows that he can have you. 
Maybe not in a traditional way, he doubts that you would just marry him on the spot, but he can court you at least. He can shower you with gifts or ridiculous tips at your job, he can just snatch you away and leave you as his perfect little bedmate. He can make his men kidnap you, and while it is inhumane and you don’t deserve this, he would calm you down – and then have his happily ever after. 
He knows that he can have you – and it drives him crazy. He could stop himself previously, when he didn’t have anything for himself to be considered desirable – but now, with his rank and all the new opportunities and money it brings, he can’t stop but fantasize. 
You under him, panting and blushing, lips puffy from kisses, skin glazed from sweat and marked with his teeth.
You under him, so wonderfully tight, not letting him go even for an inch – and you are perfectly taking him, no matter how gigantic he is. 
You under him, smiling, cuddling after a long night – every night after a mission, where he could spend his free time deep in your body, listening to your melodic moans and little whines. 
You under…
— Can I…can I take your order, sir? 
He is a disgusting human being because lives of thousand people are on a stake, he would just doom them all if he wouldn’t find those terrorists soon – and he wastes time on sitting in this tiny ass cafe, trying to place himself on the small seat while being all too nervous to just talk to you. Like a person. Of course he had to go to your shift – he already determined which days you were working because it increased the number of angry “I hate my job and want to kill my manager” posts on that dumb social media, and he knows which hours you work at – of course it’s almost night time, the closing shift, because he simply can’t have himself not worry about you. 
He is a creep, weirdo and all that words in a song that he’s been blasting in his tiny headphones all of these days because he can smell the sweetness of your perfume and the way you are munching on the pen you are using to write his order. Oh, yes, order. He is supposed to order something, he can’t just give you money for how adorable you look in that white apron – even though you are absolutely stunning and should get money. 
God, he would murder everyone in this building just for them to never look at your legs again. 
God, he would bury himself between them if only you’d allow him to.
— Sir, is everything okay? 
He served in the military for far longer that you lived, probably. Most of his life, he got used to being referred to as something honorable, or referring to other people like that – and he never thought that just being referred to as “sir” would make his dick twitch in his pants. He crosses his legs, hoping not to get too imposing – he already towers over the tiny table like a giant he is, barely even fitting in it. He thinks he has a healthy amount of self-control – then he looks at you again, and thanks all the gods he knows for the mask he is wearing – at least under the black surgeon piece and dark glasses you won’t really see his blush. Or that little twitching in his eyes that is indicating danger. 
— Sorry, I…can I, um, have a coffee? Bitte…please, I mean. 
He hates how nervous he is – like high school again, asking his crush out just to be ridiculed. But you look perfect like this – controlled environment, you can’t just laugh at him and say that he is a weird nerd from another class, you have a manager who is controlling of such behavior. He would never tell on you, of course, he wants you to be happy, even if this job makes you the most miserable – even though he kinda thinks of you as a weak for this, his job literally involves killing people and he doesn't argue that much! 
But you giggle – sweet, innocent sound, it drives him crazy even more than he previously was. It doesn’t feel like those girls at school – yes, he still can’t let that go, even though his therapist says he has to – and he loses all control at how beautiful you sound. He wants to take you away right now, pay you for your workplace however you get them, and just use you as he wants – no matter how socially unacceptable. He protects this country, he has the right for a little prize, right? No, this would be terrible, he shouldn’t just harass sweet little civilians like you, he should…
— What type of coffee, sir? Do you want some dessert? 
This is a typical question, he was at cafes and coffee shops a thousand times but, for some reason, it feels almost like you are teasing him. You bite the end of your pen with those adorable teeth of yours – he wants to feel it on his fingers, he wants you to leave bite marks all over his body as a sign of marking him as yours. He smiles under his mask, hoping that you would somehow feel it – how happy you make him feel, how hard it’s for him not to lose control. 
— No. Just coffee. 
— Sugar? 
He would like some sugar, of course – but the one he wants is probably not for sale, even though that adorable white apron of yours makes you look like a candy. He would love to unwrap you from those silly clothes and devour what belongs to him for the right of protector, but he knows how scared you might be. He is not a good person, he killed more people that he could count – countless fathers, sons, mothers, he shouldn’t even think about having a right for a family of his own after all of this. He is not a good person and his moral code changes with every kill he gets – but for hell sake, he wants to be nice with you. You deserve it, he knows. More than he is, for sure. 
König doesn’t really like sugary stuff, it was always too childish, made him too energetic, disrupted his very peculiar way of eating things. Sweets makes him only more hungry, makes him crave more, and he wants to be as serious as possible – so he usually drinks and eats stuff that is no tastier than a pile of dry sand. But he responds before he can think, too focused on that shiny lipgloss you have on your lips. He would lick and bite it all – soon, he hopes. 
— Ja. Thank you. 
— Good choice, sir.
Your lips are curling into a small, shy smile and he likes sugar now. He isn’t sure if you are telling everyone that their order is a good choice, maybe you just want to get more tips, but he hopes that maybe, he is special. Maybe there is something nice happening to him after all. A small reward for not being a total monster on the last mission he had, even though he could. He can’t do anything but to stare at you, his only saving grace is the dark lenses of his glasses – he can’t wear his hood in civil situations, unfortunately, people would stare, stare, stare and that would make him want to pull their eyes out. 
But you smile and he smiles also, even if you can’t see it. He is looking at your legs and, fuck, he is a disgusting old creature that preys upon younger women because he never had a positive experience before. He is a total creep and a monster that should be put down already – but he stares at your legs under that waitress dress, and he would pay your manager a few thousand Euros to cut the length of your skirt in half. 
Then he sees all the others looking at you the same way – old people, young people, there aren’t a lot of guests at this time in the evening, most people are afraid of going into public places while the war on terrorism is going on. There aren’t a lot of people while it’s almost closing time, but he doesn't even want to think about all the other men looking at you like this. Devouring you with their eyes, probably leaving sleazy comments as you go through the small cafe, just as overworked as your other coworkers. He wants to take you from here. 
You don’t deserve people looking at you like you aren’t even a person – only he can look at you respectfully, stripping you with his eyes. He can be soft for you, can be perfect – if you would just let him. 
König doesn’t want to be a creep around you, but he was looking at your legs for five minutes already, picturing the way your body would look under all of these clothes, and his cock gets painfully hard. He thanks himself for wearing normal, baggy pants, not something tighter – at least his embarrassment is completely covered by his clothes. 
— Here is your coffee. Anything else? 
You look nervous, of course – but he seems way softer than he was a couple days ago, at night. The absence of his creepy mask is obviously helping, and because he is sitting, you don’t have to tilt your head too high, causing your neck to stretch uncomfortably. He looks awkwards, like a big dog that still tries to fit into his old bed, and it causes you to smile a little bit more. You made sure to place a couple of sugar cubes on the plate, so he could decide for himself, if he wants to use them all – but the mere thought of that giant of a man, a colonel, hardened soldier liking something silly and sweet is making you giggle. 
He looks way softer than he was that night, and you can almost forget about how scared you were – how you were thinking that this would be the end for you, that one, overthinking part of your mind already making up the scenarios of getting martial lawed because of the broken curfew. You can even see his hair – and fight the urge to touch it a little. He is still who-knows-how-old and still a military presence in your peaceful country. 
You still want to ruffle his hair. 
He still wants to take your clothes off and make you his. 
— Nein, thank you. 
He stares at the cup for a good few seconds – if he wants to drink, he needs to actually take it off. He has many scars on his face, and his mouth sometimes feels like it has more dead skin than alive one – he doesn’t want to attract attention. Some people are already staring at his badge and how awkward a giant man like him looking in that cozy, tiny place – but he also wants you to see how much pain he can withstand without getting killed. How he can protect you from anything because there literally isn’t anything he won’t do for you. You would appreciate a man with scars, it’s a sign of bravery, right? 
Then he thinks about all the times he would take off his mask and how people around him would look at him – with pity, with fear, with disgust sometimes even though he is certain that his face isn’t as deformed as some other parts of his body. He even almost managed to grow a beard once! Then he had to scrub it all off because hair was growing in very uneven patches and he looked like something crawled on his chin and died. 
König fought in countless battles, spent his youth training to be the best killer possible, took part in many major conflicts and killed hundreds of people while feeling nothing but recoil. He isn’t afraid of anything – except for talking to people sometimes, maybe, and even now he is trying to work on it with his therapist, instead of just killing anyone who looks at him funny. He isn’t afraid of the dark, of death, of uncertainty in his life. But he is afraid of you looking at him unmasked and thinking that you, in fact, find him disgusting. 
You almost want to take your time to look at what he will do – is he going to take off his mask? Is he going to drink right through the fabric? You have too much work to just stay at his table and stare, even if you want to – but you are trying to give him occasional glances as he just…sits at his table. Not even moving, just staring at the cup and sometimes moving his head to look at you – or just ornaments at the wall behind you. Yes, probably the ornament. 
König sits at the table and, well, he doesn’t even want to drink his coffee because just looking at the way your ass sways under that terribly short skirt is enough to set him on fire. He wants to take you home with him – even though his home is all the way up in Austria. He would take you, you probably wouldn’t even be mad at you – you could be a perfect little family. He already waited too long to start one, never finding anyone who would win his heart for a long run but he was sure that this three-days-obsession would last long. He isn’t sure, however, if he likes it or not. 
He ended up not drinking at all – he knows that he can’t just waste multiple hours, he already got his lieutenants covering the spot with paper work while their commander is away at searching for the love of his life. He wants to be with you longer, probably walk you home again and make sure to protect you from any creeps that would want to attack. He can’t have that, it’s obvious – he is a colonel, unfortunately, he is still on the hunt for those terrorists, he can barely give himself an hour of free time these days. 
He already indulged in his fantasies too much when he folds a 100 Euros banknote and puts it into the bill – not sure about how much money it is here, not wanting to give you any trouble with exchanging currency, he just hopes that would be enough for you to at least not worry about food for a few days. Or buy yourself something nice – what girls like these days? Guns, books, some fancy lip gloss, a hat for their adorable little turtles? He would buy you a pet turtle, he always wanted one as a kid – right before his father said that all lizards are products of sinful corporations and a lazy pet like a turtle, unlike a giant dog breed, is completely useless and unmanly. 
He doesn’t want to be here when you’ll get the bill – he is too afraid that he didn’t gave you enough, that you'd be disappointed. He would love to give you more, of course, but he doesn’t want to just shove you the money like you are some sort of cheap whore – he wants to give you gifts, something meaningful, to steal you from poverty altogether. König is an expert in infiltration and escaping arts, he can exit the location without anyone noticing a thing, even with his size – and then you look at him, directly into his eyes, covered by sunglasses – and your face is twisted in shock as you realize what exactly he left you. 
— Wait, sir! Please, I…god, I will get you the change right now, I’m so sorry, it’s closing shift, I…I’m sorry, I completely forgot…
You are almost begging him to stop and let you give him his money, a honorable deed really – but all he can think of is how nice you would look on your knees, begging him to fuck you already. How perfect you would look all whiny and spoiled, asking him for something expensive, whatever your cute head would want. You would look so complete on his lap, tugging on his shirt and asking your daddy for a new toy. You would…
— It was a tip. Take it. 
He wants to be able to tell you how perfect you look, how he wants to just throw you over his shoulder in a totally non-creepy way and make you his little wifey. How he would take multiple months of leave to just be with you, marry you, breed you. He wants to have a way with words, but they are useless to him – he can’t even say he likes you, it’s embarrassing, he is almost forty, he got his rank as youngest colonel in history of KorTac, he can literally have almost everything he wants – except for basic social skills. 
He feels like a creep, an old man trying to steal that perfect girl from the shiny world, and he hates himself for it – but then you blush and he can almost convince himself that yeah, you like that creep too. 
— I…shit, I mean, sorry…thank you, sir. 
— Don’t wander at night again. 
He feels like a scolding father and you giggle again, too innocent and naive to understand his thoughts. 
— I won’t. Promise. 
He then slowly leans closer, puts a hand on your shoulder again – goosebumps are running on your skin. His head is near yours now, he is whispering in your ear – and you are almost sure that you shouldn’t have come closer to him like this, that it’s unprofessional from your side, that everyone is staring at you. They are – and you try to ignore it, but…
— Wear shorts under your skirt next time. Never know who might look at your legs like that. 
You would slap him here and there. You would scream and run away right now, but for some stupid, dumb, completely terrifying reason, you…almost like how protective he sounds. And the money he gave you is also helping – even if just a little bit. 
König looks at the way you blush even more, and he knows already that he won’t ever let you go. 
Tag list: @iwritesjud3
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alchemistc · 3 months
Seeing all the saltommy headcanons floating around here and I'm obsessed with all of them but consider:
Unrequited saltommy but Sal's the one with feelings. Tommy considers him a good friend and a close confidant and Sal's the only one who Knows about Tommy, so they have their own shorthand and all their in-jokes and Sal plays up the bro thing because he realized five years in that he sort of maybe definitely wants Tommy to bone him and then press a kiss to his forehead and he needs Tommy to stick around for that so Gerrard can never know
Which. Tommy's never thought about it. Given the opportunity, maybe he would have. But Sal never says a word. Sal represses the feeling and dates around and through it all he's in love with his work buddy. They hang out when they're off shift and he listens to Tommy talk about the guys he's seeing casually and how they hate the job, hate that he's in the closet, hate that every time they're out in public he's tense and staring around the room like someone is about to pop out and call him every name in the book. He listens, and he knocks his knee against Tommy's, and they turn on the fights so Tommy has a distraction. And Sal loves him.
And it doesn't matter.
And then Gerrard is out, and they're finally in a place where Sal thinks - maybe. Maybe I could tell him. Maybe we could be something.
And Tommy comes over one night a few months into their revolving door of Captains and he's giddy, he can't stop smiling, he's nursing his beer and picking at the label and
He's met someone. They've been seeing each other and Tommy didn't want to say anything because it felt different than usual. Felt real. This guy understands the secrecy, he understands why Tommy has concerns about being out. He's sweet, and kind, and a bit of a freak in bed, sorry, you don't want to hear about that, and Sal absolutely doesn't but not for the reason Tommy thinks. It's serious. And Tommy had realized he wanted his best friend to know.
So. Sal tells him to bring the guy around, and he can never find a reason not to like him, because he's great. He's great for Tommy, he's fun to hang out with, he doesn't begrudge Tommy keeping the private part of their lives private. He can turn the lovey-dovey look off in a moment, play at being buddies when they're out and about and never seems upset about it. And in privacy, he's pressing a hand to the small of Tommy's back and pressing his lips to the bolt of Tommy's jaw and he always, always drinks Tommy's shitty beer even though Sal can tell he'd prefer a simple Bud Light. He makes Tommy happy.
So Sal lashes out at work instead. He presses, and he pushes, and he calls out captains left and right and does stupid shit for the hell of it. And eventually it bites him in the ass.
Sal loses his house, but for a while there he doesn't lose Tommy. He's there when the relationship with the guy implodes, and there's just never a good opportunity to bring up how he feels. So he doesn't.
They drift. Without the impetus of working together they inevitably just don't spend as much time together.
Sal meets a woman. He likes her. Her laugh is ridiculous. She smiles with her whole face. She's delicate and soft and when she tucks her face under his chin and curls her arms around him she can barely wrap her fingers together behind his back.
He introduces her to Tommy six months in and Tommy is happy for him, Tommy congratulates him, Tommy slaps a big hand to his shoulder and Sal soaks in the warmth and puts it away.
He marries the girl and Tommy orbits his life but they're never as close again. He has a couple kids, and they love uncle Tommy, and he watches Tommy move stations and stop hiding himself and he meets a few of the guys Tommy dates and they never feel right. They're never enough. They don't treat him the way Sal thinks he should be treated. He welcomes them into his home and hates the way they roll their eyes at Uncle Tommy stuffing his big long legs under the kids table so he can paint a butterfly with his daughter, the way they watch him with Sal's son balanced on his shoulders. He hates the way they get quiet when he and Sal are comparing scars and stories about the job. He hates the way they just don't love him enough.
They drift, and swing back together for random nights out or the kids birthdays, see each other less and less as the years pass.
And then he hears in passing that Tommy's reconnected with some of the 118, that he's spending time with all of them again, and he shoots him a text to catch up because you flew into a hurricane to rescue the guy who fired me but mostly he's just curious to know how he managed not to get fired.
Tommy invites him out for drinks. They settle in a corner booth and shoot the shit and Tommy tells him about how Hen is doing, how Howie is doing, about his new buddy Eddie and all the drama surrounding the 118. He keeps eyeing his phone, and Sal doesn't think much of it until Tommy's smile lines start to dimple and he tips his head up and grins, wide and happy as he waves at the guy who'd just stepped in.
Sal's pretty sure he recognizes him. One of the 118, maybe even the guy who'd filled the spot Sal had left open there. His grin is wide and his eyes are bright and Tommy shifts out of the booth to hug him and they linger in it, Tommy's face pressed into his neck and the guys hands drifting low across Tommy's waist, and when Tommy turns to introduce him as Buck the guys face scrunches up like that's a strange way to introduce him but he shakes Sal's hand and he slips right into the booth and he's rattling off a million questions like he's heard a hundred and two stories he wants Sal to confirm.
And Sal - he doesn't remember ever enjoying time with Tommy's boyfriends, doesn't remember seeing Tommy's gaze so focused and intent, so heavy. But this Buck guy keeps a hand on Tommy's knee, or his neck, not in a possessive way really, just like he can't quite stop reminding himself that Tommy is there with him, and Tommy is playing it cool but he's soaking it up, rolling his eyes at Buck's praise but ducking his head when Buck's not looking, darting gazes through his eyelashes and desperately fighting grins and giving the same energy back and no one, no one has ever treated Tommy so delicately, so carefully, no one has ever shot Tommy bedroom eyes with quite so much unadulterated adoration.
Buck goes to buy another round and Tommy's eyes flit to Sal's.
"He's a lot," Sal says, because he's not quite sure how to encapsulate "I know you guys said this was still fairly new but I'm already planning out the bachelor party where you get drunk and soppy and tell me you wish he was here with you."
"I should have mentioned he might come," Tommy tells him, and Sal narrows in on that.
"Why didn't you?"
Tommy shifts. His shoulders curl in. He chews on the inside of his cheek. "I figured some things out, after I started at Harbor. Took a long look at my life up to that point. The way you always hated every guy I introduced you to percolated long enough for me to understand it."
It's Sal's turn to feel like a jackass. "You thought I'd hate him too."
"I hoped you wouldn't."
Sal sighs. Catches sight of Buck tilting sideways at the bartop so he can send an eager grin in Tommy's direction. If he had a tail he'd be wagging it, Sal thinks, and then he thinks a little harder. About the easy way Tommy grins back, about the way he eyes Buck up and down, leering a little for his audience of one, and the way Buck bites his lip and his gaze goes dark and heady and the way he has to fucking blink himself out of it when the bartender hands him their drinks.
Sal knocks his knuckles on the table. "He fucks it up I'm reserving the right to show up unannounced at his job to make him fix it," Sal tells him, and Tommy's gaze is a little misty when it meets Sal's.
Buck slides in next to Tommy and passes out drinks and when he leans back and starts on a tirade about the travesty of shot pours he'd just witnessed, his hand lands a lot higher up Tommy's leg than it has all night. Tommy takes a heavy pull off his beer and grins at Buck like he's never been more enchanted by another living soul.
Sal's incensed when Tommy refuses to have a bachelor party unless both grooms are involved.
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jweekgoji · 10 months
kind of headcannons about yanderes, so basic warnings about kidnapping, manipulation, unhealthy dynamics, obsession, overprotective behavior.
I kind of lied about Fern being the best yandere of AT, IMO Betty would be the best choice, girl freaking holds her man like her wifey, punches weird magical creatures she saw for the first time and she doesn't give a F about some big ass red boss baby , ALL FOR A MAN!!!
as for yandere potential, I would have ranked them like this. ↓
Betty/Golbetty is a really dedicated, ruthless and determined person when it comes to saving and protecting people she loves, even as a regular human she does really scary stuff against some powerful beings, all for beloved! I also really like Magicwoman Betty, I like insane yanderes losing their mind over how to save s/o , especially if they were really sweet and caring before all the crazy stuff happened.
Lich is kind of underrated tho, his voice actor really serves, a good villain which would give me god-like yandere villain/human beloved vibes which would be like a pet for Lich. The power difference is tasty, not to mention the size difference. Would wish to extinct all the life in the universe only for you to be all alone with him :P
Simon is not like Betty, even though he totally would do the same as her, sacrifice everything he has only for his s/o, without them he is nothing and pathetic to watch. but I see him as some kind of father figure with fucked up mind. Hates himself for it, thinks he's too old for you, you totally deserve better than someone like him, but not like he is against the idea of you being around him.
Scarab, The Star somehow like Lich, if you are human or just weaker than them, they would treat you as some sort of pet too. Maybe Scarab would taunt you more, calling you pathetic, ugly and disgusting, at the same time he would be the one who bathes you all the time. He thinks he is superior, but actually freak deep inside. But I would give bonus points for the reverse dynamic, s/o who treats Scarab as a bug he is, not caring about him begging for a job as a wishmaster. step on him, squish him like a bug, but he would run to you for more.
Ooo Finn is himbo, funny guy, actually average yandere, but Jake's death really changes his view on life. It's canon that he waits for the day he dies just to see his brother again. I think he would be a really overprotective one, always on your side whenever you go, helping you with whatever you have to do even if it's something simple. I love the idea of the good loyal hero being a little too protective towards their s/o. Most of the time Finn actually can't understand what he is doing wrong, so if you tell them about it, he would laugh it off.
FW Finn is such a cherry. I would pick Ice Finn and adult FW Finn for this. Ice Finn is scary, before he goes crazy, he is a polite and cute young man, but like other crown users, he has a really deep sense of love for the one he loves enough to put that cursed thing on his head just to save them. I see him more like a creepy guy, not like Ice King tho, Ice Finn would be kind of scarier since all those buildings made of frozen people would scare off everyone. He would be a clingy guy seeking human warmth since his body temperature is too low, but don't run away from him or you will add to his frozen collection.
Adult FW Finn are much cooler in both senses, like Ooo Finn he is overprotective, might be even more since Destiny Gang is always around and he can't let his s/o to be killed by them, he already had to lose his wife, so you would be guarded 24/7. Canonically, Finn would totally hear you once you try to leave him, so don't try it. He won't hurt you, but you would lose your privilege to walk.
Minerva just like her son is the one who wants to help people all the time. Even though they don't really want her help. It will be short here, but like I said about Finn before, she is an overprotective one, and her being everywhere literally would make your life a living nightmare since it would be hard as hell to leave her.
I already made headcannons about Fern, so will be short here too. Fern>Finn in yandere behavior, Fern is violent due to grass demon influence, he has low self-esteem, he doesn't think he deserves you since Finn would be much better at protecting you from harm. But his mind is constantly changing, so in the moment of trying to prove himself, he will kidnap or kill whoever stays on his way to get you, not to mention that if you are the person who's in good relationships with Finn, he would not hesitate to take care of Finn and take his place.
Winter King is a weirdo who has too much power. He is affectionate and could mess with the brains of everyone with his charm. Look at him, such a nice and powerful King! How could you not love him, dude?? Money, knowledge, power, love, all he has and he will give it to you. Well, if you are smart enough to see him playing, his mood will turn into a more angry one, showing some traits of the Ice King. So yeah, same old kidnapping Ice King stuff...
For PB&Candy Queen it's obvious, just like Ice Kings, she is a crazy girl, the definition of yandere, but her blender thingie is actually impressive. I don't think she will be all lovey dovey with her s/o, like she could play her songs for you, keeping you trapped, but one day you will be mixed with her together. PB from the vampire world is kind of like a much cooler version of OG PB, I like her character design and how she is portrayed, I just like strong women who would dominate you, that's all.
Can't say much about Hunter, Fionna, PB, Marceline or Phoebe for now. They're kind of chill and too cute, I can't see them doing crazy stuff (for now). For Huntress Wizard, my love, I see her cool and chill too, but this girl would give you some wild presents like when she gave Finn an animal's heart 😭 well, she is a lonely wolf type, kind of don't know what couples are supposed to do and would try to express herself in her own style which would weird you out a little but she still tries!
Peppermint Butler is kind of underrated too, he's a freaking funny guy, no one would actually believe you if you say that this candy guy would do some creepy shit. I mean look at him! Kind of like more the idea where his s/o is some really powerful entity like Death or Vampire King, he would daydream about you, giggling and kicking his feet making weird fanfics about you in his journal~~~
For Uncle Gambald and Patience, I would say they're pretty strong and violent. Don't disobey those two unless you want to die or something, are you stupid?? Patience at least would try to appear like she's actually trying to be good, she wants to know you more and teach some stuff, or tell stories about the past, just don't ignore her. Uncle Gambald is a creep, stay away from him!! He's gonna make you dumb candy citizen too!!
I actually love Prismo so much, but as for yandere he would be really tied up to his work. I mean, he can't do anything with you when you are outside his time room. He is helpless. He can't touch you or feel you like others would, he can't be around you 24/7 like them, he can't give you what most people need from their partners and it is really sad. Of course, he can make you appear in his time room whenever he wants, he can make everything you wish for, hoping that maybe you will stay with him a little longer. I don't think he would appear angry or annoyed by you, he's too sweet and caring. If you want to leave just go, but he would feel like shit without you around, his work is boring as hell, people who came for making a wish are annoying him, his time room is full of garbage. But Prismo's attention focused totally on videos of you from different universes, the only thing keeping him entertained.
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you should absolutely write the genderbent outsiders fic, it would be so interesting to see how many things get changed. often people genderbend one person and just turn them into someone everyone's attracted to rather than looking at character, or they do change everyone but it's still all surface level changes but from what i've seen you seem like you'd do something really interesting with it
(no pressure obviously but it's a really cool idea especially with the attitudes of the outsiders (how would the scene where they meet cherry and marcia play out for example?))
HI! Ok so I do love this idea but I dont have time to wrote a full fic with the nuance it deserves but I did write out two little scenes for it so I'll post them here! One is lifted almost directly from the book its just the genderben take on it :)
“Speaking of movies,” Dalia flicked away her cigarette butt, “I’m thinking of walkin’ over to the nightly double tomorrow night. Might find someone to fool around with. Anyone wanna come?”
Stella shook her head. “The boys are takin’ me and Soda to the game.”
She didn’t need to look at me the way she did then. I wasn’t gonna try and stick around or nothing. I liked Soda’s boy, James, well enough and sometimes they’d offer me and Dar to go with them when they went to do stuff, but I wasn’t gonna try and third wheel. I’d never admit it, because Soda really likes Stella a lot, but sometimes I hate her. She doesn’t need to be half so possessive as she is over everything all the time- and Soda is my sister.
Darlene sighed, just like I knew she would. Darlene never had time to do anything with us anymore. “I have a date tomorrow night.”
She sounded less than enthused at the prospect, and Soda and I shared a look. Ever since mom and dad died, Darlene had spent nearly every night she wasn’t working going on various dates, with each guy seemingly worse than the last- and much as she tried to hide it, it wasn’t hard for Soda and me to guess why. It kind of killed me that my once vivacious sister, who’d always been so fiercely independent, was throwing herself at every mediocre guy who looked her way trying to find someone to provide for her, for us. On her own, Darlene would never consider marriage, at twenty no less, but now she had Soda to support for another year and me for another four and we all knew her two jobs were barely covering bills already. Sometimes the guilt of it, what Dar had already given up and what she was further prepared to lose made me so guilty and sad I couldn’t stand it. I knew Soda felt the same way.
Dalia just rolled her eyes. She only went on dates when it suited her, and only to cause trouble. She didn’t get Dar’s obsession with finding a good man- or if she did, she clearly didn’t respect it. 
“What about the rest of y’all? Two-bit? Jennygirl? You an’ Pony wanna come?”
“Me’n Jenny’ll come,” I knew Jenny wouldn’t open her mouth unless she was forced to, “Okay Dar?”
“You make sure she gets her ass straight home, Soda,” Darlene says, “I mean it.”
I roll my eyes and she fixes me with an icy glare.
“Don’t get huffy with me, Ponygirl. You’re lucky you ain’t grounded. You know better than to be goin’ to the movie house alone.”
“No buts,” she fixes me with a stern glare. If it weren't for how cold her eyes are she could be real pretty with her tumble of smoky curls and delicate nose. Now though, she just looks mean, like Tamina Shepard or one of the other girls who date the gang leaders round town, “you ain’t a boy Pony, you gotta quit goin’ around actin’ like one.”
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reblogs-and-writings · 5 months
Inspired by @chaifootsteps
Everyone's sending in their Hazbin character rewrites, and that looked fun so I want to toss my own hat into the ring. Sorry for the long post. What really bothers me most about Hazin Hotel is that it claims to be a show about redemption, but it seems to be a show about lack of consequence. The reasons why the characters are in hell are never really explained. There are things you can infer about certain people: Alastor's murder, Husk's gambling, Angel's drug use, etc. However, the show never explains why those behaviors are wrong and how they can improve. More often than not, those behaviors are used as jokes. It's funny to have a cannibal town. Angel Dust's name is a pun on the drug that killed him. It's just tonally very wierd to purport that anyone can be redeemed, ANYONE, even people in HELL, can be redeemed and then not continue that very messy and difficult ethical conversation.
Nifty is boy-crazy. Taken to its extreme, what can that mean? What causes attraction so vile it sends you to hell? Was she was one of those "Boy Moms" who excuses his son's horrid actions at the expense of women's safety? Did she cover up a rape her child committed, because Mother's special little boy couldn't possible do something so vile! Or maybe she didn't love her children enough. Maybe her obsession with "bad boys" comes from being forced into an extremely suffocating and unhappy marriage. Maybe she ran off with some 50s biker. Maybe she abandoned her children because she was too obsessed with being loved herself that she couldn't love her children if it meant not having a man's attention. Maybe her boy craziness evolved into a raving jealousy if she didn't get her feelings reciprocated. She's a maid, right? She wants things clean and tidy. Did she murder a man? Did she spend hours scrubbing the floor so none of his blood would remain? Then maybe her arc could be about loving herself and not needing a man to define her identity. Maybe it could be unpacking internalized misogyny and coming to terms with the real pain she caused other women.
Mimzy is opportunistic. She only comes around when she needs a favor. She has no loyalty and only uses Alastor to get her out of problems. Why is she like that? Who taught her that relationships were transactional instead of committal? Maybe she was once a naive young girl who got 'used' for something, and it soured her opinion on other people. I mean, she's plus-sized during the FLAPPER era, where thin was like 1990s level of in. But there's a lot of plus-sized women who talk about being some guy's sneaky link, because he wants to prey on her insecurity and get her into bed, but then never be seen with her, because she's not a socially acceptable dating option. Did Mimzy get her heart broken, and now she doesn't trust anyone? Now she just uses people for what they're good for, because hurt people hurt people, and she's continuing a cycle she herself was a victim to? Maybe Mimzy's redemption could be about letting people in, about not letting trauma turn her into a bad person.
Husk is an alcoholic and a gambling addict. Most people don't just pick up those hobbies for the fun of it. Husk is a miserable little man, and he was probably driven to drink because of his own unhappiness. He was pansexual in the 1970s, right? Maybe he couldn't accept himself or he was forced to not accept himself. Maybe he was forced into a loveless marriage, and he started to go out to the casino to get away from the wife and family he never wanted. But more and more and more he spends time over there, because he doesn't want to go home. And soon he becomes dependent on booze and gambling because it gives him a little joy in his miserable life. But addiction doesn't hurt just the addicted person. It hurts everyone around him. He starts skipping work to gamble. He loses his job. He steals money from his wife. He bets the car. Then the house. He leaves his family destitute, and he's convinced he's the victim because he never wanted to be a husband and father in the first place. When he dies of alcohol poisoning, his family doesn't even claim his body. His redemption could be about how when your own life sucks, it's not an excuse to hurt others. You have to find better ways to cope with a bad hand.
Angel Dust is too many things. He's a prostitute and a porn star and a gay man in the 30s and a gangster and a drug-addict. But if we were gonna try and make all of that make sense, Angel Dust is very family-oriented. He grew up in a mob family. Loyalty is EVERYTHING. So in his mind, killing people was a lesser sin than "betraying" his family by not getting rid of their enemies. His family is everything to him. So he can't be gay. He can't. He can't. He's SO repressed. He refuses to acknowledge it. He spends his entire, short life, trying to fit the mold of a perfect, loyal son. But… he did kill a LOT of people… So when he dies in some shoot out, he goes to hell, and he snaps. He did EVERYTHING he thought was right. He did everything his family told him to do. He was the perfect son, and when he dies he gets sent to hell. He immediately loses all inhibition. He's still a sex/drug addict, but only after he winds up in hell. He's going to spend eternity giving into every single base desire he denied himself while alive. It's destroying him. He's selling himself to men, but deep down he's still ashamed and wondering what his family would think. He drowns out those thoughts with more sex and drugs. Angel's redemption arc is about balance. Yes, he should have been able to be true to himself while alive, but complete indulgence is just as hurtful to him as complete denial.
Sir Pentious… why is he even in hell? I mean, he's a little annoying, and in the pilot he was involved in a gang war, but what did he do in life to justify being sent to hell? Well, he was a Victorian Englishman, so I'm gonna say racism! Horrible racism and colonialsim. He was raised in a time where those were the dominant thought patterns, and he did not analyze them one bit. Conflict can come when black-coded characters like Alastor and Husk expect to be treated like human beings. And Charlie has to face the difficulty of believing a person can change, but how to deal with the current harm they're causing the people she cares about. Maybe Sir Pentious isn't a recorring cast member. Maybe he came to the hotel because he thinks he should be in Heaven. He brought glory to the British empire. He was a kind gentleman. He donated to charities. But he leaves the hotel because he doesn't think "those people" are good enough for Heaven. He refuses to acknowledge his behavior as needing to be changed, but Charlie tells him there is a spot at the hotel when he's ready to change. His character is about how you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. He can be offered all the chances in the world to be better, but until he can come to terms with his own capacity for evil, he can't be redeemed.
Cherry Bomb doesn't exist, because she's a superfluous character that doesn't fit in my rewrite. Sir Pentious doesn't get a love interest, and Angel Dust's friend is now Vaggie.
No fallen angel crud. Vaggie was a prostitute that got murdered like Viv originally planned for her to be like 10 years ago. I think Vaggie shows some really codependent traits in the show. Charlie seems to be her entire world. She sings about being her armor. She's willing to put herself in harm's way to defend her, even die for her. She doesn't seem to care much about the other patron's of the hotel apart from them being facet's of Charlie's dream. Maybe Vaggie was one of those poor women who gets trafficked by their boyfriend (or maybe girlfriend in her case). A single person becomes her whole entire world, and she's willing to do ANYTHING for them. Even put herself in dangerous situations that lead to her death… But she did it for love! <3 She hurts herself for love.. for approval. And maybe the show can get into a conversation about what sin really is. So many people define sin as harmed caused to others, but what about harm caused to yourself? Viv originally stated that Vaggie's feelings for Charlie were one-sided, and I think that detail would be even more poignant in this interpretation of her character. She's trying so hard to be noticed and to be loved, and Charlie's become a goddess in her eyes. She puts her on such a pedastal she has no room for her own worth. Her arc is maybe a bit too similiar to Nifty's depending on how we choose to interpret her character, but it's also about finding identity outside of others and being able to set boundaries. Because loving someone and wanting to help them and wanting to protect them are not bad impulses, but like anything else, when taken to extremes it becomes something bad. Dependency can twist love into obession.
Lucifer is the Devil! He's evil! No sad-man, Dad-trying-his-best nonsense! He's evil! The big twist of Hazbin Hotel is that they're not in Hell! They're in Purgatory. There are no sins that cannot be forgiven, but sin can also not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Purgatory is a place where your sins are burned away so that eventually you can join God in heaven. In Purgatorio, Dante depicts Purgatory as a place of effort. People are in constantly motion striving to get closer to heaven. Purgatory in Hazbin could be a place where people get a second chance to work on their vices. If they couldn't be a good person in life, then they have all of eternity to try again. But Lucifer, the prince of LIES, has convinced everyone they're in Hell. There is no redemption. There is no getting better. He causes the sinners to fall into a great despair. Why try getting better if there is no hope? So when people learn they're in hell, they dig in their heels. They lean even further into vice. They cannot experience love or laughter or joy again. So they settle for booze and sex and violence, anything to numb the pain of knowing they're trapped forever. But is a hell of their own making, little do they know. By tricking generations of sinners, not a single soul has redeemed itself and gotten to heaven in centuries. That's why no one believes it's possible. That's why when Charlie suggests it, he's furiously disapproving of her. He doesn't want people to get better. He doesn't want to improve. He wants everyone to be as miserable as he is, because misery loves company. But he can't tip his hat too much or the older souls might get suspicious. He is the Prince of Lies. His power comes not from strength but from manipulation. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. In Hazin, the greatest trick he ever pulled was convincing people there's no hope for themselves. I was once told that Judas's great sin was not betraying Jesus, but his own suicide after falling into despair. How glorious it would have been to go to a church named after Judas the Repentent. But alas, it is not so. The greatest sin you can commit against yourself is thinking you're too far gone.
And that's why I think Alastor is the central sinner to the narrative. Because he shares Lucifer's viewpoint. People can't get better. Nothing ever gets better. People are bad or people are good, and you can't be both. And who could blame him for having that idea? Let's just pretend that Alastor's lack of visual black-coding is because he is a VERY white-passing creole man. And because of that, he was treated so differently than his mother. And he was treated differently when people found out about his heritage. He became a big radio host. He was popular. He was famous. But he wasn't seen as an equal human being. He was a performer to be enjoyed, but never a person to be respected. He was "one of the good ones" at BEST. And he believed in the good of people. His mother was such a kind soul. She instilled in him that everyone has good inside of them. So he waited to see it. He waited and he waited, and he only saw increasing racism and violence towards his people. One day he just snaps and kills someone, and he considers it a justice. People like that are never going to change. The world is better without them. So he just keeps murdering racists until he gets shot in the head. And when he finds himself in hell, he believes even LESS in the good of people or God or heaven or whatever. If killing racists sent him to hell, then God is evil, and the idea of objective morality in and of itself is perposterous. Positioning Alastor as a vigilante killer would also make some of his comic depictions make more sense. Like he's a really nice guy to Rosie and other women, but he's also a violent murderous man. It's because he thinks people are good or bad, and if you're bad it justifies whatever he does to you. The cannibalism might also be like a power thing. Alastor's arc is about believing in Charlie's mission, genuinely. Eventually, it's not about watching people stumble and fall, because there's a cosmic humor to the cruelty of the universe. He starts to genuinely see people improve, but he fights against the idea, because his life was defined by static, perpetual, instituional evil. Maybe a soul gets redeemed before his very eyes, and he still doesn't believe it. Because to admit a human's capacity for moral growth is to completely restructure his entire understanding of the world, and that's scary.
Finally, Charlie. Princess of Hell. I've always been rather fond of Tolkien's sentiment that evil cannot create, only corrupt. So I don't think Lucifer is her real father. I think Charlie was like… a baby angel. And when Lucifer was leading his rebellion he stole children and forced them to fall to hell with him. It was just another way to bring misery, forcing the innocent to share the burden of his punishment. I think he got a sick pleasure from raising her. He "loved" her, or at least she thought he did. He was very, very good as playing Father. Prince of Lies and all that. He gets a chuckle knowing she's so happy here rotting in hell and has no idea what she's missing from her true destiny in Heaven. But that goodness inside of her can't be extinguished. She's an angel. She has a natural instinct to help human souls and fight evil. But because she was raised in Hell, she doesn't understand the complexities of sin that the elder angels would have informed her about. She's naive, and she certainly has to learn how to help guide people towards a brighter path, but she doesn't change her stance. So many times characters who believe in the good of people end stories with some pessimistic maturity where they realize that some people can't be helped. But Charlie doesn't change. Charlie stands firm at the end of the series believing that EVERYONE can be redeemed. It won't be easy, and you could argue it's not even fair, but she believes it. Lucifer chastises her, saying it'll take an eternity to change a sinner's mind, but she just smiles. Because an eternity is what she has, and she'll spend it helping people.
Also Chalastor is canon.
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whaleofatjme1920 · 10 months
My Version of Eyeless Jack
So, there's no cohesive narrative here I just wanted to infodump a bunch of stuff about how I write my EJ. I'll put it in headcanon form but know whenever you read my newer EJ fics (or whenever I get an inkling to talk about him), this is exactly how I envision him and want him to be seen as.
EJ grew up in a Polish somewhat American household. He's a second generation, with his parents both being from Poland and most of their extended family in the old country. His mother is from a smaller city in the southwest, and his father from Krakow. His mother instilled in him a deep love of the natural world, and a hunger for learning.
Jack's obsession for medicine and whatnot came up because his father was just a bit insane about keeping him healthy. Any cough or sneeze was instantly investigated. He was a bit sheltered in that sense, and was prone to sneaking out to experience a normal adolescence and whatnot as he grew up.
While Jack is not averse to getting his hands dirty and doing jobs no one else would even THINK of, he's still gotta go through a full cleansing and decontamination when he's done.
I like to think that, as a kid, he was deeply in love with Slavic mythology and he was, surprise surprise, really into Chernobog. That wasn't Chernobog whispering in his ear he was just always interested whether he realized it or not. This kinda faded out around 12 years old but as a guy that's literally possessed by him now, fused to make an entirely new being, he finds it just a hair ironic.
Yeah, he did have to go to Polish school on the weekends. Sometimes he loved it, other times not at all.
He was his parents only child so he was kind of under a magnifying glass from them both.
He was actually quite close with his grandmothers!
Jack has always had a biting, sarcastic wit. He can balance professionalism with clinical sarcasm fantastically. His humor is very deadpan and he'll dupe you multiple times if you're not careful.
Jack doesn't always understand why people insist on social politeness. He actually favors bluntness, but will be polite if the situation calls for it.
He has three tongues. Yes, he's choked on them before. This mostly happened in the beginning when he was first getting used to his new body.
He doesn't like sweet foods, but certain organs are sweeter to him than others. He can't quite explain that, but he favors certain parts of people over others.
He can eat human food, but it's like junk food for him. He will always need to feast on humans from time to time to keep himself well. Also this is NOT a constant thing with him. He has like a major feeding once or twice a month, and smaller feedings ever 7-10 days. He can get by just fine, he's not always starving.
Most of his work is him just preparing in case he's in a situation he can't hunt.
His body can heal at an accelerated rate!
Because he's possessed by/permanently fused with Chernobog, he has 'starfish' tendencies. Meaning, if he loses a finger, in about 6 months he'll have a new one. Anything bigger might take years but he's never been in a situation where that's needed to happen. This does not mean he's invincible.
Slender Man, who has been around for way longer than any of us can conceive, finds it funny that Chernobog is fused with a socially awkward young man who couldn't even ask a girl out normally and forewent his survival instinct just to hang out with her.
Slender Man, when just with Jack, will speak with him in Polish or older forms of Slavic languages when more directly addressing Chernobog.
Jack is physically HUGE. He's like 6'8, because his merging made him bigger. He was already tall at 5'10, but Chernobog required a bigger vessel. So, he painfully grew bigger. He's quite muscular, not overtly so but you know he has physical strength.
He's,,,,, human-like in appearance. Gives off uncanny valley at times.
He's actually quite funny and does take some joy in making people laugh.
He's not besties with Jeff but they are, more often than not, together doing things.
He actually prefers Jane's company!
It takes so, so long to gain his actual trust. He has varying levels of it, like anyone else, but it's difficult to even breach his first layer.
Has a deep fondness for birds, specifically vultures.
Doesn't like dogs. He has never liked dogs. Smile is his one and only exception. Does like cats.
His body has a stupid tattoo on his thigh he got when drunk one night at uni. He's still mildly embarrassed by it.
He occasionally smokes weed.
He won't admit it, but anyone that looks like Jenny brings back terrible, terrible memories. When he was younger, those types of women used to trigger panic attacks. He's much better now, but seeing women that look like her make him very uncomfortable.
He doesn't enjoy strong smelling perfumes or colognes. He thinks the scents themselves are nice, but they give him migraines. His sense of smell is very strong and well.
He can actually function quite well in normal society, he just doesn't physically fit the image. And even using his glamour-he sticks out from his height alone.
Jack wouldn't say this to anyone, but he sometimes hangs around in his glamour just to remember what he used to look like before. It's not a 100% match, but he sees himself as older. A bit more jaded and weathered. He wonders what would have happened if he listened to his roommate and didn't go.
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sgrdoll · 2 years
Bet on It
synopsis - aew star hook has a fascination with the pretty makeup artist backstage. his friend bets he can’t go an entire night without bothering her.
warnings - smut, fuckboy!hook, hook shamelessly yearning, ofc, sub!ofc, dom!hook, blowjob, face fucking
a/n - hi! i’m back again but with something a little different. i know this probably won’t be my most popular fic bc it’s such a niche fandom. however, i really like pro wrestling and i hope you all can enjoy this fic regardless of if you like it or not. love you guys!!!
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Tyler’s eyes narrowed when she walked across the room. The way she dressed made him want to throw his head back and groan.
He was leaned against the wall watching her do the makeup of some of the women that were going on tonight.
As far as he knew she was the head makeup artist for the company and did her job pretty damn good, always in a pair of heels with her hair perfectly done too.
The outfit she had on today was a little more revealing than what he was used to but he definitely didn’t mind. The baby pink skirt and matching top made her body look out of this fucking world.
Tyler had never needed to go to the makeup chair before so they had never officially crossed paths. However, he’s been watching her since the first time Cody brought his wrestling class to their first TV taping.
She’s always there, and she’s always working. Currently, she was talking to Britt while doing some crazy eyeshadow look on her that seemed impossibly difficult to him.
Ty could hear her giggle from where he was standing and he wanted nothing more than to go over there and drag her back to his private lockeroom and have his way with her.
“Again, man? You gotta leave her alone,” Dante Martin put a hand on his shoulder which Tyler immediately shrugged off.
He knew he was joking but it still hit a little too close to him. Tyler always wondered if she noticed him and the close eye he kept on her. 
“Shut up. Don’t you have a top rope or something to jump off?” Tyler rolled his eyes.
“Why don’t you just go talk to her,” Dante ignored his previous comment.
“What would I even say? ‘Oh hey, I’ve been staring at you for the past year and I want to do you in my hotel room?’”
Dante laughed, “You don’t obsess over a girl for an entire year and only want to fuck her. We both know you actually like her.”
Ty had never had a serious relationship before and didn’t desire it. He was very focused on his career and didn’t have time for any distractions, even ones with impossibly long legs and high cheek bones.
“That’s exactly why I can’t talk to her. I’m way too busy. I don’t have time to treat her like she deserves,” he grumbled back in response.
His friend grinned, “How can you say shit like that and not see it?”
“See what, asshole,” he hissed back.
“That you’re not going to be able to just stop thinking about her.”
“I could totally stop thinking about her if I wanted to. She’s like, like a side hobby,” Tyler responded a bit flustered.
“A side hobby?” Dante was hysterically laughing at this point.
“If she’s such a side hobby, let’s make a bet,” Dante said to him.
“Oh yeah? What kind of bet?” Tyler was intrigued at this point. He was never one to turn down a challenge. He stopped leaning on the wall and stood up straight.
“If you can leave her alone for the rest of the show - that means no looking at her, no standing by the makeup chairs, and no scaring off the rookies who try and flirt with her - I’ll pay for you to finish the rest of your sleeve,” Dante said slyly.
Tyler’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, “Dude, my tattoo artist is charging me $2500 in cash for that.”
“I know. But I’m almost positive you won’t win,” he laughed.
“What happens if I lose?” Ty inquired.
“I get your private lockeroom for 5 more Dynamites,” Dante responded matter of factly.
“Bro, my dad rents that out for me.”
“Yeah and everyone fucking hates you for it,” Dante added.
“Call me daddy’s money all you want but I get to do my pre-match ritual in silence, without you assholes screaming in my ear.”
“And that’s what I want.”
“Fine. You have a deal,” Tyler stuck his hand out and Dante shook it.
“There’s no way you’re winning,” Dante cackled while walking away from him.
Tyler walked to catering and tried not to think about her there without him. It was stupid really. She had been working there longer than he had and he was scared for her well-being.
He sighed and stabbed the chicken on his plate with a fork. It was going to be a long ass night.
Dynamite had started a couple of hours later and he had a match tonight, but for some reason he couldn’t focus.
Well, not some reason. He knew the exact reason, and she was most likely sucking on hard candy and playing on her phone in the backstage area.
Tyler tried hard to shake it off, he really did. But he couldn’t jepordize his match for some stupid bet.
His phone dinged and it was a text message from Dante.
Are you cracking yet, lover boy?
Tyler wanted to hurl his phone at the wall. He felt like he was going absolutely insane. He wanted to slap himself for allowing his attraction to her for getting this far.
Ty hated to admit it to himself, but he did actually like her. He liked her much more than a one night stand or a casual hookup.
He had been going backing forth between the pros and cons of just going to find her when the Bucks walked into his dressing room.
Tyler immediately stood up from his seated position when they walked in. He pulled himself together so he could talk to his bosses.
He stuck his hand out to shake theirs, “What can I do for you guys?”
After they finished shaking hands with each other Matt started talking, “It’s about your match tonight. Tony made a last minute decision for you to go over.”
Tyler’s face was one of surprise, “Like, win the TNT title?”
“Yeah,” Matt brushed over this news, “Sorry it’s on such short notice, kid.”
“No, don’t sweat it. I’m psyched,” Tyler tried to keep his cool.
“We figured you would be. Go change the finish with Sammy and you’ll be set. We watched you guys practice this morning and the match you have planned should stay the same. The only change we want is for you to tap him out,” Nick instructed the young talent.
“Of course. Thank you so much. This means a lot to me,” Tyler was very grateful for this opportunity but also incredibly nervous.
The group exchanged pleasantries for a while longer until they left the room. Ty could feel his heart speeding up. There was no way he could go out to win a title feeling like this.
His palms were sweating and despite the news he had his focus was still somewhere else. He checked his watch to see he had an hour and thirty minutes until he was gonna go out.
Fuck the bet.
There was no way in hell Ty was going to fuck up the biggest match of his career over a bet.
He threw a hoodie and sweats over his gear and stepped out of dressing room, already feeling the clouds clear out of his head.
Ty booked it to the makeup chairs like he was being chased.
He stopped just a few steps behind where she was lounging.
She was perched on one of the chairs with her legs swinging. She was on her phone with a cherry red sucker in her mouth, just as he suspected.
She was a sight for sore eyes and he felt relief wash over him knowing she was perfectly fine.
“Hey,” he said suddenly making her look up from her phone. His voice was a surprise to his own ears. He had never spoken to her and now was probably not the best time to start.
She looked up at him from her chair and took the sucker out of her mouth, “Hey.”
The way she was smiling at his made his chest ache, “I was wondering if you could fix my hair before my match. I totally slept on it wrong.”
She looked skeptical. Tyler knew he sounded stupid. His hair was probably the easiest in the world to manage. All he did was run a brush through it and call it a day.
“Of course. Hook, right?” She called him by his in ring name.
He chuckled as he sat down in her chair, “Yeah, but you can call me Tyler.”
When her fingers began to comb through his hair he wanted to groan.
“I’m Ariane, but everyone around her calls me Ari.”
He finally knew her name and it fit her perfectly. He could feel all of his nerves slipping from his body as she touched him. It was like she had some sort of magnetic aura that dissipated all of his anxiety.
He stayed quiet as she moved his hair every which way. Her long pink acrylics were perfectly scratching his scalp. Ty fought the urge to shiver and lean into her touch.
“What gear are you wearing tonight?” Ari asked.
“I’ve got the orange on tonight.”
“You always wear those,” she teased, “What about the chain?”
He pulled his gold chain out of his hoodie and showed her. He was impressed she knew he always wore a chain to the ring. It made Ty smile that Ari watched him maybe as much as he watched her.
She moved from behind him to get a better look at the chain.
Ari leaned in and touched the chain around his neck. Her tan fingers brushed against the pulse point on his neck. He closed his eyes and took in a breath. Her long dark extensions created a curtain between them and the outside world. Tyler wanted to feel her hands on him forever.
Their eyes locked for a second and she smiled at him in a way that made him want to bend her over his lap and make her start fucking counting.
He tried not to lose control of the situation. It felt like she was holding him in the palm of her hand.
“This is really nice. It’s different than the ones you usually wear,” Ariane said finally and stepping away from him.
His mouth twitched into a small smile, “You pay a lot of attention to my chains?”
“You’re the only guy on the roster who doesn’t ask for my advice on gear. I like to see what you’re wearing.”
“Well, this one was my dad’s in the 90’s. He wore it when he proposed to my mom,” Ty couldn’t figure out why he was volunteering this information. He kept most of his personal life to himself but she made him spill his guts with only a few words.
“And you’re wearing it to win your first title,” she must’ve noticed the look he gave her, “You tend to hear a lot when you’re doing an entire roster’s makeup and hair.”
“The chain is a good luck charm. It made my mom say yes, maybe it’ll keep me from fucking up any spots,” he joked.
“I’ve never seen you mess up a spot before,” Ari rolled her eyes adorably.
Tyler really wanted to grab her and kiss her. Actually, he wanted to do more than that, he wanted to take her back to his dressing room and flip up that impossibly tiny skirt and fuck her. He had to get himself back under control.
He took a deep breath and stood up. He was standing almost chest to chest with her. Ty had a few inches on her, even with her heels. He looked down at her parted lips and smiled.
“Next time you have any advice on my gear, you can come find me in my dressing room,” his words dripped with sexual innuendo that made her noticeably flustered.
He walked away from the makeup area and to gorilla. Ty stripped down into his gear and waited for the women’s match to end.
He felt way more confident than he had in his lockeroom. Tyler was calm, satiated even. He talked to Ari for the first time ever and even flirted with her. He could comfortably take her off of his mind for now.
He was ready to go out there and have the best match of his life.
Even though he felt on top of the world, he still felt anxiety pooled in his belly. Any person in their right mind would.
This is going to be his first title run and he wants it to be amazing.
“Hey,” Sammy grabbed his shoulder, “The Bucks wanted me to come talk about the match with you.”
His calm attitude didn’t last long when he heard Sammy’s voice. Sammy Guevera was not an easy person to be around. Almost everyone on the roster hated him, besides his equally annoying wife, Tay.
“Yeah. All we have to do is keep the same combinations until the last three minutes. They want a submission victory so I was thinking you try for a frog splash and I catch you midair. I’ll give you a couple of suplexes and then put you in the redrum.”
“Whatever,” sammy rolled his eyes like the asshole he is, “I’m still pissed they sprung this on me last minute.”
“Maybe it’s because you called one of the most experienced veterans in the back a jobber,” Ty spit back at him.
Just because they had a match did not mean they had to like each other.
“Let’s just get this over with,” Sammy grumbled while walking away.
As the semi-main event ended with Britt holding her championship with a confident smirk on her face. He felt like his chest was on fire the closer it got to his match.
Tyler stood up and took a deep breath. He had seven minutes until his entire life would be changed.
He knew he had to go out first and stood at the curtain.
The match went off without a hitch. Tyler was surprised considering Sammy kept giving him stiff punches and slapping him in the face.
Ty kept it professional, though and managed to finish the match without actually beating the shit out of him.
He walked to the back with the TNT titled draped over his shoulder as the backstage personnel and Tony Khan gave him a standing ovation.
His dad was the first person to hug him and tell him how proud he was. Tyler fought tears when they embraced.
He thanked everyone profusely and spoke to Tony privately about how grateful he was.
Ty was in the middle of picking up his sweats and hoodie when Dante came into view. He mentally groaned, he was going to get so much shit from him.
Dante wrapped gave Tyler a hug and when he pulled away he smiled, “Couldn’t do it could ya, champ?”
“Fuck off,” Tyler groaned, “It was the only way that match wasn’t gonna be shit. It was impossible to focus with her on my mind.”
“You sound like a fucking love sick puppy,” Dante laughed at him.
“Yeah yeah. What are we doing to celebrate?” Ty smirked at his friend.
“I’ve got some of the boys together and we can go grab drinks downtown. This is my first time in Nashville so I think Bowens is picking.”
“Sounds great. Let me go take a quick shower,” he replied walking away.
“Enjoy that private shower while it lasts!” Dante called from behind him.
Tyler just flipped him off and kept walking to his dressing room. He really was dreading giving it away for five weeks.
Just before he made it to his lockeroom he saw Ari leaning against the wall next to the his dressing room door texting on her phone.
“Hey,” he smiled at her.
She looked up at him, “Hey, champ. That was a great match. Congratulations.”
Her smiled was so genuine and happy it made his heart flutter a little bit, “Thanks. Hey, some of the guys are going out to celebrate. Wanna come with?”
Tyler watched as her green eyes lit up at the prospect of going out with him.
“I’d love to, but before I think you told me I should come into your lockeroom when I had any thoughts about your gear,” she gave him a sultry look through her false eyelashes.
His mouth quirked into a smile, “Yeah, and what is it you wanna say about my gear, doll?”
“I think it would look much better off,” she had an innocent look in her eyes despite the words she was saying.
This turned him onto no end. He didn’t even bother to say anything else, he just opened the door and pulled her inside.
He quickly locked the door and pressed her against it. Their lips touched and it felt like his skin was buzzing against her own.
He kissed a trail down her neck. He sucked and nipped at the delicate skin until there was a distinct hickey.
“Such a fucking tease all the time, hm? All those tiny little outfits” He said against her neck.
Tyler could hear her shaky breathing and the occasional whimper.
He smiled against her skin and finally pulled away, “If you want to stop, just say so.”
With that he tugged her over to the couch and pulled her onto his lap.
Their mouths were on one another’s in an instant. Their lips moved in a feverish manner, as if they couldn’t get enough of each other.
Ari was the first to pull away, “Let me properly congratulate you on your win, champ.”
She slinked down to her knees in front of him and put her hands on his bare thighs.
Tyler’s hand ran through her hair and Ari spoke again, “It’s a wonder it’s taken you this long to say something.”
He looked down at her in confusion as she started to palm him through his shorts, “I’ve seen you stand at my makeup station for months and stare at my ass. That’s why I’m dressed like this tonight.”
She kissed his thigh and whispered, “Just for you.”
Tyler finally said something, “Dressing like a whore at work just to impress me? I’m honored, baby.”
Ari rested her head against his thigh and stared at his hard on still confined in his pants.
Ty wrapped a hand in her and forced her to sit up properly, “Are you gonna let the champ fuck your face doll?”
She nodded eagerly, “Please fuck my face Tyler.”
He didn’t have to hear anymore, he pulled his cock out, “Stick your tongue out.”
Ariane shivered at his dominant voice and did what she was told.
He used his hand that was wrapped in her hair to guide her down his cock. Ty slowly sunk his cock in her mouth and groaned out when she made it to the base.
She began gagging a little bit and he let her pull off, “You’re so big,” she whimpered.
Ty thought she looked so cute like this, almost frustrated she couldn’t take him all the way down her throat, “You’ll make it work, baby.”
She wrapped her lips around his tip and looked up at him to signal that she was ready for him to continue
He started bobbing her head up and down his cock. His groans made her even wetter than she was.
Ty kept cursing in his deep voice and watched as he fingers snaked in between her legs and underneath her skirt.
“Cant even handle sucking cock without something inside you? Fucking hell,” he chastised her while moving her head faster.
He threw his head back when she started swirling her tongue around his length.
“Fuck,” Ty said aloud, “I’m gonna cum down that pretty throat.”
She nodded her head around him to assure him it was okay. Somehow he forced her to choke his cock down even faster.
Ari sucked impossibly hard and his hips bucked up into her mouth right before he came. She felt his hot seed shoot down her throat in long spurts and whimpered around him.
When he was finished with her he took her off of him.
They both stopped for a moment, him breathless and her with spit around her mouth and tears in her eyes.
“Come here,” he said while putting his shorts back on properly.
Ari obediently sat in the couch next to him before he grabbed her waist and sat her on his lap.
His arms wrapped around her, “We don’t have to go out with them tonight. We can go back to my hotel room and talk or something. I don’t want you to think I wanted this as a one time thing.”
Her voice was hoarse when she first started talking, “Today is a big day for you. You deserve to go out and celebrate.”
“Did you drive here?” He asked, ignoring her last comment.
“No, I ubered, why?”
“I’ll drive you back to the hotel then. Or the bar, it whatever you want, baby,” he smiled at her warmly.
She whined, “I can’t let you not celebrate you’re first title win. I’ll come with you to the bar and we can talk about all of this later.”
Tyler kissed the crown of Ari’s, “You know this wasn’t a one time thing for me, right? I want to have something real for you.”
She lifted her gaze to his, “Then we’re on the same page.”
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crushedsweets · 1 year
neeed to hear the context behind ur most recent art. please enlighten us
you guys dont even know how excited i get when someone asks smth like this abt my art or headcanons or au.
i actually wrote liek a fucking essay oh my god im so sorry anon ill have the actual drawing context after the big bolded caps
TW for typical creepypasta story type stuff
anyway ok UNNECESSARY BACKSTORY: liu spent a long time trying to just psychologically recover from everything. he hated jeff and he hated the memory of everything. jeff signature murders would occur every now and again, each time liu would fall into a deep depression. the murders stopped for a while, and everyone believed jeff 'retired' or died. liu was conflicted about it. until Jeff committed his final full-blown 'jeff fashion' murder (janes family) in tuscaloosa alabama. liu had another breakdown and ended up moving to tuscaloosa because he was completely convinced he needed to find jeff again because he could fix it (or die trying and he'd be fine with that too)
nina was always one of those girls obsessed with 'true crime' but like.... the murderers instead of the cases. she was 12 when jeff's first rampage happened and she just fell head over heels in love with this freak. she began to act out, miss school for days, sneaking out to meet older people, etc etc. eventually she did the classic jeff smile cut into her face(she pussied out on making it like jeffs, so she has cleaner, less noticeable scars) . she started getting severely bullied (for being creepy and worshipping a literal murderer) and her parents sent her to live with her grandparents in mississpi. she started stalking liu through social media and whitepages when jeff was presumed dead. but eventually, jeff's final murder happened in alabama(a state away from her) and after turning 18, she ran away to go find jeff convinced he would 'save her' from the life she created for herself. nina got wrapped up in slenderman business because of her constant Tom Foolery. she met her idol
JEFF IS A BAD PERSON IN EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD. he did a beautiful job in using his #1 fangirl and enjoying the worship. she scrambled for pennies to afford an apartment, she'd sleep on the couch if he wanted to use her bed, she's ride her bike hours to go get weed or something from rando drug dealers that give better deals to pretty girls, make him food, do his damn laundry, literally anything and everything bc THATS HER MAAANNNNN (no he isnt.)
jeff DOES NOT GIVE A FUUUCK about everything nina does for him . one day he finds her trying to creepily get into contact with liu (and liu actually responded) and he loses his shit and stabs her and goes on and on about how 'you ruined your own useless fucking life your family is never going to take you back you did this to yourself' etc. he didn't intend to kill her only cuz he knew she'd forgive him and he liked all the shit she gave him
afterwards nina gets patched up from jeff stabbing her, she has some weird 'liu will save me' spiral (not romantically just in a very literal 'he can fix this' way). liu's been on his own spiral since finding out jeffs alive which is the only reason he even gave nina the time of day. eventually she ends up at his house to 'talk about jeff' bc she sent him creepy pics proving she knew jeff yadayadayada.
im not sure the exact conversation i imagined for the drawing, BUT liu eventually says something that sets nina off and she tears at her stitches and breaks down and drips blood all over his kitchen talking about 'I CAN MAKE HIM LOVE ME AGAIN I JUST NEED YOUR HELP PLEAAASEEEE' or something.
liu's a good man, much to his own detriment, and can't help but comfort this kid who's bleeding and crying in his kitchen at the fault of his own brother. he's all too familiar with wanting to repair his relationship with jeff, despite the amount of rage, betrayal, misery, etc he felt at jeffs hands. he doesn't ACTUALLY want to reconnect with jeff, but it's a very deep internal longing for the baby brother he once had that VERY RARELY overshadows his hatred
i want to reaffirm that liu does not feel positively about jeff at all, does not want to see him, and only moved to alabama b/c of a long ass mental health crises and is now too wrapped up in new financial commitments(plus jane) to move again. and now he feels obligated to help nina
he just misses being a big brother :( not so much the jeff part
also none of this at all is shipping at all i am terrified at the idea of people taking anything romantically . even if nina is in 'love' with jeff its purely for the story/horror . ITS ALL REALLY BAD
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pomefioredove · 4 months
Hiya!! Can you do a romantic match for me??
Im kinda an asshole honestly. Always insulting people, "you're built like *insert thing" "keep yourself safe" "are you stupid??" (Only done to my friends as a joke, if any of them were uncomfortable with it I would stop) I'm also incredibly sarcastic,,, like,,, to the MAX "thanks captain obvious" etc etc (I can't think of any other examples)
I'm also always cursing- it's a problem, I have the mouth of a sailor and I'm always getting in trouble for it.
Im also very flirty. I flirt with most of my friends (and have acquired smooches, my play is just that strong) But if they're ever uncomfortable I would dial it back or stop completely.
I'm also very physically affectionate, hugs, cuddling, kisses, the whole sch bang, I love it. I would be like, all over someone in public but I'll hug, kiss, hand hold etc.
But I'm the type to like punch their friends in the arm or shake them aggressively. O also do that kind of affections haha. (Like pretending to punch people but stopping at the last moment, I like that)
I'm also very energetic. (Adhd go brrr) always bouncing from one topic to the next if i like the person I'm talking too. I'm also kind of a hater, if I don't like someone either they will know it or everyone else will. (I do enjoy gossip/the occasional shit talk it's so entertaining I THRIVE ON IT)
I'm more an extrovert than introvert but I'm not 100% extroverted. Like I won't just walk up to random people I don't know and start a conversation. (Not my thing)
I also like playing visual novels and various other cozy story based video games (usually open world)
Also I'm goth, dress in all black, the music etc. (I love all types of music minus country) I love makeup as well as vampiric inspired outfits. I also overdressed for everything, it's usually my job amongst the friend group to be the best dressed. I don't do goth makeup but I do love makeup in general hehe
I'm also really loud and love infodumping about my interests hehehe
Also I am girl, 5'2, and am usually always wearing heels hehehe
I match you with 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐝 𝐋𝐞𝐞𝐜𝐡
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The First Impression:
He matches your energy. Immediately. The playful insults, the sarcasm, the swearing like a sailor- he's about to teach you curses you haven't even heard before. The back-and-forth is so perfect that you can almost feel Azul losing his patience in the background.
Why He Fell:
Besides the banter, Floyd just loves being flirted with. Giggling and kicking his legs back and forth in public settings with no shame. Oh, and the second you're comfortable enough to be physically affectionate? He's never letting that go. Ever. He would LOVE being playfully punched and shaken and squeezed, no doubt about it. You guys have the same soul in two different bodies, I swear.
Also? Obsessed with your style. The dark and elegant look reminds him of home, and he definitely has a bunch of fancy fishy nicknames for you (his favorite being sea bunny, considering your height and cuteness and tendency to dress in blacks and whites and they're VENEMOUS).
Probably wants to bite you.
The Relationship:
Chaotic but in a cute way. Lots of banter, lots of affection, lots of squeezing and shaking each other to get the energy out. Floyd LOVES shit talking with you, will probably make new codenames for everyone so you can gossip in public. Your discussions are absolutely insane and impossible for other people to follow, like you've developed your own language together. If you'd let him he'll pick you up and put you on his shoulders to chase Riddle (who absolutely hates you both sevens help him).
You guys just click! Absolute menaces (affectionate).
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barelytolerabled · 1 year
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Part 06
Spencer Reid x fem!Reader
Summary: The killer's latest victim and the team's race against time to catch the murderer.
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You were glued to your computer screen, staring at the images of the latest victim. You couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt and despair as you saw the young girl's innocent face. She reminded you so much of yourself when you were that age. The killer seemed to be taunting you with each new victim, making you more determined than ever to catch them.
Dr. Spencer Reid walked into the BAU bullpen, coffee in hand. He immediately noticed the look of exhaustion and distress on your face. He made his way over to your desk and placed his hand on your shoulder.
"Hey, are you okay?" Spencer asked, his voice filled with concern.
You shook your head, "No, I'm not. I can't stop thinking about this case. It's consuming me, and I feel like I'm losing my grip on reality."
Spencer nodded, understanding the toll that the job could take on one's mental health. "Have you talked to anyone about it? Like a therapist or a support group?"
You sighed, "I don't have time for that. We need to catch this guy before he can hurt anyone else."
Spencer gave you a sympathetic smile, "I know, but taking care of yourself is just as important. Trust me, I've been there."
You looked up at him, gratitude in your eyes. "Thank you, Spencer. It means a lot coming from you."
“Of course”, he said then quickly kissed your lips.
The team gathered in the conference room to discuss the latest developments in the case. Garcia had managed to trace the killer's movements and found a possible suspect who fit the profile. You had his name, but you needed more evidence to link him to the murders.
As the team left the conference room, you stayed behind, your mind racing. You couldn't shake the feeling that you were missing something crucial, something that would lead you to the killer.
Spencer walked back into the room, noticing your distraught expression. "What's wrong?" he asked.
You shook your head, "I don't know. I feel like we're missing something important, something that could break the case wide open."
Spencer sat down next to you, "Well, let's think. What do we know about the killer so far?"
“I can’t focus on anything Spencer”
“I repeat my question”, he said softly as his hand found your thigh. “What do we know about the killer so far?"
You closed your eyes, trying to recall all the details you had gathered as you could feel Spencer’s hand going higher. "He's targeting young girls who remind him of himself or someone he knows." You could feel Spencer’s thumb drawing circles on you. "He's leaving subtle clues that only someone with a similar background would understand. He's organized and calculated, not someone who acts on impulse."
Spencer nodded, impressed with your analysis. "That's a good start, you’re doing an amazing work. What else?"
You frowned, "I don't know. It's like we're missing a piece of the puzzle, something that ties it all together. And you touching me is really not helping me concentrate Spencer"
Spencer placed his hand on your shoulder, "We'll find it, Rachel. We just have to keep looking."
"And there is some scientific evidence to suggest that touch can have a calming effect on the brain, and that it can help reduce stress and anxiety. Touch releases the hormone oxytocin, which is associated with feelings of love, trust, and social bonding, and can help reduce the levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the body. Interesting isn’t?" he said smiling at you.
As the days passed, the team worked tirelessly to gather more evidence and build a stronger case against the suspect. Your obsession with the case continued to take a toll on your mental health, causing you to withdraw from the rest of the team.
One afternoon, while the team was in the middle of a briefing, your phone rang. You quickly excused yourself from the room and answered the call.
"Hello?" you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
"Agent," a familiar voice said your name on the other end. It was the killer.
The killer chuckled, "I just wanted to let you know that I'm still out there, watching, waiting. And there's nothing you can do to stop me. I just wanted your attention."
Your heart raced as you tried to keep your composure. "What do you want?" you asked, your voice shaking.
The killer hung up, your breaths coming in short gasps. You tried to steady your breathing as you made your way back to the briefing room, your mind reeling with fear and anger.
As you walked in, the team noticed your distress and immediately gathered around you, asking what had happened. You took a deep breath and explained what had transpired on the phone.
Hotch's face darkened with anger, "We need to trace that call and get a location on the killer."
Garcia nodded, "I'll start working on it right away."
The team spent the next few hours tracking down the source of the call, but their efforts were in vain. The killer had covered his tracks too well, leaving no trace of his whereabouts.
You sat at your desk, your mind racing with thoughts of the killer and his twisted game. You couldn't shake the feeling that he was watching you, waiting for the right moment to strike.
Spencer walked up to you, "Hey, are you okay?"
You shook your head, "No, I'm not. I can't stop thinking about what he said, about how he's still out there."
Spencer placed his hand on your shoulder, "We'll catch him, love. We just have to keep pushing."
You looked up at him, tears in your eyes, "I don't know how much longer I can do this. It's tearing me apart."
Spencer took your hand, "I know it's hard, but we're in this together. You're not alone. You stay at my place tonight?"
You nodded, grateful for his support. You knew that you could always count on him to be there for you, no matter what.
As the day wore on, the team received a new lead on the killer's identity. It was a long shot, but they were desperate for any new information that could help them catch him.
The team worked tirelessly to gather more evidence and build a stronger case against the suspect. Your obsession with the case continued to take a toll on your mental health, causing you to withdraw from the rest of the team.
One evening, as the team was getting ready to leave for the day, Garcia called out, "Wait, I think I've found something!"
Everyone gathered around her desk as she pulled up a file on the suspect. It contained new evidence that linked him to the murders, giving the team hope for a breakthrough in the case.
Hotch looked at the team, "Let's bring him in. It's time to put an end to this."
The team rushed out of the BAU, ready to apprehend the killer and bring him to justice. You felt a sense of relief wash over you as they made their way to the suspect's location. You knew that this could be the end of a long and painful journey.
As you closed in on the suspect's hideout, you felt your heart race with anticipation. You knew that this could be a dangerous situation, but you were ready to face it head-on.
The team burst into the room, guns drawn, and apprehended the suspect without incident. You breathed a sigh of relief as you watched him being led away in handcuffs.
As you walked out of the building, Spencer placed his hand in yours, "We did it. We caught him."
You smiled weakly, "Yeah, we did."
The team gathered around them, congratulating them on a job well done. You felt a sense of closure wash over you as you looked at the faces of your colleagues.
You knew that this case had changed you in ways you never thought possible, but you were grateful for the experience. It had brought you closer to Spencer and the rest of the team, and it had given you a renewed sense of purpose.
As you made your way back to the BAU, Spencer walked beside you. "You did a great job," he said.
You smiled at him, "Thanks, Spencer. I couldn't have done it without you."
Spencer looked at you, "I just wanted to ask you if you would agree on going on a date with me? Now that everything is over?"
"I’d love to Spence"
But just as you were about to celebrate, your phone rang. You hesitated before answering, but your intuition told you to take the call.
"Hello?" you said, your voice shaking.
"Hello again Agent, I hope you're proud of yourselves for catching the wrong guy," the voice on the other end of the line taunted.
Your heart sank as you realized the implications of the call. You had been so focused on building a case against the suspect that you had missed crucial evidence that would have led you to the actual killer.
You knew that you needed to act quickly to find the real killer before he could strike again. You turned to the team, "We got the wrong guy. The real killer is still out there."
The team sprang into action, but you could feel the weight of your mistake weighing heavily on you. You had let your obsession with the case blind you to the truth, and now innocent lives were at risk.
As you raced against the clock to find the real killer, you couldn't help but feel like you had let everyone down. Spencer tried to reassure you, telling you that you would find the killer and make things right.
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btbabyy · 2 years
the other woman- jimin.
college au!jimin x fem!reader
summary: being best friends with the most beautiful boy on campus is already hard, but catching feelings for him makes it ten times harder. friends to lovers.
a/n: my first fic. be nice pls im sensitive. love you.
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sometimes my friendship with jimin makes me want to smash my head into a brick wall. other times it makes me want to run through a field of daisies. thankfully, it’s mostly the second one. but recently, there’s been a lot of incidents that have made the first option appealing.
for years jimin & i have been best friends. our parents were super close so we immediately just became friends when we’re younger. and we went to the same first school, middle and high school. we have been through everything together. he was there for me when i had my first job interview, my first heartbreak, my first ice skating lesson, my first competition. the list goes on, but he truly hasn’t left my side for years. and for a long time, that’s all he was. just my best friend.
and then we started getting older, he found his own style and growed to be more confident. he’s naturally a very flirty person now, so sometimes i did think he was flirting with me. now, im not so sure. but at the time when he spoke to me that way it made me stomach flip and my head spin. it was weird, i’d never looked at him that way before.
now here i am three years later, and i can’t stop looking at him that way. my feelings for him just won’t stop growing. just when i think i can’t like him any more, he does something new and i can’t keep my eyes off of him. he called me out for it a few weeks ago, a ‘what are you looking at?’ with a flirty smile, leaning a little closer to me.
another time we were cuddling, it’s something we’ve always done, and he kept snuggling his face closer in my neck. he pressed a couple of kisses on my neck, before falling asleep there. it was one of my most favourite nights with him. i really thought after that night he’d return my feelings.
but now, nothing. no flirty comments, no more coming over to my dorm every night for a cuddle whilst we watch a movie, no more waiting for me after my classes, or stealing me from my friends to go and get lunch with him. it’s like he’s avoiding me like the plague. to go from being attached at the hip and my best friend, to almost strangers. i’ve made attempts to capture him after class, or go to his dorm at night but he’s never there. it makes my chest ache and my eyes sting thinking i could lose him.
i was extremely lost & confused. but after lunch today, it all made sense to me. my friend lauren and i went off campus for lunch, just down the street where there were a few different little cafe’s and coffee shops.
“i would love to work in one of these, they’re just so cute” i say with a smile to lauren who agrees.
“and also because of the fact you’re ridiculously obsessed with coffee” she snarks back with a smirk.
we walked back down the street, and i glanced in a cute little coffee place on my right. through the glass windows, i saw them and my heart dropped. i froze, stopped walking and stared.
jimin sat opposite a girl, a pretty girl. he’s leaned over the table, his hands intertwined in hers as she talks. he’s looking at her softly, just like how he looked at me. i felt my eyes sting, seeing the guy i’ve been pining over for years with someone else.
he glanced out with a big smile on his face, which dropped as soon as he saw me. he seemed to panic, i see him gulp. i snap out of it, lauren pulling me away, trying to help calm me down. she’s the only person aware of my feelings for jimin. the ache in my chest became painful as i rushed down the street, lauren repeating reassuring comments to me, attempting to make me feel better. but it just went in one ear and out of the other.
once we reached our dorm room, i quickly shut the door behind me, covering my face as i try to compose myself. i can’t be this upset, he was never mine. he’s allowed to see someone else. “i’m so sorry” lauren murmured, pulling me into her for a cuddle. as soon as i cuddled into her, i broke down, sobbing into her shoulder.
“i can’t believe i thought he liked me. i’m such an idiot.” i whispered, sniffling and leaning back to wipe my eyes. “i thought he did too” she says softly, wiping away a stray tear for me.
“i miss him” i say, falling into the sofa and curling up. she follows, cuddling into me. “i miss seeing him every day, or when he’d sneak here and cuddle me, i miss having lunch with him, i miss just hanging out with him. i thought he was probably just busy or stressed with work when he became distant but it’s because of another girl” i say, the picture of them both popping back into my head.
“it hurts me that he’s into someone else, of course. but it makes it ten times worse that he’s completely shut me out since meeting her, when i’ve been his best friend since we were toddlers” i sigh, no longer sobbing but emotionless tears falling down my cheeks.
“i know honey, but i’m sure there’s more to this than you think there is, he wouldn’t just shut you out like that for no reason” she says, furrowing her eyebrows. “i’m going to their dorm tonight, the guys. jimin will be there tonight so you can come too? i’m sure they want to see you” she says, running her fingers through my hair.
“namjoon and tae were saying they miss you” she adds with a small smile. i look up at her with a sigh, “i’m so sorry, i didn’t even ask how your date was last night with namjoon” i face palm. “i’m an awful friend”.
“shut up, you’re an amazing friend. you’re hurting, i understand” she says with a smile.
“so, how was the date?” i say, wiping my eyes and smirking at her. she goes red,
“really, really good”.
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i look into the mirror, making sure my outfit looks okay before joining lauren downstairs. i want to look good, so jimin doesn’t suspect anything from me. after my reaction today, im sure he does anyway. but i don’t think he’ll even acknowledge me tonight. i just want to drink with my friends and forget about the other woman.
i am wearing a black turtle neck long sleeve, with this leather brown skirt and black tights. my hairs just down and natural, i couldn’t be bothered to style it.
lauren shouts me from downstairs, so i quickly put on my black boots and rush down. “look at you all pretty” she grins, putting her arm around my shoulder as we leave the dorm to make our way to the boys’.
“you look gorgeous as per usual, red lipstick huh?” i say, “wear that for anyone in particular?” i smirk, side eyeing her. she giggled, shaking her head as we rush; the brisk air getting to us both. we get closer to the dorm and i feel anxiety pool in my stomach, knowing that my ‘best friend’ will be there.
lauren knocks before entering, both of us taking off our coats and shoes before going through to the kitchen. it’s unfair, they were blessed with a huge dorm.
walking through, i sit and look at them all piled around the kitchen counter, pouring all kinds of drinks. i walk up behind tae and wrap my arms around his neck the best i could and squeezing him.
his head shoots around with a big grin, “there she is!” he says, squeezing me back. “missed you” he says pulling back as i giggle. “missed you tae”.
i greet the other boys, noticing someone’s missing from the table. i look around, before my eyes lock onto him curled onto the sofa. but he’s not alone, she’s here. the familiar feeling of my heart dropping happened again, my hands feeling numb.
she’s leaned on his chest, playing with his fingers as he sits there looking irritatingly handsome. then, he look up at me, face softening. i play with my fingers, quickly turning around and avoiding his gaze. lauren looks at me apologetically, “i didn’t know she would be here, im so so so sorry” she mumbles, holding my shaking hands in hers.
“it’s okay, i’m fine” i whisper. she furrows her eyebrows, unsure with my reply. i breathe in, rushing over to the table again to grab a glass of wine. i drink it quite fast, setting down my glass ready for a re fill. i’ll probably regret this.
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later into the night, i’m definitely drunk. normally drinking will improve my mood, make me forget about things. but they’re right in front of me. it’s all i can think about, it’s making me feel even worse.
i walk out of the living room, putting my glass on the side and filling it up with some of jungkooks white wine.
“you’ve drank a lot tonight, you might have a headache tomorrow” i hear from behind me, the familiar voice i haven’t heard in weeks. i stopped pouring, breathing in as he walks around to the other side of the kitchen counter, leaning his elbows on it as he looks at me worried.
“are you okay?” he says softly. i scoff, angrily screwing the lid back on the wine.
“now you care if i’m okay? after ignoring me for weeks?” i say, my voice shaky. he sighed, “i didn’t want to do that” he mumbled.
“then why did you? i understand if you’re all lovesick and happy but i thought you’d at least have the decency to tell me and at least not cut me out after like 15 years?” i say, my emotions pooling out, the wine making me not care what i’m saying. “i mean, i already don’t like that you’re with someone else- but it makes it worse that you’re supposed to be my best friend and you’re just ignoring me” i sigh, taking another sip of wine.
he furrows his eyebrows at my comment, looking up at me.
“that’s not what’s happening” he says, walking around and trying to take the glass away from me. i let him, feeling defeated and tired.
“then what’s happening, jimin? because you’re hurting me” i whisper, my eyes pooling with fresh tears.
“the last thing i wanted to do is hurt you” he says, looking at me with sad eyes. “i just, i can’t tell you now” he admits, looking down and a little embarassed. i sniffed, causing his head to shoot up from my little cry.
“well, you come tell me whenever you’d like - okay. i’ll just keep hurting and lounge in my dorm miserably whilst you curl up in bed with her, but sure. whenever you’re ready” i say, stepping away and walking towards the door as tears fall down my face. i shut the door behind me, quickly walking down the street.
“y/n! y/n wait!” i hear lauren say, rushing after me. i turn back, feeling bad when i see her holding both of our bags and coats.
“you don’t have to come back with me, please just enjoy your night with namjoon” i say, taking my coat and bag and pushing hers back to her.
“no if you need me then-”
“i-i’m okay, i need a night alone. please, have a nice night with him, okay?” i say, smiling through the tears to her. she smiled back, “okay, but you call me if you need me okay?” she says, to which i nod. i hug her quickly, mumbling an i love you before walking back to our dorm. i keep hearing my phone buzz in my pocket.
once i’m inside, changed into comfier clothes and curled up in my bed, i check the text messages.
jimin🧸: i’m so sorry
jimin🧸: i didn’t mean to hurt you like this, the way i’ve gone about this is horrible and i’m so sorry
jimin🧸: i love you im sorry
jimin🧸: please reply to me, let me know you got home safe
jimin🧸: i’m going to break things off with her, and then come over to you, you deserve a proper explanation, i’ll be there soon
i quickly panic, realising he sent these a while ago now and that means he could be here soo- i hear a knock on the door, and a call for my name. i recognise the voice almost immediately. i sigh, standing up and walking through to the front door.
i open it, to reveal jimin stood there looking stressed. he rushes inside. “i feel like the worst person in the world” he says, covering his face and sitting on the sofa.
i sigh, shutting the door and walking to sit beside him. “it’s okay” i murmur. i don’t feel anything right now, i just feel drained after today. i don’t want to argue with him.
“i just ended things with her” he says, looking over at me with glossy eyes. i furrow my brows, “why did you do that? you seemed to really like her” i say, pulling my legs up to cross them and face him. he does the same.
he shakes his head, wiping a tear from his eyes. “i didn’t. that’s why i had to end it, it wasn’t fair for her” he says, causing me to be even more confused.
“what?” i say, “why wasn’t it fair?”.
“because i was just- i was using her” he admits, pulling at his own dark locks. i can see that has taken a toll on him. he hasn’t got a bad bone in his body, he is the sweetest person i know. “i was using her hoping it would help me get over you” he whispers.
my heart beat fastens, staring at him with gentle eyes. “you like me?” i whisper back, shock settling in my body. i’ve wanted to hear that from him for years now.
“i have for a while now, but i shouldn’t like you because you’re my best friend and you don’t see me that way but-“ i cut him off. leaning forwards i place my hand on the side of his face, turning him to me and connecting my lips to his. he’s shocked at first, but soon melts into it. he hums lightly, his arms hooking around my waist, pulling me closer to him. i pull back, and he has a cute red blush covering his cheeks.
“w-what was that for?” he mumbles, his face still close to mine. i smile softly.
“to show you i feel the same way” i say, taking in a deep breath. “why do you think i reacted that way after seeing you with her? i felt like someone had ripped out my heart”
“you did?” he says, eyes still wide and flushed. i nodded. “i don’t like seeing you with another girl” i say, pouting a little.
“come here” he says, with a smile, motioning to his lap. i listen to him, trying to remain calm as i straddle his lap, his hands set on my hips.
“you won’t have to see me with another girl ever again” he mumbles, pulling me back in. i stop him, “promise?” i say. he grins, “i promise”, before attempting to pull me back in.
i stop him again. “does this mean i’m your girlfriend now?”. he rolls his eyes with an even wider grin,
“yes” he says plainly, “now would you please just kiss me”. i giggle, leaning in and pressing my lips back onto his. he hums happily, wrapping his arms further round mr waist and pulling closer to him.
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i hope this was okay.. i’m still learning and finding my way how to write better so please be aware of that 🧸. love you thankyou for reading <33.
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yabagofmilfs · 1 year
Sid and Geno for the music ask!
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This is the quintessential toxic mob boss Geno / down on his luck stripper Sid.
Geno, checking out one of his many clubs, sees a new dancer on the floor. He’s awkward and clearly not totally comfortable on stage yet—fresh meat, Geno thinks to himself—but it doesn’t matter when he’s got an ass like that and oh holy shit look at that mouth on him too. Geno snaps at one of his guys to bring him over, and he finds himself uniquely charmed by how Sid manages to be both polite and direct. No, he doesn’t sleep with customers. Yes, Geno can have a private dance but he’s gotta go request it from the manager hanging out over by the bar. No, Sid doesn’t give a shit who Geno is he’s not losing his job because some guy doesn’t want to follow the rules.
Something something Geno offers Sid a big sum of money to go home with him and let Geno do whatever he wants to him. Too much for Sid to refuse, when he only took this job to make sure he can pay for Taylor’s tuition or something and this’ll practically pay for half a semester. (Let’s suspend disbelief on that one.)
Geno doing whatever he wants to Sid includes d/s elements and really rough sex. Sid’s afraid at first, but determined to keep his word, and somewhere along the line begins to enjoy the way Geno pushes him beyond his limits while offering him a steady stream of what would be sweet praise in any other context.
I don’t have an ending for this except morally charcoal Geno and burgeoning freak Sid becoming obsessed with each other. Maybe Sid becomes Geno’s consigliere or something. Maybe Geno just brings him under the protection of his family and makes sure he and Taylor are taken care of. Maybe they die in a shootout but like romantically, idk pick your poison.
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Pride Month Character Sexuality Headcanon Moodboards 1. Yasmine - Lesbian 2. Demetri Alexopoulos - Gay 3. Moon - Bisexual 4. Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz - Bisexual
Next up is my favorite little gayboy in the whole world!!! Why am I so dead convinced he's a little gayboy and not a little biboy??? I'm so glad you asked!!!
Yes obviously he's in love with Eli, a boy, but I firmly believe Demetri has never once genuinely yearned for the touch of a woman akidjsilufhk
MF literally spends his first scene of the show limp-wristing. I am not kidding in the least.
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Like even Eli is sus in the first pic akajsldibhodfku
"But that's circumstantial evidence, tumblr user demetriandelibinaryboyfriends!!!" you say. "He starts simping for Yasmine immediately after, so doesn't that cancel it out?"
Well, see, that's exactly what he wants you to think.
The reason he does this imo is actually kind of sad. Miguel comes to the table (Demetri's first potential new friend in like 10 years!!!) and immediately shows an interest in girls, establishing that he's probably a Regular Straight Guy. Miguel has seen Demetri talk in a slight gay lisp (he does!!! Don't @ me!!! Like maybe they were going for "nasally nerd voice" but it just sounds like the stereotypical gay guy voice???), have Some Kinda Fruity Vibe going with Eli, and limp-wrist all over the place, and Demetri knows this. He's also just met Miguel, and has every reason to believe this straight dude will ditch him immediately if he suspects Demetri's gay (high school kids really ARE that cruel sometimes), so...he tries to cover his ass and pretend to be straight so Miguel will stay :(
Speaking of Yasmine, though!!! Basically every time throughout the series that he shows an interest in her, it feels extremely performative. Like he's just saying what Miguel (or whoever else) would expect him to. And it's only ever about looks and social status in a way that suggests he sees Yasmine as a kind of placeholder/cover-up--"the conventionally attractive girl I act obsessed with so no one suspects I'm gay."
On that topic, the irt S1 Demetri, the fact that he picks a very unattainable girl to show blatant interest in is huge. Like what better cover than "pining" for a girl who you believe there is 0% chance you could ever actually date??? Indefinitely permanent beard without once having to fake a straight relationship!
I also think this is why Demetri is so gloriously unbothered when he botches hitting on Yasmine in 1x09. Like sure, he's socially inept, but he's not unintelligent; anyone with two brain cells could tell Yasmine wasn't interested (and he doesn't have the Eli-esque ego-driven delusion to think he's doing better with girls than he actually is). So why does he happily say "I think that went well!" when Yasmine walks away??? Because he's filled the Expected Straight Guy Quota beautifully by shooting his shot with a hot girl, and now that that failed he's off the hook!
Another funny thing is that he ONLY goes and hits on Yasmine after he's seen Eli making out with a random girl. I think it's both a mimicking kind of thing ("well, shit, if this is what Eli's doing I'd better do it too!" they're like cats I love them) and an "I guess if Eli's gonna start kissing girls and be unavailable now, I have nothing to lose so I might as well" kinda thing.
Generally speaking, S1 Demetri, um...sure does procrastinate getting romantically involved with girls. We're meant to believe it's solely a lack of confidence and his general defeatist nature, but like. Every chance he gets, he puts off making a move on girls. He straight up tells Miguel he's going to wait until he gets a well-paying, respectable job before asking any hot girls out. Homeboy literally putting off dating girls for like 5 decades. Not to mention the Halloween dance, where he tells Miguel to "slow his roll" asking girls to dance and says it "could've been worse" when they in fact don't end up dancing with any girls. Both rather flippantly and cheerfully, too! Like Demetri only ever seems to care about girls when Miguel is around, which goes back to my theory that he's worried Miguel would abandon him and Eli if he figured out Demetri was gay.
Tbh I don't think Demetri's lack of initiative with girls is because he's a defeatist because...he seems indifferent (sometimes even chipper) about his lack of luck with women. But when it comes to Eli being bullied??? He is ACTIVELY bothered. Like he's clutching the back of a chair in a silent rage during the library scene. He looks heartbroken when the cafeteria kids start snickering about Eli's mom calling the school. He goes off at Johnny when he makes fun of Eli's lip! Clearly Demetri doesn't like being at the bottom of the school food chain, even though he's also a defeatist about getting bullied. But when it comes to girls??? Every time the loser trio fails with women, Miguel tends to take it 5000% harder than Demetri, who legit barely bats an eye!
I feel like I don't need to convince you of the Demetri-Eli subtext, because otherwise you wouldn't be on my page, but...it's worth mentioning that Demetri spends all of S2 being a sad little simp for Newly Evil Eli and completely forgetting Yasmine's existence while she's in France. Moon is the only one who acknowledges Yasmine's existence all season, but that gay subtext is a conversation for another day XD In any case, Demetri quickly 100% forgets the girl he was supposedly "so into" during S1. Wack! Speaking as an ex-high schooler, btw, you don't just forget your crush over the summer if you really liked them that much. You yearn and talk wistfully to your friends about what they might be up to XD
Also worth noting that as soon as Demetri does drop the Aggressively Straight facade and forms genuine relationships with women, platonic bonds with girls seem to come second-nature to him! He very easily befriends Moon and Sam, despite being scared to so much as interact with girls for years. But as soon as he does, connecting and being amicable with girls seems effortless as long as it isn't romantic. It brings to mind how gay men often have a lot of close female friends and tend to be more at ease around them because there's no concern of underlying sexual/romantic tension.
Tbh you could argue the only time Demetri's relationships with women suffer is when he Tries Too Hard To Be Straight. He has healthy and solid friendships with Sam and Moon, and he has never once tried to flirt with either. Among all the girls in the cast Demetri regularly interacts with, Yasmine is actually the one he has the most contentious relationship with. And why's that? I would argue it's because he feels obligated to hit on her whenever they're together, lest his hard-earned new friends suspect something is abnormal about him. Not Moon as much, but Sam and Miguel for sure--as far as he can tell, they are both 100% straight and it's very possible he's worried about them abandoning him for being a "weird freak" the same way Eli did. In any case, him hitting on Yas makes the atmosphere between them tense and uncomfortable, making his relationship with her feel more stilted than his more organic-feeling interactions with Moon and Sam.
Worth noting that he only really brings up Yasmine/waxes poetic about how "into Yasmine" he is around the people he MOST wants to think he's straight--Sam, Miguel, and Eli. Sam and Miguel are his best friends sans Eli, and Eli, well...of course he would constantly bring up his Girlfriend He Totally Likes So Much around the dude he absolutely does not want to suspect he's into!!! In S4 especially he just got Eli back, and shies away from anything that might open a rift between them again, especially a big fat gay crush he's been harboring since the jump!
The whole Demetri-Yasmine relationship is super shallow and performative--in my opinion, from both sides, but Demetri's side especially. He seems to see Yasmine as more of a concept than a person, calling her the "girl of his dreams" and saying he's "101% in love" while...not appearing to know anything of substance about her. He literally never alludes to knowing anything about her personality except that she's hot and mean. And sure, you could chock this up to him being a shallow, horny teenage boy, but...we know he's anything but shallow, given how he loves his childhood best friend so much and so deeply that he forgives him for all number of horrible things in 3 seconds flat because he is that certain that Eli means his apology and is a good person deep down. Given that he has absolutely undying loyalty to his other best friend Miguel Diaz, despite Miguel being (indirectly) part of the reason that he and Eli got estranged in the first place. Given that he also has so much undying loyalty to Sam LaRusso that he backed her up in a dangerous gang fight and got his arm broken for it. Demetri clearly sees and understands the nuance and complexity in people. So why does he talk about his own girlfriend as if she has none???
Something else to note is how in S5, Demetri reveals that he and Yasmine fight so frequently that her arm is literally weighed down with all the make-up bracelets he buys her. This is just supposed to be a Funny Bit, but...I can't help but notice that this is a stark contrast to S4, where they seemed to be all over each other every time we saw them together. Maybe because when they're alone together, the facade falls away and their "relationship" doesn't really have any leg to stand on? Also one has to wonder why anyone would stay in a relationship that dysfunctional. Makes a lot more sense looking at it from the perspective that Demetri feels like he needs a beard, and isn't sure he'd be able to find another girl willing to date him. Besides, as far as fake-girlfriends-to-make-people-think-you're-straight go...well, you're really not going to do much better than Yasmine.
Mentioned in many other posts, but I firmly believe that Yasmine is a closet lesbian and she and Demetri are a case of "gay and lesbian date in high school because they subconsciously detect the gayness in each other and mistake that sense of kinship for romantic attraction."
I also think it's very possible that a little ways into dating, one or both of them realized they were gay, and they made a mutual agreement to "stay together for appearances." Yasmine's social status plummeted after the end of S1, and it's possible she had homophobic family in the picture who would make publicly coming out impractical. And Demetri, while definitely more popular than he used to be, likely thought he could stand to lose all that if it got out he was gay.
Tbh maybe it was a mutual fake dating situation from the jump!!! Point is that this relationship is WAY too stilted and awkward for me to believe one or both of them ISN'T hamming it up a little. It just does not feel genuine or natural at all :/ Although they DO actually have a lot of platonic potential (especially taking the mlm/wlw solidarity aspect into account, or even just the trope of a popular alpha bitch having a sassy gay best friend aidpsiufhodly), which leads me to believe there's more going on than just Demetri using Yasmine as a beard. I do think he likes her and admires her a lot, just not romantically or sexually!
I've actually heard from my mlm friends that it's relatively common for gay guys to be drawn to powerful and outspoken women, and mistake that admiration for a romantic crush! This is probably what happened with Yasmine, if Demetri did believe he had genuine feelings for her and wasn't faking a crush to actively hide his sexuality. I'd also imagine this is where the "bitchy queen bee girly-girl with a gay best friend" stereotype comes from!
A big part of my gay Demetri/bi Eli belief comes from how different their relationships with women are. Demetri is more comfortable with women from the jump, befriending Aisha, Moon, and Sam fairly easily in a way that could indicate a lack of attraction (so, once again, less pressure and more freedom to be his authentic self). Eli, on the other hand, seems to have more trouble with girls in a way that leads me to believe he IS attracted to (and intimidated by) them to some extent. Although he does form a close friendship with Aisha, his other relationships with girls seem to consist of him awkwardly flirting with/trying to impress them, antagonizing them (e.g. Sam in S3), or not really interacting with them at all. In S2, Eli doesn't even seem at ease around his own girlfriend! He's quick to jump to snapping the MOMENT Demetri says something that might make him look bad, like he doesn't trust Moon to like anything other than his "coolness" (which, to be fair, she...doesn't really lmao). He does befriend Tory, but it's more of a casual "work friendship" and it's nowhere near the kind of easy, close-knit friendship Sam and Demetri have. Even Dem's relationship with Yasmine is amicable enough when he's not trying too hard to hit on her. Point being that Eli struggling with girls more than Demetri kinda gives me the impression Demetri doesn't get (romantically) nervous around girls much at all. Not to say someone like Tory wouldn't make him nervous about getting punched in the face or knifed in the gut XD But nervous about dating girls??? Nah. He's only nervous about keeping up the appearance of wanting to date girls!
Just LOOK at what this mf wears!!! Like he LITERALLY has the mlm flag on a hoodie!!! With fucken purple-ass skinny jeans, the fucken bottom stripe of the mlm flag and also the gayest color alive!!! Like all throughout the show this mf's color motifs are CONSISTENTLY blue and green. The blue we could say comes with the Miyagi Do color motifs, but what of the green??? Why he wearing so much green, though??? To match Eli??? His BOYFRIEND???
Yes, it COULD be a reach, but like. It's SO CONSISTENT throughout the show!!! So much blue!!! So much green!!! And when he's NOT wearing those colors, whatever colors he's wearing usually match with Eli's outfit!
Sorry but color-coordinating your outfit with your bestie shows the fashion sense and awareness of a gay man. Demetri Alexopoulos...
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As always, pic credits available upon request!
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kittenofdoomage · 2 years
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Mystery Guy
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Sam Winchester x female!reader
Prompt: anonymous glory hole sex
Word Count: 2151
Warnings: sex work/prostitution, anonymous sex, glory holes, fluff
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The whole thing had started as an easy way to get cash, and why not, seeing as she enjoyed sex and the entire operation at Anon was run within the law, safely and with a high level of cleanliness and security for the employees. Her customers never saw her face and she never saw theirs, and both parties came away satisfied. She’d made friends among the other girls too, and for a while, there was no problem.
Until he came.
After a few months on the job, Y/N began to recognize regulars, just by touch or sound - the thin wooden panel between her and them did only enough to muffle the sounds. Some of the other girls gave theirs nicknames, like Moany Joe, or The Growler. She didn’t, not verbally anyway, but it was easy to realize which regular she was interacting with, be it by the way they touched her or how they preferred to fuck her.
It was maybe his fifth or sixth visit by the time she grew accustomed to the size of his hands, or the gentle but domineering way he used her. He had bigger hands than any of the other men she’d encountered, and if she couldn’t tell by the size of those, she could always tell by the size of his cock. No other man, paid or not, had filled her the way he did.
He seemed to care too, whispering to her through the wall; on one occasion, he’d shown concern at a bruise on her leg, one she’d attained through a nasty fall onto a coffee table, and when he touched it with his thumb, she’d unwittingly moaned at the slight pressure.
By the time he’d been visiting for six months, she was beginning to wonder who he was. He only came once a week, sometimes less, but he always chose her, from what she could tell anyway. The urge to ask the kiosk girl who he was started to become an obsession, though she knew it was entirely against the rules. She found herself looking at the hands of tall men in public, wondering if it was him, though no one ever seemed to fit.
Paying off student loans was really easy with the money she was making, and it wasn’t long before the need for cash wasn’t so pressing. She started applying for other jobs, respectable ones in her professional field for less pay, and slowly, she gave up her shifts at the Anon until she was only working one night and finally, she gave her notice with the intent to start a new job at a local law firm. As her last shift approached, she wondered if her mystery guy would appear, if she’d ever know who he was.
As she strolled into the club, dressed in her regular street clothes, the kiosk girl caught her attention, pulling her over to look at the schedule. “You’re in 17 again,” she said. “But you’re booked up the whole night.”
Y/N frowned, tilting her head. “Booked?”
“Some guy called,” the girl informed her, bewilderment in her voice. “Said he wanted you free the whole night and paid a lot for it to happen. Boss is pretty pissed he’s losing you when you can bring in that much in one night.”
“Well, I can’t do this forever,” Y/N chuckled. “I better go get ready.”
Her stomach rolled as she walked, nerves getting the better of her. It wasn’t like she had to perform for her job - the restraints made that pretty impossible - but the thought of someone booking her specifically put her on edge. Who was it? Why her?
Booth 17 was the one she used most, and it was slightly warmer than some of the others. The table was also relatively newer compared to them, and she stripped down quickly, getting herself into position and sliding her lower half through the gap in the wall. On the other side, one of the other girls secured her feet, tapping her knee when she was done.
“You okay?” she called through, and Y/N recognized the voice as Anita, a more seasoned veteran of the Anon.
“I’m good!”
She didn’t know if this guy was going to be there right away or not, just that she wouldn’t be visited by any other customers for the whole four hours. Maybe he wouldn’t show up at all, though that would be odd. 
The club opened, and gradually, the carnal sound of couples filtered through to her as she laid on her back and waited, literally twiddling her thumbs. After thirty minutes, she was starting to get impatient, but before she could reach for her phone to keep herself entertained, a hand touched her lower leg and she jerked in surprise.
Recovering quickly, she relaxed, feeling his fingers dance over her bare thigh. It was him, she was sure of it, and if it wasn’t the guy who’d booked her, security would quickly remove him.
“Hi,” he said, the single syllable muffled through the wall.
His hands cupped her ass fully and she moaned, twitching in the restraints. “Hi,” she breathed back, unsure if he heard her, hoping he did. Speaking to each other was against the rules, not that it mattered much when she wouldn’t be coming back.
“They said it was your last shift,” mystery guy murmured, kneading her ass as he ground his denim-covered crotch into her bare pussy. “I’ll be sad to see you go.”
A finger pressed inside her and she whined loudly, desperate to feel him - if this was the last time, she wanted to remember every inch of him.
“I wish I could see your face,” he groaned. The leather of his belt swiped her sex as he pulled it undone and she tensed, ready and eager for what was coming. “Wish I could do more than this.” She bit into her lip as the fat head of his cock teased her right where his finger was still fucking into her. “Maybe one day I’ll find you again.”
He withdrew his finger, replacing it with his thick shaft, sinking into her slowly, grabbing her knees where they were secured in the restraints. Y/N cried out, arching on the bed, grinding against him as if she could get closer if she tried hard enough. Her mystery guy chuckled through the wall, holding himself as deep as possible.
“Never found anyone that fit so well,” he groaned, giving her one short sharp thrust, only a taste of what she craved.
“Please,” she moaned, squirming against him, unable to do anything to get what she wanted.
“What’s your name?” he asked.
She gasped, shaking her head. “I can’t. You could be anyone.”
“I promise -”
Someone else cleared their throat, and mystery guy went still. “No talking,” came the stern voice of the establishment’s owner and Y/N’s eyes went wide. Mystery guy was quiet for a second, and then he started to move again.
There was no more talking after that. She assumed someone was watching, so she did her job, feeling strangely empty when it was over and he left without trying to speak to her again. Scrambling out of the booth, she cleaned up, propping herself up on the bed with her pants in one hand, trying to figure out whether she was supposed to stay for the rest of the night.
Greg, the owner, appeared in the doorway, pushing the curtain to the side. “Everything okay?”
Y/N lifted her head, offering him a weary smile. “Yeah, just… end of an era or something.”
“You’re gonna be missed, kid,” he replied, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a wad of cash. “Consider this your leaving gift.”
She frowned as she took the cash, counting the several hundred dollar bills. There was over five grand in the bundle, and when she looked up at her now-former employer, he only grinned.
“Honey, that last guy paid over fifty grand to fuck you once. I figure you deserve at least a cut.”
“I don’t know what to say,” she whispered. “Thank you.”
“Take care of yourself, Y/N.”
A hollow feeling burrowed into her chest as she finished dressing, slipping her bonus into her purse. With her night suddenly free, she didn’t know what to do; she gathered her things and headed out, saying a few goodbyes along the way. The employee entrance was at the back of the building and led onto a diner that Greg owned too. Stepping out onto the street made her wary, and she was hungry anyway, so she headed into the diner, smiling at the familiar faces in there.
For an hour, she nursed a coffee and pancakes, inspecting every male face that came into view, wondering if it was him. Even as she walked home, she wondered what he looked like, whether he was as tall as she imagined - if his big hands were anything to go by, she thought he would be quite tall.
A faceless shadowy form haunted her dreams. She didn’t get any rest that night, nor the following. Her bonus went into her savings account, and she shopped until she dropped on the Saturday, once again scanning faces and hands and just wondering more and more whether she would ever see him again. By Sunday, she was starting to drive herself crazy, and she decided she needed a distraction.
Launching herself into her new job seemed to help, and her first day, she arrived bright and early, ready to impress. It was only an administration post while she worked through law school but it was a foot in the door, and she was hoping it would lead to something really good.
Most of her first day was being introduced around and meeting her team, including the man at the top, Sam Winchester. Self-made from nothing and one of the most successful lawyers in Kansas history, and Y/N was terrified of making a bad impression. Her meeting with him was later in the day, and she tried not to think about it, absorbing as much information as she could.
Her immediate boss, Susan, seemed pleased with her, and eagerly led her up to Mr. Winchester’s office, knocking on the door politely but not waiting for an invite before opening the door. Mr. Winchester was sitting at his desk, hunched over some paperwork, and when Susan cleared her throat, he looked up, mild annoyance on his face until he saw the two women standing there.
“Oh, is it four already?” he asked.
It felt like the floor was being stolen from her as she heard his voice, recognizing it almost immediately. She couldn’t help the sharp gasp as his eyes met hers, before her gaze dropped to his huge hands, resting on top of the desk.
Mr. Winchester smiled. “Thank you, Susan. Miss. ?”
“Y/N,” Susan provided as Y/N remained frozen and wide-eyed next to her.
“Have a seat, Y/N,” he drawled, her name rolling off his tongue.
Susan disappeared and the door closed, leaving them alone. Y/N was almost shaking as she walked towards the chair, unable to take her eyes off of him. He watched with a smirk as she sat down, folding his hands on the desk, hands that had left bruises on her thighs only a few nights before, bruises that still lingered.
“So you’re the new assistant,” Mr. Winchester murmured, drinking her in hungrily.
Did he know? 
She was struggling to wrap her head around it. All this time it had been Sam fucking Winchester.
“Yes,” she squeaked, realizing he was waiting for an answer. His eyes were intense as they bore into her, and a million thoughts rushed through her head. Would her previous occupation and their encounter mean the end of her career before it had even started? And if he didn’t know, could she successfully hide it from him? “Um,” she coughed, tearing her eyes away from him, “I’m really looking forward to this opportunity, sir.”
“It’s Sam,” he corrected softly, getting up and rounding the table to sit against the edge in front of her. “I think we can skip all the formal bullshit, considering -” He stopped, folding his hands in his lap, looking at her curiously.
Curiosity forced her to speak. She needed to hear it from him. “Considering?” she repeated, trying to sound innocent.
His smile returned. “Considering I’ve been inside you,” he muttered softly and Y/N squirmed in her seat, feeling a pool of moisture in her panties. “The second I heard you gasp…”
“A-are you going to fire me?” she asked timidly.
Sam chuckled, reaching forward to take her hand, pulling her from the seat until she was crushed against him, holding her there as he inhaled her scent. “No,” he hummed. “I think fate has other plans for us.”
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okthatsgreat · 5 months
So it's mentioned that the false backstories and simulations will 'enhance' participants talents so they can actually be 'Ultimate' talents. How well does each of your ocs actually cope with the fact that on some level they're talents aren't as good as they are in the simulation/their memories?
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. oooooo......................... this one is gooooddd...........................................
FOR A LITTLE ADDITIONAL CONTEXT in this au of mine team danganronpa tends to exaggerate the abilities of the ultimates in order to make them truly appear like "the best of the best", to the point where there is often dissonance between what they are capable of in the simulator versus what they can actually do outside of it. for example, simulator gonta can lift a manhole cover with two fingers, real life gonta can still pick it up but not THAT easily lmao.
OH ALSO!!! because this only applies to the dr:50th kids this wont include billie/sae/andi !!!!!
mika: average inside, average outside. nothing was really changed all that much in regards to her abilities so she's all good lmaoo
ryobe: see i was really debating what that would mean for this guy but i really think he's fine with the jump from virtual reality to reality lmfaooo. or at least THIS aspect of it. i dont even think danganronpa really exaggerated his "talents" all that much. like yes his success in content creation is EXTRAORDINARY in comparison to the average person and would be near impossible for him to achieve if he wasnt this fictional version of mr beast that team danganronpa created, but he's still an extremely popular guy outside of the simulator!! he's just as charismatic too, and still gets the same media attention he's used too even if it's a little different. honestly the real difficulty is losing the team of people he made videos with/losing his channel, but that came with discovering the truth of team danganronpa rather than a shift in his abilities and talent, if that makes sense. overall he's pretty chill (for a guy whose entire life is a lie)
yoshito: team danganronpa definitely played up yoshito's ability to connect and help people with his talent, and i think he's in for a bit of a rude awakening if he tries it outside of the simulator lol. simulator yoshito had a solution for every client and was able to ease their fears just by stepping into a room, real world yoshito is definitely not capable of pleasing every single person!! team danganronpa really wanted him to appear like this miracle worker who hardly ever had a bad day on the job, but he is nottttt going to be able to help every single person like he did in the simulator
erin: SIMILAR TO YOSHITO team danganronpa absolutely played up her ability to connect with her audience and the tolerance level that people have for her constant energy lmao. she's still great with kids and a fantastic entertainer, but she is a lotttttt less accepted in the real world. i also think she's a bit less pitch-perfect as well!! simulator pippy had that autotune pitch whenever she pulled out her ukulele and started making up a song, real world pippy is a little more raw with her vocals and needs a tad bit longer to come up with something. i also like to think that she gets worn out a bit more easily, as well!!! the girl whose body she took over was not jumping around singing and smiling all day lmao
rie: this is where it gets interesting because i really think that they digitally enhanced rie's appearance... NOT LIKE. FULL COSMETIC SURGERY OR ANYTHING but very minor changes that make her look perfect and doll-like. simulator rie never got acne, had a flawless body and flawless skin, had well-kept hair and an appearance that looked like a walking instagram filter basically. and while she definitely obsessed over these details in her own time and worked very hard to keep herself that way, minor things were done by team danganronpa!! which means that rie wakes up from the simulator with veryyy minor things changed about her appearance, and despite keeping up with the same routine she always does, if not MORE intensely, it just doesnt seem to go away. the body she is in has these tiny imperfections that stand out a LOT to rie, with scars and blots that she cant get rid of despite her tireless efforts. which im sure will not develop into a complex of any kind!
naomi: athletes are definitely gonna get fucked up a LOTTT jumping between the simulator and reality, and that absolutely includes naomi LMAO. simulator naomi was INSANELY speedy, with an extremely high sense of spatial awareness that allowed her to plan where her feet would step in the most effective and SAFE way possible. she was also dexterous and capable of a lot of gymnastic feats that are very tricky for the average person to master. leaving the simulator SUCKED FOR HER!!! she's in the body of a girl who did not have the years of training she did, and honestly was a bit frail. she's still tall, and she still has the KNOWLEDGE of how to do everything, she just lacks a lottt of practice. i imagine there is a rather extreme dissonance, because naomi knows she can be faster than this but she just CANT for some reason. she runs out of stamina a lot quicker. she can't pull herself during her first few runs out of the simulator. not to mention she isn't entirely as spatially aware anymore, meaning she trips badly and gets a lotttt of injuries just by mis-stepping
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