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hellsitegenetics · 2 days ago
NO FUCKING RNA 🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫 NOT ALLOWED 🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫
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todaysbird · 3 days ago
thank you for your birds but also thank you so much for the rats I love the rats
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barnespls · 2 days ago
jayvik cuddling i beg of you
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Little spoon Jayce agenda!!
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comicaurora · 18 hours ago
Can we get a fair use boy wonder on the dash?
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kedreeva · 2 days ago
if peafowl colouring comes from the way their feathers are structured, how does pie and white eye happen, since those are a lack of pigmentation?
So, "color" is actually "light wavelengths as perceived by our eyes" and pigment is "substance which reflect certain wavelengths and absorb certain wavelengths." Peafowl don't lack /pigment/ but what light is reflected from it depends heavily on how the light is refracted before/after it reaches any pigment. That refraction is what we can see, and is the "coloring that comes from the way their feathers are structured."
A bluejay's feathers are not blue by pigment. They use a brown pigment. But the structure of the barbules on the vanes causes the feathers to appear blue to our eyes. Here's a bluejay feather, lit two different ways.
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The same is true of peafowl feathers, in complex ways. The pigment used to color the feathers is almost certainly a brown or black pigment, and the structure of the feathers refracts the light to create different colors. This is how ALL iridescence works in birds, by refracting light through barbule and barb structure. Different angles produce different colors to our eyes because we see different... like "stages" of refraction or angles of it.
Here's a video of what I mean, of Orion showing the blue-to-purple shift that happens when you view a purple peafowl.
If the light is behind you shining directly onto them, they appear blue. If the bird is between you and the sun, up to a 90* angle, it appears purple. Without full-spectrum lighting, the bird appears blue. The bird is still black/brown, but we don't/can't see that because of the structure. The PIGMENT of the bird is not changing just because I walked 6 feet. They don't have chromatophores in their feathers that react specifically to my changing my position. But what color we perceive them as changes due to the structure of the feathers. Except in matte birds like cameo, we don't see the actual pigment color of the bird, we see the iridescent color created by the structure.
So, the leucistic mutations are removing that underlying pigment, and without pigment, the structure of the feathers doesn't matter, since there's no substance to absorb any wavelength of light, and so we see the full spectrum reflected, and see white.
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njere · 2 days ago
You art is stunning. I am now following you just so I can pull up a chair, check out previous pieces, and enjoy new ones as they get released.
I hope you'll like the new stuff I'll share here! it's always a joy to create and interact with everyone ✨️
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cheeky jazz and prowl doodle for you as a thanks for the kind words ♡♡
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plaguedocboi · 3 days ago
what's the wackiest creature at your aquarium?
For wackiest personality I’m gonna go with Tangerine the lobster because he’s… a fascinating individual. He’s been kicked out of two other aquariums for hyper-aggressive behavior and I’ve personally seen him kill other animals for fun. Like he doesn’t eat them, he just kills them and walks away. I fear one day he will get me too.
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For wackiest type of animal, I have to give it to the mummichogs for being basically indestructible. They can survive a huge range of temperatures, salinity, and water conditions. They were the first fish sent into space. This one was eaten by another fish, revived, and made a full recovery.
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ihatebrainstorm · 2 days ago
I humbly ask for a Drift for the doodle requests
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he can't <//3
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madginger · 3 days ago
Chilling out so give me something 👀
Anonymously tell me your assumpmtions about me and I'll confirm or deny them.
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hellsitegenetics · 2 days ago
i like to imagine that you dont just look up random genomes, or are a bot, but rather youre a person who knows every genome
String identified: t ag tat t t a g, a a t, t at a g
Closest match: Hmm... Yes... Arcobacter butzleri ED-1 DNA, complete genome
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(image source)
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startheskelaton · 2 days ago
A question about TFOne Sparkplug.
I'm wondering what her relationship with Starscream is like? Like, I know Megs is her carrier but does he often make Starscream look after her while Megs is out on patrol or at a battle? Considering he had sparklings before, I believe he has some experience with caring for them. For example: Sparky is crying for Megs although he's gone off to fight his ex who became a Prime and Starscream's the one in charge of comforting the poor bab?
I swear this isn't me just wanting to see more of TFOne Starscream interacting with sparklings because I'm a woman who sees the strangest characters for a father figure despite my real father being a deadbeat who left me. I think I need help. TwT
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As much as they may bicker with one another, Starscream has always had a soft spot for Sparkplug. When she was still small, Starscream was always the second best option to get Sparkplug to stop crying when Megatron was away from the base. He was even the one to suggest the name "Tarn" when she wanted to make a more threatening persona to use in battle.
Even if she's grown into a fine warrior that is capable of fighting off enemies twice her size, she's still treated as the baby of the decepticons.
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skippingstonez · 1 day ago
I'm bored and feeling a bit chatty!
✨soft asks✨
What song makes you feel better?
What is your go to comfort show?
Reading or writing? Why?
Whats your favorite feeling?
How do you like to take care of yourself?
What’s your favorite candle scent?
Who do you feel most like yourself around?
Whats a fabric/texture that’s nostalgic for you?
Best childhood moment?
When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried? (or just felt really good afterwards)
Do you have a comfort item? Tell us about it!
What calms you down?
Bath or shower to relax?
Whats something upcoming that you’re excited for?
Comfort food?
What’s something you want to create soon?
How do you feel best loved?
What age in life do you think you’ll feel most yourself at?
Have you ever written or received a love letter?
Tell us about a memory you hold close to your heart.
Tea, Coffee, or hot cocoa?
Name of your favorite playlist?
Have you ever received flowers?
Who is your bestfriend?
If your soul was a color, what would it be?
If you could live anywhere with anyone you want, where would it be and who would you bring?
Do you like to garden? Have you ever grown something?
What are you proudest of?
Are you a kind person?
What do your hobbies look like?
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frownyalfred · 2 days ago
gotham strippers rivaling mma fighters in strength and analytical skill vs brucie wayne, taking a tsunami shot without flinching
Both of them are like “wait a minute…” but for completely different reasons. The strippers because they’re confused why he didn’t flinch, and Bruce because why the fuck did that stripper just hit him harder than Killer Croc did last week?
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todaysbird · 1 day ago
Do you know what bird this is? It flew into our house, then we let it out.
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a handsome Brown-Headed Nuthatch visitor!
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hrrtshape · 3 days ago
First of all, I really like your posts but I feel like I am too dumb for some of your answers. They are so poetic and I... Am not. So I don't understand some of them, could you explain how to shift and deal with 3D for a dumb dumb person?
okay first of all you’re not dumb !!!! you just have different ways of processing information. that’s normal. my brain just works like a victorian poet who’s been trapped in a storm for three days. but i got you.
shifting is just moving your awareness. you do it all the time without realising. daydreaming? shifting. getting lost in a book? shifting. waking up and forgetting where you are for a second? shifting. the only difference is now you’re doing it on purpose.
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how to shift.
i , decide where you want to go. be clear. what’s the vibe? what do you want to experience?
ii , relax. you don’t have to be in a perfect position. just get comfortable.
iii , focus on your dr. think about it, feel it, imagine it however works best for you. some people visualise, some just know it’s real. both work.
iv , detach from 3d. this is the hardest part but also the easiest. stop worrying about whether it’s working. if you’re thinking “but i’m still here,” that’s just a thought, not proof. shifting isn’t about forcing, it’s about letting go.
v , allow it to happen. you don’t have to do anything special. your consciousness will move when you stop gripping onto 3d so hard.
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dealing with the 3d while waiting.
stop acting like 3d is the enemy. it’s not a prison, it’s just one layer of reality.
shifting is easy when you stop needing it. desperation makes it harder.
do things that make you feel good in 3d. be a little delusional. let yourself enjoy things.
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stop overcomplicating it. if you tell yourself shifting is impossible, your brain will believe you. if you tell yourself it’s natural, your brain will believe that too.
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