#…you furry little pig
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I was asked if Centuriyans (my big alien cat ocs) ever have issues with hairballs. So it led me to believe they do, but only under certain circumstances! (Lord help that boy)
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teaboot · 9 months
If you could pick 2 to 5 current animals to make a hybrid, what would you pick?
I would do platypus for most of the body, raven for wings and intelligence, peacock for coloring, and pigs for the noises because pig snorts make me laugh.
Asks are supposed to be fun, if you don't want to answer or take a while to answer that is perfectly fine. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
I have been thinking about this ALL DAY
My ideal animal to play God at making would HAVE TO BE:
Soft. Ideally pettable. Furry, but not like. Bristly or oily
Not stinky. Dogs always smell like foot, I'm sorry
Affectionate, but not clingy
Character-ful. Imperfect. TOO cute or sweet and we get into uncomfortable uncanny Valley territory.
Self-sufficient. Will it survive in it's natural habitat? Can it protect itself from stupid people? Needs some form of self-defense.
NOW, given these criteria I have chosen THESE CREACHURS :
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Mole fur sticks directly up from its body to minimize friction when digging forwards OR backwards. With the fur of the mole, THIS CREACHUR is PETTABLE IN ALL DIRECTIONS.
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For some godforsaken reason, the crested anklet is a bird which releases the smell of SWEET TANGERINES, a scent which I am personally fond of. THIS CREACHUR smells DELIGHTFUL.
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THIS CREACHUR is AFFECTIONATE TOWARDS HUMANS, but not so much that it's constantly trying to crawl up your ass. IDEAL SOCIAL COMPANION
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The silky anteater, like the platypus, is a SLIGHTLY FUCKED LITTLE GUY. Look at him. He's adorable, but not saccharine. He's approachable. Believable. Somewhat muppet-like. A real down-to-earth guy. An everyman sort of freak. A friend.
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One of the more chill scorpions, the Emperor Scorpion is MILDLY VENOMOUS. By which I mean, like. Bee sting-level. You probably won't let your toddler goof around with one, but you could still feasibly keep one as a pet. THIS CREACHUR is SECURE
We are looking at an affectionate, roughly kitten-sized animal with a cat's temperament and the fur of a mole, which smells of citrus fruits, is shaped like a silky anteater, and is able to deliver a first-painful, then mostly-just-itchy sting when threatened. Artist's render pending
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cinellieroll · 7 months
☆ random obey me headcanons part 4!
satan and diavolo ♡
part one (lucifer, mammon and simeon)
part two (asmodeus, levi and barbatos)
part three (beelzebub, belphegor and solomon)
small note: last part is here wooh! i apologize i wasn't able to add the others. i just didn't know what to put for theirs bc im big idiot. i might make some of them soon tho! i'll probably make aot headcanons next but there will be delays bc exams are next week 😔 i'll also plan on putting more characters in one post next time so stay tuned!
☆ satan:
- likes friv.com, y8 games and papa games.
- picked up the habit of meowing out of nowhere when he's bored or enters his room. only does it when he's alone ofcourse because no way he'll let others see him like this. (everyone knows he does it they just don't say anything)
- he really liked enola holmes and other movies where it has detectives. it just riles him up more and more and wishes a hard ass case will just appear in the devildom already so he'll be first in the scene.
- don't get me started on how many times this man has tripped on his pile of books. he never really learned his lesson and just kept the books on the floor because he enjoys watching cats step on each one
- watches mat pat theories with you and levi. that's when he genuinely started gaining interest in games and sometimes fear he'll end up like levi one day.
- before he was able to manage his anger, he used to pull on his hair really hard. he'd have bald spots for years. thankfully he takes care of it now and it's perfectly luscious and soft.
- gets pissed when he sees people leaving pens uncapped like this is a waste of ink
- also gets pissed when his brothers leave the bathroom door open. he'll use his sleeve to cover his hand and close the door like a clean freak (i do the same thing)
- snores really loud when he sleeps on the couch. yes, the couch not his own bed. the couch.
☆ diavolo:
- he finds pleasure in buying a lot of unnecessary stuff. never learns from his lesson and just kept buying little trinkets and giving silly excuses for it.
- "but barbatos! doesn't this pig just look so cute on my office table? look! i even bought 300 packs of those tea leaves you ordered last time! isn't that great :D?"
- "my lord those tea leaves cost 100k grimm each-"
- he loves to spoil people so much it's so insane. you mentioned you like tanghulus? he ordered barbatos to make 20 of them. oh you really liked that furry coat made by a famous designer? he just bought you 5 pairs of it in different colors. your welcome.
- he likes onesies
- takes really long showers as well. he recently caught up to this thing called an "everything shower" and got invested. now he can't go on with his day without using body washes, oils and cleansers. a demon prince always has to be fresh and well maintained.
- he's always very excited to see you so when he rushes for a hug it's required to pick you up. who cares if he gets scolded by barbatos or receives a glare from belphie? you enjoy it and so does he!
- beautiful thick thighs and ass cheeks it makes me go what the fuck papi chulo
- enjoys the idea of cosplaying. doesn't care what he wears as long as gets to go out and dress up as a character. a dinosaur? sure! princess diavolo?! say less!
another note: we just reached 30 fucking followers hello??1!1(1?@? thank you so much !!! (⁠●⁠♡⁠∀⁠♡⁠)
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kneelingshadowsalome · 8 months
Suddenly I’m a sheep baa
You have such a way with words!!! I love the image of konig sitting down, cooing at his flock, while reader stands to the side, watching… does he even know? Does he know the effect he has on you? Would he even care, if he knew that you’re completely ruined over watching him work… (would he treat you the same, one hand gripping your legs and hands out of his way, tucked up against his chest as his other hand wanders down your chest and against your cunt,,,)
Baa!!! YEAH I can see it happening in bed as soon as he gets his freak on. It's purely subconscious too! But then I was also thinking how König must be a total softie with all animals... Treating everyone gently and lovingly while reader is pouting & looking from the sidewalks like a third wheel :( Time to pull out the big guns!
CW: Pet play (attempted), dom/sub undertones (implied)
You see him feeding apples to horses, watch how they burrow their muzzles under his arm, he’s always gentle with each and every individual as long as they’re animal and not human... Even the old farm cat gets more love and attention than you :(
He nearly trips on it one morning because it’s purring and meowing at his feet – if a human were to do that they would get slurs and yelling and spit landing on their face... This furry little beast only earns a soft rumble and a low, affectionate “You naughty little devil,” as thanks for showing this bitter cruel man some love.
You even see him pet the cat absentmindedly when he’s doing some paperwork in his office, the loud purrs of the animal making you absurdly jealous. Hearing the roaring content of this cat as a broad, sturdy hand softly pets it from head to tail stirs emotions in you that are wildly inappropriate. You would kill to get this man to pet you, these animals don’t even know how lucky they are...
And maybe he doesn’t even know what he’s missing, seeing only men and animals here at the farm. The only woman, namely, you, is always walking around in rubber boots and dirty oversized overalls. He avoids you like the plague, and treats you more harshly than the young rascals sent here by the state... Men are visual creatures, so perhaps it’s no wonder that he takes no interest in you, some weak miss farmhand who always looks like she came from feeding the pigs... Which is your job here, actually, because König never allows you near his precious horses, let alone the delicate sheep.
So one day, you sneak inside his office and climb on his desk in nothing but your black sheen underwear, now with the addition of a black cat’s tail attached to the bum, with your make up done and wearing a pair of cute little cat ears. This must be the silliest thing I’ve ever done, you think as you push your tits invitingly together while propping yourself on the table like a spoiled house cat would, with your “paws” prettily together and your butt ready to lift from some good petting you fervently wish you’re about to get.
Heavy boots echo in the hall like doom just as you start to shiver from cold. Your heart nearly shoots out of your chest and your tits threaten to spill out of your too small bra, your rival is nowhere to be seen and all the sheep have been sheared so you hope you’ll finally spark this man’s interest in some intimate fun with an actual woman...
He walks in, comes to an instant halt on the door when he sees you, and from the looks of it, the poor man suffers a silent heart attack from seeing a half naked woman on his desk. He freezes right there on the spot, draws air so sharply you can hear it all the way to where you're sitting – all over his papers, innocently like a naughty feline would.
He looks both shocked and furious, but not a word of warning comes out – and how could he be mad at a pretty little thing like you? Donning your silly outfit consisting of black underwear, black cat tail and black cat ears, you even drew yourself some thin whiskers with your black eyeliner...
Your eyes are shy but accusing, they simply ask, why haven't you paid attention to me? Why haven't you played with me, turned me around in your lap any way you like? Where are the soft gazes and shushed praises that belong to me?
And while you were invisible to this man before, you now have his full attention.
His eyes fly to your tits first, then to your tail, they caress the dip and swell of your waist, rise to adore your rib cage and the fluttering pulse at the hollow of your throat, they steal a peek at your cute little ears... There's an endearing flash on softness in his eyes, and when he meets your stare again, he swallows so arduously that the sound of it is audible and thick. A chill runs down your spine as you realize this might not only be the first time in a while that he's seen a half naked woman... This might be the first time he's seen a half naked woman ever.
You give him your most demure gaze, bat your lashes slowly like cats tend to do when they see someone they appreciate and trust, and whisper:
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gremlinmodetweeker · 2 months
Happy Tails AU - König Learns About Warriors
This is just more fluff about König being a bit of a dumb creep (not intentionally) and falling in love with a new animal. He is enraptured by the furry noodles.
Story below cut. SFW
König sat in the pen with the therapist. Seeing as nobody wanted to be too close to König, and everyone was excited by the rabbits and guinea pigs, nobody wanted to join König in the 'other' pen. The therapist in the pen was a bit miffed, seeing as this was 'group therapy', but they'd made do.
Without all the issues of dealing with other people, and with a plate full of food, König was delighted. Maybe Dr. Reed was right about this program. He liked this therapist, even if they were a bit ignorant about the military, and the animal handler present was... Cute. Very cute.
When he wasn't intently focused on the therapist (and nearly scaring them with his intensity), he was glancing between you and the strange noodle animal in your hands.
You told him you'd wait until the break to introduce him to the animal. It was flopped in your arms with its eyes closed. It looked like a worm on a string, but more defined. He didn't understand anything about its anatomy. When does the head end and the neck begin? Why does it have such a fat butt? It looked like a stretched out cone with a pipe cleaner taped on the back. All in all, it looked very pettable.
When the break started, you approached the giant man carefully. You didn't know this man, but despite how scary he seemed when he first came in, it seemed that he was just inhumanly awkward. He kept looking at you and glancing at your ferret, and then back at you before fixing his steely glare back on the therapist.
For privacy reasons, you didn't really listen in, just focusing on stroking Atlas's fluffy sable fur. He was probably your calmest ferret, making him eligible for the program. You'd had him for a couple of years now, and he'd been nothing but sweet and loving.
Approaching the big man, you couldn't help but feel the intensity of his glare on you. There was something strange and off putting about this man. The closer you got to him, the stiffer and more uncertain he became. You felt like you were approaching a wild animal when you knelt on the floor in front of him.
"So, uh, this is Atlas," you held out the ferret, "have you ever held a ferret before?"
The man finally tore his eyes away from yours to look at the animal in your hands, then shook his head.
"Okay, well, you can hold him by supporting the chest like this and holding a hand under his butt, like this."
König held out his hands nervously and took the animal from you with slightly shaking hands.
Once you were able to bring your hands back, Atlas slowly opened his beady black eyes.
"So, you've never met a ferret before?" you asked, "at all?"
König shook his head again, adjusting himself to a cross-legged position to put the slowly waking ferret in his lap. He delicately stroked the animal's fur with two fingers. The ferret sniffed, then closed its eyes again. Not a minute later, and the little animal was snoring in his arms.
"Atlas isn't like most ferrets," you told him, "Atlas is super chill. He's the calmest ferret I've ever met in my life."
"He is..." König paused briefly, "nice."
"He's a pain in the butt sometimes," you snort, "he always splashes his water when he drinks it."
"He is very soft," König murmured.
"I brush the ferrets every day," you crowed, "I've been keeping ferrets for years. In fact, all the ferrets on the floor are my own pets."
"So you don't adopt out ferrets?" König asked curiously.
"Not the ones we have, no," you explained, "but it looks like Atlas has taken a liking to ya. Maybe you should come around more often."
König looked down at the ferret in his lap. You couldn't tell, but a soft smile spread across his face.
"Maybe I should."
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brainrotbabe24 · 1 month
Thorins company and a reader who travels with pets?? Birds, bats, lizards, SNAKES, CATS, TIGERS???
Hi!! Okay, so I immediately thought of them with a tiger and based this on that idea lol! Idk just the idea of the dwarves interacting with a giant tiger is so funny to me lol! 😂💖 Thank you!!
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Balin: Balin isn't particularly interested in animals. He might give your pet the occasional scratch or pat on the head, but besides that, he doesn't pay much attention to them. But what would be the cutest is if he falls asleep next to the furry creature, and they end up snuggling. It's rare but very cute! 
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Dwalin: Dwalin has a soft spot for animals. When no one is looking, he will baby-talk your big cat in the cutest voice, showering them with praise and love. You might catch him saying, "Oh, what a good boy!💖You killed those orcs perfectly. Who is the cutest ever!" 
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Óin: Oin would be interested in observing your pet like a scientist. He would ask you questions, take samples, and even offer to clean its teeth or give it a bath. He wants to learn more about how a wild animal acts so docile. 
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Glóin: Gloin is unsure, perhaps cautious. He isn't used to wild animals being pets and would be wary that it would kill the group as soon as it had the chance. He would keep himself far away and make sure his weapons were ready at any moment. 
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Bifur: He would give your tiger so many kisses! He's the type who would let the pet lick his face and wouldn't mind if it got a little too close for comfort. Bifur just can't get enough of them!
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Bofur: Bofur would come up with nicknames for your pet. It would be a running joke that he greets you and your pet with new, crazy, incredibly long, and ridiculous names. "Morning y/n! Morning Mr.Fluffy sparkle butt!" 
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Bombur: Bombur would be terrified! It's such a large creature compared to dwarves, so he would be scared of being eaten. You would make him faint if you cleaned the tiger's teeth and were basically crawling in its mouth to get to the molars.
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Ori: Ori would be very curious about your pet! He's never seen a wild animal be so tame and trained. He'd bombard you with questions and would eagerly ask Dori and Nori if they could adopt one, too.
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Dori: Like Balin, Dori is indifferent. If the animal showed interest in him, he would acknowledge it but wouldn't go out of his way to play with the tiger. I feel like he would be allergic, too, lol 
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Nori: Nori would try to teach your tiger tricks. He would try to teach them to give him a paw and roll over. He'd take pride in getting the animal to obey his commands. I could also see Nori praising it even when it was misbehaving..he loves the naughtiness. 
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Thorin: Thorin respects your skills in training a wild animal. He finds it impressive and valuable to the company. He might not say it openly, but he is more at ease with you and your pet tiger. You also remind him of Dáin with his war pigs! 
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Kíli: Kili would adore your tiger He would constantly give it snuggles and scratches, quickly becoming the animal's favorite due to his affection. You could not separate the two!!! They would do everything together, even sleep in a dog pile, lol! 
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Fíli: Like Kili, Fili would love the animal. There is an instant bond between the two; your pet might listen to him more than you lol! Fili would also sneak treats over to it every night. 
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Bilbo: Bilbo would be nervous around your tiger. He would be super anxious around it and would stand far away. You'd have to coax him to come closer so you could introduce him to your pet. For example, if you asked him to feed it, he would hold the food out at arm's length, hoping the animal wouldn't eat his arm. 
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Gandalf: Gandalf is well acquainted with wild animals. Animals gravitate towards him, so your pet would love him. He gives off the vibe of a Steve Irwin. He is friends with moths, eagles, and many other creatures in Middle Earth.
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elfdragon12 · 8 months
It's unfortunate that some vegans who are morally against meat will, instead of either foregoing pets or choosing an herbivore, choose a carnivore and force an unnatural diet it cannot properly digest, process, or receive the proper nutrients from.
Because, I mean, have you seen guinea pigs?
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They're wonderful and vocal companions who can be very affectionate and social, plus they live about 6-8 years. Also? Obligate herbivores (minus occasional cannibalism if things go wrong after a mother gives birth, usually malnourishment). As long as you are patient in getting them used to your presence and touch, they are wonderful little cuddle companions. They snuggle, they purr, and they'll even give you little licks.
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They come in all sorts of colors with different patterns and fur styles. These are all either pigs I've had or my sister's family had:
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The 1st two are Romeo and Oreo/Double-stuffed (my sister's), 2nd two are Pepperjack and Kolya, and the 3rd two are Baron von Fluffy and Mitya. These are mostly the common American Short-haired guinea pigs, but, Baron was probably a "sheba mini yak" and Mitya was possibly a cross between an Abyssinian and a mini yak? His butt fur got a little long for just being an Abyssinian. For 3lbs furry potatoes, there's so much fur variety!
Yes, their enclosures require frequent cleaning and you should always have at least two at a time, but they have strong personalities and cute behaviors. Plus! If your routine around feeding them involves times you wake up or return from work, they will always greet you (at one point, I unintentionally conditioned my guinea pigs to wheek for treats to the noise of the car alarm "beep beep").
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ganondoodle · 6 months
Since you said it's ok to send you random ask, i've always found your "monsters" design to be really really gorgeous, and I wanted to know : in any form of media you've interacted with, what's PEAK monster design for you ?
i have been thinking about this ask alot bc ... i dont ... know? theres a problem with what counts as a monster really too, most are either some sort of anthro/furry or the horror gore type of monster that instills you more with disgust than awe
i guess theres some i really like but idk if thats what id call 'peak' (though its rarely JUST the design but their vibe and stuff too);
(its a lot of zelda.. sorry)
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Eldra, Farodra and Naydra (engl Dinraal, Farosh(?)) though Eldra is def my fav one of them, i like how they are a little more less typical dragon- with the fur around the neck the floppy ears and kinda goofy face yet manage to be the most ethereal, awe inspiring creature i have ever seen in a game with how they act and are presented as (in BOTW!!! do not mention anythign sonau/zonai with stupid magic pebbles to me about them i will manifest worms into your tea)
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Leunen (Lynels) (botw) -i could not find a better picture wtf, fav are white and silver ones) FINE they had some pretty neat new horn designs in totk- idk i just like them alot, rather simple if you think about it, horse lion plus horns- but its so well put together it just kinda scratches my brain in a good way (also how intelligent they clearly are, like the way they fight and act and also even their death animation is so??? huh?? you are just gonna treat them like any other mindless monste- *remmbers they treat ganondorf even even worse all things considered* .. nevermind you're good)
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'Beast' Ganondorf (twilight princess) its my favorite beast ganon design (even if it technically is just kinda a man boar .. again) though if ww gan had a non puppet beast form that one would most definitely be my fav lol (i will not get over the fact that some descriptions call this a hideous beast EXCUSE ME???? WHERE???) (honorable mention here, darkbest ganon from botw, pig on fire but it looks cool as fuck)
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Nimbusgarde (ww) .. (engl .. darknuts?) do i need to say anything? (i could throw alot of ww design here) not sure if it counts as monster but they are not human so ????
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the pathless bosses- (here in order, Cernos, the Godslayer, and Kumo) all of them are rad as hell (except for the final version of the godslayer ... liek im sorry but it looks to boring compared to any other one lol) again not just the design but man do i love them
since i dont know what would count as a monster or no i could just list my fav characters here bfmjbfmjsbmj like radahn (elden ring) is just kinda a zombie, aurelion sol (league of legends) is a space dragon, the forest god in princess mononoke, Narisha (skyward sword- sky whale)- i could go on but this post is long already (honorable mention to Omus in nausicäa, weird bugs but also something divine, though it is much more how they are treated and the vibe etc)
in all honesty though i cant think of one that i would describe as perfect, what i want of a monster design is to be ... cool but also a little weird, big hulking monsters that have something off about them and something that makes them 'other', but also not, as much as i like bloodborne, just bloody gory messes of rotting flesh, AND not just as a monster to kill, i just crave a game or otherwiese piece of media where the cool monsters arent just there for you to kill- the perfect one i guess would be something kinda big scary weird and off but while non verbal clearly not a mindless beast?
and here is the thing; my own characters do not furfill that, my designs are really rather conservative, much to my dismay, anthro of a mix of animals, maybe an extra arm thrown in- Eadrya, one of my favorites, is really just a blueish furry (yes they have fur) and their demon form is a mix of seals and catfish with some extra arms, too many teeth and a mouth that goas wayy to far (if they want) - Shargon is a feather dude with extra arms and his demon form is really just a chinese type dragon crossed with a bird, throw some darts at the color wheel, done
together with my problem of my monster characters losing their 'otherness' vibe within the story rather fast bc the majority of my characters are non human and speak and you see them in all sorts of emotions and parts of life- they lose that divine, unknown vibe and i HATE that that happens, i want them more akin to the forest god in mononoke but thats not possible unless i start from scratch
and i really dont mean to make myself look bad to sound self depre- ... however you spell that; i really am rather dissatisfied with my own designs but mostly just roll with what i got bc i never seem to be able to actually achieve what i want
even my redesigns often really make things LESS interesting (unless maybe the og was just ... human, but they are blue eyed with golden hair and white so that makes them divine you seE-), the skyward sword dragons as i redesigned them made them much more classical dragon, in part intentional bc i was drawing a connection of them becoming the botw dragons at some point, but by all means the canon design is much more weird and unusual than what i did with them, you could apply the same to even demise, his canon design might seem a little uninspired but really what did i do? inject him with some classic satan spice like that makes it in any way less stereotypical evil demon ??? lol
im sorry this post devolved into whatever this is but i really am trying to answer sincerely, i am confused about it myself, what counts as a monster, what doesnt, there must be more that i really loved but why cant i think of them, why do i design characters like this when i really want something much more different, i dont know, i feel like my brain is in a cage, why do i keep making things less interesting in an effort to make it interesting, am i falling into the corporate trap of cool sells who am i what am i doing
(theres a zelda artist with a style so strikingly genuis in shape, color and just .. DESIGN that i want to chew my nails off bc i cannot design like them, their designs and redesigns are so different yet sensical and so full of crisp shapes i have never seen before it drives me nuts and i would want to give them a shoutout but i think they dont like me so aaaaarhekjbfhgdknbgdfklbg)
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mlmvoreconfessionals · 6 months
Drayden from Pokémon deciding a trainer and his team have no potential, with Drayden eating and rapidly digesting the trainer’s team in front of him before consuming the trainer. Could you also include disposal? Please and thank you.
Oh yeah, this is great!
D.rayden lets out a dissatisfied huff as the trainer before him returns his last P.okemon. This was simply embarrassing. While D.rayden believes that a firm and direct hand can guide most trainers to an acceptable skill level, perhaps there are some that simply nothing can be done about.
This one has a team of strong, fully evolved P.okemon. But he was so lacking in every possible sense when it came to skill and strategy. It really just shows that raw power isn’t everything. If you don’t know how to channel it, it’s a waste.
D.rayden has no patience for those who waste it.
The trainer was grumbling to himself, already turning to leave and heal his team. D.rayden grabs the trainer by his belt and pulls. It makes the young man stumble back and it rips his belt right off, taking the Pokeballs with it.
The trainer whips around, eyes wide. “Hey, what are you doing?! Those are my P.okemon!”
“And you clearly don’t know how to use them,” D.rayden retorts with a gruff voice. “They’d be more useful dead. So sit there and watch what you caused.” D.rayden opens the first Pokeball, releasing the trainer’s starter, an E.mboar.
The big pig looks around, clearly confused as to why he’s still in the gym. He tries to stand but winces and rubs his side. He’s still exhausted from his battle. So he has no hope of escape when D.rayden squeezes his shoulders and opens wide.
E.mboar blinks and stares down into the human’s drooling maw. He’s not really going to..? A hard tug pulls E.mboar down, and he lets out a startled squeal. It’s muffled by his face planting into D.rayden’s jaws and the thick swallow that rings out to suck him deeper.
Despite his bulky and large the P.okemon is, D.rayden’s hard swallows are easily dragging him down. The E.mboar’s legs kick around weakly as they’re lifted off the ground. D.rayden hoists the pig up as he gets to the chest, starting to gulp and slurp down his gut. D.rayden’s own belly is bloating out, stretched tightly over the E.mboar. As the gym leader slurps down a pair of kicking legs, his stomach drags down to rest on the ground, the massive Fire type curled up tightly inside. D.rayden looks the trainer in the eye and lets loose a deep, roaring belch.
“M…My P.okemon…” the trainer says softly, staring with wide eyes.
“Not your P.okemon anymore,” D.rayden huffs. The E.mboar is roaring inside, struggling and pushing around with what little energy it had. It was panicking. D.rayden grunts and closes his eyes, his gut starting to groan deeply. “Now it’s just…” D.rayden’s stomach begins to shrink down. The E.mboar screams louder as its mighty body reduces. Strong abs and frothing acids help to mulch it in moments. The pig’s screaming turns into low gurgling as D.rayden’s belly loses shape and size. Soon, that noise is gone, too, and the gym leader’s gut flattens out. “…a pile of shit,” D.rayden huffs out, opening his eyes again. He follows that up with a roaring, bubbling belch.
As if to make his point for him, D.rayden’s gut lets out a deep, wet groan. He undoes his suspenders and lowers his pants. With his muscular, furry ass on display, D.rayden squats down. He grunts and pushes, squeezing out a thick, dense log. It screams slightly in the open air as it slowly coils up. The E.mboar’s skeleton comes out feet first, mostly intact from its quick flush through D.rayden’s system. The pile comes up to D.rayden’s waist, the skull coming out last with its jaws open. With a huff, D.rayden stands up again and pulls his pants up.
“Look at that,” D.rayden rumbles. “You truly are a terrible trainer. No fat, no muscle—I reduced your P.okemon entirely into shit. It’s less than junk food.” D.rayden takes another Pokeball. “If none of your P.okemon can add even a pound to my figure, you’ll follow them. Shit belongs with shit.” D.rayden looks away from the terrified trainer to let out his next meal.
The next one out is a bit taller than the E.mboar but now as beefy. A towering B.eartic, who fell due to receiving a burn. Even now, he still looks exhausted and winces when he moves. He’s even easier to overpower than the boar, as D.rayden crams the bear’s head into his maw.
The B.eartic doesn’t struggle. Every deep swallow works out a distressed whine as it slowly goes down. Each gulp is tight and uncomfortable, pushing him towards a tight and sweltering out of death. When his head starts pressing into D.rayden’s stomach, and it smells like E.mboar musk, his whines start turning into panicked roars. It’s nothing like the tough and proud bear that had been in battle not long ago.
The B.eartic’s twitching feet are slurped down and he’s packed in tightly behind D.rayden’s abs. And like the E.mboar before it, they begin to shrink down. The B.eartic screams out in pure terror as the walls close in and boiling acids strip him down. The sound downs out into a wet gurgling sound as he’s swiftly compacted into meat slurry and a dense shit.
The pile is added to as B.eartic squeezes back out. Skull first, jaws open wide, baked into the man’s scat, the bear coils up steadily. Ruined white tufts of fur mark the brown mess along with bones. D.rayden grunts as he forces out a bulky ribcage. “This one was hardly mature,” he grumbles. “Screamed like a Cubchoo. Did you even train this one or just force it to evolve?” D.rayden huffs as the last of the bear drops off and moves on.
Next is a K.rookodile, who went down in battle before even being able to fight. He’s barely standing when he comes out and ends up on the ground when D.rayden grabs him. His thick tail is scooped up and slurped into D.rayden’s lips. And the swallowing begins again.
The crocodile tries to claw at the ground, still dazed and sore. His tail goes down fast and his ass starts being engulfed, his legs folding up. It makes the K.rookodile start roaring and thrashing more in confusion and distress. But it keeps going down the hatch, stomach slurped up, and then the rest of its body going down. Its roar is cut off as its head disappears, muzzle slipping past D.rayden’s lips and disappearing for good.
The K.rookodile lasts the shortest. The second it drops into the gut, it lets out a scream, which is swiftly cut off as D.rayden’s gut rumbles hard and flattens out. He grunts and closes his eyes, ripping ass in a rumbling fart that sends black and red scales scattering. The K.rookodile comes out fast, heaping up onto the pile of manure. His skeleton is entirely intact, forming one long and dense log that comes out in high pressure. The skull comes out fast, shit coming out of the jaws and sockets.
“That one was just pathetic,” D.rayden grumbles with a shake of his head. “I’m almost glad that one was dead. How you got so far with it, I’ll never know.” He moves on to the next, dropping a thick and fat S.colipede before him.
The big bug has been lazy in battle, not willing to listen to his trainer. So even standing before D.rayden and a pile of shit clearly made of his teammates, he remains unbothered. At least until he’s seized by the horns and dragged down. The S.colipede’s eyes widen as its muzzle fits into D.rayden’s maw, breath stinking of death.
S.colipede goes down fast. While it’s big and fat, it’s basically a giant sausage. And D.rayden has little difficulty slurping it down like one. The S.colipede’s thick legs kick slightly as it’s hoisted into the air, massive body disappearing from sight. D.rayden shoves down on its fat ass and sends the last of the bug horse away.
It’s easily the biggest meal he’s gotten so far and might be the only one that has a chance to let the trainer survive. The S.colipede trills and thrashes around for a good few seconds, its hide protecting it momentarily. Then D.rayden’s gut flexes hard, the bug crunches, and his gut rapidly deflates again.
The Poison typing is rough on his system. Enough so that he forced out another fart that even makes him wince. The S.colipede slops out in a mess, most of its exoskeleton reduced to chunks in the semi-solid mess that smothers the pile of shit. D.rayden grunts with a slight wince as his gut groans out in mild displeasure. “Urgh…Poison types. This one simply didn’t respect you. I have to agree on its decision…” He grunts as the last of the big drops out. No real pain, just a slight uncomfortableness. But the bug is gone, D.rayden is no bigger, and the next P.okemon is sent out to die.
A large B.raviary comes out, looking around frantically. It sees the huge pile and starts flapping its wings. It’s a coward, and that was its downfall. Now it will be again. It’s grabbed by the ankles and jerked back as it tries to fly. It squawks and flaps, trying and failing to escape. D.rayden shovels its feet into his maw and begins gulping.
The B.raviary’s squawks get more panicked and desperate as its body disappears from sight. It’s wings keep flapping around, up until they’re forward upward by D.rayden’s gullet. The panicked sound continues up until its head disappears down D.rayden’s gullet. Its wingtips follow soon after and the bird is gone.
Like K.rookodile, the process is instantaneous. The B.raviary lets out a squawk before D.rayden’s stomach suddenly flattens. It bubbles wetly and a deep belch explodes out of him, sending most of the bird’s feathers scattering into the air. The B.raviary comes out fast because of how little waste it even makes. The bird slithers our feet first rapidly, bones baked into shit up to its skull, which has cracked. “This one was hardly fit for battle,” D.rayden sighs.
There’s only one P.okemon left. One more life that has to end, but might let the trainer live. D.rayden releases it, putting the mighty Z.ekrom before him. He has no idea how the trainer got his hands on something like this outside of sheer luck. It’s mighty and powerful, but in the hands of such a worthless trainer, it’s been wasted. Terrible moves, a lack of training and strategy, a complete disservice to the sheer potential Z.ekrom has. As far as D.rayden is concerned, this is a mercy. Z.ekrom will be better off as a heap of stinking shut, killed by a human’s stomach, than being this trainer’s P.okemon. So he has no hesitation in bringing Z.ekrom’s muzzle to his jaws and engulfing it.
Z.ekrom is passive other than the annoyed huff it lets out as its muzzle is engulfed. It is just as aware as D.rayden over its misuse, but it is a being of ideals, and loyalty is important to it. It would have to die to reject a trainer it allowed to control it. But it was also defeated by D.rayden…and it accepts its punishment. So it doesn’t move as it’s devoured, slowly and methodically. Its large body disappears into D.rayden’s tight, slick gullet and presses into an even tighter pit behind the man’s abs. Even its massive tail is slurped up in the end, sealing the dragon away entirely.
D.rayden’s gut is well defined, Z.ekrom curled up tightly inside. Even if it wanted to move at this point, it couldn't. It is a mighty being, a living representation of ideals. D.rayden’s gut lets out a deep, rumbling groan and immediately begins to shrink down. Z.ekrom’s clear and identifiable form folds in on itself. The gym leader’s stomach shrinks down, grows rounder and softer, and in only a minute, has reduced to a set of abs yet again.
D.rayden shakes his head and crosses his arms. “An absolute waste in every sense of the word. Look at what you’ve done.” D.rayden looks at the trainer again as he begins to dispose of the last P.okemon. It’s the largest and densest of the piles. Thick and heavy logs weigh down the rest of the pile, dense bones stretching D.rayden one after another and deep black scales poking out of the brown mess. It takes much longer to drop off Z.ekrom than it did to kill it. Even its skull takes a minute to push out, and it plants muzzle-first into the crap pile with a soft splat, sinking in slightly.
D.rayden sighs out and stands up again. “Even a Legendary P.okemon is utter shit under your command. You are truly the lowest of trainers I’ve seen. I’ll feel no regret in being the one to get rid of you.”
The trainer in question has nothing to say. His eyes are wide and his face pale, mouth hanging open slightly. He’s completely gone mentally and hangs limply as D.rayden lifts him up by the back of his shirt. He’s lowered down feet first, allowed to stare down the piles his team got reduced to for his entire trip down the hatch. Darkness only greets him when his head sinks down D.rayden’s gullet.
The trainer is gone in seconds. D.rayden’s stomach doesn’t even bulge out. It reduces the man so quickly and thoroughly that he spends maybe a fraction of a second within the gym leader’s gut. The second his head is gone, he’s coming back out, cooking up on the ground in a meager pile of crap. D.rayden sighs deeply as he pinched the last of it off. “Finally…”
He’ll have to close the gym for a bit now. Get the mess cleaned up, have Z.ekrom’s bones cleaned and sent to the museum, and take a break. There was no effort in turning shit into shit. But it’s always mentally exhausting seeing so many P.okemon that had potential be reduced to nothing. Even before he gets his hands on them. At least they have use as shit.
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multiwreckedmess · 2 years
February Filth Fest - Day 27
Pairing: Wolf!Chan x Fem!Reader Prompt: Hybrid (furry) WC: 3.4k Summary: Your yearly visit home to catch up with your neighborhood friends was something you looked forward to every summer. Especially your fleeting moments with Chan. There’d always been something inexplicable about him, about the two of you. TW/CW: Knotting, rut/heat (implied), breeding, predator/prey, dubious consent. DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT. Extended tw under the cut, 
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Dubcon all the way. Obviously two sides to wolf!chan, this might fit better under omegaverse? I’m not a consumer of either hybrid or omegaverse really so I’m sorry if i get stuff incorrect. This gets dark, reader kinda likes it? Sort of more Werewolf than wolf. i’m unsure of what kind of tw/cw are needed but I think i covered it.
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“Let’s play wolves,” Chan’s eyes flash amber. Smiling, but not. It’s not Chan’s smile. He stalks closer.  “Chan?” Fight, fawn, or freeze and your body has elected the latter of the options. Standing still as he circles around you “C’mon, let’s play wolves. Like we used to.” “C-Christopher. You’re scaring me.” Pulse rushing loudly between your ears it’s hard to think. Full animal instincts kicking in. He presses his wide chest to yours, lips to the outer shell of your ear.
“Run little wolf.”
It had started when you were young. Pretend games you’d play with the neighborhood kids, wholly innocent. The first game was “three little pigs” where the “big bad wolf” would stalk the playground, trying to stop the “pigs” from getting to their “houses” but as the neighborhood grew so did the game. Now you were rival wolf packs, able to act together in teams, almost a large scale tackle football game without the ball. You were kids pretending to be wolves, you were rough with each other. It was all in the name of pretend.
This did not feel like pretend. 
It was a split second, calves tensing beneath you and jolting your body forward into a full sprint in no particular direction. Not until you are well into the woods at the edge of the neighborhood park do you realize just how utterly fucked you are. It was your fault. Of course it was your fault. You’d pushed Chan to come out with you to the old playground to kick back a couple drinks and reminisce. You’d seen how antsy he was, unable to say no to your insistent pleas. You’d even kept him out an hour passed when he said he’d need to be back for unnamed “prior engagements”. How stupid could you have been. 
There’d always been something different about Chan and his family. Unnaturally beautiful, unnaturally charismatic, natural leaders. Chan was one of the few neighborhood boys that stuck it out with the girls during the great puberty divide. Never falling victim to “girls have cooties.” Always ready with a small bit of chocolate to satisfy sudden craving. The girls of the neighborhood loved his gentle and understanding nature. Good at playing both cute younger brother and doting elder. 
From behind the large tree you’d concealed yourself with your hearing strained. Sense of sight dulled by the lack of light every other sense was sent into overdrive. But why were you running from him? It was just Chan, just Chan playing around. You repeat it over and over trying to make yourself believe it. It’s just Chan. The sound of a twig snapping sends you into high alert, spine stiffening. If it was just Chan why are you reacting like this? He’s going to laugh at how good he’d gotten you.
Another twig snaps. Your nails dig into the rough bark of the tree. 
This was ridiculous. You felt ridiculous. Just turn around and head back out the way you came. There’s a telltale tickle to the back of your spine, some vestigial nerve that tells you he’s almost on you. Holding your breath you hear more snapping of twigs and rustling of leaves. You crouch in place. Fight, fawn, or freeze. The noise of the woods stops suddenly. Silence. You can hear your heartbeat ringing in your ears. Silence. You stand up slowly and place your back against the tree and that’s when you seem them. Two flashes of amber in the dark. Fight, fawn, or freeze.
Your breath catches in your chest. He’s terrifying. Perked pointy ears sprouting from his head, muscles swollen and hulking, eyes flashing in the full moon light. He’s not Chan. You’re not even sure he’s Christopher. You're not sure what he is. Your caught breath is forced into a shrill scream as a sudden force nails your back in place. “Caught you little wolf.” Chan’s hands grip your shoulders, pushing them  You bare your teeth at him and growl. “Fine Chan, if you want to play wolves, I’ll play wolves.” you think. And then you latch your arms around his elbow and drop your weight to escape his caging. 
The last time you played wolves it was an equal match. Chan had lost his baby fat but not yet built the muscle has now. You’d had time to adjust to your changed body but lost the androgyny of your younger self. It started as many wolves games did, playful threatening to kiss the other person. Harmless, neither of you actually intended on kissing the other, just saying things to get under the skin of the other person until they snapped. The game ended with the two of you out of breath, grass ground into your jeans and bodies in a tangled exhausted knot. You’d known the game had changed but you weren’t sure how.
Chan caught your escape move in a backhug, pinning your arms at your sides. It’s stronger than a hug, almost suffocating. Legs kicking and thrashing you try to free yourself. Teeth biting into the juncture between your neck and shoulder, you moan and go limp. Pain and then pleasure sweeps over your body in a second. Both you and Chan sink to your knees, still connected by his bite, onto the forest floor. One thick arm shifts upwards, hand palming your breast and kneading. The other shifts downwards to your waistband, fingers deftly slipping beneath. It's difficult to even think of fighting as your body relinquishes its weight into his chest with a sigh.
“If you’re giving up, little wolf, I get to claim you,” he sounds happy yet it comes out menacing, hands still working in tandem. Your head lolls back to his shoulder in sharp contrast to your body tensing and pulsing and squirming. Something in the bite, you tell yourself, you convince yourself, something in the bite. You must be bleeding out from the bite. The forest blurs. The bite was so- 
“You smell, so good my little wolf,” he mutters as he rubs his face against your collarbone. “Now that we are out here, now that you smell like you…” he trails off into a growl. “Now that you smell like my mate.”
“Mate. His little pretty wolf,” you think dumbly, Eyes slide back in your skull as waves of pheromones roll off of Chan and crash into you. You jolt back into your mind. No. Not mate. Not his mate. Whatever he means by mate. 
He licks the unmawled side of your neck, taking the flesh between his teeth and leaving a small imprint. Mate. You say the word over and over in your head at varying tempos, enthralled as he marks up and down your shoulder and neck. The repetition of the word nearly hypnotizes you. Chan’s hand works its way under and up your shirt and bra, thumb passing over your pebbled nipple. The insistent press of his hardened cock reminding you suddenly of the reality of the situation.  “Chan, we’re too old to play wolves anymore,” you murmur in his ear.
“I was never playing wolves.” He nearly roars as he shoves you over face into the dirt, a total shift from mear millisecond before. The fabric of your shirt bunched tight in his fist, pressing into the small of your back and forcing you into an exaggerated arch you are all but pinned beneath him. 
Tears prick the corners of your eyes. He’s not Chan, he’s not your Channie. He’s not the kind boy who’d venture bravely into the drugstore when it was nearing that time of the month. He’s not even the gentle man who insisted on obeying curfew. He’s an animal.  You feel his fingers dig into your lower back around your pants waistband. With a swift yank he pulls both your pants and panties down to your knees as though it were nothing. Two rough fingers rub up and down your slit, teasing your entrance. Despite your tears you are embarrassingly horny. Desperately horny. Your pussy is practically dripping on him.
“No more fight ok?” He dips into you slowly. “No more fight or it will hurt.”
You nod. Just his fingers fill you well. Your body betrays you as it fucks back at every thrust of his digits into your cunt. Lewd squelching sounds fill the air, taunting him. If he wasn’t obsessed before he was now. Obsessed with your glistening folds, wet and pretty just for him. Releasing your shirt he wraps the same arm around your waist, hoisting you into his lap. From this angle he adjusts his arm to better pound into you using each part of his magnificent arms.
“My mate, my little wolf,” he’s whispering again, two fingers deep in your slick pussy. “Feel better?” He plunges into you, over and over. “Feel better to be a good little mate?”
Pulse elevated and blood rushing from your brain to your cunt it’s too much to think. He’s right. It is easier. Chan senses your orgasm coming before you do. Heartbeat accelerating, breathing shallow and quick, blood pressure dipping. He can feel all of it. Immediately as you peak he slows down, riding you through it, digits stroking your inner walls slowly and persistently as they clench and pulse around him, dripping down onto his hand. Entire body relaxed and draped over his lap, you’re on a far away planet. You want to kiss him. You want him to hold you. He doesn’t. You moan as he slides his fingers from you, licking them clean with small accented pops.
He grunts. Another animal instinct.
Both palms pressing into your ass cheeks he spreads you, night air cool to your overheated body. Face disappearing you feel a wet wriggling intrusion at your exposed holes. Tongue licking messy fat stripes up your slit to your ass Chan eats as though your cunt was his favorite flavor of ice cream, greedily sucking and slurping. Fucking his tongue into your little hole he makes your legs shake and knees wobble in protest of the overstimulation. You want to cum again, christ you want to but it hurts. It’s too soon. Abdomen burning and tensing as his lips wrap around your clit, you need it and want it but it just hurts so much.
Fat shameful tears roll down your cheeks, the pain feels good. A dark part of you needs him. You need him to claim you. Another orgasm squeezes out of you, sobbing, walls clenching around nothing. He laughs, a short puff of air coming in contact with your oversensitive nub, making you squirm. “Breed?” He affectionately pats your pussy. As though he was planning on giving you a choice. “Please,” you whimper softly. Even to your ears you sound so desperate it makes you want to hide, curled in a tiny ball. 
Dropped into the dirt of the forest you hear him unzip and pull his pants down before grabbing your waist and lifting you, manhandling you, up and against the tree. Standing back to shuck your pants fully off you can finally appreciate him. Every inch of his body is tense, muscles fully activated. Fat cock head glistening with precum, his shaft is equally frighteningly thick, only more noticeable by comparison as it prods your stomach.  
“Will it fit,” you ask breathlessly as he hitches one of your legs over his hip, squishing you together, dick rubbing between your pelvises. “Hastto,” he mumbles into your collarbone. “Yermymate.”
He’s positively pussy drunk as he slides his dick up and down your folds, coating himself in you before aligning with your entrance. Teasing your swollen lips his tip barely pushes past the ring of pelvic floor muscles, it’s so tight It burns. The slide downwards is slow and stead as gravity works with his strained rocking to spear you on him. Your eyes squeeze shut and you brace your arms over his shoulders, pressing up and away from the source of pain. 
Chan’s heart hurts hearing your small whines. He wants to be kind, the human part of him deep down wants him to be gentle and slow and have properly trained you, prepared you for this eventuality. Calm. The wolf needs to be calm if he wants this, if he wants you like Chan wants you. The wolf wants to grab your waist and pull you down onto him. That part of him knows the pain is temporary, necessary even. But it waits by the wish of the man who shares this body.
“Hurt?” Chan nuzzles the tear stains on your cheek. His nails grip the bark of the tree.  “A lot!” the words bubble up into a yelp, your standing leg shaking, foot on its tiptoes. He withdraws and you go limp, panting. “Ground,” simple and gruff, but you do it.
Hands and knees in the grass and leaves and dirt you feel him crawl between your waiting thighs. He plunges forward with a grunt to the same depth as before. You groan and falter forward onto your elbows. Fabric of his shirt pulled up between his lips he watches his hips gently rock the two of you back and forth, each small thrust pushing him slowly further into your tight warm cunt. Pussy lips tightly stretched around him the blood from his body rushes down, engorging his already rock hard erection. The worst is yet to come for you, the human in him knows this to be the case, but the wolf is ecstatic.
Writhing and whining you know his cock isn’t even half in you and it’s splitting you open. You’d had a few partners but none with as impressive of girth as his. His palm rubbing your sacrum to calm you he inched forward, “good mate. Taking me so well. I know my little wolf I know,” his chest swells with pride as he watches your pussy straining to accommodate him. “Good mate, only little more.”
The stretch is painful but addictive, dosing out little jolts of pleasure as you rock back onto him. Something deep within you, a small part that evolution forgot to remove, knows that as painful as it is, the sooner he can be fully seated in you the sooner the pain can be soothed and overwritten. Chan leans over and kisses between your shoulder blades. A small gesture of comfort. Still somehow inhuman. It’s only when he is this close that you hear his small yips and grumbly growls under his breath. You want him to stay there. You want to hear him. You want him close. Arm shaking and stretched behind you, you try to grab onto whatever you can of him. Taut muscles push back at your fingers, his thigh. A mistake. A huge mistake.
The wolf seizes him. 
He howls.
In one swift motion he wraps his arms under your shoulders and pulls you back onto him. You gasp as the wind is knocked out of you. It burns. You’re so full. You can’t get any more full. His cock fills any space left inside of you. Your walls spasm around him trying to adjust to the intrusion. If he hadn’t held you your face would certainly be resting in the mud again. Legs fighting and scrambling, too weak to be of any use, you scream. Barely giving you time to adjust he pulls you off and slams you back down again. Slow, steady and bruising. Noises get knocked out of you, noises you’ve never heard yourself make. Sensory input on overload your mind fuzzes, giving yourself over. Chan pulls you up like a ragdoll, head lolling back onto his shoulder, still kneeling in the dirt.
“Good. Mate.” he punctuates his thrusts. “Pretty. Mate.” He puts his hand below your belly button, cradling you. A groan rumbles in his throat feeling the bulging imprint of the head of his cock forcing your stomach to distend. “Gonna look so good and round. Perfect for pups. My pups. My mate.” “Full. Channie please. Too full.”  “You can take it.” He is stupidly earnest in his proclamation. His fiercess has drained slightly, transformed into excitement and bliss. Hips slowing back into a gentle rocking of their own accord he nuzzles and licks the bruised mark on your shoulder. Lost to the feeling he barely notices the half moon indents that litter his skin. Your jaw unhinged and tongue inviting he presses two fingers against your tongue, wetting them with your spit before taking them to circle your throbbing clit. A man focused and dedicated he quickly works you up, legs shaking and chest heaving. “Tha’s’it. Greedy pussy- suckin’ me in. “M-m-m-more-” you shudder. 
Having properly turned your legs into useless appendages you’re silently glad Chan seems happy enough to handle you like a human fleshlight. Vision blurred, ears filled with the rushing of your heartbeat, with every strangled gasp you try to gain hold of your senses, lost to the luxury of submission. Bodily fluids trickle down and mix into the earth mixing and mudding up your skin. Your walls clench around him, trying their best to force the cum from him but coming up with nothing. He keeps going, harder although it seems impossible. Suddenly you’re glad for the cover of the forest, your screams and grunts echoing into the tree cover. You could never, not even with the thickest soundproofing, be this primal anywhere near human societies. Not without the cops being called or an angry note from a neighbor.
Between the raucous moans your body warns you of a new presence, rubbing at your entrance. Looking between your legs in horror you see a red swelling at the base of his dick attempting to squish itself into your abused hole. “What is that?” You scream as he pumps. “Channie. Chan. Chris? CHRISTOPHER?” Your voice grows shrill with panic as the section of swollen cock pushes more and more insistently, catching on your pelvic floor. “Mate,” he snarls. “Gonna mate. Got to mate. Knot you so deep. Won’t run. Can’t.” Hocking a glob of spit at the base of his cock onto the knot he wastes no time as you babble incoherently. Teeth sinking back into the previous bite the pain pacifices you, leaving you limp in his arms as he jams the knot past the tight ring of muscle and bone. Pressure blocking your ears, your vocal chords are too tense to make a sound as your mouth hangs in a silent scream, both you and Chan flattening into the brush.You tip at the edge of consciousness, bright white pain searing in your gut. The slow drag of his knot past your gspot muddles the agony with ecstasy, body releasing around him almost as if to better lubricate and ease it in. A sick sense of pride blooms in your chest. Distended with his seed, it’s over. It’s fucking over. As he tenderly licks the wound at your shoulder you sigh. The ground is warm, the ground is where you’ll sleep. Chan is still hunched over you, panting, wolfish ears flattening back down. Cock still pulsing into your walls, knot snug to your cervix. His kisses litter the shell of your ear, your neck, your shoulders. Small apologetic pecks as he rolls you to your side. 
“I’m - I didn’t mean to tell you this way,” overwhelming guilt settles in Chan’s brain, replacing the wolf that curls to rest at the back of his mind, happily swaddled. “I didn’t. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t- it didn’t- fuck.”
“I’m cold.”
“I can’t-we can’t move too much but-” Chan wrapped himself over you, guarding you from the air. He’s warm and heavy and sticky and he smells earthy but somehow all of this is comforting. This is Chan. “How long like this?” You mumble sleepily. “Maybe 30, or 40 minutes? I’m…” he drifts off again. Stomach expanding and contracting you can feel his heavy sigh. “Words can’t describe. I can’t- I’m so sorry. I wanted to tell you about me, about my family, about my pack. It feels stupid now. I’m sure you can guess. I tried to use the wolf for good but sometimes. I shouldn’t have agreed-” “Chan shut up.”
In silence you kiss his skin where you can reach. Draped over you as he is. Words are not for tonight. Not for the half wolf breathing into your hair. Not until you are long cleaned up and toweled off. Not until you are out of the woods. No more games. No more pretend. Just you and him.
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smallandalmosthonest · 3 months
several stuff sunday aka catching up on tags from the week
i've had the craziest week of my liiiiiife and missed out on one thousand tag games and i'm catching up NOW with a bunch of snippets from alllllllll my wips!!!
thanks for tagging me all week my loves @tizniz @devirnis @sibylsleaves @rainbow-nerdss @dangerpronebuddie @diazsdimples and @theotherbuckley
from his canine teeth in the side of my neck aka the vampire!eddie au:
“Yeah, get outta here – and put a leash on that little bloodbag slut – " Eddie didn’t even have time to think about it – he’d shoved Buck behind him and slammed the guy against the wall, hand on his trachea, before humans could blink.  “Say one more word,” Eddie crooned, fangs descending, vision crystallizing as his eyes shifted black. “Go on. Say one. More. Word.”  He could barely feel the man’s nails scrambling at his wrist; could barely smell the acrid scent of piss as the man soaked his pants; could barely hear the man’s trembling pleas for mercy. Adrenaline was coursing through this pig’s veins, souring his blood as glutamate flooded his hypothalamus, but even the putrid stench of him made something sing within Eddie. He was a predator. This man was prey.  “Eddie.”  Buck. “Eddie, we have to go – you have to let him go, come on – ” He could smell him – soft and metallic and decadent – but soured, too. Eddie’s hands twitched, his gaze still locked on the wide-eyes of the assailant.  Buck was afraid.  Eddie was scaring him. 
from the currently untitled teen wolf/911 crossover:
Now it was the kid’s turn to give Eddie an appraising once-over, shifting his weight from leg to leg the way Buck did when he was waiting on the go-ahead to sprint into a burning building. “Yeah, that’s not gonna work, actually. Look, I know you can hear me, Derek, so why don’t you get your furry behind over here so we can – ” Eddie opened his mouth to tell the kid Derek couldn’t hear him because they were the only ones in the engine bay, when Derek’s voice growled out from behind him. “Stiles.”  The kid stilled, his eyes locking on something just over Eddie’s shoulder. A humourless smile crossed his face. “Long time no see, Sourwolf.”  Eddie glanced over his shoulder, wondering how Derek managed to sneak up on him.  Derek was standing with preternatural stillness, a look on his face that sent a chill down Eddie’s spine. His gaze was locked on the kid, and even though Derek was his… something, and the kid seemed cocky and was clearly unwelcome, something in that look made Eddie want to get between them, get the kid behind him, not take his eyes off the threat.  Eddie blinked. Derek wasn’t a threat.  It seemed like someone forgot to tell his gut that, though.  The squeaky sound of wet sneakers echoed through the bay. “Hey, someone’s sick Jeep is blocking the – ”  Buck jogged around the ambulance, gesturing vaguely over his shoulder, and stopped when he saw the tableau before him: Derek, half a step behind Eddie, looking ready to maul the scrawny kid in the hoodie, who was staring at the firefighters with a too-knowing look. Buck turned to Eddie instantly, blue eyes wide and brow furrowed in question. “Uh, Derek? Who’s your friend?”  The kid blinked and turned to Buck, with an easy smile, sticking out his hand. “Special Agent Stiles Stilinski, FBI. Old pal of Derek’s.” 
and from The Bottle Episode:
That was how Tommy found them. Buck glanced up and saw him striding through the ambulance bay, eyebrows raised, carrying two laden drink trays with ease.  Buck leaped out of the front seat with a grin. “You brought me a smoothie?”  “I brought all of A-shift a smoothie,” Tommy corrected.  “Yeah, but mostly me, right?” Buck wheedled, reaching out for him.  Tommy side-stepped his grabby hands. “Yours is the green one, in the middle,” he said, nodding towards it. As if it wasn’t obvious. The things had really grown on Buck during the weeks he was waiting on his sperm donation, and it was the only kelly green concoction in a sea of pale pinks. “Everyone else, I went with the classics.”  “But you got mine special,” Buck teased, tucking the straw between his teeth, “because I’m your favourite.”  Tommy shook his head wryly. “I don’t know. Eddie’s never asked me to drive all over town like an errand boy.”  “And I never will,” Eddie’s voice chimed in from over Buck’s shoulder. “Strawberry banana?”
under the cut there's a snippet from what i'm cooking for five alarm fest (not telling you which one yet hehehe) and i'm tagging back everyone who tagged me this week ilu!!!!!!!
“O-okay,” Evan breathed, his hands tightening on Tommy’s thighs, his hole twitching around the base of Tommy’s cock. “Y-you – you can take the blindfold off.” Tommy squeezed Evan’s hips one more time before lifting one hand to rip the satin from his eyes, ready to dive forward and get his mouth on that spot on the back of Evan’s neck that made him whine, eager to take in the sight of – Tommy’s breath caught in his throat.  There was the broad expanse of Evan’s solid, muscular back, speckled with scars; a little trail of sweat was dripping from his hairline down between his shoulder blades; and just above where his tight little ass was vice-like around Tommy cock was…
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deadbydangit · 1 year
With a Reader who brings an animal home.
Pinhead, Oni, Demogorgon (Platonic pet)
You're sneaking something in.
He knows.
He'll stop you before you're able to get into the other room.
"Show me."
Give him the confused, 'I don't know what you're talking about' look as much as you want.
He won't let you pass.
A lizard?
He doesn't see why you needed to sneak it past him.
He's quite alright with it.
He even welcomes it.
He had pets in his realm.
They weren't nearly as cute as the ones here.
His calm collected demeanor helps him bond to the little critter much faster.
If you can't find your lizard, he's probably with your boyfriend.
Sometimes, he'll even look to the lizard in awe.
"Such an amazing animal. If only I could harness the powers he has."
He'll name it something strange.
Something in his foreign language.
He might even sleep with the lizard on him.
But, don't worry, he loves you both equally.
He refers to you two as his 'Perfect muses.'
He isn't the biggest fan of animals.
So when you find a dog and want to bring it home, you'll have to be sneaky.
Doesn't help that it's a large dog.
He can hear the sound of the dogs foot-steps on the hard wood floor.
They aren't yours.
Just tell him and get it over with.
Yes, he'll be irritated.
But team up with the dog to give Kazan puppy dog eyes.
He can't say no to that.
"Fine. But I will have nothing to do with the beast.".
He says that, but you hear him training the dog several days later.
If you confront him about it, he'll state that it's for protection and pest control.
Nothing more.
He does not love this animal.
Fast forward a few more days, you catch him petting and feeding the dog.
"You'll be a fine strong animal. Capable of protecting my s/o. I entrust their safety to you."
He's not great at naming things.
So it's name is Inu. Seemed good enough for him.
He is the dad who said he doesn't want the dog but ultimately ends up adoring it.
To him, your family is complete with the addition of your furry companion.
Demogorgon (Platonic pet)
You smell different.
And something is moving in your jacket.
He'll be growling.
Protection mode.
Until you pull out a guinea pig.
Another animal?
He doesn't want another animal in the house.
Make sure you tell him that he isn't being replaced and that you will love them both equally.
He's going to hate that pig.
Even attempt to eat it several times.
No! Bad! We don't eat our friends!
It's going to take a while for him to warm up to the new animal.
One day, you'll see them jumping up and down, running around.
Don't interrupt them.
Let them play.
It was only a matter of time before they became friends.
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got-that-webkinz · 10 days
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Googles facts below the cut
Googles was released alongside it's Lil' Kinz counterpart September 2006. There is also a Kinz Klip. It was Pet of the Month February 2009. It's pet specific food is the Googles Scrying Pond and pet specific food is Googles Noodles (pictured below).
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It's description reads:
"Have you ever heard of a Googles? Not many people have - they're shy, mysterious creatures who live near ponds, deep in the forest. With webbed feet and a funny little beak, everyone is sure to give this kooky critter a second glance. A Googles is sure to bring a smile to your face and make your life in Webkinz World an exciting one!"
"The Googles is one of the most well known pets, notable for its simple design as a duck-like creature with no wings or arms. It is prominently featured in the Arcade game Go-Go Googles! and is frequently mentioned during berry-related events in Webkinz World. It was one of the first Webkinz made but did not release until later. The Googles itself is based upon a Ganz plush series dating back to the 80's, where it featured flat furry creatures with short limbs, some were like the Googles with a bill and flippers, but some resembled other creatures like sheep, pigs and dogs" (webkinz wiki).
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There are two figurines: Trumpet Playing Googles and Lifeguard Googles; there is also a Googles charm (pictured below)
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loooongfurby4444 · 11 months
Some cool things about Nibbly’s design because I love him.
-Someone said that maybe they present so feminine because of all the Honey Queen’s he has consumed
-His main color is pink because of him using pig carcasses to come to life and feed
-Something about his design and how Kim has very little makeup on except for basic stage makeup and lipstick and liner making her mouth look larger and bringing you focus to Nibbly’s mouth. Also the visor covering her eyes brings more attention to her mouth.
-Roman see’s all men unlike him as weak, despite this he worships Nibbly whose human form is extremely “unmasculine” despite Nibbly going by He/Him.
-Nibbly is blind so Kim’s eyes are covered
That’s all I could think of at the moment
-He is wearing PIGtails, again because of the pig corpses thing
-The pig mounds are considered “ a FURRY mound of flesh” Nibbly is wearing a shirt with fuzzy sleeves.
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nekropsii · 9 months
Ask Game Speed Round!!
[For the Unpopular Opinion Ask Game!!]
These are all a bunch of smaller ones I thought would be too cumbersome and spammy to post on their own... Enjoy!!
Content Warning: Long.
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While I do really like Dave's character as it exists in the comic- no clue what version of Dave most of the fandom is talking about, but I don't know him- I kind of like the themes in Davesprite's character more than I do Dave's. It's another Hal situation.
Dave's character tackled a lot of things very personally relatable to me in ways I'd never seen illustrated before, but Davesprite is more interesting to think about, and seems a little more fun to write. Dave was great representation for me, as someone who grew up in a very bad home, but Davesprite just has that extra oomph with his talk of humanity and individuality. Really like that guy.
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This may come across as crass, or stepping out of my own lane, but I don't think giving them either multiple sets of pronouns, neopronouns, or both actually rids them of the bigotry in their characters. Lipstick on a pig situation. It just seems like a lazy, incurious fix. Yes, trans headcanons are great, but more and more often I see people use it as a cure-all to the issues a character has, either in a Doylist or Watsonian way. Queer friendliness does not eliminate racism. If a character is a bigoted caricature of a specific group of people, then slapping on a leftist layer of paint by saying "actually they're a minority icon in this other way" doesn't actually... Get rid of the problem. It's just kind of... Tone deaf.
We see this often with Transmisogynistic Caricatures getting claimed as Gay Icons, and people just saying that because they've just claimed them as a campy gay queen, the transmisogyny has been nullified- you can't talk about it anymore, they're the real good leftist in the room, you're a killjoy, and they've defeated bigotry. Not how it works.
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Kind of tired of how some act like her only character traits are Silly Ditzy Furry Girl. Jade is an incredibly, incredibly intelligent young girl, an excellent marksman, and so, so deeply lonely. We need to talk about Jade's chronic loneliness more.
Also, I think she's some kind of Psychotic. One of the flavors. It just feels right to me. It feels canon-adjacent. Or, at least, a textually valid way to read her character. I have a whole post about it somewhere. Mituna and Jade shaking hands on the Psychosis.
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Taking this opportunity to defend Aranea. Some people really need to stop acting like she's worse than Vriska. We all know what Aranea did was justified. Maybe not correct, but justified. And fucking awesome to watch.
Like, look. She spent an unfathomable amount of years being shot down and ignored and belittled by people who were supposed to be her friends... Aranea had to literally pay Meenah, her own best friend, to listen to her infodump, and even then Meenah couldn't afford to give her own best friend enough respect to just listen to her talk about something she's passionate about for 5 minutes.
I need you to think to yourself, genuinely. If you spent thousands- and I mean thousands upon thousands- of years getting ignored and walked on by everyone around you, even your own friends... If you spent thousands upon thousands of years getting called boring and a doormat to your face by even your own friends... Wouldn't you go crazy, too? Wouldn't you snap? Wouldn't you want to do something drastic just to get people to look at you? Just to be seen as something other than weak and boring? Just to be seen as worth even an iota of interest, a shred of someone's time? Wouldn't you? Because I think any normal person wouldn't take thousands upon thousands of years. I don't think you would last a decade. I wouldn't either, and I'm a pretty patient person.
Y'all are just jealous you can't play billiards with planets using your mind when you're mad. That shit was so awesome.
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This is not an Unpopular Opinion, or even an Opinion, I'm just pointing this out. Do you ever think about the fact that we hardly got any conversations between Rose and Jade? I do. This haunts me. This fucks me up so bad. We get plenty between John and Dave, and Dave and Jade, and Dave and Rose, and Rose and John, and Jade and John... But hardly anything between Rose and Jade!! This is so fucked up. We were robbed. I need to watch them hang out.
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Okay, this is less of an Unpopular Opinion, and more of an Unpopular Fact, but... Mituna doesn't just throw slurs at people. That's one of the things people jump to when they're talking about Defanging Mituna- they always say something about how he "calls people slurs every two seconds". He literally doesn't. That is legitimately not a thing he does. If you heard that before and believed it, you were literally lied to. That is straight up demonstrably not true.
Like, if you're trying to think of something Mituna does every two seconds unprompted, it's either sex jokes or apologizing. Slurs aren't a thing he just slings around casually. He said a grand total of one slur... To Meenah... And it's a fake troll slur. And then we get it defined to us... Aaaand it's the troll equivalent to "Cracker". That's it. That's the crime he's committed- calling someone a word that is immediately after defined to us as "Someone who is at the top of and benefits from the furthering of the oppressive Fuchsia-Down power structure, and the Lowbloods that help enforce it." That's the slur he used. That's what made people start declaring that "he would totally say the N Word" with full and complete confidence. Absolutely ridiculous. He's called no one else any kind of genuine slur. He just called Meenah a Wader once, and then she and Kankri got upset about it, because they are both, by definition, Waders.
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Leijon Hot Take Party Pack: If you think Nepeta shipping her friends together is fine, or even adorable, but then sneer at or get grossed out by Meulin doing the same thing, you're a hypocrite. I don't care if you say "Meulin's writing Friend Fic, though, that's weird!!" the problem with Shipping Your Friends and Writing Romantic Fanfiction Of Your Friends is at the same root.
The problem with these things isn't the presence of writing, it's the presence of, you know, shipping your friends? If you're fine with Nepeta doing it, you've gotta be fine with Meulin doing it. Be fine with both or neither. It's the same damn thing. I'm pretty sure both friend groups are fine with it, too, so it's not like this is a boundaries issue or anything. Both or neither. Pick one.
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Observation: I do think it's cool how Jane and Jake are related and have similarly opposing relationships with their gender. Jake's oft presented with Feminine themes and imagery, and Jane with Masculine themes and imagery. Very cool. Wish more people made that correlation.
Okay, that's all for now!! Thank you for reading, if you did. Have a nice rest of your day. :)
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kiss-theggoat · 1 year
(Shuffles up to you nervously) hi I was wondering if it would be ok to request a billy Lenz fix where the reader actually has a pet pig, also your my favorite writer 🙂
A/N: Two things! One, sorry for my inactivity! I was away on a trip. Two! Thanks so much for the suggestion and thank you so much for the kind words. I decided to expand your request and do different slashers with different kinds of pets!! I hope that’s okay and I really hope you like it!
Slashers With Your Pets
Slashers Included: Billy Lenz, Michael Meyers, Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger
Billy Lenz:
If you have a….
Cat, Billy is a cat man. He loooves cats, they’re so warm and cuddly, but they also understand boundaries and the need to be alone sometimes. The only thing he might not enjoy about cats is the fact that some can be timid around loud noises, which immediately means they’re timid around Billy.
Dog, Billy is less of a dog person. He thinks that dogs can be overwhelming in their attention, especially if one jumps on him or barks at him. He likes the gentle giant dogs, golden retrievers that just lay down and don’t do anything. But, if you have a little dog that barks at everything that moves, expect Billy to be very unhappy.
Reptile or Invert, BILLY HATES SNAKES. If you bring a snake or tarantula or lizard or scorpion into the house, Billy is not going to want you near him. The only reptile or invert I could see him being okay with would be a leopard gecko type. Something smaller and less active.
Farm Animal, if you had pigs, horses, or cows, something like that, Billy would probably be vulgar about how they smelled. Of course, if you owned a pig, he’d call it is little piggy. You could definitely convince him to help out with the animals, especially the pigs or cows. He thinks the cows are cute, and wants to spend time with the little piggies.
Michael Meyers
If you have a….
Cat, Michael likes cats. He understands them, they understand him. He likes to be left alone, they like to be left alone. They get along great. But, if you catch him petting your cat on the couch or inviting it up into his lap, don’t mention anything. He’ll be embarrassed that you caught him in a vulnerable time. He’ll never admit to liking your furry friend.
Dog, Michael actually really likes dogs. He likes big scary looking dogs, Rottweilers, Dobermans, Cane corsos, those types. Because even though they’re scary, they’re well trained and methodical, just like him. If you have a big dog, expect to peel around the corner and catch Michael giving it a pat on the head or a belly rub every once in a while.
Reptile or Invert, Michael could care less. They don’t do anything, so he doesn’t feel the need to pay attention to them. If you have a big lizard or something, he might be a little hesitant to touch it or go near it, but other than that, he walks by the tank without a second thought.
Farm Animal, Michael really doesn’t enjoy farm animals. They smell, require a lot of care, and make a lot of noise. They sort of cramp his style, and he doesn’t understand why the hell you’d want to take care of them.
Jason Voorhees:
If you have a…
Cat, Jason likes your cat because you like your cat, but overall, he’d really prefer an animal that shows him more affection. He wants something that wants to be near him all the time, not something he has to force to be near him.
Dog, Jason would love your dog. He would probably be a little timid at first, but after him and your dog got close, they’d be thick as thieves. They’d go out in the woods and play fetch together, Jason would carry the pup around no matter how big or small. He would adore your dog, and your dog would adore him.
Reptile or Invert, Jason would be a little scared of a tarantula or a lizard or a snake. He would probably be interested in them and try to like them because you liked them, but when it came to handling or feeding, that would definitely be your job.
Farm animal, if you had some farm animals, Jason would welcome them with open arms on his camp. He’d probably be the most open to horses or cows, but would like to see you so caring. Seeing you put in the work to take care of something so time consuming would be a really endearing trait.
Freddy Krueger
If you had a…
Cat, Freddy doesn’t like. Freddy isn’t a cat guy, he’s not into all the cuddling and the meowing and the fur. Heaven forbid your cat tear a thread from his sweater, he might just bust a vein in his forehead from holding in his angry yells. His kind of cat would be the one in the corner that hisses at everyone.
Dog, he only likes very certain dogs. He’s okay with dogs that mind their own business. Ones that just hang out in the other room and don’t bug him. If you had a dog that jumped up on him or barked at him, he would hate it. Or, his least favorite kind, tiny dogs with high pitched barks. Don’t even get him started.
Reptile or Invert, Freddy thinks they’re cool. I think he’d like lizards the most, like if you had an iguana or a bearded dragon, he’d hang out with it next to him, just chilling. If you owned a tarantula or a scorpion or any other invert, he’d be interested in it, often asking to feed it and handle it if possible.
Farm animal, no. Don’t ask. Don’t even propose the idea. Stinky, loud, annoying. He hates farm animals unless they are on his plate as a juicy steak or a nice burger. He might be able to tolerate it if you ride or own horses, but other than that, he’s really not into it.
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