#…do I. Do I tag this as linkeduniverse…?
Hopfully comprehensive list about things in Zelda 2 that might be important for folks doing fan stuff for the game but don‘t wanna play it for expected reasons cuz tbf, yea the game is hard!
(because if I read "8bitrule is a deadly wasteland" one more time I‘ll delete my save file and go join the Yiga Clan XD /lh)
It got VERY long so I sorted into different categories for some semblance of order lmao. It goes:
General info on Hyrule
General info on Link (+ move set)
And other funky stuff
Hopefully this will be of help/interest to someone. And if not, oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Not enough Zelda 2 stuff out there anyways, so more is always good!
I do like talking about this game so for extra info pls feel free to ask :3
2 Zeldas, the new Zelda is actually a great-great-smth aunt of Zelda 1, and the reason it‘s called "the Legend of Zelda“
Long ago, her bro (and his wizard buddy) pressured her into telling them the secrets of the Triforce she got from their dead dad. Zelda didn‘t tattle, wizard buddy tried to strike her down via spell in anger
Spell went out of control, put Zelda into eternal sleep and killed wizard buddy in one swoop
Prince lost sis and buddy, fell into remorse, locked her in a tower Sleeping-beauty style in hopes the spell would be reversed one day and decreed every princess shall be named Zelda from now on
16 old Link chillin his life when a triangle starts glowing on his hand?? Asks Impa for help, she brings her to the magically sealed door where Zelda the First sleeps, cue Backstory
gives him crystals he needs to put in statues in palaces to unlock a seal on the temple that holds the Triforce of Courage (because he did not have that before)
All the bosses are guardians of the statues + Dark Link is his actual shadow that he fights against to prove his heart is pure enough to hold it
It was brought to life by some old guy hanging out there (never explained but he’s probs supposed to be a sage and looks a lot like the Old Man from Zelda 1, though much like all Wise Men in this game do)
Ganon has literally nothing to do with any of that, his monsters just really want Link dead so they can sprinkle his blood on Ganon‘s ashes and bring him back. (Since they need him dead, it probs needs a lot of blood)
different areas : fields, woods, beaches, caves, swamps, mountains, deserts, graveyards, and one Lake Hylia
2 continents divided by sea, west and east + a small island that is one big labyrinth (named maze island)
different towns, all of them have the names of Oot sages plus Harbor Town Mido and Kazuto Town
the locations/"elements“ of towns do not match their future sages in the slightest (Saria gets water. Ruto‘s in a valley. Nabooru‘s by the sea, fully green and far away from the desert sands).
towns in West Hyrule are well connected via roads
East Hyrule has broken roads (if at all) and Kazuto is even completely ransacked by monsters
there‘s a new Kazuto Town hidden in some woods, while Old Kazuto is an actual Ghost town
Stonehedge is not only a thing but appears in multiple locations
Big Fairies are a thing, but they come without Water Fountains. Instead just hang out in the woods, stonehedge, wherever
streets are always safe. You will never see a monster as long as you stay on it. If you stray, monsters will spawn (though sometimes its fairies instead). If you run back on the street and a monster gets you there, the "battle“ will be empty and you can just walk out. Streets are always safe.
the main graveyard got the King‘s Tomb in the middle of it; has a secret tunnel to one of the palaces
there‘s a smaller graveyard near Death Mountain by Spectacle Rock that‘s apparently supposed to be the Zelda 1 graveyard -> Zelda 1 played in a small part of West Hyrule
third graveyard near The Valley of Death (name is accurate gameplay wise too ._.)
very lively communities
different styles of houses, some have bushes, fountains (with drinkable water), different sections separated by gates, etc.
you have to climb on roofs and jump through windows to get into some buildings
Link can get multiple things here: free healthcare from a lady in red, filled up magic from an old lady in orange, a side quest that usually leads to either a new sword skill or magic spell. Those can always be obtained from a knight/wizard in the basement of the main building.
pretty much all villagers can be talked with and either give: generic Hi‘s, vague hints about the next goal, the sidequest, some praise him as the hero and wish him luck
Sometimes they also turn out to be Aches (monsters that look identical to villagers until you talk to them, upon which they turn into bats and attack); pretty much exclusive to the later/Eastrule towns
16y old and left his equipment at home, only got a sword and shield
Zelda 1 was years ago for him
learned to wear pants between Zelda 1 and 2 (they‘re brown, same color as his shirt. You could make it a onesie if you want to)
hair color‘s somewhere between brown and ginger
Left handed gang
certified recorder player
silly goober
given that Impa got to him so fast, good chance he‘s at the castle often enough
if botw Link is a parry god, he‘s a blocking god
shield is only small enough to cover half his body, hence him learning how to move it at hyperspeed
unnamed sword but the Magic/White Sword from Zelda 1 is on the cover so it’s most likely that one
gains new equipment throughout the game via dungeons
can gain exp and level up, but unless you specifically set him up pre/during his quest, you wanna treat this lad like he‘s maxed out
skills: stab, crouch stab, up jab (like the one from smash), jump/down jab (also like the one from smash, this is where it‘s from)
Shield (turns his tunic red and up‘s defense),
Jump (lets him jump high),
Life (restores 3 blocks of HP; your max possible HP is 8 with all Heart Containers. Doesn‘t start out the most expensive, but unlike most other spells barely gets cheaper with higher magic levels, making it the 2nd most expensive in the log run.)
Fairy (turns him into a fairy; small, no fighting but flying, and lets you skip through locked doors! 3rd most expensive.)
Fire (shoot fire from your sword; some enemies can only be defeated this way)
Reflect (reflects magic attacks, lets you block spells that would otherwise go past your shields; basically magic defense)
Spell (turns some enemies into slime + unlocks a secret area in New Kazuto)
Thunder (rains thunder on the whole screen; needed to defeat a boss. Most expensive spell in the game, regardless of magic level.)
the other spells are all dirt cheap in higher levels
if you wanna be real detailed: one magic meter block = 16 MP, totalling for 128 with a maxed meter. A fully leveled (in mp) Link will use 60mp for Thunder, 50 for hp, 40 for fairy, 8 for Jump and 16 for all others. Otherwise, here‘s a table for MP usage across levels.
Candle: equivalent of the magic lantern, infinite light source. Unlike Zelda 1, this one doesn‘t let you commit property damage :(
Hammer: breaks giant boulders on the road, letting you access shortcuts. Also lets you cut down any tree tiles on the overworld, turning it into fields- Property damage is back baby!
Handy Glove: Lets Link crush blocks with his sword. Even more destruction and a good compromise for the lack of vases imo.
Raft: used to cross from West to East Hyrule.
boots: let you straight up walk on water, but only in certain places.
Whistle/Flute: is actually a recorder (flutes are held sideways, recorders forward. That‘s like. The biggest difference between these two instruments, bar the reputation.) Used to make a monster blocking the road disappear and summon a palace, similar to how you shrink a boss and drain a lake in Zelda 1. Doesn‘t let you teleport though. Does play the same tune, though. It‘s the one also heard in the oot intro!
magic key: the key to end all keys, lets you open all the doors in every dungeon forever (despite the name does not need MP)
Cross: regarless of what some more zealous fans of the series claim as a means to justify their unjustified bigotry, Christianity is not canon to the series. But much like other Japanese media, it sure likes borrowing from its aesthetics! Case in point, this item is just the Kirbo meme. It lets you see invisible ghosts so you can kick their ass. (you don‘t need it to hit them, but they‘re a pain to dodge/ hit even with it.).
magic jar: same as ever. Blue fills 1 mp block, red fills all. Doesn‘t fill instantly, so if your meter’s got points left you can wait till its half full, use a high mp spell, and still get the rest of the points that‘d otherwise go to waste. Dungeons sometimes contain statues, which drop one jar (or start attacking you).
treasure bag: holds exp (money doesn‘t exist in this game)
doll: weird but surprisingly cute doll that looks exactly like a miniature version of Link and gives you an extra life. (The game has lives- if you get a game over, Ganon gets resurrected on screen.)
Bowl of Hearts: Looks, acts like, is a Heart Container. Gives you 1 block of HP; you start with 4, for a max of 8. Can be found wherever Heart Containers would be.
Magic Container: Looks like a filled jar; Heart Container but for MP.
Other funky stuff:
you rescue a kid that got lost in caves
has instances of Link talking in 1st person; one appears by looking under a stranger’s table in a house: "I found a mirror under the table“.
Everyone knows the man the myth the legend, the npc named "Error“, but there’s actually a 2nd guy named "Bagu“. As in, Bug. Game bug.
Bro has a pet Bot (this games‘ version of Chus) sleeping in his house. You can annoy it into waking up and it‘ll tell you where he is so you‘ll finally leave
the waters are NOT poisonous in the slightest (seriously, where did that come from) …but they are infested with jumping Piranhas.
Saria Town only lets people use the bridge connecting the 2 sides of the river if you‘re a citizen or get a permit from Bagu. Vaguely remember you could also take a long road around it tho
With 9.5 towns, a lot of greenery everywhere, and ACTUAL. FUNCTIONAL. ROADS :O This might be one of the most well-off Hyrules in the series (ironically >v<)
Aaaand *looks at length of this post^ ok yea that is enough lmao, I might genuinely hit the word limit here, oof. I‘m a rare Zelda 2 enjoyer can yall tell XD
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mizaruwu · 5 months
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Shall we dance?
There's two more drawings of Legend with Hilda and Fable with Ravio, but I'm not happy with the poses so I'll reblog this post with those two when I find the will to fix 'em. I'll also make omakes of the gala, lil doodles of the event asdgfhjk
here's their outfit showcase 1 and 2
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did I ever mention how much I love these two?
(based on @birb-boyo’s wonderful post)
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skyward-floored · 1 month
*steps up on stage*
*clears throat*
Wild is one of the most religious members of the chain, second or equal only to Sky
*I’m booed off the stage*
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vioshortforviolence · 2 months
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Pineapple is not a popular pizza topping choice among Links 🍍
original image from @linkeduniverse
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luna-lovegreat · 4 months
So one thing I like about Time is that he will talk about his life and journeys
He talks about it! He'll tell the boys stories and answer questions. (...when asked)
Obviously he tells his family- Malon knows everything
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But he has also never held back from telling the boys stories or answering questions
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I'm still always cackling over him telling them about gerudo town- he is way too proud to brag about being a mischievous gremlin
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"I proved to be a greater thief than all of ganons tribe"- oh yeah. He's definitely the good influence. (That's sarcasm, Wars is the one good example for the younger ones.)
He just. He looks so smug to tell them about his experiences with the Gerudo- I love how often we see him just talking to them and answering questions about his life.
Even if it's clearly painful memories- he has still always told them
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Obviously Time talks to Twilight the most about stuff- and everyone knows that (to where Sky went to him for questions about Time)
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But the thing that get me the most is Wind.
Wind asked about... everything! Wind asked about his first journey and his life- and Time told him
The sheer transition from
"I was wondering... about your original journey"
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"You told me about your original journey. Everything you said... the sages you described, the old traditions, the old stories- all of it! ...)
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And this literally drives me insane because Time told him- Time told him everything! He told him about the sages, traditions- Time literally openly talked to Wind about his first Journey because he asked.
The Hero of Time's story had always been a tragedy- I mean... yikes. Trauma much? But I think people overlook this part of him- that he's older. All the hurt and scars are still there, but he has learned to talk about it to deal with it. And I think I know why- (Read)
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Malon Malon Malon Malon!!! Jojo showed this set up for their marriage- Time was and is traumatized. But he and Malon worked to talk through things. I mean. Can you imagine keeping secrets from Malon? I don't want to. I feel like she would throw a cow at me. Anyways.
It takes a lot to work through trauma and learn to talk through it. Malon claimed him tho, so I don't think he had a choice. But seriously- she helped him work through things as family. Which led to a successful marriage for both of them, and got Time to where he can talk about these things with the boys :D
Time is a troll, so although he will share his insane life stories.... he will also say he fought the moon with no more context, and tell his wife that they have a descendant but not freaking tell her which one it is.
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He's so insane I love it <3
Just don't forget this part of him... don't forget that rather it's sad or goofy or whatever- he will talk about his life. If someone simply asks
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Art and comic by Jojo @linkeduniverse au! :DDD
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raycatzdraws · 7 months
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graves-doodles · 4 days
yeyeyeye the cowboy au begins!
are all the links going to get cowboy-transmitified and meet on the Big Red Bridge? Love your art btw <3
YES!!!! As many Links as I can without overloading a cast 🤠 I'm hoping to go with Release dates as their order with a few Exceptions (cough cough 'Hero' cough)
Other than OG Zelda Link and OoT Link I've got the list of the rest of them right here! 🎉🤠🐎
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I gotta come up with nicknames for them all still that isnt like game abbreviations, as funny as that would be 😂
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luimagines · 10 days
I read legend's part on 'they introduce their s/o' and now I can't help but view reader, Legend, and Ravio as basically roommates and I was hoping you could write hc's based on that? I wholeheartedly believe that the two join forces to bully the Vet, or at the very least reader would bully Legend and then rope Ravio into it.
Oh my god, they were roommates.
Content under the cut!
Now just to be clear, Ravio doesn't actually live with them
He just sticks around and doesn't leave and sometimes uses their house as his shop
It doesn't matter that he has his own designated drawer
Ravio actually stays more often than not to accompany you when Legend is out doing his hero thing
It makes Legend feel better to know your not in that house all alone
On the of days when Ravio is back in Lorule and taking care of business there (whatever it is he actually does in that kingdom), Legend tries to be home and much as he can
Legend doesn't want you to feel like he's neglecting you or actually give Ravio the position of being your boyfriend
No, he's not jealous
Ok, maybe he's a little jealous
Ravio on the other hand, is very much aware that it's not his house despite the fact that he doesn't hesitate to make himself comfortable each and every time he shows up
Ravio however, is there to make sure that things that sane and safe
Sure he puts up a front about putting up a shop, but if it gets Legend to stay in the present and be annoyed than sink in the memories of his past adventure, he'll take it
Like you mention in your ask, they bully Legend often
Lovingly, of course
It's a team effort to get him to take care of himself
You get Legend to get out of the house and enjoy life and remember that there are in fact people that love and care about him
While Ravio is the one who bullies him into eating and showering on his worst days
Legend is aware of this
Legend tries to make it easier on the both of you but part of him wishes you two chose a different way to show him you cared about him
But he wouldn't change a thing
It becomes a bit of a game actually
You're the heart of this operation.
Between being Legend's lover and Ravio's (self proclaimed) best friend, you makes sure that no one tries to kill each other
Legend and Ravio get into "fights" often
You're not entirely sure how much of it is real and how much of it is just for the sake of annoying each other because they can
You keep the house clean and cook while Legend takes care of the maintenance
Ravio pays the bills whether he likes it or not because if he's using the house as a shop he's gotta pay the "lease"
Surprisingly, this works quite well
Even more surprisingly (or not) that's one reason Ravio keeps coming back
"If I have to invest so much into this, I might as well enjoy it"
"Ravio, this is my house"
"Our house"
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theecholegend · 8 months
Wars is looking a little blue … and pink and purple
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Another weird colour experiment using a colour pallet generator app. I saw those colours and just thought it would suit Warriors
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layraket · 8 months
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i cant explain why this exact img is so funny to me. im not able to give any context or explanation. im physically unnable to do that.
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my guy is tired :( give him a rest pls
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GOTTA GO FAST!!!!! (i almost chocked with my water seeing this idk its just. that face. and pose.)
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hes PISSED. mr postman start running. faster.
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i love this drawing. Jojo's sister made a good job catching sky's mood
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wild seems so small next to these two. i know he's average height. but. idk. their cub.
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i wonder why is he saying this
do u know something time??? care to share???? did u tried it????? or maybe is just a joke or smth and im overlooking
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okay so. mandatory moment to contemplate of how does jojo make the backgrounds.
Theyre so pretty and dinamic, and they blend so well with the characters. I admire her for this, it is something that makes my brain go brrrr
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i have no words. clapping
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that man has so many regrets. and misses a lot of moments already lived that will no come back again. He just haves what's left of these times, what's left of her presense.
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I remember the first time i read the comic, i didn't know there was more and got stuck like an entire month thinking that Twilight was still dying. i hated dink for so long just for that. and the fucking massive thing that he transformed into. urgh.
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i love wind so much he has the best expressions of them all
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poor guy hes tired! let him have some credit goddamnit!
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as a final comment. i love how does time looks in this exact pannel. just. idk.
i love jojo's art style thats all i like analyzing it with a microscope and enjoying all little details like colors and expressions and shadding an
(art credits obviously towards @linkeduniverse ! )
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shadedheart138 · 3 months
I'll Be Here Until You're Okay
Legend was fine when they landed in Skyloft. It'd been ages since Sky had seen Groose or Sun, and he quite literally cried when he saw them again. Sky deserved to see his partners, deserved to see his Loftwing, his home. It was a blissful few days of rest, before they had to leave due to hearing of a group of black blooded monsters nearby.
Legend was fine when they landed in Outset, even with the memories of the waves, the sand, a girl and a dream. Wind had missed his grandma and sister so much, and he'd screamed as soon as they hit the sand. He ran faster than Legend had ever seen him run. Wind had smiled more than he had in a while too, and Legend got really sunburnt and quite miserable.
Legend was fine when they landed in Four's world. It was good to see Four's Grandpa again, to trade stories and fix some of Wild's broken weapons. Four had been excited to see the Minish again, and get a chance to talk to Dot.
They were fine when they landed in Time's. The ranch was quiet and felt almost like home. Malon was kind as always, and they had good places to sleep. Fighting was easier, almost, with the knowledge they'd have an actual bath and mattresses to sleep on when they were done.
Fine in Wild's. Flora had been ecstatic to see her partner again, and Wild relaxed a good bit around her. Seeing Farosh had been a rare treat, and the hot springs Wild had brought them all to were heavenly.
Fine in Twilight's. Ordon was just as quiet as the ranch had been.
Hyrule's. Good to see Hyrule acting confident for once.
Warriors'. The bars were good.
But they were most decidedly not fine once they landed in Wild's again, after only a couple of months away from it. ***
Legend stepped forward out of the portal, Hyrule right behind them. They blinked in the bright sunlight, expecting to see a familiar landmark, the house they shared with Ravio...
When none of that was seen and instead they were greeted by an open field, Legend froze. Why Wild's Hyrule again? Why? Hylia must really hate them if she won't even let them go home. Legend hated her just as much, she never let them rest, not even after all the adventures. No matter how many times Legend did her bidding, she was never satisfied. Legend clenched a fist, angry. They wanted to go home.
Oh, Ravio.
Legend's eyes watered. They let their hand unclench, suddenly gripping the side of their skirt instead. It'd been almost five months since Legend had seen Ravio. Legend bit their lip and didn't notice their name had been called until the entire Chain was watching them with worried expressions. Legend took their hands from their skirt and clasped them together instead, with a sort of finality. "Wild. This is yours, right?" Fuck, Legend's voice broke. Legend took a shuddering breath, watching Wild. Wild nodded, expression sad. Legend nodded stiffly right back, before turning around and beginning to walk, shaking. They didn't care where they went, not right now. If the road didn't lead to home then Legend didn't care.
Legend ignored Warriors, continuing to walk. The longer their mind dwelled on home, on Ravio, the worse they felt. Legend was quite tired of feeling sad already.
Ravio. Legend missed him so much. The space between his teeth, his scarf. Sheerow. His laugh. The feeling of his hands against Legend's. The gentle curve of the back of his neck against Legend's hand. The stumble when they danced together.
Legend hadn't even received a letter from their husband in what, three, four weeks? Almost a month? (Married for tax purposes, Legend always insists. Lies.) What if Ravio was hurt? Worse, what if Ravio was dead? Fuck. The thought alone... Legend choked, giving a soft whine. They brought a hand over their mouth, trying to stifle it. Tried not to cry, don't cry, don't cry, don't-
A soft hand came down on Legend's shoulder, encouraging them to turn. Legend turned, eyes squeezed shut, biting their lip hard to try and make the pain there worse than the pain in their heart. Legend was gently pulled forwards into someone's chest- Time, only Time had that height -and Time's hand came up behind Legend's head to cradle it close. Ravio had always held them the exact same as Legend was being held by Time right now. It hurt.
"I'm sure the next portal we go through will be yours, Legend." Time said quietly. Legend gave a soft sob- the way they were being held, how much they missed Ravio, the soft tone, it was all too much- and that was all it took for them to lose the tiny bit of control they had over their emotions. Legend shakily put their arms around Time, fisting the back of the man's shirt tightly.
"I miss Ravio." Legend whispered, crying harder as soon as Ravio's name was out of their mouth.
"I know, Legend. You'll see him again soon." Time soothed, hugging Legend for an undetermined amount of time. By the time they were done, the rest had set up camp most of the way and Wild was making lunch. Legend sat down next to the fire, close to no one.
Warriors offered Legend whatever Wild had made for lunch. Legend refused, staring into the fire. An apple was put into their hand.
Legend looked at it, and reluctantly took a bite. It wasn't long before Hyrule was pressed to Legend's left side, trying to comfort. The soft tingle of magic against Legend was soothing, even if only a little. Wind quietly came to rest against Legend's other side, small hands fiddling with a seashell. Legend tiredly watched the fire, tuning everything out.
Ravio, Ravio, Ravio. Every heartbeat pressed Ravio's name into Legend's head. If they closed their eyes they could see their home. The place they put their shoes. Where they packed up their gear. The rocking chair. A table with a cup Legend had carved out of wood, when their hands didn't shake. A blanket that Ravio had crocheted, at the end of their shared bed.
Legend hugged themself, bringing a shaky hand to an earring in their ear. Enchanted with both a minor protection charm and a resistance to lightning. Ravio had given them to Legend for an anniversary. Legend took a shuddering breath. Their anniversary had already passed, and Legend didn't even get to spend it with their husband.
That night, Legend slept away from everyone, and poorly. They were grouchy all the way to the nearest stable, and then some. Warriors didn't jab at them even once the entire trip.
A week passed in Wild's world. A week and a half.
Every day, Legend was worse and worse. Everyone was quiet around them, lest they shatter whatever fragile state Legend was in. They cried, and frequently. No further words from Ravio, no reassurance that he was okay.
Three weeks.
They spent a month and a half in Wild's world. When the next portal appeared, everyone cheered. No matter how pretty Wild's world was, blood moons were no fun and neither were the guardians. Legend stepped through the portal first, and even chanced a prayer to Hylia. Another one to Lolia for good measure.
Please, let this one be mine. Let me be home.
They landed in an apple orchard. Legend rubbed their eyes and turned around to help Sky through, then Wind. When everyone was through, Legend put a hand on one of the trees, thumbing an engraving on it. L + R.
Link and Ravio. They'd engraved their initials in every one of these trees, after an escapade with a good bottle of wine.
Legend was home.
Legend started stripping themself of their gear, much to the Chain's surprise. They got their boots off, ignoring the questions, and started pulling on the Pegasus Boots. They started cursing up a storm when they had to untie the left one. As soon as they were on enough to stand, Legend clicked their heels and fucking bolted.
It didn't matter that they ran into a tree on the way there. All that mattered was the man in the purple button up, sleeves rolled up and hands in the garden soil. What mattered was the way he hummed and the way his fingers moved and the wedding band on a cloth beside him. Legend wrenched the boots off their feet as soon as Ravio was in their sight, and yelled for him.
"Rav! Ravio, I'm home!" Legend had tears in their eyes, scrambling to get to Ravio.
"Link?" Ravio's head whipped around, and he dropped whatever he had been trying to plant. He'd barely risen to his feet before Legend barreled into him, hugging almost tight enough to bruise.
"Link-? Oh, honey." Ravio whispered, as Legend started crying hard.
"I missed you, I missed you so much, Rav. I love you. I was so worried when you didn't send any letters, I thought you could've been dead and-" Legend whispered, the rest of the words lost against Ravio's skin, holding so tight as if Ravio would disappear like the girl on the island. Legend wouldn't be able to take it if that happened again.
"Breathe, dear. I missed you too, and I love you just as much. If not more. I was equally worried, since I haven't heard word from you in months." Ravio said softly, and even though his hands were covered in dirt, he brought one of them to cradle the back of Legend's head very firmly. Even though Time had held them like this more than a month ago, it hadn't felt the same.
This was home, and it smelled like lavender and apple soap. The other hand landed on Legend's back. They were still swaying lightly together when the rest of the Chain caught up. Sky flopped down onto the grass, wheezing. After a few moments, both Hyrule and Four joined him.
Legend whined very audibly when Ravio tried pulling away, tightening their grip.
"Link, we've got visitors."
"Don't care. Please, stay, please. Just a little bit longer, Rav. It's been so long. I was so scared." Legend's voice was soft, barely heard, whispered against skin.
Ravio sighed, and kissed Legend on the forehead.
"A little bit longer, then." Ravio sniffled, tightening his hold.
Link's wedding band glittered on their right hand, the only ring that Legend had brought themselves to wear for a while. They'd polished and fiddled with it a little obsessively. Sheerow twittered about, pulling at Legend's hair, nipping at his ear tips, his own little way of saying, "Hello, welcome home, missed you."- no matter how irritating. Sheerow was gently told something by Ravio, and after a moment, Ravio's right hand had the same ring resting on the designated finger.
"You're alright, honeybun. I'm here." Soft, whispered against Legend's cheekbone.
"I'm real."
Legend sobbed, squeezing tight.
Ravio was here, and he was very, very real.
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catreginae · 2 months
If the LU tags need a "don't tag other Link Meets AU as LU" post every two months, maybe consider: it's not the people who frequent the tags.
If it's needed so often, it's not reaching the intended audience.
People need to start being confrontational and tell the individuals who are using the wrong tags that they're using the wrong tags. If they frequent the LU tags, they would have seen a "tag your shit right" post a few times already.
Sometimes, people just need to be told they're doing something wrong.
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@uncleskyrule your tags were far too good to ignore
this is a sequel to this
also i think i'm finally starting to get the hang of drawing on a computer :D
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skyward-floored · 9 months
Hi this picture of Twilight is one of my favorites
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Okay thank you
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adrift-in-thyme · 5 months
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I worked on the fic as promised and…it got out of hand. So instead of a snippet I’ll just give you guys the whole thing XD Thank you all for providing that extra nudge I needed to finish it!
Though there’s nothing too descriptive here, there are brief mentions of blood, injury, and captivity. So be careful and take care of yourselves <3
There is another fae in their group.
Hyrule has sensed it since he joined this little band of heroes. Fairy magic is soft, gentle, easy to miss when it is not in concentrated amounts. But there is a strength to it, an unbreakable force that little else possesses.
While the dark arts are vicious, like a javelin through the heart, fairy magic is soothing and unshatterable. Dependable and comforting.
There are many different magical signatures amongst the men and boys who share his name. Some torn apart and melded back together into something stronger. Others as mighty as a gale force wind, or as swift and discerning as a rabbit, as decisive and resilient as a barricade. Still others as fierce as a soaring hawk, as vicious and protective as the wolves that prowl the forest, as crafty and quick as the mischievous foxes that sometimes play around Hyrule’s feet.
Hyrule keeps his eye on them all as they travel, discovering who they are, watching their tells, learning the ways their faces portray their emotions even when they attempt to cloak them. And he wonders who amongst them is a brother in more ways than shared spirit. Who among them flits on a pair of silken wings.
He wonders until the day Time breaks.
Their journey is a long, arduous one, treacherous and laden with pitfalls. It’s only natural that it would take its toll. Still, Time holds out impressively. Even while he studies him with the other heroes, Hyrule never sees that mask of his slip, never sees a chink in the armor he wears.
At least, not for the first three months of traveling together.
But then, one day, there is an accident. A simple slip up born of exhaustion. During a battle with a group of black-blooded beasts in Twilight’s Hyrule, Warriors doesn’t see a monster lunging for him. Not until it’s too late.
And when he crumples into a limp, bloodied heap, Time’s mask shatters.
He doesn’t manage to piece it back together for the rest of the day. Not when he carries Warriors back to camp. Not when he lays the captain down on his bed mat and helps Hyrule tend to him. Not even when Warriors comes to, groggy and sore but very much alive and very much himself.
The captain teases him about being over protective. Time’s answering smile is a hollow one that doesn’t reach his eyes.
The injury had been a severe one, Hyrule won’t deny that — perhaps, more so than any of them have endured thus far. But Time seems to take it the hardest of any of them. And Hyrule can’t help wondering if maybe, just maybe there is something more behind his behavior.
Could it be that Time has been feeling the overwhelming nature of this quest the same as the rest of them, caving beneath its weight but unwilling to show it?
So, during dinner that night when Time sets aside his untouched food and slips silently away, Hyrule trails after him.
He goes a short way into the surrounding forest, footsteps soft, ears pricked for any sound of disturbance. Then, he stops, casts a quick glance around him…and disappears.
Hyrule peeks out from the cover of a nearby bush, eyes wide as he stares at the place where the old man had stood. For a long moment, he remains motionless, thoughts whirring, trying to decipher what has just happened.
Hero of Hyrule or not, people don’t simply dissipate like the morning mist. Though, with Time’s seemingly endless collection of masks, he supposes something of the sort is possible. Still…
Hyrule frowns.
There is something else here, hovering in the damp night air. A familiar magic that now drifts lazily over to him in delicate wisps.
Hyrule straightens. His brows dip further.
He knows what Time’s magic looks like, smells like, feels like. It is difficult to ignore, after all, tangled and tortured as it is. Such power is meant to flow freely. But Time’s has been grasped in hands that are not his own, grasped and mangled, suffocated, stretched to its breaking point and further, morphed into something completely unlike what it must have been at the start.
It is nauseating to behold at times. Right now, however, right now Hyrule can’t bring himself to look away. Because threaded in between the heartbreak and pain are gentle strands of the faintest blue fae magic.
The traveler steps forward. His eyes travel over the trail Time’s power has left behind, leading all the way up into the highest branches of a nearby oak. If he squints, he can make out a tiny dot among the lush leaves, shimmering emerald.
His lips part in a silent “oh.” He dares to take another step forward, then another and another, wings issuing from his back as he goes, body shrinking until it too can soar up to the haven of foliage.
Time doesn’t startle when he lands quietly on the branch. He remains sitting where he is, legs hanging over the edge into the open air, wings wafting gracefully back and forth. Hyrule stares at them, almost taken aback by their beauty.
He should have expected it, he supposes. Every fairy’s pride is their wings, after all. But Time’s unforgiving plates of armor, his dull gray tunic and obsidian trousers, the glowing marks of crimson and navy blue adorning his face – they provide such a severe air. Strength, dedication to duty, and unyielding courage are what they convey.
His wings, however, they speak of softer things, fragile things held close and treasured.
They are long, sweeping along the height of Time’s body in flowing curves like those of a butterfly. Their translucent surface is colored a deep emerald and adorned with veins of pale pink. They remind Hyrule of the vibrancy of the forest after a long, hard storm; of the look of leaves when the emerging sun caresses their dewy surfaces.
He walks closer, almost enraptured by this sight. Perhaps, he should turn away from something so vulnerable. That is likely the polite thing to do. But he has traveled far beyond politeness now, mesmerized as he is by this discovery.
And when Time says, “Hello, Hyrule,” there is nothing in his tone to communicate that this is an invasion of his privacy. On the contrary, he sounds calm, unbothered. He pats the spot beside him and slowly, Hyrule settles down upon it. Their wings nearly touch.
“So, it’s you,” he says, awkward and awestruck.
A small smile quirks the old man’s lips. His gaze remains trained on the heroes gathered far, far below them. Their laughter and chatter float up to them in bubbles of murmured joy.
“Yes, it’s me,” he says, mildly, as though this meeting is no shock. As though he has been expecting it for a long while.
Silence settles for a moment as Hyrule scrambles for what else to say.
“How?” Is all he can come up with.
Time chuckles. Hyrule is certain the sound is lighter than usual.
“I’m not sure.” He cocks his head, bangs falling aside so Hyrule can see his markings. “I have theories, of course, but I have no way to prove any of them. And those who might have been able to explain are long gone.”
His voice is good-natured enough but the words carry a weight that Hyrule can feel in his soul. He ducks his head.
“I’m sorry.”
Time shrugs. “Their fates were not your doing. There is no need for you to ache for them. Or for me.” He turns now, a smile brightening his face once more. “What about you, Hyrule? What is the nature of your transformation? Were you born with it?”
“Oh, it’s just a spell,” Hyrule replies, quickly. “Though, I’ve wondered if I was born with fae blood in me. I don’t think it would’ve worked otherwise.”
Time hums, thoughtfully. He is quiet for a moment, once more staring down at their comrades.
“I wondered why I felt the presence of one of my brethren amongst the group. But it wasn’t my place to pry. Besides, I assumed it was only a matter of time before I discovered who it was. Secrets don’t stay concealed for long in a group such as ours.” He grins. “It seems you found me first, however.”
Hyrule laughs. “It sure seems that way.”
“That isn’t why you followed me though, is it?” The old man’s gaze is sharp and discerning as he pins Hyrule with it. The traveler fights not to sink into himself beneath it.
“No.” His voice is a bit smaller than he wants it to be, embarrassment sneaking into it against his will. “It isn’t.”
Time nods and looks away again. Stance relaxed, expression guarded, he waits. Hyrule swallows, gathers his courage, and continues.
“I saw how upset you were about Wars.”
Time flinches almost imperceptibly. The walls that had gone relatively low rise again so far Hyrule is taken aback by it. Yet, he plows on anyway.
If anything, Time’s reaction validates his decision further.
“And…I saw how you tried to hide it, too. And I wanted to make sure you were okay. Because you don’t, old man, you don’t have to hide what you feel.” His gaze travels to those magnificent wings again, grander than his own, yet so similar. “Or what you are.”
“It’s dangerous,” Time murmurs. “You know that, traveler.”
Perhaps, he is talking solely about feelings and the open expression of them. But Hyrule sees a bottle anyway, brimming with desperate magic, translucent sides smeared with blood and tears, it’s top shut so tightly the air has grown thin.
“Not with us,” he says, firm despite the dizzying rush of fear the memories bring. “Not with me.”
He scoots closer. His shoulder bumps against Time’s, their wings brush. Time’s next exhale catches at the end.
To anyone else such proximity would be touching enough, a display of closeness between two brothers in arms and spirit. But Hyrule knows that to fae it means even more than that.
Wings are not only the pride of the fairy people. They are also their greatest power — and their very life. To allow someone else to touch your wings so freely is a show of trust as momentous as when Time had shown them his ocarina. Not the one embued with sacred magic and given to him by Lullaby. No, the one that is even more precious to him that even that one. The one Sariah had given him so very, very, (very, very, Hyrule adds for good measure) long ago.
The stiffness that had seeped into Time’s posture eases slightly. Hyrule feels a smile stretch across his face.
The two of them grow silent, allowing the symphony of night creatures to fill the space between them. Hyrule swings his legs, back and forth, back and forth, listening to the crickets and owls singing in time with the laughter of his brothers. Time still looks down upon them.
Watching over them, Hyrule realizes with a sudden burst of warmth.
Their leader can seem cold sometimes, distant. Little had he known the depths of his love for the heroes with whom he shared a spirit of courage.
There is much, he thinks in wonder, that he doesn’t know about the old man.
Beside him, Time sighs and exhaustion permeates it. “You all aren’t going to give up on me, are you?”
Hyrule sends him a grin. “Nope. We’re not gonna stop until we know all your secrets. All of them. And we’ll know because you’re comfortable enough with us enough to share them, because we’ve earned your trust enough to be gifted them.”
Emotion burns in Time’s eye when he turns to the traveler. His face is more vulnerable than Hyrule has ever seen it before — even when Warriors fell.
“My trust isn’t easy to earn.”
“And Hyrule isn’t easy to save.”
Time holds his gaze for a long moment. Then, he smiles. It is small, almost shy, but Hyrule knows it is a gift. The first of many, if he’s lucky.
“Well, then, I suppose you’re amply prepared for such a challenge.”
Hyrule leans in closer, pride welling within him when Time returns the gesture, and his grin grows.
Yeah. He thinks, watching with wide eyes as fairy dust floats around them. I am.
We all are.
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