Learn to fall before you fly
651 posts
((independent rp blog administrated by a bored and rather uppity nerd. Although I'm not really into yaoi, I'm open to any rp- depending on if you can persuade me to do so. The theme,of course, was not made by me. )) I'm not a big fan of introductions; so lets make this brief, shall we? You probably already know who I am anyway, so just don't make a damn mess while you're here.
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A Choice With No Regrets Ch.5 - Levi Ackerman
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{♫}|| Indie Jean Kirstein role-play blog
{♫}|| Multi-fandom and OC friendly
{♫}|| Current with manga
{♫}|| Open to AUs
{♫}|| Multi-ship
{♫}|| More comfortable with one-liners and short paragraphs, though willing to adjust
{♫}|| 4+ years role-play experience
                            нσω мαηу ρєσρℓє ∂ιє∂ ση му ¢σммαη∂?
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Which flower would your muse give to mine?
Put a flower in my inbox to show your muse's feelings for mine, anon or not:
AMARANTH: Broken-hearted
BEGONIA: Warning
LAVENDER: Distrust
MARIGOLD: Jealousy
GERANIUM: True friendship
SUNFLOWER: Gratitude
TULIP (WHITE): Forgiveness
TULIP(PURPLE): loyalty
TULIP(YELLOW): hopelessly in love
TULIP (RED): declaration of love
VIOLET: Loyalty
ZINNIA: Memories
DILL: Lust
MIMOSA: Secret admirer
PEONY: Shyness
ROSE (ORANGE): Fascination
ROSE (RED): Passionate love
ROSE (PINK): friendship
ROSE (WHITE): purity (nature of relationship, not the type)
SYCAMORE: Curiosity
TUBEROSE: Pleasure
ANEMONE: refusal of abandonment and forsaken
CANDYTUFT: indifference
PETUNIA: anger and resentment
SUNFLOWER: adoration
PANSY: loving thoughts
DAISY (WHITE): innocence (nature of relationship, not the type)
CHRYSANTHEMUM (YELLOW): secret admirer
IRIS: inspiration
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Levi has been termed the “Humanity’s strongest soldier” even before the start of the actual storyline. Being humanity’s strongest means that he has lived through countless of battles, near-death experiences.
He has survived.
But this also means that he has witnessed the death of many comrades, whether they were close to him or not. He has seen countless of people fall to titans. But now, they are falling to the hands of humans. The picture above holds testament to that.
Indeed he has survived, but I doubt his mind or heart ever did survive. Even if they did, he loses a part of the person he once was every single time.If this goes on, I really fear for his sanity.
"Humanity’s strongest soldier" is not something to be proud of; what if one day, Levi decides he is tired of all this shit.
Will he give up then?
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          ザー☆みるく ‏@hello14___           
[please do not remove source]
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I think I’m funny
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No response.  The blonde hadn’t looked at him once since he woke, was there something else calling her attention?  He understood that she probably wasn’t in the best if health at the time either but, for her not even recognize his presence…?  Of course , what else could he expect after the events that changed this girls life, he couldn’t even accept the consequences he knew were coming for them.  And they were coming quick.  Time was crucial, no matter what they needed to get going and fast.
  “Hey,”  His voice was louder than he thought he was capable of, yet it did nothing to collect her attention.  “Maka.”  Silence from her again.  He positioned himself to get a better a view, only to have shock set in to the pit of his stomach.  Bruises, cuts, scratches, it all contrasted her pale white skin.  Did they cause this?  How would they, she was in titan form when they put on their relentless attack. No it was something else, something he wished wasn’t true.  The gashes were self inflicted. 
In a complete disregard of his own health, he tried to run to her, knock some sense into her, if he wasn't already too late. As he stood his knee locked in place, stalling his movements momentarily. No, he had to keep going, even if his fatigued body disagreed.  Despite his own biological resistance, he moved, not seconds later causing a loud snap and pull from underneath him. And in an interval through time, everything went blank.  He didn’t protest against his weight propelled him down as he went crashing back to the tiles.
Pain, he wasn’t sure if he could feel it. The intense agony he was already suffering was all just a dull ache.  On any other occasion, numbness would of been much worse than an actual shooting hurt, but it wasn’t holding him back… He could reach her this time, nothing in his way, even in such a pathetic state.  Adjusting his weight to the unscathed leg, he managed to stand -barely- to grab Maka by the shoulder and turn her where he could see her face.  Long lashes curtained her eyes, with blonde hair sticking to her forehead, just the same as before.  Yet, she was completely different, her presence-emotion.  For a minute, he nearly forgot about the severity of their situation, in a flurry of his shame. She was mess, and now, so was he. 
There was simply no time to regret.  “Maka.”  He said again, more commanding, frustrated. They were wasting time when they had none to spare, if he had to force her to snap out of it, he would. Levi took a hold of her chin, directing her sights toward him.  “Whatever happened, happened. That’s all there is to it.”  The tone came across gentler than before, although not completely intended.  He loosened his grip on the female ” You’re strong enough to get through this,I know you are, that’s why you’re still here- why we’re both still here. “  His jaw visibly trembled at the thought. 
To think he’d be dead on the ground if it wasn’t for her, and not to the fault of the titans they fought against, but his own comrades. Simply reminiscing on it disgusted him.  They were soldiers of course, the only use of them is to take orders, no questions asked, he understood that.  But their immediate betrayal, why was it so suddenly decided to look at him as a threat to humanity?  Why take such risk to cast out the military’s greatest asset? They turned on him so quickly, and the only person on his side was girl he met only weeks before. Perhaps she wasn’t the only one who needed to move on from this. 
The captain relieved his grasp on her, letting his knuckles graze her cheek.  A sign of gratitude, tenderness even.  Clamping his mouth shut, he briefly glanced down.  She was the only person on his side… Her porcelain features became too much to face with a guilty conscious, another reminder of the mistakes he made to turn down this road.  And as he should of expected, it was paved only by his good intentions.  Tragic for both parties and the injustice started with him.  Again, he was letting this get to his head.  He returned eye contact with Maka, harshly regaining his clutch on her.  “…So get your head out of your ass and start thinking clearly. We don’t have time for anymore distractions.” The weight shifted to his good leg was gradually straining his muscles, he couldn’t stand for much longer without collapsing.  And with a single movement, his knee buckled.  Instinctively he grabbed onto the girl’s shoulder for support; he really was a mess. They had to leave as soon as possible, and he couldn’t stand on his own. 
He clenched his teeth, dodging her emerald gaze with a turn of his head “Forgive me...”  It was hardly audible at all.  A probable effect coming from his pride; although cracked, it was still very much intact.  He was supposed to protect her, and in this piss poor condition-he couldn’t even protect himself.  He shifted his eyes back to hers, to look for any sign of response, any sign that she understood him.  And it was all interrupted by the crack of gun ringing right below them.  In the instance of a mere second , feeling came back to his leg, and he couldn't help but wish it stayed numb.
                                          「➳」;;- ❝ — How many did I kill.❞
Silence, quietude filling tensed air. Glassed cascades of a dimmed spirit remained locked on blistered palms, carefully studying their crimson tint though keeping all emotion locked away for the sake of her own sanity — or what remained of such a thing. Mistakes. Youth made many, although none would compare to the slaughter of men and woman who only attempted to do their jobs— attempted to keep those they cared about safe. 
Yet as attention avert from man to self, her mind fell blank. Maka could practically say anything she wanted to but chose not to. Still had a voice, still had opinions, but once wanted by another did they not follow suit. Perhaps it was because she was convinced of what she was made to believe of herself, as nothing. Never did anything she say matter before so she sought no need to believe otherwise now. No matter the setting, people were the same; viewing her as nothing less than crazy. 
                                            This is your fault.
                                                                    You created this hell.
Breath hitching, palm distracted self from thoughts by grasping wounded forearm, beginning to add immense pressure to such a damaged piece of flesh. At first, she almost felt embarrassed for her current condition since she could truly not remember the last time she had felt healthy. Decided to continue adding force until just the right amount of pain made her feel human once again; That is, until the steam began to rise.  
Incoherent whispers escaped past thin, quivering lips, nails digging into blistered palms to provide  evidence of her existence. An aching body shook relentlessly, blood stained hands taking grasp of her forearms to cradle damaged frame while recollecting her thoughts. Cared no longer for her own safety, but for a reason not to end this suffering. Admission what she expected, accustom to the murder behind justified fingers. Pang to heart at added phrase. Reminded of prior losses. shaking vocals catching attention once more, feared for already pierced heart. Wounded animals in their attempts to comfort would slice through one another in the process to do so; always was the fact of their relationship. 
                                                    ❝ Fucking answer me. ❞ 
Sin, sanitizing. Soothed wounds of absence. Observed scorn, wore nothing, but the softest of features. Thumb tracing jawline, repetition in the most agonizing of forms. Realization dawning, having to rewrite each feature as it came unknown to tips tingling with regrets. Could seethe at self were storm not quelled by oceanic cascades claiming every inch of rational, every bit of sanity left. Although she could not at first precisely ascertain to what degree the occurrence hand affected her, she was determined at all events to conceal the matter from Levi until further experience should discover to her the extent of this her unheard of calamity. Altering her countenance, therefore in a moment, from its puffed and distorted appearance, to an expression of arch and coquettish benignity, Maka gave her thigh a violent punch, lips parting slightly to allow a jagged inhale. Youth had absolutely refused to allow eye contact between two — feeling far too hysterical to even make an attempt of facing Levi directly. Cowardice. 
Never before had she allowed herself to lose control in such a way — lose every ounce of restraint she had only to kill everything in her path. No doubt her stomach churned and twisted with disgust while she had been ripping off appendages like nothing, but something about it felt right —  and that’s what scared her the most.
Fear was beginning to become familiar to the shifter, thin brows furrowing before allowing jaw to shift whilst trembling legs lifted her worn down body. Yet again, breathless.Maka could not have stirred with it a feather if her life had been at issue, or sullied even the delicacy of a mirror. Hard fate—yet there was some alleviation to the first overpowering paroxysm of her sorrow. She found, upon internal trial, that the powers of utterance which upon her inability to proceed in the conversation with Levi, Maka then concluded to be totally destroyed, were in face only partially impeded, and she discovered that had she at that interesting crisis, dropped her voice to a singularly deep guttural, she might still have continued to their communication of her own sentiments; this pitch of voice (the guttural) depending, the blonde found, not upon the current of the breath, but upon a certain spasmodic action of the muscles of the throat.
Throwing self up and off the ground, youth remained for some time absorbed in meditation, weak legs wobbling under her weight which, consequentially, wasn’t all that much considering she hadn’t a single free moment to sit down and attempt to consume an actual meal. . Her reflections, be sure, were in no consolatory kind. A thousand vague and lachrymatory fancies took possession of her soul — and even the idea of suicide flitted across her brain; but it is a trait in the perversity of human nature to reject the obvious and the ready, for the far-distant and equivocal. Thus she shuddered at self-murder as the most decided of atrocities while the soldier watched in awe. Truth be told, he seemed to be worried about what she would do next. 
Oppressed with a tumult of vague hopes and fears, Maka at length heard the gentle breathing of the raven haired soldier, shoulders slowly rolling back as the sound was devoured by yet another — although one she hadn’t been familiar with. Head ached, and younger had fancied a ringing in her ears; but still he sat quietly and watched. Had he been afraid? Nervous to speak of the number she carelessly slaughtered?
The ringing became more distinct: — it continued and became more distinct: Her trembling easily worsened to get rid of the feeling: but it continued and gained definiteness — until, in time, she found that the noise was not in her ears.
No doubt Maka now grew very pale;— but she whispered more fluently, and with a heightened voice. Yet the sound increased — and what could she do? it was a low, dull, quick sound— much like the sound a clock makes when enveloped in cotton. Youth gasped for breath— and yet the soldier heard it not. She breathed more quickly— more vehemently; but the noise steadily increased. Shaking legs straightened and only lifted her higher, but the noise steadily increased.
                               The heart.
                                                Your heart is going to burst.
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Please reblog if you're an SNK roleplayer!
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I ship eruri hardcore and I still don’t see the “eruri subtext” in ACWNR
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The Only Thing I Know For Real - Metal Gear Rising OST
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If You're Willing to do Horror Threads, Reblog This.
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" I get it."
he curtly snaps at the younger male.  Just what was inside this place that would kill him?  The unnerving thought did little to pull his interests away from the matter,it lead him to wondering if this ghost was only playing mind games. "So since I'm as good as dead, the least you could do is show some damn courtesy and tell me exactly what I'm up against."
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"What a pity. But don’t you worry, you’ll be dead soon as well. No need to be jealous at all."
He laughed, a hollow sound that echoed off the walls. “…. one way or another, you’ll end up dead. It’s how everyone who comes here ends. There’s no way out for you, I’m afraid.”
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" I think I'll pass."
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♫||;; “Levi.~ You should be my bunny.~”
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...But how?
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