#”why would you hc that character gay or trans???? why don’t you make your own character???”
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buoryok · 2 years ago
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Wanted to share. It’s a rather personal piece and it’s not really in my style. I do like the funky colours and visible scars.
It makes me feel happy.
Me and my husband. Love him a ton.
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kimulus0check · 5 months ago
can I ask for specific hcs? (ex trans characters or sth like that)
I want to make this to what I personally see while also keeping it to character I can. Like for example I don’t think mean little teenage boys from the 90s to early 2000s know what demiromantic means nor are going to know that theres more than two genders. Much less grown ass men who canonically have Facebook. Just a pet peeve
Hyperspecific or weird headcanons
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Bill Dickey
•He is a dictionary definition of a sociopath or has antisocial personality disorder; but has never been to the doctors to be diagnosed. He wouldn’t even think there’s anything wrong with him either nor would think he would have any symptoms, even when they heavily show up a lot.
•symptoms of antisocial personality disorder are characterized by: those with antisocial personality disorder tend to lie, break laws, act impulsively, and lack regard for their own safety or the safety of others. Which we see him do by lighting himself on fire to intentionally burn down the comic shop and everyone in it.
•His overall lack for empathy for others is very prominent from the beginning to the end of the comic series.
•He is not gay, but he isn’t straight either. His hatred and Blanton misogyny towards women compared to his almost religous idolization fictional men is something that speaks for itself.
•Deep down he is aromantic. Though I doubt he would find out about this for himself until he’s seventy-five years old or dead in the grave. He dreams and yearns for sexual intimacy but doesn’t want to actually achieve it with a person in real life. He sees sex more as a social status to achieve than something you do with your partner in a romantic relationship.
•my most extreme head canon I mentioned in my general head canon post was that his parents are divorced and his mother has full custody of him and his sister.
•His father used to be very abusive to him and his sister but neither of them really registered that ‘violence and beating each other is bad’ and that’s why they are so violent towards each other and just physically aggressive in general. Also gives a reason why we never see his father.
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Jerome Stokes
•is neurodivergent, more specifically having verbal stimming and stutters when trying to say the letter B. Jerry is more high-functioning on the ASD spectrum.
•Hates having his clothes wet, some clothing material like polyesters or cotton and can’t stand certain smells and lights because of sensory issues. But with his friends or if had partner was around him when he was having sensory problems he would mask and try to thug it out even though he is having a mental breakdown internally.
•It would take a lot for him to even open up about his feelings because he emotionally shuts himself off when his with the club members to get less hurt when they shit on his interest in fantasy or get into fights verbal and literal fights.
•Lives with his mother and father but they’re very religious and conservative so they don’t support his fantasy hobbies at all but let him indulge thinking “it’s just a phase”. They don’t really know how to live with the fact he is neurodivergent, specifically his mother. His father works a job with long hours so he is rarely home, if he is home he’s not awake half of the time. So his mother helicopters him and coddles him when he doesn’t need to be.
•The most open minded person of the group, but will follow in the clubs behaviors because he doesn’t want to be excluded or not have friends despite the ones he has right now are god awful.
•Has definitely was sent to Christian camp over the summer in middle school. His mom has found some of his fantasy porn stash in his closet and thought he was going astray from god.
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Josh Levy
•Josh is a collective turned organized hoarder and over consumer. He canonically stated in the comics how he lost the passion in his hobbies and now just grasps at any collectibles he can find just to have them.
•sort of a sudo-masochist. Like he would never enjoy pain for his own pleasure but he’d know when he’s miserable and is aware what he does isn’t healthy, but continues to do it because he’s already in the deep shit of it.
•speaking of shit, the fact he only eats certain food products because they have collectibles even though he hates the food and has horrendous bowel movements on the regular makes him so much more sadder because he is willing to borderline torture himself just to collect.
•He comes from a Jewish family and a very religious family at that.
•he has naturally curly hair but he doesn’t shower almost at all so his curls turn into a greasy oily slick mop of a ponytail.
•moles and birthmarks all over his body.
•secretly closeted gay, and has probably online dated with men but will die in his grave than come out to his friends or loved ones.
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Pete Dinunzio
•Pete is seen to have some anger issues in the pilot and in the comics like bill, but his anger derives from a sense of justice and fairness (though only when it benefits him).
•lives with a very strict and intense father and a couple older brothers, along with his more lenient mother.
•closeted gay but is homophobic to out gay people because he can’t process his own turmoil and eternalized homophobia. (his family is catholic Italian New Yorkers they probably don’t fuck with gay people.)
•Pete is impulsive and vain. Not thinking about the consequences of his choices like the other boys but his hobbies do take a toll on him more differently than the other three. when he gets older he thrives in an environment where they enable his worst habits and addiction to the point where he is a assistant producer in snuff films, horror porn, etc.
•you could hold the argument where Josh has a similar path in his career as swell, but Josh is only and editor while Pete is a co-producer. Having a higher job title and embedding the fact that this is no longer a new he hobby but apart of who he is in the worst way possible to where he is taking sexual advantage of the women who work for him.
•He wants to be covered in tattoos when he’s older with full sleeves and everything, but in his later years has a couple of five to eight tattoos scattered over his body.
•this is very much a stretch but I think he warms up to people like rigby from regular show. (stay with me-please) He is very distant and mean at first but if he warms up to you he will grow to be very loyal towards you.
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djsherriff-responses · 8 months ago
you know what I’m gonna explain my thought process for these (note I’m cis and these HCs are just for fun and don’t have much impact on anything I make regarding CLH)
Bullfrog I think would be attracted to people of any gender identity (though I do like ace Bullfrog too). Him being intersex is based on how frogs can change their sex between the stage of being a tadpole into a mature frog and the various fics that give him features resembling both sexes
I imagine hybrids actually have some wonky sex characteristics going on (at least it’s more common/noticeable compared to humans) due to how they’re made but especially the none mammalian hybrids
Sarah being a lesbian just seems right because I cannot imagine her being with a man lmao but her being non binary is because she more or less removed her flash and sex characteristics. Considering beneath her skin she’s a metal spider skeleton , she likely choice to remove her sex organs and doesn’t seem bothered about it. Sarah probably only identifies as a woman because that’s her assigned gender and enjoys the fact she’s a cybernetic nightmare fuel of a person who can strike terror in the hearts of men
Dolph is canonically into men (self explanatory) but I think he definitely feels disconnected to his own humanity and thus gender identity as well. If given time and space he’d probably explore his self more now that Alex isn’t influencing his choices and realise that he doesn’t feel particularly strong about being a man or whatever , he just wants to be human
(this is not to say every cyborg character is non binary, just why I think Sarah and Dolph would specifically identify with the label)
Admittedly I only HC Pey’J as bi because I think him hooking up with Alex would be funny ( more so if Alex was the first man Pey’J ever had an attraction to)
Jade definitely feels different to other women and struggles to fit into society’s norms (this is kinda canon already) and I get the vibe she was maybe a tomboy as a kid. I think it’d be interesting if Jade actually became more confident in her femininity after realising she’s gender fluid (though I do think she’d lean more into masculine and androgynous fashion most days). Abrosexual is like genderfluid but instead of identity it’s your sexual attraction to people and I 100% think Jade would’ve struggled with her sexuality too (not helped by Pey’J’s weird way of raising her)
Niji 6 I’m torn between them all being cishet, everyone has a gay orgy that Red isn’t invited too or they’re all in the closet of various levels of using homophobia to cover it up (Trans Red has major gender envy for Dolph)
The Glade of dreams don’t give much shits about sexuality and gender and thus neither does Rayman, though he definitely noticed his attraction to people comes and goes unlike other people
Sam is a bi king, was almost tempted to add a leather kink flag as a joke on his spy suit
Marcus definitely hacked his medical records to remove his dead name (as well as any friends of his) and adores the fact he grew a full beard. Just really missed the love of his life that is bi king Sam
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You know what fuck you *makes Laserhawk even more woke*
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emissary-of-dog · 2 years ago
humbly asks your for your geara hc.......
headcanons for my favorite little emo beast! [ DOES A SPIN ]
Sexuality Headcanon: You take one look at this man and tell me with the straightest face you can possibly muster: “Geara isn’t gay. He’s not into men.” This motherfucker wears eyeliner, has the full MCR fit, constantly talks about Zetta in ways other men in-game have not, he literally SENT Giratina to Zetta on Terajuma Island so he could pick him up like a prom date. THIS MAN??? 🌈🌈 WOULD KISS ANOTHER MAN. AND WOULD ENJOY IT. CHECKMATE BITCHES.
Gender Headcanon: He is the most cis-acting motherfucker ever and yet they are, simultaneously, one of the most trans-looking characters too. Truly a paradox!
AMAB. Transmasc as fuck. But DEFINITELY nonbinary. This guy screams “He/They.” Madame X gives her gayest battles (Valor Mt) to her trans-est soldiers.
( In other words they are SO much to go into, narratively-speaking, and I can’t get all of my words out here but just know I’ve been unabashedly autistic about their dynamic since December/January of this year. GODDD. )
A BROTP I have with said character: I’ve NEVER played Insurgence in my life but I know for a FACT that Zenith and Geara would be best friends/brothers. But I’d also say that it’s probably a good thing they’re in separate games... I can only imagine the opposite, honestly. And what I imagine is pure hellfire. Don’t put these two in a room together they’ll probably bond over their sick-ass legendaries they’re weirdly religious about; explosives and hating children. And dick jokes.
Madelis + Eli are also characters I’d say have a funny dynamic with him... Eli in previous versions used to interact w/ Geara and Geara would treat him with more respect than Sharon so SDHGJFGH that’s definitely something I think about often!
A NOTP I have with said character: Honestly any ship that involves him and a woman. Not only because he’s straight as a swirly straw but because I personally think she could do way better. I think every single girl forced to look at him at least once in their lives deserves financial compensation. Sariah I’m giving you all the therapy money you need once you grow up and have to confront your previously poor taste  🙏
A random headcanon: HEADCANON SPEED-ROUND! 🎇 (woo!)
Geara wears so many cosmetics it’s insane. Earrings, eyeliner, foundation, hair gel, dude definitely uses a hair ironer, SOOO much cologne THIS GUY STINKS, aaand glitter. He puts glitter in his hair, yes. He claims it’s the manliest shit ever.
He enjoys EVERY single Ghost Pokemon. All of them. Not a single one he dislikes. Ask him if he hates one and he’ll punch you in the face and spit on you.
He smokes. Why? Because he thinks it makes him look cool.
He owns a bass guitar, and it sits right in his room! Does he know how to play it? No. He owns it because it makes him look cool... Or so he believes.
He is 5′0′‘. He’s so short you could pick him up.
And finally... He’s actually an AMAZING singer. I’d compare his vocal range to that of Devin Townsend’s. Operatic, can hold notes -- but can also SCREAM like he’s in a metal song. His voice is relatively deep too, so he surprisingly has a pretty silky singing voice! Will he ever sing? No. That’s embarrassing.
General Opinion over said character: i kinda think i’m in love with him but i also wish he’d die
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i-did · 4 years ago
I would like to hear more of your opinions on fandom depictions of Neil, if you don't mind! Your post made me realize some things I wasn't even aware of when reading aftg fic!!
Yeah sure I have a lot of thoughts on this. I think this is an overall fandom issue and not just an aftg fandom issue, but the feminization of neil as well as the ironing out of his personality to make it more palatable is definitely a thing.
I've noticed in a lot of fics hes a lot friendlier, a lot less distrusting, and a lot more oblivious. I also noticed the amount of demand for vixen neil, and neil in dresses and skirts and crop tops, neil crying and being vulnerable isn't a challenge on traditional masculinity because andrew and the other guy foxes don't receive nearly the same amount of demand.
There is heavy emphasis on people wanting not just neil but andrew to be softer, and while that's okay, it's important to remember the moral of aftg is that trauma makes some people hard, and intense and not traditionally likeable, and that those people aren't broken and don't need to be fixed. So when people just, ignore that and make andrew and neil a lot softer, neil always sitting in andrews lap and other things, lots of expressions of PDA, and other out of charter moments, it erases the idea nora was trying to convey.
I've stated before about how the fandom also often doesn't mention body hair but when it does its andrew having facial hair and neil having less typically, but also there is usually emphasis on andrew having a deeper voice than neil, who sometimes gets written almost as whiney and petulant or pouty.
-nsft text below-
I also think there is an overall lack of understanding of mlm culture in fandom which is largely a women's space. I won't go into detail here but how pwp is written (especially a lot of the trans andrew or neil ones) are not with a mlm gaze in mind, after all if it was proper gay porn then only mlm would be turned on by it, but the consumer in mind isn't mlm at all, both because the authors are almost always not mlm, but the readers aren't as well. There is emphasis on neil being more vocal and whining, mewling, whimpering, and moaning, all common in how straight porn treats the woman, while andrew is emphasized in being a lot more quiet, maybe grunting and groaning.
Lingerie is not common in gay porn outside of fanfiction, jock straps?? Thats a thing thats a huge thing, but in all the pwp I've seen of them in their exy gear I haven't seen it mentioned before, not a cup or jock strap or anything like that.
Neil is also the one being put into the lingerie and there is emphasis on him feeling pretty rather than handsome and him being petite and slim rather than a bulky athlete
There is also an overall lack in realism in preparation and dynamics that are physically impossible or unsafe but thats a whole other thing.
This is just off of the top of my head, I can get into the fetishization of trans andrew fics another time thats a whole other thing, but yeah this is just my unprepared thoughts and observations I've noticed.
Fanart also tends to lack the men having bulges, i respect trans hc but i have possibly never seen a flaccid penis in running shorts neil is wearing. They don't go away they sit there and take up space.
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I have more to say when it comes to the dealings with trauma in fanfiction but for another time. I also have a huge rant about how fanon deals with the race in fics, both nickys canon race as well as the fanon everyone else's race
Overall, people can write what they want to write, and fiction is fiction and i cannot stop anyone from doing anything, and people can interpret the characters how they want. But when writing fiction, the authors own biases can slip though, the charters are written by them after all. An author who writes a torture scene isnt someone who has done that, but an author who writes let's say nicky as even more predatory, slutty, stereotypically gay and "ayeyeyye" in fanfic is unknowingly being racist and homophobic.
A person existing in real life fitting steryotypes is one thing, I've been told like once a week that im stereotypically gay since I've been alive, and have been under a lot of fire for being both "too mexican" and "not mexican enough" but an author who is not mlm and is white can still fall into these pre conceived notions they don't realize they have. There is no such thing as a real life queer couple being heteronormative, but someone else writing one can be because they're not real people, they're characters.
Why does this dynamic appeal to you? Are you projecting? In what way? Why do you think x character is more passive and y is more aggressive? Are they like that in canon ?
When quarantine started I threw myself into aftg even more, but quickly became depressed and felt gross and watched, I felt lonely as an mlm and isnt white in a dominantly white wlw/wlm fandom. Most of tumblr is queer white women dominant tbh, in the same way its American dominant, and fandom is like that too. I still have a hard time talking to my friends who aren't mlm about fandom stuff sometimes because I will tell them something bothers me and I'm not sure they understand or take it seriously. I was so depressed because my personal escapism was making me feel worse.
My depression has gotten better since then, but I still get very uncomfortable with the word "twink" being applied to not just neil, but now any queer man, especially when not said by someone mlm.
Okay I'm gonna stop here lol this was a longer ramble than planned. Ah. Don't cancel me don't twist my words I swear I don't care what others do this is just my observations
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fictitiousponies · 5 years ago
Rusty Quill Official: My thoughts
First I’d like to point out that I’m literally a nobody. I’m not a mod, I’m not a crew member of Rusty Quill, I am literally just someone who hangs out in the Rusty Quill Official discord (I AM a patron though, so I do have access to the Patron only channels). 
I’ve been seeing the people that are in this ‘group of 10 or 11 people’ stir things up in the server for a while now, and I thought I’d just give my own experiences and thoughts on the subject.  Firstly, the fact that I even have to ‘give my credentials’ about this is ridiculous, but these are the type of people who if you aren’t ‘xyz’ and you disagree with anything they say, you are automatically deemed racist, homophobic, ableist, sexist, etc etc, so I’d just like to point out I am a queer woman with both mental and physical health disorders and disabilities. I’m also white, cis and allo, so I do admit there are only so many things I feel comfortable commenting on without getting piled on for ‘not being allowed’ or ‘not understanding’ (because thats 100% what the folks who are responsible for that doc do in the discord) First of all, I’d like to discuss the fact that the RQO server has grown RAPIDLY in the last few months. I don’t have access to the statistics but I’ve seen them in the past, and the server went from less than 2000 people to over 8000 in a matter of like two or three months. The mods of this server are all volunteer, besides a select few(Anil(Community Manager), Bryn(who is a voice actor/talent for Rusty Quill Gaming) and now Autumn, who literally was just announced as Anil’s new assistant community manager YESTERDAY. Before yesterday, April, the production manager, was also a Mod. Besides those people NO ONE works for rusty quill. Everyone is a volunteer and a fan. Rusty quill is a SMALL PODCAST COMPANY that has seen a rapid growth of their fanbase over the last 9 or so months. They have stated many many times that they are working behind the scenes to plan a server overhaul, and have given us a suggestion form. They all work very hard to try and make RQO a place where people feel safe. There are topics of conversation that NEED a more intense style of modding to be handled correctly, and at the current moment they don’t have the ability to do that so that things can be discussed safely for everyone involved. They have stated multiple times that is being worked on as something for the server revamp, and it just seems to not click. There are conversations that happen in this server that they have a problem with getting ‘sideswept’ that I KNOW make MANY people uncomfortable, and that is mainly the policing of headcanons. Saying ‘it makes me uncomfortable when Elias/Jonah is portrayed as trans or gay’ is one thing. Its completely another to call someone who HC’s Elias/Jonah as trans or gay as transphobic or homophobic, use vomit emojis and basically sit there and completely bash someone for having that headcanon, which is what tends to happen and makes people SUPER uncomfortable, causing the mods to come in and go ‘okay enough of this’ (but they didnt screenshot themselves being nasty because why would they?) They also straight up bash you if you like certain characters, Daisy and Gertrude being two main ones I’ve seen. I understand the discourse surrounding Daisy, I really do, but to be treated like the scum of the earth for daring to like Daisy as a character, for automatically being labeled as racist or pro-cop just because you enjoy a FICTIONAL CHARACTER is...absolutely ridiculous. Its THIS that the mods are reacting to, NOT calling the characters themselves out. Its them blatantly being rude and making people uncomfortable about liking a fictional character.  Another thing I’d like to address is the server being ‘ableist’  towards people with ADHD by being strict about going off topic. This is something I’ve been EXTREMELY vocal about myself, as someone with ADHD, I DO feel frustrated with the fact that if things veer off topic we get told to take it to another channel. Its jarring, as someone who tends to go on tangents and it doesn’t feel great but I understand the need for it. There are specific channels for a reason. Just because something inconveniences you doesn’t mean its automatically ableist. if every conversation was allowed to run rampant in every channel it would be chaos. AS IT IS so many of the channels are far too busy for my liking and I don’t feel comfortable in them with the amount of people (something that has zero to do with the way RQO runs the server and everything to do with the fact that its just a very large server with a lot of people) I tend to like to stay in the Patreon section because its much smaller and calmer. Also the Gen channels for me(General, Court of Nobles) are great because unless its something super specific(a long discussion about food, a specific character discussion, etc etc) there isn’t a topic to follow, therefor my ADHD can run free. Thats just...how things have to be sometimes. Once again its something thats been told is being worked on for the server revamp, possibly adding more gen channels or such things because the server is getting so large. I’m sure there are other things I could address here, but Honestly I am tired. I’ve been in a LOT of Discords only to nope out of them within a few weeks because I don’t feel safe or welcome. Rusty Quill Official is the first server I’ve been in where I don’t feel like I am just a number, just a nameless fan, despite how large the server is. Its the first large server where I feel like I have a sense of belonging. Its a place I hold very dear to my heart. It might not be for everyone. It might not be everyones cup of tea, I certainly don’t blame the servers I’ve left for not being something I vibe with, but to hear it be ‘called out’ and bashed like this is really sad, especially when SO MANY of the screenshots were taken out of context/not shown the whole story/had bits cut out that would importantly show another side to everything.  To call the RQO server an unsafe space would be extremely unjust. If its not something you enjoy, then thats unfortunate. There are opportunities for you to maybe meet people in the discord that you vibe with and break off to your own smaller server. Thats perfectly valid, and in now way us telling you to ‘leave if you dont like it’. Do what makes YOU comfortable, but to continuously cause issues and drama on purpose when things have been addressed and you simply dont like the answer... Its not fair to everyone else on the discord who IS having a good time. Allow Rusty Quill time to grow with its fanbase. There are going to be hiccups. There are going to be snags. People are HUMAN and to expect things to be Absolutely Completely Unproblematic Or Else is unrealistic. Things ARE being addressed. things ARE being worked on.  Thats all I’ve got to say. 
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tundrainafrica · 4 years ago
hi, maybe you're tired about this kind of convie regarding hange's gender but i really need your opinion. is it that wrong if i consider hange as a she? istg i'm not anythingphobic, i'm just still stuck with female hange in anime. i stan aot since 2013 and felt just fine to open up about my preference in hange's gender but lately, considering hange as a she is like the most sinful thing in the whole planet and even being attacked and i don't know what to feel about it. 😩
Thank you for the ask anon! 
Lmao, I am tired of this discourse but I’ve kinda accepted that it’s never gonna end really so I’m still happy to give you my opinion about this again. 
I have written about it here.
Before I go into this long ramble again I’d like to clarify some terms which tend to pepper the discourse of gender, sexuality etc etc etc. 
Biological Sex: What genitalia where you born with? Either born male, female or with both genitalia. 
Gender: What do you identify as? CIS, Trans, Nonbinary etc.
Sexuality: Who are you attracted to? Homosexual, Heterosexual, Bisexual, Asexual, Pansexual etc. 
Gender roles: Where do you fall on the gradient? Feminine, Masculine etc. 
And the point of this is, the discourse on gender is soooo complicated. Like very complicated because Hange being interpreted as NB to some people only covers the question of gender. Like these do not cover every other facet of the gender sexuality discourse. 
Because everything up there is ‘mutually exclusive’ to a degree because everyone is so complex. Like you can take a random option in each of those, fit it together in our heads and you would still come up with a realistic person. Because that is how complex human beings are. I have friends who decided to get a boyfriend, realized they were trans, transitioned to male but had both boyfriends and girlfriends. I have a butch lesbian friend who dated a few guys then decided to date girls then decided to transition. You have me who literally tried everything on the sexuality spectrum, crushed on a few girls in high school, crushed on a few more girls in college, thought I was asexual for a while, fell in love with a guy and realized I love dick. 
You can actually have a biological male who identifies as nonbinary but is bisexual  but has feminine tendencies. 
And that’s why even I find it so confusing to address the issue of non binary Hange vs female Hange. Because they are not even in the same bracket. Like we can have a non binary female feminine bisexual Hange all at the same time if you think about it. 
If you have read all my fics and all of my meta about Hange, you would see that I refer to her as a ‘she,’ but at the same time, I do not portray Hange as overly feminine. I headcanon that Hange has tried dating women and I also head canon that Hange has female genitalia (yo, I write preggo Hange fics). She actually falls somewhere in the middle. And what makes the gender part so hard to consider is because usually whether someone decides to identify as CIS, NB or Trans is up to the person. 
And there are just so many other hcs I want to tackle as a fanfiction writer and as a Hange stan beyond her gender and that’s why I don’t really headcanon the whole discovery part because even as a kid, I have never been so particular about my gender. I know I’m a biologically a woman, I have feminine and masculine tendencies. I have loved both men and women. but gender just seemed like just a decision which I just didn’t want to think too hard about.
I mean where I live, my first language doesn’t have gender pronouns so I can avoid the whole discourse altogether by just using Tagalog. I’m the type of person who will just have this person think I’m a man all the way until they meet me because I just wanna get things done and I feel no need to correct people. My first crushes were all women, despite my being a woman and the first people I have ever loved were women and I didn’t want to decide whether I was bisexual, heterosexual, homosexual etc. yet because even teenage me just found it way too complex and too final and just went around saying I liked this girl or I liked this guy and generally because I’m that type of person, I don’t spend a lot of my time thinking about gender even in a fandom space unless somebody asks.   
And does it make me homophobic/LGBT-phobic etc etc for deciding to use ‘she’ and deciding to tackle questions about Hange beyond her gender? No. Like this conclusion is inherently flawed. I was hella gay for a huge point in my life. 99% of my crushes were women. Then there was this period where I didn’t enjoy romance The only guy irl I have ever crushed on is my current boyfriend. But even when I explored my own gender, sexuality, it was always an ‘in the back of my mind’ thing. I didn’t have huge personal metas about what exactly my gender was or where exactly I fall or what pronouns I prefer.
And nobody is obliged to look so deep into this discourse. The important thing is in real life, we respect people’s pronouns, we respect the names they want to go by and we respect people’s preferences (as long as they aren’t dangerously criminal.)
And the thing is, this isn’t even real life. This is a fandom space. And in a fandom space, everyone is literally interpreting characters however they want. We have people literally pairing off Levi with both men and women and technically we’re assuming Levi’s gender, sexuality etc. Sure it might diverge from canon but does that make our headcanon any less than the others? Like Levi’s sexuality has never been confirmed and technically we’re all just assuming what kind of person Levi would have wanted to fuck right? Like every yaoi pairing, every ship is just fans assuming someones gender, assuming someone’s sexuality. 
And sure people could argue, ‘Yams’ didn’t confirm her gender. But Yam’s didn’t confirm anyone’s sexuality either but here we are pairing Mikasa off with Annie then pairing Mikasa off with Eren. Like same energy with ships, are there ships which are inherently superior to others? And technically, I could headcanon Levi as a woman if I wanted to and no one could stop me. I mean sure let’s celebrate that some of our headcanon and preferences have been acknowledged but what battle are we trying to win here really. 
To answer your question, it is not wrong. Having any opinion and having whatever headcanon you have about any fandom in this space is not wrong.
Sure, Hange is a comfort character to many people for various reasons. Hange is a comfort character for me but Hange is not any single person’s comfort character. Hange is a gift to us by Yams to interpret and play with however we want. Hell, every other character we’ve ever grown to love was a gift to all of us by the author. And we can choose to hc them however we want. That is the magic of fandoms.
If I wanted to, I could make some eruri and ereri mpreg fics for the kicks, I could interpret Levi as every single gender, sexuality on the spectrum and it would be just as valid. I mean I won’t because I don’t jive with those headcanons or those types of ships but I would respect people who have those types of preferences.
This space is free for everyone. We can choose what we want to consume and we can choose how we want to interpret characters. 
The only responsibility we have as fans is to use the right warnings when we post shit and to respect everybody else’s preferences. 
What I would consider ‘sinful’ is just dropping some unnecessary hate into a place which is supposed to be our safe space or pushing an agenda or an opinion and being hateful about it in the process. Like sure, spread your agenda, spread your opinions and your headcanons but please be nice about it.
We’re all just sad people trying to survive in this crapsack world.
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hey @colalexander​! I hope you don’t mind but I saw your question on this post and wanted to answer it
I'm asking out of genuine curiosity, but is this still bad if other characters are being depicted as queer? Like, if people are depicting both the good and explicitly evil characters as queer, why does it make a difference if there's bad characters that are queer?
I was going to try and answer in the reply of the post but it’s a very complicated and nuanced question. so wanted to make it its own post so I could answer more comprehensively. some things are bolded for emphasis/for easier reading.
first, the answer cheshirecatboy gave is a small facet of it. you also hit on something in your initial question.
if you have a diverse cast of characters from all types of marginalized communities (queer, poc, disabled, etc.) then having some of them be antagonists/evil can be okay. but you can’t haphazardly slap labels on characters.
once you hc a character belonging to a marginalized community, you have to immediately watch how you think, approach, and talk about that character. one example is hc Jon as an (ambiguously) brown man, then turning around and calling him a rat is racist
and some hcs will always have negative connotations and should not be used, full stop. two examples:
1. hc anyone in the Keay-Delano family as Jewish and/or poc is racist and/or antisemitic for reasons detailed by gerrydelano here and here
2. as the post you originally commented on says, hc Elais as trans and/or gay is transphobic and/or homophobic bc it demonizes trans ppl and gay ppl, and reinforces negative stereotypes. not to mention, the actions that Elias has taken, what he’s done, speaks only of a privileged cishet white man raised in an age of colonialism and capitalism.
having the only characters whose races have been canonically confirmed to be poc as antagonists is racist (the Haan family, Annabelle, on some level Basira and Manuela) bc even though the fandom may hc the archival staff as poc, it has not been confirmed in canon.
when western/european media is created that isn’t visual and the characters aren’t described as having canon races, the characters are presumed to be white bc that is the social default. which is why it’s important to state, in canon, their races and make sure the only ones who are poc aren’t just the antagonists.
now replace “poc” with “queer” and/or ��disabled,” etc.
so while, yes, you want to be careful when it comes to perpetuating negative stereotypes, there’s a lot more nuance to just slapping on any marginalized identity on a character. it becomes especially complicated and nuanced when you start hc someone as being part of multiple marginalized communities.
an quick example of this would be hc Tim as bi, moc, and an avatar for the desolation (i know this isn’t a marginalized community lol but you’ll see what I mean by complexities): 1) you have to be careful about the negative stereotypes surrounding bi people. 2) you have to be careful about oversexualizing a moc. 3) you have to understand that hc a man of color as an avatar of destruction is super racist.
i hope that makes sense and helps!
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sagemoderocklee · 4 years ago
Reiteration ❤️ A (but not GaaLee :p) P T
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
oof. okay so aside from GaaLee:
1) ShikaTema 2) NejiTen 3) Kakagai
i think these are the only like three ships i could say i feel strongly enough about that i’d classify them as OTPs. GaaLee honestly gets its own category anyways. im not really active in any other fandoms, and the only other ship I’ve ever felt as strongly about as i have gaalee was really Harry/Draco and well... ya know. Although if i were still super active in CLAMP fandom KuroFai and DouWata would 100000% be up there. And of course the forever and unbeatable Sakura/Shaoran but specifically CCS SakuShao because I think TRC isn’t quite as good with their romance
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
oh. that’s. okay we’re answering hard questions tonight i see.
something niche for you and me: new member of your MLM/communist/leftist reading group is Very Cute but very new to MLM/etc and needs extra help to understand the complicated history, theories, etc.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything).
oh god. this is really opening a can of worms lmao and also.... i may have to put this under a cut because god i have so fucking many and some of them may need elaboration.
1. Gaara doesn’t ever take up sleeping/napping post Shukaku
this is something that I know a lot of ppl don’t like/want because everyone wants Gaara to be happy and like big same! but i do think that Gaara’s physiology is entirely altered from Shukaku and the lack of sleep. I feel like having it ingrained in him that he couldn’t sleep, knowing the devastation it would cause, plus all the trauma he has--he’d be plagued by nightmares first of all, and no shinobi is gonna wanna take a sleep aid or something to help them sleep more easily because that would just be a huge opening for someone to attack you. but the other thing is i think it would genuinely make him feel sick. like i know that when i get too little sleep i feel sick because my body needs a certain amount. BUT i also know that those days where im too depressed and don’t get out of bed and sleep too much i ALSO feel like shit. Gaara has lived his entire life without sleep--barring specific instances of forced sleep to release Shukaku--and his body has to have adapted to that. fifteen years of not sleeping there’s no way his body would know what to do with that. his body is so used to subsisting (and this is my own like explanation for how Gaara survived pre and post Shukaku) off of massive quantities of food and by funneling his own chakra into his brain to act as rest, healing, etc.  like i think at this point it’s so unconscious that he isn’t even aware he’s doing it anymore--like breathing. His chakra--which is already another physiological system in their bodies--is just taking up the job of the rest portion of his brain.
that all being said, i do still think this will have an overall affect on his lifespan, but not necessarily his physical or mental health in the immediate sense.
2. Kankuro is straight.
this goes for like all the characters i see as straight, and like i hate like putting this in the like “die defending” category, but there’s this sort of.... sense that when you’re LGBT in fandom you’re gonna see every character as gay and you’re sus/someone’s gonna side eye you if you don’t. like i get the whole ‘well obviously everything is straight and cis IRL, and im sick of it’ reasoning behind “everyone is gay/trans” but the thing is.... I wanna see cis and straight people who support their gay/trans friends and family. I don’t need to live in a world where no one is straight and cis. I need to live in a world where people who are straight and cis actually support and love LGBT people. i personally don’t get anything out of the fantasy of no straight cis people because what does that solve? and what does that say about the homophobia and transphobia within the series? It doesn’t solve or say anything. And quite frankly a series like Naruto is inherently homophobic and transphobic (especially trans misogynistic), and i think brushing that aside with an “everyone’s gay/trans” is more insulting than helpful because it’s not addressing the issue. I’m more invested in seeing the characters who aren’t LGBT supporting and loving and working to make the world better for their LGBT friends, family, and community.
like i know not everyone is writing/reading fanfiction or art or what have you in fandom for like realism or whatever, i get the whole escapism of it all, but i approach it this way because for me I just don’t get anything out of pretending that the -isms and -phobias within the series don’t exist.
also straight trans people exist?????
i could go on about this--like some characters are just... not good and i don’t wanna claim that as LGBT because of that--but like i think this is the biggest thing for me at the end of the day: seeing ppl who aren’t LGBT supporting LGBT ppl.
3. Gaara is a polyglot. Also, he’s self-taught in just about everything. He spent most of his youth in the Suna library for obvious reasons, so reading, writing, language, poetry, history, politics, arts, etc he learned there on his own.
4. Shikamaru and Temari live in Suna 6 months out of the year, and Konoha the other 6. Temari does NOT give up her job to be a nagging wife, and Shikamaru is 100% a wife man.
5. Lee is not originally from Konoha or Fire. He doesn’t remember his parents or how he wound up at a Konoha orphanage because trauma. Also his first language isn’t Japanese.
I have more specific HCs about who Lee’s parents are, where he came from, and what happened to his parents, but that’s like spoilers for a fic.
6. Tenten is not an outright orphan. She actually comes from a clan of weapons masters and smiths.
I think it’s fairly common for ppl to assume Tenten is an orphan because we obviously never see her family--granted we just don’t see much of her to begin with--but I personally fell in love with the idea of her having a clan with the focus being weapons. Her parents are still dead, but she lives with her grandmother, who’s renowned for her weapons.
7. Lee has a HUGE amount of chakra. Like obnoxiously huge stores of it that he just doesn’t know how to manipulate--not quite Kisame levels, but definitely a LOT. He gets as far as walking on water and walls, but he absolutely has to be focused to accomplish those feats and prefers just going really fast so he doesn’t fall in/off.
8. Sage mode!Rock Lee.
I have talked about this before(x, x), but you can absolutely pry this from my cold dead hands--actually, you couldn’t. I’d still hold on to this even in death.
9. Lee has like a photographic memory which is why he always writes things down that people tell him.
10. Gaara will be the last Kazekage--whoever comes after him (and i do have a HC for that) will be Kazekage only in the sense that they’re like the figurehead maybe, but ultimately Gaara is working to completely change the shinobi way of life and the Kage system will be dismantled starting with Suna/Gaara.
11. In a modern AU context, Lee is a HUGE fan of Queen and Bruce Lee.
12. Lee definitely grows his hair out later on in life and changes up his attire and becomes his own person.
13. The Kazekage Estate is a generation home--most households in Suna are, and in fact, it’s really fucking weird for someone not to live in a generational home--so Gaara lives there with his siblings. When Temari gets married, she and Shikamaru live there, and continue to do so when they have kids. If Kankuro has a kid (and a spouse), they’ll live there too. Lee eventually moves in. The house is always filled with love. When Gai visits with Kakashi, or when Tenten and Neji visit, they stay there too.
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trunkzbriefs · 5 years ago
Any Son and/or Briefs family headcanons? Spicy hot takes? Truths Toriyama and Toyotaro themselves can not handle? Straight up lies?
GODDAMN SORRY this took a while cause i suck at putting thoughts together. i apologize for my obvious briefs bias i have more hcs for them than the son family despite loving them both :pensive: anyway heres some random stuff
briefs hcs:
all of the briefs are pros at non-verbal communication. i hc that saiyans have their own language (and also in my own Mind Canon they still have their fuckin tails) and a lot of it is done through tail movement/body posture/grunts/etc. etc so theyve all sort of picked that up. even bulma, who doesnt have a tail, is pretty good at getting across what she means without actually speaking. they still do speak normally but it comes in handy sometimes considering that both trunks and vegeta are prone to running out of speaking energy or getting very frustrated with words, so having another way to communicate works very well for them
vegeta is fffffffffffffffffffurry. without getting too deep into my own General Saiyan hcs (thats why i made a whole ass four subspecies!!) i think that the entirety of planet vegeta tended to be very hot aside from the part where the castle was, where the temperature would drop. meaning that saiyans working in the palace would grow thicker fur around certain parts of their body, and in the royal saiyans theyd be Especially fluffy. he kept it down on earth, but he has thick patches of fur around the bottom parts of his arms and legs. kind of like snowy boots and gloves! he also has fur that grows in on his neck like a lions mane.
future trunks is an actions sponge, vegeta is a words sponge. vegeta will pick up words VERY quickly regardless if he fully understands the meaning of it or not (completely inspired by 'THATS RIGHT BOYS... MONDO COOL' in z) and future trunks will unintentionally mimic the actions of people - around people he looks up to he might take a few small mannerisms from but this extends to copying the disposition of anyone; he's just very adaptive. this is the most obvious (and funniest) when he's around vegeta bc it really shows like. yeah damn that sure is vegeta's son
vegeta & bulla have an intimidating bastard smirk naturally. their natural smiles are pretty frightening and they have to put effort into a 'normal' one. this also extends to current trunks, his default smile is the Vegeta Bastard Smirk but he learned to have a normal smile quicker than his father and sister. future trunks has a slightly unnerving natural smile (the fact that his pupils are always drawn so fucking small makes me hc that he just has a very intimidating look of 'cat thats about to pounce on an unfortunate trapped mouse' whenever he smiles) but he learned to look normal even quicker than current trunks since he's around humans a Lot and is sort of their uh, Hope. don't want to look scary to the people who depend on you!
bulma has some fighting knowledge and mildly good ki control. vegeta taught her it as a just in case so that she'd be able to defend herself against Bigger threats if he wasn't there and also so she could raise her own ki to alert someone to her if she had to.
vegeta is extremely clean and can not stand to have things disorganized for more than like... an hour before he has to tidy everything up. every time he goes down to the lab and bulma is passed out in a pile of bolts and circuit boards it kills him inside just a little bit
future trunks has little concept of power control. since his timeline was always in danger it wasn't really an important thing for him to learn. the amount of mugs he's accidentally crushed is impressive
vegeta tends to not sound like he's asking questions when he is. he doesn't add the proper infliction to the end of his questions and just sounds flat most of the time. it's confusing to people who dont know him well.
im not even gonna lie, im a BIG fan of the chill demon panchy headcanon so i love the idea that the briefs have a Lil bit of demon in them but just dont know it ghjnkm
[banging my fists on the 'hcs that not even got could take away from me' table] future trunks has OCD
vegeta doesn't really get labels but he's bisexual & "debatably a man", bulma is bisexal & bigender transfem (sometimes shes Wamen and other times its like "gender? no"), bulla is a nonbinary lesbian, current trunks is a bisexual trans man & future bulma forgot to explain the concept of gender and sexuality to future trunks so he's a little confused on that front and his gender & sexuality are "i have literally never thought abt these concepts in my life but i think men are nice. i refuse to think about gender though" (i actually have two main hcs for future trunks which are either gay trans man or more-feminine-presenting nonbinary bisexual)
son hcs:
goku is Not as fluffy as vegeta at all, but he does have fur on certain parts of his body. namely on the back of his elbows + ankles, down his back connecting to his tail, and on his shoulders. its inherented from gine!
gohan is learning saiyan language from vegeta! vegeta acts grumpy about it but he's glad to have someone to teach. when gohan learned that most of the history had been lost he basically wished shenron for a big ol book on saiyan culture and gave it to vegeta just as an act of kindness and vegeta was like [in an angry voice but very touched] "Ok. Sit down. You're learning." by extension gohan is also teaching the rest of his family!
i will take ox king being actually non-human to my grave so like, chichi has horns and a very short ox tail! gohan and goten both have horns, but they're hidden by hair. goten's horns are bigger than gohans.
goten also has a more ox-like tail, with a little puff of fur at the end. generally, gohan looks more saiyan-like and goten looks more ox/human-like.
although he keeps up his cheery demeanor very well, goku is still haunted pretty badly by like... everything that’s happened in his life. he still has frequent nightmares about cell & buu specifically.
gohan will freak out at worse, zone out at best, if he's even tapped on the neck. it reminds him of the whole 'getting his neck snapped on namek' so that area is pretty off limits to everyone
goten gets along really well with android 17. they both have a love for nature and 17s kind of like his chill uncle, so whenever he gets too stressed out or just needs a break you can find him face down on the ground outside of 17's place on monster island.
goku is really really good at remembering completely random shit. bulma uses this to her advantage whenever she's working and has him memorize random technology stuff. a week later goku can not remember what he had for breakfast that morning but as soon as bulma asks "hey do you remember what i told you last week" hes like "oh yeah sure i have no idea what it means but [blurts out three hours worth of technical garble]"
oh boy is this a headcanon that has a lot more depth to it than just a bullet on a tumblr post, but gohan has DID!
goku, like vegeta, doesnt get labels either, and does not even Try, ask him about any of it and hes like "i dont get the gender thing but i think lots of people look nice :)" gohan is gay and like vegeta, "debatably a man", goten + chichi are both bi nonbinary, & pan is a lesbian trans woman.
bulla and pan are both into music! i think theyd mess around making their own stuff w/ launchpads
i have a general hc of ki mixing or shielding, essentially, if youre close enough to someone people wont be able to tell apart your ki and you can also 'shield' someone with your ki for a small amount of time. if vegeta has his energy low, his and bulma's energy are the same. same thing with goku and chichi! goten and trunks are near impossible to tell apart, and same thing with gohan and videl.
though goten and trunks are both protective over their younger siblings, gotenks is that protectiveness times a thousand. look at bulla or pan wrong for 2 seconds and you're going to have an angry gotenks in your face asking if you have any last words. i like to think that trunks and goten fused casually a lot, especially around the time where bulla and pan were young, so its basically goten and trunks own attachment to them PLUS gotenks' attachment to them as his own person combined.
i like to pretend end of z did not happen the way it did so uub, using nimbus, travels back and forth a lot. goku isn’t the only one who teaches him how to fight as goten, gohan and trunks all think of him like a little brother and love training with him!
fuck you letters to toriyama/toyotaro hot takes:
cell, as cool of a villian as he is, definitely should have had a creepier final form. or multiple- just something that really drives in the fact that he's made up of other's dna & fuckin ABSORBS people. also his first two forms should have had a different absorbtion method other than the tail thing (not the drinking thing thats fine) it just feels.   Weird. not good
it would have been far more interesting to keep the bitter attitude towards vegeta that future trunks had imo... in super trunks was going through a Lot granted but the fact tht he wasnt more confrontational to vegeta being a dick to him seemed kind of off considering his attitude in z i just.. think it would be interesting and far better if they had more of a back and forth 'family but lowkey hate each other' relationship
i dont want to rant about super so heres some super condensed takes, goku black arc specific because thats 90% of what ive seen of super:
mai is a fucking freak ass weirdo, why did they not just make another character to pair with trunks
trunks not flipping the fuck out at his timeline being erased feels... out of character. also trunks deserved the win against zamasu
future bulma did NOT need to die
trunks should have just stayed in the current timeline
please fucking let trunks and goten grow up. we SAW a version of trunks who looked 14 (history of trunks....) and the versions of goten & trunks we have r/n in super do not look 13/14 respectively what in the goddamn hell is going on in the character design department
super definitely should have taken place later down the line
supers version of bulma and videl look awful. why are they That stick like.
vegeta needs to kill frieza. just once.
fu has enough potential to be a very interesting mainline character and i am so sad he's not
i would actively enjoy a sdbh anime with more  budget that isnt just a promo anime and has a plot that makes sense... i think db should have more wild spinoffs
xenoverse deserved a better story that went FULL in on the 'what if' type of timelines- like they did in raging blast which is a FUCKING GREAT GAME
straight up lies:
dragon ball z is a good series
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matoitech · 4 years ago
4, 6, 7, 16, 17, 18, 19.
THANK YOU riley 
4. What made you want to watch Promare? What drew you in?
I RLY WANTED TO SEE IT BC OF THE ANIMATION. i knew nothing abt it bc when i watched it barely anyone had seen it yet so id heard no spoilers, i just saw trailers and was going thru a real rough time so i was like fuck it im gonna drive literal hours and go watch it i need colors in my life it looks like it’ll be pretty even if it sucks. and then i watched it and whatever that post is that is im not the same person i was one movie ago
6. What is one of your favorite moments in the film?
so many i like :) kakusei lio though is like. gorgeous animation. makes me so emotional. theres SO many good parts about it like beyond the colors and like i said ANIMATION cannot stress this enough ANIMATION. i RLY love how promare combined the 2d and 3d like the 1st time i watched it i was kinda like huh some of this looks unfinished but i have grown to love it. i am appreciative. ANYWAY THERES SO MANY GOOD PARTS OF LIO DRAGON SCENE. KAKUSEI BLARING. GALOS “THAT FIRE... IS HE CRYING?” LIO IN GENERAL LIO. RAGGGRGG BARK BARK
7. What is the worst moment in the film? How’d you want it to change?
ok there was definitely more than one thing id change that would make the movie so much better but if we’re going by MOMENTS.. kind of hard for me to decide between surprise! burnish kray! or the promare leave. bc i think both of them like add onto triggers whole thing of ‘we will write this serious thing and then we wont actually think any part of our way of handling it in the last 3/4 of it through, or like, at all but especially that last part’ which is just. hrrghh. if i changed it kray would just have a gun and the promare wouldnt LEAVE. theyd just figure out a way to coexist. ive talked more extensively abt this i can write a whole thing. way to butcher your message trigger
16. A popular opinion in the fandom you can’t get enough of?
ok well to be honest i cant rly think of any popular fandom opinion for promare i actually like, im sure theres smth we majority agree on but i cant think of anything rn. perhaps that we all seem to like thyma. i love thyma. also gueira and meis are married. idk if i ‘cant get enough of it’ i just think its true. amongst my mutuals tho trans galolio wins. is that an opinion or is it a fact ;)
17. Favorite AUs you’ve seen/heard of or your own?
I LIKE ROLESWAPS WHEN THEY DONT LIKE COMPLETELY CHANGE THE CHARACTERS PERSONALITIES like mad burnish leaders galo and lio and they are married? if god hates gays why do we keep winning. also all my aus are genius obviously <3 pacific rim aus are among my favorites i love pacific rim aus. i dont even like the movie that much i just think its perfect for promare aus or just, in general. thyma lives aus are also great i love those. promare dont go away aus. werewolves <3 but only when theyre written by me or the mutuals bc ig we’re the only ones who don’t make it weird
18. Would you want a sequel/prequel or any sort of extra story? And what about?
Answered! I could talk abt this one waaaay too much i have to keep it to a short ‘answered’ or i will start and NOT stop. trigger hire me. trigger listen i guarentee i care more about your characters than you ever will
19. What are your self indulgent head canons?
what ARENT my self indulgent headcanons. every galo meta i write is just a self indulgent headcanon u KNOW trigger didnt think that hard. im not good w just general ‘give hcs’ i wrote some out but theyre all thigns ive said b4.. if anyone wants like more specific ones ask away but for now my brain is NOT there to write hcs <3 THANK YOU THO :)
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peter-lurk-ass · 5 years ago
If you feel up to it, what are some of the more common fetishist headcanons you see in fandom? I would like to avoid them in the future and I intend to do my own research, but I'd like to hear your opinions too.
Ooh I always feel up to discussing that, no worries.
I'll try to summarise it concisely; but I wrote an essay on it as well, which I will link at the end. It's mostly focused on yaoi, but it applies to a lot of general fandom stuff. Anyway, here I go:
-Projection of heteronormativity:
Making one of the characters more fem, soft, and more recently nb or even make him a trans guy. But never both. Enforcing typical top/bottom tropes as well (tops being tough men and bottoms uwu soft boys). That actuzlly seems to allow a lot of women to identify with the "bottom" and project themselves onto the gay couple. Will often eventually adopt a child in fetishist's fanwork who is often a little girl(another form of projection) as having a kid is top Heteronormativity goals
-Focus on sexuality: general hypersexualisation
Making the characters' sex lives particularly kinky; ignoring boundaries, writing non-con based on a character's internalised homophobia(he only says no bcse he doesn't realise he's gay, but really he wants sex), A/B/O dynamics: Again hyper focused on sex + Reproduction- Makes the whole dynamic a kink (and also heteronormative as fuck, not to mention transphobic)- Also links gay sex to animalistic behzviour. Not cool. Sex used as a symbol of domination.(frequent dom/sub). Association of shame to gay sex (very shy, bashful character who blushes all the damn time)
-Representation of the characters' sexualities:
The characters will rarely be headcanon'd as gay(often bi, as in, hetero but with an exception for the other character of the ship), or be open about being gay/bi/pan, there will be a focus on internalised homophobia or homophobia in general(violent depictions of it with no cathartic purpose) VS almost no rep/consideration of the characters interacting with their own community. Outright disrespect of canon labels (gay charas made bi, ace made allo ect...) is also frequent. I will add that if a m/m character is represented- and they like him- They can reinterpret his sexuality as straight outside of a specific ship. (AC syndicate had that with Jacob, or DAI with Dorian Pavus)
-Misogyny: homophobia and so fetishism is comorbid with misogyny. (The tropes above would be considered quite misogynistic in a m/f pairing) and as such female characters are too often "fangirls" or "obstacles". The last categories attracting very vicious hatred towzrd said fem character for daring to interfere with the m/m couple. (Ive seen that A LOT)
-General disregard of LGBTIA+ rep, in favour of shipping:
For that one; take a look at the good omens fandom. Consider how many fans have complained about the blatant queerbait.
Very little. I myself left tumblr after a... backlash on the topic. Often fetidhists just don't care about actuzl impact of the work so long as they got their ships and "subtext" (thry will tho, use queerbait to justify harassement when there was none: Klance shippers)
And in general ship wars are a good rep of that; esp between m/m ships. No care for rep at all. Their only issue is with their ships.
I'm not saying all of the tropes above are inherently due to fetishism - But it's important to question why you have those HC about m/m characters, and consider if it could be harmful!
Here's the 'essay' :
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sanguinarius-archive · 5 years ago
Hey! Could I get to know some of your headcanons about dickfigures/your designs for them? :D
ya ya sure!!!!
i already have my designs for them up if you havent seen, here they are!
as for headcanons idk how long this post will be so ill just add a read more for anyone who might not wanna scroll thru it all lol
his real name is rowan bc i thought it was cute, also it means “little red one” which is eVEN BETTER
he’s nonbinary masc and bisexual! the self projection is REAL
he has adhd
most of my headcanons kinda flow into my own version of dick figures because i’m not very Satisfied with canon NJSJDNSKM so like. for example red doesn’t just kill people or whatever. he gets into fights and has scars and wears bandaids a lot bc of them
he graduated college with blue, he got a bachelor’s degree in fine arts (honestly idk how college works bc im a grade 10 baby so if thats like totally wrong just let me know also im. canadian so idk how american school system works LOL)
red got suspended a lot in high school but never expelled. mostly bc he got in fights that were mainly him protecting stacey from shitty people (he sees her as his sister so he was rlly protective) and the school wasnt really sure what else to do so they just. you know. suspended him a bunch of times hoping itd do something but it didnt
he hates his dad! reason being is bc when he was born, his dad was actually an alien able to disguise himself as human, so he wanted to take red back to his home planet cuz red turned out to be more powerful than anything his dad had ever seen. but red’s mom was like Nope, so she snuck out with him and his plush cat (kitty amazing) and they were never found. red is very close with his mom and is scared of his dad coming back someday
we know he canonically likes rlly loud music so im just gonna project here and say he’s a metalhead. at least, some form of it. he likes the alt scene music and industrial rock. examples being deftones, nine inch nails, skinny puppy, rage against the machine, kittie and others. it keeps him focused and calm
we know blue was bullied as a kid but i dont wanna say red also bullied him bc i feel like thats just wrong to me? MAYBE ITS NOT ACTUALLY but it just makes me sad so like. lets say red, being as protective as he is, stood up for blue a lot cuz he was like “oh this kid cant fight” so he knew what to do
blue dated pink for awhile but they mutually agreed to break up after blue realized this wasnt what he wanted (he came to the conclusion that he was gay, well, he knew for awhile but it was Internalized Homophobia)
he grew up in a very conservative family so to see the world completely differently by meeting red, ems (lt), pink and stacey was a very good thing for him. unfortunately even tho his family did love him, it was conditional so they stopped talking to him after he came out. thankfully he’d already graduated high school by that point
despite being emotional blue isn’t very good at understanding how he’s an emotional person. he’s able to distinct one feeling from another and analyze them, but it’s just... hard for him to kind of. process WHY he feels a certain way? which is what’s led to a lot of his struggles in getting closer with ppl
he loooves reading and writing we already know this but i mean come on. he also got a bachelor’s degree in english/ela. so he’s able to become a teacher ig but he doesn’t really want to? at least not for awhile yet
blue was ems’ first friend. at first he couldn’t understand why they had tics but decided he shouldn’t get into someone else’s business. he didn’t find it weird, just cool!
he and red would always pair up for projects if they had classes together!!!!!! blue would do the writing/research and red would do the illustrations. they always turned out really good even if it ended with red cramming it at the last minute
surprisingly hates broseph more than red. well i mean its not surprising, because broseph was always a huge DICK to him
blue’s real name is wyatt!!!!! i forget the meaning but i felt the sound of it and the meaning fit him well
she’s still in college, getting her doctorate to be an astrophysicist!
pink is very very smart and will help anyone who’s struggling with something in school. she was basically the genius who always got in the honor roll every year. but, she actually was really anxious especially with exams
pink encourages stacey to go back to school, and sometimes stacey does, but she always ends up leaving again. it’s a little stressful but pink has hope for her
she’s never drank one sip of alcohol in her entire life. she smoked weed once, but it felt weird so she didn’t do it again
ever since she and blue broke up she’s been very supportive of him bc she herself is bisexual!!! so she sees nothing weird about it. in fact, about almost a year later she started dating stacey
pink’s real name is lily. when she became friends with blue she met red through him and she was like “can i join your nickname thing” and they said “sure” so they called her pink. stacey sometimes calls her pinky or just pink but mostly lily
pink helped red with academics. even tho he was sometimes insufferable to work with (/j thats a Joke i promise she’s a very patient person) she didn’t give up on him!!!! in return he helped her out with some fitness stuff cuz pink was always insecure about gym, and later when she graduated she actually got into exercising bc of red!
she loves travelling and going for walks. she owns a lot of houseplants and she’s given them all names and takes very good care of them! she also owns an albino ball python named Velvet
stacey is nOT actually all about sex this time ok. i don’t like that. i mean she did have some personality in canon but it wasn’t much? anyways she just really likes to express herself thru tight/”risque” clothing like fishnets and leather and pleated skirts and thigh-highs and platform boots, all of that. basically she’s a goth girl but doesn’t really “act” like one
she’s really intelligent when it comes to animals and insects and will tell you anything you need to know. when she goes back to college she gets a degree in environmental science
stacey can play the electric and bass guitars!!!! she was in a band back in high school but it never really went anywhere beyond performances at parties in someone’s garage. not that she didn’t like it, looking back on it makes her feel happy, but she wished it continued. probably why she has a hard time going back to college bc she’s not sure what she really wants
stacey is a trans woman btw!!!!! unfortunately it was a little difficult in high school to be who she was bc some kids were jerks, but there were a lot of others who supported her which is good
she views red as her brother as well and they still hang out a lot
i haven’t really had time to focus on stacey and make headcanons and stuff for her so i don’t have a lot but... let’s say, secretly, she’s a scifi nerd. and for the sake of debate, let’s say she’s a marvel fan. if you count being a fan of deadpool as being a fan of marvel
LOVES GIRLS.... loves pink!!!
has very similar music taste to red’s!!!!!
emssss!!!!!!! (lt)
instead of being a stereotype of ppl with tourette’s syndrome, it’s just a normal thing that isn’t focused on a whole lot. it doesn’t make ems swear but if they get really really frustrated they’ll curse while doing one of their tics
ems is agender, i’d say they’re also ageless but i don’t really want to make them too “nonhuman” because i feel like that’s dehumanizing to people with tourette’s. so let’s just say most laws of existence don’t apply to them
they’re very friendly!
they’re an aspiring musician, just like in canon
ems is also big into horror movies believe it or not. they’re pretty critical of them though like most horror movie fans, and only like specific ones (i’m not a horror movie fan myself so i can’t say what Specific Ones they like ajsdhbjn just imagine they have good taste okay)
they r very artsy too and like doing crafts cause it gives them something to focus on. it’s just a hobby though it’s not something they’re Professional at
they love nature and flowers and trees and all kinds of plants and animals!!! they like to document what they see when they travel thru nature and stuff so they bring a camera with them (and their phone, but, you know whatever)
ems was never really affected by things people said to them regarding their syndrome. to them it was something they were born with, so they couldn’t bother to feel bad about themselves. in certain situations theyre able to control it but 90% of the time they don’t care about what ppl think
aaaand there u go!!! as for minor characters like raccoon, jason/trollz0r, broseph, dingleberry, they all exist (raccoon isnt a racist stereotype tho), i just dont focus on them a whole lot. most of my hcs for stacey and ems here were thought up on the spot since i havent had time to lay out all my ideas for them but i hope what i have here is good !!!!
also, red and blue ARE dating, and pink and stacey ARE ALSO dating. gay rights
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charismastaticarchive · 5 years ago
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manuela hc:
the grande dame : an exploration of lgbt/camp tropes and anime jokes leading to a complex and likable portrayal of a modern day stock tropes.’
the grande dame is a stock trope of Older Women who represent the stuffy, uppity matronly upper class to comedic effect. 
from the tvtropes page  : ‘they are usually a spinster or widow’ (such as manuela is Forever Unlucky In Love) and if they are married they will be a patron of the arts that drags her husband to operas, even more cultured than the ‘prima donna’ (which manuela was implied to be in the past, but has grown past to become a highly educated professor healer and warrior in addition to her talents in theatre). when the grande dame does have a sympathetic streak, they tend to be an oddball themself (like manuela). she can be a ‘moral guardian’ (and manuela’s skills are in faith magic and she does believe in the goddess), but failing their duty towards ‘respectability’ they turn to drink. (which sounds exactly like manuela).
we could just say that manuela was thus a complicated prima donna that gave up the theatre and turned to drink after aging out of her youthful beauty, into a grande dame figure. certainly, if you look at examples of the grande dame in classical literature, it seems to be a very open-and-shut stock caricature played completely for comedic effect, as does manuela’s whininess and flirtatious milf/cougarness and ‘well i never!’ esque tone. (and she certainly does seem to turn to drink for that very reason.)
but why would u ever compare an OPERA SINGER to classic literature when u could instead compare her to the stage and screen? she’s an actress with a theatrical personality. and that’s where the lgbt readding comes in, as well as why so many lgbt people are attached to manuela, and characters like manuela, in my opinion.
the grande dame has a storied history with the lgbt community. first and foremost, in western society, there was a long history where only men could be actors (this was true in many other places of course, but we’re focusing on the west as manuela’s characterization is mostly focused on western tropes). 
matronly older women characters played for comedic effect (such as the nurse in romeo&juliet, among other such classic roles), were thus played by men in drag. but the tradition of drag for matronly older women in theatre continued long after, to the point where the ‘pantomine dame’ is a storied character/trope in british pantomine---noted for its camp and ‘over the top’ performances, and the tradition continued across the sea in vaudeville drag performances---where lgbt people could graduate from grande dame roles to primma donnas in starring roles as women themselves, regardless of their assigned gender.
after the decline of the vaudeville era BECAUSE of its connection to the lgbt community (and sex work) during the prohibition/”progressive” era, the grande dame (and the inherent camp/gay sensibility of an older woman) did not just STOP EXISTING in the consciousness of western people, and especially not western lgbt people.
no, instead, the grande dame evolved into a still classically camp (over the top, out of place) but a character ever-more entangled in other classic tropes for tough/fierce/unhinged/dramatic women, that we still can see traces of today in every genre that lgbt people are attracted to.
from horror (whatever happened to baby jane and the 'hagsploitation’ that followed it) to musicals (mama rose in ‘rose’s turn’ is literally my tag for manuela but also cats the musical’s ‘memories’ could basically be the benevolent/sad grande dame mood), to fairy tales and children’s stories (Mother Gothel from tangled tho u could make a case for every disney woman villain and also scar as being one tbh, but also mia’s mother in a princess diaries is definitely one, and so is professor macgonagall), to spy dramas (judi dench), to biopics (from joan crawford to every queen pretty much ever) alllll the way back around to drag again (if you’ve ever watched drag race? half the winning snatch games are dames lol). to basically everything ryan murphy has ever done in his whole damn life, especially with Mother Jessica Lange.
the grande dame’s mean strictness and spite has come to represent a trapping for her secret vulnerability/softness (which is the source of her beauty), something lgbt people in particular can relate to as they have to hide their self/love from a world. the camp grande dame is almost always obsessed with beauty and age (so much of our community can’t picture getting old---or doesn’t want to, with many people being deathly afraid of hair loss due to hormones, etc. and then when it comes to attractiveness, attractiveness is often our measure of worth especially in the trans and gay sector, where ‘passing’ or ‘masculinity’ is viewed as a shorthand for ‘respectability’---and so many of us judge each other so harshly based on looks.) but more than anything, the grande dame is always LONELY, or alone, whether it be from being the best/most powerful/rich (and it’s lonely at the top), or in imposed exile due to her age/lack of beauty, the terrible things she’s done, the grande dame is almost always a metaphor for lgbt loneliness.
manuela’s characterization very much abides by these classic camp/gay sensibilities (as well as the classic ones). the modern day gay reading of the grande dame is a much more textured and layered one---but often, grande dames such as they done by judi dench in the 007 movies, or even ryan murphy using jessica lange in the politician---are still objectified by the male gaze with either sexual jokes, or as being made ‘more’ OR ‘less’ than human.... because the grande dame is such a stock trope (even when more complicated by Us Gays), the grande dame is either hypercompetent (in the case of litcherally all of judi dench’s characters or julie andrews’ characters, a Badass Older Woman who is not allowed to be anything more Than Tough And Perfect even when she is in a frenzied huff) or, on the other side of the coin, a complete and total joke or a sob story or picture of an abuser (or all three at once), such as in the case of All Jessica Lange’s Ryan Murphy Characters. Please God Let This Woman Be Free Of Ryan Murphy’s Clutches.
manuela, to me, represents an interesting figure in the Grand Canon of Grande Dames. 
because while she is in every way an anime character---she represents a trope in anime we don’t see often. there are not a lot of older women characters in anime, and when they are---they are usually mid-20s maximum, or they are Sexually Dominant Women, extremely strong and competent women that Can And Will Beat Your Ass ( such as in the case of tsunade from naruto OR lotus from 999, etc). manuela is, thankfully, neither of these.
while fe3h presents manuela as a joke---like classic grande dames were presented as jokes,  the way that manuela is presented, is as an ANIME character with ANIME jokes to people who are ALL familiar at this point with anime jokes, and we are able to relate to her more on a human level than we would relate to the fussy, bitter, overly loquacious grande dames of literature.
the average anime gamer can’t relate to a jane austen biddy talking to you about how the man you are dating is not of marriagable status, and does not think that is funny. but the average anime gamer WILL see you give manuela a porn magazine she thinks is ‘very valuable’ and chuckle a bit to themselves.
but more than that---the game really wants you to LIKE manuela. it makes her relatable to the average gamer who hasn’t cleaned their room in weeks---that sometimes will eat food off the floor, that likes to sing a little too loudly and who feels lonely sometimes (or always).
and even more than any of that, instead of presenting manuela as an UGLY or evil old woman, or an abuser, or an extremely rich woman, and in presenting manuela instead as so very likable and funny, it presents manuela as someone who looks and acts desirable as a friend (and a lover). manuela is a grande dame who is not only sympathetic---she’s human AND FLAWED, just like you, even when her behavior is all jokes and huffiness.
you WANT to be manuela’s friend. you WANT to look deeper into manuela as a person and not a trope---even though she is OBJECTIVELY made up of anime jokes and stock character tropes!
and so this game ends up painting a picture of a lonely woman, a woman who considers herself weak, a woman who is messy, and funny, and loud, who fights (and sometimes is bested by those who are stronger than her)--who pushes other women out of the way to get ahead, but still loves children, who still wants (and deserves) to be loved. even tho most of this information, as manuela relays it to you, is viewed as comedic.
and as manuela is not painted as the grande dame who is a villain---as she is painted so beautifully and theatrically in opera tropes---you can really and truly see her as the star of her own show, a lovely woman trying to live her life the best she can in an adult world that is hard and cruel. just like you are, regardless of ur gender, age, or sexuality.
and from that point of understanding manuela as the grande dame, u can extrapolate manuela in ur own tropes that view her as more human and Deep---and in my opinion, most powerfully, that she is a bisexual woman and hopeless romantic that is most interested in ‘princely’/strong women types. but that’s a hc post for another day.
manuela is THE SUPREME ANIME GRANDE DAME and that anime recontextualization makes her a much better representation of older women than western canon grande dames, the end, send tweet.
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sun-kissed-star · 7 years ago
what are some newsies blogs i should check out because i am new here
@poorguysheadisdoingwhatnow has amazing headcanons and never fails to hurt my heart with her fabulous writing
@newsiesheadcanon also has awesome headcanons, even though they might make you cry
@your-brother-crutchie has made me cry with his writing, you’re in for a wild ride if you check out his blog
@ben-cook-can-cook is the greatest gal you can have in your life, she’s so funny and her posts/fics are legendary
@seizethegay1899 is one (1) amazing person I’ve been following for the longest time ever and they never fail to make me smile
@disney-princess-sized is the biggest Ravey Shipper™ around and she’s damn good at convincing you they’re meant to be, it’s her legacy
@elmers-half-a-cup is super nice and just a really great writer
@brooklynbadbois memes and smiles for days, I love her a lot
@tony-higgins is the bane of my existence because her fics are so good but she makes it a point to rip my heart out and stop on it with each one
@dank-crypitic i don’t know how to describe her, all i know is that I love her so, so much despite the teRRIFYING EDITS YOU SEND ME
 @who-is-the-king-of-new-york great writing and headcanons! I haven’t talked to her much but I’ve been following her for a long time. 
@newsies-fics I live for how much your friends mean to you. She also has a lot of reblogs of great content for our favorite dancing bois
@we-dont-sell-papes has a big heart and fights for her friends any day, I’d die for her
@racetrackcook is so nice, not to mention the queen of all things Ralbert. Between her and my Sprace trash, we’ll be unstoppable
@got-the-east-side amazing fics and AUs! super friendly! what’s there not to love?
@wetcoffeejpg I just really, really, really love her art, she’s an incredible artist
@races-erster an amazing person and so nice go give her the apPRECIATION SHE DESERVES thanks for your time
@notes-the-newsie a whole lotta reblogs and Good and Gay Content™
@the-supporting-character Very much lives up to her url because she’s so very supportive and leaves the nicest comments on stuff! Also a great writer and a just a very wholesome person
@bexlynne shoutout to this bean for editing my stories and helping me figure out storylines. She’s so nice and leaves asks wherever she goes and writes great angst for my boy Race 
@newsies-everlasting SUNNY I LOVE YOU she’s the person to go to with questions and asks, she’s easy to talk to and so nice!
@i-got-personality the fandom’s Crutchie, she’s got the poisonality we all need to get through a rough day and seeing her on my dash cheers me up no matter what mood I’m in
@shes-the-apex-predator can be summed up to FUSE NO but hey we all love her and this fandom wouldn’t be the same without her
@shes-a-plum a constant mood, lots of textposts that basically sum up the human condition. She’s wonderful and so kind. 
@sunshine-musicals-yea LOVE HER she always checks up on me, thank you for mom friending me and putting up with how annoying I am. An amazing writer, a great friend
@ridin-in-style hmmmMMMmm this person? endlessly loving and supporting her friends and reblogging all the newsies aesthetics and art she comes across? It’s more likely than you think.
@and-a-snip Just an overall great person to go to for endless support and reblogs of headcanons and fics!
@the-1992-newsies-is-better LAY I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! She scares me sometimes but she loves Racetrack Higgins almost as much as I do and she’s very soft, don’t let her fool you
@albertdasillva GREAT WRITING and also a great personality! Has all the gay newsies you’ll ever need. She holds a special place in my heart, love ya babe
@mush-mike-and-ike  Deserves all the appreciation in the world. Has lots of love for the rest of the fandom and some greats headcanons!
@daveys-pet-snake GAY NEWSIES ALL AROUND, LETS GO FELLAS also so nice and cares so much for her friends?? like what?? stop that?? you’re making me smile so much from the love that radiates from you??
@races-papes hilarious? makes me laugh? more great newsies content? sounds good to me.  
@voice-foundshoe-lost LISTEN I LOVE HER AND HER WRITING A WHOLE LOT very dedicated to our newspaper sons and I respect that. You go girl.
@thebiggestyamfan the sweetest ever, she pops up all over and honestly I’m living for it. 
@c0ronas great writing (as always!!), just constant references, and I, too, love Race, so she’s therefore counted as one of the many people I hold near and dear to my heart
@thestoryweneededtowrite AGH I love everything about this blog you have no idea. So creative, quality content, 11/10
@thatguylex STOP KILLING OFF MY BOYS GOSH DARN IT but yeah anyway I love him and I wanna give him a really big hug because he deserves it (unless you don’t want that, then a fistbump is cool too!)
@purenewsies Such a very pure person, just like the newsies. Stans my boy Elmer and writes some great stuff!
@jeremyjordan-am-i-right If you love Jeremy Jordan as much as I do then I have the blog for you, right here fellas, let’s all go appreciate this man 
@headcanons-making-headlines Has some awesome hcs that are totally canon, what are you talking about, and shitposts which is really all you need in life
@broadwaycantdie ITS ALL NEWSIES TRASH WHEREVER YOU LOOK AND I’M LIVING FOR IT. Go talk to this lovely person! Reblogs All The Headcanons and Fics (now there’s a headline even Elmer could sell)
@anotherday-anotherdestiny President of the Trans Racetrack Higgins movement. That’s all you need to know to know her blog is Valid™ 
@timesarehardfornewsies she’s a big mood for forever and a talented, amazing gal
@race-ace Quality indeed with all this happiness going around when I see this lovely person on my dash 
@thatfancyclam OWNS MY ENTIRE HEART, dubbed me the Queen of Sprace, she’s the light of my life with all the positivity and love that she throws out
@seizetheimagines very, very talented and creative. She has a big heart and a lot of passion. 
@soak-em So sweet! She’s Sparks’ second-in-command as Crutchie in my heart. 
@shes-the-king Has some really great Sprace stuff, but also just a lot of different ships in general! I haven’t talked to them, but they seem really nice from what I’ve seen. 
@gothemcityshipper Great hcs and super friendly, from what I’ve seen! (we should talk more, babe!) I’d 100% check her out if I was you.
@sqecs I feel like his posts are just such icons in the newsies fandom,,,, he’s made me fall off my bed from laughing so hard so his blog is pretty Great
@imjusttheoutgoingsidekick I LIVE FOR ALL THE HEADCANONS! Very accurate posts too, like I feel like you’re seeing into some minds to get this information.
@unofficialfansie Also has a lot of great headcanons! I haven’t been following her for very long but I stan her anyway, she’s just great that way. 
There’s probably so many more I missed agh, I love you all!! Not sure why you put up with me in this fandom because I feel like a grain of sand next to you legends. Love you guys
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inkanspider · 7 years ago
The situation about rev on AO3
So, I think some of you guys who follow the oumota tag have at some point heard or seen something of a person named Rev. Rev is an author and oumota fan, and one of my closest friends. A few days ago, a person on Twitter posted a really nasty tweet about them. And today, I saw a post here on Tumblr on how another person replied to Rev’s original post about this entire thing.
I’m hopefully not going to make an entire essay about this thing, but there are a lot of things these two are totally lying about. Rev was kind enough to not mention the Twitter user by name, but I can’t promise that I will be just as kind, because this person is horrible and someone I hope you never have to meet.
Just like Rev, I too joined a server about oumota a number of months ago, a while before Christmas last year. I don’t remember if I joined before Rev, but I remember I adored their writing and I loved being in this server. The people liked my stuff and soon I had people who wanted to talk to me. Around and right after Christmas, I had a group of friends I talked to almost daily. And Rev was one of them, even if our timezones made stuff difficult XD
But then one day, I started to notice that the entire atmosphere in the server changed. People started to break some of the rules daily, including two of the mods (the Twitter-user and the other peron here on Tumblr). One rule was to not post character hate, which was very logical and good. But soon enough, people started to post lots of hate posts about Kiyo, saying all kinds of horrible stuff. One of my friends is a big Kiyo-fan, and she was really bothered by this. Another thing I personally together with Rev was put down for was the heterophobia (and yes Auz, it is a really thing and you guys need to quit with your bullshit about it). It was apparently okay to personally ship F/M, but not post anything about it. But yuri and yaoi ships was 100% okay for some reason (sounds like the shit homophobes say: it’s okay to ge gay, as long as you don’t show it)... One of these things was that accoring to them, Ouma and Kaito are 100% gay. But nowhere in the game is that stated. Yes, it’s IMPLIED that Ouma might like guys, but we don’t know for sure. Which is why some people ship him with females, same with Kaito.
The last straw about this was when I was personally attacked for liking Junko. I and another friend mentioned in one convo how we liked Junko. I was personally told by THE NEW SERVER OWNER, that he was going to squeeze me to death just like he would to Junko. Auz and company said it was supposed to be a joke, but the server owner never apologized or said anything himself to clarify this. I was never close to him, so I had no idea what kind of humor he has, and he should have known it. My friend was also semi-attacked for defending me, which was what made us thinking about leaving the server entirely.
The reason these people are attacking Rev is purely because they don’t like them. Rev was different from them, liked different things than them. Rev has NEVER done anything to harm anyone, and you guys who actually read their works or even properly talked to them can see that for yourself. Yes, it’s one thing to write something and another to like it outside of the internet. But Rev is nothing but a supporting and caring person. Auz and the Twitter-user claim that Rev is both homophobic and transphobic, but that’s the total opposite of what Rev are.
And about how we were going to spam with art of “triggering” stuff (aka stuff they didn’t like, they are easily triggered), that is without any context, which is something they apparently didn’t care about when they banned us. So for the rest of you guys, I’ll tell you:
We who were banned, before it happened, had done a server just for us to vent and have fun like we couldn’t do in the oumota server. We talked about how we all wanted to leave the server, but we also joked about how we should make a raid as we leave. Keyword here is JOKED. You got words of this, but instead of talking to us you instead banned us without any warning. You had no context for this, which gave you false signals. You banned us on false grounds!
So for you guys who might be reading this, please listen to me: these people are lying about Rev. They somehow also claim that genderbends are somehow transphobic, which I have really hard imagening. Like, genderbends is just that they are opposite of their canon gender, while trans is that they don’t identify with the body they are born in. If you really are grossed about genderbends, simply ignore it. People don’t like the same thing, and you are able to just scroll past stuff you don’t like or agree with.
And listen here Auz (yes I’m calling you out now): it’s totally okay that you don’t like what we like and post. But don’t you DARE threaten Rev or any of us others. We have been nice enough to ignore you guys for the last few months. And what do you guys do? You lie and call Rev something they are not. Simply for drama, which was also supposed to not be okay in your server according to your own rules (but it looks like they never mattered anyway). You banned us yeah, but you could have at least been kind enough to let us be. Returning the favor, what’s that? And for that part about Rev being homophobic:
I DARE YOU TO DM ME AND GIVE ME PROPER EVIDENCE ON HOW REV WAS HOMOPHOBIC. But I think you won’t... Because you probably don’t even care about the truth, but only what you believe in.
And if trans hc in the nsfw-channel wasn’t okay, then you should have banned others too, but one of your mods comes especially to mind. 
You are also supposed to be an adult too, yet you never acted like one. You didn’t stop and thought of what maybe made us act the way we did. You never stopped the server owner from harrassing me and my friends. And you never stopped him from from postign that discusting thing on Twitter. If anything, you made it worse... Hope you are happy with yourself, because I will never tell people to join you guys or even visit you. I hope people come to their senses and realize you guys are toxic and not worth being with.
Sorry for the ranting guys, but I couldn’t stand people lying about this. Rev is too important to me and my friends, and we can’t have people going around and lying freely like this...
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