#“you curse my food so I can't open it? fine. I'll open YOU” mc yells and goes at them with a flimsy plastic knife
zephyrchama · 4 months
This could apply to either Solomon (in Nightbringer) or the demon brothers (in OG/maybe later Nightbringer?).
What if whoever MC lived with started cursing bags of potato chips and pickle jars, simple stuff that occasionally is difficult to open, so that MC could never open them alone and always needed help?
They might be able to get away with it for a week or two, tops, before facing MC's vengeance.
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mammonology · 4 years
Don't panic! ⟨Mammon x MC⟩
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–A power outage occurs in the house, will the brothers keep their shit together? Or will they just cling on you for 'protection?' let's find out~
–Word count: 1k
–Pairing: Mammon x Reader
–A/N:Omg you like my writing?! AHHH thank you smm cutie♡˖꒰ᵕ༚ᵕ⑅꒱ and of course you can have some Mammon fluffy goodness! Hope you like it <3
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A scream awakens you from your nap as your door bursts open, revealing Mammon. "Mc! Human! The power's out!" He says, panting. "Okay Mammon, but why are you panting?" You asked, sitting up as you rub your eyes, your room was completely dark except for the candlelight. "A-And? So what if I was panting?" He said, "J-Just come out in the living room why don't ya?" He said pouting as he walks away, you trail behind him.
"You're not scared of the dark aren't ya?" You teased as you crept up behind him making him jump. "When did ya get there? And no I am not!" He stomped all the way to the living room where all of the brothers were sitting down. "Oh MC! Lovely of you to join us~" Asmo says in his usual flirty voice, you sit yourself on the floor as the only light source was the candles that were on the wall. "Ahh! I just wanted to watch the new anime I was talking about!" Levi sighs dramatically. "I don't wanna ruin my eyesight by trying to read in the dark," Satan huffs as he closes his book, totally defeated. "Those are such small problems! My nightly skin care routine is ruined!" Asmo said.
"Will you all just stop with your complaints for a while, and keep it together?!" Lucifer yelled, clearly frustrated, "I can't help it!" Asmo whines. Even though it was dark, you can sense the glare Lucifer was giving Asmo. "Well if it's so bad for you guys then why don't I go and restore the power?" You say standing up, "And how are you gonna do that?" Belphie asks, moving his head from his pillow. "By restarting it! You guys have a basement for the power box right?" You ask, they all nodded, "Well then I'll go down there and just restart it, we should have power by then!" You say clasping your hands together.
"That's way too dangerous MC," Lucifer shakes his head, "Then take Mammon with you!" Levi says, pushing Mammon towards you. "H–Hey! I didn't say nothin' about helpin' her!" He protests, "Well he is your human right?" Satan teases him, Mammon can feel the heat creeping up to his face. "S–Shut it!" He said, Beel's stomach loudly grumbles. "You guys I'm hungry and the fridge isn't cooling the food up, it might spoil," Beel says.
"Yeah! So you guys should go!" Levi pushes you guys away. "Wait! Like I said–" Mammon was cut off by Lucifer, "Just go.." his patience running thin. Mammon huffs as he walks with you to the basement. "Just so you know! It wasn't my choice to come with you," he says pursing his lips. You chuckle, "I know Mammon," as you two walk through the dimly lit hallway.
"There, the power box is right there. Just hurry up and let's get outta 'ere" he says as he feels a shiver run down his spin, he's gotta admit the basement terrifies him but he'll never tell you that. You walk towards the power box, fixing whatever happened was wrong with it. "There! That should have worked!" You said, "Hey! But the light isn't on," he pointed up the ceiling. "Yeah but there's no light down here Mammon," you said, "Oh," he said feeling dumbfounded.
"It's fine, let's go get out of here, I know how much you hate the dark," you tease, "Not even!" He grumpily said, your hand tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. "Mammon the door won't open," you said, "What? Give it here," he says as he tries to open the door as well, "What the hell? I'll use my powers then," even with his powers the door remained unbroken. "The door's jinxed," Mammon said, defeated. "It's fine, your brothers can get us tomorrow," you said slumping down on a wall, Mammon takes a seat beside yours.
"I don't wanna be stuck with you!" Mammon said, crossing his arms over, "Yeah yeah sure~ you're lucky that you're here with me alone," you said poking his cheek, he swats your finger away. "S–Stop," he says, as his cheeks flush. A comfortable silence passes by, "Hey MC–" "Mammon–" you both speak on the same time, "Y-You first," You said, Mammon buries his face into his hands. "It's not like I care but.. who's your favorite brother?" He murmurs.
"Hey Mammon?" You say as he turns to you, your eyes held so much comfort he's never seen before. "W–What?" He cursed himself for stuttering, "Who do you think is my favorite?" You say, cocking your head to the side. "I asked you first!" He says pouting. "You are, you are Mammon," you say, taking his hands into yours. "M–MC?!" Mammon exclaims, clearly flustered. "You're my first and will always be my first," you confessed, "So.. will I be your first?" You added, shyly.
Mammon stays quiet, you just assumed that he just didn't feel the same as you so let go of his hand, he swiftly takes your hands back as he places them onto his lips. "Yes MC, you're my first and last," he shyly confesses, very different from how he normally acts. You were equally as speechless as he was before, you didn't say anything, you just let your arms loop around his neck as you brought him into a hug. He hesitantly hugs you back, he feels comfortable and safe when he's in your arms, and that's how he knew you were the one. You made him feel special, wanted and most importantly loved, and he will definitely make you feel the same.
"MC, I–I think I love you.." he whispers into your ear but he heard light snores coming from you, he chuckled lightly as he lets you sleep on his shoulder, holding you closer to make you feel at least a little warm. "Thankfully you didn't hear that, I'd definitely want to say it in a romantic spot, not in some creepy dark basement," he continues to ramble on until he felt sleepy himself and places his head on top of yours.
As the morning creeps up, Lucifer slowly opens the basement door, his brothers behind him. "What are they doing?" Levi whisper-yells. "Shh! You'll wake them up, take a picture!" Asmo nudges his phone to Lucifer, he takes a quick photo. They slowly close the door, leaving you two alone, completely not knowing what happened to the two of you last night.
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