#“the Woke Agenda is forcing me to.... find out how to address someone when i meet them”
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People complaining about Pronouns in Bio like it's some new woke thing are dumbasses, i HATE not knowing how to address people online where, even if you are a rube who only believes in binary genders, you LITERALLY could not physically tell which binary gender to address someone as anyway. So What's The Big Deal with people telling you which one to use on first glance?
#people get Really dumb whenever something practical but somewhat new happens#“the Woke Agenda is forcing me to.... find out how to address someone when i meet them”#Lmao Lol
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Yandere adult trio: college AU These are drabbles for when they lose their mind and kill the people around you... and kidnaps you
These are going to be a little longer than usual but I hope y'all enjoy it as much as I did when writing it (also im trying out the beta version of the new posting system so lemme know if anything is weird)
Sorry this took me forever bro
CW: murder, blood, physical abuse, alcohol
It's getting quite annoying to be completely honest. He just won't leave you alone, constantly flirting and making passes at you. And yet at the same time he makes fun of you and is actually very mean. It wasn't so bad in the beginning but this is just getting out of hand. You made sure he was aware of this. ---- He's looming over you as he corners you against the wall. You refuse to look up at him, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of a reaction.
While you aren't looking at him, you can feel him looking at you. You already know he has that annoying grin on his face that makes you want to punch him square in the nose.
He brushes his long fingers against your face, making a quiet humming noise. "Are you ready to give up my pet?"
You ignore his words and slap his hand away from your face. "I need to get to class, move Hisoka."
He frowns though you aren't looking at his face. He opens his mouth to say something when someone from behind him calls out to you. "Hey y/n! Are you okay?"
She walks towards you but before she can get involved you shove the man away and huff. What a nuisance. You turn towards him once you're standing next to your friend and glare at him.
"Leave me alone. It's annoying and it's scaring people. Got it?" Before he can respond you turn on your heels and drag your friend down the hall by her wrist just hoping to put distance between the two of you. ---- You're pretty sure you made it clear that you don't want him near you anymore. But by now you know he doesn't give up so easily. One can only hope that he gets bored of you and finds someone else to bother.
You and your friends went out for brunch earlier, and all was well until Chelsea handed you something. She said that she found it in her bag but it was addressed to you, so you put it in your own bag.
You pour yourself a rum and coke and make yourself comfortable on the couch of your shared apartment. All of your roommates went out for drinks but you were too tired to go out.
After taking a sip of the sweet liquid in your glass, you examine the letter you were given earlier. It's a typical white envelope with your name written in pen. There's no address on it or return address so you assume it was just supposed to be handed to you.
You rip open the letter with your finger and pull out the singular loose leaf paper. It's folded in three sections so you pull it open. The handwriting is messy but in an aesthetic sort of way.
Dear y/n, I strongly suggest that you go to class 406B in the technical building tonight. Don't be late or you'll miss the whole party. 10:45 pm - see you then. I almost forgot, if you don't come I have some revealing pictures of you that I can share with anyone I wish to. XOXO
This is the strangest letter you've ever received. It's probably a prank by one of your roommates or friends. You've never sent nudes to anyone so obviously they're bluffing.
Though perhaps you should entertain your friends and go. Who knows, maybe there will be drinks. But you are tired... Maybe you'll just go to bed. You peek over to the time on your phone, it's 9:12 pm. Yeah, you'll just go to bed after you finish your drink.
'bzz' 'bzzz'
Who is texting you so late at night? You sit up and realize you fell asleep on the couch. You wipe the drool off of your face and grab your phone with distain for whoever woke you up.
It's a blocked number.
ur late
Late? Late for what? Your phone displays the time, 11:27 pm. Are your friends really this committed to their prank? They must be trying to get Tik Tok famous or some shit. Well you're awake now, you might as well head over there.
The moment you step into the building something seems off. If all of the lights including the emergency lights wasn't enough, the ground seems sticky. Though you can't bring yourself to use your phone flash light to see what it is.
Eventually you find the room 406B in the darkness. The door is closed and no lights are on in the room. It seems as if no one is inside. As you reach for the handle of the door, you notice something on the window of the door. You can barely make it out, but there's what looks like a hand print. You chuckle, this must be a prank.
Now feeling a little better, you open the door and step inside. It's too dark to see anything but you can make out some figures in the dark. It must be your friends thinking they're being sneaky.
You roll your eyes and look for the light switch, finding it and switching it on. You squint at the sudden light, and your eyes begin to focus. Which you wish they never did.
There is blood everywhere, on the ceiling, the windows, the floor, the tables... But that's not the most jarring part. Your friends are sitting in chairs, one of them sitting on the ground against the wall.
There is your friend Chelsea, sitting in a chair with her head tipped down. You can't even tell what color her clothes originally were, they're covered in red, a dark dark red. Next to her is Derick, he's sitting the same way except his head is tipped backwards. His eyes are wide and his face is left in permanent horror- expressing the brutality of his end. You can't bare to look anymore, you drop to your knees and cover your face with your hands.
You scream and scream until your voice is hoarse and throat is raw. You're left coughing while you are drowned by your own tears.
"Are you ready to give up yet?" A deep voice asks from in front of you.
You can't stop the flow of tears as you look up at this monster. He's also covered in blood, and some is splattered on his face. He wipes a thumb across his face in the blood, and brings it to his lips. Sobs rack your body, you can't even make sense of this.
Hisoka squats down so you're face to face and grips your jaw bone tightly in his hand. You can feel the now cold substance being rubbed against your jaw by his fingers and it makes you want to puke.
"I got tired of waiting for you." His grin is nauseating, forcing you to stop yourself from puking.
His nails dig into your skin, mixing your own blood with that of your friend's. He brings his face close to yours and in a gentle but menacing tone he croaks, "Let's stop this childish game, alright y/n?"
It's easy to miss things when you're caught up with the rush of classes and friends and love. All of the parties and hangovers are enough to satisfy your needs for entertainment and drama in this boring life. If you didn't fill up your daily life with these acts, you would probably sleep every day away until you fell into a coma.
To put it short, you're a busy body. And busy bodies don't have time to stop and look around at what is happening. For example, how were you to notice the key under your doormat was missing, or how your dresser drawers were left slightly open when you know you closed them before leaving. Noticing these small things are definitely not on your agenda.
It's 10 am, Saturday, and you don't have any classes or work today. You're sitting at the kitchen bar, drinking coffee and chatting with your roommate. It isn't often that you have a free day, and sometimes it is nice to have even if you want to get moving. The sun is peeking through the curtains and the aroma of espresso beans is a delight. It's a bit chilly so you have a blanket wrapped around your shoulders. What a peaceful morn-
Your roommate eyes you when someone bangs on the front door, already knowing the events that are about to take place. She rolls her eyes and stomps up the stairs to her room, not wanting to get involved. You always feel bad that your roommates have to listen to this but you're really not sure how to end it.
You take your last peaceful sip of coffee and call out, "Come in!"
Before you can even finish your sentence, he storms inside and slams the door behind him. Your boyfriend of course is mad about something you've done. He trudges towards you and moves the stool next to you out of the way, and leans towards you so his face is next to yours.
"Are you kidding me y/n?!" He yells in your ear, but you don't flinch because you're used to this.
He rips his phone from his pocket and shoves it in your face after pulling up a screenshot. It's a conversation between you and his friend.
"Can't you learn to shut your damn mouth? This is our business and you have no right to tell anyone about it!" He's practically seething with rage.
You take a last sip of coffee and set your mug down on the counter. You continue facing forward and not facing him. "It's not our business, it's yours. And I asked him if it was true that you were cheating on me." You turn your head towards him while grimacing and mutter, "Again."
Ah but you've just lighted a bomb with your words.
His face has gone red and he looks like he's about to explode. You begin wondering why you were ever attracted to him.
"Maybe if you weren't such a prude! I can't even kiss my girlfriend whenever I want, it's ridiculous. You know full well that you're so... so... Ugh! You know what? Fuck you!"
As quickly as he came, he runs out of the house, slamming the door once again.
You whisper to yourself, "Fuck you too."
God he's such a child, you don't even want to be with him anymore. But every time you decide to break up with him he suddenly becomes Mr.Perfect. "I'm so sorry." "I love you." "Let me make it up to you." And then he does make it up to you only to tear down all of his hard work.
It's been a few days since your big fight with your boyfriend. He hasn't talked to you at all but this isn't uncommon for him. You promised your roommates that you would break up with him, not just for yourself but for the sake of their peace and quiet.
You texted him a few times while you were at work but he left you on read. He's so petty. So you text him one last time.
Come 2 my place at 8 tonight, We need to talk
He answers immediately which surprises you.
Can't, flat tire Come to my place
It doesn't make a difference to you where it is so that's fine. You wonder if maybe he's come to terms with the fact this needs to end. Hopefully so. If there's one thing you want him to be mature about, it's this.
Your shift ends at 6:30pm. You drive home, shower, get dressed, eat something and get ready to leave.
You send one last text,
It's read immediately but there's no response. Well, it's not like you expected much from him anyway. You drive to his house at 7:45 pm, and arrive around 7:58 pm. All of the lights in his town house are on. He's a few years older than you so he has his own house due to somehow being able to hold down a job. With his anger issues it's hard to believe that he can hold onto anything. Damn, he really is an unattractive person isn't he?
You step out of your car and lock it. Now that you're out of the car you realize that it's very quiet. This is unusual for when you go to his house, normally you can hear music or the sound affects of a shitty video game. But it's silent. Maybe he's waiting for you? He must be taking this well.
You step up the creaky stairs of the house, and knock on the equally as creaky door. No response. Maybe he's sleeping? You peek into the mail box and take out the extra key for the house from it. But when you go to unlock the door, it's already unlocked. This is becoming very strange.
You push open the door and peer into the dark living room. It's not too dark that you can't make out the furniture in the darkness. You step inside and shut the door behind you, it's still quiet. Not quiet, absolutely and undeniably silent. You flick the light on and look around again, nothing seems out of place. It's messy, with empty beer cans and bottles on the ground per usual. The stains on his carpet remain untouched, including the vomit stain in the corner.
"Jay?" You call out into the still atmosphere. Nothing. Is he not home? That can't be, his car is in the driveway.
The sound of his old floor boards being stepped on echoes through the house. What the hell is he trying to pull? You look up the stairs, but it's only darker up there than it was down here. He must be drunk.
Each step you take up the stairs, your heart begins to pound faster. Something feels off, this doesn't feel right. This isn't like your boyfriend, he's simple, he wouldn't try scaring you like this. On the top step, you feel your shoe touch something soft. You lean down and pick it up, and raise it up to your face. A pair of thongs that definitely aren't yours. So that's what's happening. He couldn't even pull himself together for one night.
Your pounding heart is no longer caused by fear but anger. He's cheated too many times to count on your hands, but this time makes you angrier than you've ever been. He's never been in bed with another woman knowing that you were coming over. This is fucking ridiculous.
You stomp towards his room and kick the door open. It's dark but you can tell that there are two people in bed. Your vision has gone red, you've never been this angry in your life.
You don't bother turning the lights on, you storm over to his side of the bed and rip the covers off. Just barely you can make out a woman sleeping next to him. You grab his shoulder tightly and shake him violently to wake him up.
"Get the fuck up Jay! Get! Up!" He doesn't respond, you lean down and yell in his ear like he always does to you. "You're such a childish piece of shit!"
He still doesn't move or speak, for fuck's sake. You stomp back to the entrance of the room and flick on the light. You turn around and begin walking back towards the bed, when you're stopped in your tracks.
Everything is red, but it's not your vision anymore. The bed has been dyed red, and his naked body is covered in it. Your mouths falls open but no screams come out. The woman next to him is splayed out on the bed, naked as well. Covered in red. You look down at the hands that touched your boyfriend, they're also red.
You rush over to the bed and shake your boyfriend again.
"Jay? Jay! Can you hear me?" You put your ear to his chest but you don't hear anything. You put your finger under his nose but don't feel anything.
"Hey! Hey! Wake up! This isn't funny!" Tears stream down your face as you pull him to your chest, cradling him.
Your sobs make it hard to speak and your chest begins to hurt. "J-... Jay... This- isn't-" You gasp between each word, "Funny..."
It's only when you hear a noise coming from behind you that you stop to think about what's going on. It doesn't matter to you though, they could kill you too if they wished.
"People are strange." You turn your head to see where the voice is coming from.
It's someone you don't recognize, he's tall, pale, has long hair, and hypnotizing eyes. Your sobs cease for a moment and you hug your boyfriend tighter to you.
"All of that fighting... You were even coming here to break up with him and yet... You're sad that he's gone?" He makes his way towards you slowly, "I've done you a favor, haven't I?"
He looms over you but all you can do is stand there, frozen by fear.
The man grabs the back of your shirt and pulls you violently from Jay. You try to run back to him, but the man pulls you to him, hugging you tightly. No matter how much you flail in his grasp you can't get away from him. You're left sobbing into his shirt, your body limp in his arms.
"Why?" You manage to whisper.
He holds you to him with one arm and pets your hair with his other hand. "You were miserable. He was making you miserable."
He sighs and kisses the top of your head. What is going on?
"Come on, don't waste your energy on human garbage. I'm here, so it's fine." He states it so 'matter of fact'.
"Who?" Is all you can ask, unable to finish your question.
"I guess I haven't introduced myself yet. Illumi is my name." With ease, he grabs you by your shoulders and lifts your face up to his. "Your future husband."
What more could you ask for? You already have easy college classes, fun parties, a good part time job, great friends, and an amazing best friend. Tonight you're going to hang out with a bunch of friends and have drinks at one of their apartments. It's a pretty normal Thursday night, nothing odd about it.
You're waiting for your best friend to pick you up, he's always there to pick you up on the dot. If he doesn't come early that is. You shove all the essentials into your bag and hear a honk outside. Must be him.
But of course you're always tardy. You lace up your shoes and run out of the dorm room, tripping out of the building. He's watching as you stumble towards the car since one of your shoes is already unlaced. When you finally flop down in the passenger seat he shakes his head with a knowing smile.
"Oh y/n, will you ever be organized?" He asks with amusement.
You click your tongue and straighten out your clothes, "Don't ask such stupid questions."
He turns his body towards you as much as possible and pats his lap. You instinctively know what that means. You hike your foot up above the console and put your foot on his lap. He begins tying your shoe, his smile is unmoving. He's always smiling.
"Chrollo, you don't need to baby me." You roll your eyes and groan.
He laughs and pats your leg, signaling that he's done. "If not me then who?"
You swing your leg back over to your side and buckle up. The two of you hang out a lot. Since you're both going to the hangout tonight, you decided to car pool. But first you're going to go get the alcohol. Everyone has to bring something for everyone, that way you guys can get wasted with no qualms.
You plug your phone into the aux and play your shared playlist. The first song that comes on is "The Cult of Dionysus" by The Orion Experience. Something that he added.
Finally you feel like you can relax, it always feels that way around Chrollo. His presence is just, comforting, in every way. You feel like you can do anything, say anything, ask for anything. He's always there for you with no exceptions and honestly you think you may have feelings for him. But it's a question of are you confusing comfort and friendly affection for romanticism. It's just that he's so perfect, he doesn't have a single flaw. Not one that you've ever seen at least. You probably never will see one of his flaws.
You sink into the seat and sigh.
He looks at you out of the corner of his eye, but quickly looks back at the road. "What's the matter?"
"Oh nothing... Just, everything is good."
He knows you better than anyone, so it's an obvious lie when you say this. "But what?"
Anytime he calls you out, you surrender and tell him everything. "Everything is so great you know." He nods with your statement. "I go to a good school, have good friends, have a good job." This has been on your mind for quite some time.
"Something is missing, you know? The excitement, the... the..." You chuckle and turn towards him and put up jazz hands, "The pizzazz!"
He doesn't turn to look at you but you know he saw you when his smile widens. "I get that. Maybe you just need to step outside of your comfort zone. Do something different."
Do something different? Yeah, maybe that is what you need.
All eleven of you are sitting in a circle on the ground, drinking and playing never have I ever. You take a long drink of your Mike's hard lemonade, which is just something to get the night going.
Dina wipes hair from her face and smiles, "Okay okay my turn. So never have I ever.... Uhh." She pops up when she thinks of something, "Never have I ever jumped out of a window."
DJ leans forward and raises an eyebrow, "Okay what kind of window we talking? High up? First floor?"
Dina answers, "Any kind, any kind of window." The majority of you put a finger down which makes the group burst out in laughter.
Your friend Zoey finishes off her bottle and slams it down on the floor. "Let's play something else."
"Like what?" One of your friends ask.
Zoey thinks for a moment, "Like... Truth or dare, spin the bottle. Or maybe eleven minutes in heaven."
Dj interjects, "I think it's seven minutes in heaven, not eleven."
"Oh whatever DJ, they rhyme." Zoey spits back.
Lex answers, "Let's play seven minutes in heaven!"
Of course DJ huffs and rolls his eyes, "What are we? Middle schoolers?"
Guac (which is his nickname) speaks up, "Oh come on, are you shy DJ?"
Finally the quiet Chrollo sitting next to you says something, "I'm not really interested. Right y/n?" He looks at you to back him up.
The group coos at the two of you and someone says, "We get it, you got something going on. The game is just for fun, don't be so serious Chrollo."
Chrollo opens his mouth to say something but you cut him off, "Hey, you told me to do something different. Maybe this is the first step."
His face shows betrayal and you feel a squeeze in your heart.
He stands up and glares at the group, "Whatever." He storms out of the apartment, and everyone mumbles to each other. Chrollo has never acted like this so this is quite a shock to everyone.
In order not to kill the mood you speak up, "Alright, let's pull names out of a hat!"
All of you write down your names on a small piece of paper and put it in a baseball cap. Dina pulls two names out of the hat and of course makes it a dramatic event.
"Alright so first we have the most lovely of people..." She looks at the group like a teacher waiting for an answer from her class. "Gracie!" Everyone claps and she stands up in front of all of you, taking a bow.
Dina pats her thighs rapidly, "Drum roll please!" Everyone obeys her, "The next hot piece of ass is y/n!"
You stand up and curtsey, taking Gracie's hand and leading her to the closet. Dina stands in front of the closet once both of you are inside and grins, "Timer starts now kids." She shuts the door on you two and all of your friends cheer from outside.
Here comes the awkward part. It's too dark to see her expression but you already know she's blushing.
You lean towards her and in a low voice so no one else can hear say, "We don't have to do this if you don't want to."
She shakes her head, and you brush a hand through her dark coils. The both of you giggle when your finger gets stuck in her hair. She leans in for a kiss, but before your lips meet you're interrupted.
The front door is opened and slammed shut, you hear the lock click as well.
"Hey Chrollo, you feeling better?" "What are you doing?" "Holy shit, please, what are you doing?!" "Are you fucking crazy? This isn't funny!"
Something slams against the closet door and Gracie yelps.
"Whoa whoa, we can work something out." They sound desperate "Back up!" You hear a loud thump and then screams. "Grab him guys!" It sounds like people are running around, but soon the screams become not those of only fear but of pain. There are gargled pleas and pathetic whimpers for mercy.
You and Gracie hold each other, gripping onto one another for dear life.
Soon the screams, pleas, thuds, gurgling, all of it ends. The apartment goes quiet and you try to silence your heavy breathing.
There's a loud thud right in front of the closet and then the doors are opened abruptly. There Chrollo is, covered in blood, and you can see the bodies of your friends behind him. Before you can react, he pulls Gracie away from you, slams the doors closed and there's another thud.
Gracie's screams are blood curdling, screeches and cries for help. You try to open the doors but something is blocking it, keeping them closed. As her screams get louder you throw yourself against the doors, trying to push whatever is there out of the way.
Before you can even imagine of getting out, the screams fade out into whimpers, and into nothing.
Holy shit holy shit holy shit.
You're given no time to think when the doors fly open and you're face to face with Chrollo. He's blocking out the light and his usually neat clothes are crumpled and bloody. You look down to his hands, a sledge hammer hangs from his fingers, dripping with your friend's blood.
"Ch-Chrollo... Please don't." You whisper.
The sledge hammer drops to the ground and he wraps his arms around you gently. "Oh y/n. I would never hurt you."
He's so gentle with you, so gentle. It almost makes you forget what just happened, because he feels like home. "Why? Why did you do this?"
He steps back and grabs your shoulders, he leans down so he's eye to eye with you. "They crossed a line, a line that should not be crossed."
You begin to speak but he grabs your cheeks with one hand and dawns his usual smile, "You don't need them. You have me." He kisses your squished lips as if it were normal. "Right y/n?"
Slowly you nod, you don't need them. If Chrollo says it, it must be true.
"Good girl."
#hisoka#hisoka morrow#yandere hisoka#hisoka x reader#illumi#hxh#yandere illumi#illumi zoldyck#illumi x reader#chrollo#chrollo lucilfer#chrollo x reader#yandere chrollo#hunter x hunter#phantom troupe#adult trio#yandere adult trio#adult trio x reader#yandere adult trio x reader#yandere#college au
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A/N: Hello Faye!! You’re such a sweetie, thank you for requesting 🥰🥰
Pro! Hero Bakugo + Remember that marriage pact we made? Well it's time and we're still single
Tags: alcohol mention, tipsy marriage pact
Five years might seem like a short time but there are 1,825 days and 43,800 hours in that time. Memories crammed into months on a calendar, and the brain being the way it was, there was plenty of room for forgetting, especially pacts made while a little tipsy with someone you barely knew.
Five years ago, Bakugo Katsuki's 21st birthday, spent at some bar somewhere with friends and friends of friends that had simply been dragged along that night. You were one of the ones dragged along, lured with the promise of drinks however you liked them and a night out with some attractive pro hero friends who hadn't quite made it big yet.
Somehow you found yourself on the balcony with the birthday boy himself, he'd disappeared a while ago and you were just eager to get away from the crowd for a while, pounding club music wasn't quite your scene. "Why do you seem so sad, birthday boy?" You asked, joining him in leaning on the railing. Inwardly Bakugo flinched, was his turmoil really that obvious?
"Tch, I'm not sad. It's my birthday after all."
You frowned, you'd just met the man tonight but there was this inexplicable sadness about him, almost unnoticeable, but you could tell it was there. It was somewhere in his eyes, especially when couples passed by. Like now, as he glanced down at a laughing couple walking below.
"Tell me, are you lonely? Is that why your eyes look so sad?"
His red eyes met yours after a sip of his beer, liquid courage for opening up to a near stranger. "And what if I am? Sometimes it's hard you know? All my friends are in relationships, happy ones and I'm just here, alone."
Before you could answer, he was off and running, eyes transfixed on the city before you. "And maybe I'll be alone forever. Hell, I haven't exactly been looking, not really. I wasn't nice to people in school, so that's out and I have a fat chance of meeting anyone if I make it big, they'll probably just want to use me for my money."
You swallowed, hoping you wouldn't regret the words that were in your throat. "What about a marriage pact?"
He met your gaze with confusion, surely you couldn't be serious? This had to be some alcohol-fueled nonsense. Why would you, someone he had just met tonight, someone who didn't know any of his hopes or dreams or failures or regrets, want to make a pact like that?
"With me? I surely can't be that bad right? Besides," you lightly touched his arm, "I'm lonely too."
He studied your face for any sign that you were screwing with him, finding none, he took another sip and a light blush ran across his cheeks. "What would the terms be?" He asked after a drawn-out silence, fingers rhythmically tapping on the railing you still leaned on.
You hummed lightly, trying to force your fuzzy brain to think. "5 years? We'll both be 26 then, plenty of time to find someone else."
Bakugo considered your terms then nodded, lips turning up into an uncharacteristic smile, "Alright, that settles it then. If we're both still single by 26, we'll get married."
With a clink of your glasses and a quick entry into the calendar app on both your phones, it was set. A reminder for exactly 5 years in the future, two words long: Marriage pact.
Your phone woke you up with the loudest alarm you had ever heard in your life. Bolting upright in bed you scrambled to turn it off, quickly turning the sound off you set your phone back on the nightstand, rubbing the sleep from your eyes for you to check what alarm had woken you up.
Your mind raced with confusion, then panic as everything came flooding back. Birthday party. Drinks. Balcony. Marriage pact. You hadn't seen the man you made it with in years, how many had it been? 4? 5?
Katsuki Bakugo had made a name for himself as a Pro hero by this point, right now he was probably surrounded by all the models and money he could ever want, would he even remember you? Was he even still single? Where even was his agency?
You found the address, surprisingly only a 20-minute taxi ride from your apartment. 8:30 AM flashed on your alarm clock. Can I catch him before he leaves for patrol?
You rummaged through your closet as your mind filled with flashes of doubt. Does he remember me? Does he even want to see me?
You made it outside and into a cab, leg bouncing with nervousness as you willed time to go faster.
Bakugo was at his agency, he'd spent the night here doing paperwork, boring. "Happy birthday to me." He muttered, sitting down at his desk, eyes flicking to the giant stack he still had to complete. If only hero work didn't involve so much paper.
He supposed he should look at his agenda for the day, as he grabbed his phone a notification filled the screen. Marriage Pact. It read. He wracked his brain for what this could possibly mean, but only curse words came to mind.
Before he could collect himself, his assistant knocked on his office door, "Excuse me, sir, there's a L/N F/N here to see you? They're not on the appointment schedule, should I send them away?" His phone clattered to the floor, skittering off to who knows where. "No." He said, more forcefully than intended. Bakugo's heart was pounding. "Send them in."
You were ushered into a spacious waiting room, then a spacious office, and there sat a rather nervous-looking Katsuki Bakugo. As you stood in the doorway, you nearly reached for the doorframe for support. "H-hello. Do you remember me?"
Your voice was soft, shaky, different from how it sounded all those years ago, but he could tell, you were the same person from that night. He stood up, hand wandering to rub his neck, "How could I forget?"
Bakugo strode across the room and shakily extended his hand to you. To his delight, you took it and it just felt right. Your palm seemed to be molded for his and your anxiety melted away. "Breakfast if you have time, birthday boy?"
A smile graced the Pro Hero's features, and you were reminded of the night you met all those years ago. "Of course, anything for you, dear." You chuckled at the pet name, it sounded so strange coming from the burly man. As you walked out into the fresh morning air with the birthday boy, getting to know him like it was the first time, it was awkward and clunky, but really you wouldn't have it any other way.
#bakugo x reader#pro!bakugo x reader#marriage pact#gender neutral reader#200 followers event#aurora borealis#planet 200
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His Favorite Place (Interlude)
Pairing: King Caspian x Reader
Word Count: 4000
Rating: PG-13 ...still, I think.
Author’s Note: I woke up the other day thinking of Caspian, and have been working on this all weekend. It’s a follow up to “His Favorite Place” (found on my masterlist under the July drabbles section since I *still* don’t know if linking to things hides tags). I wholeheartedly suggest reading that one first, because it explains a lot.
Tagging: I didn’t know who to tag/who would want to read this, so I just decided to throw in a few people that left feedback on the first part. If you want to be added to any future Caspian stuff, please let me know!
@the-blind-assassin-12 @its-my-little-dumpster-fire @traeumerinwitzhelden @life-is-a-melody

“No.” Caspian shook his head, mouth set in a firm line. “I will not.” Sor sat back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. I don’t care that this is … no.
“Your Majesty, the people are talking, and if you simply indulge Lord Holus and his wishes that you invite Lady Isath to Cair Paravel -”
“I said no,” Caspian flattened his palms on the solid wooden table, feeling the years beneath the skin of his fingertips. “I have no interest in taking a bride presented to me as a political pawn, Sor. Narnia is at peace with Calormen, there is no need.” The man, still leaning against the high back of his chair eyed Caspian thoughtfully. “Next, it will be a Lady from the Lone Islands, or Terebinthia. When does this end my Lord? I am trying to -”
“Your Majesty. Caspian.” The man closed his eyes, shaking his head. “It will end when you take a wife and give Narnians the Queen that they long for. The Kings and Queens of Old -”
“Are gone.” Caspian’s long fingers tapped on the table, head moving back and forth. “High King Peter and Queen Susan for certain, and Edmund and Lucy… that’s to be determined, but I won’t be marrying either of them.” Sor cracked a small smile. “The Narnian people will simply have to understand that forcing me to choose a wife is an impossibility.” Especially since… “The topic is no longer open for discussion. I’m late for my lesson.”
“You’re the King, Caspian.” Sor’s words wary, he continued, looking up as Caspian stood. “Your teacher will wait.” She will, but I don’t want to. “You do realize that any one of the Ladies that have been… suggested to you could educate you on their respective lands just as easily as -”
“No.” Caspian shook his head again, already nearing the door. “They’re not impartial to the history or the languages of their people.” Caspian paused, one hand on the door. “There’s always an agenda with them. Always.” Without waiting for a response, Caspian opened the door and then stepped out into the airy hallway, feet carrying him in the direction of the library. And I don’t want them to teach me.
By the time Caspian had made it to the heavy wooden doors of the library, the frown on his face had transformed into a small smile, one of his hands working through his hair. In the eight months since you’d arrived, Caspian’s opinion of the library had not changed...much. Sure, it was slightly more organized than it had been, the stacks of books on the various tables neatly tucked away onto the shelves, organized in a manner that made total sense to him and to others that searched the volumes for information. It was brighter inside as well, the curtains opened more often than not, giving better light to read and write by, but the biggest change for Caspian was that you were there every day - and that was a definite improvement.
You had welcomed Caspian’s frequent intrusions into your space, offering him a small smile or the bowing of your head as he entered for the first few weeks, a few words of conversation here and there after the first day, when you’d spoken for over an hour after Caspian had returned from his meal. As you’d gotten to know each other, Caspian slowly coaxing parts of your story out, learning about your life and family, about how you’d grown up, about why you’d been so eager for knowledge, things became even easier. It had taken only a little over a month for the two of you to become friendly, addressing each other by name when Caspian entered the room or either of you exited. Though you were always respectful of Caspian’s title, you didn’t treat him as if you were beneath him; instead, it was Caspian that had to catch himself when he began to make a joke or speak about something inappropriate for the company of a lady - at least until the beginning of the fourth month.
He pushed the door open, eyes scanning the room, and Caspian felt his smile grow as he saw you, both feet off of the ground and on the second rung of a ladder that was used to shelve the books. “Good afternoon.” Announcing his presence much more loudly than he would have had you been otherwise occupied, Caspian crossed the floor, purposely avoiding his table and heading straight for you. “Are you almost finished?” He watched as you nodded your head, one arm raised above it, a single finger pushing the books back into place. “Good, I have something to discuss with you, and I thought that today, we could continue reading about the Celestial beings -”
“Like Liliandil?” You looked down at him, a gentle smile on your face and one eyebrow raised, and Caspian’s gaze remained on it, eyes widening. “Like the woman who was also a star that you met while searching for the seven swords?” Caspian swallowed but remained silent. “Of course, Caspian. I’m not surprised you’d like to revisit that, we only…” You continued to smile at him, glancing down at your feet as you lowered herself to the floor, one of Caspian’s hands reaching out to steady you without thought. “We only covered some of the lore, and …” Once both feet were on the floor, Caspian let his hand drop to his side, still silent. “You spoke of her as if you -”
“Or,” Caspian said, interrupting. “Or we could continue this.” He gestured between the two of you, tilting his head to the side. “You, giving the King of Narnia a hard time over a single encounter that he had nearly six years ago.” He watched as you fought to keep the smile off of your face, but the glint in your eyes gave you away - as it always did. “It was an overwhelming time.” He stepped closer, hands still at his sides. “Can you blame me? I was barely more than a boy, and there she was - a beautiful woman, falling from the sky at my feet.”
“Beautiful? Perhaps you should marry her then, Caspian. I’m sure the Narnian people and even Sor would find little fault with that, even though she’s not of this world.” You held your ground and kept your tone even, but Caspian saw something in your expression as you spoke, the look in your eyes changing slightly. Enough. “It’d be easy enough to get back to her, a few weeks on the Dawn -”
“No.” He shook his head, taking another small step forward. “No, I won’t be marrying Liliandil or any other Celestial.” You blinked and Caspian finally reached out with his right hand, fingertips brushing the back of your hand. “I actually -”
“Caspian.” The word was only a whisper, and you gave a small shake of your head. “Please, let’s sit.” Using the hand that he wasn’t touching, you pointed at his table, still covered in books; the only thing that hadn’t been touched in the recent months. “You know someone will be here soon.” Gritting his teeth, Caspian nodded, pulling his hand back. “Alright.” He followed you back to the table, pulling the chair out as you gracefully dropped into it and then pushed it back in before heading to his own seat. “What would you like to know about them, Caspian?” You said his name softly, thumbing through the pages of a large book that was written in a language that he was barely beginning to understand. “The history? Marriage customs? The likelihood of -”
“Only what will keep us occupied until Sor or Zalet or Ilmen comes in and ‘checks’ on things.” He licked his lips, the frown returning to his face. “As if I am a child and they need to supervise my time with you.” You laughed, raising your eyes to his face again. “As if I would compromise your honor in the library of all places.” You laughed again,Caspian’s chest tightening at the sound, and shook your head.
“Pay attention, my King,” you murmured, eyes moving back to the pages on the table in front of you. “There’s much to learn.” He watched as you turned the book to the side, fingertip moving across the page as you began reading out loud, voice carrying through the large room. After only a few minutes - like clockwork, he thought - the door creaked back open, and both of your eyes moved toward it, watching as Sor stepped into the library, an apologetic smile on his face. You’re not sorry. Ignoring the man, Caspian returned his eyes to the book, the writing and to your voice. Hopefully he won’t stay long today.
Later that night, Caspian had returned to his quarters in a bad mood. Sor’s presence in the library hadn’t been brief; the man had lingered for over an hour, lowering himself into a chair and reading through a book on Narnian finances until a second attendant had entered the room, informing the men that it was time for their evening meal. Custom alone had dictated that it was Caspian’s time to leave as well, and so with a sad smile on his face he’d followed the other man from the room, glancing only once over his shoulder at you, still seated at the table, knowing that you would too be taking your meal - but in a separate dining room.
The library had been deserted when he’d returned to it on his way back from dinner, and Caspian’s frustration only grew as he walked back to his rooms. As King, Caspian had learned that he’d had to pick his battles, and while he understood that the vigilance by Sor the others was for the sake of his own reputation in the long run as well as that of yours, he didn’t like it. Before, his trips to the library had been to enjoy the silence and solitude, avoiding his responsibilities for an hour here or two there, clearing his mind. Now? Now they were solely to spend time with you while you read to him or worked with him to decipher the texts written in different languages that filled the room.
Caspian paced his room, undressing slowly. Though permitted to wear more casual clothing within the confines of Cair Paravel while not on official business, the attire expected of him on land was much different than that he chose while at sea, and Caspian preferred the latter. He removed his jacket first, followed by his vest - long fingers undoing the laces before he pulled the two sides apart, shrugging it down his shoulders. Caspian sighed as he undid his belt, hanging it over the back of one of the chairs in his room, loosening the laces of his trousers, too. Finally. Free of the extra clothing, Caspian pushed his sleeves up to his elbows before reaching onto his desk for a leather strap, which he used to secure part of his hair, keeping it from falling into his eyes.
The interruption in the library hadn’t been a surprise, but the length of it? Sor knows. He must. Caspian sat at his desk, putting his face in his hands as he closed his eyes. I don’t want this. Shoulders sagging, Caspian took a deep breath, his eyes opening. I don’t want ...all of this. It had only been four months since the day that things changed, but they’d been the four most eye-opening months of his young life.
Caspian entered the library with none of his usual tact, flinging the door open and storming in after hurrying away from his Council’s chambers, where Sor and Danmair and Rantawn had advised again that he host Ladies at Cair Paravel in an attempt to find a Queen - the third such suggestion in only a matter of weeks. He barely registered the sound of the book dropping from your hand and to the floor as he hurried over to his table, sinking into the seat as he covered his face with both hands. “Damn!” Forgetting to keep his voice down, Caspian swore, fingers digging into his own scalp, long locks flowing through them.
“Caspian?” You hurried over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder and squeezing. “Are you alright? Do you need to see the doctor?” He registered your touch - the first time you’d touched him, but still didn’t move except to slide his hands further back on his head, groaning quietly.
“No. No doctor.” Caspian cleared his throat, taking a deep breath and collecting his thoughts. “Do you… do you ever wish that you could leave your responsibilities and just… run? Pack a bag and set off, starting over?” You didn’t reply, and although he didn’t look up, Caspian turned his head, seeing your fingers on his tunic sleeve, noticing a crescent shaped scar on your hand at the base of your thumb. “I… I do. Sometimes, I just think about leaving Cair Paravel, getting back onto the Dawn Treader and sailing away.” He paused, unsure of whether or not to continue.
“Caspian…” You sighed, stepping closer. “I did just that when I left to come here.” He finally looked up, focusing on your face. “I had a… I had a life back at home. I had a family and an estate and my father had plans for me to marry a man that was twice my age.” He watched as you swallowed, head shaking back and forth. “I wouldn’t do it, Caspian. I would have become an accessory, a … bauble on my husband’s arm, expected to be seen and not heard, expected to give him children on command, to raise them to be respectable Lords and Ladies.” Your fingers tightened on Caspian’s arm as you looked past him and into the depths of the library, eyes unfocused. “I couldn’t do it. I didn’t want that life for myself, and so at the celebration when the engagement was to be announced, I… I turned it down.”
“What?” Despite his own problems, Caspian was captivated by your story, the emotion in your voice. “You denied an engagement publicly?” Bringing a hand up to your face and pinching the bridge of your nose, you nodded. Your hand then fell from Caspian’s shoulder and he felt a surge of disappointment at the loss of contact. “Will you tell me more?”
“Of course. I haven’t…” You walked to the other side of the table, settling down and linking the fingers of your hands together. “I haven’t spoken about this to anyone, it’s my father’s greatest shame.” Caspian wanted to reach out and place his hand over yours, but he refrained, instead leaning in and waiting quietly. “My family was wealthy. Well, they still are, although I’m... “ You shook your head. “We lived in a smaller town just outside of Anvard, I believe I told you that?” He nodded - it had been one of the first things you’d talked about on the day you’d met. “I was an only child, and my father had dreams of marrying me off from the moment I was born, but as time passed, I thought that maybe things had changed, since by the time I was seventeen, there was no match made.” You shook your head, closing your eyes. “I was wrong, he was simply waiting until my intended’s first wife died.”
“No.” Mouth open, Caspian blinked furiously. “Wh… you’re serious?”
“Very.” You waved a hand absently in the air. “All of my friends were married and having families, and there I was - twenty two, alone, still virtuous, yet promised to a lord named Alem that was my father’s age.” You shut your eyes. “The day his wife died, my father came to me and informed me that the following week, my engagement would be announced at Alem’s estate - the day after he was to bury his wife, and that the wedding would take place a month after.”
“I’m sorry.” His voice filled with compassion, Caspian leaned forward, not fighting the urge to touch your hand, and as soon as his fingers found your skin, you separated your hands, allowing him to take one of them. “No one should have to -”
“No. They shouldn’t.” You smiled at him. “To make the story short, the party was held, and I was dressed and presented as I’d never been before, all for the benefit of the crowd, for the spectacle of it. He called me to his side, and announced to everyone that I was to be his… and instead of standing there and agreeing… I said no. In front of the crowd and my family and his children… I said no.” Caspian felt his lips twitching into a smile, yet tried to remain composed. “My father disowned me that night, told me that I had two days to get as many of my things as possible out of his home… and so I did. I packed a few small bags, mostly filled with books, and I set out with what little money I had.” You glanced down at your joined hands for a moment, shaking your head. “I had enough for a few nights at an inn on Rush River, though I spent two weeks sleeping outdoors as I traveled, catching rides north from kind strangers.”
Caspian listened intently as you spoke about seeing the notice for Cair Paravel’s library posted in the inn, deciding to set out for the castle without even knowing how old the job listing was, or what you would do if it had already been filled.
“I had no other option, Caspian. If the position had already been taken, I would have made do here somehow. There was work to be had, and no one… no one recognized me.” You looked down at the table again and Caspian noticed that your thumb was moving over his slowly, circling between the first two knuckles of his finger. “But it wasn’t, and I’m here now, and… I’ve probably told you too much.” You sighed. “But Caspian, you are my King, and if this is unacceptable to you - a woman not knowing her place in the -”
“Your place,” he said, shaking his head and squeezing your hand harder. “Your place is wherever your choose it to be.” He offered you a tight lipped smile. “Though my dreams of simply leaving are going to have to stay only that - dreams - you deserve happiness, not to be told who you will be happy with. I cannot leave, but knowing that you did is… it helps.” He gestured to the room around you. “This place is my future, whether I like it or not, and while I love the people of Narnia, I cannot… I will not force a woman to marry me simply to appease the public.”
“And what about you, Caspian?” He watched as you smiled at him, relief evident on your face. “Marrying you wouldn’t be a chore, but if you can’t leave and you must marry… don’t you deserve to be happy as well?” He laughed, the sound filling the room.
“I’m King, I don’t have the luxury of...” The laugh tapered off. “I just want the time to search for someone, to... “ He brought his eyes back to yours, staring into them without blinking. “I don’t want to have women presented to me as if they’re cattle.” You didn’t speak for the count of three breaths.
“Let me help you, Caspian.” You nodded, bringing your second hand to your joined ones. “In all of these books, there has to be something … something written, something… yes, you need someone to rule by your side, but why not take your time finding her?” You cocked your head to the side, grinning. “After all, you’re still so young.”
And so in the four months since that day - since you’d told Caspian the biggest secret you had, confiding in the King in a way that no one typically did, the two of you had read through books in the library, trying to find ways to postpone the inevitable. Caspian was encouraged with the fact that there was no law commanding that he take a wife within a specific time frame, that there was no decree that he have a Queen by his side… but that didn’t stop those around him from trying.
Unfortunately in that time as well, you and Caspian had grown closer, the hours spent with you in the library his favorite parts of each week. He’d kissed you twice, the first time a gentle peck on the lips after you’d taken a break from reading a few weeks after you’d first confided in him, trading stories about your formative years. He’d been surprised to learn that you’d never been kissed - and with your permission - had rectified that, hands gripping your upper arms gently as he’d pressed his lips against yours before pulling back and joking about the fact that anyone that kissed you in the future would have to compete with a King.
The second kiss had been during a moment when Caspian - worked up about yet another potential bridal suggestion from Sor - had stormed into the library, finding you stacking books onto a desk. That kiss had not been brief, and though he’d apologized profusely after pulling away from you, watching the light from the fading afternoon sun reflecting in your eyes, you’d just stared at him wordlessly, one hand moving up so that you could touch his lips, a fingertip catching on his bottom one before you’d both started laughing, arms going around each other.
The unfortunate part of your getting closer was that while Caspian had an idea that the feelings he had for you were returned, you were still focused on poring over the books, on finding him a way out of getting married until he absolutely needed to. Sor and his advisors were hellbent on finding Caspian a Queen from a seemingly never-ending line of noblewomen that he was expected to grow to love at the expense of the Crown, and yet he was almost certain that he’d found a woman that he was falling for without any assistance. Though he didn’t care about your ‘disgrace’, that you brought nothing into a marriage aside from yourself and your knowledge, he knew that part of you was still ashamed at your actions, no matter how comfortable you felt with each other, or how well the two of you got along.
The reason that there had only been those two kisses was that after Caspian’s response to entertaining potential matches had become flat out denial, Sor had begun to question Caspian’s time in the library, unwilling to believe that he was simply doing what both of you had told him he was: learning. You were a good teacher, an even better researcher - and best of all, you were a good friend to Caspian, something that he desperately needed. You didn’t ask anything of him except for honesty, and that’s why he was so upset with the outcome of the day’s meeting: he was ready to let you know that he officially wanted to court you, and hadn’t had the time alone to do so.
It was fully dark outside by the time Caspian stood up from his desk,stepping over to the balcony of his room and opening the door fully to step outside onto it. As King, Caspian’s suite spanned an entire wing of the castle, with some rooms opening up to the sea and others - like his bedroom - opened up onto the castle’s grounds, overlooking the orchards and sprawling lawns. The view was often enough to comfort him, but that night, Caspian was preoccupied to the point that he almost missed the flickering firelight off in the distance - a lantern disappearing into the darkness in the direction of the apple orchard. Oh. Feeling himself smile, Caspian squinted his eyes, trying to watch the progress of the flames, but they quickly faded from view. There’s only one person that would be going into the orchard at this time of night. Before he could stop himself, Caspian had turned from the balcony, striding back into his room and pulling his jacket back on.
The library might have been his favorite place in Cair Paravel, but the orchard was yours.
#king caspian#king caspian x#caspian#caspian x#king caspian imagine#king caspian x you#king caspian fic#king caspian story#king caspian x you story#king caspian x you fic#king caspian x reader story#king caspian x you imagine#king caspian x you imagine#caspian x reader#caspian x reader imagine#caspian x reader fic#caspian x x reader#caspian x x reader imagine#his favorite place#writing#prince caspian#narnia#narnia imagine#king caspian au#caspian narnia#Ben Barnes character#ben barnes character fic
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I meant to post this during Halloween but as always, I'm late. D: smutty smut smut on the way!
I was never one for going to a bar or club alone or with friends. The closest thing I've been to a bar or club was passing by them. And alcohol? I only drink when I'm in my apartment with my best friend. So, when she invited me & 4 of our friends to the club together during Halloween night, I was a little hesitant to say yes to going, but I decided I wanna go. School & my part-time job have been kicking my butt recently. Good thing my parents are helping me with some bills, school supplies & such. As long as I finish college, they said they'd help out.
Saturday night rolled on, which meant GNO. We all got together at mine & my best friend's apartment for some gossip/get ready time. We decided to dress up in our most slutty revealing clothes for the night.
"We wanna get noticed," Hyomin said.
"Oh please, YOU just wanna get laid," Lizzy said.
Hyomin dramatically gasped then we all laughed because it was secretly on all our agendas.
Around 8pm arrived & we're all putting on finishing touches; getting ready to rock the world. Lizzy & Hyomin are sexy cops. Yura & Sunny are sexy doctors. And myself & Jihyun are sexy change of heart. I'm a sexy angel & Jihyun's a sexy devil. When we're ready, we leave my house, get in my Sunny's car then head off. She lost a real intense game of "Paper, Scissors, Rock" so she had to use her car to take us.
When we arrive at the club, there's a line to get in. So while we're waiting, we're checking our I.Ds, updating our SNS, taking selcas, etc. About 15 minutes later, the bouncer checks our I.Ds then lets us in. Once inside, the place reeks of alcohol & sweat + the music is blaring in our eardrums which is bothersome but in about 15 minutes, we'll be able to tolerate it.
As we're waiting for the boys, Lizzy receives a text.
"They're up in the V.I.P area!"
We walk up to the V.I.P area when another bouncer tells us he can't let us pass until someone stops him.
"They're with us," he smiles.
"Woohyun oppa!" Lizzy smiles, running up to him, after the bounce let's us pass, to give him a hug & kiss.
Sunggyu & Sunny recently got engaged. Woohyun & Lizzy and Sungjong & Yura are dating. Sungyeol & Jihyun and Myungsoo & Hyomin are "friends with benefits". Hoya's the only one who's not seeing anyone because he's a "free spirit" as he says. I've been secretly in love with Dongwoo but he's very oblivious with my feelings. Everyone else tells me he's in love with me too but say that I'm oblivious toward his feelings. I don't wanna confess because I don't wanna ruin our friendship & I'm not sure why he doesn't wanna confess. But, my girl friends say that I should give him a push to confess by making him jealous & that's what I plan on doing.
When we see the boys, they look so hot as sailormen. After saying our hello's, what's up's, etc, myself, Lizzy & Woohyun go downstairs to dance. Everyone else is either already dancing, getting tipsy or doing the nasty somewhere in the club.
Woohyun & Lizzy are in the middle of the dancefloor dancing the night away while I'm in the bar area. Drink after drink, I start to feel tipsy so I head to the dancefloor to sorta look for Lizzy & Woohyun. Once I find them, I join them & dance.
"Hey where's Dongwoo Oppa?" I ask Lizzy.
"He should be with Hoya Oppa. You know how those two are; inseparable," Lizzy said.
Lizzy then turns around & asks Woohyun Oppa, "Oppa I'm thirsty. Could you buy me something to drink from the bar?"
"Yes jagi, I'll be right back," he kissed her, before walking off. I start to dance with Lizzy when she asks me something.
"So when are you & Dongwoo gonna get it on?"
I nudge her, "I don't even know if he loves me. Hell, I don't even know if he likes me back."
"Hun, the man loves you! He talks about you whenever you're not around! When are you gonna take a chance & just sleep with him!? You're not gonna be young forever."
She's right. I'm only young once in my lifetime & I should take advantage of it. Whether or not he loves likes me, at least I took a chance.
"You're right, I'll be right back," I say before leaving her.
"Get it girl!" I hear her yell.
"So when are you & ____ gonna fuck?" Hoya asks.
Dongwoo chokes on his drinks before trying to reply, "H-how'd y-you know I-I like her?"
"Man I've been watching you. I see the way you look at her. Even a blind person will be able to tell! Go up to her & tell her how you feel! There's no shame in that." Hoya says.
"Yeah but there is shame in-"
I interrupted them by walking up to Dongwoo & kissing him deeply. He immediately responded by holding me tight & kissing me deeper.
I pulled away after a few minutes, air suddenly becoming insufficient.
"Hi," I smiled.
He smiled back, "hey"
"I'll leave you two to talk," said Hoya before nudging & eyeing Dongwoo.
I took a deep breath before telling Dongwoo my feelings.
"I love you"
"I love you"
We looked at each other realizing that we both said the exact same words we wanted to hear. I blushed when it seemed an invisible force was pushing us toward each other. Not a moment too soon did we kiss again. This time, we were leading each other outta the club & into a taxi.
Once we entered the taxi, we stopped our shenanigans to tell the driver my home address. He began driving & that's when Dongwoo & I continued. When he parked in my driveway, we stopped again to pay our fare. Then, he swooped me up & carried me home. I tried getting my keys out from my purse only to fail & ended up getting my spare from under my mat. I put the key in the keyhole, turned the key & opened the door to let us inside. I kicked & locked my door then threw my spare key in my small table.
"Ready for a wild night baby?" Dongwoo asked.
I kissed him deeply & that was my answer.
He walked both of us to my room & threw me on my bed. Our clothes were disappearing long before we entered my room; first was his dress shirt & shoes, then my angel wings along with my halo & heels. When he laid ontop of me, he took off his shirt & I felt his abs. He tensed when my fingers were roaming his muscles & I couldn't help but moan at how lean he was. My dress was soon discarded & he smirked at the sight in front of him.
"No bra?"
"I hoping to get lucky."
He kissed me harder & that's when his sneaky fingers were on my nipples. I mewled when he made them harder. He grinded his slowly growing boner against my underwear & I felt myself getting wetter. His fingers began ascending down toward where I needed them to be - my pussy. I managed to flip him over so I was ontop now.
I began to unbuckle his pants & he growled when his boxer & penis were free. I grinded my pussy against his boner & the both of us moaned.
"Baby please, stop teasing," he said before sensually biting my ear.
I couldn't help but moan, "it's fun"
He wasn't happy with my answer so he flipped me over which meant he's ontop now. He took off his boxers at rapid speed & I noticed my underwear was gone too. I lost my train of thought when I felt his penis inside me & began thrusting. A string of yes, oh my god, don't stop left my lips as his speed increased.
"O-oppa harder!"
My bed was making noises as he thrusted harder & deeper inside me but I didn't care. It felt so good & I didn't want him to stop. His thrusts were slowing down a bit & that's when I realized he was near. And so was I because my moans increased in volume.
I couldn't even start my sentence because I felt my orgasm coming. I needed some sort of anchor so I held onto his shoulders as I felt my orgasm on his penis. And that was it for him too because he released inside me & held onto me as tight as possible. As we came down from our high, our breathing was hard & shallow. Dongwoo fell beside me & smiled. I smiled back at him; relishing our afterglow.
Sleep started to call my name so I snuggled close to him & fell into my slumber.
"Goodnight my little vixen," I managed to hear him say.
I woke up to the smell of breakfast being made so I lazily got up, put Dongwoo's shirt on & went to my kitchen. When I arrived at the kitchen, Dongwoo turned around & smiled.
"Are you hungry?"
I sat down & began to eat his delicious breakfast.
"L-listen... I have something to tell you," he said.
I stopped eating; his cue to continue.
"And please don't laugh or think it's a joke, because it's not."
I held his hand, "Oppa, you can tell me."
"It's a long story."
I smiled, "I'm listening."
"The guys & myself are not from here."
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The Semi Quotable 2017 Part 5
“applebee’s is literally begging to give away their food.” – Christine Teigen
“In the car w/husband, I offered $20 and a blowjob immediately if he could guess the official title. He did not win.” – @SteelyDanRather on the title announcement for Solo: A Star Wars Story
“280 tweets look like serial killer manifestos” – Scott Aukerman
“Dick Versace had two goals in 1989: guide the Pacers to the playoffs and beat Ricky Steamboat as many times as possible.” – Super 70’s Sports
“It’s D-Day and (Robert) Mueller secured the beaches before noon. Run Nazis.” – Mark Frost on the indictment of Michael Flynn
“The Rebellion is reborn today. The war is just beginning. And I will not be the last Jedi.” – Luke Skywalker
"The answer is either ass, boobs, or dick." -Jordan
"For the sake of salvaging whats left of the positions dignity for President of the United States...can someone in his staff please for the love of God delete Trumps twitter account? Its now gone from one of the most prestigious positions to "worlds most cringe worthy Twitter handle" in less than 6 months." -Steve
"Plague!!!!!!" -Block
"Donald Trump deals in bullshit the way a bovine fertilizer salesman deals in...well, bullshit." -C
"Sometimes you're the Galactic Empire, sometimes you're the Rebel Alliance." -Heather
"Leave it to us to make 'The Little Mermaid' SUPER awkward." -Q
"Ted Cruz...trippin'?" -Molly B
""Live your life in such a way that Donald Trump tweets mean things about you" -David K
"I remember reading so many posts immediately after the election from people who were absolutely terrified of what was going to happen once Trump was sworn in and Republicans controlled both houses of Congress. As evidenced by the fiasco that's unfolding with the health care bill, it should be clear that you folks had nothing to worry about. Even if they had some sort of nefarious purpose they were trying to carry out in their agenda, it seems as though these guys couldn't find their ass with both hands and a GPS." -Tim
“Well then get your shit together, get it all together and put it in a back pack, all your shit, so it's together. And if you gotta take it some where, take it somewhere, you know, take it to the shit store and sell it, or put it in the shit museum. I don't care what you do, you just gotta get it together. Get. Your shit. Together.” -Morty Smith (Justin Roiland)
"Alright, I'm now willing to admit there is a downside to everyone wearing yoga pants in public: I can't tell which of the adults milling about at the gym are here for adult gymnastics and which are just waiting to pick up their kids." -Pam
“Byron Allen’s got me all confused.” -me whenever “Happy” plays on the radio.
"A teacher in the school is selling Girl Scout cookies. The teacher got my order. In related news, someone's daughter is going to Camp Sugarbush this summer. Also in related news, after I eat these cookies, my nickname will be Sugarbush." -Klauss
“Like THAT’s safe!” -Michael, on Quisla’s... erm, safe.
"I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that people die of natural causes." -Rammson
"Donald Trump doesn't understand climate change because he lives in perpetual shade." -Laura
"A close friend referred to this before and after as Exponential Degredation. He said it and he's not taking it back." -The Perfesser
"This would be the equivalent of opening up a Cracker Jack box looking for the prize and seeing it in the bottom ox a box filled with sludge. There's some cool things but do you really want to go through the sludge?" -Gordon, on "Hip Hop Squares"
"You're not minimalist. You're broke." -some guy
"Okay, so we have watermelons.... why aren't there earthmelons or airmelons or firemelons? What happened to the rest of the elemelons?" -Emily Ann
“Thanks for making me confused about my sexuality, Adam Driver. You talented douche.” -Laura
"Unicorn Frappuccinos are what happens when you try and make too much of a good thing for profit. Its the answer to a question nobody asked. It's a Bar Rescue gone horribly wrong." -C
"(As Craig Ferguson) Now he used to be a wrestler and now he's going into politics. Now the two are highly different of course. One involves people with larger than life personalities who make grandiose claims and attack their opponents constantly and the other involves spandex tights." -Brian
"Dang it, PWC! Where were you in November? We could have had Emma Stone as President!" -Clint
“Feelings are real, but they are not reality.” -Dan Harmon
"It's like you've inherited a baby alligator. He was cute for awhile and now he's a big alligator who's threatening to destroy everything but still hangs around you and calls you daddy." -Gordon
"If one of those interchangeable Kardashian chicks dressed as a stewardess interrupted Sean Spicer's press conference by handing him a Pepsi, we as a nation could begin the healing process." -Kevin
"It's not terrible, but you can see terrible from where we're standing." -Q
"WHERE ARE MY PANTS!!!" -Michael
"Ladies and gentlemen, my sister, the one-woman Greek chorus." -C
"I have designated February 14 as 'Catch Pokémon, Not Feelings Day'." -J-Ho Boy-Type
"Because that's what ABC thought. This party needs more Lucy Hale." -C
"If I were Samsung I would make my keynote address one sentence. "Samsung galaxy S8… This one won't light itself on fire"." -Brian
"We are not going to let another demon monster take hold and grown and run wild. We are going to nip this problem in the bud. WE ARE GOING TO KILL HITLER AS A BABY!" -Q
"To quote the great Panamanian philosopher Roberto Durán, 'No más'." -C
"I broke my banana." -Q, re: an actual banana.
"Los Angeles has two football teams, two baseball teams, two basketball teams, and two hockey teams, but no curling teams?" -Kevin
"I have to wait for the Luther breakdown to finish!" -C
“Ugh. I really wish I had something cool to say.” -Johnny Yong Bosch
"Less Donald Trump! More techno music!" -bus random to a Bop It!
"Someone told me that being verified on Twitter “really doesn’t do anything” but that person is 1) wrong and 2) head of a social media dept." -Cory
"How did you know Carolina was going to beat Duke?" -Q
"Quisla... its U.N. motherfucking C. They handle shit. Consider this shit handled." -C
"my most-recent counseling appointment had me reaching the following conclusion: i fully acknowledge that i am a jackass, and my attempts at keeping myself from being a jackass has stifled what people like in me as a consequence of not wanting others to think badly of me. so what am i to do? just be a jackass and shoulder the consequences no matter when and where it happens? not entirely -- if i am to have my moments of jackassery, i will make better efforts to steer those spells towards being a jackass for the right reasons. sometimes it takes a jackass christian speaking up when someone claims to be a christian but whose words and actions are far from the basic command of 'love one another.' sometimes fighting for the weak and powerless means being a jackass towards the mighty and powerful. sometimes only an absolute jackass would punch a nazi in the face. i'm josh eldridge. i am a jackass. i hope this admission doesn't effect our friendship." -Josh
“Kylo Ren is like a sullen, resentful jungle gym.” -Laura
"I'm going to make a screwdriver because it's cold as shit outside." -Shelly
“I’m Regis Philbin! Welcome to night 24 of Who Wants To Get Impregnated?” -Jordan
"I just can't girl right." -Shannon
"Our long national pasttime is over." -Jessica, on overlong baseball games
"You may have a problem if the Target cashier recognizes you, knows you by name, and asks if everything was good because you didn't come in on your 'normal' day. Yay! I'm a regular!" -Aryn
"I read my bed all the time! It's a Serta!" -Kitty Carrion
"Does Baby Jojo need a binky?" -C
"I sense a great migraine in the Force...as if millions of white people were trying to get woke at the same time." -Laura
"Well the inauguration is over, finally after two years we can all get back to normal and... *boots up facebook* ...and I'm going to stay off Facebook until January of 2021, cheers 🙂" -Brian
"What fruit is the state of Georgia famous for? ... Todd Chrisley." -C, at quiz night
"So, apparently as an instructor, referring to the start of a new semester as "hazing" is frowned upon." -Heather
“2017 in a nutshell: You see “Mario Batalli :(“ as a Facebook status and you say to yourself, “Dead or pervert?”” -Adam
"Fun fact: staying sane is hard." -Jordan
"If I performed my job with the same razor-sharp precision with which meteorologists perform theirs:
Boss: Is this the data you promised me three weeks ago? Because it looks like completely wrong information.
Me: Yeah, but, as you can see, I've color-coded it in lovely hues of blue, purple and pink where I thought it would make it look nice.
Boss: Yep. Looks great! Keep up the good work.
I am clearly in the wrong profession." -Molly B
"😂😂😂 if I was meant to behave, I wouldn't have been born so good at misbehaving 😛" -Emily Ann
"Seen on a group page tonight:
Everything Kirk Cameron touches turns to patriarchy." -Shrub
"In other news, 30 oz of ribeye can be converted to 0 if you just believe in yourself." -Justin S
"Bacteria gets me so hard." -Jordan
"Oh REALLY..." -Q, reaching for Jordan's pants
"Who here loves animals but hates that Sarah Maclachlan commercial?" -Sweet Tea Shakespeare guy
“Hey... I run them miles. I’m slow as fuck, but I run them miles.” -C
"Trying to stay positive in a world full of assholes is like trying to shovel hot jello from a wheel barrow using a pitch fork with only one prong!" -Sheila
"If there's one thing I learned in college, it's: never underestimate the power of an icy, cold shower beer. Thanks guys!" -Dahlia
"No, no, no. I can't have penises all over my car tonight. Tomorrow night, maybe, but no penises tonight." -Nicole W
"Maybe for Lent Trump should just give up." -George Takei
"She wanted someone to take the pickle, so I did." -C
"Too... many... JOKES!" -Brian
"Saw the Barca result. Ah, so that is why folks riot." -Steve P
“I can’t have weird Chico. I live with him.” -Q
"Yay sports! Spoooooooorts!" -Milana Vayntrub
"You're at a bar. Playing bar trivia. Against an IQA ranked quizzer and his sister who would also be IQA ranked if she made the trip to Raleigh with me that morning. We are naturally expressive people within our family. That comes from being the children of Carlos and Olivia Alexander. We laugh together, we love together, we cook, fight, and emote together. And when we win, we emote like hell. If you don't like it when we win, next time bring smarter friends. Until then, get the fuck over it." -the son of Carlos & Olivia Alexander.
"This is my face when I find out some epically old karma has been served." -Shannon
Okay, one more oughta do it.
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